
by LewdChapter

First published

Swoon Song and her friends give Mercury Shine a wholesome small town welcome

Mercury Shine, an alchemist in search of rare ingredients, finds himself stuck in Our Town for the night. Luckily for him, a nice, beautiful mare invites him to have a little fun with her friends in the admittedly boring little village. Together, they give the city boy quite the small town welcome.

WARNING: This story contains traps, spitroasts, creampies of the anal variety, gangbangs, double penetration, facials, hints of feminization, and other gay shenanigans

Commissioned by the owner of Mercury Shine (who is typically a mare), Jaker

Cover is a crop of 1598762

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Mercury Shine tapped his hoof idly against the bar, his drink sat beside him and mostly untouched. He had never been much for drinking, aside from special occasions, but getting drunk seemed to be this village’s only real form of recreation. A tiny, rarely visited and oft-overlooked little hamlet, Mercury was annoyed from the very moment he stepped into the township. There were only a scant few shops, a tiny inn, and a train that only blew past the place every few days. The place didn’t even have a proper name, only referred to by its residents as “Our Town”. Aside from the name being more than a bit cheesy, the lack of a real name made it borderline impossible to find it, nevermind travel to it.

Irritating though this place was, Mercury couldn’t exactly avoid this little trip. In pursuit of a very potent, very rare herb, the Deathbud flower, which only grew in a few very specific regions of the country. Normally deadly unless dried and prepared in a very particular manner, Mercury could only find one place willing to sell it to him at a decent price. Only trouble was that he’d need to make the long, boring trip to Our Town in order to collect it. Mercury sighed, glancing at his drink before using his magic to float the glass to his lips and take a sip. If he was going to be stuck there until morning, then he would at least take advantage of the cheap whiskey.

"Let me get another one," said Mercury to the bartender, sliding his empty glass over. "Anything to kill time…"

"Make it two."

Mercury looked up from his drink, turning to the source of the voice. Immediately, he was thrown for a loop. A beautiful mare stood just a few steps behind him, a reddish-orange mare with an elegantly swooped brunette mane. Her eyes were a dull, soft purple, contrasting starkly with Mercury's shining emerald green. She wore a scarlet bow both in her mane and at the base of her tail, tying together her beauty and grace nicely.

"Mind if I sit with you?" she asked, gesturing to the seat beside Mercury. Taken a bit off guard by the sudden appearance of this beauty, Mercury took a second to come up with an answer.

"Sure, sure, help yourself." Mercury turned to face the mare as she sat down, the bartender sliding a drink before each of them. "I'm Mercury Shine. Pleased to meet you, Ms…?"

"Swoon Song. The pleasure's all mine." Swoon let out a tired sigh, sipping her whiskey. "Anything to get away from those two idiots for a bit…"


"My girlfriends. They're good gals, but they can get a bit out of hoof sometimes." Swoon shook her head, polishing off her drink. "But hey, they're my best friends. They have my back when I need them, and get on my nerves when I don't. That's how it goes, right?"

"I'll take your word for it," said Mercury with a shrug.

"Not much of a friendly stallion, then?"

"Eh. It's not like that, really. Just that I never stick around one place for very long." Swoon arched her brow, curious as to what exactly Merc meant, and so he went on to elaborate. "I'm a traveling alchemist. My job means that I have to hop from place to place for new ingredients, and to make sales when the market shifts. That's the only reason I'm here, to pick up some ingredients."

"Yeah, we don't get many travelers to Our Town," mused Swoon. "Couldn't figure out why somepony like you would come through this dump."

"Somepony like me?" asked Mercury, cocking his head.

"Somepony interesting."

"Let's not get crazy here."

The two shared a laugh, and almost effortlessly fell into conversation. Mercury found Swoon to be quite engaging, and with a background very different to his own. Whereas he had always been on the move, moving from city to city, Swoon hadn't ever left the dusty little Our Town. The two had interesting insights to share with one another, though Mercury figured the whiskey probably also had something to do with things. They don't call it "social lubricant" for nothing.

"So, how long are you here in Our Town for?" asked Swoon, pushing her glass to the side. While Mercury was on his fourth drink of the night, Swoon was taking things a bit more slowly, barely even halfway through her second whiskey. "To be honest with you, I can't imagine willingly staying here a second longer than you have to."

"Heh. Well, hopefully, I'll be on the train back home tomorrow morning. I wasn't originally planning to stay at all, but…" Mercury sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not particularly easy to get in and out of this place, is it?"

"No, sadly, it is not. Where are you staying? The inn, I assume?"

"Yeah, the innkeeper said there were plenty of rooms so I could just pop by when I was ready to check-in." Mercury glanced to the clock in the wall, frowning slightly at the time. It was getting late. "Maybe I should start heading there now…"

"Well, you know, if you want to save yourself the bits…" Swoon flashed a grin, leaning in to whisper a bit under her breath. "You're more than welcome to spend the night with me."

"Huh?" Mercury didn't think he had that much to drink, but he must have been a bit tipsy based on what he thought he heard. It sounded like Swoon had invited him to stay at her house, which couldn't possibly be right. Could it?

"Well, a night at the inn can be a bit pricey, and the train might not be in 'til late in the day, so you might get charged for two nights," explained Swoon. "Me and my girlfriends normally stay home together, and it can get a bit boring. Would be nice to have some company to keep us occupied."

"Uh-huh… And they'll be okay with some random stallion staying the night?"

"Considering they make me pay the rent by myself, I don't particularly care what they'll be okay with." Swoon smiled again, giving Mercury a sultry wink. "But… I don't think they'd mind a night with a cutie like you."

"Is that so?" said Mercury, cracking a grin. "Well, I think I might have to take you up on that."

"Hey, barkeep!" Swoon waved to the stallion behind the bar. "Put our drinks on my tab."

"Sure thing, Swoon. You get home safe, now."

"Wait, wait, I can pay for drinks," said Mercury, using his magic to dig through his saddlebags. Swoon stopped him with a wave of the hoof, shaking her head with a laugh.

"That's not how we do things down here," she chuckled. "We like to take care of newcomers who come around, even though we don't get them too often. Let me worry about the drinks. I'm sure we can find a way for you to pay me back tonight. How's that sound?"

Mercury had his doubts as to Swoon's intentions previously, but it was getting pretty obvious just what she had on her mind. And, while this was not at all what he had been expecting when he came to this dusty old town, Mercury was in no way opposed to having his expectations subverted.

"Sounds good to me," said Mercury with a grin. "Lead the way."

With Our Town being so small, it didn't take very long for Mercury and Swoon to reach their destination upon leaving the bar, a short five-minute walk that was made even briefer due to the two engaging in pleasant conversation the whole time. Slightly drunken small talk was a very good way of killing time, all the way until the pair arrived at the fairly sizable house that Swoon (and her friends, apparently) called home. It was a bit larger than many other houses in the town, but still had that down-to-earth and homely feel that Mercury had come to expect from the village. Swoon dug out a key from her saddlebags and, with an almost cocksure grin, she unlocked the door and led Mercury into the foyer.

"Feather! Deedee! I'm home!" Swoon called throughout the house. "And I brought company, so make yourselves decent!"

"Ooh! Company?" A giggling voice echoed from deeper in the house, from up a flight of stairs. "Is he cute?"

"We'll be up in a minute, you can see for yourself." Swoon gave a little chuckle, cocking her head in the direction of the voice. "Let's not keep those two waiting. And, fair warning, it's been a while since a looker like you breezed through town. The girls might be a bit… excitable."

"I think I could go for a bit of excitement," said Mercury with a smirk. The two ventured deeper into the house, along a narrow hallway and to a flight of wooden steps leading upwards. Swoon went first, and Mercury followed close behind, hoping to get a glimpse under her tail. Perhaps knowing this, Swoon giggled as she ascended, swaying her hips enticingly but taking care to keep her tail covering her mare bits. Mercury chuckled to himself, but admitted himself thwarted in his attempts at peeping. He figured that he would likely get a chance to see all he wanted soon enough.

"Ooh, he is cute!" Swoon and Mercury stepped into the room, where two mares sat in wait upon a cushy bed. One was a unicorn, with a gentle green coat and a blonde mane parted similarly to her friend beside her. The other pony, the one who spoke earlier, was a pegasus, a beautiful purple mare with a silver-blue mane that was as gorgeously styled as either of her friends. Mercury smiled, barely able to contain himself. Somehow, Swoon's friends were both just as beautiful as Swoon herself. It looked as though Mercury had hit the jackpot.

"Well, how do you do, stranger?" said the pegasus, cracking a grin. She looked Mercury up and down, almost like a predator to prey. "Mmmm, Swoony sure can pick em, huh, Deedee?"

"She sure can," remarked the unicorn, Deedee. She licked her lips as she rolled off of the bed, her eyes scanning up and down his pale yellow body. She smiled, then looked past Mercury to lock eyes with Swoon. "Did you tell him what we do with visitors?"

"Nope, but Mercury here is a smart guy," said Swoon with a grin. "I'm sure he can figure things out. Oh, but we're getting ahead of ourselves. Mercury, these are my gals that I told you about. Girls?"

"I'm Dear Darling," said the unicorn, throwing her head back and whipping her blonde locks away from her face. "But ponies tend to call me Deedee."

"And I'm Fond Feather. Folks tend to call me… Fond Feather." Feather grinned, winking in Mercury's direction. "So now that we ain't strangers anymore… Why don't we get down and in the weeds, huh?"

"Honestly, Feather. Haven't you ever heard of taking it slow? You're too forward!" complained Deedee. "No wonder you can't keep hold of a stallion, you're always scaring them off!"

"I could keep a stallion if it weren't for you sticking your nose in my relationships, Deedee!"

"This is coming from the mare who won't shut up about her new boyfriend unless she's choking herself on his—"

"And this is why I drink alone…" sighed Swoon. "Forgive these two, they don't get out much."

"Cause you never take us anywhere," noted Feather.

"And that's because you two bimbos don't know how to behave!" Swoon took in a breath, turning away from her friends to face Mercury. "Again, sorry about these two. Honestly, I should've kept you to myself…"

"I don't mind. This is the most fun I've had since I got to this town!" laughed Mercury. He paced around the room a bit, giving the trio of mares a good look up and down. "But… I don't imagine you picked me up at a bar just to watch your friends bicker, did you?"

"See, girls? Told you he was a smart one!" Swoon strolled past Mercury, brushing past him and nuzzling against his side like a cat. "Why don't you take a seat on the bed, hm? Show these girls how to have fun like the big city ponies."

"My pleasure." Mercury grinned, trotting over to the bed and taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. Feather and Deedee shared a glance before rushing over to their guest, elbowing each other in an attempt to reach Merc first. It was Feather who won their little race and, after sticking her tongue out at her friend, turned to face the city stranger that had crossed paths with her and her friends.

"Hope I'm not being too forward for you," remarked Feather, glaring at her friend. "I'll take it nice and slow from here on out, stranger."

Before Mercury could mention that he really didn't mind a trio of incredibly attractive mares throwing themselves at him, Feather was on him; She dove between Mercury's legs, giving his balls a slow, sensual lick. Soon enough, Deedee was joining in, her muzzle buried between Mercury's thighs and fighting with her friend to get a taste of flesh. Mercury groaned with delight as the two mares attacked his stallion bits, the pair easily coaxing his cock out of its sheath. The two mares kissed and licked Merc to full attention, with Deedee turning their attention to the flare of his impressive cock while Feather focused on his fat, heavy balls.

"My, you two were starving, weren't you?" snickered Swoon. She watched as the two mares moaned around Mercury's length, slurping up and down his dick, leaving marks and smears of lipstick against his skin. "Maybe I should take you out more often… How're you holding up there, city boy?"

"F-fuck… These two are something else…" groaned Mercury, falling backward onto the bed. "They're just going for it…"

"Mh-hm. Don't let Deedee fool you with that sweet, innocent girl routine." Swoon slid onto the bed, running her hoof down the length of Mercury's barrel. "She's as big of a slut as Feather." Deedee let out a grunt of disapproval around Mercury's shaft, which did little more than make Swoon laugh. "Hush, girl, you know it's true. You're almost as dick hungry as me. Now hop off, missy. I wanna taste that cock before we get on to the real fun."

Deedee whined, but pulled her head away from Mercury's shaft, almost begrudgingly stooping down to take one of his balls into her mouth. Feather beside her did the same, leaving the thick, throbbing shaft all for Swoon. After giving the flat head of Mercury's cock a gentle lick, Swoon slurped up a little bead of precum and wrapped her lips around her guest's shaft. Swoon moaned into Mercury's cock, bobbing her head down and forcing more of his length into her mouth until she reached the thick, bulging medial ring halfway down his shaft.

"Goddess above, I'm in heaven…" Mercury wasn't sure he was ever luckier in his life. Somehow, in this dusty little town of all places, he had lucked his way into getting his dick and balls sucked by three crazy hot mares he just met. It felt like lightning was running through his body, the trio of mares being incredibly skilled with their lips and tongues. He had never been serviced like this before, with a mare gagging herself on his cock while her two friends used their tongues to work the cum from his balls. Too soon for Mercury's liking, Swoon pulled her head from his dick with a lewd slurp, stroking his length with a cheesy grin.

"Mmm… Tasty…" moaned Swoon. "A good warm-up, but I need to sit on that beautiful cock right now. Hey, Dumb and Dumber. Make room, Merc here is gonna split me in two and I don't need you two idiots slamming your head into my ass. Again."

"I said I was sorry!" Deedee pulled Merc's balls from her mouth with a wet pop, pouting in Swoon's direction. "Like, a thousand times! How long are you gonna hold that over my head?"

"Until a unicorn horn to the bum stops hurting like hell. Now beat it, I need this thing in me, ASAP!"

With a general grumble of disappointment, Deedee and Feather dragged themselves away from their toy, instead helping their friend get into position. Swoon swayed her flank enticingly, rubbing her ass up and down Mercury’s thick, throbbing shaft. While Feather shimmied forward to lay Mercury flat on his back, kissing his neck and getting him nice and comfortable, Deedee gave his stallionhood one last kiss before helping to guide it towards Swoon.

“Gee, Swoony, he seems awful big,” noted Deedee. “Don’t you think you might want some lube or something?”

“This should be plenty. I can handle a cock, Deedee,” snorted Swoon. She grinned deviously and gave her friend a little wink. “But, if you’re really worried about me, you could always eat my ass and get me lubed up like that.” Deedee frowned, but pulled Merc into position nonetheless, setting the head of his cock against Swoon’s tight entrance.

“Wait, you’re gonna take it in the ass?” asked Mercury. He surely had more to say, but lost it in a groan as he felt himself slowly slide into Swoon’s ass. “Oh fuck…”

“You complaining?” asked Swoon. Mercury couldn’t get much more out beside a long, quivering groan of pleasure, which said to Swoon that he absolutely was not complaining. “Didn’t think so. This is just how we do things around here, city boy.”

Swoon raised her hips, slowly pulling herself up on Mercury’s length before pushing herself back down, letting out a moan as she felt the bulge of Mercury’s medial ring pass into her. She worked her hips, bouncing up and down Merc’s shaft, his throbbing cock sending waves of electricity up her spine. Unable to keep herself away from the fun for too long, Deedee slid down between Merc’s legs, kissing, licking, and sucking on his balls while Swoon rode him.

“How long are you gonna hog him, huh?” whined Feather. She pouted while Swoon just kept on riding their guest, throwing her head back in pleasure and generally making the other two girls exceedingly jealous. “Hey. Slut Song, when do you plan to give us a turn, huh?” Swoon looked back at her friends and glared.

“How about when I’m good!”

Swoon dropped her hips down, moaning as she took most of Mercury’s length into her.

“And fucking!”

She lifted herself up again, until all that kept Mercury inside of her was the flaring head of his cock, and slammed herself down to his base. Mercury grabbed her by the hips instinctively, holding Swoon as she wiggled her hips, forcing Merc in as deep as he could possibly go.

“Ready… To let you have a turn…” Swoon grinded her hips, stifling another moan as Mercury reached particularly deeply with his cock. “Fuck, that’s so good…”

“Don’t worry, ladies,” grunted Mercury, holding on tight to Swoon’s hips as if his life depended on it. “I can normally go a few rounds…”

“Just what we like to hear. If you don’t mind…” With a giggly little moan, Swoon raised herself from off of Merc’s cock, repositioning on the bed. She stooped her head down and brought her hips up, bouncing her juicy ass up and down enticingly. Mercury pulled himself up, his cock throbbing even harder at the sight of Song’s gaped, winking asshole, inviting him to pound it silly. “Why don’t you hurry up and give me your first round so Slut One and Slut Two can—Ooh!

While Swoon was busy urging Mercury on, she didn’t realize how little he seemed to need the encouragement; While she was talking, Merc was pulling himself up and sliding himself into Swoon, burying himself to the hilt into her sweet, delicious, perfect ass. Swoon moaned, her tongue lolling out of her mouth with each deep thrust. Merc pressed himself down against Swoon, pounding her into the mattress. Feather arched her brow, watching with a tiny frown as the two ponies fucked like animals.

“You know what?” grumbled Feather. “I’m getting antsy. Deedee, pass me the lube. I’m getting ready for my turn.”

“Oh, dear… Just don’t get out of hoof, Feather,” said Deedee cautiously. Mercury could hear the twinkle of Deedee’s magic, the bump and bang of a drawer opening and closing, but he was predominantly focused on the delectable piece of ass before him. With a flank like Swoon’s, so plush, so juicy, so tight, Merc couldn’t really afford to pay attention to anything else. Even as he heard the movement behind him, and felt the hoof pushing his silvery tail out of the way, he paid it no mind in favor of slamming his cock as deep into Swoon as equinely possible.

“Yeah, I’m sick of waiting, so…” Feather giggled to herself, her hooves finding their way to Mercury’s hips. “Try to keep an open mind, city boy. Oh, and don’t tense up on me.”

“Huh?” Merc felt something poke him beneath the tail, something slick, firm, and hot, and he turned his head to make sense of the situation. “What are—AH!”

As Mercury was talking, he felt that slick, hard something slide forward, prodding and pushing into his tight, virgin ass. Unprepared for the sudden entry, Mercury let out a surprised yelp, the pain shocking him to his core for just a moment. He jerked his head over his shoulder to see what was going on back there, and his eyes went wide in shock at what he saw. He couldn’t quite see well, on account of the angle, but he was mostly certain he could make out the shape of a fat, solid cock between Feather’s legs.

“What the fuck?” Mercury was surely going to argue more, if not for Feather wiggling her hips forward and spreading him a bit more with her girth. Instead of an intelligible remark, Mercury could only manage a moan, his mind uncertain if this truly hurt or if there was something else there as well.

“Oooh, yeah,” moaned Feather. “I needed this. I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off of that tight ass since you walked in!”

“Damn it, Feather!” complained Swoon from beneath the two. “You were supposed to wait until he was done with me! Look at him, he wasn’t ready! Now how am I supposed to get my rocks off?”

“Don’t worry, Swoony.” Feather pushed Mercury down, pressing him as close to Swoon as possible, then immediately slammed her hips forward. Mercury let out a decidedly non-masculine yelp (much to the amusement of the “mare” currently ramming a cock into his ass), his ears burning and his pale cream face lit up with a bright red blush. “We’ll get you off. Merc here just needs some guidance. Ain’t that right, city boy?” Feather fiercely brought her hooves to Mercury’s ass, kneading his surprisingly plush flank while she essentially fucked him into Swoon. “Or maybe I should say ‘city girl’, based on those bitchy moans. Seriously, not even Deedee sounds that girly.”

“Well, you might be onto something,” mused Deedee. She lit up her horn and gripped Mercury’s silvery-grey mane into a neat, tidy ponytail, humming thoughtfully. She undid the green bow that was at the base of her tail and used the ribbon to tie Mercury’s hair in place. “Look how pretty he is! He’d make a good filly, doncha think?”

“He’d have… Unf! A hard time…” Swoon struggled to speak, as each deep thrust of Feather into Merc also slammed him forward, making him fuck Swoon even harder and deeper than he did when he was in control. “A hard time tucking this monster of his…”

“I dunno, we manage pretty well,” giggled Feather. “Even Deedee, and she’s got a fatter cock than both of us!”

“W-wait!” Mercury tried, perhaps a bit unconvincingly, to resist, but couldn’t move much from his position sandwiched between the two “mares”. Even if he could, it wasn’t clear if Mercury would even want to escape. Mares or not, these three were exceptionally attractive, and Swoon’s tight ass was almost enough to distract Mercury from the strange, somewhat painful sensation of the fat cock that was in him. Almost. “You three… You’re stallions?”

“You ain’t too bright, are you, city girl?” remarked Feather. “I’m just about… Wait, one second.” Feather slammed her hips forward until she had buried every single inch of her length in Mercury’s unsuspecting, unprepared, devilishly tight passage. “There. Now I’m literally balls deep in your ass, and you’re still confused about whether or not we’re mares? Come on, city girl, no way I fucked your brains out already.”

“Quit messin’ around and just ram him, dick-for-brains,” grumbled Swoon. She took it upon herself to throw her hips back, forcing Mercury’s length into herself. “I’m gettin’ close…”

“Well, since Feather jumped the gun… I’m gonna take his mouth,” said Deedee boldly. If the other two girls heard her, they did nothing to make her aware of that fact. Frowning slightly, Deedee rounded to the other side of the bed, climbing up in front of Mercury. She stood on her hind legs, grabbing onto Merc to steady herself. From his position, Mercury was able to look eye-to-eye with what was quite possibly the biggest cock he had ever seen. Deedee had a good few inches on Mercury himself, and was much, much thicker. “Erm… Just be gentle on him when I’m in there, I don’t want him to bite me. Or for you to hurt him. I actually really like—”

“Nopony cares, Deedee, shut the hell up and just fuck this faggot’s throat already!” groaned Feather, facehoofing with her wing. “Honestly, you have the chance to help me spitroast this cute, girly stallion and you’re just sitting here running your mouth. I don’t get it!”

“Fine. Just… Don’t bang him up too bad, is what I’m saying.”

While Mercury let out a moan after a particularly deep, hard thrust, Deedee grabbed Merc by his ponytail and slipped her cock past his lips. Mercury’s eyes went wide, almost as shocked by the taste of cock as he was by the feeling of one. Deedee’s flesh was salty, earthy, even a bit musky. But, somewhere beneath the admittedly powerful taste of a hefty, meaty cock, was a scent that was more delicate. Something fragrant, floral, like lilac. Even though he was choking on Deedee’s girth, and even though she started working her hips and quite roughly began fucking his throat, Mercury couldn’t help but moan and shiver at the overload to his senses.

“Ooh, I felt him clench!” Feather picked up the pace, shaking the bed with the force of her thrusts. Both Mercury and Swoon beneath him moaned, their shivering, quivering groans quickening as Feather pounded them both into the mattress. “I think this city girl is gonna cum soon!”

“Mmm… He’d damn well better. Come on, Merc, Fill me up,” growled Swoon, her voice heavy with desire, with need. “Come on, Feather, fuck the cum out of the faggot! Fuck like ya mean it!”

“See why she’s in charge, city girl?” chuckled Feather, gripping Mercury tightly by the waist and ramming even harder into his ass. “We give her a lot of shit, but Swoony is the horniest, most dick-hungry pony I’ve ever met! She gets a little antsy when she hasn’t had a good fuck, and you’re the first new pony in this town in a couple of weeks. You better make her cum, or else she might just ride you 'til you can’t walk anymore.”

“Might do that anyway, city girl,” remarked Swoon. She looked up, smirking at the way Deedee had lost herself in the pleasure of pounding Merc’s mouth. “How’s his throat, Deedee?”

“Mmm!” Deedee elected to forgo a proper response in favor of yanking Merc’s head forward until he had the entirety of her package buried in his throat. Mercury could feel Deedee’s balls tense slightly against his chin and, as he coughed and gagged and convulsed around Deedee’s fat cock, he felt her erupt; Thick, hot ropes of cum shot down Mercury’s throat, the hefty loads depositing directly into his waiting belly. Deedee let out a satisfied groan, slowly pulling her cock from Mercury’s throat and giving him the luxury of air, as well as the taste of her seed as she let the last few ropes of her cum dribble onto Mercury’s tongue and lips.

“That good, huh?” laughed Feather.

“City girl knows how to throat a cock.” Deedee stroked her length, which was somehow still as hard as before (much to Mercury’s amazement, intrigue, and fear). “She must’ve done this before.”

“Oh fuck…” moaned Mercury, finally able to speak for the first time in several minutes. “I think I’m gonna cum…”

“No! Don’t you dare quit on me, city girl!” shouted Swoon. “Not before I—”

Neither Swoon nor Mercury himself had a say in what happened next; when Feather next hilted herself in Mercury, he just couldn’t help it. Feather was touching him deeply, her dick scratching an itch Merc didn’t even know he had. As soon as he felt Feather bottom out, Mercury felt his own orgasm wash over him, although it was a much different sensation than he was used to. It felt like his entire body was cumming, as opposed to just his cock. Waves of heat washed over him, radiating from his core as his cock shot his hot load deep into Swoon, much to the “mare’s” general annoyance.

“Oh sweet mother of Celestia,” moaned Mercury, his legs shaky as Swoon begrudgingly slid out from beneath Merc, thick globs of cum oozing from her ass and dripping down her thighs.

“You did tell me to fuck the cum out of him,” noted Feather, fighting back a laugh. Swoon glared, very so unamused by the fact that she hadn’t been able to cum yet.

“I hate you so much…” sighed Swoon. “Deedee! Outta the way, I need to cum, so I guess I get sloppy seconds on his mouth.”

“Gee, no need to be so harsh.” Deedee swiftly got out of the way, giving her a straight path to Mercury’s front. “I wanna watch for a bit anyway. Need to catch my breath.”

“Yeah, whatever. Here’s your second chance, city girl.” Now that Swoon was in front of him, Mercury could see her equipment for the first time; Her dick was a tiny bit thinner than Deedee’s, and just as subtly shorter. The real story was her balls, a sizable, weighty pair that she was currently swinging in Merc’s face. “Deedee said you’ve done this before.”

“I haven’t!’ protested Mercury, part of him trying to work out how the hell he managed to overlook a pair of nuts like those. “I would never—”

“Don’t care, get to licking, city girl.”

Without giving Mercury much chance to argue (which seemed to be the theme of the day), Swoon pressed her balls against Mercury’s face, catching him by surprise with their heat and heft. Much like Deedee, Swoon smelled so strangely intoxicating. Masculine, powerful, and yet, beneath it, was the subtle scent of lavender. The smell was enchanting, bewitching, and Mercury couldn’t help but dart his tongue out and get a little taste.

“You were right, Deedee,” noted Feather. Now that everypony had repositioned, she saw fit to go right back to plowing Mercury’s ass like there was no tomorrow. The sudden return to the deep, rough fucking took Merc by surprise, and he let out a tiny yelp; As he did, he “inadvertently” parted his lips enough to take Swoon’s sack into his mouth. With no other course of action, Mercury sucked on the hot, weighty orb, much to Swoon’s general delight. “He makes a damn good filly.”

“He’s cute enough, alright,” agreed Swoon, purring with satisfaction. “And look, I didn’t even have to tell him to suck my balls. I thought Feather was just being a bitch earlier, but maybe he is some kinda faggot.”

“Just wait 'til you get in his mouth,” giggled Deedee. “Tightest throat I’ve felt in a long time!”

“Maybe I’ll give it a try right now…” Swoon pinched Mercury’s nose with her hoof and pried his mouth open. She wasted just a moment to admire the way Mercury panted for air, his tongue hanging out of his mouth before she slid her cock onto his tongue. “Now, don’t just sit there and take your throatfucking like a little bitch, city girl. I wanna feel some suction, you understand?”

“Mh-hm…” Mercury grunted his meek, timid agreement about as well as he could with a sizable cock in his mouth, which seemed good enough for Swoon, who went to work and pounding Merc’s face. Just as Swoon instructed, Mercury took on a bit more of an active role in this instance, sucking and slurping on Song’s meat with each pass of her medial ring in and out of his mouth. Though he was very clearly an amateur, he showed great promise and a natural propensity for sucking cock, which was more than enough for Swoon.

“Fuck me, that feels good…” groaned Song. She glanced across the bed to Feather, who was still savagely reaming Mercury’s tight ass with the same fervor as when they all started. “Aren’t you getting close, Feather?”

“What, and quit fucking this tight piece of flank? No thank you, ma’am!” Feather punctuated her disagreement with a particularly deep stroke, causing Mercury to moan around Swoon’s shaft. Feather let out a surprised little gasp, laughing to herself as she did. “I might not have much choice, cause I think our little filly friend is about to cum.”


Mercury moaned, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment. He hated to admit it, but Feather was absolutely right. He could feel that same heat building in him all over again, crawling closer and closer to a boiling point with every buck of Fond Feather’s hips. Feather, smelling blood in the water, worked her body faster, ramming into Mercury harder. She could feel him twitch and clench around her, nearing closer and closer to the edge. Despite her bravado earlier, Feather actually didn’t think she had too much more in her. She bottomed out in Merc one last time and groaned as she came hard. With each pulsing load of cum that shot into him, Mercury let out another whining moan, until he felt the heat of his own orgasm crash down onto him. His whole body tensed, his body quivering as he spurted onto the sheets beneath him. He had never cum quite like that before. Even though he didn’t produce as much as he did before, it was still an undeniably intense sensation to cum without anypony even touching his dick.

“Congrats, city girl. You had your cherry officially popped,” laughed Feather. She gave his flank a little spank as she pulled out of Mercury’s ass. “Now all you need is some makeup to be a real filly.”

“Don’t worry about that,” grunted Swoon. “I’ve got his makeup right here.”

Swoon held Mercury by his horn, tugging on his head and further violating his throat. From his experience with Deedee, Merc could tell that Swoon was getting close; The way her breathing hitched, the way her cock seemed to get even harder in his throat, it led Mercury to believe he should be preparing himself for another mouthful of cum. True to his prediction, Swoon let out a satisfied moan, filling Merc’s mouth with the salty, bitter taste of her spunk. After the first two jets spurt onto Mercury’s tongue, Swoon pulled her cock from Mercury’s lips, stroking herself and depositing several thick ropes of creamy white onto his face.

“Aw, look how pretty the little faggot is!” cooed Feather, slapping her still-hard cock gently against Merc’s ass. “Mm… Seeing him glazed like that’s got me hard all over again! I’m going again.”

“Flip him to his back,” directed Swoon. She helped Feather to push Mercury over onto his back, his positioning coming together with his quivering body and cum-drenched features to make him look like a truly helpless, well-fucked slut, just the way the trio liked. “He still hard?”

“Sure is.” Feather wrapped her wing loosely around Mercury’s sensitive member, her soft feathers stroking up and down his sticky length and making him whine with pleasure. “You still want to cum from getting plowed, huh?”

“You know I like riding the new girls.” Swoon climbed over onto Merc, turning to face him before gently lowering herself onto his barrel. Now, she looked down at Mercury, straddling him and tapping her cock impatiently against his chest. “Ready to get back in the saddle?”

“W-wait…” panted Mercury, shaking his head. “I need… A second… Let me just—Oh fuck…

While Mercury was busy talking, Swoon simply raised her hips up and sat down on Mercury’s cock, smirking devilishly as she stole away his words by taking his sensitive, overstimulated shaft into her. Due to her experience, as well as the slick cum Mercury left in her earlier, Swoon was able to slide down to Mercury’s base with ease.

“Good. Just don’t pass out yet,” said Swoon, bouncing herself on Merc so intensely that her own cock slapped his chest, leaving a sticky spot where her head met fur with each motion. “Deedee is probably gonna want another go on you soon, too.”

“Mh-hm.” Deedee hummed from someplace behind Swoon and Feather. “Don’t worry, I’ll join back in soon. Just having fun watching for now.”

“Good, cause I don’t feel like giving up this tight ass just yet!” Feather spread Mercury’s legs, giving herself another clear shot at Merc. “Well, it was tight, anyway. I think I mighta loosened him up a bit. Let’s find.”

With that, Feather slid her slick, sticky, cum-coated cock right back into Mercury’s tight little pucker. She was able to get in with relative ease, but Merc’s insides still hugged her quite snugly. Merc let out an almost breathless moan, nearly croaking from the insane strain on his body. He wasn’t sure how much of this he could take, and he wasn’t sure if his trio of “mares” cared about his breaking point.

Well, if he had to die, Merc could think of worse ways to go.

“Oh, yeah,” panted Feather, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She went right back to bucking her hips and abusing Mercury’s sore, violently-pounded ass with the same energy she had when they started. “City girl’s still plenty tight. Man, how have you never been fucked like this before? This ass was made for taking dick!”

“His cock ain’t bad either,” hummed Swoon, bouncing her juicy ass against Mercury’s pelvis as if with the intent of sending him through the bed itself. “Damn… I think he might make me shoot off early…”

“Hey, Feather, I have an idea!” Though Mercury couldn’t see past the “mare” currently riding his cock, he could hear Deedee cross the room and whisper something into Feather’s ear. The way Feather laughed made Mercury incredibly nervous, but he couldn’t really worry about that right now. “So? You like it?”

“You’ve got some good ideas sometimes, I’ll give you that!” laughed Feather. “Go for it, Deedee.”

“What are you two doing?” asked Mercury, barely able to choke out the words for lack of breath. “Seriously, you guys. I can’t take much moOOORE!

Mercury squealed, tears welling in his eyes as Deedee, with no care for space, Mercury’s comfort, or the logistical difficulties of it all, slid her cock right in next to Feather’s. It was a tight squeeze, as to be expected considering there was already a considerably thick member in Mercury’s ass, but the cum that coated Feather’s cock (as well as Mercury’s insides) allowed Deedee to squeeze in. The two crowded Mercury’s ass, groaning at how insanely tight the passage now that there were two of them, sliding their cocks against one another as the pair slowly thrust themselves forward.

“I think I heard faggot’s voice go up a pitch or two,” giggled Feather. “Somepony’s gonna be singing soprano…”

“Oh my god, he’s about to cum again!” Swoon laughed, bouncing on Merc with even more energy, grinding her hips every time she took him to the base. “I can feel him twitching! Fuck him harder, girls!”

It already felt like Mercury was being torn in two, and that feeling only intensified when Deedee and Feather picked up the pace. He just felt so full, the two fat cocks stretching him to his absolute limit. The worst part was that Swoon was right about Mercury’s dick: it was twitching, quivering, just about ready to burst. With Swoon riding him raw, and Deedee helping Feather to spread his ass, Merc just couldn’t hold off any longer. He let out a shrill little whine, his cock twitching as he unloaded in Swoon yet again. Not content to leave Merc’s cock unsatisfied again, Swoon worked her hips quicker, slamming herself down onto his shaft until she came.

“Oh fuck, yes…” moaned Swoon, taking Merc down to the base. She threw her head back in ecstasy, leaning on her two friends as her cock sprayed another hot load all across Mercury’s face. “Come on, girls, stuff this faggots ass.”

“Feather…” Deedee grabbed hold of Feather, thrusting her hips faster, burying herself deeper into Merc than any thought possible with how stuffed he was. “I’m gonna cum too…”

“Come on, Deedee, let’s give it to him,” whispered Feather. She took hold of her friend, holding her steady while they rocked Mercury’s quivering body. It wasn’t long before they too reached their peak, with Deedee letting off her load first. She squeaked like a mouse as she came, filling Merc to capacity, with Feather following close behind. It seemed that Feather had the biggest loads of the three, dumping a thick, hot, sticky load into their new “filly” friend. Mercury simply couldn’t contain it all, and cum quickly leaking from Merc’s well-fucked ass even before either “mare” pulled out.

“Please…” Mercury tried to push himself into a more dignified seated position (or as dignified as he could be with two loads of cum on his face and three currently leaking out of his ass, anyway) but he couldn’t manage. The trio had done a number on him, that’s for sure. “Weh… Wait… I need… Breathe…”

“Alright, city girl, you held it together well enough. We’ll let you off the hook for the night,” said Swoon. She waited just a beat, just long enough for relief to wash over Mercury. “After we each cum one more time.” She turned and grinned to her friends. “Who wants where?”

“I’ll take his ass,” said Deedee. “That was really good.”

“And I never got the chance to ride him. I wanna feel him twitch,” said Feather. As she spoke, she clambered onto Mercury, taking a position similar to that which Swoon had. Meanwhile, Swoon rounded to Mercury’s face, pulling him just a bit so that his head hung a bit off of the bed. He got another good, albeit upside-down, look at Swoon’s impressive package, gulping as he used the process of elimination to determine what Swoon would be doing with it.

“I’ve got no problem fucking faggot’s face again.” Swoon pressed the head of her cock to Mercury’s mouth, smearing his lips with saliva and cum like messily-applied lipstick. “Fuck, you look so good covered in cum like that. This ‘used slut’ thing really suits you, Merc.”

“Just… Get it over with,” sighed Mercury. “So… tired…”

“Fine then. C’mon, girls. Let’s give our guest one more round before bed.”

The three shared a nod, and quickly went about giving Merc that one last round. Deedee barely teased Mercury’s ass at all before sliding into the slick, stretched, gaping passage, and Feather wasted even less time impaling herself on Mercury’s stake. Swoon, on the other hand, at least waited for Mercury to moan before invading his throat again. Mercury, who had long since given up on resisting it, could do little more than lay there on his back and take his reaming like a good little mare.

“Damn, he’s got a pretty nice cock,” chuckled Feather, bouncing up and down on Mercury’s cock. He was so overstimulated, so sore, that the pleasure of Feather’s tight walls only barely edged out the pain of being so overworked. “For a mare, that is.”

“I can’t believe we’re the first ones to do this!” Swoon leaned forward to brace herself and really rocketed herself forward, pounding Merc’s spasming, twitching, deliciously tight throat while Deedee slammed into him from the rear. Mercury just quit, let his eyes roll back as he felt his body rock back and forth, the life all but fucked out of him.

“Whoa, look! I can see your bulge in his throat!” Feather pointed to Merc’s neck and, true to her claim, there was a visible distention from Swoon’s meat in Merc’s throat. Feather leaned forward and gave a slow, sensual lick up the length, taking great pleasure in the way Mercury shivered. “You’re taking her like a champ, fag. Pretty soon, she’s gonna empty those big fat balls of hers right down your throat.”

“Gals, I think he might be ready to cum again,” said Deedee from the back. She was easily moving the slowest out of the three, which Merc originally believed to be her gentle nature. But, as she drilled him deeper and deeper with each thrust, he realized that he was mistaken. Deedee wasn’t being gentle, she was being deliberate. She wanted to feel his every twitch and clench while she fucked him. She could tell that he was close before even he could. “Feather, I don’t think he’s gonna be good for another ride after that, so you might wanna…”

“Pick up the pace? You got it!” Mercury nearly screamed around Swoon’s cock as Feather shifted into overdrive. Now it was abundantly clear that, of the three, it was her who was being gentle, holding back until now. She slammed her hips down onto Mercury, filling the room with the audible slap of flesh on flesh. Her breath hitched as she rode him, her cock drooling down onto Mercury until, one last time, she took him to the base.

Mercury barely had any cum left to shoot, just dribbling out a few small spurts when his orgasm rocked his body. He moaned around Swoon’s meat, his tightening slightly as his entire body tensed and quivered from the almost torturous pleasure. While Mercury felt nearly out of cum, Feather still had a fair amount, letting out another thick, sticky load onto Mercury’s chest with a satisfied whinny.

Swoon followed close behind, the new tightness of Merc’s throat proving to be too much for her. She rocketed her hips as she came, her fat cock shooting appropriately fat ropes of cum directly into Mercury’s belly. Swoon panted tiredly, sweat dripping from her body as she pulled her cock free, the last of her cum dripping down across Mercury’s face. Merc coughed, spewing another splattering of cum across his features, thanking the stars above that Feather finally climbed off of him. Now, he just had to worry about Deedee.

“Fuck…” groaned Mercury, his entire body numb with pleasure, pain, strain, and stimulus. Feather and Swoon snickered, rounding the bed and stopping beside Deedee, cheering their friend on to properly ram their guest.

“Go on, Deedee, give it to the little slut!” cheered Feather. “Fuck the fag! Fuck the fag!”

After a few moments, Swoon joined in on the cheer, until the only thing as loud as the chant of “fuck the fag” was the sound of Deedee doing just that. Her hips slapped against Merc, and she leaned forward to properly drill their new “girlfriend”. Mercury let out a groan as, somehow, he managed to cum one more time. Nothing at all came out this time, and Mercury’s cock just twitched and spasmed when he came dry, officially shooting blanks.

Deedee, on the other hand, was doing anything but. She let out a decisive groan and bottomed out in Mercury, flooding his formerly tight hole with a fresh wave of sticky cum. She moaned contentedly, waiting for her cock to stop pulsing her thick load into Mercury before, finally, she pulled out and dropped to sit beside the very tired, very sticky, very well-fucked Mercury.

“That was good,” panted Deedee. “Gosh, I haven’t had a fuck like that in ages.”

“He was a good lay, huh?” Feather fell back beside Mercury, idly stroking her cock. “Not bad, faggot. You survived. Barely, by the look of things, but by an inch or a mile…” She let out an appreciative whistle, as if impressed by Mercury’s performance. “Seriously, city girl, you—”

“Shhh! Look!” hissed Swoon, pointing her hoof to Mercury. Truly spent in every sense of the word, Mercury had fallen asleep almost immediately upon Deedee filling him up. The trio shared a quiet laugh, Swoon shaking her head at the sight before her. “Hey, we put him through the wringer. If anypony deserves some sleep… Well, we’ll figure out what to do about him come morning.”

“Huh?” Deedee tilted her head, confused. “What do you mean, figure out what to do about him?”

“Isn’t he going back home in the morning?” asked Feather.

“That was the plan, yes. But maybe we can convince him to stick around a bit,” said Swoon. She flashed her friends a devious, mischievous grin, giving them a cheeky wink. “We could always use another gal in the group, and the city girl would be right at home, don’t you think?” Deedee and Feather shared a nod, before scrambling through the room in search of things they needed. Brushes, makeup, hair bows, and more.

Though Mercury already had a decent start, he’d still need a bit of work before he was ready to be a “mare” with the rest of them.