Tempest In A Teacup

by Gay For Gadot

First published

When Trixie discovers that Starlight is bottling up more than just anger towards her, she concocts a plan to help the passionate, lively mare she loves with those feelings, too.

When Trixie discovers that Starlight is bottling up more than just anger towards her, she concocts a plan to help the passionate, lively mare she loves with those feelings, too. As the night unfolds in unexpected ways, she ends up teaching Starlight about a different kind of magic.

Takes place after All Bottled Up.

Trigger Warnings: Consensual F/F sex, light bondage, gentle domination/submission, improper use of a travel trailer, and way too much ear/neck biting.

Between Pledge And Prestige

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Tempest In A Teacup

Weeks had passed since the incident involving Twilight’s Friendship Map, cinnamon nuts, and an ill-advised anger management method. Thankfully, that had been the last time Trixie had seen fire in Starlight’s eyes. Starlight had promised to stop bottling up her feelings, and it seemed to be working.

The day had started innocently enough. Still feeling a little guilty over the incident, Trixie had paid for a spa day the two of them. A steam, a soak in the hot tub, and some mud masks with cucumber slices. Their usual treatments. The same since the day they had met.

Once they had finished their routine, Starlight had hurried off to the locker room. “Wait right here, Trix. I’ll be back in a few minutes!” Or so she had said.

That was an eternity ago.

Now, time passed with all the haste of molasses. The minutes ticked by with agonizing deliberation as Trixie waited in the spa’s lobby. With nothing other than old magazines to pass the time, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold out.

Sighing, Trixie glanced at the clock on the wall. How long would it take Starlight to brush her mane and grab a pair of saddlebags? It wasn’t like they were planning on going to the Grand Galloping Gala afterwards. In fact, Trixie didn’t have anything planned after the spa. Unless Starlight had some magic practice in mind, the rest of their day was free.

When almost half an hour had passed, Trixie took matters into her own hooves. “What could possibly be taking so long?” she grumbled as she left the lobby. The spa pony at the counter simply shrugged before returning to her expired copy of Hoof Beat.

Rounding the hallway, Trixie came upon the doors to the locker rooms. She pushed open the one marked with a picture of a smiling, long-maned mare.

Rows of lockers lined both sides of the room with benches scattered in between. Near the door was a long counter with a large mirror. Samples of the spa’s coat, mane, and tail products littered the counter. Past the lockers and benches were the shower and toilet stalls, all with their doors or curtains closed.

“Starlight?” Trixie trotted between the lockers. “Starliiiiiiiight! Are you in here?”

Only her echo answered.

“Hmm, that’s strange. Maybe she just finished up and teleported to the lobby?” Trixie wondered aloud. “Silly Starlight, always using magic to save time.” Shaking her head, she turned to make her exit.

Trixie almost made it to the door when she heard it:

A strained, near inaudible moan.

“Huh?” Spinning around, Trixie scanned the room. The benches were empty. Nopony by the mirror either. Ears pricked, she tiphoofed between the rows of lockers. “Uh, Starlight? Was that you?”

From the corner of her eye, something pulsated.

Trixie looked up at the ceiling.

Trailing above the locker bay was an arrangement of magical energy. Rather than a shimmering aura or bright beam, this magic formed puffy pink clouds. Clouds that led to one of the shower stalls. A stall that she had overlooked along with the others, given that its curtain was drawn and water was shut off.

Pink clouds? They weren’t red, but the shape seemed similar. Was Starlight bottling up her magic again?

“Starlight?” If she was here, surely she must have heard Trixie by now?

As she followed the contrails towards the stall, Trixie realized that there was a second magic at work here. Around the edges of the pink cloud was a familiar turquoise aura. This aura engulfed the other mana, disguising its magical signature. The magician in her was impressed at the subtlety.

Yet, that left her wondering. Why was Starlight holed up in some shower stall? Why wasn’t she answering her? And what was—


There it was—that moan again. A little louder in Trixie’s ears, now that she was closer.

“Wait…” Eyes widening, a blush spread across Trixie’s cheeks. She couldn’t possibly be—doing that, right here, right now? At the spa? In the locker room? Where anypony could hear?!

Trixie backed away. “S-sorry, Starlight! I’ll, uh, I-I’ll just be—”

“Mmm, Trix…”

That plumbing issue Applejack fixed a year ago must have resurfaced. Nothing else could account for how the locker room became a sauna. The smoke on Trixie’s cheeks rose up to her nostrils, fogging her mind in a haze. Yes, the steam must be leaking again. No other explanation could suffice.

That made more sense than the fact that Starlight Glimmer had just moaned her name.

Like most ponies, Trixie had her flaws. Many, if she were honest with herself. Being honest was difficult, of course. Especially right now, when the strange magic above her throbbed in time with the rush of blood in her ears. And while an enticing scent—a potent combination of sweat and something distinctly feminine—was mixing with the steam in her snout.

Trixie scurried closer. She crept forward, mindful of her hoofsteps, until her nose was just inches away from the shower curtain. Then, and only then, did her rational mind plant its hooves firmly into the floor.

No. Trixie had her flaws, but she was no pervert. At least, not with unconsenting ponies. Certainly not with the mare who mattered the most to her.

“I shouldn’t be doing this,” Trixie thought aloud, hoping Starlight would hear her. And stop her.

She didn’t.

Despite the protests of the better angels of her nature, Trixie found herself peering through a crack in the shower curtain. While she had a pretty good idea of what was happening, she still couldn’t help but gasp when she saw it for herself.

Hunched over across the shower bench, eyes squeezed shut, teeth gritted, was Starlight Glimmer. Lost to her fantasies, she pressed her forehead against the tiles on the shower wall as she worked a forehoof between her hindlegs. Beads of sweat rolled down her neck. Tail flagging, her entire body shook in time with each of her short, forceful strokes.

Starlight’s swollen clitoris winked at her ministrations, pushing against her forehoof. Her darkened lips were soaked, dripping with the musk that taunted Trixie’s nostrils. Starlight’s horn pulsed, almost flashing with the strain of encompassing the cloud.

On the shower shelf meant to hold a bar of soap—or some overpriced, spa-brand shampoo and conditioner—was an empty glass bottle. The cork stopper had been removed and set aside. Bit by bit, pink magic flowed in time with Starlight’s efforts, following its path into the bottle.

A guttural moan emanated from Starlight’s throat. “Trix, aaah! Ah, f-fuck…”

Blood rushed from Trixie’s ears to her muzzle. If she had glanced in the mirror on the other side of the room, she would’ve realized the shade of her coat was giving Twilight Sparkle a run for her purpleness. But this was no time for vanity. Her heart was beating so fast, it was a miracle she hadn’t keeled over.

A second scent drifted up to Trixie's snout. By the stars and moon, she was getting aroused too. Hopefully Starlight wouldn’t smell it, just like she wasn’t hearing how Trixie’s breathing had grown faster, keeping tempo with—


Glancing up at the ceiling, Trixie saw that Starlight’s turquoise aura was not only surrounding the cloud of her—attraction? infatuation? lust?—but was wrapped around the mare herself. Was she casting a soundproofing spell? Was that why she couldn’t hear Trixie? If that was the case, why could Trixie hear her?

Real magic was far from Trixie’s talent. However, she had learned a thing or two about soundproofing spells over the years. Living in a wagon lent her little privacy. On the nights when she had entertained an audience of one—or two, that one time—such a spell meant the difference between a hushed, methodical performance and an explosive one.

Far from an expert, Trixie understood enough to know when these spells could go wrong. Had Starlight accidentally deafened herself? Or was it on purpose? Did she want Trixie to come back here? Did she want her to hear?

A high-pitched squeal brought Trixie back to the situation at hoof. Er, under hoof.

Arching her back, Starlight let loose a wanton moan. Tongue flopping out of her mouth, she grinded against her forehoof. The bottle on the shelf was flooded with pink mana. Her cries became pleas, desperate and deprived and demanding. “Pl-please, Trix, fuck me, fuck me, oh, please FUCK me—”

The temptation to reach back and come in time with Starlight was overwhelming. It took every ounce of Trixie’s willpower not to do so. The aroma she inhaled stung her senses, Starlight’s honey creating a buzzing in her brain. She was so close, so close, so very cl—

Shouting a vile curse, Starlight bit down on her free fetlock. In a burst of nectar and funneling puffy clouds, she trembled as she climaxed. Words unknown to any dictionary issued from her slack jaw, caught in the bottle with everything else.

Trixie swallowed her own moan at the sight. Transfixed, she found herself moving closer, closer, closer. All she had to do was reach out and slip past the curtain. Then, she could—


Breaking through her fog, Trixie slammed the door on that idea. Not only were they in public, but Starlight was obviously fighting to keep these feelings hidden from her. Why else would she be hoofing off in the spa locker room like a teenage colt? Was Trixie really that irresistible?

… Well, duh.

But there had to be more to it than that. An attractive mare like Starlight didn’t have to degrade herself like this to channel her affections. Right?

Questions aside, contemplation was not an option right now. Before Starlight’s horn cut out—and Trixie’s luck disappeared with it—Trixie scrambled back to her hooves. While the pink cloud had dissipated, the remnants of the other magic trailed behind as she left.

Fifteen minutes later, Starlight joined Trixie in the spa lobby, light on her hooves.

“Hey Trix. Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said with a wide, apologetic grin.

“O-oh, uh, no problem, Starlight!” Avoiding her eyes, Trixie rubbed at her nape. “It didn’t last lo—I-I mean, it wasn’t too bad of a wait at all!”

Starlight cocked her head. “Oh, uh. That’s… good…”

Trixie forced a chuckle. “R-right. Anyway, uh… Wh-what do you want to do next?” Besides me, she wanted to add, mentally kicking herself. If they weren’t in the lobby of the Ponyville Day Spa, she might have done both.

“I was thinking… uh…” Now Starlight was the one to fidget and look away. “M-maybe lunch?”

As Trixie met her gaze, she saw something reflected in Starlight’s gorgeous violet eyes. The hesitance of somepony who desperately wanted to be true to herself and her feelings, but was still holding back. Whether it was out of shame, trepidation, or something else, Trixie wasn’t sure.

Regardless of the root cause, Trixie knew this for certain: Starlight Glimmer was a dramatic mare. Amongst many other things, Trixie appreciated that about her. Drama was her own middle name, after all, right between “Trixie” and “Lulamoon”.

Thus, reminding Starlight of the dangers of bottling up her emotions, although warranted, was unlikely to be enough to address the matter. Simply admitting that she had seen Starlight would not only be mortifying, but ineffective as well.

No, if the Great and Powerful Trixie was going to show Starlight Glimmer that she not only liked what she saw, but felt the same, she would have to do it with style.

As the inklings of a plan began to form in her masterful mind, Trixie found herself calming down. “Sorry, Starlight, I just remembered.” The bashful expression on her muzzle morphed into one of fixed determination. “Lunch won’t work for me today.”

“Oh, okay.” Though Starlight tried to hide her disappointment with a smile, it was written underneath. “Well, um, maybe tomorrow?”

“Actually…” Careful not to embarrass her, Trixie looked around. Nopony in the lobby but that same spa pony at the counter. No problem. She had seen them together countless times over and probably knew what was going on anyway. “How about tonight?”

Starlight arched an eyebrow. “For dinner?”

“Something like that.” Trixie was beaming now. “Let’s say… eight o’clock. Come by my wagon?”

A true smile sprang to Starlight’s muzzle. “Sure thing, Trix. I’ll be there.”

Giggling, Trixie booped Starlight’s nose. “Good.”

Before Starlight could reply, Trixie ran off. So much to do. So much to prepare. A great and powerful showmare only had so much time left in the day.

Starlight’s knock was always cautious. A predictable, delayed rhythm. As if she feared the door would bite her hoof off if she rapped too hard or too fast. Luckily for her, Trixie’s door didn’t bite.

After some last-second preparations, Trixie called out, “Come in!”

The door to the wagon creaked open. Trixie had vowed a thousand times to oil the hinges, but had always neglected doing so in favor of some other repair. Tonight, it was better that she hadn’t fixed it. The noise added to the atmosphere.

And there was nothing Trixie did better than atmosphere.

Moonlight crept within as Starlight entered. With an eager smile, she looked all around the cramped trailer. “Wow, Trix, it’s way more organized than the last time I was in here. Very nice.” Her eyes alighted towards her friend. “Anyway, what's for din—”

Mid-sentence, Starlight’s jaw fell agape.

“What’s the matter, Starlight? See something you like?”

Splayed across the cozy comforter atop her neatly made bed, a lone rose clenched between her teeth, lay Trixie. In the glow of the firefly lantern on her nightstand, her mane, coat, and tail sparkled with the sheen of a luxurious, expensive conditioner that had tamed them to perfection. Her hooves had been polished, keratin reflecting the soft yellow light. Eyelids lowered, she gave a playful wiggle of her eyebrows and winked at her visitor. Wearing her trademark magician’s hat and cape, she was ever the showmare.

And the seductress.

Trixie giggled. “Oh, maybe only one rose was a mistake.” After throwing the rose on the opposite nightstand with a graceful arc of her jaw, Trixie lit her horn. She floated a magic wand over to the starstruck mare. In a flash of bright light, the wand transformed into a bouquet of roses.

Starlight’s jaw almost smacked the floor.

Another giggle. “Mares always love that one.” Putting the bouquet back with the lone rose, Trixie hopped from the bed. Her cape trailed past her, billowing lightly in the chill of the night wind. “Silly Starlight,” Trixie tutted, flicking her snout in mock offense. “I’m not Applejack. I don’t live in a barn, you know.” She sparked her horn again to close and lock the door.

Finally, Starlight managed to close her mouth. Though her eyes were as wide as balancing plates, she seemed to have regained some function. The hint of a blush burned at her cheeks once the gears in her brilliant mind started to turn. “Tr-Trixie, what is—what are you—”

“Shhhh.” Trixie laid a forehoof over Starlight’s lips. “Relax, Starry.”

Starry. The nickname had occurred to Trixie before when she reflected on how often Starlight called her “Trix,” but she had never used it before tonight. Too bad, because the response it elicited in the other mare was too adorable for words. The light pink on her cheeks—the same shade as that other magic—darkened to a telltale scarlet.

Smirking, Trixie cooed, “Ooh, you like that name, don’t you?”

“Tr-Trix,” Starlight said, punctuating it with an audible gulp. “Wh-what’s gotten into you?”

The interior of the wagon was rather dark, lit only by moonbeams and the firefly lantern. In the dim light, Trixie could see Starlight start to sweat. The same beads that rolled down her forehead in the stall were now retracing their steps.

Trixie leaned in close to whisper in her ear. She dragged out her words, letting them reverberate down her admirer’s spine. “I thought you learned your lesson about bottling up feelings.”

As Trixie pulled away, Starlight paled. White as a ghost, she could only stammer in reply, while Trixie grinned like a hungry Manticore. Magenta magic sparkled in the dim light as it searched, then retrieved, something hidden under a pillow.

Improbably, but not impossibly, Starlight’s eyes widened further as her pupils shrank to pinpricks. “H-h-h-how did you—”

Triumphant, Trixie raised the bottle high. “Spike owes me a few favors, me being a national hero and all,” she said, raising a forehoof to her chest. “Plus, I threw in some gems to sweeten the deal.”

Starlight gaped. “Sp-Spike?! Y-you had Spike get it?!

Trixie couldn’t help but snigger. “While I didn’t tell him what was inside, I’m hoping you didn’t hide this somewhere private, Starry. Because wherever you had it hidden, Spike found it pretty easily.”

“I-it was just in m-my—I mean, Twilight’s—coat closet.” Starlight looked away, brow furrowing. “I hope he didn't see the birthday gift I got for—wait.” Eyes darting between the bottle in Trixie’s aura and the mare herself, Starlight resumed panic mode. “W-wait. Does—does th-that mean that you—that you saw—

“And heard.” Trixie exhaled hotly in Starlight’s erect ear. Her efforts were rewarded with a lovely little shiver. With a wry smirk, she set the bottle aside. “You really ought to be more careful with those soundproofing spells, Starry. The Great and Powerful Trixie saw and heard you, ahem, working out your feelings towards her.”

Like a shrinking violet, Starlight curled into a ball on the floor. Although Trixie half-expected Starlight to teleport away to the other side of Equestria—or perhaps off the edge of the map entirely—instead, she wrapped her hooves around herself and made a noise halfway between a whimper and a whine.

“Aww, c’mon, Starlight.” Dropping the showmare act, Trixie sat down beside her. “It’s okay! Really!” She gently nudged her side. “C’mon, look at me.”

Hiding within her mane, Starlight shook her head. “I can’t.”

“Why not?” Trixie asked. “Do I seem mad at you?”

Face in her forehooves, Starlight paused before mumbling, “N-no...”

“Well, then what’s the problem?” When Starlight’s sole reply was a sniffle, Trixie felt a lump rising in her throat. “H-hey, Starlight, come on.” Her voice was near a whisper. “Please don’t be upset.”

Between brief, measured sniffles, Starlight untangled herself, rose to her haunches, and faced her. In Luna’s glow, the tears clinging to her cheeks glistened, and Trixie awed at how beautiful she looked even in this moment.

“Trix,” Starlight said, once she could breathe again, “I never wanted you to find out about this. I know I shouldn’t hide my feelings, but…” She let the bottle hover in the air between them. “I didn’t want what’s in here to ruin our friendship.”

The immediate response that snapped through Trixie’s synapses was to laugh and assure Starlight that she was being a very silly pony. Disregarding the urge, she took a second to collect her thoughts. While Trixie’s intentions this evening were obvious, something she had not yet considered occurred to her:

Maybe Starlight was less experienced in matters of the heart than she had thought.

With a sigh, Starlight set the bottle down. The swirling miasma within made a faint bubbling noise at the disruption. “I know it’s silly, but… I haven’t had… feelings... this strong for a long time. Maybe ever.”

“Really?” Quirking an eyebrow, Trixie asked, “You’ve never had a crush before?”

Starlight’s ears flattened as she looked away. “I… I don’t think it’s a crush, Trix.”

Dropping all pretense of prior plans, Trixie laid a forehoof on her shoulder. “Starlight, are you being serious?”

Cheeks burning, Starlight bit her lip. The same not-quite-a-whine, not-quite-a-whimper escaped against her will. This time, a puff of pink escaped her horn with it. The wisp of magical energy hummed as it drifted between them.



How could she have been so foolish? The physical act she had witnessed was meant to push aside the deeper source of Starlight’s emotion. Mere attraction wasn't what was at stake here. What was written across Starlight’s face made her heart sink. Trixie would face Chrysalis herself if it meant she would never see it again.

“... Oh.” Trixie adjusted the brim of her hat as it fell over her eyes. “I thought it was, uh, something less—”

“Scary?” Starlight suggested, briefly glancing over.

Displaying an uncharacteristic amount of restraint—Twilight Sparkle would have been pleased—Trixie gnawed on her lower lip, mulling over how to answer.

Trixie wasn’t as good of a liar as she used to be. The whole “apology tour” circuit, along with her relationship with Starlight, had softened some of her swindler ways. Truthfully, she hadn’t considered that Starlight might be suffering from something deeper than an infatuation with her. The word that lingered between them was one that Trixie had not heard in many years. Longer, if she didn’t count her own mother saying it.

After the spa incident, Trixie had milled about town and her wagon making preparations. She hadn’t counted on things dissolving into something further than a night of passion and, maybe, a budding relationship. For Starlight to react this way, as if hurt by Trixie’s knowledge, it was evident that she deserved more than one-liners and The Great And Powerful persona.

When Starlight turned back to her, Trixie decided that she had considered this long enough. It was time for some of that honesty they were both working on.

“Starlight,” Trixie said, her forehoof still on her friend’s shoulder, “I’m not very good with feelings. I’m trying to be better, but I’m no mind reader. I haven’t learned that part of the act yet.” She smiled at the little joke, her grin widening when Starlight returned it.

Moving closer to Starlight, Trixie gently wrapped her forelegs around her. The blush on Starlight’s muzzle ignited further, although her smile remained as Trixie looked down into her eyes. Before she could settle into the embrace, Starlight’s horn reacted. More pink magic billowed into the wagon. Starlight froze, looking away from Trixie in what seemed like shame.

In response, Trixie just smiled and pulled her closer. They were chest-to-chest now, Trixie looking down at Starlight with the most genuine emotion she’d felt in ages.

“Hey, don't worry.” Trixie offered her a caring smile. “This is going to be a good talk, okay?”

After a moment, Starlight slowly nodded, a small smile of her own forming. “Okay.”

Another wisp of magic. They watched it float to the ceiling before returning to each other.

“When I saw you earlier—” now it was Trixie’s turn to blush— “I was, uh—excited. I had to hold myself back from joining you, and—”

The pink cloud swirled around them. Without its metaphorical presence, Trixie would still know that Starlight was getting excited again. The other mare’s heart beat furiously against her chest.

“Hehehe, yes.” Trixie allowed herself to tease Starlight for a bit, her grin growing toothy and wide. “You were wild and sexy in there. You couldn’t just wait until you got home, could you?”

“I—” Starlight swallowed, struggling to look Trixie in the eye. “I-it was building up. I brought the bottle just in case, but going to the spa without, uh, releasing that magic first was a bad idea.” For the first time that night, she flirted back. “Seeing you with your mane all wet was driving me crazy.”

Trixie said with a sly grin, “Mmm, I’ll have to remember that.”

Starlight returned the embrace at last, wrapping her forelegs around Trixie’s neck. Trixie moved to pull her cape around Starlight. She stole a moment to bask in the warmth resonating between them before continuing.

“That’s why I told you to meet me here. I had a whole plan in mind for helping you work those feelings out. But now…” The smile on Trixie’s face was full to bursting. “Hearing that it’s not just a crush, that it’s something more… Now, that excites me.”

“Really?” Starlight asked, almost in a whisper.

Trixie nodded.

As they fell into a comfortable silence, Trixie felt like Starlight was analyzing her, utilizing that mighty horn and formidable mind of hers to dig for any kind of hidden intent. Again, Trixie’s recent developments in good citizenry and friendship were a bit of a setback in this regard.

Before, it was all too easy to lie to ponies. To charm them into parting with their bits—or lure them into her bed. Never one to carve notches into bedposts, Trixie had nevertheless conquered quite a few ponies. Tonight’s plan had involved much of the same, showing off her prowess, having a good time, and, if things went well, cooking Starlight eggs in the morning.

This, however... This level of intimacy, of looking into Starlight’s eyes and finding herself reflected in them… Of holding her close, of feeling her heart beating, her starry cape blanketing them both…

Something about it made Trixie's heart stir in an ancient rhythm it had long forgotten. The tango of its tempo was both strange and familiar. It was more than just exciting. It was intoxicating. Whatever it was, she was drinking it deep, and craved to be drunk on it.

“Have you ever been in love?” Starlight’s question pulled her from her reverie.

Trixie tapped her chin. “Hmm, good question.” She looked away into far-off space, into a place and time marked by hardship, travel, and transience. “I think so, once. It was a long time ago.” She moved on, finding the details both too lengthy and irrelevant. “How about you? Besides…?”

They flushed at the unspoken second word.

“I don’t think so,” Starlight replied. “Sunburst and I were close when I was really young, but that was before I started having those kinds of feelings. In my old village, I wasn’t close to anypony. I found some ponies attractive, sure, but I couldn’t let them get that close to me. Then they’d see my cutiemark. And besides, they weren’t really my friends back then anyway.” Starlight gave a heavy, burdened sigh. “It was all fake.”

Before the conversation could veer down a dark path, Trixie lifted Starlight’s chin. “Well, I don’t think this is fake. Do you?”

Another tuft of pink rose from Starlight’s horn.

Starlight leaned forward, laying her snout against Trixie’s. “No,” she said slowly, her breath warm and tickling across the other mare’s coat. “Not at all.”

They shared breath for some time, savoring their closeness.

In many ways, Trixie felt like she was looking at Starlight anew. Their pasts were tumultuous and tangled, full of regret and failure and misdirected anguish. There was a kindredness in that. A meeting of souls at their worst. Rising from rock bottom and climbing up the chasm together.

Like a three-part magic act, they were between the pledge and the prestige. They met at the turn: The part where the magician would take something ordinary, and then make it seem extraordinary. There was immense beauty in that. Beauty dwarfed only by Starlight’s own, her glistening smile and shimmering eyes and sparkling mane and luscious coat beating it by miles of wagon wheel.

Without another word, Trixie closed the distance between them.

Drawing Starlight near, she kissed her, the touch of her lips almost feather-light. Starlight nearly went slack at the contact, stiffening only enough to sit upright without falling over. Trixie closed her eyes when Starlight reciprocated, eager and fumbling. Through her coat, Starlight’s heart beat somehow faster, the overtaxed organ a galloping mare kicking at Trixie’s ribcage. Trixie’s own wasn’t far behind.

When they parted for breath, Trixie looked back at the world through a filter of pink. Pink walls, pink windows, pink moon. Pink ponies in a pink caravan.

“S-s-sorry. G-guess I’ve been holding this in for a while, heh...” A shamefaced smile and tense titter followed, brushing away any irritation Trixie might have held against Starry and her secret little pink cloud.

“And how long is a while?”

Starlight rubbed at her nape. “Umm, probably… a year, I think?”

“A year?” Trixie tilted her head. “That’s almost as long as I’ve known you.”

“Heh, like I said…” Starlight returned her forehoof to its place around Trixie’s neck. “I think it runs deeper than a crush.”

“And I thought I had it bad.” With a giggle, Trixie kissed her forehead. Starlight’s horn released another thread of magic at the gesture. “I think, for me, it was when we went to the Changeling hive,” Trixie began, her smile faltering. “I was so scared—no, terrified—when I went after the one imitating Discord, but I trusted you more than my fears. I knew that, no matter what happened to me, you would make things right. I was willing to do anything for you back there.

“And I still am, Starlight. Because I’m in love with you, too,” Trixie finished, eyes shining.

Starlight wiped at her own. “Trix, you’re gonna make me all weepy again…”

Apologizing with a kiss, Trixie murmured, “Sorry, Starry.”

Nuzzling at her neck, Starlight said with a happy sigh, “You were right. I do like that name.”

Trixie nuzzled back. “Then I’ll have to keep using it for my Starry.”

The two shared a tender kiss. As they parted, the pink clouds shifted into pink fog, engulfing everything—from the bed, to the lantern and its fireflies, to the many boxes of show supplies—in misty mana. Lighting her horn, Trixie cracked both a window and a cheeky grin. “As flattered as I am, we’re going to have to do something about this magic of yours sooner or later.”

Starlight opened the trailer’s other window. “You’re telling me.” She sighed. “It’s like it won’t stop. I’ve just been reusing the one bottle, since I was filling it about every other day.”

Once the air was somewhat clear, Trixie closed the window. “Really?” Taking the bottle back, she studied it in the lantern light. “So, this is all recycled magic?”

“Compacted, more accurately, but I’m afraid so.” Starlight shut the other window before turning back to Trixie. “I don’t know how I’ll be able to safely dispose of it without infecting half the town. I have no idea how it would affect other ponies.”

Remembering how Bulk Biceps hurled a food cart when his eyes glowed red, Trixie shivered at the thought of what the enormous stallion would do under the influence of this magic. She carefully set the bottle back on the nightstand. “I’d rather not find out.” Rubbing her chin, she added a moment later, “Although…”

The lantern on Trixie’s nightstand pulsated. The fireflies within buzzed like bees as the sole light in the trailer grew extraordinarily bright. Then, it faded as soon as it had brightened, the lantern returning to its normal glow.

Starlight looked between the lantern, then Trixie, then back again. “Did that just—”

Trixie stepped towards the bed. “You remember that plan of mine I mentioned?”

“Uh, yeah?”

Trixie's horn sparked to life. Her magic searched underneath her bed, sweeping over boxes of decorations and magic tricks before locating its prize. A small treasure chest plopped onto the bed. The aura then fished for a tiny silver key hidden in a pillowcase. Key met lock as the lid fell open with a pop.

“What’s in there?”

Looking over her shoulder, Trixie shot her a flirtatious grin. “Something that’s probably a liiiiiiiiitle too much for you right now.”

Though it was miniscule, a curl of red cloud issued from Starlight’s horn.

Waving a forehoof dismissively, Trixie said, “Sorry, Starry, but it’s true. Here, I’ll show you.” As she turned around, Trixie passed something over with a tendril of magic.

Starlight examined the object in her aura. It was a small, black band of circular metal, no larger than a bit. To the untrained eye, it looked like a basic horn ring. A wedding band for poor unicorns.

Starlight didn’t have to be a jeweler to know that it actually was something a bit more… sinister. “Um… is that… a limiter?”

“Ding, ding, ding!” Trixie took it back from her, a teasing smile curling across her muzzle. “Congratulations! You win the prize. Well, actually, there’s no prize this time.” Trixie laughed. “And it’s not just any limiter. It’s a very special kind of limiter.”

“Why do you have one in the first place? I thought only the Royal Guard had those. Unless…” Starlight gave her a quizzical glance. “Is there more to your past that I’m not aware of?”

Trixie burst into laughter. “‘Royal Guard’? Pfffft, oh, please! Never, Starry! Never in a thousand moons!”

“Alright, Trix, I get it,” Starlight grumbled, one bubble of red indicating her irritation. “Then I have to ask again: Why do you have it?”

Once she had calmed, Trixie held up the limiter for Starlight to see. “This is a unique type of magic suppressor.” She explained, pointing, “If you look closely, you’ll see it’s enchanted with a set of instructionary runes.”

Leaning closer, Starlight’s eyes traced all around the tiny symbols on the limiter’s outer circumference. Trixie watched in amusement as Starlight’s brow shifted from furrowed to arched, her cheeks flushing back to the red of her anger magic. “This is—”

“Bondage equipment,” Trixie finished without a hint of embarrassment. “It requires the submissive to put it on him—or her—self, then choose a safeword. The limiter blocks any type of magic from being used by the wearer, but can be removed by either the submissive or the dominant using the safeword. Thinking of the safeword does the same thing, just in case the submissive’s mouth is—ah—otherwise occupied.”

If Starlight got any redder, Trixie wasn’t sure how she would describe the shade. Whether Starlight had enough blood left in her veins to power anything but her cheeks, Trixie wasn’t sure of, either.

“I know what you’re thinking. It’s a lot for a, uh, first encounter.” Trixie smiled sheepishly. “But I was going to have you reclaim what you bottled up first—” she held up the container of tempestuous magic— “then use the limiter so it couldn’t escape. And work out whatever remained.”

“... O-oh.” Starlight averted her eyes, her cheeks a burning scarlet.

The temperature between them spiked, mercury rising fast.

Trixie found herself blushing in turn. “B-but we don’t have to,” she said, her dominant mask slipping. “I—this is usually something for experienced partners. I have done some light bondage with… casual encounters before, but it’s something that requires a lot of trust. And besides,” she added, whisking the limiter back into the treasure chest, “first times are nerve-wracking enough without adding in flashy gimmicks.” She closed the box with a thud, then stashed both it and the key back in their hiding places.

Starlight’s horn spoke for her while she failed to look Trixie in the eye.

Waving a forehoof to clear the mist, Trixie circled a foreleg around Starlight. “Not that we have to do anything tonight, Starlight. I’m happy enough with just kissing you.” Her heart skipped a beat at these words, as if she was a schoolfilly with a silly crush. “We can just go to dinner or something. I didn’t actually have time to stop at the market, heh. Organizing everything so there was—ahem—enough space, took a while.”

Though Starlight didn’t laugh, she did peek up at her before returning to the floorboards. Trixie figured humor was the best antidote to the overdose her little plan had injected. “Even the Great and Powerful Trrriiiiiiiiixie… needs an interior designer.” She chuckled. “Unless you want to cuddle on a crate of smoke bombs, that is.”

Finally, Starlight met her eyes. “I… think that sounds a little uncomfortable,” she said, her laugh sounding forced. “Not that I would know.” With a sigh, she said, “Trixie, I have to be honest with you. I’m a virgin.”

Though unsurprised, Trixie merely regarded this with a gentle smile. “Hey,” she said, enveloping Starlight in a hug, “no big deal. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

When Trixie pulled away, Starlight seemed reluctant to let her go. “But there is, Trix. I’m way too old to have not done anything. Or for that to have been my first ki—” She threw a forehoof over her mouth, eyes widening with dread.

Trixie, all cape and hat and secret kink collections, found herself more red-faced than Starlight at that admission. “I-I was your first kiss?”

Starlight rubbed one foreleg with the other, then nodded.

This had been a night of revelations indeed. Not in the way that Trixie had planned. Far from it. As unexpected as it was, there was no malice in it. No shame.

What surged through Trixie and made her pause was, amongst other things, a sense of honor. Of pride. Of wonder that such an intelligent, strong, vivacious, and downright sexy mare like Starlight was truly hers. Not only in terms of attachment, but in action, as well.

While Trixie had made the wagon rock many times—maybe too many—tonight was the first time that somepony’s words alone had left her breathless. Fire flowed from her erratic heart and proliferated through her veins, making every hair on her coat, mane, and tail stand on end.

Sweet Luna above, Trixie had it bad.


Shaking her head clear, Trixie replied, “Sorry, got caught in the moment there.”

Starlight gave an uneasy smile. “Was it a good kind of moment?”

“Mmhmm.” While it had not slipped from her neck for a second, Trixie felt the showmare within donning her cape again. Like a timberwolf advancing towards its prey, she took a step towards Starlight. “A very good moment, Starry.”

“O-oh,” Starlight said again, so eloquent and intelligent in her anxieties. “Um, well... Is it good that I haven’t done anything before, then?”

“Well,” Trixie said, clicking her tongue, “it’s neither good nor bad, Starry. It just is. I don’t mind either way. Actually—scratch that.” She leaned in close enough to see Starlight’s horn spark with renewed vigor. “I find it very attractive.”


“Uh-huh.” Trixie resisted the urge to lick her lips. So sweet was the timid yearning written all over Starlight’s face. “The fact that you’re so shy about it makes you cuter than ever. It’s nothing to be ashamed of at all.” Trixie added with a sensual smile and a forehoof to Starlight’s chest, “It’s just as desirable as all my other favorite parts of you.”

Something passed between them that wasn’t magic. Something that pulsated like a third heartbeat. An undercurrent of longing, as swift as the sea, that could have drowned lesser mares.

But they weren’t lesser mares. They were Starlight Glimmer, the most powerful unicorn in Equestria, and Trixie Lulamoon—a close second.

And they were in love.

“W-well, if we’re being honest… It’s… really attractive that you’re so experienced.” In spite of her burning desire—broadcast through her horn as much as her muzzle—Starlight no longer cowered in the heat and intensity of Trixie’s gaze. No, she was a feisty mare, full of venom and vinegar and magic and power. She acted like it now, the last shreds of her jitters ripped away. “I would have never guessed.” She gave a sensual, almost come-hither grin. “In my fantasies, it was your first time, too.”

Trixie cupped her chin. She leaned down, the brim of her hat sloping over her eyes. “Sorry to disappoint you, my Starry. But I promise that when we do enact your fantasies, it will be—”

Starlight grabbed her, mashing their lips together with a fierce hunger. A startled yelp was buried between them. Deepening the kiss, she pinned herself against Trixie’s chest, her forelegs wrapping around her neck. The strength and force of her thirst drew them towards the bed, Starlight pulling Trixie backwards.

A strangled gasp rang out as Trixie opened her mouth and thrust her tongue forward, knocking at the door of Starlight’s lips. Only a few seconds of confusion ensued before Starlight understood and allowed her entrance. Her mouth was a furnace of flavors, primarily mint. Trixie couldn’t help but smirk in the kiss, realizing that Starlight must have brushed her teeth thrice over to taste like this. Had Starlight secretly hoped the night was going to go this way? Was Trixie playing right into her fantasies?

Did it matter?

To Trixie’s surprise, Starlight abruptly broke the kiss when they reached the bed. “I want the limiter,” she said, her voice husky and rough. She tightened her grip on Trixie’s neck. “Now.”

“Are you sure?” Trixie laid a forehoof on Starlight’s cheek. “This kind of thing can be—”

“Please.” The word was barely more than a moan. “I need this. I need you.” Breathing hard, Starlight shuddered in Trixie’s grasp. Her racing heartbeat was palpable through both of their coats. “I don’t want to wait or take it slow.” Her words dripped with urgency, with longing, with what Trixie recognized as Starlight's zeal and passion and aspiration for life… directed towards her. “I want you to do whatever you want to me tonight.”

As Trixie opened her mouth to object, Starlight levitated the bottle between them. “Hold this,” she said, just before cutting her aura. On instinct, Trixie caught the bottle with her magic before it crashed to the floor.

Turquoise magic engulfed the trailer. Starlight concentrated, her eyes slamming shut as she cast what Trixie recognized as a soundproofing spell. Neither cared if she cast it perfectly right this time. Twilight Sparkle would just have to deal with it, assuming she noticed Trixie’s caravan parked behind the castle in the first place. Let all of Equestria know, for all that it mattered.

Magic then scoured the floor, rushing under Trixie’s bed. Frantic, Starlight plunked the box of hidden treasures back on the comforter. Forgetting the lock, her aura tugged at the lid. When it didn’t budge, Starlight groaned in frustration.

“Left pillowcase,” Trixie reminded her.

“Thanks.” Starlight slammed the key into the padlock. Both key and chest shook from the force, almost cracking when they were thrown back under the bed. In the blink of an eye, the small, black band of metal was snatched and raised up between them.

In matching but contradictory auras, the bottle and the limiter floated before their eyes.

“Starlight—” Trixie's words were firm—“before we do this, I need you to know something. I want to do this, but I don’t want to hurt you. The moment I do something you don’t like, or if something hurts, I need you to tell me.” Her magic gleamed as she maintained a steady grip on the bottle. “I don’t know what will happen when I take this stopper off.”

The dire determination on Starlight’s face softened, her eyes shining at the concern. “I know, Trix. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, either, but I know you won’t hurt me. I trust you.”

Holding back her own weepiness, Trixie could only smile at that.

While she let both her words and the limiter hang in the air, Starlight studied the ring a second time, gaze darting over the runes inscribed on its surface.

“Before you put that on, you’ll want to think of—”

“Something easy to remember. I know. I might be a virgin, but I’ve read a lot,” Starlight added, winking.

There was the Starlight that she loved. Well-read and clever, yes, but brave and daring too. The kind of mare who would go after the Changeling Queen without a plan, an army, or even magic. The kind of mare she could trust to pull her from the mouth of the Manticore on the first try.

The kind of mare who was trusting Trixie with her body, mind, and soul.

After tapping at her chin, Starlight’s face lit up. “Ooh, I know! Teacup!”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “‘Teacup’? Why?”

Starlight giggled into a forehoof. “Because it was so cute when you learned the transfiguration spell. ‘Teacup, teacup, teacup!’”

Though she rolled her eyes, Trixie smiled at Starlight’s imitation. “Wellllll, it was very impressive that I learned it so quickly, wasn’t it?”

Still giggling, Starlight said, “Of course!”

Trixie’s gaze drifted to the limiter levitating near Starlight’s horn. “If you trust me tonight, maybe I’ll show you some things that are more impressive than a bunch of teacups.” As she pulled Starlight close, Trixie lowered her eyes and said in a smoky purr, “A different kind of magic.”

“I do trust you,” Starlight said, her tone matching Trixie’s as their eyes met, “and I would love for you to teach me.”

Before either of them could lose their nerve, Starlight used a second stream of magic to pull the stopper off the bottle.

While the magic contained therein had flowed into the bottle bit by bit, the miasma flowed all at once into Starlight’s horn. She gritted her teeth as the absorbed mana channeled through her, little grunts betraying her forthright determination to consume it all. Trixie held her close, horn at the ready.

No need. Starlight Glimmer was strong, and would not come undone.

Once she had fully absorbed the pink mana, Starlight used the last of her magic to thrust the limiter onto her horn. She peered up at the black band and declared her safeword to the runes.

The limiter pulsed, glowing a bright gold. Trixie lifted a fetlock to shield her eyes from the sight. Magic thrummed as it raced down Starlight’s horn, blocking the path of any and all mana—pink or turquoise—and containing it all within her.

When the glow faded, Starlight fell forward into Trixie’s chest.

“Starlight!” Trixie caught Starlight in her forelegs. “Are you okay?!”

This was a bad idea. It was too much. The combination of reabsorbing the magic, donning the limiter, and the night’s revelations had clearly overwhelmed her. Why else would she be shaking, falling slack, a moaning mess—


A whiff of something tauntingly familiar wafted into Trixie’s nostrils. “St-Starlight?”

“Tr-Trix...” Starlight opened her eyes at last. “Trix—I—oh, Celestia—it’s like—aaah—” She struggled for breath. “I—I knew it was going to be overwhelming, n-now that the magic has nowhere to go, but, w-wow, I can barely stand—”

While she strained with the effort, Trixie was able to levitate Starlight onto the bed and place her on her back. Those magic lessons were already paying for themselves. After catching her own breath, Trixie climbed onto the bed and stood above her.

Below, Starlight looked wrecked by the effects of her recycled, compacted, repressed love flowing back through her. Pupils blown, tail swishing, hindlegs splayed to reveal what Trixie had spied upon prior…

Trixie couldn’t help but grin wolfishly at her mare, teeth curled in an almost predatory smile. “I’ve never seen you so needy before, Starry. Not even in the locker room.”

“I’ve never f-felt this needy.” Starlight’s tail swished across Trixie's hindhooves. “It’s like—nnngh—every hormone I’ve ever had is passing through me at once. Gah! I-I feel like I’m in heat.”

Though her nostrils knew the answer, Trixie asked, “Are you?”

Starlight shook her head. “I-I think I would prefer it to this. It’s a-almost like fire.”

“Good thing I have an extinguisher nearby. Or, if you prefer…” Trixie exhaled hotly over Starlight’s ear, earning her both a shiver and a moan. “I could use my tongue.”

“Trix!” Starlight’s horn throbbed, as if to issue forth a cloud of angry red in response. The sound of fizzling followed. The limiter was a snug, secure fit, bound to the law of Teacup now. “Wow, it actually worked,” she muttered, her predicament forgotten as she stared up at the band of metal around her horn.

Trixie laughed. “The Great and Powerful Trixie does not own subpar bondage equipment, my dear Starry.” She kissed at the base of Starlight’s horn, making her squirm. “Now, before we continue on, and I think about giving you a little relief—” Starlight growled from somewhere primal in her throat— “I think you’re moving a bit too much for my taste.”

Using her magic, Trixie removed her magician’s hat. Once upside-down, four long strands of scarves in all colors of the rainbow shot free. Aimed precision guided each to its target: one of Starlight’s outstretched hooves. The hapless mare, already robbed of her magical prowess, startled at the speed and force of Trixie’s bonds. The scarves wrapped themselves around the bedposts, winding into tight knots to imprison their victim.

“Just an old trick of mine, with a fun little twist.” Trixie’s teeth felt like fangs now, sharp and imposing as she looked down at Starlight.

As the scarves finished their job, Trixie unclasped the brooch on her cape. Both hat and cape levitated over to their hooks on the wall. While Trixie had been naked in front of Starlight before, she couldn’t help but feel exposed. Especially when Starlight’s eyes swept all over her in the soft yellow light. “My eyes are up here, Starry,” Trixie said, hiding a giggle beneath her forehoof.

“I know, but—” With a huff, Starlight struggled against the bindings. “Hey! N-no fair!” To no avail. “I can’t even touch you now?”

Leaning down, Trixie pressed her lips to Starlight’s cheek. She moved from one cheek to the other, then her forehead again. “Not tonight, Starry,” she said between kisses. “Tonight’s all about you.”

When Starlight started to object, Trixie took that as her opening. She seized upon Starlight’s mouth, matching the ferocity Starlight had displayed when she had begged for the limiter. Every drop of passion Trixie had seen squeezed out, then channeled back through Starlight’s horn, she poured into this caress.

Under the flame of Trixie’s kiss, Starlight melted into the touch. Trixie pressed her forehooves against Starlight’s chest as she lowered herself on top of her, mindful not to overwhelm her with either weight or sensation. When their bodies were flush against one another, she escalated the kiss, massaging Starlight’s tongue with her own. Starlight reacted faster this time, allowing Trixie to taste her fully. She explored gingerly, tracing over Starlight’s teeth, sucking on her tongue, relishing how Starlight struggled to steady her heart rate and breathing while under her.

Through the growing heat, Trixie sniffed Starlight’s arousal ascending through the air. That sticky sweetness cloyed in her nostrils, spurring the aroma of her own to rise. Under other circumstances, she would already be sending her magic down between them, synchronizing a fitiful orgasm below while their mouths were occupied above. Not tonight.

It was not only Starlight’s first time, but it was the first time in a long time that Trixie had been with somepony she truly cared for. Somepony who was more than an admirer in the crowd, or a pretty face, or a handsome distraction. Somepony whom she wanted to see, and hold, and kiss and touch, beyond the glow of Luna’s midnight lantern. Trixie wanted this one to last. Both of them deserved her taking her time tonight.

Once the need for breath outweighed the need for passion, Trixie untangled their lips. A long sheen of saliva connected them as they separated, waiting, impatient, longing to be reunited.

Moving to Starlight’s left ear, Trixie gave a slight, teasing lick. Starting at the base, flicking to the tip, and back again. Most ponies responded well to having their ears played with in her experience.

To her glee, Starlight responded more than well. “Tr-Trix!” she exclaimed with a moan.

Well, if she liked that…

“Aaah!” Starlight’s eyes rolled back in her head.

Releasing Starlight’s left ear from her jaws, Trixie moved to her right ear. She honored this one with the same treatment—licking, then nibbling, along its outer edges—before adding another aspect to the mix. Gently, she sucked at the tip of Starlight’s ear, then teased it with her teeth when she pulled it into her mouth.

“Haah—aaah—nnngggnn…” Starlight’s chest rose and fell rapidly, her tongue flopping out of her mouth. With her chest directly above Starlight’s, Trixie could feel how fast Starlight’s adrenaline surged. How painfully her heart hammered. How much she shivered at these most basic of affections.

It was like Starlight’s entire body was one erogenous zone.

As she released her ear, Trixie moved back down to look Starlight in the eyes. Though the noises she was making were sweet music to her ears, their intensity made her pause. Nopony she’d ever been with in the past had been this sensitive. Was this a side effect of consuming that bottled magic? Or was Starlight simply that orgasmic?

“Doing okay, Starry?”

Once she caught her breath, Starlight nodded. “Is something wrong?”

“I’m just checking.” Trixie softly kissed her nose. “I don’t want to overwhelm you.”

“Please don’t stop.” A frustrated whine escaped Starlight's lips. “I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”

This time, Trixie was the one to nod, punctuating her understanding with another, harder kiss, to Starlight’s lips this time. While she had the upper hoof here, being the far more experienced mare—and the one with a functioning horn—Trixie had to trust Starlight just as much as the latter had entrusted her.

Letting her lips wander, Trixie traced a trail of kisses from Starlight’s lips down to her neck. Starlight exercised what little movement she was afforded, tilting her neck for Trixie to bless it with the heavenly presence of her mouth. She varied her touches, some slow and lingering, others rapid and peppering, observing which obtained the best reaction.

When Trixie found Starlight’s throat, she added the lightest of nibbles. Starlight jerked and gasped at that. Emboldened, she paid that same spot the toll of another kiss. Next, a slightly harder nibble. Another kiss. And another nibble. Back and forth, tender lips and rough teeth.

Here, Starlight’s breathing grew rapid, until she was flat-out panting.

Then, after preparing her with a long, slow lick, Trixie took Starlight’s throat in her jaws and bit. Some ponies found such actions to be nothing short of barbaric. Others enjoyed the roughness of it, the blending of pain with pleasure.

Whether due to nature or circumstance, Starlight was one of those who loved it.

A long string of gibberish followed Trixie’s name, Starlight’s back arching. If her hooves had been free, Trixie was sure they would have found her forehead and shoved her back down.

And she was only at her neck.

“Tr-Trix, fuck.” Starlight’s breathing was ragged on every syllable. “I—I—just—fuck.”

Trixie seized her ear and bore down just as hard as she had on her throat. More delightful shrieking. Kissing back up to the base of Starlight’s horn, Trixie said with a devious grin, “If you think that was good, Starry, just give me a second.”

Opening one eye, Starlight looked up at her. “Wh-what are you doing up th—AAAH!”

The slow lap of Trixie’s flattened tongue up and down her horn had Starlight screaming. If there was any time to test whether she had cast the soundproofing spell correctly, it was now. Considering that Twilight Sparkle hadn’t teleported into the caravan to find out what was making her student howl like a Windigo, Starlight must have cast it right this time.

When Trixie reached the tip of Starlight’s horn a third time, she opened her mouth and guided the tip inside.

Unicorn horns, like the wings on a pegasus—or an alicorn, Trixie supposed—were some of the most sensitive parts of a pony that weren’t covered by her tail. There was really no flavor, the horn being a thaumic bone with leylines instead of veins. Yet, there was a definite warmth to a unicorn’s horn when sexually stimulated. A unique, pleasant heat for both giver and receiver. However, with the limiter halting Starlight’s magic, Trixie expected there to be little sensation on her end.

Expectations were proven wrong yet again tonight. Starlight’s bound horn thrummed in her mouth, vibrations sounding in tempo with her heartbeat. The limiter couldn’t suppress the heat rising through her thaumic bone, warmth massaging Trixie’s tongue and mouth.

Like Starlight’s tongue, Trixie sucked on the tip of her horn, testing the waters. Her ears were flooded with Starlight’s increasingly desperate cries, which enunciated little more than her name and a series of curses she hadn’t heard since she’d performed for sailor ponies.

Not that Trixie minded in the slightest. Those sounds were more melodious and evocative than any song Trixie had ever heard.

Turning back to the task at hoof, Trixie flicked her tongue and slowly took more of Starlight’s horn into her mouth. While she could have easily engulfed the entire thing at once, there was showmareship in taking her time.

When Trixie was about halfway down, licking and sucking, Starlight’s vibrating horn gave a lurch. The limiter pulsed with its golden glow, preventing the casting of a spell. Had she forgotten the safeword already?

At once, Trixie released Starlight’s horn. “What was that? Are you okay?”

Drenched in sweat, Starlight’s forelock fell over her eyes. Trixie moved it aside for her to see better. “I—I f-forgot about the limiter,” Starlight managed between breaths. “I was tr-trying to—t-t-to touch myself...”

Chuckling, Trixie pressed her muzzle against Starlight’s. “Silly Starry. Just relax and let Trixie take care of you.”

“I kn-know, but—”

With mock offense, Trixie cupped Starlight’s chin. “What am I going to do with you, Starry? Should I break out my blindfold and ball gag next?”

In a high-pitched squeak of a voice, Starlight whispered, “M-m-maybe…”

“Oh?” Trixie kissed her way back down to Starlight’s neck. “Does the mighty Starlight Glimmer secretly want to be completely helpless, totally at Trixie’s mercy?”

The fierce blush on Starlight's cheeks reminded Trixie of the blazing heat of the Saddle Arabian sun. “M-m-maybe sometime, but—” she was becoming far too easy to silence—“oh, Celestia, Trix…”

The indentations in Starlight’s fur stood out in visible contrast to the rest of her pristine coat. Little bruises were forming all around her neck and throat. Soon, Trixie would weave more as she traveled down her body. Tomorrow’s weather forecast called for sun; the pegasi wouldn’t be breaking out the stormclouds for another week or more. Starlight wouldn’t be able to hide them all without drawing attention from otherwise unsuspecting eyes.

“What are you thinking about?” Starlight’s voice was coherent now that Trixie had shifted to merely kissing her way to her chest. She sheathed her teeth and tongue for a moment, letting Starlight catch her breath and remember how to form words.

“You wearing a dress tomorrow. Or at least a scarf.”

“Why would I do that?”

Trixie wiggled her eyebrows. “To hide all of Trixie’s marks.”

“O-oh, well…” Trailing off, Starlight said with a coy smile, “Maybe I want ponies to see.”

“Oh?” Tracing around her chest, Trixie rested above Starlight’s heartbeat. “Well then, Trixie will have to make some more for you to show off.” The way Starlight’s muzzle shifted to red only spurred her forth.

Starlight let out a moan as Trixie kissed, then licked and bit, right where her heart was beating. She tried to reply, her words coming out as a strangled moan as Trixie dipped her head lower, her taunting teeth tracking patterns down her barrel. Trixie’s breath ghosted across Starlight’s stomach. More teasing kisses and nibbles circled here, Trixie’s muzzle less than inches away from another part of her that was imploring to be touched.

Staring up at Starlight, Trixie pressed her muzzle against her coat and dragged it down between her teats. The hairs on her chin swept across Starlight’s nipples. Sultry breath exhaled through her nostrils, leaving chills and shivers in its wake. When she finally flicked her tongue over each hardened nub in succession, Trixie watched in delicious anticipation of her reaction.

Despite her bonds, Starlight was twisting and turning, doing everything in her power to push Trixie’s mouth further down. She was dripping like a faucet now, that enticing scent beckoning Trixie forth like the North Star upon the map of the night sky. The sounds echoing from her throat couldn’t properly be described as words anymore. Other than variations of her name and “Please,” everything was some animalistic supplication, some petitioning to gods of old and new for relief from the ache mounting in her core.

Momentarily divine, Trixie heard Starlight’s pleas—and answered. Delicately, she latched her lips onto a nipple, taking as much of the teat as she could into her mouth. Tongue flicking all around, she waited until she heard Starlight’s breath hitch.

Then, she jerked, pulling at the pert nub with her teeth.


There was something incredible about seeing Starlight Glimmer come undone. To hear her reduced to such primitive language, coupled with the way she reacted to every little thing she did, was the most arousing thing Trixie had ever experienced. Whether she had intended to or not, Trixie was drawing out a side of Starlight nopony else deserved to see. The strength of her vulnerability was something of which the Great and Powerful Trixie was both incapable and in awe.

Between repetitions of this agonizingly wonderful sensation, Starlight unraveled. Her mane a disheveled mess, her hooves locked in the grasp of the magician’s trick, her eyes glazed over with starlight of their own, she was completely at Trixie’s mercy. And yet, still, a part of her kicked and thrust and bucked, trying to force Trixie to comply with her whims and give her what she wanted, make her move just a little further down to her most sacred place—to the place she had often dreamt, by day or night, of Trixie touching her.

Before she dove to the parts of Starlight’s body that required the utmost care and attention, Trixie crawled back up to her. The tender kiss was a needed contradiction to the wicked passion behind her touch. Actions always spoke louder than words, and, as she pulled away, Starlight biting at her lower lip, the meaning was heard loud and clear.

Locking eyes with Starlight, Trixie let her forehoof trail down Starlight’s neck, then her chest, and, at last—

Starlight gasped.

Below Trixie’s forehoof, Starlight’s darkened outer lips twitched at her attentions, trying to usher her in. She was slicker than rain, warmer than a sunshower. The soft heat of her vulva was nothing compared to what Trixie knew awaited within. While Starlight’s hardened, throbbing clitoris at the top was desperate for her arrival, she wasn’t going to greet it quite yet.

Lying down beside her, Trixie held Starlight close with one foreleg while the other worked between her spread hindlegs. She watched Starlight’s expression shift from dreamlike shock to spurts of relief mixed with an almost torturous necessity. The smile on Trixie’s face melted from sultry to tranquil as she watched Starlight teeter on the edge of losing it all.

“That’s it, Starry,” she coaxed, encouraging her to enjoy this moment—and the momentousness of it. “Just relax.”

Panting, Starlight stared back at her, rendered speechless.

Trixie changed her strategy, switching from stroking her lips to moving towards her clitoris. When she brushed against the hard, throbbing pearl of her treasure, Starlight broke her silence by shouting to the ceiling.

The tiny epicenter of Starlight’s pleasure pulsed in time with the heartbeat of the mare herself. Trixie stopped for a moment to lick her forehoof clean. Tangy, pungent, almost bittersweet juices flooded her tastebuds. The flavor on her tongue tingled, pulsing in time with her own heartbeat speaking between her own hindlegs.

Rather than engage in a mutual climb to the heights, Trixie held fast to her words. This was all about Starlight.

Between brief breaks to massage Starlight’s lips or the inside of her flanks, she traced up and down, back and forth, across her lover’s most sensitive spot. All the while, she kept her eyes on Starlight, holding her close, as she spurred her towards the summit.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Starlight bucked her hips as best as she could against Trixie’s forehoof. “Trix, I—I th-think I’m—”

Smiling gently, Trixie soothed, “Don’t fight it, Starry. Just look at me.”

When Starlight opened her eyes, Trixie redoubled her efforts. The sound of her forehoof rubbing, then grinding against her mare, was deafened only by Starlight’s ragged breathing and desperate prayers, blessings and curses to the Most High of All listening above to just please, pleasepleaseplease—

And then, when Trixie pushed just right against her, Starlight finally met her edge.

The limiter glowed with a white-hot intensity as Starlight cried out. The high-pitched shriek almost sounded like a sob, so much tension and pressure and passion erupting alongside it. Trixie held her close, letting her yell into the aether and her fluffy chest. She continued her motions, drawing out the last remnants of Starlight’s orgasm.

Until, coming back down, Starlight looked up at her with nothing but genuine devotion and adoration.

Trixie pecked the bridge of her snout. “How was it, Starry?”

“Hah… Good. Really good,” Starlight corrected.

“Better than hoofing off at the spa?”

Starlight giggled. “Uh-huh. Much better.”

“Good.” With her forehooves on Starlight’s shoulders, Trixie gently rolled her onto her back. Then, she lay against her, holding her close as she let her lover ease into the afterglow.

They lay like that for some time. The peaceful, contented silence was interrupted only by the light kisses Trixie traced down Starlight’s coat, from forehead to jawline and back again. Rather than seeking to arouse, she wanted only to convey her adoration and devotion in turn.

Far from Las Pegasus, Trixie was the luckiest mare around.

“Mmm…” Starlight sighed at the fluttering touches of her mare. “That feels so nice. You feel so nice.”

Glowing with a heat of her own, Trixie nuzzled at Starlight’s chest and gave a happy sigh in turn. “I’m glad.” She placed one more pure kiss over her heart before turning to her, her own inclinations stirring. “If you’re up for it, Starry, I have a few more things I’d like to show you.”

The meaning was clear, making Starlight’s muzzle bloom crimson. “I didn’t say the safeword yet, did I?”

Trixie proved her understanding by kissing her intensely, her tongue flicking across Starlight’s lips when they parted. She wasted no time in resuming her earlier tricks, lapping her tongue and gnashing her teeth at Starlight’s ears, neck, and jaw until she was once again fighting for breath.

As Trixie moved down, she saw that Starlight’s pristine coat was marred with blue-on-black little bruises where enamel met fur. Those marks tempted her, but she resisted. The need for roughness had passed. Starlight was hers, and they both knew it. Soon, everypony would know it.

In the meantime, the night belonged to them.

Though she yearned for nothing more than to dive down and sample the taste of her mare directly from the source, Trixie knew patience was a virtue. There were some things that couldn’t be rushed, like the perfect stage trick. Or making love.

Mares were usually sensitive after orgasm. Sometimes painfully so. Trixie had been with one or two in the past that could climax easily afterwards, but Starlight was new to her—and to sex. Better not rush and spoil the ending.

Besides, if Starlight’s twitches and moans were any indication, she didn’t need to wait long.

Trixie’s instincts proved correct. Starlight moved against Trixie’s lips as they descended down to her stomach, asking for more. “Tr-Trix, I think there’s more magic left,” she warned, swishing her tail across Trixie’s flanks.

Trixie smirked. “Oh, really? I thought you were just horny.”

Starlight swatted her with her tail.

Giggling, Trixie cast a smug grin towards her increasingly needy mare. “So it’s both this time.”

Snorting steam through her flared nostrils, Starlight rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky my hooves are tied right now. And that my horn is blocked.”

“Oh?” Swirling her tongue languidly around one of Starlight’s pert nipples, Trixie asked, “What would you do if they weren’t?”

When Trixie suddenly sucked, Starlight tried to buck her hips. With Trixie's forehooves holding her down, she succeeded only in wapping Trixie with her tail. “Your face would definitely be lower,” Starlight seethed, while her own burned.

The teat slid out of Trixie’s mouth with a moist pop. “Oh? Like this?”

Showmareship was about a lot of things. The right act, the right attitude, and, last but not least, the right timing. A magician not only had to know when to slow things down, but when to speed things up as well.

Whereas Trixie had made a show of tracing her way down before, sometimes there was a genius in simply going for it.

Pushing her muzzle down Starlight’s coat, Trixie came face-to-face with the source of her craving. With nary a precious second to waste, she blew a quick, awakening breath across the main attraction between Starlight’s hindlegs.

Stricken mute, Starlight went cross-eyed.

Already, Starlight’s clitoris was hard again, the little pink button shifting to red and winking across the supple flesh surrounding it. Trixie pressed her nose against her core and inhaled, letting the building scent of her mare fill her nostrils. For a split second, she pulled away. Then, she returned, parting her lips...

And tasted her.

Trixie felt Starlight seize in that moment, muscles tensed, vision exploding with a galaxy of pleasure.

Trixie’s tongue stroked up and down between Starlight’s inner labia. At the bottom, she snaked across her entry, circling in a torturous tango. Flattening her tongue, she traveled from the entrance to her vagina, up to just below her clitoris, then back again. She sprinkled light kisses to both sets of lower lips between the ministrations of her tongue. When Trixie gently, briefly took Starlight’s pearl in her mouth, staring straight up at her as she did so, Starlight quaked, looking ready to erupt at a moment’s notice.

Streams of sweet, viscous honey flowed freely from the tap, soaking all the way down to Starlight’s dock. Her thick tail was soon matted with more than perspiration as Trixie extended her onslaught, tracing, teasing, but giving none of what she truly desired. Tiny noises resonated through Trixie’s ears with every passing second. Closer to mewls or murmurs than Starlight’s previous, unabashed, wanton moans, they were nonetheless lyrical, driving her to continue forth.

Pulling back, Trixie let the spirit of her breath linger there before she moved to the edge of the bed. Plopping down on her haunches, she sat on the floor. Then, she used her magic to inch Starlight further down as much as the knots would allow.

That was the fun thing about using scarves. It left hooves and horns free for… other things.

Starlight’s breathing came out in hushed wheezes as she reeled from the first sensations of Trixie’s mouth. While she waited for Starlight to stabilize, Trixie got a good look at the mare before her.

Moonlight and firefly glow bathed Starlight in a sensual warmth that illuminated her curves and patterns. Exposed like this, there was nothing left between them. The blackness of the limiter was the sole blemish on her otherwise opulent colors. Shades of pink, purple, and turquoise between her coat, mane, and tail were evermore beautiful in both the lighting and the moment.

Caught staring, Trixie met Starlight’s gaze. “You really are beautiful, Starry, you know that?”

Starlight purred, “No, but why don’t you finish showing me?”

Leaning up on her hindhooves, Trixie kissed the sultry grin off her muzzle. “My, my, aren’t you getting bold?”

Starlight winked. “It helps when I have such a good teacher.”

With a giggle, Trixie gave her one last, reassuring kiss, before returning down to the edge of the bed.

Applying gentle, yet firm pressure, Trixie brought her forehooves up to rest on Starlight’s flanks. More of those kisses that stole Starlight’s breath away found their place here. She started on the outside, licking and nibbling at Starlight’s cutiemarks—which, Trixie now realized, looked like the kites she so embarrassingly adored—bringing forth another series of shudders and moans. The inner flanks, from her thigh to beside her vulva, earned her affections as well.

By the time Trixie returned to the middle, where vulva, labia, and clitoris awaited her, Starlight’s chest was heaving. Before diving back in, Trixie nosed at her dock, peeking down at the small ring of flesh beneath her tail.

Trixie mused aloud, “Hmm, I wonder…”

“W-wonder wha—!”

Rubbing at her pucker with the tip of a forehoof, Trixie peered up at Starlight. Eyes wide shut, she wriggled her rear, pushing against Trixie’s hoof with the same enthusiasm as when she’d caressed her clitoris. “Starry, I didn’t know you were such a naughty mare, liking to be touched there.

“I-I-I—!” Starlight’s words cut off, ending in an immodest moan.

“Lucky for you—” Trixie kissed and nibbled at her dock— “all parts of you are my favorite parts of you.” As she pulled away, both hoof and mouth, from her lower region, she added, “But we’ll explore that part more another time. Not entirely sanitary for what I’m about to do.”

When Starlight opened her eyes, Trixie took that as her cue, and entered, stage right.


The instant she entered, Starlight’s inner walls clamped down. Her tunnel was a hot, wet, tight fit, but Trixie’s tongue was hotter and wetter and faster. She thrust in as deep as she could, swirling all around, searching for the one patch of muscle that was a bit thicker than the others. Meanwhile, she savored the flavor, the pressure, the heat as she explored. With each thrust of her tongue, Trixie’s muzzle pressed against the fullness of her, nose brushing against her throbbing pearl. Forehooves wrapped around Starlight’s flanks, holding her in place as her journey continued. Her assault would not end until she had located that most sacred of secrets.

“Ohhhhhh Tr-Tr-Trix TRIX, I can’t I can’t I can’t—”

When her tongue found the spongy ridge of flesh on the top side—connected, however unseen, to her clitoris—both Trixie and Starlight felt it.


Moaning into Starlight, Trixie lit her horn. Her aura encompassed Starlight’s hips, holding her back from bucking like mad into Trixie’s chin, while she worked the rest of her magic.

Varying her strokes, Trixie flicked all over Starlight’s G-spot, tracing out letters, numbers, their names in methodical rhythm. Slowly at first, then faster and faster, until Trixie’s breathing was rivaling Starlight’s. She inhaled each breath through her nostrils, each deeper thrust of her tongue sending her clashing into Starlight’s thoroughly swollen clit. Between magic and forelegs, she struggled to hold her down, so violently was Starlight shaking, bucking, struggling—


Without having so much as touched herself, Trixie felt herself coming undone too, so loud, loud, loud was Starlight, one of the loudest mares she’d ever heard curse and moan and cry and beg like this, and so sweet and tangy and musky and heady and good was her scent and taste in her mouth and nose and nostrils and tongue, all of it dripping down her muzzle and snout, filling her tastebuds, so abundant she had no choice, not that she didn’t want to, but to swallow it, and beyond the flavor was the engulfing, overwhelming, all-encompassing warmth, like she had stuck her face in a furnace, or a box of lit fireworks, or a campfire on the side of a lone mountain path, and it was roaring and building and raging, a tempest and a torrent, a sea of fire and rain coming down from the Heavens, and here she was, Trixie Lulamoon with Starlight Glimmer, and she was going to give it to her, give her everything, all she had, and while she had barely needed a few minutes of attention to explode before, she could feel the magic working now, concentrating everything, anything Starlight had ever felt and working it through her most intimate of parts, and when she finally came, when both of them finally came, it would be earned, Galaxia and Solaris in the fields of Elysium above, Starlight deserved this, and Trixie deserved it, too, and—

With an ear-splitting cry, Starlight ascended in rapture, her inner walls clamping down on Trixie with a violent vengeance, and Trixie finally understood how she could be feared, and, for a moment, she forgot the bonds and the limiter, and stood aside as Starlight reached the divine.

Between hooves and magic and scarves, Trixie prevented Starlight from breaking her jaw, or perhaps her neck, as her whole body shook with the force of her zenith. What she could not prevent—although she welcomed it—was the rush of fluid that entered her mouth. Though in no danger, Trixie felt like she was escaping from an underwater straightjacket trick, so high was the wetness rising in her mouth. And while Trixie was no Hoofdini, she was Starlight’s mare, and she aimed to drink every drop of her.

When Starlight’s muscles released her, at once, Trixie began lapping inside her, draining the draught from the source. She licked, sucked, and swallowed, forelegs straining as she held Starlight down. In her ears, Starlight had died down to a long, continuous moan, punctuated by aftershocks drawn out of her through Trixie’s efforts to consume it all. They shared in that moment together, yanking the mana from the bottle, her horn, and wherever it spread from there, until not one jot or tittle remained.

Breaking free, Trixie withdrew, her tongue and lips and mouth sore. Her forehooves aching as well, she released Starlight’s flanks. There were bruises here of a different nature, but they made her no less beautiful.

Chests heaving, sweat rolled in the seconds or minutes that passed between them. Like a spring unwound, the tension dissipated as they came back down, down, to Equestria, Earth, and each other.

Until, moving sore forelegs using sore muscles and sorely lacking energy, Trixie climbed back on top of her.

Then, Starlight, unable to move or spellcast or do much else, pressed her lips to Trixie’s, beckoning her, begging her down.

This kiss was different from the others. The sensation should have been dulled, so aching was Trixie’s everything, but the sensitivity Starlight had endured seemed to pass on to her, as if contagious. Starlight’s lips were soft, pliable, welcoming. She was the one to stroke along Trixie’s tongue first, beseeching her, asking her to be taken in kind. Trixie neither wanted to deny her, nor was capable of doing so.

When Trixie entwined tongues with Starlight now, her tail did the same down below, the silvery blue strands meeting and finding those of purple and turquoise. Their colors melded and mended as their tongues did the same. Trixie knew Starlight must be tasting herself now, and expected her to recoil, but no such thing happened. Instead, Starlight kissed back with equal, if not greater, passion, moaning and murmuring sweet nothings in their caress.

Blood rushing to her own core, her own heart a galloping mare thundering in her chest, Trixie parted from her. Locking eyes with Starlight, she sparked her horn, magenta magic trailing back between her hindlegs.

“No!” Starlight protested, eyes widening. “I want to—let me—”

Trixie slammed her mouth back against Starlight’s, meaning firm.

Starlight resisted. “Trixie, please—”

“Gah!” Trixie shivered as her aura traced around her lower lips. “St-Starlight, no. I—I meant what I said, but, I just—I need to—”

“Don’t make me say it,” Starlight threatened, her brow furrowing.

Trixie froze. Both of them knew there were teeth in her words.

There would be a day and a night beyond this one. They knew that too. Yet, there was an understanding in the silence that followed, knowing glances exchanged. What knowledge they shared made Trixie extinguish her horn and Starlight soften her glare.

Instead of apologizing, Trixie lowered herself to lay flush against Starlight. “I—I have an idea. One that I think will satisfy both of us,” she added, that evil grin of hers restored. “If you have any magic left in you, that is.”

Leaning up, Starlight whispered in her ear, breath humid and sweet, “Show me.”

Trixie shivered. That was all she needed.

This next and final act was something she hadn’t done with another mare since she’d last been in love. There was a trust, closeness, and intimacy to it that one-night stands and casual flings were not suited for. The things in her treasure chest—things with harnesses, things that buzzed, things she could buy in cheekily named stores—were well and good enough for an easy lay… but not what she was about to do with Starlight.

While Starlight watched intently, Trixie got into position, lining up their hips. With Starlight’s hindlegs forced open, there was less maneuvering required than usual. Her forelegs being bound, on the other hoof…

Magic tugged at a hidden knot on the scarves binding Starlight’s forelegs. The multicolored strands unraveled in an instant before Trixie flung them across the wagon. They landed somewhere next to a box of other tricks, no longer necessary for this part of the show.

No longer tied, Starlight’s forelegs remained behind her head. She didn’t budge, instead raising an eyebrow at her newfound freedom.

Trixie leaned her front half down. “Wrap your forehooves around me.” Starlight did as she was bade. “Tightly.” Once Starlight secured her grip, Trixie did the same, holding Starlight as close as possible.

With her hips still raised off Starlight’s, Trixie spoke again, her instructions hiding the need and desperation in her voice. “This is one of the most intimate things two mares can do. Normally, there’s a bit more to it, but for now, I just need you to hold on tight. Ready?”

“Of course.” Starlight pecked at her lips. Lowering her eyelids, she added, “Let’s work out the last of that magic.”

Laughing, Trixie lowered the rest of herself. “You’re in for the ride of your life, my dear Starry.”

When she finished both her sentence and her position, Trixie met Starlight in the most intimate of ways. Trixie could rein in her gasp, but Starlight’s slipped out, as they slipped between each other.

Pressing their hips together, Trixie connected herself with Starlight. Vulva, labia, and clitoris all. Lingering lubrication would facilitate their union, removing the need for any further foreplay. That didn’t stop Trixie from initiating one long, pining kiss before she moved them together down below.

Spread wide, Starlight moved with her. This time, when Starlight’s hips bucked and rocked, Trixie made no motion to stop her. Instead, she returned the gesture, thrusting downwards as their flesh joined once more.

“Tr-Trix, aaah…” Of her own accord, Starlight tightened her grip. “Y-you’re so wet.”

Another thrust, Trixie driving herself down into Starlight, making them both groan. “S-so are you, St-Starry.”

“A-and warm.”

“Y-you too.”

Trixie adjusted her forelegs, wrapping them tight around Starlight’s back, before she continued on. This next stroke was a bit faster, more urgent, as their throbbing cores grinded into each other.

“Mmmf, ha-aahh…” Burying her face in Trixie’s neck, Starlight’s chest shook with the weight of her need. She managed to leave a few encouraging kisses and licks before another moan sent her adrift. “I-I can feel you, nnngh, winking against me.”

“T-told you. Intimate.” Trixie moaned, finding it increasingly difficult for words. She felt Starlight nod at that, her speech soon to be rendered unintelligible as well. Such was the fate awaiting them as they crested this hill together.

Although her lower half remained bound, Starlight moved in time with Trixie as much as she was able. The cramped caravan was crowded with the sounds of their contact, their thrusts making the coils of the old mattress squeak. The wetness sliding between them amplified as their most intimate of parts met in a tender kiss, over and over again.

Above, Starlight was still buried in the crook of Trixie’s neck. She tried her best to return the kisses, licks, and nibbles Trixie had honored her with, lingering on Trixie’s ears and neck as much as she could. When that required too much focus, she clung to her mare, panting, little noises betraying her relative muteness.

Trixie stared down at Starlight, trying not to lose herself in her eyes as she focused on the rhythm and rhyme of their lovemaking. Sweat rolled down her mane and coat, mixing with Starlight’s, both their scents joining with that of their thick arousal.

The urgency that led Trixie to light her horn in the first place was gone now, momentous necessity replaced by a gradually rising need. This would be the third and final time Starlight would climb to the heights. Trixie would join her at last, and just in time. The effects of the pink mana were almost devoid of influence, never to be seen or felt again.

No, never again would Starlight bottle up what her heart longed to feel, express, or experience. Just as much as she was Trixie’s, Trixie was hers, and they were each other’s, and this act, most of all, proved it beyond doubt.

Biting back her own cries, Trixie increased her speed, feeling the edge looming in the not too distant horizon. Starlight bucked in time with her, each stroke of her pearl against Trixie’s own making them wink in tandem. The forehooves around her back scrambled for purchase, Starlight nearly losing her grip as Trixie gave a particularly joyous grind.

“G-getting th-there?” Trixie asked, twisting her neck to nuzzle Starlight’s cheek.

Nodding, Starlight nuzzled back. “Cl-close, but—aah—I-I don’t w-want this one to st-stop.”

“Unlike the o-o-others?”

Starlight shook her head.


Starlight pressed her bound horn against Trixie’s. She rode out a few more moans before she took a deep breath and answered, “I feel so close to you.”

A long chill ran down Trixie’s spine. It had nothing to do with what was happening between her hindlegs.

Before she could articulate further, Starlight peppered a row of despairing kisses over Trixie’s jawline. She thrust her hips up, harder, faster, her lower half shaking. She opened her mouth to warn Trixie of what was to come, but it was too fast, a tidal wave rising and falling all at once.

When Starlight released for the final time, Trixie, her mouth at Starlight’s shoulder, bore down.

The limiter thrummed with golden light as Starlight moaned something long and vulgar and holy and staccato. The black band of suppressive magic stretched at the intensity of Starlight’s efforts, almost breaking, before snapping back into place, sending vibrations down her horn. Limbs shaking, her hips continued of their own accord, spurring Trixie onwards, forwards, yonder, here, here I am, come closer, come here, I am here, with you, won’t you please—


Biting down hard enough to draw blood, Trixie’s jaws locked onto Starlight’s shoulder as she reached the ultimate peak. White-hot pleasure soared through her, rippling through her muscles and veins and nerves like a roaring blaze. Time and thought slowed in the same instance with everything else, rendering coherence or rationality or intellect inert. Everything tensed at once before releasing in a rush of oxytocin, muscle and tendon and sinew and limb. Her own honey poured from her lips, mixing with Starlight’s, the two of them creating a storm of their own on this clear autumn night.

The last of her strength passed over the edge with the rest of her. Without so much as a bow, Trixie Lulamoon collapsed on top of Starlight Glimmer.

They laid there for a while, coats flush, Starlight still bound, Trixie exhausted, both silent but for survival.

Outside, the moon had risen to its highest point in the night sky. Clocks far and away chimed midnight. The fireflies danced and the nightbirds sang their celebratory songs as the most magical time of night began. Magic was strongest between midnight and three in the morning. This was the time of dreams, of revelations… and, of lovers.

After what seemed like eternity, they found their breath and their strength and their ability to move more than an inch.

Trixie rolled off Starlight, and not a moment too soon.


One last dazzling flash of magic filled the caravan.

With a tiny jingle, the black band fell onto the pillow beside Starlight.

Immediately, Trixie lit her horn and freed her of the other two bonds. With a sweep of her horn, the scarves joined the others in the corner, while the limiter flew back into the unlocked treasure chest. Then, with a final levitation spell, key met lock, and both chest and key returned to where they would be needed next.

Without a word, Trixie’s magic searched through the small icebox tucked under the bed. Two bottles of water levitated up towards them. Starlight murmured a thanks before they both drained one in a single long gulp.

When all of that was done, Trixie lay down beside Starlight, wrapping her forelegs around her from behind. Starlight settled into the embrace, sighing happily as Trixie drew her close.

With a gentle nuzzle, Trixie nosed at Starlight's mane. Letting instinct be her guide, she took a strand of Starlight’s forelock in her mouth and ran it through her teeth, guiding it back into place. Starlight—her best friend, her teacher, and, now, her mare, marefriend, and lover—responded with soft whinnies and nickers, leaning into the caress.

There was always something so primal about lovemaking. Something that made her revert to the ways of ancient ponies, long before horns or wings or magic entered the equation. Ancient magic of hooves and mouths and pheromones flowed between them as Trixie groomed Starlight, without any need for words or levitation or tools.

The spell was only broken by Starlight casting one of her own. Trixie opened her eyes to see a turquoise aura levitating a brush towards her. Smiling softly, Trixie shook out her mane and allowed Starlight to return the favor.

Together, they basked in the afterglow, taming the tangles from each others’ hair.

Sometime later, Starlight hovered the manebrush back over and set it down on the bed. Looking over her shoulder, where Trixie was nibbling lightly at a knot in her two-tone mane, she murmured, “I love you.”

“Mm-hmm,” Trixie hummed, before letting go of Starlight’s mane. “I love you too, Starry.”

Starlight rolled over to face her. “So, um… About dinner…”

“Oh, well…” Chuckling, Trixie wrapped her forelegs around her mare. “Trixie does have some peanut butter crackers left if you’re hungry. They’re reeeeally good,” she added, grinning sheepishly.

Starlight rolled her eyes, then giggled. “No, Trix. What I mean is…” Though she returned the embrace, there was a slight nervousness in her words. “Can we, um, go on a real date sometime soon?”

Triixe beamed. “Of course. The Great and Powerful Trixie will not abide her marefriend going without proper courtship!” After a moment, she added, “Even if we did skip to the fireworks portion already, teehee.”


“Kidding.” Trixie giggled. “But seriously, of course we will. Dinner sounds nice. And maybe a show, too.” The grin on her muzzle widened. “Organizing the wagon gave me some new ideas for my magic act.”

“So that’s what they call it now.”

They shared a laugh.

Once they had calmed, Starlight adjusted the pillows on the bed. She brought the two together before she laid her head back on one.

Trixie followed suit, then pulled the sheet and blankets over them. While she would normally don her nightcap—or maybe drink one—she didn’t need either with Starlight keeping her warm. Yawning, she closed her eyes and hugged her lover close.

Settling in against her, Starlight asked, “Trixie?”

Trixie opened one eye. “Yes?”

“Can I tell Twilight and the others we’re together?”

Trixie laughed. “Wait until morning, please. But yes, sure.” Smirking, she added, “Not that you'll have to tell them at this rate.”

Looking over herself and her marks, Starlight blushed. “R-right. Forgot about that.” She said with a giggle, “Well, at least I’ll know they’ll believe me.”

“Mmhmm.” Trixie pulled her closer.

Starlight took the cue to relax. Her forehooves found their proper place once more.

Yawning, Trixie levitated the lantern on her bedside nightstand over to a hook by the door. “Oh, Starry,” she said before slumber summoned her, “one more thing…”

“Yeah, Trix?”

“How do you like your eggs in the morning?”