Three Views of a Secret

by Bandy

First published

Three ponies. Three secrets waiting to be revealed. One unforgettable evening.

Starlight is certain Sunburst is just a friend. Sunburst is sure his late-night rendezvous with Starlight doesn't mean anything. Trixie is in a maid outfit. All these facts are about to be undressed.

Written as a commission for the extra special cool Superfun! Thank you for your patronage!

Contains: FFM, light domination

Huh, Woah, I Know

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Strange things have a habit of finding me. But this takes the cake.

I stumbled into a respected professorship at Canterlot University when the dean slipped on an interdimensional banana peel and I just happened to be nearby to fish him out of the pocket universe he’d slid into. I killed three of the four horsemares of the apocalypse in a bizarre chain reaction that started with me saying, “Boy, smells an awful lot like chaos magic in here,” and ended with me accidentally severing Death’s head with a runaway bandsaw.

Perhaps strangest of all, I somehow talked my marefriend into sharing the maid.

Okay. Lots to unpack there. First of all, she’s not really my marefriend. Not technically. We’re more like friends who collectively have no social brain cells between us. No social brain cells means, among other things, no reciprocated romantic interests in our respective lives. No romantic interests means certain desires go unfulfilled. And what are friends for if not to help each other out in times of need?

Need, indeed.

Secondly, sharing is a generous word. It’s more like Starlight's hogging her and I get the dubious honor of watching. Not that I’m complaining. But if you were there, you’d understand why watching just isn’t cutting it for me.

I’m sitting on the couch. Starlight and the maid are right next to me, all wrapped up together, making cute little moaning noises, giggling, tumbling, feeling things out. Six inches separates us. So tantalizingly close--

Thirdly, the maid is not really the maid. It’s Trixie in a maid costume. Extenuating circumstances--more strangities. Do you really want me to take the time and lay it all out for you? I know I don’t. I want to lay these two mares out instead.

“I’m here too,” I speak up, eyeing the two intently.

“Aww,” Starlight cooes, “does someone feel left out?”

“No,” I protest.

“Do I detect a hint of inadequacy in your tone?” Trixie asks.

No.” I can’t help but notice her eyes drifting down my bare belly. “Just impatience.”

The girls share a laugh. “We’ll get to you,” Trixie says. “You should consider yourself very lucky. This is the sexiest stage show in all of Equestria, and you’ve got a front row seat.”

To accentuate her point, Trixie positions herself so her bare flank is all I can see. Only her tail keeps her modest. She flicks it back and forth in a slow, tantalizing wave. So close. Is that?--so close--

I reach out. She snaps her tail at my head, sending me reeling. For the briefest of moments, I catch a glimpse, a pair of pink lips, a trail of wetness running down, a scent of perfume and something more primal, jazzmine and pepper and sex.

Satisfied she’d cowed me for now, Trixie returns to work on Starlight. They’re lined up one after the other across the length of Starlight’s couch, Starlight on the far side, Trixie in the middle. Then me. As Trixie moves, I catch the fleeting glimpses of Starlight’s face in the dim overhead light fixture. Her eyes are half-lidded, her face warm and flushed.

Trixie dips lower, tantalizingly lower, first eye to eye with Starlight, then down to her neckline, peppering kisses, a little bit of teeth in the fleshy bit, tracing her collarbone out to one side. Then it’s down again, all the way to her belly. She pauses to blow a cute little raspberry and break the tension. A laugh from Starlight. Good. Then she goes lower still, pausing just above the hips.

All this time, she’s hiking her rear end up higher and higher. By the time she stops, she’s all but pressing herself into my face. Her black and white frilly skirt falls inverted around her midsection, completely and utterly useless at its intended job of modesty. Then again, are any maid outfits really supposed to entail modesty?

Her tail still hangs limp between her legs, barely covering the sight, though she can’t cover the smell of arousal.

She casts a glance over her shoulder. “Scoot back,” she says. “And don’t interrupt me.”

I give way. She settles in and goes back to work. This time, her motions are much slower, much more deliberate. She plants soft little kisses up and down Starlight’s thighs. Her hooves snake around, touching, squeezing, greedy in their desire to explore.

Starlight opens her eyes. Our gazes meet. Her nose wrinkles in embarrassment. She opens her mouth to say something, probably something utterly silly given the circumstances, like, “Don’t look at me.”

But Trixie steals the words from her mouth when, all of a sudden, she dives in for a taste, burying her muzzle deep into Starlight’s sex, probing her inner walls with her tongue.

Mmh--gods, wait, please,” Starlight groans. No such luck. Trixie relents for only a moment to run her tongue up Starlight’s outer lips before diving back in, moving her tongue in long vertical lines, lingering on her clit, backing off, then returning with a vengeance.

Starlight puts up a feeble protest, placing her hooves on Trixie’s head to tear her away. But she finds herself unable or unwilling to put a stop to the incredible sensations. She tightens her grip on Trixie’s mane and pulls her deeper in.

Trixie shifts to one side. She brings one hoof up to assist her tongue. While one swirls around Starlight’s clit, the other teases her lips apart. The double assault leaves Starlight breathless. “More. Please. More.”

Our eyes connect again. This time she doesn’t look away. Gods, it’s like staring into the sun. Her mouth hangs open. A word seems to form on the tip of her tongue only to disappear under the waves of pleasure. A warm, love-drunk smile comes over her face. It infects every inch of me until I swear I’m floating. She’s so beautiful, so vulnerable, so trusting. A strong mare’s submission is just another sign of strength.

Trixie ups her pace. Her hoof finds its way deeper inside. She pulls it out, licks it clean, then goes in for more. Starlight rolls her head back, forelegs twitching, short-circuiting, totally useless.

I’ve tasted Starlight before. It’s not something you easily forget. More jealousy, more fuel for that fire.

Trixie’s whole body rocks slightly with the force of her motion. Faster now. She puts her lips around Starlight’s clit and sucks it gently, all the while speeding up the motions of her hoof. The pure focus Trixie put into the act means she no longer has any concern for hiding herself from me. Her tail drifts to one side, and the sight hits me. Pink, fully aroused, inviting, coy--how could this part of a mare show so much emotion? I can’t help but chuckle at my projections. The things a stallion thinks about when presented with a mare’s pussy could fill a hundred books--not that anyone ever would or should read them.

I lean in and place my hooves on Trixie’s flanks, spreading her apart. She makes a little muffled sound of surprise but doesn’t stop licking Starlight, nor does she slow down at all. I take it as my invitation.

I am by no means as experienced as Trixie. This much is obvious. But my careless little circles around her lips are enough to make her moan deeply into Starlight’s crotch, a sonorous alto that strikes me love-drunk by sound alone. This is my wordless encouragement. More where that came from. Take her over the edge and I’ll give you everything I can give. Along with it comes my catch--give it all back to her. Make her scream.

Scream she does. As Trixie pours all she has into her motions, Starlight lets out a stuttering, shuddering wail. She just as quickly clamps her hooves over her muzzle. But I won’t have any of that. I light up my horn and pin her arms back.

I can’t see Trixie’s face, but somehow I know she smiles in approval. Starlight’s free legs twitch. Her wails tense to cut-off moans, higher and higher pitched. She’s close. I pour my all into Trixie, and she pours it all back into Starlight. A conduit of pleasure. A magical amplifier in a maid costume.

Starlight arches her back. She holds her breath for a torturous moment, caught in a tidal wave of bliss. Then she surrenders to the throes of orgasm, legs squeezing, chest heaving, mouth agape in rapture. Trixie rides it out with her, feasting in the sensual overload. Daring not to stop until, at last, when Starlight returns to earth, going limp, twitching, groaning, legs released from my magical grasp, she pushes Trixie’s head away and murmurs, “Fuck, fuck, please, stop already, you’re going to kill me.”

Trixie just smiles. She slinks forward to embrace Starlight, removing herself from my reach. A lingering trail of wetness runs from her slit to my snout. Then it breaks, and reality returns, and I look down to find myself, every last inch, unsheathed and screaming for more.

Time to make a move.

Oh, wow.

Oh, wow.

Okay, so there’s something I really shouldn’t tell you. It’s wrong on so many levels. It should put me in prison. And a psych ward. And on Celestia-knows how many watch lists. The anti-friendship list, even. The list where, once you’re on it, no one’s allowed to be your friend. It’s so bad, they haven’t even made it yet. They’d make it just so they could put me on it.

It’s bad.

But you’re here. And I’m here. So I might as well tell you.

Back in Our Town--back before everything went right--we did things. Mostly bad. Morally reprehensible. Questionable at best. Monstrous at worst. Intimate things. Ritualistic initiations. Holidays. Birthdays. Bad days. Days when we had nothing better to do.

We wanted equality. Even distribution of goods, of wealth, of service. So why not evenly distribute the other things, too? Why not attention? Why not companionship?

Why not love? Why not the things that come from love?

Toxic, I know. And yet, when the whole town joined in, Gods above, even the earth ponies floated.

Sunburst is an amazing stallion. He’s the best friend a pony could have. But I won’t deny the allure of more. More hooves. More tongues. More everything. Merciless love. Love from all angles. Touching, teasing, prodding, deeper and deeper, falling, tumbling to rest, then starting again. More.

Starburst is amazing. But he’s only one pony. And a stallion at that. That’s why Trixie is here. Because Sunburst is an amazing friend who helps me out when I need it, and I want more.

Why’s she in a maid’s outfit? Well. Uh. Extenuating circumstances.

Right now it’s all but falling off her, the corset having been undone to allow her to breath and twist and move, the skirt riding up to expose her bare flanks, the shoulder straps falling off to the wayside. I love the way those straps dangle off her so carelessly. When she goes down to taste me again, she puts her flank high into the air. A trophy ass if ever there was one.

She’s just finished eating me out when Sunburst finally decides to stop being so charitable. I feel the couch shift as he maneuvers himself to a standing position behind us. Trixie draws back from me.

Even though the light is dim, I can pick out every miniscule feature on Sunburst’s face. There’s wild lust in his eyes. It’s clear he wants us both. The prospect is as thrilling as it is nostalgic. His gaze so hungry, his body flexing, pulsing with energy. His stallionhood--woah, it couldn’t be the shadows playing tricks, I know it’s the same size it’s always been but still, woah.

He pauses, his eyes flicking between me and Trixie. Which one to take first? I bite my lip and hold my breath. Inside, I screamed, Me, me, for all the Gods’ sake, pick me. But who are we kidding? I would love it just as much if he makes me wait. More to tantalize. More to tease. Teasing turns molehills into mountains, moments into infinity. To experience pleasure through another, devoid of jealousy, devoid of hate, devoid of everything--it’s the most sublime ecstacy of the inside mind.

In the end, he chooses Trixie first. He wraps his forelegs around her and hauls her backside closer to him. Trixie lets out a happy little yelp of surprise and flops on top of me.

“Hello,” she purrs into my ear.

I let out a shuddering sigh. “Hello.”

Trizie’s weight shifts on top of me as Sunburst positions himself to enter. Her smile was all bravado. At this distance there was no hiding the raw nervous excitement in her eyes.

“Has it been awhile?” I ask.

“No,” says Trixie.

I grin. “It totally has.”

Nuh uh.

Sunburst chooses that moment to grab her maid’s skirt where it rides up to her hips. He pulls it towards him, guiding her in. His tip touches her loins, and she moans sweetly into my ears.

He presses on, working his bulbous tip inside, then thrusting all the way in until his hips meet hers. He lets out a rumbling groan, pulls out, and thrusts back in. Harder this time.

Sunburst settles into an easy rhythm, a slow but steady pace. He expertly withdraws only to come roaring back, pauses at his deepest point when he fills her up and everything is pure ecstasy in her eyes.

Each stroke can’t last more than a second. I feel it as much as Trixie does.

Angh,” Trixie breathes. “So warm...” She nips my neckline. Fireworks explode everywhere at once.

Sunburst can’t hold himself back for long. Three quarters of a second. Then half a second. Trixie is stretching just to accommodate his girth. She opens her mouth to moan and I see my opportunity and I seize it, pressing my lips to hers. Every sound she makes reverberates in my head like I’m the one making it.

Faster now. I force my tongue into her mouth, roll it around with hers, a sloppy drunk dance on a slippery floor. Our horns touch. Sparks fly. She lets out a cry and convulses. Sunburst moans in time. He raises his hoof and smacks her flank.

Her legs quiver. Then she collapses on top of me. Our horns collide again, live wires running straight to our cores.

Hngh, I’m gonna--”

I cut her off with another vicious kiss. “Do it,” I say into her ear.

She surrenders all at once to the silent rolling thunderous waves of passion. Her legs squeeze, her marehood convulses wildly, unstoppably, begging for more. She puts her cheek to mine and rides out her orgasm in coiled-up silence.

In the old group love, silence was a strange thing. It meant a bad time, or a lack of activity. I know better now. This is the ultimate expression of bliss from a mare who can never seem to shut up.

All the tension she held in her muscles melts away in an instant. She heaves a massive, contented sigh and throws her arms around me. Sloppy putty.

Sunburst pulls out, his face contorted by the sensation. Trixie’s loins don’t give him up easily. They flex, clinging to his length.

“Did he... did...” Trixie pants.

I shake my head. “You came too quick.”

She swats at my nose. “Shut up. It was your fault, anyway” She strains her neck to look back at Sunburst, who is regaining his breath on the other end of the couch. His member bobs up into view, still fully erect.

Trixie lets out a laugh. “Impossible. No one can outlast the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“Want to go again, then?” Sunburst asks.

Before I can react, Trixie grabs my forelegs and pins me beneath her. She moves lithely as a snake. How she does it, I have no earthly idea. One moment, I’m safely beneath her. The next, she has my legs fully leveraged above me, so my knees almost touched my head.

My tail swishes nervously, my dripping sex fully exposed. To have skin in the game, literally--I think I almost prefer it the other way.

Still, the mild embarrassment only contributes to the beautiful superheated ache in my loins. Sunburst smiles hungrily. He wants me now. I can see it in his eyes. Me and only me. My love. My body. My everything. And in return, he would give me everything, be my everything, my plaything, my tease. My everything.

Perhaps this is more than the mere friendship I made it out to be.

I can’t help but crack a smile. That sort of selfish sentiment would have gotten me banned from the orgies back in Our Town.

Yet still, I want more of it.

I know.

I know.

A maid outfit. Truly shameless. I have no decency, it’s tacky, yada yada yada--are you done yet? This outfit is absolutely necessary. Trust me.

Oh? You want to know more?


Allow me to elaborate.

Starlight and Sunburst are both lacking somewhat in the sociability camp. The former, because she ran a soul-stealing communist cult and got it into her head that love could be shared like bread. The ladder read too many books or something. I don’t know him all that well. Which, what does that say about me? I never had the kind of boundary issues most ponies had. I’m a performer. I emote on stage for bits. What else would you expect?

I’m getting off track. The point is, their complete lack of social grace makes them uniquely perfect for each other, even though they can’t really see that right now. They need a little bit of magic to illuminate what’s already there.

And what am I but a conduit for magic? I am a force of nature in a tacky maid outfit that will bring these two lovestruck idiots together. And if I happen to land in between them from time to time? Fine.

When Sunburst pulls out of me, my senses return, and I realize what a tremendous opportunity I have swinging around behind me. This is just one of my many areas of expertise--recognizing opportunities.

The opportunity which presents itself here is really quite simple: Sunburst hasn’t finished yet, and Starlight is all but begging to be fucked.

So I jump on the opportunity--literally--pinning Starlight to the couch with her rear legs back.

She lets out a gasp and hits me with that mooney-eyed stare of hers. Desperation. Pleasure. That strange, otherworldly mingling of the two. It’s so delicious, sweeter than any simple, more intoxicating than fine wine.

“Sunburst,” I call over my shoulder, “see anything you like?”

Sunburst grunts in response. “Starlight, is it okay if I--”

“Yes! I mean, if you want to.”

“I think it would be pretty nice.”

“Yeah, then, by all means--”

Now? He asks for permission now?

I should be offended. If he should be nervous about plowing anyone, it should be me.
I shoot him a wicked glare over my shoulder. He gets the message in a hurry and goes straight to task, propping himself up and putting one hoof on my shoulder for leverage.

I shudder at his touch. Under all those coltish hesitations hides a tremendous strength, raw and mascultine and powerful. My loins reassert their ache. I am worn out, but I still want more.

But it’s Starlight’s turn. And I’m supposed to be bringing these two together, not hogging them all for myself. There will be plenty of time for that later.

I put all that pent-up energy into turning the mare beneath me into a puddle. “Starlight,” I coo. “I think Sunny needs some encouragement. He can’t see that look in your eyes. You gotta tell him what you want him to do.”

“Uh.” Starlight clams up. Hilarious. But I have a mission.

“C’mon,” I breathe into her ear. “Tell him how bad you want it.”

“Uh,” she says again. “I want it bad.”

“You do?” Sunburst asks.

“Yeah. I, um, I want it hard.” She gulps. “And fast.”

“Okay,” he replies stupidly.

I draw circles in the air with my hoof. Go on, I mouthed.

Starlight continues. “And go as deep as you can go. I don’t want you to stop.”

“Okay.” A bead of sweat slides down his temple.

“You gotta do it until the couch breaks.”

I rear back and grabbed a hooffull of Sunburst’s mane. I yank his head forward until his snout is nestled in the nape of my neck. His scent fills my nose, gunpowder and lemongrass and sex. “Hear that? Until the couch breaks.”

Sunburst needs no further prompting. With a very unstallionly grunt, he lines up the flared tip of his cock with Starlight’s dripping pussy and slides inside. He lets out a whoof of air that tickles my neck. My insides clench. Starlight’s turn, I thought, Starlight’s turn, Starlight’s turn. Magical conduit. Not about you. Starlight’s turn.

He goes easy on her at first, his face contorting as he feels Starlight grip him, the sensation changing, enveloping him, until at last he is all the way in.

He lingers there for a moment, then pulls out, breathing hard. His member is completely soaked.

“Huh,” he says.

“Woah,” Starlight says.

“I know,” I say.

Instinct takes hold.

It’s glorious.

Sunburst thrusts deep into Starlight with a slick-sounding squelch. His rhythm established, he puts both hooves on my shoulders and forces every inch of his cock inside her. The motion has the pleasing effect of rubbing my still-soaked clit against Starlight’s belly. But the real pleasure comes in watching the expressions on Starlight’s face. The eyes, frantic. The squeaks and moans, divine music. Her mane, bouncing back and forth as Sunburst drives into her.

But I can tell she still wants more. The words are there on the tip of her tongue, begging to be articulated. Lucky for her, I’m excellent at reading ponies.

I slap Starlight across the face. Hard.

Sunburst’s head shoots up at the noise. “Keep going,” I instruct him. “Whatever I do, don’t stop. Trust me.”

Sunburst nods, never so much as breaking his rhythm. His whole body twitches. I imagine the sensation of his cock twitching inside of me, stretching me to my absolute limits. Greed clouds my mind. I want more.

I slap Starlight again.

She lets out a grunt. Her face is turning red. I won’t leave a mark. I know how to make it hurt without leaving a trace. But that doesn’t mean it’s not going to hurt in the most divine way.

I hit her again. This time I follow it up with a kiss. I bite down on her lip just enough to bruise, then pull away.

Ungh--harder,” Starlight gasps. “Please, harder, please.

I dive to her neckline, lacing soft kisses up her bare neck, biting when she starts to relax. She shivers beneath the onslaught. I can feel my stomach knotting up. Both our bodies are caught in Sunburst’s rhythm. Each time he thrusts, my clit moves against Starlight’s belly. It’s not enough on its own to make me climax. Just enough to drive me mad.

Back and forth, sweet sloppy sounds, pain and pleasure. Part of me wants to throw her off the couch and jam Sunburst’s cock so deep inside me he never pulls out, doesn’t dare, like anything but the Great and Powerful Trixie could ever feel this good.

Sunburst pulls a hoof away from my shoulder and smacks my ass. It strikes a nerve running straight to my core. I can’t take it. The smell, the sound, the sight of Starlight’s eyes rolling up in her head. It’s too much. I have to do something.

So I flip myself around and drop my pussy squarely on Starlight’s snout.

“You don’t get to breathe until I cum,” I growl. “And you,” I say to Sunburst, “are not allowed to stop until she comes.”

I seal the deal with a kiss, pulling Sunburst closer to me and deeper into Starlight. She lets out a muffled moan before going to work on me. Her tongue invades me. Inexperienced as she is, she has no trouble finding the right spot. I groan into Sunburst’s mouth. Our tongues dance.

He starts up again, his pace on the verge of frantic. He breathes hard into my mouth, but I hold him as close as I can, not daring to let go. If these two are stars, then I am the gravity between them. Starlight’s legs twitch feebly in the air as she swirls her tongue around my clit. I feel tension building deep inside me.

I move one hoof down to work Starlight’s clit. She lets out a yelp. Gods above, it feels like I’m flying. Every inch of me is caked in sweat and Starlight and Sunburst.

He forcefully disentangles his lips from mine. “I’m gonna--”

“Nope. Nope.” I grab him by the mane and drag him forward until our noses touch. “You don’t cum until she does.”

He nods wordlessly and redoubles his efforts. His face is twisted in beautiful agony, holding back the onslaught. Starlight’s motions become more and more erratic. Sunburst pumps faster and faster. Starlight can no longer keep up. Her tongue starts moving erratically. She tries to speak, but all that comes out is a muffled mess. I don’t need a translator. She’s close.

I dare not miss my chance. I decrease my pressure on her clit and increase the speed. She lets out a wild shout, which translates to waves of pleasure rolling up my spine. The tension is building, a wordless primal scream, Sunburst thrusting harder, Starlight bearing down on just the right spot. I won’t last another moment longer. Just as I’m about to give way, I hear Sunburst and Starlight let out a cry in unison.

Huh, I’m gonna--

Woah, I’m gonna--

“I know!” I scream.


The orgasm rips through me in shattering waves. Every muscle clenches. My heart hammers in my chest. Starlight climaxes a fraction of a second later. We are trapped in place together, paralyzed by pure pleasure. Then the tension explodes into bliss. She buries her snout deep into my slit, desperate for another taste.

I open my mouth to cry out and Sunburst is there with a deep and driving kiss. He shudders as the first throes of orgasm pass from me to him. His first thrust misses Starlight entirely. Hot, sticky seed splashes onto my belly. I reach up with my free hoof and guide him into Starlight. She lets out a little yelp, which melts into a long sigh.

We stay locked in our love triangle until Sunburst is utterly dry, until not a drop of love remains inside him. Only then do I break away and allow him to pull out. Warm, white spunk oozes from Starlight onto the couch. Poor couch. Glad it’s not mine.

Sunburst lets out a dizzy little chuckle at the sight. He’s glad it’s not his couch, too. I lift my weight off Starlight and plop back into the far corner of the couch. Now the two aspiring lovebirds have no barriers between them.

Starlight looks up awkwardly. Sunburst looks down awkwardly.

I kick Starlight in the shoulder--gently--until she gets the message and embraces him. More cum drips out of her and onto the couch. Oh well.

She puts her cheek against his and melts into his embrace. “That was pretty nice,” she says.

“You too,” Sunburst replies, his face turning beet red. “Is your face okay?”

“Yeah,” she chuckles.

“Good. Cuz, uh. Cuz it looks pretty great to me.”

Starlight lets out a laugh. Maybe she’s just humoring him. But maybe not.

Sunburst adds, “Maybe be careful, by the way. I’m kinda sticky.”

Starlight looks down to find his half-erect cock pressed between them, smearing fluids all over their fur. The last remnants of his creampie drip out of her pussy. This time it lands on Sunburst’s leg.

“Oh gosh.” She takes a halting step back. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea--”

“No, I’m sorry. It’s your couch, after all. And my--you know.”

“But I made a mess all over you!” she protests.

I can tell someone has to intervene, or these two will continue to apologize and placate until they die of starvation.

“Oh no,” I say, reasserting myself between the two of them, pulling Starlight towards me. Sunburst frowns. Starlight lets out a joyous scream. “Someone’s made a mess all over your snatch, Starlight. Who ever is going to clean that up?”

And that, mares and gentlecolts, was why I was wearing the maid outfit.