A lesson of Loyalty.

by LightningRider

First published

OC/RD in this!

Lightning Rider has always wanted friends, and when she sees the cheerful group of ponies in Ponyville; she heads off into the Everfree Forest. After taking a liking to one of the Ponies, she wants to adventure in the Everfree forest with the pony. Meeting the true Shadow Bolts, and her worst enemy Star Sweeper. But whenshe has to choose between dark and light Which will she pic?. And that includes meeting her love of her life.


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A gray-blue pegasus sat on the horizon watching the moon, as she stood up and she sighed. Flying off into the night she grinned as a bolt of blue lightning steaked out behind her. Everything was perfect; well almost perfect. She was lonely, she never socialized because everyone thought her rude and snobbish. That was only because she was fast and was rough, it wasn't her fault. She saw a flash of bright colors pass below her, skidding to a stop she saw what the shapes were....no ponies were. A pink pony with crazy hair bounced alongside a white unicorn with long purple locks. A orange pony trotted leaning over a book with a purple unicorn, and two pegasi flew beside each other giggling, one was a cyan mare with rainbow colored hair the other was a yellow mare with pink hair. They were friends, exactly what she wanted.

Streaking off into the Everfree forest with tears pricking at her eyes, Lightning landed on a hill. She observed the area to see if there was anything peculiar. Her house wasn't good enough tonight, so she just decided to bunk down in a small cave beneath a jutting rock on the hill. Drifting off to sleep wasn't easy, that was only because she was thinking about that group of friends. They were laughing, reading, and talking to each other. What she wanted besides nothing else was a friend, sure Celestia had told her that she was free to see her and Luna anytime. It just didn't feel the same, it never would. Or would it?

Rainbow Dash giggled as Fluttershy told her how Angel had fallen into a mud puddle and almost got eaten by birds.

"Was he mad at you Shy?" She tried not to giggle as she said this.

"Oh no. He was just a little upset." More giggles burst out of them both when a blue bolt streaked the sky.

"What was that?" Rainbow's PFF Twilight said with worry in her voice.

All 6 ponies looked up to see a gray pegasus staring down at them. As soon as she saw them staring at her she streaked off into the forest.

"Huh. Guess she's a loner or something."

"Now Dash, that ain't no way to be speakin' about other ponies." A orange earth pony spoke up.

"Aj, she can't hear me." Rainbow snorted.

"Uhm..Rainbow? That's not true...she heard you." Fluttershy peeped.

"What!? Shy are you pulling pranks on me again?" Rainbow fumed.

"Actually, dear Rainbow she's not. Look." The white unicorn huffed.

As Rainbow looked up the pegasus was back, staring at them wearing a unhappy look.

"What do you want loner?" Dash was furious with the mare. Why could she just leave them alone?

"I'm just looking at you because I want to. You can't stop me from looking at you, can you?" The mare sneered.

"Darling, that is no way to speak to us!" Rarity stomped her hoof and sighed.

"Who are you? Do you think your so special?" Lightning laughed. "I bet your nothing but the town baker."

"Yes! Howareyousosmartohmyponiesarethosereallybluelightnings?" The pink earth pony squealed.

"Uhm, excuse me ma'm who are you exactly?" Twilight spoke up.

"I'm Lightning Rider. Best flyer in Equestria. And who are you losers?"

Rainbow snorted. "Whatever, i'm the best flyer."

But before she could say anything the gray pegasus was gone.

Lightning flew off again. Dang her anxiety around ponies! She couldn't even be there for 5 minutes, nor even have a chance to be nice. She thought about the ponies one by one.

The rainbow maned pegasus was just a boaster who needed to be taught a lesson. The pink maned yellow pegasus was timid and shy. The white unicorn with curly purple locks was a airhead. The orange one was to country for Lightning. The purple one was sweet, even when she was so rude. The pink one was just weird.

Finding a shelter in these abandoned woods was easy, lots of ponies had come here on dares to live here but never came back or came running back scared. There was a perfect looking house but when she stepped in; she saw something she thought that was banished.

The manticore.

A scream resounded through the forest as Rainbow was running her night patrol. What could that be? Wait...didn't that show off mare fly into the forest earlier? Horse Pellets! That must be her. Head towards the scream Rainbow flew as fast as she could towards the house she spotted.

Meeting Dash

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"So who are you exactly. I mean you probably know me." Rainbow grinned, plopped down on the floor and began to take some candy out of her mane; Wait, how'd that get there. Oh Pinkie....

"I'm Lightning Rider. Princess Luna's personal student. She taught me how to fly when I was a abandoned filly." Lightning kinda smiled. I guess she is a bit lonely. It's like I know she has never smiled more than that.

"WELL! Wanna go show me some moves? I don't think a Sonic Rainboom would do well for Canterlot at night...buuuut, I am Celestia's Weapon. i can do whatever I want!" Rainbow began to fly off. Lightning followed her. They flew the night away. Before soon it was morning.

"I really gotta get back to Luna, Rainbow. Wanna meet up again tonight? I promise there won't be anymore manticores in strange houses."

"And I promise no candy in my hair, but i'll bring some along. See you tonight!" Rainbow dashed back towards Ponyville while Lightning flew slowly back to Luna.

Lightning gulped as Luna started to lecture her on going out into the Everfree Forest when she has a perfectly fine bedroom in the castle with a giant balcony.

"I'm sorry Princess, it's just I needed some time alone. I was feeling sorta lonely. "

"It's alright Lightning." Luna enveloped Lightning in a hug. Luna had been like Lightning's adopted mother, she was kind and caring, and she loved Lightning. Celestia was like a big sister, she played with Lightning everyday as a filly, and sometimes they flew together.

Tonight was gonna be great.


Dash flew as fast as she could back to her and Lightning's meeting place. They'd agreed on the old castle. It was a part of Rainbow's memory, so she thought she might share where she gained 5 friends with her new friend. She settled down on a soft spot of moss where she could take a nap. Since there wasn't any clouds, y'know. She jumped when she heard a flapping sound.

"Hi Lightning. How's it going? You tell Luna about us?" Rainbow poked her head out to see the gray pegasus holding a blue satchel.

"Uh..not really. I'd rather not tell her, she'd probably freak." The mares giggled as Lightning pulled out 2 necklaces from the bag.

"I heard somebody talking about this necklace in Canterlot. I love fashion and beauty, but I can't bring myself to pursue it. Anyways, I was talking to Celestia as she is quite the fashion pony too and-" Rainbow cut Lightning off.

"Whoa there. I don't need to know it all!! I will admit Celestia wearing a dress wants to make me burst out into giggles, but anyways." Rainbow leaned against the crumbling wall with Lightning as she began to continue her story.

"So, she said we might get it for my special friend. So here it is!" Lightning pulled out a choker. It was gorgeous. Blue silk made up the whole necklace, and in the center was a rainbow colored lightning bolt. It was so pretty. Rainbow grabbed it and pulled it around her neck.

"I wonder if it's aero-dynamic!"

"Oh it is, I tried it." They both leaned into the wall and sighed.

"I am so tired. Wanna take a nap before we race?"

"Sure." They both fell into deep snores. Unaware that something was watching them.

(What do you guys think? I think I might be able to publish it now!)