A Most Unlikely Hero

by LunaMint

First published

Equestria is at war, and Fluttershy's father was told to join the fight. Despite all warnings, she goes instead. Pretending to be a boy!

Equestria is at war with the hippogriffs, and ponies from all over are being called to battle. When Fluttershy's father is told to join the perilous fight, she takes his place. Despite her friend's warnings, she disguises herself as a boy, joining the war. Will she be enough to defeat the hippogriffs, or will Equestria go up in flames?

This is supposed to be a crossover of "Mulan". I got the inspiration after I watched it a few days ago. It's one of my favorite Disney movies! Zephyr Breeze doesn't exist in this story, but I might use that as Fluttershy's cover name. I hope I can make this an enjoyable story to read! Have a good day!


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Fluttershy was in a small salon, being dragged against her will to a bathtub across the room. She whimpered as the ice cold water swelled along her body.

"It's so cold!" She exclaimed as her mother walked to the tub's side.

"It wouldn't be if you arrived in time." Her mother laughed a bit, amused by the surprised expression stained on Fluttershy's face.
Fluttershy didn't want to be on time. She wanted to stay with her animals, feeding them and conversing with them. Sharing their inmost thoughts and feelings.

Before Fluttershy could protest, she was dragged behind a curtain, dried off, and sat on a vanity chair.
Makeup Mares and Hairdressers were bombarding her space with brushes and paint, as they prettied her up.

When the makeup powder fanned away enough for Fluttershy to see herself in the mirror, she stared at the reflection in awe. Her face was painted with white, blush at the cheeks, and eyeshadow to extentuate her eyes in a comforting format.

When she was done gawking at her new beauty, Fluttershy was lifted magically behind a dressing curtain; and a dress was tightened around her waist.

"Ow! That- That's ti- tight!" She squeaked in pain as a mare behind her pulled a string and tightened the dress.
The dress had fabrics of transparent blues, deep reds, sweet maroons, and more beautiful colors. Her hair was tied into a compact bun, and the ribbon hung down the back of her neck in orange-red strands.

The ponies surrounding her, grabbed a deep pink robe and wrapped it snug around her body. It obstructed movement in her wings, but she preferred being on the ground.

She closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. Before she even knew, she was opening her eyes, and her mother was leading her outside.

"Ready? Remember, you must bring honor to the family." Fluttershy's mother grabbed her hoof. Only to see ink smudge onto her own.

"What's this?" She asked, turning over Fluttershy's arm to reveal the mess of ink.

"Uh in case I forget something." Fluttershy blushed sheepishly.

"Okay, now you should be leaving." She pushed Fluttershy briskly along and waved goodbye.

Fluttershy continued walking forward, until she fell into line with a few other mares. The unicorns held fans with beautiful colors and patterns. The pegasi walked with the earth ponies, who spun and puffed up their dresses.

"Celestia, hear my plea, please don't let me make a fool of me, and to not uproot my family tree. Keep my father standing tall." Fluttershy said to herself in a small whisper.

Her father had been sick for the past few moons, and was growing in age. If she didn't bring honor to the family, her father would be heartbroken; and her mother would be much the same.

As she and the other mares approached the matchmaker's home, they kneeled down and awaited for their names to be called. The matchmaker walked out to the front porch of the small building. She was a pudgy mare, with what seemed to be pounds of makeup on her swelled face. She was a unicorn, and so, was levitating a paper and quill in front of her.

"Fluttershy!" The matchmaker yelled to the row of mares before her.

Fluttershy stood shyly before whispering, "Present."
The matchmaker humphed and wrote something down on the paper. As they walked inside, Fluttershy was immediately being looked at from all directions. The matchmaker continued to walk all around her. Studying her waist and outfit, alongside her hair and hooves.

The matchmaker wrapped a measuring string around Fluttershy's waist before writing something down.

"Too skinny. Not good for bearing sons." The matchmaker scoffed.

As the matchmaker walked a few hoof steps away, Fluttershy felt something crawl out of her hair. She moved her hoof out of her sleeve and a cricket jumped onto it. Fluttershy didn't want to leave the poor cricket at home. Although, she felt the cricket was lucky, in a way.

The matchmaker walked back to Fluttershy with angry eyes. Fluttershy quickly, without thinking, popped the cricket into her mouth.

"Recite the Final Admonition."

Fluttershy nodded and waited as the matchmaker turned to circle her. As soon as Fluttershy knew the matchmaker wasn't looking at her face, she briskly spit out the cricket, and recited the Admonition.

"Fulfill your duties, calmly and... respectfully. R- reflect before you snack... Act! This sh- shall bring you honor and glory." Fluttershy tried to peek at her notes but they were too smudged to read, and the matchmaker had reached Fluttershy's front.

The matchmaker grumbled skeptically, before dragging Fluttershy to a table and sitting down. A teacup and teapot were sat on it. As Fluttershy looked at her surroundings, she noticed that the matchmaker had ink staining one of her hooves. Fluttershy's eyes widened as the matchmaker spoke again.

"Now, pour the tea. To please your future in-laws, you must demonstrate a sense of dignity..." Fluttershy reached for the pot while staring at the sight before her. The matchmaker rubbed her cheek with her hoof, spreading ink there as well.
The matchmaker continued.

"...and refinement. You must also be poised." Fluttershy tried to pour the tea into the cup, but missed as she gawked at the matchmaker. After a few moments, Fluttershy regained her composure and filled the cup with tea. As she finished, she noticed the cricket. Sitting in the cup, bathing in it's warmth comfortably.

The matchmaker suddenly grabbed the cup with her magic and lifted it up to her nose, sniffing the wonderful aroma.
Fluttershy stared in fear before whispering.

"Excuse me..."

“And silent!” Interrupted the matchmaker. Fluttershy reached for the cup, trying to pry it from the matchmaker's hooves.

"I'm sorry, but I need that back for just a moment"

Fluttershy grabbed the cup and pulled it back; only for the matchmaker to pull it to herself. They tugged the teacup back and fourth until the cricket jumped out; Fluttershy let go of the cup and grabbed the cricket, putting it in her hair. Only before the cup flew out of the matchmaker's hooves and spilled all across her chest. The matchmaker stood up and glared angrily at Fluttershy, who sunk down at whimpered.

"Why, you clumsy..." The matchmaker screamed, only to fall back and knock over an iron bowl filled of hot coals; and fall onto them.

The matchmaker's clothing was immediately engulfed in flames. She ran around until she reached the front door, opening it as quickly as she could.

"Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!" The matchmaker yelled.

Fluttershy ran outside with the teapot and threw the liquid onto the matchmaker, attempting to put out the flame. The fire stopped, but the matchmaker was soaked. Fluttershy dropped the teapot in embarrassment.

The matchmaker grabbed the teapot with her magic and smashed it on the ground. She screamed at Fluttershy, "You are a disgrace! You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!"

A Call to Battle

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Fluttershy hung her head in shame as she walked to her bedroom. Her father walked to her and put his wing over her back. He smiled, attempting to comfort his guilt-ridden daughter. However, his kindness was lost in Fluttershy's sadness.

Fluttershy walked to her room, and sat at the window sill. It was a pretty day. Colorful. Inspiring. However, for some, it was flushed of any true joy.

"Look at me, I'm never going to pass for a bride. Or even a good daughter." Fluttershy was able to say; before crying into her long, silky, pink hair.

The sound of drums came in muffled booms from behind her. Fluttershy's ears pricked up and she wiped her tears; rushing for the front garden. There, in the garden, were her mother and father. They seemed distressed and, curious.

"What's going on!?" Fluttershy called, running to their sides.

"Fluttershy, go inside!" Her mother responded shakily.

As they walked away, Fluttershy flew near the top of a short wall, peering over in secret.

A few stallions, Pegasi and Unicorns, ran and flew quickly into the center of the street. A short, skinny one, holding a scroll with names written on, spoke clearly for all to hear.

"Ponies! I bring a proclamation from the Capital of Canterlot! The Hippogriffs have invaded Equestria! By order of Celestia, one stallion from every family must serve in the Equestrian Army."

He immediately after began to call out last names, they were all those of Futtershy's neighbors, but none of them really made her too worried.

That is, until she heard...

"The Shy Family!"

Her pupils dilated, and she rushed in front of her father, just as he was about to take the scroll from the stallion. Without thinking, in a voice of passion she hadn't used in years, she yelled.

"No, Daddy! You can't go! Please sir, my father is alr-"

"Silence, mare! You'll do best to teach your daughter, to hold her tongue in a stallions presence!"

"Fluttershy, go home, you dishonor me..."

Fluttershy's strong expression faded to sorrow, as she walked slowly back to her home.

Dinner that night was, silent. They didn't chat, or make jokes, or even cry. They just ate in peace, but Fluttershy had enough.

"Why do you have to go! Celestia surely has enough soldiers already, why more, why you!"

"It's an honor to protect Equestria and my family!"

"So you're willing to die for honor!"

"No, I am willing to die doing what's right!"

"But what if-"

"I know my place, it is about time you learned yours!"

Fluttershy couldn’t hold back her tears any longer, she ran away from the dinner and into the back garden. It was raining, and her bright yellow fur was quickly soaked and dark. She was reluctant to go inside, not wanting to face her parents. And so, she waited outside until she was to cold to stay there any longer.

Fluttershy dried herself inside before lighting a candle in her bedroom. She wanted to check on her father, to wish him luck and say goodbye.

She opened one of her wings and grabbed the candleholder, it was warm with the melting wax and she carried it with her through the dark hallways of her home. Her hooves carried her slowly to her parent’s bedroom, reluctant with every step. When she turned the corner to enter the room she paused and quietly peered inside. Her father opened a tall dresser, it held a suit of armor and sword. Fluttershy stared with curiosity, wondering what would happen next.

Fluttershy’s father picked up the sword with his wing and swung it, he staggered slightly but remained steady enough to swing the sword again. The blade was sharp and silver, the small bit of light in the room was enough for it to glisten brightly. As he swung the sword one last time, fluttershy’s father fell to the floor. His legs were weak, there was no way he would survive a battle.

Fluttershy couldn’t restrain herself, this was her call to battle she had to accept it, for her family, for her father. She ran to her bedroom and blew out her candle, she heard her father and mother go to bed minutes later, and she quietly crept inside. She grabbed her hair clip from her hair, a beautiful butterfly of pink tints, and left it on the bedside table to replace the scroll her father was given. She opened the tall dresser, and quickly but quietly slipped on the armor. She carried the sword tightly in her jaw, and ran to her bedroom. Her long mane almost dragged on the ground as she sat, holding the sword now with her wing, she cut it short and tied it into a bun.

As she set for the door, she stopped to grab her bunny, Angel for support, he would be great company and though she desired greatly to bring all her animals Fluttershy knew it wouldn’t be good for her disguise. When she arrived at the door she flapped her wings and soared into the sky, scroll held tight in her hooves and the sword in the armor’s scabbard.

Little did she know that her parents had woken.

Fluttershy’s father woke with a start, noises around him had just caught his attention as he slept, and now he sat up in bed listening again as the sound of the door opening rang in his ear. He gasped and looked at the bedside table, instead of the scroll, Fluttershy’s butterfly hair clip was waiting in its place.

Fluttershy’s father turned to his wife nudging her to wake up. Her eyes slowly opened and she rubbed them. Her face went from a tired stare to a worried frown.

Fluttershy’s father spoke, “Fluttershy’s gone!”

They both stood out of bed and walked outside their bedroom. Fluttershy’s father ran outside however, and yelled for his daughter.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy!” He screamed desperately.

Fluttershy’s mother ran outside, “You must go after her, she could be killed!”

Fluttershy’s father responded solemnly, “If I reveal her, she will be.”