Sweet Delights

by Twisted-Tail

First published

To escape the cold, Twilight enters a café, not knowing what lays in store for her.

Ponies have reported going missing and the stories about their disappearance has put Princess Celestia on edge.
She has sent Twilight Sparkle to Manehatten to dig up information about the ancient creatures known as demons to see it there is a pattern with the kidnappings.
But the winter is harsh on Twilight Sparkle and to escape the cold she has entered a café called Sweet Delights.
She hopes to get something hot to drink, not knowing she'll get more then just that.

A Fetish Story Containing:
Weight Gain
Mind control

Phase one

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It pierced through fabric, fur, and skin. It slithered all around her, freezing her blood and numbing her to the bone. Her body shivered to produce any form of heat, but it did little to warm her frostbitten body. Winter had arrived and like always it froze Twilight Sparkle to the core. Even here in Manehatten the skyscrapers did little to block the winter’s wail. Twilight did not cope well with the winter months and any solution to warm up was met with obstacles. She exhausted her magic maintaining a heat spell at the Manehatten’s archive, walking did little to warm her as her boots were soaked by the ankle-deep snow and even wearing one of Rarity’s finest winter outfits the windigo-cursed winds always find a chink in the insular padding and stole away any warmth she may had accumulated within. Manehatten’s winter made Ponyville’s one seem tropical in comparison! She did not want to stay out here a moment longer lest her chattering teeth drill themselves into nothing. Yet the street she was walking on had all closed for the evening; the store owners had more sense than her. She would not even be in this city were it not for the mission Princess Celestia had given her. The rumours of ponies disappearing had caused quite the stir in Canterlot and Celestia had a hunch who it was. Demons. Celestia recommended Manehatten’s archive to find the spells to find and defeat them. What Twilight found instead was how the stages of frostbite felt like. Apparently indoor heating was anathema to that archive; She spent hours researching while using up her magic for a heat spell, yet she could not find anything related to what Celestia spoke of. The whole day wasted and all she had to show for it was how to produce snoticle chopsticks in an efficient manner, how disgustingly insightful. She could try and teleport, but with this cold eating at her-- and aforementioned heat spell --she feared she would end up not in her hotel room, but appear in mid-air atop the outdoor pool. Being cold was bad enough, having hypothermia would not be ideal. A sneeze escaped her; the burst of hot air quickly dissolved in the arctic air. Being sick looked to be her fate anyhow if walking to the hotel was her only option. If only she can find anywhere to warm up for just a minute. A sudden glimmer caught her eye: it was a light from a building across the street. ‘Sweet Delights’ said the sign of the building. Was it a sweet shop or café? No matter what it was, getting out of this cold would be ideal right now.

A bell chimed as she entered the building. She sighed as the warm air hugged her frostbitten self. However, she was surprised to see she was the only soul in this haven. Looks like the place was a café: the espresso machine on the counter and the stacks of ceramic cups told as much. The soft lighting blended well with the art deco walls and seating. Quite the antique lodgings, Twilight thought, yet the lack of anypony worried Twilight that the place was about to close.

“H-hello? Are you s-still open” Twilight asked out loud, the cold made her words come out like Fluttershy when her nerves overwhelmed her.

“We are,” Out popped an earth pony from behind the espresso machine, though Twilight wondered how she missed her given the ample assets she had. There must be an agreement with bakeries and baristas that they must have curvaceous figures as this barista rivaled her friend Pinkie Pie’s busty physique. She had Twilight’s tall height, and her red mane shared her shoulder length. Her vanilla cream soft face and bright green eyes could make any customer feel welcome here if they were not first greeted by her ‘healthy’ sized bosom held between her peach winter jumper and green apron-- not that Twilight paid any attention to.

“Welcome to the Sweet Delights.” She took a glimpse of the shaking Twilight and let out a chuckle, “I take it you would like something hot to drink?”

“Y-yes p-p-please! A-a-anything will do,” she rushed quickly to a table that was closest to a radiator. She took off her winter coat and rubbed her thin arms together to produce some heat. She stretched her wings, trying to warm them up and remove the stiffness of being trapped in the damp winter jacket. She will have to go through all this again, tomorrow. she sneezed again and let out a frustrated groan. Finding and fighting these demons would be more preferable than battling a cold.

“Oh my, you’re an Alicorn!” The barista stood before Twilight in all her curvy glory and, to Twilight’s surprise, holding a hot steaming cup of whatever the barista had made. That was fast, though she would not be amused if it was just hot water. “Forgive my manners, Princess,” She bowed as best she could to avoid spilling the steamy beverage, though her breasts could not help but jiggle by the sudden motion.

Twilight let out a chuckle, “I-it’s fine, Miss..?

“Lilly Sweet, your Majesty,” She answered.

“It’s fine, L-lilly, and you can just call me Twi- Twilight. H-h-how much for the drink?”

“Oh don’t worry about that, the hot chocolate is on the house,” Twilight beamed. Hot chocolate was her favourite, although getting it for free because she was an Alicorn Princess did not feel right.

“Y-you don’t ha-have to, I’m perfectly fine p-p-paying for it.”

Lilly waved her free hand, “Nonsense!” She placed the cup onto the table, “besides there are other ways to pay me back, like a good word or...” She trailed off and headed back to the counter; her wide hips and substantial rear swaying left and right. Too intentional to be natural. Twilight groaned inward, she knew the ‘hints’ when she saw them. Being an Alicorn has its perks, being a love interest was not one of them. She shook away the thought. Then again, she could just be overthinking it and the barista could just be teasing. She looked at the contents in her cup: for just being simple hot chocolate the dark coloured liquid looked absolutely divine in her eyes. She brought the cup to her lips and took a sip. Just as the warm liquid touched her lips the sip became desperate gulps as if she went days without water. The taste! To describe the impossible amounts of flavour and texture was folly, but the feeling as the warm liquid went down her gullet felt like she was wrapped in a marshmallow cloud that massaged every part of her body. It took less than a half a second to finish the intoxicating beverage, panting at the exhilaration. Her cheeks grew warm from the experience. What was that ambrosia of a drink?!

“Enjoyed it, didn’t you?” Twilight yelped at the sudden voice of the barista and almost fell off her seat at the sight of her sitting right across the table holding another cup of that delicious drink.

Twilight wanted to say it was the best thing she ever had; how the flavour was amazing and sent her heart a fluttering. What she actually said was, “MORE!” she snatched the cup and with a few big gulps she had it down her gullet, mewing as the warmth spread out over her body again. The giggling from the barista broke Twilight out of her trance, her cheeks grew red again and this time it was not from the drink.

“Sorry, I-I don’t know what came over me.”

Lilly Sweet flicked her hand at the apology, “Oh worry not, Princess. It's actually quite an honour to see you enjoying it so much, and you aren’t the first. There was this one time a customer ordered a dozen just for herself.” Lilly winked at Twilight and she hooked onto the obvious suggestion.

“M-may I?” Twilight tried to hide her begging, her behavior should have worried her, yet the idea of drinking more of that hot chocolate was enough to dissuade her of any concerns.

Lilly nodded and headed for the counter, “But of course, Twilight.” She swooned her body again, tail swinging back and forth. Twilight did not ignore it this time, her face blushing as private thoughts creeped their way in. Lilly does look… nice. Twilight bashed the thought away. Have your drinks, Twi, and leave; you’ve no time for distractions, no matter how sweet that behind loo— NO! Twilight, thankfully, was not distracted with her thoughts for long. Within moments, the earth pony had a batch of that sweet drink ready and on a serving-tray. Twilight gulped in anticipation; an action that should, again, concern her, but delicious drinks were an exception, right? When Lilly placed the tray on the table, Twilight was ready to pounce, but Lilly halted her with a question.

“Before you drink, mind telling me why you are in Manehattan?”

“Research, really.” Twilight answered, mesmerized at the swirling chocolate that begged to be in her belly.

“What kind of research?” Lilly pried.

“I… was looking up Demons.” she said. Wait. why did she say that-

Lilly’s welcoming face faltered into one of seriousness, “What for?”

“There’s… been stories about ponies having been abducted by something. Celestia thinks it is the work of demons… S-sorry, I really shouldn’t be saying this-

“Take another drink, Twilight.” Upon hearing the command she emptied a cup and felt the warmth return to her, melting away any worries she had.

“There. All better now?” Twilight nodded, it was getting hard to think straight, “How long are you planning to be in Manehatten, Twilight?” Twilight gulped, something told her that she should not answer that question, that she should leave and head back to the hotel. Yet the alluring smell of rich chocolate was too much for her to refuse the barista’s question. “A-a… A week” she finally answered.

“Good to know,” Lilly Sweet's eyes leered like that of a predator ready to pounce her prey, “You can drink now.”

Upon saying those words, Twilight went into a freezy: grabbling cup after cup, draining it dry of that thick liquid. With every gulp the warmth rose in Twilight. However, heat was not the only thing growing in the purple Alicorn. Slowly, her modest bosom inflated outward. Her butt and thighs caught up to the expansion as both stretched the fabric of her trousers. Her hips widened and her gut pushed out; bloated with chocolatey goodness and warming fat. Lilly’s smile grew more wicked as she watched the changes happen to the princess who was too lost in gorging herself with liquid chocolate to even be aware of the changes. The start was always fun to witness, but the next part— Oh, the thought of it already made Lilly’s mouth water in anticipation.

When the last cup dropped, Twilight was a panting wreck. Her hair somehow became wild and unruly, her face bright red with arousal and she winced at the tightness of her trousers, her chest area felt snugged also. She let out a sad whine. she wanted more, she needed more.

“Still not satisfied?” Lilly suddenly spoke again only this time she was behind Twilight, her mouth dangerously close to her ear. “How about we go somewhere more… private and sort that out?” she nipped Twilight’s ear, the playfulness was clear to even the haze-minded mare to what Lilly had in mind— little did she know it was far more than that. Twilight whined again, the voice inside her subconscious rang alarm bells at the danger she was in; that she had been ensnared in a trap the moment she took a sip of that hot chocolate! But the warnings were drowned in a sea of need: a need to drink more of that sweet chocolate… as well as something more primal. Twilight merely nodded yes to the barista. Lilly’s eyes turned red as a magical circle appeared on the floor below them. In a flash of bright red the two vanished with only the circle remaining. Then it started fading away in the beats like that of a heartbeat.

Phase two

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She felt the cool air touch her skin, her body shivered, yet it was not because of the cold but how sensitive her body felt. It was an odd, but not unwelcoming, feeling to have. Yet why did she feel so exposed? As she looked at herself, her drowsy eyes widened as to why the air could tickle her so. Other than her pink panties and bra, she was entirely exposed. She would be in a panic and ask what happened to her clothes were it not for the warmth she felt in her thicker body. Her breast filled out her bra and bits of fur and flesh poked out the edges. It was the same for her panties as her rounder and softer rear stretched the fabric. She grabbed her sides, feeling the forming love handles and moved them to her protruding belly, rubbing it and feeling the soft layer of flab from her binge. Her old self would be frantic at her sudden weight gain, but all she cared about now was the pleasure she felt massaging her tender flesh. It felt like a thousand mouths were kissing her all at once. It felt so… good.

“Look at me Twilight.” Twilight looked ahead to see the thick barista laying ontop a large mattress bed fit for a queen in this strange chamber. Some kind of cavern? The room did not matter much as Twilight was too engrossed staring at the pony on the bed. She, too, was naked, however that was not the only thing different about Lilly. The earth pony had undergone some changes when she teleported Twilight sparkle. She now had two horns protruding upward, bat-like-wings hanging lazily on torso-sized pillows. Hungry, cat-like red eyes stared at Twilight’s, her own purple eyes revealing what she desired most.

“You want more, don’t you?” Twilight flinched at the question. Lilly grinned, revealing the fangs beneath. The sharp teeth shined from the purple light that came from the ember lamps that hang off the cavern walls. “Yes, I see it in your eyes. You hunger for the taste, the warmth” -She licked her lips, showing off her fork tongue- “the pleasure.” Twilight took a step forward closer to the bed, pleading eyes stared at Lilly's ample cleavage like a babe desperating wanting her mother’s milk. Lilly chuckled and shook her head, leaving a depressed and confused alicorn as to why. Lilly’s answer was revealing her tail, but it was no longer a ponytail. It emerged underneath her thick leg, a long, serpentine tail with a spade at the end slithered in the air. The spade oozed something at the tip and Twilight took in a sharp breath, she somehow knew what it was: the source of what gave the hot chocolate it's wonderful flavour.

Lilly grin grew wider and said, “Want a sample?” Twilight leapt onto the bed; her hands and knees sinking into the soft fabric. Tongue hanging and panting hard as she crawled up to Lilly, eyes on that succulent tail. Lilly parted her cloven hooves and just when Twilight was about to even taste the demon’s tail, it swung away. She yelped and became unbalanced at the sudden action. she fell between the soft orbs of Lilly’s chest with an “oof”. She whined between Lilly’s chest and then yelped again as Lilly's unusually warm hands grabbed her sides-- giving them a quick squeeze --and motioned the distraught alicorn to rotate around, resting Twilight on her back with her head still laying on her melon-sized chest. The purple alicorn eyes darted around, searching for the tail but it somehow vanished. Her heart sank in disappointment only to start beating faster when she spotted it at the corner. Her eyes followed the spade-shaped tail as it went up higher and higher until it stopped right above her head.

“Open up,” Lilly said and Twilight needed no further persuasion. She opened her mouth and the tail descended. As soon as the tail entered and touched her tongue, Twilight snapped her mouth shut making sure it won’t escape. The tail gushed out it’s sweet milk. Twilight’s eyes narrowed into pins and let out a throat guttering moan. It was that wonderful flavour she tasted in the hot chocolate yet it was even more intense; pure ecstasy in her mouth. She swallowed it all in one gulp; the bulge going down her gullet and into her waiting stomach. She shivered in pleasure as the warmth grew with greater strength. She moaned in bliss, almost becoming a scream of euphoria as the tail gushed out more of that creamey ambrosia, again and again. A continuous line of bulges swam through the tail and into the greedy maw of Twilight, never relenting its assault of near orgasmic bliss in the alicorn’s taste buds and body.

So eager, thought Lilly, feeling the ensnared alicorn sucking her tail in an amusing, but futile, attempt for the tailmilk to arrive faster. Lilly cuddled closer to Twilight and started massaging the alicorn’s soft belly, feeling the milk sloshing inside. When Lilly heard Twilight purr at her massaging she kneaded her body between Twilight’s, the grinding earning her more mews of approval. She even started purring, too as she felt the belly swell between her fingertips. That’s it, Twilight, she encouraged in silence as her thighs squeezed into the Alicorn’s growing butt flesh. Keep drinking, my pet.

Twilight continued to drink deeply in bliss; too lost to be aware-- or even cared at this point --that when her stomach was close to capacity the milk would digest and become warming blubber; bloating her ever expanding frame and stretching her stomach, allowing more and more tailmilk to fill up her belly and then begin the same cycle again and again. All Twilight wanted to do was drink and watch as her former slim figure be lost in growing, softening and pleasurable flab. Her blushing cheeks puffed out, allowing more milk to be pumped into her maw which the Alicorn was all too eager to receive. Her breast inflated; swelling out from their modest apple size to oranges to rivalling the demon’s melons. Her engorged belly was a flabby ball of milk and fat that sagged over her thickening thighs. The demon’s hands still rubbing her sides and hips-- pinching the love handles from time to time which Twilight moaned in approval. A distant voice in her addled mind tried to tell her the danger she was in, that this is the demon that must be kidnapping other ponies and doing this to them. She ignored the voice however, all she cared now was to drink, grow, and figure out why her breasts and sides felt so tight.

The fabrics stitching broke bit by bit, the bra and panty’s holding on by a cliff edge. It was a losing battle however, as the expanding mare continued to get fatter and fatter. The bra was the first to go, followed by her panty’s. The demon reacted quickly and grabbed The Alicorn's melon-sized breasts, giving them a tight squeeze, feeling the soft fat and milk inside. Twilight moaned in joy at the sensation. Lilly licked her lips, her predatory eyes gazed at the helpless obese mare before her. She started intensely at those dim purple eyes; lost in the pleasure of drinking. Only a small twinkle of awareness remained, but it was a primal hunger for something cardinal and those rosy red cheeks and the awkward rubbing of her thunder-thick thighs told Lilly that Twilight was ready for the final phase.

With a mighty ‘Pop’ the tail escaped the clutches of Twilight’s mouth. Twilight cried out like a puppy losing its favourite bone. she drank for what felt like hours, but she was still hungry for more-- she needed more. She tried to turn to her side-- her body jiggling in the process --it was such an effort being so unaccustomed to the new weight and feeling so weak for whatever reason. She stared at Lilly with pleading puppy dog eyes, her chubby cheeks being pushed up against Lilly’s massive bosom was quite the amusing sight for the demon. Lilly gave the poor Alicorn a kiss on her forehead and petted her head, calming the Alicorn’s sad whining. “Don’t worry, my dear,” she soothed in a mother’s tone to a child, “the real pleasure is about to begin.” This confused Twilight until she received a hint from the fleshy tail tickling her lower moist lips. Twilight beamed and nodded excitedly at the idea. Over her binge, she had felt a rising fire down there and now she will do anything to have it satisfied.

“I thought you might like that… but-” Twilight huffed and hid her face between those soft breasts. Lilly chuckled at the childish reaction; she enjoyed watching mature ponies reduced to such antics from drinking her milk. “Don’t worry, my pet, what I ask is just a small price” -She gave a long hard lick on Twilight’s horn- “for what price is greater than being in eternal bliss?”

Twilight’s eyes dilated from the stimulation, “I-” she hesitated for but a moment, what price is she willing to pay to feel like this? To feel such delight at the cost of… It was so hard to think in her drunken bliss.


“I submit myself to you,” Lilly said into Twilight’s mind. How? She did not care, the nudge was enough for her to say it.

“I submit myself to you, Lilly”

As soon as those words Left her lips, Lilly’s tail plunged into her marehood. Twilight screamed, the rapture of pleasure she felt as the tail pushed deeply into her. It almost broke her sanity, but the demon was not done with her yet. Lilly’s mouth enveloped Twilight’s horn and sucked hard at the appendage earning her another delicious scream of ecstasy from Twilight. It was Lilly’s turn to moan in pleasure; the boundless lust, the incredible power! It was heaven for Lilly and it was only just beginning. Lilly wrapped her long fork tongue around Twilight’s horn, bobbing it up and down like a handjob-- a hornjob. Every up and down motion ignited tiny sparks of magic off the horn turning into liquid that Lilly drank up. A purple aura began to surround Lilly’s black horns and when she sucked more of Twilight’s magic an orb of the same energy began to grow in the center of Lilly’s horns.

Twilight was too lost in ecstasy to notice her magic was being sucked away. The elation of Lilly’s tail pounding her love spot again and again; sending tsunami after tsunami of pleasure and warmth. Her body was in a spasm of sensation causing her corpulent self to jiggle like jello- inflaming her nerves into further delight. What little thought she could bring to bear was why she has not orgasmed yet.

“Soon, my dear,” Twilight heard Lilly's voice invade her mind again. Despite all the pumping and sucking, Twilight emerged from Lilly’s chest, watching her suck her horn-- while ignoring the growing orb between Lilly’s horns --like a hard sweet as if she was trying to lick away the layers to get to the sweet centre as quickly as possible. Using what little strength she had, Twilight shoved herself forward and she was rewarded by a surprise ‘mmph?’ from Lilly. She wanted her to know how much she wanted this; to be lost in pleasure with the demon. She wanted this to last forever.

This Alicorn was full of surprises, mused Lilly. Many a creature would eventually become mindlessly lost in lust, but she never expected an Alicorn to be so enthusiastic this quickly. She wondered why, but that was for another time. First she must reward this enthusiasm. She grabbed her breasts and pushed them into Twilight’s face, the unexpected squish sent a jolt of magic into Lilly’s maw, her cheeks pushed out from the sheer amount of magic before she gulped it down, the still growing grape-sized orb spurted into the size of a plum in an instant. Lilly was not done yet. She kept massaging her breast around Twilight’s face, her tail pump harder and faster and she sucked Twilight’s horn with more force; such multitasking was easy for a demon of her calibre.

Twilight’s eyes arched backward, the stimulation was too much for Twilight to describe, it was all just white hot euphoria to her now. There still were the epicentres, though: Her horn being sucked, spewing forth streams of her magic into Lilly’s hungry maw, and the demon’s tail jackhammering her marehood. She was beyond ready to orgasm. Yet it all kept building up and up, well beyond the bursting point. She wanted to just explode now, but she just needed something to light the fuse.

In maelstrom of passion, Lilly finally lit the match by saying, “Cum for your mistress”.

In a wail of rapture, Twilight came. A powerful orgasm erupted in her marehood flooding it within, but not a drop of it came out. Lilly’s tail acted like a cork, blocking the flooding of fluids while the spade started drinking the orgasm up and into Lilly, the sensation caused Twilight to orgasim again and again. If Twilight was aware she wondered if it would ever stop. Her horn at the same time exploded forth her arcane power into Lilly’s mouth. Lilly struggled to drink the first surge as spittles leaked out of her lips, but she quickly gulped down the delicious power she was receiving. Her throat was a never ending conveyor belt of bulges. The orb grew exceptionally, bulging from apples to grapefruit and beyond. The orb squished tightly between Lilly’s horns, threatening to break them or burst itself. Twilight body shook at the onslaught of delight and it received another change. Twilight’s cutie mark, the stars of which were stretched from her wide hips to her massive rear end, began to fade away as all the magic within her was drained away. However, as it disappeared it returned again except the main star was a rich black and the small five stars that surround it were a deep red.

The moments of the organism was like an eternity for Twilight, but it did eventually come to an end. Both panted heavily, Twilight fading into unconsciousness as new thoughts entered her mind. Lilly as much as she enjoyed it-- and enjoyed she had --was glad it was over. The pulsing of her horns from the beating massive orb told her that if it had continued on a while longer she would be having a mighty headache right now, along with this part of her realm becoming a crater. She looked at her new pet. Sleeping from the ordeal. It was adorable, but she had to know if the Alicorn was hers now.

“Who do you serve?” she commanded.

Twilight opened her eyes and looked at her. They were as red as the demon.

“I serve you, my mistress.”

Lilly smiled at the answer, oh she was going to have such fun with this one

Phase 3

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The days cycled on as Twilight Sparkle remained in the clutches of Lilly Sweet; growing ever more fatter and Lilly siphoning both the Alicorn’s lust and magic. A terrible fate if not a pleasurable one for Twilight. Everyday drinking that sweet tailmilk, swimming in warmth of her expanding body and experiencing sex like she could not even weave into imagination and the fourth night was no different.

Twilight suckled Lilly’s tail greedily, her plump cheeks bulged as she received cups worth of tailmilk, its taste just as delightful as the nights before. She gulped down every offering she received with the same vigour she had for the first time, moaning at the familiar warmth it gave her body and the gentle stretching of her skin as pound after pound expanded her massive frame. The queen-sized bed squeaked at the growing mare’s bulk rested on her side. Despite the pressure, the bed hugged Twilight’s form with nary a strain on its legs, yet it was running out of space to fit the Alicorn. It was not a concern for the demoness, right now. Behind Twilight, Lilly Sweet licked and suckled the Alicorn’s magical horn. She already finished her feast on the princess’s magic and lust -- the glowing sphere between Lilly's white horns attest to that. All she was doing now was just giving her pet the elation of her horn being tickled by her tongue as it slithered and lapped from the base to the tip of its length. Lilly tasted the sparks of magic that reacted to her teasing and her ears perked at the happy mewing her pet let out. Lilly pressed in deeper to Twilight’s flabby back. Her ample bosom rubbed the soft feathers of Twilight’s wings as Lilly grind into the soft flesh in anticipation for tonight’s ‘fun’.

Twilight let the tail slip out of her mouth. She sighed happily, satisfied at her latest binge. Her head sinked into the many folds of her chin and neck fat like they were cushions. She purred as she felt the hot breath of Lilly tickle her ear.

“What shall we do tonight, my pet?” she whispered into the mare’s ear, the arousal deep in those words that even Twilight's addled mind could detect, “Shall I give your precious flower a lovely pounding?” Lilly’s tail-spade nudged in and out of those swollen lower lips. “Or shall I milk your massive tits?” Twilight yelped as Lilly mare-handled her purple beach ball tits; they sloshed and oozed out from Lilly’s grip, filled to the brim with milk. “Or do you have something else in mind, my clever pet,” Lilly chuckled at all the debauchery the Alicorn could come up with. Oh, how it made her hot at just the thought of it.

“Cuddle,” Twilight Sparkle sang out.

That was… unexpected.

“C-c-cuddle?!” Lilly managed to blurt out, her face awash with shock, disbelief, concern, amusement-- why only cuddling?! At this stage of being enthralled to a demon of desire they would be begging for an endless orgy, not cuddling! “A-are you sure?” she asked to check this was not a tease. Twilight's response was a kiss. The kiss itself was not tongue fighting, mouth eating ecstasy, but an affectionate peck on the lips, another surprise for Lilly.

When Twilight broke the kiss she said, “Yep. You give the best cuddles,” she rubbed her bloated cheeks between Lilly’s, “you’re so warm and gentle.”

Lilly went slack jawed. She was at a sheer loss in how to respond. She could just force her to accept a good rump, yet for some reason, cuddling did feel better... But she really wanted sex!

Dammit, why do you have to be such an adorable little thrall!??

Lilly sighed, “Okay, my pet, I’ll give you the best cuddling you ever had,” she moved her arms between Twilight’s breast and gut, feeling the weight and heat between the two. She started massaging the belly in circular motions and rub her torso into Twilight’s back. Lilly then settled her face between Twilight's pillowed one. She felt the vibrations of the Alicorn’s purring at the treatment she was receiving. It felt… nice. Having her here was quite productive for her. It was a shame she could only keep the princess here a few more days before anypony would notice her absen-


uh oh.

SUCULA! WHERE, IN THE REALMS OF TARTARUS, ARE YOU?! The voice that was the embodiment of fury echoed through the cavern walls. For Lilly, however, the hot fury was an icy chill cutting upward through her spine. If her brother was using her true name then he is clearly not happy with her. But why? The harvesting was not behind schedule and He doesn’t know about the Alicorn being here, at least until now, she guessed. Lilly's eyes snapped to Twilight who was quivering from the sudden outbursts. Did taking her reveal them? But why now? If Twilight spoke the truth they should not be looking for her now.

“SUCULA!!” Lilly winced. Instinct told her to take Twilight and run, but instinct forgets how adept of a hunter her brother is. She gave Twilight a quick peck on her chubby cheek and leapt out of the bed and made for the hallway, as she walked, her horns glowed and wisps of maroon magic surrounded her body and solidified into a bra and lower robes of the same colour. Now presentable, she needed to find her brother and reason with him over whatever he was furious about. As luck would have it - more like unluckily - she did not have to look for him. Once she entered the hallway to her left there stood her brother: Eros.

Eros closed the distance to Lilly. His indigo face scrunched like a bull charging at his victim. Even his inward horns glistened with murderous intent. His green bloodshot leered into Lilly’s feared ones.

“Of all of the stupid, reckless actions you’ve done, Lilly,” he started, his fists tightening as he tried to hold back from screaming at her; he failed, “KIDNAPING A PRINCESS?! A BEARER OF HARMONY?! WHAT IN THE HELLS WERE YOU THINKING?!”

To an unknown spectator, Eros’ limber frame facing the voluptuous Lilly would be an amusing sight to watch. But Eros' power did come from his strength, rather his intelligence, strategy and influence in the underworld clans made him a dangerous demon to cross -- even if one was a sibling to him. Lilly knew if she did not play the game of persuasion and reason well… she dare not think of the punishment.

“B-brother,” she tried to maintain her cooing voice, but Eros’ sea of bloodshot eyes was making it difficult, “I understand if you think I acted rashly, but I assure you, I brought her here knowing no one will miss her for at least a week.”

“Really?” Eros seemed to relax, which made Lilly relaxed. Until he began his dreaded listing: “So you knew about her studying about demonkind and the disappearances?

“Yes, I did, which is why I--”

Eros interrupted, “--Oh, good, so you prepared reports to send to the other princesses, so they won’t get suspicious?”

“I, uh, well-”

“-You did know about her meeting with her friend, Rarity, at the Manestar restaurant… yesterday?”

“No, I didn--”

“-Shocking. You did, at the very least, know about the dragon Spike that is *ALWAYS* by her side and has been waiting for her at the hotel?”

“Oh, Tartarus, no,” she felt very, very tiny right now. A bug ready to be crushed by her brother's cloven hooves. The power that twisted in his hands made his eyes glow a bright opaque green and his white hair stand as the power coursed through him. This was the end for Lilly. She will be sent to the darkest pits of Tartarus and end up as a plaything to the Abyss King, a ruler who likes skinning as a pastime. She did not like to be flayed alive. She braced for the blow--

--Of her brother’s breath; excising the fury he had built up in his chest. “You’re lucky the dragon is actually in Las Pegasus for a comic con.” Lilly released the air that had been dammed away inside her chest.

Eros rubbed his forehead temples, trying to relax the pounding inside his head; it did little to relieve the stress that his anger was hammering at him. “You are fortunate that *I* was assigned to investigate this or we would be in even deeper hell than we currently are! This whole harvest has been compromised, Sucula. For infernals sake-- J-just get the captives ready to be released and sort out the stockpile we have. By the lost Queen, the shortages are going to hurt us.”

“We’ve gone over our quota.”


Lilly eyes brighten in the dark atmosphere. Her tail pointed to the mountain of flesh that is Twilight, “It’s thanks to her that we reached the amount ahead of time. Oh, the richness of it, Eros! It’ll keep an impling full for days!”

Eros watched her sister drool at the description. He would’ve dismissed it as Sucula’s taste in lust, but the orb between her horns: it does not pulsate like that unless one had a binge or the prey is that potent. It did not matter anyhow. The kidnapping was reckless and now they would have to lay low or be discovered by the Equestrians; they did not have the resources to be hunted down by the guard. He shivered at the thought of what the elements would do to their kind. The Changeling Queen losing her hive was a dreaded outcome for any demon and their clans.

He sighed, “Revert the captives back to normal first before you sort out the stockpiles. I’ll handle the princess.” If Twilight is that… potent, he cannot trust his sister in the reversion process. It was not the first time she kept a captive she liked as a pet.

“C-can’t we just keep her for a few more days? Just write a letter to say she’s fine and she found the others at a private retreat like we planned?” Lilly asked.

Puppy-dog begging would not win her the day as Eros smacked it away with reality, “She’s far too active of a pony to not be missed, Sucula. If you actually planned this right then, perhaps, but it’s too late now. We’re just fortunate no one has come looking for her yet!”

She wanted to retort but Eros raised a clawed finger to stop her, “Do as I say, Sucula or the council will have your heart.” He said, not to threaten her, but to warn her of the consequences. Lilly, defeated, limped down the hallway to do her task. Eros' eyes locked on to the purple whale in the room.

She felt so warm and soft. So secure in her prison of blubbery flesh. Her limbs were useless tree-trunks, her breasts were beachball orbs that pushed her neck flab against her bloated cheeks, forming a comfortable pillow for her head. Her rear lost all definition, it was all just a waterbed of cellulite, even her back had layers of flab that cushioned her useless wings. And then there was her belly, the epicentre of her warmth and it was her favourite part of her. So squishy and gratifying. Her condition should have caused all sorts of health issues, yet she still could breath soft and soundly as if she was dreaming. Maybe this was all a weird dream.
A hand touched her favorite spot and she welcomed it with a moan. Lilly had return. Concern had welded up inside over the yelling of what Twilight could best describe as a feral diamond dog. She worried for her mistress, but she is here now and she did not have to worry about anything anymore.

“Twilight.” the deep voice called out. That was not Lilly. Twilight opened her eyes; an effort that felt as though she was trying to lift 2 boulders with her eyes, she overcame the sands of sleep to look at the new indigo newcomer. The only thought she had for the newcomer was that he had gentle green eyes.

Eros stared at the red eyes of the princess: he saw the lust in them and also curiousness, wonder and other emotions. He breathed a sigh of relief. The sight was good news for Eros. Even at her Current state of enthrallment, seeing those other emotions in her eyes instead of endless need of sex was some good fortune for him in this mess. The efforts to revert her back to her normal state would not be arduous at first thought. Strange, though, Eros pondered. In her current condition she should be like an animal in endless heat: wanting to do nothing but eat, drink, fornicate and sleep. Must be something to due with her Alicornhood, Eros guessed. Whatever the reason, Eros hoped he could revert her back to normal today, but at this size -- he rubbed the belly again -- it won’t be simple. With a heavy groan, Eros got onto the bed, he gently moved the mare onto her back and between Twilight’s spread legs face the mountainous gut. He wrapped his arms around said gut and rested his head on top of it. Normally He preferred to knee down, however the sheer size of Twilight’s gut prevented that. He placed an ear to it feeling the steady rise and fall of her breathing and listening to the inner workings of her stomach. Then He and her caught on fire.

Twilight yelped in surprise at the sudden feeling, yet cooed softly at the sensation of being in the spa ponies hot tub: the warm water and bubbles massaging her skin, removing every knot and stress out of her body. She and Rarity should make an appointment sometime soon. Her cooing became a pleasant moaning as Eros began massaging the sides of her belly. Whoever this stranger was, his gentle touch always knew the right spot to rub and find a nerve to excite. The sensation was so great that she did not even register her quivering belly was slowly shrinking away like a fire to candle wax. Eros’ flames burned the flab away in her gut. When it reached half the size it was, the rest of the flesh began to shrink away. Days of explosive weight gain was being burned away by his gentle caressing flames in but a few moments. Yet the toll was becoming apparent.

Sweat dripped off of his soaked fur as he continued to burn away the demonic flab within the princess’s body. He expected the demonic sorcery to be potent inside Twilight, but somehow her magic has enhanced the demon sorcery. No wonder her sister was able to absorb so much. The Princess was like an enhancement to their magic. If that was not bad enough there was Twilight’s lust: a sweet succulent fruit that just kept pouring and pouring out her desire which never lessened no matter how hard one squeezed. It would take days to burn all this off and he’s trying to do it all in an hour! Even demons of his calibre would be overwhelmed and become a sex-crazed monster. Was his will strong enough to succeed or will he fail? He hesitated. It lasted for only a second. He had to or his kind would be endangered. With renewed ambition in his eyes, Eros’ flames blazed higher and he pressed down his hands deeper on Twilight's still large belly. His face turned to a devilish grin of a mad villain beating the hero who stood against them for so long. Yes, this is what this was, he thought: a challenge to overcome, to keep their secret safe and have an awesome feast of this maelstrom of emotion, power, and lust. He was halfway done when he felt his body spasm from all the lust he had drained from Twilight’s body. Muscles bulged out of his skin as his rational mind fought against the primal side that wanted to plunge into the Alicorn’s still plump form. Plump, Eros repeated the word again. He looked at Twilight’s breast. His flames had burned away most of fat, but her bosom was still their oversized bountiful form. Bigger than his head he would be lost in them if he sank into them. He licked his lips, tasting the salt of his dripping sweet. If there was one part he loved more than anything on a mare, it was having an ample cleavage.

“Just one grope,” his primal side whispered in his mind, “A light squeeze is all you need before they go away.” his hand reached for the right one; shaking as it grew closer and closer and squeezed the flesh, feeling the softness and firmness of it. Twilight let out a welcoming moan which enticed him to grab the other. They felt so good, so plump and filled with milk, he could only imagine the taste of this lust-filled Alicorn would provide. His primal side pushed him into it, but he retracted by mentally headbutting his bestial thought form, breaking its non-existent nose. He let go; the flames dispersing as soon as he did. He panted, hard. He was so exhausted, mentally and physically, too. He never imagined the hero of Equestria to be this lust driven. Did Lilly awaken some deep desire within the Princess? By the queen, just reversing this was as if he was in an orgy and denied his climax multiple times. He stared at Twilight’s half-lidded eyes: the red glow had lost much of their hue, but like her body, there was still a layer of demon energy and flab to burn away. It was a shame, too. She was that right size of plump that a stallion would love to explore if they were into thicker mares. He shook his head. Eros needed to recover if he wanted to get Twilight done today. He did not want to give his sister the satisfaction to gloat if he had his way with the princess. He was about to leap off when Twilight trapped him between her arms and legs. The sudden weight caught him off-guard and he fell forward. Twilight used the sudden descent to embrace him in a deep passionate kiss.

Mmmh, so very sweet and warm was her impression of his lips. Twilight did not expect the stranger to taste like her favourite rock candy. She giggled at his surprised shock in those green eyes, he was not expecting that, and why not? Giving her the best body massage she ever had and not expect a reward? She knows what he wants, those eyes are just like Lilly’s. They told her what he wanted. Earlier on she just wanted to be embraced, but this stranger brought out a deeper hunger she was all too happy to indulge with this handsome pony.

The last thing Eros needed was being kissed! And this was not a typical virginal princess kiss. It was hard, rough snogging with tongues battling for dominance. Her purple body started grinding his and her still beefy thighs found a way to knead his most sensitive ‘spot’. It was too much for his vulnerable psyche; so filled with desire and the overwhelming need to take this magnificent mare as his. He felt his stallionhood unsheathed itself, those cursed thighs grinding harder at his meat, encouraging it to come out. A feral groan escaped his throat, his vision fading. The last thought in his mind before his true incubus side took over, “Dam you, Sucula.”
With his stallionhood fully erect pushed into the mare below. The demon let out an animal growl of approval as the muscles of the mare’s flower rub his organ tightly in her.

S-so big, so warm, was all Twilight thought about when the stranger slid in his stallionhood into her marehood. The size of its girth pushed her inner walls to their breaking point, yet she felt no pain or even stress in her muscles, just her nerves ablaze with euphoria as he went in deeper and deeper in. She could barely stop her endless moaning. She gasped as the tip docked into her tender spot; the tip poking out of her uterus. She let out a high pitched cry as he retreated out of her only to slam back in with nerve-flaying pleasure. Her screams were muffled by Eros’ lips in a hard embrace between her own.

Like a piston Eros entered and retreated his meat with such speed and fury that it should have brought more pain than pleasure to the Alicorn. It could if Eros wanted to, but He was not into that ‘kink’ like some desire demons are. Eros was simple, tamer than other demons. He enjoyed just feeling his prey spasm as he pounded into them. Feeling the heat of their bodies, the fur damp from their sweet, the taste of their tongue. But of course there was his most favourite part of a mare he so adored playing with. He broke their kissing, Twilight trying to bring oxygen into her exhausted lungs. She purred feebly as Eros went for his favourite part: the bosom. Those bountiful orbs deformed as he pressed his hands into them. Feeling again their firmness and the milk that sloshed within them. He rubbed the tips of her teats, the mare’s excited cries persuading him to press harder to milk out the ambrosia that he loved. White liquid spluttered out and before any could escape, Eros enveloped her areola with his maw, sucking powerfully, drinking both her milk and lust essence. All the while he still drove into her without even missing a beat. Even when lines of flame began to tattoo out around his body.

He was getting closer now. His body reacted to the waves of lust and passion that Twilight put out. By instinct he absorbed it all and his body began to heat up. The tattoos around his body began to flare up with green flame. With some sorrow he departed his mouth around that glorious mound of flesh and straightened himself, putting all his focused into the climax. His pounding accelerated to a borderline blur.

Twilight bit the tip of her lip, trying to feel some other sensation than the white searing ecstasy of her poor marehood. She dared not watch anymore fearing her mind would break if she went in too deep in that ocean of pleasure. A grain of thought asks how she had not climaxed yet.

Eros neared the crescendo of orgasm, his Tattoos a furnace of fire from the impossible output of the alicorns lust. It was the perfect time to finish it. And at the final moment - he stopped. He felt her behind him, gloating.

Too good to resist, huh?

Dam you, Sucula...

Twilight eyes fluttered open, a mix of confusion and disappointment awash her face. She started at the blank eyes of the stallion. The green flames a steady burn. She opened her mouth to ask what was wrong. In that split string of a second Eros kissed her and slammed into her one final time.

Twilight’s world went white then green as the nova of her orgasm and Eros’ ejaculated into her. Both were consumed by Ero’s fire that was their passion.

You really know how to pick them.

I always do, brother.


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The steady thumping of her hotel’s room door stirred Twilight from her dreaming. She groaned. She wanted to return to the land of sleep, return to that odd yet sensual dream, but the insistent knocking would not abate. In a defeated groan she pushed herself out of the foam bed, it’s shape slowly returning to its original form. She stretched herself, the joints popping out the sleep stiffness. Limbered up, she walked to the door, gave a quick look at herself from the closet mirror and -- paused mid-step. She only had her bra and panties on, but that wasn’t what caught her attention. Her body looked… fuller. In full clothing no pony would notice, but being bare she noticed her rear was rounded, her breasts plumper and a small layer of flab rested on her gut. She let out an exasperated sigh; she let herself indulge again. She stared at the culprit(s) of open wrappers and empty dishes on the table at the corner of the room. That Lilly Sweet mare really knows how to cook, she mused, remembering all the food the earth pony brought to the hotel when she was doing her investigation into the disappearances. She paid the price eating those ample meals with wider sides. She will need to go on Rainbow Dash’s exercise regime, again. Still, the food was wonderful, especially that chocolate milk: she could still taste the warmness at the back of her tongue. The thought of all that food and drink made her mouth water, and the strange dream of gorging on a demon’s tailmilk did not help. The renewed knocking pushed her out of her thoughts and she made for the door, grabbing the dressing gown in the hotel bathroom before answering the door. The knocker was a bat pony guard she recognized.

“Sargent Indigo, good morning,” Twilight said, “I wasn’t expecting you here this early.”

The blue grey bat raised an eyebrow, “It is one in the afternoon, princess.” The realisation caused her eyes to widen as if it was a scandal. He just shrugged at the reaction “It is not that surprising with this week's event.” he handed Twilight a file and the memory of this week’s event flowed back to her. As it turns out the missing ponies were randomly selected to a private estate where they would mingle and party with the host. The estate owner likes to have parties with random ponies and even other creatures to mingle and enjoy the high life. The problem was he told his guests to keep it secret or their invitation would be declined. The guests kept it so secret that everypony thought they were missing. The disappearance was similar to Celestia’s knowledge on how demonkind operated. When Twilight had not reported for days Celestia feared the worst. Turns out being with Lilly Sweet was quite the distraction. She always came to Twilight’s hotel room, bag filled with her delicious recipes and drinks. This, along after a fruitless day of demon hunting and no assistant to remind her: the letters were forgotten about. Quite unlike her. It was only when Indigo Lockheart came to look for her that she realised she forgot to send the letters. The two ended up working together and found out about the secret party and the estate they were all in.

“It is utterly ludicrous,” Twilight remarked reading the guard’s report, “if I was not there to see it I wouldn’t believe it.”

Indigo shrugged again, “You will be surprised what goes on in this city. Will that be all, Princess?”

“Yes, that be all, Lockheart. Oh! Tell your sister I look forward to seeing her at Ponyville.”

Indigo’s neutral face creased into a confused scowl, “My... sister?”

Twilight looked up from the file, “hm? Yes, Lilly Sweet said she’ll be over in a few days.”

“Did she now?” Lockheart asked, the anger not yet played in his voice

She nodded, “Yep. I know she and Pinkie Pie will get along and share their recipes to each other. Oooh, I hope she tells Pinkie that Chocolate milk recipe: I could keep drinking that till I explode.” Twilight became flustered now, her dreams replaying in her mind and Lilly playing with her expanding body. Indigo looked on, anger disappearing in a rush of concern.

“Princess are you alright?”

“O-oh I’m f-f-fine. Just, wow, your sister really knows how to cook and being fun to hang out with and using her tail to fuck me so goo-oo… w-wait what am I saying-” Before she could even realise what she said, a blinding inferno of green came from Indigo. In an instant he revealed his demon form to her. Before Twilight could even register the horns, he embraced her in a powerful kiss. It enlightened her to the strange dreams she had were, in fact, not dreams but actually memories of being a helpless blob and Lilly pleasuring her, draining her and Indigo was actually Eros who gave her the best orgasm and then -- she was reading the report when Indigo Lockheart said, “Will that be all Princess Twilight?” He stared at Twilight’s dazed face. The empty eyes lasted for just a second and then her consciousness returned as if nothing had happened.

“What? Oh, yes, that will be all, Lockheart and thank you for the help.”

Indigo bowed, “It is my honour to serve, Princess.” He turned to leave.

When the door closed, Indigo’s eyes became a slit of green. “Hells curse you, Sucula,” he whispered to himself and then disappeared in a silent torrent of green flame.