A Rising Hunger

by Archy

First published

When Sunny wakes up with a seemingly endless hunger, there's only one thing she can really do.

Her tummy grumbled. Food! It wanted food! Hawk tried giving Sunny some advice to go to the doctor, but she knew how to quell it, big meals! The mare would soon become big herself...

Story commission for Sunny2730. DM me if you are interested in a story!

Please note this story contains weight gain, fats, feeding and immobility.

Cover art by Taurson.

A Rising Hunger

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There was a low grumbling as a few shafts of light protruded their way through the gap in the curtains to Sunny’s room. With a low moan, she rolled over in bed, trying to find some darkness in the room so she could go back to sleep. It was no good however, there was no way she was going to get back to sleep now. The Pegasus decided to sit herself upright in bed, rubbing her bleary eyes as she became more aware it was still early in the morning.

There was another low grumble from her belly. It made her ears twitch up as she looked down and saw her belly wobble a little under the blanket which she hastily pulled off to see if in fact her stomach was visibly moving. To her surprise, when she pulled it back it was. The pained noise as it cried out for food became louder, no longer was it stifled by heavy sheets covering it up.

‘W-Wha…’ Sunny started to say to herself in disbelief. She was a bit confused. Last night she had been out on the town for a lovely evening with her colt friend, Hawker Hurricane. It had been a rather enjoyable evening, with several stops to various eateries for food. Sunny hadn’t gone overboard, but she had eaten her fair share of food that evening. Some of it was even been rather calorie packed, something she tried not to eat a lot of if she could help it. The thing was, they were having such a good time she had maybe been convinced to try a few treats by Hawk that she wouldn’t normally…

In any case, her stomach was continuing to rumble. She had almost completely forgotten that Hawk had come home with her last night and was still asleep next to her. Her movements though, combined with the noise from her belly wasn’t enough to stop him from waking up. A loud yawn left his lips as he too pulled himself upright in bed, stretching his hooves out to try to wake himself up. Then he heard the noise from Sunny’s stomach and blinked a few times to make sure he wasn’t imagining it.

‘Morning.’ he started to say. ‘Hungry by any chance?’

Sunny blushed, trying her best to stifle the noise her belly was making. ‘Well, apparently! I’m not sure why. I ate quite a lot last night! More than usual.’ she said back, giving up on any further attempts to stifle the noise herself. Instead, she threw the bedsheets off herself and started to get up and made for the powder room to wake herself up properly.

‘Maybe it got a taste of the good stuff and wants more!’ Hawk shouted after her, hearing a dismissive noise come back from the powder room. He just chuckled to himself and got out of bed. ‘Want some breakfast then?’ he asked. This time, there was a less dismissive noise and more one that sounded like agreement. Hawk took that for what it was and made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

He wasn’t totally familiar with Sunny’s abode. He had been here before sure, but generally he didn’t stop very long. The kitchen seemed pretty standard though, sure he could find something. The stallion started having a look in the cupboards until he came across a large, unopened stack of pancakes. She had sounded hungry, he figured that cooking these up with some nice butter, maple syrup and hay bacon would be a pretty filling breakfast. He turned the stove on and started to warm everything through and cook up the hay bacon. As it sizzled away, he heard Sunny come down the stairs. There was a heavy tromping of hooves, something she only did when she was frustrated or upset. Without turning around, Hawk could guess at why.

‘Still grumbling?’ he asked.

‘Like an upset child!’ Sunny wailed. ‘I don’t get it! I ate plenty last night, it’s never done this before!’ she protested. As she said that, there was another grumble, the mare planting her head face first into the breakfast table she was now sat at in frustration. ‘Urgh, this is going to be a problem on weather duty today. I can’t be moving clouds around with my stomach making all this noise!’

The food needed a little more time to cook, so Hawk tried his best to comfort her. ‘Look I know it sounds odd, but generally it is a sign you’re hungry. Try and eat something okay? I’m cooking pancakes.’ he said chirpily. He saw her smile.

‘Well, I do like pancakes. I suppose it can’t hurt to try.’ Sunny replied, lifting her head up. Hawk turned off the stove, everything was about cooked to perfection (or at least as perfect as he could make it). He slid the food onto two plates, giving Sunny the bigger helping and brought it to the table.

‘You’re giving me more?’ she asked, a little confused.

‘Well, I’m not so hungry. A small stack is fine for me.’

The two drizzled the maple syrup over the top of the stacks they had and started to eat. Hawk watched as Sunny chewed her way through the meal in front of her. It wasn’t a large meal by any stretch of the imagination. It’s just it was quite a lot in terms of pancakes. He had certainly made sure the mare had gotten the bigger half of the stack (in fact, he had portioned it out so she got nearly three quarters of them). It was just that usually Sunny was so reserved when it came to food. However, she was taking larger, more hungry bites out of each pancake. By the time she got down to the last one, she was basically cutting it in half and shoving it into her maw. Hawk blinked, a small glob of syrup landed on his face as she hastily tried to shovel down the last of the final pancake she had left. Hawk had barely touched his, just fascinated instead by this sudden, almost glutton-like behaviour from his marefriend.

‘That was...fast.’ he managed to say.

‘I guess I was hungry.’ Sunny said, licking her lips. ‘Oh sorry, I hope I didn’t make too much of a mess…’

‘Only a little.’ Hawk said, picking up her empty plate to take to the sink to clean up.

‘You gonna eat yours?’ he heard Sunny asked behind him. There were still several pancakes left on his own plate.

‘Oh no, go ahead.’ he replied. Apart from one pancake he had managed to eat, Sunny had gotten her way through the entire stack. She finished his with a small belch which she tried her best and failed to stifle.


‘Uh...don’t tell me you want more?’ he asked, taking the now empty plate Sunny had polished off that had once had his food on and washing that up too.

‘No! That was...way more than I usually eat at breakfast!’ Sunny replied. ‘I don’t get it.’

‘Well, maybe worth going to see a doctor, or just having a second round of pancakes.’ he laughed, seeing her expression turn a bit pouty. ‘Anyway I have to go, see you tonight?’ Hawk asked.

‘Yeah, I have to run some errands too. I’ll see you tonight.’

The two nuzzled as Hawk left for the day. He’d catch up with Sunny tonight. He hoped her day at work went okay.


The evening with Sunny was....different. At least to what their normal evenings were like. Usually Hawk would get home after a day's work, they’d eat a meal, maybe flop down together on the sofa for a bit of time together and then head to bed. However, tonight most of the time they were spending together was actually at the dinner table. Sunny had been out shopping during the day.

He would have thought it odd, but the mare had endured that grumbling stomach all morning. It seemed to have settled down now, but only because Sunny had fed it a large amount of food. Still, it had seemed to sort the issue. That was all Hawk really cared about.

‘So what did you do today?’ he asked, watching as she finished her final plate, which was the fifth of the evening.

‘Shop as soon as I was done with weather duty, it wasn’t so bad. Oh, and a little yard work.’ she replied. The mare let loose a little belch, slightly louder than she had after eating in the morning. Once more, Hawk took her plate and cleaned it up. He noticed as he made his way around the kitchen and stopped by the fridge to grab himself a drink it was more packed than usual. Most of the time there was at least a little space, not today though.

‘I can see that…’ he said, closing the fridge behind him. ‘You’re still feeling hungry?’ he asked.

‘Well, not really after that meal. Maybe a snack.’ Sunny responded. She looked up at the clock that was situated high up on the kitchen wall. ‘Oh dear, I didn’t notice how late it was. There’s still a little time before bed though.’ she said with a smile, making her way over to the couch. Hawk joined her, snuggling up close. He always enjoyed their time together.

Sunny felt softer than normal, he wasn’t quite sure what to put his hoof on. His mind started to wander towards the food but that seemed rather silly that she might have put on weight only having eaten a slightly larger breakfast and a bit of an extra dinner tonight. That wouldn’t translate to added pudge that quickly surely? He was no expert in pony physiology so he didn’t really want to guess at it. In any case, the point was she felt a little more softer and snuggly. That was all he cared about.

As the two snuggled the same thought occurred to Sunny, as she moved her hooves around Hawk and then around her own body in a gripping fashion she felt a bit of extra pudge here and there but nothing that really stuck out to her as anything excessive. It was not a concern. The only real concern was this sudden increased appetite she had picked up from Celestia knew where. Right now, after a large meal, she felt absolutely fine. But as they snuggled more she could feel little pangs of hunger starting to creep around her belly. She’d need a snack before bed time. A little yawn indicated that it was about getting there anyhow.

‘Tired?’ Hawk asked.

‘A little, I think all that food didn’t really help.’ she replied.

‘Let’s get to bed then, it has been a long day.’


The two carried themselves up the stairs together, not even able to flap themselves up due to their tired state. A goods night rest was what they needed. A few moments after Hawk had fallen asleep though, Sunny sneaked her way downstairs for a little sweet snack before she went back up and closed her eyes.


The next day however, Sunny once more woke up to a growling stomach.

It was the same the day after.

And the day after that.

She would have worried, maybe gone to see a doctor as Hawk had suggested on that first day. The thing was, it was always quelled by food. One she ate a reasonably large meal (for breakfast, lunch and dinner) her stomach would calm. At least for a few hours, then it would start to rumble again wanting more. So she’d do what any hungry stomach would want when it rumbled. Sunny would feed it.

At first, this wasn’t so much of a problem. However as she was eating excessively large meals every day, this started to show in her physique. At first she started to form a bit of a pot belly that began to hang a little low to the floor. Then once her belly felt that it had put on enough weight for her, it started to spread to other parts of her body. Her rear started to take on some of the bulk. It was lucky that Sunny didn’t really wear clothes, if she did she would have been shopping for larger sizes every few days at the rate she started to pack on the pounds with each meal she was eating. Her face, oddly, remained somewhat slender at the start. It seemed that she had to sort of metabolism where the added weight either went to her belly, butt or thighs. By the end of the first month, she was still able to walk and get about, but her wings were now pretty much useless. The mare had put on so much weight that attempting to flap them to take off just meant she stayed grounded. She had become too heavy to fly. She told work this was just a temporary setback, she wasn’t quite sure yet how to tell them she had gotten so big she couldn’t even lift herself. She’d be fired for it. Right now, it was just a ‘feather flu’.

Hawk was well, wilfully ignorant of Sunny’s added weight at first. He didn’t want to upset her, or say something that might offend her. He knew she could be slightly sensitive around particular subjects. He wasn’t sure on weight though. To be honest, it wasn’t until a month in that he really noticed the change himself. It seems odd seeing as he was out the house all day that it took him so long to notice, but because it was so gradual over what seemed like a long time, the added plushness to Sunny didn’t really take hold until that long in. What really brought it home was when they headed over to the sofa after another meal for a snuggle session and he had tried to find a space. The problem was, Sunny was now taking up all the free room on the couch. All he could do was squeeze himself up against the very end of the sofa between cushions and well...Sunny’s extremely large flank.

‘Um, dear, can I ask you a question?’ Hawk asked.

‘Of course.’ came the reply, but it was a little faint. That was that much distance between the two ponies. Plus the large tush of Sunny was slightly in the way.

‘I don’t want to be rude Sunny but...have you put on weight?’ Hawk asked, he decided to come out with it rather than try to disguise it which wouldn’t have helped. He always preferred honesty over weaving around an issue. He just hadn’t had a cause or reason to bring it up until now.

‘Well...maybe a bit.’

‘...I can barely fit on the sofa...a sofa for two ponies…’

‘Oh um.’ Sunny went silent. ‘Well, okay yes. But this hunger issue hasn’t really gone away Hawk. I thought about a doctor like you said but...eating seems to make it go away, at least temporarily.’ Sunny replied.

‘So is your plant to eat to quell it?’ he asked.

‘Well...yeah, for now.’ Sunny said. It wasn’t much of a plan, but it was the best plan she had. Besides, doctors were expensive. She doubted they had a cure for extreme hunger anyhow, it wasn’t something she had ever really come across either. In fact it was something she never even heard of, so if she hadn’t heard of it, how was a doctor supposed to? That was her logic anyhow. It wasn’t like she couldn’t afford to feed herself anyway. Her job paid for all the food she needed.

‘Are you sure that’s wise?’ Hawk asked, continuing the conversation. ‘I don’t mean to be rude dear, but at the rate you’re going you’re going to struggle to fit through the front door by next week.’ he said, quite bluntly.

‘Well, would that be such a bad thing?’ she asked.

Hawk was struck a little by her works. He hadn’t really looked at it that way. Of course it was a bad thing, nopony thought excessive weight was a good thing, ever. It led to things he didn’t really want to think about. The problem was, he was sat (as best as could be sat in the little room he had), squished up against an extremely plush rump. There was something about her softness that was appealing. Hawk wondered if Sunny knew it too. Perhaps she was doing it on purpose? No, no that really would be preposterous. A silly thought he quickly dismissed from his mind. It was something to toy with however, especially after her words.

‘Well...look, I want you to be happy. You know that is all I have ever wanted for us, for you.’ Hawk started to say. ‘And if this makes you happy, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy.’ he said with a smile. He knew that she couldn’t see it, the mare’s added heft was blocking any view of him. He just decided to give her rear a little rub to show in some fashion he was supportive. He had noticed how whenever she was hungry her mood dipped but sprang right back when she had eaten a meal.

‘You know...right now, it is making me happy.’ Sunny replied. She didn’t really want to admit it outright, but the added heft was well, rather enjoyable. She liked that her hips had a good sway to them now when she walked. She liked the feeling of being big. There was something about just feeling larger than the average pony that was appealing. Physically, because she was larger, she felt so much more confident. She saw it when she went out. Ponies in stores seemed intimidated by her sheer size alone. Her personality didn’t matter. There were whispers and remarks sure, but she could easily tune them out and give a little bit of a disapproving look towards anypony to dismiss them quickly. Or make the offending pony quickly vanish out of embarrassment. She decided to see if it might work on Hawk, not that she wanted to use her size to her advantage, but she thought perhaps she could get him to at least do something for her. She could feel how much attention he was paying to her rear. Leaning it a little further into him so her two large, bulbous cheeks squished into him she posed a question. ‘How would you feel about making my meals and keeping me gaining?’ she asked.

There was a slight pause. To be honest, Sunny wasn’t sure whether or not she had just squished so much fat into Hawk that she had actually stifled him. Just in case, she decided to ease off, the couch creaking under her weight as she did so.

‘Will it make you happy?’ he asked.

‘Of course.’ she replied. ‘I wouldn’t be asking otherwise.’

‘Then I’d love to.’ he conceded.

The two were indeed playing a little coyly with each other. Hawk didn’t really want to let on so much he was quite enjoying the added bulk, with Sunny equally not wanting to let on that she was liking the added pudge. Both could feel it though, it was like an unspoken mutual knowing that they were just both aware of.

Hawk decided he was indeed going to take care of Sunny. To what extent, remained to be seen.


Over the proceeding weeks, Sunny’s weight positively ballooned. Extra large meals certainly had all the effect. It wasn’t just that though, Hawk was seeing to the meals and the snacks. He had only really taken on the snacks after Sunny had insisted but he figured if he was doing the main meals he might as well feed her the snacks too. More and more in this case she was asking for sugary things over something like a sandwich for example.

The mare’s size was slightly becoming a problem. As Hawk had rather amusingly joked a few weeks before it had actually happened, Sunny had gotten to the point where she had come home one day and actually gotten wedge in the door. It had taken a lot of pushing, at one point, Hawk had even offered to get the butter. Thankfully, it hadn’t quite come to that. It had led to a conversation however.

‘I think...you should stay inside from now on.’ Hawk had suggested. Honestly, he didn’t really want to be forking out lots of bits to repair the house every time Sunny tried to get in and out of it. Also, she was just about getting to the point of immobility. Her hooves were barely touching the floor at this point, her low hanging belly wasn’t sagging anymore, it was actually touching the floor and just forming a bed beneath her that squished out nicely into her four planted legs. Her flank had grown to a size that meant it was starting to form somewhat of a shelf behind her head, rising up as her body searched for anywhere to place excess fat. Her body had decided that her butt was a good place for it to go. He wondered if there were any clothes that even would fit Sunny anymore, except custom made ones.

‘What makes you say that?’ she had asked earnestly.

‘Well...I just think it’s for the best.’ Hawk said. He didn’t really want to explain his reasoning. Besides, in another week Sunny wouldn’t be able to go anywhere anyway. Her weight would catch up with her and render those fat little legs completely useless. If he kept feeding her anyway, which he intended to do. Silently, she seemed to agree with him. She didn’t enquire further.

The two kept at it, it was like an unspoken thing that the two were happy to partake in. Hawk was actually getting quite into helping Sunny gain. The more plush she got, the more he was finding that he was wanting to see how much larger she could get. Ponies even slightly large were quite unusual. Ponies of Sunny’s size well, actually he was trying to go over his memories thinking whether or not he had actually seen one this big. Maybe that summer Princess Celestia let herself go? No...no even she hadn’t gotten this plush.

Time marched on. Meals were consumed, Sunny got larger and larger. Hawk had noticed she had a bit of a soft spot for sweets, those snacks between meals were often something rather sugary. At this point, it was rather amusing to think at one time Hawk had just simply had trouble finding space on the couch. He had had to move it out after Sunny had grown to such a size that she was starting to take up most of the living room floor area. Thankfully it was right next to the kitchen so it made giving food to her nice and easy still. There wasn’t actually much furniture left, apart from the odd thin bookshelf that was around the edge. Her fat was starting to squish up against anything left that he hadn’t managed to take away or move.

He asked Sunny what it was like, being so large.

‘Much more enjoyable than I thought it would be.’ she confessed. ‘I know I can’t really move but...I have the most wonderful colt friend in the world to feed me.’ she giggled.

It was a good thing that Hawk still was small and thin and could use his wings, if he wasn’t, he would have had to climb up the mountainous belly that had formed in front of Sunny as she had gained. He forgot when but at some point she had managed to shift her weight around so that her belly now protruded out in front of her, with her useless hind legs once more just about touching the floor that vanished into a flank that was even wider and taller than her stomach. He had glanced behind Sunny’s head at one point, her tail was completely wedged between two massively bulbous cheeks that were pressing up against the wall of the living room. Every so often there was a little protest from the wall as he heard another crack form, Sunny’s butt so voluptuous that even the slightest movement from her caused it to wobble and bounce around. Her belly was no different, when he landed on it to give her another meal, he practically sank into her blubber and nearly vanished into the squishy fat. It was getting harder and harder to actually keep up on top of it. Every time he landed on it, it wobbled around like jelly. The thing was, he couldn’t stop giving her meals. The bigger she got, the more Sunny seemed to be hungry. He’d give her a dinner fit for a Princess and then five minute later, her stomach would start to make hungry noises again.



Without knowing it, Hawk had become Sunny’s full time feeder. He didn’t even have time to go to work anymore, just to very quickly go out whilst Sunny was napping early in the morning to go get the food for the day. It was lucky a side effect of being so gigantic was Sunny was her own bed, with enough body fat to keep her warm and toasty even on the coldest nights. She’d just pass out and fall asleep right where she was, her head sinking a little into her neck-rolls. Throughout all this, her face had remained roughly the same, with just her two cheeks bulging out somewhat as another fat repository for her body.

Sunny herself, as she had said to Hawk was quite content. Her body felt plush, the blubber had spread...somewhat evenly around her. She loved having a tush so big that she could lean back into it and feel it wobble behind her head. When she turned her head around to look at it, her eyes were filled with nothing but a tower of soft, jiggling fat that she could wobble around. She was careful though. With every meal, she was sure at some point the wall behind her was going to come down and crash down, ruining the house. That eventuality seemed inevitable however as she grew. She’d outgrow the room eventually.

Her belly too was something else, it stretched out before her and formed the softest, warmest most plush bed she had ever come across. She could lean forward and sink her fatty forehooves into them and wobble it about too. It wasn’t quite pressing up against the opposite wall yet but it was starting to get there. It seemed amusing to her that a short while ago, the concern had been that she couldn’t get into the house. Now it seemed to beg the question when she would just burst out of it instead.

Immobility had gone from a little bit of a joke to just simply reality. Sunny had lost her mobility some weeks back. As a Pegasus she had the luxury of two methods of getting about, but neither really were an option anymore. Her lower hooves could hardly be seen anymore for a start, fat legs that bulged over the top of them were almost becoming a part of her canyon-like rear. She could just about wiggle them, a little. They just served a reminder of her size when her hooves squished against even more fat.

Her wings now sat permanently folded on her back, if she was hot she could flap them a little for a refreshing breeze but that was about it. The idea of using them to lift such a vast weight was quite impossible at this stage. She wondered at what point she’d get big enough to finally burst out the house.


Several months had now passed, Hawk was just giving Sunny her dinner. He had enough food to cover her belly and was happily feeding her yet another portion of pancakes. It made him think back to that first breakfast where it had all began, except this time Sunny was eating every one in mere seconds as she inhaled the food, her hungry belly wanting more and more to gain even more size.

As he fed her, he noticed the walls around were becoming rather stressed from the job of trying to hold that tidal wave of fat back. In fact, he himself was quite close to the ceiling now, as her body had spread upward in the space it had. There was little room to manoeuvre.

At first he heard a small crack from the rear wall, somewhere behind Sunny’s flanks. He wasn’t quite sure, they now covered so much of it, that he had a hard time figuring out what part of the wall the noise was coming from.

‘Uhm, I think it’s happening.’ he said, only stopping to feed his mare friend to try to listen.

‘What’s happening?’ Sunny asked.

‘I think you’ve finally gotten big enough the wall can’t hold your weight back anymore, I heard something.’ Hawk replied. He grabbed another pancake and started to pass it towards Sunny, but she waved a flabby hoof indicating for him to stop.

‘Give me a moment...I’ve been thinking about this for a little while.’ she said with a coy smile. Hawk wondered what he meant, right up until the point her fat started to roll around like he was caught in a rough storm at sea.

Sunny was, on purpose, wobbling her body around with all the effort she could manage. He hadn’t seen her move for months so this was something. The poor Pegasus bounced up and down on her belly unable to get off it, only steadying himself as much as possible as the entire house shook around him. It was like a small earthquake local to Sunny was going on. He watched as her two gigantic ass cheeks SLAMMED hard against the back wall. He knew what she was doing at that moment, but he couldn’t stop it.


The walls around Sunny came down with a terrible racket, her rear bursting out and coming to a rest once the dust had settled. It had taken a little effort, but she had actually somehow, not brought the entire house down. Everything else, the kitchen, part of the bedroom and upstairs still somehow remained intact. She had just shifted her weight enough so that she had made plenty more room for herself. Hawk smiled, it was like her to consider the fact he still needed somewhere to live and cook her food.

‘T-That was a lot of effort…’ Sunny panted. As her body stopped wobbling and jiggling around, she pointed a flabby hoof to her maw saying ‘G-Gonna need some food to make up for the lost calories I just burned.’ she said with a grin.

‘I think I can help, gonna have to whip up a new batch of food though. All your wobbling kinda destroyed what I had prepared.’ he said, making for the kitchen. As he prepared another meal, he couldn’t help wondering where this would all end. Sunny seemed quite intent on getting as large as she possibly could. The stallion smiled to himself. He wouldn’t have it any other way.