Silent Hill Manor

by Northguard

First published

Beyond these gates, judgement awaits. That is the warning the mane 5 didn't heed when they entered a manor to find Twilight

Three years ago Twilight went to investigate a manor up in the hills, but she never returned. Her friends decide to investigate it themselves. What will they find in the manor on Silent Hill?

For those who don't know:
The cover art has the Winchester Mystery house on it. Which stands in San Jose, California.

This story has a similar house, yet not the same. The real house has 160+ rooms, while the story house is a manor with under 70 rooms.

The Manor

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The darkness was all around them like it had a life of its own as they approached the manor. When they came up to the gate an old mare in a cloak stepped up to them. Her skin was very wrinkled, her eyes were grey and when she talked her voice had a faint echo to it.

"Keep your eyes open. The statues here are awfully lifelike." she said as she slightly waved her hand and walked past them.

When the mane 5 turned around she was gone like she never even existed. A cold shiver ran down their spines as they opened the gate to the garden.
It would have looked wonderful, but because of the darkness it looked like it was straight out of a horror film. They walked on a path made of gravel. They then came to a big stone statue of a stallion saluting with a sign under him.

Beyond these gates, judgement awaits

They ignored the warning and walked around the statue to find another gate. They opened it and found another garden. This one was bigger with more paths made of gravel. The paths met in a crossroad where a fountain stood. The water running, but no sound could be heard. The silence reigned as they walked around it. The only sounds that could be heard was the sound of the gravel under their hooves and the sound of crickets. A third gate came into view with another sign and messages written on the walls. Three warnings.

Never look away

They are always watching

Tread no further, we are watching

They still paid it no mind and pushed the gate open. Revealing the manor. They walked up the stairs and up to the front door ignoring a third sign on the way. The double door gave a creak as it slowly opened by itself. The mane 5 hesitated a little before they walked inside. the door closed and gave of a click as it closed. Only silence could be heard now. They walked through the empty corridors trying to find the main hall. After what felt like minutes of walking in circles the reached a wide room with two staircases leading up to the second floor. They walked through the room towards the staircase and as they did, they heard heavy footsteps come from the second floor.

"Hello?!" Rainbow Dash said out loud as the echo was heard through the halls.

"Ssh..." was the answer she received as the footsteps stopped.

"Twilight darling?! Are you here?!" Rarity shouted.

"Ssh..." a different voice answered.

"Um...I think whoever lives here wants us to be quiet." Fluttershy said in a low voice.

"Really? What made you guess?" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Ah think it's better if we walk through the darn thing and call out for Twilight as quiet as possible." Applejack suggested.

"I don't have a better plan, so it looks like that's what we're gonna do." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Then it's settled." Applejack said as the group walked up the staircase.

The group walked through the manors many, many halls and whispered out for Twilight every now and again. Eventually they reached a room with saluting statues along the walls.

"Hey. Ever get the feeling that your being watched?" Pinkie whispered.

"No. Not really." Rarity answered, but then they heard a loud thump coming from behind.

They looked behind themselves to see that one of the statues were now standing in the middle of the hall, now in a waving position looking at them. All of them looked the opposite direction for a second before turning back. Now the statue had moved one step closer and now stood in a saluting position again.

"Run." Applejack said as everyone started booking it.

They ran as fast as they could while hearing a crazy laugh coming from behind them. As they came to a stop to catch their breath, they heard a feminine voice calling out to them.

"Hey. Over here. It's safe." the voice said as a certain path was lit up by candles.

"Who said that?" Rainbow Dash asked out loud.

"Follow me. This way. This is where I hide." the voice said as a shadow appeared on the wall and walked down the path.

Everyone followed it and came to a giant painting. The shadow walked towards it and then went through it.
This spread confusion, but Applejack pulled out a knife and cut up the painting revealing a door behind it. Applejack opened the door and they all went through it before closing it behind them.
The room they were in was covered in pages from a type of book and only candles lighting it up. One statue stood in the room, but the lighting made it hard to see.

"Where are we?" Rarity asked into the silence.

"A safe place. The watchers can't get in here." the voice said with less echo.

The mane 5 walked around the room in an attempt to find the source of the voice, but it seemed to come out of nowhere. Then Fluttershy backed up into the statue in the room, but what happened then caught everyone off guard. The statue's hand moved and touched Fluttershy's shoulder, making her scream in fear.

"Hello Fluttershy." the voice said now clearly coming from the statue.

Fluttershy darted to the opposite side of the room and hid behind Rainbow Dash as she shook in fear.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" the statue said walking out of its spot, not playing the 'red light, green light' game other statues did.

The statue was, like the others, dressed in old fashioned clothing, but un-like the others it resembled a female and it was a unicorn and NOT an earth pony. The statues eyes were empty, but they gave off a warm purple glow and even though the statue was made of gold the detailing on it made it very clear who it resembled.

"Twilight?!" the group exclaimed in unison.