Forbidden Tombs

by Buttery Biscuit

First published

Twilight enters the forbidden section of Celestia's library

Twilight enters the forbidden section of Celestia's library in search of a book she needs for reference. She does not warn her mentor ahead of time as she assumes the legends that this place was cursed are untrue. What could it hurt to just pick up this one book?

This is for the Halloween in April Horror Contest with the Barcast, [embed][/embed]

Forbidden Tombs

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A single pony, lost and frightened, walked down a long dark corridor. The walls are tall and lined with lanterns. They didn't help the situation as the light they cast caused the shadows to dance and move about as if they were alive. Twilight gasped every time she saw one of these shadows flick out of the corner of her eye. She walked down the hallway making sure her hoofsteps were light just in case they were alive. If they are, maybe they don't know she's here.

Twilight looked away from the dancing shadows and saw that she was coming up on the end of the hallway. For some reason it felt like the walls to her side were closer than before but that had to be just her imagination. She trotted for the end; she only had a little bit to go, just run for it. The hallway made her feel small and confined and she wanted to be out of there as soon as possible.

She ran fast, faster than she ever had before so she quickly got to the end. She turned left and there was more hallway, she turned right and...more hallway. This wasn't the end. It wasn't the end of the hallway. She tried to get a glimpse of what was down of each hallway but there just wasn't enough light in either direction.

"ruuuunnn" she heard a whisper say

She suddenly heard the crashing of a lantern behind her, she looked back and she saw the shadows vibrate. They started to form some kind of blob. With another crash of the light, the blob jumped closer to her. She could see it start to form a face, a bloody face that had a small grin.

CRASH. CRASH. CRASH. The lanterns were breaking in succession. The shadow got closer with each section of light consumed by the darkness. Twilight didn't need any more convincing; she picked a direction and she ran. The shadows, they definitely knew that she was there now. She chose right, it was slightly brighter than the left. That wasn't the best reason to pick it but she didn't have time to analyze.

CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH. She could hear the lights start to break faster. A low swishing and gargling made it to her ears, oh Celestia what was that? She dare not look back, not like the ponies she saw in those movies. Run, just run, and keep running she thought as she looked down occasionally. Just to make sure she wouldn't trip. No tripping and no looking back and maybe she could make it out of here. She looked up from her hooves and to the front of her.

Were the walls closer to her? She swore they weren't that close before. Twilight spread her wings out to test her theory the wall was about an inch away from her. She wasn't sure if it was closer than before because she didn't measure it, but she had a measurement now.

She could see the end of this hallway coming at her fast, she stopped just before plowing straight into the wall. It was another turn, a left, and a right. She looked down at them both, the left looked just slightly darker than the right path. She took the right path again running as fast as she could the walls passing by her in a blur.

They were slowly getting closer, she swore it. She put her wings out to make sure it wasn't in her head. Half an inch it looked like, she was sure they shrunk half an inch. CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH. She could hear the lights starting to break faster and she picked up her pace.

The end of the hallway came to her once more, another turn. A darker and lighter hallway. She kept ending up here by taking the light one. She would have to take the darker one, wouldn't she? She turned left and started running. The walls were closing in and this time it wasn't in her mind.

She stuck out her wings and the walls touched it, she could feel their dampness. With every step she took the walls got closer and closer. Twilight decided to put her wings straight up, two inches, her wings added two inches to her on each side. She desperately needed the space and it seemed to make sense at the time. She didn't have time to second guess herself. She couldn't go backward, only forwards. When she looked away from the walls she saw what looked like the outlines of a door. Where there was a door there was hope! She ran to it as the walls started to graze her sides.

She managed to stop herself just in front of the door, the walls now pressing her sides firmly. She tried to open it with her magic and she tried to buck it down, though space made it hard to do. CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH. Oh no this door had to open.

CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH. Please for the love of Celestia open, Twilight pleaded to no one. Like an idiot, no one knew she was here, not her friends, not her mentor, not even discord. She tried to summon any of them but her spells didn't work here. She didn't know why. CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH. There was only one light left, twilight turned around tears streaming down her face. The shadows formed a pony, sort of. The pony's limbs moved around haphazardly for a few seconds.

She could hear the cracking of bones almost as if it broke itself every time it moved. Twilight stared in disbelief as she saw a head come out from its malformed body a bloody mess, its eyes blacker than the shadows. Its eyes rolled back into its head as its jaw dropped down to the floor.

Its mouth was huge and cavernous, it looked like it would go on forever. She heard a light cackling in the distance as the figure started to rise above her. Twilight turned to the door once more, trying her best to break it open, a futile attempt.

CRASH, went the last light. All that could be heard in that hallway now was light crunches and a sickening squish sound that echoed off the wall.

Rarity entered the library beneath Celestia's castle looking for twilight. She had been gone for quite some time and Rarity was beginning to worry. Now twilight didnt tell Rarity where she was but rarity could guess. Twilight made a big deal after she found the forbidden section of the library. She wouldn't miss an important spa date with her friend, she just had to be here. She trotted past the normal bookshelves and right to the forbidden section.

Legends say Celestia cursed it herself. That was such a dumb rumor. Celestia would never put her ponies at risk. She found herself looking straight onto two paths, one that led right back to the library and one to the forbidden section. She turned toward the forbidden section. She walked down the poorly lit hallway; it was quite drab. There were so many ways she could think to spruce it up, but that wasn't why she was here.

She noticed all the lanterns on the wall. They looked like they had just been fixed, how odd. She turned her head down the hallway. Time to go retrieve twilight she thought to herself as she began her journey down the hallway.