Big Apple Family

by Bendy

First published

Applejack wants you to join the family and frolic in the joys of incest. However, the massive size difference between you makes you unsure about the whole thing.

Applejack wants you to join the family and frolic in the joys of incest. However, the massive size difference between you makes you unsure about the whole thing.

Joining The Family

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Sat upon a dried-out wooden stump was you, the human. You were merely dressed in a fine black tuxedo and fancy black shoes. You were in the middle of a vast apple orchard. These apple trees around you must have stood one thousand feet tall at least and were about as thick as skyscrapers. The so-called ‘log’ you sat on must of been a really small twig.

The sun was high in the sky, but you weren’t paying too much attention to that.

For you were transfixed watching the majestic sight of a giant earth pony mare known as Applejack hard at work. She had an orange coat and wore a stetson hat. She was only about a few hundred meters away from you but you still had to look up just to take in her magnificent form, for she was about six hundred feet tall.

Your eyes looked down to her thick, mighty hooves, which were about as thick as great redwood trunks, from there you moved up her redwood tree-like in terms of thickness legs, if not even thicker. Her thighs became even thicker, easily twice as thick as the rest of her legs.

The main part of her body was immense. She was practically Godzilla, if Godzilla was on steroids. She was basically a Kaiju pony, a great big meaty pony. Applejack probably could facesit Godzilla into submission with her massive ass.

Her giant ass was quite a sight to behold, each cheek alone of her ass was about the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza, if not even bigger. Her cheeks were perfectly round and smooth looking, her ass was thick with muscle from years of hard work on the farm.

You had become well acquainted with her ass by means of staring at it as she worked hard on her farm. As the months went on since you first came to Equestria, her ass and her body itself seemed to have gotten bigger. Her ass jutted out quite a bit from behind her and looked somewhat disproportionately large when compared to the rest of her body, but no less sexy.

Applejack made her way over to an apple tree. Each step she took on the way over sent powerful vibrations into the earth beneath you. Her heavy hooves dug deep into the earth, creating deep craters with her every step. The sound of her hooves hitting the dirt below came with an explosively loud clopping sound. For some strange reason, your ears did not pop, despite the loud noise.

As she made her way over, she swayed her powerful hips back and forth, shaking the cliff-like cheeks of her ass. This action made her cheeks slap against each other with a delightful fleshy sound.

You watched in anticipation and you got rock hard in your pants as she lifted her magnificent, massive rump high into the air and reared her thick hind legs back.

With an almighty slam of her hooves she bucked the apple tree. Subsequently, huge red apples the size of British Double Decker Buses dropped from the tree into a conveniently placed basket below.

This bucking of her hips caused her huge ass to wobble about wildly. As a result, her cheeks slapped against each other with a wonderful sound of flesh slapping against flesh.

Applejack wiped the sweat off her forehead with a hoof, before moving on to another apple tree.

Your hand went into your pants and you began to jerk off at the sight of her bucking another apple tree. The movement of her glorious hips and ass was truly an enchanting sight to behold.

The giant earth pony then walked up to a particularly large apple tree, which stood twice as tall as the other apple trees. From there she turned around and then craned her neck back to unleash a loud moan.

Her cutie marks glowed with blinding light. Her body began to rapidly grow larger, the cheeks of her ass began to ripple like a stormy ocean as new layers of fat and muscle pumped into it. Her cheeks wobbled wildly from side to side, slapping against each other with a lovely sound of flesh slapping against flesh. The rapidly increasing weight of her body caused her hooves to sink into the earth below her.

The power of the Apple Family flows in mah veins.” she boomed.

Her overall features began to expand as she grew taller – her rump, in particular, seemed to receive the strongest augmentation of growth, swelling like an inflating balloon. Down below, her legs rapidly grew thicker to help support her rapidly-swelling rear end.

Applejack’s air ballooning rump soon began to press against nearby trees, the squishy soft flesh of her rump being pushed back deeply as they pushed against them. The trees started to bend at a seemingly impossible angle as if they were made of an elastic band of plastic instead of wood while Applejack’s expanding cheeks pushed against them.

Once Applejack’s ass had grown so large that it was above the trees they uprighted themselves back to normal.

Further and further Applejack rose into the air, until she towered a good few hundred feet over the mere one thousand feet tall apple trees. A vast dark shadow now loomed over the orchard, the largest part of the shadow came from Applejack’s mountainous ass.

Applejack looked back at her own even more massive ass with a smug look. She pulled her hoof back and placed it on her cutie mark. Her heavy hoof sank into her plush rear end like soft dough, she watched in delight at the supple thickness of her cheek as her hoof conceded back the thick layers of squishy soft fat before she made contact with her hard muscle deep beneath. A wide crater was formed from around the depression of her hoof against her ass.

She abruptly pulled her hoof away, this caused her cheek to wobble about and to smack against the other one with a delightful sound of flesh slapping against flesh. The crater depression she made with her hoof soon faded away, and her ass was returned to its perfectly smooth shape.

“That should be big and strong enough for this apple tree.” said Applejack, looking back at the tree behind her.

Applejack lifted her now even more massive ass into the air, and it took quite a bit longer than before for her to raise her now nuclear power plant silo thick legs into the air.

With a powerful slam of her hooves she bucked the apple tree. Unfortunately, it seemed she applied way too much force, for the apple tree became unrooted out of the ground and was sent hurtling into the clouds and out into space.

“Whoa nelly. Ah think Ah’'ve bucket too hard there. Better ask Luna to fetch mah apple tree for me later.”

You sighed in sadness when Applejack shrank back down to a mere six hundred feet tall, at her previous size before she decided to grow herself larger.

“Well, it’s time to go back to work. Ah can have mah ass as big as I want later.”

Many hours have passed and you were still not tired staring at Applejack’s ass as she worked. The sun was low in the sky and begun to set over the horizon.

“Ah seen ya have been staring at mah ass while Ah worked all day.” she ‘shouted’ or spoke normally? You could not quite tell due to the power of her voice at such a size.

Applejack made her way over to you. She lightly applied her hooves upon the ground as she went over to you. The ground did not shake this time and the impact of her hooves against it was very quiet.

You looked down to her hooves in shame. You were a peeping tom. You really need to be more careful about staring at giant pony asses.

“How did you even see me?” you asked.

“Ponies have super strong senses. Ah could clearly hear ya and smell ya fapping to my ass with no problem. Our eyes are also very powerful, our gaze can pierce cloud, earth, flesh and pretty much anything. Ya could be on the other side of the planet to me and Ah could still see ya.”

“So in other words, I can’t hide anywhere?”

“I got yer scent and ya have mah scent on you. Why do you think all the ants and other nasty little bugs keep their distance from you?”

“Thanks, Applejack, you’re always looking out for me.”

“Anon Ah want ya inside me. Mah brother's big, long, thick cock inside me is one thing, while a whole person inside me is another.”

You turned to look up at Applejack with a look of shock. “You are in an incestuous relationship with your own brother?”

“Of course Ah’am, gotta keep the Apple Family strong. My family has got one of the strongest Growth Matrix there is, we grow faster and stronger than nearly everypony else. We are second only to the princesses. Many generations of incest has brewed a strong breed of Growth Matrix in our family. Princess Celestia said that if we ever have an alicorn in our family, our Growth Matrix could be even stronger than hers.”

“So your family promotes eugenics, combined with incest? Are you trying to create the Hillbilly Master Race?”

“Not entirely, once every thousand years we allow somepony new to join our family.”

“Okay. But how do you stop your family from being born retarded and other birth defects?” you asked.

“Incest doesn't have the same negative effects with our species. So, we can incest away. There ain’t nothing like love from yer own family after all. Our family is a family circle of love and togetherness. When a stallion or mare comes of age they don't have to worry about strangers to breed with, when they can breed with their own family.”

You put a hand over your mouth, feeling bile rising in your throat. With a loud audible gulp, you swallowed it down.

Applejack laughed heartily. “Come on, Anon. Don’t be such a darn prude. Ah, want ya to join our family. Ah want yer foals Anon, the Apple Family needs yer DNA added to our great family tree.”

“So, that my descendants can have incestuous relations with each other from one generation to the next?”

“Ya, it be great fun.”

“But… we are not even the same species and there’s a huge size difference as well.”

“Magic Anon, magic will allow ya to give me yer foals. So how about it, mah little human friend, ya want the best cunt in Equestria?”

“Uhh, that sounds nice Applejack, but I don’t think I have the necessary equipment.”

“Ah like small dicks too. And ya surely you got a bigger dick than a breezy, don’t ya?

“You had sex with a breezy?”

“Course Ah did. Them little critters are darn cute. Even his little dick felt nice with the power and sensitivity of mah cunt.”

“Okay, I think I will agree to this. As long as your brother doesn’t do anything gay with me.”

“Don’t ya worry, Big Mac isn’t gay.”

You sighed in relief.

“Anon, before ya can join our family ya must swear the Apple Family Oath.” she coughed with a hoof over her mouth.

“Ah solemnly swear to love and protect the Apple Family in times of prosperity and even hardship. Ah shall glorify incestuous relationships with pride and no shame in our family. So that Ah will happily pass on mah blood to mah own family to honor the glory of mah ancestors.”

You hesitated, your mouth moving but no words coming out.

“Ah love ya Anon, please join our family. I want you as my new brother.” said Applejack in a low voice, with tears in her eyes.

“Oh, Applejack, I love you too.”

“Good, Now, swear the Apple Family Oath. So ya can join our family.”

You put a hand over your mouth and coughed before speaking. “I solemnly swear to love and protect the Apple Family in times of prosperity and even hardship. I shall glorify incestuous relationships with pride and no shame in our family. So that I will happily pass on my blood to my own family to honor the glory of my ancestors.”

Applejack suddenly shrunk down into a mere, four-foot-tall pony and hugged you, wrapping her two front legs around your waist.

“Welcome to the family, Brother.”

“Thank you, my Sister.” you said, gently stroking her mane.

You were pretty sure you just joined some crazy incest cult, but if it meant you could tap Applejack's sweet ass it was well worth it.

To be Continued