The harsh life of a draconian servant

by xombiekilla

First published

Spike usually gets the brunt of the ire in most situations. Find out how he copes with it all here.

Set in an alternate universe to Equestria. the mares are the alphas and they're not afraid to show that. They'll use whatever means they deem appropriate to insure that their servants thoroughly understand who owns them. No matter how depraved and filthy they need to be, the ends justify their means.

- This story will contain very raunchy displays of strange and gross fetishes. I will not be held responsible for the decision of someone else reading this story, so be sure that it's what you want to read before commenting. Readers discretion is advised. Until permission has been approved by the requester, his name shall remain anonymous.


- Female Domination
- Facesitting
- Farts
- Scat
- Ass Worship
- Watersports
- M/F Sex

Chapter one: Twilight Sparkle

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- Meanwhile, during one of the online chatrooms for possible mates...

"Alright then, time to put my skills to the test here. Finding a mare that can satisfy me and make me happy." Although in hindsight, if servitude to Twilight had taught Spike anything, it was that the mares of Equestria weren't to be trifled with. One mistake could very well be your last if you weren't careful. "Hello, what's this? Professional seamstress, assassin, housewife, looking for a husband. Loyal to the very end. Ask me about anything personal." Spike couldn't believe this, he found an offer to a mare. This was incredible news to the drake. "When and where do you want to meet?" Spike texted. He very shortly got a reply in kind. "Woah. That was fast."

"I'd love for you to come to my home, darling. I am a mare that appreciates punctuality, do try to be on time. Be here at noon, sharp. If you're late, you will not like the outcome. Of that, you can be certain. It's in Manehattan, High District, 12568 South Avenue." This mare was a real spicy vixen. Spike being desperate for any woman was eager to take her up on her offer, and her threat.

"Spike! Where are you? Get your purple scaly butt into gear and come assist me right now!" Whenever Twilight needed something, you did it without question. The consequences for being a recusant simply weren't worth it. Twilight, like most mares were naturally sadistic and wanted nothing more than to bully and dominate their servants in the most cruel, degrading and humiliating ways imaginable.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm on my way." Spike made haste in his journey to Twilight. When he showed up to her, she was in her royal bathroom. This was Something that Spike had dreaded most about Twilight; her insatiable desire to use other ponies and creatures as her toilet paper. When he opened her bathroom door, the rather unpleasant aroma of her pungent shit had graced his nostrils. Spike felt a bit woozy. No wonder there, it was universally agreed upon that a mare's deadliest weapon was without a doubt their posterior. "Y-Yeah. I'm here, Twilight." Spike had to plug up his nose or else he might just pass out from the stench alone.

"It's about time you showed up, mister. I nearly had to wait for almost five minutes for you to arrive, you know what to do." Twilight pinned Spike to the wall using her huge butt as Spike poor muzzle just sank into her supple cheeks. "Get busy in there!" Spike groaned but he knew he had no choice, so he complied. Twilight had smeared her butt into Spike's face, making him cringe in her butt. Dear lord, that was vile. It became clear to the drake that she took a huge dump. The poop that was stuck to her ass felt like thick and creamy brownie fudge as it smeared all over his face. "Oof. That's gotta hurt back there."

Spike groaned in agony, something that definitely didn't go unnoticed by Twilight, much to her delight. She was even moaning as she smeared her messy butt into his face. That forced the poor drake to gag in repulse as he squirmed into her ass, making her giggle. "Sorry, Spike. But you're no match for my ass. So stop struggling in there, you know it's pointless to do that."

'Oh sweet Celestia, it's foul in here. I-I think she's trying to paint my face brown...' The smearing continued as she giggled more.

"You want to know why you're being punished right now?" Half of Spike's face felt caked in her muddy filth. "Don't think for even a moment that I was unaware of your desire to leave here. You're my servant and mine alone. Is that clear?" Spike screamed into her butt as he was muffled by it. "My guess is no." Spike then cried as he felt her butt rumbling. "You better sniff everything back there."


Twilight's butthole had opened up to spray Spike's face with her poisonous purple gas, blowing back some of his scales for a brief moment as he smelt the stench of her fart. "Hmm... you're still alive in there?" His weak squirming had answered her question. "Good. You're still just as durable as ever." That fart felt dense and it stunk of a robust mixture of sulfur, veggies and an odor not unlike skunk oil. "Now who's got the deadliest farts ever in Equestria? Say it!" Her butthole then clamped onto Spike's poor nose as he cried more.

"Mmm-you.. do." He replied in a muffled tone.

"Damn right I do." Spike felt like his nose was going to melt off in her toxic butt. He was trying to lift up her buttcheeks, an exercise that soon proved to be futile to the drake as his palms only helplessly sunk into her soft and supple buttfat. "Are you seriously still trying to escape from my ass? Oh for the love of- just stay in there!" Then she cutely grunted as she blasted Spike with another fart.


Another vitriolic gust of her backwind had bled into his sense of smell. this began to make the poor drake dizzy. "Wow. You're still conscious, even after that blast up-close? Impressive." As Twilight continued to smear her butt into Spike face, he felt the rest of his face caked in her thick filth now.

'Oh my god... this is awful. Twilight.. please stop. I'm sorry for trying to leave you.' Spike began to panic as her butt was drinking away whatever strength he had left.

"You're going to learn the mind. I'm going to make you understand. You belong to me!" Twilight then made her butthole clamp down tighter around Spike's nose as the stench was evermore present. "You're lucky that I'm not feeding my poop to you right now. Cause I could be doing that, you know." This made Spike panic even more after he heard that. "If I find out that you're attempting to escape again, that's what's going to happen to you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Mmm-yes.. ma'am." Spike weakly muffled into her cheeks. Spike was now feeling dizzy, the last thing he ever wanted was to be suffocated into Twilight's venomous ass, a fate that he wouldn't even wish on his worst enemy. Spike continued to groan as the stench gradually got worse and he felt hazy in her butt. His head was spinning, his nose felt numb, and his tongue sadly tasted her butt.

"Now, just to finish this lesson, you're going to take a nap into my ass!" Spike was sweating bullets now.


Twilight blew another vile fart into his face as it caused him to quietly sob into her butt. Spike was feeling light-headed and faint. He knew that he wouldn't last much longer in Twilight's ass. He fought as much as he could, but that toxic stench and gas had won the battle and the war on his sense of smell. His body went from moderate struggles, to small convulsions, to slight twitches. Then finally, he fainted into her butt, unable to fight back anymore. "Out cold already? Disappointing, Spike. But hopefully, you'll learn your lesson now."

It was morning as Spike gasped in panic as he woke up from his bed. He still stunk like Twilight's ass. After he took a whiff of his body, he balked as her stench was still clinging onto him. "Ugh. Yuck. That was absolutely horrible to go through. She's got to clean that ass of hers more often." Spike gagged from the harsh odor on his body as he made way for his bathroom to take a long and thorough hot bath to burn that stench off.

Spike knew he had to run away, he needed to take Twilight out of his life for good. He didn't know anything about this Rarity lady, but she couldn't have been as disgusting as Twilight is when she's either angry or just flat-out horny. He knew that he'd have a small window of opportunity to make his move. He didn't exactly have many possessions to his name, so what little he left behind wasn't going to make him cry.

Spike planned everything out; From what he chose to bring with him, along with some bits for the train ride, all the way down to his exit plan to escape the castle. "Alright then, I got the essentials with me. And even my pouch full of bits for a ticket out of here." Manehattan had to be better then this town. Twilight would be undoubtedly hunting him down. But it'll be worth it to escape and never return.

Later that morning, Spike made it to the train station and met with the ticket booth and bought one ticket one-way, he was never coming back to this dump and he knew it. "Alright, Spike. If you ever came back, Twilight will know you tried to escape for sure." Spike said to himself as he grabbed his ticket and showed it to the conductor who punched it and gestured him inside of the train car. "Heh, goodbye, Twilight. Maybe this will teach her to be more nicer to her servants."

Spike saw the door slide closed as he sat down onto the cushion. The whistle blew and the train was in motion as it made its way out to the city- to salvation... hopefully.

"SPIKE! Oh, you're in so much trouble when I find you! Very big trouble!" Twilight had angrily protested out as she looked onto the bed of where Spike used to be and saw a note that read. "I'm outta here and I'm never coming back. You have no idea where to look, neither." She visibly shook in rage.

Spike saw the city approaching him from the distance. He knew he was close. "Wow. So this is what Manehattan looks like? It's so big." When the train arrived, he exited the car and saw the pathway to the bustling roads of Manehattan City. He was currently on time, for now. If what Rarity had mentioned was true, it'd be best not to piss her off. "Okay then, high district, South Avenue. Okay. I made it to her street. Her address if I recall was... 12568. There she is, close to the Manehattan Gentlemen's Club... how very... er-nice." Spike wasn't really pleased to see that but oh well. He made his way over to her front door, it was currently 11:45 AM. He was on time. He knocked onto the door. "I know I'm early, but I think she'll like that."

The door opened up and Spike saw Rarity step out to greet him. "Oh? You're early? Oh, how lovely. You didn't have to be this early for little old me, darling." She was much more pleasant than Twilight already.

"Oh mama, you're beautiful. I mean.. wow."

"Butter me up, why don't you, darling?" She shook her shapely hips towards Spike as she gestured for him to come in. "But please, don't stay out here, come in, come in." Spike walked in as he saw how immaculate her home looked. For what appeared to be her apartment, it was like a posh palace on the inside. This lady had some class, there was no doubt about that. "So then, how's the interior look? Not too gaudy, I hope."

"No, not at all, it looks fantastic in here." Spike was taken aback by the classical beauty of the antiquated furnishings, it definitely held that nostalgic feel to this entire room. Rarity then bumped her butt up against Spike as he sniffed her- it smelt like fresh lavender; a far cry better than Twilight's rear for miles. "Even your butt smells nice- Uh, I mean your house looks nice."

"Thank you for your compliments, darling. So then, why choose me?"

"Well, I used to be owned by a mare named Twilight."

"You mean Princess Twilight, yes? Oh, you poor dear. She's the absolute worst. Come over here and sit down while I fix you a cup of tea, darling." Spike sat down onto the soft sofa and it felt like heaven. Spike felt that he could definitely get used to this.