A Bandit’s Treat

by Bronycommander

First published

The life of an ordinary Canterlot Hospital nurse is turned upside down when she has a chance encounter with a notorious bandit.

Candy liked to think her life was pretty normal. Working as a nurse for Canterlot Hospital, her days were often quite routine.

...Unfortunately, thanks to a chance encounter with a notorious bandit, her day is about to become anything but routine.

Tags: First time, vaginal, and slight gore at the start of the story

A repayment for Nights Wolf's story Up In The Clouds, Where No Pony Can Hear You Make An Ass of Yourself

Technically my first uploaded Mature story but I wrote Mature before. Not related to any of my stories set in the Rejuvenationverse.

A Bandit’s Treat

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Her head ached as she came to with a blurred vision, barely able to remember anything. She was on her way home, then suddenly felt sleepy.

Blinking, her vision only cleared minimal, and her body ached as she tried to move, to no avail. As her vision became finally clear, her heart skipped a beat.

She was restrained in a very dark room, only a light bump provided light. The mare attempted to use her horn, but felt no magic, managing to look up. A suppressor ring was on her horn.

There was a single window and she could see her own reflection. Her bright white coat, along with her pink mane that had white strips was a mess, her eyes tired.

With a terrible creek, the door opened and she gulped. A muscular, earth pony stallion walked in. He didn't look how a pony was generally meant to look.

The snout was bunched between the eyes, which were huge and staring, thick jowls under his cheeks made him appear almost clay-like. Overall, he looked like some sort of deep-sea fish dragged up on land, seeming to be happy to see the mare awake.

“You finally woke up. Candy, isn’t it?” He asked with a grin.

While scared, Candy managed to gather some courage, growling at him. “Don’t you dare touching me!”

The stallion chuckled amused in response. “Quite fierce for a nurse, I like that. I am sure there will be a good price for you.” He waved a hoof and two more stallions entered, grabbing her forelegs.

Candy struggled but it had no use as she got dragged out. She was dragged into a big room, looking like a living room, several other stallions were there, looking eagerly at her as she got thrown on a table and restrained on it.

“Is this the mare you mentioned?” A new voice asked and she saw a stallion walking up which looked different from all the others. There was no deformation at all, wearing an expensive suit, his eyes hidden by sunglasses.

“Yes, as you requested, young, beautiful and quite fierce.”

As the interested stallion stepped closer, Candy split at him. “Don’t come any closer!” She shouted in anger, managing to keep her fear under control.

He chuckled. “I see I took a good choice. You will make a good breeder for me. And my business partners. But first, let’s take a look.” He walked towards her back and she tried in vain to kick him, keeping her tail lowered.

“Hold her down!” The muscular stallion ordered and two others did as told, with Candy trying to bite them.

She knew exactly what they had in mind, wanting to sell her as sex slave, a horrible thought. But that was something she wanted to avoid, she was still pure.

“Hey!” The muscular slaver shouted, “You continue to make trouble and we cut your horn off!”

That threat hit her like a train. She could only imagine how painful it would be. “You…you wouldn’t!” She shouted fearfully and her captor grinned.

“Oh, I would.” In response, he grabbed a knife and held it inches away from her horn. “Still wanting to resist?”

Her breath quickened, trembling, eyes small in fear as she looked at it. “P-please…d-don’t!”

“There you go.” He gave the buyer a nod, which raised her tail, eyeing her exposed vagina with interest before smiling.

“Pure and innocent as I wanted. May I…test her?”

“Do you as you like.”

Candy’s heart raced at this, not wanting to lose her virginity like this. But with a knife this close to her horn, she couldn’t risk fighting him off.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the moment that would change her life forever.


A loud sound started everyone and Candy opened her eyes. Another of those deformed stallions had been thrown through the window. In the dim light, she could only see a stallion with a fedora or Stetson hat outside of the window.

“It’s one of them! Get him!” The slaver ordered, yet the intruder was faster. He fired two revolvers, killing several of the guards before vaulting through the window behind a couch for cover.

One of the slavers tried to rush him but got blocked what looked like a blade attached to the intruder’s hoof, before pushed away and sliced by the throat.

“It’s only one stallion, damn it!” The leader of the slavers yelled frustrated as more fell to the intruder’s shots as he poked out of cover.

In a matter of seconds, only one guard remained, together with the leader and buyer, the latter crouched behind another table, trembling.

As the last guard stormed towards the intruder, they clashed blades and Candy saw how the intruder injected what looked like a syringe into his opponent, who jerked slightly and stood completely still.

“What are you doing?” The leader yelled before Candy saw the guard’s eyes blazing red and yellow, froth pouring from between his bared teeth as he turned towards his leader.

And with the scream of a mad beast, he and pounced towards him with his knife.

His former boss managed to block the mad strikes. “Snap out of it!” He yelled, to no avail. Having no other option, he, shoved his fellow slaver back and sliced him. “Is this all you got?!” He taunted the intruder, only to see one of the revolvers pointed at him as he looked up.

“I don’t need more.” The other stallion gave a smirk as he pulled the trigger, blood splattered from the slaver’s head and he hit the ground.

“Wait…” The buyer pleaded with a fearful expression. We can work something out…name your price….”

He cried in pain as the intruder kicked him to the ground, aiming at his head. “I don’t have a price for scum like you.”

Candy’s heart raced as she saw him pulling the trigger, killing the buyer and looked at her with a neutral expression.

Her breath was rapid, almost hyperventilating. So much, that she passed out.

Again, her head ached as she came to, feeling something warm near her. Groaning, she rubbed her head, noticing her restraints were gone and that she was next to a campfire and it was evening.

“Ah, you’re woken up.” A young voice sounded in her ears, having a slight east-Asian accent, sounding relieved. “How are you?”

Looking into the direction the voice was coming from, she saw a black-and-white-speckled Earth pony stallion sitting next to her, possessed of a grey ponytail of a mane, a tasseled red jerkin with bandoliers thrown across his chest and shoulders and toted a fedora with a trophy band, cleaning a revolver, his expression was a friendly smile.

“A bit numb, but otherwise good.” She replied, quickly catching on as she recognized the voice. It sounded identical to the intruder. “Are you…”

He gave a nod. “Yes, I got you out of this…disgusting place. I just couldn’t leave you here after seeing what they intended for you.”

In response, she wrapped her hooves around him for a hug. “Thank you for saving me.”

The young stallion broke it gently. “No need, I just did what was the right to do. What’s your name?”


“A really nice name. Suits a sweet mare like you.” His compliment caused her to blush. “Name’s Tybalt.”

Tybalt…could swear I heard that name before… She thought as it sounded familiar before noticing he had a few scratches on his fur.

“Mind if I take care of them? It’s the least I can do.”

“Not at all. I ran into those guys as I had some…things to do.” He replied and Candy used a healing spell on him.

“There you go.” As her horn stopped to glow, she got a look on his cutie mark. Two crossed revolvers with a circle of smoke. It hit her like a train as she remembered where she had seen it before and heard the name.

A friend of hers, who was in the Royal Guard, had told her once about a deadly bandit leader in the Badlands. He raided plantations and forcibly put the plantation owners to work on the fields they used to own. When the judiciary forces came after him, they’d find the plantation, and those left within, burnt to ash and whenever they tried to give chase, Tybalt and his gang left a mountain of their pursuers dead and burning by the crossroads

There also had been a report of an attack on Sugarcandy City, an industrial powerhouse thought to be impregnable.

Tybalt had escaped with fifty-million bits, nearly bankrupting the entire city, also having hanged foals to show he was not, under any circumstances, to be unfulfilled, no matter how costly his demands, and paid his enemies in blood.

“Y-you’re...the bandit! T-ybalt!” She exclaimed fearfully and started to back up, yet his reaction was unexpected.

Tybalt sighed, raising a hoof. “Yes, but I swear, you have nothing to fear from me, nor will I harm you.” His voice sounded calming, his expression was honest. “If I meant harm, I wouldn’t have saved you, hadn’t I?”

Candy stayed silent, proceeding what he just had said. He had a point. “R-right…”

“I know this is…sudden and unexpected, but I mean it, I won’t do anything to you. Here.” He offered her what looked like a ration. “You shouldn’t go to sleep with an empty stomach. I’ll keep watch and don’t worry, 12 bullets are enough to kill anything that moves.” He pointed to a second revolver in a holster.

Hesitating, Candy nodded and took it, glad to have something in her stomach before making herself comfortable.

Despite the fearful reputation, she somehow felt safe with him. Upon closing her eyes, she faintly felt how the young pony put a blanket over her.

The mare couldn’t complain, she slept well until morning came, yawning as the sun shined down on her.

“Good morning.” Tybalt greeted with a smile, making some coffee over the campfire.

“Morning.” She greeted back as he offered her another ration and the coffee for breakfast, which she took gladly.

“Ah, there you are!” A new voice sounded and Candy saw an orange, blue-dappled batpony stallion with a white ponytail, wearing a colored cloth and eyepatch over his right eye landing near them. “Already feared you were dead. Who’s this?” He eyed Candy with distrust, his foreleg instinctively over the shaft of a knife, making her gulp.

“Shadowplay, please listen,” Tybalt started, “I know we shall not get involved with civilians but I found her getting almost raped and sold as sex slave.”

The batpony raised his eyebrow, staying silent for a moment. Did he not believe Tybalt? Candy feared for the worst.

It seemed like hours until he spoke up, “Alright, I’ll keep it secret.”

“Thank you. Have a safe trip, home, Candy.” Tybalt tipped his hat before he and Shadowplay walked away, with her watching until they were out of sight.

Then she sighed. “What am I gonna do now?”

“Over there!” A female voice called out and she saw a carriage in the sky, dragged by Royal Guards, landing next to her. “Candy, are you okay?” A female Night Guard asked and the unicorn recognized her.

“I’m fine, Clear Amber.” It was the very guard that had told her about Tybalt, getting helped into the carriage by her. “How’d you find me?”

“We are friends for so long, when you weren’t at home and had reported missing, I put two and two together. You are safe now.” Amber explained as a fellow unicorn medic checked Candy for injuries.

The carriage brought her to the hospital she was working in Canterlot for further checks.

“There’s visit for you.” One of her fellow nurses informed and Candy saw her parents walking in, both looking happily at her as she received a hug from her mother.

“Candy! I was so worried!” The older mare cried tears of joy.

“What happened to you?” Her father asked and Candy let out a sigh, knowing this wouldn’t be easy.

“I…I got kidnapped and almost…raped…” The unicorn told with a shaken voice, causing the older mare to gasp.

“My poor baby!”

“But luckily, I was saved just in time.” The white unicorn added, surprising her parents.

“And who?” Her father wanted to know, yet that caused her to think.

Should she really tell them it was a feared bandit that had been her savior? She didn’t want to scare them more or make them feel bad.

“I…I can’t remember to be honest. I was restrained and only saw a silhouette of him before I blacked out and wake up at a campfire, alone. Then Amber found me.” She lied, it hurt her to do this, but she felt it was better that way.

“Okay. Pity we can’t thank him. Anyway, glad you’re okay. Get some rest now, sweetie.”

“Of course, dad.”

Candy was released just a short time later and escorted home by Amber to ensure she would not be bothered again. “There we are. Have a good day, Candy.”

“Thanks. Send your foal your regards, will you?”

“Of course, my friend.”

Once inside her home, the unicorn let out a sigh. It felt good to be home again. The first thing she wanted was a warm shower to clean herself up after all this.

Candy let out a moan as the warm water ran over her body, washing away sweat and dirt before the clear soap made the mare's fur sparkle and gleam.

“Much better.” She said to herself after finishing and drying herself, yet started at a clanking sound coming out of the living room. Slowly, she got out of the bathroom to take a look at what had caused the sound, hearing it again.

Her heart raced as she looked around, hearing it was close as she entered the living room. A relieved sigh escaped her mouth to see it was just the open window, getting thrown closed and open from the wind, and closed it.

“Wait…” Candy mumbled, realizing she hadn’t opened the window as she got home.

She had an intruder!

In alert she looked around for anything that could hint of his presence or that could have been stolen. Or worse…her captors could have survived and tried to recapture her. Something she didn’t want to imagine.

“Calm down, please.” A familiar voice said and she turned around, seeing a black-and-white-speckled Earth pony stallion walking out of the shadow. “Sorry for the scare.” He added with a guilty smile.

“Tybalt? What are you doing here?” Candy asked confused.

“I just wanted to make sure you are safe and sound back home. As for how I found your home, I have my ways.”

“Well, I am safe and sound as you can see. Still, I appreciate your caring. But…why?” She titled her head in confusion.

“May I take a seat?” He asked and she gave a nod in response, both sat down on the couch. “You heard of my reputation, “He started, looking her into the eyes with an honest expression, sounding unease. “I was once a slave, having managed to escape one day and was taken in by a bandit group where I learned my trade. That was how I started my…career. Driven by hate and vengeance against slavers.” He paused for a moment.

“When I saw you, it reminded me of what I had to go through, something I dread to remember, not able to bear the thought of seeing you suffering as I did, or worse.”

It took the unicorn a moment to process everything. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I just thought you should know why I helped you.” He replied as he stood up. “Now, I have to go. Stay safe.”

Without out warning, his stomach growled, causing him to blush slightly.

“You look hungry. Might I invite you for dinner?” Candy suggested as the sun went down.

“If you insist.” He replied and Candy went into the kitchen, making some pancakes for dinner.

It warmed her heart to see him smile as he enjoyed it. “Delicious, you are a good cook.”

“Thank you, I learned a lot from my mother.”

“And you learned well. What’s your job?” He sounded curious.

“I work as a nurse at the local hospital, having a desk job. Turns out, I am pretty good at making reports and similar things.” She pointed to her cutie mark, which was a notepad.

“I see. Suits a mare like you.” Tybalt said before yawning.

“I have a guest room.” A hoof of her pointed to it and he gave a nod.

A sigh escaped his mouth as he took his hat and bandoliers off, falling asleep on the guest bed. While living in Canterlot, Candy was simple, and he liked that.

In the middle of the night, a faint sound woke him up and he rubbed his eyes. Taking a look, he noticed it came from Candy’s bedroom and gently opened the door.

She was weeping in her sleep, turning around frantically. “No…”

“Shh, I am here for you.” Tybalt whispered, gently wrapping a hoof around her as he realized she was having a nightmare, probably from her recent kidnapping. It had the desired effect as she calmed down.

In the next morning, Tybalt yawned as he woke up, feeling something warm around him. Candy was hugging him in her sleep.

“Sorry, but I have to get up.” The young stallion chuckled but the mare tightened her grip as he tried to get free, causing him to groan.

Only a moment later, she yawned and blinked. “Good morning, Ty…balt...” She started to blush upon realizing what she was doing and let go with a nervous chuckle. “Uhh…sorry.”

“None taken.” Then they breakfasted together and he tipped his hat again. “It was nice to spend time with you. Good day.” And in a swift motion, he opened the window and climbed through it, vanishing out of sight.

For some reason, Candy felt her heart beating faster when she ate with him. He cares for me.

Yet that didn’t stop her to go to work in time, getting greeted by her co-workers, who were happy to see that she was safe and sound.

Nevertheless, the day was quiet with nothing unusual, she did some paperwork, assisted visitors and occasionally assisted with medical procedures. The latter was the reason she knew the healing spell she had used on Tybalt.

Around noon, an orange unicorn stallion with purple eyes and a blonde mane walked up to her. “Candy?”

“Yes, Doctor Redcross?” She asked. The Doctor’s full name was Resilience Redcross, a doctor from Farmany, which helped out on occasion in Canterlot, being a friendly pony, who was like a mentor for Candy and the chief doctor at times.

“I appreciate your willingness for your job. But due to what happened to you, you should get some rest. I give you a week off.” He told with caring in his voice.

“Thank you, doctor.”

“Only the best for my staff and patients.” He replied with a smile.

With that, she went home again, only to meet Amber on the way. “Hi, Amber.”

“Hello, Candy. Mind if I join you?” Her friend asked friendly.

“Not at all.”

At her home, Candy brought some biscuits. “What got you home so soon?” Amber asked curiously.

“My boss gave me a week off due to my kidnapping.” Candy explained, then sighed for a moment. Can I ask you something as a friend?”

“Of course.”

The unicorn took a deep breath. “You remember when you told me about that bandit once?”

“Yeah, why do you-“ Amber stopped as she realized what her friend meant. “No way, you mean to say he was the one who saved you?”

“I know that sounds silly but do I look like I would lie to my friend?”

Amber looked into her eyes. They were honest. “Are you really sure it was him?”

“Yes, he even visited me last evening to check if I was okay.” Candy admitted, slightly blushing. “I… just don’t know what to do. I know it is my duty to report it but…he saved me, checking on me like a gentlecolt.” She lowered her head with an unsure expression.

Amber stayed silent, thinking about it. “As a Royal Guard, it would be my duty to report this. But as a friend…I would keep this secret with you and even share one of mine.”

“You…would?” Candy’s ears perked up in surprise.

“Yes. I am in the same situation as you. In fact, for a few years.”

“Really?” Candy asked, she knew Amber for years, having known each other during a hospital check when Amber was pregnant.

“Yeah. A few months before my child was born, I went for a stroll and heard angry shouting and went to take a look and saw a batpony stallion getting harassed by a gang who said he was trespassing on their turf, not liking him. Out of instruct, I stepped in and we both forced the gang to run, but not before he took a serve blow to the head, suffering a concussion. I managed to fix him up, which he was very grateful for, getting to know each other as he recovered.” She paused for a moment.

“Eventually, he visited me once to check on me and to express his thanks, telling me hadn’t expected such kindness to him in a long time. He visited me regularly, even helping me to raise Lucky Star after she was born. His name is Shadowplay.”

“Shadowplay?” Is he a batpony?” Candy asked and her friend nodded.


“A cloth and eyepatch over his right eye?” She added, much to Amber’s surprise.

“Yeah. You know him?

“Well…” Candy shuffled her hooves nervously, “He was picking Tybalt up.”

“Oh? He told me he had a rough past, a mob tried to burn him and his pony parents alive as creatures of darkness. Half his face had been burned away in the flames, thus the cloth and eyepatch.” Amber told with unease, causing Candy to gasp.

“Poor guy.”

“Yeah. As such, he grew distrustful of others and is more the isolated type. But I gave him hope, a purpose and he enjoys spending time with me and being a stepfather for my daughter. After I got pregnant in a one-night stand, he was the best that could have ever happened to me. And so am I a good thing for him.”

“I see, but doesn’t sound like a bandit to me.”

“He’s a mercenary.”

“I understand, he doesn’t want to get you into danger.” Candy concluded, “Though, funny how this connects us, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah. But it felt good to talk about this, my friend.” The batpony smiled, which the white unicorn returned.

“Same here.”

“I’d like to stay, but gotta go, duty calls.”

“See you.”

As Amber left, Candy decided to kill the time by cleaning the house, whistling while she did so.

“You have a very nice singing voice.” Tybalt’s voice sounded behind her and she looked at him in surprise.

“Back so soon?” She did not expect something as this.

“What can I say, a handsome mare like you caught my eye.” He replied with a grin and she blushed.

“Oh, please…”

“What, can’t take a compliment?” He added in a teasing tone.

“It’s not that…just unexpected.” She replied, yet smiled. “Can I bring you something?”

“Coffee would be nice.”

“Okay.” With that, she made him and herself a cup of coffee. “So, what brings you here?” Candy asked as they sat down on the couch.

“Well, I got a bit worried about you, I don’t know if I got all slavers and some are very committed to get escaped slaves back.” He admitted with an unease expression.

That touched Candy, giving a warm smile. “I appreciate your caring but I have a friend in the Royal Guard and she told me they got a special team to make sure this won’t happen.”

“I see. Still, would you mind if I check in regularly? Better safe than sorry, right?” He asked with an unusual concerned voice.

The mare thought for a moment about it, knowing it could be risky. But he seemed to choose his visits well. “My boss gave me the week off, so I have a lot of spare time.”

“Okay, what about tomorrow evening?” He suggested with an eager smile.

“Sounds good to me.”

“Glad to hear it. I see you then.” Tybalt finished his coffee and left again.

Candy looked after him with happiness, having already an idea for tomorrow.

Tybalt was eager about the next day, coming back on time as he had suggested, yet saw it the room was dark. “Hello?” He called out as he entered, yet saw a faint light in the dining room.

Getting closer, his eyes went wide in surprise to see that the light came from candles on the table, a warm and delicious smelling Spring rolls on it.

“Ah, welcome.” Candy greeted smiling and his jaw almost dropped. Her fur was gleaming.

“You look…beautiful!” He exclaimed in admiration and she chuckled.

“Why shouldn’t I for such a special occasion? Now, let’s dig in, shall we?”

“O-of course.”

The young stallion couldn’t complain, the spring rolls tasted very good, he couldn’t remember the last time he ate such a delicious and exotic meal. “That was good.” He rubbed his stomach after finishing.

“And that’s not all.” Candy turned on a radio, it played a relaxing song. “May I have this dance?”

In response, Tybalt took her hoof and they had a slow, yet enjoyable dance together.

Both looked into each other’s eyes with smiles, enjoying every second of it and Tybalt felt his heart beating faster as he did so.

Candy and Tybalt wished this moment could last forever but eventually, the music came to its’s end and they finished their dance.

“That was very nice. Didn’t know you could dance so well when it comes to a classic dance.” Candy complimented him with a warm smile, which he returned.

“Well, I learned a bit here and there through my…adventures. But I’m happy to see you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

“And I’m happy you enjoyed this evening with me.” She replied.

For the rest of the week, they watched movies and played games together.

On the last day of Candy’s spare time, they enjoyed the sunset, with the stallion breaking the silence with a smile. “You know, I met many mares but none was as nice and cute as you are.”

“Thanks.” Candy replied before a sigh escaped her mouth. “You are actually the first stallion who’s ever been nice to me.”

“What?” Tybalt asked, completely caught off guard.

“You heard me right. While I had some friends as foal, I never could build up the courage to ask a colt and after I got my cutie mark, many saw me as nerd for being so good at school.” She told with a sad expression, fighting back tears. “As I grew up, I always felt unsure around stallions…”

In an instant, she felt how Tybalt wrapped his hooves around her. “Shh, calm down. You are a polite, handsome mare, you deserve a caring stallion. And if no stallion is appreciating your caring, what about somepony like me?” He asked in a calming voice, looking her into the eyes.

“Y-yes,” She started to stutter as her heart beat faster, “I-I do l-l-“

Not able to say it and operating on instinct, she moved closer to him and kissed him on the lips.

Her first kiss.

It felt wonderful and his lips were sweet. Candy couldn’t tell how long it lasted before she withdrew, taking a deep breath, seeing that he blushed and so did she.

“I think this will be the start of something wonderful.” The young earth pony concluded with a beaming grin.

“I can only agree.”

Despite her newly found love, Candy wasn’t distracted, doing her work with full efficiency, having a happy smile on her face as she did so.

The day passed quickly until her shift was over, meeting Amber on the way home again.

“You seem to be in good spirits today.” The Night Guard commented surprised.

“Yep!” Candy exclaimed in glee before taking a deep breath. ”Can I tell you at my place?”

“Sure thing.” And so, both walked to Candy’s home, sitting down in the living room. “So, what do you wanted to talk about?”

“It’s about…Tybalt,” The unicorn started nervously, slightly shaking, “I-I fell in love with him.

“You are afraid that due to his reputation, things could get bad for you.” Amber concluded and Candy let out a sigh.

“Yes. I mean, I love him, he saved my life, but he’s a wanted criminal.” Candy pointed out, being conflicted about it as she lowered her head.

The batpony mare thought for a moment. “Well, I have been with Shadowplay for a few years, also having feared what would happen if anypony finds out. He felt also conflicted, yet we were careful. And if it worked for me, I am sure it works out for you and Tybalt too.” She tried to give her friend hope with a weak smile.

“R-right, hope dies last. But what if both get captured?” Candy dreaded to imagine.

“Stay positive, if he gets captured, does that change the fact you love him?”

“N-no. It doesn’t.” Candy replied, sounding slightly confident “I’d still love him, no matter what.”

“There you have it. Hope dies last.”

“Thank you.” She received a friendly hug from Candy. “Though, are you in love with Shadowplay?”

This question caused Amber’s cheeks to become red, eyes looking down. “N-no, I ain’t. I mean, I like him, yes, and he likes me, but after all he went through, I don’t want to burden him. And he mentioned once he feels unsure about marriage and romance. Still, he enjoys being Lucky’s stepfather, raising her with me.”

“I see. Sorry that I made you uncomfortable.” Candy broke the hug in awkwardness, yet received a calming smile.

“It’s fine. Actually, that reminds me of something. You remember that grey Pegasus mare that was In Canterlot at the gala a few years ago?”

“I think, I do. What was her name again? Derpy?” the white mare tipped her forehead.

“Yes, I think that was it. You also saw her foal, Dinky I think was the name.” Amber’s friend nodded in response. “She and Lucky might be of the same age.”

“You think so? Why?” Candy wondered.

“Back then, Dinky was roughly the same size, though I could be wrong. Just popped in when I mentioned Lucky.”

“Uh-huh. Anyway, thank you for the talk, it really helped me.” Candy had now a convincing smile.

“That’s what friends are for.”

The next days were not much different, with Candy and Tybalt spending regularly time together. While they couldn’t go out to eat at a restaurant or visit a theater due to Tybalt’s reputation, they both still had much fun at her home, and a month had passed since they had become lovers

On a warm Sunday, Candy waited eagerly for her coltfriend to arrive, yet hoped he wouldn’t get a heatstroke or anything due to the heat outside.

Just as she looked on the watch, being 7 PM, it knocked on the window and she opened for him. “Welcome.” She greeted happily.

“Hi, sweetheart. Sorry for the wait, got a bit held up.” He returned a smile.

“It's fine, my dear.” She replied, noticing that he was slightly panting, also sweaty.

“Ugh, do they have to turn up the heat so much up there? I feel like in an oven!” Tybalt complained, using his hat as fan. “Mind if I take a shower?”

“Do as you like.”

Nodding as response, he took his head and gear off, heading for the bathroom and a moment later, the sound of running water entered Candy’s ears. Yet seeing Tybalt’s hat gave her an idea.

Her horn lit up and levitated his hat on her head and she watched herself in the mirror with a grin. Looking good there, Candy.” Then her expression became slightly dark. “This city isn’t big enough for the two of us!” And she imitated holding a gun, chuckling afterward.

But before she could carry on, the clearing of a throat interrupted her. Turning around, she saw Tybalt looking at her with a puzzled expression.

“Uhh…finished your shower already?” The unicorn asked in embarrassment, only for Tybalt to chuckle.

“It looks actually good on you.”

“Thanks.” Candy gave it back, still blushing.

“You know, I wonder, how did you get your name?” Her coltfriend changed the subject.

“Oh, that? It’s nothing much, my parents just got reminded of Candy when they saw my pink mane.”

“I see. Me, I never had the chance to ask my parents about it.” Tybalt explained with a slightly sad tone.

It’s okay, Tibs.” Realizing what she just said, Candy covered her mouth with a hoof and the Earth pony titled his head.


“A nickname I thought for you. I used to own a cat as pet when I was a filly, and you remind me of her.”

“That makes sense, and I like it.” The young stallion looked out of the window. “It’ getting late, I think we should hit the hay.”

“Yeah, I have work tomorrow.” Candy yawned and got escorted to her bedroom.

“Goodnight, my dear.” Tybalt said and turned around to leave.

“Wait,” Candy called out, “Could you please stay with me?” She asked with a hoping expression.

“Of course, dear.”

Candy took a deep breath as he was about to enter the bed. “It’s been a month since we met. “I…I was thinking if we should….you know.”

“Mate?” The stallion figured out quickly, yet the mare’s expression was unsure.

“Y-yes. B-but I’m still a virgin….

In response, her lover gave a sympathetic smile. “You look tensed, let me help you.”

“What do you mean?” She asked clueless before the stallion started to massage her, causing her to let out a moan. “Ohh…”

“You know I would never hurt you.” He started to nuzzle her neck.”


“And you have such a beautiful body, and nice curves too. I like it when mares are curvy.”

“G-glad to hear it.” The muzzle of Candy turned a light shade of pink.

“It will be a night to remember for you, I’ll be gentle.”

“Of course.” Again, the unicorn took a deep breath, noticing that Tybalt’s cock had unsheathed, throbbing. “Oh my…”

“You can trust me, you know that.” Tybalt assured her, yet she gave a weak smirk.

“It isn’t that…I overheard some of my co-workers talking about something…interesting and wondered if I could try it out with you. She asked, sounding eager to try.

“Okay, and that would be?” Her horn lit up and the earth pony let out a moan at a pleasant feeling coming from his shaft, hearing a high, faint bubbling noise from it too. “Ahh, what are you doing?”

Despite the pleasant feeling, the bandit managed to look down, seeing how her magic surrounded his member, becoming longer and thicker, his balls swelling up, also feeling his plot distending a bit. It took a few seconds before the glow stopped.

“Wow.” The young stallion mumbled in surprise to see his shaft having been enlarged. “Never thought unicorn magic could do this…”

“Do you like it?” Candy asked and her lover gave her a big grin.

“I love it!”

“It makes me happy to hear that. Now,” her horn lit up again, putting his hat on her head. “Mount me, cowcolt.”

“B-but what if you get pregnant?” Tybalt pointed out, yet received a calming smile.

“Don’t worry, I used an anti-pregnancy spell while ‘improving’ you.”

“I take your word for it.” He nodded and began to line his stallionhood up with her virginal entrance.

Once again, Candy took a deep breath as her lover was about to enter her, knowing it would hurt at first. A cry of pain escaped her mouth as she lost her virginity, blood leaking out, yet fought back tears.

Tybalt waited or a moment so she could recover. “Are you okay?” it sounded concerned, but received a slow nod.

“I think I’m okay now.” She said in a calming tone.

A sigh came out of the stallion’s mouth and started slowly to push in, causing the mare to moan in pleasure. “Goodness, you’re tight.” He grunted, though it was stimulating for him.

“And you’re feeling…amazing!” Candy moaned again as she slowly pulled out, every second was bure bliss for her.

Then he slowly entered again, causing both to moan in pleasure, enjoying every second of this slow coming bliss.

“Yes! Harder!” Candy exclaimed in ecstasy and her lover did as told, increasing his power and speed.

The mare never thought it would feel so good, moaning more frequently and louder, feeling her orgasms building up.

“You’re a beautiful mare.” Tybalt said, kissing her on the nose he felt the pressure in his groin building up as well.

Both panted and moaned constantly all throughout their little romp session although Candy was slightly louder than his marefriend, yet it was what motivated him to keep going.

“I’m…gonna cum!” the black-and-white-speckled pony clenched his eyes shut before both came with an extremely loud scream, their bodies seizing up.

Candy felt how his cock swelled up, releasing loads of his seed, filling her to the brim. It was so much that she faint could make out that her belly swelled up, yet this was also a very pleasant feeling for her, lost in the bliss of her climax.

As their climax started to wear down, they both breathed heavily, taking deep gasps of the hot air around them, absolutely soaked in sweat and cum.

“I love you, Tibs.” Candy said simply through heavy pants.

Tybalt just smiled back before both collapsed onto each other.

Almost immediately, the two were deeply asleep, their bodies forcing them to recover from the intense sex they just had, yet hugged each other in their sleep.

A Bandit's Treat part 2

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Tybalt woke up, finding himself in his quarters at the base of his paymaster. It was quiet, nopony in sight anywhere.

The door opened and his boss walked in, a neutral expression. “Tybalt, we need to talk.” He said, sounding slightly upset.

“Sure thing, boss.” The young stallion replied, yet felt something wasn’t right.

Tybalt followed Cascadius towards the shooting range of the base, yet no of the other mercs were here at the moment, which was unusual, as it was rare that it wasn’t used.

“This is not a moment I am proud to see.” The paymaster spoke with slight disgust in his voice and pointed to one of the racks of the Firing Range and a light activated.

Tybalt froze in shock at what he saw.

It was Candy, restrained, quivering, her eyes filled with terror.

“Now, didn’t I tell you to avoid civilians during a mission?” Cascadius asked, sounding disgusted.

Tybalt started to shake. “N-no, it wasn’t like that… I got into t-trouble a-and…we helped each other as she was in trouble with the same guys. I j-just made sure she was okay before we went separate ways…I swear!”

“I see. Still, you know that we can’t allow witnesses.” His boss pointed out cold.

“B-but I haven’t told her anything!” The stallion’s voice cracked, almost pleading for Candy’s life.

Cascadius just calmly reached for a pistol, aiming at the mare.

“W-wait!” Tybalt exclaimed in fear.


“No!” The stallion got up with a gasp, breathing heavily as he looked around.

It had just been a dream.

Candy was still asleep, snoring peacefully next to him. With a sigh, Tybalt fell asleep again.

In the morning, Tybalt opened his eyes to the blinding morning light streaming in through the window, yawning before someone planted a kiss on his forehead.

“Good morning.” It was Candy, smiling warmly at him.

“Morning sweetheart. Slept well?” He returned it.

“Yep! I just…feel a little bit…billowy.” Candy mumbled before looking down and gasped. Her belly was slightly swelled up. “S-sweet Celestia! How did you let out so much?!”

“Uhh, guess it was your stimulation, plus that it was a while since I had relief…” Tybalt lowered his head, blushing, feeling awkward about it.

“Oh…Oh jeez, I can’t go to work like this, ponies will think I’m pregnant!” The mare exclaimed in panic.

“Calm down, deep breath, panic won’t help you.” Her coltfriend advised, managing to regain focus with a calming voice. “You could call sick for the day. After all, it goes away eventually.”

“That…could work.” The mare took a deep breath as told, having the intended effect. “I just hope my boss won’t ask.”

“Think positive, sweetheart.” Tybalt wrapped his hooves around her, nuzzling the unicorn’s neck. “I’d like to stay, but I have to go. Love you.”

Both gave each other a goodbye kiss before the stallion left.

Then she called Redcross with her phone. “Good morning, Candy, what it is?” He asked friendly.

“I…have to call sick for today, woke up with stomach problems.” She lied, though technically, it wasn’t wrong.

“Sorry to hear that. Get well soon!”

“Thank you, Redcross.”

With that done, she let out a sigh and breakfasted. Upon finishing, she cleared the house before the doorbell sounded.

Aware of her swelled belly, she carefully walked to the door and opened, relieved to see it was Amber. “Hello, what brings you here?” She asked friendly, hiding her awkward feelings about her current appearance.

“After I heard you were sick, I wanted to check on you.” The bat pony explained, it was a trait of her Candy liked, caring deeply for her friends before her eyes fell on Candy’s belly. “Oh, what's up with your belly? Have you been binging on cake like Celestia or something?”

A nervous chuckle left the unicorn’s mouth. “No, nothing like that. Can I tell you inside?”

“Of course,” Amber replied with confusion, not understanding as both sat down on the couch. “So, what is it?”

Candy blushed, crossing her forelegs. “Well…you see... I and Tybalt…mated last night for the first time and…I guess you can figure out the rest.”

It took the gray mare a few seconds, then blushed as well, her eyes wide. “Oh…Uh…Sounds like you had quite some fun.”

“Yeah, that’s also the reason I called sick today, not wanting anyone to see this.” Her friend lowered her head.

“Understandable. Still, I wish you a good day.”

“You too.” Candy replied as her friend left. “I wonder how Tybalt’s doing.”

A loud gurgling sound came from her belly, causing her to clutch it. “Oh, no…” She let an uncomfortable groan as the fluids came out of her virginal entrance. “Ugh…what a mess…”

Tybalt made his way back to the base of his paymaster and fellow mercenaries. It wasn’t too difficult, as the streets of Canterlot were almost empty in the morning and evening hours, so he could go in and out undetected.

He arrived at the HQ without trouble, getting greeted by the rank and file mercs, who went after their own business.

“Ah, Tybalt, there you are,” Cascadius spoke up with his usual neutral expression.

“What’s up, boss?”

“Don’t you ‘what’s up’ me. What took you so long?” The paymaster demanded to know, sounding suspicious.

Tybalt quickly thought of a lie, managing to hide his fear as he forced an apologizing smile. “Sorry, got caught up in the morning rush.” It wasn’t really wrong, he had overslept a bit. Yet he dreaded that his boss wouldn’t believe him.

It seemed like hours for him until he got a reply. “I see. Don’t let it happen again.”

“Of course.”

“And…what happened to your…” Cascadius pointed to Tybalt’s enlarged male parts.

“That? Just a gift by one of my mares.” The young stallion honestly stated, knowing that lying was no good here, as his boss took health very seriously and before Candy, he had been with other mares but it never had become much, apart from a casual sex night. “It’s completely safe, I swear.”

“I see. Report to Bovril should you feel odd.”

“Sure thing, Boss.”


He let out a sigh of relief as his boss walked away.

Nevertheless, he went on with his day, greeting other mercs as he walked towards his quarters, seeing how a dark grey Pegasus was practicing moves with her Katana. “Ah, morning, Tybalt. How are you-” She cut herself off upon noticing Tybalt’s changes.

“Morning, Miura. Like what you see?” He teased with a smirk, he couldn’t help himself.

“Move aside, colt. The actual warriors on this base need their practice.” The mare stated in a serious tone.

“Of course.” He replied respectfully, not wanting to lose his head to her Katana.

Just as he reached his quarters, he saw Shadowplay. “Morning, buddy.” He greeted the batpony with a smile.

“Good morning, Tybalt. You took your time today.” The batpony commented.

“Yeah, sorry. Things got…you know.” The young earth pony blushed slightly and Shadowplay‘s expression became one of surprise as he understood.

“I see. And…” his eye went down, starting to blush. “Uhh, is that from her?” He pointed to his crouch and received a proud grin.

“Yes. You see…” Tybalt whispered it into the bat pony’s ear and his red eye become wide.

“Ohh…well…sounds like she’s a keeper…” Shadow mumbled as he tried to process it.

“Thanks! Though, how would you know?” Tybalt’s eyed him with suspicion, as he knew that Shadowplay was rather secluded when it came to mares, due to his past.

“Uhh, I had a crush in a filly of my home town before everything went down the drain,” Shadow explained hastily, sounding nervous, yet Tybalt paid no mind to it.

“Point taken. Still, thanks for covering me.” Tybalt replied, as Cascadius had the rule had when a merc was “on leave”, that another would make sure he would keep out of trouble. And ever since the young stallion got to know Candy, Shadow offered to go with him, while the young merc watched over the bat pony, covering each other.

“You’re welcome.”

“If you like, I could ask her if there’s a potion for that kind of magic. As a way to repay you.” A warm smile formed on Tybalt’s mouth, “Still, why do you go to Canterlot?”

“Thanks, but I rather prefer my junk the way it is.” Shadow chuckled nervously, “As for what I do in Canterlot, I just find the community gardens are so peaceful when I need some peace and quiet for myself. There’s always a spot where I can be alone.”

“Sounds fair.” Tybalt shrugged before his stomach grumbled. “Sorry, hadn’t breakfast yet.”

“Then off to the mess hall, shall we?” Shadowplay suggested.

Time passed, Tybalt visited Candy regularly, the months turned into a year and both were watching the sunset on the balcony. “I can’t believe it’s already a year since we are together.” Candy mumbled.

“Me neither. I guess we do something right. Or what do you think?” Tybalt asked but didn’t get a response. The mare had her eyes closed, snuggled against him. He smiled and gave her a kiss in the check. “I love you.”

Eventually, it became two years and during a nice day, both enjoyed some apple-flavor ice cream on the balcony.

“It’s been so long since the day we met. You’re the best that ever happened to me.” Candy started, “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course, my dear.” Tybalt smiled.

“Have you ever thought about being a father?” Her question caught him off guard and he slightly blushed.

“Uh, not really. But I don’t think I’d make a good father, due to my troublesome past, not to mention that I am a criminal.” The stallion told with a lowered head, sounding unsure.

“Tybalt, “Candy gently lifted his head with a hoof, looking him into the eyes. “You are a good coltfriend to me, a gentlecolt and caring. And if you are so good with me, I think you will a good father too.”

“You think so?” He was surprised.

“Yes.” The mare kissed him on the nose.

“I’m…flattered…” His response sounded in a muttering tone. “Why do you ask?”

“Well…every time I saw a foal at the hospital, I wondered how it would be to be a parent myself.” She told with a blush.

“I see. Frankly, I don’t know. I mean, I love you but I don’t want to get you into danger or anything.” Now, fear sounded in his voice.

“Understandable. Take as long as you need to think about it.”

“Thanks. Maybe a shower helps me to get my head clear.”

His brain raced with information and uncertainty as he showered.

She wants to be a mother, the next step in our relationship…But I am I ready for this? Can I be a good father? She’s confident, yet… Then he shook his head. Pull yourself together! If you managed to be together with her for so long, you can do this too! She said this herself!

With a deep breath, he left the shower after finishing and dried himself.

“Honey, I gave it some thought. I think I am ready as you are.” He called out.

“Glad to hear it.” He voice came from the bedroom and he walked towards it.

Opening the door, his eyes went wide and his checks beet-red at the sight. Candy was lying in a sexy pose on the bed, a rose in her smiling mouth. “Go and get it, tiger.”

Starting to smile, Tybalt closed the door before joining her.

After Tybalt left again in the morning, Candy took a pregnancy test to be sure. Her eyes beamed with happiness to see it was positive. “Yes! You are going to be a father, Tybalt!”

Yet the happiness lasted only for a short moment as she felt something in her throat. “Uh-oh…” And with that, she rushed towards the bathroom, vomiting. “Ugh…morning sickness…Forgot about that…”

When she went to work, there was little trouble with the pregnancy, going on with her duties as usual.

And when the day was over, she couldn’t wait to see her coltfriend to tell the news. As she entered her home, a voice spoke up, “Surprise!”

Startling and remembering her kidnapping two years ago, she instinctively punched into the direction of the voice, hearing a male cry of pain and a gasp for air.

Turning around, she saw it was Tybalt, holding his gut. “Nice hit, sweetie.” He commented.

A wave of guilt came over her, never wanting to hurt him, but then they both broke out into laughter

“Sorry, didn’t want to scare you.” The stallion managed to catch his breath.

“It’s okay. And I have news for you: you are going to be a father!” She exclaimed in glee and he smiled.

“Glad to hear it, that makes our last night truly special.”

Two months and passed and a bulge started to form on her belly, which was quickly noticed by her fellow nurses and doctors.

“C-candy, d-did you get raped?” One nurse asked in horror and Candy waved a hoof.

“Nah, it was a night-one stand.” She calmly replied, gaining a relieved sigh by her colleagues.

“That’s a relief.”

“Still,” Redcross spoke up, “You should let yourself get checked up, better safe than sorry.” He pointed to his office.

“Of course, boss.” And she sat down on the lounger before he started a medical scan on her.

“How long have you been pregnant?”

“Two months from now on,” She stated truthfully.

“I see. And everything looks all right with your foal.” He gave her a warm smile. “Now, in consideration of Maternity leave and safety, I’ll make sure your work gets changed accordingly.”

“Thank you, sir.” She appreciated it.

“As your supervisor, it’s my duty, plus I am parent myself as you know.” He turned to a picture on his desk, the sun was shining on it, making it impossible to make out the details, save for a female deer and a pony-hybrid foal. “And seeing how well you are with the foals at the hospital, I can tell you are going to be a great mother.”

“You’re flattering me, Redcross.” She replied with a blush.

With that, she did her work as usual, then went home, encountering Amber once again. “Hi!”

“Hello, Candy, how are…you?” The grey mare looked in surprise at Candy’s belly.

“I’m going well. And you are not seeing things, I am pregnant!” The unicorn exclaimed in joy.

“Glad to hear it,” Amber replied with a smile before leaning close. “He is the father, isn’t he?” She whispered into Candy’s ear, getting a nod as answer. “Okay then, if you need any help due to being pregnant, I’ll be there.”


As time passed, both mares chatted one day in Candy’s home. “You know, I hope for Tybalt’s sake, that your mood swings won’t be an issue. Me, I almost threw a knife at Shadow.” Amber let out an awkward chuckle.

“Nah, I got it under control.” Candy assured.

“Good. I heard once when Shining Armor’s mother gave birth to him, she used her magic to lunch forcefully the equipment in the room at her husband…”

“Really?” Candy couldn’t believe it.

“So are the rumors within the guard once Shining Armor became Captain, don’t know how it spread. This is why I hope Tybalt won’t suffer in a similar way.” Another awkward chuckle escaped Amber’s mouth.

“Duly nodded.”

The months passed and Candy’s pregnancy progressed without complications, she was eager to becoming a mother, relaxing at home as Tybalt knocked on the window, holding a bunch of flowers in his hoof.

“For the most beautiful mare I ever met.” A smile was on his face.

“Thank you, dear.”

“And how are you and our foal doing?” He nuzzled her belly, causing the foal to kick.

“Doing well. And you?” She asked with a smile of her own.

“Same here. But…” A sigh escaped his mouth. “I have news for you.” His words sounded remorseful.

“What it is?” She asked with fear.

“The boss is planning something big. I don’t know when I can return to you. But I promise, I try to come back.” He told her, his eyes showing regret and she hugged him.

“Whatever happens, be careful.” Candy put up a weak smile, trying to be brave. “For our foal.” She added, yet Tybalt could clearly tell by the tone of her voice that she was worried for him. Her eyes also betrayed her brave face.

“Of course I will.” He gently returned it before leaving.

In the evening of the same day, Amber visited her. “So he told you too?” The white mare concluded and Amber nodded.

“Yes, Shadow did.”

“I am afraid, Amber.” Candy told her as they sat down on the couch. “That Tybalt could die, leaving me alone…”

“Candy,” Clear Amber started, giving her a calming hug, “We have to stay positive. “Tybalt cares for you, Shadow for me, they will do anything to see us again.”

“And if they get captured?” Candy dreaded to imagine.

“That means they have survived. And it also means we can see them again.”

“But…what about our reputation?”

“I am sure it will be fine. And it won’t stop you from loving him, would it?”

“R-right…I am just so worried.”

“We can only wait and hope for the best.” Amber gave her a pat on the shoulder.


Tears ran through Candy’s eyes as she rushed towards the hospital, getting stopped by the orange unicorn. “Please! I must see him!” She yelled in desperation, yet couldn’t break free of his grip.

“Calm down, Candy, please. What’s the rush?” Redcross asked confused.

“He’s…He’s my coltfriend and father of my foal.” She explained in a shattered voice, causing Redcross to blink in surprise.

“I see…” He stayed silent for a minute. “Then you are in luck.”

“You mean?”

“Yes. He was torn up pretty bad but I managed to patch him up. A pony as young as him deserves a second chance.” He explained with empathy in his voice before being pulled in a grateful hug.

“Thank you, Redcross!”

“It was the least I could do.” He gently broke it and opened the door for her.

Walking into the patient room, she saw the young stallion lying on the bed, his chest bandaged, smiling as he saw her. “Candy…” In an instant, she hugged him, causing the earth pony to grunt in pain.

“Sweetie...I appreciate your caring but...could you please stop hugging the life out of me? I'm not sure how much I have left.”

Candy let go. “Sorry, I am just so overjoyed that you are alright.” She beamed a smile.

“I am happy to see you too. But…” His smile fell,” You know what that means?”

“Yes,” She gave a weak smile in return. “But that won’t stop me from loving you.” Then she pulled close for a kiss and he returned it, knowing that the mare was right.

But eventually, he fully recovered and got sent to prison, his cell opposite of Shadowplay. “Tybalt, you’re alive.” The batpony sounded happy.

“Yeah, thanks to a very experienced and determined doctor.”

“I see.” Shadow lowered his head. “I also guess you know what happened…”

“Shadowplay, I don’t blame you for what happened,” Tybalt replied with sympathy, causing the grey stallion to look up.


“It was beyond your control, something you didn’t want to do. And we both know Blue could be out there.”

“I know, It’s just…will she and Tungsten ever forgive me?” The batpony sounded afraid.

Tybalt thought for a moment, knowing this was hard to say. “You can only hope for the best, staying positive.”


“You got visit, Tybalt.” The guard announced and he saw Candy walking in, a smile on her face.

“Hi, babe.” He returned his lover’s smile.

“Nice to see you again, Tibs. After I heard of your friend Shadowplay, I thought I bring you two a little gift.” She reached for her saddlebag, revealing a chocolate cake.

“Ah, thank you.”

“It’s the least I can do. And it’s a pleasure to meet you Shadowplay, Amber told me a lot about you. It’s tragic what happened to you, still, I think you look pretty handsome.” She complimented the orange, blue-dappled batpony with a smile.

“Uh, thanks. How do you know?” He asked, completely caught off guard by her compliment.

“She and I are friends, she told me a lot about you.”

“I see.”

“Would love to stay but work’s calling. See you, sweetheart.” She blew Tybalt a kiss before walking away.

Having some privacy, they both tried the cake, enjoying the sweet taste.

“That is delicious, she can bake very well,” Shadow commented after finishing. “And did I see it right, she’s pregnant?”

“Yes. And how do you know Amber?” Tybalt asked in return.

“Why do you think why I went to Canterlot? But unlike you and Candy, we are just friends. Yet, Amber was also the reason I kept your relationship with Candy secret, as it was similar to me and Amber.”

And with that, he told Tybalt how he met the Lunar Guard years ago and helped her with her pregnancy and to raise her foal.

“Well, after all you went through, I think you deserve someone like her.” Tybalt gave a weak smile.

“I guess so. Even after all this, she stayed with me, never judging me.” Shadow mumbled before raising his eyebrow. But…Tibs?”

“A nickname Candy gave me, based on a cat she used to own.” The earth pony explained.

“Okay. Just reminded me of I how I got my name…” The batpony started to blush slightly, “Keep it for yourself?”

“Sure.” His friend replied.

“Because…after I was born, I played with the shadow of my mother…” Shadowplay told with clear awkwardness in his voice.

“I see. Though, who would have thought we would have an indirect connection?” Tybalt spoke out, referencing to their secret relationships with Candy and Amber respectively.

“Yeah. And, I hope you hadn’t any problems with Candy’s mood swings.” The grey stallion pointed out and Tybalt waved a hoof.

“Nah, she got it under control.”

“Good. Amber told me once that there was a rumor in the guard that when Shining Armor’s mother gave birth to him, she used her magic to lunch forcefully the equipment in the room at her husband…”

“Really?” Tybalt asked in disbelief.

“It’s a rumor, so I can’t tell for sure. Yet, pray you won’t suffer similarly when Candy gives birth.” This caused the young stallion to chuckle nervously. “But if you think unicorns are bad when it comes to mood swings, bat ponies are much worse…”

One day, Shadowplay visited Clear Amber to check on her, going through the kitchen window. “Hello, Amber, how are you?” He called out before a knife flew past him, missing his left eye by inches.

It went small to see a very angry Amber before him, standing near a rack of knives. “You did this to me!”

With only seconds to spare, Shadowplay dove behind the kitchen counter as a row of knives flew toward his direction.

“Well, given how you survived in one piece and are stepfather of her daughter, was worth it, right?” Tybalt let out an awkward chuckle himself.


As time passed, both stallions got regularly out of their cells for meals, spare time and for exercise, chatting with their mares whenever they had the chance.

During a warm and nice day, Tybalt was reading a book as his ears perked up upon hearing Amber’s voice.

“Hey, Shadowplay, you got visit.”

The guard spoke in a friendly voice and Tybalt looked up, seeing her smiling at Shadowplay.

“Thanks, Clear Amber.”

Tybalt's eyes went wide as she saw that the visitor was Blue Murder, looking fully recovered.

“Blue…” Shadow’s smile fell as she saw her. “You’re survived….” He sounded guilty.

“Yes, I have. But tell me…why?” She asked in a neutral voice.

He sighed. “So you think I liked what I had to do? I never wanted to do this, I regretted every second. Every night after that, I suffered nightmares. I understand if you hate me, won’t forgive me. I just want to let you know, I’m sorry, regretting what I had to do.” Shadowplay lowered his head.

Blue took a deep breath. “Shadow, I don’t blame you, neither does Tungsten.”

“You…don’t?” The stallion looked up confused.

“Why should I? We were both in a critical situation, acts we didn’t want to do. We are in the same boat.” She pointed out.

“And so am I, sort of.” Tybalt spoke up, weakly smiling as he walked into her view from his cell, just opposite of Shadowplay.

“Tybalt? I thought you died.” Blue said surprised.

“I thought so too.”

“How did you survive?” She asked and he shrugged.

“Franky, I can't remember much. Only that I blacked out and faintly saw a light. I thought Tartarus had come to collect its dues at last. Then I woke up in a hospital room. When I asked what happened, a nurse only told me that a doctor managed to save me, because he meant I was still young and had my life ahead of me, that I should get a second chance.”

“In any case, I am glad to see you’re okay.”

“Me too. So...it seems here we are at the conclusion. The three of us...the last survivors of the bloody war.” The black-and-white-speckled stallion lowered his head slightly.

“Yes, but it is up to us to make the best out of it.” Blue pointed out, “And I might have that opportunity for all of us.”

“And that is?” Both stallions asked curiously.

“You will see. If you excuse me, I got a wedding to attend.” With that, she walked away.

In the next day, both got released, much to their surprise, yet received with smiles by Candy and Amber.

“I can’t believe you got released. We can raise our child together.” Candy kissed him, he returned it in joy.

“Daddy!” A young voice called out and they saw a batpony filly running towards Shadowplay, her mane teal, the eyes yellow.

Hey, Lucky,” Shadowplay smiled and embraced her in a hug. “I am happy too to see you again.”

“And I am not alone! Grandpa and grandma also came!” Lucky Star exclaimed, causing Shadow’s expression to become slightly scared.

“Well, it had come to that sooner or later.” He mumbled before the unicorn gave a nervous chuckle.

“What a coincidence, my parents wanted to see you too, Tibs.”

His expression became also slightly scared, yet took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.”

They all walked towards a visitor area, seeing the four elderly ponies already waiting.

“So, you are the stallion my little daughter told us about.” Candy’s mother said and Tybalt gave a nervous nod.

“Y-yes, that I am.”

“The notorious bandit of the badlands,” The father of Candy fixed him with a glare, causing him to gulp, and so did Shadow as Amber’s father did the same. “What brings someone like you to love her?”

“W-well, I was the one who saved her from the slavers.” The young pony stuttered, “I did only what was right when I saw her, visiting her as I wanted to be sure she’s okay and we spent time together.”

“I see. You better not hurt her. If you do…”

“Dad! Stop!” Candy exclaimed, “I’ve told you, he is a caring gentlecolt, he would never hurt me.”

A small grin formed on his face. “I know, but a father has to check for any threats against his daughter.”

“And if I hear you hurt my daughter’s feelings, I see personally to it that your scars get some additions.” Amber’s father warned, only for the little filly to yell,

“Grandpa, stop scaring daddy! He cares greatly for mommy and me, he would never do that!”

“As a senior guard, one can never be sure enough, dear.” Her grandfather chuckled.

“Now, “Candy’s mother started, “I believe it is time. To look through Candy’s and Amber’s embarrassing baby pictures." She and the other elderly lifted two books on a table.

“Mooom!” The two younger mares exclaimed as they blushed and the elderly batpony chuckled.

“What? You were a cute baby, and so was Candy.”

Tybalt and Shadow looked at each, gave a nod and ignored the books, rubbing a hoof over the backs of their respective friends. “She's still cute, in my opinion,” Tybalt said to spare his lover more embarrassment, while Shadowplay just gave a nod.

After the parents left, Candy went back to work, while Amber organized a carriage with her daughter, Shadow let out a sigh. “Ugh, glad that’s over, I thought their fathers would kill us. Good thing my parents weren’t here, or I would never have heard the end of how I got my name.”

“Yeah…in that opinion, our pasts might be an advantage for us.” Tybalt pointed out.

“Good point.”

Around 15 minutes later, Amber arrived with the carriage and they got in, Blue was waiting inside.

“So, what is that opportunity you spoke of?” Shadowplay asked.

“Well, servitude. Under Princess Luna, just as the Eternal Knights.” She explained and both stallions thought about it.

“I wouldn’t mind. That way, our skills are put to good use and we can still see our friends.”

“Agreed, I mean, you seemed to get along well with them and their operatives as far as I heard,” Tybalt added. “So I suppose we can too.”

“Yeah, you would be under my leadership. But for you, Tybalt, there is one last thing.” She said, much to his confusion.

“What do you mean?” In response, she pointed outside and he saw that the carriage landed in front of a hospital. The young stallion took only a second to understand.

The moment he stepped through the entrance, an orange unicorn stallion waved at him to follow, bringing him to a recovery room.

Tensed, Tybalt opened the door. A very tired, but happy-looking Candy was laying in the bed, cradling a bundle to her chest. Also, he saw that the next room was a sight of destruction. Bed sheets lay on the floor, ripped apart; an orderly was in a corner, still knocked out, and the equipment was varying from “scratched” to “annihilated.”

Good thing I wasn’t there. He thought, remembering what Shadow had told him.

“…Ty-Tybalt…” she managed to utter, right before she turned the bundle around to face her coltfriend with tears of joy.

His eyes welt with tears as he looked at the newborn foal. It was a colt with a white coat, grey mane and blue eyes.

“I thought his name could be Bullseye.” Candy suggested, her lover only gave a nod as he sniffed, seeing that Amber, Lucky, Shadowplay and Blue stood in the doorway, smiling at the scene.

For Tybalt, Shadow and Blue, Life had started harshly. But in the end, it rewarded them all with a good change.

And they all would make the best out of it.