The Smelly Equestria Girls Chronicles

by The Dark Wolf

First published

Anon gets to spend a day with one of the Equestria Girls smelling bad and farting.

A collection of stories, each centering on you having a kinky session with each of the Equestria Girls, having not washed for a long time so they smell bad, and also very gassy.

Contains olfactophilia, farts, buttplay (including spanking and facesitting), and a bit of wetting. (More than a bit in Rainbow Dash's chapter, but less of it in the others) Also some foot sniffing. Rarity and Fluttershy's chapters contain soap/washing, also implied in Pinkie and Twilight chapters. Do not read if you don't have the first three fetishes. Or at least if any of them are a big turn-off.

Really stretchy as usual but please don't take too seriously, it's a fetish story based on a cartoon that already isn't super realistic. And I know quality will be lower than professional writers, so if that bothers you stay away. Also the formula might be repetitive but if you're interested in any of them over others, you'll be able to select whichever you prefer. (Only the main seven Equestria Girls though) None of the chapters will be connected.

New chapter is Applejack and Rarity; I placed it before the Dazzlings, as it and all the Equestria Girls are meant to be the final two.

Rainbow Dash

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You're watching a race and cheering for your favorite racer - Rainbow Dash! You're her biggest fan and you love everything about her. How fast she is, how athletic she is, how loyal she is to her friends (though none of them except Applejack stand too close to her for some reason), and also how attractive she is. And after watching a few of her races, you notice that she doesn't get swarmed by fans, despite how many people in the audience cheer for her, and the announcer sets her trophy down on a pedestal and steps away before she takes it. You wonder what that's all about.

Rainbow Dash wins the race yet again, much to the applause of the audience. After she claims her trophy, people go home, but you're interested to stick around and talk to her. If she's all right with it. As usual, no one goes near her. At first you wonder if it's because she might physically attack you. But then you remember, no, she's not like that. There must be some other reason.

Soon the racetrack is deserted, except for you and her. She opens a cooler she brought with her, pulls out a 2-liter bottle of Applejack's carbonated cider, and drinks it like there's no tomorrow. You slowly walk up to her. She's soaked in sweat from running her race on this hot summer day, no wonder she's drinking so fast. Her short, skintight black spandex shorts and matching sports bra are soaked through, her beautiful blue athletic legs are glistening, and even her rainbow hair is dripping. You can't help but think of how sexy she looks like this, but try to remember you're here to approach her as a fan first.

Rainbow Dash finishes drinking her cider, and you speak up.

"Rainbow Dash?"

She turns to face you. "Yes?" BUUUUUUUUUUUUURP! She chuckles. "Scuse me... drinking all that soda at once will do that."

"I don't mind." You actually think it's kind of cute, but you have more of a thing for farts, though you're sure she's probably above farting in front of anyone. "I want to say, I'm your biggest fan."

"Awesome," she says.

"I'm Anon," you say. You walk up to her and hold out your hand to shake. As you do, you catch a whiff of a very unpleasant smell that seems to be coming from her.

"I'm... well you already know who I am," she says, shaking your hand. "And sorry about the smell. I don't wash much. Just once every two weeks. And even then I only rinse. I like it better that way. I do use dry shampoo on my hair though so I can feel it blow in the wind when I run."

You take another whiff of her. "I don't mind the smell. Is that why no one stands close to you?"

"Don't mind it?" she says. "So far only Applejack at the farm can stand it, and that's cause she deals with horse manure a lot. Even my other friends don't stand too near me unless there's air freshener in the room, which there usually is. I can tell you'll be fun to hang out with. I like you."

"And I like a smelly girl," you say. You blush. Did you just say that out loud? "Uh... forget I said that. That just slipped out."

Rainbow just smiles. "I've never met someone who actually likes my smell. I like that too."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I've kinda fantasized about it for a while." She stretches her arms, and you get a whiff of her smelly armpits. You inhale deeply through your nose, and she seems to like this reaction. Then...


She chuckles. "Sorry about that... my diet consists of beans and other food that makes me fart. And when I bring sodas, I put fart powder in them, cause I love to fart. I didn't think someone would be talking to me after the race."

You're excited at hearing Rainbow Dash fart so loud. "I really, REALLY don't mind."

"Oh, you have a thing for farts too, don't you?" she says. A short but loud fart makes its way out of her.

"Yes. If that's all right."

"Of course it is!" She lifts her leg and farts again, sighing of relief. "It means I can fart in front of you all I want!" PPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRT!

"I'd love that," you say.

"What do you say we go to my place and hang out?"

"That sounds awesome!"

"If you don't mind me stinking up the house."

"Quite the opposite."

You walk beside Rainbow Dash as she walks to her house. She farts several times along the way, and you enjoy both this and smelling her as she walks beside you. You never expected to get her to like you this much right away. Let alone to satisfy two of your fetishes.

You enter her house, which looks surprisingly neat for such a dirty girl.

"What do you say we watch some Daring Do movies?" she asks.

"That sounds fun," you say, for you like those movies too. You're not surprised Rainbow likes them.

BBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRT! A loud, long, deep-pitched fart makes its way out of Rainbow's butt.

"Nice one, Rainbow," you say, slapping her butt. She turns around, and you blush a little, hoping she isn't offended. You just couldn't help yourself.

Rainbow Dash looks a little surprised, but then smiles, blushing a little. She quickly runs behind you and slaps your butt back. You blush, but you like it. It's also a good sign that she's doing something like this to you, and not out of malice.

She farts again. You both laugh, and then sit down on the couch and start watching your Daring Do movie.

"You don't mind if I fart during the movie, do you?" she asks.

"Not in the least," you say.

You enjoy watching the movie sitting beside the girl of your dreams. You love the way she smells, and hearing her fart, sitting right next to you.

About half an hour into the movie, she stands up, stretching her arms. You get a whiff of her armpits, and stand up, sniffing them up close.

"Careful around the armpits," she says. "I'm real ticklish."

"Oh, you are, are you?" You start tickling her armpits, and she starts laughing uncontrollably. You alternate between tickling her sides and armpits, letting her catch her breath for a few seconds.


You keep tickling, and before long Rainbow Dash is peeing her stinky shorts uncontrollably. As soon as you see her wet herself you stop tickling and blush. You like the sight of her wetting her shorts, but you're not sure she likes it and hope you can make it up to her.

"Sorry Dashie... I didn't think you really had to go."

"That's what I was standing up for." Rainbow Dash is blushing as she continues to wet herself, pee flowing down her smelly legs and forming a puddle on the floor.

You remember she drank an entire two-liter bottle of cider. "I'm really sorry. I can understand if you didn't want to be with me anymore."

"I should be saying that. A world-class athlete and racing champion who wets herself when she gets tickled? I'm so pathetic." She tears up a little, still peeing.

"I'd never think that about you. You're awesome, even when you wet yourself."

"R... Really?"

"As a matter of fact..." You blush again.


"I really like seeing you wet yourself."

She looks relieved to hear this, and lets out a sigh of absolute relief as she finishes peeing. She looks down at her puddle. "I'd better clean this up."

"I'll help. I made you wet yourself."

"I don't mind so much now. I'm already real dirty anyway, so a little pee can't hurt. Or a lot." She chuckles and farts again.

You help her clean up her puddle anyway, then you sit on the couch and continue your movie.

"Don't you want to sit on a towel?" you ask her.

"I sit on this cushion in dirty shorts all the time. Sometimes even when I'm covered in mud."

"I guess it's all right then."

"So, you're into watersports too?"

"Yeah. I wasn't trying to make you wet yourself though. I wouldn't do that to you."

"I don't mind if you do it again." She blushes lightly.


She farts loudly. PPPPPPFFFFFFFFT! "Like I said, a little pee can't hurt when I'm this dirty already. Just don't do it when anyone else is around." She feels her wet shorts, and you suspect she took some pleasure in her accident, which you do now as well.

You continue to watch Daring Do movies, and she keeps farting. This is amazing, watching a movie with Rainbow Dash, who smells bad, loves to fart, and doesn't mind wetting herself.

Eventually, you feel a need to pee. You stand up. "I have to go to the bathroom," you say.

Rainbow pauses the movie. "Go ahead."

As you walk to the bathroom, Rainbow suddenly starts tickling you from behind. You start laughing hard, feeling close to pissing yourself every second.


"You mean like I did?" Rainbow keeps tickling harder.

Soon, you're wetting your pants. You notice this in the middle of laughing, feeling the warm, wet sensation. You can't stop peeing or laughing, as hard as you try.

She stops tickling after you finish peeing. "Did you like that?"

You blush a little at peeing yourself in front of her. But you remember you made her wet herself and she's all right with it. It gives you quite a thrill to have an accident in front of her. "Good one, Rainbow Dash," you say.

"Wait, you didn't bring a change of clothes, did you? No matter. You can rinse off in my shower. There's a pool in my backyard, if anyone asks you just went for a swim with me and forgot your swimsuit."

"Sounds good." You slap her butt, which makes her fart loudly. "Nice one, Dashie."

She chuckles. "I'm gonna get something to drink. Want something?"

"What do you got?"

"Coke, Sprite, and some of Applejack's carbonated cider."

"I'll have a Sprite then."

Rainbow goes to her drink fridge and returns with a large bottle of cider and a can of Sprite. She opens the cider, sprinkles a bit of fart powder into it, and then you sit on the couch and resume your movie. Rainbow chugs down her bottle of cider really fast, before you're even halfway done your Sprite.

"Wow, you really love your cider, don't you?" you say.

"Hay yeah." BUUUUUUUUUUURP! She chuckles. "Do you have a thing for that too?"

"I do like it a bit, but my fetish is for farts."

"Well fortunately I put some fart powder in here so I'll be doing that a lot for a while." She farts loudly, and you both laugh.

Just over a half hour in, she's fidgeting. "I know what I said before, but this time can you not make me wet myself?"

"Sure," you say, wanting to respect her wishes.

Another half hour in, the movie you're on is over, and she's really fidgeting. "Ooh... I have to go, bad!"

"Why aren't you using the bathroom?" you ask.

"I want to see how long I can hold it," she says. "It's a good test of my endurance, and it's pretty fun. And knowing I'm about to pee in my shorts, but not having to feel ashamed of it. Besides..." She accidentally farts as she squrims. "You might like seeing me desperate." She chuckles.

"I do," you say.

"Don't tickle me or anything, but enjoy the show, I'm holding till the end and not moving from this couch until I pee!"

She's enjoying her hold so much, and you're enjoying watching it, that you don't even think of putting in the next Daring Do movie. Occasionally she farts accidentally. After another hour...

"Oh... I've never had to pee this badly before!" she says. "Usually I go right away, or else get tickled into wetting myself." She winks at you.

"Want another drink?" you ask.

"Sure. Just be quick, I don't want you to miss it if I wet myself."

You run down to Rainbow's fridge, and grab a can of coke and bring it to her. Rainbow is still crossing her legs and fidgeting with a pained expression on her face. You open the coke, which sprays you cause you ran all this way with it. The sight of it makes Rainbow more uncomfortable. You hand her the coke, still dripping, and she downs the can of coke in a matter of seconds.

About another half hour later, you're feeling a need to pee from your Sprite. "I have to pee," you say.

"Be quick about it," she says. "I REALLY have to pee and I don't know how much longer I can hold it!" She closes her eyes tight.

You don't want to miss the end of Rainbow's hold. So you just pee where you're sitting, re-wetting your pants and sighing of relief.

"Ooh..." Rainbow cringes at the sight and sound of you wetting yourself. "I just leaked a little..."

"Oh, is that interfering with your hold?"

"Actually, I kind of like it. Besides, you look real cute when you pee your pants."

You blush lightly, then Rainbow continues squirming where she sits.

In another half hour, Rainbow's fidgeting harder than ever. "Ooh... I REALLY don't think I can hold it... I've never experienced this level of desperation before... I'm gonna burst!"

"Keep holding, Dashie!" you say, greatly enjoying this, and super excited for the end result.

She farts again, and you can hear her leak for about five seconds. She groans, and then, you can hear the much louder sound of her peeing full force. Once she realizes she's completely lost control she uncrosses her legs and sighs in relief as she wets her shorts for the second time. The hissing sound is loud, her stream must be pretty strong. Her shorts are getting completely soaked, as is the cushion where she's sitting. She lets out a wet fart in the middle of peeing, and chuckles.

"Having fun, Dashie?" you ask, simply loving the sight of this.

Rainbow Dash only lets out a moan of pleasure, which answers your question. After about a minute, she finishes peeing. Her shorts are absolutely drenched and smell of pee in addition to body odor and farts.

"I never knew wetting myself could be so fun." She lets out a long, wet fart. "I enjoyed that too much. I need a spanking." She winks at you.

"Over my lap," you say.

She pauses for about a second, probably considering asking you if you want to put a towel over your lap first, before remembering your pants are wet too, as she climbs over your lap. You love the sight of her pee-soaked tush in those skintight shorts. More so with how she smells. You raise your hand, but instead of spanking her, you place your hand on her butt and rub it. Rainbow doesn't object or tell you to get on with the spanking, so she's probably enjoying it. Or just wants you to have your fun. You love the way her rear end feels. It feels so firm, and also wet and grimy.


She chuckles as a loud fart makes its way out of her. You can smell it over her own stench, and you just inhale deeply with your nose, patting her on the butt lightly.

"How hard do you want it?" you ask.

"As hard as you can!" she says. PPPPPFFFFT!

You rest your hand on her butt for a few seconds, then raise your hand and spank her as hard as you can. You swat her rear again, and again, and again. She lets out little exclamations each time, but it's pretty clear she's enjoying it as much as you are.

"This is what happens to dirty girls who pee in their shorts," you say, continuing to slap her behind.

"I couldn't help it," she says, playing along. "I really needed to go!"

You spank her again, which makes her fart. PPPPPRRRRRRT!

"Hey, no farting during the spanking, you stinky farty girl!" You spank her again.

"I'm real gassy, I can't help it." *pprrrt*

After about a minute, you ask "How long do you want this to go on for?" While still spanking her at a steady pace.

"Until I tell you to stop," she says. "Or until your arms get too tired."

"So, you're into spanking."

"I've always fantasized about someone doing that to me. Not a lot of people want to go near me, of course, but you not only don't mind my smell or my farts, but like them. And I can tell you really like my butt too, so I don't have to worry about you getting bored with this." She farts again with the next swat.

"All I have to worry about is if you'll be able to sit for a week by the time you tell me to stop," you say.

"You can give me a butt massage after," she says. "If you're fine handling a smelly, farty, pee-soaked butt like mine."

"Do you even have to ask?" you say.

Another minute later she says "All right, that's enough."

You stop spanking her. She gets off your lap, sits on the couch and stands up. "Ow." She rubs her butt.

"Was that too hard?"

"Not at all. But now I need that butt massage." She gets down on all fours.

You start rubbing her butt. As usual, you love how it feels, more so wet. You make a mental note to do this to her when she's not soaked with pee, to see how it feels dry but dirty.

"Ahhhh..." Rainbow is really enjoying this. She farts in your face and chuckles while you inhale deeply.

You keep caressing her rear, and she keeps farting in your face non-stop. About a minute in, she lets out a loud, long, deep-pitched fart that you can actually feel blowing against your face.


Rainbow sighs in relief. "How did you like that?"

"I loved it," you say, rubbing her filthy, smelly behind more vigorously than before.

A few more minutes later, you're still rubbing her butt, and she's still farting.

"How would you like to stay the night with me?"

"I'd love to."

"Want to sleep in my bed with me or the spare room?"

"Your bed, if that's all right."

She farts and chuckles.

"It's almost supper time," you say.

You and Rainbow discuss what to have for supper, and she prepares a meal you both like. She includes beans in her meal. Once you've eaten supper, you sit back on the couch and watch another Daring Do movie. During the movie, Rainbow wets herself again.

For the rest of the night, Rainbow keeps farting, and whenever she has to go she just does it in her shorts. Whenever you have to pee you go in your pants too.

Finally, it's time for bed. Rainbow climbs into the bed in her heavily soiled state and you climb in with her. The room is quickly full of the smell of her body odor and pee, and you love it.

"How about we shower together?" she asks you. "I rinse off for the week, and no one will be able to tell you wet yourself when you walk home."

"Sounds good," you say.

"And one more thing."




A month goes by. Rainbow Dash skips her biweekly rinse so she smells even worse than she did last month.

You're over at her house again. As soon as you enter, you immediately notice the foul smell.

"Good morning, Rainbow Dash," you say.

"Good morning Anon," Rainbow Dash says. Waves of visible stench are coming off her. "What do you wanna do first?"

"How about go into an empty closet and sniff you?"

"Good idea."

You enter an empty closet in one of her spare rooms.

"I just ran a race, so I'm real sweaty," she says. She stretches her arms, and the smell that fills the closet intensifies.

"Phew, Rainbow Dash," you say. You lean in and sniff her armpits. You can't get enough of the powerful stench.

Then she sits down and removes her socks so you can smell her feet. You sniff each foot up close. They smell as horrible as her armpits. You can imagine Rarity would faint if she were to smell them.

Then she gets on all fours and you rub her butt. As you do this, you sniff her butt. It smells only slightly better than her armpits and feet, but still smells awful. She lets out a series of boisterous wet farts in your face.

"I've been holding those in since you started sniffing my armpits," she says. BBBBRRRRRRT!

You appreciate that, for you love it when she farts in your face. Even though you can't even smell the farts over her anymore.

After a few minutes, you stop rubbing her rear and lay on your back. Rainbow Dash recognizes the signal and sits on your face. You love the feeling of your face pressed firmly against her butt in dirty, grimy, smelly shorts.

Several explosive wet farts make their way out of her. You absolutely love this, and don't want it to stop.

But, almost ten minutes later, she gets up and sits down next to you.

"Aw, is it over already?" you ask.

"Yeah, but we can stay in here as long as you like," she says.

You stay inside for another hour, occasionally sniffing her or massaging her butt, and at one point she wets her stinky shorts.

Pinkie Pie

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You've occasionally crossed paths with a girl you find really attractive, mostly at the park, the bakery, and the candy store. She's funny, playful, and energetic. Most days she's wearing a white and pink T-shirt and short, tight jean shorts that look really good on her. You can't help but look at her butt whenever her back is turned to you.

And as if that wasn't enough, sometimes she farts a lot. She always giggles afterwards, showing no shame whatsoever. You really like a girl who thinks it's fun to fart.

One day, you see her in the park, in her outfit described above, sitting on the grass eating some cupcakes. You decide today is the day you tell her how you feel. Your heart is always beating really fast when you're around her. You quietly take some steps towards her, then stop, feeling nervous. What if she rejects you? What if she gets weirded out by how much you love to see her fart? What if-

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?"

You jump and turn around. She's standing right there, with a smile on her face and looking very interested in you.

"Hi, Pinkie Pie. I'm Anon." You sniff. There is a foul smell in the air that seems to be coming from her. "Did you... um... fart or something?"

She giggles. "No, I just haven't washed for two weeks. Or changed out of this outfit, even to sleep."

"That explains it." Now that you get a closer look at her, her arms, legs, shorts, and T-shirt look a little dirty and grimy.

"You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all." You inhale deeply through your nose.

"You really like smelly girls, don't you?" She grins.

"Um... Yes. I hope you're not weirded out by it."

"Of course not, silly. I've seen you around. I think you're real cute, and I know you stare at my tushie a lot and love it when I fart."

You blush. "How..."

"Just a hunch. Or maybe I can sense it. I don't know. What I do know is you'd be real fun to hang out with." She blushes a little.

"In that case, I'd love to hang out with you."

Pinkie squeals. "We're gonna have so much fun! And I don't have to worry about putting you off by farting cause I know you like it. Ooh! You could even do stuff to my tushie! I really like that, but no one wants to go anywhere near my rear end cause I fart so much."

"I can hardly wait. If you don't mind me asking, why haven't you washed for two weeks? Is your shower broken or something?"

"No, I just felt like it." She giggles.

You remember how random she can be. You've seen her play in a fountain, belly flop into a mud puddle, sit on a cake, and once you even saw her fill an inflatable pool with cake frosting in the soccer field, dive into it fully clothed, and devour the frosting within a minute. You know you're going to have a fun time with her.

"Wanna come over to my house?"

"I'd love to."

So the two of you walk down the sidewalk. As Pinkie walks, a visible stench is coming from her. You can smell her easily standing right next to her, and you love it.

"Mind if I lead the way?" Pinkie asks. "We'll have plenty of time to chat when we're there."

"Not at all," you say.

Pinkie walks in front of you and you walk behind her. Not only are you now standing downwind of her and getting a bigger whiff of her, but you also get a view of her butt. This is the closest you've ever been to her from behind and you love the sight of her bottom in those tight, dirty, stinky shorts. You get the feeling Pinkie chose to walk ahead of you specifically to give you a view of it.

As you're walking down a block that she says her house is on, she farts loudly. She turns her head and giggles.

You can't smell her fart over her, but you love her farting so close to you all the same. You can't help but slap her butt. You blush a little. "Sorry Pinkie."

"What for? I told you I love buttplay!" She swats her own rear with a wide grin on her face.

Soon you reach her house. She removes her shoes, and more visible stench seems to be coming from her feet, and her white socks with pink stripes at the top look very dirty.

"First, refreshments all around!" Pinkie pours two large glasses of soda. She takes a container of some kind of powder and sprinkles it into one glass, then hands the other glass to you.

You take a few gulps of soda. "What did you put in your cup?"

Pinkie finishes guzzling her soda in seconds. "Fart powder!"

"Ooh, I can't wait till it takes effect." You finish drinking your soda.

"Wanna have some fun now?"

"Sure. What first?"

"My tushie hurts from slapping it earlier. It needs a massage." She gets on all fours.

Your heart beating really fast, you position yourself next to Pinkie's rear end. You love the sight of it right in front of your face. Then you put your hands on her butt and start rubbing it. Her shorts feel so dirty and a bit damp. But while they smell absolutely foul, you pick up no hints of a pee or poop smell. So she does pull them down to use the toilet, and wipe.


She giggles as you inhale this long, loud, high-pitched fart. Though, again, she smells so bad that you can barely pick up the fart smell. You pat her butt lightly then resume caressing her behind. As you continue to do so, she lets loose with a flurry of short, loud, wet farts.

"Okay, that's good," says Pinkie after five minutes.

You stop rubbing her butt and press your face directly against it. You're pretty sure at this point she won't mind.

Sure enough, she giggles. Then she goes rigid for a minute, then...


She giggles at this loud, long, deep-pitched fart. You're really excited to have her fart in your face like that, while your face is pressed against her dirty, smelly rear end.

Suddenly she whips her butt hard enough to throw you on your back, then goes over to you and sits on your face. You can't believe it. You love this even more than the position you were in five seconds ago. The smell is intense right now, but you love it, not to mention the feeling of her butt on your face.

"Ooh... I'm really gassy now," says Pinkie. "Tap me with your fingers twice if you think you can handle it."

Without a moment's hesitation you tap her on the back twice with her fingers. She giggles and unleashes a series of explosive wet farts on your face. You think the smell would be enough to knock out anyone else. But you're loving this so much, you feel if you faint it will be from excitement.

After about five minutes she stands up. "Did you like that?" she asks. A short fart makes its way out of her.

"I loved it," you say, standing up. You look at her dirty socks. "Mind if I smell your feet?"

She giggles, sits down, and removes her socks. You can see more visible stench coming from her feet now. You take one of her feet and sniff it. It smells even worse than her butt, even when she's farting.

"What do you think?" she asks, smiling, and farting again.

"I love the way your feet smell," you say.

"I knew you would. Just be careful, I'm REAL ticklish.

You grab both Pinkie's feet, holding them in place with your left arm, and with your head close enough to them to smell them closely, tickle them with your right hand.

Pinkie starts laughing uncontrollably, and you keep tickling her feet vigorously until she wets her shorts.

"Oops... Sorry, Pinkie," you say.

Pinkie giggles. "It's all right. That was kinda funny." She lets out a sputtering wet fart sitting in her puddle, and laughs at how it sounds.

"So, now what?" you ask.

"I dunno." Pinkie stretches her arms, and a very unpleasant smell reaches your nose. Well, it's not unpleasant to you.

"How about I sniff your armpits?"

"If you think you can handle it." She giggles and raises her arms again.

You sniff her armpits closely. They smell just as bad as her feet. So you sniff as deeply as you can. Pinkie can tell how much you're enjoying this, and giggles.

After alternating between sniffing both her armpits, getting a long whiff of the foul smell emanating from them, you stop.

"Wanna watch some Daring Do movies?" she asks.

"That sounds fun," you say.

So the two of you sit on the couch watching movies. You love sitting right next to her when she smells like that, and when she's farting repeatedly. And you can tell she's really having fun with this too.


Two more weeks go by. Pinkie continues to not wash or change her filthy clothes, aside from washing her hands of course. Some nights you stay over at her house, and you love sleeping in the same bed as her when she smells really bad. Whenever she's at the stores or with her other friends she's wearing an air freshener necklace that her friend Rarity designed so they don't have to put up with her smell, while allowing both you and her to enjoy her stinkiness.

Soon it's been a month since Pinkie stopped washing, and you're over at her house once again. She's not wearing her air freshener necklace so waves of visible stench are coming off her. Her arms, legs, T-shirt, and shorts look dirtier than two weeks ago.

"Wanna go into the closet of the spare room?" she asks.

"I'd love to," you say.

You walk into the spare room closet, which is big enough to walk around a bit, but still fairly small. Pinkie closes the closet door and instantly the closet is full of her smell. You inhale deeply.

Pinkie gets on all fours with her butt facing you. "My tushie's not gonna rub itself," she says.

You start massaging her rear. It smells as bad as her armpits and feet did two weeks ago. She farts in your face repeatedly. Once you're done the butt massage, you lay on your back and she sits on your face. The smell was already overpowering but now your face is pressed against her dirty, grimy rear end. She lets out some long, high-pitched, wet farts.

Then once you've had your fill of this, she removes her socks and lets you sniff her feet. They smell so bad you think anyone else would faint, even a skunk. But you love smelly girls so much that it makes you excited rather than nauseated.

Then she lifts her arms, and the smell intensifies if that was even possible. You press your face into her armpit and sniff deeply. Pinkie giggles as you take absolute pleasure in the smell of her armpits.

You spend a whole hour in there sniffing her and having a fun conversation with her before you decide you've had your fun, and you step out of the closet. A huge cloud of visible stench rushes out when she opens the door. Of course, as you walk to the kitchen, there is still a visible stench coming off her.

"If I ever decide to wash, you won't lose interest, will you?" Pinkie asks.

"Of course not," you say. "I love it when you smell bad but even if you didn't you're still fun to be around. Plus there's still the buttplay and farting."

She giggles. "Yeah, I don't think I'll ever stop farting."

"Besides, if you ever do decide you want to wash, I wouldn't mind giving you a bath in that stinky outfit."

She giggles again. "I wouldn't mind that either. Just make sure you scrub my tushie a lot." She farts.

"Don't worry, I will."

"And it is fun to fart in the tub."

"I'm looking forward to that."

Twilight Sparkle

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You've been going out with Twilight Sparkle for a while, though you haven't told her your kinks yet. But one day, when you're hanging out with her at the park, you notice she smells a little.

Twilight notices you sniff, and giggles nervously. "I'm using the bathtub for an experiment, so I haven't showered in two days. In about three days it'll be done. I hope you can put up with my smell until then."

"It's all right, I think I'll be able to." You slap Twilight's butt lightly, which looks really cute in her short, tight purple shorts she's wearing with a light blue T-shirt (Legend of Everfree outfit).

Twilight giggles. You're already at the point where she likes it when you do things like that. "Should I change into a cleaner outfit until my experiment's done?"

"I like you the way you are." You love this outfit on her the most, and though you haven't told her this yet, you love smelly girls.

"As long as you don't mind it smelling a little."

"Trust me, it won't make me find you any less attractive."

She smiles and you continue your day at the park.

You stay over at her house tonight, and she gives you a view of the experiment she's conducting in her bathtub.

"Don't you have any tanks in your lab you can use?" you ask.

"They're all full at the moment."

When it's nighttime...

"If you think you can handle the smell, do you want to sleep over tonight?" Twilight asks.

"I'd love to," you say. "And... can I make a request?"


"Would you mind sleeping in that outfit instead of your pajamas?"

"You really like this outfit, don't you? In that case, I will, but it'll probably smell more tomorrow morning."

That night, you enjoy laying next to a slightly smelly Twilight in those shorts. More so when she farts in her sleep.


Three days later, Twilight says "My experiment is done! I can wash now. I'm sorry you had to put up with my smell for this long."

"It's all right," you say. "I really don't mind." You take a deep sniff of her.

"Is everything all right?" she asks.

"Well..." Your heart starts beating fast. "Promise you won't get weirded out?"

"I promise."

"I... really like it when you smell." You blush.

"You do?"

"That's one of my fetishes."

"In that case, I won't wash or change clothes for a while."

"You don't have to do that. You wash when you feel like it."

"But I know you like it, and I don't mind." She sniffs her armpit and recoils slightly, but giggles.

"Well, if you're all right with it, then that'll be awesome." You slap her butt again.

That evening you stay over at her house again. She cooks some of your favorite food, and some beans for her.

A half hour later, you're standing in the kitchen discussing what to do tomorrow, when she farts loudly.


She blushes and giggles nervously. "Excuse me. That was so unladylike, but beans make me really gassy." A short, slightly quieter but wet fart makes its way out of her.

"It's all right," you say. You feel confident in saying your next words after the smelly girl thing. "I really like it when you fart."

"You... don't find it disgusting?"

"I love smelly girls. Of course I don't." You playfully slap her butt again, which makes her fart again.

She giggles. "It's fun being able to fart without shame. And it's also kind of fun smelling like this."

"We're gonna have a lot of fun together."


You go over to Twilight's house two weeks after she stopped washing. As soon as she answers the door and you enter, you pick up a foul smell. A visible stench is coming off her, and her shirt, arms, legs, and shorts look pretty dirty.

"Good morning Twilight," you say.

"Good morning Anon," she says. "How do I smell?"

"Really bad." You slap her butt playfully and she farts.

"What do you want to do first?" she asks.

"Our usual sniffing session," you say.

She stretches her arms, and the stench of her armpits hits you immediately. You get as close to her armpits as you can and sniff. They smell absolutely foul, but you love it.

Then she lets out a boisterous wet fart. PPPPPRRRRRRRT! She giggles.

"You need a spanking for that," you say. You sit down on the couch and Twilight immediately goes over your lap. You love having the smelly girl laying in this position, and the sight of her rear end in those stinky shorts. You raise your hand and slap her butt. She kicks her legs as you swat her, but she's enjoying the spanking as much as you.

After about 25 swats, you stop. "That went on a little too long. You need a butt massage."

Twilight gets on all fours. She knows from experience she usually needs one after a spanking, plus she really loves them even if her butt isn't sore.

You start caressing her tush and sniffing it. Her shorts smell foul, though slightly less so than her armpits. They feel dirty and grimy and slightly damp.


She sighs in relief after this long, deep-pitched fart, while also taking pleasure in the butt massage.

"Nice one, Twi," you say, and you keep rubbing her butt, while she keeps farting in your face.

"What did you eat?" you ask her.

"Some of the fart powder I made," she says. *ffffrrrrt*

After about five minutes, she asks "Here's an idea. I have a small decontamination room in my lab. It's just big enough for a few people. Want to go in and continue to smell me there?"

"Ooh, I'd love that!" you say.

Twilight leads you into her glass decontamination room. None of its mechanisms are on, so you and her stand in the empty room, and as soon as she closes the door, it is full of her smell. This is like a sauna to you.

"Want to smell my feet?" she asks.

"Would I!" you say.

Twilight sits down, farting as she does so, and removes her socks and shoes. You take her feet and sniff them. They smell just as bad as her armpits. You sniff them as deeply as you can, sighing in immense pleasure when you're done.

She giggles. "You never get tired of that, do you?"

"Nope," you say.

You sniff her feet for a minute or two, before she says "I'm feeling really gassy right now. Lay down."

You lay on your back, and Twilight sits on your head. Your face is pressed against her smelly, grimy shorts. You inhale deeply through your nose again, taking immense pleasure in the smell and the feeling of her butt on top of your face.


She giggles as she unleashes a flurry of explosive wet farts on your face, enjoying this as much as you are. You couldn't have asked for a more fun time with a smelly girl farting while sitting on your face.

Eventually, she gets off you, and you sit inside this room for several more minutes, enjoying the smell filling the entire room, before you step out of it.

"Want some lunch?" she asks.

"Sure," you say.

You walk to the kitchen, and she says "I'll probably stay like this for another two weeks, then I'll wash. Does that sound good?"

"If you don't mind."

"I hope you're not too disappointed when I stop smelling like this."

"You were always fun to be with even before that. Plus if you want to have a kinky time there's still farts and buttplay."

She giggles. "Those are pretty fun." She stretches her arms, and more visible stench from her armpits rushes in your direction as you get a whiff of them.

You can't resist going over to her smelly armpits and tickling them. She starts to laugh, and you tickle her harder. Until she laughs too hard and wets her stinky shorts.

You stop tickling her. "I'm so sorry Twilight."

She blushes, but giggles. "I'm already dirty, so what's a little pee?" A loud, high-pitched, wet fart makes its way out of her. "Here's an idea. In two weeks when it's time for me to clean up, how about you give me a bath in my stinky outfit?"

"That sounds like it'll be fun."

"Make sure you scrub my rear end a lot. It really needs it." She winks.

"As long as you fart in the tub."

"Deal. Now what would you like for lunch?"


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You've taken up a job at Sweet Apple Acres, helping Applejack out around the farm. It's hard work sometimes, but you love every moment of it.

Applejack is one of the least feminine girls you know, but she's probably the most attractive country girl you know. You love the sight of her legs glistening with sweat, the way her butt looks in those short, tight jean cutoffs, especially damp or soaked with sweat. Occasionally she gives you a smile while you're behind her, as if she knows you like her butt and doesn't mind.

There's one more thing you really like about her but didn't want to mention it to her because you were afraid she'd be weirded out. She smells really bad, because she only washes once every two weeks, and that's just a rinse without soap. You have a thing for smelly girls.

She also doesn't change out of that outfit, so it's quite dirty, especially since she's gotten mud on it several times, and also peed in her shorts a few times when she refused to take a bathroom break while working on hot days where she would drink a lot. You admire how unashamed she was of that when it happened. She's also unashamed of farting in front of you. That's another one of your fetishes, but she always seems unamused when Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie fart. She does always use toilet paper and she hasn't messed herself.

One day, you and Applejack finish the work around the farm. You drink some apple juice and sit under a tree to rest.

"You did a mighty fine job there," said Applejack.

"Thanks," you say. You look at the smelly, sweat-soaked cowgirl sitting beside you and blush. You can easily smell her, and your heart is beating so fast.

Applejack smiles a bit. "Sorry 'bout the smell. Ah hope that doesn't put you off none."

"Oh, no, not at all," you say. "I really like you no matter how you smell."

She blushes lightly too. Does she feel the same way about you?


"Ahhhh," she sighs in relief after this loud fart.

You blush beet red. Applejack notices, and a smile comes to her face again.

"You like to see me fart, don't ya?"

"Um... Yes."

"Good, cause you're gonna hear it a lot when I eat beans for supper. If you wanna stay over, of course."

"I'd love to."

"Great. What would you like for supper?"

You tell her, then the two of you make your way to the kitchen. The house is empty aside from you two because Apple Bloom is on a camping trip with Sweetie Belle, Big Mac is on his honeymoon with Sugar Belle, and Granny Smith is visiting Goldie Delicious.

"You know, since it's just us tonight, maybe you could give me a spankin' and a butt massage," says Applejack.

You blush beet red again. "If you really want them, then sure."

"You don't have to pretend. Ah can tell you really like mah behind. And if you really don't mind me fartin', or how ah smell, ah really like spankin's and butt massages."

"I more than don't mind how you smell," you say. If ever there was a time to say it, now is it. "I kind of have a thing for smelly girls."

"Is that so?" She raises her arms, and a visible stench flows from her armpits directly towards you.

You catch a whiff of the pungent odor and sigh in satisfaction.

Applejack smiles. "The rest of mah family doesn't mind the smell, but you're the first person I met who actually enjoys it."

"Mind if I sniff your armpits closer?"

"Not at all, sugarcube."

You sniff Applejack's armpits. You imagine the stench would be enough to make a skunk nauseous. But you love it so much coming from her that you can't feel disgusted.

After a bit of armpit sniffing, Applejack cooks some beans for her and the supper of your choice.

After supper, Applejack says "What'd you say if we went into that empty shed just outside the barn for the rest of our activities?"

"That sounds great," you say.

"And if we ever have to put anythin' in there, I'll build another one just for us."

"Sounds good."

You walk outside, and Applejack carries a chair with her.

"What's that for?" you ask.

"For you to sit on when you spank me."


You enter the shed, and she closes the door. It is empty, and there is plenty of room for both of you. But it is small enough that as soon as the door is closed, Applejack's stench fills the entire area.

"That's not too much for you, is it, sugarcube?"

"There is no such thing as too much for me."

She farts loudly. "I'm a bad smelly farty girl. Ah need a spankin'."

You sit on the chair, and Applejack climbs over your knee. You pause, taking in the moment. Applejack is laying over your lap, smelling as foul as she usually does, and you get to slap her butt in those sweaty, stinky jean shorts.

"Any second now," Applejack says.

You slap her butt. And again. And again. You take great pleasure in this, and from Applejack's reactions you can tell she does too. Occasionally a swat makes her fart, which makes the experience even more enjoyable, though she and the shed smell so bad already you barely notice a fart smell with it.

After about 24 swats, she says "All right, time for the butt massage now." And gets on all fours.

You start massaging her rear. You love the way it feels in your hands. Especially in those dirty, grimy, smelly shorts she never washes. You sniff her butt closely, and let out another sigh of satisfaction.

"Glad you're enjoyin' yourself as much as I am, sugarcube," she says. She unleashes a barrage of boisterous wet farts in your face, and you take pleasure in each and every second of it.

After several minutes, she says "That's enough. How would you like to smell my feet now?"

"I'd love to. Do they smell as bad as your armpits?"

"You be the judge of that." Applejack removes her boots and socks, unleashing a new wave of visible stench.

You sniff her foot up close. "They smell even worse than your armpits!"

"That's not surprisin', seein' how hard I've been workin'."

You inhale deeply through her nose. She chuckles and farts again.

"Anything kinky you'd like to do?" you ask her.

"Right now just havin' someone sniff me, the buttplay, and fartin' on you is satisfyin' enough."

"If you're having as much fun as me, then awesome." You take another whiff of her feet.

"Well, there is one thing I always wanted to try, and I think you'll like it too."

"Ooh, what is it?"

"Lay on your back."

You do as you're told, your heart beating fast. What is it she has in mind?

Applejack sits on your face, pressing it against her dirty, foul-smelling rear end. You kick your legs rapidly and make muffled sounds.

She lifts her butt up. "Is that too much for you?"

"Only if you mean does it make me really excited! Please continue!"

She smiles and sits back on your face. You breathe deeply through your nose, taking in the smell of her butt and her filthy shorts. This is more than you could have asked for. You just hope she hasn't run out of gas.

No sooner did you think this than Applejack farts on you repeatedly, all her farts loud, boisterous, and wet. You've never been so excited in your life. Applejack is the girl of your dreams.

You stay like this for five minutes or so before she stands up. "All right, that's enough. How do you feel?"

"That was amazing," you say.

"Then we'll have to do it again next time," she says.

You walk out of the shed, a huge cloud of stink waves coming out as soon as the door is open. As you walk back to her house, a visible stench is coming off Applejack like it always does.

"Wanna sleep in my bed with me tonight?" she asks. She farts again.

"I'd love to," you say.

That night, you climb into bed with Applejack, who stays in her usual outfit rather than changing into pajamas. You love laying next to her smelling like that, and fall asleep within minutes.


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You've been going out with Rarity for about a week. She's beautiful, generous, fun to be around, and she also loves you giving her butt massages, to which the feeling is mutual.

However, you have two fetishes you haven't told her. You like smelly girls, and also when they fart. You're pretty sure a lady like Rarity would never want to do either of them in front of you, as both are really unladylike, and you don't want to weird her out or disgust her. Although, you are sure Rarity farted silently near you a few times, but you pretended not to notice.

But now she hasn't called you in a week. Carousel Boutique has a sign saying they are closed until further notice, although you can still order her dresses online. So you know she's still making dresses, but for some reason she doesn't want to be seen or talk to you.

You're hoping nothing happened between you and her, but you decide to find out. You call her on her cell phone. It rings only twice before you hear that lovely voice.


"Hi Rarity. Is everything all right?"

"Well... It's relatively fine, darling."

"Did I offend you in any way? If so, I'm really sorry."

"Oh, no, this has nothing to do with you. I simply cannot go out right now."

"Why not?"

"It is rather embarrassing... if you knew, you might think differently of me."

"I promise I won't think any less of you."

"Well... A week ago I lost a bet to Rainbow Dash. If I won, she would have to wear a frou frou dress for two weeks."

"And what do you have to do?"

"I have to avoid washing any part of myself other than my hands, and not change out of the outfit I'm wearing right now, or use deodorant, for two whole weeks. I am allowed to pull my shorts down to use the bathroom though, and to use toilet paper. But I smell rather unpleasant right now. You don't want to be near me."

"If that's all, I really don't mind. I'd still really love to hang out with you."

"That's... not quite all."

"What else?"

"It's really not ladylike."

"You can tell me."

"Well... I also have to put fart powder in all my meals and anything I drink. It might be hard to believe with how lovely, graceful, and ladylike I am, but I do break wind sometimes, and for the past week, it's almost all the time. Even if you can handle my smell, you don't want to go near me when I'm this gassy. Especially for a butt massage, no one would want to go anywhere near my rear end."

You're really excited to hear all this. You decide now is the time to tell Rarity, it might cheer her up. "If anything, both of these only make me like you more!"

"Beg pardon?"

"I never told you because I thought you'd be weirded out by it, but I have a fetish for girls farting and smelling bad. So if you're doing both I'd love being right next to you for as long as possible."

"Ooh! I am so relieved to hear you say that. When would you like to come over?"

"How about 1:00?"

"Sounds good."

So, at 1:00 you go over to Rarity's house. She answers the door, and as you enter, you notice Rarity's smell. She is wearing a light blue tank top and short skintight purple shorts. They look slightly dirty.

"You look wonderful, and I like how you smell, too."

Rarity blushes but smiles. "Why, thank you, darling." She sniffs her armpit and recoils. "Want to get a little closer?"

You get closer and sniff her.

"It is rather unexpectedly fun having you sniff me when I'm like this," she says. "It makes me feel this wasn't so bad a fate after all, and it is almost fun being dirty for a change."


Rarity blushes at the loud fart that had come out of her.

"Excuse you, Rarity," you say, but with a smile on your face.

"My apologies," she says instinctively.

"There's nothing to apologize for. Remember, I love it when you fart." You slap her butt.

"If you really don't mind... how about a butt massage?"

"That sounds great."

She gets on all fours, and you rub her butt. It is as soft as always, like a pillow, and you love how it feels on your hands. But now there's extra pleasure as you sniff her butt. Her shorts smell of body odor and farts, and look a little dirty.

"Ahhh, that's perfect," she says. She farts in your face, and blushes with a nervous giggle. You just inhale deeply. This is better than all the other times you've done this.


After your kinky day, another week goes by. Although Rarity can now wash and change, she is enjoying this so much she chooses not to. She does reopen Carousel Boutique, wearing a fancy dress over top her dirty, smelly outfit, with an air freshener necklace of her own design so as to hide her foul smell from everyone else. And most of the time she is able to fart silently, or at the very least make a "pssssshhhhhh" sound.

Soon, a month has gone by since Rarity has stopped washing. You knock on Rarity's door.

"Come in!" she says cheerfully.

You open the door and are immediately hit by a powerful stench. You look around and find her sitting on the couch, a visible stench coming off her, and her tank top and shorts looking very dirty.

"How do I smell?" she asks, raising her armpits.

The odor intensifies as the smell of her armpits reaches you. "Phew! You smell worse than sewers and the dump put together!"

She giggles. "Not too much for you, is it?"

"We've already established there is no such thing as too much. But at the same time, you're free to wash whenever you want to."

"I might actually do it tomorrow morning. If that's all right. It's fun being a smelly girl, but I think it's about time I started being ladylike again. Well... I might still fart a lot around you." BBBBBBBRRRRRRRT! A loud, deep-pitched fart makes its way out of her after she says this, and she giggles some more without so much as a blush.

"It's not ladylike to fart like that," you say. "You need a spanking." You sit on the couch, and Rarity immediately climbs over your lap. She loves this roleplay. You slap her butt repeatedly, both of you taking immense pleasure in each swat, and sometimes a swat will make her fart, which gives her an even more dirty pleasure in this.

After over 30 swats, you stop. "That should be good, I don't want your butt to hurt too badly."

Rarity sits on the floor and winces. "My rear end is in a lot of pain. If only there was some way to fix that." She winks.

"I know just the thing," you say. "On all fours."

Rarity does as she's told and you start caressing her behind. As always you take pleasure in the feeling of her tush between your hands. You sniff deeply, picking up an extremely foul smell of body odor and farts. Her shorts feel dirty and grimy and slightly damp in your hands. You let out a sigh of satisfaction, before she lets out a series of short, loud, wet farts. Of course it's even more fun when she's farting in your face!

After about six minutes, you stop. Rarity releases a long, boisterous fart. PPPPPPFFFFFFFFFT!

"Nice one, Rarity," you say, slapping her butt lightly.

"That didn't hurt at all," she says. "I do believe my bottom is all better. Now, it's time to go into the empty closet."

"Sounds good."

You and Rarity go into one of her closets, which is empty. On the way there you walk behind Rarity, so that you always have a whiff of her and get a view of her butt. Once inside, Rarity closes the door, and soon the closet is full of a stench so pungent that it would likely make Rainbow Dash faint.

You stand in this stinky sauna for a minute before Rarity raises her left arm, grabs you with her right arm, and forces your face into her armpit.

The smell is beyond foul, and most people would never expect it to come from one such as her. You get the feeling that Applejack would faint in your position even after years of working with manure. But all you feel from this is excitement rather than disgust.

She holds you in this position for a minute before she releases you. To use the term loosely as you really love being in this position. She sits down and removes her socks, causing more stink waves to emanate from her feet.

You take both her stinky feet in your hand and sniff them as hard as you can. They smell just as bad as her armpits. And you love it.

Rarity giggles, enjoying you smelling her in this state. This has all triggered a dirty side of her she never knew existed, even compared to the butt massages.


The smell in the closet is so overpowering you don't even notice a difference with all her farting.

Once you're done sniffing her feet, you lay on your back.

"Ooh, now for my second favorite part," says Rarity. The first being the butt massages, of course. She stands up and sits on your face. You love the soft feeling of her tushie pressed against your face. It's like a pillow, but you can still breathe, and do so through your nose, so you don't miss a single whiff of Rarity's dirty, smelly rear end.

She unleashes a flurry of wet, boisterous farts, some of which are long and some of which are deep-pitched, on your face, giggling the entire time. You take immense pleasure in the facesitting face farts. You couldn't have asked for a better time with Rarity.

After about seven minutes in this position, she stands up. "That wasn't too much, was it?" She sniffs her armpit. "I smell so foul a skunk would faint within six feet of me."

"And I love it more than I can describe." You stand up and give her a hug.

"It's time for dinner now." Rarity opens the closet door and a huge wave of visible stench rushes out as you step out of the closet. The two of you walk to her kitchen, and Rarity keeps emanating a visible stench.

That night, you and Rarity sleep in her bed. The bedroom is full of the smell of her body odor and farts, and you love laying next to her while she's gassy and smelling like this. She farts in her sleep a few times before you too fall asleep.


The following morning, you and Rarity wake up. Rarity stretches her arms so that the smell of her armpits reaches you again, then lets out a short, loud, wet fart. "This has all been very fun, but it's time I took a bath. Would you like to wash me in my smelly outfit?"

"That'd be great!"

You put her over your shoulder with your hands on her butt as you walk to the bathroom. It's not a long walk but she farts a few times along the way, and you pat her butt lightly. You know she loves this. Once inside the bathroom, you put her down and she fills the tub with warm soapy water. "I take it you know how do do this?"

"I'm pretty sure I do." Once the tub is full, you turn the water off for her. "All right, Rarity. Into the tub."

"Hold on, I need to use the bathroom first." Rarity sits on the toilet and starts to pee in her stinky shorts. She sighs of relief as the pee passes through them and splashes into the toilet.

"Wow, Rarity," you say.

She giggles. "I'm already filthy and smelly and I'm going to get wet anyway and cleaned up, so why not?"

"Why not indeed?"

Once Rarity is finished she climbs into the tub, still in her dirty outfit. You pour some water over Rarity's hair and lather it with shampoo. Then you take a bath scrubber with liquid soap and scrub Rarity's back and sides, creating suds. You scrub her armpits for several minutes. As you do so, she farts in the tub, bubbles appearing around her. She giggles at the sight of this.

Once her top half is clean, you say "All right, let me wash your dirty rear end."

Rarity positions herself with her behind in the air. You pour a large dollop of soap onto her butt and start scrubbing it vigorously with the bath scrubber for three minutes. Then you spend another four scrubbing it with your hands, absolutely coating it in suds. Her shorts are perfectly clean by now and she probably knows it, but you both want this to go on as long as possible.

Eventually, you stop and have her sit back down in the tub as you wash her legs and her feet. Then you pour a bucket of water over her hair to rinse it out, and drain the water, rinsing her off one more time with the shower head. She steps out of the tub, sparkly clean and dripping wet.

"That was fun," she says. She sniffs her armpits. "I almost forgot what it was like to smell clean."

You sniff Rarity. All you can smell on her is soap. "You're absolutely stunning, wet or dry, clean or smelly."

"Why thank you, darling. I do hope we can continue to have kinky fun when we're together."

"Even when you're not smelling bad, I'm sure we will."

A loud fart makes its way out of her. PPPFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRT! She giggles and you slap her butt playfully.


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You've been going out with Fluttershy for a few weeks now. It took a while for her to tell you how she feels about you, and you return the affection. What's not to like about her? She's both kind and beautiful. She's also shy and timid but she loves being with you. Despite her shyness she likes buttplay, and was the first to suggest that you slap or rub her behind. You like this so much you're not even disappointed that Fluttershy will likely never satisfy your other two fetishes. Besides, you don't want her to do anything she's uncomfortable with. She's so graceful and demure that sometimes you even suspect she's fundamentally incapable of farting.

One summer day, Fluttershy decides to go on a camping trip in a forest full of friendly animals, as well as fruit that she can eat, and a clean spring from which she can drink. You see her off before she leaves.

"Have fun on your camping trip, Fluttershy," you say.

"Are you sure you don't want to come too?" she asks. She is wearing a white tank top and a short skintight pair of green spandex shorts.

"Nah, I'm good, plus I have a few things to do this week. I'll see you when you get back."

You hug and kiss, then Fluttershy walks away with her bag of camping supplies. You stare at her butt for as long as you can. It looks so sexy in those skintight shorts. And you know she doesn't mind.


A week later, you hear a knock on your door. You open it. Fluttershy stands there, in the same outfit you last saw her in. She looks quite dirty, her hair is messy, and she smells rather unpleasant. Your heart leaps with excitement at this. "Hi Fluttershy," you say. "How was your camping trip?"

"It was really fun," she says. "There were all kinds of bunnies and birds and squirrels and raccoons and deer and butterflies. Some of them even snuggled close to me when I slept."

"I'm glad you had fun."

She sniffs her armpit and recoils slightly. "I'm so sorry about the smell. There weren't any baths or showers there, and I didn't really want to take a bath in the spring or the animals' drinking water. I didn't bring a sleeping bag so I slept in the dirt." She blushes lightly. "But I did bring hand wipes, and... the leaves made a good replacement for toilet paper. It did rain once, but only on the second day."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy. I love you no matter how dirty and smelly you are. In fact..." It's your turn to blush.


"Promise you won't be offended or weirded out?"

"I promise."

"I really like it when you smell like that."


"But if you want you can wash up right now. Either way is fine with me."

She thinks for a while, then boldly makes up her mind. "If you like smelly girls, I'll stay like this for a little while longer."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I can bring air freshener to the animal shelter if I need to."


You nearly wet yourself with excitement at hearing Fluttershy fart this loud. You never thought you'd hear that.

Fluttershy blushes beet red. "Oh my. Excuse me. Some of the berries in the forest make me really gassy, and while I usually fart silently, I didn't feel a need to hold it in around the animals. I guess I'm not used to holding it in anymore."

"You don't have to hold back in front of me either. Well, you can if you want, whatever you're comfortable with. But I also have a fart fetish."

"You do?"

"So I definitely wouldn't mind seeing you fart. To me it would have the opposite effect of making you seem unattractive. But it's up to you. If you want to hold it in around me, go right ahead. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

Fluttershy smiles and lifts her leg.


"I see you made your decision," you say, slapping her butt playfully. She giggles. You both know you're going to have a lot more fun together.


As the days go by, you and Fluttershy spend a few days together, and she doesn't wash or change out of her outfit, sleeping in it as well. And she eats lots of stuff that makes her fart, and whenever she eats something that doesn't make her really gassy, or drinks something, she puts fart powder in it. It's pretty clear she finds it fun to fart, more so around you even than on her own, though she still wouldn't fart in front of anyone else other than you and animals.

A week after her return, you go over to Fluttershy's for a kinky night together once you know she's done work at the animal shelter. You knock on her door.

She opens it, and you immediately smell her. She's dirtier and stinkier than a week ago, but she looks cheerful. "Come in," she says.

You enter and she closes the door. "I love how you smell, Fluttershy."

She giggles. "It's fun being a smelly girl. The animals don't seem to mind, and I always spray air freshener whenever I go out so no one can smell me. Except you, of course." She farts loudly.

"Excuse you, Fluttershy," you say, slapping her butt playfully.

She giggles again and lets out a longer, boisterous wet fart.

"Phew, such a farty girl," you say. "You need a spanking."

She can't help but squeal with excitement. You sit down on the couch and she climbs over your lap. You place your hand on her rear end. It looks so cute in those dirty skintight shorts, which feel grimy and a little damp. A visible stench emanates from her and is hitting your nostrils full blast. You love every second of it.


As if her explosive fart was a signal, you start slapping her butt repeatedly. She lets out a little squeak with each swat (and a fart with a few of them), and kicks her legs, but it's clear she is enjoying this as much as you are. Although you would slap her butt lightly before you didn't start spanking her like this until after she started to smell bad. Maybe the naughty feeling of being dirty made her want to take the buttplay to kinkier levels.

After 20 swats, you stop.

"Aw, we're done already?" she says.

"I think your butt has had enough," you say.

"Can I please have 20 more swats? Pretty please?" *fffrrrrrt*

"Oh, all right." You spank Fluttershy 20 more times. When you're done, you say "How does your butt feel?"

She gets up and sits on the couch. She winces and stands back up. "Ow... my tushie really hurts."

"I told you."

"Nothing a massage can't fix." She gets on all fours.

Without a moment's hesitation you start rubbing and caressing her rear end. It is as soft as a pillow, like kneading bread dough. You sniff her butt. It smells as foul as you would expect of one who hasn't washed for two weeks. You love having her butt directly in your face in this position, rubbing it with your hands, in skintight, dirty, stinky shorts. And you're sure any second now she's going to-


She blushes and giggles at this loud, long, deep-pitched, unladylike fart that blasted you in the face.

"Nice one, Fluttershy," you say, patting her butt lightly.

"I had beans for dinner," she says. "And I put fart powder in my water." *ppppprrrrrt*

As you continue to rub her tush, she lets loose with a flurry of wet farts in your face. Words cannot describe the pleasure you get out of this. You never would have expected Fluttershy would want to do something like this, but here she is enjoying this as much as you.

After about five minutes, you stop. "Can you sit down now?"

"Lay down and I'll tell you."

You lay on your back, eagerly anticipating what's to come. Fluttershy sits on your face.

"Yes, the pain's all gone. I could sit like this for another ten minutes if you want me to."

You know she won't be able to hear you clearly under her soft, smelly rear end, so you give her a thumbs up. You love the feeling of her butt in these grimy, smelly shorts against your face every bit as much as your hands.


Fluttershy lets out a series of loud, wet farts ranging in length and pitch. The pleasure you take in this rivals that of the butt massage, and from the way she giggles, you're not the only one who feels this way. She sits on your face and farts on you for seven minutes, and you never want it to stop.

After a particularly long, boisterous, explosive, wet fart, she says "Oh my" and stands up. "That wasn't too much for you, was it?"

"You should know me better than that," you say. "I really enjoyed that. Are you all right? That sounded really wet."

She feels her butt. "Yes, I didn't make a mess." She stretches her arms, and you get a powerful whiff of her stinky armpits. You inhale deeply through your nose. She notices and giggles, letting out a short, wet fart.

"How about we go into your empty closet?"

"Yes, let's do that."

She leads you into an empty closet in her spare room. You walk behind her so the visible stench wafts in your direction, and so you can get a view of her butt. She knows this is why you walk behind her, so she often makes a point of walking in front of you when you go in there.

Once you're inside the closet and she closes the door, it quickly fills with her smell.

"Want to sniff my armpits or my feet first?" she asks.

"I already got a whiff of your armpits earlier, so let's start with that."

Fluttershy raises both her arms, and you put your face up close to her armpit and sniff for as long as you can. The stench of her armpits is so strong that you don't imagine even the animals would want to go near them right now. Unless they had the same fetish you do.

After two minutes of sniffing her armpits, you withdraw your head. Fluttershy sits down, farting loudly as she does so, and removes her socks. New stink waves come off of her feet.

You sniff her feet closely. They smell just as bad as her armpits. She giggles a bit, for you're tickling her a little, and lets out a few wet farts as she sits there with her legs raised. You love that a smell like that could come from a girl as pretty as her, and she's having a lot of fun being dirty and stinky with you.

Once you're done sniffing her feet, you sit beside her in her sauna of stink waves, breathing mostly through your nose, and having a fun conversation with her. She farts several times sitting next to you, which makes you enjoy it even more.

"It is really fun to fart without having to feel ashamed of it," she says. "For someone to not only not be disgusted or make fun of me, but who loves it." BBBBRRRRRRT!

"I'll never get tired of it," you say.

Eventually you decide you've had your fun and step out of the closet. The stench comes rushing out when she opens the door. The two of you sit on the couch watching one of her favorite animal shows. Visible stench is still coming off her and she farts every few minutes. Every moment with her is wonderful.

Soon it's getting dark, so you get ready for bed.

Standing in her bedroom, Fluttershy says "I really liked being a smelly girl, and I love how fun it is for you too. But I might be ready to wash up tomorrow. Is that all right?"

"Of course," you say. "Whatever you want to do. I love it when you smell, but even if you don't, you're still fun to be around. Plus you can fart and have me rub or slap your butt all you want."

She giggles. "Yes, there is that." She stretches her arms, and you get another whiff of her armpits and let out a sigh of pleasure.

Suddenly, there is a bright flash of lightning outside, and only a second later, a loud, booming crash of thunder.

Fluttershy lets out a squeak and wets her shorts, trembling with fright.

"It's all right, Fluttershy," you say. "The storm can't do anything to us in here. I'll be here with you." You get the terrified, trembling, smelly, farty girl into her bed and cuddle with her.

The thunder continues, though quieter than before, and at longer intervals after the lightning. Fluttershy keeps trembling and whimpering for a few minutes, involuntarily letting out a few farts. You cuddle as close to her as possible, patting her on the back and butt. Eventually her trembling slows down and comes to a stop entirely.

"Are you all right?" you ask.

"Much better with you here," she says. A crash of thunder is heard, she flinches slightly but doesn't tremble or whimper anymore. "Having you around makes me less scared."

"That's good to hear. I'll stay right by your side all night."

Fluttershy moves her arms under the covers, and you're sure she's feeling her wet shorts. "I peed myself..."

"I don't mind. Plus you're washing up tomorrow morning, right?"

"Yes." She lets out another wet fart and giggles. You pat her butt lightly. You hear more thunder, but this time she stays relaxed, with a peaceful smile on her face. She is now unafraid of the storm and unashamed of her accident. All she's aware of is cuddling close to you.

The two of you stay close together before she falls asleep. You lay there for several minutes, breathing only through your nose so you keep smelling her. She farts in her sleep several times, but it isn't enough to keep you awake, as soon you fall asleep, cuddled with the smelly girl of your dreams.


The following morning you wake up. The storm has blown over and the sun is out.

"Good morning Fluttershy," you say.

"Good morning Anon," she says.

"How did you sleep?"

"That's the first time I slept this well in a thunderstorm." She sits up, stretches her arms, and farts. You get another whiff of her armpits.

"Ready to wash now?"

"I have an idea. I don't know if you want to do it, but..."


"Would you... um... like to give me a bath?"

"I'd love to."

"But I'd like to keep this outfit on. I'm not ready for you to see me naked yet."

"Sure, you can wear them in the tub. Whatever you want."

"Can you carry me there?"

You know what she's going for with this. "Of course." You get out of bed and put her over your shoulder, taking in her smell one last time, and with your hands on her butt. As you walk to her bathroom, she lets out several wet farts in your face, after which you pat her butt and she giggles.

When you enter the bathroom, she says "Put me on the toilet. I have to pee."

You set her down in sitting position on the toilet and start to fill the tub with warm, soapy water.

"Do you mind tickling my feet?" she asks.

"Don't you want to pee first?"

"No, I'll wait."

You lift both her feet and hold them in place with one hand, and, with your head close enough to them to smell their unholy stench one more time, tickle them with your other hand.

Fluttershy laughs, and in seconds you can hear the sound of her pee splashing into the toilet. Her stinky shorts are still up.

After you're done tickling her, you say "Did you intend for that to happen?"

"Yes." She blushes but giggles. "I thought I'd finish being dirty with something big. And I really liked it."

"I'm glad you had fun." Soon the tub is full and you turn off the water. "Into the tub," you say.

Fluttershy steps into the tub and sits down, still in her dirty and already-wet outfit. You soak her hair with a bucket of warm water and lather it with shampoo. Then you take a bath scrubber with soap and scrub her back, sides, and stinky armpits. You're almost a little disappointed to see the stench of her armpits fade away, but it's fun giving her a bath, and you don't want her dirtiness to go on longer than she wants it to. As you scrub her, bubbles appear around her a few times, which makes her blush and giggle.

Then, you put her in a position with her rear end in the air. You put a large dollop of soap on her butt, causing her to shudder a bit with excitement. You scrub her butt as hard as you can with the bath scrubber for one minute. Then you spend another three minutes scrubbing it with your hands. Her shorts are heavily coated in suds, and you're sure they were clean over two minutes ago. But you really enjoy rubbing her tushie, and you know she likes it too.

Eventually, you scrub her upper legs, then have her sit back down and lift her legs as you scrub them. She farts in the tub again before you start scrubbing her feet. This tickles her to the point she splashes you, soaking you as well, and accidentally farts a few more times. It takes a while due to how bad her feet smell.

When you stop, she says "Sorry, Anon."

"It's all right, I don't mind," you say. You drain the tub, step into it, and turn the shower on, standing under it with her as she rinses the suds and shampoo off. Once the rinse is done you turn the shower head off and step outside, both dripping wet and Fluttershy sparkly clean.

"How was that?" you ask.

"It was really fun," she says. She sniffs her armpits. "And it was fun smelling like that. But at the same time, it's nice to be clean again."

"And I like you either way," you say, slapping her butt lightly. "How about we go for a walk at the park?"

"Good idea," she says. You have breakfast first then step outside, and the sun dries you both in minutes.

Sunset Shimmer

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You and Sunset Shimmer have been going out for a while. Sunset is really fun to be around. And she has a nice butt. She often wears pants or shorts that outline it perfectly, including her pajama pants. You can't help but stare at it whenever she's facing away from you. Sometimes she turns around. You blush, but she smiles and says nothing.

One day, you're sitting on a bench at the park. Sunset is wearing a tank top the same shade of purple as her pajamas and a short, tight pair of jean shorts.

"I'm ready to take things to the next level," says Sunset.

"I'm ready if you are," you say.

"Of course you are. I noticed you staring at my butt a few times." She chuckles.

You blush. "Yeah, I kind of have a thing for that. And you do have a nice butt."

"Well, you can slap it or massage it all you want. I really like that, it's one of my fetishes."

"Then I'll do it a lot."

"If you don't mind me asking, do you have any other fetishes?"

"Well... You don't have to do them if you don't want to, but I like to see a girl fart. And I like it when they smell bad."

"That sounds like fun. I'll stop washing for a while and, when we're hanging out, eat stuff that makes me really gassy."

"Are you sure?"

"It'll be fun, and I know you'll like it. And I won't change out of this outfit either, not even to sleep."

"I like your pajamas, but maybe you can do them next time and this outfit this time."

"Sounds good."


Sunset blushes lightly but giggles. You also blush at Sunset farting right beside you.


Three weeks go by. You and Sunset hang out often. True to her word, she doesn't wash or change clothes. She starts to smell really bad, and you have fun sniffing her, slapping her butt, and rubbing it. Sometimes she even sits on your face. And she farts a lot around you, often when you're near her rear end.

One day, you and Sunset wake up in her bedroom. The first thing you notice is a horrible stench. Obviously, it is coming from Sunset, who is laying beside you, sound asleep. A visible stench is emanating from her. She farts a few times in her sleep.

You slap her butt lightly. "Wake up, Sunny."

Sunset wakes up. "Good morning, Anon. What time is it?"

"8:00 in the morning."

Sunset sits up and stretches her arms. The visible stench of her armpits wafts in your direction and you get a whiff of it. Anyone else might have vomited, but you love it coming from her.

She puts her arms down and farts. "Ready to go camping?"

"Once I'm up."

You both get up, use the bathroom, and get the bags you packed for your camping trip. You have some breakfast and coffee, which Sunset puts fart powder in hers, then you load the bags into Sunset's car and get in, you in the passenger seat and Sunset driving.

It is a pretty small car, so before you even get out of her driveway, the car is full of her smell. Having not washed for three weeks, she smells absolutely foul, and her hair, shirt, and shorts are pretty dirty. And she knows you well enough to not open the windows. You mainly breathe in through your nose as you drive towards the campsite. It is about an hour long trip, plenty of time to smell Sunset in an enclosed space. She farts several times along the way.

Eventually you reach the campsite. You set up your tent, which is pretty small for another enclosed space, and a sleeping bag just big enough for two so you can cuddle each other, Sunset in her smelly state.

After that you go for a walk, still able to smell Sunset right beside you even though you're no longer in an enclosed space. You have all sorts of fun at the campsite.

Soon it's dinner time and you sit around the campfire. Sunset cooks some beans, you have one of your favorite food items you brought with you. You and Sunset sit beside each other next to the campfire and tell stories.


Sunset lets out a series of wet farts. She chuckles, while you take pleasure in being right next to her during her gassiness.

Eventually, she says "Want to go inside the tent and have some fun?"

"Do I ever," you say.

After drinking a few cans of soda with fart powder in it, Sunset walks ahead to give you a view of her butt as you walk into the tent, and also so her smell wafts in your direction. Once you're inside the tent, she zips the entrance shut so soon the entire inside of the tent smells like her.

"What would you like to do first?" she asks.

"How about I smell your armpits?" you say.

Sunset raises both her arms. Already you can catch a whiff of her armpits, they smell worse than any other part of her. Except her feet, they always smell the same. You sniff her armpit up close. The smell is so overpowering you're sure anyone would faint. But all you feel about the smell coming from her is excitement.

After over a minute, she lets out a loud fart.

"How about a butt massage?" you ask.

Sunset lays on her back and lifts both her legs in the air.


"Sure," she says. "But first I need a spanking for that fart." She positions herself with her head down and her rear end in the air.

You get up close to her butt. You love the way it looks in that position in those shorts, and, taking a quick sniff, you love how it smells. Her shorts smell of body odor and farts. Speaking of which, a long, explosive fart makes its way out of her. You slap her butt as hard as you can, several times. You take pleasure in spanking her dirty tushie, and she takes pleasure in being on the receiving end of it. A few swats make her fart.

After about 25 swats, you stop. "Time for the butt massage," you say, and you start massaging her rear. Her butt feels so soft, and her shorts feel so grimy and a little bit damp. You sniff her butt up close again and let out a sigh of pleasure.

"I see you're enjoying this as much as I am," she says.

"You bet I am," you say, caressing her butt more vigorously.


A loud, long, deep-pitched fart makes its way out of her. You pat her butt lightly and continue to rub it. She lets out a few more short, wet farts in your face.

Once you're done, she says "Lay on your back."

You do as you're told, and Sunset sits on your face. The feeling of her butt pressed against your face in those dirty, stinky shorts, is beyond words to describe. You love it so much you don't want it to stop. You breathe in through your nose, smelling her as up close as you possibly can. And of course Sunset farts on you several times.


After about five minutes, she stands up. "Now smell my feet." She sits down, evidently feeling no pain whatsoever after the massage, and removes her shoes and socks. You take her feet in your hand and sniff them. They smell beyond foul, just like her armpits. So you sniff deeply. Sunset chuckles, enjoying being sniffed while smelling like this, and the pleasure you get out of it.

After a few minutes, you stop, climb into your sleeping bag, and go to sleep. Sunset falls asleep first, and farts in her sleep a few times, before you also fall asleep.


You wake up to the sound of thunder in the middle of the night. You turn beside you. Sunset is awake and looking nervous.

"You all right, Sunset?" you ask.

"Not really," she says.

"It'll be all right. I'm here for you."

"It's not the storm. I really have to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to go out in this thunder."

"Can you hold it until the storm blows over?"

Sunset fidgets where she lays. "I can't. I drank a lot of soda last night and I didn't pee before bed."

"If you don't think you can hold it, you can just pee right here. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I love you wet or dry."

Sunset stops fidgeting and you can hear a loud hissing noise of a stream spraying against denim. A pee smell becomes noticeable among her stench, and you can feel a bit of wetness near you. She sighs in relief when she's done peeing her stinky shorts.

"Feel better?" you ask, not moving even the slightest bit away from her.

"Much better," she says. "And that wasn't so bad." She giggles and farts loudly. "I might be ready to wash up when we get back from this trip. So, after this rain, maybe I'll play in the mud."

"Sounds fun. Maybe I'll join you."

"Would you mind giving me a bath in my smelly outfit?"


"You'll have to scrub my butt extra hard. More so than my feet or armpits."

"As long as you fart in the tub a lot."

"I most definitely will." PPPPRRRRRRT!

Indigo Zap

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You love seeing Rainbow Dash compete in sports. But there's an athletic girl you like even more.

Her name is Indigo Zap. She's always wearing a dark purple T-shirt and a pair of black compression shorts that go about halfway to the knees, and they always look pretty dirty. Everyone often avoids her in all her sports whenever possible, and when running a race, they never stand directly downwind of her. Not even Rainbow Dash, even though Rainbow Dash always beats her at races.

One day you're about to head home after a race when you spot Indigo Zap chugging down a bottle of soda. You walk up to her.

"Hi," you say. "I'm Anon. I'm a really big fan, even if you didn't win."

"Thanks," she says. "But you don't want to go near me."

"Why wouldn't I?" You get closer and immediately you catch a foul smell.

"I tried to warn you," she says. "I only wash once a month, without soap or shampoo. So I smell real bad, and I'm proud of it!"

"Is that why everyone stays away from you?"

"You know it!"

"Well, I really like smelly girls." You blush. Did you really just say that out loud? You hope she's not weirded out.

"Oh, you do?" Indigo grins. "Sounds like we're perfect for each other!" She farts loudly, chuckles, and scratches her butt.

You sniff deeply, now you know she's comfortable with it. "When's your next wash? Or rinse, I guess"

"Five days from now. But if you really want to hang out with me, you'll have to pass a test first."

"What kind of test?"

"Smell my armpits. If you can do that without passing out, I'll know you can handle my smell."

"Bring it on," you say, feeling excited.

Indigo raises both her arms, and already the smell emanating from her intensifies, with visible stench coming off her. This only makes you more excited. Your heart pounding rapidly, you sniff Indigo's armpits. It is the most foul thing you have ever smelled, including manure. And you love it. Such a rancid smell coming from an attractive girl like her. You sniff deeply and let out a sigh of pleasure.

"Heheh, you're the first to ever sniff my armpits and not pass out," she says. "You definitely got what it takes."

"Like I said, I love smelly girls."

"How about we go to my place and hang out?"

"Sounds good."

As you walk to Indigo's house, you stand behind her so you can always smell her. She lets out a wet fart along the way, and occasionally scratches or pats her butt, which you can't help but stare at.

You enter her house, which is surprisingly clean for a dirty, smelly girl like her.

"How would you like to give me a butt massage?" she asks, slapping her rear end seductively.

"I'd love to."

"If you don't mind me farting in your face. I'm usually really gassy." She chuckles.

"That'll just make me like it even more."

She gets down on all fours. "Then what are you waiting for?" She slaps her dirty butt again.

You start massaging her behind. You take a deep sniff. Her shorts smell heavily of body odor and sweat, and also a few other unpleasant smells. "Do you mess yourself?"

She chuckles. "No, but I don't use toilet paper either."

"Those shorts have got to be REALLY dirty." You rub her butt harder and harder. Her shorts feel so dirty and grimy and damp.

She lets loose with a flurry of short, wet farts in your face. You take immense pleasure in each one, occasionally giving her butt a playful swat after a particularly loud fart, which she seems to enjoy as much as you.

After about seven minutes, she says "Ok, that's enough."

You stop. "Did you like that?"

"I loved it. And I can tell you did too. How would you like to smell my feet?"

"Would I!"

She gets into a sitting position and pulls off her shoes and socks. More visible stench comes from her feet, and you immediately sniff them up close, once again inhaling deeply through your nose. They smell just as foul and pungent as her armpits.

"Like my armpits, no one else can smell them and not faint," she says.

You sniff her smelly feet for a few minutes before she wets her shorts, sighing in relief.

"Do you do that all the time?"

"Yes. It's more convenient than having to find a bathroom, which I only have to do if it's number two. Besides, I like being really dirty."

"I certainly don't mind." Now you know what that other smell on her shorts was, besides the ones that came from not washing or wiping.

Once you're done sniffing her feet, you say "Do you mind sitting on my face?"

"Lay on your back and find out," she says with a smile.

You lay on your back, your heart pounding rapidly. Indigo sits on your face. Immediately your face is pressed against her dirty, grimy, smelly rear end, with her wet, dirty, stinky shorts. You breathe in deeply through your nose and give her a thumbs up.

"Tap me three times when you've had enough," she says. She farts on you several times, all of them boisterous and wet, and you love it so much you don't want to stop.

After about ten minutes, you decide you've had your fun, so you tap her three times and she stands up. "Did you like that?" she said.

"I loved it," you say. "You've got the cutest and smelliest butt of anyone I know."

"Thanks." She chuckles, then turns around, sticks out her behind, and farts again. You slap her butt, and she giggles.

Then you watch a movie with Indigo, sitting beside the smelly girl as she farts several times. Then she orders takeout from one of your favorite restaurants.

"Want to sleep over?" she asks once you're done eating.

"Sure," you say. "In fact, if you want, I could get a sleeping bag for the two of us that can mostly close from the inside, so it'll be full of your smell.

She chuckles. "Do it."


So you go out and pick up the sleeping bag, along with your pajamas, and that night the two of you climb into it, and you close it, so that you're laying inside the sleeping bag with the smelliest girl in the world.

"Are you having as much fun as I am?" she asks.

You inhale deeply through your nose. "Do you have to ask?" you say.

She gives you a whiff of her armpits, which you take great pleasure in. Then she lets out a long, loud, deep-pitched fart.


"Ooh, did you soil yourself?" you ask.

She feels her butt. "No, my underwear's no dirtier than usual. Which isn't saying much." A shorter, wet fart makes its way out of her and you pat her butt lightly. "You don't mind if I wet the sleeping bag, do you?"

"Not at all."

Indigo starts peeing, giggling and sighing in relief. You can feel the wetness get near you but you don't mind. You cuddle Indigo in her wet, smelly state, before the two of you fall asleep.

Adagio Dazzle

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One day you enter a bar, to find three familiar girls sitting there: Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. They look absolutely filthy, and a visible stench is coming from them. You can't help but go over to them.

"Hi," you say.

"Go away," says Adagio.

"You really smell."

"We haven't washed or changed out of these outfits since we lost our power."

"That was two months ago!"

"Yeah, so you don't want to go near us."

"I don't mind. But you've been a bad girl. You need a spanking." You sit down at a nearby chair, put Adagio over your knee, and slap her butt. It feels so soft and looks so cute in those short purple shorts with light purple leggings underneath.

Adagio makes no attempt to resist. Sonata giggles while Aria snorts. You spank her again and again and again. You get the feeling from the sounds she makes that she enjoys it.

Once you're done, Adagio stands up. "My butt really hurts. If you like it so much, you should give me a butt massage to recover from that."

This sounds promising. "All right. Where should we go for that?"

"Let's go to my house. Aria, Sonata, you drink here on your own, and try not to kill each other."

Aria and Sonata give each other looks, then take a sip of their beer. Adagio leads you to her house. You love standing behind her the whole way, both to get a view of her butt and for her smell to waft in your direction. The visible stench continues to come off her as she walks.

Soon you reach Adagio's house. As soon as you're inside, Adagio gets on all fours, and you start rubbing her butt. Her shorts feel so dirty and grimy, and very damp, but you love the soft feeling of her tush against her hands. You sniff her butt up close. It smells absolutely foul, but you love it.

"You're enjoying this as much as I am, aren't you?" she says.

"Yes," you say. "I have a thing for smelly girls and butts."


"If you're gonna get near my butt, you'll have to get used to that." She chuckles.

"I have a thing for farts too."

"Then you will be my personal butt masseuse from now on." She farts in your face again, sighing of relief.

After about five minutes, she says "That's enough. Now lay down."

You lay on your back.

"If you like my smelly rear end so much, let's see if you can handle this." She sits on your face.

You love having her filthy, stinky butt pressed against your face. You continue to breathe in through your nose, enjoying every second of her foul stench. She releases a series of wet farts in your face, and you take absolute pleasure in it.

After another five minutes or so, she stands up. "Impressive, you're the first person I did this to who didn't faint."

"Anyone else would, but I love such a foul smell coming from a pretty girl so much that I can't possibly feel disgusted."

"Now might be a good time to mention we haven't used toilet paper since we lost our power."

"That's really hot."

"Think you might be up for smelling my armpits?"


She stretches her arms, and already you're hit with a stench even worse than that of her butt. You sniff her armpits up close, and let out a sigh of pleasure.

"You are really enjoying this. Let's make it more fun and go into my closet."

You enter her closet and she closes the door. The closet is instantly full of her stench, which you feel could kill any rats or cockroaches if they were in there. But to you it's like a sauna. She raises her arms and you sniff her armpits again.

"Want to smell my feet now?" she asks.

"Sure," you say.

She sits down, farts, and removes her shoes and socks. A new wave of visible stench comes off her feet, and you sniff them up close. Multiple times you inhale the pungent stench through your nose, and exhale in a sigh of pleasure.

"It is kind of fun to have someone enjoy my smell rather than be disgusted by it," she says. BBBRRRRRRT!

"And it's really fun to smell you," you say. "Think you might... give up your evil ways?"

"There's not much in the way of trouble we can do now other than stink up places," she says.

"You can stink up my place all you want."

"Ooh... I have to go to the bathroom. I had a few beers before you came, though it wasn't enough to get me drunk."

"Can we stay in here a little while longer?"

"If you want. You should know, we've been peeing our pants ever since we stopped washing."

"I don't mind. You can go right here if you want."

Adagio smiles and wets her pants. A soft hissing sound is heard as a puddle grows on the carpet under her, while you continue sniffing her stinky feet.

"Feel better?" You ask her.

"Much better. Want to sleep in my bed tonight?"



You sniff deeply. "I can't even smell that over your feet."

"Want to smell my armpits again?" Adagio raises her arms. You sniff her armpits closely, taking in the stench that would make a skunk faint. Adagio seems to be enjoying this as much as you.

After about ten minutes, she farts loudly and says "How would you like to smell my butt again?" She gets on all fours with her butt facing you, and slaps her butt playfully.

You immediately sniff her butt. You love the way it smells and the sight of it in front of her face. How dirty her outfit is makes it even more enjoyable for you. You start rubbing her butt again, sniffing the entire time and sighing of pleasure.

As you rub her behind, she lets loose with a flurry of wet farts. After a particularly long, loud, or wet fart you slap her butt playfully before you resume rubbing it.

"This is a lot more fun than putting people under my spell," she says. "How are you holding up?"

"I could do this all day," you say, patting her butt lightly before she lets out another fart.

After another ten minutes or so, she says "That's probably enough." She opens the closet and walks outside. You walk after her as the visible stench rushes out of the closet.

Adagio cooks dinner for you, letting you pick your favorite meal of what she has while she cooks some beans for herself. You grin at the sight of this knowing how much more she is going to fart tonight.

Sure enough, as you sit on the couch watching a movie, she lets out several wet farts, and she wets herself again. You love sitting next to her while she's smelling like that and farting.

Eventually, it gets late and you both climb into her bed.

"Sorry about the dampness," she says. "First thing I do when I wake up is pee. Before I get out of bed."

"Again, I don't mind," you say. You cuddle close to her under the covers, once again taking in her smell, as she farts repeatedly before you fall asleep.

Aria Blaze

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One day you enter a bar, to find three familiar girls sitting there: Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. They look absolutely filthy, and a visible stench is coming from them. You can't help but go over to them.

"Hi," you say.

"Go away," says Aria.

"You really smell."

"We haven't washed or changed out of these outfits since we lost our power."

"That was two months ago!"

"Yeah, so you don't want to go near us."

"I don't mind. But you've been a bad girl. You need a spanking." You sit down at a nearby chair, put Aria over your knee, and slap her butt. It feels so firm and looks so cute in those dirty purple jeans.

"Ow!" she says with each swat, kicking her legs, but you slap her butt as hard as you can. Sonata giggles, while Adagio doesn't seem to care less and drinks her beer.

Eventually you finish spanking her. "That should teach you to spread hate and try to take over the world."

Aria sits down, winces, and stands back up. "That really hurt. I can't even sit down now! You owe me a butt massage, and if you don't, I'll kick your ass!"

You don't exactly feel like this will be a chore. "That's fair."

"Come with me to my house. You can do it there, away from this idiot." She gestures towards Sonata.

As you walk to the sirens' house, you stand behind Aria. Your excuse is for her to lead the way, but really you love standing downwind of her, getting a whiff of the visible stench as it emanates from her, and also looking at her butt in those tight jeans.


Aria looks over her shoulder and chuckles at the fart that came out of her. "I hope you can smell that," she says.

"I can barely smell it over you," you say. "You really stink, Aria."

"Get used to it cause you'll be right next to my smelly, gassy rear end for at least ten minutes."

You can't wait.

Eventually you reach the sirens' house. There is a trace of their smell around, but the smell is strongest when you're near Aria.

Aria gets down on all fours. "Well hurry it up. My ass isn't gonna rub itself."

You immediately start rubbing Aria's butt. You love the way it feels against your hands, and her butt in this position directly in front of your face, in those dirty jeans, which feel grimy and very damp. You're sure body odor isn't the only thing you can smell, and her butt seems dirtier than most of her. You sniff her butt and let out a sigh.

"Oh, and by the way, I had beans for lunch," says Aria. Immediately after, she lets loose with a flurry of loud, boisterous wet farts right in your face. You just rub harder, and sniff occasionally.

After eleven minutes, she says "Something tells me you really don't mind my smell."

You blush. "Yeah... you might be right there."

"If you have such a thing for smelly girls, see if you like this." Aria forces you into a position where you're laying on your back and sits on your face.

The smell is absolutely foul, but you love it. Her butt in those dirty pants against your face... You hope she doesn't stand up for quite a while, and inhale deeply through your nose.

"Well, your butt massage worked, it doesn't hurt to sit down anymore. Oh, and we've been peeing ourselves and not using toilet paper ever since we stopped washing. I hope you don't mind." She chuckles.

You really don't mind this, and just lay there.


A loud, long, deep-pitched fart makes its way out of her, intensifying the smell a little. You love every second of it. Aria unleashes more loud, wet farts on your face, and you simply can't get enough of it.

After about six minutes, she stands up.

"Would you be offended if I said I really loved that?" you say.

Aria grins. "If you liked that, you should try smelling my armpits." She raises her arms, and immediately you're hit with a stench even worse than her butt, despite her not wiping for two months. As she stands there she wets her pants unabashedly. They're already filthy and stinky so it doesn't make much of a difference.

You sniff her armpits up close. "Phew. They really do smell." You inhale deeply through your nose to take in the stench coming from this brash yet attractive girl.

Aria suddenly forces your face into her armpit. Your nose is assaulted with the full stench of her armpits up close. Well, "assaulted" isn't the word you'd use, for you take absolute pleasure in it.

She holds your head in this position and you keep breathing in only through your nose until she releases you.

"That would have knocked out anyone else except Adagio and Sonata," she says. "If you can handle that, you can go into a closet with me and smell my feet." She farts loudly.

"That sounds like fun."

"Wait just a moment." Aria takes a 2-liter bottle of soda and guzzles it down, spilling a bit of it down her front. BUUUUUUUUUUUURP! "I suppose it's only fair to ask if you want something to drink too."

"Just some water."

Aria pours you a glass of water and you drink it. Then she leads you into a spare closet and closes the door. Instantly the closet is full of her stench. And you love it that way.

Aria sits down and takes off her shoes and socks, causing more visible stench to come off her feet.

You lift her feet and sniff them deeply, and sigh of pleasure.

Sitting in this position, Aria lets out a loud fart. You keep sniffing her feet, and she looks like she's having as much fun as you are, having someone enjoy her smell rather than running away from it.

After about ten minutes of sniffing her stinky feet, she says "I want another butt massage." She assumes the position.

You start rubbing her butt again, loving this as much as last time. She farts in your face repeatedly again, which only makes it more fun for you. After a particularly loud, long, or wet fart, you slap her butt playfully.

"Who said you could do that?" she says after you slap her behind for the third time. "You have to rub my butt for five more minutes now."

You don't mind this at all, and you're sure she knows that. "Your pants really need to be washed," you say. "Several times."

"I'm not washing them ever again," she says. A short, wet fart makes its way out of her and you pat her butt lightly.

After ten more minutes she says "That's enough. Now smell my feet again." She sits down and lifts her feet up, farting loudly as she does so.

You sniff them up close, and, feeling mischievous, start tickling them at the same time.

Aria starts to laugh. "Cut it out! Hahahahaha! I'm really ticklish! Hahahahaha!"

You tickle even harder while you continue to sniff her smelly feet.


You keep tickling, and soon Aria's peeing in her stinky pants again. She keeps laughing as you keep tickling and sniffing her feet. You keep tickling after she's done peeing, and only stop when you're sure she's about to reach her limit.

Aria catches her breath and feels her wet pants. "Look what you made me do! For that, you have to smell my stinky armpits for fifteen minutes!" She sets her watch, then raises her arms to intensify the smell in the closet with the stench of her armpits, and then she forces your face into her armpit again.

You only breathe in through your nose, soaking in every moment you can smell Aria's armpits. You know she knows how much you're enjoying this, she just doesn't want to admit it. She's been peeing her pants for two months already and you've already established you love smelling her armpits.

You're a little disappointed when her alarm goes off, but you're satisfied with having smelled Aria's armpits up close again for fifteen minutes.

"I'm not saying this because I like you or anything, but would you like to sleep in my bed with me tonight?" She blushes. "It's... kind of fun to have someone who likes the way I smell."

"Sure," you say.

"If you don't mind it being damp. I peed in the bed more times than I can count, and I'll definitely pee all over you."

"Doesn't bother me."

"Well, I'm hungry. I'll go make some dinner, and you can help yourself to whatever you feel like."

You and Aria step out of the closet, taking a whiff of somewhat fresher air as a big cloud of visible stench rushes out of the closet like smoke.

That night, you and Aria lay in her bed. She puts her hands behind her head as she lays there so you can smell her armpits, and farts non-stop before she falls asleep. You listen to her farting in her sleep for a few minutes before you also fall asleep.

Sonata Dusk

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One day you enter a bar, to find three familiar girls sitting there: Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. They look absolutely filthy, and a visible stench is coming from them. You can't help but go over to them.

"Hi," you say.

"Go away," Adagio and Aria say, but Sonata looks interested to meet you.

"You really smell."

"We haven't washed or changed out of these outfits since we lost our power," says Adagio.

"That was two months ago!"

"Yeah, so you don't want to go near us," says Aria.

"I don't mind. But you three have been bad girls. You need a spanking."

"Ooh! Can I go first?" says Sonata.

"You're weird," says Aria, rolling her eyes.

You sit down at a nearby chair. Sonata immediately climbs over your knee, and you slap her butt. It looks so cute in that dirty pink miniskirt. Sonata looks like she's really enjoying this.

After a few swats, you lift her skirt, exposing her very dirty panties. "Nice underwear, Sonata."

She giggles. "They were white when I got them."

They don't look anywhere close to white now. You spank her some more and she has a look of absolute pleasure on her face.

Eventually you stop.

"No, keep it going!" she says.

So you spank her ten more times. "That should be enough. Can you sit down?"

Sonata tries to sit in her chair, winces, and stands up. "No... I might've let it go on a little too long."

"How would you like me to give you a butt massage at my house?"

"Ooh! That sounds fun!"

"Go ahead," says Aria. "It'll be more fun here without you."

So you and Sonata walk to your house. You stand right beside her and breathe in through your nose to smell her. The visible stench is still coming off her as she walks.

"You should know, we haven't been using toilet paper since we stopped washing two months ago," she says. "And we only use the toilet for number two. We've been peeing our pants all the time." She giggles.

"I don't mind. And if you pee on my floor, couch, or bed, I can wash it. Besides, I have mattress protection."

Eventually you reach your house.

"Wait, I have to go to the bathroom." Sonata wets herself, giggling as the pee soaks her filthy skirt and panties and flows down her legs. "Ah, that's better."

You enter your house. Immediately she gets on all fours. She lets out a loud, long, wet fart that blows her skirt back. "Oopsie... I'm the gassiest of the sirens because I also eat lots of tacos."

"That'll just make me like you more." You lift Sonata's skirt and start rubbing her butt. You love the sight of it in front of your face, in those dirty panties. You love the wet, dirty, grimy feeling of her panties on your hands, as well as the texture of her butt. And you love the smell of it. You sniff her butt up close.

"You have a thing for smelly girls, don't you?" she says.


FFFFFFRRRRRRT! Sonata giggles as she farts in your face.

You sniff deeply again and continue rubbing her tushie while she lets out a series of wet farts.

"Are you having as much fun as I am?" you ask, still rubbing her butt and sniffing it.

*ppprrrt* "Of course I am, silly! I love getting a butt massage from someone who loves the way I smell and having me fart in their face!"

"Has that ever happened before?"

"Well... no, but it's happening now and I love it!" PPPPFFFFT!

You rub her butt for about ten minutes before you stop. "Can you sit down now?" you ask.

"Lay on your back," she says.

You lay on your back, anticipating what's to come with excitement. Is this going where you think it's going?

Sure enough, Sonata sits on your face, lifting her skirt so your face is pressed against her dirty butt and panties. She giggles. "Yes, it doesn't hurt anymore."

You breathe in deeply through your nose, taking in the foul smell, for you're greatly enjoying this. You give her a thumbs up.

Sonata lets loose with a flurry of explosive wet farts. This makes it even more enjoyable for you. You can't get enough of your face being close to or pressed against her butt when she's smelling really bad, in dirty underwear, and farting.

After about five minutes, she stands up. "I didn't knock you out, did I?"

"If I was going to faint it would be from excitement," you say. "I loved it."

"How about you smell my armpits?"

"Want to do that here or in my spare closet?"

"Ooh! Closet sounds fun! Let's just get something to eat and drink first."

So you and Sonata have a snack and drink some soda. Then you lead Sonata into your closet and close the door. Where you could easily smell Sonata within a few feet of her before, now the closet is full of her stench. You inhale deeply through your nose and exhale in a sigh of satisfaction.

"Wanna smell my armpits now?" She lifts both her arms, and more visible stench emanates from her armpits as you get a very unpleasant whiff. Well, unpleasant might not be the right word for you, since you love how bad she smells.

You sniff her armpits up close, enjoying the foul stench that you're sure would knock out anyone else except Adagio and Aria, who smell just as bad. You can't believe a smell like this is coming from a pretty girl like her. You love it, and she's having a lot of fun too.

As you sniff her armpits, you also start to tickle them. Sonata starts laughing uncontrollably and you keep tickling her armpits while sniffing them. Sonata is laughing so hard she can't even get any words out, and soon she's peeing herself again. You keep tickling her until she stops peeing, then back up. "Did you like that?"

"I loved it!" she says. "Adagio and Aria only wet themselves because they're sulking over losing their power and don't care about being clean anymore. I just wet myself and smell bad cause it's fun. But it's even more fun to have someone who likes me that way, and WAY more fun to wet myself from laughing too hard." She giggles and farts.

"Can I smell your feet now?"

"If you liked my armpits you'll love this." She sits down with her legs spread so you can see her wet, dirty, smelly underwear. She removes her socks and shoes, and more visible stench rises from her feet.

You sniff her feet up close. They smell every bit as foul as her armpits, which smell even worse than her butt, despite her farting and non-use of toilet paper. So naturally, you sniff as deeply as you can. This whole closet is like a sauna to you and Sonata is at the center of it with her smelly feet, armpits, and rear end.

As you sniff Sonata's feet, she farts several times. They range in length and most of them are high-pitched. Then...


Sonata giggles at this long, loud, deep-pitched fart. "That was so unladylike." She giggles.

"Are you sure you didn't make a mess?" you ask.

Sonata feels her butt. "All good! My underwear's probably dirtier by now but I never make a mess in them."

You start tickling her feet while sniffing them. She laughs, unable to kick her legs with you holding her feet in place, and she wets her panties again.

"You just went like a minute ago."

"I had a LOT to drink. I drank one or two beers and like 20 sodas." She lets out a sputtering wet fart.

After you're done sniffing and tickling her feet, you spend the rest of the day hanging out.

"Want to sleep in my bed tonight?" you ask.

"If you don't mind me peeing in it."

"I told you I have mattress protection."

That night, you change into your pajamas, she stays in her filthy, smelly outfit, and you climb into bed together. You cuddle under the covers, smelling her up close, while she farts repeatedly, until you both fall asleep.

She wets the bed after you wake up, but before she wakes up.

Indigo Zap and Sunny Flare

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There are two girls in town who are always seen together. Indigo Zap, who is always wearing a dark purple T-shirt and a pair of black compression shorts that go about halfway to her knees. And Sunny Flare, who is always wearing a purple tank top just a bit darker than her hair, and a pair of short, tight, dirty jean shorts.

Wherever they go, a visible stench is coming off them. They look like they don't ever bathe. People keep their distance whenever they can. Whenever they run races, the other racers try to avoid going near them as best they can. If Rainbow Dash isn't in the race, Indigo wins, and whoever gives Indigo her trophy is always holding their nose.

You have a thing for smelly girls. So you'd love to get just one whiff of either of them. But so far you've never gotten close enough to smell them.

Until one day. You're at the store getting some food, and when you head towards the self checkouts, your heart skips a beat. Indigo and Sunny are standing right there. No one else is in line, so you stand right behind them and take a deep whiff.

They smell more foul than anything you have ever smelled. They smell like years worth of body odor. And you love it.

"I'm ready to relax the rest of the day," says Indigo, and she stretches her arms and yawns.

The stench of her armpits enters your nostrils. You're sure anyone else would faint, but you just sniff deeply and let out a sigh.

Indigo and Sunny turn around. You blush, realizing they just caught you smelling them.

"Why are you standing so close to us?" Indigo asks. "Do you have no sense of smell?"

"Actually, I do," you say. "I just... don't mind."

"That's a first," says Indigo. She farts loudly and sighs of relief. You blush a little more.

"I think this one likes the way we smell," says Sunny. She raises her arms, and you get a whiff of her armpits. You can't help but sniff deeply.

"I think you're right," says Indigo.

"I hope I'm not weirding you out," you say.

"On the contrary, I like someone who likes a smelly girl," says Indigo.

"Me too," says Sunny. A loud fart makes its way out of her and she giggles. "That doesn't put you off, does it?"

"Quite the opposite," you say, feeling relieved that they seem to like you.

"How about later tonight you come to my house and we can have a smelly threesome?" says Indigo.

"I'd love that," you say.

You and Indigo and Sunny pay for your items, and then they lead you towards Indigo's house. You walk just behind them so their visible stench wafts in your direction, not to mention when they fart.

"So, why do you smell like that?" you ask.

"We only wash like once a month or two," says Indigo. "And when we do, we don't use soap or shampoo."

"We don't use toilet paper either," says Sunny unabashedly. "And whenever we have to pee, we do it in our shorts."

"You two really are dirty girls," you say. You slap Sunny's butt playfully, and she giggles.

"Is my stinky butt not good enough?" Indigo asks, sounding more like an invitation than outright jealousy.

You slap Indigo's butt as well, which makes her fart. She chuckles, clearly enjoying this as much as you are.

You reach Indigo's house. Indigo walks to the door with Sunny, and says "So, what time would you like to come over?"

"Does 6:00 sound good?"

"Perfect. Bring some pajamas too, in case you want to sleep over."

"I probably will."

"I'm already staying for supper," says Sunny. "We're having beans. So expect us to be really gassy."

"I can hardly wait."


At 6:00, you walk up to Indigo's front door and ring the doorbell.

The door opens, and you're hit with a pungent stench as Indigo and Sunny stand before you, a wave of visible stench rushing out of the doorway.

"Ready to have some fun?" Indigo asks.

"You bet I am," you say, as you walk inside.

Sunny closes the door and scratches her dirty butt. "Why don't you change into your pajamas?" she says. "You'll want this outfit clean for the trip home."

You change into your pajamas. Then you stand in front of Indigo and Sunny. "So, what should we do first?"

"How about this?" says Indigo, and she and Sunny stand on either side of you. Indigo raises her right arm and Sunny raises her left arm so that their armpits are right in your face.

Their armpits smell so horrible that you think a skunk would faint in your position. But coming from them, you absolutely love it. You sniff deeply, and a few times exhale in a sigh of pleasure.

You stand in this position for about three minutes before they put their arms down and shake them a bit, after holding them in that position for that long.

"How did you like that?" Indigo asks.

"I loved it," you say. "I can't get enough of smelly girls like you."

"If you liked that, then I'm sure you won't mind giving me a butt massage." Indigo turns around and slaps her butt.

"To say I won't mind would be an understatement," you say. "Sunny, would you like one as well?"

Sunny farts in response.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Indigo and Sunny get down on all fours. You start rubbing Indigo's butt first. Her shorts feel so dirty and grimy and damp. You sniff her butt deeply. Her butt smells like a combination of body odor, farts, pee, and poop. You keep sniffing as deeply as you can as you rub her butt as hard as you can.


Indigo chuckles as she farts in your face. You sniff deeply again, pat her butt lightly, and resume rubbing.

After about a minute, Sunny farts again. You act as if this was a signal, take your hands off Indigo's butt, and start rubbing Sunny's butt. As with Indigo, her jean shorts feel so dirty, grimy, and damp, and stink just as much. You can see a small brown stain on her butt as well, the result of not wiping for who knows how long.

"I hope you didn't run out of gas with that one," you say. "I'd hate to miss out on being face-farted by you."

"Oh, believe me, you won't," says Sunny.


She sighs in relief as this loud, long, deep-pitched fart blasts you in the face.

You pat her butt lightly. "Nice one, Sunny." You sniff deeply. You can just barely smell her fart over her own stench.

She giggles. "Why, thank you, Anon."

Another wet fart makes its way out of Indigo.

"In a minute," you say, caressing Sunny's tush. You love the way it looks in these dirty jean shorts right in front of you.

After just over a minute total rubbing Sunny's butt, you return to Indigo and start rubbing her butt again.


Indigo sighs in relief as she lets loose with this long, wet fart. "I've been holding that in since the last fart. I was saving it for you." A short, wet fart makes its way out of her.

You slap her butt playfully and resume rubbing, only breathing in through your nose with her filthy rear end right in front of your face.

After about another minute of rubbing Indigo's behind, you go back to Sunny. Just three seconds after you start rubbing her tushie...


Sunny sighs in relief at this long, boisterous, wet fart. "I was holding that in the entire time you were rubbing Indigo's butt."

"Phew, that sounded wet," you say. You sniff deeply and slap her butt playfully before rubbing it some more. "Are you sure you didn't soil yourself?"

"You tell me," she says. "You're the one rubbing my rear end."

"I see a stain but that's probably from not wiping, and I don't feel any mess in your shorts."

"No harm done then." She lets out a short, wet fart in your face.

After about ten minutes of going back and forth between rubbing the two dirty, smelly, gassy butts in front of you, you say "That's probably enough for me. I can't begin to express how much I loved that."

"That makes two of us," says Indigo.

"Make that three," says Sunny.

"So what now?" you ask.

"You have a thing for butts, smelly girls, and farts, right?" Indigo asks.

"I think we've already established that."

"And you don't mind how dirty our shorts are, right?" Sunny says.

"I can't get enough of your butts as they are."

Indigo lays facedown. "Then put your face on my butt." She farts loudly, and chuckles.

"Hey, don't let it all out before I get there." You lay facedown with your face on Indigo's butt. As with when you were rubbing it, her shorts are so dirty and grimy and smelly, and feel very damp.

You're just in the process of inhaling deeply through your nose when Sunny sits on your head. Your head is now trapped between Indigo's butt and Sunny's butt, and the smell is intensified.

Sunny then lets loose with a flurry of loud, explosive, wet farts. You take absolute pleasure in this and inhale only through your nose, savoring every moment the foul smell enters your nostrils.

"Excuse me," Sunny says, faking sheepishness. "I had beans for supper." BBBRRRRRRT!

As if Sunny's relentless barrage of wet farts isn't enough, Indigo unleashes a series of equally boisterous wet farts. You nearly faint, not from the smell, but from excitement. You couldn't have asked for a better position, having your head squished between the butts of two smelly girls farting on you repeatedly. You're so excited you wet your pajamas. But you love the position you're in so much you don't care.

Sunny giggles as she continues to sit on your head farting.

You stay in this position for about nine minutes straight before Indigo and Sunny stop farting. Sunny stands up. "That wasn't too much, was it?"

"When it comes to you two, there's no such thing as too much," you say as you stand up. Your entire head feels dirty, your pajama bottoms are wet, and you're sure you smell like farts. "That was exceptionally fun, and I hope we can do that again."

"Good, cause I had a lot of fun with that too," Sunny says.

"So did I," says Indigo. "So... think you're up for going into an enclosed space with us?"

"You already know the answer to that," you say.

Indigo and Sunny lead you to the spare room, where Indigo opens the door to an empty closet. "Here's the perfect spot," she says.

The three of you step into the closet. Sunny closes the door behind you, and instantly the closet is full of their smell. It's like a sauna to you. You sit down and let out a sigh of pleasure. "I hope you're having as much fun with this as I am," you say.

"Oh, we definitely are," says Indigo. She sits down to your left.

"In fact, this has been a fantasy of ours for a while," says Sunny, sitting down to your right. "We just didn't know there were people out there who liked smelly girls. But being dirty and smelly is so much fun."

As you start to inhale deeply through your nose again, Indigo and Sunny grin and raise their arms, filling the closet with the unholy stench of their armpits. Sunny farts again.

"Oh my... this is... I love it," you say. You don't think anyone else would be able to even survive in this closet, but for someone who likes smelly girls it's pure bliss.

"Hey, you smelled our armpits and butts," says Indigo. "Want to smell our feet now?"

"They smell just as bad as our butts and armpits," says Sunny.

"Sure," you say.

Indigo and Sunny both take off their shoes and socks, and as soon as their feet are exposed, a bigger wave of visible stench comes off them as the smell in the closet intensifies, as impossible as it might seem.

You pick up Indigo's foot and sniff it up close. It smells every bit as foul as her armpits. You sniff deeply and sigh of pleasure. Indigo farts loudly as you sniff her foot.

After almost a minute, Sunny says "Can you sniff my feet now?"

You put Indigo's foot down and start sniffing Sunny's foot. It smells just like Indigo's foot, so you sniff it just as deeply, taking pleasure in the stench. Getting an idea, you hold both of Sunny's feet in your left arm and sniff her right foot while tickling her left foot with your right hand.

Sunny starts to laugh. As you sniff and tickle her feet simultaneously, she laughs harder, letting out a few involuntary farts.

"Careful you don't have an accident, Indigo teases.

You keep tickling, and Sunny laughs so hard she wets her stinky shorts. After she's done peeing you finish tickling, give her feet one last sniff, and set them down. "Did you like that?" you ask.

"I loved it," says Sunny. She farts again, which sounds wetter than last time.

"Can you tickle me next?" Indigo asks.

You grab both of Indigo's feet and tickle them while sniffing them. Indigo also laughs and wets her shorts. As you keep tickling, Sunny stretches her arms, giving you a whiff of her armpits while you smell Indigo's feet.

After you stop tickling, Indigo says "I love being tickled into wetting myself, but it's more fun when you're smelling my stinky feet."

You sit in there for another hour or so before Indigo says "How about we watch a movie or something?"

"That sounds fun," says Sunny. "Anon?"

"As long as I'm sitting between you," you say.

The three of you stand up and Indigo opens the door. A huge cloud of visible stench rushes out as you all step outside.

You look at Indigo's movie shelf and pick out a movie all three of you feel like. Then you sit on the couch, with Indigo on your left side and Sunny on your right side, as you watch the movie. The smell isn't quite as intense as in the closet but you can still smell them clearly as they sit on either side of you, especially when one of them stretches her arms, as both do throughout the movie, and they fart a few times as well, and wet themselves once each.

Eventually, it's time for bed.

"Want to sleep in the same bed as us?" Indigo asks.

"I'd love that," you say.

Indigo and Sunny stay as they are, as usual, as the three of you climb into Indigo's bed, with you laying between both smelly girls. They both stretch their arms, giving you a whiff of their armpits, and relax. They fall asleep before you do. They fart in their sleep several times, before you fall asleep as well.

You wake up to a warm, wet feeling. You can hear a hissing sound coming from Sunny on your right, indicating that she is wetting the bed. Both she and Indigo are still asleep, and she looks like she's having an enjoyable dream from the expression on her face. You take one whiff of the foul smell in the air and remember all the fun you had yesterday.

You lay there until Sunny wakes up. She stretches her arms, and you get another whiff of her stinky armpits.

"Good morning, Anon," Sunny says. "How did you sleep?"

"Really good," you say. "You're smelling wonderful this morning. And you wet the bed."

"That happens a lot." Sunny giggles, and farts.

Indigo wakes up. "Good morning Sunny," she says. "Good morning, Anon."

"Good morning, Indigo," you and Sunny say.

Indigo stretches her arms, and the stench of her armpits wafts in your direction and enters your nostrils. "I have to pee," she says.



Rainbow Dash and Applejack

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You're sitting at the racetrack watching a race. Every so often these two girls show up to run the race who you find really attractive - though you're sure not many other people will.

One of them is light blue with rainbow hair and wears short skintight spandex shorts the same shade of blue as her hair, and a matching sports bra. The other is an orange country girl with blonde hair, a hat, and wears short, tight jean cutoffs and a white and green T-shirt. Respectively, their names are Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Normally both of them would be considered attractive - except for the fact that they both look very dirty. As they run there is a visible stench coming off them, and no one wants to go near them - though they run fast enough they would likely win even if they smelled like flowers.

Most people would be disgusted by this, but not you, for you have a thing for dirty smelly girls. For a while you've wanted to tell them how you feel, but you're afraid they'll be weirded out by it.

Rainbow Dash wins the race as usual, with Applejack in second. Pinkie Pie, the announcer, holds her nose as she gives them their trophies.

As you make your way home, you walk a little slowly, thinking of how dirty those two girls looked, as well as the sweat glistening on their legs and dripping from their hair, not to mention their shorts have an extra dirty spot on the butt, as if they sit in the dirt a lot.

As you walk you hear two female voices talking on the other side of the road, and look to your left. Your heart immediately starts beating faster.

On the other sidewalk, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are walking, looking as dirty as ever, and a visible stench emanating from them.

You debate with yourself whether to talk to them. Will they find it refreshing to have someone who likes the way they smell instead of avoiding them? Or will they be weirded out by your being turned on by it?

You make your decision, check that the road is clear, and cross the road.

They notice you approaching. "You might wanna keep your distance," says Applejack. "If you get too close to us you might faint."

"I doubt that," you say. Already you can get a whiff of them, and your heart is beating faster, for this is the first time you've actually smelled them.

"I know we looked awesome running the race, but we really, REALLY smell," says Rainbow Dash. "We haven't washed for over a year. Which makes us extra smelly with how much we sweat running these races and stuff."

You only feel more excited to hear this. "I really, REALLY don't mind," you say. You inhale deeply through your nose and exhale deeply.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack look at each other.

"I think you more than don't mind," says Applejack with a smile.

"I like someone who doesn't mind our smell, even enjoys it," says Rainbow Dash, also smiling.

You blush beet red. "Was it that obvious?"

"How would you like to hang out with us?" Rainbow asks.

"Would I?" you ask. "This is a dream come true!"

"If you like our smell I think we're gonna have a lot of fun together," says Applejack. "Maybe you should pick up your pajamas in case you wanna stay the night."

"In that case I probably will," you say,

You walk with Rainbow Dash and Applejack to your house. You stand between them, breathing in through your nose and often exhaling in a sigh of pleasure. They smell worse than a sewer, but coming off them you love it. They also seem to enjoy having someone smell them and take pleasure in it.

"You should know," says Applejack, "we're even dirtier than just not washin'."

"Ooh, how so?" you ask.

"We fart a lot. More than the average human."

"We can't help it," says Rainbow. "It's so fun to fart!" A loud, wet fart makes its way out of her and she chuckles.

"Definitely not a problem for me," you say, slapping Rainbow's butt playfully. You blush a little, hoping she doesn't mind. But she doesn't stop smiling.

"And whenever we need to pee, we just go in our shorts," says Applejack. "We don't mess ourselves, but we don't use toilet paper either."

"That explains why your butts look dirtier than the rest of you," you say, slapping Applejack's butt. Applejack chuckles and farts loudly.

You reach your house, pack your pajamas, and then walk to Rainbow Dash and Applejack's house, and enter.

"So, what should we do first?" you ask.

"First let's drink a lot of cider," says Applejack. "I'm plum thirsty from runnin' that race."

"Me too," says Rainbow Dash. She stretches her arms and you get a whiff of her smelly armpits. You're sure most people would've fainted but you love it.

"Want some cider, Anon?" Applejack asks.

"Sure," you say.

Applejack gets several bottles of cider. You take one and drink it, while Rainbow and Applejack each drink three, which Rainbow puts fart powder in.

"You might wanna change into your pajamas now," Rainbow Dash says. "With what we're about to do, you'll wanna keep that outfit clean for the trip back tomorrow."

You go into the bathroom and change into your pajamas, then return to the two smelly girls.

"So, how you wanna smell us?" Applejack asks, stretching her arms.

You get a whiff of her armpits too and immediately make up your mind. "I'd like to smell your armpits up close."

"You sure you wanna do that?" Applejack asks.

"Our armpits smell WAY worse than the rest of us," says Rainbow Dash. "Except our feet and our butts."

"The smellier, the better," you say.

Rainbow and Applejack smile, stand on either side of you, and each raise their nearest arm to you. You're immediately blasted with the pungent stench of their armpits, a year's worth of sweating and not washing. You do not feel the least bit nauseated; Excited is more like it.

"Can you get them a little closer?" you ask.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack put their armpits as close to your face as possible. You inhale deeply through your nose and sigh in absolute pleasure. To take in a smell this foul from girls like these is your wildest dream. You just can't get enough of it. Occasionally you turn your head to sniff both their armpits up close.

"You want it that close, do you?" Rainbow says. She and Applejack suddenly stand side by side, raise their other arms nearest each other, and press your face into them.

You once again sniff deeply through your nose, making no attempt to get out of this position, for you love it. A lot. And from the way they put your face in their armpits, they seem to be enjoying it too.

After about ten minutes in this position, Rainbow Dash and Applejack back up, shaking their arms a bit from holding them in this position so long.

"That was really fun," you say.

"Glad you enjoyed it, sugarcube," says Applejack. "So did we."

"You can say that again!" says Rainbow Dash enthusiastically.

"So what now?" you ask.

"How would you like to give us a butt massage?" Rainbow asks.

"If you think you can handle our dirty, smelly rear ends," says Applejack.

"Let's do it," you say.

Rainbow and Applejack get on all fours, side by side, with their butts facing you. You love the sight of their butts in this position, in their dirty, smelly shorts. You start rubbing Rainbow Dash's butt. Her shorts feel so dirty, damp, and grimy. You sniff her butt up close. It smells just as bad as her armpits, but with an added scent of farts, pee, and poop.


Rainbow chuckles as she unleashes a flurry of loud wet farts in your face. With some of her louder, wetter, and/or deep-pitched farts you slap her butt playfully then go back to rubbing it, all the while sniffing her tushie deeply.

You're rubbing Rainbow's butt for two minutes when Applejack lets out a loud fart. As if this is a signal, you start rubbing Applejack's butt. Her shorts are just as damp, grimy, and stinky as Rainbow's. She lets out some long, loud, deep-pitched farts in your face, and you sniff her butt deeply and occasionally give it a slap.


"Nice one, Applejack," you say, patting her butt after this long, deep-pitched fart about two minutes into her butt massage.

Applejack chuckles. "Did I soil mahself?"

"Your butt's really dirty but there's no mess," you say as you continue to rub and sniff.

"Can I have my turn again?" Rainbow asks, fidgeting a little. "I've been holding in a REALLY big fart for the last minute!"

You go back to rubbing Rainbow's butt. As soon as you do...


Rainbow sighs in relief as she unleashes a long, boisterous, explosive wet fart in your face. You can actually feel it on your face like a strong blow dryer. The air around her butt is only slightly smellier, given the way she already smells.

"Nice one, Dashie," you say, patting her butt before you start rubbing it even harder. "Your shorts look just a little bit dirtier but there's no mess."

Rainbow chuckles. "That might be a record for me. Applejack and I have farting contests all the time. Which I always win." A short, wet fart makes its way out of her. *ppprrt*

"One day I'll beat you," says Applejack. "But even if I don't, it's still mighty fun!"

After another two minutes you go back to rubbing Applejack's butt, and she blasts you in the face with an explosive fart almost as loud and long as Rainbow's, having held it in the entire length of Rainbow's second butt massage.

You go back and forth between them for a while, sniffing their butts as you rub them while they fart in your face.

"That should be good," says Applejack after another butt massage for her.

"Did you enjoy that as much as we did?" Rainbow asks.

"I certainly did," you say. "If not more."

"You really love being near our rear ends, don't you?"


Rainbow lays facedown. "Then lay your head on my butt." A long, wet fart makes its way out of her.

You lay facedown with your face pressed against Rainbow's dirty, grimy butt. Rainbow farts loudly, and you inhale deeply with your nose.

Then Applejack sits on your head. Your head is now between the butts of two extremely smelly, gassy girls. And you love it.

Almost immediately, Rainbow and Applejack let loose with a series of loud, wet farts. But you're sure they're only a small part of the smell that is filling every inch of your nostrils. You're not sure anyone else could even survive in a position like this. But you love it more than you can describe and wish you could stay in this position forever.

"If you wanna get up, just tap me with your hand three times," says Applejack. "And if you stop movin' for a while, I'll ask if you're havin' fun, and if you answer, I'll know you didn't faint."

"If I faint it'll be from excitement," you say. Your voice is muffled through Rainbow and Applejack's butts but clearly they heard you, as Rainbow says...

"Then I hope you have fun. I know we are!" She farts loudly, and Applejack farts louder.

About ten minutes into this, Rainbow says "I have to go to the bathroom!"

"Then just go," says Applejack.

Rainbow chuckles. You hear a hissing sound, which is constantly interrupted by Rainbow Dash and Applejack farting. And you can feel a warm puddle form where Rainbow is laying. She's peeing her shorts, and from the way she's sighing in relief, she's enjoying it.

Only another ten minutes or so later - it's hard to tell cause you're having so much fun - you have to pee too. But you don't want to get out of this position so you hold it. You continue to breathe in only through your nose and out the mouth, taking in the stench of Rainbow and Applejack's butts and their farts. About 37 minutes since Applejack sat on your head, you can't hold it anymore, in part due to excitement of your position. You wet your pajamas, but you don't care.

"Havin' fun?" Applejack asks.

"Most definitely," you say.

"In case you're wonderin', I went just before you met up with us. In mah shorts." She chuckles.

The three of you stay in this position for over an hour before Applejack stands up. "I'm ready for somethin' to eat." She stretches her arms, and you get a whiff of her armpits as you take your face off Rainbow's butt.

"Aw, it has to end so soon?" you ask.

Rainbow stands up. "I know, but I'm getting pretty hungry too. As awesome as that was."

"I hope you enjoyed that as much as we did," you say to Applejack.

"Darn tootin'," she says. A loud, wet fart makes its way out of her and she wets her shorts. "Ahh, that's better." You slap her butt playfully and she chuckles. "So, what you want for dinner?"

After a delicious meal, during which you drink more cider, and in Rainbow and Applejack's case, with fart powder in it, Rainbow says "We have a spare closet that has enough room for three people. How would you like us to go in there? To smell us in an enclosed space?"

"That would be awesome," you say.

So Rainbow and Applejack lead you to the spare closet, and the three of you enter, and Rainbow closes the door behind her. Immediately the closet is full of their stench, but it's like a sauna to you. You sit down, inhaling deeply through your nose, and exhaling in a sigh of pleasure.

Rainbow and Applejack sit down on either side of you and stretch their arms. The smell immediately intensifies, much to your enjoyment.

"So, you smelled our armpits," says Rainbow. "And our butts, like, a LOT." She chuckles, farts, and continues. "How would you like to smell our feet?

"Do you even have to ask?" you say.

Rainbow and Applejack both remove their shoes and socks, and if it was even possible, the foul smell in the closet becomes even more pungent. You get the feeling you'll never wash the smell out of your pajamas, but you don't care, you're having so much fun.

Rainbow and Applejack adjust positions so their feet are right in front of your face. A year of running without washing them, even in winter where they're sure to have kept them warm, has left them smelling every bit as foul as their butts and their armpits. You inhale deeply through your nose, and Rainbow and Applejack chuckle, taking pleasure in you smelling their feet.

You alternate between sniffing their feet up close, then you say "Rainbow, give me both your feet now."

Rainbow lifts her feet up, and you turn towards her, grab her feet in your hands, and sniff them while tickling them with your other hand. Rainbow starts to laugh, involuntarily farting several times. "HAHAHAHAHA! Cut it out! I'm really ticklish! HAHAHAHAHA!"

You keep sniffing and tickling her feet for about a minute before Rainbow starts peeing her stinky shorts again. You keep tickling and sniffing her feet for a minute after she finishes peeing, then say "Now it's your turn, Applejack."

Rainbow catches her breath. "That was really fun," she says. She farts loudly and chuckles.

You take Applejack's feet and start simultaneously sniffing and tickling them. She starts to laugh, though it takes her only a little longer than Rainbow to pee in her stinky shorts, all the while farting involuntarily. As with Rainbow you keep tickling for a minute after she's done wetting herself.

When Applejack catches her breath, she says "That was real fun."

You sit in there for another hour, occasionally sniffing their feet and armpits, while they fart several times.

Eventually, Rainbow says "Wanna watch a Daring Do movie with some snacks and soda?"

"Sounds good," you say.

"Then let's go," says Applejack.

You stand up and Rainbow opens the closet door. A large cloud of visible stench rushes out of the closet as you walk out. You sniff yourself. You're pretty sure you smell almost as bad as them after being exposed to their stench for so long, and having them fart on you. But it's hard to tell since the air around Rainbow and Applejack is too foul to smell anything else.

You sit on the couch watching a Daring Do movie. You sit between Rainbow and Applejack, who often stretch their arms so you can smell their armpits. They fart repeatedly during the movie, and they each wet themselves once.

Eventually it's time for bed.

"Wanna sleep in our bed?" Rainbow asks.

"I'd love to," you say.

"You can sleep between us," says Applejack. "That way you can get a good whiff of us as you fall asleep and when we wake up. If you don't mind us wettin' the bed."

"Of course I don't mind," you say.

So you get into bed, which feels as damp and dirty as their shorts, and lay between the two smelly girls, who are still wearing their dirty outfits they've worn all day. You've had so much fun today and you're sure it won't be the last time. Rainbow and Applejack stretch their arms as they lay there, causing the stench of their armpits to flow in your direction, before they fall asleep. You stay awake for a bit longer because both of them fart in their sleep, until you fall asleep as well.


You wake up before they do. You immediately pick up a pungent odor, and quickly remember your day of fun with the two smelly girls yesterday.

Then you realize that what's waking you up is a feeling of wetness. At first you think you wet the bed, but feeling your damp pajama bottoms you realize this isn't the case, they would be a lot wetter. Then you hear the hissing sound coming from Rainbow Dash and realize she's wetting the bed. She farts in the middle of peeing, still asleep.

When the wetness reaches Applejack, a hissing sound comes from her as well and she lets out a sigh of relief in her sleep. She's wetting the bed too. A few wet farts make their way out of her as she's peeing.

You lay between the wet, smelly girls, enjoying every second of it before they wake up.

"Good morning," you say. "You're smelling wonderful this morning." You inhale deeply through your nose.

"Thanks, sugarcube," says Applejack, while Rainbow chuckles.

Both stretch their arms, and you get another whiff of their extremely stinky armpits. You're so excited you pee your pajamas again. You blush a little, but smile, and they laugh a little, which you know is in good nature.

"Let's get you showered and changed," says Applejack.

"This will be the first time we turn on the shower in a year," says Rainbow Dash.

"Can we have breakfast before I wash up?" you ask, for you don't mind staying in wet, smelly pajamas a little while longer.

"Sure," says Applejack.

Rainbow Dash farts loudly. PPPFFFFRRRRT!

Fluttershy and Rarity

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You're walking along a path at the park on a beautiful summer day, when suddenly you see two beautiful girls walking towards you. One of them has yellow skin, long pink hair, a white tank top, and short, skintight green shorts. The other has white skin, purple hair, a light blue tank top, and short, skintight purple shorts.

What really makes them get your attention is how dirty they look. They look as though they haven't washed in months. Their hair is messy, their tank tops and shorts look very dirty, and a visible stench is coming off them. Most people would be put off by this, but to you, it just makes them more attractive.

They're so busy talking they don't notice you at first. You walk by them and catch a whiff of them. They smell every bit as foul as they look. You inhale deeply through your nose and sigh.

The smelly girls turn in your direction, noticing you for the first time. You blush.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," says the pink-haired girl in a beautiful voice. "I didn't notice you."

"I'm dreadfully sorry about the smell," said the purple-haired girl in a posh voice.

"Don't be," you say. "I don't mind."

"You don't?" they say at once.

"I could hang out with you all day."

"In that case, it's very nice to meet you," says the purple-haired girl. "I am Rarity, and this is Fluttershy."

You shake Rarity's hand. As you shake Fluttershy's hand, she farts loudly. She blushes a little but giggles.

"Ooh, Fluttershy," says Rarity. She smiles, lifts her leg, and lets out a loud wet fart of her own. "Pardon our unladylike display, but we do that a lot."

"I don't mind that either," you say with a smile. Rarity and Fluttershy blush but also smile as well. "If you don't mind my asking, how do two girls like you get so dirty and smelly?"

"Over a year ago I lost a bet to Rainbow Dash," says Rarity. "I had to not wash for a week."

"I volunteered to not wash with her," says Fluttershy.

"It was unpleasant at first, but as the days went by I started to like it. By the end of the first week I was farting loud and shamelessly."

"Me too."

"So after our two weeks were up, we decided to stay dirty and smelly and not wash again, unless you count being in the rain a few times."

"We do wash our hands though."

"Twilight installed a system to pump air freshener into my boutique, and whenever we hang out with our friends or go out to the store, we wear dresses I designed to mask our stench."

"We go as we are for walks in the park and usually avoid getting too close to people."

"I'm glad you got close to me," you say.

"You should know," says Fluttershy. "We... um... also like to wet ourselves. Whenever we need to pee, we pee in our shorts. I had a few accidents on the first two weeks and Rarity wet herself to make me feel better, and we both found we really enjoyed it."

"We don't mess ourselves, but we don't use toilet paper either," says Rarity. "We... like being dirty that way."

"That's all right," you say. "The dirtier the better."

"How would you like to stay over at our house tonight?" Rarity asks, batting her eyelashes.

"Sounds good," you say.

You walk with them for a while, during which Rarity wets her shorts. You stand between them, enjoying their smell. Then, you head back to your house. They walk with you back there, and soon you're standing at your door.

"How about we come by at 6:00 and show you to our house?" Rarity asks.

"Sounds good," you say.

"I have to go to the bathroom," says Fluttershy. She sighs in relief as she wets her shorts.

"See you at 6," you say.


At 6:00, you're waiting in your front yard for Rarity and Fluttershy, with your pajamas packed in a bag.

Soon, they show up, as dirty and smelly as ever.

"Ready to have some fun at our house?" Rarity asks.

"You bet," you say.

"We'll lead the way," says Fluttershy. It's hard to believe a girl as graceful and pretty as her can be so dirty. You love it.

As you walk behind them, in the center of their massive stink wave, you can't help but stare at their butts. They look so cute in those dirty shorts. You'd love to slap them or rub them. But you're not sure they'd want that yet. You notice small brown spots on their butts. This must be from not wiping.

Rarity and Fluttershy look over their shoulders at you and smile. "Are you enjoying the view?" Rarity asks.

You blush. "Yes," you say.

Rarity farts loudly and giggles.

"If you think you can handle the smell... would you mind terribly if I asked you to rub my tushie?" Fluttershy asks.

"What?" you say.

"I'm sorry," says Fluttershy. "I know it's a lot to ask. You'd probably faint or throw up if you got that close to my rear, even if you don't mind our smell now."

"Are you kidding? I'd love to! And no smell from you two could possibly make me vomit or faint."

Fluttershy smiles. "That's good. I love it when my butt gets slapped and rubbed." She lets out an airy fart and giggles.

"And you can fart in my face all you want," you say.

Fluttershy squeals with excitement and wets her shorts. "Oh... I guess I got a little too excited." But she doesn't seem embarrassed at her accident. You remember she and Rarity like wetting themselves.

You slap Fluttershy's butt playfully. She giggles.

"Why does Fluttershy get all the fun?" Rarity says in a mock jealous voice.

You slap Rarity's butt, which makes her fart again.

"That's better," says Rarity. "I'll be wanting a massage to my rear end as well. And I will most certainly fart in your face several times."

Eventually you reach their house and enter. It looks surprisingly neat for such dirty smelly girls.

"That was a nice walk," says Rarity. She stretches her arms, and you immediately get a whiff of her armpits, which smell worse than the rest of her. You inhale deeply through your nose. Rarity smiles. "Would you like to smell our armpits first?"

"Sure. Just let me change into my pajamas. I'll probably be getting them dirty anyway sleeping in your bed tonight."

Once you're wearing your pajamas, you return to Rarity and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy raises her arm so that the smell of her armpit reaches you as well. "This isn't too much, is it?"

"There is no 'too much' when it comes to you two."

Fluttershy stands on your right side, Rarity stands on your left side. Fluttershy raises her left arm and Rarity raises her right arm so your head is between both of their smelly armpits. You inhale deeply through your nose and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"I never thought I'd meet someone who likes smelly girls," says Rarity. "Most people would be turned off by the way we smell."

"I'm not most people," you say. "I like seeing pretty girls being dirty and unladylike."

"I really like people like you," she says. "Who we can be as dirty as we want for and have them not only not mind it, but enjoy it."

"Me too," says Fluttershy. "I mean... there is Rarity, but she's as dirty as I am."

You smell their armpits for about a minute. Then they withdraw their arms and get on all fours, side by side, with their butts facing you. You love the way they look in this position, and you're pretty sure you know what this is an invitation for.

As you walk over to them, Rarity farts loudly. So you start rubbing her butt first. Her shorts are so dirty and damp and grimy, and they smell like a year's worth of sweat, body odor, farts, and pee, with a hint of poop from the stain on her butt. You sniff her butt deeply as you rub.

Rarity lets out a series of wet farts in your face. Some of them are long and deep-pitched, some are short but loud. After a particularly loud or long fart, you pat her butt lightly, then go back to rubbing it. Aside from how dirty her shorts are, her butt feels so soft, like kneading bread dough.

You're rubbing Rarity's butt for five minutes before Fluttershy says "Um, excuse me. I have to fart really bad and I've been holding it in for the last few minutes, but I want to save it for when you're rubbing my tushie."

You stop rubbing Rarity's butt and start rubbing Fluttershy's butt. Her shorts are every bit as damp, dirty, grimy, and smelly as Rarity's, and her butt is just as soft and fun to rub.


Fluttershy sighs in relief as a loud, long, deep-pitched fart makes its way out of her. You can actually feel it blowing against your face. You sniff deeply.

"Nice one, Fluttershy," you say. You pat her butt before rubbing it some more.

Fluttershy giggles. As you rub her butt, she lets loose with a flurry of short, boisterous, wet farts. You keep sniffing her butt as you rub it, and pat her butt after a particularly loud fart. She really seems to enjoy it.

"Ooh... I don't know how much longer I can hold this next fart," says Rarity five minutes into Fluttershy's butt massage.

"Wait," says Fluttershy. *fffrrrt* "Okay, you can go back to Rarity now."

You start rubbing Rarity's butt again. You're barely on her butt for a second before...


You can feel Rarity's long, explosive wet fart blowing against your face just like with Fluttershy. You sniff deeply and slap her butt playfully. "Nice one, Rarity." You then continue rubbing her butt.

You go back and forth between them for about a half hour, rubbing their butts while they fart in your face. On Rarity's third butt massage she wets her shorts, but you don't stop rubbing.

Eventually Rarity says "As divine as that was, that's enough, let's get a drink and do something else."

"That was really fun," says Fluttershy.

"It was really fun for me too," you say.

You all get something to drink and meet back in the living room. "Now what?" you ask.

Fluttershy lays facedown in Rarity's puddle. "Since you like our butts so much... I'm sure you wouldn't object to pressing your face against my tushie?"

You immediately lay facedown with your head resting on Fluttershy's butt. "This answer your question?" you say.

Fluttershy farts and giggles.

Then Rarity sits on your head. Your head is now stuck between the smelly, gassy butts of two beautiful, graceful, yet dirty and smelly girls. And you love it. Their shorts feel so dirty and grimy and damp and they smell absolutely foul. Anyone else would've fainted in your position. But you love it, inhaling deeply through your nose and giving them the thumbs up.

"You're sure our smell can never be too much for you?" Fluttershy says.

"I'm sure," you say. Your voice is muffled under Fluttershy and Rarity's rear ends but you're sure they can hear you.

Only a few seconds later, both Rarity and Fluttershy unleash another flurry of boisterous wet farts on your head. This is absolute bliss for you and you wish this moment could last forever. At one point you pee in your pajamas, partly with excitement, and partly from just not wanting to get up.

"Oh my," Rarity says. "Are you all right?" *ffffrrrt*

"Still having lots of fun," you say. "Stay there and keep farting for as long as you want."

You lose track of the time but it must be at least an hour before Rarity stands up. "That's probably enough for now."

You stand up. Your pajama bottoms are wet and you smell like farts. "That was amazing. Thank you."

Fluttershy stands up. "It was really fun for me too. What now?"

"How would you like to go in an enclosed space with us?" Rarity asks.

"I'd love to," you say.

The three of you walk into a spare closet, and Fluttershy closes it behind you. The closet is immediately full of their stench, which is like a sauna to you.

"Would you like to smell our feet?" Fluttershy asks.

"Sure," you say. "I bet they smell just like your armpits."

The three of you sit down, with Rarity and Fluttershy facing you on either side. Rarity and Fluttershy remove their socks and shoes, and put their feet right next to your head.

You sniff. "Phew! Your feet do smell terrible." You sniff deeply and sigh of pleasure.

Rarity and Fluttershy giggle. Fluttershy lets out a loud, deep-pitched fart in this position, but the inside of the closet already smells so foul that you don't even notice any difference.

After about a minute of sniffing their feet, you grab Fluttershy's feet in one hand, sniff them up close, and tickle them with the other hand.

Fluttershy starts laughing hard. She squirms where she sits, unable to kick her legs as you tickle her feet relentlessly, sniffing them. She laughs so hard she accidentally farts a few times.


You keep tickling, and soon Fluttershy is peeing her stinky shorts. You tickle for about a minute after she's done peeing.

Once you stop, Fluttershy catches her breath. "That was really fun." She giggles and stretches her arms. The smell in the closet intensifies.

"My turn," says Rarity.

You grab her feet and start tickling them while sniffing them as well. Rarity starts laughing uncontrollably, and involuntarily lets out a few farts. You sniff her feet deeply as you tickle her.

"If you keep tickling her she's going to pee herself," says Fluttershy.

"Is that so?" you say. You stop, letting Rarity catch her breath, and then tickle her some more.


Rarity farts and then starts peeing her stinky shorts. She keeps laughing as she wets herself, while Fluttershy giggles. As with Fluttershy, you only stop tickling a minute after she's done peeing.

"That was simply divine," Rarity says. She stretches her arms, further intensifying the stench.

You sit in here for another hour, during which they fart repeatedly, before you all stand up and exit the closet. As the door opens, a massive cloud of visible stench comes rushing out. You're sure your pajamas will have to be washed at least five times to get the smell out, but you don't care. If anything you like having them smell like these two smelly girls.

"What do you say we go to bed now?" you ask.

"Sure," says Rarity. "But first..." She whispers to Fluttershy. Standing next to each other, they raise their arms closest to each other, grab your head with their other hands, and force your face into their sweaty, smelly armpits.

Their armpits smell so horrible that you don't think anyone else would be able to survive this. But you love it. You sniff deeply and sigh in pleasure.

When you get into their bed, you lay between them. You wouldn't have it any other way. They stretch their arms, and once again you're blasted with the pungent stench of their armpits. Though they're sleeping in their dirty tank tops and shorts, they don't have their shoes on, so whenever you put your face under the covers you smell their feet, not to mention their farts. And when your face is above the covers you smell their armpits.

It isn't long before Rarity and Fluttershy fall asleep. You breathe in only through your nose as you lay between them. They fart in their sleep, but it isn't long before you fall asleep.


You wake up the following morning to a feeling of wetness on either side of you. You hear a hissing sound, which seems to be coming from both sides. You remember everything that happened yesterday and smile. There is no doubt that Rarity and Fluttershy are both wetting the bed.

You have to pee too but you wait until they wake up.

"That was a nice sleep," says Rarity. She stretches her arms, and you get a whiff of her armpits before she farts.

"It was," says Fluttershy. "Looks like I wet the bed again." She giggles and stretches her arms so you can smell her armpits as well.

"Did you have a nice sleep, Anon?" Rarity asks.

"Yes," you say. "And even before I fell asleep it was really fun laying between you two."

"I imagine you need to use the bathroom," Rarity says. "If you want, you can go right here. Like we did." She giggles.

"Your shorts are already wet so peeing in them again couldn't hurt," says Fluttershy. She farts, and says "You can shower and change whenever you want."

You let go and pee your pajamas. "Ahhhhh..."

Sunset and Twilight

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You're out camping somewhere. After lunch, you go for a walk around the campsite path through the woods. You're still wearing your pajamas, you can't really see any reason not to.

As you turn a corner, you see two girls standing there talking. One has yellow skin, red and yellow hair, and is wearing a black T-shirt with a sun design on it and a pair of tight jeans. The other has purple skin, dark purple hair in a ponytail with glasses, a light blue T-shirt, and short, thick but tight purple shorts.

As you get closer, you notice these girls look very dirty, and a visible stench is emanating from them. You have a thing for dirty smelly girls like them so you walk towards them. As you get closer you can smell them.

They stop talking and turn towards you.

"You don't want to come any closer," says the redhead. "We pick the most isolated campsite for a reason."

"If you're referring to the way you smell, I don't mind," you say.

"Really?" says the redhead, sounding intrigued.

"In that case, it's nice to meet you," says the purple girl. "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"I'm Sunset Shimmer," says the redhead.

You shake their hands, and sniff. Sunset and Twilight smell absolutely foul. You're really enjoying being near them, but you don't want to weird them out with your fetish. "Did you get sprayed by a skunk?"

"No, we just haven't washed for a year," says Sunset.

"A year?"

"Twilight and I were on a two-week camping trip. But the shower was broken and the lake was roped off because it was polluted. So we weren't able to wash the entire time. At first it was unpleasant, but we found we liked it. There was also no toilet paper in the bathroom so we haven't been wiping either. We got some dirty fun out of that, too." Sunset blushes but smiles. "So we haven't washed or wiped since we got back."

"Not washing for an extended period of time causes body odor that makes you smell really bad," says Twilight.

"Yeah, I knew that already," you say.

"When we hang with our friends we always spray air freshener in the room," says Sunset. "And when we go out, Rarity makes us wear frou frou dresses that block our smell."

"Sometimes they can take a while to get off," says Twilight. "Of course we don't have to worry about making it to the bathroom on time because whenever we need to go, we always wet ourselves."

"Yes we do," says Sunset. "I hope that doesn't put you off." FFFFRRRRRT! "And we fart a lot. But although we don't wipe, we don't mess ourselves either."

"Doesn't put me off in the least," you say. "Do you mind if I hang out with you today?"

"Not at all," says Sunset. "I like someone who doesn't mind how we smell."

"Me too," says Twilight. "There's just something about it that makes me feel..." She blushes a little.

"How would you feel if I really liked the way you smell?"

"Ooh, you have an olfactophilia fetish?" Twilight says excitedly.

"Olfacto-what?" says Sunset, a bit puzzled.

"It means you get sexually aroused when someone smells really bad."

"I like that even more." Sunset blushes and smiles.

"Sounds like we're gonna have lots of fun together," you say. You can't believe your good fortune. Here are two smelly girls who like the way you feel about them.

Twilight is so excited she wets her shorts. She blushes lightly but giggles.

"Expect that to happen a lot," says Sunset. She stretches her arms and the smell of her armpits wafts in your direction. You inhale deeply through your nose and exhale in a sigh of pleasure. Sunset and Twilight smile.


You hang out outside for a while before Twilight says "Want to go back to our tent?"

"Sure," you say.

"Our sleeping bag might be big enough for three," says Sunset.

"Sounds like fun."

Sunset and Twilight walk ahead of you. As you walk behind them, with their stink wave blowing in your direction, you stare at their butts. Sunset's butt looks so cute in those dirty jeans, and Twilight's butt, just as much in those tight dirty shorts. You can see small brown stains on their butts from not wiping.

Twilight farts loudly. PPPPRRRRRT! She looks over her shoulder at you with a smile, then slaps her butt.

Sunset wets her pants while walking. She sighs in relief as she does so, then slaps her butt seductively.

You enter their tent. It is pretty small, so as soon as you're inside, the tent is full of their smell. More so when Twilight closes it.

"What would you like to do first?" Sunset asks. She and Twilight stretch their arms, and the smell in the tent intensifies.

You inhale deeply through your nose, greatly enjoying the smell. "I'd like to sniff your armpits."

Sunset and Twilight walk in front of you. Sunset raises her right arm, Twilight raises her left arm, and they put their armpits as close to your face as they can. You sniff deeply, savoring every second the stench of their armpits enters your nostrils.

After about a minute of it, Sunset and Twilight grab your face and force it into their armpits. You're surprised at first, but then resume sniffing deeply. Their armpits are so sweaty and stinky and you love it.

Another 30 seconds or so later, they lower their arms.

"How would you like to give us a butt massage?" Sunset asks.

"If you don't mind us farting in your face," Twilight says.

"I'd love to," you say.

Sunset and Twilight get side by side and down on all fours with their butts facing you. You love the way they look in this position in their dirty, tight outfits.

You start rubbing Sunset's butt first. Sunset sighs in pleasure as you caress and sniff her butt simultaneously. Her butt smells just as bad as her armpits, though it's a little less body odor with the added smells of farts, pee, and poop. Her jeans feel dirty, damp, and grimy, and her butt feels so soft.

Sunset unleashes several boisterous wet farts in your face. After a particularly loud fart, you slap her butt, then you continue rubbing it. Sunset seems to enjoy the swats as much as the butt massage, and she looks like she's having fun farting on you.

After about five minutes, you go over to Twilight and start rubbing her butt. Only five seconds in, she lets out a long, loud, wet fart in your face, and sighs of relief. "I've been holding that in for the last four minutes."

"I'm glad you held it till I was right next to your rear end," you say, slapping Twilight's butt playfully. Twilight giggles and lets loose with a flurry of short, explosive wet farts as you continue to rub her butt. Her shorts are as dirty, grimy, and damp as Sunset's jeans, and while her butt doesn't quite feel as soft, you still really enjoy rubbing it.

After about five minutes, Sunset says "I have a big fart coming and I don't want it to be wasted."

"Go ahead," says Twilight. "I can wait another five minutes."

You go back to rubbing Sunset's butt.


Sunset sighs in relief as her long, loud, deep-pitched fart blasts you in the face.

"Nice one, Sunset," you say, slapping her butt before rubbing it some more.

You go back and forth between them for about a half hour before you stop. "That's enough butt massage for me," you say. "Although I really enjoyed that."

"Me too," says Sunset.

"Me three," says Twilight. "So what now?"

Sunset lays facedown. "How would you like your face pressed against my rear end?"

You lay facedown with your face on Sunset's butt. "Like this?" you ask. Her butt feels as good on your face as on your hands.

Sunset farts in response and chuckles.

Then Twilight sits on your head. Your head is now pressed between Sunset and Twilight's butts, equally foul-smelling and gassy. You can't think of a more fun position to be in.

"If you can smell our armpits and rear ends as close as you did, it's scientifically impossible for our smell to make you faint or vomit in any way," says Twilight.

"You know it," you say.

"In other words, Sunset, don't hold back on the farts."

"I won't," says Sunset. You can't see because your face is pressed against Sunset's tush but you're sure she's smiling.

Immediately after, Sunset and Twilight both let out a series of wet farts ranging in pitch and length. You're enjoying this position even more. As the minutes go by, you don't want this to stop. You have to pee, but you don't want to make Twilight get off you so you just pee your pajamas.

Twilight giggles. "Looks like you're enjoying this so much you don't want to take a bathroom break." She farts again.

You lose track of the time but it has to be over an hour before Twilight gets up. "That was fun but I feel like doing something else now."

You get up. You smell like farts and your pajama bottoms are wet, but you don't care, you're enjoying this way too much. "It was fun. Sunset?"

"Most definitely," says Sunset. "Before you came along, Twi would just sit on my butt and we'd fart on each other. Sometimes I'd wet myself laying down, sometimes she'd pee herself all over my rear end."

Twilight giggles. "Want to smell our feet now?"

"Sure," you say.

First Sunset and Twilight stretch their arms, and you get another whiff of their armpits amidst the stench of body odor and farts in the tent. You inhale deeply through your nose and let out a sigh of pleasure. Then, Sunset and Twilight sit down side by side, and remove their socks and shoes. More stink waves come off their feet and the smell in the tent becomes even more pungent.

You take Sunset's feet in your hands and sniff them. They smell just like her armpits. Years of walking, sometimes in summer heat, and sometimes with warm socks in winter, and not washing them once.

After about 30 seconds of sniffing Sunset's feet, you then take Twilight's feet in your hands and start sniffing them. They smell just like Sunset's feet. Twilight giggles as you sniff her feet deeply. They really do enjoy having you sniff them.

Then you start tickling Twilight's feet. Twilight starts laughing, trying to kick her legs but you hold her feet tight and tickle them while sniffing. Twilight laughs so hard she wets herself again, while a few short wet farts make their way out of her. You don't stop tickling until about a minute after she's done peeing her stinky shorts.

"That was really fun," says Twilight once she catches her breath.

"Now it's your turn, Sunset." You take Sunset's feet in your hands and simultaneously sniff and tickle them. Sunset laughs uncontrollably. You keep tickling, while keeping her feet as close to your nose as possible. As Sunset laughs, she lets out a few involuntary wet farts.

"She's gonna urinate on herself any second now," Twilight says with a smile.

Sure enough, Sunset laughs so hard she wets her pants. You stop tickling her a minute after she's done peeing.

Sunset catches her breath. "I love being tickled into wetting myself while you're sniffing my feet." She and Twilight both stretch their arms, and once again you get a very unpleasant whiff of their armpits. Well, far from unpleasant for you.


When it's time for bed, you examine the sleeping bag.

"Usually the two of us sleep in it," says Twilight. "But it should be big enough for all of us.

"You get to smell us up close the whole night," says Sunset with a smile.

"Sounds like a wonderful night," you say.

"I hope you don't mind how dirty the sleeping bag is inside," says Sunset. "We've been laying in it in our filthy state several times, and peeing in it."

You respond by climbing into the center of the sleeping bag. Sunset and Twilight smile and climb in on either side of you. You're really enjoying being in this dirty sleeping bag between these two dirty, smelly girls.

"If you have to go to the bathroom, you can do it right here unless you really don't want to," says Sunset.

"I'm going right now," Twilight says as a hissing sound comes from her and the inside of the sleeping bag feels wetter. All three of you laugh.

Then Sunset and Twilight stretch their arms. With their armpits on either side of you you're smelling them full blast again. They fart several times, even after they fall asleep. You stay awake for a little while longer, but eventually, the sauna of their foul smell inside this tent soothes you into falling asleep as well.


You wake up to a hissing sound on either side of you and a very wet feeling. At first you think you're wetting the sleeping bag, but then you realize you're not peeing, and both Sunset and Twilight are. They're smiling and sighing of relief as they sleep. And you join right in, peeing your already wet pajamas.

Eventually Sunset wakes up. She stretches her arms, giving you another whiff of her armpits, and farts, waking Twilight up.

Twilight giggles. "Did we wet the bed again? It's hard to tell." A sputtering wet fart makes its way out of her.

"You did," you say. "And then I wet my pajamas while awake."

Sunset and Twilight giggle.

"How long are you here for anyway?" Twilight asks.

"Two more days," you say.

"Two more days of fun," says Sunset.

"And even after we're done here, we can hang out at your place or ours," says Twilight.

You have more fun sniffing Twilight and Sunset's armpits, butts, and feet, while giving them butt massages and having them sit on your face and fart. Sometimes Twilight and Sunset swap positions so your face is on Twilight's butt and Sunset sits on your head. All of you only use the bathroom to take a dump, and don't wipe.

You don't change out of your wet, smelly pajamas until the camping trip is over.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie

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You're at the races, watching your favorite runner race. Her name is Rainbow Dash. Every day she's wearing the same outfit: Skintight black spandex shorts that go about halfway to her knees, and a dirty white T-shirt with a rainbow lightning bolt on it.

At least, you THINK it used to be white. Her shirt is so dirty it's hard to tell what color it was. This is part of why you like her so much: She looks like she hasn't bathed or changed in months. And from the way people avoid her in the race, and hold their noses when they give her her trophy, she smells like it too. As she runs you can see a visible stench emanating from her. None of the other racers run directly downwind of her, but she's so fast she's always ahead of them.

Occasionally another girl runs the race with her. She's not quite as fast but she has fun anyway. Her name is Pinkie Pie, and she looks every bit as dirty and smelly as Rainbow Dash. She is wearing short, tight jean shorts and a white and pink T-shirt. Again, you're assuming it used to be white, it's so dirty it's stained a brownish gray color. Her shorts look even dirtier, and they even have a small brown spot at the butt. It's too small for her to mess herself so you assume it's because she doesn't wipe, and you wouldn't be surprised if the same applies to Rainbow Dash, though it's hard to tell because her shorts are black. The other racers avoid the visible stench coming off her as well.

Both of them would be considered very attractive if they weren't so filthy. At least, to most people. To you, it makes you like them even more, for you have a thing for smelly girls. Which is why you always watch whichever race Rainbow Dash is in, and enjoy it even more when Pinkie is there with her.

As usual, Rainbow Dash wins the race. Pinkie places lower but she doesn't care, she's having so much fun.


You leave the racetrack, but turn back towards it and stare at it. You don't want Rainbow and Pinkie to get weirded out, but you'd love to get just one whiff of either of them. If you want to be really demanding, their feet, butts, or armpits. But it'll probably never happen, so you'll have to settle with their visible stench and dirty appearance as they-

"Whatchya doing?"

You jump, and as you do, a stench more foul than anything you have ever smelled enters your nostrils. You turn around, and your heart leaps again, this time with excitement. Pinkie Pie is standing right there, with a smile on her face, and as dirty and smelly as ever. Up close she looks even better. She is soaked with sweat. It suddenly occurs to you that their sweating from running so many races enhances their smell beyond what it would be if they weren't so active.

You blush. "Nothing," you say.

"It doesn't seem like nothing to me, silly! You're just itching to smell me, aren't you?"

"How did you-"

"Just a hunch." Pinkie raises her left arm and you immediately get a whiff of her stinky armpits. You inhale deeply through your nose and sigh of pleasure.

Rainbow Dash walks up to you two, and the smell intensifies. "Whoa. How are you still conscious?"

"I... don't exactly mind the way you smell," you say.

"So you have no sense of smell? Because we smell REALLY bad." She chuckles, as if she takes pride in it.

"No, I... have a thing for smelly girls." You blush. "She's fine with it."

Rainbow smiles. "I've always wanted to have someone smell me and like it. It's been one of my fantasies, but I didn't know people like you existed."

"So can we hang out?" you ask.

"You'll have to pass a little test first," says Rainbow. "We'll do it at my house. Either way I'd suggest bringing an outfit you don't mind getting dirty or stinky."

"All right, I'll go get my pajamas."

"We'll go with you, then lead you to Rainbow's house," Pinkie says.

You stand between Pinkie and Rainbow as you walk to your house. You love every second of it, as you can smell them clearly even though you're outside.

"So, how long since you last washed or changed clothes?" you ask.

"Over a year ago," says Rainbow. "One day I just decided to stop washing, and found it was really fun to smell like this."

"I started a day after she did, and I found it really fun too," says Pinkie. "And for parties, the whole ventilation system has air freshener in it. And Rarity made a dress for me that blocks the smell for other occasions."

"You should know, we fart a lot. More than the average person. We're like, REALLY gassy." Rainbow farts loudly.

Pinkie giggles. "And whenever we need to pee, we just pee in our shorts. We started a few weeks into our not-washing-and-smelling-bad time, and we really like how it feels." She farts and giggles again.

"We don't mess ourselves, but we don't wipe either," says Rainbow.

"I don't mind one bit," you say. "The dirtier, the better."

Rainbow and Pinkie smile.

Once you go inside and pick up your pajamas, Rainbow says "We'll lead the way from here. You walk behind us."

As you walk, not only are you standing directly downwind of the two smelly girls, in the center of their massive stink wave, but you get a nice view of their butts. This is the first time you've really seen them up close.

"Like the view?" Pinkie slaps her butt playfully, then she farts. PPPFFFFT!

You blush. "Y... yes."

Rainbow farts even louder. BBBRRRAAAAAAP! She looks over her shoulder at you with a smile on her face, and slaps her butt, before rubbing it a bit.

You really enjoy this.

"If you pass our test, you can give us both a butt massage," says Rainbow. "And sniff our rear ends up close."

Pinkie squeals with excitement and wets her shorts.

"Don't get too excited, Pinkie," says Rainbow, slapping Pinkie's butt. "Anon hasn't passed the test yet."

"Oopsie." Pinkie giggles.

You hope you do pass this test, for you're really excited to give them a butt massage as well.

Eventually you reach Rainbow's house and enter. You go into the bathroom and change into your pajamas, then walk over to Rainbow and Pinkie as they stand side by side.

"Here is your test," says Rainbow. "You have to smell our armpits for 30 seconds. If you look even the slightest bit green or nauseated, let alone vomit or faint, you fail."

"Is that all? I know I'm gonna pass, then."

Rainbow smiles at your confidence, then she and Pinkie raise their arms closest to each other. Already you can smell their armpits, which smell several times worse than the rest of them, except, you're sure, their feet and butts. You put your face as close to their armpits as possible and sniff deeply.

Just as you exhale in a sigh of pleasure, Rainbow suddenly grabs you with her other hand and forces your face into their armpits. You don't mind one bit. You keep breathing in through your nose, savoring the pungent odor.

Even after Rainbow releases you, you continue to stand there sniffing her and Pinkie's armpits.

After over a minute, Rainbow says "All right, I think that's enough." She and Pinkie step backward slightly and lower their arms, smiling.

"Did I pass?" you ask.

"With 120%!" Rainbow says. "If you love the way our armpits smell, there's nothing from us that you can't handle."

"Butt massage time!" Pinkie gets down on all fours, farting loudly. She giggles and pats her butt. "Now you get to do that all you want!"

Rainbow also gets down on all fours next to Pinkie. You love the way both their butts look in this position in their dirty, smelly shorts.

"I have to go to the bathroom first," Rainbow says. She sighs in relief as she pees in her stinky shorts. "Ahhhhh..."

Once she's done peeing, you rub her butt. It feels so firm. Her shorts feel very damp and dirty and grimy, though not soaking wet given the position she was in when she peed herself. You sniff her butt deeply as you rub. Her butt smells like a year's worth of body odor, farts, pee, and poop. Speaking of farts...


Rainbow sighs in relief as she unleashes a boisterous wet fart in your face. A barrage of equally loud farts, ranging in pitch and length, make their way out of her. You keep sniffing her butt as you rub, and after a particularly loud fart you slap her butt playfully, or else pat her butt lightly, before rubbing some more.

About five minutes later, Pinkie is fidgeting. "When do I get my turn?" she asks. "I have to fart REALLY bad!"

You stop rubbing Rainbow's butt, get behind Pinkie, and start rubbing her butt. Her shorts feel just as dirty, damp, and grimy as Rainbow's, and smell exactly the same. You're not sure which you like more in this state - spandex or denim.


You can feel this long, loud, high-pitched fart blowing against your face, and you love it. You sniff deeply before Pinkie is done farting. She sighs in relief and giggles. As you continue to caress her tushie, she lets out a flurry of short, explosive wet farts. After some of her louder farts you pat her rear end lightly or slap it playfully, then continue rubbing. She is clearly enjoying this as much as you are.

About five minutes later, a short, wet fart makes its way out of Rainbow. "Can you start rubbing my butt again?" she asks. "I can feel a big fart coming and I can't hold it much longer."

"Wait wait wait wait wait!" says Pinkie. *ppprrrrt* "Okay, now you can go."

You start rubbing Rainbow's butt again. Only a second later...


Rainbow sighs in relief. "Did you like that?"

You sniff deeply. "I loved it." You pat her rear end and continue rubbing and sniffing it simultaneously.

About five minutes later, you notice Pinkie looks like she's holding in an even bigger fart than last time and go back to rubbing her smelly behind.


You're amazed that such a loud, long, deep-pitched fart could come out of a girl as pretty and pink as her, even though she's equally dirty and smelly. It's stinkier than any of her farts today, too.

"Nice one, Pinkie," you say, slapping her butt.

"Did I soil myself?"

"Nope. Your shorts aren't any dirtier than when we started." You sniff. "They're probably stinkier though."

Pinkie giggles.

After about 30 minutes of going back and forth between Rainbow and Pinkie's butts, Rainbow says "That's enough for now."

"Awwww," says Pinkie. A long, wet fart makes its way out of her.

"I think you'll have just as much fun with this next part," Rainbow says. She whispers into Pinkie's ear and Pinkie giggles.

"If it's gonna be as fun as the butt massage, I'm really looking forward to it," you say.

"First let's get a snack and something to drink."

After you do this, during which Pinkie stuffs her face and drinks five cans of soda with fart powder, Rainbow lays facedown in her puddle.

"Put your face on my butt," Rainbow says. She farts loudly.

You immediately lay facedown with your face resting on Dashie's butt. You love having it right in your face as much as it being right in front of you, and you hope she's still going to fart a lot.

Then Pinkie sits on your head. Your head is now pressed between her butt and Rainbow Dash's butt, and you love it. The dirty, grimy feeling of both their shorts on your head, the smell, the feel of their tushies...

Then they both fart on you repeatedly. Their farts vary in pitch and length, but all of them are loud, wet, and smelly, though not much smellier than either of them. Through it all, they are laughing, and Pinkie seems to be kicking her legs.

You stay in this position for a while. Your best guess, at least an hour. It's hard to tell - you're enjoying this more than you can imagine. About halfway through you have to pee, but you're having so much fun right where you are that you just wet your pajamas. This makes Pinkie laugh even more.

Eventually, Pinkie stands up. "Let's have some more drinks with fart powder in them, then switch places!" she says.

"Sounds good," says Rainbow Dash. "Anon?"

"I'd definitely be up for another hour of that," you say. You smell like farts and your pajama bottoms are wet, but you're thoroughly enjoying yourself.

You drink some water while Rainbow and Pinkie drink a lot of soda with fart powder in it. Then Pinkie lays facedown in the puddle of pee. You put your face on her butt, then Rainbow sits on your head. Only a few seconds later, they fart on you some more. You hope this lasts as long as the last time. There are no words to describe the pleasure you get out of this.

At some point, after a long, high-pitched fart, Pinkie says "I gotta go potty!" From what you know about them, you know she's just having fun before she goes to the bathroom in her shorts.

"Then just go right there," says Rainbow Dash. A long, loud, boisterous wet fart makes its way out of her, then a short, wet fart.

Pinkie laughs, and you can hear a hissing sound under her as the puddle grows warmer and rapidly expands.

It must be at least another hour before Rainbow stands up. "That was really fun, but I'm ready for something else now."

You're a little disappointed it's over but you're sure your next activity will be just as fun. You get up and say "So what should we do next?"

"How would you like to go into the spare closet with us?" Pinkie asks.

"An enclosed space. I'd love that." An enclosed space with two gassy, smelly girls.

Rainbow leads you into her spare closet. The three of you enter and Pinkie closes it behind her. The closet is immediately full of their foul smell. Anyone else would have fainted. But to you it's like a sauna. You let out a sigh of pleasure as you sit down between them.

Rainbow and Pinkie both stretch their arms, and the smell in the closet intensifies from the stench of their armpits. You then get an idea.

"I smelled your armpits and your butts. How about I smell your feet?" They must really smell after running so much for a year.

Rainbow and Pinkie grin and remove their socks and shoes. You can see visible stench coming off their feet and the smell gets even more pungent. You inhale deeply through your nose and exhale in another sigh.

"Wait till you smell them up close!" says Rainbow, and she and Pinkie raise their feet so they're right next to your head. The smell is so intense you're sure no one else would even survive it. But you love every second of it. You sniff deeply, then turn your head and alternate between sniffing their feet up close.

BBBBRRRRT! Rainbow chuckles as she farts in this position. Pinkie also laughs, then lets out a loud wet fart of her own. She can barely keep from kicking her feet from laughing, as she doesn't want to kick you in the head.

You get an idea. You grab Pinkie's feet with one hand, sniff them up close, and simultaneously tickle them with the other hand. Pinkie starts to laugh uncontrollably, and you keep tickling her while smelling her feet.

"Hahahahaha! Stop! Hahahahaha! I'm gonna pee! Hahahahahahaha!"

"You just went when my face was on your butt," you say, and keep tickling her.

Pinkie laughs harder and starts peeing her stinky shorts. She doesn't stop laughing as you keep tickling her. If anything you're sure her accident makes it even more fun for her. She also farts a few times from laughing too hard, which makes her laugh even harder, and her stream grows stronger. You keep tickling and sniffing her feet for a minute after she's done peeing. She catches her breath and says "That was really fun! Let's do it again!"

"Maybe," you say. "Now it's Rainbow Dash's turn." You take Rainbow's feet in your hands the same way as Pinkie's and start tickling her. She starts laughing hard while you tickle and sniff her feet, having as much fun as she is. She farts involuntarily as you keep tickling away. Pinkie giggles with each fart, and sometimes responds with a fart of her own.

"Hahahahaha! Cut it out! Hahahaha! I'm gonna... HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Soon Rainbow Dash is wetting herself again. Pinkie starts laughing with her. Rainbow lets out a sputtering wet fart in her puddle. As with Pinkie, you stop tickling a minute after she's done peeing.

"That... was... awesome!" says Rainbow.

"You can say that again," you say.

You sit in the closet for another hour or so, before you stand up and get out. When Pinkie opens the door, a huge cloud of visible stench comes rushing out. You sniff yourself as you step outside. You smell like Rainbow and Pinkie, but to a lesser extent.

"What do you say we watch a movie now?" Rainbow asks.

"If I can sit between you," you say.

The three of you pick out a movie you all like and put it on TV and sit on the couch, with Rainbow on your left side and Pinkie on your right side. You love sitting between these two smelly girls, especially when they keep farting. Several times during the movie, Rainbow and Pinkie stretch their arms so you can get another whiff of their armpits. You take immense pleasure in this. Both of them pee during the movie; Rainbow once, Pinkie twice.

Eventually it's time to go to bed.

"Wanna sleep in my bed tonight?" Rainbow asks.

"Do you have to ask?" you say.

You climb into the bed, with you between Rainbow and Pinkie again. All you can smell is their stench and you love it. They raise their arms, blasting you with the smell of their armpits. Eventually they fall asleep, with their arms still in a position to smell their armpits. They fart in their sleep, and only a half hour in, Pinkie wets the bed. Just under ten minutes later, you fall asleep. You dream of all the fun you had with Rainbow and Pinkie.


You wake up to the sound of a loud fart. You turn in the direction it came from. Pinkie is still asleep, looking like she's having a fun dream. She looks so pretty laying there, in spite of how dirty and smelly she is. You inhale deeply through your nose.

Then you hear a hissing sound emanating from her, and the wetness in the bed grows warmer and wetter. Pinkie is wetting the bed twice in one night!

She farts again, and this time Rainbow wakes up. She stretches her arms, which gives you another fine whiff of her armpits, and farts. "Good morning."

"Good morning Dashie, Anon," said Pinkie.

"Good morning to you too," you say. "Last night I was dreaming of all the fun we had."

"This definitely won't be the last time," says Rainbow. "I have to pee really badly."

"Then just go, Dashie," Pinkie says.

Rainbow chuckles, then a hissing noise is heard as she sighs in relief, and you feel her side of the bed get wetter too. She farts again before she's done peeing.

"I have to pee too," you say. "But I'm not going anywhere."

Rainbow and Pinkie grin, then tickle you until you wet yourself. You blush lightly but find it enjoyable.

Applejack and Rarity

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You're going for a walk in the park, hoping to run into two particular girls again.

Rarity is always wearing short, skintight purple spandex shorts and a matching sports bra, and Applejack is always wearing jean shorts and a white tank top (her Street Chic outfit). Their outfits are very dirty and smelly, and so are they, as if they haven't washed or changed clothes for a long time. A visible stench comes off them as they walk by you, and whenever you take a look at their butts, there is a small brown stain on the butt of both their shorts.

Whenever you see them at the store they're wearing skintight full bodysuits that seem to be made of a material that blocks their smell. You're sure they're wearing the same outfits underneath them.

Whenever you see them at the park, you walk by them close enough to smell them, but don't get too close, in case they'd get weirded out.

You're in luck today; You see the two smelly girls walking towards you. You slowly walk by them.

"Excuse me, but would you mind staying here for a bit?" Rarity says. She talks so ladylike for such a dirty and smelly girl.

Your heart beating fast, you walk over to them. You breathe in through your nose, taking in the stench emanating from them.

"We were just talkin' about you," says Applejack. "You've walked by us a few times without keepin' a distance from us. I'm thinkin' you like the way we smell?"

You blush. "Yes," you say.

"Splendid," says Rarity. "As fun as it is to smell like this, it's even more fun to find someone who likes our smell rather than being disgusted by it."

"How'd you like to hang out with us today?" Applejack asks.

"I'd love to," you say. You inhale deeply through your nose and sigh of pleasure.

As you're walking to Applejack and Rarity's house, they walk ahead of you so you can get a whiff of them.

"How does my rear end look?" Rarity asks, rubbing her butt slightly.

"It looks really cute in those dirty skintight shorts," you say. "Yours too, Applejack. If you don't mind me asking... why do you smell like that?"

"Applejack and I went camping one time, but the showers were broken and the lake was polluted so we couldn't wash. I was disgusted at first, I'm normally very ladylike, but Applejack helped me to see the fun in being dirty. After we got back, we decided to stop washing. This was a year ago."

"So you haven't washed or changed out of those dirty outfits for a year," you say.

"Nope," says Applejack. "You've probably been gettin' a good look at our behinds, so you probably noticed we haven't been wipin' either." She scratches her dirty butt.

"And..." says Rarity. "I do hope you don't find this weird or disgusting, but..."

"Whenever we need to pee, we do it in our shorts," says Applejack. "Our sixth night at camp, we woke up during a thunderstorm burstin' to pee like a race horse. Rarity wasn't sure she could hold it so I told her she could pee right here. She hesitated, then peed in her shorts, and I did the same. We found we really enjoyed it."

"Yes," says Rarity. "We don't mess ourselves though. Even though we don't wipe either."

"I don't mind in the slightest," you say.

"If you like the way we smell now, maybe you'd even be willing to put up with smelling our feet and our armpits," says Rarity.

"I'd love that," you say. You slap both their butts at the same time. You blush. "Sorry..."

"It's quite all right," says Rarity. "I rather enjoyed that. You can massage and sniff our rear ends if you want."

"Same here," says Applejack.

You're really excited, for you are looking forward to having a fun and smelly time with them.

"I gotta go to the bathroom," says Applejack.

"Me too," says Rarity. "Anon, you're sure you don't mind our unladylike bathroom habits?"

"Not even a little bit. Pee away."

Rarity and Applejack relax and pee in their stinky shorts. As they walk, you see the pee flowing down their legs and leaving a trail on the sidewalk.

Eventually you enter Applejack and Rarity's house. It looks surprisingly well organized.

"Oh, would you like to change into something else first?" Rarity asks. "What you're wearing during this session is likely to get very dirty and smelly."

"If worst comes to worst, you can give me a bath in this outfit and blow dry me," you say.

"In that case, what part of us you wanna smell first?" Applejack asks.

"Your armpits," you say.

Standing right next to each other, Applejack and Rarity raise their arms nearest each other, and you're blasted with a stench even more pungent than what you've been smelling for the past few minutes. You get between their armpits and sniff them deeply, sighing of pleasure.

"I half-expected you to faint," says Rarity.

"Looks like you really do like smelly girls," says Applejack.

You sniff their armpits deeply for a minute, then you lick Rarity's armpit. Rarity giggles a bit. Once you're done licking Rarity's armpit, you lick Applejack's armpit. She also starts to laugh.

Eventually you finish sniffing their armpits. "Time to smell your stinky feet," you say.

They remove their socks and shoes, and new stink waves come off their feet. You sniff their feet deeply, enjoying it thoroughly. Their feet smell as foul as their armpits.

"Next time you have to go to the bathroom, remind me to sniff your feet again and tickle them," you say.

Rarity and Applejack smile at the thought of this.

Then Rarity lets out a loud, wet fart. "Excuse me," she says. "Applejack and I eat a lot of food that makes us really gassy. And just about anything we drink, we put fart powder in it."

"It's real fun to fart," says Applejack. She lets out an equally loud wet fart.

"I think now might be a good time to sniff your butts," you say.

"First let's get somethin' to drink," says Applejack. "I'm thirsty."

"Me too," says Rarity. "Would you like some cider, darling?"

"I'd love some.

Applejack pours three big glasses of cider. She hands one to you and puts fart powder in the other two. The three of you drink your ciders as fast as you can, then they get down on all fours next to each other.

You get down next to their rear ends and do Eenie Meenie Minie Moe, slapping their butts each time rather than pointing at it. You stop at Rarity's butt and start rubbing it first. Rarity sighs of pleasure. As you rub Rarity's tush you sniff it deeply. Her butt smells a little less of body odor than her armpits and feet, but to make up for it her shorts smell strongly of farts and poop from not wiping.

Speaking of, Rarity farts in your face repeatedly. They are all loud, boisterous, wet, smelly farts. You pat her butt occasionally after a particularly long or loud fart, then keep rubbing it and sniffing it.

Applejack fidgets and wiggles her butt a little, as if she's holding in her farts for when it's her turn.

After sniffing and rubbing Rarity's dirty rear end for two minutes, with her farting constantly, you go over and start rubbing Applejack's butt.


Applejack sighs in relief as she lets out a long, loud, wet fart in your face. You sniff deeply and rub her butt, sniffing it. Her shorts are as dirty and smelly as Rarity's and you love it. As you rub and sniff, Applejack farts in your face repeatedly, and you occasionally pat her butt as well.

Rarity, in turn, is now holding in her farts, wiggling her butt and waiting for her next turn.

You rub and sniff Applejack's butt for two minutes before going back to Rarity. A long, loud, wet fart makes its way out of her as soon as your take your next sniff.


She sighs of relief. You pat her butt and continue rubbing it.

It goes this way for about a half hour before you stop. "That was really fun," you say. "Did you enjoy that as much as I did?"

"Darn tootin'," says Applejack.

"Most certainly," says Rarity.

"What now?"

"Now I gotta go to the bathroom," says Applejack. She sits down with her legs outstretched.

"And I as well," says Rarity, also sitting down.

"Which of you do you think can hold it longest?" you ask.

"I always beat her at holdin' contests," says Applejack.

You sniff Rarity's feet and start tickling them. Rarity starts to laugh, and soon she's peeing her shorts again. As she laughs her stream grows stronger.

Applejack fidgets where she sits. Once you're done sniffing Rarity's feet, you sniff Applejack's feet and tickle them. Applejack also starts to laugh hard and wets her shorts again. You can hear a loud hissing sound as she blasts a power stream into her dirty, smelly shorts.

After that you say "Anything else we can do?"

Rarity and Applejack look at each other and smile.

"If you can smell our feet, armpit, and behinds up close, you'll love this," she says.

Rarity lays facedown on the floor. "Be a dear and rest your face on my rear end," she says.

You do so, pressing your face against her butt. Her shorts feel so wet, dirty, and grimy on your face and smell absolutely foul, and you love it.

Then Applejack sits on your head. You really, really love this. Both Applejack and Rarity let loose with a flurry of loud wet farts. You're so excited you wet yourself, but you don't care. You really love having these two smelly girls fart on you at the same time while your head is pressed between their dirty, foul-smelling rear ends.

After about a half hour, they stop farting, and Applejack gets up. "Have fun, sugarcube?"

You stand up. Your pants/shorts/underwear are wet and you smell like farts, but you really enjoyed the last half hour. "You bet I did," you say.

Rarity stands up. "That was really fun for me too."

"Me three," says Applejack.

You have more smelly fun with them for a while before it's time to go to bed.

"We wet the bed a lot too," says Applejack. "Sometimes asleep, sometimes awake."

"You can pee all over me if you want," you say.

The three of you climb into the bed, with you between Applejack and Rarity, who have both had a lot to drink and haven't used the bathroom before bed.

Almost immediately you go under the covers, which are filled with their smell. They raise their arms so the smell of their armpits fills the area. They are also barefoot. You sniff Rarity's armpit and lick it some more. Rarity laughs and wets her shorts. Then you sniff Applejack's armpit, and lick it, causing her to laugh and pee herself as well.

They fart several times, until they fall asleep. They fart in their sleep, with their arms raised so you can smell their armpits. The area is like a sauna to you, and eventually you fall asleep.

You wake up to a very wet feeling. A hissing sound can be heard on either side of you. Applejack and Rarity are both peeing their shorts in their sleep. You also have to pee so you just let it out right there. You notice their arms are no longer raised, but you can still smell the rest of them.

When they wake up, they stretch their arms, and you once again get a whiff of their armpits.

"Did you sleep well, darling?" Rarity asks. She farts and giggles.

"I sure did," you say.

Applejack farts and says "How would you like a bath? You're real wet and smelly right now."

"Not as wet and smelly as you two," you say with a wink. "But I would very much like a bath."

Rarity and Applejack give you a bath in your wet, smelly outfit, then blow dry you. They of course stay dirty and smelly and don't take the bath themselves.

The Dazzlings

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One evening you enter a bar, to find three familiar girls sitting there: Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. They are wearing their original outfits: For Adagio, a light purple T-shirt and light purple leggings, with short, tight, darker purple shorts over top. For Aria, a white tank top, a green vest, and tight purple jeans you always thought made her butt look cute. For Sonata, a dark pink T-shirt and a cute pink mini skirt.

They look absolutely filthy, as though they haven't washed for months, and a visible stench is coming off them. Everyone else in the bar is keeping their distance and still holding their noses. You can't help but go over to them, for you have a thing for smelly girls. And when you do, you get a delicious whiff of them.

"Hi," you say.

"Go away," says Aria.

"You really smell."

"We haven't washed or changed out of these outfits since we lost our power," says Adagio. She farts loudly, and Sonata giggles.

"That was over a year ago!" you say, feeling excited rather than disgusted.

"Yeah, so you don't want to go near us," says Aria. "So back off." She farts louder than Adagio.

Sonata giggles and lets out a wet fart of her own.

"I really don't mind," you say.

"We fart a lot, too," says Aria. "In case you haven't figured that out by now."

"I don't mind that either."

"We also pee ourselves whenever we have to go," Sonata says with a smile on her face. "We don't mess ourselves, though. But we don't wipe either. So my underwear's real dirty." She farts and giggles.

"Typical Sonata," says Aria. "We're sulking over losing our power and here she is having fun with our dirty lifestyle."

"How would you like to have some fun?" you say. You sniff deeply.

Adagio smiles slightly. "You really like the way we smell, don't you?"

You blush. "Yes."

"Ooh!" says Sonata excitedly. "You can smell my butt and my feet and my armpits all you want! It'll be really fun having someone smell me when I stink this bad!" She stretches her arms, and you catch a whiff of her smelly armpits. It might not have seemed possible but they smell even worse than the rest of her. Except maybe her butt and her feet, which you haven't smelled yet.

Adagio walks over to you. "If you can handle this without fainting, I wouldn't mind dominating someone with my smell." She raises her arm so the stench of her armpit blasts you in the face. You sniff her armpit deeply and exhale in a sigh of pleasure. You sniff it for ten seconds before Adagio withdraws her arm, with a smile on her face.

"Nothing's that fun anymore," says Aria. "But I suppose I've got nothing better to do." She farts and stands up. "You want to smell us up close? Smell this." She grabs your face and forces it into her armpit.

You don't struggle one bit. You inhale deeply through your nose as you did with Sonata and Adagio. Most people would say this is the most unpleasant smell on the face of this world. But to you it's the loveliest smell. Or at least one of them, as it kind of fits into a different category for the more truly pleasant smells, which you still appreciate.

After about a minute, Aria releases you, and you sit down, feeling satisfied. "That was kind of fun," she says. She turns around and farts in your face. FFFRRRRRRT! You sniff deeply, noticing the small brown stain on the butt of her pants from not wiping.

"Ooh, we're doing face farts now?" Sonata excitedly turns away from you and raises her tushie in your face.


She giggles as she unleashes a long, wet fart in your face. It blows her skirt back a little, giving you a slight view of her dirty underwear.

"Don't leave me out of the fun," says Adagio. She turns around and stuffs your face in her butt.

You can't believe your good fortune. You always thought Adagio's butt looked cute in that outfit, more so being this dirty and smelly.


You sniff deeply as she farts in your face.

"How about we continue at our house?" Adagio asks.

"Sounds like fun!" says Sonata.

"Sure," you say. "Aria?"

"Why not? It'll be fun making you smell me all over." Aria smiles, as if she's enjoying this as much as Adagio and Sonata.

"You should probably bring some pajamas," says Adagio. "With the way that went, you're sure to want to stay the night. Maybe even sleep in the same bed as us."

Sonata giggles while Aria chuckles.

You go to your house, with Adagio standing right next to you, Aria standing next to her, and Sonata on your other side. You're in the middle of their cloud of visible stench, and you only breathe in through your nose, savoring the smell.

Sonata slaps your butt playfully as you walk. You don't mind, you like it when she does that and are sure this is an invitation to do the same to her.

Once you have your pajamas, Adagio says "Now, we'll lead the way from here."

The sirens walk towards their house, and you walk behind them. You're really enjoying this for two reasons. First, you're directly downwind of them and are getting the full blast of their foul stench. Second, you get a nice view of their butts, even though they've already farted in your face. You take some time to look at the small brown stain on Adagio's butt, since you couldn't see it as clearly before with your face pressed directly against it.

"So, which of us has the better ass?" Aria asks, as if she knows what you're looking at. She slaps her butt seductively.

You're a bit surprised by this, but in a very pleasant way. "It's... hard to say. They all look really cute."

"What does Adagio's rear end have over mine?" Aria says, scratching her dirty butt.

"I never said it did."

"No one can resist my behind," says Adagio. She rubs her butt with her hand, then slaps it, before she lets out a boisterous wet fart. Sonata laughs and ends up peeing herself. She seems to find this funny as well.

You slap both Adagio and Aria's butts at once. Both look back at you with a kinky smile, evidently each thinking you like her butt better than the other's. Sonata scratches her dirty butt.

Eventually you reach the sirens' house, and enter. It looks like a total pigsty in there. You're not sure how it smells on its own - the sirens' stench is greater than anything in here. There are puddles of pee everywhere and stains on the couch they haven't bothered cleaning up. You enter the bathroom, change into your pajamas, and exit. You're sure these pajamas are going to get very dirty and smelly, but you don't care, you're really excited to have all kinds of dirty fun with these three smelly girls.

"Now," says Adagio. "Before we begin, I assume you know who we are?"

"Yes," you say. "But you're no threat anymore."

"I've been a very bad girl," says Adagio. "I need a spanking."

You sit down on a chair. Adagio climbs over your knee. The visible stench is rising towards your face. You sniff deeply, then rub her butt a bit with your hand. Her butt feels so dirty and grimy and damp. You love it.

"If you want to give me a butt massage, you can do it after the spanking," says Adagio. She slaps her own butt and farts.

"As you wish." You slap Adagio's butt. And again. And again. Adagio looks like she's enjoying herself as much as you are.

After 30 swats, Sonata runs up to you. "Spank me next!" she says. "I've been a very, VERY naughty girl." She farts, giggles, and turns around and slaps her butt lightly three times.

"Sorry, Adagio," you say. "Your spanking is over."

Adagio climbs off, looking disappointed. She sits down, winces in pain, and wets her pants.

Your pajama bottoms and legs feel a bit dirty after having Adagio lay on your lap in her filthy state. But you don't mind. Sonata quickly climbs over your knee, kicking her legs excitedly.

You slap Sonata's butt repeatedly. She squeals with each one, with a smile on her face, as she kicks her legs, while you keep breathing in only through your nose, enjoying her smell. After ten swats, you lift her skirt. Her panties are absolutely filthy. You're sure they used to be white, but now they're heavily stained, with a brown spot at the butt. What little bits of her underwear that aren't grayish brown are yellow.

"Nice panties, Sonata," says Aria.

As you continue to spank Sonata, she giggles, taking as much pleasure as you are at being spanked while having her dirty undies exposed. Adagio stretches her arms, and the smell of her armpits wafts in your direction until her arms are back down.

Once you finish spanking Sonata, she sits down next to Adagio in her puddle and lets out a sputtering wet fart.

"Your turn, Aria," you say.

"Forget it," says Aria. "I'm the baddest of the three of us but I don't need a spanking. If anything I should be spanking you."

"I thought you liked Anon slapping your butt," says Adagio. "Why don't you want (him/her) to do it repeatedly? Is it because you know your butt isn't as sexy as mine?" She lets out a sputtering wet fart, which makes Sonata laugh.

"Oh, Anon's gonna have ten times as much fun spanking me as (s/he) did spanking you." Aria climbs over your lap, and her smell reaches your nose. "Spank me as hard as you can."

"I will." You raise your hand and slap Aria's butt with as much force as you can muster. As you swat her rear, she winces in pain but smiles. She likes it rougher than the other sirens, it seems. A few swats make her fart, which makes Sonata giggle.

After 30 swats, you stop.

"You're not done yet," says Aria. "Give me more."

You spank Aria some more, and after the 54th swat, she wets her pants. It seems she had to pee really badly when the spanking began. Or maybe she's just deliberately peeing on you to mess with you. Either way you don't mind.

After 80 swats, you say "Okay, that's enough."

Aria looks a bit disappointed as she climbs off of you. She sits on the couch, winces, and stands up, rubbing her butt. "Ow. I think I might've gotten a little carried away..."

"You think?" Adagio says. "I doubt you'll be able to sit for a week."

"How about a butt massage?" you suggest.

Aria grins and gets down on all fours, with her butt raised slightly. You love the way it looks in this position, in her dirty purple jeans. You start rubbing and caressing her butt. As you do, you sniff her butt up close. Her rear end smells just as bad as her armpits, but with a little less body odor and a lot more pee, farts, and poop. Her butt feels so firm in your hands, and you love it.

Aria sighs in pleasure as you rub her butt. She lets out a series of boisterous wet farts in your face. You just sniff each one, and after a particularly loud or long fart, you pat her butt lightly.

"Ow!" says Aria, for the pain in her rear hasn't gone away yet.

"Sorry," you say, and rub her butt some more.

After about five minutes, Adagio gets down on all fours next to Aria. "Don't give her butt all the attention," she says.

"Don't worry, I'm not done with you yet," you say, and you move to Adagio's tush. As with Aria, it looks so sexy in this position in her filthy, smelly outfit. You start caressing Adagio's butt. Adagio sighs in pleasure as you rub and sniff at the same time. Her shorts over her leggings feel so grimy and dirty, not to mention wet from sitting in her own pee a few moments ago. Her butt feels soft, like a pillow or a marshmallow, and you like the way it feels in your hands as much as Aria's butt.


She sighs in relief as you feel her long, loud, deep-pitched fart blowing against your face. You inhale deeply through your nose and sigh in pleasure, patting her butt lightly before you resume rubbing it. "Nice one, Adagio."

"I've been holding it in for Aria's entire butt massage," she says.

Aria scratches her butt.

As you continue to rub and sniff Adagio's butt, she farts in your face repeatedly. Her farts are very wet and some of them are deep-pitched. You enjoy every second of it.

After five minutes of this, Sonata gets down on all fours beside Adagio. "Don't forget about me! My tushie needs a massage too after that spanking, and I gotta fart REALLY bad!"

"Think you can wait five more minutes, Aria?" you ask.

"Fine," Aria says. "Don't blame me if I fart before you get here."

"Don't worry, she never runs out of gas any more than me or Adagio!" Sonata says.

You get next to Sonata's butt. Before you can start rubbing, she farts.


This fart is longer and louder than Adagio's fart, though much higher-pitched, and blows her wet, dirty skirt back so you can see her underwear. You love the sight of this.

Sonata giggles. "I've been holding that in for ten minutes! Did you like it?"

"I loved it." You lift Sonata's skirt and start rubbing her butt. She giggles, enjoying both the butt massage and the naughty feeling of her dirty panties being exposed. She lets loose with a series of short, explosive wet farts. You sniff her butt, which looks so cute in that position in her dirty underwear. Her panties smell just like Aria's jeans and Adagio's shorts, and you love it. After a particularly loud fart, you pat her butt lightly, or else slap it playfully, before rubbing some more.

Adagio scratches her dirty butt.

Five minutes later, Aria says "I'm going to fart in five seconds. Four... three... two... one..."

You quickly leave Sonata, leaving her skirt up so her underwear is still visible, and get back behind Aria and resume rubbing her behind.


Aria sighs in relief and pleasure. This fart is as long as Sonata's, but lower-pitched, while higher-pitched than Adagio's. You slap her butt lightly. Aria winces but smiles, taking pleasure in it. You caress her butt more vigorously, reminding yourself her butt needs it the most after that intense spanking. As Aria continues to fart in your face, Sonata laughs, wetting her panties again and involuntarily farting a few times.

After five more minutes of this, Adagio, looking a little fidgety, no doubt from holding in her next big fart, raises her right arm so that you can smell her armpit. As soon as the stench reaches your nostrils, over the foul smell of Aria's arse, you take the hint, get behind Adagio, and start rubbing her butt, like kneading bread dough.


Adagio sighs in immense relief. This fart is as deep-pitched as her last big fart, but twice as long. You slap her butt playfully and then resume rubbing, sniffing deeply. She farts in your face more times, and each time you sniff, and sometimes slap or pat her butt lightly.

After an hour of going back and forth between the three sirens, with each of their turns beginning with a very loud and very long fart, you say "I've REALLY enjoyed giving you these butt massages, but my hands are getting a little tired."

"I really enjoyed it too," said Adagio.

"Me three!" says Sonata. "I don't know what I liked more - having my tushie rubbed, or farting in your face!"

"It was really fun farting in your face," says Aria. "And... neither of them ever wants to rub my butt, so I suppose it was a little bit fun having you do it."

"It's her way of saying she really liked it too," says Sonata.

Aria blushes lightly.

"Can you sit down now?" you ask Aria.

"Lay down first," Aria says.

Adagio lays facedown in her puddle. "You heard her. Lay down, and rest your face on my butt."

You do as you're told. Once again your face is pressed directly against Adagio's dirty, smelly rear end. Just as you're inhaling deeply through your nose, Aria firmly sits on your head, pressing it between her butt and Adagio's. Anyone else would have fainted right here, but this is pure bliss to you. The only thing that's missing for it to be perfect is-



Both Adagio and Aria unleash a flurry of loud, wet farts ranging in length on your head. There are no words for the pleasure you get out of this. You're so excited you wet your pajamas, but you don't care, you're enjoying this too much.

"Yeah, the pain in my butt is gone," says Aria. "I could sit here all day." *fffrrrrt*

You give her a thumbs up while you can hear Sonata laughing her cute, dirty butt off. You continue to take in the foul smell as Adagio and Aria fart on you.

You lay in this position for about half an hour before Aria is suddenly knocked off of you. You look up for a second to see Sonata, looking as though she bumped Aria off you with her butt. She then raises her butt in the air as if she's about to sit down. You waste no time in burying your face back in Adagio's butt before Sonata sits on your head. From the way her butt feels, her skirt is not between you and her underwear.

Sonata unleashes an explosive, wet fart as long as her "beginning of butt massage" farts, and sighs in relief. "I've been holding that in for ten minutes." She farts on your head repeatedly, her farts short, wet, and explosive. She kicks her legs and giggles, while Adagio also farts on you. You breathe in through your nose deeply, enjoying this more than you can describe.

After another half hour of being trapped between Adagio and Sonata's gassy, smelly butts, Aria bumps Sonata off with her butt. At least you're sure, based on Aria's position when you look up. "My turn again," she says.

"How about we both take a turn at the same time?" Sonata asks.

Aria grins. The two of them sit on your head at once, back to back. You can feel Aria's dirty, stinky jeans on the left side of your head, and Sonata's wet, panty-clad rear on the right side. And who can forget Adagio's soft, grimy tush on your face, as it has been the past hour?

All three sirens fart on you for another hour straight. You never want this moment to end. You inhale only through your nose, taking great pleasure in their smell and the position you're in. About ten minutes after Aria and Sonata sat on your head, you hear a hissing sound from under Adagio, and the puddle you're laying in gets warmer and expands. Adagio sighs in relief and Sonata giggles.

After the hour, the sirens stop farting. All three of them strain, trying to fart. Adagio is able to let out a small poot but nothing more than that.

"Darn, looks like we ran out of gas," Aria says, standing up.

"Aw, farting's so much fun," says Sonata as she stands up.

"Being farted on by three smelly girls is really fun," you say as you stand up, in wet pajamas and smelling like farts, and enjoying yourself thoroughly.

"Only one solution," says Adagio. "Lots of beans and fart powder."

Aria smiles.

"Don't forget tacos!" says Sonata.

"Help yourself to anything in the pantry," Adagio says to you.

You pick out your favorite snack of what's in there, while Adagio cooks some beans and Sonata makes some tacos. You also drink a lot of soda, and the sirens put fart powder in their soda. When the three gargantuan plates of beans are done, the sirens sprinkle fart powder on it and wolf them all down.

"No wonder you fart so much," you say. "Don't ever stop."

"Don't worry, we won't," says Adagio with a smile.

Sonata finishes eating the tacos, and seems like she's holding back the urge to burp, wanting it all to come out the other end.

"So what now?" you ask.

"Now..." says Adagio. The three sirens walk up to you and shove their armpits in your face, Adagio from the front and Aria and Sonata from the sides. You're hit with the most unholy stench once again, and love every second of it. You inhale deeply through your nose and exhale in a sigh of pleasure.

"How would you like to smell our feet?" says Aria. "They stink as much as our armpits. Maybe more."

"I'd love to," you say.

Adagio and Sonata bend down to take their shoes off.

"Not here," says Aria. "In the spare closet."

Adagio grins and Sonata giggles.

"In an enclosed space?" you say. "This will be a dream come true."

"Fair warning," says Adagio. "If your pajamas don't already smell so much they'll need to be washed 50 times over, they will by the time you get out of that closet."

"Bring it on," you say.

The three of you walk into a walk in closet big enough for all four of you. Aria closes it behind her and immediately their stench fills the closet more than the kitchen and living room. No one else could stay conscious, maybe even living, for five seconds in this closet. But to you it's like the most lovely sauna in the world. You inhale deeply through your nose and sit down.

Adagio sits on your lap facing you, while Aria and Sonata sit on either side of you. You can't think of a more fun position to be in than surrounded by these three smelly girls in an enclosed space. Well, except maybe when they were farting on you.

Speaking of which, Adagio lets out a loud fart. You like the way her butt feels vibrating against your lap. Aria farts just as loud. Sonata giggles and lets out a high-pitched fart of her own.

All three sirens stretch their arms, and although it might not have seemed possible before, the odor in the closet becomes more pungent. Then they remove their socks and shoes, and the smell intensifies even more as you can see new visible stench emanating from their feet. You take a deep breath through your nose, savoring this smell, and let out a sigh of absolute pleasure.

Adagio presses her feet against your face. You sniff them deeply. They smell every bit as foul as her armpits. You breathe in only through your nose and for as long as you can while her feet are in your face.

"Don't forget my feet," says Aria, shoving her feet up against the left side of your head.

"Or my feet!" Sonata puts her feet against the right side of your head.

The smell is as intense as when their armpits were in your face, and when they were all farting on you at once. You shudder, not with nausea or discomfort, but with excitement and pleasure. Adagio farts repeatedly in this position, as do Aria and Sonata, giggling the whole time.

You occasionally turn your head to sniff Aria and Sonata's feet. When you're facing Sonata, you can see up her skirt. Her panties look as dirty as ever.

Then you grab Adagio's feet in one arm and tickle them with the other, while still sniffing them. Adagio starts to laugh hard. She tries to kick her legs, but you hold them tightly in place and tickle her dirty, stinky feet as hard as you can. As she laughs, she involuntarily farts a few times.


Adagio laughs so hard she wets her pants, peeing all over your lap. You don't mind, it's actually kind of fun.

Sonata giggles. You keep tickling Adagio's feet a minute after she's done peeing.

Adagio catches her breath. "That was the most fun I've had being tickled in a long time."

"Tickle me next!" says Sonata, wiggling her feet.

You turn sideways, grab her stinky feet, and tickle them, sniffing them up close as you did with Adagio. Sonata starts to laugh harder than Adagio, involuntarily farting.

"I bet she wets herself in five seconds," says Aria.

Sure enough, five seconds afterwards, Sonata is peeing herself yet again. You can see the wetness on her dirty panties as she laughs, farts, and wets herself. Again, you wait until a minute after she stops peeing before you stop tickling.

"That was so much fun!" says Sonata. "And I wet my panties again." She giggles and farts.

"You're not tickling my feet," says Aria. "I'm not even that ticklish."

"Really," you say, and you start tickling Aria's stinky feet the same way you tickled Adagio and Sonata's.

Aria starts to laugh uncontrollably. "HAHAHAHA! CUT IT OUT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Sonata giggles at Aria's display of ticklishness, and laughs harder when she involuntarily lets out a huge fart. As you tickle and sniff her feet, it occurs to you that Aria hasn't farted since you started tickling Adagio. Aria was waiting for you to tickle her so she could fart like that, even if she doesn't want to admit it.


"You should stop before she wets her pants," says Adagio with a smile.

"It wouldn't be the first time today." You keep tickling Aria's feet, and soon she's peeing her pants uncontrollably. She keeps laughing, farting, and peeing as you keep tickling and sniffing. Like the other two sirens, you stop tickling a minute after her stream dies down.

"That was really fun," says Aria. "I mean... I was laughing at my farts, and you sniffing my feet. And I wet my pants on purpose, like I always do."

You don't bother trying to correct her, you know she enjoyed this as much as they did, and as much as you did.

"Now it's your turn!" says Sonata. She starts tickling your right side. Aria immediately starts tickling your left side. You start to laugh, but can't kick your legs as Adagio's still sitting on them. Adagio spins around so she's facing away from you. She farts, then removes your shoes and socks, and starts tickling your feet. You laugh even harder and pee your pajamas again.

They do what you did and stop tickling a minute after your little accident. "Did you like that?" Adagio asks.

"Yes," you say. "Being tickled by three smelly girls is so much fun."

"That's payback for tickling me," Aria says with a smile on her face.

"I thought you said you weren't ticklish!" says Sonata.

Aria farts in response. Sonata giggles, kicking her legs and showing her underwear, before she farts just as loud.

You sit in the closet for another hour or so, before they all stretch their arms, further intensifying the stench.

Adagio yawns. "I'm about ready for bed."

"Me too," says Aria.

"Me three!" says Sonata.

"Me four," you say.

You all stand up, and Aria opens the closet, causing a massive wave of visible stench to rush out. You step out of the closet and then out of the room and into the hall. You're sure you smell almost as bad as any of the sirens by now and your pajamas will have to be washed 50 times to get the smell out. But you're not sure you want the sirens' smell out of your PJ's.

"Do I get to sleep in your bed?" you ask.

"You'd better believe it," says Aria.

"If you don't mind us farting in our sleep and wetting the bed," says Adagio.

"And the fact that we haven't washed the sheets for a year," says Sonata. "And we've sweated and peed in it SO many times!"

"To say I don't mind is an understatement," you say.

After you get a drink and a bedtime snack, during which they each eat a small plate of beans and drink a lot of soda with fart powder, the four of you walk into the sirens' bedroom. Their bed is nearly as dirty and smelly as they are. It's full of sweat stains, pee stains, and grime, all from the sirens who slept in it. You immediately climb into the center and sniff deeply. The bed smells absolutely foul, and you know exactly where this smell came from.

Adagio climbs into bed on your left side. Aria climbs into bed on your right side. Sonata climbs in beside Adagio.

"If you have to pee before we get up, just go right where you are," says Aria. "That's what we do." She sighs as a hissing noise is heard and the bed feels warmer and wetter.

Adagio and Sonata giggle. Then they both sigh in relief as the hissing sound gets louder and can be heard on your left side as well, and the bed feels even wetter.

As you lay in the bed, all three sirens stretch their arms again, and you're blasted with the intense stench of of their armpits before they fall asleep. In this position. You lay there, greatly enjoying laying between these smelly girls and getting a pungent whiff of all their armpits at once.

They fart in their sleep, and evidently their farts don't wake each other up. They keep you awake for a while, which you don't mind, you love hearing them fart and stink up the room and their outfits even more. After an hour, you have to pee again, so you just let it all our in your already wet pajamas. Then you start inhaling through your nose in a more relaxed way as if the smell coming off the sirens is soothing to you, and pretty soon you fall asleep.


You wake up between Adagio and Aria, and as soon as you pick up the foul smell in the air, you remember the fun you had last night. You smile, hoping you can do this again sometime. Their arms are no longer stretched, but they still smell really bad all the same.

Adagio farts, then she, Aria, and Sonata start peeing at once, in their sleep. They all sigh in relief as if they're dreaming about peeing after searching everywhere for a bathroom. You're left between the three smelly girls as they wet the bed all over you. The wetness reminds you that you have to pee pretty badly too. So you pee in your pajamas once again, enjoying the warm wetness and feeling of relief.

You lay there for another hour before the sirens all wake up. They stretch their arms, giving you a nice whiff of their armpits, and sit up.

"Did I wet the bed or did one of you?" Adagio asks.

"All of us did," you say. "Except I was awake."

Sonata giggles. All three sirens start farting some more, laughing their smelly, gassy butts off. You feel like you could lay here forever.

The three of you lay there for an hour before they stretch their arms once again, giving you another whiff of their armpits, before you get up and make some breakfast. As usual they have beans with fart powder and wash it down with soda with fart powder.

"I really need a bath," you say with a smile. You really don't mind the state you're in, but of course want to wash up before you leave. You'll probably take a bath in your pajamas given how wet and smelly they are.

"Before you wash up and leave," says Adagio, "how about you give us a butt massage again, then lay on my butt while Aria and Sonata sit on your head and fart?"

"Sounds good," you say. You know you'll have a lot of fun for the next few hours.

Equestria Girls

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Often when you're out you see seven girls walking together. Although they are all very pretty, they also look extremely dirty and massive stink waves are coming off them, except when they're in stores, movie theaters, stadiums, and other places where they might go near people, because then they're wearing dresses that you're sure one of them designed to block their stench so as to not make people uncomfortable. You have a thing for smelly girls and you'd love to talk to them, but you've been too afraid that they might get weirded out by this.

One summer day you're sitting on a bench at the park, admiring the weather and scenery, when you see them walking towards you on a path. Your heart starts beating faster. Surely they will walk by you and you'll get a nice whiff of them. You then remind yourself that they make an effort not to force other people to smell them, and they don't know about your fetish.

To your surprise, they walk right in front of you... and stop. You breathe in through your nose and catch a whiff of their pungent stench. You love this.

They turn towards you. "Enjoying our smell, I see?" says the yellow girl with the red hair.

You blush. "Um... I..."

"It's quite all right, darling," says the white girl with the purple hair.

"To tell you the truth, we've always wanted to find someone who doesn't mind the way we smell," says the orange girl with the blonde hair and the hat.

"How did you know?" you ask.

"It was pretty obvious," says the purple girl with the glasses and dark purple hair in a ponytail. "We saw you looking in our direction, blushing, even drooling a little."

"Oh. I hope I didn't weird you out..."

"Are you kidding?" says the cyan girl with the rainbow hair. "If you like the way we smell, we're gonna have so much fun together. We're really gonna test your limits!"

"I don't think I have any limits," you say.

They all smile. The yellow girl with the pink hair giggles shyly.

"How about we have a big party at my house in an hour?" suggests the pink girl with the curly dark pink hair.

"I'd love to," you say.

The girls all introduce themselves: Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Then Pinkie gives you her address.

"So, how long was it since you last had a bath?" you ask.

Twilight thinks for a while. "At least two years."

"Wow," you say.

"We haven't changed out of these filthy outfits either," says Rarity. "But when we have to go near people who would probably faint if they smelled us, we wear dresses of my design that block our foul smell. Over top of these outfits."

"We also wear these outfits under coats and snow pants in winter," says Rainbow Dash. "Although we don't sweat as much, we still got our snow pants smelling really bad from farting and peeing in them."

"Did you say peeing in them?" you ask.

"Whenever we gotta go, we just do it in our shorts," says Applejack. "That is, if we gotta pee. If we gotta poop, we use the toilet."

"But not toilet paper," says Sunset, scratching her dirty butt.

"It's the only time we pull our shorts down," says Rainbow.

"That doesn't weird you out, does it?" Fluttershy asks timidly.

"Of course not," you say. "The dirtier, the better.

Fluttershy blushes and smiles.

"And we fart a lot," says Pinkie. "We eat mainly stuff that makes us really gassy, with fart powder sprinkled on it and our drinks."

"Half the times she wets herself is from laughing at our farts," says Rainbow. Pinkie giggles.

"I'm really looking forward to our party," you say.

"You should probably bring a pair of pajamas you wouldn't mind getting dirty and smelly," says Rarity. "You're unlikely to come out of this clean."

"Fine by me."


An hour later, you knock on the door of Pinkie's house. Pinkie opens the door, and you enter. The entire house is full of their stench. You breathe in through your nose, enter a bathroom, and change into your pajamas.

"Let's get this party started!" says Pinkie.

"So, what shall we do first?" you ask.

"All right, girls, like we discussed," Sunset says. They stand around you in a circle.

"If you can't handle this and faint, I'm so, so sorry about this," says Fluttershy.

"I doubt I will," you say. "Bring it on."

The girls all raise their arms and put their armpits as close to your head as possible. Immediately you're blasted with the stench of all of their armpits. Anyone else would have fainted instantly. But you love it. Such a foul smell coming from these beautiful girls, and they're enjoying having you smell them too. You inhale deeply through your nose and sigh of pleasure.

You stand in this position and breathe in only through your nose for about a minute before they lower their arms.

"Did you like that?" Twilight asks.

"I loved it," you say. "I could stand there all day."

Pinkie giggles.

"Well, we wouldn't be able to hold our arms in that position all day," Rarity says.

"I would have," says Rainbow Dash.

"But how would you like to smell our butts?" Fluttershy asks.

"Would I!" you say.

The girls all turn around so they're facing away from you, and get down on all fours. You are now surrounded by seven dirty, smelly, and, if you may say so, sexy butts in tight, dirty, smelly shorts. You get down on all fours as well, feeling just as excited as when you were smelling their armpits.

You sniff Fluttershy's butt first because it was her idea. She giggles cutely as you sniff deeply. Her shorts smell absolutely foul, like a combination of body odor, pee, and farts, with a hint of poop from not wiping.


"Excuse me," says Fluttershy, having farted loudly in your face.

"I don't mind one bit," you say, patting Fluttershy's butt lightly. You sniff her butt for about a minute before you sniff Sunset's butt. It smells just like Fluttershy's butt.

As you take your second deep whiff of Sunset's butt, she farts in your face. You're still breathing in through your nose for the entirety of her fart, but you can barely smell it over her own stench. You slap her butt playfully.

Almost a minute later, Rainbow farts loudly. So you go over and sniff her butt, which smells just as foul as Sunset and Fluttershy's butts, and you're sure the other four smell the same way.

"I see you took my hint," says Rainbow. She lets out a long, boisterous, wet fart, and chuckles. You sniff deeply and slap her butt.

About a minute later, you go over and sniff Pinkie's butt. She lets out a series of short, explosive, wet farts in your face. After each one you slap her butt, which makes her fart again, and she giggles the whole time.

"Phew, they should call you Stinky Pie," you say, patting her butt lightly. She giggles at this and lets out a few more wet farts.

Then you sniff Applejack's butt. She farts a few times in your face, each of them loud and deep-pitched, and when she does you slap her butt. She seems to like it harder, and when she lets out a fart so wet you wonder whether she soiled herself a little, you spank her as hard as you can, and she sighs of pleasure.

Next, you sniff Rarity's butt. You can't help but massage it as you sniff, and you love the way it feels in your hands.

"Yes, I do have a lovely rear end," she says.

You love the contrast of how posh she acts and talks, as if she is ladylike, when she's really dirty and smelly. And to make it even better, she lets out a long, loud, wet fart in your face.


"Nice one, Rarity," you say, slapping Rarity's butt.

Rarity giggles. "I've been holding that in while you were sniffing their rear ends."

Almost a minute in, Twilight farts loudly. So you go over and sniff her behind.

"I was trying to hold it until you were sniffing my butt," she says. "But I couldn't."

"It's all right," you say. "Besides, surely there are more farts to come?"

Twilight responds by releasing a series of wet farts in your face. You slap her butt lightly with each one as you keep sniffing.

A minute later, Twilight says "Press your face against my butt."

You do as you're told. Her shorts feel so dirty and grimy and you love it. Twilight lets out a long, wet fart and sighs of relief. You enjoy this as well.

"Ooh, we're doing face farts like that now?" Pinkie asks. "Me next!"

You press your face against Pinkie's butt. Only two seconds later, a loud, long, high-pitched fart makes its way out of her. Pinkie giggles and you inhale deeply through your nose. She then lets out a short, wet fart.

"Can you do that to me next?" Fluttershy asks quietly. An airy fart makes its way out of her.

You press your face against Fluttershy's butt, and she lets out a loud, long, deep-pitched fart.

"Ooh, Fluttershy, that was SO unladylike," says Rarity. "I'll see if I can beat that."

You press your face against Rarity's butt. She lets loose with a slightly higher-pitched fart which is louder than Fluttershy's fart and VERY wet.

"Hoo, Rarity, careful you don't soil yourself," says Applejack.

You press your face against Applejack's butt next. Pinkie giggles. Applejack lets out a loud, deep-pitched fart in your face. Rarity giggles at this.

"I feel a really big fart coming," says Sunset, wiggling her butt. You press your face against her butt, which feels a lot like Rarity's. A long, loud, deep-pitched fart to rival Fluttershy's comes out of her.

"Saving the best for last?" says Rainbow. You press your face against her butt, and she lets out a loud, long, boisterous, wet fart that lasts longer than any of the other girls' farts. She sighs in relief. "I held that in since the last time I farted."

Pinkie and Fluttershy giggle.

"Well, if you can handle all that, you're definitely ready for what we planned next," says Rainbow.

"I can more than just handle it," you say. "I really, really enjoyed every moment of it."

The girls all smile. "Then lay facedown," says Rainbow.

You lay facedown on the floor, looking forward to whatever they have planned. Applejack and Rainbow Dash sit on the left side of your back, Twilight and Sunset sit on the right side of your back, Rainbow Dash sits on your left butt cheek, Fluttershy sits on your right butt cheek, and Pinkie sits on your head.

Then, all of them unleash a barrage of loud, wet farts on you, ranging in length, pitch, and volume. You love the feeling of their butts vibrating against you as they fart. All you can smell is their odor and their farts, and you love it.

After about a minute, Pinkie lifts her butt up. "How you doing down there?"

"I could stay here forever," I say. "Don't stop until you get tired of it."

"Okey dokey lokey!" Pinkie plops her smelly rear end back on your head and resumes farting.

About twenty minutes later, the girls are still sitting and farting on you and you're still enjoying it. By now you have to go to the bathroom. You haven't done so since before meeting the girls at the park, you've had quite a bit to drink, and you were so excited to hang out and smell them that you didn't think to go before you left. But even if you could get up from under them, you don't want to. You're having so much fun so you decide to just hold it.

As the girls continue to fart non-stop on you, you feel Rainbow and Fluttershy fidgeting and wiggling their butts against yours. Either they really like the feeling of your butt or they have to pee too. Maybe both.

About ten minutes later, perhaps in part due to your excitement, you can't hold it any longer. You feel the crotch of your pajamas grow warm and wet. But you don't care, you're still having a lot of fun.

As you're peeing, you hear Fluttershy let out a little whimper, and then sigh in relief as her butt suddenly starts to feel warm and wet as well. Rainbow stops squirming and sighs in relief as she starts peeing as well, as you can feel the warm wetness on her butt, not to mention yours. By the time the three of you are done peeing, your pajama bottoms are soaked, but you don't mind.

You lay in this position for another half hour, making a total of just over an hour, until the girls stop farting. Then they get up.

"Did you enjoy that as much as we did?" Sunset asks. A short, wet fart makes its way out of her.

You stand up. Your pajamas are wet and you're very smelly, but you're smiling. "I sure did."

"How'd you like to go on a camping trip with us?" Applejack asks.

"After we eat lots of beans and fart powder," says Pinkie.

"Count me in," you say.

You chat with the girls as Pinkie cooks some beans and pours glasses of soda, offering you one, and sprinkling a lot of fart powder in the others. Pinkie asks you if you'd like anything to eat, too, and you tell her what you'd feel like. Pinkie gets it to you, then soon the beans are done and the girls each eat a heaping plate of them and guzzle down the soda.

"We'll take my van," says Twilight. You all walk outside and get into the van. Twilight gets into the driver's seat, Sunset is in the front seat, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie are in the back seat, and you're between Rarity and Applejack in the middle seat. As soon as all the doors are shut, the van is full of their smell and you're enjoying sitting between these two smelly girls.

"We can drive with the windows closed if that's all right," you say.

"Then we will," says Twilight.

You start the journey to the campsite, and you breathe in mostly through your nose. Being in an enclosed space with seven extremely smelly girls is almost as fun as having them all farting while sitting on you. Speaking of, you're only on the road for five minutes before they all start farting again. You notice Rainbow's farts are the longest and loudest, Twilight's and Rarity's are the wettest, Pinkie's are the highest-pitched, and Applejack's and Fluttershy's are the deepest-pitched. Sunset's farts range the most in pitch and length. Between their farts and their smell, they're stinking up the inside of the van something fierce. And it's like a sauna to you.

The only other sound besides the farts is Rainbow and Pinkie laughing. When Rainbow lets out another long, loud fart, which you turn around to look at and see she's lifting both of her legs, Pinkie laughs so hard she wets herself. Both she and Rainbow laugh even harder at this, Pinkie kicking her legs as her stream grows stronger and soaks her seat.

"Pinkie had a little accident in her shorts," you say as you turn back around.

"That sounds like her," says Applejack. She lifts her leg and farts. "Come to think of it, I gotta pee real bad."

"So do I," says Rarity. After releasing a short, wet fart, she turns towards you. "You don't mind if we go right here, do you?"

"Go ahead," you say.

Both Applejack and Rarity pee in their stinky shorts, sighing of relief. As Rarity is peeing, she stretches her arms, and you get a whiff of her armpits, and sniff deeply.

"By the way, any particular reason you stopped washing?" you ask.

"One time Rarity and I accidentally fell into the mud," says Twilight. "Then the others came in and we had fun playing in the mud. We all realized we liked being dirty and decided to try getting dirty in another way." She farts, and then continues. "It took Rarity and Fluttershy a while to start farting and wetting with the rest of us but now they have as much fun with it as we do."

"I thought I wouldn't take it any longer than two weeks," says Rarity. "But it was so much fun I couldn't resist staying dirty and smelly. Two years ago I would have never thought I had it in me."

"So now we get as dirty as possible," says Applejack. "Without messin' ourselves, that is."


Eventually you arrive at the campsite. Rarity and Applejack stretch their arms so you get a whiff of their armpits again. The eight of you get out of the van, set up a campfire where you have dinner (the girls eating beans, you eating your meal of choice), and you each drink a soda and a cider that Pinkie and Applejack respectively brought along (the girls all putting fart powder in theirs).

Then you all get into the tent, which is just big enough for all of you. Rainbow closes the door to the tent, which fills up with an unholy stench. Once again you are in an enclosed space with seven foul-smelling girls in wet, dirty, smelly shorts. They all stretch their arms, and the smell intensifies. You breathe in through your nose and let out another sigh of pleasure.

"Hey, you haven't smelled our feet yet!" says Pinkie.

"If they're anything like your armpits I'm sure I'd love that," you say.

The girls all sit down, remove their shoes and socks, and throw them to the side of the tent. The smell gets even more pungent, if that was possible. They stick their feet as close to your head as possible. You sniff each of their feet, which smell equally foul.

When you're sniffing Sunset's feet, you sniff so closely that your nose accidentally brushes her foot, causing her to giggle a little. Realizing she's ticklish, you tickle her foot with one hand and Twilight's foot, who is nearest, with the other. Sunset and Twilight start to laugh, and Rainbow and Pinkie, who are respectively sitting next to them, hold their legs in place so they can't kick them. As you tickle Sunset and Twilight, they laugh harder and harder, farting involuntarily, and soon they're peeing their stinky shorts. Rainbow and Pinkie giggle at this. About ten seconds after they're done peeing, you stop.

"That was fun," says Sunset.

"Mm-hmm," says Twilight. She feels her wet shorts. "And now I don't have to pee anymore." She lets out a sputtering wet fart and giggles.

You sit with them in the tent some more, occasionally sniffing their feet, armpits, or butts, or otherwise having a fun conversation with them, with them barefoot and farting the entire time. Eventually you decide it's time to go to sleep. You bring in the four sleeping bags, each big enough for two people, from the sides of the tent. Twilight and Sunset get in one, Rainbow and Fluttershy in another, Rarity and Applejack in another, and you and Pinkie in the fourth.

"Today was so much fun!" says Pinkie. "We gotta do something like this again!"

"I'd definitely love to," you say.

"Ooh... I gotta go potty!"

"Then go."



You feel the warm wetness reach you as Pinkie wets the sleeping bag. She stretches her arms, giving you a whiff of her armpits, before she falls asleep in this position. She farts in her sleep, as do the other girls, but this doesn't keep you from falling asleep.


You wake up when it's still dark. You look at your watch. It's about five in the morning. You quickly realize how much it stinks inside the tent, and smile, remembering the fun you had last night.

You also hear loud hissing noises emanating from all the other sleeping bags. Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack are peeing in their sleep. It probably comes from peeing their shorts all the time and never using the toilet for it.

This reminds you, you really have to pee too. Your pajamas are already damp so you just pee where you are, re-wetting them. As you are in the middle of peeing, you hear the sound of a stream spraying denim right beside you. Pinkie is wetting herself again. She sighs in relief, still sleeping, and with a smile on her face. You chuckle to yourself, before going back to sleep in the very wet, very smelly sleeping bag.


A few hours later, you're laying facedown in the smelly tent, with Rainbow sitting on your head, Sunset and Twilight sitting on your butt, Fluttershy and Pinkie sitting on the left side of your back, and Applejack and Rarity sitting on the right side of your back. They're farting non-stop and you definitely wouldn't mind it to go on even longer than last time.