The Golden Cradle

by Sinful Gold

First published

Newton's Cradle is a simple little machine that elegantly displays the principles of conservation of momentum. More importantly, it can also give a mean wedgie.

Glinda and Gray, a duo of cocky, confident griffon hens and passionate lovers, had just finished a pleasant night out on the town. They were walking home down a lonely street when, unbeknownst to them, they attracted the attention of Golden Coin, a bigoted pony with a penchant for elaborate sexual torture machines.

Now the two lovers awake, confused and bound against their will into a strange contraption. They're the latest addition to Golden's collection of toys, and he can't wait to break them in with a little physics experiment.

They're about to become intimately familiar with conservation of momentum.

Includes: non-con, pussy torture, unwanted edification, cattle prods, bondage, bunny suits, forced orgasm, bigotry, probably a large disposable income, muzzle gags, implied lengthy imprisonment, and the magic of physics.

Commissioned by viken666! Cover art by hunter117x.

Physical Education

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Consciousness returned to Glinda reluctantly, slipping in and out of her grasp like an interrupted dream. She groaned, raising a talon up to her head to—

No, something resisted her. A coarse scratchiness was wrapped around her forearms, held to the small of her back so tightly that the hard scales of her hands scraped against each other painfully when she tried to move them. The motion led to a flare of pain in her shoulders and back, and a pained yelp forced its way past her tightly clamped beak.

Glinda’s breath began to quicken, the hard muzzle strapped over her beak causing the air to grow hot and stifling. She tried to open her eyes, but was met with only a relentless blackness. What happened? She had been walking home with her girlfriend, Gray, and then—nothing.

She grunted, wincing as her wings strained against the bonds restraining them and sending more pain lancing through her aching joints. She could move her head side to side, which brought her some small solace, and the shifting of the darkness over her vision told her that there was some kind of mask around her head. Her legs seemed to have gone numb beneath her, and she gave them an experimental tug.

Stars flashed in her eyes as needles of agony raced up her body, her shriek muffled by the muzzle, and she nearly blacked out again.

It was impossible to measure time in her predicament, but the pain made it difficult for her to perceive its passage either way. She squeezed her eyes shut tight and took a few deep breaths, trying to focus on her situation.

Her arms were bound tight against her back, forcing her chest out painfully forwards, and each of her wings were half-flared, wrapped around the middle with bristly rope that tugged at her feathers with every breath and kept the wing itself painfully compressed against itself. There was some kind of a bag over her head, and a muzzle held to her beak with a strap tied so tightly around her skull that it gave her a headache. She clenched her jaw and performed a few experimental twists of her torso, whimpering at the soreness, and her eyes widened as she came to a sudden realization.

There was something running up against her vagina, so close that it almost felt like it was inside her.

The blood was starting to rush in her ears, and the confusion lingering in her mind dropped down into her heart with the shuddering alarm of fear.

She drew in a deep breath, ignoring the soreness flaring in her chest, and tried to scream for help.

Between the muzzle, the mask, and her own pounding pulse, she could barely hear her own voice. She did, however, hear the sound of another muffled voice screaming back, closeby.

Gray? It had to be her, she was certain. Glinda sucked in another breath, winced, and forced out another scream. Gray answered her in kind, and for a moment Glinda almost relaxed, re-assured by the presence of her lover nearby.

Then she realized that they were both in the same situation, and who knew if anyone even noticed they were missing, and the fear came back as panic.

She squirmed against her bonds without thought, ignoring the torturous responses from her strained body, desperate to get out, to get free, to even move, but to no avail. Every limb was rendered helpless. A slight turn of her torso and neck was all she could manage.

“Ah, so you’ve finally woken up.”

Glinda stiffened at the masculine voice. She tried to turn her head towards it, crying out for help through the muzzle, and received only a dark chuckle in return.

“That’s a good energy you two have. Let’s see how long you can keep it up.”

A chill ran down Glinda’s spine, drawing a painful shiver from her body. She was still trying to understand what the voice was saying when she felt a small, hard shape jab up against her ribs. She could barely hear a soft click.

Glinda’s mind lit up in agony. She shrieked, every muscle convulsing fruitlessly against her bonds in a futile attempt to escape the pain, only adding to the torture racing through every nerve. It felt as if a trio of muscular stallions were all pummeling her side with a relentless assault of full-bodied punches, driving the breath from her lungs and rational thought from her mind. Her reality was reduced to only her body, the pain, and the high-pitched tick-tick-tick of the object prodding into her side.

She went limp as the pain pulled away, and for a few moments she simply hung there, tears staining the brown feathers of her cheeks, struggling to comprehend what had just happened..

She cringed as the mask was ripped away from her face, the sudden light introducing a fresh pain to the fading cacophony still lingering in her nerves. She blinked into the glare, letting her eyes adjust as she got her first glimpse of her surroundings.

What the fuck.

The first thing she noticed was Gray trussed up opposite her, bound with the same knotted ropes that were wrapped around Glinda. Gray’s soft fur was matted with sweat, and the pale blue feathers on her face were stuck out at odd angles, with several broken or crumpled out of place. She’d been dressed up in a tight, sleeveless black leotard that seemed a size too small, leaving the upper half of her breasts exposed to the hot air of the stone dungeon the two of them were trapped inside. Purple tights clung to the long, slender legs that Glinda loved so much, leading down to the pair of steep black heels that her delicate feet had been tucked into. Glinda’s eyes darted back up to meet the terrified expression of her lover, taking in the bowtied white collar pressing the feathers in around her neck, the hard pointed muzzle clamped over her beak, and the fuzzy black bunny-ear headband wrapped snug on the top of her head.

Then Glinda’s gaze roamed upwards, following the threading running between Gray’s thighs, and her eyes widened once more.

What the fuck!

Both she and Gray were suspended under a set of six giant chrome balls, each one bigger than their heads and polished enough to reflect their helpless bodies back at them. She blinked in confusion as she saw the small ring set beneath the middle ball, serving as an anchor for the rope curving between both of their legs.

“Ahem. Your attention please.”

Golden Coin grinned as the two griffon hens he’d vanished into his dungeon turned to face him, their expressions each bouncing between confusion and fear upon seeing the stallion. His leer followed the path of the ropes he’d carefully set up while they were unconscious as he casually brandished his cattle prod, sending a delicious cringe through Glinda. One rope on each side ran from the balls on the outside of the set to a metal ring attached to the back of their panties, and another rope ran between the two of them, grinding up into their pussies where it was wrapped around their abdomens. Another long rope tugged their legs down to a ring embedded in the floor, keeping their supple bodies stretched taut.

“Tell me,” he said, his struggling toys stiffening at the sound of his voice, “have either of you half-breed bitches ever heard of a Newton’s Cradle?”

They didn’t offer any response, but that was no surprise. Most of his toys weren’t very friendly until broken in.

He let out a quiet tut, stepped up to Gray, and stabbed the cattle prod into her exposed cleavage.

She screeched through the muzzle, eyes squeezed shut as her body attempted to collapse into violent convulsions. He couldn’t help but grin as he watched her shudder against the restraints, her breasts almost popping out of the outfit he’d dressed her in with the motion.

Glinda screamed, tugging against her own bonds, and Coin turned to her with one brow arched. He waited for a few seconds, watching her try to get some insult, demand, or perhaps plead through the muzzle, before speaking. “I asked you a question, cunt. Where’s my answer?”

She shook her head frantically, and even through the muzzle he could make out the shouts of “No! No!” He nodded, waited another second, and pulled the prod back.

“Allow me to educate you, then.”

He turned his back on them, smiling at the sounds of Gray’s sobbing, and came to a stop next to a simple lever set into the ground. He wrapped his free hand around it as he faced them once more, speaking with a kind, lecturing tone that did little to match the manic intensity in his eyes.

“If you bird-brains ever managed to get your beaks off each other’s pussies long enough to pay attention in school, you may have heard of conservation of momentum. To summarize—”

He pulled the lever, and a rhythmic cranking echoed around the shadowed dungeon as the ball on one end of the row was pulled back by a chain set into the wall. Gray’s eyes shot wide open as the attached rope tugged at the ring in the back of her panties, causing the fabric to tighten painfully against her lower lips.

The ball drew ever further, tightening the cloth between Gray’s shivering legs. Her eyes began to water as the taut panties dug into her cunt, pinching her clit against her mound and drawing a shriek from her lungs, and still it grew tighter. Her thighs shuddered as the panties bit into the skin around her hips and chafed against her fur, muscles straining in vain to find some release from the grinding agony shooting up her spine.

The seconds seemed to stretch out into hours as her breasts heaved against the tight leotard constraining them. A small twinge of pleasure pushed through the pain, causing her nipples to harden and squeeze themselves against the cloth, sending more twin jabs of pain and pleasure into her overstressed mind.

With a loud thunk, the cranking stopped. Gray’s body remained taut, every muscle flexed, her eyes screwed up and her breath coming out in short, sharp gasps as she bore the pain.

Golden Coin turned to Glinda with a sneer, resuming his lecture. “—when I unhand this lever, you’ll experience that agony—” he jabbed the prod at Gray’s quivering form “—until the machine runs out of energy.” He paused, cocking his head. “Shall we begin?”

Glinda shook her head frantically, desperate pleads dampened by her muzzle. Coin couldn’t help but smile at the sight. That was definitely begging.

“Have fun, freaks. I know I will.” He raised his hand from the lever.

It snapped back into place with a sharp metallic crack, and the chain holding the ball up went slack. The hen released a strangled sigh as the ball swung down, releasing the tension on her body, and smacked into the closest other ball with a loud ping. Coin’s eyes raced along the row of massive beads, following the invisible wave of force as it travelled from one to the other until it reached the polished silver sphere behind Glinda.

With no resistance, the ball arced up into the air. Glinda, who had been watching her lover’s agony with wide-eyed apprehension, let out a shriek as she felt her own panties tensing up. She had only one horrible moment to realize what was about to happen, her heart pounding against her breast as if desperate to escape the incoming agony, and then it was upon her.

Unlike Gray, Glinda didn’t get the privilege of a slow draw. Her panties snapped taut almost instantly, her clit lighting up as if she’d just received a full-force buck to the cunt, and all she could do was thrash against her bonds and unleash a ragged, full-bodied scream into her muzzle.

She trembled as the ball hovered at the top of its arc for a brief moment before falling back down, leaving her breathless with stars popping in her vision. The force traveled back across the machine, reaching Gray’s side, and Glinda just barely had the presence of mind to cringe in sympathy as her lover received a second mind-blanking, agonizing wedgie.

Glinda’s eyes were focused on the ball swinging back in, and she shook her head frantically, turning to the stallion watching with one hand over his crotch and begging for mercy. Please, no! she tried to scream. Why are you doing this to us?! What did we do?!

She heard the crack of the ball striking the machine, and she nearly blacked out as her panties snapped up against her clit once again. She gagged on her own spit, the ache of her sore muscles like barely noticed raindrops beneath the tidal wave of pain lancing up from her crotch. It was the worst pain she had ever felt, even worse than the first time, and when the unending second finally lapsed, she was just barely able to string together enough thoughts to realize that she and Gray would have to feel it many times more.

Glinda sucked in a deep breath as she hung limply in the air and listened to Gray’s muffled screams. With a dazed blink, she realized that their torturer had stepped up to her side, his arms crossed as he smiled up at her.

“What are you thinking right now, I wonder?” he mused. He paused, allowing her time to wail in pain as the machine cycled back to her. “Why me, perhaps? Why us? It’s usually a why.”

Again the ball rose up behind her, and again her panties were pulled so far that she was certain they must break, but they didn’t. The cloth held firm as it dug against her clit and tightened around her hips like claws. Her scream was weaker this time—she could barely suck in the breath for it, and her throat was dry and coarse like sandpaper in her neck—but the pain was no lesser.

“I’ll tell you why,” he said. He brought the tazer up to her covered pussy, resting it gently against her. “It’s because I hate you.”

Glinda shook her head down at him with a desperate sob. These brief seconds in between wedgies was all she had left. Did he really have to take that small respite from her, too?

His smile broadened, and his thumb depressed the small red button set into the tazer’s side.

Glinda gurgled, too weak to scream, as her body convulsed and her thoughts were unraveled into a blank, animal desire to escape. The pain was enough to overwhelm her, but it brought with it a strangely pleasant tingle. It wasn’t quite as bad as the body-breaking agony of her panties snapping up around her, and in the furthest recesses of her mind she managed to form a distant sense of dread as the electric impulses surged into her pussy with an odd, rhythmic pleasure that began to spread from her core in warm, swelling tendrils.

So lost was she in the dual sensations, she didn’t notice the machine cycling back towards her until it was too late.

Glinda squealed as the sudden, powerful snap of her panties against her clit drove her over the edge. She was filled with pain in body and mind, but then the pleasure of the most forceful orgasm she’d ever felt crashed over her, overflowing her soul with more sensation than she’d ever thought possible. Every limb thrashed in the throes of its own tortured ecstasy as her body searched for some avenue of relief, but the ropes held firm, and she could only thrash and buck in place as she bore the full brunt of the rapacious orgasm.

Golden Coin watched with a sadistic smile, the cattle prod pressed hard against the violently twitching hen’s pussy. He watched her eyes roll back into her head, her talons clench down against her own arms and score long scratches into the scales, and her wings flutter and shudder against the ropes binding them with enough force to rip feathers free. He could see the lips of her clenching cunt trembling around the thin string of cloth buried between them as a splash of cum soaked into her thighs, and his cock twinged in satisfaction from where it bulged against his pants.

At last, the griffon bitch could handle no more. She fell limp with a sound caught between a gurgle and a gasp as her mind gave in to the sensation and consciousness finally left her. Golden pulled the prod back, humming in amusement at the way her arousal clung to the prongs before snapping apart. He waited for the machine to slacken on her before tugging her panties aside with a hand and slipping two fingers into her soaked tunnel, nodding in appreciation as the velvety smooth walls clenched around him in shuddering aftershock.

He pulled his fingers free and popped them into his mouth, depositing the sharp taste on his tongue before turning to face his remaining toy. “My, your partner’s cunt is just delicious. But I’m sure you already knew that.”

She couldn’t offer up much in response, for she was too busy shrieking into her muzzle as she was assaulted by yet another wedgie. Still, he could see her bloodshot eyes lingering on the glistening prongs of his prod.

He raised it up as if surprised, watching how she followed it with her gaze. “Oh, did you want this?”

She nodded frantically, screaming through the muzzle even after the tension on her body had relaxed.

Golden rubbed his free hand at his chin in exaggerated thought. “Hmm. But if I did that, who would be left to experience the wonders of this marvelous machine?” He shook his head with a small smile. “No, I don’t think so. You’re going to have to ride this one out, I’m afraid.”

Gray screeched into her muzzle as she watched her torturer walk away, open a door on the far side of the little dungeon, and disappear from view.

She stared after him in wide-eyed shock, but not for very long. The ball behind her rose up once more, delivering a fresh wave of agony to her tortured cunt. Every part of her pulsed with pain even when the sadistic machine wasn’t pulling her panties up into her, and the sensitivity had only made the torture worse.

The ball behind her fell back into place with a sharp crack, giving her a moment of rest. All she could do was gasp in a breath and watch as the machine pulled at the ropes around Glinda’s unconscious form. A part of her was thankful that her lover wouldn’t have to go through the rigorous ordeal any further, but most of her was shamefully jealous of Glinda’s release. In that moment, all she could think about was the pain that would soon return to her, and all she wanted was to swap places, so that she could be the one hanging limply in place, blissfully unaware of the agonizing assault on her body.

Then the machine cycled back to her, and her thoughts fled from the searing pain that flared up in her every nerve.

Glinda’s eyes blinked open blearily. She was swinging loosely from chains digging painfully into her wrists, her wings and legs still bound as she spun in a slow circle. The chain creaked with the motion, and with a sluggish mind Glinda realized that she was in a cage. She saw Gray hanging limp in another cage beside her own, tied up in the same fashion, though it was too dark for her to make out any details.

Something knocked on one of the bars of her case, and Glinda’s head jerked up in alarm, sending a pulse of pain through her sore neck. A stallion was standing outside the cage, silhouetted by a dim lantern on a table behind him.

“Good morning, toy,” the stallion said. “Did you enjoy our first session?”

Glinda blinked, confused. For a moment she could only remember her and Gray walking home beneath the stars, but then—

Glinda shivered as the memory of her torture rushed back to her all at once. Panicked whimpers escaped her as she clutched her thighs tighter together, thinking of the terrible orgasm that had been forced upon her.

The stallion smiled, his teeth catching the lantern light. “Ah, I see you do. That’s good. Would you like to know why?”

Glinda wanted to scream, but her throat was so ragged that all that came out was a raspy cough. The stallion watched her for a long minute in silence, one hand rubbing at his chin while another rested over his clothed groin. When he finally spoke again, his words filled Glinda with a deep, trembling dread.

“Because I’m never letting you out of here. And I have many, many more ideas to try.”