Silver and Smokey

by PonyPixel

First published

Silverstream and Smolder become roommates but they soon start to notice their negative traits.

It took them longer than expected, but Smolder and Silverstream move in with each other. At first, the two enjoy each other's company. However, over time, the dragon and hippogriff start getting on each others' nerves. The problem is though neither one wants to admit what's wrong. This could only end well.

Moving Day

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"One, two, three, four, tell us who you're rooting for," Smolder and the cheer squad chanted. "Five, six, seven, eight, shout the team that is great." The five started forming their pyramid but the haybales they had weren't very sturdy. When Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof leaped onto them to form the pyramid their hooves sank in. This caused them to take Ocellus and Smolder down with them as they crashed to the ground.

"What went wrong?" Yona asked.

"It's these haybales," Shimmy groaned.

Ocellus helped her up and inspected the hay. The bales were muddy and wet which explained why they collapsed. She sniffed the air and noticed something else. "They smell funny," the changeling commented.

"Yeah," Smolder agreed, "We need new ones."

"But we can't," Lighthoof said. "The new ones will just end up like these."

"Maybe we should try and get some new cheerleaders," Ocellus suggested. "Just one more would be enough for the pyramid."

"Yona would like not to be stuck between muddy hay," Yona said.

"I'll see if Head Mare Starlight can get some more," Shimmy Shake said. "Take five girls." The group walked back in the school and split up. Smolder met up with Silverstream, who was pretty excited, as usual.

"Hi, Smoldy," she said. "Guess what."

"I don't know," the dragon replied, "You powered a lightbulb by the energy from your excitement."


"Yeah, I think you would just make the bulb burst. What do you really have?"

"I just talked with Head Mare Starlight. We're going to be roommates."

"Really? What took so long?"

"Well, after the poison joke I couldn't find you for a while. But now we finally get to be roomies." The hippogriff hugged her friend with a large amount of glee.

"Silver, I'm happy too, but I need air." Silver let go and they walked to down the halls. "So, am moving into your room, or is it the other way around?"

"I don't know, let's see what have to deal with."

The two met up with Gallus, who helped them inspect their rooms, starting with Silverstream's. "Okay, this doesn't look like much," Gallus said. He looked inside the closet to find an assortment of boxes. "What's in these."

"Oh, just some of my collections." She opened one of them to show some stones and paint supplies. "I'm trying to make tiny statues of you guys. See Gallus? There's you, Yona, and a half-finished Ocellus."

"Neat," Smolder said as she picked up a box.

"Hey, careful, that has some seashells from Seaquestria.

"And that box?"

"That's where I keep my art supplies. I think."

"Okay, this doesn't seem like much," Gallus said. "The problem I see is you might want to look through some of these again. I see a spider web on one of them."

"Maybe Professor Fluttershy could help with that," Silverstream said. "Let's check Smolder's room." She and Gallus flew back outside as the dragon quickly followed.

"Uh, guys," Smolder said as she caught up, "Could you wait for me to put some things away first?"

"This will be real quick." The hippogriff quickly got to her friend's room and opened the door to find it was a mess. "Wow, no wonder you wanted to clean up."

"Y... Yeah."

"I thought I had a messy room," Gallus said.

"When was the last time you cleaned?" Silver asked.

"I don't think I ever have," Smolder admitted. Papers were all over Smolder's desk, her cheerleading outfit and pom-poms were just lying on the top bunk of her bed, and her bedsheets were just shoved to the end of it.

"I can see that."

"Honestly, sorting through all of this is going to take all day," Gallus said. "I think it'll make things easier for all of us if we just moved Silver's stuff into here."

"Okay," the hippogriff said before flying back to her room.

"Thank goodness," Smolder said under her breath. The dragon helped move her friend's boxes into her room. Once Silver and Gallus left the room to collect more boxes, Smolder moved them into the closet while she also hid some other items. In no time at all, the hippogriff had moved in.

"This is great. Now we'll be closer than before."

"Yeah. So, what now?"

"I don't know. I guess we just do what we normally do when school's over."

"Works for me." The two left the room with Smolder looking back for a second before carrying on. "So, how long have you been making those tiny statues?"

"Oh, since our second year of school. Why were you so nervous all of a sudden?"

"I just forgot about my gem collection."

"You have a gem collection?"

"Yeah, and if anyone finds out about them they'll probably want to see how much they're worth."

"Oh, that would never happen. Head Mare Starlight probably wouldn't let one of the students steal." The hippogriff laughed to herself as the dragon rubber her arm in nervousness.

Later, Smolder went out to Sugar Cube Corner with Ocellus. "So, we haven't gotten any new sign-ups," the changeling said, "But the girls have been asking..." She could see that Smolder had her head in the clouds. "Smolder, are you listening?"

"Huh?" the dragon asked.

"What's on your mind?"

"It's Silverstream. She moved into my room and I'm glad about that, it's...

"You mean your..." Ocellus looked around to see if any creature was listening, no one was. She then whispered to her friend. "Secret?"


"I thought you told them. I mean, being part of the cheer squad probably gives that away."

"I told them I did it to help with your confidence. I mean, the only one who sort of knows is Gallus."

"Didn't they see it in the dream?"

"That was a dream, anything flies in there."

"Well, where did you put your... thing?"

"It's still in my closet in its box. I moved all of Silver's collection into the closet myself so she could find my box."

"You have to tell them at some point. I mean, they could just hear our conversation right now." Smolder looked around nervously but no one did hear.

"Let's just get a snack and get out of here." Ocellus just shrugged. They paid for their pastries and walked out of the bakery.

"I'm just saying, honesty..."

"Is one of the Elements of Harmony, I know." She chewed her cupcake in frustration. The dragon grumbled as she chewed.

The hippogriff, on the other hand, was as cheerful as she could be. She was in her new room carving the body of her mini statue that would be Ocellus. Silverstream hummed herself a nice tune as Yona passed by her room. The yak looked confused. "What Silver doing in Smolder's room?" she asked.

"Oh, hey, Yona," the hippogriff replied. "I moved in with Smolder."

Yona stepped in and accidentally stepped on some paper. "Dragon need to learn to clean."

"Yeah, it's a bit messy, but I'm sure we'll get it cleaned up soon. Take a look at what I'm making." She showed her friend the body being made in progress. "It's supposed to be Ocellus. I made you and Gallus." She showed the figures of her said friends.

"Friend good sculptor."

"Thanks. I can't wait to get to work on Smolder. It's going to be so amazing to have a roommate."

"Roommate have ups and downs."

"What do you mean?"

"Smolder and SIlver might not get along if their too close."

"Oh, Yona, we're friends. We'll be fine."

"Okay. If Silver say so." Yona just shrugged and walked away leaving the hippogriff to her work as she continued her happy humming. A couple of hours later, Smolder got back and found her new roommate had finished making her Ocellus figure. "Hi, Smoldy. Look at this." She showed the finished body of Ocellus.

"Nice," Smolder commented.

"Thanks. I going to get started on your next."

"So, you're pulling an all-nighter?"

Silverstream looked out the window to see the moon was in the sky with the stars. "Oh, wow, it's nighttime."

"Yeah, time flies. I think we should get to bed." The hippogriff agreed and flew onto the top bunk. She looked down at Smolder.

"Oh, sorry, did you want the top bunk?"

"No, it's fine. I'll stick with my bottom bunk." Smolder lied down after she turned off the lights. "Night Silver."

"Night Smoldy." The hippogriff pulled the sheet over and was about to go to sleep but she heard something. It sounded like someone snoring. She looked down to the lower bunk to see it was coming from Smolder. Silver never thought the dragon would be much of a snorer, that sounded more like Yona. She had heard the yak snore before. "Um, Smolder? Smolder."

Smolder opened her eyes when she heard her friend. "Huh?"

"Could you try not snoring?"

"I wasn't snoring. You must've heard Yona."

"I'm pretty sure I didn't."

"Look, it's late, could we just sleep?"

"Alright." The two went back to sleep, well, Smolder went back to sleep. Silverstream was kept up by the sound of the dragon's snoring. When ignoring it didn't work, she tried covering her ears with her pillow. This seemed to work but her left claw was startling to get uncomfortable from her head lying on it. Still, it was enough for her to get to sleep.

When the school bell rang, Silverstream was up and at 'em. However, she accidentally bonked her head on the ceiling and her left claw asleep. Definitely not the best way to start the day. Still, she didn't let that let her down. "Wakey, wakey," she said to Smolder. The dragon just groaned and pulled the sheets over her head. Silver let out a yawn. "Come on, we're going to miss breakfast."

"Five more minutes," Smolder groaned. Silver replied yanking the covers off of her and pulling the dragon out of bed. "Minutes, not seconds."

"If you miss breakfast you'll be hungry until lunch. Let's go." The hippogriff flew down the hall as groggy dragon followed behind. They were the first two in the mess hall. Pinkie Pie was just finished setting up the meals when she saw them.

"Oh, girls, you're here," she said in her typical cheerful deminer. "And early too."

"Yeah. We noticed," Smolder groaned rubbing her eyes.

Silverstream had already gotten her plate and tray. "Ooh, let's see," she said to herself. "I'll take a mango, yogurt, a muffin." She narrated all the food picked up and then she gasped. "No way, they've got doughnuts."

"Woopity doo." Smolder, who was still half-awake didn't really care.

"No, they've only survived doughnuts once before. I can't believe they're making them again." She took some doughnuts and some milk and flew to one of the tables while Smolder just grabbed an omelet, toast, and some juice. Their four friends then showed up. They talked about normal things but things shifted when Smolder face planted in her omelet.

"Smolder, did you well?" Ocellus asked.

"I'm fine," the dragon replied. "I'm just... Having a hard time getting up so soon."

"Did Silver wake you up early?" Sandbar asked.

"Nope," Silverstream said before Smolder could speak. "We got up after the bell rang."

"And we got to here as soon as possible," Smolder added. "Which I could've used for nine more minutes."

The hippogriff yawned a bit. "Well, I had trouble getting to sleep too."

"I told you, I didn't snore."

"Then who else could it have been?"

Smolder looked towards Yona, but the yak spoke first. "Don't pin blame on Yona," she said.

"I've never snored before. Why would I start now?"

"Maybe you're stressed," Sandbar suggested.

"What does that have to do with snoring?" Silverstream asked.

"Oh, my dad would snore really loud if he had a stressful day. If he didn't, then things were peaceful."

"You know pony and dragon biology are completely different, right?" Smolder asked.

"They both go through denial," Gallus said smugly. Smolder just growled and stuck her entire omelet in her mouth.

The rest of the day was nothing special. Normal lessons as always, then lunch, then back to lessons. It was until after school that Silverstream caught up with Smolder. "Hey, Smoldy," Silver said, "Anything you want to do as roommates."

"Silver," Smolder said, "Just because we're roommates doesn't mean things are different."

"But Sandbar and Gallus are roommates, so are Ocellus and Yona. Maybe would could do something special, just us. Like..." She paused when they got back to their room. The hippogriff forgot how messy it all was. "Cleaning our room."

"There's no need for that. It's perfectly fine." Smolder just tossed one of her books onto the desk, knocking some papers onto the floor.

"How do you live like this? I can't tell a piece of paper from a wrapper. Do you even have a trash can?"

"Since when did you become a neat freak?"

"I'm not a neat freak I... I don't even know where I left my figures." She found the box containing the mini-statue of her friends barried under the piles of papers that fell off Smolder's desk. "I really think it might be a good idea to clean up. I should probably put this away in the closet."

"No, wait!" Silver was surprised by her friend's sudden response. "You'll forget about it, like the rest of those boxes. What are in those anyway?"

"Art supplies. Why are you so worked up?"

"Look, I don't like creatures going through my stuff. I'll take care of this later."

"Okay, if you say so. Maybe we could go to the lake. I want to see what happens if I used my pearl piece on you."

"Look, I just want to take a nap."

"Oh... 'Kay." Smolder lied down on her bed as her roommate walked back to the desk. As she started carving another figure she hummed herself a tune. The tune seemed to be bothering the napping reptile. After a few toss and turns, she sat back up.

"Could you please stop humming?"

"But it's a tune my family would hum back home."

"Could you at least just hum a little quieter?"

"I'll try." Smolder continued with her nap but she could still hear her roommate's humming. It was faint, but still bothering her nap. A little while later, Silver started hearing snoring again. She tried ignoring it but it caused her carving to split the stone in half while also hitting her claw. She stuck it in her mouth to help numb the pain but she was still annoyed at her friends snoring. "Now I'll have to start all over."

As Silverstream started from scratch, she started singing a tune which woke her roommate from her nap. "I didn't say you could start humming," Smolder said.

"Sorry, it helps me stay focused. Plus, you were snoring again." Smolder didn't reply to this. She just took her pillow and walked out of the room.

Yona and Sandbar were in the lounge together as their dragon friend walked in. As soon as she walked in, Smolder tossed her pillow on the couch and lied down. "What wrong?" the yak asked.

"Silver's singing is keeping me awake," Smolder replied.

"You've only been roommates for a day," Sandbar said. "I'm pretty sure you'll get used to each other's lifestyles."

"You've got a point there. Could you leave me alone so I could have a nap?"

"Good luck in here," Yona said. Several other students were in the lounge talking to each other, with the sound preventing Smolder from sleeping, much to her frustration.

"Is it so hard to get some quiet around here?" She grabbed her pillow and flew off to find someplace else to sleep.

"Silver can't be annoying her that much," Sandbar said. "Can she?" Yona just shrugged.

Back in the bedroom, Silverstream had gotten another rock and started carving another head. She was making good progress until she started smelling something. The hippogriff looked around until she found a bowl of what looked to be soup. "That's not the bowl I took my soup in," she said. She removed the cover and nearly threw up from the smell being full force.

She could see something shiny in the bowl of... Stew? That was her best guess cause she couldn't stand the smell. She took it out of her room and to the mess hall. The students she passed gagged from the smell of the mysterious stew. The hippogriff chucked the bowl into the trash then headed back to her room. Silver took a good look at the room and decided she had enough.

Smolder flew by the dorm room when she saw her roommate placing some papers into a trash bag. "What are you doing?" the dragon asked.

"You need to clean this room," Silverstream said. She stepped forward and accidentally stepped on some paper, which got stuck to her foot. She tried shaking it off, but it was stuck. "I found some weird stew that smelt awful."

"That was a special batter I was working on for Professor Pinkie's class."

"Well, it smelt awful. I couldn't stand it. How long did you leave it there?"

"I don't know, but you could've told me. I told like anyone going through my stuff."

"Girls, what's going on in here?" Ocellus asked.

"We're having a little disagreement."

"Okay, let's try to calm down. What did you do?"

"I just found some old stew that smelt like rotten jellyfish," Silverstream said, "So, I threw it away."

"Smolder, how long did you have that?"

"I don't know, I forgot about it last week," Smolder said. Then she realized. "Oh."

"I think it would be a good idea to see counselor Trixie if you have any trouble."

"Hey, Ocellus," Gallus called from the hall. "Still need some help here."

"Gotta go." The changeling flew off leaving the hippogriff and dragon.

"Okay, so I might've forgotten about whatever the heck I was making," Smolder said. "But how would you feel if I just started digging through your stuff?"

"Alright, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself," Silverstream replied. "But hey, this room finally has a trash bag. That's something at least." She hung the bag on the back of the chair. "So, you want to go swimming?"

"Does it involve turning me into a fish?"


"Then I'm good." The hippogriff sighed and left the room. Once she was gone, Smolder closed the door and check her closet. She moved some of her roommate's boxes out of the way until she found the one that belonged to her. She checked inside to find it's contents hadn't been touch. The dragoness sighed with relief.

The next morning came around, with Smolder snoring again. The bell rang and Silverstream had a harder time waking up this time. She rolled to the side of her bed and fell to the floor, which caused a thud. This woke up the dragoness who was a bit surprised. "You okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine," the hippogriff grumbled. She stood up and walked down the hall. She looked back to see if Smolder was following her, she wasn't. The hippogriff kept walking until she got to the mess hall, where Ocellus was already at.

"Good morning," the changeling said.

"Hi," Silverstream said a bit tired and annoyed.

"How well did you sleep last night?"

"Not well. Smolder snored again." She picked up a plate and started getting her breakfast.

"You know, I took a look at what Sandbar meant. Stress does seem to cause some ponies, or in this case, dragons to snore. I just wonder what's been bothering Smolder."

"Maybe it's actually being told to clean up after herself."

"You need a minute to wake up?"

"Maybe." Silverstream grabbed one of the muffins to go with her apple and banana and walked off to one of the tables.

When Smolder showed up, she got what she wanted and met up with her friends. Everycreature except Silverstream seemed happy to see her. "So, have you two been doing being roommates," Sandbar asked.

"It's rough around the edges," Smolder replied.

"No kidding," Silverstream said. "I think I'll get used to your snoring but when are you going to clean your room."

"Our room. And I'll get to it."

"She has a point," Ocellus said, "It's pretty messy..."

"Stay out of this," the dragoness and hippogriff ordered.

"Okay," Sandbar said, "We should really save this conversation for later. You two clearly aren't fully awake."

"Shut it," Smolder demanded.

Wanting to get out of this conversation as soon, Yona crammed all her food together into mush and then chewed on it, then swallow. "Yona done with breakfast," the yak said. She stood up and ran off with Ocellus and Sandbar following behind.

"Maybe you should spend some time apart," Gallus said. He finished his milk and then left Smolder and Silverstream by themselves. The two look at each with their anger turning into some embarrassment.

"What do you think he meant?" Silverstream said.

"Either we spend the rest of the day apart until tonight," Smolder said, "Or we go back to having our own rooms."

"Let's try the first thing. I don't want to stop being friends just because of a room."

"Right, we do our own things. See you tonight."

"You too." The two finished their breakfast and went off to their classes.

When it was time for gym class, Rainbow Dash had taken her class to the pond. "Why are we here?" Gallus asked.

"Starlight said that most of you would need a boost in swimming," Rainbow explained.

"Shouldn't Yona be here?" Silverstream asked.

"I don't think she wants to have a swim lesson since the last time she and Professor Dash were around water," Gallus whispered. The two giggled about this.

"Okay," Dash said, "Who's up first?"

"I am," Silverstream cheered. She flew into the air and dived into the water, but she didn't have the magic glow when she used her necklace. The hippogriff resurfaced gasping for air.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure. My pearl piece should've turned me into a seapony." She touched her neck and noticed that her necklace was missing. Silverstream gasped at this and quickly panicked. "Where is it."

"Okay, Silver, calm down," Gallus said. "Where was the last place you remember having it?"

"My room." She gasped again and quickly took off back to the school.

"Wait," Dash cried.

"I'll get her," Gallus said. He took off and chased his friend. When he caught up with Silverstream, she was already searching around. "Okay, I don't think we're supposed to leave class, enough though it's not on school grounds. I'm not going to get any more detention."

"It's not here," Silverstream cried as she tossed some paper around. "Where is it?"

"Maybe you just dropped it somewhere around the school. Wait, what's the sparkly stuff on the floor?" The two took and Gallus could see what this stuff was. "It looks like gem crumbs." Silverstream gave another gasp before growling and taking off. "Seriously? Silver, wait up." The griffon took off, wondering where his friend was going.

Smolder was with the other cheerleaders. They were doing their normal routine, but they didn't have a new recruit or a new member. When they tried their pyramid, Lighthoof and Shimmy Shake had to stand beside Yona. Ocellus tried to leap ontop of Yona, but she saw the ponies trying to catch her, so she panicked and tried to land on their hooves. Instead, she fell onto Yona, lost her balance and fell onto the ground.

"You okay?" Lighthoof asked.

"I'm fine," the changeling replied.

"Ugh," Smolder groaned as she landed. "How hard is it to get one new cheerleader?"

"I thought Head Mare Starlight would take care of it," Shimmy Shake said. "You can't expect one to just pop up." Just then, Silverstream flew in and tackled Smolder to the ground.

"Where's my necklace?" the hippogriff asked.

"What?" Smolder questioned.

"My pearl piece is missing. I checked our room, it's not there."

"Neither is your sanity," Gallus said as he flew up. "Ocellus, give me some help." The changeling nodded and turned into a minotaur to help separate the hippogriff and dragoness.

"Can somecreature tell me what's happening?" Ocellus asked.

"I lost my pearl necklace," Silverstream explained, "And I can't find because Smolder can't pick up her room to save her life."

"It's our room," Smolder corrected.

"Then you should pull your own weight. I can't clean it because you won't let me."

"How would you feel if I just dug through all of your stuff after you told me not to?"

"Including your gem collection? I searched everywhere besides your closet."

"My collection isn't in my closet."

"Then where..." Silver then gasped. "Did you eat my pearl piece?"

"Why would I do that? Do you even hear yourself?"

"I surprised you can't tell your bedsheet from your cheerleader outfit. It explains why you're not wearing yours."

"This is a practice routine."

"Yeah," Ocellus said nervously, "We don't wear them unless there's a big event."

"Stay out of this," the two arguing friends cried.

"ENOUGH!" shouted a voice. Silverstream and Smolder suddenly floated into the air as they could see Starlight Glimmer walking towards them.

"Head Mare Starlight," the two said nervously.

"In my office, please," the Head Mare said sternly. She put the dragoness and hippogriff down and they nervously followed her to the office. When they sat down, they stayed quiet for a while. Finally, the unicorn spoke up. "Just what were you two arguing about?"

"My missing necklace," Silverstream said. "I couldn't find it in my..." Smolder gave her a glare. "Our... Room."

"Oh, so that's why Yona dropped it off at the lost and found." She took out a box and opened it to show Silverstream's necklace. It was handed back to the hippogriff, who was happy to have it back, but Starlight wasn't done yet. "You two will talk with Trixie so we can solve what the problem is."

"But we'll miss gym class."

"I think you won't have a choice." The dragoness and hippogriff groaned as they walked towards the guidance counselor's office. Trixie was trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle when they walked in.

"Oh, what seems to be the problem?" Trixie asked.

"We got into a bit of a fight," Smolder said. She and Silverstream sat down as Trixie got a pen and paper. "We became roommates two days ago and we're already fighting over it."

"Hmm, well, it possible you're spending too much time together. I'm saying this with personal experience. Can you tell me about any specific conflicts?"

"Well, for one," Silverstream said, "Smolder's room is a mess. I tried cleaning it up but she won't let me."

"Smolder, can you tell us why?"

"I just don't like creatures going through my stuff," the dragon replied.

"It's just some paper and other things you don't use," Silverstream said.

"You have tons of boxes you don't remember what's in them."

"I only have the box with the mini statues. The others you put in the closet which I'm not allowed to get in."

"It would be best if you calm down," Trixie said as she used her magic to keep the two separate. "Explain to me why you wanted to be roommates?"

"We didn't have roommates," Smolder said. "Silverstream got lucky since there was an odd number of girls. I didn't have one because of Discord making me sneeze, and the pegasus that shouldn't be named got locked up. So, Silver had the idea to make things simple, we'd moved in together."

"It sounded like a good idea at the time," Silverstream sighed.

"It did," Trixie said. "If you want this to work, you need to understand what the other is saying about your problems. Smolder you go first."

The dragoness stayed silent. "Can I do this privately?" she asked.

"Of course." Smolder and Silverstream walked off towards their dorm room. Once they were inside, Smolder closed the door and sighed.

"What's the matter?" Silverstream asked. Her roommate replied by opening the closet and moved some boxes out of the way until there was a box that the hippogriff hadn't seen before. Smolder opened the box to reveal light blue silk cloth and a tiara.

"This is something I didn't want you to know," Smolder said quietly. "I have a liking for girly things." She then pulled out the silk to show it was a princess dress. "Only Ocellus and Gallus, sort of, know about this."

"So that's why you were in the dress in that dream. But why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want my secret getting out. Some students might laugh at me." She sat down on her bed and sighed.

"Didn't you say that your brother told the truth about his secret."

"Yeah, but his secret made the dragons laugh causing the eggs to get hot enough to hatch. Since when would being in a frilly dress help anything?"

"But you wear a cheerleader's outfit."

"I said I did that to help with Ocellus and Yona."

"It would be best if you just told the others."

"I know, but... I just can't get the confidence for some reason. I keep thinking about them laughing at me." She tossed the tiara on the floor in frustration.

"Well, you don't have to tell everycreature yet. Maybe, just start with our friends."

"You really think so?"

"It's better than just keeping it hidden away."

"You know what? You're right." Smolder stood up and picked up her tiara. "If I can't rip the bandaid off, I'll just soak it with water."


"It's an expression I should've put more effort into." She placed her dress and tiara back into the box and placed it back into the closet. She looked at the rest of the room and then noticed some paper stuff to her foot. "Yeah, I should probably clean up in here." She and Silverstream started picking up the papers and placing them into the trash bag.

Silver looked into a couple of the boxes and started moving their contents into another. "I think these boxes could be used for something else."

"Oh, yeah. I didn't mention it, but they..."

"Took up space?"

"Yeah. Thanks for noticing." After a while, the two had cleaned up the room. Silverstream tied up the trash bag and looked at the cheerleading uniform.

"Seriously, how you expect not expect this to be girly? It's sparkly and they didn't see you frown while wearing it."

"Clearly you haven't seen our first time training."

The hippogriff picked up the pom-poms and giggled to herself. "Give me T, give me R, give me U, T, H. Give me the truth." She and Smolder giggled and then the dragoness gasped.

"Hold on. I can't believe it. Cheerfully, full of energy, not to mention someone I know."

"What are you talking about?"

"We're looking for a new cheerleader. You wanna join?" Silverstream face filled with glee seemed to say what her answer was.

After school, the cheerleaders got together to practice their chants again. "One, two, three, four, tell us who you're rooting for. Five, six, seven, eight, shout the team that is great. S-P-I-R-I-T, it's in all of you and me. Everyone let your spirit out, come on give us all a shout."

Smolder flew around in the air to make a cloud of smoke as the other cheerleaders lept towards Yona. Lighthoof and Shimmy Shake stood beside the yak. Ocellus landed on Shimmy's hoof and Yona's back and before Smolder could land, Silverstream landed beside the changeling. They prepared themselves to hold up Smolder, who stuck the landing.

The group jumped down and Silverstream couldn't contain her excitement. "That was amazing," she cheered. "I can't believe it took me this long to sign up."

"Well, it took a while for us to move into the same room," Smolder joked.

"Yona glad friend join," Yona said.

"Yeah, it's fun when we do things together," Ocellus added.

"I never knew you were so energetic," Lighthoof said to Silverstream.

"Well, I haven't seen you around this school until the school's first buckball game," Silverstream replied.

"We're going to head to the salon," Shimmy Shake said. "You girls wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm good," Smolder replied.

"Yona hang with Sandbar," the yak said.

"Suit yourself," Lighthoof said as she and Shimmy walked off.

Smolder and Silverstream walked back to their room to put away their uniforms. "I think we made the right choice," the dragoness said.

"Yeah," Silverstream agreed. "I'm glad we're working this out."

"Yeah, me too." The hippogriff hugged her friend before they walked back into the hall.

"So, you going to tell the other about you know what?"

"Soon enough. You said to take it slow."

"I guess I did. You wanna see what my pearl piece will turn you into?"

"Sure, why not?" The two were glad they could get along as roommates and carried on with their day.