Devour Me, Darling

by B_25

First published

Rarity is a refined lady who 'Makes Love' instead of 'Has Sex'. But fantasies of being in the maw of a beast, her beast, has ignited a passion since denied. The dullness of life, however, inches her toward it. That, and Spike obsesses with her rump.

Rarity is a refined lady who 'Makes Love' instead of 'Has Sex'. But fantasies of being in the maw of a beast, her beast, has ignited a passion since denied. The dullness of life, however, inches her toward it. That, and Spike is obsessed with her rump. 

[Cover by Tcn1205]

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As You Wish

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Devour Me, Darling

Rarity was forced to bite into her hoof, groaning instead of moaning, detesting the times it seeped into her mind. Fantasies were her casualties when taken to self-love in her bedroom. Her hoof had worked its wonders into her clit, the other teasing the slit between her folds, touching and prying, all the proof that she was trying.

And then the dirty little fantasy came into play.

“Nouhoo...” Rarity bucked her hips in wanting the hooves to come back again, but she held them back, not wanting to provide service to the mental scene. It was her and Spike on the bed. His growth spurt had left him a slender yet toned physique, tall and lean, subtle muscles unable to be considered mean. “N-No. Mmhmm. Stooop. Please something else.”

It wasn't her objection to him. His claws covered her sides as he held them, able to guide and then hold them in place, his body arched over hers, feeling his weight pin the lower portion of her body. Rarity struggled not to escape or due to the pain. Rather the uncomfortable pressure ignited fireworks at being so held down, the creature above strong and broad, warm and masculine, permeating a musk slaving her to him.

Rarity's head came to lay back into the pillow, sinking inches deeper as his face came crashing in, a subtle sense of nobility from it, taking her into a kiss from which there was no escape. His lips pressed and meshed and teased with her own. His chest pressed into hers, double her size, pinning her in place. With most of her body held, one of his claws shot next to the pillow, keeping him up, while the other sunk to her marshmallow flanks—and gave a hearty squeeze.

Rarity pushed into his muzzle harder than intended, feeling his push back, despite its wiggling, to force her back into the pillow. Even as every squeeze at her rump, each one causing her thighs to squirm shut, the dragon forced her to keep in place. That inability to escape fired more pleasure to her loins.

And then everything changes.

First came to the feeling of lips growing while pressed into her own. Slowly her eyes opened to the dragon's face above, retreating inches into the distance, expanding by the second, all keeping proportional as something went wrong with her. Swirling within her tummy spoke of something being wrong. Everything tingling and contracting to a single spot calling the doom of a nightmare.

“Please. Isn't it enough that I've ceased previous efforts before this?” Rarity rolled her head on the pillow, further spreading her mane down her shoulders, coming to tightly shut her eyes. “I refuse to be the lady that succumbs to such strange... desires! Y-You can... occur to me all you like... but it's my choice to not... not...”

Closing her eyes allowed Rarity to see the dream more clearly.

She came to stand on the center of a purple field, one where the ground was hard but the surface was soft, individual scales flexing to the shifting of it all. In the distance stood towers that were his talons. In walking to one of them, she came to its half-point, its knuckle, and gazed into the distance.

Into the loving face of her Spikey-Wikey.

Rarity leaned heavily into the knuckle as she gazed across the scene, glancing down to the blurry below, seeing the structure of the elbow growing in scales as it reached the wrist that now supported the platform.

Over the edge she gazed down. A lone drift of wind blew up her mane from the height. Over the torso of the tighten hugged a taut black sweater joined by a white zipper. Nothing but standard pants below that. She gazed back at the dragon only to feel his eyes upon her, causing a few steps back, while he smiled.

Even at this tiny size the mare could see how the little perfections about him. The bones like bridges high in his cheeks that lifted his appeal into the always slightly serious. His eyes burned emerald, a slow burn on the facet of kindness. He could only smile at her, his lips spreading back over the muzzle—which then opened.

Rarity stumbled about as the platform swung toward the lips that sprawled out of view. Her chest smacked into a claw and she clung to it at once. In the distance loomed the cliff of the monolithic chin, which dipped out of sight, the opening mouth spanning before her.

Would this be her fate?

Rarity blinked back into existence. Her breath had been taken by the fantasy as a sheen of sweat covered her body. Unable to stop herself from panting, she arched upward, looking down her barrel, seeing the inward curve of her crotch. Shutting her eyes tightly, the options passed by, and this night simply would have to be it.

When the lady finally succumbed to the strange fetish of being devoured by a possible lover.

“She could kill me.” Spike paced to one side of the boutique, already set up on the modelling podium inches from the ground, dressed as one would expect from a prince. “Or maybe it would be a slap? Of course she's down for sex. Well, not quite that.”

Spike shook his head as he turned around, doing so on a heel alone, starting his slow pace to the other end of the platform. “It'd be more making love to her. Or becoming one. The kind of sophisticated things a lady says.” His feet slowed a step and then stopped the next. Above, his fist slammed into a palm, the explosion from an apparent idea. “So using how a lady would go about all of those things... then maybe... aw crud.”

The dragon slumped forward as his suit wrinkled from the act. He huffed and then sighed. Following his desires through were never kind. “Face it. No matter how you word it... nothing will compensate for wanting to stick it in her rump. Obliviously she wants to have sex because terms like 'become one' exists. But trying out the back door? There's no elegant way to ask that.”

Hoofsteps echoed from beyond the main chamber of the room.

On the other side and at the door, three timed knocks came, each, however, slightly off from their usual nature. Whoever was behind struggled back into place. Their voice took seconds to come—and seconds after that to even be heard. “Quite... finished up in there, dear?”

“Think so.” Spike returned to his height as he brushed his claws down his torso, feeling the definition of his frame through it; it nearly seemed painted on. “Walked around in it. The fabric flexed over me rather nicely. Still has that uncomfortably that comes from dressing formally. But overall... I enjoy it.”

“I'm pleased to hear that.”

Pleased hey?

“Are you okay if I come in then?”

Spike squinted his eyes toward the door. “Er. Sure. C'mon in.”

The door opened from afar as Rarity strolled in, slow and looking around, barely able to raise her muzzle to gaze over to him. His eyes glanced down to her hooves. They were coming in at a circle around him rather than toward. He exhaled his tensions and loosened his shoulders. Trouble time. He pretended to not notice the signs to grant her greater ease.

“Another ball for Twilight hey? Can't say what number this one is.” Spike walked over the edge of the platform and leaned into it, sweeping a spot with a claw, sitting there in the second next. He didn't like it when something was troubling Rarity... even more so when there was nothing he could do about it. “Seems like accomplishment after accomplishment with her. Always makes sure to include them in her letters. Sometimes ponies rise so high... that you need to be left behind.”

“Oh hush.” That got her. Reveal a weakness for them to do the same. Before he could even turn his head back, a coat brushed into his leg, a rump sitting next to his own, one broad enough for some of the doughy flank to sink into his side. Perfection. “At least that Twilight Sparkle is still writing to you. Being a princess cannot be easy. In the moments she can, she still cares for you, doing all that she can within them.”

“I guess that's true.” Spike leaned his head back as the swarm of worries and doubts crossed through him. They had his thanks. Expressing them allowed him to be closer to her. “Still. I always knew she was meant for greatness. I just hoped I could still help when she got there. But what's a castle and a guard compared to a single dragon?”

“None else can occupy the space of Number-One Assistant to her.” Rarity's head nuzzled across his shoulders, fur brushing scales, coming to place itself within the crook there. Her weight and her heat offered him a reason to live for. “And you cannot be replaced here. You are my Spikey-Wikey after all. Never forget that.”

Spike leaned back onto an arm as he exhaled a breath. It'd been true. Twilight had left him to ascend the mountain of becoming a princess. Never could he carry along on that path of greatness. And neither could he fulfill all the support she needed. Her destiny took her to greatness.

But where did that leave the help that got her there?

“Is something still playing on your mind?”

“Nothing major... beyond working out where life will take me next.” He glanced at his side to the mare placed there and, without thinking, brought his other arm around, over her hips and around her weight, a hug that brought her close to him. “But no sense in worrying about that crud for now.” Her bemused expression filled his gaze as he turned his head. “How about you? Everything going well in your world?”

Rarity stared at him for a few seconds longer before turning her head. Those sapphire eyes settled on somewhere strange. They looked over and down at his stomach. His eyebrow raised but he didn't mention it. “I suppose... the times have been rather dull. Not enough adventure or excitement as of late. No big foe to be taken down.”

Spike turned his head away and coughed. “No prince to dash you away?”

“Like I would make you cry like that.”

“So I'm not just a boy-toy to you then?”

“Your rank hasn't gone up just yet, Spikey-Wikey.”

“Ah well.”

Spike looked around the room to find something to talk about. Rarity was still downcast next to him, more intent on the floor than on them, an issue beneath the skin that would explode later. But how could he get it out of her? The pain of losing Twilight Sparkle as his other half hadn't been enough to get the mare to open.


“Huh? Uh, yes?”

“In regards to the vein of my previous comment...” The quietness of her voice were the bolts of electricity needed to startle his heart. Could this be happening? Another chance tonight to risk his hidden fantasy? “You and I have been doing decently in the affairs—“ she blushed and coughed “—relating to the bedroom. But I fear you may be losing interest in keeping with the usual routine.”

“I... don't mind it.” Spike sat up as his claw scratched at his chin, a series of flames billowing beneath the scales, the fear of her feeling him sweat expediting that exact process. “You're my princess and, so long as I'm making you happy, I'm okay with whatever I get. D-Doesn't mean I don't have a few things I'd like to try myself but.” He swallowed. “Only whatever you're comfortable with doing.”

Rarity leaned forward and out from his side, her elbows propped on her thighs, those hooves supporting her cheeks as she slumped. Hollow sighs were her reply. Had he done something wrong? Spike's racing heart seemed to believe so.

“It's... funny this fantasy I have.” Rarity leaned off the set and walked to the mannequin standing on the floor, coming to rise herself, extending its foreleg to curve and hold around her waist. “The same one told to every filly. Grow up to be a princess and capture yourself a prince. Fall in love and not lust. The happy life, after that, is guaranteed.”

“And how about it?” Spike watched her foreleg slide over the neck of the prop, leaning from it, an elegant pose teasing the arch of her form. Though supposed to be romantic, it was the sight below, the fatness of her flanks, suspended faintly, an endless allure. “You finally going to ditch me for a prince? Makes for a better fairy tale.”

“It would...” Rarity's muzzle inched toward the figurine, now the prince supposed to come before. Seconds from the kiss, she pulled away, stepping out from its hold. “Only were it not for the boredom! Fancy balls and incessant customs to adhere to. There is no glamour in being royalty.”

“Now you see why I jumped ship.”

“Weren't you left behind?”

“I see you're having my heart for dinner today?”

Rarity winced at that. Did she regret the joke? “Hey! It's nothing personal. I know you were just joking.”

Rarity shook her head. “It's not that. Well, it was a joke but... that wasn't the problem. Oh dear. I should just come out with it, shouldn't I?” She paced from the figurine to him, then from him back to the figure, stopping in the middle, still undecided. “I thought that mere sex would be enough to entertain me until the end of my days. Yet the bare course of intercourse has left me wanting more.”

Spike lowered and turned his head, scratching at the side of his neck, avoiding eye-contact. “Listen. If this is going into threesome territory here... it has to be a mare. Most I'd risk is another mare and another stallion. Like, we're gonna have to double the number of dicks with—“


“With another word for cat.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and fell to her side, a slow collide and side across the floor, a forehoof dropping over her head. Her eyes were covered and, already knowing what came next, the dragon plugged her ears at her whine. “Oh he will never get it! He will never get it! I will be forced to be joked about during my most vulnerable of states! Oh how could he do this!”

“Alright alright! You get a point—you get a point!” Spike pushed up from the stand and came to her side at once. The mare kept limp even at lifting her sides. Her soft frame draped within his hold. With a sigh, he cast her over his legs, like one dying and about to part their final words. “I'm going to brush your mane now. That gets me half of a point back now. Deal?”

“Quarter of a point.” Rarity crossed her forelegs the best she could over her chest. “For brushing my hair and forcing me to indulge in this primal point system of yours.” His claws stared at the back of her mane, digits brushing through silk strands, the feeling of velvet rushing across his gaps. “But I simply cannot take it anymore darling. Out of all the days to have a breakdown—it had to be this one.”

“This is only Rarcon three.” He settled on his knees so her head laid over one of his thighs, making her mane easier to brush. “How about you take a breath and try all of this one more try? I already assumed you gave up on the fairy-tale once you gave me a chance in... whatever the heck this is.”

“To think I drew you into something so unformed and pretended to be so highly about it!”

“Easy easy! Or else I'll have to get the ice cream.”

“ vanilla left?

“Mint chocolate.” Spike's shoulders slumped. “You were worried about gaining weight. So I only brought the kinds you'd eat only if you were desperate.

“My waistline is forever indebted to you, Spike.”

“It's paid off every time I get to look at it.” Spike shook his head as seriousness flooded through him again. “And about the bedroom stuff. Listen. It's cool... if I'm not doing it in for you. Freaking out wasn't needed. We could have had some tea and sorted the whole thing out. I'm just sorry that I—“

“Darling no.” Rarity rolled on his lap and leaned from it, enough to push her hoof onto his lips, smiling at seeing them close. “You bring me wonders I hadn't expected. Suffice to say that to lose your claws or your gift below... would create a gap no stallion could cross.”

Spike opened his mouth to zero words. Never had compliments been so... raw and positive toward him. The first intent was to call it wrong and end that line with a joke. Something billowed inside of him though.

“But I'm afraid that no matter the partner I bring into that room... it's due to the teasing of my mind... that nothing we do will be enough.” Rarity shook her head and laid her cheek back into his thigh. “It's not proper of a lady such as myself to fantasies about anything more in the bedroom.”

Spike leaned his head back and sighed as he was more than used to a lady's freak out. The moment they had gotten close, she dropped the character of being refined, instead showing a mare struggling to contain it all. He'd become her weeping couch.

And he was happy to be something to her.

“Maybe that's the reason you're finding everything so dull as of late? You're finding the normal boring.” Spike laid a claw across the exposed side of her barrel, rubbing across it, feeling the puffed coat brush in-between his digits. His scratches at the skin and strokes across the fur caused a wiggle in her. “But it sounds like you've already come up with something new to do. A change that maybe will change everything else around it. Whatever it is, I won't be mad, because I have a few things I'd like to try now.”

Rarity's head turned as one of her eyes glared up at him. “So I'm not good enough in the bedroom for you now?”

“Of course that's what you would hook—“

She tapped on his chin with a grin. “Joking, darling, joking. You're too revealing upstairs for you not to be enjoying some of what we do.” Her body scooted up his leg as her head rested into his stomach, through the fabric and to the abdomen there, which flexed to her weight. “But how about it then? Shall we see who is the most shameful between us two? What is it you've desired in the bedroom?”

Spike squinted. Was this a trap? It didn't feel like a trap. Having her draped all over him spurred him into answering. But he didn't want his answer to be the cause of her body snuggling away from him. “I feel like if I give you my answer, it won't compare to your answer, and you'll look at me strangely afterward.”

“Hardly darling.”

“The refined lady has a more shameful desire than a greedy dragon?”

“You already know I'm not as refined as I appear.” Rarity nuzzled his stomach as her eyes swept closed. Had those sit-ups finally paid in their wonders? She kept pushing into it, though, in a way beyond appreciating the muscles there. “And you are not as greedy as you set yourself to be. Yet we pretend to be otherwise. Allow us to cancel that for tonight.”

“How do you—“

“Whatever it is you desire of me, I will do for you, so long, in my desire, you repay the favour.” Rarity's chin lifted and laid vertical on his stomach as she stared upward into his eyes. “Surely that's assurance that my desire is far worse than yours. How about it? Will you risk—“

“I want to stick it in your rump.”

Rarity had been speaking from his torso with every rise of the jaw lifting her from it. But she kept silent and her expression narrowed into itself. It wasn't anger. Maybe confusion. Not at his request but the situation as a whole.


“That's... it my dear? You don't crave for more?” Rarity blinked while squinting her eyes, an impressive feat, requiring countless practices. Her glowing sapphires were cast aside in the second next. “No licking my hooves? An unusual shower from my behind? Any desire is mine to fulfill.”

Spike bunched his lips together and shook his head. “None of that stuff interests me. I'd try it anyway, y'know, if you wanted to. Doing anything for you extends to the bedroom too. Not as heroic as saving you from a tower... but a code is a code and all that.”

“And the matter of my rump?”

“Well... you have a very nice one.” Since his claws were too occupied to scratch the back of his neck, instead they scratched her own, a habit unable to be kicked. “It's plump and supple and heavy without losing its proportion to the rest of your body. I'd like to try being a sandwich between them if that's okay. But I've been keeping sex to the... only making love aspect to it all.”

Rarity remained dumbfounded as her head turned away. It wasn't due to his request. If anything her shoulders were lightened by it. But something played on her mind. Her request. Just how bad could it be?

“How about you? You got to hear my shameful desire.” Spike reached the claws down to her body and pulled her close, between his legs for his thighs to hold her sides, leaning her back onto his front. “What is it you want from me? Your wish is my command, my princess.”

Rarity looked up into the underside of his jaw. Her shoulders slumped and she ceased hoping. She collapsed into his hold. “Spike... I know it must summon rather awful memories... but do you remember the day of becoming a rampaging beast that nearly destroyed our town?”

“Do I ever.” Spike groaned. “Nearly ate the love of my life in the process.”

“Er.” Rarity swallowed. “That's it.”

“What is?”

“My desire.”

“Desire? What? Nearly eating...”

Spike blinked and then did so again. Her full attention was on him to check for his immediate reaction—which revealed itself to be shocked. But he suppressed his tensed nerves and clenched stomach. Nothing to send the mare sprawling in fear for his hearing on the matter.

But the request strained everything within him.

“D-Do you... think you could... explain a little more.”

“Terrible, isn't it?” Rarity reclined fully into his crotch as she laid into him, the very dragon that scared her in this conversation, now, her only means of support of getting through her speech. “Any other lady would have been terrified. But when you placed me within that cavern of a maw, that usual slender tongue now a living, undulating bed beneath me... the view of your teeth from behind them, all with the world framed by your lips... knowing I was to become swallowed by a mindless beast... oh... how it got me going!”

Spike returned his claws to her sides, rubbing across them, feeling them more, comforting them the best he could. His head lowered as he thought it all through. The mare wanted to be devoured? Eaten and trapped within his stomach? All that nuzzling from before made sense.

“I-I guess I can... maybe... see the appeal.” Spike shook his head. “But y'know I can't hurt you.”

“Neither is that my desire, darling.” Rarity dipped her head. “Even though it's a beast that has captured me, I do not actually want to be harmed. Rather it's foreplay I'm after. Even when I'm inside of you, I want to be safe and sound, until I teleport out.”

Spike nodded. “Makes sense. But, uh, I can't exactly, y'know, get big like that again unless—“

“Unless I become tiny? What if I... had a spell prepared for that?”

Spike thought about it for a second. Despite its strangeness, it didn't bother him all too much, other than getting over having to swallow another. With a sigh, his palm lifted his chin, allowing her beautiful face to gaze into his. “So long as you're okay with it... then I'm okay with it. But are you sure about this? You want to go through with it?”

“Enough to allow you to stick it into my rump, dear.” Rarity grinned upward at him as her supple ass started twisting into his crotch, in precisely the spot he was most sensitive, urging a stirring from within. His pants became hotter by the heat cast by her flanks alone. “I cannot tell you why being tiny and trapped in your maw is so alluring. Only that it is. And that change of view to the world might be what I need to get through this slog of a life so far.”

Both of the voices on Spike's shoulders were demons. Not only could he fuck the mare in the ass like he dreamed, his cock hugged by marshmallow pillows, then entering a place tighter than that, but he would then get to swallow the mare afterward.


That last point was still odd on him.

“Ladies aren't supposed to dream of being devoured by a beastly dragon, but in keeping with the life of a lady, there hasn't been a spark in the longest time.” Rarity's horn started to glow, and the same was true to the zipper of his pants, pulled and parted, allowing his growing joy to keep through—before smothered backward by the mass of ass. “The only times of excitement have come from being with you. This relationship we're not supposed to have. It's what I crave, my greatest desire, and I can't help but feel... as though this is the right course.”

Rarity then lowered her head. “But I won't push you to do anything beyond your limits. To hear a lady wants you to swallow her must take time for you to adjust to. I will fulfill your request for now. Wanting to have some fun between my flanks is hardly a deviation from the norm.”

Spike felt it. His cock pinned into his crotch by the amount of tush rubbing into it. With enough adjusting of his own, his member slipped into the crack of her derriere, which clenched on the contact, softness tensing onto his hardness. His tip searched inward for that hole, the new and different one, finally an experience that would change the state of the sexual affairs.

“I'll do it.” Spike reached his claws to above her hips, enough to keep the mare willing her flanks, but at the same time, keeping her nearly like a toy for his joy. “If that's what you want... then I'll do it. We're beyond hero and princess stuff by now. If being eaten by a beastly dragon will make you happy... then I'd happily become a brute for you.”

“And you are sure of this?”

And then Spike's cock found her tightest of holes, which opened at feeling the head of his dick, taking it in, a clamp tighter than the other. At once he thrust inside, closing his eyes and groaning, a sweet feeling of euphoria flooding through him. “Oh yes! Without a doubt! Just, nghmmm, don't quote me on the first time!”

Spike hardly endured the electricity tingling through his cock, the feeling of the curved cheeks meshing onto its sides, a brush and a rub, a sporadic compress that squeezed every ounce of goodness out from him. He'd never expected to fuck outside of the bedroom. But there was an allure to doing it outside, in a public setting, so spontaneously.

The entrance took him tightly, every inch a struggle to get through, a different feeling enveloping him. It was a broader hug that pulled him deeper into the confines. Helpless thrusts into the flanks to bury him inches deeper into the place he wanted to be.

“And squeeze!”

Spike gasped and lurched forward at feeling the tunnel clench and the flanks do the same, the walls pressing into and over his cock, the pillow cheeks doing the same, everything caught within slim and plush softness. He continued to jerk despite her clenches, sliding through them doubling the pleasure—enough to make quick work of him.

His claws lifted and dropped her body, a pumping of a grown mare onto his shaft, the violent flicks needed to seal the deal. His stomach clamped as the pressure expanding inside his dick found its output. With a final and deep shove inside, the dragon came, spurt after spurt, the release of the white tension, a feeling of greatness washing over him.

Spike slumped onto the platform with his cock still buried inside the mare's ass, too lazy to pull it out—nearly not wanting to. The back of his head gently laid on the stage. There was a turning on his crotch. Then the view of the mare coming from underneath his jaw.

“Was that all you craved? To have your member dominated by a derriere? That was a wish I could have offered to you long ago—and can continue to provide if you wish it.” Her hooves came to his jaw and nose, pushing on them in opposition, forcing the parting of his maw. “So this will be the place I'll be having fun? Your fangs look so small now, your mouth so tight, I dream of making it into a wonderland.”

Then Rarity's expression narrowed. “But do be a dear for me on a few aspects before our next rendezvous.”

“And that's it?”

“Brush five times a day.” Rarity pulled her face out from the dragon. “Mouthwash no fewer than three times. You may floss only twice to earn yourself some leniency. No food. Only water. Drink a potion that will dissolve your stomach acids and ensure your belly has only room for one. Understood?”

Spike rolled his head onto the side, a standing mirror on the other side, seeing himself pinned, helplessly, by a mare half his size. He nodded as the prey demanded from the predator. Could he even do it? Once the mare was inside his mouth, could he tilt back his head, swallowing, knowing he'd trap Rarity deep within him?

I'll be there for you no matter what.

Sometimes promises lead in a few more directions than expected.

“The next time we meet.” The words and their air floated into his lips as hers lowered to his. “Devour me, darling.”

The downpour of warmth flushed across her body, striking the floor to the rising of steam, a permanent fog permeating the bathroom. Rarity stood on her hind legs with the other two pressed into the tiled wall. Water flowed and she cleaned. She had to be clean. Tasting nicely for nothing nasty could grace his tongue.

Could she go through with it? The question struck her mind despite the determination of the night before. Enjoying the ball from the inside of a dragon's stomach. So filthy that she would be enjoying herself greatly from his stomach as she was jostled around. Backing out wasn't a call she could make anymore.

Get over your nerves. This is the change that you crave. Time to make the most of it.

Turning off the dial ceased the pouring of the water. Intermittent drops sounded from pelting porcelain. In the square of the shower, the curtain pulled back from the side, a towel already floating through, a quick wrap around her barrel.

The potion loomed and stood on the sink. Light pink liquid as thick as milk. This was it. Trotting over to it, there would be no going back, lifting the glass within her magic. Pulling the cork, she posed its tip over her lips, leaning both it and her neck back, feeling the sweetness of strawberry rush down her throat.

“And then that's all there is to it.”

Rarity turned to the door. Suddenly it seemed so far. Tilting and beginning to loom... had the effects already kicked in? She stumbled forward, entering a sway, unable to keep her brain from going astray. Her body slammed into the wood, the knob high above, the need to rise onto her hinds—much like a filly—for her hooves to grace the underside of the thing.

It turned and was pushed on in time.

The door swung forward as the filly rolled forward, though retaining the figure of a mare, everything shrinking in proportion. On the other side of the bedroom came a knock at the door. Rarity groaned at reaching the bed, forced to hop in place, throwing her forelegs over the mattress above, each jump taking her higher, but the loss of height bringing her back down.

Her hindlegs caught the bottom frame, which allowed her to climb the curve of the bed, throwing herself onto the sheets. In the distance came the opening of the door, the light shining into the dim room, some of it blocked from behind the titan.

“Rarity? You here?”

The mare reached the center of the bed as it had gone from a pool to a pond, seeing the sheets expand into the sea. She gazed over the wooden horizon that was the front broad, struggling to capture her breath as the view lifted, revealing the towering landscape standing within the frame of the door.

Rarity crawled back on the blanket until a wall pushed into her back. Her head whipped around and looked up, a rising wrinkle in the sheet like a tidal wave in the save, one made of fabric and requiring a climb to get atop of. No more an inch was she. Was this truly the perfect size to be?

“Oh no... have you already shrunk? Crap oh crap!” The titan hopped from foot to foot, holding the other once lifted, checking for horrors. After two, his breath flew, completely relieved. “Okay. Good. Nothing on the floor. That just leaves the bed. And the path to the bed. Just... be a spy.”

Spy? Rarity couldn't help but roll onto her side, a hoof to prop the head, taking an alluring pose. She could be his jewel now. Small enough to be so. Come and find me. Steal me away to your hoard. Or do what you do with those hidden gems are yours.

“Check for lasers at the feet... so far... nothing!” There was something comical in watching a towering dragon, rising and dropping from side to side, leg to leg, being careful about tripping something. “She's not on the floor. But I have to be careful of my sounds. The smallest one will trigger an alarm. I have to be quiet for her sake.”

Rarity rolled her head to the side and couldn't help but smile. He was still a goof throughout all of this... wasn't he? What other boy would be willing to swallow a girl whole? To tease her in all the things one would find scary about dragons. He'd been insecure about himself, of the stuff that scared others... and yet she had demanded them as they were alluring to her. Had that been selfish?

Or would it allow him to express a component of himself long since denied?

Sweeping waves of shadows passed over the bed that caused the sea to turn black. Rarity blinked into the sudden darkness to gaze to the side horizon of the bed. There that line revealed the looming stomach of the dragon. Vast and wide and taut despite its monolithic scope. Her eyes couldn't be taken from it.

Rarity stepped back on the bed until the back of her foot caught on a rising wrinkle reminiscent of a wave, coming to fall onto her ass, feeling the surface lightly bounce beneath her. She then gazed up, the width of the dragon's hips existing beyond the sides of her vision, the view of his stomach always going up, a crane of the neck assisting in the ascension... until looking into his head so high above.

“Oh wow... is that you?” His face blurred and dimmed from the distance between them. “You're so... tiny. I mean that's the point of all this. But it's different actually seeing you small. I... I'm supposed to do something here. Right?”

Rarity's head dropped from his face and gazed at the sound of fabric wrinkling. What had that been? Looking to the distant hips that composed the horizon, a tower of growing meat appeared beneath the veil of his boxers, a solid cylinder spreading the fabric, travelling downward and outward by the second.

The poor mare started to stand at once as the distant object beckoned her toward it. Fuck his cock was massive. Twitching from inside the underwear, each throb pushing out, stretching the article to its limits. Soon it outright pushed into the wall and forced it into a curve, one becoming greater, until limitations forced it to keep inches from the full mast.

Though it was hardly inches to her.

Before the mare knew what was happening, two claws had dropped with a dull thud to her sides, sudden boulders sinking into the sheets. A set of claws swept through her, causing her stomach to drape over one talon, the other resting into her back.

Rarity watched the ground shrink away below as she was lifted. Seconds later she was held suspended before his face. How vast and massive it was. Eyes the size of ponds and each glimmering in emerald. His dorky smile pushed into a cheek, an exhale, subtle and half of a chuckle, the tell-tale sign of his nervousness.

“Um... hi?” Something floated to beneath her, a platform of purple scales, her body rolled onto his palm. She was on her hooves as she was dropped off, seeing the talons fly away overhead. Spread before she were small hills for the knuckles beneath the scales. Curved talon in the distance—a view of some of his face contained in the gaps in-between.

Rarity walked to one of those hills, climbing it rather slowly, looking out to his face. “I-It would appear... we've finally made it here.”

“Indeed we have.” Spike's eyes struggled to keep on her, glancing to the sides, to anything at all. “So, uh, what do I do here? Toss you into my mouth like a piece of candy? Talk to you like you're a piece of candy?”

“Darling... do you talk to pieces of candy?”

“Not really.” Spike scrunched an eye and the other glowed brighter as a result. “Usually too busy eating it. Twilight always harps about talking with your mouth full. You do that too.” He chuckled as each was an explosion of masculinity. “Guessing that won't be the case this time.”

Rarity couldn't help but dare to approach his digit, a walk over a narrow lane, reaching its base. Rising to both legs, she hugged the thickness, rubbing the fluff of her coat across it, feeling its shape become nestled between her legs. “There are no exceptions to rules, Spike. All we have... are instances in which we outright ignore everything entirely.”


Spike wanted to cough into his claw but couldn't exactly do that with the tiny mare nestled on it. Looking side to side like one about to commit a crime, he squinted his eyes, so unsure of himself, not knowing what to do.

But the mare on his claw warmed his heart to no end. She was on the hill of his knuckle, forehooves wrapped the best they could around his digit, the brushing of her coat beyond pleasant. It was barely a tickle to him. Yet all his sensation concerted on the one.

Which caused it to feel all the more special as a result.

Spike came onto the bed and rested on the back of his legs. His head tilted to the side as he watched the tiny mare snuggle his digit. Honestly this was enough for him. The idea of a little Rarity he could take anywhere teased him to a fate he wasn't deserving of.

Plus cuddling her like a teddy-bear before bed would be one of the highlights to his life.

“Oh dear.” His eyes blinked at the squeaking of her voice. “It seems you're well equipped below.”

Rarity's muzzle hovered to the side in the gap between his digits, the long view downward revealing the sole article to him. Taut black underwear with its velvet texture pushed outward from the girth of his cock rising.

He chuckled, blushing, and rubbed the back of his head. “I swear I was thinking innocent things before this.”

Rarity glanced over her miniature back at him. “Is that so? What of?”

“H-How cute it would be... to have a tiny you... to maybe... I dunno... cuddle at night?” His eyelids imploded in hatred of himself. “Though I should have gone for something else.”

Though it was nearly impossible to see, an assured smile swept over Rarity. “Not at all. The Idea of being your little teddy-bear is beyond charming. It is my love to be held and pinned down—is it not?”

Confusion consumed him at the idea behind those words, which forced his eyes to go down, the cowardice needed to speak the truth. Despite his size as a giant, he was powerless to the tiny mare.

Simply because she was his Rarity.

“To tell you the truth... I've never been quite too sure about that.” He swallowed in the attempt to keep his voice from cracking. He noticed the mare watched the movement intently. She even blushed. “I enjoy it. Feels good too. But you've always been the kind of 'become one' kind of mare.”


“So when I follow through... on what I think you want me to do... I can never be sure afterward.” He closed his eyes and sighed and the breath washed like winds on the beach over her. “I'll always feel bad if I treat you less than a princess. But sometimes it feels... I dunno.”

He went to look away again—until something rubbed into his digit once more. He returned to see Rarity standing forward on the lane, uncaring for the lack of land on her sides. She was steadfast and certain as her diminutive size looked up to him. “Please do not blame yourself for such things. Every cue I have given you... those are the desires I wish to come true.”

Spike's jaw opened but it was seconds until words followed. “Are you sure? Because it feels like—“

“Because it feels like I can push you away or tell you to stop at any second I wish? Face it. Even now your claw trembles due to my being on it.” Her face immediately as the sprawl of her mane fell over an eye. “And don't you comment on my weight! I can already sense the wit on you.”

Spike cracked a smile followed by a light shaking of the head. “Oh c'mon! Sense my wit too often and I'll have nothing to say to you.”

“Only because everything that needs to be said is needed to be said by me.” Rarity stepped toward his palm, casting a glance to the distant curve of his largest digit. He surrounded her in every way possible; she was immensely thankful for it. “The truth is that I owe you an apology my dear. I'm afraid your kindness has been abused for too long.”

“Don't say that!” Spike cried back in a whisper. “I still got laid.”

His eyes clenched and attempted to phase into the other. “And I seriously need to stop talking! I swear I'm not like this on the inside!”

“And that is something I am soon to find out,” Rarity applied to the charm of her own wit. “But for so long I have attempted to be a princess. It was what felt destined for me. In coming to be with you, however, has been when I've been most true.”

Spike opened his mouth to the tease of fangs that loomed behind those lips, each sharp and long and commanding. White to the point of being reflective. They were commanding and terrifying yet never scary.

They were a thrill and nothing more.

And no words followed him

“Those cues I have given you are desires I wanted but could never mention.” Rarity dipped her head though kept her voice loud as was the requirement to being heard. “Unable to admit them to myself for what they represented. So I placed everything on you. Denying you and a genuine part of myself in the process.”

Rarity rose her head with a face of determination. “But it killed me to be the same and hurt you as well. I'm tired of denying me, of rejecting us, all because of what I thought I needed to be. The truth is I am no princess. And I'd rather a dragon over a prince to fulfill my everything.”

Spike's brow narrowed as he tried to process the words of his love. His mouth opened and closed and it was not a tease to the one that meant everything. In choosing to swallow and lick at his lips, he tried again, the whole affair known as speaking.

“Does that mean... y'know... we're steady and all that?”

“I do believe that is the engagement I have put forward.” Rarity covered her mouth with a hoof as she giggled. The boy could be so shy even at gigantic size. The way the hills of his cheeks turned pink at the light suggestions behind her words. It all enthralled her. “That is if you can stand to be with a mare craving to be devoured.”

Spike nodded on instinct. “Of course I do and of course I will.” His eyes clenched but only for a second of the time—the effect broken in the shaking of his head. The active use of his will to overcome the natural reactions of his body. “I'd said I would be there for you no matter what.”

Rarity sat down on the palm and it jolted in response, the plushness and fullness of her rear composing a space on it. Her extra volume there should mean nothing to the scale of the dragon. Yet the fact she could sit on him, a palm now a balcony, shocked the dragon with a joy not contained.

“Just... starting to learn that line means a lot more than I originally thought.” He squinted an eye as the other stayed open. “It didn't mean what I thought it did. You being trapped in a tower and me going on a grand quest to save you. I'd thought I'd defeat the evil dragon and save you—not, y'know, be the evil dragon.”

Rarity shook her head at once. “You don't have to be the evil dragon, dear, if that's a painful role for you to play.”

“No.” Spike shook his head. “Not in the slightest. Being there for you means truly being there for you. Sometimes that entails saving you from a villain. Other times it means bringing ice cream around two at night. And sometimes... it means being an evil dragon set to devour the princess all to make you feel good.”

Rarity blinked. “All of that... is wonderful to hear.” She then coughed and turned her head. “But can you do it? I know for a while you have struggled with holding back that side to you. To suddenly demand it of you—“

“Like a little princess such as yourself can demand anything of me?” Rarity shivered at the change of tone as she was drawn to look into the distance, one composed of the dragon's face, vast and blurred as a result. “Stumbling into my cave and stealing from my gems... the nerves on you! You've already taken a few—haven't you?”

“W-Why me? How absurd!” Rarity couldn't help but smile as a hoof pressed to her chest in mock disgust. She hadn't expected to feel her heartbeat, one racing faster by the second, the sudden immersion into foreplay a pleasant catch in surprise. “Only a few needed for a dress. Surely one of your size will not care for such a small amount missing?”

“Pah! Give it ponies to speak on how a dragon should feel.” Spike narrowed his brow and his claw did the same, the pointed digits passing each other above, the palm closing into itself. “Mock me for my greed yet take without asking. What has been taken must be repaid. And we can find a way just for that.”

On the center of the palm was where the mare stood, turning around as the surrounding digits retreated like beacons into the distance. Her mane bounced and swayed to the jerks of her head. Before her magic could hope to glow, the claw shut into itself, rolling into a hold over her, one keeping her in the middle.

It jerked forward and she squeaked from the sudden rush of air. Arms locked to her sides which then were squeezed by the adjusting of the claw holding her. Only her head popped out from the grip, seeing how talons wrapped over her.

Beyond and above them, however, was the looming face of the dragon. Words paled at his description for nothing could capture the terror of being suspended before his muzzle. It sprawled and spanned greater than combined clouds, his eyes like ponds of shimmering emerald, both angrily intent on her.

Oh yes how he looked at her. The subtle glare of power and command and wanting to do something with her weakness. Within the tucked space which she resided within, there was an inch of freedom to allow her hind legs to brush together, her thighs rubbing into each other, all to fan the heat radiating from her special place.

“Y-You better not think to do anything mister dragon,” Rarity barely spoke as the beatings of her heart thundered louder than her voice. Could he feel its vibration through her chest? Life flooded through her in a realness much craved. Better than the dullness of what was supposed to be done. “My friends will come here and—“

“But your friends aren't here, are they? And why search a dragon's cave for a lost friend?”

“Because they'll find me!”

“Assuming I'd leave you in a place that could be found.” The giant's face blossomed in mock arrogance at the surprise rising on her face. He seemed amused by this imaginary reveal. Previous and hollow foreplay, though rusty in this, that connection allowed them access in this. “Did you think I'd merely chain you to a corner? Oh no. What you took has to be paid back. I'd never let you get taken until that deed was done.”

His head turned and tilted and his other claw tapped on his chin in delicious contemplation. “So many places to keep you! But where can you best pleasure a dragon to whom you owe?” His gaze guided down the sprawling expanse of chest, a harmless flex to the sheet of abs below. “Oh? Maybe that's worth a thought.”

Rarity yelped in the claw suddenly descending—not as fast as could be possible—before everything slowed before the new landmark. Suddenly the curled talons opened, enough to cradle the mare in keeping together.

Looking out revealed the great stretch of ebony fabric, the shaft spreading the material to its fullest. His cock towered and put towers to shame. Round and thick and always throbbing. It was a miracle to see how it strained the fibres, how they relaxed and pulled in tandem to the throbs of his cock.

Rarity couldn't help but feel spread herself. Everything about her parting at the view of masculine majestically. Her lady-bits tingled in anticipation at the impossible. Down went her hoof, over the shape of her barrel, touching at her clit.

Drawing circles at the view of the distant cock, greater than any arch to any bridge, it getting harder, longer, and bigger as she touched herself to it. There was a pleasure in that. In her simply being herself and touching herself to the greatness of that thing—it turned Spike on enough to make the big thing even bigger.

The power she still had.

“You don't have to worry about that,” Spike said as his head loomed where clouds roamed, haze and blurs stealing his allure. The subtle glow of his eyes remained and was intoxicating as always. That cock of the head, one to the right, speaking of his growing confidence. “This will feel a lot better for both of us.”

She always did love it when he gained genuine confidence around her and took charge. Rarity could be fooled by his body language at how strongly he presented himself. He was a catch, able to play himself up. Now that he had done so... she was finding it harder to discover the wimpy dragon behind it all.

He was playing a character that turned her on.

All for the sake of turning her on.

The claw around her lurched forward, suddenly and rapidly, hurdling toward the underside of the shaft. Rarity spasmed at the spot at being unsure of what to do to save herself. Naturally her forelegs shot before her face as the greatness of hardness grew in her closing proximity.

But nothing could stop the underside of that cock slamming into her.

Her eyes closed at the impact as the contact of heated fabric came and flexed over the shape of her frame. Everything burned into her pleasantly. The smoothness of the material assisted by the curved hardness behind it. Nothing but the cock was above and up and around her. It drew her muzzle in and she was beyond happy to comply.

“Y-You like that... don't you... held against my... thing.” It was hard to see his face as the sides of his cock reached into the distance. Nothing could beat that jerk in the jerk in shame of his stutter. Still a helpless boy underneath it all. “Wasn't expecting you to hold on like that. Actually... are you holding on?”

The support underneath her blurred into purple as it pulled away. She was indeed wrapped around his cock and holding it enough to support herself. It wasn't realized until the claw disappeared. The beast throbbed inside the fabric at this approval—knowing a mare was forced to cling to it.

Rarity couldn't help but consider that for a moment. Over and sprawling upward was ebony fingers leading into the thickness of a tip marked like a perch in the sky. It was a barrel of meat unable to be reached around as its sides were out of reach. Flicks threaten to cast her away. She clung tighter not out of self-preservation—but desire.

Whatever fraction of the cock slipped into the space between her legs, resting into her barrel, sinking into the plushness, rocking onto it, warming every fur. Rarity closed her eyes and already she was grinding. Holding on for life taken to back seat as she locked her thighs to the item and rolled back and forth.

“Nnhmmm... R-Rarity... caaaaaareful with that!” Breaking character was unforgivable but the massiveness of his cock allowed her to make an exception. Every second came to a throb from the titanic masculinity as it further strained the constraints of the firm underwear. “Or what I mean to say is a job well done! Wanting to pay me back for stealing my treasure! But that won't save you.”

Air came in whips as the claw slammed back into her, the impact of a slender pillar throwing her into a frail. Already the digits wrapped around the clad-dick and began to rise, sliding to the top slowly, a squeeze given at the top.

Rarity found herself draped over the head of the member as the claw kept her to it. Damp was the fibres and rich was the dark musk in the air. It clouded her lungs and thickened at their bottoms in the smell of him. Strong and thick and causing her to crave dick. His smell had always been pleasant and now it commanded her.

“I've been a naughty mare to you, haven't I, Mister Dragon.” Rarity reeled her head back to see the plump hill possessing her. Its throbs now rubbed across her frame completely as more lubrication dripped from its front. “Allow me to pay back some of the bad I have cast upon you.”

The beautiful mare known for exactly that lowered her face into the head of the dick, an open mouth to nip through the fabric and play with the flesh underneath. Little overloads of the nerves that caused the giant to rock in place. One of her eyes trailed up as her muzzle kept kissing the cock.

Even like this she could control him. Causing him to clench his eyes and suppress his might as she toyed with his joy. Those hips loomed vaster than a horizon and the power behind a thrust could crumble a castle. One jab of his dick smothered the head over her. Wet fibres licking her coat with his seed and his smell.

And she was in love.

“Isn't this what you crave? To service yourself with a mare?” Lowering herself to the head of the cock ready to tear into the other side of the briefs, she rolled on it, doing her best to pleasure it. “You've already jerked me with your cock. Why not cast me inside that waistband? I could be with your thing and explore its great length. My prison could be set between your balls to ensure I couldn't escape.”

That wasn't fair. Not fair in the slightest. Above showed the dragon with his head tilted back in utter hatred for life itself at the denied reality of a now discovered fantasy. On the flexing wall in the distance, the other claw slid across the scales, reaching the waistband of the underwear.

Tug it out and toss her in.

Then go on like there was nothing different.

“Y-You ponies... are always so mischievous with your tongues! Would that be your plan? Pleasure me below and escape once I'd fainted from it?” Pleasuring a massive cock into exploding like a volcano was an activity Rarity would have done for free. Knowing it would knock the rest of him out, however, would be quite the accomplishment even for the tiny mare. “You can please me another time. For now I have other matters to attend to. There's only one place I can think of keeping you... where you can't escape.”

Something pulled on her back as her forehooves dragged off the plumpness of the hill. She hanged down as her forehooves swam for the dick she craved to be with. Swimming out of view and becoming replaced with the flexing of his chest. Rarity floated above the chin of the dragon, stopped high above his head. He'd leaned back to make himself comfortable. Then his mouth opened as his digits slipped to hold the mare by her tail.

Rarity looked down and desired her tail back if only to fan the heat wafting from between her legs. Below was the handsomeness of the dragon, head tilted back and mouth left open, revealing the many fangs serving as bars. His tongue slithered from its cell into the sky, the only thing about him around the same size as her.

That played with her mentally as the tongue wrapped around her physically. Course her body fought and wiggled as the snake coiled around her endlessly. This part of him was now her everything. Strong enough to hold her whole as the claws then dropped below.

She watched them fall into the haze of his lap, the brim of the underwear pushed off, revealing his mast as its size put ships alike to utter shame. It curved upward in sensing her, in wanting her, seemingly aware as she was lowered to the snout of the dragon.

Finally she was rolled until becoming straight, kept a foot from the muzzle of the dragon, unable to see above it. His eyes were pools in the sky as they settled on her. Already his mouth opened as warm airs swept across her. Lightly he opened it further to treat her with a view of the inside.

“Is this what you plan to do... you filthy dragon! Touch yourself below as you devour me whole? Rarity couldn't cease rubbing her flanks as the lips of her pussy tinged into red. Burning already with a passion before unfelt. A sense of legitimacy than forced enjoyment. “Never have I been more offended in my life! So taken control of and abused as you—“

Rarity yelled as the tongue slurped into the waiting maw, the lips now cells zooming above and below, disappearing on being through, the light turned dim. Her form shot over the fangs and, out of instinct, her forelegs wrapped around the object. Holding onto it as the tongue gently tugged for her to let go.

“No! Please don't! Don't swallow me!” Rarity could feel the mockness in her voice as the fantasy proved to be everything she craved. Holding onto the tooth allowed her to look out into the world through the circular frame behind and contained by his lips. “Don't cast me into the depths of her stomach and force me to wallow in despair!”

The mare would have said more, of course, on pulling herself forward, coming onto the firmness of his bottom lip, seeing over the curved edge to the pumping of his cock below. One titanic claw rising to the height of a mountain and dropping to the depths of a valley to offer a mere jerk to the throbbing mass of a mast.

As her mouth opened to offer a retort, the tongue around her, the end of it, found its way between her flanks. Her face lifted as the pleasure elevated her state. Caught on the lips of her lover and watching him masturbate to the idea of devouring her. One of the split ends slipped into her slit, curling as to fill the tightness of her hole.

Already she was backing into it and riding the tongue thrusting into her plush behind. Her forehooves pushed on the suppleness of the lip in order to ride the slim beast devouring her cave. Odd flicks brushed on her clit and the overwhelming size stroked the fuse of dynamite that would ignite her orgasm.

“Yes Spike... please... just like that... more like that...”

Expectations changed on her forehooves releasing their hold on the lip. Content to stick up her rump and be ravaged by the tongue, the beast surrounding her instead closed his lips, catching her head between them, her only part caught on the outside. It locked her in place as the tongue kept rocking into her bottom.

And before Rarity could cry.

She was sucked inside.

“Ooof!” She flew back from the lips, over the fangs, crashing onto the limpness of the tongue. Lying on her side as her ass held the tongue, she inched herself up, shaking her head, casting a look around her surroundings. “O-Oh. Oh dear. It's all for real then.”

Her gaze started at the curve of the fleshy wall in the distance, one coated in light skin, tinged in pink, looking pleasant to look at. Before it was the fangs taller than the posts station at Canterlot Castle. Her search carried left, to the front of the maw, the back of his lips now exposed. They were closed, doubly so, denying sight to light or the outside world.

And she nearly regretted looking over her shoulder.

Over the tongue loomed the back of the cave, the place where the rhythm winds came in, warm and moist, each smelling of him. It drew her closer for how the light disappeared from it. What slipped through his lips couldn't reach there. In rising and walking across the lane of his tongue, she reached a hill in the flesh, one allowing her to see the vastness of the throat.

It spanned back like a dome with a sudden descent into an abyss. It called to her without music or sound but with its very existence itself. Step after step where the ground became more sensitive to her movement. Soon the ground rose as gravity tilted down.

Rarity fell as the dragon that encased her tilted back his head for the swallow, causing her to be caught at the back of his throat—which swallowed on instinct. Flesh clumped around her and denied escape. Seconds were allowed to see over the edge, across the tongue and over the fangs, where the lips parted, for a second, the last glance at the outside world.

And then she was tugged downward.

Warm flesh wrapped around her and squeezed occasionally, her body rendered a beautiful bulge in that throat to those on the outside—pressure from there placed on her. Her legs spread open as the silky muscle pressed into the space, tickling and pressing on her everything, squeezing her wider by the second as she disappeared further.

Rarity cried in pleasure as at the heated muscle rubbing and grinding and squeezing into her frame, condensing her softness in a grip for so long craved, reduced to a meal for the hungry and horny dragon. He ate her like nothing and jerked off to the destinations. And that was enough to evoke a warm flood from between the lips of her folds.

It wasn't before long the ride had ended at a valve opening beneath her. Gently she slid into a pouch that spanned the size of a park. Here she was within him. Tucked into the center of that taut stomach where his abs would hide the fact of her existence. Those who looked at his slenderness would not think her to be there.

And yet she was.

Rarity leaned back on the wall as it reclined to accommodate her. Lying back and panting in the stomach of the dragon, her body tingled at the setting, of the heartbeat sounding from afar. It lulled her into a state of safeness despite the current instance. In love with her new home, the mare found a hoof between her legs, ready to go again, a second-round no longer uncommon.

Spike reclined fully into the stack of pillows as his claw fell away from his cock, already shaking his head and hating himself, the latter born for various reasons. He squinted in looking down, his abs clenched by the position itself.

Rarity was inside of there, somewhere, resting without hope of escape.

It didn't feel different to have someone there. He could feel exactly her location due to the sense of weight. It was subtle and light and didn't amount to more than a dot. But it made him aware of the existence of a place. The feeling of another there was pleasant—but could easily be missed.

Whatever makes her happy... right? Spike sighed and remembered that she would hear that. He didn't want his mood to bring down hers. Without a doubt she could tell if he'd successfully gotten off. Meaning he'd need to force a climax even if he wasn't feeling one. Should have tossed her in my underwear and THEN swallowed her! That would have been great! Then I would have eaten a mare that tasted like my dick.

He pouted instantly. Damn it. There's not an instance where I win in that.

Spike was about to lie down fully, wanting to rock the mare inside of him around, changing the setting within for her—until something crumpled beneath the pillows. Confusion stealing his expression, he turned on his side, slipping a claw underneath the stack, feeling his digits trace across something glossy.

What the hell?

It already felt wrong to be here. Lounging back on Rarity's bed with the mare not present in her home. Well. She was here. But being here alone for the most part still felt wrong. Still his claws pulled out whatever it was the mare had snuck underneath the pillows.

And out he pulled a stack of photos.

“Rarity... just what did you do?” He took the stack and then laid back, coming to gaze at the first one, now frozen in place. Printed on a sheet was the view of her flanks, one with them bunched, the divot between largely filled. “O-Oh no. No you didn't. Rarity you perfect little you!”

He slid to the next photo, one of her posing in front of the camera, holding back a flank, revealing the goods tucked with. Mane draped over an eye and the other twinkling from the light. Her tongue stuck out in a playful fashion done only for a guy like him. “I love you I love you! Oh how I love you!”

The next photo showed her chest to the floor and ass flogged up, a hoof snaked between the valley of her legs. It traces circles on her clit as a fresh splash of wetness doused the scene. Each photo kept improving as the focus kept entirely on her ass.

For as much as he was willing to give to her.

She met him back in the same regard.

His claw found his cock and he started jerking again, able to do so thanks to the photos given to him, and deep inside of him, the mare was thrown around, riding out his pumping as she was grinding a hoof to the same area. The couple together despite being alone in their present setting.

Able to be.

Where they wanted to be.

In thanks for the other.