Titty Taps

by The Eroticator

First published

Plenty Full moves to Ponyville so she can open a rather unusual bar, one that sells whatever drink your heart desires. If that wasn't enough of a draw, the dispensers are her gigantic breasts. And it's self-serve.

Plenty Full moves to Ponyville so she can open a rather unusual bar, one that sells whatever drink your heart desires. If that wasn't enough of a draw, the dispensers are her gigantic breasts. And it's self-serve.

Yeah, it's another story from me where a girl with a ridiculous body faces unusual struggles by day and indulges in pleasure by night. I apparently can't stop myself. In case it wasn't somehow obvious, this will include both dairy and non-dairy lactation, an anthro mare with a biologically impossible cup size, and some M/F sex. (Okay, that last one may not have been obvious. Sorry, F/F fans, not today.)

Eye-Catching Entrance

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Applejack smiled contentedly beneath the gentle early morning sunlight as she left Sweet Apple Acres, her boots stepping down a time-worn earthen path. Behind her, pulled by both arms, was her family's folded-up market stall, loaded with barrels and sacks of fresh crop. These days, she and Mac were busier than ever, but at least Sugar Belle was around now to pitch in what she could. What with her continued teaching duties, Applejack appreciated the assistance. And cider season was comin' up next month, too! Still, she wouldn't give up her work for anything; apples were in her blood.

So it was that she made her way over to the wide thoroughfare in the middle of Ponyville which served as the space for growers and other craftsponies to display their wares. A few other early risers were getting set up, but the streets were still largely empty at this hour. This made it all the more surprising when a familiar shadow passed rapidly overhead before touching down next to Applejack.

"Mornin', Rainbow Dash," she greeted. "What're you doing up so early?"

Rainbow shrugged, the shoulder strap of her gym bag holding one side of her t-shirt in place. "Training at HQ was rough yesterday, so I took a nap, and didn't need much sleep afterwards. Thought I'd drop by and say hi before flying back up there," she explained.

"Well, you know I'm always glad to see you," Applejack confirmed with a grin, resuming her walk. Even though she was living her own dreams, Dash always made sure to leave time for her friends. And she certainly kept things interesting around here.

"I mean, who isn't?" she quipped, spinning back into the air and striking a pose.

Applejack shook her head at that, preparing a friendly jab, but Rainbow cut her off, pointing forwards. "Hey have you seen those guys here before?"

There, moving down the road in the opposite direction, were two earth ponies Applejack didn't recognize, a mare and a stallion. The stallion was a nondescript tan and brown, the only truly distinctive features he processed being some stubble on his face and his almost mafia-esque getup. The mare, meanwhile, was more eye-catching, and similar to Applejack herself in many respects. She wore jeans and a flannel shirt over defined musculature, but sported a peach-colored coat and a wavy blue and green mane. Both were pushing wooden carts in front of them, each holding a single large, round shape covered by a white tarp.

Huh. It seemed like Rainbow wasn't the only mare of interest to drop in unexpectedly today. More workin' ponies, the town sure was growing faster. "Reckon I haven't," replied Applejack, to Dash's question. "Let's go give 'em a neighborly welcome, assuming Pinkie hasn't already."

Rainbow nodded at that. "Sure thing."

Pulling closer to them, Applejack stopped and waved, drawing their attention before they could disappear down a side street. "Howdy, there! Need some help with those?"

The pair of newcomers paused, turning their muzzles to face them. It was the mare who responded, with a country accent and airy voice. "Mighty nice of you to offer, but we've got it covered. If y'all could point us in the direction of the town hall, that would be great, though." She flashed a winning smile, even as the stallion looked somewhat concerned.

Well, shoot, she could do that. Applejack tipped her hat. "Of course! Just keep goin' the way yer headed, then take a—"

"HEY!" Rainbow Dash shouted, cutting her off. Then, diving behind them, she grabbed the arm of a creature that'd been hiding in the small space between the two ponies and yanking him into the open. "What are you doing here?"

Applejack herself hadn't noticed him before, on account of how short he was, but now that her friend had called it out, she had no clue how she'd missed him. The dwarfish, black body, spiky white hair, and sharp blue eyes were hard to miss, especially after what he put her through. Jaw dropping, she crossed her arms under her chest in anger. "You're that foul feller who was working for the Storm King with Tempest!"

As the two ponies stared at each of them in turn with surprise, the little creature wrenched his arm free of Dash's grip and steadied himself. "It's Grubber, don't wear my name out. And I resent that! I totally do not stink. Do I?" He then proceeded to sniff under his armpits.

"What do you have against Grubber?" the mare asked, genuinely confused. Then, under her breath, she added "Ponies usually get upset with me first."

"Uh, he helped the Storm King take over Canterlot, among other things, then up and disappeared before he could be rehabilitated or punished," Applejack explained, brow narrowed in suspicion. "Why's he with you?"

"Yeah, what gives?" asked Rainbow, glaring at the three of them, hands on her hips and tail swishing in agitation. The stallion seemed to shy away from her as she did. "And who are you guys, anyway?"

The mare straightened her back, her mane catching the breeze. "My name's Plenty. Plenty Full. An' it don't matter to me what he did before; Grubber is my friend now," she declared. "One of the only ones. Us outcasts kinda found eachother naturally."

"Yeah, I'm cool, really!" Grubber insisted. "It's not like I wanted to be all 'capture the ponies this' and 'buy an action figure or else that' by choice, you know! He was the king, I never really had a choice, or whatever."

"But still, you didn't seem to mind doing all that stuff," Rainbow said. "At least not as much as Tempest did."

Applejack, though, was beginning to rethink her original conclusion. Plenty seemed honest enough; she'd ask her. "You're friends, ya say? How'd you meet, then?"

Eager to get Dash off his back, it was Grubber himself who replied. "Oh, that's a long story. See, with the King gone, I needed somebody else to work for or give me food - that was pretty much the only reason I stuck with the big guy - so I just booked it down the mountain and kept going until I found one of your pony towns. But they reacted the same way you hero dames did, and kicked me out."

"Eventually, he made it over to Dodge Junction, and we met. Now he helps me in a bunch'a ways," Plenty Full finished.

"Yep!" Grubber confirmed, reaching up and patting Plenty's back. "This girl makes the best root beer I've ever had, no foolin'."

As odd as it may have been, their story checked out; Applejack's experience made clear that they were telling the truth. Besides, she'd been to Dodge multiple times, and while she didn't recall seeing Plenty around, everything else lined up. She would be a hypocrite if she couldn't overlook Grubber's history. If not best pals, she could at least be amicable. A smile returned to her face. "Shoot, Grubber, Plenty, sorry I doubted y'all. If you still need a guide, my offer's open. What brings you here all the way from Dodge, if all these questions haven't tired your patience? Are you looking to open a soda pop shop, Ms. Full?"

"Hold on a sec, AJ," began Dash, wings flexing, "Something still seems off to me about that dude." Before Applejack could even look at him again, Rainbow suddenly jolted, her frown redoubling. "Wait, I know you too! You're one of Caballeron's thugs!"

It took Applejack a second to remember who that was, but when she did, her expression fell again. What was this, former villain happy hour? Was Plenty actually Cozy Glow's fool mom, or something?

"My Biff is not a thug," Plenty asserted.

When this did nothing to stymie Rainbow's aggressive posture, Biff cut into the conversation for the first time. "Hey, now, I don't want any trouble," he said, raising his hands placatingly. "The Doc retired; I was in the same spot as Grubber! Then I met Plenty, and everything changed." He shot the mare a small smile before turning fearfully back to Dash.

Applejack blinked. "So you're not evil anymore, neither?"

"Mercenaries aren't evil!" Biff exclaimed. "Where else is a stallion with a Cutie Mark in beating ponies up supposed to find work, if they flunk out of the Guard? Nopony wants you as a bodyguard or cop after that."

Rainbow Dash slowly relaxed, sinking back to the ground. "Hmm... I guess that's okay, then."

Biff sighed in relief, slumping against his cart. "Thank Celestia, I thought I was gonna get my flank kicked."

"Oh, it's fine, you big baby," reassured Plenty. Then, she leaned over to plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

Those two were an item? Applejack supposed she was happy for them, then. Somewhat embarrassed, she took off her hat, placing it against her torso. "Sorry about all these misunderstandings. And for the late introductions; I'm Applejack, and she's Rainbow Dash. I am still curious why you lot are in Ponyville to begin with, though."

At this, Plenty Full scratched the back of her head. "Funny you should ask, Ms. Applejack; I'm in the same boat as Biff, talent-wise." Turning back to her carts, she added "For years now, the more prudish ponies in my hometown have been somewhat offended whenever I try an' apply myself. I heard Ponyville was fairly progressive and excepting. It was tough saving up enough bits, but once I did, with Biff's help, we decided to make the move."

Applejack's heart went out to her. "Shucks, as long as your business ain't illegal, I don't see why there couldn't be a place for ya here."

Plenty beamed at that, Biff and Grubber also looking relived. Rainbow, however, couldn't refrain from somewhat impolitely pressing further. "What exactly is your mark in, though?"

Humming in understanding, Plenty reached for the outer edge her jeans, by her thigh, and unbuttoned the flap found there - common on Equestrian garments - to reveal her cutie mark. It was a simple fountain, water spraying upwards. "My tits are special. They're really productive, and can make way more than just milk," she explained, with pride.

"They sure are," confirmed Biff, eyes wandering back to the carts they'd been pushing before. "Also enormous. Don't forget that part, sweetie."

Plenty barked out a laugh, swatting him playfully.

Applejack had to have misheard her. Who had a talent like that? Shuffling around, she couldn't resist taking a peek at the other mare's chest. Now that she thought to look, Applejack could indeed spy that Plenty's shirt was, in fact, totally unbuttoned. And that two wide bands of flesh extended outwards from her ribcage and went under the two tarps. Could those soft-lookin', round shapes, sinking around the edges of the carts under their own weight, really be Plenty's breasts? Each one must've been larger than her whole body, over twice the size of that 'yoga' ball Rarity had!

While she silently stared, Rainbow acted. "You're telling me those gigantic things are actually your boobs?" she questioned, immensely skeptical. "No way." Closing the distance to the nearer of the carts, she then jabbed at Plenty's breast. Her cyan fist sunk into the squishy, covered flesh, which reformed when her arm retracted.

Plenty flinched at the contact, biting her lip. "Hey, not so rough! It's not like they're super sensitive, but they're still my tits."

Rainbow backpedaled, eyes wide. "Sweet Celestia, they are real. It was warm."

"Of course they are, why wouldn't they be? Then again, I still dunno what is and isn't weird for pony bodies," Grubber added, picking at his ear. "Most of my peeps all look da same."

As Dash kept gawking, Applejack joined her, pupils bouncing between Plenty's eyes and her insane assets. She almost wanted to circle around and check for the telltale points indicative of Plenty's nipples, but was too shocked to move. How did she keep missing important stuff right under her nose? Maybe she needed glasses. Either way, she supposed Plenty was still less unusual of a pony than Pinkie. Applejack wasn't an expert, but if Plenty's earth pony growin' magic was somehow concentrated inwards, and exclusively in her mammaries, them ending up so huge could easily be possible. That wasn't the only crazy part, though, far from it.

"It looks like you broke them," went Biff, who draped an arm over Plenty's shoulders. Her amused smile had returned.

"I just... is that what Biff and Grubber do for ya? Help you carry your girls around where you can't bring those carts?" Applejack managed.

"Among other things, yeah," Biff said. "I'm a red-blooded stallion, and I'm used to being ordered around. I loved the gig from the start, but I fell for Plenty herself later."

"Quiet, you," Plenty Full laughed. "Anyway, I'm strong enough to lift 'em myself, it's balance that's the issue," she explained. "That, and I prefer it when my nips don't scrape the ground, ha."

Rainbow sputtered, looking down at her own much more reasonable, aerodynamic A cups for a second before blinked at Plenty. "Since when do cutie marks have that much of a... physical effect?"

"Oh, they started growing in before that," Plenty said, now rubbing her right boob through the tarp affectionately. What she could reach of it, at least. "Puberty hit early, and hit hard. They were bigger'n my head by the time I was eleven; my mark came a bit later. Then they just sorta... didn't stop," she finished, with a slight blush.

"They're still slowly getting bigger," Grubber confirmed. "I'm having a harder time lifting the things lately." Snorting, he continued. "I might have to start eating more vegetables, which is gonna suck. And not just 'cause they make me gassy."

"Okay, we did not need to know that," went Applejack. He might've been a decent creature, but he was still ill-mannered. Granny would've thrown a fit.

"Holy shit, Plenty," intoned Rainbow Dash, ignoring him. "Part of me is kinda jealous. A tiny part, but still."

"I know, right?" quipped Biff. "I got very lucky."

"Yes. Yes you did," returned Plenty, pecking him on the cheek again. Grubber just rolled his eyes.

Applejack, though, had to snap her attention away from the faint motion Plenty's action triggered in her breasts. Just because she didn't have much of a sex drive didn't mean she never took the time to admire the female form. And Plenty certainly had a nice one, even discounting those knockers (battering rams, more like). But in this case it was inappropriate; they'd just met, after all. Also, she had a coltfriend. And was likely straight, not bi, what with how un-effeminate Biff was.

Stiffening, Applejack took a long breath in. Okay, time to bail from this whole situation, before she did something she'd regret. Especially since she was thinking about asking Rainbow out at some point. And on top of that, there were apples to sell! Placing her hat back on, she went back to her own folded stand and took up the handles. "My apologies, I won't keep y'all any longer. Town Hall is the tallest building thataways, can't miss it," she explained, pointing a finger.

Dash needed a second to process her sudden shift in intent. "Mmm, right. It is getting late. Should probably fly off to HQ soon; even I'm not that fast."

"Oh, of course," Plenty acknowledged, nodding. "It was nice to meet you both, Rainbow Dash, Applejack."

Biff reluctantly left Plenty's side, returning to grab the second boob cart. "Outside the ruin of the day, you're not half bad, Rainbow."

"Uh, you too," she replied.

"Let's get moving, already!" Grubber exclaimed. "Sittin' around is only a good use of time if you're also eating."

"I can mostly agree there," Applejack said, her grin no longer covering up any awkwardness. "Hope to see you three later!"

With that, they all waved goodbye for now, going their separate ways. Applejack couldn't help but wonder exactly how everybody else in Ponyville - pony or otherwise - would react to Plenty Full and her companions. She had some predictions, but only time would truly tell.

Plenty's Place, Open for Buisness

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Plenty initially awoke somewhat bewildered, as the ceiling and walls were clearly not those of her bedroom. Then the events of the past few days came rushing back, and she smiled. This was her bedroom: her new one, in Ponyville. It was less rustic than her former home in Dodge, with paint and carpet instead of bare wood. She herself was bare, though, at least from the waist up. More than used to it by now, she wasn't cold in the slightest. In fact, she was pleasantly warm, the heat from her own body as well as the pony in bed next to her making her almost start to sweat.

Stirring, Plenty ran her fingers through her mane to straighten out her tangled bed-head some and lifted herself partially upright, her head moving from her pillow to the backboard of her king sized bed. Her breasts splayed wide to both sides in her typical sleeping position, her left barely fitting onto the mattress while her right draped halfway off, her nipple nearly brushing the floor in its hardness. This was expected; they were hard far more often than not.

As she moved, Biff began to return to consciousness too, from the other side of the bed. He didn't need a pillow, as her boob more than sufficed. Plenty liked being able to feel him by her side even when they weren't spooning, and he sure didn't complain. She watched him impishly as he rose with a yawn, pulling the sheets down off his equally unclothed chest.

Plenty reached over and mussed up his hair affectionately. "Hey there, sleepyhead."

"Mmm, morning, sweetie," Biff said. Turning onto his side and facing her, he responding by gently petting the surface of her breast, which gave a bit under his rugged fingers.

Now, looking at his roguish, smitten grin, and the defined lines of his muscles, the heat in Plenty's core grew, an involuntary throb running through her. Yep, she was horny, no doubt about it. They hadn't been able to enjoy themselves last night, or the night before that, because she, Biff, and Grubber had been busy packing and unpacking for the move. But now? The whole morning was theirs, and Plenty intended to take full advantage of that.

Her expression turned smoldering, and the sight of it froze Biff in place, instantly mesmerized. "Alright, lover boy, I've got an itch than need scratching. Be good and help me take care of it, okay?"

"Uh, y-yeah, sure," he breathlessly said.

"Right answer," Plenty confirmed, now twitching with anticipation. "Of course, you wouldn't even dream of saying no, would you?"

Biff shook his head as much as he could without breaking eye contact. A conspicuous peak was already rising under the blanket, the clearest sign of his dedication, lust, and growing love. "Never, Plenty."

Smirk widening, she unceremoniously flung the blanket from their bodies, exposing both their legs, which were already beginning to wander across the bed and brush against eachother in sweet passion. That wasn't the only thing brushing the sheets, though; Plenty's tantalizing tail had been digging into the surface, attempting to flag. Much like Biff's boxers, the button threatening to snap from the virile pressure of his erection. Her own thin, black panties were moist with arousal, but Plenty couldn't care less, instead rapidly yanking Biff's undergarment open to stroke his cock to further hardness, its musky heat pulsing invitingly in her grip as he grunted appreciatively.

Once it was sufficiently erect for her purposes, Plenty reached into the nightstand and pulled out a condom. Experienced with this step, Biff sat up off her her tit, rising in front of her. Waggling her eyebrows, she put the condom on him using nothing but her mouth, savoring the shape and scent of Biff's stallionhood as it passed through her lips. After she gave it a few languid, twitch-inducing licks for good measure, Plenty playfully shoved Biff backwards into the bed.

Now to reposition her boobs. Plenty hooked each of her arms underneath a breast - what she could reach of them, anyway - and heaved. With trained shoulders and biceps, she hefted her productive mounds up and around, until the were in the typical position for tits, lancing out in front of her. Then, she let go.

Eliciting a pleased 'oof' from Biff, her breasts fell atop him, hiding his torso completely and leaving only his head peeking out from her cleavage, a fair distance down from her puffy, dinner plate sized areolae and bright pink nips. "There we are," she purred. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. More than okay," Biff huffed, the full weight of her boobs - well over a hundred pounds - simply resting on him making his breathing shallow, as if he was about to cum already.

"Good." Plenty was more than ready to take him at this point, and simply couldn't bear to wait a second longer. Pulling the cloth of her wet panties to the side, she straddled his hips with hers, getting onto her knees, before lowering herself onto his cock in the classic cowgirl position.

Instant bliss. Plenty shuddered as Biff's pride stuffed her pussy perfectly. Her eyes became unfocused as she savored the sensation of fullness for a moment. Only when this burst of pleasure began to fade did she start actually humping, planting her hands on her tits for leverage.

"Holy shit," Biff intoned, his legs shifting slightly underneath hers as her insides stroked his length. "You're so wet. No wonder you basically jumped on me."

Plenty let out an amused snort at that. Though she could feel her face beginning to flush, she still kept up her favorite dominant act as she bounced rhythmically up and down on his dick. "How is it? Being smothered beneath my huge, hot tits?" She'd asked him that question many times before, but hearing him answer always drove her more wild.

"It's - *pant* - amazing," Biff grunted, his hips bucking up into hers. It was just about all he could do, pinned as he was.

The experience was just as good for Plenty. In control, she rocked and squeezed his cock, ensuring that his throbbing, solid girth hit just the right spots, rubbing at all the best places for making her needy cunt leak and spasm with sensation. Soon, Plenty was feeling so sublime than her mouth hung open, shallow gasps and moans escaping, as her toned ass pistoned over and over. Each erotic repetition brought her to greatest heights, the outside world fading away. Though she couldn't care less about anything but Biff at this point.

Biff himself probably couldn't see much of Plenty besides her face because of said titanic tits, the feelings they elicited equally large for both of them. Plenty could make out the contours of her lover's body through their now slick undersides as they shook and rippled with every motion she made. Her pussy was still the real focus, though, and she let out an exceptionally pitchy groan as her clit pressed against Biff in just the right way when she hilted herself, her thighs pressed tightly against him. Celestia, this felt incredible; she was getting close to her breaking point.

Suddenly, a spark of fire lit in Biff's eyes. "Plenty, I can't - mmph - hold back anymore! I need to fuck you."

With a mighty bellow, he dug his palm into her breast, causing Plenty to gasp in surprise and ecstasy as he forcefully pushed the immense, supple mass up and over her other tit. Plenty was flipped onto her back, the bedsprings creaking in protest as her tits jiggled into their new position: atop her, resting in a 'V' shape.

While she was still reeling from the tingles of arousal running through her girls, Biff followed her over, fondling Plenty's tits like a stallion possessed. His hands kneaded them deeply, slowly working their way up from the base to her nipples, his face approaching hers. But Plenty was just annoyed; his dick had popped out of her snatch, and she still wanted it in there! "What was all that before? Quit teasin' me and get back to it!"

"I was going to!" Biff protested, with a grin. "I'm just... covering all your bases."

Biff then pressed his body against hers, each bit of skin on skin electrifying as he lined himself up again. Plenty moaned as he dragged her tender nipples inwards and downwards, a bit of her milk escaping in the process, and brought them to point at her face on both sides. Then, he dove into her muzzle and her pussy simultaneously, forcing his cock back past her lower lips as her upper ones now wrestled with his.

From there, Plenty gladly lost herself in the ensuing maelstrom of passion, a prolonged groan escaping from her throat unbidden. Only the force from their sharp intakes of breath kept their faces together for making out under the strain of Biff's almost violent thrusting. He was turning Plenty into a wild mess, and she loved it, her heart beating like mad.

That didn't stop her from doing some more hammering of her own, though. "Doesn't it - ahhn - bother you?" Plenty managed, disentangling her tongue from his. "That my nipples are bigger than your dick?" They were in fact about the same length, but her twin tips were twice as thick, Biff's fingers unable to meet his thumb as he held them.

"The opposite," he replied between grunts. "S-So fucking sexy."

Plenty smiled at that, at least until one particularly powerful impact at her hips knocked her mouth open. It almost felt like she was flying, or melting, or both, as lustful energy roiled within her, building to a fever pitch and making her lose it. "Mo-o-re~!"

And Biff gave her more. As she wrapped her arms around him, he picked up the pace. The sounds of their haggard breaths, flesh on wet flesh, and the bedsprings squeaking under the sloshing of her humongous breasts echoed throughout the room. The force of Biff's body hitting her boobs repeatedly, the burning she could feel in his veins and hers, his glans knocking against the entrance to her womb, his fingers coiling around her nips... the tension became too much for Plenty to take. So, she let go.

Letting out a sharp cry, Plenty came, all rational thought lost to sheer, glorious ecstasy. Thighs clenching, toes curling, expression twisting, cunt spasming, a heavenly climax crashed through her like an avalanche. All she could do was stare upwards at Biff, enraptured. At least, until her own milk began to gush out of her tits, adding another avenue of release, the hot liquid splashing all over her mane and face. Then she had to shut her eyes, as her output wasn't slowing down.

Seeing Plenty paint herself with her own seemingly unending orgasm was enough to push Biff over the edge, too. A shout of "C-Cumming!" heralded his semen cascading into her, burst after burst of sticky goodness barely contained by the condom as his cock forcefully ejected its sticky payload.

Both of them panting with exhaustion and exhilaration, Biff slipped out of her with a faint pop and collapsed next to her in the same boob-as-pillow position they'd woken up in. Except now the sheets were thoroughly soaked with Plenty's milk, warm droplets still rolling down her forehead and cleavage. Right now, though, the state of her furniture was the last of Plenty's worries, and she sighed in bliss as the intense climax gave way to a lethargic afterglow.

Her hand moved to pet Biff affectionately on its own as she licked some of the milk off her face - rich as always. Rendered dumbstruck, Biff could only lie there, pupils dilated and pointed at Plenty, but otherwise motionless.

After another moan for good measure, Plenty said "Hoo boy. That was great fun. You?"

He could only muster an affirmative hum and a contented smile.

Slowly, Plenty's mind returned to clarity as her high dissipated, time, place, and memory taking their place. It was always a nice change of pace to be the one getting filled, she thought. Though during the daylight hours, Plenty Full preferred the opposite. And starting today, she'd be able to do a whole lot more of that, with a nice town right full of thirsty mouths to satisfy with her abundance. She chuckled when the mere thought of this made her nipples swell a bit further, her body more than primed for work.

Still, there was more to do first. Namely, getting cleaned up and dressed. Plenty meandered on shaky legs over to their shared bathroom, with Biff kindly helping angle her breasts through the narrow doorway so they didn't scrape uncomfortably against the frame. Unfortunately, the shower wasn't big enough for both of them to use together, for the same reason, so he let her use it first while he brushed his teeth and shaved. A waterproof plastic table made for a good resting spot for Plenty's rack as she shampooed, then cleaned the dirt, sweat, and sexual fluids off her body, a long-handled loofa assisting her in reaching every part of her breasts. Hopefully this table wouldn't crack in half under the stress; her cheap old one gave out last year.

A few minutes later, she exchanged a kiss with Biff as they switched spots. Once they were both hygienic and presentable, they got dressed. Plenty picked out a more professional set of khakis and collared blouse - still open at the front, of course - for her grand opening, while Biff opted for his old usual.

When the two of them finally arrived in the second-floor kitchen, Grubber was already nearly finished eating his portion of the breakfast he'd whipped up. The little raiju, as his kind went by, was a great cook, much to Plenty's pleasant surprise once she'd first taken him in.

"I'd ask what took you guys so long, but I could hear the whole thing," Grubber said between bites.

Biff coughed apologetically, after swiping and sipping his coffee. "Sorry, Grubber. Thanks for the food."

Plenty thanked him as well. Just because this was Grubber's main contribution to their household arrangement didn't mean he didn't deserve voiced appreciation.

"Yer welcome," he replied. Loudly slurping down the last of his eggs, he added "Still think pony sex rituals are stupid, though. Too much gabbing, not enough static discharge."

Plenty couldn't help but grin when she pictured that, shaking her head and chuckling internally. At least, until her rumbling stomach reminded her why she was here.

Plates of scrambled eggs and hay bacon sat waiting at the dining table for Plenty and Biff too, getting cold. Hungry, Biff sat down next to Grubber, while Plenty sat semi-sideways opposite him. The fourth chair had been swapped out for a wide ottoman, reserved for her boobs. Between bites, the the three of them finalized the details of her initial business plan, which, though liable to change as quickly as the desert winds, was solidly reasoned. If everything went well, their lot in life would improve, luxuries formerly out of reach becoming within their financial grasp.

As luck would have it, the grand opening of Plenty's Place went downright swimmingly. A party, thrown by a wildly exuberant mare named Pinkie, helped break the ice between Plenty, Biff, Grubber, and the townsfolk. Some were apprehensive and slightly grossed out by Plenty's heaving masses, leaving with polite excuses as soon as they could, but just as many were excited and awestruck, instant regulars. It was hard for her to keep track of all the fresh faces! Not to mention that so many all wanting to try Plenty Full out at once had pushed her tremendously laden chest balloons near to their limit with a whirlwind of lactation, rendering her sore, spent, and empty by the time Pinkie packed up her own, much smaller, actual balloons. Still, Plenty wouldn't have had it any other way, and a better future was now in sight.

Plenty tried her best to relax as she settled into position for another day on the job, soft yellow light shining down from the bulbs overhead. The main room of her store wasn't unusually wide, but it had a high ceiling that went up two stories, featuring a balcony with a wooden railing, accessible through a door leading to her living room. She leaned against the railing, arms crossed. Her boobs hung below her like massive teardrops, descending between the railing's support posts to rest atop a tall shelf made of welded stainless steel bars. Poking down between the bars of the shelf were her engorged nipples, ready to be stimulated.

The first floor was the area for customers, and the shop entrance. Leading up to the shelf, a red velvet rope, fancy-shmancy like those movie theaters, cut through the middle. Along one wall was a counter stocked with styrofoam cups in multiple sizes, along with lids, straws, and plastic spoons. Next to the counter was a cash register. The opposite wall had a few small stalls, shut by mirrored doors. Biff was already down there in his suit, doublechecking that everything was in order. Plenty crossed and uncrossed her legs idly where she stood, ruffling the fabric of her own chosen attire. "How's it lookin down there?"

After peeking inside the last of the stalls, Biff tilted his head up to meet Plenty's eyes once he'd finished. Concern flashed across his face for an instant, picking up on her insecurity with unusual perceptiveness, at least for him. But he quickly quashed it, knowing the best course with her was to simply not bring it up and let the peace of the day - and his simple reassuring presence - run its course. "All ready, Boss Lady."

Perking a bit at her new pet name, Plenty nodded. "Then go ahead and open 'er up!"

Biff walked over to flip the Closed sign on the front door to Open, his loafers clicking on the tile floor, and shot her a thumbs-up. Plenty smiled on the outside, but was fretting a little internally. She'd been operating in Ponyville for over a month, now, and things were beginning to solidify into a routine, but that didn't mean problems never happened. Just because running her little shop was emotionally satisfying in the way all ponies acting on their talents felt didn't mean she never got stressed from said problems. And running Plenty's Place was full of ups and downs, had been from the very start: the name.

She'd wanted to call her business Titty Taps, but that was the one point Mayor Mare hadn't conceded to, citing that 'vulgar' language, written out, was prohibited in public. Other than that, though, the middle-aged earth pony had been quite accommodating. Word on the street was that this was due to Twilight's move. Now that the princess was in Canterlot, Ms. Mare didn't have to argue for jurisdiction with royalty anymore, leaving the mayor in a good mood. She'd helped Plenty find the perfect building and file the mortgage paperwork, even pointed out some loopholes in regulations to widen the scope of what she could do. For instance, as long as she didn't go outside without covering her bust and kept most of the windows shuttered, Plenty could bare her breasts completely, which made things a whole lot easier.

It was time to focus on the present, though. Watching the door, Plenty was acutely aware of the cool metal sinking into her titflesh, her body ready to produce. Taking his own position behind the counter, Biff and Plenty didn't have long to wait before the first pony entered, followed quickly by another. She smirked with amusement as she gazed down at two colts, barely teenagers. The grey boy in the jersey she recognized, but the brown one in the childish propeller hat - who locked up at the sight of her - was new.

Grey Boy's shit-eating grin was as wide as any Plenty had seen as he placed a hand on his friend's unmoving shoulder. "So, Button. Bet you're glad you let me talk you into this now, huh?"

"Uh... yeah, Rumble," he whispered. "This is so worth the early detour."

"Damn right it is! Just look at those puppies!" Rumble exclaimed, with a dramatic, sweeping gesture. Plenty just smiled and waved back, used to the complements. "They're bigger than I am!"

Working his jaw, nearly breaking out into a cold sweat, Button glanced at his cohort. "And, er, Ms. Full actually lets you, like, touch her?"

Deciding to enter the conversation, Plenty chuckled. "Some unicorns use their magic, but that's no fun," she teased, getting a kick out of the look on poor Button.

"Trust me, she doesn't mind," assured Biff. Empathetically, he continued. "And I know all I wanted to do at your age was touch a pretty mare's boobs. There's lots of her to go around, and I can share."

Plenty winked down at him. "Par for the course, Sugar." Biff knew exactly what to say, her perfect little partner. Or servant, if the mood struck.

This didn't do much for the blushing colt, though. Button seemed at a loss for words. Rumble, though, had no such hangups, and he punched Button in the back, causing him to stumble forwards. "What're you waiting for! Go cop a feel and get your drink!"

As Button continued to flounder, Rumble approached Biff. Rifling through his pocket for a 10 bit piece, he tossed Biff the money and grabbed a large cup, disappearing from Plenty's sight beneath her boobs. Seconds later, she felt her nipple being tugged on. With a soft hum, her tail swishing slowly in contentment, Plenty allowed the fresh pressure within her to escape. The sound of rapidly sloshing liquid reached her ears as Rumble stroked her, his cup filling with whatever she was making. The pleasant tickling oozing from within her probably signaled something carbonated, if experience served. Whatever it was, he was sure to be nourished, in heart if not in body, 'cause that's what she was all about.

"Thanks, Plenty," Rumble said, reaching up to give her huge breast a playful parting slap, sending ripples beneath her skin. Drops of leftover fluid shook off of her to the floor, where a sloped drain waited to catch them.

"Thank you for your continued patronage," Plenty replied.

Content to sip his soda, Rumble loped back over to his friend. Meanwhile, Button's attention remained squarely on Plenty. He was either devouring her with his eyes or reading the menu. She had figured out quickly that ponies had a hard time looking away, so she just printed the Plenty's Place offerings and directions right on the top halves of her tits with a special marker, permanent until erased. The letters were distorted by her stupidly voluptuous curves, but were still legible. Her right (the reader's left) read:

Welcome to Plenty's Place
Self-Serve Beverages:
My breasts magically produce whatever the creature milking them most wants to drink at the moment!
Small - 6 bits
Medium - 8 bits
Large - 10 bits
All you can Wring Out in Two Minutes - 25 bits
(Bring your own containers)

And her left read:

  1. I'm taken and committed, so don't ask.
  2. Keep to one side of my chest. There are others waiting.
  3. Drinking from the tap, or otherwise using your mouth, is not allowed. It's unsanitary.
  4. Use an open stall to tend to yourself if you need to. Clean up afterwards.
  5. Biff can and will drag you out if you don't follow these rules, or try anything else funny.

Finding his nerve, Button stepped up to Biff, who had been waiting quietly, if not patiently. "I already ate, so... I'll take a Small," he said, passing the stallion some coins. Then, taking his cup, her shimmied up to Plenty.

Again, though she couldn't see him, Plenty could feel Button gingerly squeezing and running his fingers along her tit, cementing the experience in his memory, before he moved lower. Plenty giggled as he tickled her bumpy areola through the shelf, then reached her nipple. Wrapping his fingers around it, he slowly began to tenderly stroke her up and down with barely any pressure. Kind, but ineffective; Button needed to put more force into it if he wanted his drink!

So, Plenty told him as much. "You're gonna have to do it harder than that. Don't be afraid, dear, just give my girl a good, solid yank or two."

After gulping audibly, Button complied, squeezing strongly and pulling her hot nipple towards the floor. That did it; a sudden chill tempered the warmth in Plenty's breast as something thick and cold - a milkshake, she guessed - poured from within. Button held her there until his cup was full. She noticed his blush had reddened when he went to get a spoon. Soon after, Button's brows rose as he took a taste. "Hey, this is really good. Sugarcube Corner doesn't carry mint flavor, it's not very popular."

"Glad to hear it," Plenty replied. He probably needed the mint to relax, after coming to her for his sexual milestone, and she didn't blame him.

"Forget the milkshake, how was Plenty?" Rumble prodded, his own brows wiggling lecherously.

Button turned away, embarrassed. "She was... soft."

Rumble huffed at him. "Really, bro? That's all you have to say?"

"N-Not right in front of her!" Button stage whispered, glancing furtively up at Plenty. "Also, don't we need to go?"

"Mmm, yeah." Hovering off the ground a few inches, with his back to the door, Rumble retreated, snapping his fingers (those unoccupied by the soda) before pointing at Plenty. "Later, good lookin'."

Plenty almost rolled her eyes at his misplaced, transparent flirting. Still, colts such as the two of them were a significant portion of her business, so she kept things cordial with a simple wave and a "Come again!"

And then they were gone, Button following behind with the shake he helped her make, off to their apprenticeships, or high school, or whatever it was they had planned. Plenty's own experience at that age lacked in variety; she'd been homeschooled by her Ma once her boobs got distractingly big for the students and appallingly big for her teacher. Made it hard to monkey around with friends, too, but nopony was perfect. Mobility was the price she paid for her gift.

Biff placed his hands in his jacket pockets, sharing Plenty's sudden wistfulness. "Ah, youth. So innocent. Unscarred and unwise to the hearts of mares."

Trying to wax poetic, despite a lack of real artistic talent? That was better. Plenty had barely enough time to trade smiles with Biff, let alone advance the mood, before the next creature pushed the door open: an unmistakable blue griffon in a white and purple school uniform. "Hey, guys," he greeted, in his somewhat nasally voice.

"Morning, Gallus," Biff replied.

"Back to stock up on more soup?" Plenty asked, spying the large, gallon-sized glass jugs he carried: one under each arm and a third hooked on his prehensile tail.

"Obviously," he confirmed, his wings spreading a tad in excitement. "Nobody carries meat around here, let alone lobster."

This was true, Plenty knew, as Grubber had also complained about it. And unlike Gallus, he preferred solid fare. A pegasus named Fluttershy had to stop him from spit-roasting a rabbit, once, with fierce scolding. But this wasn't the moment to reminisce. Leaning to the side on the railing, Plenty pointed to the empty lines leading to her tits. "Anyhow, y'all can hop to it, Gallus. Ready when you are."

Gallus' beak quirked at that. "A deal this good? Don't mind if I do." Passing exact change to Biff - 25 bits - Gallus took position by Plenty's breasts, his own jugs placed on the floor in preparation to receive his bulk buy. Biff rolled up his sleeve, revealing his watch.

The second Gallus touched her, Biff began timing him. Holding the chilly mouth of the jug directly against Plenty's nipple, he began to tug furiously at it with his other hand. Gasping as his claws pinched at her delicate skin, Plenty couldn't hold her tit back even if she tried under such an onslaught of hungry motion. Steaming liquid bubbled within her before rapidly escaping. It was as if a jacuzzi had suddenly been turned on inside Plenty, just below scalding and very nice.

Exhaling audibly, she quickly filled Gallus' jug with creamy, flavorful lobster bisque. And once that one was full, he set the heavy bottle on the floor, switching it out for the next one before too much of the soup his continuing ministrations was drawing out of her gurgled down the drain. Stars, he was almost as good at milking her as Biff was, and Biff could get her to fill their whole bathtub in minutes sometimes.

Plenty had nearly lost her composure by the time Gallus had finished topping off his jugs, with seconds to spare. Calm returned only when his hand left her nipple, still throbbing and disgorging a few more lingering pints of rich delicacy.

"There we go," Gallus said, preparing to transport his purchase. "You know, Silverstream loves this stuff too, Plenty; she helped me eat through the last batch."

Simply humming in acknowledgement, she watched him go without regret. Creatures willing and able to caress her were never in short supply. And again, there was always Biff, who still looked more than happy to simply be in her presence. Though, in truth, she was just as smitten with him. Ironically, the retired hired muscle was just naturally more affectionate. She'd have been fine keeping things at a friends-with-benefits level.

After that, the rest of the morning was fairly uneventful. An unkempt pinkish-purple mare with a raspberry mane shambled in on her feet like a zombie, layers of bags under her eyes. The earth pony came in often, but had never introduced herself to Plenty, always too hung over. With the same mechanical action as was typical, she silently pulled out a Medium cup and threw a handful of bits at a bemused Biff, who tried to gather them all before they bounced off the counter and onto the tiles. Plenty then filled her cup for her - extra black coffee, lukewarm for immediate guzzling. Which she then proceeded to do, tipping her muzzle back as she headed out without a word. Such excessive alcohol consumption certainly wasn't healthy, but Plenty wasn't a councilor, and she was happy to help the poor mare in her own way.

A few more faces came and went before the lunch rush. That was when forming lines actually became necessary, as groups of customers filed into Plenty's Place faster than she and Biff could serve them. Back and forth or simultaneously, Plenty's behemoth breasts made lemonade, beer, kale smoothies, and more in succession. Many friendly conversations were had and local gossip traded, though newcomers were often speechless, sometimes holding up the line as they soaked Plenty in.

By the time the afternoon rolled around, Plenty was drained in more ways than one, so she hoisted her breasts back up and stomped into the kitchen. "Fuck, am I always hungry as a post-fasting llama after a few hours o' that."

Already waiting, Biff helped her into her seat. "If I hadn't already seen a dozen crazy-ass magic artifacts in action, I'd be surprised you don't need more food, Plenty."

"So, wait, are you saying I'm magic, or have a crazy ass?" Plenty quipped.

His grin widening, Biff leaned down to hug her. "Why not both?"

Brushing her mane back, her own smile also grew. "Touché."

"Yeah, well, speaking of food, I already gotta lot comin' your way, girl," interjected Grubber, who was reaching a mitted claw to the oven. Plenty salivated as he pulled out a tray with a single, multi-foot submarine sandwich on it, the type usually reserved for catering. Cut into sixths, it was absolutely crammed with layers of vegetables, dressing, and melted cheese.

Plenty could hardly refrain from literally pouncing on the dish as Grubber set aside pieces for himself and Biff on plates, the latter sitting down in his usual spot. Then, Grubber just slid the whole tray - with the remaining four sections - over to Plenty. She scooped up the first one in a second, mouth opened as wide as she could get it, and tore off a huge chunk before either of them had even picked up their sandwiches.

Plenty nearly moaned from the flavor, her jaw working as her lashes fluttered. "Fanks, i' sho gud," she mumbled her sincere appreciation around her mouthful, Grubber basking in the praise.

Over his own meal, Biff watched with a mix of grim fascination and what was perhaps slight arousal as she absolutely devoured her majority of the huge sub, Plenty's body eagerly accepting the offered sustenance. They didn't talk much; Plenty barely breathed or chewed between bites. Right then, she was like a bear getting ready to hibernate, packing in as many calories as equinely possible. Not to mention that she didn't want to keep anypony waiting too long for her services. Case in point, Grubber reached over to fill his own glass with her self-made specialty as she ate.

Plenty, though, had a whole pitcher of water, again courtesy of Grubber, which she upturned into her mouth as if in the middle of a drinking contest to wash down her enormous lunch. "PWAAH, did that hit the spot," she stated, patting her bulging stomach, half-hidden beneath her cleavage.

"Sure looked that way to me, sweetie," went Biff.

"Yes, yes, I'm the world's best cook. Now then, I'ma go get groceries," said Grubber, putting away the dishes and grabbing some bags. "Maybe some cherries, those are in season. Ooo, and ingredients for pie crusts, cherry pie is legit. If I make a bunch more than even Never-Full over here can eat, we can save the rest as weapons..."

Plenty snorted good-naturedly. "Wha'd I say about calling me that? And how many times do I have to remind you you're not conquestin' anymore? We don't need projectiles, just vittles."

Grubber paused midstep, looking sheepish. "Oh yeah. Right. My bad, my bad. Still half expect to wake up on a warship sometimes."

"It's fine, Grubber," she said. "Just don't buy so much cake this time, or Celestia'll think you're trying to break her record."

"Ha ha." Grubber deadpanned, before waving off her friendly jab. "Ah, whatever, I know you love me." Now properly chastised, he descended downstairs with staccato footsteps.

As her stuffed stomach worked overtime, Plenty made a trip to the bathroom, both for the usual reason and so Biff could wash her nipples and areolae with soap and water. Being a food service establishment, she had to ensure her equipment - in Plenty's case, herself - stayed thoroughly clean. Once that had been taken care of, she was ready to get back to it.

Unfortunately, the first pony to enter Plenty's Place once she'd re-assumed her position was probably the single creepiest regular she had: a light grey, out of shape earth stallion with an unkempt mane and unnerving smile who went by Hugh Jelly. Biff scowled as he entered, the stallion openly ogling her for a long moment before buying a Large, licking his lips and muttering about how sexy she was.

Plenty grinned and bared it as he sniffed deeply of her breasts, feeling the rush of air near her skin, before proceeding to milk her. Yes, he was a filthy pervert, but as long as he didn't break any of her store rules, and came when no other creatures typically did, she would continue to restraint Biff from punting him out on his ass. Reluctantly, but, well, he was still one of her best customers, and she wasn't exactly rolling in bits yet.

So, Plenty tried not to think about the situation too hard as Hugh filled his cup to the brim, with her natural breastmilk, as always. Grunting, he took his prize over to one of the stalls, something hard she didn't need two guesses to identify straining against his stained pants as he shuffled. Opening the door, which was a one-way mirror so occupants could see out but not the other way around, Hugh plopped down onto the bench. Also inside, briefly visible before he shut the door, were a lidded trash can, tissue box, paper towels, and a bottle of spray-on window cleaner.

Now, she didn't blame creatures when they got uncontrollably horny in her presence - that was why she installed the masturbation booths in the first place - but Hugh used them literally every time. Plenty huffed in annoyance. Didn't he have anything better to do with his life? Maybe clean his shirts?

At least Lyra showed up later with the afternoon crowd, Plenty having quickly become fast friends with the bubbly, impossible-to-make-uncomfortable unicorn. She now stood near the back corner, chatting with Plenty as she served other customers.

"I swear, you've got a good thing going here," Lyra said, grinning as she took a swig of her tea. "Like, I was just thinking how much I missed green tea, but brewing it is so annoying," she griped. "First you have to heat the water to the right temperature, then wait for the leaves to steep, and then wait for it to cool back down. But with you, Plenty, it's instant. Bam, tea!"

Plenty, head twisted down and around, smiled at Lyra's comedic gesticulation. "Ya could describe it that way, I reckon."

"Well, yeah," Lyra confirmed. "Your rack does work fast."

"That it does." Still, while Plenty was grateful for the company, she was suddenly concerned for Lyra's other relationships. "Are you sure your wife don't mind you popping in to hang out with a topless gal so often?"

"Oh, Bonnie's fi~ne. She's not the jealous type, and our best friendship is as true as it gets." After a moment, Lyra added "Well, she might be a tad envious of your endowments, though. She tries to hide it, but I can tell. It would make our evenings a lot more fun, that's for sure!"

Plenty patted the top of her breasts in emphasis, even as the next pony in line served themselves their allotment of her abundance. "Not sure just anypony could handle boobs this gigantic, but I'm definitely grateful for my natural gifts, and what they can do for others. Here's hoping my tits keep going strong for years to come."

"Hey, I think we can all drink to that." Raising her voice and her cup, Lyra cried out "Let Plenty's Place be here to stay! Three cheers for Plenty Full!"

The assembled ponies, all grinning, echoed her sentiment, drinks held high. "Three cheers for Plenty Full!"

And the mare in question beamed.

Getting Heated

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Plenty Full groaned in satisfaction as practiced hands met her flesh. Not Biff's, though, but Aloe's. Today was Sunday, Plenty's self-appointed sole day off from her milky workweek, and she'd decided to splurge on a trip to the spa. She'd been a few times before, and getting a massage from the experienced earth pony had become a highlight. They'd worked out a system, with Aloe needing to break out a massage chair instead of the usual table. Not the fancy enchanted lounge type those rich folks could buy, the kind where you sorta leaned forward at an angle, arms crossed in front. It was the only way to accommodate her breasts within the small room, which rested on their carts, tarp-covered per usual.

She was way too preoccupied with the magic being worked into her back to give a crab apple about her boobs at the moment, though. With rose and chamomile incense wafting through their air, Aloe's fingers slowly but surely kneaded the tension out of her rock-hard back and shoulder muscles.

"You really should visit more often," Aloe insisted with that exotic accent of hers as she ran her thumbs down the sides of Plenty's spine. "Ze only customer I get with more tension in her back muscles is Pinkie Pie's sister."

"I believe it," Plenty mumbled in reply, lost in the beautiful undoing of said tension. "'N maybe I will."

Picking up on her relaxed demeanor, Aloe kept silent for the rest of her work. For Plenty, it was as if time stood still while her brain shut down, lost in the sensation of a different sort of relief. All that existed were the points of contact between her overburdened back and the lotion coated hands of her angel. So, when Aloe pulled away, it took a polite cough to snap Plenty back to alertness.

"Over already?" With great reluctance, Plenty extracted herself from the chair, opening her eyes to the dimly lit space. The carts slid slightly towards her as she rose, stretching her arms above her head. "Well, thanks a million, Aloe."

Aloe inclined her head, smiling. "You are most welcome."

Once Plenty had finished slipping her flannel button-down back on- though it wouldn't stay there for long - Aloe walked over and got the door for her.

Still basking in bliss, Plenty grabbed the cart handles and pushed herself out. The slight squeak of burdened wheels and the click of her shoes on the purple floor accompanied the sounds of other guests chatting and gossiping as they moved about, or got their nails done, or what have you. She maneuvered down the halls to her second and final stop: the mare's sauna.

Being the weekend, there was a bit of a line, but after a few minutes she was able to enter. Parting the pink curtains to the side with her breasts, Plenty wasted no time in the small, empty locker room, kicking her shoes and socks off into an open cubby, followed by her pants, shirt, and underwear. Then went the tarps, which she balled up and tossed in after her clothes, leaving her nude as the day she was born, at least for the moment.

Grabbing three nicely folded white towels from a nearby stack, Plenty wrapped one around her hips, then set the others atop a breast. That done, she wiggled her hands under them both and hefted, temporarily abandoning her 'support bra'. She had to lean back to avoid falling on her chest, an uncomfortable position she couldn't keep up for long.

Turning around, Plenty approached the sauna door backwards, using her tail to twist the handle. Hot steam escaped the confines as she opened it. Once she'd yanked both her boobs through the narrow doorframe, squishing them pleasantly in the process, Plenty spied an empty spot on the circular bench over her shoulder and made for it, careful not to let the supple flesh spilling over her hands touch the hot coals in the center of the sauna.

"'Scuse me, ladies, mind scoochin' over some?" Plenty asked. The other mares in the sauna, none of whom Plenty knew, shuffled a bit to make room.

Plenty took a load off with a sigh, plopping herself down on the wood. Spreading her arms, she carefully laid down her breasts on her lap, splayed to either side of her on the bench. The surface was nice and toasty, if she did say so herself. Finally, to preserve some pittance of propriety, she grabbed the other two towels and tossed them over her nipples, one after the other, since her arms were about a foot too short to properly reach. The first towel hit its mark, but the other fell short, and slid down her coat before reaching its target. As the fabric caressed her, Plenty's nip reacted, stiffening, and the towel was pushed off.

"Aw, shoot. Could y'all get that for me, please?" Plenty asked the unicorn mare next to her.

After an awkward pause, she complied, gently replacing the towel with her magic.

Nodding in thanks, Plenty was ready to properly relax. Or at least, she would have, except apparently some of her fellow spa-going folk hadn't seen or gotten used to Plenty yet, and couldn't help but stare. Everypony was flushed from the heat, but she could tell anyway. Multiple mares had frozen somewhat, their ears twitching. There may have been more she couldn't see, since some had their manes wrapped up. One pegasus girl, barely out of her teens, was especially flustered, and seemed to be having trouble controlling her wings.

A single eyebrow raised, Plenty peered over at them. "Don't let your visit be ruined on account of my rack. I ain't got nothin' you haven't seen before. Mine are just bigger. And you can always stop by my little watering hole for a looksee any other day." She pointed to her menu for emphasis.

This seemed to work, as after a long moment the tension in the humid air faded, and the quiet dialogues that had been cut off by Plenty's big arrival resumed. Others just shut their eyes and savored the sauna.

Following suit, Plenty slowed her breathing and entered a trance similar to the one she'd been in for her massage, tuning the others ponies out. Her nipple calmed back down, and she allowed her worries and cares to fade into the back of her mind. The longer she spent in the steam, the more the hot air seeped into her skin, rejuvenating the fat and muscle beneath.

Soon, she could feel beads of sweat and condensation rolling down the great hills and valleys of her voluptuous frame as tiny portions of her weight were purged, drop by drop. Were her business' wares painted on nonmagically, the letters likely would have been running, she was so sweaty.

Huge as they were, her tits retained a lot of heat. Which was good, because Plenty liked the heat. It was nostalgic. Usually, she shed mass from much deeper inside, but Plenty enjoyed this as a change of pace, especially since she couldn't bask openly in the sunlight this exposed. Her almost-curly mane and tail frizzed up a bit in the steam, but it was still worth it.

While Plenty could have lounged there for hours, her stomach insisted otherwise. Thirst and hunger both compelled her to action. Plus, she was planning on sharing a nice lunch and the enjoying the afternoon with Biff, which was just as fulfilling. Emotionally so.

Rising from this position was harder, even without considering how slippery her boobs presently were. With that being the case, it took a couple of tries for Plenty to get a grip on her girls. The motion ended up dislodging her nipple towels, but this time she just left them there for an employee - or perhaps that young pegasus - to eventually fetch. Leaving the way she came, Plenty toweled herself dry as best she could, her breasts jostling on their carts as she wiped the sweat off most of her body, one limb or extremity at a time. Again, what she could reach, anyway. The rest would evaporate later. Then she got dressed and headed out, all smiles.

Plenty met her steady coltfriend at one of the only Ponyville eateries they bothered frequenting: the Hungry Mule all-you-can-eat buffet. The place wasn't terribly romantic if she was being honest. Heck, it was only barely clean enough to pass muster, and both the upholstery on the booths and the paint on the walls was peeling. Dim light bulbs, the better to hide the grease stains, flickered overhead. However, all that was made up for by the simple fact that the mule in charge made deliciously unhealthy country food, from cheesy potatoes and baked beans to fried hay steak and buttermilk biscuits, in portions big enough to whet her appetite.

Like roosters at dawn, she and Biff wasted no time in piling their plates high, briefly trading pleasantries alongside a simple kiss beforehand. For convenience, and to avoid the grime, Plenty just wheeled herself out of the way. The two of them nestled their trays snugly into her cleavage, using her tits as a somewhat high standing table, Biff opposite her.

"So," Biff began between bites, "you're looking pretty chill, Plenty. Had a nice time at the spa?"

"Yep. Aloe really loosened me up." She paused to shovel a forkful of steak into her mouth. "I swear, sometimes I wish I could be a kid again, run around without care or effort," she said, eyeing her breasts.

Biff just smiled wistfully. "Beanbag-sized funbags or not, I think everypony longs for their youth once it's gone. Though I didn't have you as a foal, so I'm not sure how great it would be for me personally."

"Ha, that's right. You'd be miserable without your mare," Plenty confidently declared. "Just like I'd be stuck as a gloomy blank flank without my jugs."

Taking a swig of his water before speaking, his face softened almost imperceptibly. "Glad we were able to pull eachother up, huh?"

Plenty's expression mirrored his as she reached a hand over to hold Biff's, sharing reassurance. "Yeah. Though don't discredit your own efforts."

"Ah, so you did notice," he said, raising his other arm to flex a toned bicep, clearly visible thanks to his plain red tee shirt. His trademark black hat kind of clashed with it, but Plenty found the choice endearing, no stranger to odd outfits.

"Pushing yourself at the gym?" she asked. That's where he'd been while she was at the spa. Lifting her tits wasn't exactly a balanced workout, and Biff took pleasure beyond the necessity in staying in shape.

"Damn straight. I want to stay in peak form for you. So, what do you think? Nice, right?" he posed, wiggling his eyebrows.

After another casual bite, Plenty's muzzle turned impish. "Sure, cutie. You might actually be strong enough now to avoid getting your ass kicked repeatedly by a mare whose mane's already grey."

"Oh, ha ha," Biff uttered, playfully rolling his eyes as he lowered his hand. "You know you love it."

Really, he knew she was just messing with him by now. Of course Plenty understood the globe-trotting archeologist was about as ordinary a mare as she was. Biff certainly wasn't a pushover, at least physically. He may have ran the register at Plenty's Place, but there was a reason Plenty herself balanced the books.

"Seriously, though, I do appreciate the thought," Plenty admitted. "And you do look great; wouldn't be shacking up with you as often otherwise. Could stand to lose the stubble, though."

Frowning, he poked at his chin with a finger. "It makes me look tougher."

Plenty propped her cheek up with a hand, elbow on her tit, as her mischievous grin returned. "Are you sure? The town's already aware you're no Tirek. And you might get deeper Prench kisses more often if you shave..."

"I'll consider it," Biff replied after a beat, captivated. Plenty giggled.

From there, their banter turned sparse, and the two of them refocused on eating their fill before everything got too cold. When they finished, she and Biff went back outside. It was a nice day, typical for Ponyville in summer. Their eyes met. "So, what do you want to do now, Plenty?" Biff asked. "We don't have any plans for the rest of the day."

"Well, sure," she confirmed, interlacing her fingers behind her head. "If I scheduled every hour of my weekend, I'd have my own castle! How 'bout you, any ideas for once?"

Biff snorted, either from her joke about Princess Twilight or her playful barb. Maybe both. "How about we go for a walk?" he suggested. "Ponywatch, get some fresh air."

That was a bit plain, but Plenty didn't mind. Life was full of simple pleasures. If Biff had an unusual hobby, like model trains or something, she wouldn't relate to him as well. Case in point: Grubber. He was probably spending his free time at that weird open mic café, rapping (the worst genre of music in her opinion). Alternatively, he and Cherry Berry - one of the only other equine friends he'd made so far - could be hanging out and talking shop about airships with jargon that flew higher over Plenty's head than said airships. Still, Grubber wouldn't have occupied her thoughts much at this point regardless.

"Sounds good to me," Plenty replied. "As long as you don't try and take me to the park again, Biff. Too many hills."

"Wait, you don't like careening uncontrollably into ponies?" Biff quipped, eliciting a deadpan expression from her. "Kidding, kidding. The streets are great."

"Yes they are," she agreed. "Come on." Plenty beckoned Biff to her side by patting a breast through the tarp a couple of times.

Grabbing her carts, they set off at a leisurely pace, merging with the flow of ponies wandering to and fro. The Hungry Mule wasn't centrally located, with most of the buildings in this part of Ponyville being regular homes. So, it was nice and quiet for the most part, save the occasional curious filly or colt at play. Most ponies were probably at the aforementioned village park on a day like today. Perhaps even the lake. Biff was understandably terrible with foals, so she did most of the talking whenever a refreshingly straightforward young'un rushed up to ask the inevitable questions.

In contrast, this got flipped on its head when they reached downtown. Unlucky, busy adults bustled between what stores were open. Plenty was unsurprised when a few faces amongst the passerby did doubletakes in her direction. As long as they weren't scowls, she didn't mind the attention one bit, even winking at some of them. Whenever she did, Biff made sure to drape an arm over her shoulder possessively. His ongoing fear that someone might steal her away, while misplaced, was still endearing. On the other hand were her customers, who just waved hello. They also passed Lyra and Bon Bon going the other direction, and Plenty traded greetings with her friend, but neither she nor Lyra wished to interrupt the other couple's alone time, so the four of them went their separate ways.

Plenty and Biff were mainly focused on the stores themselves, slowing their pace to peer at the displays. She liked window shopping, for the variety. In sync, Biff had fallen into the same pattern. He was already slowing as Plenty pulled her tits to a halt in front of a kitchenware shop. All manner of dinnerware, preparation tools, and cutlery were visible, though the ones currently beside the entrance seemed to be part of a more modern line.

Biff stared at a steel serving spoon, one that was rectangular instead of the normal oval. "Now that's just impractical. Seems needlessly sharp for a spoon. And ugly to boot."

"You and your curves," Plenty said flirtatiously, leaning into him as she too examined the spoon. "Real talk, though? I think the idea is that it helps for scraping the bottom of a pan. Like for layered casserole, or something."

"Maybe," he replied, making no moves to pull away. "Grubber might know. Either way, seems like a waste of bits. Could just use a spatula."

"If I wanted to waste bits, I'd buy that," Plenty said, pointing to what liked like a tiny alien spaceship from a comic book but was labeled as a juicer. "How do ya even use that? If you've got fruit—"

Suddenly, an exclamation interrupted their browsing, its source both annoyed and familiar. "There you are, Plenty Full! Been looking all over for you."

Spinning around, Plenty confirmed her suspicions. There was Applejack, stomping towards her side, mouth set in a line. Next to her was the mayor, smartly dressed and clutching a folder full of papers in concern. Blinking, Plenty brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She felt her smile dip. So much for a peaceful afternoon.

"Applejack? Mayor Mare? What's this about?" Biff asked, worried.

Plenty fielded an educated guess. "Is it the masturbation booths? I thought we discussed this already; they're kinda necessary."

Mayor Mare's few wrinkles deepened with her dismay. "No, Miss Full, it's not that. While... gross, those are still technically above board."

"Then what's the problem?" Plenty asked, seconding Biff, who huffed in indignation, crossing his arms.

Applejack, having a few inches on Plenty, glared down at her with undisguised contempt, nearly making Plenty flinch in surprise. "I won't mince words. I was largely indifferent to your work 'til now," Applejack noted. "Then, I heard from a trusted source that you're making Apple Family hard cider. Don't think I need to explain to y'all why I'd object to such a thing."

Plenty balked at that. "Oh. You're talking about Rainbow Dash? From yesterday? Honestly you should be flattered, Applejack. Your pal's so excited for cider season that she evidently got tired o' waitin'! Besides, it's not like I can control what these puppies put out!" After gesturing to her boobs, Plenty returned her willful gaze. Flashes of past prejudice against her body and her talent dredged themselves up in her mind.

"I'm sorry, but even if it wasn't your intent, copying a signature recipe without permission is effectively the same as stealing," Mayor Mare pointed out. "Not to mention the fact that your, erm, assets can apparently produce intoxicating substances."

"Right!" went Applejack. "That's a whole 'nother can of worms. You serve minors all the time. What’s to stop some ignorant filly from sneakin’ into the liquor cabinet, developing a taste for the stuff, and then going to you for her supply?"

Such a possibility had not occurred to Plenty, anxiety replacing anger. "Shit, that is an issue." She'd heard of 'getting drunk on pleasure', but that phrase typically wasn't this close to literal. Her head spun with the implications. Was that even the worst her boobs could squirt out?

"Glad y'all understand. As things are, more trouble down the line is just about guaranteed," Applejack said.

"Fantastic," Biff muttered. "Do we need to apply for a liquor license, or something?"

"No, we don't require that here," Mayor Mare explained. "It's that 'or something' I was hoping to discuss." She began leafing through her papers. "This is an unprecedented case, for local and national law."

Applejack stepped back, taking a deep, steadying breath. "If we can agree on some sort of solution, I'll put this behind me. And Mayor Mare here can fix up the books. I ain't got a clue what that might look like, though."

That seemed reasonable, but definitely easier said than done. "Hmm." Plenty's tail flicked around as she thought. Her business was at stake here, so she had to make this work, or it was lights out! "So I gotta address the alcohol and the, uh, copyright problems..."

Mayor Mare nodded shallowly in confirmation. Biff provided silent reassurance by holding her hand again and looking on empathetically. Plenty only peripherally noticed, brainstorming intently for a short eternity.

Eventually, answers came to her. "The easiest way to keep booze or anything else unsafe for foals out of their hands would probably be to hire somebody to check each drink," Plenty said. "Like a taste tester."

"Ah! Yes, I do believe that would be fine," Mayor Mare confirmed with a smile. "Quite thorough."

"I don't know about that, honey," protested Biff. "The extra wait would make the lines longer."

Plenty sighed. "I know, it might get awkward, but it's still the best I've got. I don't trust spells not to mess with the flavor."

"Hold on," began Applejack. Her eyes unfocused as she seemed to remember something. "I might have a better idea, actually. Fluttershy was just telling me about this old bloodhound that wandered to her place. You know her, right? Talks to animals? Anyway, apparently he's going through a sort of midlife crisis. Wants to be useful. Maybe you can take old boy in?"

Perking up, Plenty understood. How unexpectedly fortunate. "I'd say so, assuming Fluttershy can train him to bark or somesuch whenever I make anything spiked." On top of that, she'd never had a pet before, could be nice. Turning to Biff, she asked "Would you be okay sharing the house with a dog?"

With a sly smile, Biff shrugged. "Can't be any harder to wrangle than Grubber. Why not?"

"Excellent," added the mayor, as Plenty and Applejack chuckled. Once she finished taking notes, Mayor Mare looked back up at them. "As long as you can get the adoption process sorted out quickly, I have no objections. That just leaves the rights issue."

"There's really nothing I can do about that without - what's the word - homogenizing my product," Plenty said with a sigh.

Applejack's frown returned as she tapped her booted foot, like it had never left. "Sorry, sugarcube, but that ain't gonna cut it."

"Wait a sec," interjected Biff, before Plenty could respond. She could practically hear the gears in his head turning. "I'm no college-educated buisnesspony, but I've picked up a few things. So, Applejack, you're saying that whenever my fillyfriend here makes a drink somepony wants that she shouldn't be allowed to, it hurts somepony else's income?"

"Or somecreature, but yes," confirmed Plenty, wondering where he was going with this.

"What if we just, like, raised prices?" he fielded. "If the original is always cheaper, won't the demand stay?"

"Huh. You might be on to something, there," Plenty said, before turning back to her tits. "I've got two other ways to keep attracting business, so Plenty's Place probably won't drop too many customers if we did that."

Mayor Mare visibly mulled Biff's suggestion over. "That route would significantly reduce the competitive element. It's not ideal, but as you said, it's not as if you're doing this on purpose, Miss Full, so the only way to be completely by the book would be to shut your doors entirely." Here, she gave a small but genuine smile. "And I'm not the sort of politician who would do such a thing to valued member of our growing community, new or otherwise."

"When you put it like that, Mayor... I suppose chargin' way more than we do is acceptable," conceded Applejack, fidgeting with the brim of her hat.

Plenty relaxed, letting out a breath she hadn't realized she was even holding. For a hot minute there, she was afraid she'd be passive-aggressively run out of town again. Thankfully, it seemed that, no, her gift would not be warped into a curse ever again, no matter what her boobs cooked up next. She shouldn't have stressed out so much; Ponyville was home to former tyrants, after all. That, and undue fretting would undo the pampering she'd just gotten!

Biff struck a triumphant pose, hands on his hips. "Ha, my solution was correct! I knew one day I'd get the brains to go with my brawn! Was only a matter of time. And maybe a better diet. More calcium and stuff."

Smile widening, Plenty laughed at that. "Yes, thank you, Biff. I'll be sure to keep you in the white." Straightening her shirt collar, she addressed Applejack and the mayor. "I guess that's that, then? Unless y'all have any further objections?"

"None on my end," went Mayor Mare.

"No, I think we're good now. 'Crisis averted', as Twi would say," said Applejack, more subdued. "Sorry 'bout all this fuss, my livelihood was at stake too, you understand."

"It's fine, really," Plenty insisted, waving her off. "Rather than an apology, would you mind giving me and my lover boy here some space? We were having a date of sorts when you blew in. Felt like the fun part might've been coming up soon."

Applejack's cheeks reddened slightly with a sheepish blush. "Ah, of course." She tipped her hat. "Take care, now!"

Mayor Mare snapped her folder shut. "I'd best be going as well; there's always more to do. Goodbye, you two!"

After watching them retreat along the sunlit thoroughfare to their own lives, Plenty's attention returned to the still smug expression on Biff's face. "That honestly went better than I figured it would. It's funny, I was kinda expectin' to get at least some sort of punishment there, even just a slap on the wrist."

There was a long pause before, in another rare spark of inspiration for the guy, Biff leaned in close to her, grinning lecherously. "Well, now that you mention it, that could be arranged..."

"Why did I agree to this?"

Plenty rested on the ground floor of her shop, in a most compromising position. She lied on her stomach atop her breasts, the cold tile pressing against her mounds as she straddled them, twisted 90 degrees. Totally naked, rope bound her wrists together behind her back, Biff's knots being tight enough that only a professional at breaking out of traps could escape. Plenty's legs were also constrained, bent all the way and then forcefully spread open. Even her tail had been hiked up and threaded through the knots, leaving her nethers completely exposed.

"Because, this one time, you deserve it," Biff replied, slowly walking a circuit around her, his pants tenting more and more with each step. "And because I'm going to make sure you squeal."

She couldn't help but shiver in anticipation, when she imagined how he might accomplish that. "Okay, when you put it like that..." Honestly, Plenty was pretty excited for what they were about to do, embers of lust smoldering in her core, just not as excited she would be on top like usual.

"Really, I'm not sure why you're having doubts now," Biff said. "Not just me, anypony with eyes could see your true desire, plain as day." As he continued circling her, Biff reached over to wipe up a single strand of tangy wetness before it could ooze slowly down her bulging boob all the way. Its origin was clear: Plenty's aroused sex. Biff's satisfied smirk grew.

Blushing, Plenty looked behind her as best she was able. However, she didn't beg for it, instead acting out the scenario some more by playing hard-to-get, humoring him a little. "It's not like I specifically want to be violated when I'm all trussed up like this. I just haven't gotten any D in a while, is all."

"Nope. You are one naughty girl," he declared. Then Biff leaned down and slapped her. Not on the wrist, but on the ass, sending a jolt up her spine and a jiggle everywhere else. "I've barely even touched you yet and look how hard your nipples are."

They were indeed quite primed at the moment, the sole solid spots amidst islands of taught softness, jutting proudly into the open. "That's because they're cold. Also, I haven't been milked at all since this morning," Plenty insisted.

"So you say. I think you're simply hornier than usual, bloated or not. But I won't make you plead for your punishment, since I'm such a kind stallion."

"Then what are you waiting for?" quipped Plenty, unable to wait any longer, wiggling in place and shooting him her best bedroom eyes. "I'm at your mercy. Nothing's stopping you from ravaging me."

This was enough to push Biff past the point of holding back too. He began feverishly ripping off his clothes, with a primal, almost predatory growl. Once everything that could get between them was gone, he practically fell on top of her currently front-facing breast. A burst of milk escaped along with Plenty's cry, staining the floor, as he did. Then, he squeezed with both hands from the sides, pulling his muzzle up to hers and leaving only his feet dangling off her tit. The sensation of his whole body pressed against her, especially the one warm, long portion of him near the center, was extremely intimate.

Biff drew in for a kiss. Plenty passionately made out with him, hot breath and heady moans from their lungs passing back and forth between them as their tongues danced. It was just about the only muscle she could voluntarily move, and she made sure to take advantage, tasting every nook and cranny of Biff's mouth, his familiar scent filling her nose as her heart fluttered. But just when it was getting good, the intensity of their motions ramping up, lips tugging and twisting, Biff pulled away, and Plenty bit back a needy whimper. Scratch her earlier assessment, she really wanted this.

Before she could ask for an explanation, Biff shifted onto his knees, making room to reach back and hook his hands under her areola. Then, he folded her boob in half, bringing her still wet and full nipple within reach. "Let's get some of that backlog out of you, yeah?"

"Fuck yeah." Plenty stretched her tongue forwards, licking as much of her length as she could. It wasn't as tasty as Biff's cock, but not much came close to that gold standard, and who didn't like milk?

Even more eager to sample her, Biff wrapped his lips around the shaft of her gargantuan gland, sucking, pinching, and vacuuming one area of her nipple after another. The concentrated pressure of Biff's weight on her breast, combined with their twin ministrations, triggered Plenty's talent in earnest. With a lengthy sigh, she cut loose, a thick stream of milk blasting straight up like a volcanic event. It then broke apart and fell back atop them both as a warm shower, rapidly plastering their manes to their heads and soaking their whole bodies. Though Plenty barely noticed, too absorbed in the supreme feeling of letting out so much at once, a feeling that kept going and going.

Biff whistled in appreciation. "Celestia, Plenty, you sure can squirt. I never get tired of it." He slurped up a small fraction of her nutritious output, running his face up and down her tit, then darting in to sample directly from the geyser as long as he dared, which was about half a second, more than enough time to overfill his mouth. It took Biff three gulps to swallow it all.

Watching her colt sample her, appreciate her bounty, was something Plenty never tired of. And her tits weren't even close to tapped out. Neither was her libido. "Well, I-If you want more, don't stop squeezin'," she managed between deepening breaths.

"Oh, I think I can do better than that, sweetie. Brace yourself, this might hurt a touch." Before she could voice any objection, Biff rested his cheek against her areola, pulled back his lips, and clamped his teeth down onto the tender flesh of her thick nipple, toeing the line of drawing blood.

A crackling tornado of sensation wracked her body. Plenty's eyes widened dramatically before she reflexively clamped them shut. "Oh, shit shit shit."

Her pleasure driven to even wilder heights by the love bite, Plenty's productivity abruptly shot up even higher, gallons bursting out of her every second as the floodgates opened. This wasn't an ordinary milking, she was essentially cumming from her breast, the great liquid passion of their lovemaking being given form as mind-numbing ecstasy. No longer sighing, Plenty screamed at the top of her lungs, the rush of nectar now rivalling a fire hose. Plenty's beyond copious milk-gasm had enough force behind it to splatter against the ceiling two stories up before drenching the both of them. The binding ropes chafed at her as she writhed in pleasure.

Letting go to get a better look at Plenty's blissful expression and the magnitude of her release, Biff began stroking at his now thoroughly lubricated length as she rode out her high. After some of the longest seconds of her life, her climax slowly tapered off, from a flood to a trickle. Soon, the only sounds were their respective huffing exhalations and the gurgle of rich cream flowing down the drain.

Biff wiped soaked sections of Plenty's mane off her face for her with his free hand, sitting atop her breast. "I guess you were pretty pent up. But we're not - mmm - done yet, Plenty. I haven't got off yet, and you still haven't been stuffed. Filled with the, uh, something, something..."

"Seed of regret?" Plenty finished, having recovered her senses. Her libido, however, hadn't diminished, and she was still more than desperate to satisfy her crackling need. "But who gives a shit about roleplay anymore, just fuck me stupid, you silly colt! I've still got at least one more left in me, and you've gotta get my other tit pumped!"

Awed, Biff nodded, answering her call to action. And act he did, stunning her with a most depraved move. "Okay then. How about this?"

Rising from her chest pillow, which thumped back against the slick floor, Biff grabbed her other boob, hefting the nipple towards Plenty. Before she could say anything, he lined up the wide pink tip with her pussy and shoved.

Plenty gasped in surprise as she was fully penetrated by her own immense nipple in a single stroke, jabbing into her cervix. It just barely fit, stretching her oozing folds to their limit. Words failed her, and she could only moan, her eyes rolling back as the twin sensations bombarded her body. The tight, hot, twitching wetness of her cunt got her nipple even harder, and the sheer size of her nipple satisfied the burning hunger in her cunt. It was a sublime feedback loop, and that was without even any motion!

"Damn, you like that, huh?" Biff quipped before returning to kneel where he started. "Seeing you all riled up like this made me so hard." Presenting himself to her, Plenty got a close look at his turgid cock for the first time this session, standing tall, its musk strong enough to overpower the milk and drive her even more wild. "You deserve a nice, hard facefuck too."

She had no words, preoccupied and dazed by what was happening between her legs. Though Plenty couldn't even dream of objecting as Biff pulled her mouth open and lanced his dick down her throat, their combined tastes mingling on her tongue as his glans reached deep into her esophagus. Grabbing the back of her skull, Biff pounded her mercilessly, and she loved every single thrust. With each sharp motion of his hips, her breast shook beneath him, gently springing him back inside her with each frenzied repetition and providing a nice view of his abs.

Plenty quickly became lost in the moment, each of her lover's strokes sending pulses of glorious sensation that shook her core, pulses that built ever higher, impossible to escape. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, never let him go, but couldn't. Not because her arms were tied, but because of the cycle of self-gratification he'd enabled, given. Her nipple scraped at her tender walls, which coaxed at her nipple, which kept shaking deep inside her, the breast behind it getting ready to blow... It was almost too much ecstasy to bear, and yet it was perfect.

Still, their coupling couldn't last forever. If it had to end, then Plenty wanted it to be as world-shattering for Biff as it was for her. Lungs beginning to plead for breath, her heart working overtime, Plenty gulped deeply, over and over, coaxing Biff to give her all he could, unload his thick, potent spunk right into her stomach where it belonged.

Clenching his teeth, Biff's pace turned erratic. "Oh Celestia, Plenty, if you slurp at me like that I'm gonna—" Groaning, he hilted himself, his balls brushing against her chin, and came. Plenty could feel his cock pulsing with his ejaculation with her lips and insides alike as warm weight settled in her gut, entering her, joining them. He'd drank from her, and now she'd drunk from him.

Plenty could taste the last intoxicating spurts of Biff's cum as he pulled his softening length free, though she suspected it wouldn't stay that way for long. Mewling and panting, she squirmed within her cleavage, trying with all her might to get her nipple to fucking move inside her snatch, tail thrashing against the rope. Her sex-famished state absolutely required another mighty orgasm, and Plenty couldn't fathom doing anything else until that goal was reached.

"Biff..." she managed, breathless, her voice raw, hoping he'd take the hint.

Grunting in acknowledgement, Biff stood on shaky legs, getting behind Plenty. Squeezing her areola firmly with one hand and pressing a palm into the middle of her titflesh with the other, he yanked her nipple back and forth, dutifully pistoning it in and out. Stars flashed in Plenty's eyes, her vision going white as her nerves lit up like dynamite all over the place, unable to do anything save ride out Biff's ministrations.

Yes, yes, yesyesyes! It was like nothing else she'd ever experienced, the pleasure he was giving her more than the sum of its parts. Uncontrollable spasms shook her body, turning her into nothing more than a vessel for pure bliss as her organs throbbed into eachother. Nothing mattered except where she was joined with herself, stroking, jamming, coiling, boiling, losing track of time and place. All semblance of control slipping away, Plenty moaned like a bitch in heat, her thoughts narrowing to a single breaking point: fill, be filled, release it, take it! CUUUUUM!

And then, it happened. Plenty nearly fainted on the spot when her second climax crashed through her, pupils dilated, her madly clenching pussy drawing out her boob's magically enhanced payload at last. Overcome by an ouroboros of wild lust, her nipple rapidly disgorged piping hot cream straight into her womb, which inflated down into her tits like a balloon, pumped with far more than any stallion could hope to match, more full than she'd ever been in an instant and still going.

As her womb got stuffed more and more by her own output, passing the size of a basketball and approaching that of a beach ball, it began pushing her ass higher and higher. Eventually, her stomach could hold no more. Combined with the change in angle, her spurting nipple was forced out of her, pushing Biff back and continuing to let loose all over the place even as the excess from her cunt sloshed out onto her milky tit. She could hear her output spraying wetly against the tile as her orgasm wound down, her breast taking much longer to calm down than her cunt.

"T-That *huff* was the best fuckin' climax I've ever had," Plenty declared, once her mind eventually returned to her. It'd been so phenomenal that she almost wanted to propose to Biff on the spot. She looked back at him with a soft smile.

However, Biff himself suddenly wasn't looking so eager anymore, his enraptured stare replaced by a stupefied one. "Uh, Plenty, sweetie? Did you just..."

This was not the reaction she'd been expecting from her stallion in this situation, a pinch of confusion cutting through the blissful afterglow. "W-What?"

Silently, Biff scooped up some of the white stuff she'd just unleashed, holding it up to her muzzle.

Plenty stared. And she smelled. That was not milk. It was far too slimy, too potent. No, there was no mistaking it; that was clearly a large handful of semen. Semen her breast had produced in accordance to Plenty's desire at the time. Semen her womb was now absolutely inundated with, no condom wrapper in sight. That meant...

"Oh," she uttered, gormlessly. "Oh."

Swollen With Joy

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Needless to say, Plenty did, in fact, discover she was pregnant after a few weeks. She hadn't been looking to start a proper family yet, and neither was Biff. Still, Plenty was going to carry the foal to term. There were enough couples - gay or interspecies - looking to adopt in Equestria these days that the child would be taken care of regardless. (Abortion, while perfectly legal, was only typically done if there was great risk to the mother or child for one reason or another.) After some debate, she and Biff had decided to just table the final verdict for later.

Since then, five months had passed, and the child within her wasn't the only thing growing. The 'elevated hormones' - to copy the doctor's fancy science talk - from her pregnancy led to the expansion of her bust accelerating rapidly. Before that wild evening, Plenty's growth had basically stagnated, her breasts maintaining roughly the same dimensions year to year by the time she was an adult. Now, it was like puberty all over again, with pounds upon pounds of titflesh added on every week. She didn't mind, but it was becoming more and more of a hassle to go about her life, not even including the mood swings. Or the cravings. She ate more than the hungriest of hippos at this point.

But again, it had been her boobs which led to one obstacle after another. It got challenging to get into a comfortable sleeping arrangement, with most regions of her girls growing too thick for Biff to use as a pillow and her nips becoming more difficult to keep off the floor. She couldn't get her whole body in the shower at once any longer, and it took Biff's help just to squeeze through most doorways one breast at a time. The carts she used to get around continued to work, barely, but now Plenty could no longer see where she was going thanks to her own lofty cleavage, making things far more awkward. Even her modesty tarps were beginning to look small on her chest, leaving more of her femininity out in the open.

Thankfully, Plenty and Biff's relationship only became stronger for the hardship. With each problem that repeatedly arose, they worked together with minimal argument to solve them. She honestly did love the big lug at this point, and counted herself lucky that she'd met stallion who was tough and dependable without being straight-laced. Heck, after this long she was pretty sure she wanted to tie the knot, but was waiting for Biff to work up the nerve and propose, as was tradition. Her best guess was that he was worried about being a father with his history.

Their new pet was giving them both a good warm-up on that front. The brown-furred bloodhound Fluttershy introduced them to, named William, wasn't too high-maintenance. In fact, he was quite stoic, not the type to snuggle in their bed or on the couch, instead only desiring scratches. But they still had to feed, bathe, and walk him. Most of the time, Biff did the honors. William was an excellent conversational icebreaker, and he'd managed to make some connections around town, finally. As much as she may have wanted to, it wasn't healthy for Plenty to hog Biff all to herself from dawn to dusk.

Which brought her to today, two days before Hearth's Warming, where she was on the job. Her breasts, now double the size they'd been before her pregnancy, completely overshadowing her baby bulge, rested on upgraded shelving, made with thicker, heavy-duty steel bars more widely spaced apart. This was to accommodate her nips, which were now as thick as her thighs and almost as long, in addition to being slightly darker in hue. The balcony's banister had been similarly modified. Also, per her agreement with Applejack and Mayor Mare, drinks at Plenty's Place were significantly more expensive then they used to be, as indicated on her updated menu. With more surface to write on, she'd also upped the font size.

More recently, Plenty had needed to revise the actual items, too. Her growing breasts, twice as voluptuous and more than twice as weighty, were simply too productive for typically sized drinks any longer. A typical tug of one of her nipples yielded enough liquid to overflow most glasses almost instantly, constantly making a mess of the shop floor. So, she no longer served Small and Medium beverages, replacing them with Extra Large and Half Gallon sizes, with huge foam cups to match. She was more than capable of meeting the rising demand.

Oh, her model employees were there too, of course. She and Biff filled the air with idle banter when it got too quiet, while William eyed and sniffed creatures, vigilant in his task. The hound rarely let himself get too distracted by playful fillies and colts, no matter how much they wanted to start a ruckus. Though the sight was cute when it happened, Plenty still added a rule to her boob display urging guests to restrain themselves. Well, with William, at least.

Case in point, Plenty was snapped out of her musings by the sight of a well-dressed blue stallion whose name she couldn't remember slowly exiting one of the masturbation booths while trying to make as little noise as possible, carefully shutting the door behind him as he carried what was left of his purchase, some kind of big-city coffee. She and the other customers waiting might not have noticed at all, sparing the guy some embarrassment, but William had no sense for propriety, blocking the stallion's path as he stretched up to sniff at his crotch.

Face red, and not from the winter chill seeping in through the entrance, the flustered stallion circled around him. "Shoo, shoo!" he whisper-shouted. When this only drew more eyes to him, he added, at normal volume "H-Have a wonderful day!"

Satisfied with what he did - of didn't - find, William sidled away and let him leave. Once he was out of earshot, Lyra, who was almost in front, unleashed her restrained giggles. "Poor Noteworthy. Always hated attention, ironically."

Hand on his chin, Biff flicked his tail, confused and amused. "I don't get it. Who would be ashamed of jerking off to a mare with a figure like Plenty's?"

"Oh, stop," Plenty said, sarcastically waving off the complement as she smiled. It was a fair question, though, especially since more and more folks of all genders were spending time in the booths the bigger they grew.

"Somepony who's actively dating?" quipped Lyra, sharing gossip with remorseless glee. Then, changing the topic, she stepped up to the counter, waving. "Anyway, hi, Plenty!"

"Hey, Lyra. Always nice to see you, but shouldn't y'all be spendin' time with Bon Bon on a fine winter's day like this?" Plenty asked.

"I am! We're about to go watch the schoolfoals pelt eachother with snowballs: AKA the best spectator sport. But, you know, it's cold."

Plenty nodded in understanding. "Hot drinks are good for that."

"Exactly! Anyway, let's see here..."

As Lyra stepped over to Biff, reaching into her jacket for her bit purse, another unicorn mare walked up, carrying six empty barrels in her aura. She had the exact same popular local manestyle as Lyra, only in purple, and was a few years younger by Plenty's guess. She also dressed better, wearing business casual as opposed to just casual. The mare was clearly trying very hard to maintain a professional demeanor despite her apparent awe, so Plenty did the same. "Hello, and welcome to Plenty's Place! What'll it be?"

"Words do not do you justice," stated the mare under her breath. Only after that did Plenty's question register, and she shook her head to clear it before making eye contact. "Sorry, hello! I'm here to get some spiced winter wassail for the annual Hearth's Warming party at the castle."

"Oh, really? I've heard great things about that one." However, Plenty was somewhat confused. "I can certainly help on that front, but I coulda sworn Pinkie Pie was in charge of most big shindigs 'round here."

"Not this time!" she declared with pride. "Princess Twilight used to head up planning the event, since it was her castle, but now that it's a public space, somecreature else needed to take over to keep the new tradition going. I'm, uh, Amethyst Star, by the way," she added, momentarily distracted by the sight of Lyra going over to one of Plenty's enormous, warm, and taught globes to serve herself.

Plenty, long used to the feeling of being milked by such a paltry amount, didn't even miss a beat of their conversation. "A pleasure, Miss Star. Still, must be a heck of a lot of work."

"Mmm, matcha latte!" approved Lyra in the background, sipping her steaming beverage as she left.

"Oh, it is, but I enjoy it, and it's worth it to bring cheer to all of Ponyville," Amethyst Star said, replying to Plenty. "Are you going to attend? Er, assuming you're able."

Plenty smiled apologetically. "I am, for now, but I'm 'fraid I can't this year."

"We're spending the holiday in with our roommate, Grubber," elaborated Biff. "His people have this other celebration called Hailnukkah. And Hearth's Warming was never really my thing anyway."

"Well, that's fine too. How supportive!" Amethyst confirmed, looking back and forth between them. "As long as you're among friends, you're upholding the spirit of the season. Not everypony sweats the details."

"I reckon so," went Plenty. "I might provide refreshments in person next year, though."

Amethyst smiled at that. "We'd love to have you even just as another joyful face, though that'd obviously be a welcome addition to the festivities."

Nodding, Plenty stretched her right hand down along her breast, pointing to the menu. "Anyway, speaking of, I don't wanna hold you up any longer; I'm sure you're busy. With all those barrels, you're gonna need the timed milking."

"Ah, right. Thank you." Amethyst opened and set down the barrels she'd been levitating under Plenty's boob shelf and efficiently passed Biff her bits. With only a brief moment of hesitation, she then began to tug at one of Plenty's thick nipples with both hands. Amethyst's technique was average, but more than enough to get her tit going, and Plenty immediately began to gush, a wide stream building in her core before escaping to freedom.

As Amethyst coaxed the wassail out, from the sound of things, she was able to get the first barrel full in about ten seconds before swapping in the next one, only a few sweet gulps missing their mark and hitting the floor in the process. Plenty contentedly filled the rest of the barrels in short order. In all, a larger fraction of her increased abundance, but not nearly enough to put a meaningful dent her daily capacity. Whatever that even was, at this point. Amethyst even had time to spare. Plenty probably could've topped off a full dozen in the two minutes.

Amethyst, too, was impressed. "That was fast." After putting the lids back onto the barrels, she hefted them back up with her horn, grunting as she stepped back out to where she could look up at Plenty's face. "Wow, these are heavier than I thought they'd be, better get them to the wagon. Thanks, Miss Full. This stuff smells really good, I'm sure it'll be a hit!"

"Well, let 'em know it's mine if they like it," she said with a smirk. "Nice meetin' you!"

"Likewise. Take care! And you too, Mr..."

"Biff," he finished, rolling his eyes, prompting Plenty's smile to widen. That he tended to be unmemorable until you got to know him was a bit of an in-joke between them.

"Right, Biff. Bye!" With a wave, Amethyst left the shop, maneuvering the barrels after her. William stared at the barrels with that inquisitive canine look of his as he did.

Plenty hoped the party went off without a hitch, though she could ask around after the fact. For now, there were more ponies waiting to get their thirst quenched. Adjusting her mane and stretching her legs, she turned to the next customer. From there, the day was an example of relative normalcy.

When Hearth's Warming morning - also one of the eight days of Hailnukkah - rolled around, Plenty and Biff rose lethargically. Resisting the urge to play around in bed with him, and he her, they instead washed up before getting dressed in comfy loungewear. Biff wore a t-shirt and sweatpants, while Plenty stuck with a fluffy white bathrobe.

Per Grubber's crash course on his culture, Hailnukkah was an event originally born of necessity, much like Hearth's Warming was. The Storm Kingdom, as its name suggested, had some rough weather, and every year the winter brought a massive hailstorm, apple-sized chunks of ice whipping down from the roiling heavens at speed and obliterating anyone unfortunate enough to be outdoors at the time. Considering the weather team got in heap of trouble whenever regular hail even happened, for good reason (those suckers hurt for someone like her with a large surface area), Plenty could scarcely imagine how bad this fabled storm could get. She was just happy to get an excuse to have a lazy day in. Which was basically what the whole thing amounted to: sitting indoors to avoid dying and passing the time with your loved ones however you felt like.

The four of them met up in the kitchen for a special breakfast courtesy of Grubber, who'd woken up before them as usual to cook. After carefully setting her twin masses down, Biff sat next to her, which was nice, the whole arrangement made possible thanks to the larger ottoman she'd purchased. It made the kitchen a tad cramped, but there wasn't a better option, really. Her boobs were going to take up enough space for two ponies either way.

Beaming, Grubber spun their plates into position with a flourish. "Two vegetarian versions of the Raiju special for my favorite, and only, horny roommates!"

Biff snorted at the crude humor. "Appreciate it, bucko."

After moving back to the stove and serving himself some of the meaty stuff, he did the same for William. He did not look particularly pleased, shying away to maintain his distance from Grubber.

Grubber pouted. “Aww, what, still don't like me? Is it the teeth?" he asked, pulling his lips back for a second. "Can't be the smell, I bathe now and everything!”

William just looked at him for a long moment before turning down to eat. He didn't seem to prefer the special meal over his usual dog food, taking bites from his cute little bowl at a measured pace, occasionally switching to sip some water. Grubber grumbled and sat down on the other side of the table.

Poor fellow, can't catch a break with the critters, even after so much practice not trying to fry them up constantly. "He'll warm up to you eventually, I'm sure," Plenty reassured him.

Anyway, she was hungry herself, quite so, in fact, and began eating too. Well, shoveling, if she was being honest. The food was... weird, but good, in Plenty's opinion. When you were pregnant, everything tasted delicious so long as it was edible, and Grubber piled it high. Biff, however, ended up just pouring himself some cereal (with Plenty's milk, of course) and passed her his portion, which disappointed Grubber a little, but his enthusiasm quickly surged back up, high as she'd ever seen it.

Once they were finished eating, Grubber clapped his hands together. "I'm, like, so excited for today you guys. We're gonna have so much fun just hanging out it that it should be illegal."

"As if the princess would ever outlaw fun," Plenty quipped.

"Before that, though," Grubber continued, "I know you guys do a bunch of gift giving today, so, since you've been so cool to me all this time, I got you a little something, Plenty."

Blinking, Plenty shared a look of pleasant surprise with Biff as Grubber reached over to a cupboard she never used. She cocked her head as he pulled out a long, long... something made up of sections of red and yellow fabric. "Okay, I'll bite. What is that?"

"Wait a sec, they're all folded up," Grubber explained as he fanned them out, taking one in each hand. They moved strangely through the air, as if it was water instead. "Ta-dah! Mini enchanted envelopes!"

Plenty blinked again, harder. "Those aren't envelopes, Grubber, let alone small."

"Not the mail kind of envelope, the hot air balloon kind!" Grubber explained somewhat condescendingly, as if that was obvious. "But these two are custom made. They have the same spell slapped on as rigid airship hulls, makes 'em almost neutrally buoyant in air, even with a heavy load. Except these are modeled more closely after regular hot air balloons for the shape, ya dig?"

She drummed her fingers along a breast impatiently, still not following. "In Equish, maybe?"

Sighing, Grubber rolled his eyes, muttering something about unappreciated hobbies. "They're like big socks for your tits that should make them magically lighter by a lot. Like, floaty."

"Seriously!?" Her jaw dropping, Plenty reeled with the possibilities as she processed this. She wouldn't need the carts anymore; her rack could just go back to jutting out like a normal mare's, supported by nothing but fabric and her torso as they hovered in front of her. They'd still be gigantic and bump into things, but she'd be able to move more quickly and confidently. Shoot, it'd be like reliving her teenage years!

Biff, too, marveled, whistling in awe. "Damn, that is pretty great."

"I know, right? Here, try them on!" Grubber then rounded the table and passed the envelopes to Plenty. She'd probably just call them bags, though. Heh, bags for her funbags.

Anyway, cradling them in her hands, she hummed in approval. The material was smooth yet seemed tough and durable. Would've picked a less bold set of colors, probably, but other than that it was the perfect gift. She'd test them out later. Presently, she beamed at Grubber. "Thank you very much; I'll treasure them."

"Shucks, don't mention it," he rebuked, basking in the gratitude for a beat before adding "or if you do, make sure one of the princess' friends is around to hear so I can get that last bit of heat off my ass."

Plenty snorted at that. "Sure thing."

"Great! Then I guess it's time for some good old R&R!" Grubber declared.

"What, that's it? Nothing for me?" Biff protested, frowning deeply.

Grubber returned fire with a frown of his own. "It's also for you! You don't have ta lift 'em as often now! Also, they cost all the allowance I'd painfully managed to save up, plus some odd jobs," he added, deadpan. "Didn't even have enough left over for one of those stupid greeting cards."

Biff processed this. "I suppose that's fair. Flying ain't cheap if you don't have wings."

"I'm not going to be flying anytime soon though, even with this extremely thoughtful gift," Plenty noted, setting down the bags and leaning into Biff. "No need for the wild blue yonder when everything I need is right here."

Grinning, Biff met her eyes, their muzzles close. "How unusually sappy of you, sweetie. Must be the Hailnukkah spirit."

"Something like that," she replied, mischievously, before diving in for a quick kiss. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer, Biff being happy to oblige.

But before they could take things any further, William barked at them. Glancing to the side, Plenty saw him staring at her skeptically. He pointing to their bedroom with one ear before letting it flop back down next to his head.

"Oh, of course, our gift. Good boy," Plenty said. She and Biff turned back to face eachother at the same time. "Biff, be a good colt and go grab it, would you?"

"Ah, yeah," he acknowledged, leaving her for a moment to fish out the wrapped present they'd hidden in the closet.

Grubber's eyes lit up as Biff returned, carrying a box covered in striped wrapping paper. He stretched out his arms, beckoning rapidly with his fingers. "OOO, gimmie, gimmie!"

Plenty chuckled as Biff handed it over, Grubber immediately tearing the gift wrap and the package itself to shreds. Inside was a durable backpack, already filled. Grubber's eyes lit up when he unzipped it. "A survival kit! You two were listening to my cultural ramblings! I'll treasure it forever, or until everything's broken or used up."

"Of course we were, Grubber. And you're welcome," Plenty said.

"That set's better than what I used to carry around on the job, by the way," added Biff. "Ponyville has a vast selection."

"For sure; I can tell," went Grubber, placing the kit aside.

From there, they just reclined and relaxed, trading amusing anecdotes and idle chit-chat. No way Plenty could get cranky in such happy times, pregnant or not. Time flew by faster than a hawk to a chicken coop. It was nearly perfect, just herself and her companions, shootin' the breeze.

But nothing lasted forever, and Plenty's ears perked at the sudden sound of somecreature knocking on the shop door, loudly enough to rattle the glass. Her brow furrowed. "That's odd. Who'd be looking for me today? Can't they see we're closed?"

"I have no idea," went Biff, equally baffled.

"Can you go check it out for me, sugar?" Plenty asked. "Ask what the fuss is about?"

"Yeah, sure." Biff then stood and trudged downstairs.

She heard a female voice shout 'Please open up!' before Biff got to her, and then Plenty could only make out indistinct murmurs. Curious, she was already gathering up her chest and getting ready to drag herself over when Biff called out to her, sounding annoyed. "It's a couple o' fillies! Wanna know if you'll open the store for them! They say it's urgent!"

Urgent, eh? Must've been, if they weren't celebrating. Which is what Plenty ought to have been doing right then. However, it wouldn't be right to just not hear them out, especially this time of year. And now that she was paying attention, a bubbling need was mounting behind her nipples... "Oh, alright! I'ma comin'!"

After shooting an apologetic glance at Grubber, who just mouthed 'I'm cool' and began examining the survival kit they'd bought him in greater detail, Plenty hip-checked the door to the balcony open and stacked her tits on top of eachother so she could yank them through, followed shortly after by a scampering William. Turning and readjusting her boobs, she took in the scene. Biff had turned on the lights and let the fillies - more like young mares, really - inside. Both were expensively-garbed earth ponies, one pink and sporting a tiara, the other grey with glasses. Neither were regulars.

The pink girl cleared her throat and met Plenty's eyes. "I'm so sorry to interrupt what I'm guessing was a nice holiday for you, but ours was in jeopardy and we had nowhere else to turn. I'm Diamond Tiara and this is Silver Spoon."

Silver Spoon waved, blushing in embarrassment. Plenty couldn't tell if it was from her partial nudity or the current social awkwardness.

"You're fine, dear," Plenty insisted to Diamond, waving off her apology. "So, what was it you needed that was so urgent?"

"Okay, so," Diamond began, her tail swishing under her skirt in apprehension, "at my place, we do this fun, silly thing every year where we fill our swimming pool with hot chocolate. So we can, like, drink it while splashing around."

One each of Biff and Plenty's eyebrows went up, and Plenty asked "Isn't that unsanitary? For multiple reasons?"

"Let us worry about that," Diamond insisted. "Anyway, so what happened was, my butler, Randolph - great stallion, I don't deserve him - put in the bulk order for cocoa powder as usual, but the shipment got delayed, and there's no outlet with enough left in stock we could find."

"I believe I see where you're going with this," Biff said.

"Yeah, we were hoping your marefriend could fill the pool for us," Silver Spoon confirmed, though she sounded skeptical.

A whole pool, eh? That might actually be a challenge. With a sly smile, Plenty rested a hand on her hip. "I can try. But, well, this ain't a charity. Drawing that much outa me is gonna take a while, and it won't be cheap."

Diamond Tiara dismissively blew air past her lips. "I don't want to disappoint my friends; money is no object."

"That tracks; she's Filthy Rich's kid," Biff pointed out. "Good stallion, appreciates the fedora."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Plenty posed. "I'll get my jacket."

"You'll do it? Fantastic!" declared Silver Spoon.

"Oh, no need for you to make a trip, though, Plenty," Diamond interrupted. "Not when I've got my new Hearth's Warming present!" Fishing around in her purse, she pulled out a silvery disc with intricate engravings etched into it.

Biff took a step back. "My danger sense is going off. That's high-grade magic, isn't it?"

"It's not dangerous, it's just a portal medallion," Diamond explained. "Only officials working for the crown get the really good ones, this beauty is the civilian version. It only works across short distances, but that should be enough. Here, watch!"

Wondering what exactly would happen, Plenty watched as Diamond raised the medallion away from Plenty, shutting her eyes in concentration. Blue light began to swirl around it before leaping outwards into the air and widening in size. And just like that, a oval-shaped hole in space appeared inside the light, leading elsewhere. Everypony present marveled at the novel sight, including Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Well, save Biff, who tensed up at first, but went back to being relaxed when nothing immediately exploded.

"Wows me every time," Diamond stated before peeking through the opening. "Hi, girls!"

Following her gaze, Plenty saw the aforementioned pool, within a room lined floor to ceiling in a greyscale tile pattern. It had been drained, leaving its fairly average depth readily apparent. William, who'd been nonplussed by the portal at first, perked up at the fresh scents now coming through.

Case in point, after some overlapping gasps of surprise, three more young mares, one of each tribe, stepped into view, all wearing swimsuits. Plenty had never met them before (they were likely Sugarcube Corner diehards) but she nonetheless recognized them by reputation as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were either famous or infamous depending on whom you asked.

"Hey, DT!" replied Apple Bloom. "Guessing by the look of things Miss Full up there agreed, then?"

Diamond nodded. "Yep!"

Scootaloo, meanwhile, studied Plenty - more specifically, her boobs - with an expression of pity. "Boy, do I not envy her. How does she, like, do anything? Even her nipples by themselves are insanely huge!"

Sweetie Belle huffed softly, glancing over to Scootaloo. "That's not very polite, Scoots. Besides, it's not as if she envies other girls. Plenty's not even a pegasus, and her Cutie Mark is for lactating copiously, so it must make her happy she's that, erm, busty." Putting on a grin as precious as her namesake, she added "Thank you so much for your help, by the way."

"Don't thank me yet, I haven't even started," Plenty replied. "Speaking of, y'all ready?" To make it obvious what she was talking about, she pushed her tits under the banister, their center of mass passing the edge and falling onto the steel shelf with a booming thump of fatty flesh. She would've lost her balance if not for the handrail. The renewed stimulation would have caused her 'insanely huge' nipples to harden to readiness, were then not already stiff from the mere thought of what she was about to attempt, a feat for the history books.

"Hmm? Oh, right, it has to be us," went Silver Spoon, who walked over to one of Plenty's breasts. "Come on," she gestured to her friend.

Rolling up her sleeves, Diamond squared up in front of the other, readying herself for the laborious task. When they didn't immediately begin milking Plenty, Biff spoke up. "She's ready whenever you are, trust me." Normally, he would have had to thread them downwards first, but not here.

After simultaneous shrugs, they aimed Plenty's nips at the open portal with both hands and yanked, putting the whole weight of their bodies into it. The airy tingling feeling of tight tugging reached Plenty, followed immediately after by a building warmth which she had no intention of resisting. Softly exhaling, she opened her floodgates. Rich, flavorful chocolate sprayed outwards, sailing through the air before splashing into the pool. "Mmm, there we go..."

"Dang, that sure is somethin'. Gal could give Discord a run for his bits. Well, if he even has bits; I don't think he'd bother. You get the idea," rambled Apple Bloom. Both Sweetie and Scootaloo nodded at her, idly watching the show as they waited.

As she milked Plenty, getting into a steady rhythm, Silver Spoon studied the hot chocolate as it continuously gushed from Plenty like she'd become a set of dual hoses hooked to a bottomless tank. "Let's see..." Craning her neck down, she stuck her muzzle up to the passing beverage, quickly poking her tongue out to take a taste. "Wow, that's good! It's at the perfect temperature too, hot but not burning."

Meanwhile, William leaned away from the continuing release, warily, before running back over into the kitchen with Grubber. For a hot second Plenty had no clue why, until she remembered that chocolate was poisonous to dogs, though he'd never fled from any before. Maybe it was the tremendous amount? Either way, he must've learned from Fluttershy or his own experience. He didn't need to be here any longer regardless.

Biff, however, had the opposite reaction, his affectionate gaze deepening to an enraptured stare that made Plenty wanna tease him a bit. So, she blew him a kiss, massaging her cleavage seductively. She was beginning to get a little riled up herself, what with these heavy sensations dancing across her nerves inside and out.

The whole bottom of the pool was well covered in chocolate at this point, and the level kept on rising as each fresh gallon built upon the last, Plenty's well showing no signs of running dry any time soon. Never before had she been given an excuse by a customer to just cut loose like this, and when combined with the power the two girls were putting into their insistent ministrations it triggered a release unlike any other Plenty had felt until now. Yet she knew in her gut that this wasn't close to her peak performance, and was dying to experience the pleasurable spasms such a monumental bout of lactation would be accompanied by.

And she wasn't the only one getting hot and bothered, her coltfriend sported a raging hard on, the button on Biff's pajama pants nearly popping open under the strain. His ears, too, were angled right at her, making apparent his desire to hear Plenty's every utterance.

Diamond, however, was less satisfied with Plenty's performance so far. She eyed the pace at which her pool was filling with disappointment. "Ugh, this is going to take forever. The day'll be over by the time it's topped off! Can you please speed it up?"

Plenty balked at that. She was already putting every dairy cow in Equestria to shame! But, well, if it was speed she wanted, there was one thing that always worked to escalate her productivity. And she had been dripping down there for a little while now...

After doublechecking to make sure Diamond and Silver weren't looking backwards, not that they could see past her tits anyway, Plenty slid her hands under her robe, beginning to masturbate, slipping a few fingers in to stroke at the folds of her pussy while kneading at her clit. Biting her tongue to stifle the ecstatic groan which would have resulted, the massive jump in pleasure below reverberated through Plenty's body and into her breasts. Slowly but surely, the pressure of the rivers of hot chocolate blasting out of her boobs increased in strength, both great flows from within her becoming less like arcs and more like straight lines with each passing second. At the same time, Plenty could feel her nipples swelling further beneath the palms of those milking her, allowing the streams to widen. Now, the level of steaming cocoa was rising four times as quickly. And producing the protracted eruption felt amazing.

"That's more like it!" Diamond declared, continuing to pull and pull.

All present were speechless at the sight of a set of breasts leaking like busted fire hydrants, even their owner. Plenty shuddered at the sheer bliss of it, having trouble keeping her tail under control. The roar of liquid on liquid, like a raging waterfall, drowned out all other sounds as her tits continued to satiate the fillies' desire for an extreme amount of sugary goodness. Pursing her lips to keep herself from moaning, Plenty dug her fingers deeper into her wet snatch.

It was then that Biff, unable to restrain himself any longer at the sight of her like this, crept over to the fapping booths, unnoticed by the others. He winked up at Plenty as he snuck inside, shutting the one-way mirror door behind him. That sly scoundrel; hiding his handsome self away! Still, the fact that he was masturbating to her revved her motor up even further.

All thoughts other than those relating to how sexy this situation was and the jolts passing beneath her skin faded into the background of Plenty's mind as her face flushed. Each of her customers' tender, insistent fingers digging into her nipples, the continuous churning and lurching from within, it just got better and better every second! Her desires to satisfy and be seen sent her wild urges building higher and higher, reflecting the nigh-on bottomless depths of her record-shattering rack.

Diamond's pool was so close to being full, and by Celestia she could get it the rest of the way and beyond, or her name wasn't Plenty Full! She was close herself, Plenty's determination morphing into excitement as her heart hammered in her chest and her fingers curled against her g-spot. Watch me, Biff! she exclaimed internally. Watch me fucking - fucking - oh YES.

Pupils widening, thighs shaking, a whirlpool of lightning overtook the deepest regions of Plenty's breasts and core as an orgasm crashed through her. Unable to completely suppress a delighted squeal, she came so much it was like an entire monsoon surged out of her. Flinching in surprise, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stopped their stroking at the sight, and yet Plenty's titanic tits kept gushing regardless. The quantity of hot chocolate bursting free had redoubled again, and during those wonderful seconds, she not only finished topping off the pool, but produced a dramatic overflow. The Cutie Mark Crusaders yelped as the frothing, creamy excess lapped at their ankles.

Overwhelmed with pleasure as she was, Plenty barely noticed most of that, her body undertaking its purpose to the extreme. She didn't stop cumming as her nipples were unbound from their portal-facing angles, the chocolate now hosing down the far wall of the shop, her tits acting like twin pressure washers that scoured the shuttered windows. Unable to get out of the way in time, the backsplash hit the pair of young mares all over, peppering them with countless droplets.

"Ugh, I'd be very impressed, but you had to go overboard, didn't you?" Diamond complained, raising her arms. "Look at this, now my clothes are all stained!"

"Forget that, the pool's ready!" Giggling, Silver began to strip, peeling off her wet blouse and skirt to reveal a bikini underneath. She then tossed everything to her friend, including her jacket and shoes, who caught the garments reflexively. Then, she made for the portal, leaping through and tucking in her knees with a cry of "Cannonball!"

While that was happening, Plenty was breathing like she'd ran a marathon, the deluge from her breasts slowly tapering off as her climax dimmed to an afterglow. She'd came so much that the floor below had also flooded, the ordinary drain inadequate for siphoning it all away quickly enough.

"Hey, wait for me!" Defeated, Diamond closed the portal, cutting off the gleeful banter of her four friends that filtered through. "Guess I'm taking the long way around, or our things will get even more soaked. Hopefully I don't freeze."

Then, she waded over to the cash register, temporarily setting down Silver's clothes on the counter and reaching for her purse. Pulling out a pen and checkbook, she filled out a check with practiced ease and left it there. "This should more than cover it. Bye, Plenty, thanks again!"

Without further ceremony, Diamond Tiara left the building, ducking between the dwindling streams of Plenty's magical lactation as she made for the door. Much of the chocolate flood followed the filly out, spilling out and melting the frosty ground. And still, Plenty's prodigious assets added to it, backed up fluid escaping with the same hose-like force as the start.

Plenty sighed, relieved in both senses. She was glad none of them seemed to realize she'd been seeing stars. This would certainly be a day to remember, that's for sure. Her own expectations had been easily surpassed, there. And her tits weren't even done growing! Who knew how much she'd be gushing in the months to come? Far beyond merely keeping her baby fed, would she be able to meet the nutritional needs of the entire village? Shit, she might have to make a public spectacle of herself whenever she needed to get off; if she kept doing this inside, odds were she might eventually blast their home to pieces!

Fighting past the last of her mental haze and back to the present, Plenty turned to face the booth Biff was in as the last of her cum gurgled down into the pipes. "The coast is clear, and it's... relatively dry now. You can come out, sugar."

Appearing more composed than she felt, Biff cantered over to the middle of the room, sending up an affectionate expression. "Sorry, Boss Lady, I was cleaning up," he said. Beaming, he pantomimed removing his hat and holding it to his chest, since he hadn't been wearing it. "But seriously, wow. With a spectacle like that, Plenty? You spoil me."

Returning his smile, Plenty swished her tail impishly. "Oh, so the sex isn't good enough for ya anymore, is that it?"

"Now, I never said that," he rebuked. "Taking you to Elysium myself never gets old."

Funny he should mention that, because that was about when Plenty felt that, against all reason, her body still wasn't totally satisfied. Shifting into a slightly different position at the railing, she spoke, huskily. "Luckily for you, it seems like I can keep going. My nipples are still stiff as boards, and they're telling me they want somepony bigger, firmer, and with experience to wring them out until the mare they're a part of melts in bliss."

"Oh, really?" Gulping in awe, Biff pantomimed a pumping motion with his hand as he peered into her eyes. "You really want more?"

Plenty could only moan with rekindled desire and beckon him to her breasts. "More."

Milk and Honey

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"Maybe, uhh, push harder?"

"NO SHIT, BIFF," Plenty howled.

Biff flinched away from her outburst, but kept holding her hand nonetheless. Well, it wasn't like he could let go even if he wanted to, considering her own deathgrip.

At the moment, one which was currently lasting far too long, Plenty Full was within the maternity wing of Ponyville Hospital. The bun in her oven was finally done, which triggered the miraculous and horrifyingly painful process of labor. She wailed in agony atop the sterile hospital bed, the life she'd nurtured inside her now clawing its way out like a bat out of Tartarus. Or maybe like a barrage of punches from Rockhoof wearing boxing gloves that were covered in razor blades. By Celestia, it was excruciating. And unlike most other mares in Equestria, she couldn't even pin the blame on her partner, since the pregnancy had technically been her fault on both ends.

Nurse Redheart had given her a numbing potion, but it was less effective than a firefly's warmth in the winter. Apparently, the stronger stuff was potentially habit-forming and unsafe for foals, so she couldn't blame her either. Especially since she and Snowheart had to work around her tits, which made accessing some of the monitors they'd hooked her up to difficult. The only thing Plenty could do was, well, push through it, literally and metaphorically, until she gave birth.

Plenty tried to focus on Biff's reassurances and presence standing by her side as it felt like her every nerve was being twisted apart. "Okay, come on, just GET OUT ALREADY!" she shouted, mustering every ounce of her willpower to push and shove with all her might.

And then, with a high-pitched cry, it was over. As the midwife, Nurse Snowheart, took up Plenty's baby delicately in her practiced hands, Plenty's own heart leapt into her throat. She couldn't look away, despite the lingering pain still prompting her lids to shut, because there was her foal. And she instantly knew, for certain, that nothing in the world would get between them. Motherhood was just something else deeply rewarding she'd have to get used to, stress be damned.

With a snip of the umbilical cord, it was official. Aside from the crying foal, the room was quiet with joy and anticipation. As Redheart finished with Plenty, cleaning her up and checking her vitals, another did the same for her child by the far wall. Plenty turned to share a tender smile with Biff, who was surprisingly comfortable with all the blood and amniotic fluid. Even she would've been a little grossed out in other circumstances. Instead, he, too, had a special light on his face the likes of which Plenty had never seen before.

Eventually, as the pain finally began subsiding, Plenty could wait and watch no longer. "Are they okay? Am I okay?"

"As smooth as any birthing I've seen," Nurse Redheart replied, pulling the white sheet down over Plenty's legs. Though she was still horribly unpresentable, drenched in sweat and haggard from the ordeal.

"Congratulations! You have a beautiful, healthy Earth Pony filly," declared Snowheart. "Well, biologically a filly, at least," she added.

Slowly trotting over, Snowheart carefully handed Plenty her newborn child. Plenty immediately cradled her lovingly against her chest, committing every detail, even scent, to memory. The foal's peach-colored coat, still slightly damp, matched Plenty's own. Her mane and tail, too, though both were little more than short blue-and-green fuzz for now. Even her facial features, from ears to muzzle, reminded Plenty of her own old baby pictures.

"Aww, she looks just like you," Biff cooed, leaning down and resting his head on Plenty's shoulder. "Which makes sense, I guess."

Perhaps it was instinct, the feeling of her mother's warmth, or perhaps it was that she finally wasn't being moved around and prodded with medical instruments, but that moment was when the filly stopped crying and opened her eyes for the first time. She blinked up at Plenty... one eye pointing nearly straight at her, the other lolling in a completely different direction.

Plenty blinked in surprise. "Oh."

"That's different," Biff said. "Like the mailmare."

"Hmm?" confused, Snowheart walked around one of Plenty's breasts to see, before humming in recognition. "Ah, yes, that's textbook amblyopia. Once she's older, therapy might be able to correct her vision."

"I understand. But even if that doesn't work, she's perfect the way she is," Plenty declared, smiling with unrestrained wonderment.

Snowheart and Redheart both looked satisfied by that answer. "Please, take some time to rest; stay put until we clear you," Snowheart instructed after a beat.

"We have some other patients to tend to, so we'll give you some privacy," Redheart said. "And best wishes for you three!"

"Thanks a million," went Biff. "I was certainly no help."

Plenty chuckled at that, though it was weary one.

The two nurses washed up and donned fresh scrubs before leaving, though Plenty barely noticed, too enamored with her precious charge in spite of her exhaustion. There she was, in her arms, a new life. Her daughter. Plenty would give her oodles and oodles of love, unconditionally, forever. And hopefully Biff would be there for her just as long, too.

The foal's innocent, curious eyes roved between the two of them, effortlessly cute as she squirmed a little against Plenty's chest, trying to cuddle up as close as possible. At that point, Plenty realized she should probably try and come up with a name, something besides just 'her baby'. She hadn't given any thought to it in advance, but now, with the child right before her, a flash of inspiration struck.

Plenty hummed aloud. "This might be weird, but my gut insists her name should be Eye Full."

Biff's smile widened. "Nah, that's not weird, it's perfect. Plenty Full and Eye Full, two peas in a pod."

Eye Full babbled and flexed her tiny little fingers up at them, as if in agreement. Plenty and Biff shared a laugh.

Then, Plenty beamed down at Eye Full. "Well, hello there, little one. Your name is Eye Full, and I'm your mommy. It's very nice to finally meet you."

Though she waited expectantly for Biff to follow suit, he instead remained silent, looking oddly pensive. Or maybe nervous? Biff took a deep, calming breath, stroking Plenty's mane a couple of times, before finally finding his words. "Hi, Eye Full, I'm Biff. Your dad. If mommy will have me, that is."

Plenty whipped her head over to face Biff as best she could, shocked. "Did you just— Do you mean...?"

Blushing shyly, he nodded, reaching into the pocket of his jacket to retrieve a sparkling platinum engagement ring, set with twin, equally sized, round-cut diamonds, likely symbolic. "Plenty Full, will you let me be a part of your new family?"

"Of course I will, you big lug," Plenty declared, her voice wet with emotion. Combined with the euphoria of meeting Eye Full, it was almost overwhelming, elated as she'd ever been. Fumbling over her words in the sea of positivity, all she could manage to say to Biff was was "Took you long enough."

Love and gratitude in his eyes, Biff reached down and gingerly slipped the ring onto her finger. However, to do so, he had to brush his hand up against the back of Eye Full's head. At the unfamiliar touch, she started crying again.

"Way to ruin the vibe, kid," Biff said to Eye Full, though he was grinning from ear to ear. "You're lucky you're so adorable."

Plenty matched his smile, but still rolled her eyes before beginning to rock Eye Full soothingly. "Oh, stop it. She's probably just hungry. And romantic wedding plans can wait anyway. Eye Full is more important." In unison, they looked to her affectionately.


It was a perfect moment, one Plenty would remember for the rest of her days.

Plenty found herself facing Biff atop a wooden stage, at the culmination of their wedding at the traditional Ponyville venue of the town hall. Shaven and combed, Biff was as dashing as she'd ever seen him in a pristine tuxedo. A few steps back and between them stood Mayor Mare, once apprehensive of them, now gladly officiating. She and Biff had just finished trading their vows, reaffirming the depths of their love for one another.

Supporting their union, dozens and dozens of creatures were in attendance. Grubber, Biff's best stallion could barely contain his excitement, while Lyra, her own best mare, was more subdued. The rest were seated in rows of chairs, many of whom Plenty knew well, such as her once-estranged parents, Biff's mother, a smattering of their other relatives, Pinkie Pie, and Bon Bon. Sweet little Eye Full rested safely in her grandmother's lap.

However, Biff alone was her star. The way he looked at her made her feel truly beautiful, though her wedding dress didn't hurt there. Rarity, also present, had relished the challenge of designing it for her unique proportions, which had grown even more lopsided. Plenty's boobs were now twice the diameter they'd been before her pregnancy, so large that they reached all the way from the ground to her shoulders when she was upright like this. And her nipples were nearly as wide as her waist, though they were tactfully hidden by her envelopes, which she was wearing underneath as a bra, like she did almost every day now.

The dress itself was quite something. It was made of the usual lacy white fabric, with a veil and long train. Much as it usually did, it was Plenty's bust which stood out, and Rarity had taken advantage of the huge surface area to sew on silhouetted pony figures in very light, pastel hues. These figures depicted various scenes in Plenty and Biff's lives so far, from how they met to running Plenty's Place to Biff's proposal and Eye Full's birth.

But now, the time had finally arrived. "Biff, do you take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Mayor Mare asked.

"I do," Biff confirmed, tearing up a little as he swelled with pride.

"And, Plenty Full, do you take this stallion to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Y'all better believe I do," she declared, beaming, her own vision cloudy.

The mayor extended her hand theatrically. "Then I now pronounce you married! You may kiss your spouse!"

Cheers and applause broke out as Plenty and Biff shared a tender kiss, arms draped around eachother's backs, as Plenty's heart soared. It also would have been a perfectly chaste kiss, save for the fact that Biff literally dove atop her tits in order to reach her face instead of taking the long way around.

Once Biff clambered down, their wedding reception began. Though she easily could have, Plenty refrained from providing the refreshments herself, given the formality of the event. From everyone's friendliness, however, one would be hard-pressed to tell if it weren't for the dress code. Naturally, she and Biff were the centers of attention, and conversations were as constant as Plenty's heady rush of emotion, passing from one to the next in a blur. The champagne didn't help on that front.

And if they weren't cooing over the happy couple, their guests were busy cooing over Eye Full, who they of course checked up on multiple times throughout the evening. William got to keep to himself, for the most part, which was just the way the hound liked it; there was a limit to how much excitement he'd put up with. He seemed to have an engaging dialogue with Fluttershy, though.

Plenty savored the atmosphere of glee, and the delicious hors d'oeuvres courtesy of the Apple Family, which were honestly better than most of the other gifts she and Biff had gotten, probably. The best gift, though, was all the familiar faces. It was especially nice to get the opportunity to catch up with her parents in the flesh, and to introduce them to all her new friends.

Of course, they didn't neglect her old friends. Grubber was doing well in his new place: a small ranch house near the edge of town, by Froggy Bottom Bog. He'd moved out to give them room for Eye Full's nursery, and didn't seem to mind the location. He'd given a flamboyant introduction for his old C.O., Tempest Shadow, who, after getting over her annoyance at that, seemed to exude dry sass, and nearly killed the mood.

Tempest had eventually quipped that "If someone as grotesque as you can get hitched, I guess I can afford to be more optimistic, myself." Plenty'd needed to keep Biff from starting a fight on her behalf there, noble as that would be. A: to maintain civility, and B: because she could tell he'd get his ass kicked. Instead, realizing Tempest was joking at her own expense, Plenty opted for a verbal counter, pointing out that somepony, somewhere was sure to be into handicapped war criminals.

As for ponies Biff actually traded blows with at one point, 'A.K. Yearling' had come to join in on the celebration, alongside Biff's old posse of ne'er-do-wells and his former boss. It was nice to see a side of Biff that Plenty really hadn't before as he clowned around with his buddies and caught up on their own lives. Withers, who now wore sunglasses indoors to advertise his optician business instead of to look intimidating, wished them the best, and admitted he was a tad jealous. Rogue had apparently joined a theater company in Manehattan, and Dr. Caballeron was still competing with Daring Do for literary awards instead of cursed artifacts.

Sadly, the party had to end eventually, with Twilight bringing out the stars from up in Canterlot. But no matter what came their way - old foes, hard times, or Discord himself (who was also there, actually) - Plenty and Biff would never abandon the the pledge they'd made to eachother.

Plenty stood, watching the hilly countryside roll by as the wind whipped at her mane and tail. William was enjoying the breeze more than she was, his floppy ears dancing like pennants as he lounged on the high, cozy perch of one of her tremendous breasts.

The gentle clackity-clack of the express train's wheels on the rails was a constant presence, accompanied by the woody scents of springtime. It was a blessing that Eye Full didn't seem to mind either, nor the sway of the car. This was her first time leaving home, after all. Instead, she watched everything around her with precious, wide-eyed curiosity from her stroller, comfortable in a polka-dotted orange onesie.

Finally, Biff was mimicking Plenty's usual position, leaning on the rear railing of the caboose, while she faced towards the side. Her tits were too wide for her to enter the train proper, so it had been the only option for the trip. Rather than anticipation of their destination, all this made it easy for Plenty to just be in the moment.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Biff said, breaking the peaceful lull.

Plenty smirked his way. "Oh, come on now. You're the one who talked me into it!"

"Well, yeah, but you didn't have to, like, let me. It's only been a few months, I wasn't sure if we were even ready."

She snorted in amusement. "Eye Full would be a hand-full regardless. Reckon if we pulled the trigger any later it wouldn't really be a proper honeymoon, now would it?"

"I guess not," Biff replied. He idly reached over to scratched the top of William's head in the one spot he liked, who wagged his tail in silent approval.

"Still, I am a mite worried we didn't bring enough diapers," Plenty said, glancing at their bags resting against the wall of the caboose. "Though we can always buy more."

"Yeah. We're certainly making enough bits now; I almost feel guilty." he admitted.

"Don't be, honey." Plenty gave her bust a playful slap. "These babies are luxury goods. It's not like anypony will die of thirst without me."

Biff's expression grew coy. "Eye Full would."

Plenty groaned at that, but her grin held. "Oh, you know what I meant, smartass."

As if reacting to her name, Eye Full suddenly grew restless, whimpering. Her mood shifting immediately, Plenty acted on instinct, fishing her up into her arms. A twist of Plenty's head, and Biff took out a picture book, The Wonder of Dreams, recently written and illustrated by Princess Luna in her retirement. It was Eye Full's favorite, never failing to captivate her. Plenty's own foalhood choice, The Hungry, Hungry Parasprite, apparently wasn't up to snuff in comparison.

By the time she and Biff had finished reading it to her, complete with funny voices for the characters, they were all smiles. Not only that, but their destination was within view, peeking over the horizon. The tall, grey and green shape of Mt. Aris, isolated along the sandy ocean coastline, was unmistakable.

Plenty held up Eye Full so she could see. "Look, honey! It's Mt. Aris! We'll be there soon. The creatures that live there are called hippogriffs, though sometimes they change into seaponies. Can you say 'seapony'?"

Eye Full blinked once, very slowly, her eyes pointing even farther apart in confusion.

Biff giggled at that. "Cute as you two are, would you even want her first word to be anything other than 'mama'?"

"Not really, no, but it's better than nothing," Plenty replied.

"Patience is a virtue. Wouldn't want her to grow up too soon, right?"

Plenty shifted her grip on Eye Full slightly. "You're the one who drags himself out of bed twice a night to check on her, you tell me."

"Touché," Biff laughed. "Still less stressful than night watch in the middle of the jungle."

"I wouldn't know." Plenty cleared her throat. "Anyhow, that's enough of that. Let's enjoy the view before the train turns."

Nodding, Biff skooched over and spun, leaning against her side - and the back of her boobs - for a better angle. Plenty basked in the closeness as she let the sights and sounds around them take over once more.

Leaving the train station, Plenty slowly meandered through the mountaintop city, careful not to bump into anything with her currently near-weightless assets. Biff pushed Eye Full's stroller next to her, and William scampered along nearby, occasionally pointing his nose at whatever interested him. Far from an excitable puppy, he was smart enough not to wander off, no leash necessary. The warm sun and generally unhurried nature of the Mt. Aris community were familiar to Plenty, despite most everything else being quite a departure.

Even if she'd been a typically proportioned hippogriff, there was certainly no mistaking them as anything other than tourists. Biff, ever the unsubtle dork, was literally wearing a flower print shirt over cargo shorts, for goodness' sake. At least he'd traded in the fedora for a 'matching' visor. Plenty's own breezy skirt was more normal, but the combo of an extra large picnic blanket thrown over her envelopes and no traditional shirt definitely wasn't.

However, not all of the locals even wore that much. Plenty had heard about this from other ponies in advance, but it was still somewhat jarring to see that many of the hippogriffs gliding or strolling about, male and female, didn't have on tops of any kind, and a few were completely exposed save for fur and feathers. Apparently, when living as seaponies, clothes became more of a hinderance than they were worth. After decades of underwater life and the accompanying cultural changes, the practice rapidly became optional. Not only that, but public sex, while not actively encouraged, wasn't frowned upon. In Plenty's humble opinion, this made Mt. Aris much more exciting for a honeymoon getaway than other tropical spots like Mareami.

Looking around as they moved, Biff let out an appreciative whistle. "Not bad, not bad at all."

"Not ogling any other girls, right?" Plenty pressed good-naturedly.

"Of course not; their racks are tiny," he quipped. "For real though, I was looking at the buildings. Almost makin' me nostalgic for my globe-trotting days."

Plenty conceded that he did have a point, the architecture was pretty unique. Essentially all of the buildings had been carved out of living trees, often with the additions of windows and/or stone stairways which spiraled up the trunk. "I've certainly never seen trees this large before, unless Friendship Castle counts," she said. "Our hotel is gonna be built the same way; I'm excited to see the inside."

"So soon? I know it's a timely occasion, but least let me get into the mood first," went Biff, matter-of-factly.

She chuckled at that. "I meant Later." Closing the distance, Plenty gave Biff a quick peck on the cheek, which he then returned twice over. "Let's do some sightseeing first."


And so they went, no real destination in mind. Plenty would break out the map later. Presently, she, Biff, and even William took turns guiding towards whatever struck their fancy. A small boutique selling swimwear. A cliffside platform offered a breathtaking view of the ocean. A collection of birdfeeders attracting friendly birds of paradise. But no matter where the roads led, the leaves above made for alternating patches of light and shade, giving everything a picturesque quality.

They also stumbled onto Queen Novo's castle, but there was a long line of finely attired petitioners and other vacationers waiting for tours, so they decided to skip it. It didn't look very impressive anyway, essentially being a stonework tower festooned with recently-repaired statues. The newer one in Seaquestria was larger, apparently, but they weren't going underwater this trip.

An few hours later, Eye Full started crying, demanding they shift gears. Plenty could tell this was her foal's 'I'm hungry, feed me' cry, so they stopped at a small public park for a late lunch. The park, little more than a wide patch of tended grass and delicate wildflowers, was right next to an open air marketplace.

Plenty doffed her blanket, spreading it onto the grass, and began stripping off her envelopes while the others went to get food from a hippogriff stallion grilling fish and vegetables over a fire pit. Soon, she'd gotten them all the way off, rendering herself nearly immobile and attracting dumbstruck stares from even more passersby than before. Not even her menu was on.

It took a bit of work repositioning her tits, but she managed to get herself seated on her knees by the time they got back. Plenty wasn't sure if William was panting from the heat or salivating from the tasty smells.

"Stunning as always," Biff mused. "At least with us around you probably won't get propositioned. That'd be awkward."

"Yeah, yeah, the foal's a cockblocker, whatever." Plenty had to project her voice to be heard over Eye Full's continued wailing. "Please just feed my baby already. Also me. I'm hungry too," she deadpanned.

"You got it, boss," he winked, still using that pet name.

Wheeling the stroller around, Biff put them in their practiced positions: Eye Full pressed right up against the side of her nipple and he a short distance away. Biff pulled Eye Full's bottle out of a pocket and unscrewed the rubber teat, angling the opening towards them. Being exposed to the air after so long cooped up had already hardened Plenty to readiness, so when Eye Full pressed her mouth against her and began to suckle the little area she could, Plenty's breasts nonetheless responded, squirting a wide spurt of milk. Only a tiny fraction of it ended up in the bottle, but that fraction was enough to fill it completely in an instant. The rest flew past Biff, splashing down to nourish the greenery.

Then Biff passed out the food, setting William's fish where he could get at it. Plenty's own skewers were vegetarian, but the smell of meat didn't ruin her vast appetite one bit. Her cleavage was splayed out enough that she could eat without throwing out her neck and see in front of her, although the occupied picnic blanket was to her right.

"Here you go, cutie," Biff said. Now cradled in his arms, Eye Full sucked voraciously at the bottle.

Between hearty mouthfuls of bell pepper, charred and exotically spiced, Plenty turned to her husband in concern. "Hey, you didn't get anything for yourself! We've got more than enough bits, I don't mind none if you spend 'em eating out."

Still watching their foal, Biff replied "I know, it's just that I'm not feeling hot food in this weather."

Plenty hummed in understanding, going back to her own meal. She and Eye Full finished at about the same time, and Biff handed Plenty her daughter. As she burped Eye Full - a process which always made Plenty irrationally fearful she'd harm her foal despite her back pats having essentially no strength behind them - Biff returned to the business end of her torpedoes.

Speaking of strength, Biff applied far more power to her skin than Eye Full could. He drew some viscous frozen confection out of her and into a hefty reusable cup. The cold made Plenty stiffen even further, and even after Biff removed his fingers, more came out, oozing over the lip of the container. She made a small involuntary eep as Biff flicked her nipple's tip to get the dollop still stuck to the end off.

Planting himself down, Biff dipped in a spoon and took a bite. "Mmm, that's some good, tart fro-yo. My compliments to the chef."

"Not going to get into specifics?" Plenty questioned, smirking.

Licking the spoon clean, he gestured to her with it. "If I told you how amazing and beautiful you were every time, it would get old."

Plenty shrugged, conceding the point. "Maybe you can show me, then."

Meanwhile, Eye Full was able to make a couple of high-pitched, soft burps, her snuggly body relaxing in Plenty's arms as she began dozing off, eyelids slowly lowering. Warm, fed, and content - for now - she went out like a light.

"Rest well, sweetie," Plenty whispered, softly laying Eye Full belly-up onto the blanket next to William. He, too, was resting off his lunch. Whether out of loyal protectiveness, or a simple desire to cuddle, William scooched over, wrapping his body around Eye Full like a big pillow. Soon, their chests were rising and falling in unison. Plenty pressed her hands together in front of her face, nearly sqee-ing at the sight.

Biff's reaction mirrored her own. "Okay, that's just too cute."

For a while, they didn't want to risk ruining the moment, Biff quietly eating, yet they also reached a silent agreement that they couldn't risk it slipping away. Biff passed Plenty their polaroid camera before lying down on his side behind them. She snapped a couple of keepsake photos for their album.

Glad to have the memory printed, Biff rose, himself clearly far too excited for a nap. His tail flicked back and forth. "Anyway, you mentioned a show of affection? Something... physical?"

Plenty's meaning had exactly been what he now implied. Their sex life had diminished significantly, as Eye Full kept them busy, so just feeding her and Biff was enough to get Plenty riled up. Arousal was building in her veins, demanding attention.

"Well, Eye Full's safely asleep. And it has been a while. So..." Plenty narrowed her gaze seductively, her tone throaty. "You wanna give these hippogriffs a display of love they'll never forget?"

Ears - and another area of his body - perking up, it took Biff a second to recover. "As it happens, while you were planning this trip, I was planning something fun." A mischievous grin on his face, Biff set down the cup and rifled around at the bottom of his suitcase before fishing out a pair of ruby red, phallic vibrators. He wiggled his eyebrows.

Normally, Plenty wouldn't be surprised by a new sex toy, as they used them often. However, these vibrators were substantial. Over two feet long and significantly girthy, she might have been able to take one most of the way into her cunt. Her tail lowered itself further reflexively. "Uh, why're there two of those?" she asked, a bit of fear creeping into her voice. "'Cause that ain't fitting in my backdoor."

"Oh, shit, no. These are for your nipples," Biff clarified. "A place only you can take them, Plenty."

Plenty shuddered in anticipation at the idea, biting her lip. "As stimulating as having vibrators in my ducts would be, there's no way they'd stay in for long with my output."

Biff stalked up to her, kneading her breast sensually as he gave her a closer look at the toys. "Ah, but these Immovable Rods are enchanted. Once inserted, they can't be removed unless I say the release word."

"Denial play? In that case, you'd better not disappoint me down here, then," Plenty declared, already slipping out of her skirt.

"Wouldn't dream of it," her replied, kneeling down to her eye level and pressing his muzzle against hers, tossing the vibes aside.

Melting into the kiss, Plenty's eyes fluttered shut, the better to magnify the touch of their lips meeting, their tongues dancing. She could taste lingering, pleasant echoes of the frozen yogurt, but it was Biff she truly hungered for.

He wrapped his sturdy arms around her, caressing Plenty's neck and back as she continued to strip, shimmying her skirt along her legs before kicking it aside. Their deepening breaths playing off of eachother's skin, Plenty shifted her hands towards the ministration of her husband, playing her fingers through his mane and gripping at his shirt. She couldn't stop herself from grinding further into him, feeling the rudely confined, throbbing mass of Biff's cockflesh pressing against her stomach. The motion pushed him into her rack, sending the bountiful mountains wobbling and setting her nerves alight.

Her breasts and pussy now throbbing with need, Plenty reluctantly broke off their passionate makeout, meeting Biff's familiar eyes, which shone with love and lust in equal measure. "I'm ready for the rods now," she uttered.

Nodding, Biff grabbed them and slid himself backwards between her boobs, sending a shiver down her spine. Before he did as asked, though, Biff yanked at one of her deep pink nubs. "Let's get you nicely wet and primed, first."

Not about to complain about that, milk flowed from Plenty in a quantity that made her earlier amount look downright paltry in comparison. White cream blasted forth like a ruptured pipe, rendering the grass dozens of feet away into a frothy mess. Then he did the same on her other side, turning Plenty herself into a mess. As Biff did that, she practically tore her panties from her hips, the undergarment sticky with her juices.

Then came the really good part. Plenty moaned through clenched teeth as Biff inserted the first of the vibrators, which slid most of the way into her nipple in one pass. What a weird sensation. But not unpleasant. Once the second one was in, Biff pushed buttons near their bases, and they roared to life, a rapid shaking buffeting her sensitive, hidden depths with wild ecstasy.

This, combined with the fact that they totally plugged Plenty, made her boobs continue to churn with production. The milk was already beginning to accumulate in her tits, and Plenty's inability to just let it all gush out immediately was a sublime torture. However, it would make the thrill of her eventual, spectacular climax even greater.

Still, she wasn't just content with that much; Plenty wanted to actually share in carnal joy with Biff. However, rather than return to her, he remained rooted to the spot, hesitant to even bare himself.

"Come on, what's the holdup? Hurry up and fuck me!" she exclaimed. The fact she was currently very, very horny was all on him, and now he wouldn't pounce on her?

"It's just... I've never been naked in public like this. It's kind of embarrassing," Biff admitted.

Peeking over her shoulder, she could see they had voyeurs, a decent group of adult and teenaged hippogriffs watching raptly from a respectful distance. Yeah, okay, she could see how having strangers spectating would make him uncomfortable. But she couldn't wait another second!

Wracking her sex-addled brain, Plenty quickly came up with a solution. "Shit, you can - mmph - roll me onto my back," Plenty suggested. Damn, she was already losing control of her voice! "M-My cleavage'll hide ya."

Humming in approval, reassured by this plan, Biff dug into a crouch, his palms sinking into her underboob as he shoved with his whole body. At the same time, Plenty pulled from the opposite side, leaning back. Her exposed shoulders, tensed with pleasure, met the ground as her jugs rolled upright, nipples pointed to the sky. She groaned as they jiggled all the way to their centers from the force, taking a couple of seconds to settle back down.

Then, keeping his focus locked squarely onto her, Biff unceremoniously stripped out of all his clothes. Plenty only got a short glimpse of his handsome member before he covered it with a condom (they weren't ready for another foal yet) and leapt atop her, spreading her thighs. Plenty's eyes rolled back as he entered her, missionary style, and she cried out in pleasure.

"Oh wow, you're so wet," Biff uttered, starting slow. "Every time with you feels like my first."

Cheesy as it was, Plenty's heart still jumped at his words. She pulled him more tightly against her, and into another prench kiss. Thrusting from her waist up into Biff automatically, her body sought further pleasure from both sets of lips, even as the softness of her tits inexorably closed in on them, increasingly engorged.

When Biff picked up the pace, hilting his cock against her cervix, Plenty crested her first wave, head slamming back and breaking away. "Cumming!"

Twitching like mad all over, her nipples still overloaded, the blossoming of her bust sped up as she came, Plenty's glands filling with hot milk at an alarming rate. Distantly, she felt them bump into something, which then clattered as it was knocked over. She could only moan and weather the buffeting electricity under her skin.

"Fuck, that must've been the stroller," Biff commented, lips pursed from his own ecstasy. "You're so damn lewd, honey. I n-need to see more of you like this."

And he acted on that need. Plenty squealed as Biff slid a thumb down to caress her clit, extending her climax, cumming and cumming. Every inch of her was boiling, the whirlpool of hormones wracking her core and sending her fluid factories into overdrive. Even once her orgasm faded, they didn't stop, to the point of audibly gurgling as her flesh strained to keep pace.

Plenty's breasts were now so unbelievably swollen with milk that they'd redoubled in size, passing the ten foot mark. At least, that's how big she thought they were. She couldn't exactly see their massiveness, only feel them, pant and shake beneath their immensity. Because she and Biff were now both completely smothered by their hot, sweaty weight, so firm and taught as to be nearly spherical. Had they not been earth ponies, it's likely they'd be suffocating, or even have bones broken beneath literal tons of titty. Instead, they just breathed harder, hearts and hips pounding faster and faster.

She could hardly think under the onslaught of sensations. Her lover and partner, slamming his dick into her at just the right angle for both their pleasures, her slick walls clenching around his length as his balls struck a rhythm against her labia. The heat of Biff's entire body, emanating into hers. The vibrators, constantly tingling her sensitive areas without mercy. And the hellishly dense pressure still building to an absurd level within her tits, begging to be relieved yet unable to find an outlet until Biff wished it.

Abruptly cumming again, Plenty melted beneath him, delirious with delicious feedback and more desperate than she'd ever been in her life. "Ahhnn! P-Please, Biff. Please let me cum with my boobs!" They were so, so fucking full.

Biff groaned, the sound reverberating through her. "Fuck, if you beg for it like that I'm gonna—" His words cut off, replaced by his own release. As Biff's body locked up, balls deep inside her pussy, his cock throbbed and pulsed, pressing hard into flaming nerves. Plenty could feel the condom, all the way within her womb, fill with warm semen as his ejaculation ran its course. Yet hers was still denied!

It took a minute for Biff to recover, totally relaxed and shrouded in the erotic darkness of her breasts. A minute where Plenty's rack continued to generate more and more and more milk, all of it locked behind her spasming nipples. She would have given anything to free herself.

Thankfully, she didn't need to; Biff wasn't so cruel. Though his erection hadn't abated at all, he nevertheless shifted his head next to hers, whispering into her ear. "Alright, Plenty. Let me hear your joyful voice. Yakyakistan."


Plenty exploded, screaming at the top of her lungs. All she could feel were her breasts, unleashing a load to end all loads. She couldn't think. Time lost all meaning; there was only the dizzying ecstasy of release, higher and higher without end. She was not a mare then, but a being of pure sex, size, fertility, and hugeness, the likes of which the world had never seen.

When Plenty finally came to, extremely woozy and struck with a major afterglow, the first thing she noticed was that Biff had moved somewhere else. The second was that her tits had returned to the size they'd been that morning, or perhaps a smidge larger. Third, she and everything around her was soaked through, stained white with her milk. A sweet aroma permeated the air.

"Biff? W-What happened?" she managed.

After a beat, he responded. "Ah, there she is!" Stepping to her side, now once again dressed, his smile widened. "Somepony enjoyed herself."

Having pieced together some clues, Plenty blushed as she sat up. Best get it over with. "How much?"

"A lot. You were erupting for over an hour," Biff answered. "It rained milk over the whole city. Not a drizzle, an actual downpour. And I literally couldn't see the tops of the streams you were putting out, Plenty, that's how high up they went."

Yeah, definitely a new record. Magic or no, where'd she been keeping all that? Plenty could feel her cheeks reddening further as she pulled her sore legs together. Then she straightened out her mane and tail, wringing some of the milk out. "Oh boy. Is anycreature upset?"

Biff shook his head. "Surprised, yes. Upset, no. So, first I, you know, finished with a super tight titfuck, since you yourself were... occupied," he explained. "Afterwards, I saw that most of the other hippogriffs seemed to be having a good time. Had their beaks open towards the clouds, or flew in out of curiosity. Can't say I blame 'em."

"Damn, wish I'd coulda seen it; sure sounds like somethin'," Plenty said. "Guess I'll just have to settle for experiencing it," she quipped.

Her ludicrous sexual peak beginning to dissipate, Plenty suddenly remembered: her baby! "Wait, is Eye Full okay? She didn't drown or anything?"

"Your milkstorm woke her up, but she's fine," Biff calmly reassured, pointing with a thumb.

Twisting around, Plenty was relieved to see that, yes, she did seem no worse for wear. Eye Full was kicking and babbling in protest of being tickled as William licked her dry.

"All's well that ends well," she said, taking a long breath. "I certainly relished that experience, thanks to you. Possibly a bit too much."

Biff winked. "Hey, I enjoyed myself too, mommy."

Blushing again, Plenty stood and punched him playfully before shaking her head in bemusement.

Wholly content, Plenty recomposed herself, throwing on her wet clothes, and they got back to their carefree honeymoon vacation. Drawn in by her feat of epic lactation, lots of amicable hippogriffs approached to say hi, strike up casual conversation. She and Biff made some new friends, learned more about life on Mt. Aris, and promoted their beverage bar in Ponyville, many vowing to visit.

Not everything turned up roses. There was one temporarily-not-a-seapony mare who complained about the runoff dying the coastal waves white and ruining visibility, but her frustration proved no match for Eye Full's charms. And they never did find the vibrators; Plenty suspected they might actually be in space with how hard she'd came.

Yet, Plenty wouldn't have changed a thing. No, this day was everything she had ever dreamed. Hopefully, many more would follow into the future as the four of them took their next steps together as a family.