Gaming the System

by Wandering Pigeon

First published

Luna has a little trick for when she's been gaming for too long.

Vice Principal Luna has to maintain the respect of all the students of Canterlot High. So it's a good thing they don't know what she does during her late night gaming sessions.

Warning: Diapers, diaper usage, ABDL themes, sexual themes

Lunar Life Hack

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The night was young, all was quiet, and there wasn’t a single thing she needed to do.

Luna looked up from her computer screen, and realized that those were all lies.

Her clock read a very not-young 1:27am. Removing her headphones, she exchanged chiptunes for loud, obnoxious crinkles. Finally pulled away from her game, Luna found that there certainly was something she needed to do after all.

She had to go to the bathroom.

The past few hours of caffeine chugging had led her to finish off more than a few liters of soda, and she was paying for it now. Her bladder ached, screamed, and whined. It was like a balloon filled to bursting with water. One little poke and…


It was a common, if bad, habit of Luna’s. She could spend hours staring at her PC without ever noticing she was getting hungry, or tired, or… well… pissy, for lack of a better word. And she really should know better. She wasn’t a teenager anymore, able to pull all-nighters with no consequences. No, she was an adult. With a job. And responsibilities.

In fact, it was a school night, wasn’t it?

In about six hours, Luna would have to put on a suit and be at her desk at Canterlot High. Surely that knowledge would be enough to snap her out of her MMORPG, right? Then she could take care of her waterlogged bladder and crash on her bed, catching maybe ten or twenty of her recommended forty winks at the very least.

Then she’d be able to keep her dignity, at least.

crinkle crinkle

As Luna shifted from the pain, she heard her diapers once again. The reason her not-so-young night was not-so quiet.

It was something she’d learned about only recently. Particularly hardcore gamers on particularly long campaigns would cut down on distractions by… well, wearing diapers. No need to get up for the bathroom when the bathroom was around your waist.

At first she’d found it ridiculous. But as she encountered more and more gamers who openly admitted to using the trick, it became less humorous and more… normal? Maybe expected was a better word. It seemed like ever since college, you couldn’t be a “true gamer” without relying on a little padded protection. And in the deepest corners of the most hardcore games, those who still clung to their potty training were even made fun of. Imagine that, being called a noob for not wearing a diaper.

Eventually, Luna had caved and bought a back of adult diapers. Just to try, of course. She’d never intended to fall down the poofy rabbit hole. But if they could help her during the more time consuming quests, she wouldn’t complain.

Except, when the first diaper had been wrapped around her butt and the urge to go hit… she’d chickened out. Ripped it right off and darted to the bathroom. She was fine with being called a noob if it meant she didn’t have to pee herself like a baby.

But even after throwing away the rest of the diapers, Luna couldn’t seem to shake them. There was always a nagging feeling in the back of her mind, eating away at her willpower until she tried again. Only this time, she’d messed up.

Rather than order regular adult diapers, the kind a struggling elder might need as their failing body claimed their continence, Luna accidentally ordered adult baby diapers. In fairness, how was she supposed to know the difference?

But when the Deluxe Poofers Nighttime Protectors had arrived, Luna found herself utterly gobsmacked. They were massive! It had been such a struggle to get the first one on because she might as well have been wrapping a pillow around her waist. Not to mention it had spread her gait so far apart that she could barely stand.

She laughed at the memory, unable to even waddle from her bed to her computer desk that she’d been forced to crawl like an actual baby. Thank goodness she no longer lived with Celestia. If her older sister had caught her like that she’d have never heard the end of it.

And even after going through all that, Luna still hadn’t been able to actually use them. Potty training was just too ingrained in her, it seemed. No matter how much she had relaxed her body, it refused to go unless she was bare bottomed and on top of a toilet.

But it hadn’t been a waste like last time. Just the opposite, in fact. Luna had discovered that adult baby diapers made the perfect seat cushions.

No matter how fancy the chair, Luna could barely go four hours before starting to get sore. But when wearing that diaper, she’d doubled her time sitting and felt nary an ache. It felt so incredible that she just had to do it again. And again. And again and again and again.

Now diapers were cutting into her paycheck just as much as her gaming subscriptions, which was humiliating to think about. At least she still avoided using them.

But now it felt like that may end.

Luna clutched her hips, the sheer might of her bladder’s ache rendering her motionless for a moment. This one was really bad; it looked like she’d need to call it a night after all. She tried standing up, but a sharp pain had her flopping back down in her seat.

crinkle crinkle

No, she wasn’t getting up just yet. She’d have to wait for the pain to subside before crawling over to the bathroom. And she would have to crawl. Even if she’d gotten better at waddling in her gigantic diapers, she’d doubled up for tonight. Her legs were so widely spread she was practically doing a split in her chair. Walk? To the bathroom? As if.

“Guess I don’t have much of a choice,” Luna muttered to herself. Maybe tonight would finally be the night she broke.

As she’d attempted so many times before, Luna relaxed her bladder and waited. But not even a dribble came out.

“Gah!” She really was just too used to the toilet to make proper use of her diapers. But that was okay as long as they remained so comfy.

She tried getting out of her chair again, but the ache made it absolutely impossible. She wasn’t moving until the pain subsided.

I’ll have to wait it out. She decided. The urge to go often came in waves. Hours in front of the computer had taught her that much. Once she had an opportunity, she could make a break for the bathroom. Until then, she’d just have to dive back into the game to distract herself.

And as if on cue, she got a new alert: SunHorse34 now online.

Sunset Shimmer? Luna recognized the username immediately. Rarely did she party with the students of Canterlot High—work life and home life had to remain separate and all that—but she usually made exceptions for dedicated players such as her. Luna opened their chat log.

MoonM@ster said:
Aren’t you up a little late for a school night, young lady?

SunHorse34 said:
Haha. Could say the same to u, lol.

Luna snorted. She was not about to be berated by a child. She was a grown woman! Her diapers crinkled as she leaned into type a response.

MoonM@ster said:
Is that anyway to talk to your VP?

SunHorse34 said:
Prob not :p

MoonM@ster said:
Go 2 bed.

SunHorse34 said:
U first

Luna cracked her knuckles, moving her headphones back over her ears.

MoonM@ster said:
I can’t. If I hunt 100 more geese I’ll get the golden egg!!

SunHorse34 said:
Whoa, ur already on the Beanstalk quest?

Luna’s bladder kicked her. She ignored it.

MoonM@ster said:
Yeah, wanna lend a hand? I got a few more magic beans if you need help getting started.

SunHorse34 said:
What happened to sending me to bed?

MoonM@ster said:
Just don’t miss your first period.

SunHorse34 said:
\( ゚ヮ゚)/

Luna smiled. Before she could even type a response, Sunset’s avatar teleported next to hers. A request to trade, a partying notification, and a few more things popped up on screen. Luna’s fingers were flying across the keyboard now, keeping up with everything. Her bloodshot eyes had no trouble flying from window to window, so familiar with the mechanics that she often predicted where the next notification would appear and for what purpose.

And like that they were off, cutting the heads from whatever goose-themed monsters crossed their path. She’d occasionally send instructions via chat, but Sunset was definitely on her wavelength tonight. They covered one another during cool downs, tanked and healed where needed, and managed to round up another dozen geese for the quest by 2am.

Luna jolted. Oh stars it’s 2am.

Her bladder, how was it— She tried to get up again, only for an even great pain that before to stab her right in the pelvis. She’d made a mistake. She’d made a big mistake. This ache wasn’t a come-and-go type of deal. It was a you’re-screwed-if-you-don’t-take-care-of-this-right-away kind of deal. And she hadn’t. And she was screwed.

A blink on her screen instinctively got her attention. A new message from Sunset. Did she look, or did she try to make it to the bathroom?

Luna bit her lip. She doubted she was making it anywhere anytime soon.

SunHorse34 said:
Hey, is your mic still busted?

Luna wasn’t going to fix her aching bladder at this rate… but then again… If she couldn’t make it to the bathroom then maybe this would finally be the thing that forced her to use her diapers.

It wasn’t like she really wanted to per say… but it be nice to get some intended use out of these things. She was, after all, sinking a lot of money into disposable seat cushions right now. Probably about time she justified that. She typed a reply to Sunset.

MoonM@ster said:
Yeah, why?

SunHorse34 said:
Just wanted to ask you something.
Don’t want it to be on the log, y’know?

Luna bit her lip. There was a searing pain between her legs right now. It was so close to being out of her hands.

MoonM@ster said:
You can just call. I’ll be discreet on my end.

A second later, a call notification appeared on screen. Upbeat music filled Luna’s headphones, until she clicked the answer button. Then Sunset’s voice hit her ears.

“So uh… have you heard some players wear diapers now, apparently?”

Luna’s eyes bulged. Of all the things Sunset could have said, that was what she probably expected least.

She was so surprised, that like a well-timed punch in the gut, it made her bladder let loose.

A hissing sound so loud it penetrated her headphones. Ache gave way to relief. Luna gasped, clamping her hand over her mouth.

She was peeing herself.

Warm urine flooded her diapers. The overgrown clouds must’ve been happy to fulfill their purpose, because the instant pee touched them they began soaking it up. The fluffy padding grew heavy quickly, and unabsorbed pee had to move beyond just her crotch if it wanted to be soaked up.

“O-Oh stars~!” Luna had never expected it to feel like this. Maybe it was just the relief talking, but as heavy, damp padding sank into her privates, she couldn’t hold back a moan.

“Uh… Ms. Luna, you there?”

Sunset! Luna’s surprise and excitement led her to completely forget the student she was on call with. Thank goodness it was a one way call…

MoonM@ster said:
Uh, yeah, I think I heard about that. Why ask?

She was still peeing herself. It was pretty violent at this point, as her bladder refused to hold back any longer. Luna couldn’t have stopped it if she wanted to. Wait… did she not want to?

“It’s just… I dunno, I thought I was going crazy when I first heard about it.” Sunset was still talking while Luna filled her diaper with pee. The poor woman’s cheeks were turning red, but she couldn’t exactly ask the girl to stop. “You think it’s true?”

“U-Unf!” Luna bit her lips. Urine trickled down to the seat of her first diaper, diving into the padding and getting absorbed in an instant. She was sitting on warm, wet poof now.

crinkle squish

Her fingers shook as she typed.

MoonM@ster said:
Maybe? Hard 2 say with these internet types.

“It is a little unbelievable,” Sunset admitted. “But I don’t see why anyone would lie about wearing freaking diapers of all things. Let alone using them.”

Luna’s fingers curled. She just kept using the diaper around her waist. And it felt… good?

“Mmmm,” she moaned. The way her warm and wet diaper sank into her crotch felt… so good! Sure her diapers had always been comfortable, especially once she got used to them, but this? It was… was… arousing.

MoonM@ster said:
Guess they really like it.

“Eww, you think?” Sunset gagged. Luna’s pee coated her inner diaper down. The deeper layers of the padding now had to go to work. “That’s disgusting if they do!”

“Y-Yeah~” Luna stammered, forgetting for a moment that Sunset couldn’t hear her. Her toes curled now, her muscles stretched and tightened from the pleasure. “B-But I’m peeing myself right now and it’s not—” She clamped her hand over her mouth. Thank heavens she wasn’t on the call right now!

MoonM@ster said:
Yeah, totally.

I have to get to the bathroom. Luna realized. Sunset had really helped slap her out of this trance. Her bladder was still half full, she could make it and then— Who knew what then? Save half her dignity? Luna was so distracted by the fact that she’d been so… distracted. She was just looking for an excuse to not think about it.

Hopping from her chair, Luna ended up on all fours. Of course, she still couldn’t walk. Not with one of her diapers swelling up from the pee.

Uncollected urine sloshed inside, slapping her cheeks and then her inner thighs. Luna had turned into a waterfall and this angle. She started crawling forward. But her headphones were still on, lengthy cord ensuring they wouldn't be shaken so easily.

“I can’t even imagine what those weirdos are thinking,” Sunset continued in her ear.

“Oooh!” Luna moaned. Moving squished her pampers against her privates. Already agitated, her nethers were starting to demand release. And she was still peeing.

“Seriously, who wears a diaper after the age of like, two?”

Sunsets unintentional shaming brought pink to Luna’s cheeks. She raised her padded rear, eyes squeezed shut as the hissing continued.

It was too late to get to the bathroom. Not for lack of more pee, Luna had that in spades. Instead, she lost her battle with her libido. She couldn’t even deny what was happening to her anymore. She was horny. She was peeing her diaper and it was making her so horny.

Sunset scoffed. “Like, they say it’s just for gaming, but I don’t think that’s true.”

Luna’s hand slipped between her two diapers. She didn’t even know what she was doing anymore. She was too enraptured by the experience to care.

“I think it’s just those freaks’ excuse to wear them for… whatever reason.”

Luna grabbed a handful of her swelling padding’s crotch. “Ohhh! Unnf~!” She pushed, she rubbed.

“But what weirdo would even do that?!”

“Me!” Luna cried, humping the leg of her computer desk with her rear. All shame was gone, there was only lust. Her hand buried itself into the wet diaper. Her butt got a faceful of wet padding. More still rushed out of her. So much more.

Luna was breathing heavily, her whole face red. Rubbing, squishing, pushing, pulling.

Growing hot. Hotter. Hotter still.

“OOOUUuuuooOOUuooouuUHh!” Luna was cuming. She was peeing herself, masturbating in her diaper, and cuming.

“Anyway, sorry for just dumping all of this on you,” Sunset continued. “It’s probably not appropriate to talk about this with my Vice Principal but… I dunno. I just heard about this and I had to tell somebody. I thought maybe you’d understand.”

Sunset’s Vice Principal collapsed on the ground, still doing very inappropriate things. Gasping, sighing, peeing. Her orgasm was still pulsing throughout her body, but at least it was fading. She could at least start to think again.

And she understood alright. She finally understood why diapers were so popular.

But it wasn’t like she could tell Sunset that, she’d never understand.
