Slut-Spike's Special Birthday Surprise

by TheVClaw

First published

Even as the new Royal Advisor for Princess Twilight Sparkle, Spike's promiscuous ways haven't let up a bit; in fact, after he successfully sluttified his friends, the Elements decide to surprise him with a multispecies birthday orgy~

It's only been a few months since Twilight Sparkle was appointed the new Ruler of Equestria, and Spike was given the duties as her Official Royal Advisor. And despite how taxing the job turned out to be, both of them were able to carry their roles with pride and confidence following the Royal Sisters' retirement. Fortunately, even though their schedules are much more packed and strenuous, Twilight and Spike's strong friendship never dissipated in the slightest.

Not to mention, Spike's notorious status as Equestria's most promiscuous dragon hasn't been changed either. In fact, in the following years since he returned from the Dragon Lands as a shameless slut, Spike was able to induct Twilight and the other Elements into the alluring world of promiscuity and guilt-free sex.

So after spending most of his first birthday working as Royal Advisor, Spike is about to discover that his friends aren't afraid to change things up a bit for a memorable party. Of course, those changes involve far more than just the gifts they have packing...

Note: This story is the winner of my Patreon Commission Story Poll for January 2020 as suggested by NFreak, and is a shameless clopfic with both M/F and M/M content. It also contains several notable kinks, including a massive orgy, interspecies sex, transformation (both species and gender), rimming, spitroasting, anal and oral sex, fingering, knotting, barbed cocks, and a good amount of bukkake~
Also, I want to make it crystal-clear that much like all my other Spike-related clopfics, Spike is being written as a legal adult in this story, and is above the age of consent.

AKA - A Scaled Tail Ready to Rail

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Uggghhhhh… I can not believe Celestia and Luna did this every single day.”

Spike may have had a strong pair of recently-molted wings on his back, but he could barely move his feet as they dragged tiredly across the crystal floors. His head was hung low while small bags formed underneath his eyes, and his medal as Royal Advisor was nearly touching the floor as it hung from his neck. Fortunately for the petite dragon, Twilight Sparkle made sure to slow her steps so she could stay side-by-side with him throughout their walk. And as the stars of the night’s sky twinkled beautifully through the stain-glass windows, Spike couldn’t have felt happier that she left their schedules wide-open for the remainder of the evening.

“Yeah, I get what you mean,” replied Twilight with a small nod of her own, as she looked equally as exhausted as the dragon after their eventful day. The two may have gotten used to their newly-appointed duties with Twilight as the new ruler of Equestria, but they couldn’t deny how difficult some days may have been for them. Celestia and Luna have only recently retired back in the previous fall, but the new Princess and Royal Advisor gained an immense amount of respect for the two after the months spent in their positions. Twilight seemed especially relieved about their finished tasks as she sighed in contentment, and added with a shake of her head, “And just to think, Celestia spent almost an entire Millenium ruling Equestria all by herself!”

Upon hearing that reminder, Spike’s dragging steps faltered a bit as he shuddered with his fangs tightly gritted. “Ughhhh… Man, I can’t imagine how she kept herself sane throughout all that.”

“Honestly, neither can I,” said the Princess with a meager shrug, almost looking guilty for saying that out loud. However, Twilight only needed a brief huff before glancing back down at Spike with a gracious smile. “But still, I think that fact shows just how much Celestia trusts us to follow in her hoofsteps. Plus, it makes me really grateful to have someone like you by my side to help.”

Upon hearing the alicorn’s praise, Spike looked up at her with a thankful smile while trying not to tear up. He understood just how much he meant to Twilight, and how deeply mutual her own feelings were in return. Spike may have not been an official Element of Harmony, but he knew that his presence was just as significant as any of the Mane Six. And since he knew how sincerely Twilight meant her words, Spike used his remaining energy to hover up in the air with his wings, and went in to give her a much-needed hug. “Th-Thanks, Twilight,” he said with a slightly choked-up tone, although nothing else needed to be said as the Princess hugged him tightly.

“Oh, come on,” she said playfully while the two held each other in sweet embrace in the middle of the hallway. “Did you really expect me not to say something like that?”

After the two pulled away, Spike huffed with a reluctant shrug while wiping his eyes with a claw. “Y-Yeah, I know what you mean,” he admitted with a timid blush, before he added, “but still, it really means a lot to hear it sometimes. Especially today of all days.”

Upon hearing that reminder, Twilight beamed brightly as she gave an affirming nod. “Oh, absolutely!” she chirped with a cheerful smile. “And I gotta say, it really means a lot that you were able to keep working today.”

“Well, what was I supposed to do?” asked Spike with a shrug and his claws raised up. “It’s not like you can take the day off on your birthday. Why should I?”

Even though she would’ve given the dragon his birthday off without hesitation, Twilight still nodded understandably to his point. Considering how dedicated Spike had been to his new job, she couldn’t say she was too surprised about his insistence to work that day. But still, the alicorn was grateful enough to light up her horn, and conjured up a piping-hot pot of coffee with her magic. After a strong poof of her lavender aura, she floated the pot towards his claws and said, “Well, you don’t have to worry about doing any more work tonight, Spike. I informed the guards and staff that we’re to be left to ourselves for the rest of the evening, and I was hopeful you can regain enough energy to see what I have planned~”

Spike didn’t catch the suggestive inflection in Twilight’s voice, as he was too busy chugging down that scalding-hot pot of coffee with both claws. Most ponies would’ve been horrified about the possible damage the Royal Advisor was doing to his throat, but Twilight understood just how heat-resistant dragons could be inside and out. And even after he downed his pot at an alarmingly fast rate, the bellowing of steam that erupted from his mouth didn’t cover up his blissful sigh. “Aaaaahhhhhh… Oh man, that’s the stuff~”

Twilight giggled a second time, and shrugged her head as she said, “Yeah, I figured you could use some caffeine after this afternoon.”

“Yeah, no kidding!” After giving a tired scoff to the Princess, Spike let her take the empty pot with her magic so it could be teleported back to where it came from. Meanwhile, the tiny dragon exhaled sharply before saying, “I mean, can you believe how hectic things got after lunch?! I wasn’t even able to take a break to visit the Guards’ Barracks!”

Twilight rolled her eyes with a knowing smirk. “Yeah, I can see how that would be an inconvenience for you,” she replied rather cheekily. “Although, I have a feeling you’re gonna really like what I got for you as a birthday gift~”

Spike’s brows rose up immensely, and it looked like his tiredness was quickly dissipating as he looked up at his Princess wide-eyed. “Oh?” he asked before he grew an especially devious-looking smirk. “What exactly did you have planned?~”

Instead of giving an immediate answer, Twilight grew a more lustful grin before she went back to walking down the hall. Before Spike could get back to walking beside her, his eyes widened when he caught sight of her tail flagging up ever so subtly between her strutting steps. The very tip of her tail managed to barely conceal her backside, but her intentions were rather clear as she looked back at her Advisor and said, “Let’s just say, I got you something a little better than a book this year~”

Spike’s face lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree, and he was quick to scurry after Twilight excitedly. “Oooooh~” he purred as he grew a more eager smile on his face. “Lemme guess, are we going to take a late-night visit to the barracks to make up for lost time?~”

Despite how alluring Spike’s idea may have sounded, Twilight was quick to shake her head while smiling cheekily. “Actually,” she said while glancing back at him with narrowing eyes, “I was hoping that the two of us could try something a little more unique this time around~”

Spike may have trusted his friend’s intentions, but he couldn’t help huffing with a smirk before asking, “Oh, what’s the problem, Twi? I thought you liked joining me on my Royal Guard romps~”

“Believe me, I certainly do enjoy them~” Upon thinking back to some of the choice sessions she and Spike were lucky to share together, a sultry shudder crept up the alicorn’s spine as she shivered in delight. “Nnnnffff~ I will say, I might end up joining you next time around when you visit the guards. I wouldn’t mind having that kind of ‘stress relief’ again~”

Upon hearing that suggestive tone in the Princess’ voice, Spike couldn’t have felt happier about how confident Twilight had gotten in recent years. Back when the two were still living in the Golden Oaks Library, Spike remembered how neurotic and prudish the mare used to be about a lot of taboo subjects; and even after the dragon discovered such a fulfilling side of himself during his trip to the Dragon Lands, it took a long time for Twilight to properly adjust to his newfound promiscuity. While he couldn’t say he blamed her for being so worried at first, Spike was eternally grateful that she was able to accept his choice to live his life as a slut. And in addition, the Advisor was especially happy to have gotten Twilight to embrace such a titillating lifestyle as well.

“Hey, the offer’s always on the table,” he assured her with a sly wink, and a much more confident smile that was energized by that pot of coffee. “I know you can’t go too over-the-top while ruling as Princess and all, but I can think of several Royal Guards who’ve been missing your presence recently~”

Just a few years ago, Twilight wouldn’t have tolerated the dragon’s suggestive demeanor while they were out in the open -- especially in someplace as regal as Canterlot Castle. But after all the time the two spent as friends with benefits (as well as a shared admiration of anonymous no-strings-attatched sex), the Princess only huffed with a smirk and replied, “Well, I have a good feeling I already know who those specific Guards may be~”

Twilight then looked back ahead as the two walked side-by-side again, and added, “However, I can guarantee you that this gift will be a lot more memorable overall.”

Ooooohhhh~” The last time Spike heard that kind of confidence in Twilight’s voice (especially after getting her as open to casual sex as himself), it was when she surprised him by inviting several dignitaries from the Gryphon Kingdom up to his bedroom for a gangbang. And since that session lasted over eight hours, the dragon’s interest was piqued as he asked, “Well, can I at least ask if anyone else is joining me for this gift?~”

“Oh, you better believe I’m joining you for this,” purred the Princess with a more sensual grin back at her dragon. Spike shuddered with an eager blush upon seeing that face, knowing that the alicorn wasn’t afraid to get creative with her more suggestive plans. Even though it was weird to think how drastically their friendship changed since they included sex, neither of them could deny how much it brought them closer together. And since neither of them had any regrets about the alicorn’s sluttification, Spike’s eager smile was matched by Twilight’s when she added, “Although… I was wanting to make this night a little more special for my birthday boy~”

Before Spike could ask what she meant by that, he watched as Twilight lit up her horn brightly once more. Just like the coffee pot earlier, the Princess effortlessly conjured out another item with a quick flash of her magic. The dragon’s brows raised in curiosity when he saw a small glass vial hovering in Twilight’s purple aura, which looked to be filled with some bright pink substance. However, much to Spike’s surprise, Twilight uncorked the top of the vial before she smirked back at him, and brought the potion towards her own muzzle.

W-Whoa! What are you--” Spike’s question was cut off when Twilight leaned her head back, and downed the contents of that vial like she was taking a shot at a bar. In less than a second, the tiny canister was emptied down the Princess’ gullet, and she sighed with a blissful smile before teleporting the empty vial out of sight. Meanwhile, Spike was staring up at her wide-eyed and blinking repeatedly. “Uhhhh… What did you just take?”

“You’ll see~” Twilight shot her Advisor a sly wink while rounding a corner of the hallway, which happened to lead the two towards the ballroom of Canterlot Castle. Usually, the ballroom was reserved for large and lavish events like the Grand Galloping Gala, or some other formal venue that would have the space filled with posh and stuffy Canterlot Nobles. But as Spike and Twilight reached the outside the ballroom, Spike wasn’t able to hear much through the closed double-doors. Of course, before Spike could reach out and open the doors, he was stopped by Twilight as she stepped ahead of him, and stood between him and the entrance with a sensual grin. “Just one moment, Spikey Wikey~”

Twilight then closed her eyes, and stepped back so that she and Spike had some distance between them. With a bright flash of her horn, Twilight’s magic enveloped her body as she lifted herself off the ground. Spike’s eyes remained wide-open in awe, and he stared up at the Princess like she was about to use her Element powers all by herself. However, it didn’t take long for the dragon to realize what his friend was doing, as he gasped in shock with both claws over his mouth.

“NNNNGHHH!!~” Twilight body tensed up while she hovered in her aura, and she threw her head back with a heavy groan as the potion began to take effect. The magic around her grew brighter, and her purple fur started to glow like she had a strong light source radiating inside of her body. That expulsion of light spread across all of the alicorn’s limbs, as well as her head and wings, until she was completely luminescent before the jaw-gaped dragon.

Due to the shimmering brightness that bounced off the Princess’ fur, Spike didn’t immediately notice as her hairs started to revert back underneath the skin. Of course, that was mostly because as the magic lingered around her floating form, her retracting fur didn’t reveal any pink flesh where her bare skin should’ve been. Instead, Spike had to do a double-take as he realized that underneath Twilight’s fur, a thick coat of glossy purple scales had taken the place as part of her transformation. But before the dragon could start freaking out, his mouth dropped even lower when he saw what else was changing with the alicorn’s form.

“Aaaaahhhh!!~” Twilight let out another sharp groan as her hooves twitched involuntarily, and several bulges began to rise up from the sides of those rounded discs of keratin. At the ends of the Princess’ forelegs, those bulges expanded out several inches like long strips, and eventually morphed into more distinct-looking points. By the time those digits finally formed out completely, they appeared to be a pair of draconic claws much like the ones Spike had. And at the ends of Twilight’s hind-legs -- which were contorting from their equine structure to something more bipedal -- her hooves morphed out to form two bare, dragon-like feet with wriggling toes and flat soles.

Twilight’s wings changed shape as well, as her fluttering appendages experienced the same loss of feathers as her fur had received less than a minute ago. As the feathers retracted into her wings, Spike was shocked to see a pair of leathery purple flesh spread out across the bones underneath. With just a couple of heavy flaps, the Princess’ wings had become just as draconic as her Advisor’s, and twice as large in length. And as Spike’s eyes trailed down the length of Twilight’s bare and glossy back, he was able to see that a thick, scaley tail was protruding outward from where her equine tail used to be.

“AAAHHHH!!” Twilight’s head reeled back even further, and her muzzle was locked-wide open as the magic caused it to expand tremendously. Much to the dragon slut’s shock, Twilight’s face stretched out to create a longer muzzle that completely altered the shape of her skull. Her long mane fully retreated back into her skull, and was replaced with a row of bright purple scales that took shape from the top of her forehead and down along her back. Her horn also disappeared due to the magic she was giving, but her body remained hovering throughout the remainder of the process. Spike could see two rows of razor-sharp fangs peeking out from behind her lips, which looked just as alluringly intimidating as her strained and morphing cries. He could even see her tongue becoming thinner, with the very tip of it splitting in two to make it forked like a reptile’s. And by the time she finally stopped moaning out, her eyes reopened to reveal that her purple irises have been changed to a pair of piercingly bright green slits.

By the time the magic-activated potion ran its course, the Princess slowly floated back down to the ground on her new feet, and stood upright like Spike was. Instead of the quadripedic alicorn Spike knew all his life, he was now met with the sight of a tall, beautiful dragoness as a result of Twilight’s transformation. Her slender, curvaceous form was covered from head to toes with her shimmering scales, which looked smooth enough for Spike to glide silk across without catching on anything. Of course, as his eyes marveled across every inch of the dragoness’ enticing new body, they stopped moving downward after catching sight of that dripping pink slit between her legs. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle stood with a confident pose while her claws rested against her hips, and her wet draconic pussy was on full-display for Spike to see.

Needless to say, the slutty dragon was stunned beyond belief as he gawked at how Twilight looked. His face was as red as Big Macintosh’s rump, and his petite little cock was standing rigidly between his pudgy legs. If this was any other dragoness, Spike would’ve likely made an exception to his orientation preferences for the chance to eat out that sweet pussy. But considering how that sexy dragon body was crafted by Twilight herself, he remained frozen in shock by the time she giggled in amusement.

“So, what do you think?~” asked Twilight as she took another sultry pose, and spread her legs wider apart to reveal more of her winking cunny. “Since we can’t get you that many physical gifts to trigger your Dragon Greed, we decided to try something a little different for this year’s birthday party~”

If Spike was able to talk, he would’ve immediately been hugging and kissing the Princess in gratitude for such a creative gift idea. Fortunately for the dragon, his awe-stricken expression was more than enough for Twilight to blush graciously with a flattered smile. But as soon as he caught what Twilight said, he had to jolt his head back before blurting in shock, “W-Wait, what?! You… Y-You mean you… D-Did you just say ‘We’?”

Twilight nodded her head with a cheekier smile, which exposed more of her newly-formed fangs that glistened underneath the chandelier lights. “Hehehehehe~ I certainly did!”

With that, Twilight finally grabbed the doorknobs with both claws, and threw the doors open to reveal what was waiting in the ballroom for her closest friend. “Happy Birthday, Spike!”


Spike gasped with his eyes nearly bulging out of his skull, and his little cock twitched strongly to the sight he was lucky enough to witness. Twilight wasn’t kidding when she implied it wasn’t just herself who had undergone some changes. However, considering how he was told the rest of their friends couldn’t make it to Canterlot until that weekend, he had to blink a couple times in confoundment over how well Twilight was able to trick his expectations. Not only were the other five Elements standing in wait in the ballroom with eager grins, but every single one had changed to something completely different in anticipation of their friend’s birthday.

The first Element that caught Spike’s eye was Applejack, mostly because of how much taller her form was in comparison to the others. The farmpony was shooting a rather coy-looking smirk across her boxy and masculine muzzle, even though a large nose-ring was pierced through her bovine snout. Her mane and fur were still the same as before, but her trademark Stetson looked rather small while she stood upright on her hoofed legs. For several seconds, Spike wasn’t able to look at any of the others while his eyes were pinned to Applejack’s godly buff and muscular physique. Meanwhile, AJ crossed her manly arms over her bare chest, and stood with a grin as shameless as her exposed cock.

“Heh~ See somethin’ you like, Spikey?~” cooed Applejack as she motioned down at her minotaur body. Much like her enlarged height, AJ was sporting a thick and veiny cock that stood almost a foot in length. The uncircumsized beast was pointing right at Spike’s blushing face, and kept him in place as the muscular brute added, “Ah ain’t gonna lie, it’s nice havin’ a piece bigger than Mac for a change~”

That caused the rest of the group to all chuckle with knowing grins, not seeming the slightest bit deterred by Applejack’s incestuous joke. Back when Spike was first exploring his promiscuous side by acting as Ponyville’s slut, the rest of his friends reacted to his choice with varying feelings of apprehension and worry. Fortunately, the dragon was able to induct Rainbow Dash and Rarity to embrace their inner sluts in the span of a couple months; and after the Royal Wedding (more notably, the fiasco of a wedding rehearsal that could’ve gotten Twilight killed), Spike doubled-down on inducting the rest of the group as a means to keep the Elements’ bonds secure. Applejack was the first pony that he was able to convert with the help of Rainbow Dash, but she certainly wasn’t the last either.

Next to the minotaur version of Applejack was Fluttershy, who was also standing upright on her hind-paws. But unlike the farmer, the former pegasus seemed to have changed her form to that of a Diamond Dog. Her fur was still the same shade of pale yellow as Spike remembered, but was now covering the curvaceous canine form that made her look like an anthropomorphic wolf. She was wearing a bright pink collar around her neck, which matched the flowing mane that was still atop her blushing face. Of course, Spike was also able to spot a thin sliver of pink between Fluttershy’s legs, as her canine pussy was standing out in full view and already dripping in arousal. Fluttershy was actually the last of the group that Spike was able to convert, but it was clear that Rarity’s assistance through glory holes helped her to embrace her sexuality anonymously; and now, the canine beauty was shooting Spike a randy grin while holding a pink leash attached to her collar.

At Applejack’s other side were Rarity and Rainbow Dash, who each decided to try a form Spike would’ve guessed was their personal choice. As for Dash, who was the first pony Spike turned to a cum-hungry slut, she was now standing pridefully in a gryphon’s body. She still had her cyan fur while a plume of rainbow feathers trailed down her head, but she looked more like a colorized version of Gilda than the Wonderbolt she used to resemble. That was, until Spike looked past the technicolor appearance to realize Rainbow had turned to a male gryphon, and was sporting a thick red cock with a very plump knot at the base. It may have not been as long or girthy as Applejack’s minotaur member, but the gryphon cock was still alluring enough to make the dragon’s mouth water.

Meanwhile, Rarity was standing on her new hind-paws, and was leaning against Rainbow Dash with a familiarly cocky smirk. It took Spike a second to realize what species Rarity had transformed into, but her enticingly feline appearance was quick to remind the dragon of their friend Capper back in Kludgetown. Much like the others, Rarity’s pearlescent white fur was still shimmering beautifully against her new Abyssian body, and her figure carried the same streamlined perfection she had when she was a mare. But like Rainbow Dash and Applejack, Rarity had also transformed herself to a male form, and wasn’t afraid to show off her thick barbed cock as it stood out prominently against her slender waist.

“SURPRISE!!” belted Pinkie Pie, whose voice was much deeper and carried a gravely tone. She tried to hop around excitedly, but every thundering stomp of her clunky hooves made the ground shake beneath them. Unsurprisingly, the party pony decided to transform to a bright pink yak to surprise their slutty friend, which caused her excited smile to barely be seen through her thick and wavy fur. As she hopped around like an over-caffeinated Saint Bernard, her long and thinner yak cock could barely be seen dangling underneath her thick tufts of fur. Her dialect was still the same, but it contrasted greatly with her Yak voice as she shouted out, “Twilight found some spells to transform all of us into new species, and I just HAD to be a yak for this! I actually don’t know if there are any yak sluts yet, but I’m super DUPER excited to be the first one for you!~”

Spike was undoubtedly touched by his friends’ sentiments, and tried not to tear up from the thoughtful surprise they had in store for him. Even though he would’ve been fine with a stack of comic books (or a lavish buffet, which was the usual birthday gift for him since perishable gifts were a safer bet), Spike couldn’t have been happier with the idea of having a massive multispecies gangbang. It was hard to believe that just a few years ago, Spike wouldn’t have even considered turning his friends into cock-hungry nymphos like himself; but now with all six of them ready to share some sensual delights with the dragon, he felt absolutely no regrets about the changes he was able to provide them.

“Ho… Holy crap!~” exclaimed Spike when he finally gave a resoundly positive response. Both of his claws came up to grasp the sides of his head, and he couldn’t stop staring around the ballroom with an awestruck smile on his face. His little cock was standing fully-erect, and was twitching profusely to the sight of so many tantalizing beings standing in wait. Even though a few of them giggled to his brief expletive, none of their enamored smiles dampened in the slightest when he said, “I… I can honestly say this is one of the best presents I’ve ever been given~”

Even though their fun hadn’t started just yet, the dragon’s sentiment was sweet enough to make all six of the creatures “Dawwww” with touched smiles. Twilight came up to stand beside the stunned Advisor, and wrapped an arm around his back to hold him tightly in assurance. She may have only been in her draconic form for a few minutes, but she was able to move her tail with enough dexterity to close the door behind them. And as soon as she turned the lock to ensure they wouldn’t be disturbed, the Princess-turned-dragon shot Spike a devilish grin as she asked, “So Spike, would you like to be a different species as well? The spell lasts about eight hours, so it won’t impede our schedule for tomorrow.”

Despite how appreciative he was of such a gesture, an uneasy skew shot across Spike’s face upon being reminded of their never-ending work schedule. But since it was still his birthday, Spike was able to keep himself optimistic while surrounded by so many studly figures. And even with such a tempting offer presented by Twilight, the dragon was quick to shake his head with a smile. “Nah, I’m alright,” he said assuredly back up at her. “I mean, being a dragon slut is kinda my thing, you know? It wouldn’t feel right to mess with perfection~”

“Oh, really now?~” asked Applejack as she huffed in amusement. As she readjusted her upright stance, her rigid cock dangled enticingly as she spoke in a taunting tone. “Ah ain’t gonna lie, Spike. You might be good at handlin’ bigger fellas, but Ah doubt you’ll feel ‘perfect’ after gettin’ this in ya~” As she motioned down to her thick and meaty cock, the minotaur carried a more mischievous smirk on her face while perking her bushy brows.

Despite AJ’s intimidating claim, Spike just huffed while shooting the minotaur a cheeky grin of his own. “You are aware who you’re talking to, right?~” he asked with an especially cocky tone of voice. “I’m pretty sure if I can handle your brother’s cock, and all of his friends at the same time, I can take that thing without any complaint~”

Off to the side, Rainbow Dash couldn’t keep an intrigued snicker from escaping her jagged beak. “Heh~ Why am I not surprised you’d be that confident?”

“Hey, you’ve seen me in action enough times to know it’s true!” Spike turned his direction towards the gryphon as he raised a brow and asked, “Or should I remind you of how many loads both of us took in the Wonderbolt barracks?~”

Upon remembering that blissful night, Dash shuddered strongly enough to make her rainbow feathers ruffle out. “Nnnnghhhh~ Oh, man that was a good night~” she said with a lustful shiver.

“OOH!” Pinkie Pie’s face lit up wide enough to let Spike see the wide-eyed smile beneath her thick yakish mane. She was still bouncing thunderously across the ballroom, but she stopped to raise her hoof like a schoolfilly asking the teacher a question. “Remember when you and Rainbow got me to try the breeding stocks with you guys? That was a great night too~”

Rarity had to put a feline paw over her face as she giggled with a naughty blush. “Ooh, was that when you had to cut your mane after all that cum dried up in it?”

“Mmhmm!~” Pinkie nodded her head with a prideful smile, which caused her gangly fur to move around wildly across her bulkish figure. “I also had confetti stuck in my pussy for over a week!~”

Everyone cracked up from that additional note, which helped to lighten the mood immensely following such a big surprise. Even though the subject matters being discussed were rather uncouth among a Princess and her group of national heroes, it wasn’t like any of them kept their promiscuity that secretive. Ever since Spike went out of his way to induct all six to being shameless sluts, he could’ve filled several novels with all the lewd happenings they’ve experienced by themselves and each other. But right now, all of the hot cock in Equestria couldn’t have kept the sultry Elements from their grinning birthday dragon.

“So, Spike?~” asked Fluttershy as she blushed across her canine muzzle, and tried not to make her smile look too bashful. “D-Do you have any requests for us? Or, errr… do you have any preferences?~”

Spike’s brows raised up as he looked around the group, realizing that things would likely get tricky if some setup wasn’t planned out. Even though Twilight and Fluttershy remained female, the dragon could only guess how complicated things could get with so many cocks in one room. Fortunately, Spike was quick to glance up at Twilight with a smirk and say, “Honestly, I wouldn’t mind having a little assistance when it comes to organizing things~”

Twilight’s draconic pussy may have already been dripping in arousal, but the mention of the word “organizing” caused her face to light up immensely. Her fanged smile let out an audible ‘Squee!’ as she beamed pridefully, and turned her attention to the rest of the multispecies group. “I couldn’t agree more!” she said with a confident smile that got the others more excited. “Alright, so before we start, is there anyone who wants Spike to themselves?~”

The minotaur Applejack raised up a muscled arm in an instant. “Oh, you better believe Ah’m gettin’ that ass~” she purred with a randy grin, which she directed at Spike with an accompanying wink. Spike blushed with an eager smile of his own, and didn’t seem deterred by AJ’s insistence in the slightest. Of course, both of them were caught off-guard when the yak version of Pinkie hopped up towards them.

“ME TOO, ME TOO!” she exclaimed through her loud and guttural yak voice. “Pinkie wants Spike’s face!!~”

Upon glancing down at that lengthy yak cock that was dangling obscenely between Pinkie’s legs, Spike shivered with a bitten lip and shrugged in acceptance. “Hey, I’m fine with both of those options~”

Meanwhile, the gryphon version of Rainbow Dash was leaning up close to Fluttershy, and was whispering something into the Diamond Dog’s ear. Fluttershy’s blue eyes widened, and she gasped with a paw over her muzzle while blushing even deeper. However, the canine’s legs could also be seen quivering a bit as she grew wetter, and more of the fur across the inside of her thighs became damp in anticipation. After shuddering to herself needily, Fluttershy stepped away from Dash while the gryphon nudged her in encouragement. “Yeah, get in there, puppy~” jeered Dash with a cheeky grin across her beak.

“Ummm… I-I want to help too,” muttered the Diamond Dog as she stood before Spike with a heavy blush, and nervously rubbed one of her forelegs with a paw. When the dragon looked up at her, he grew an intrigued look on his face upon seeing how wet she was getting between her legs. Even though he already agreed to let AJ and Pinkie have their fun first, Spike didn’t try to dismiss Fluttershy’s request when she asked, “Do… Do you think I could help get you ready?~”

To emphasize what she meant with that question, Fluttershy blushed a little deeper when she licked her lips. Spike may have not shared as many personal sessions with Fluttershy as he had with the others, but he still instantly recognized what she was requesting with her gesture. And since he had just taken a shower a few hours prior, the dragon didn’t hesitate to nod his head and say, “If you mean what I think you mean, then I won’t object in the slightest~”

Despite her deepening blush, Fluttershy still smiled graciously while giving a nod of her own. Meanwhile, Applejack was already walking up to the slutty little dragon, and reached down to give his plump rear a hard smack with her hand. Spike jolted up with a surprised “EEP!”, but he didn’t look offended when he smirked up at the orange minotaur. Meanwhile, AJ was holding a chair underneath her other muscular arm, and asked the dragon, “So, birthday boy~ You have any preferences for where to set this all up?~”

Spike was already prepared for such a question, and quickly flew off towards some of the tables that were left in the ballroom. Even though one of them was holding a giant cake with purple icing, the dragon seemed more keen on making himself the appetizing treat for the evening. Spike landed on top of one of the empty tables, and his cock was already twitching in anticipation as Fluttershy and the others walked up to him. The dragon looked back at the multispecies arrangement, and grinned eagerly as he got on his claws and knees.

“Heh~” Since his backside was already pointed back at the yellow Diamond Dog, Spike made sure to give his rump a teasing wiggle before lifting up his tail. He saw how tightly Fluttershy bit her bottom lip upon seeing his petite little tailhole, which prompted him to say with a randy purr, “You wanna sit down on that chair Applejack has? Because it seems like you wanna sit down for a good meal~”

Fluttershy paused for a second as she shivered enticingly. Applejack handed the yellow canine her chair without needing to be asked, which Fluttershy bashfully accepted with a thankful nod. While Spike remained hunched over in a presented stance, the Diamond Dog sat herself down at the table like she was just invited to a pleasant lunch. But instead of grabbing herself a plate, Fluttershy’s paws took a hold of both of the dragon’s thick and supple cheeks. And by the time their friends got themselves around the table, the promiscuous puppy was already lunging in to plant her muzzle against the outside of Spike’s waiting hole.

“AAAAHHHH!!~” Spike’s eyes rolled back in bliss the moment he felt that thick canine tongue dragging across his puckering hole. And even as he heard the other Elements looming around them, Spike continued to moan out while gripping the table as tightly as he could. Meanwhile, Fluttershy had her eyes tightly clenched while devouring that tasty dragon rump, and her tongue slathered all across his smooth scales to leave him rightfully titillated. Trickles of her canine drool were already dribbling down from her chin, but that didn’t keep her from groaning in elation while eating out the slutty birthday boy.

Mnnnnghhhh~” Spike shivered in absolute delight while savoring every flick of that tenacious tongue against his hole. However, since his eyes were closed, he wasn’t able to see who was in front of him when he moaned out, “Aaaahhhh! H-Holy crap, Fluttershy~ How did you get so good at--MMPHHH!!~”

In the brief window of time where Spike’s mouth was wide-open, Pinkie Pie lumbered up to the opposite end of the table where Fluttershy was seated. Her short and stubby hooves were just barely able to get her bulky yak figure perched up on the table, but she still succeeded with a cheeky grin on her muzzle. And while Spike was trying to compliment the Diamond Dog for her ravenous rimming skills, his slutty little mouth was quickly filled with Pinkie’s long and girthy cock. The thin yak member crammed itself between the dragon’s drooling lips, and his eyes shot wide-open when he caught that first taste of pure unwashed musk. The flavor was overwhelmingly heady and rich to say the least, but the sensation was still pleasing enough to make his eyes roll back elatedly. And while Fluttershy continued to eat his ass without pause, Spike’s lips nestled snugly around the girth of Pinkie’s shaft before he started sucking her throbbing length.

“Nnnnnfffff!~ Now that’s what I’m talking about~” Pinkie’s rapid breaths came out rather hoarsely in her yakish figure, but her amorous expression could still be seen clearly enough through her thick and shaggy mane. She reeled her head back as she belted out a lustfully guttural groan, clearly enjoying the tantalizing suckles Spike was giving to her shaft. Her musky scent may have been strong enough to make a couple of the others’ snouts twitch uncomfortably, but Spike seemed fairly content underneath the yak as he sucked on that rigid cock more passionately with each passing second.

Meanwhile around the three slutty creatures enjoying each other’s mouths and orifices, Spike’s other friends were growing hot and bothered while watching the birthday boy’s rimming spitroast. Applejack was standing behind Fluttershy while groaning antsily under her breath, and was stroking her thick minotaur cock slowly in anticipation. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle decided to follow her promiscuous friend’s actions, and leaned herself in against the table with her scaled tail flagging upward. Her enticed gaze pointed over at Rainbow Dash and Rarity, who were already admiring her draconic form with hungry grins that matched the Princess’. Applejack smirked at the Princess with an approving nod, but she kept her eyes on Spike in wait for that juicy dragon ass to be properly lubed for her.

“So, girls,” purred the slutty dragoness as she looked back at Dash and Rarity with narrowing eyes, “are the two of you going to keep standing there for Spike, or are you going to help me unwind after a stressful day?~”

It may have been Spike’s birthday, but it was hard to ignore such an inviting pussy that Twilight was showing off for the gryphon and abyssian. But despite how wide Rainbow Dash’s smile grew across her jagged beak, it was Rarity who sauntered up towards the dragoness first. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to disappoint Royalty, darling~”

Even in her masculine feline form, Rarity’s lustful grin still carried that same aura of prestige and class that somepony would expect from a high-end escort. Twilight shivered with a bitten lip as she got a good look at Rarity’s red, plump, barbed cock that stood out so prominently against her white fur. Most mares would’ve ran for the hills the moment they saw those thick rows of sharp, meaty barbs along the girth of Rarity’s shaft; but in the case of Twilight, who was honored to accustom herself to such a unique variant of the feline appendage, her pussy started to wink more prominently as her friend loomed in closer. “Mmmmm… You look rather fetching as an Abyssian, Rarity~”

“Why thank you~” purred Rarity with a thankful nod, but her grin remained rather sultry as she got up behind the Princess with her barbed cock pointed right at her scaley slit. “And you look very fitting in the presented stance you’re in now. Although…

With her pause, Rarity glanced back at Rainbow Dash and smirked more devilishly. “Perhaps you’d look even better with that slutty muzzle of yours wide-open for Rainbow Dash~”

Twilight didn’t even need to ask Rainbow if that was alright, as she could see the cyan gryphon hopping on top of the table with her knotted cock standing rigidly. Rarity’s feline paws grasped both of Twilight’s cheeks tightly, which prompted the dragoness to gasp and open her scaled muzzle wide. Of course, as Rainbow walked over Spike to get to her waiting hole, Twilight shot the gryphon some serious bedroom eyes while wriggling her reptilian tongue. The forked muscle was more than enough to make Dash shiver in delight, and she pounced on the dragoness by shoving her thick, meaty cock right between those inviting lips. Meanwhile, Rarity elicited a muffled groan from her friend as she prodded the head of her cock against that wet, dripping slit without warning.

Spike’s ears twitched as he overheard the all-too familiar sounds of Twilight being filled by two cocks at once. The wet schlicks of flesh rubbing against one another made the dragon squirm in delight, and his eyes rolled back while Pinkie continued barreling his mouth and throat with her yak cock. The taste of her unwashed musk may have been strong enough to numb his tastebuds, but Spike couldn’t have cared less while savoring the brutal thrusts she was delivering to his blushing face. His lips were drooling profusely as he sucked and slobbered all over that meaty cock, but his trickles of saliva were fairly minimal compared to the diamond dog rimming his voluptuous ass. As the birthday boy let out his gurgling groans around the girth of Pinkie’s cock, Fluttershy’s moans were coming out just as muffled between the deep laps of her tongue against Spike’s puckering hole.

“Mmmphh! Mlem mlem mlem mlem… Nnnnffffff~” Fluttershy continued to grope one of Spike’s plump cheeks with her canine paw, but she brought the other one down between her legs so she could start rubbing her pussy needily. Unlike the other Elements, who were more comfortable with sharing their promiscuity with others, Fluttershy was rather content with providing more secondary assistance while pleasuring herself. Even though she wasn’t against taking several cocks in a row, she preferred to have that kind of experience in total anonymity with a glory hole. And even now amongst her closest friends, the slutty canine didn’t mind using her own paws to titillate herself while chowing down on some sweet dragon ass.

Of course, considering who was standing behind Fluttershy in wait, the sight of that glistening doggy cunt was more than enough to make Applejack shiver elatedly. “Jeez Louise, girl~” jeered the minotaur with a cheeky smirk while she slowly rubbed at her throbbing cock. “Unless you want me to use that little doggy-door you got there, you better finish up so Spike can get a fillin’~”

“OOH! Do it anyway!” belted Pinkie while shoving more her cock deeper into the dragon’s throat. Spike could barely process his thoughts while his eyes were rolled back from the lack of oxygen, but he could overhear the pink yak exclaim, “Fluttershy always wanted minotaur cock after Iron Will!”

“EEP!!” Fluttershy pulled back from Spike’s ass with a wet pop of her tongue, and she covered her muzzle with both paws while blushing heavily. “P-Pinkie!” she squeaked out in embarrassment. “I-I told you that in secret!”

“Didn’t make it a Pinkie Promise!” retorted the yak, who didn’t even pause her relentless thrusts into Spike’s mouth. With Fluttershy’s muzzle out of the way, both she and Applejack could see Spike’s glistening ass bobbing back and forth due to the friction from Pinkie’s thrusts. Both of their eyes widened as their sights glued onto that tight scaley hole, which was just begging to be filled with a thick cock for some milking. Of course, after hearing Pinkie Pie’s revealing remark regarding the diamond dog beside her, Applejack couldn’t help looking between Spike and Fluttershy with an intrigued smirk.

“Heh~ So you’ve been wantin’ a minotaur, huh?~” Fluttershy’s eyes widened before she glanced back at her friend, and saw AJ stroking her cock right in front of her. The canine gulped while blushing profusely, her blue eyes becoming drawn to those thick minotaur fingers gliding up and down Applejack’s tremendously thick shaft. She knew how selfish it would’ve been to take Spike’s place on his birthday, but that didn’t stop her pussy from growing wetter as she marveled at the girth of such a temptingly large cock. Meanwhile, the promiscuous farmer didn’t let up as she kept stroking herself and eyeing the blushing pup. “Mmmmm… Maybe Ah should see how the two y’all compare side by side~”

Mmmmphh!~” Due to how deep Pinkie’s cock was barreling down his gullet, Spike couldn’t say much while perched on all-fours between the various species. However, he was able to hear enough of Applejack’s statement to raise up a claw, and give a firm thumbs-up in approval of such an idea. But while Fluttershy looked between the dragon and minotaur with a conflicted blush, the other set of fornicating friends were already getting busy before their slutty birthday boy.

“Aaaaahhhh!!~” Rarity shivered strongly enough to make her feline fur stand on end, and her hind-legs quivered while she stood behind the cocksucking dragoness. Her barbed cock was cramming its way between Twilight’s tight and soaking-wet pussy, and the smoothness of her scales helped to better accompany Rarity’s barbs as they brushed up hard against the dragon’s folds. Twilight wanted to maon out from the intense titillation those barbs were giving her, which brushed against her winking lips in unison to tantalize every dripping inch. But alas, due to how quickly Rainbow Dash shoved her fat gryphon cock inside of her muzzle, the only noises Twilight could make were the muffled groans that could just barely escape through the thickness of her friend’s meaty knot.

Nnnnphhh!~” With a single push that was hard enough to elicit a wet pop, Rainbow’s knot managed to slip between Twilight’s lips to plug that slutty muzzle shut. A thick bulge from the head of her cock could be seen peeking from the bottom of Twilight’s throat, but the Princess’ eyes were still rolled back in elation as she felt every hard throb of that meaty shaft cramming her gullet. Meanwhile, Rarity’s cock continued to slide in deeper inside of Twilight’s pussy, and the barbs were grinding up hard against the more sensitive regions further back. Even though Spike was meant to be the premiere dragon in focus for tonight’s fun, Twilight didn’t look like she wanted to let up on her own pleasures anytime soon. And as both of her orifices got stuffed with so much hot and throbbing cockmeat, she could barely register the lustful groans happening around Spike while she trembled in rapture between her horny friends.

Boooooy, howdy!~” Applejack whistled to herself with an impressed smirk when she saw the end result of Spike and Fluttershy’s repositioning on the table. Pinkie’s long yak cock was still pistoning in and out of Spike’s mouth, but she was now going at a slow enough pace to allow the dragon to slather his thin tongue all up and down her shaft without complaint. His eyes were blissfully shut as he savored the heavy musk that was still lingering across her marbled flesh, as well as the notable girth of her cockhead whenever it slid down his throat. Of course, after Fluttershy got herself on the table right beside the slutty dragon, both of their waiting holes were pointed tight at Applejack for some hot contemplation. “Ah ain’t gonna lie,” said Applejack with a pleased-looking shrug, “Ah kinda wish Ah had two dicks so Ah could fuck both y’all at once~”

The minotaur farmer groaned while admiring the views of Spike’s saliva-glazed tailhole, and the dripping canine pussy Fluttershy was showing off so sheepishly. Even though Spike was busy fellating the yak who was groaning loudly above him, he still used both of his claws to pull apart his scaley cheeks to further advertise his cumdump of a hole for servicing. Fluttershy took notice of the dragon’s presentation, and she lifted her own tail up even higher before widening her hind-legs. Her blush deepened as she trembled in embarrassment, but her pussy was dripping steadily as she said with a shivering moan, “I… I-I wouldn’t mind being f-fingered while you use the birthday boy~”

Considering how alluring both of those wet holes looked, Applejack couldn’t have looked happier about that tantalizing compromise. “Well, that sounds mighty fun if Ah say so myself~” AJ went up to the dragon and Diamond Dog while Pinkie was fucking Spike’s face, and tried not to shudder in jealousy when she overheard the heavy breaths her friend was making. It was hard to ascertain much from the yak’s expression behind that thick and bushy mane, but Pinkie’s muzzle was hanging open with her tongue lolling out like a bitch in heat. Trickles of drool were seeping out from her gaping maw, but it didn’t faze Spike at all as droplets fell between his fluttering wings. Meanwhile, Applejack gave the digits on her left hand a good slathering of her own saliva as she suckled on each finger tenatively, and hummed sweetly to herself with her eyes closed from that feeling of oral fixation.

“O-Oh my!~” exclaimed the blushing canine, who quickly had to bite her bottom lip upon seeing the thickness of just one of Applejack’s meaty fingers. Even though the minotaur’s digits weren’t as plump or long as most of the other cocks in the room, even the pinkie looked to be over twice the size of Spike’s petite little dragonhood. And considering how well that dragon was able to satisfy her when she was still a pegasus, Fluttershy’s body trembled direly to see how well Applejack could play around with her waiting doggy door. “Mnnnghh~ I… I-I hope you’re not going to use only one of those fingers, Applejack~”

“Ya know,” purred Applejack as she got the head of her cock right up against Spike’s puckering hole, “it’s talk like that that’ll get ya fisted if yer not careful~” She then elicited a sudden shriek from Fluttershy the moment she gave that canine rump a teasing smack with her hand.

“EEP!!~” Fluttershy kept her rump raised up high to show off her needy slit, but her body quivered as she covered her face with both paws. However, her eyes shot wide-open as she gasped in surprise, and felt two of those thick and glistening fingers pressing up hard against her winking cunny. Despite how thick and plump Applejack’s fingers may have been, the canine didn’t relent in the slightest as she felt both of those meaty digits sinking in between her lips. And as her pussy began to open up around those thick appendages, a weak and shuddering moan came out of her muzzle while it was pointed to the ceiling. “AaaaaAAAAAAaaaahhhhh~”

“Heh~” Applejack smirked to herself while digging her fingers in deeper, and feeling how hard her friend’s folds tried to clench around them. Due to how rapidly Pinkie was thrusting her cock in and out of Spike’s mouth, his gurgling groans of pleasure were far less audible than the moans Fluttershy was belting out beside him. And even as the thick head of AJ’s cock started to sink past the dragon’s tight little ring, the minotaur grunted with a shiver as she savored the tantalizing sensations she was giving to both of those reeling sluts between herself and the thrusting yak.

MMPHHH!!~” Meanwhile beside the four promiscuous creatures enjoying each other’s company, the remaining three sluts were already getting into the heat of the moment before Spike or Fluttershy could get spit-roasted themselves. Twilight Sparkle was writhing elatedly as she remained pinned between both of her friend’s throbbing cocks, and her body was being used like their own personal sex toy. The sounds of their hips colliding with her scaley ass and chin were growing more audible with each passing second, mostly due to both of them sinking in far enough to get balls-deep. The avian pair between Rainbow’s legs looked to be much plumper and heavier than the coin-purse Rarity was sporting; but at the same time, both pairs of balls seemed to be equally as alluring to the Princess who was keen on sampling both.

Only the whites of Twilight’s eyes could be seen while they were rolled-back and half-lidded in tantalizing pleasure. It looked like she would’ve been moaning shamelessly if her mouth wasn’t crammed with gryphon cock, but all that could be heard were the sounds of smacking balls and hearty groans. Heavy trickles of her drool was seeping from her muzzle each time Dash’s cock slid up her throat between thrusts, as well as the gooey strands of gryphon precum that kept spurting down the dragon’s throat. Meanwhile beneath Twilight’s upraised and twitching tail, the barbs that went across Rarity’s shaft were becoming littered with tiny strings of her own pre, as well as remnants of Twilight’s dripping arousal. Each time she pulled out enough to make that sweet dragon pussy clench hard around her girth, the Abyssian shivered with an appropriately audible purr before she shoved that fat cock back inside.

“Oh, darling!~” cooed Rarity sweetly between her weak breaths as she shot Spike a coy-looking smirk. “You should really get a taste of my shaft by the time you and Fluttershy are finished with Pinkie’s~”

“D-Don’t interrupt them!” bellowed out Pinkie, who was growing more enamored by the second as she felt both of those slutty muzzles tending to her rigid yak cock. Since Fluttershy was lying right beside Spike with her pussy crammed with Applejack’s thick digits, she was in the perfect position to lean in and assist the dragon with his mouth-work. And as Pinkie continued to fuck Spike’s cute little mouth to glaze his chin with precum and drool, the yak’s heavy balls were being tended to rather well with the aid of Fluttershy’s canine tongue. The strong and heady flavor of Pinkie’s musk was difficult to adjust to, but that didn’t stop the yellow slut’s cheeks from blushing deeper while slathering both of her plump orbs and moaning out timidly.

“NNGHHH!!” Applejack wasn’t one to play it safe with the birthday boy, and her muscular hips were put to good use as she rammed his slutty hole for all it was worth. “That’s right, boy! Take it like a good ‘lil slut now!~” Due to how intensely she was rocking into Spike’s ass, which shoved her cock in deep enough to leave a bulge of her head sticking out from his chest, the friction was hard enough to shove more of Pinkie’s cock down his hungry gullet. Even with Fluttershy slobbering all over the yak’s balls underneath him, the dragon couldn’t have looked more elated as he felt both of those meaty cocks squishing his body together like an accordion.

Speaking of Fluttershy, her canine pussy was quivering badly each time she tried to clench harder around Applejack’s wriggling fingers. Even with how girthy those first two fingers were, the Diamond Dog shuddered blissfully with Pinkie’s balls in her muzzle the moment she felt a third pressing up to her entrance. She may have had the least experience with larger cocks in comparison to her friends, but Fluttershy’s needy folds still opened up invitingly so that AJ’s extra digit could cram its way inside of her tight and drooling slit. The pressure may have been a bit much for her to handle, but she still moaned out with rapture while suckling on both of those balls that caused her cheeks to puff out to their limits.

“J-Jeeze!” growied Rainbow Dash when she took a split-second to look around the room, and saw how the other two sluts were going compared to Twilight. The dragoness may have been the first to get spit-roasted, but it was obvious from the gryphon’s amused scoff that Spike and Fluttershy were getting equally as randy now. “Mnnnghh~ I’m not gonna lie, guys. You’re making me jealous of AJ right now~”

“Heh~” huffed the minotaur with a jeering grin back at Dash. “If you want, Ah can let ya get sloppy-seconds on Spike after Ah finish~”

“You better~” she purred back at AJ, before she let out a shivering moan in response to Twilight’s lips suckling right around the girth of her knot. The Princess couldn’t get a good look at Spike or Fluttershy’s cum-hungry states, so her focus remained solely on the two unique cocks filling her own holes for a good breeding. Even when tears were starting to drip down her cheeks due to the lack of oxygen she was getting, her hips were still rocking back against Rarity’s to ensure every thrust was as hard as it was fulfilling. Meanwhile, the bulge from Rainbow’s cock could be seen sliding up and down her scaley throat, and was moving faster as the gryphon found herself growing closer to completion.

Mnnnghhh!!~ I… I hope we’re all good for more than one round!” Dash’s claws grasped the top of Twilight’s head, and she started fucking the Princess’ throat more brutally while her knot swole inside of her muzzle. “Be… B-Because I reaaalllllllly wanna fuck those other cum-dumps a few times too!~”

“Don’t we all, darling?~” asked the Abyssian with a sensual smirk across Twilight’s back towards Rainbow. She was thrusting harder into Twilight as well, but was shooting some bedroom eyes the gryphon’s way as she added, “Although, I--Nnnnphh, that’s nice… A-As I was saying, I… I wouldn’t mind taking a few loads myself~”

“Heh~” Applejack may have been busy plowing Spike’s ass to give his belly a good stuffing of cum, but her ears perked up upon hearing her friends’ lustful banter to one another. “Honestly, Ah could go that too~,” she admitted with a shrug of her muscular shoulders. “Maybe we can get some breedin’ stocks set up in the courtyard again?~”

Applejack could feel both Spike and Fluttershy shuddering hard around her fingers and cock, making it clear that the two sluts wouldn’t be against such an addition to their birthday plans. Twilight didn’t seem against the idea either, as judged by the gurgled groan she let out while Rainbow’s balls were continuously smacking her chin. If Spike had the ability to speak through that thick yak cock pistoning down his throat, he likely would’ve insisted on Applejack’s point rather strongly for the sake of a memorable night. But considering how much it felt like the minotaur was rearranging his organs with every thrust she drove into his ass, it was doubtful they would need much else for him to remember this night for years to come.

AAAHHHH!!~” It seemed that Pinkie Pie was the first creature to reach their peak, as the yak bellowed out a monstrous groan while pushing the full length of her cock down Spike’s hungry gullet. The head of her cock sunk back deep enough to make Spike’s pupils shrink from the strain, but his nerves tingle on end while he spasmed wildly around the girth between his lips. Fluttershy could feel both of Pinkie’s balls churning strongly inside of her mouth, which caused her canine tongue to slather more diligently across those plump orbs to assist in Spike’s filling. Meanwhile, Applejack and the others turned their attention to Pinkie as they heard her moan out, “Y… Yak… Y-Yak’s coming!! YAK’S COMING!!!~ NNNGHHHH!!!”

Even under the thick wavy bangs that cover most of the yak’s face, it was obvious how tightly Pinkie’s eyes were clenching as she succumbed to her orgasm before the others. With a primal roar loud enough to make the windows of the ballroom shake close to breakage, the yak’s hips collided hard with Spike’s face as the bulge of her cockhead disappeared within the dragon’s chest. Spike’s eyes widened immensely as he felt the strong pulsations of Pinkie’s shaft between his lips, as well as the massive volley of warmth that shot down his gullet to flood his stomach with what felt like liters of potent yak cum. Fluttershy could feel the distinct throbs of her friend’s orgasm as well, as the yak’s musky balls churned strongly inside of her drooling muzzle to bring her at the peak of a climax herself.

“NNNGHHHH!!!” Pinkie growled like a carnal beast as she unloaded spurt after spurt of her thick cum down the dragon’s throat, and caused his eyes to flutter elatedly while stuffed with so much throbbing cock. Applejack’s eyes clenched shut as she felt herself getting close to unloading, and her muscular hips spasmed a bit while reaming the slutty dragon’s ass for all it was worth. During the minotaur’s fidgeting thrusts, the length of Pinkie’s thin yak cock accidentally slipped out of Spike’s mouth before she could finish inside of him. However, due to how wide Spike’s mouth opened up to breathe, Applejack moaned out with a shudder when she saw several thick ropes of Pinkie’s cum shoot out across the dragon’s face, as well as the inside of his hungry maw.

“Aaaaahhhh!!~” Fluttershy couldn’t take it anymore, and pulled her muzzle off of Pinkie’s balls with a wet pop. She moaned out eagerly before getting her face right up beside Spike’s, just so she could experience a share of the yak’s bukkake as well. Pinkie continued to moan out deeply as her balls kept writhing upward, and more strings of her milky white cum drizzled both of the sluts between her legs. Spike’s scales became thoroughly glazed while he moaned out in rapture, and savored every drop of that creamy cum that hit his cheeks and tongue. While the birthday boy was left in a contentedly spent state with trickles of cum drooling from his lips, Fluttershy moaned out deeply as she squirmed tightly around Applejack’s fingers.

The Diamond Dog was the next to come among the group, as the powerful scent of Pinkie’s cum clung to her face and brought her to climax almost instantly. Even as the yak’s last remaining cumshots hit her drooling canine tongue, Fluttershy still cried out blissfully as she squeezed around the girth of those minotaur fingers wriggling inside of her pussy. Several sudden spurts of her arousal squirted out to drench Applejack’s arm, and the estrogen-laden scent caused the minotaur to throb especially hard inside of Spike’s tight little ass. And even as she dug her digits in as deeply as they could go, and literally felt every strong pulsation of Fluttershy’s orgasm in her hand, AJ gripped Spike’s voluptuous cheek with her other hand as she groaned out in elation. “GNNAAAHHH!!!”

Rarity and Rainbow Dash both moaned out with jealous shivers when they caught sight of their friend’s climax, and saw how brutally hard Applejack thrusted inside of the moaning dragon. Spike’s head reeled up with a heavy shriek the moment he felt that minotaur cock get in balls-deep, and another hefty flooding of cum filled him in places Pinkie’s load hadn’t reached yet. That meaty minotaur cock carried enough of a girth to open up Spike’s cheeks each time her shaft throbbed between them, and more of her cum erupted inside of the dragon to make the bottom of his torso swell out. Even though this wasn’t the first time Spike had his body limits tested by the number of loads he’d taken, it was a long time since he felt that sensation from just two cumshots; and best of all, the dragon knew that wouldn’t be the last by a long shot.

Spike barely paid attention to his own orgasm as it swept through him, and his body shivered hard between Applejack and Pinkie’s cocks in response to the measly cumshots that spurted underneath him. His petite little cock was still twitching rock-hard by the time he finished his first orgasm of the night, and a few small strings of his draconic cum could be seen splattered across the table between his legs. But even as he shuddered with a blushing grin beneath the thick cum dripping down his face, Spike was feeling more than eager to continue as he glanced back at Twilight and the others.

“AAAHHHH!!” Rainbow Dash looked to be closer to finishing, but she and Rarity were both moaning out direly while delivering those last pounding thrusts into Twilight from both ends. Rarity’s fur was standing on end to make her feline form appear much more frazzled, and her thrusts were barreling into that draconic pussy with a more erratic pace to match her spasming breaths. Meanwhile, the cyan gryphon across from her was grinding her hips while groaning with her eyes clenched shut. “Mnnnghhhh!! I… I-I hope you don’t mind missing a facial, Twi! Be… B-Because I don’t think I can pull out!!~”

With that, Rainbow’s hips thrusted in hard while her head reeled back, and her beak opened up wide to bellow out a rapturous moan. Her thick, meaty knot swole up to its thickest girth inside of Twilight’s muzzle, and caused the Princess’ eyes to roll back tightly from the added strain. Her throat could be seen convulsing due to the heavy loads churning through the gryphon’s shaft, which allowed every drop of Dash’s cum to shoot straight to Twilight’s stomach where it belonged. Even though the Royal would’ve preferred for a bukkake like the birthday boy’s, it was doubtful she minded that absence too badly while her mouth was stuffed to the brim with hot, throbbing cock.

“AAAHHHH!!~” Rainbow’s hind-legs were wobbling due to the intensity of every throb she felt from her unfamiliar gryphon cock, as well as the sensation of Twilight’s sharp teeth just barely gracing against her swollen and oversensitive knot. She tried to lurch her head back down to better accustom herself to the titillation of a male orgasm, but her rainbow feathers still ruffled out each time she spurted a thick load of cum down her friend’s throat. Fortunately for the gryphon, the presence of her sharp beak wasn’t enough to deter Rarity from pulling her in with a strong paw. And just as the Abyssian felt herself reaching her peak inside the Princess’ tight pussy, her mouth meshed up against Dash’s as they shared a deep kiss above Twilight’s reeling body.

Mmmmphhhh!!~” Rarity’s mouth wasn’t nearly as stuffed as the slutty dragoness beneath her, but her hearty moan was still tightly muffled by Dash’s beak as she came deep inside of Twilight. The feline’s heavy load of cum shot straight into Twilight’s deepest depth, and quickly flooded the Princess’ womb to truly test the limits of her birth control. The dragoness beneath her was already writhing contentedly from the cumshots Rainbow delivered down her throat, but the added warmth and pressure of Rarity’s loads made her claws dig down hard on the table she was braced up against. And as the two horny creatures made out above her squirming body, Twilight’s eyes clenched shut while joining with Rarity’s hot climax.

“MMMPHHH!!!~” While Spike and the rest of the post-coital friends waited briefly enough to re-energize themselves, their lustful gazes were pinned down at the Princess who was the last to finish among them. Rarity bore her hips hard against Twilight’s scaled backside, and the last of the Abyssian’s heavy throbs caused a small trickle of cum to seep out from that well-used dragon pussy. Her legs were twitching worse than Rarity’s, mostly since she didn’t need to brace all of her weight against them like her friends did; instead, the cum-stuffed dragoness was still lying in elation as she savored every weak pulsation of their spent members still lodged in her orifices. Eventually, Rarity’s cum wasn’t the only thing trickling from her pussy, as Twilight’s own arousal dribbled out sloppily between her twitching legs.

‘POP!’ The moment Dash got her knot out of Twilight’s muzzle, the Princess immediately started to gasp loudly for air. Meanwhile, everyone else was either groaning from pulling out of their friends, or shivering in pure contentment following such a randy party-starter. All of the male-converted friends had their cocks rock-hard in wait for more, even as Spike and the other two were drooling out copious amounts of cum already. Of course, considering how natural Spike and Fluttershy’s smiles looked, it was doubtful either of them were willing to stop if Twilight was okay.

Jeeze, Dash,” jeered Applejack with a teasing scoff while eyeing the gryphon with a smirk. “We’ve all saved Equestria dozens of times, and you almost kill Twilight with your dick?”

Despite how dark that joke may have been (especially if things didn’t work out as well as they had), Rainbow and the others all laughed wholeheartedly in response to the minotaur’s quip. Even Twilight giggled as she got used to breathing normally again, and used a forearm to wipe some drool from her lips. “Whoo! Sorry about that, girls. I didn’t mean to scare any of you.”

“Hey, it was all my fault, Twi!” assured Rainbow with a wave of her claw, as well as a guilty expression behind her rosy blush. She ended up looking away from Twilight while adding sheepishly, “Ehhh… S-Sorry about the knot, Twilight. I swear, I wouldn’t have shoved it in all the way that if I knew it’d get that thick.”

“Heh~” Much to Dash’s surprise, Twilight didn’t look upset at all by the time she got back up on her feet. Instead, she shot Rainbow a sly-looking smirk before saying with a shrug, “Honestly, Rainbow? I’d be upset if I didn’t have a knot that thick in me again~”

While Rainbow’s eyes widened in surprise, Spike could be heard snickering with a devilish grin at his Princess. “Yeah, that’s the Twi I know and love!~”

Another round of laughter swept across the ballroom, as Spike and the others all took a moment to appreciate the levity that followed their first round of fun. The night was still young, and there was still more than enough left in the group to keep things going for a while. Heck, considering how wild the Elements could get with Spike in the lead, the seven sluts could easily move things outside the ballroom if the opportunity arose. But for now, with Spike still licking up strings of Pinkie’s cum that latched to his scales, his sights remained set on the other Elements as he looked around the ballroom with a curious smile.

Soooo… if everyone’s alright to continue…” As he paused his sultrily inflected words, Spike waited until all eyes were on him to get up on the ballroom stage. His wings could be seen fluttering eagerly as he got himself on all fours, but the focus quickly went towards his raised tail as he showed off his stretched-out hole. As remnants of Applejack’s cum trickled down the scales of his taint, Spike narrowed his eyes mischievously and asked, “Is anyone else wanting to give the birthday boy a gift?~”

The End