A Surprisingly Pleasurable Hypnotism

by KillerChainsaw

First published

Rainbow Dash thinks of an idea that just might give Rarity more confidence when being asked to do embarrassing things by her dominating 'Mistress'.

It's only been a couple of weeks since Rainbow Dash and Rarity started their secret relationship and in that time Dash has come to learn just how embarrassed Rarity can get when doing certain things in the bedroom. So in order to help her gain more confidence the pegasus comes up with an idea that could show to be quite successful, the only question is...would Rarity be open to try a bit of 'hypnosis play'.

Written for: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/209802/superfun

Contains as the title suggests: Hypnosis play

Hypnosis And Pleasuring Oneself

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A pleasant quiet filled the air all across the small town of Ponyville, as almost all the citizens were peacefully sleeping in their beds. The cool crisp autumn wind being the only sound that could be heard, along with the slight chirp of the odd little cricket every now and again. However it being a very different story for the bedroom of a certain platinum unicorn, as constant heavy panting and low pleasure-filled moans could easily be heard coming from the inside, as well as the slight creek of the fashion pony's bed every few seconds or so.

The room being shrouded in darkness while the scent of sex and sweat hung heavy in the air, Rarity lay withering and panting as her muscles tensed and her mind was clouded by desire, her sapphire eyes glazed over and her body soaked in her own sweat from head to hoof. Covering her blushing face with both of her forelegs, feeling her dear 'Mistress' thrusting her hot tongue deeply inside her drenched entrance, trying to hold back her voice as best as she could, while in result causing her lover to open one eye and sigh slightly before pausing her advances.

"Rares, why are you covering your face again? It's only me that can see you right now," the cyan pegasus gently moved her marefriend's hooves away to reveal her flushed face, giving the unicorn a questioning expression, while Rarity just shook her head and turned away from Dash.

"I know...but I can't help it...letting you see my expression while you're licking my...my most private place," speaking in-between heavy pants as she could still feel the Pegasus's hoof softly caressing her aroused slit, causing her to grit her teeth and bite back low moans, while trembling all over.

'Why does she still call it that?' Dash questioned inside her mind as she just gave Rarity an encouraging smile, cupping her chin with one hoof and making the unicorn face her once again, "But I want to see your face Rares, and a slave has to do what her Mistress wants her to...right?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, causing her marefriend to slowly nod in response, before she felt Rainbow's hoof leave her chin and kept her head where it was, showing that she was doing what she was being told to now.

"You're being so quiet as well, I want to hear your voice, so come on Rares..." pausing Dash pressed her hoof harder against the unicorn's clit, almost immediately causing her to cry out in pleasure, "That's better, scream for me more Rares," she whispered into her marefriend's ear in a husky and lust-filled tone, resulting in Rarity shivering all over in return.

"AHHHH! Mistress Rainbow...you're hitting my weak spot...if you keep doing that, I won't be able to hold back for much longer,"

"Then don't hold back, scream as loud as you like and no more hiding your face," Rainbow simply whispered before she leaned down to the unicorn's overflowing entrance, wrapping her lips around her swollen clit and sucking on it gently at first, but getting more rough with every moan that she heard escape her marefriend's mouth.

It not being long before Rarity could feel the familiar sensation of pressure quickly building up inside her lower abdomen, crying out louder as she knew it was the only way Dash would continue to pleasure her, taking a deep breath before she soon moaned out the words that she knew the pegasus was waiting to hear, "Please...Mistress...please make me come..." being all she had to say, in order for the pegasus to happily double her efforts and easily throw the shaking unicorn over the edge.

Letting a loud scream of release leave her lips Rarity rode out her climax, squirming and twitching as her orgasm rippled throughout her entire body, still feeling Rainbow sucking on her clit right up until she began to come down from her high, and finally collapsed back onto her bed. Panting heavily and desperately trying to get her breathing back to normal, while still feeling Dash licking her clit lightly, her heart racing inside her chest as she gazed up to her marefriend.

"I love you Dash," she sighed once she finally got her breathing to calm down, smiling up to the pegasus as Rainbow leaned over her and stroked her cheek with one hoof. Rarity nuzzling into her lover's tender touch, while Dash kissed her lips sweetly in reply.

"I love you two Rares," she smiled back down to the unicorn, staring into her sapphire eyes for a few blissful moments, before she now lay beside Rarity and asked her quite the unexpected question, while causing her marefriend to be a little caught off guard it would seem.

"But...I've been wondering about something recently...why do you sometimes seem to get so nervous during sex?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Rarity having quite the taken aback expression in response as Dash just seemed genuinely curious to hear how the unicorn would answer her, it being pretty obvious that she had been thinking about asking this question for quite a while now.

"Well...occasionally you cover your face, you hold your voice back-

"That's because you keep doing embarrassing things to me, don't you ever get embarrassed sometimes?" cutting off her lover the unicorn rose her tone a little, seeming to go on the defence and look back to Dash with a slightly annoyed expression, in turn causing the pegasus to just smile back to her nervously.

"Well sure I get embarrassed in certain situations I guess-

"So then why are you questioning me about getting embarrassed about certain things?"

"Because I don't ever feel embarrassed when I'm alone with you like this, so in return you shouldn't need to feel so embarrassed when you're with me, right? No one else is here, it's just me and you, so why do you get so nervous sometimes? Wouldn't it feel better to let yourself relax more when it's just us?" Rainbow offering up some good points that caused her marefriend to sigh and nod a little, feeling like the cyan pegasus was right, but being unsure of how exactly she should reply, turning away from Dash slightly while she thought to herself for a few moments.

'She's right, I should feel more relaxed and willing to let her see more of me without getting so embarrassed all the time, I love Dash after all...but maybe that's why I get so nervous, maybe it's because I love her that I'm afraid to show her such an embarrassing side to myself,' she wondered to herself as it seemed like even she didn't exactly know why she would get so hesitant, and would often hide her face or hold back her voice at certain times when they were alone together. However the unicorn not getting the chance to dwell on her thoughts for too long, as Dash soon caught her attention again with another unexpected question, causing Rarity to look back to her marefriend but instantly blushing when she did.

"For example: can you tell me what this is called?"

Having now sat up with her hind legs spread wide apart the pegasus pointed a hoof to her crotch, resulting in Rarity blushing deeply once she caught sight of her lover's pink folds that were still quite damp from their 'fun' earlier it seemed. Dash only raising her eyebrow as she obviously noticed just how much the unicorn hesitated, before swallowing slowly and answering after a short pause.

"They're your private parts,"

"Yes, now what do I call it?"

Widening her eyes a little Rarity was beginning to see where exactly Dash was coming from, and it was true that she often never used vulgar words during sex, and yet Dash seemed to use them all the time. 'I would never use such indecent language around anyone else, but...Dash is different and it's not like anyone else will hear me right now, so maybe I really do need to stop being so scared. All I have to do is say one simple word and her opinion of me won't change at all, so...why do I still feel the need to hesitate so much?' getting lost in her thoughts once again it was clear that even so much as saying something embarrassing was enough to make her go silent, even though there wasn't any reason for her to feel so apprehensive at the moment.

"Come on Rares, it's my..." Rainbow encouraged, hoping that it wouldn't take her too much longer to simply say a word that the unicorn has mostly heard her use over and over while being alone together, finally getting a whisper in reply after a few more moments of silence.


"I can't hear you if you say it that quietly Rares,"

"It's your pussy,"

Seeming to forget her nerves for a moment Rarity spoke in a much more clear and confident tone, but still had a deep blush staining her cheeks, causing her marefriend to just smile in response clearly seeing that it took a while for the unicorn to build up the courage just to say a rather inappropriate word. Making Dash think for a moment about a way she could maybe help the unicorn to become more confident, when it came to her trying out things that she would often feel embarrassed about normally, it not taking long before an idea soon entered her mind it would seem.

"Good, now do you see that you don't always have to be that strait-laced, proper pony around me? In fact I like it more when I see you let yourself go and show me the side to you that no one else but me knows about," Dash's tone changing to a more seductive one, as Rarity just rolled her eyes at the pegasus's remark and judging by the very familiar look that her marefriend was giving her at the moment, she could easily guess where this conversation would soon end up going.

"Then what do you suggest I do in order to not always be 'that strait-laced, proper pony' as you say?" raising her eyebrow Rarity lay one foreleg over the other, not really expecting her lover to answer her with any helpful method, but guessed that she might as well humour the cocky pegasus.

"First you have to address me correctly," said cocky pegasus instructed as she smirked to her marefriend and gave her a wink, while Rarity simply moved closer to Dash and lowered her tone, making it sound alluring and full of desire.

"Tell me, what would you have me do, my Mistress?" Rarity expecting her marefriend to maybe say a few different replies to her, however what the pegasus actually said definitely not seeming to be one of them, as it obviously caught her off guard almost instantly.

"Show me how you masturbate," was Dash's simple reply, not being surprised at all by her marefriend's taken aback reaction to her suggestion, as Rarity's eyes went wide and it being obvious that she really had no idea just how she should respond to being asked to fulfil such a unexpected request.

"J-just how would doing something...so embarrassing help me to not feel so nervous?"

All the lust having left Rarity's expression and voice, instead being replaced with confusion and a clear deep blush that was already beginning to cover the unicorn's entire face. However Rainbow's expression not changing at all as she continued to smirk, resting her hoof against her marefriend's cheek and causing Rarity to keep gazing at her dominating 'Mistress' even though she could feel her nerves telling her to turn her head away and try to regain her composure.

"What if there was a way that you could masturbate in front of me without feeling so embarrassed? Would you be willing to try it out?" the pegasus suggested as Rarity could tell her marefriend was planning something right now, however her question seemed to be of interest to the unicorn and caused her to turn away from Dash for a few moments, while she thought to herself.

'it's not like I'm completely against pleasuring myself in front of Rainbow...it's just...exposing myself in such a way, while she watches me...just thinking about doing that sort of thing is already making me feel embarrassed. But if she reckons she has a way for me to not feel so embarrassed about it...then maybe I should at least hear just what her idea is...although who's to say that it will actually be successful or not?' Being unsure if she should actually agree to this suggestion of the other mare's Rarity continued to stay silent and think things over in her mind, before she was soon dragged out of her thoughts by Rainbow once again.

"Just think of this as trying something new to 'spice things up' a little, and if you don't like it then we can stop at any time. And if you want...I would be willing to show you just how I masturbate, so that you're not the only one doing it..what do you say Rares?" Dash giving her marefriend a reassuring smile, what she had said causing Rarity to widen her eyes, imagining what it would be like to watch the pegasus touch herself, hearing her moan while making herself feel good. Now that definitely interested her, just thinking about seeing Dash being the vulnerable one for a change, already resulting in Rarity blushing and feeling desire beginning to rise up from deep within her core.

"Fine, if you really think it might help me become more confident when it comes to this sort of thing, then I guess we could try out this idea of yours...but you have to do it as well," giving out a sigh after a short pause Rarity agreed to Dash's suggestion, however obviously still seemed nervous as she pointed to the pegasus with one hoof, letting her know that she didn't want to be the only one doing embarrassing things, and clearly her marefriend being happy to oblige.

"As you wish Rares," replying with a wink Rainbow bowed her head to Rarity with a smirk, earning her another eye roll and a slight smile from the unicorn in return, before she sat back on her hind legs, resting against the pillow and instructing Rarity to do the same.


"Okay so have you ever done 'hypnosis play'?"

Dash asked doubting that Rarity had ever done anything close to something like hypnosis play before, and being right it would seem like she expected as the unicorn just shook her head in response, while she honestly hadn't even heard about 'hypnosis play' no matter done it before now, but guessing that it likely wouldn't be too bad to try it out.

"Well it's simple really...all you have to do is focus on my voice, and do exactly as I tell you, okay?" the cyan pegasus simply getting a nod from her marefriend as it seemed like she was ready to try whatever this 'hypnosis play' was, and was kinda hoping that it just might help her nerves, although not being very sure if it would actually work or not still.

"Good, now I need you to close your eyes, slow down your breathing and clear your mind of all thoughts alright?"

Rarity just nodding in reply as she did as she was told, slowly closing her eyes, calming her steady breathing and letting her mind go blank, being sure to concentrate only on her marefriend's gentle voice, and not letting anything distract her at this moment in time. Rainbow going on to instruct the unicorn to 'completely relax her entire body', and 'let the world around her disappear for a few moments', before she soon told her to open her eyes once again.

"And open you eyes in three...two...one," tapping the bed lightly with her hoof Dash smiled when she saw her marefriend open her sapphire eyes as she had instructed, and was now looking to the pegasus, waiting for her next command it seemed.

"Now how do you address me correctly?"

"Mistress Rainbow,"

The unicorn answering almost instantly which wasn't really uncommon before now since Rarity has gotten so used to calling her marefriend as her 'Mistress', however it definitely feeling quite bizarre to Rarity as although she had heard her own voice say the words, it somehow didn't feel like she was the one controlling what she was saying at the moment, instead her body just seemed to be acting on its own without her brain telling it what to do like normal.

"That's good, now...show me how you masturbate, and I'll show you the same,"

Lowering her tone a little Rainbow smirked to her marefriend, as she rested a hoof on her inner high leg and caressed it gently, before slowly moving her hoof and running it over her aroused folds, causing herself to tremble all over. While Rarity watched in awe at how natural this seemed to come to the pegasus, seeing her beginning to pant and moan as she stroked
her soaked slit only very softly for now.

However it seeming like she didn't really realise just what her own hoof was doing until she felt it lightly caress the area around her slit, causing her to shiver and look down, being surprised that without even thinking about it, she was now doing exactly what Dash had asked her to. She was pleasuring herself in front of the pegasus, and instead of feeling nervous or embarrassed, she actually felt incredibly turned on as she began to stroke her sex, resulting in it becoming more and more drenched by the second.

'I'm not sure how I feel about this, I can see my hoof moving and stroking me down there...and I'm feeling aroused from it, but...I'm not telling it to move, it's like my hoof has a mind of its own right now. I feel like I should maybe be scared or freaked out by this, but instead...I feel relaxed...this feels...good. I...don't want to stop,' Rarity tried to sort through how she was feeling at this moment, but found herself unable to really concentrate on anything except how pleasure was constantly rushing throughout her body, while her strokes soon became rougher.

"Well, tell me how do you feel Rares?"

Speaking in-between her slight moans Dash smiled to her marefriend, glad to see that her idea seemed to be turning out successful so far, watching as Rarity soon began to pant heavily and give out deep moans, causing the pegasus to become even more turned on. As she increased her own pace, while being sure to savour this moment as much as she could.

"It feels good Mistress...it feels...so good," the unicorn replying in-between heavy pants and low moans, knowing that she had thought those words, but not actually realising she had said them out loud until she heard her marefriend respond back to her.

"I'm glad to hear that...I'm feeling good too...ahh..."

Ending her sentence with a moan Rainbow clenched her teeth together, increasing her pace once again as she could feel her entrance overflowing with her erotic juices, knowing that it most likely wouldn't be long before she would start to feel a familiar pressure beginning to build up inside her core. While watching her marefriend trembling all over and moaning louder, it being obvious that she would also be getting close to her limit soon enough.

'I can't stop...my hoof just keeps getting rougher and rougher with each and every stroke. I don't want to stop...I can feel myself hitting all of my weak spots over and over again. This feels so different from when I normally do it alone...it feels so much better...I almost don't want it to end, but if I keep this pace up for much longer...I won't be able to hold out...I'll...' It being clear that Rarity was soon very close to being thrown over the edge, feeling her hoof continuing to get rougher and rougher, and her not seeming to be able or wanting to slow her pace down at all. A deep blush covering her face and her heart racing in her chest, the unicorn feeling like she could burst at any minute.

"Mistress Dash...I'm getting close...I can't hold back...I'm going to...cum..."

"I'm cumming too...cum together with me Rares," Dash also feeling the pressure inside her core building up to bursting point, as she kept increasing her pace, letting her moans get louder and biting her bottom lip, knowing she wouldn't be able to last much longer.

"Of course...my Mistress,"

"Rares...once you orgasm, and you begin to recover you will be in control of your body once again...you will awake from this hypnotised state and be back to normal," The pegasus instructed causing her marefriend to just nod in reply, as they both doubled their efforts, getting rougher and rougher with their strokes, causing their hips to buckle and their clits to become swollen. It not being long before they both reached their limit at the same time, feeling all their muscles tense up, their waists raise up from the bed and loud moans of release escape their throats. Their intense shared orgasm seeming to last for quiet a while, feeling shock wave after shock wave ripple throughout their bodies, as they both threw their heads back in ecstasy and absolute pleasure, loudly moaning out each other's names blissfully.

The two eventually collapsing back onto the unicorn's bed, both of them panting heavily and trying to get their breathing back to normal, as they began to come down from their high, basking in their shared afterglow while Dash was soon the first of the two to regain her composure. Sighing heavily and rolling over to look to her marefriend, watching her come back to herself, as she seemed to have complete control over her body once again, draping a foreleg over her sapphire eyes and still feeling her limbs trembling slightly.

"So...how was it?" Rainbow asked after a short pause, blushing a little as she wondered what Rarity would say in reply, hoping that the unicorn had enjoyed it as much as she had, and that definitely seeming to be the case as she wasn't left waiting for an answer for too much longer luckily.

"It was...exhilarating," She sighed out as she was able to finally get her breathing back to normal, honestly feeling like she had just had one of the most breathtaking and most unbelievable experiences of her life, thinking that if she had know that it would feel this good, she would have most certainly tried out this 'hypnosis play' long before now.

"Really? So...do you think you would be up for trying it out again sometime, maybe?" Dash thinking that if it had turned out so well the first time, that it may turn out to feel even better the second time, or at least that was what the pegasus was hoping for, while Rarity soon just sat up and nodded her head, moving closer to her marefriend a moment later.

"Honestly, if it feels that good...then I think I would definitely be willing to try it again sometime,"

"I'm glad to hear you say that, because I have quite a few more 'ideas' for us to try out,"

Replying with a another wink Rainbow smiled when Rarity snuggled up beside her, nuzzling into the pegasus's soft chest and sighing happily, while Dash simply just kissed her marefriend lightly on top of her head and nuzzled her back. The two mares cuddling for a while lovingly, before Dash soon began to think of what they could do next, and Rarity felt like she could barely wait to see what their second time exploring in this 'hypnosis play' would entail.

Hypnosis And Being Completely Exposed

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Not much time had passed since Rainbow Dash and Rarity had tried out some 'hypnosis play' for the first time, the two mares still cuddling together on the unicorn's bed, it being obvious to the both of them that the night wasn't over just yet it would seem. Rarity resting her head on one of her marefriend's forelegs, while Dash was using the other to gently stroke her lover's mane, as a calming feeling washed over them.

"So honestly...how did it feel?" the pegasus asked with a curious expression, catching her marefriend's attention and causing her to simply just smile and shrug her shoulders slightly in response.

"Well at first I really wasn't sure how exactly I should feel about it all. I'll admit seeing my body move of its own accord, and hearing myself say all the things I would normally just think inside my mind...it was a little strange, and I thought it would throw me off a lot...but...I don't know what it was, but something about not being in control of the things I did or said...It made me feel like I could do and say anything, and I wouldn't have my nerves and insecurities getting the better of me at any time. It felt...like nothing I've ever felt before in my life," she explained going back in her mind to all the things that she felt only a little while ago, trying to put all her thoughts into words as best as she could, but feeling like she just couldn't describe it all that well, luckily Dash seeming to understand most of what her marefriend was trying to say and just nodded back with a smile.

"Does that mean it felt better than when you masturbate by yourself?"

"It felt...a lot better," Rarity nodding in reply, as she could feel a slight shiver running up her spine from simply just remembering how it felt to do something so embarrassing in front of the pegasus, and yet being relaxed while letting her body act on its own, without her having to tell it do anything at all.

"Just how did you come up with an idea like that anyway?" questioning her marefriend with a interested expression the unicorn not really seeing how Dash could come up with the idea of using hypnosis as easily as she had, unless she had maybe done something like this before, however the answer she got seemed to make a lot more sense, and caused Rarity to actually feel a little relived that it didn't sound like the pegasus had tried out this 'idea' of hers with anyone else but her.

"I read about it in a Daring Do book a couple of weeks back, and luckily it actually worked out well for the both of us. I was a little afraid that it wouldn't work since I've heard that hypnosis doesn't work on some ponies," chuckling nervously Dash glanced away from Rarity for a moment, not really wanting to admit to her marefriend that if this first idea of hers hadn't have worked, then she would most likely be stuck on what else they could try to help with improving the unicorn's confidence. However Rarity not seeming to mind at all, figuring that she probably should've expected something like this to have come from the pegasus's favourite book series.

Dash looking back to her marefriend with a smirk a moment later however, "Unless...the real reason why it worked so well on you, was because you are always so eager to submit to me, my dear slave," her tone changing to a seductive once again, leaning into Rarity more and whispering that last part into the unicorn's ear, causing her to widen her sapphire eyes and let a slight blush begin to spread across her cheeks, before she composed herself and just gave an alluring smile back to Rainbow in return.

"Well it's like how you said earlier, 'a slave has to do whatever her Mistress wants her to do', right?" winking to the pegasus, causing her marefriend to just raise an eyebrow to her and nodding in response, giving Rarity's ear a long, slow lick before she spoke once again. The unicorn shivering and moaning slightly in return.

"That is correct, and if you're up for it, there is something else that I would like to...'try out'. But first tell me, my dear slave you're not tired yet, are you?" another chill running up Rarity's spine as she could feel Dash's warm breath against her ear, tickling her fur and causing her to tremble in anticipation, answering by simply just shaking her head. It being obvious that she was more than looking forward to whatever her 'Mistress' had in store for her, especially when she soon found out that she would be put back into that hypnotised state for the second time tonight.


Soon enough Rainbow had once again put her willing marefriend under a hypnotised state, instructing the unicorn to close her eyes, relax her body and empty her mind of all thoughts, before telling her to open her eyes again and look back at her. Dash smiling as she just admired how easy it was to put Rarity under, as it was obvious that she was simply now waiting for her next demand from her Mistress, while inside her mind she was wondering what exactly Rainbow was going to have her do this time.

"Now can you tell me what it is that you want, Rares?" asking after a short pause, Dash raised her eyebrow slightly again, wondering just what her marefriend would say while being in her hypnotised state, hoping that she wouldn't just stay quiet, since she wasn't giving her a direct instruction this time. But luckily enough it seemed like she didn't need to be so direct, as Rarity soon answered her, not hesitating at all like she most likely would have done normally.

"I want to do exactly as you say, I want this...I want you my Mistress," The unicorn already blushing deeply as it was obvious by now that whatever she thought as an answer, simply would result in her saying said thoughts out loud to Dash, causing Rarity to kind of feel thankful for this 'hypnosis play', as she knew she likely wouldn't have been able to say what she was really thinking at the moment if she wasn't in this state. At least not without having to build up quite a bit of courage, and she most probably would have ended up pausing a few times as well.

"Well that's good, because this time I want to pleasure you, my dear slave,"

"I would be greatly delighted to receive pleasure from you my Mistress," Rarity nodding in response, doubting she would have been able to reply with the same words that she just had if she wasn't under hypnosis right now, however what Dash had said seeming to confuse the unicorn, causing her to think for a few moments.

'Dash has pleasured me plenty of times before now, so it wouldn't be much different this time, right? But then why did she want to put me under hypnosis for it? Although I guess I do cover my face and hold back my voice quite a bit, so maybe that has something to do with it...?' Trying to figure out just why her marefriend had chosen something so simple and less embarrassing for her to do, although not really feeling like complaining, as she definitely did enjoy it whenever the pegasus pleasured her, however it soon becoming clear to Rarity that this wasn't going to be like all the other times that they had done this sort of thing before now.

"But first, could you stand up on the bed and then turn around for me?" Rainbow smirking slightly as she gestured for Rarity to turn around with her hoof, causing her marefriend to simply nod back and do as she was asked to in return, standing up and turning around on the bed, while Dash guessed that Rarity was most likely very confused by her request. The pegasus being correct it seemed, Rarity now wondering just where her 'Mistress' was going with all this, since the strange requests continued on.

"Good, now I need you to walk backwards towards me, and don't stop until I say so, okay?" her tone still having a seductive tone to it, as she simply sat back against the pillows once again, seeming to know exactly what she wanted from her marefriend at the moment. While just causing Rarity more confusion, as she wanted to ask just what the pegasus was planning right now, however her mouth staying silent, it seeming like her body was more focused on following her 'Mistress's' orders and patiently waiting to be told what to do next.

The cyan mare simply sitting and watching as Rarity did exactly as she said, taking small backward steps towards her, the unicorn's legs moving on their own, as they seemed more than eager to fulfil their 'Mistress's' wishes, while Rarity just hoped the reason for why her marefriend was asking her to do these odd things would become clearer to her soon. Her legs halting instantly when she heard the word 'Stop' leave Dash's lips, causing her to stop in her tracks and turn round to glance to her lover, wearing a questioning expression now, however still blushing deeply when she noticed that her rear end was only a few mere inches from Rainbow's face at this moment in time.

"Is there anything more you would like me to do, my Mistress?" It seeming that Rarity still hadn't realised just why her marefriend has asked her to do all these weird commands, wondering what the pegasus would possibly have her do next, guessing that all this probably wouldn't make much sense to her for a little while longer yet, however that thought changing almost immediately when she heard Dash answer her and rest a gentle hoof on her tail.

"No, you can leave me to do all the work from here Rares, but you have to stay standing no matter what, got it?" her tone changing to sound more serious for a moment, but it continuing to be very alluring still, as she gently stroked her marefriend's purple tale with one hoof. Getting a slow nod from Rarity in reply, the cyan mare smiled and winked to her 'slave', before she soon moved the unicorn's tail to the side slightly, to finally reveal what she had been wanting to see all this time.

'Why did she just move my tail? Wait...don't tell she's actually going to...' Rarity's sapphire eyes widening, as it seeming like she finally realised just what exactly her marefriend had been planning by asking her to fulfil such strange sounding requests, however she didn't even get the chance to finish her thought. While Dash admired the unicorn's aroused sex for just a couple of seconds, before she leaned closer and slowly licked the entire length of Rarity's marehood, causing her to instantly tremble all over and let out a small cry of pleasure in return.

'She's licking me...while I'm in such an embarrassing position, everything down there is completely exposed to her right now, and she can no doubt see all the way inside me. Now I see why she wanted to do this to me while I was in a hypnotised state...because there's likely no way I would let her pleasure me like this otherwise. I should be feeling like I can't bear being in this sort of situation, but instead...I just feel so turned on and I don't ever want her to stop,' she thought as she kept moaning out louder and louder with each and every long lick she could feel against her soaked slit, feeling her waist thrust into her marefriend's advances of its own accord, while her teeth clenched and she was soon screaming out her lover's name, when she felt her hot tongue beginning to thrust inside her deeply.

"Ahhh! Mistress...so good, your tongue feels so good inside me!" she whispered out thinking that she should feel like she wanted to hold her voice back right now, but instead she felt like she wanted to scream louder so that the whole town would hear her, however her voice not getting any louder after a certain point, and it seemed like her voice didn't want anyone else to hear the pleasure-filled screams that were only for her 'Mistress' to hear.

'I can feel my legs shaking so much...Dash is being so rough, I want to collapse...but my legs won't let me since she told me to keep standing no matter what,' the unicorn soon trembling all over as she hung her head, knowing she wouldn't be able to withstand this for long, but her legs being determined to not let herself give in and resist the urge to fall to her knees, not wanting to disobey her 'Mistress'.

Meanwhile Rainbow was noticing that Rarity not only was being louder than she has ever been before, but the unicorn was also wetter than she would normally be, so much so that her entrance was constantly overflowing with her erotic juices, causing Dash to gladly lap up as much as she could. Forcing her skilful tongue deeper inside of her marefriend, as every scream of sheer bliss was urging her on even more. Guessing that the hypnosis was likely causing this, as it was pretty obvious that this 'hypnosis play' seemed to turn Rarity on even more, and much like how the pegasus had predicted before, the second time was looking to be even better than the first.

'I don't know how long I can keep this up for...my legs feel so tired right now, I feel like they might just give way at any moment, but...somehow I'm still standing through all this. I didn't know my body could be this determined...and all because Dash told me to. I guess it's true...my body really does love to submit to her and obey her every wish,' sighing slightly Rarity could feel herself panting heavily, as her heart was beating wildly in her chest, knowing that if her marefriend kept being as rough as she was currently, then it wouldn't be long before she would soon begin to feel that very familiar sensation of pressure starting to build up inside her abdomen.

However it was quickly becoming clear to the unicorn that her lover was not letting up at all, continuing to deeply thrust her tongue inside of Rarity's overflowing entrance, while also lightly sucking on her slit every so often, it being obvious that she wanted to make her marefriend cum. And it seeming like the platinum mare had no choice but let herself climax, as her body was definitely needing a release at this point, and currently wasn't even giving her a chance to try and hold back, since she had no control over the fact that she was already so close to reaching her limit.

"Mistress...I'm so close...I won't be able to last much longer...AHHH!" Speaking in-between heavy pants and loud moans, crying out every so often still, as she could now feel a tremendous amount of pressure quickly building up from deep within her core, her pleasure reaching its peak and her legs aching so much she was beginning to lean forward slightly. Being certain that if Rainbow didn't stop her onslaught, she would most certainly collapse uncontrollably soon enough.

"Then you may collapse and let your legs rest, but only when you cum, which will also be when you come out of your hypnotised state. So you must keep standing until the moment that you orgasm," Dash pausing for a moment as she spoke in a whispered, but still dominating tone as she caused Rarity to whimper and nod in reply, her body obviously not wanting the attention it was currently getting to stop, however luckily for her the pegasus went straight back to pleasuring her afterwards.Thrusting her tongue as deep as it would go inside her marefriend, and being sure to double her efforts, while resulting in Rarity's body soon being thrown over the edge in only a short amount of time.

A loud scream of release and intense pleasure escaping from her lips, as her body finally let her have control again now that she was no longer in her hypnotised state anymore, all four of her legs collapsing from under her immediately, while Rainbow continued to make her ride out her breathtaking orgasm. Making the unicorn squirm and moan out her marefriend's name over and over again, her whole body shaking and twitching as she buried her head into the bed sheets, muffling her moans of ecstasy, hoping that her heavy breathing would soon go back to normal once she had recovered from reaching her climax.

Rainbow simply lapping up the last few drops of her marefriend's juices, before she licked her lips clean and smiled to her still quivering 'slave', watching as she rode out the last waves of her overwhelming orgasm, soon rolling over to lay on her back and try and get her heart to stop pounding wildly inside her chest. Draping a foreleg over her closed eyes as she stared to breath normally again, taking a couple more moments to bask in her afterglow, while Dash came to lay down beside her, planting a small kiss on her forehead.

"So...what do you say Rares, better than the first time?" the pegasus asked, catching Rarity's attention as she gave her a slight smirk, while her marefriend soon just nodded her head and rolled back over to lay on her stomach, cuddling up beside Dash in response.

"So...much better," she breathed out in a deep sigh, finally feeling like her breathing was back to normal again, but still feeling her heart racing inside her chest as she nuzzled into her marefriend's chest fur, causing Dash to just chuckle slightly and nuzzle her back lovingly.

"Although we might have to hold off on trying out anything more while using hypnosis for a little bit, after all I fear I might just devolve a real...'kink' for it if it continues to always make me feel...this good," Rarity chuckling as well as she was also kind of half serious, since she really could see herself possible getting addicted to this 'hypnosis play' if it kept making her feel the way that she did whenever she was in that state, Dash however not seeming to mind the idea of that at all, as she simply just shrugged her shoulders and smirked to the unicorn.

"That wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it now?"

"I guess not, after all...you're the only one that would know about it, right?"

"For these eyes only Rares,"

The cyan mare nodding her head and smiling, before peaking her marefriend lightly on her cheek, causing her to chuckle again at the slight tickling sensation she felt, as Dash's lips brushed against her fur softly. Responding by pressing her lips to the pegasus's, and feeling Rainbow kissing her back, before they soon parted.

"I love you Rainbow," the unicorn speaking in a whispered tone as she smiled to her marefriend, nuzzling into her soft fur once again, relaxing when she felt the steady rhythm of Dash's heartbeat comforting her, while the cyan mare wrapped one foreleg around her and embraced her lovingly.

"I love you too, Rares," replying happily Dash whispered back, covering them both up with the blanket, as she could tell how exhausted her marefriend was after all that 'excitement', and feeling pretty tired out herself. The two of them deciding to call it a night for now as they snuggled up to each other closely, holding one another tightly, as they were soon enough drifting off into a peaceful sleep together, while being wrapped in a warm embrace.

Hypnosis And Learning To Accept Your True Desires

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The following day Rainbow Dash had been working with her fellow weather ponies until rather late in the afternoon, however Celestia's shining sun was still high in the sky, as the princess hadn't began to lower it just yet. The cyan mare had not long finished a long day of helping to keep ponyville's skies mostly clear of clouds, for today had been quite mild and warm, apart from the slight, cool breeze that would pass by every so often. Having now returned to her cloud home she was planning on having a relaxing evening, before turning in for an early night since tomorrow would also be another busy day of work for her.

However that plan of her's seeming to maybe be changing very soon as once she had flown home, there sitting just below her cloud house was a certain platinum unicorn that she thought she wouldn't be seeing today. Raising her eyebrow slightly the pegasus seemed to be questioning her marefriend's presence, wondering how long she had been here, looking as if she was waiting for Dash to return from work. Shrugging her shoulders a moment later Rainbow simply just flew over to Rarity, causing her to widen her sapphire eyes once she had seen the cyan mare coming into her view, jumping up almost as she felt relieved that she wouldn't have to keep looking up at the sky anymore, searching for the pegasus.

"Good afternoon Rainbow, how was your day at work? Not too busy I hope," the unicorn greeted with a cheerful grin spreading across her lips, causing Dash to look back to her with a bit of a nervous expression, before answering and coming to stand in front of her marefriend.

"It was okay I guess, but...is there something that you need from me Rares?"

"No, I just wanted to come and see you as all, is it wrong for me to want to see my marefriend without needing something from her?" The unicorn's tone sounding a little odd, which was something that Dash noticed almost immediately, causing her to seem confused, wondering if she should question why the other mare was acting the way that she was or just continue to try and not be fazed by it.

"I guess not, but... it's just that I normally don't find you waiting below my home for me. I mean it's a nice surprise don't get me wrong, but still I'm starting to get the feeling that you aren't here just to 'come and see me', am I right?" Raising her eyebrow yet again it was clear that she could see straight through this act that her marefriend was putting on, and was now basically trying to figure out what Rarity's real reason was for why she had come to see her, and why she was acting rather strange at this moment in time.

Rarity hesitated a little, wondering if she should try and keep the act up for a bit longer however she could see that Dash wasn't falling for it at all, so even if she did continue to act like nothing was different about the way that she was talking and acting right now, her marefriend would no doubt get tired of her pretending soon enough. Letting a deep sigh leave her lips after a long pause, Rarity just decided to tell Dash the truth and stop with the act already.

"Well I did want to come and see you...but you're right Dash, there is something more to this...I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to spend the night at my place tonight, if you're not too busy that is of course?" Still with a bit of a nervous tone Rarity smiled hopefully to her marefriend, this seeming a bit weird to Dash still since normally she was the one to ask if she could stay over for the night, plus she had already stayed over at Rarity's last night.

"Rares you know I would love to stay round at yours tonight, but I have to be up early for work in the morning tomorrow, and I doubt we'll be doing much sleeping if I spend the night with you...wait..." pausing for a few moments Dash seemed to now have a slightly suspicious glance directed to the other mare, sensing that things were still sounding a little fishy to her, causing Rarity to just look nervously back to her, shifting her sapphire eyes as she waited for Dash to continue silently.

"Is that why you came to ask me if I wanted to stay at yours tonight? Rares two nights in a row, you're not in heat or something are you?" Now smirking slyly Rainbow seemed to have caught onto exactly what the other mare had been obviously trying to avoid confessing to her since deciding to come and see her.

"What? No of course not-

"Oh really? So...you don't want me to hypnotise you again, and get you to do all sorts of things that you would normally be too embarrassed to do?" Cutting Rarity's attempt at sounding taken aback off, and just moved closer to her marefriend, lowering her tone into a much more alluring one, causing the unicorn to swallow slowly.

Blushing slightly as she knew that there was no way Dash was going to let up now that the pegasus clearly knew what Rarity's true intentions were, when she came to ask her to stay the night at her's tonight, guessing it would be best to just drop the act completely since Dash had already figured her out it seemed, "was I really being that obvious?" She questioned after a deep sigh, completely dropping her act as she hung her head in defeat, while the cyan mare just nodded back to her in reply.

"A little," her slight chuckle causing the unicorn to go red and turn her head away, while nervously trying to think of a way she could change the current subject, and get her marefriend off the topic of her making a fool of herself just a few moments ago. But before she could think of something to say, it seemed like Dash's demeanour had already changed from an amused one to an all too familiar alluring one instead, "well...you know I have got some free time right now, so...did you have anything particular in mind, Rares?"

Rarity's eyes widening slightly as her ears twitched at hearing her marefriend's seductive tone, causing her to glance back to Dash and feeling her cheeks burning when she saw the cyan mare raise an eyebrow, and smirk to her in response. The unicorn just shaking her head for a moment as she looked away from Dash and lowered her tone to almost a whisper, "honestly...right now as long as you put me under that hypnotised state again, I... don't think I care what you might do to me," seeming shocked once the words had left her lips, she quickly covered her mouth with a single hoof, while Rainbow looked back to her with quite an impressed expression, it being obvious that Rarity had meant to keep what she had just said inside her mind and not say it all out loud like that.

"Dear Celestia, why did I say that out loud?" Immediately hiding her blushing face in embarrassment, wishing that the ground could simply swallow her whole right now, while hearing her marefriend let another slight chuckle escape her throat, before she just shrugged her shoulders and tried to make Rarity feel better about this weird sexual fascination of her's.

"Relax Rares, so you have a kink, big deal, everypony's got one," Dash causing her marefriend to move her hoof away from her face, glancing back to the pegasus nervously, "mine for example is..." pausing for a moment as she walked closer to Rarity and whispered into her ear, "seeing you in your most vulnerable state, that I know you would never show to any other pony, except for me," she finished sending a shiver up the unicorn's spine, resulting in her trembling all over and letting a small whimper leave her lips.

"Come on Dash, that's not as...unnatural as getting turned on by being hypnotised," turning her head away once again, trying to hide her blushing expression from her dominating marefriend, already starting to feel her heart racing inside her chest, while the cyan mare just shook her head in reply and kissed Rarity's cheek lovingly.

"It's not 'unnatural' Rares, after all I don't think there are many out there that are considered, 'natural' kinks,"

"Even so, you have to admit that mine is pretty...out-there,"

"And is that really such a bad thing?"

Dash asked with an comforting expression, resting her hoof under Rarity's chin, causing her marefriend to gaze back to her, however the unicorn went quiet as it seemed like she was unsure of just how she should reply to the other mare. Soon shrugging her shoulders slightly as she guessed there were most likely weirder kinks that were out there, but still it was obvious that she was struggling with accepting this deep desire of her's, casting her eyes down and giving out another slight sigh, which in turn resulted in Rainbow thinking for a few moments about how she could possibly get Rarity to embrace her desires more in a positive light.

"I don't know, I mean...having a kink for being dominated is one thing, but having one for being hypnotised as well...I suppose maybe there could be a connection there-"

"Wait a minute, you might be on to something there Rares," cutting her marefriend off the cyan mare seemed to have gotten an idea from what Rarity had just said, causing a plan to form inside Dash's mind, while the unicorn just looked back to her with a bit of a confused expression yet again.

"What do you mean Rainbow?"

"Don't go anywhere, I'll be back in sec," not answering the other mare as the pegasus just smiled to Rarity, winking to her a moment later, before she quickly took off and flew up into her cloud house, leaving her marefriend to wonder just what she was planning.

"Wait, where are you going?"

She called after Dash, however it being obvious that she wasn't going to get an reply, as the cyan mare had already disappeared inside her home, while the unicorn was left to just sit back down on her hunches and sigh deeply. Waiting for when her marefriend would return and hopefully explain why she had rushed off all of a sudden, and luckily it seemed like she wouldn't have to be patient for very long at all, as the pegasus soon came flying back down from her cloud home, coming to stand in front of Rarity once again after only being gone for maybe about six seconds or so.

Rarity giving the other mare a questioning expression, tilting her head to the side slightly, wondering if Dash was going to explain herself or not, but it seemed like she didn't really need to when she lifted up her hoof to show her marefriend what she had just gone to grab from her home. The unicorn widening her eyes as she could now begin to guess just what Dash might have in mind when she saw that familiar looking collar, which she had worn plenty of times before now.

"You haven't worn this in a while, have you my adorable slave?" The pegasus smirked as she gestured to the diamond studded, purple collar that was around her hoof right now, the unicorn not having worn it in a good few weeks, causing Rarity to just hide her smile and turn away from her marefriend slightly a moment later.

"Well you're the one that hasn't brought it over to mine for a while, my Mistress,"

"True, so would you maybe wear it now, just for old times sake?"

"Will you tell me just what you're planning if I do?" Asking while raising her eyebrow slightly, Rarity looked back to Rainbow Dash as her tone lowered a little and sounded more alluring than before, her marefriend simply answering with a nod as she walked closer to the unicorn and gently slipped the loose fitting collar over Rarity's head, and fastened it around her supple neck.

"Of course, you see I was thinking since you now have two kinks, why don't we mix them together. After all they might be connected in some way just like you said," Rainbow finally explained as she stroked the soft fur around Rarity's neck with her hoof, tenderly kissing her marefriend's ear, while causing her to shiver in response, as she could already feel excitement building up inside her body.

Feeling great anticipation flowing throughout her as it wasn't long before her 'dear Mistress' once again told her to close her eyes, breathe deeply, empty her mind of all thoughts and relax her body, all while she focused on the sound of her marefriend's calm voice. Soon being told to open her eyes as she was now in her hypnotised state, that was already beginning to ignite a fiery desire deep within her core.

"Come on then Rares, let's go for a little walk, shall we?"

Simply smirking to her hypnotised marefriend, Dash gestured with one hoof for Rarity to follow her, the unicorn just nodding with a blushing expression as she walked close behind Rainbow, while wondering just what exactly her 'Mistress' was going to have her do. Knowing that she wouldn't have to feel nervous about it, even if it did turn out to be embarrassing, like how her past experiences had been with this 'hypnosis play' between them.

The two mare hadn't been walking for very long at all when Rarity soon had to stop for a few moments and breathe deeply, feeling her heart pounding wildly inside her chest, while desire was still continuing to spread throughout her body. The unicorn knowing that she was clearly already aroused, even though all she was doing was simply walking, ‘Why am I so turned on right now? I know I get turned on just from being in my hypnotised state, but...I never got this...wet down there yesterday. Is it because I’m outside? Please don’t me I’ve somehow developed a sort of exhibitionist kink as well now,’ rolling her eyes and giving out a heavy sigh, as she tried her best to hide her damp entrance behind her tail, however the fact that she had stopped following her marefriend had now caught the attention of Rainbow.

"Rares are you okay?"

She asked with a concerned expression, causing Rarity to look back to her with a flushed face, it seeming like she wanted to say something, however her head just simply nodding in response. Dash still glancing back to her marefriend with a bit of a worried gaze, wondering if she should repeat her question to the unicorn, hoping that being in her hypnotised state isn't actually bothering her somehow. However before she could say anything more the both of them heard a familiar voice calling to them.

"Rarity! Rainbow Dash!"

Causing the two to perk their ears up and turn their heads in the direction they heard the voice come from, Rainbow Dash instantly spotting on of their close friends coming over to greet them, the lavender alicorn cheerfully waving to the couple while she came trotting along the dirt path. Looking taken aback for a moment Dash bit her bottom lip, unsure of what to do in this situation as she could tell that the other mare would most likely sense something was off with the way Rarity would be acting right now, especially if she started addressing the pegasus as she normally did while being in her hypnotised state.

"Hey Twilight, what are you doing way out here at this time of day?" Quickly putting on a forced smile as she turned to the alicorn, Rainbow tried to hide the nervous tone in her voice as best as she could, hoping that Twilight wouldn't notice. Making it obvious that she was purposely standing in front of Rarity and taking up all of their friend's attention, so that the hypnotised mare luckily wouldn't have to try and respond while not acting like her usual self at this moment in time.

"Well I've been spending most of the day re-shelving some of the older books in the castle's library with Spike since they were looking pretty dusty, and we finished not too long ago so I thought I'd take a short walk to get some fresh air-

"That sounds great Twi, but it's getting late now. Don't you think that Spike will be wondering where you are?" Cutting the lavender alicorn off with another question Dash was desperately trying to think of way she could either get Twilight to leave them alone, or to come up with some excuse for them to go, without it seeming strange to their close friend.

"I doubt that, he went to take a nap as soon as we were done, so he won't be awake for a good couple of hours yet," simply replying with a content smile, Twilight noticing that Rainbow was acting a little...odd, however deciding to not question it for now, looking over to Rarity instead as she wondered why the unicorn hadn't said a word to her yet. But stopping herself from saying anything as she soon noticed the purple, studded collar hanging loosely around the platinum mare's neck.

While Dash was busy trying to think of some way for her and Rarity to get out of this uncomfortable situation, Rarity seemed to be acting oddly calm, however that only being on the outside, as for inside her mind she was freaking out to say the least, 'What do I do? What can I do? Twilight will no doubt see that I'm acting unlike my usual self if I don't say something to her soon, but...I can't really control what I say or if I do say anything at all while I'm in this hypnotised state, what if I say the wrong thing? What if I end up calling Rainbow 'Mistress'? I mean I would like to tell Twilight and the rest of our friends about Rainbow and I eventually, but...I never wanted her to find out like this,' the unicorn's head was spinning with countless questions, and having no idea how to answer any of them at all, as it was basically like a nightmare of her's was coming to life right in front of her, and she could do nothing to try and stop it from happening. Unfortunately it seemed like things were going from bad to worse, as Rarity soon realised that Twilight was staring right at her collar, causing her to dread the kind of questions that the alicorn just might ask after seeing her wearing such a thing around her neck, while being outside where anyone could see her.

"Rainbow, why is Rarity wearing a collar with a tag on it that reads, 'Belongs to Rainbow Dash'?" Raising her eyebrow in a suspicious way, Twilight asked the question that both Dash and Rarity had been dreading to hear, causing the cyan mare to quickly think on her feet, wracking her brain for a response that would make sense but wouldn't reveal their secret relationship at the same time.

"Umm...you see...she lost a bet we made, so as punishment she is doing things for me," answering in a bit of a rushed and now obviously very nervous tone, the pegasus still having a forced smile on her lips, as she tried to act as normal as possible, while she was being mostly honest since their relationship did start off with Rarity losing a bet. However Dash being sure to keep the whole truth from Twilight.

However the alicorn not seeming to be very convinced at all, giving Dash a sceptical look, as it was clear that she wasn't falling for her act, "That still doesn't explain why she's wearing that collar, which claims that she belongs to you,"

"I swear Twi, it's all just part of a harmless bet, right Rarity?" The cyan mare hoping that Rarity would answer, even though she was still in her hypnotised state, since she hadn't really given her a command, luckily enough though it seemed like the unicorn was able to reply without any hesitation at all.

"Yes, that's right Mistr-

"See she's cool with it, so it's completely fine, nothing to worry about at all," quickly cutting her marefriend off and covering her mouth with a hoof, Rainbow stopping her from addressing her how she normally does, causing Twilight to look even more suspicious, as it was clear that she was about to ask the pegasus another question. However Dash instantly interrupting the lavender mare so that she couldn't ask her anything more.

"Anyway, we have to go now, have a nice rest of your walk. See you later Twilight," she simply stated in another rushed tone, wrapping a foreleg around Rarity, before quickly waving goodbye to their friend and sped off disappearing into the distance, while leaving Twilight to just stand in confusion.

"Rainbow Dash wait, I wasn't done..." The alicorn called after Dash, however just pausing and sighing seeing that her two friends were already out of her sight by now, and guessing to just leave them be, guessing that Dash would no doubt just try and get away from her again if she tried to follow after them. Shrugging her shoulders simply as she decided to just continue on with her walk before it got too late, while what had just happened with Rarity and Dash was clearly still on her mind,'Just what was that all about anyway?' she wondered to herself, before turning and beginning to walk in the opposite direction.


"Rainbow Dash, stop laughing about it already,"

Rarity scolded her marefriend, having already been snapped out of her hypnotised state by the cyan mare, as the two were now in a more secluded area, surrounded by a few tall trees. The Unicorn speaking in a nervous tone as she was blushing and sighing at what had just happened a few moments ago, while Dash on the other hand was just chuckling to herself, causing Rarity to glare back at her in response.

"Come on Rares, you gotta admit it was pretty funny,"

"It was embarrassing Dash! you don't think she will be sceptical of us now do you?" Lowering her voice a little Rarity glanced down to her hooves, hanging her head low and feeling her cheeks burning still, while she bit her bottom lip, not really realising until now that her tail was rather damp since it had been resting against her awfully aroused sex the whole time that they were talking with Twilight.

"No, I think we got away with it for now, although we might have to think of a better story for when we see her next," Rainbow giving the other mare a reassuring smile, believing that their secret relationship was safe for now, causing Rarity to be slightly relieved, however it looking like something was still bothering her at the moment it seemed.

"Hey you okay, Rares?" Looking concerned Dash came to sit closer to her marefriend, hoping that what had just happened wasn't stressing Rarity out too much, however it soon becoming clear to her that there was something completely different that was troubling the unicorn, as she answered while still looking down to the ground and sitting back against a tree trunk.

"I'm fine...it's just...I don't know if it was simply because I was in a hypnotised state, or maybe...it was the risk of us almost being found out by Twilight...but I...I..." Rarity struggling to explain exactly what was bothering her at the moment, feeling her face flushing deeply, guessing that at this point she was most likely too embarrassed to actually confess all to her marefriend. So instead of continuing to try and speak the unicorn simply sighed, and decided to show Dash since that might be easier for her to do, sitting with her back leaning against the tree trunk, and turning her head away from the cyan mare while she slowly spread her hind legs wide apart.

This causing Dash to glance down slightly, still not quite understanding what the other mare was trying to get across to her, until her magenta eyes widened upon seeing her lover's aroused entrance, noticing that she was practically overflowing right now. Rarity continuing to just look away as she bit her bottom lip tightly, fighting off the strong urge she had to start pleasuring herself at the moment, it being more than obvious that she was way past the point of just being turned on, and luckily enough for her Rainbow seemed to the get the message pretty fast. Smirking when she realised what it was she needed to do in order to give her panting marefriend some release.

"No need to say another word Rares. I think I can help you with that," she simply winked to Rarity, her tone changing to a more alluring one as she leaned into her marefriend, causing the unicorn to turn her head back to her, as Dash kissed her lips a moment later. Moving her hoof down to rest upon Rarity's soaked sex and starting to stir her up, while the platinum mare moaned into their kiss as she rocked her hips against Dash's hoof, clearly asking for more attention, which Rainbow was more than happy to give to her.

Only a few minutes passing before the pegasus had Rarity writhing against the tree trunk she was currently leaning back on, panting heavily and trying to keep her moans from getting too loud, while Dash was crouched in-between her hind legs, thrusting her tongue deep inside the other mare's dripping entrance. Rarity having to constantly bite her bottom lip so that her cries of sheer pleasure wouldn't be heard, as she lay tensing up her muscles over and over again, knowing that she had been turned on for quite a long time now, and in which resulted a familiar pressure to already begin to quickly build up inside her core.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this soaked before Rares, you're not secretly an exhibitionist as well are you?" Asking with a smirk, Dash paused for a few moments, before soon going back to thrusting her tongue as far as it would go inside her marefriend. Feeling Rarity's walls already starting to clamp down on her advances, and tighten around her tongue, giving her the clear sign that the unicorn was getting close to a climax that had most likely been slowly building up since she was in her hypnotised state a little while ago.

"No...that's not it...I just...Dash I can't...AHHH!" Ending with a sudden loud cry it was easy to see that the shaking unicorn couldn't hold on for much longer, as the pressure kept building and building till she felt like she was about to burst, just teetering on the edge, being so close to reaching her limit that it clearly wouldn't take all that much to help her reach her much needed release.

Rainbow just smiling as she kissed her lover's swollen clit lightly, causing a intense shock wave to course through Rarity's entire body, almost making her lose her mind right then and there. However it seemed like she was able to hold on for just a little bit longer, while it was more than obvious that Dash had gotten the message, not needing the other mare to say another word to her.

"It's okay Rares, you can cum,"

she simply whispered in a seductive tone, before trusting her tongue deeply inside of her marefriend's sex once again, doubling her efforts almost immediately, causing Rarity to not even have the chance to try and hold back at all. Reaching her peak of sheer pleasure as a breathtaking orgasm rippled through her, sending wave after wave of endless ecstasy over her, while Dash just made her ride it all out, Rarity being sure that this was one of her most intense climaxes she had ever had in her life.

Continuing to shake and squirm, still feeling Dash trusting her hot and skilful tongue inside her, while stopping to suckle gently on her clit every so often, until Rarity eventually collapsed against the tree trunk and felt herself starting to come down from her high. Panting heavily as her mind had gone blank and her heart was currently pounding inside her chest, moaning once more when her marefriend kissed her slit for the last time, before the cyan mare moved to lay beside her and pecked her forehead lovingly.

"Well having sex while being outside, I bet that's a first for you Rares," Dash chuckled as she winked to the other mare, causing Rarity to just nod her head in response, while she lay still trying to get her breathing back to normal and soon nuzzling into her marefriend's chest, sighing once her breath had finally returned to a steady rhythm again.

"Hey...although that wasn't exactly what I had planned on us doing...did it make things easier for you to understand at all?" The cyan mare asked, wondering if Rarity had thought about what was troubling her earlier, and hoping that she still wasn't struggling with it all too much, while causing the other mare to just shrug her shoulders slightly in reply.

"I don't know honestly...when it comes to you Dash maybe you were right after all. The domination, the hypnotism, any other weird kinks that might show up in the future...maybe...maybe I really am just that eager to submit to you," seeming to be thinking out loud more to herself, Rarity spoke in a lowered tone after a short pause, shaking her head a little as she knew she could never ever even imagine doing anything like this with any other pony, but the cyan pegasus laying beside her right now.

"And is that a bad thing?" Looking a little concerned Dash wondered if Rarity was really okay with the conclusion she seemed to have come to from going through this experience, as it seemed like Dash couldn't really read her marefriend's expression at the moment, but hoping that Rarity's small smile meant that she was happy with the way things had turned out between them both recently.

Luckily enough the unicorn just shaking her head in reply, "No, not at all, in fact...I think it shows just how willing I am to give myself entirely to you and only you, Rainbow Dash," she stated with a reassuring smile to her marefriend, resting her hoof over Dash's and causing her to look taken aback for a moment, before her lips soon formed into a softened smile in return.

"I love you Rares," the pegasus embracing her dear lover as she nuzzled into her mane, feeling Rarity nuzzle her back lovingly, Dash holding her close while she soon replied with a blissful smile spreading across her lips.

"I love you too Dash...I love you so very much,"

her tone being close to a whisper as she buried her head into her marefriend's chest, wishing that this perfect moment between them would never end, now knowing that she didn't have to be afraid when 'trying something new' no matter what it may be, as long as she was doing it with Rainbow Dash she was willing to go through with it. Which in turn caused her to wonder what other new experiences her and Dash might come across in the future, after all when it really came down to it, the cyan pegasus was more than just the pony that she loved dearly, it was pretty obvious to her by now that at this point she meant so much more to her than just that.

'Rainbow Dash, you are truly my everything,'

When Hypnosis Is No Longer Needed

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"Rares...I know you said you didn't want to be hypnotised this time, but it's okay if it still feels too embarrassing for you,"
Rainbow trying to be supportive to her marefriend as the unicorn had asked her to come around again only a couple of days after the last time they had spent some time being 'intimate' with each other, the two of them currently sitting together on Rarity's bed while it was now late in the evening. The platinum mare having said that she wanted to try doing things that would often embarrass her without having to be hypnotised every time like she had been recently, believing that as long as she put her mind to it and didn't focus on her nerves she could do things that she normally struggled with, like...masturbating in front of the cyan pegasus.

"No, I can do this. I can do this! I just...just need to try and more confident about it all," shaking her head and seeming to be wearing a serious expression at the moment, even though she was still blushing a good amount like she always does whenever she was completely exposing herself like this to her marefriend. Wanting to believe that she didn't always need to be hypnotised as she was sitting with her hind legs spread wide apart, her aroused sex in full frontal view for the other mare to see, while Rarity's foreleg was slowly inching closer and closer to her marehood every second, but it not seeming like she could pluck up enough courage to go all the way like she had been hoping to do tonight.

"But Rares...I thought you had accepted that it's okay to have a kink for hypnosis play,"

"I have, but I...I don't want to have to relay on it all time. After all you're my marefriend Dash, I should feel completely comfortable with you, not embarrassed and nervous like this. I want to give myself entirely to you, and yet...I still hold back whenever I feel vulnerable around you, even when we're alone," sighing deeply the unicorn not understanding why this was so difficult for her now, when she seemed to do it so easily the other night when she was in her hypnotised state,'It shouldn't be this hard, I thought I could do it if I just tried hard enough...I bet Dash could pleasure herself in front of me with no problems at all,' she thought to herself, having been confident that she didn't need hypnosis this time after Dash had 'gone down on her' the other day while they were still outside, when someone could've easily walked by at anytime and seen them.

'I didn't feel this nervous then, so why? What is stopping me from just doing the things that I want to do? I love Rainbow Dash with all my heart...she's my everything...but I still can't help chickening out whenever it comes to letting her see such a exposed and shameful side to myself,' feeling like she should just give up trying so hard, it being obvious that she wasn't really getting anywhere, but biting her lip tightly a moment later, wanting to push through and try again while Dash sympathised with seeing her love struggling and almost forcing herself to do this it seemed.

"You know, it's okay to be embarrassed. I know I don't show it often, but I get nervous too at times,"

"Well yes, but...you don't let your nerves stop you from doing the things that you want to do, you hardly even hesitate most of the time, while that's literally all I do," raising her voice a little Rarity knew Dash was only trying to make her feel better, by making her see that she's not the only one who goes through having feelings like this, but she was really just more angry at herself right now, causing the cyan mare to just look back to her with a concerned expression before she tried to think of a way she could help her beloved marefriend out somehow.

"No, I can do this...I know I can,"

Nodding lightly and seeming like she was just telling herself more than Rainbow, figuring she could give it another try, slowly brushing her hoof past her waist, causing her body to shiver while she pushed herself to go that little bit further. However her movements halting when she got just close enough to her damp entrance, knowing that her body was desperately needing a release, but with Dash being right there beside her, staring at her she felt like she just couldn't do it.

"What if you closed your eyes and just pretended that I'm not here? Then you could just do what you normally do when you're alone," the cyan mare suggesting, thinking that her struggling marefriend might just find it easier to imagine herself not in this situation that caused her to be so embarrassed. However it was soon clear that Rarity was still very much aware of Dash being just beside her, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, trying to pretend that she was all alone right now. But although she was able to get a little closer this time to the place that was just begging for some attention, she again froze when coming just close enough, before she opened her eyes and shook her head to Rainbow.

"I still know you're here beside me, I can feel your eyes on me. So even though I don't want to stop, my hoof just freezes up of its own accord," letting another heavy sigh leave her lips the frustrated unicorn wondered if she should just give up completely, and finally ask Dash to either hypnotise her, or let the pegasus fulfil her desires by pleasuring her instead like she had normally ended up doing in the past.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was still sitting back on her hunches, thinking to herself about ways she could maybe help her marefriend out somehow, after all it was obvious the unicorn wanted to do something that often times was very embarrassing for her, without needing to be hypnotised every single time. Luckily a sudden idea soon popped into the pegasus's mind as she widened her magenta eyes slightly, before lifting her head up and catching Rarity's attention by calling out to her, causing the other mare to turn her head back to her marefriend with a questioning expression in response.

"Listen Rares, I think I've got an idea, but if at anytime you feel uncomfortable, or like you want me to stop. Just tell me, okay?" Leaning forward now Rainbow gave Rarity a confident expression, hoping to encourage her a little, while causing the unicorn to soon just nod back to her in reply, it being clear that at this point she might just be willing to try anything since she was getting next to nowhere with her current attempts.

Dash glancing to the beside table as she looked to that purple studded collar that she had decided to bring along tonight, thinking that they maybe might just delve into a bit of 'Slave and Mistress play' like they had many times before now. the cyan mare being glad to have remembered it this time, quickly grabbing the collar with both front hooves and simply slipping it around her lover's supple neck a moment later.

"Do you think this idea of yours will really work, Rainbow?"

"Only one way to find out,"

Simply giving Rarity a reassuring smile Dash hoped to give her marefriend a bit of encouragement, before she gave the other mare more of a serious expression, which soon formed into an alluring one. closing the space between them Rainbow let a smirk spread across her lips and gave Rarity's ear a long slow lick, causing the unicorn to shiver all over and bite her bottom lip in anticipation for what her lover was going to do her, or perhaps have her do to herself since that's
what she was finding so much trouble in doing at the moment.

"Now Rares, you know what it takes to be a good slave, don't you?" lowering her tone a little, Rainbow was now using her dominating voice, which always caused Rarity to become weak as soon as she heard it, nodding back to her Mistress as she couldn't help but want to obey Dash's every word whenever she spoke in such a seductive and demanding voice.

"Do exactly as your Mistress tells you to do," the unicorn replied with a deep blush beginning to cover her cheeks already, as she swallowed slowly and patiently waited for her next command from her dear Mistress.

"Good, now I want you to close your eyes for me,"

Rarity doing as she was instructed almost immediately as she closed her sapphire eyes, meanwhile she was also trying to slow her heavy breathing down, feeling her heart racing inside her chest and a strong desire beginning to rise up from deep within her core. Dash whispering into her ear a moment later, causing another tremble to ripple through her entire body.

"Rest your hoof just above your slit,"

Again the platinum mare did exactly as she was told, feeling her whole face turning redder as she slowly moved her hoof to rest just above her aroused entrance, already knowing that she was soaked right now, trying as best as she could to just focus on her Mistress's authoritative voice while also not letting her nerves get the better of her.

"You're doing well Rares, now show me how much of a good slave you can really be. Masturbate for me Rares,"

Rainbow's last command causing Rarity to hesitate for a moment or two, still feeling embarrassed it seemed causing Dash to wonder if her Slave would actually follow her instructions or not, however the unicorn just shaking her head and pushing forward as she wanted to obey her Mistress no matter what. So surprisingly she was finally able to start stroking her dripping slit with her hoof, going slow at first as she began panting heavily and twitching every time she brushed over her clit, causing it to quickly become swollen while slight moans and whimpers would leave her lips every so often.

The cyan mare shuffling back on the bed a bit so she could get a better look at her Slave pleasuring herself, being impressed to hear that she was actually letting her moans out instead of holding them back, although it seemed pretty obvious that she didn't have much control over her voice, and was just mainly trying to focus on following her Mistress's commands. This causing Dash to wonder just how far Rarity was willing to go in order to fulfil her requests, smirking once again the pegasus lowered her tone and decided to push the moaning mare a little further.

"That's good, now I want you to open your eyes and look at me, while also speeding up your pace a bit,"

This time Rarity didn't hesitate for even a second as she simply just opened her eyes, staring right at her Mistress while also increasing her rhythm, being rougher with her strokes now. Her mind going blank as this reminded her of what it was like to be in her hypnotised state, except she was in complete control of what she was doing at the moment, causing her to guess that Dash really was right after all, 'Both my being dominated and being hypnotised kinks really are linked, I really...can't help but want to just submit to her,' she thought to herself, looking deeply into her marefriend's magenta eyes, feeling pressure starting to quickly build up inside her abdomen as she was getting close to her climax.

Dash being able to notice this as she knew what it looked like when her lover was getting close to her limit, and it seemed like she knew just what to say to get the unicorn to get there faster, speaking in her seductive, whispered tone once again.

"If you can make yourself cum, I'll give you a reward for all your hard work Rares,"

It wasn't really a command that she had been given, however that didn't seem to matter much to Rarity, as it was clear she wanted to see what this 'reward' of her's would be. So without any sort of hesitation she didn't hold back at all, doubling her efforts and stroking her sex even rougher, causing her lewd juices to start overflowing and soaking into her bed sheets, while her moans turned into loud cries of bliss.

Soon enough she had pushed herself over the edge as she felt her eyes fill with slight tears, her body convulsing and her head being thrown back with sweet ecstasy, while she kept pleasuring her marehood still, riding out her intense orgasm until finally collapsing and laying on her back. Panting heavily and trying to get her breathing back to normal, basking in her afterglow for only a few minutes, before she was able to come down from her high and gaze to her Mistress with a pleading expression.

"Rainbow...please let my reward be me having the honour of pleasuring you, my Mistress," her begging voice certainly tempting Dash, as she knew her slave really did enjoy it when she got to give her some pleasure for a change, however it seeming like the cyan mare had something else planned, just shaking her head and smiling in response a moment later.

"I think I've got a better idea Rares,"

She winked to the unicorn, causing Rarity to give her a questioning expression in return, only to end up liking Dash's idea better it seemed, when the pegasus moved to lean over her and rested one of her hind legs over her marefriend's. Pressing her sex against the unicorn's and grinding up against her, while resulting in both of them moaning and trembling all over.

The two mares thrusting against each other over and over again, as Dash showered her lover's neck in light kisses, being sure to leave a few love bites here and there, while Rarity held her Mistress close. The room being filled with their cries of absolute pleasure as it wasn't long before Rainbow overwhelmed her squirming Slave, her mind was going blank once again, and she knew her body was much more sensitive after cumming only a few moments ago, meaning that no matter how much the unicorn tried to hold back she could feel pressure beginning to quickly build up inside her abdomen for the second time tonight.

"Dash...it feels...so good...I can't...Ahhh I'm cumming again!"

Struggling to get her words out the platinum mare felt almost like she could burst at any moment, the sensation of their clits rubbing against one another, bringing her closer and closer to reaching her limit once again. Dash pausing to whisper into her ear as it was easy to tell from how soaked the pegasus was that she also wouldn't be able to hold back for much longer.

"Rares...cum with me..."

This being all that she needed to say in order for Rarity to nod back in reply, before they both increased their pace, doubling their efforts and thrusting against each other faster, while their shared pleasure was soon hitting its peak. Neither of them being able to hold back for a second more, the two lovers' screams of sweet release echoing into the night as they both continued to grind their overflowing slits against one another, riding out their breathtaking orgasm that they shared.

Rainbow soon laying back exhausted on her marefriend's bed while Rarity collapsed on top of her, the two panting heavily, drenched in their own sweat and trying to catch their breath, both of them now starting to come down from their high together. Dash pressing her lips to her lover's being the first to recover, and it not being long before the unicorn returned the loving kiss as she was finally able to breathe normally again, just sighing deeply into Dash's mouth and feeling the other mare embrace her tightly.

"Well, you did it Rares, you masturbated right in front of me and I you didn't need to be hypnotised this time" Dash smiling as they parted, causing Rarity to just give her a softened smile in return and nuzzle into her neck a moment later.

"Yeah..." she paused thinking to herself it seemed, taking in all that had just happened between them, causing her to actually feel kind of relieved that she had accomplished what she had originally set out to do, before soon realising something and widening her eyes a little.

"Does this mean that you won't hypnotise me anymore?" Looking a bit worried for a moment, while Dash just shook her head in response and reassured the unicorn that she was luckily mistaken in her thinking.

"Of course not, after all...I know how much being hypnotised turns you on Rares," smirking with a wink the cyan mare spoke in a seductive tone, causing her marefriend to blush deeply and slightly turn her head away, before she looked like she built up her courage and looked back to Dash with her own alluring expression.

"Then...would you be up for one more round, before calling it a night?"

Rainbow just looking surprised for a moment by what the other mare had just asked her, thinking that the unicorn would surly be tired after she had already cum twice tonight, however it seeming like Rarity somehow still had some energy inside her left to burn, as she now gazed down to her lover with another pleading look in her sapphire eyes.

"You sure you're not tired yet, Rares?" Raising her eyebrow slightly with a questioning expression, while Rarity quickly just shook her head in reply, it seeming that her desires weren't completely satisfied just yet, causing Dash to just shrug her shoulders and lean closer to her marefriend's ear.

"Well then...I think that can be arranged, my adorable Slave," she whispered using that same dominating voice as before, causing the blushing unicorn to shiver and moan slightly, the two soon kissing passionately while they continued to make love till the early hours of the next morning, both of them wanting to make this blissful night last as long as their bodies would allow them to until sleep and exhaustion would eventually get the better of them.

When Hypnosis Fails

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Late the next morning Rarity awoke to a couple of bright sun rays streaming in through her curtains, them shining down on her, causing the unicorn's sapphire, tired eyes to blink a few times before they quickly got used to her dimly lit bedroom. Yawning slightly as she glanced to the mare laying beside her, expecting to see Rainbow Dash still sleeping soundly, but was instead pleasantly surprised to see her lover just looking back to her with a softened smile, while she currently had one foreleg wrapped around the unicorn and was hugging her close.

Nuzzling into her beloved marefriend's chest the platinum mare smiled, sighing contently and feeling completely at peace in Dash's warm embrace. The pegasus brushing her lips against Rarity's forehead, and stroking a hoof through her purple mane as both of them really just wished they could stay like this all day, knowing that that wasn't possible though as the two of them had their own responsibilities they would have to attend to soon enough. Rainbow not having work today luckily, however she knew there were still a few errands that she did want to get done by this afternoon, while Rarity had some dress orders to finish off, as well as needing to take a trip to the store for a couple of materials she was starting to run low on. The unicorn not wanting to move however it seemed as she just snuggled closer to Dash, knowing she had work to do but shrugging her shoulders, thinking that it wouldn't matter too much if she left it unfinished for a little while longer.

'I really do love waking up to her like this,' she thought gazing lovingly to the other mare, guessing that she didn't want them to get up yet either by the disappointed expression that was currently forming on her face at the moment, choosing instead to just continue showering her marefriend in light kisses, causing Rarity to chuckle in response to all the affection she was getting right now from the pegasus.

"Dash...I wish we could spend all day together like this,"

"Well, why can't we?"

"Because I have to go shopping and finish off a bunch of orders, plus didn't you say you had some errands that you wanted to get done today as well?" Raising her eyebrow back to the cyan mare, Rarity having a feeling she knew how Dash was going to respond to her before she even said a single word.

"True...but I could always get those errands done tomorrow. Besides all you do is work everyday, don't you think you deserve a break every once in a while?" Smiling with a slightly hopeful gaze Dash knew how stubborn her marefriend could be when it came to her work responsibilities, Rarity being pretty much the complete opposite of the laid-back pegasus in that area, Dash giving her a pleading look, causing her to sigh as she thought to herself for a few moments.

Guessing that it wouldn't be too bad if she took a 'break' as the cyan mare said, knowing that there wasn't much of a need for her to rush at this point in time, since she only had a select few orders to finish off, plus she could just go to the shops tomorrow and get what she needed instead of today. Weighing all the pros and cons of possibly taking this break, definitely wishing to spend just a little bit more time with her beloved marefriend, but also being very mindful of the fact that she really shouldn't make neglecting her job a habit of hers. Soon just shrugging her shoulders, guessing that her workload could wait a couple more hours, as she looked back to Dash's hopeful expression, her having been waiting patiently to hear Rarity's answer all the while.

"Then what do you suggest we do instead, hmm?" Questioning with her best nonchalant expression, turning her head away from Dash and causing her to just smirk at the fact that she was able to win the other mare over easily enough, going back to showering her neck with light kisses, resulting in Rarity biting her bottom lip and letting a small moan leave her throat.

"I think I've got a few ideas," The pegasus whispered into her marefriend's ear with quite the alluring tone, before she gave it a long, slow lick and nibbled a little, causing a shiver to run throughout Rarity's entire body. Feeling herself already getting turned on just from Dash dominating her like this as more moans escaped her lips, knowing that it wouldn't be very long at all until she completely submitted and melted under her lover, while Rainbow continued on with her advances.

"Oh Dash..."

Rarity seeming like she was content to just let Dash have her way with her this time, as she leaned her head back and gave the cyan mare an easier access to more of her neck, letting herself get indulged in the pleasure for a little while, her mind slowly starting to go blank and her body feeling completely relaxed. However this not seeming to last all that long, as a thought soon entered her mind when she anticipated just where things would go between them in the next few moments, catching her marefriend's attention and causing her to pause, while she could easily see that something was now on the unicorn's mind and it being obvious that she was wondering what it might be.

"Hey...do you think maybe this time... if you're okay with it...could I try hypnotising you?" Speaking in a bit of a nervous tone Rarity shifted her gaze a little, while Dash just raised her eyebrow back to the unicorn along with a questioning expression, not seeming to mind the subject of possibly being the one to get hypnotised this time, however it was obvious that she was wondering where such a question had come from all of a sudden.


"You see...I was just thinking of what it would be like, if I was the one hypnotising you for a change. And who knows...maybe you might enjoy it," turning away a little while still speaking with that same nervous tone, Rarity guessed that the cyan mare most likely wouldn't feel as turned on as she did when being hypnotised, but it seemed like Dash wasn't really against the idea at all, so maybe this would show to be quite beneficial for the both of them after all.

"Well, considering how good being hypnotised makes you feel Rares...I guess I could give it a try as well," answering with a simple shrug of her shoulders Dash agreed to this suggestion of Rarity's, not seeing why she couldn't be up for being hypnotised, after all she was always willing to try new things, especially if her marefriend was the one trying said 'new things' out with her.

"Okay, close your eyes and focus all your attention on my voice alone,"

Feeling a little anxious the unicorn hoped she was doing this right, trying to remember exactly how the cyan mare would normal hypnotise her, knowing that she could easily get it wrong since she had never done this before now. Simply nodding in reply and doing as she was told Dash closed her eyes and relaxed, waiting silently for her next instruction, while she wondered just how it would feel to actually be the one getting hypnotised this time.

"Slow your breathing and let your mind go blank,"

Rarity's voice now being just a little louder than a whisper, watching her marefriend follow her commands willingly as she let a sigh escape her lips, showing the other mare that she was listening to her intently and trying her best to immerse herself in this moment, guessing that this definitely wouldn't work if she let her thoughts distract her at any time.

"Now once I tap your shoulder twice, you will be under, and no longer in control of your own actions,"

Soon moving to gently tap her marefriend on her shoulder twice, this signalling that she had finished the act of putting Dash under, and with any luck the hypnotism would have worked just like it did with Rarity each and every time. The pegasus opening her eyes and looking back to Rarity with a wondering expression, it seeming like she was still waiting for something to happen honestly.

"Well...do you feel any different at all?"

"Not really,"

Shrugging her shoulders Dash checked her body over, seeing that she could easily move her limbs still, meaning that she hadn't lost control of her actions at all like Rarity had said she would. This causing the unicorn to sigh slightly, knowing that there were some ponies that hypnosis just didn't work on, and it definitely seeming like Dash was one of said ponies since it was obvious that she hadn't been affected by Rarity's words at all.

"Looks like hypnosis doesn't work on you, or maybe I just did it wrong," looking a little disappointed the platinum mare said that last part under her breath, guessing that Dash had likely heard it anyway, resulting in her shaking her head and clearly disagreeing with her marefriend, however before she got the chance to say anything Rarity simply slid herself off her bed and looked like she was going to head towards the door.

"Oh well, we might as well get up now. After all I do have to finish those dresses off sooner or later," it seeming like the moment had passed as she looked a little down, turning and walked towards her bedroom door, but her hoofsteps were soon halted when she heard the cyan mare call out to her from behind, catching her attention and causing the unicorn to look back with a questioning expression.

"Wait Rares, how...how about we take a shower to freshen ourselves up, before you start on your work?"

Having quickly thought of an idea to hopefully stop her beloved marefriend from looking quite so down on herself, as well as prolonging the inevitable, meaning the two of them could spend a little more time together before they would eventually have to part ways for the day. Rarity turning back to Dash, seeming like she was considering her suggestion, looking to the pegasus's pleading gaze and not seeming to help but give her a softened smile in return.

"Fine, but can we make it a 'quick' shower this time?" Asking with a raised eyebrow Rarity knew their showers had lasted quite a while in the past, normally at the fault of the cyan mare often times, Dash just nodding her head in reply with a smile.

"You got it! And hey even though hypnosis doesn't seem to work on me, I can instead show you what definitely does 'work' on me very well," winking to her marefriend as her tone changed to a more alluring one, causing Rarity to widen her eyes and blush a little, knowing exactly what Dash was implying and luckily is seeming like she wasn't against it, instead it looked like she wouldn't mind it all that much if this shower did end up not being all that 'quick' after all.


The two mares now standing in the shower together, letting the lukewarm water run down their backs as they embraced each other tightly, their lips locked in a deep, passionate kiss. Slight moans and heavy pants could be heard from Rarity when they parted as Dash moved on to cover the unicorn's neck in soft pecks yet again, causing her marefriend to tremble all over with pleasure, knowing that they weren't really 'freshening up' like Dash had said they would be doing, but it not seeming like she minded all that much since she just leaned her head back and gave the cyan mare more of an easy access.


Clearly enjoying all the attention that her marefriend was giving her, only to whimper slightly when she felt Dash pause for a few moments and instead just smirk to her, making a gesture with her hoof for Rarity to turn around, while she soon just nodded and did as she was told in reply. Facing away from the pegasus and leaning against the bathroom wall, resting both of her hooves on the wall to steady herself, feeling Dash leaning over her back and beginning to lick her ear as well as slowly brushing one hoof along her shaking body, not stopping until she came to her already soaked marehood.

"You see Rares, while hypnosis and being dominated work for you, what really turns me on...is seeing you being at my complete mercy...just like this. This adorable side to you that nopony else gets to see...that's what really works for me," whispering in a seductive tone Dash made it clear that she wasn't wasting any time, causing Rarity to gasp in surprise when she felt the cyan mare's hoof rub against her dripping entrance, going slowly over her swollen clit and resulting in her clenching her teeth together, knowing that if she didn't do so then she would definitely be screaming out her lover's name soon enough.

Starting off at quite the slow pace at first Dash made it obvious that she was just stirring the unicorn up for now, slowly and gently brushing her hoof against Rarity's aroused sex, being sure to keep paying some attention to her swollen clit as well, the other mare trembling all over and panting heavily while still trying to keep herself from moaning too loud. However it soon becoming clear that Dash wasn't too happy about her marefriend holding back her moans, like she often would do during their time alone together, wanting to hear more of Rarity's pleasure-filled cries Rainbow began to increase her pace and was beginning to become a bit rougher with her strokes.

"Come on Rares...be a good slave, and let me hear more of your lewd voice,"

Whispering into her ear once again and sending shivers up her spine, Dash seemed to have persuaded her marefriend to not hold back her moans as much. Rarity letting a few loud cries leave her lips as she could feel the cyan mare increasing her rhythm, and giving even rougher strokes to her drenched entrance with each passing moment. Rarity soon getting the feeling that the pegasus wanted to see how fast she could make her cum, as she would keep attacking her lover's weak spots again and again, sure enough causing Rarity's climax to begin quickly building up from deep within her core.

"Dash...mmm you're being rough...Ahhh!"

"Why do you think that is hmm? Be my good slave...and cum for me Rares,"

Using her signature dominating voice that she knew the other mare was never able to defy, no matter how hard she tried she would always end up obeying her Mistress eventually. This time showing to be no different as it wasn't long at all before the unicorn felt like screaming out in sheer pleasure, coming closer and closer to reaching her limit, while Dash doubled her efforts and pressed her lips to Rarity's, muffling her loud cries as she continued stroking her marefriend's overflowing sex.

Being thrown over the edge Rarity closed her sapphire eyes tightly, her moans of release being quieted by Dash's lips, the pegasus continuing to make her ride out her intense orgasm, while waves of ecstasy rippled throughout her entire body. Struggling to pant between deep and passionate kisses, as she eventually collapsed against the bathroom wall, their lips parting finally much to Rarity's relief, as she was trying to get her breathing back to normal. Still feeling her marefriend kissing her neck lightly, and squirming as a result to Dash giving her soaked entrance a few last gentle strokes, causing slight whimpers to escape her throat, before she soon rolled over on the tiled floor and embraced Dash lovingly.

The two sitting together in their warm embrace, letting a peaceful silence fall upon them both as Rarity was now back to breathing normally again, it seeming like she was a bit lost in thought for a few moments however, while she smiled at the feeling of the cyan mare nuzzling into her neck, hearing a content sigh leave Dash's lips and soon caught her attention by breaking the quiet with quite an out of the blue kind of question.

"Hey...I know this may seem a little sudden and all, but...do you think it would be okay if we maybe told our friends about us?" Asking with a bit of a nervous expression Rarity wasn't sure how Dash would respond to her, it being obvious that she wasn't expecting that question to come from her marefriend, especially not at a time like this.

"Where did that question come from?"

"Well it's just that...we've been dating for a while now, and it feels strange not telling them about our relationship still. After all if we did tell them we wouldn't have to seek around all the time, and...we would probably be able to spend more time with each other, since we won't have to worry about being seen by any of them," explaining her thoughts on the matter of her question Rarity turned away a little, letting Dash know that she had actually put some thought into her suggestion, and wasn't going to pressure the pegasus into agreeing with her, however Dash not seeming to mind the idea of them finally coming clean to their friends about the fact that they had been a couple for a good amount of time now.

"It would be cool to actually kiss and stuff when we go on dates, without having to worry about our friends being around and seeing us, plus I do feel a little bad for keeping them all in the dark for this long," seeming to be more or less just thinking out loud Dash making it obvious that she also did want to show her dear marefriend off from time to time, but hadn't been able to so far because of their secret relationship, while Rarity had been wanting to tell everyone she knew how much she truly loved the cyan pegasus, and how happy she makes her everyday that they are together for what seemed like ages to her at this moment.

"Exactly...so what do you say, shall we tell them?"

Biting her bottom lip a little Rarity gave Dash a hopeful gaze, although guessing that they were both on the same page when it came to this topic, seeming all too happy to agree, Rainbow just nodded her head with a smile to her marefriend, causing her to just smile back to her in return.

"Honestly I don't see why we shouldn't at this point, so...when are we going to tell them?"

"I think the real question here is, 'how are we going to tell them?" Rarity stated with another nervous expression, wondering how they would go about finally coming clean to all their friends, guessing that they would most likely support them and the two mares knowing they probably wouldn't have to worry about that, however there were still quite a few things to think about.

The couple soon drying off and leaving the bathroom to instead head downstairs together, carrying on their conversation over a late breakfast in the unicorn's kitchen, while it was clear to see that neither Rarity nor Dash would be getting the things they had originally wanted to get done today, as they went on to spend most of the day working out just how and when they would finally tell all to their close friends. Knowing that they would probably understand and likely be happy for them, but wondering just how they would all react to being told such a surprising truth after being kept in the dark for all this time.

Hypnosis And Revealed Secrets

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"So do any of ya'll have an idea why we were all asked to meet up here?"

Applejack asked the other three mares as they were all sitting round the cutie map inside Twilight's castle, all of them having been told to come and meet up here only a few hours ago, Rainbow Dash and Rarity having been the ones to have bought them all to the castle together, however said two that had arranged this little meeting weren't currently present it would seem. Instead the other four were left to sit in silence, looking to one another, while they were all clearly wondering just what the reason was for them all being called here like this.

"I'm afraid not, Rainbow Dash just came over eariler asking me if it was okay for all of us to meet up here, and when I asked her why, she just said that 'she needed to tell us all something important', and didn't really specify what that 'something' was before leaving," the alicorn just shaking her head in response, as Pinkie and Fluttershy did the same, it being obvious to Applejack that none of them knew why they had all been asked to come here all of a sudden.

"She showed up at the farm this morning as well, asking me if I have time to come here, so she could tell us all something 'important'," explaining with a confused expression Applejack recalled Rainbow Dash acting like this was quite the urgent matter when asking her to come to the castle eariler, causing the farm pony to become very sceptical upon finding out that the others had all been told roughly the same thing as her, Pinkie speaking up a moment later and turning the other mares attention onto her now.

"Rarity told me pretty much the same thing when she came over to 'Sugar cube corner' this morning, and she didn't tell me what this meet-up was all about either for some reason," she stated, while Fluttershy nodded in agreement to show that the unicorn had told her to do the same sometime this morning, while leaving out the part that they were all wondering about at this moment. Them all getting the feeling that they wouldn't get the answers they were wanting for a little while longer just yet, as although Rarity and Dash were both in the castle with them, the two mares were currently outside in the hallway together, leaving the others to all sit and wait for their friends to finally come join them and hopefully explain just what was going on.

"Do you think it's anything for us to be worried about?" Fluttershy asked in a slightly concerned voice, causing the others to all glance to one another, as they were a little unsure how they should answer since they all seemed to be wondering the same thing, after all what were they supposed to think when they were all called here with little to no information about just what all this was for exactly?

"I'm sure whatever it may be, we'll be able to get through it together,"

Hoping to lift her friends spirits and reassure them all a little, Twilight smiled to the other three, trying as best as she could to be positive about this, but not admitting that she also felt a bit uneasy about this situation. Luckily enough her words seemed to give the other three mares some hope as they nodded back to her with returned smiles, knowing that they were all maybe assuming a bit too much when they really should avoid getting ahead of themselves, after all there was no point in getting worried over something that they didn't yet know anything about.

Continuing to wait patiently for their two friends, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie all decided to talk about other topics to distract them all a little, while they would occasionally glance over to the door that was left ajar, wondering just what was keeping the other two mares at this moment in time.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash and Rarity were standing out in the hallway, the unicorn trying desperately to compose herself, feeling her heart practically beating out of her chest right now, and panicking much more than she thought she would be honestly. Dash however seemed to be doing fine, and was just waiting patiently for her nervous marefriend to be ready, before they would finally go and join the others.

Trying to calm her fast breathing Rarity didn't seem to know why this was getting to her so much, 'Why am I so nervous about this? I know telling our friends about mine and Dash's relationship is quite the 'big deal', but it shouldn't be causing me this much stress right? After all I know they won't react badly to us telling them the truth, so there isn't much of a reason for me to be scared, and still...why is that exactly how I'm feeling at this moment?' It being obvious that she wasn't coping well at all, overthinking and focusing way too much on the 'what ifs' were causing her to become worried as the minutes passed slowly.

Seeing her marefriend continuing to struggle Dash spoke up and soon caught her attention, looking to the other mare with a reassuring smile, she knew Rarity was too stressed out to listen to much advice from her, and so she just instead said what she needed to hear the most right now, which was her best option if she was going to have any luck in calming Rarity's nerves.

"I'll be right beside you the whole time Rares, we can do this,"

Those words seeming very simple, but they were luckily exactly what Rarity needed as she just soon nodded back to Dash, knowing that she was right and so just taking a deep breath, before pushing all her nerves and fears to the back of her mind. Still feeling a little hesitate when they entered the room and looked to their four close friends, however finding her confidence when she glanced back to her marefriend and saw that encouraging smile giving her strength once again.

The other four looking to Rainbow and Rarity, eagerly awaiting to find out just what they had gathered them here for today, hoping that whatever it may be, it wasn't something they needed to be worried about. Rarity giving another nervous glance to Dash for just a second, before she received another reassuring nod in response, causing her to sigh slightly and push through, eventually starting off slow and not getting right to the point just yet.

"We're sorry for asking you all to come here without knowing the reason why, however we do appreciate you four coming here to listen to what Rainbow Dash and I have to say. We would have told you all sooner about this, but we wanted to wait until we got the chance to tell you while we were all together, just like this," beating around the bush a little, it seemed like Rarity was still avoiding the main reason as to why they were all here, causing the other four to just wish to be told straight about what was really going on. Dash being able to see this clearly so deciding to take the pressure off her nervous marefriend and just come out with the truth finally, like their friends had been wanting to hear since they got here.

"Rarity and I have been secretly dating for almost a month now,"

Being as blunt and straight to the point as ever Dash simply told the others how it was, causing Rarity to be the most taken aback however it seemed, as their friends only widened their eyes a little before not really looking all that fazed by the news. The unicorn felt like glaring to her marefriend for blurting it out like that all of a sudden, however the both of them being pleasantly surprised when they soon heard how their friends responded to being told the truth finally.

"You see, I kept telling you guys they were together and I was right," Pinkie stated to Applejack, Twilight and Fluttershy proudly, while they all just breathed a sigh of relief and smiled to one another.

"Yeah, but am pretty sure we all had a feeling about what was really going on between them," Applejack simply agreeing a moment afterwards.

"It was quite obvious to all of us really," Twilight added while Fluttershy just nodded along happily, it seeming like they were talking to each other as if the other two mares weren't in the room with them right now, all of them just being glad to hear that Dash and Rarity being a couple was all that they were going to tell them, rather than it being something they should be worried about.

Both Rarity and Rainbow however looking completely dumbfounded and seeming speechless, their friends reactions most certainly taking them by surprise and they were left unsure of how to respond for a few moments, not knowing what to say, it being obvious that the two weren't expecting the other four to be so calm and casual about being told all this.

"Wait... did all of you know about us?" the cyan pegasus questioning as her and Rarity looked to the other four with confused expressions, while they all just nodded back in reply, acting like Dash had just asked the most obvious question they had ever heard, which was clearly still quite the shock to the young couple.

"Course we knew, I mean it wasn't like you two were hiding it all that well," Applejack said as her and Pinkie chuckled to each other slightly after seeing the surprised looks on their friends' faces.

"Well all of us did keep seeing you come and go from Rarity's home, Rainbow Dash. Plus you two were always together when it seemed like you had a day free from your work, so I think we eventually all just guessed that there may be something more, than just friendship going on between you both," Twilight explained with a softened smile, seeing that the young couple were slowly starting to recover from their shock now, it seeming like they weren't as surprised but were still confused as to how every one of their friends had caught on to their secret, even though they had been trying so hard to keep it hidden from them all this time.

"I think we're all just glad that you felt brave enough to tell us now, and of course we are very happy for you two," Fluttershy smiled caringly, causing the other three to all do the same and nod in agreement, all of them now looking back to Rainbow Dash and Rarity, while they glanced to each other and still not quite believing that this was really happening at the moment.

However it not taking long for the two of them to breath a sigh of relief, that neither of them knew they had been holding back, Rainbow Dash smiling to their four friends as she walked closer to them, thanking them all for being understanding and supportive, although both her and Rarity knew they likely wouldn't have to worry about such things when it came to the other four mares.

"Sorry we didn't tell you all sooner, it's not like we wanted to keep you all in the dark about it, we just didn't know how you would react as all," still feeling a little nervous Dash turned her head away slightly, while the others all soon made it clear that they were happy to wait until the young couple was ready to tell them about their relationship, and understanding it took a while for them to both get to that point.

"It's no bid deal, we get it. Now how's about we start planning a way to celebrate this amazing news?" Pinkie spoke in her excited and cheery voice, clearly already having more than enough ideas for the celebration of Rarity and Rainbow Dash telling them all the truth about their relationship, the cyan pegasus trying to calm their already rambling friend as she went on to explain all of her ideas to the others.

Rarity having been quiet this whole time, as she had been still trying to wrap her head around everything that was going on right now, but soon letting her lips form into a soft smile when she looked to all her close friends and beloved marefriend, truly feeling grateful to have them all in her life right now, 'I shouldn't have gotten myself so worked about telling them all eariler, after all I knew deep down they would be just fine with being told the truth,' she thought before walking over to stand beside Dash, joining in on the others conversation happily.

"Hold on...you guys said you've been dating for almost a month now, so does that mean that 'bet' you talked about that day I ran into you and asked why Rarity was wearing that weird collar around her neck, had something to do with you two being together?" Twilight now catching everyone's attention as she seemed to have just remembered what had happened only recently, causing Fluttershy, Pinkie and Applejack to all look a little taken aback when hearing about Rarity wearing a 'collar', all of them looking back to the young couple and obviously waiting for them to explain what the Princess had just asked them about. Rainbow Dash and Rarity just smiling nervously in response, knowing that they would have a lot more explaining to do from this point on, after Twilight had asked the question that they had forgotten they had been dreading to hear from her for a good while.

"Well...the thing about that is...if you all want to know the truth about that as well, then we're going to have to start from the beginning. You see...it all started on the night we had that bad storm a little over a month ago..." the cyan pegasus began to tell the other four all about how her and Rarity originally got together, the others all listening intently while Rarity knew this was going to be a long story for the both of them to tell, as the two of them luckily remembered pretty much everything that had happed when Dash stayed over at Rarity's on that fateful stormy night.


A long explanation from Rainbow Dash and Rarity was what followed, finally telling their friends all about the bet that their relationship had originally sprouted from, however the two leaving out some details here and there since those were secrets that were meant to stay between just them alone, and never to be shared with anyone else. The cyan pegasus now sighing heavily as she let herself fall down on her back, landing on her marefriend's bed, the both of them having returned to Rarity's house so that they could spend some time together, after talking with their close friends for hours on end, until they all had decided to call it a day and head back to their own homes.

It being late in the evening now, the two mares having only just eaten dinner together, before they went upstairs to relax for a bit. Rarity just smiling and chuckling slightly at her exhausted marefriend, knowing that both of them were tired from all that had happened today, coming to lay down beside the pegasus, while Dash looked back to her and just smiled in return happily.

"All things considered they seemed to take learning about the 'bet' between us really well surprisingly. But I still can't believe they all knew about us before we even told them anything,"

"I guess we didn't hide it as well as we thought we did,"

The unicorn shrugging her shoulders, it being true that they had been more than surprised when they saw how unfazed all their friends were at hearing about them dating, but now after they had had time to recover and think it all through, maybe they should have expected for the others to guess that there was maybe something going on between them after all.

"At least it seems like they didn't know about the whole Mistress and slave play that goes on between us, as well as the hypnosis," Dash pointed out with a smirk, causing Rarity to just agree with a nod back to the pegasus, glad that those kind of secrets would continue to be theirs and theirs alone.

"Honestly if they somehow guessed all that as well...I don't think I could even imagine how I would react to hearing that from them," a shiver doing down Rarity's spine, at just the thought of their friends possibly knowing about the kind of things that went on between them, when they were behind closed doors. While Dash just chuckled in response, but also kind of agreed with the unicorn, since she definitely didn't want any other pony to know about her marefriend's kinks, or their 'bedroom antics'.

"But...I am glad that they finally know about us dating now," the unicorn stated, as she really did feel relieved about not having to worry about keeping their relationship a secret from their friends anymore, while Dash just agreed with a nod and a softened smile, replying simply a moment later.

"Me too,"

She whispered as she wrapped her foreleg around Rarity's shoulders and pulled her close, bringing her into a loving kiss, their tongues soon dancing together, twisting and turning around each other while the moment grew more and more passionate by the second. Their lips eventually having to part for air as the two just panted a little, resting their foreheads against one another, Dash waiting until her breathing returned to normal, before she gazed to her beloved marefriend and broke the sweet silence between them.

"Don't you think we should celebrate that in our own way, Rares?" Her voice taking on an alluring tone, causing Rarity to widen her eyes and blush for a moment, immediately getting the message it seemed, before she soon composed herself and smirked back to the seductive pegasus.

"What did you have in mind?" Was her simple question in reply, her lover answering by bringing her into another deep and passionate kiss, as things started to quickly escalate between them both, it not being long before Rarity was soon put under a hypnotised state by her dominating Mistress once again.


Rarity being allowed the honour of getting to pleasure her Mistress this time, which was something she was always eager and more than happy to get the chance to do, standing over the pegasus as she teasingly licked her lover's aroused entrance, being sure to also pay some attention to her already swollen clit and sucking on it gently. Rainbow's slight moans being all the praise that she needed to hear to know she was doing a good job at the moment, although it was really just her body doing all the work right now, since her mind having gone blank from being hypnotised, but she didn't seem to mind that at all instead just letting her body continue to guide all her actions.

Meanwhile Dash being a little distracted at the moment, something that the other mare was pretty much completely unaware of, the pegasus swallowing slowly as she gazed up to her slave's soaked sex that was just above her, seeing that it was much wetter then when they did something like this without hypnosis which was often the case. The tempting sight being incredibly irresistible to her, so much so that she couldn't help but soon just give into her desires and moved up on the bed slightly so that she could now easily start to return the favour, surprising Rarity when she felt her marefriend's tongue suddenly lick and slowly enter her.

"Ahhh! M-Mistress...you're tongue...it's inside...AHHH!"

Not being able to help but cry out loudly in response, however whimpering a moment later when feeling her Mistress's tongue leave her wanting more, as she paused and gave another command to her trembling slave.

"You can't just stop like that Rares, you have to keep going if you want me to continue," she simply whispered with a smirk when the other mare turned to glance back to her, waiting for Rarity to carry on pleasuring her, the unicorn just nodded in reply and leaned back down to do as she was told to.

"Right...of course Mistress,"

Panting out before she went back to licking and sucking on the pegasus's sex, and in almost an instant reward Dash slipped her tongue back into her slave yet again, already starting to thrust deeply as the both of them got more and more aggressive and tried to overwhelm each other, while the bedroom was filled with heavy breathing and all kinds of lewd sounds coming from the two of them.

It not being very long before they both felt their climaxes beginning to quickly build up from deep within their cores, knowing that it wouldn't take all that much for the two of them to be thrown over the edge, so Dash deciding to double her efforts and causing Rarity to do the same, thrusting their hot tongues deeply inside each other again and again until they felt close to bursting from the intense pleasure coursing throughout their entire bodies.

"Rares...when you cum...you'll snap out of your hypnotised state," pausing and panting in-between every couple of words, Dash gave one last instruction to her slave, continuing on in full force once she saw Rarity stop for a moment and nod back to her, going back to thrusting her tongue deeply inside the unicorn soon afterwards. Causing her to cry out loudly, not even trying to hold back at all as she knew there was no point to it, her body would just work against her and she would end up reaching her limit anyway.

"I'm so close...please...cum with me, my Mistress,"

She moaned out, struggling to speak in-between her heavy pants and loud cries of pleasure, being fully aware that it would only take a few more moments before she would succumb to her climax, however it seeming like Dash was in the exact same situation right now, feeling her marefriend continue to thrust her tongue as deep as it would go inside her. This making it almost impossible for Dash to hold back at all, as the both of them gave a few more deep thrusts, before their hips began to buckle and they trembled all over.

it hitting them both like a violent tidal wave as they made each other ride out their shared orgasm together, all their muscles tensing up, while the two mares felt like this was lasting for hours, ripple after ripple of sheer ecstasy and bliss flowing throughout them. Rarity eventually collapsing on top of her Mistress, panting heavily and coming out of her hypnotised state, her and Dash now basking in their shared afterglow, slowly beginning to recover and come down from their high.

Soon a deep sigh left the unicorn's lips as she moved to now lay beside her marefriend on the bed, gazing deeply into her magenta eyes, the two of them still trying to get their breathing back to normal, while Dash just brought her marefriend into another passionate kiss. It not lasting all that long though as their lips parted after only a few minutes, Rainbow resting her forehead against the other mare's once again, closing her eyes and smiling, Rarity doing the same and soon breaking the peaceful silence between them.

"I love you, Rainbow Dash,"

I love you too, Rarity,"

Declaring their love for each other in the same whispered tone, Dash wrapping her forelegs around her dear marefriend, hugging her tightly, while Rarity nuzzled into her neck happily. The two of them staying like that for what seemed like such a long time, neither one of them ever wanting to part from the other, however eventually they had to in order to go for a relaxing shower together, before heading to bed and spending the night in another loving embrace. Both mares soon drifting off into a deep sleep that night, as they knew this is where they both truly belonged, right here was where they were always meant to be.