What Is A Queen To A Goddess?

by Jest

First published

Celestia challenges Chrysalis to a battle of lust for dominance over the changeling species.

Celestia challenges Chrysalis to a battle of lust for dominance over the changeling species.

You do not need to know any other story in the series, all you do need to know is that Celestia is much different in this story.

Kinks Large insertion, futa on female, cum inflation, dom/sub, mind break, out of character Celestia.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a chance of getting a story like this for just 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

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With a titanic thud, Celestia landed in the middle of nowhere, her arrival kicking up a plume of dust, and startling what little animal life called this desolate place home. Without any wind present, the dust hovered in the air, obscuring the form of the ancient alicorn who stood tall atop one of the few hills in the area. Around her stretched a barren expanse of nothing, broken only by the occasional rise, or scraggly tree that was barely clinging to life.

Opening her wings, the alicorn pumped the great appendages once, dismissing the dust and allowing her to behold the badlands fully. A sight that usually would have bored her, now held her entire attention as she looked out upon it. After staring out over the blasted landscape for several minutes, her baleful gaze fell upon a nearby shrub which was partially hidden behind a large rock.

“Tell your queen that I have come to parlay, and be quick about it. My time is valuable.” Commanded the princess.

The tree did not move, and for a while it seemed as though her words had been wasted, until a chunk of earth several metres away flickered and vanished. Leaving behind a great hole in the earth from which strode the tall, confident form of a familiar changeling queen.

“Impressive.” Commended Chrysalis with a slight smile. “I’m amazed you were able to locate my hive, and to come here alone no less. You are intriguing, I’ll give you that.”

Princess Celestia sighed. “I will speak only to Chrysalis herself, not her proxy. You insult only your own intelligence with this farce.”

Chrysalis stopped, and blinked. “I assure you that-” Was all she managed to say before Celestia’s horn lit up and the changeling’s disguise was stripped away.

Revealing a rather terrified looking drone, who gazed up at the irritated alicorn with wide eyes. “I-I-I.” It stuttered.

“Just get her. Now.” Celestia stated evenly.

The drone nodded before turning and sprinting inside.

Now relatively alone once more, Celestia sighed and began to tap her right forehoof impatiently, idly considering the possibility of simply vaporizing the changelings and being done with it. That idea was quickly brushed aside however, as the princess had something in mind for the queen and her minions. Something that would see their disguise ability put to good use, rather then squandered on merely surviving like it was currently.

Several minutes later and a familiar changeling strode out of the open hole, a black crown atop her head, and a jagged horn rising from her brow. Her tall frame allowed her to meet the alicorn’s gaze, yet even still, the changeling looked down upon the princess.

“So you’ve found my hive, and identified a fake. Bravo Celestia. Pretty soon you may actually be an enemy worthy of recognition.” Chrysalis announced hautighly as she strode up to the alicorn of the sun.

“Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you until that disastrous wedding.” Celestia quipped.

The changeling queen’s lip twitched, and she began to slowly circle the pony. “Your little student may have been able to discover my true attentions but you yourself gobbled up every lie I fed you.”

“Unless I was testing you, keeping you close in order to gauge your potential usefulness.” Celestia replied, the alicorn unconcerned by the changeling, even as she rounded the pony’s backside.

“You lie!” Spat the changeling. “You may have believed Twilight but you, your staff, and even the guard were fooled by my little ruse.”

“Oh it was good, but I knew you werent Cadance the second you walked into the room.” Celestia declared.

Chrysalis slowed to a stop, the changeling standing directly before the alicorn and gazing up at her. “How?” She asked simply.

“Simple. She did not show proper fealty.” Celestia replied.

Chrysalis raised a non-existent eyebrow. “Explain.”

“That would be telling, but I suppose it's no longer relevant as you will never have the opportunity to replace my neice again.” Celestia smirked.

“Never is a long time Celestia. I wouldn't write it out completely.” Chrysalis countered, her eyes narrowing. “Now are you going to answer my question. or are you going to keep deflecting?”

“Of course.” Celestia smiled. “It's simple really. Every alicorn has accepted me as the absolute authority in the world, and pays me homage whenever we meet. This is done by submitting themselves to me in a more bodily manner.”

Chrysalis’ eyebrow raised even further. “You must be joking. Even your own sister?”

“Look me in the eye Chrysalis. Tell me I’m lying.” Celestia replied pointedly.

The changeling peered intently at the alicorn for several seconds before finally frowning. “You aren't. Well that certainly is… eye opening.”

“Oh don't be such a prude. I would have expected you of all people to take a different view on such interactions, given your history.” Celestia retorted.

“I don't know what your talking about.” Chrysalis hastily stated.

“If you fear judgement, you wont get it from me.” Celestia began. “I’m one of the few immortals left from the bygone era where such things were far less taboo.”

“Hmm, I suppose so.” Chrysalis admitted before looking up at the alicorn. “The question remains however. Why are you here and why shouldn't I kill you?”

Celestia erupted with laughter. “After all that and you still think you have a modicum of power over me, adorable.”

“Do not patronize me fool! My forces may have suffered some losses, but they are still more than enough to subdue a single pony, even an alicorn.” Chrysalis spat.

“You may try, but that would be a most, inexcusable outcome.” Celestia declared.

“Just tell me why you are here. I grow tired of your word games.” Chrysalis growled, the queen’s wings buzzing as she floated before the alicorn.

“I am here to challenge you to a battle of lust.” Celestia stated. “That is why I stand before you today.”

“Y-your serious?” Chrysalis asked, her anger quickly replaced by incredulity.

“I am always serious.” Celestia replied.

The two stared at one another for nearly a minute before Chrysalis erupted with laughter, the changeling falling from the air and rolling around on the ground. This continued for several minutes, with Chrysalis occasionally stopping, looking up at Celestia, and finding that her expression remained stoic as ever. At which point the changeling would continue to roll around on the ground, occasionally pounding a hoof into the cracked ground.

“I fail to understand the humour of this situation.” Celestia muttered. “I have just come before you and issued a challenge that would see you possibly unseated from your throne.”

Chrysalis slowly stood back up, wiping a tear from her eye. “You may be old, but your still a pony, and a princess at that. I have worked every brothel from Griffonstone to Yakyakistan, and taken more lovers then the population of Canterlot. Your little challenge holds all the weight of a child who just challenged their parent to a fist fight.”

“Have you forgotten the last time you underestimated me?” Celestia asked. “Didn't work out so well now did it?”

Chrysalis’ mirth vanished and she glared daggers at the alicorn. “Careful worm. Your jest may have earned you some leniency, but one more slight like that and we’ll see how far alicorn resilience really goes.”

“So does that mean you don't accept my challenge?” Celestia inquired with an air of false innocence.

The changeling seemed to think about it for a few seconds before smirking. “Who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? Of course I accept, what are your conditions?”

“Simple. If I win, you will become my slave for all time and if you win, I will be yours.” Celestia stated.

Chrysalis blinked, her look of confusion morphing into one of sadistic glee. “Oh you have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this day. And to think, I thought it would only come years from now, after I killed your student and took your capital.”

“There will be time for gloating and speeches after a victor has been declared.” Celestia replied simply.

Chrysalis sighed. “Fine then. What are your terms? First to orgasm perhaps?”

“Too simple. The winner will only be named when her opponent submits fully and completely to her enemy’s every whim and desire.” Celestia announced.

“This will be interesting.” Chrysalis exclaimed, before closing her eyes for a moment. “A bed is being brought to the surface, and i have already enchanted the area so the weather will not affect us.”

“Good. Do you require me to cast an indomitable spell? I wouldn't want you to pass out in the middle of our fun.” Celestia offered with a slight smirk as she trotted down from the hill.

“Not necessary.” Chrysalis dismissed. “I have more than enough energy to beat you.”

“If you say so.” Celestia replied.

Chrysalis resisted the urge to frown as she looked upon her supremely confident opponent. Who had kept her head up and her expression neutral or mocking the entire time they had conversed. It was enough to unnerve the emotivore, as Chrysalis was able to sense that such confidence was not merely an act. Whether it was a ruse, a false belief, or true Chrysalis wasn't sure, but one thing was certain, and that was that Celestia was utterly convinced of her coming victory.

The arrival of the large four poster bed, carried by four diligent drones interrupted the changeling’s musings. “Ahh, it's about time.” She snapped, turning to the drones as they trudged over to her.

“I assume it has been properly reinforced?” Celestia questioned, her gaze fixing on the black bed topped by green blankets and pillows.

“Of course. This is from my personal quarters.” Chrysalis stated confidently.

The alicorn nodded, and ran a hoof across the surprisingly comfortable bedding. “It is quite something. Now, since I was the one to initiate such a challenge, I will allow you to choose the first position.”

“Are you not going to undue that little invisibility charm first?” Chrysalis mentioned, a smirk crossing her face.

“Ahh, so you did notice it.” Celestia replied with a slight smile.

“I may have failed in Canterlot, but I am no fool.” Retorted the changeling.

“And I would never assume you were.” Quipped the pony, who lit her horn. “Very well, give me one moment.”

Chrysalis leaned on one of the posts of the bed as she watched the alicorn closely, her curiosity getting the better of her. The queen assumed many possibilities, such as a concealed weapon, or perhaps armor or a wand. She did not assume that her enemy would be sporting the single largest dick not attached to a dragon.

“What the fuck?” Chrysalis muttered.

Celestia sighed, as her engorged shaft shimmered into view, and settled beneath her barrel. “Ahh, much better. Invisibility charms always feel so… restraining for some reason.” Celestia exclaimed.

“Why do you have a cock? And why is it so huge?” Chrysalis demanded, jabbing a hoof at the throbbing pillar of mare meat resting between Celestia’s back legs.

“Oh this? I thought you knew about it. Given your extensive spy network and complete knowledge of me, and my activities.” Celestia teased.

Chrysalis growled. “Answer the question.”

“It's simple really. The alicorn alpha grows one in order to conceive more alicorns.” Celestia explained.

“Which mean Flurry Heart is yours?” Chrysalis questioned.

“Indeed she is. Alicorns can only be conceived when two members of their species procreates.” Celestia finished.

“Why are you telling me all of this?” Chrysalis pressed.

“Because when your my slave, it won't matter if you know these things or not.” Celestia retorted before gesturing to the bed. “Now then, are you going to choose the position or are you going to allow me to do so?”

Chrysalis pushed herself away from the bed post, standing tall on her own four hooves once more. After she did so, she looked over the alicorn, and ruminated on her plan attack. Something that didn't take long, as like with most things, the position that left her on top, was of course the correct choice.

“Lay on your back like the helpless prey you are.” Chrysalis hissed.

“Oh Chrysalis.” Celestia chuckled, as she got atop the bed and laid upon her back, hooves spread and genitalia exposed. “You should know by now that I am never helpless.”

The changeling queen bit back her retort, and instead focused on the pony’s now exposed form. Celestia’s legs were long, lean and surprisingly graceful, features that the rest of her body also had in spades. All save for her freakishly massive cock however, as it was anything but elegant, or refined having large bulging veins and thick aroma of arousal.

Its size boggled the mind, as it was nearly as long as the average pony was tall, and three times as thick as the changeling’s hoof. The sheer logistics that went into mounting such a beast were considerable, and Chrysalis had to rethink her plan. Climbing atop the bed, Chrysalis gripped the appendage in her magic, and found it to be as hefty as it appeared. With such a thought firmly in mind, the changeling activated her magic and moved her organs around to fully accommodate the monster.

This wasn't terribly difficult, as all she had to do was prepare herself in the same manner she would if she were about to take a dragon as her lover. After growing an inch in height, and having most of her internal organs moved about to better create space for the beast between Celestia’s legs, Chrysalis opened her eyes. To see a rather confident looking Celestia looking up at her with a mirthful gaze.

“Are you ready? Or do you need more time to prepare yourself. Perhaps you require some lubricant.” Celestia teased.

“I have no need for such things, I assure you.” Chrysalis replied quickly, an assurance that was quite true given the fact that her pussy was already flooded with nectar.

Not like she was going to tell Celestia that, as the alicorn would likely say something like, ‘it was due to just how incredibly attractive I am’. Something Chrysalis couldn't deny, as a primal part of her was reminding the queen that the alicorn’s cum would breed powerful drones. A thought the changeling queen found utterly repulsive, as Chrysalis was not some lowly broodmare.

Standing tall atop the pony, Chrysalis trotted forward until her belly was over Celestia’s face, and her back end was positioned directly in front of the alicorn’s dick. Using her magic, the changeling lined up the enormous head and began to slowly push back against it. Something that was easier said than done as the massive size of the horsecock meant that it took a considerable push before it could even slip inside.

And when it did Chrysalis couldn't help but stop, the changeling just barely able to resist the urge to cry out in pleasure. The way it spread her, filled her, and completed her was beyond what any lover had accomplished with so little. She wouldn't be deterred however, and Chrysalis quickly pushed onwards, going deeper and deeper on the princesses’ enormous cock.

The slight bulge in Chrysalis’ carapace became larger the further she went, until she was forced to stop after reaching the alicorn’s medial ring. There she found that her body wasn't quite as adapted as she would like, as it couldn't quite enter her, despite the changeling’s best efforts. After a grunt, and a particularly powerful thrust, that changed, and Celestia’s medial ring popped inside the changeling’s pussy.

This wasn't about enjoyment however, and Chrysalis quickly pushed past the bit of pleasure she felt in order to go deeper still. Her resilience paid off again, and within moments her hips had settled against Celestia’s, the alicorn’s cock entirely stuffed into Chrysalis’ now too tight pussy. Yet when she looked upon Celestia, she saw no sign of pleasure, or anything other than mild amusement and utter confidence.

Chrysalis was determined to wipe that look off her face though, and she quickly set about doing just that by bouncing up and down on the alicorn’s shaft. While this was happening she used her well trained inner muscles to squeeze, and milk Celestia’s cock as much as she could. That got only the slightest of reaction out of the alicorn, but it was enough to make Chrysalis realize that Celestia was not as implacable as she made it seem.

With that in mind, Chrysalis eagerly continued to ride the alicorn for all her worth, bouncing as hard and as fast as possible. While this happened, Chrysalis did all the usual things that tended to get her former patrons off. Such as licking her lips, moaning the name of her lover, and caressing the pony’s chest with her hooves.

The little things seemed to help, but not very much, and Chrysalis quickly abandoned them completely, as it wasn't worth her time. The princess simply wasn't about to buy into any fake romance, a fact made evidenced by how Chrysalis didn't feel even a flicker of love come from the pony. She did feel lust however, and tons of the stuff, enough to leave the changeling reeling and actively avoiding eating it, lest she consume too much of the stuff.

Hopefully this didn't go long enough that eating said emotion became necessary, as the feeling was so raw, and so powerful that Chrysalis knew it wouldn't agree with her. While she ruminated on her circumstances, the changeling queen felt her lover’s cock begin to twitch at an increasing pace. With the end potentially in sight, she moved faster, bounced even harder, and broke out every last trick in the book.

As the minutes ticked by, Celestia didn't seem to ever get any closer to orgasming, and Chrysalis was beginning to worry. Despite the complete control Chrysalis had over her body, the changeling queen still had needs, and experienced pleasure. Which meant that she was nearly ready to cum, the enormous cock having spread her enough to pleasure even the ancient changeling.

That was until she heard a small grunt and felt the alicorn reach up and grab the queen’s flanks, stopping her from moving. A second later and Celestia thrusted hard into the changeling’s dripping honey pot, jamming every last inch she had into the queen. For a moment Chrysalis saw stars, her cervix receiving an intimate kiss from Celestia’s enormous cock head. After that her womb was forced open by the massive flaring head, signalling what was coming a few seconds later.

Which was a torrential outpouring of seed the likes of which put nearly every partner Chrysalis had ever had to shame. Instantly her womb was stuffed completely, her body aching to release the necessary eggs which could then be fertilized. Chrysalis wouldn't allow this to happen however, and she held back that urge, and her own considerable pleasure. Until finally she felt Celestia’s orgasm began to peter out, then she let herself finish as well.

Her breathing was ragged, and Chrysalis looked down at her belly, finding that her stomach now bulged to the point that she looked pregnant with triplets. It was an erotic, yet disturbing sight, as it was just another thing that Chrysalis hadn't accounted for. With a grunt, the changeling pulled herself up off the alicorn’s dick, and gently slipped down from the bed before placing a hoof on her belly.

With another grunt of exertion she pushed the alicorn’s disturbingly hot cum from her insides, and caused a small lake of seed to form in the middle of the barren desert landscape. From atop the bed, Celestia smirked as she watched her lover push every last trace of her seed out of her body.

“What? Not a fan of being full of piping hot alicorn spunk?” She quipped.

Chrysalis grunted. “Your lucky I had adapted to take a dragon, or I would have popped like a balloon.”

“That would be a shame, wouldn't it.” Celestia muttered mirthlessly.

Chrysalis growled, and quickly leapt back atop the bed, her guts now empty of cum. “Don't get cocky, you still came first.”

“And yet I’m still hard.” Celestia pointed out.

Chrysalis’ eyes narrowed. “So you are.”

“Feel free to choose the next position. I am finding this all to be quite enjoyable.” Celestia remarked.

The queen’s eyes narrowed, and she glared down at the pony. “Fine. Same one. I want to see your face when you give in, and become my slave.”

“Fine by me.” Invited the alicorn, who laid right back down, a wide smile on her face.

Chrysalis grumbled under her breath before getting back into position and aligning the alicorn’s cock with her now stretched hole. We’ll see who’s cocky after I’m done with you. Thought the queen.

Rain pounded down around them, though neither queen nor princess heard, or was bothered by this, as their bed, and the area around it was shielded from the weather. Chrysalis remained atop the alicorn, in the exact same position, with little having changed to mark the passage of time. Other then the small ocean of alicorn spunk which was quickly being washed away, though even with the rain it would still take a while for the dozens upon dozens of gallons of sperm to be completely washed away.

Atop the alicorn’s chest, Chrysalis continued to ride away, her gaze fixed on Celestia as the changeling’s stomach bulged obscenely. She had gotten used to the feeling of complete and utter fullness that came with having her pussy absolutely stuffed with alicorn cock. Even the feeling of having a few dozen litres of seed fill her was becoming oddly routine, though that didn't give her any relief whatsoever.

Celestia remained confident over the passing of hours, her self assurance never waning for even a second. Even the tidal wave of lust remained as constant as ever, buffeting the queen’s mind with its enormity. It wouldn't last though, Chrysalis thought to herself. Celestia may be immortal, but even she had her limits, unlike Chrysalis, who had broken every barrier ever put before her.

This may be a challenge, but it was one Chrysalis was going to win.

With eyes narrowing, the queen bit her lip and stifled a groan as she orgasmed again, painfully aware that she had finally finished before her partner did. She wouldn't let Celestia find this out however, and she disguised this momentary slip by moving her hips even faster. A slight twitch was all the warning she got before her womb received the first burst of white hot alicorn baby batter in a few minutes.

Chrysalis hardly even grunted in exertion anymore, the changeling queen deftly pulling herself from the enormous pillar of mare cock which had impaled her. After doing so she kept a hoof on her enormous, bloated belly, ensuring she didn't ruin the bed by pushing out its contents too early. Once off the bed, she lit her horn and prepared herself to remove the offending genetic material, only to stop.

It was just so… nice, and warm, and pleasurable. She wasn't sure she even wanted to be rid of it, no matter how much it weighed her down, or how much it heated up her insides.

“Having problems, Chrysy?” Celestia asked, the alicorn laying on her side, her hard cock resting against the bed.

Chrysalis scowled. “Just organizing a mission.” She replied, before grunting as she pushed the cum from her womb, and heard it splatter against the ground behind her.

“Good. I wouldn't want you to give up already. This was just getting good.” Celestia teased before rolling onto her back once more.

Chrysalis’ scowl deepened, and for a moment she felt a hint of fear enter her mind, only for it to be quickly pushed away. I will win. I have to. She thought to herself.

Chrysalis grinned as her hips once more pressed against Celestia’s, only this time things were slightly different. For one her back was to the princess, with her legs bent in such a way that the flexible changeling was able to ride the pony in a reverse cowgirl position. It was a little awkward for a quadruped, but if changelings were known for anything, it was adaptability.

“Mm thats nice.” Celestia murmured.

“I’m glad you are enjoying yourself. I thought you were falling asleep for a minute there.” Chrysalis quipped, the changeling quickly settling into a more comfortable position while also sparing a glance at her bulging midsection.

“Oh it's only been what, two days? This is nothing.” Celestia replied dismissively.

Chrysalis however, was beginning to worry, as she had started to consume the odd bit of lust in order to fill her emotional reserves. Something that hasn't affected her yet, but still bothered the queen immesely. The clop of incoming hooves turned her attention to where a changeling trotted up to them, a large jug of water floating in his magic.

As he neared the bed, his magic flickered for a moment, and he nearly dropped the jug, only to grab it with a hoof at the last moment. “S-sorry my queen. Your water.” He announced, bowing slightly and presenting the refreshment.

“Thank you drone.” Chrysalis replied quickly, grabbing the jug and downing it in several quick gulps.

Once done, she wiped her lips and handed it back, noting how the drone didn't initially respond before grabbing it and running off. As she watched him go, Chrysalis noted that he also didn't seem capable of walking straight either, and he nearly ran into a bush despite the fact that the noon sun hung high overhead. There was more to note, but Celestia clearing her throat grabbed Chrysalis’ attention.

“Do you have some pressing meeting to get back to or are you rushing me just for fun?” Chrysalis demanded.

“No. I had a clone take over for me.” Celestia dismissively replied.

“Huh.” Chrysalis muttered.

“So are we going again or are you going to keep playing twenty questions?” Celestia teased.

Chrysalis raised her hips before slamming them back down. “For an immortal you sure are impatient. It makes me wonder if you are trying to hurry me up as you know you are about to lose.” She teased.

“I never lose.” Celestia stated coldly.

Chrysalis did her best to push down the sliver of fear that had wormed into her mind, and focus on the task at hand. Though even as she began to ride the alicorn’s freakishly huge cock, she couldn't help but wonder.

Had she underestimated the princess again?

Chrysalis fell to her side, stomach wobbling as she landed in a heap, and dragging Celestia with her. The alicorn didn't seem bothered by the fact that she was suddenly forced onto her side and merely lay there, eying the changeling curiously. The queen’s body had changed significantly over time, with her horn having shrunk, as did her wings, while at the same time her belly and hips had grown significantly.

Dozens of litres of alicorn spunk resided within her womb, making her look pregnant with four or maybe even five foals. Her pussy ached, having been stretched and warped to the point that it could no longer shrink, as if it had been forced into the shape of Celestia’s cock. Worse still was the terrible feeling of emptiness that plagued Chrysalis whenever she didn't have a belly full of Celestia’s sperm or a pussy full of alicorn dick.

“Need another break Chrysalis?” Asked Celestia.

The changeling tried to push through the wave of lust which rolled around inside of her, but it was simply too much. “N-no I jusht… I jusht.” She slurred, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she came suddenly.

The explosion of pleasure made her body twitch and spasm, the changeling’s pussy occasionally clamping down on the cock which still resided within it. The evening sun only barely illuminated the queen’s face, but even that was enough to tell Celestia that victory was close at hand. The never ending tidal wave of lust had evidently taken a toll on the queen, who writhed and twitched, her limbs lying weakly at her sides.

“Don't worry, I’ll take over from here.” Celestia announced.

Chrysalis’ eyes went wide, and she frantically tried to stop the alicorn from moving, as she knew that should this continue, she may very well lose her mind. “N-no, shtop, pleashe.” She begged.

In response to her panic a drone climbed out of the nearby hole, only to make it a few steps and collapse, vomiting liquid lust all over the ground. Two others tried to help as well, only to make it several feet and begin to violently copulate as their minds went blank and their urges took over. Left without help, or any manner of defence, Chrysalis tried to slip away, but her enormous cum filled belly made any movement impossible as the sheer weight was too much for her.

Celestia didn't seem to mind though, and quickly mounted the changeling, her cum somehow remaining packed inside the queen’s womb throughout it all. “I must commend you on your resilience, Chrysalis. Surviving a few weeks is quite the feat. It's almost too bad that after this you will become a mind broken cum slave.” Celestia remarked as she settled into position.

Chrysalis grabbed and clawed at the bed, trying to get away to no avail. Even her magic flickered and faded, the sheer amount of pleasure rocketing through her making any attempt at concentration a useless one. Her wings could not move her, and even her attempts to bite the alicorn were rendered useless as the pony simply moved out of the way. Crushed beneath her own bloated belly, Chrysalis could do nothing but stare up at the alicorn with desperate eyes.

“Pleashe don't do dish.” She slurred, liquid lust spilling out of the sides of her mouth. “I’ll do anyshing.”

“Oh I doubt that very much.” Celestia remarked. “Now after I’ve broken your mind, and made you my slave. Now then you really will do anything I tell you to.”

Before Chrysalis could utter another word, Celestia thrust forward and turned the changeling’s attempt at speech into a slurred moan of pleasure. Chrysalis’ bloated and twisted form shook as Celestia thrust forward over and over again, causing the queen’s cum filled belly to shake and jiggle. Something that somehow made Chrysalis enjoy the violent fucking she was receiving even more then she already was.

“Noooo.” She muttered weakly, hooves pushing weakly against Celestia’s forelegs.

“Oh yes. Soon you and your little swarm will be put to work for the betterment of ponies and changelings alike.” Celestia replied, while she continued to pound the changeling’s destroyed cunt.

“No pleashe shpare them.” She slurred.

Celestia smirked as her balls began to churn, and she felt Chrysalis’ orgasm slowly breakthrough the changeling’s mental defences. “I hope your looking forward to spending the rest of your life as my cock sleeve Chrysalis.” Celestia exclaimed before leaning in close. “Because I sure am.”

Chrysalis cried out as she felt her body betray her, and her orgasm overwhelmed her senses. The flood of alicorn spunk into her womb triggering the most powerful orgasm of her entire millenia long existence. The flood of lust and pleasure filled the queen’s mind, drowning every last thought until there was only her, only Celestia and her perfect cock. It was all that mattered, she was all that mattered, and as that realization settled into her mind, and fused with the very core of the changeling’s being, Chrysalis felt relief.

Time would lose all meaning to the queen with the changeling having become so lost in her own pleasure that she hardly even noticed her belly bloat and grow to the point that it draped over her body like an enormous water balloon. Her limbs were pinned by its bulk, and by the time Celestia was done, Chrysalis couldn't even see over it all. When that finally happened, the alicorn quickly pulled back a second later, and roughly wrenched her cock from Chrysalis’ depths.

After wiping her brow of a few beads, Celestia smiled as she looked down on her newest toy. Chrysalis’ cunt was ruined, her body so stuffed with seed that it poured out of her in a great torrent of white. Her wings and horn would be almost useless, and the glazed look in her eye told the alicorn that her final victory had achieved.

Taking position near the front of the bed, Celestia flopped her cock down next to Chrysalis’ maw. “Clean me, slave.” Celestia commanded.

“Yes, my mistress.”