Dazzlings Fusion

by Dr Sharaz Jek

First published

Seeking to restore their Amulets, the Dazzlings hunt down an occult shop and end up fused.

Desperate to recover their former abilities, Adagio seeks out an occult shop that is said to hold working trinkets for the right price. With some reluctance her sisters agree to her plan, until it all goes wrong (Or right?) in the worst way; they fuse into a single entity and struggle to control their new, horrific form.

Will they be able to break this curse? Or simply learn to live with it?

Chapter 1

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Within a seedier part of town sat a small shop which dealt in the occult. Of course most people assumed it was all bullshit, with mostly wannabes, poseurs, and the easily tricked venturing there, but desperation had led the Dazzlings to try almost anything. "Well," said Adagio from beneath her hoodie. "Here it is." From the outside the shop didn't appear particularly special. Just the usual gothic baubles in the windows which looked more like Nightmare Night decorations.

"This is a waste of time," whined Aria who snarled and crossed her thin arms.

"I dunno, might be fun!" Sonata chewed on some bubblegum, blowing a bubble she'd pop, then repeating the process.

"Hush, you two. This is business." They needed something to replace their broken amulets. Sure, this world didn't seem to have much in the way of Equestrian magic, but perhaps some alternative existed? Maybe a trinket from their world?

Shrunken heads rattled on the door frame when they waltzed in.

Around the interior were the usual cliches; crystals, candles, incense, a small library on the occult, tacky robes and fake skulls. "Ew!" Sonata turned up her nose with a pout. "Bad taste!" She drew looks from the gothic and hipster shoppers all-around them, assuming that normies were trying to invade their space. “Looks more like a kinky fetish shop!”

"Shut. Up." Aria punched her in the arm. "Let's hurry up and do this, okay?!"

Adagio inhaled deeply, hopeful that the rumors were true. Yes, most of the stuff here was fake, but there was a special reserve of items for high-value customers. The sisters had pooled their cash, betting on the eldest sister's wisdom.

No matter how much they openly complained deep down they trusted her. She took the lead and headed towards the back. A number of sex toys and slutty costumes lined the walls. A private room with curtains drawn was where the owner was said to reside. "You two, wait outside. I'll handle this." They were already busy browsing the merchandise. She managed a sly smile, hopeful the sirens would once again be singing their sweet songs soon!


After she'd flashed all their cash, and been taken to a secret portion of the shop by the mysterious owner who refused to show their face which they kept hidden under robes and a hood, Adagio rolled the colorful stone in her palm. She would've professed her doubts, but in truth she could feel something resonate within it.

Colors shifted every time she turned it. She wandered behind the back of the store, near a dank alley with dumpsters, taking solace in the shadows with her siblings. “I know it doesn't look like much...but neither did our amulets, to be honest.” When she'd asked for instructions, the seller just told her she'd know what to do when she used it.

“So, this'll let us sing like we used to?” Aria tried to snatch it up but Adagio held it close.

“Ooh, gimme, gimme!” Sonata hopped ion place with fists balled up to her bosom.

“Sisters have to share...unfortunately,” added Adagio in a murmur. “Come closer, you two. Let's hold hands.” They would draw strength from one-another like they always did. “Close your eyes. Concentrate on me.”

Aria said, “This is stupid.” Yet she did it anyhow.

“I feel a little tingly,” said Sonata who shivered all over.

“We haven't even started yet, idiot! Whoa, wait, I feel it too?!” Aria's pursed lips twisted into a small smile.

“That's it. Focus on your sisters,” softly murmured Adagio who felt a warmth stir in her breast.

A brilliant flash of light enveloped the troika. When the illumination faded the sisters slowly blinked their eyes open.

Aria stared down at herself. “What. The. Fuck.”

A squeal of delight escaped Sonata when she took their new form in. “We're closer than ever!”

Adagio stood at the center of their new physique, with Aria's head to the left, and Sonata's to the right. They were taller and wider, a mountain of wobbly flesh, fused into one being. Worse the gemstone had vanished, preventing them from reversing it. Their costume was some weird amalgamation of their usual attire, stretched around their folds.

They all tried moving in different directions, almost tipping over in the process. Folds jiggled relentlessly. “Cut it out you moron,” snapped Aria as they almost lost their footing once more.

“I'm not doing anything,” whined back Sonata.

“Both of you, just stay still for a while.” Adagio pursed her lips. “Remember the first time we arrived here and had to adjust to these bodies? We'll have to learn to walk again. Let's take it one step at a time.” She slowly took a cautious step. A smile crossed her face, and she twinkled her toes. “Yes! We can do this.”

“Ooh, that looks fun!” Sonata attempted to help take control, and they bowled over, crashing into a trash can with a crash. The lid rolled away with a clink. “Oh, um, sorry! I totes thought I had that one!”

“Yuck, it smells like crap!” Aria crinkled her nose as fat flies swarmed around them. “Damn it!”

“It's garbage, what did you expect it to smell like?” Sonata laughed.

“Your ass?” Aria snarled.

“Will you two shut the hell up.” Adagio struggled to push their now thick form back onto its feet. “Okay, all at once on the count of three. Press your palms to the ground and push up. One...two...three!” With a combined effort they hurtled back to their feet with a wobble. They swayed for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

“Okay, this will take some time, but maybe we can get used to this?” Aria resigned herself to their fate with a slump of her head. “Just think of it like when we first arrived, and had to pass down old clothes between us.”

“Yeah, I could do without another pair of your dirty panties! Not to mention your teeny-tiny bras!” Sonata snickered.

“Screw you!” Aria raised an arm and gave the finger.

Blocking them out, Adagio considered going back into the shop and giving the mysterious owner a piece of her mind. She was hesitant to show herself in public like this, but realized there was little choice if they hoped to somehow undo this travesty. But before then they needed to practice some more. For now she focused on walking in a circle.

Chapter 2

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After hours of tedious practice, the Dazzlings were finally able to move in unison. By now the sun started to dip below the horizon, the skies stained a myriad of colors. With their attitudes pulling them in different directions it proved difficult for them to sync up; but once Adagio told them it was like their singing and dancing, Aria and Sonata soon fell into step.

Odder still it seemed they now shared the same sensations. Their initial fall still ached for the trio. At least nothing appeared to be bruised, let-alone broken, but they would have to take more care from now on. The siblings had always needed to share everything; now it had simply become more literal!

“This is demeaning,” said Aria with a sneer. “It's like we're toddlers again!”

“We were never toddlers! We were little fishies!” Sonata beamed, incredibly proud she'd scored a rare point on Aria.

“Yeah, so what. I'd rather not remember when we hatched out of those eggs.” Aria had been a tiny thing even then, so skinny an onlooker would have sworn she was somehow laid prematurely. "To be a carefree little minnow again..."

“Quiet now. Fighting will only throw us out of rhythm.” Adagio sucked in a heavy breath. “Now, let's see if this mysterious owner can't help us undo this nightmare.” Deciding to forego all subtlety, despite how undignified it seemed to be seen in public like this, Adagio took the lead as they stormed back towards the entrance. Trying to throw open the door and realizing Aria and Sonata controlled their arms, suddenly her own arm arose from her chest, slamming open the barricade to the shop.

Once the dark arrived the weirdos came out. By now the interior was packed. But one look at the freakshow that waddled inside made them scream, cower, and scatter. “That's right, run you punks!” Aria growled with a laugh. “We're a real nightmare!”

“Ugh...” Adagio slowly rolled her eyes at her cheesy line, kicking and pushing over displays. A series of plastic skulls rolled out from a display, and they slipped, arms wheeling helplessly before they tumbled face-first and landed with a loud smack. “Ouch.” She'd stuck out her palm to try and break the fall, almost twisting it in the process under the collapse of weight.

Sonata tittered. “That was kind of fun! Let's do it again!”

“Let's not,” snapped Aria who stared down at their shared shape. “Damn, I can't believe how fat we are!”

“I kind of like it,” murmured Adagio almost inaudibly while they struggled back to their feet. “Well, aside from being attached to you two.” The area shook while they stomped onward, into the back of the shop, tearing down the curtain to confront the owner. But they were no longer about. Angrily Aria's arm plucked up a note left on the desk and they hastily read it.

“Must have been too scared to face us,” said Aria.

“No I wasn't,” read Adagio aloud. “I really had to go, wish I was there so I could charge you the correct amount for damaging my store.” They blinked several times in unison.

Sonata cut in, “Is she psychic?”

“Yes, I am, I know what you are thinking, and you should be ashamed of yourselves!” Adagio continued to read.

“Eep.” Sonata blushed. Aria's hand crumpled up the note and tossed it. With a final kick to overturn the desk, they started to head back out, then paused when Adagio sighted a full-length mirror in the shop. They took a moment to study their new shape.

“Mmm, well this isn't so bad.” Adagio practically purred the words.

“Yeah, yeah.” Aria scoffed. “Only because it reminds you of your fat ass siren form before we were turned human!”

“Oh dear Aria,” said Adagio in the most condescending voice she could manage. “Still stings you were the smallest siren?”

“Sh-shut up!” Aria pursed her lips, the middle child known for being rather lithe even when they were sirens.

Sonata tittered. “That's so true!”

“Huh...” Adagio wiggled the hand between her breasts which she'd summoned up. “I have an idea.” She looked around, saw that the building had cleared out, and turned the sigh to 'closed' so they hopefully wouldn't be interrupted. “You two, concentrate. Try to focus on how we were before we were combined into this form.” She closed her eyes and focused.

With a shrug Aria and Sonata followed her lead. A pop sounded as more legs popped out, three now in front while Adagio's two remained in the back. “What the hell,” yelled Aria. “Where's my other leg?!”

“Probably up your butt,” said Sonata who stuck out her tongue.

“Ugh...I can't call it out!” Aria tried-and-tried to no avail, her face straining. Their torso,breasts, hips, and buttocks continued to expand, until their physique solidified. “Curse it all! Guess we'll have to practice some more!”

Hey, at least it's totes fun! For realsies!” Sonata cheerily laughed.

Adagio spun and studied her plush posterior in the mirror with a sly smirk. “Not bad at all.”

“At least we got rid of all the idiots. What a dumb place. They really think this is all real? It nothing but kitsch.” Aria shook her head. “Whatever that amulet was, it must've had Equestrian magic or something. What say we hunt down the owner? I few punches and they'll find a way to fix this, I'm sure!” She smacked a fist into a wall which trembled under the blow.

Sonata pursed her lips. “But how will we find them? Think they'll return?”

“I wouldn't count on that. At least, not anytime soon.” Adagio considered their options. “Perhaps there is some clue here?” They stalked back to the curtained portion and rifled about a small room packed with baubles. She somehow doubted any of these worked, certain whoever ran this place must have removed anything useful, but after several minutes she spotted something. “Mmm, isn't this interesting?” She plucked a familiar pastel hair off the floor. “I have an idea...”

Chapter 3

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The strand of hair was a scant clue, but Adagio swore her instincts were dead on, and tracked it to the source. It had been quite a struggle to wander across the town like this, using the cover of night to hide the best they could, and by the time they arrived the sun had started to rise. A cock crowed in the distance and dew decorated the blades of grass.

“You sure this is the right place?” Sonata stared bewildered at the lonesome cottage in the middle of nowhere.

“It had better be,” said Aria who huffed alongside her sweaty sisters, sticky clothes clinging to their thickness.

“Only one way to find out...” Adagio stomped the welcome mat and threw open the door which slammed and shook the small enclosure. They stalked inside, their movements synchronized by now, helped by a shared determination to uncover this mysterious owner. “You?!” Past the spray-painted peace signs, crystals, and potted plants they saw a familiar face.

Tree Hugger cocked a thick eyebrow. “Like, who were you expecting?” She chuckled. Dressed in a midriff-bearing top, shorts, and sandals, she swiped dreadlocks that fell from under her bandana. “It's not cool to barge in uninvited, you know?”

“Shut up, you dumb hippie.” Aria sneered at the decorations. “What in the hell did you do to us?!”

Adagio shook her head. “She's not the one we're after.” Pushing past the flowerchild, they headed down the halls, to another room tucked away at the back. “Ah, there we are.” She smiled slyly at the woman seated on the bed.

“Eep!” Dressed in a black gown which hugged her voluptuous curves, Fluttershy hurried to finish the application of dark, heavy makeup. “U-um, would you maybe like to come back later? If you don't mind.” She drew dark circles under her eyes.

“No way. Look at what you did to us!” Aria reached out and seized her wrist.

“Cool it, Aria. I knew it was you.” Adagio waved the soft pink hair she'd discovered about. “But what I don't understand is how you were seemingly able to read our minds with that letter?”

“Or why you're totally living a double-life?” Sonata beamed. “It's so exciting!”

Shy applied the final touches to her alternative look, and her once bashful eyes suddenly met theirs with a confidence that matched and even threatened to outstrip their own. “Oh, that was easy! Just a little trick of Discord's!”

“What, that creepy janitor?” Aria screwed up her face. “Yuck!”

“Hey, he's a total sweetie when you get to know him!” Fluttershy was on her feet and her stiletto hills clicked on the floor. “Anyhow, he can turn himself into pretty much anything. Until I broke him of the habit, he used to disguise himself as my bra and panties-”

“I don't want to know.” Adagio waved her hand dismissively. “Anyhow, Equestrian magic I take it?”

“I think so. He's not sure himself.”

“Tch. Figures.” Aria ground her teeth. “Maybe Discord can fix this?”

“He told me willpower alone might be enough to shift it, at least. Why don't you try it? I do feel a little bad about what happened, so you're free to stay here for a while. But you'd better be nice to Hugs, or I'll kick your butts!”

Normally the Dazzlings would've laughed off such a threat, especially from the meek animal lover, but the gothic makeover seemed to steel her into something formidable. “Okay,” agreed Adagio. “We'll obey.”

“Sleepover!” Sonata raised a fist in triumph.

Heading back into the living room where Tree Hugger was sitting in a lotus position, playing an old-fashioned guitar and rocking back-and-forth to the strumming with eyes closed, they stopped before a mirror. “It's up to all of us,” reminded Adagio. “Try focusing on how we used to be.” They shut their eyes and groaned as they attempted to draw themselves apart.

Aria strained and huffed. “Is this what it feels like to give birth?! No thanks!”

“I feel all weird and tingly,” said Sonata as their mass of flesh attempted to shift with loud squelches.

It had certainly been a weird couple of days. Adagio never would have believed supposedly sweet-and-innocent Fluttershy lived an alternative lifestyle, ran an occult shop, or that she and her sisters would be closer in a way she never could've conceived. Odder still this Discord somehow wielded powers that shouldn't have been possible here. Her mind wandered as she focused.

Several minutes passed before the troika was winded. “It's useless,” said Aria.

“Face it, Aria! You don't want to be apart from me,” replied Sonata.

“Again,” cut in Adagio. “Soon as we've had a moment to rest. And this time, all thoughts on the task at hand!”

Tree Hugger paused her song. “It's your vibes, chickadees. You're all at odds, pulling in different directions. Sonata's, like, a bit too carefree, and Aria's swallowed up by her angst. Adagio's the closest you three have to any balance.”

“I somehow knew it was you two at fault.” Adagio's poofy curls bounced when she shook her head. “Oh well, another attempt, then.” Grunting and pulling, their faces started to redden, pops and squishes echoing through the interior while they tried to separate themselves. “Y-yes,” she hissed when the flesh started to part in the center like it was melting.

“I gotcha babe,” said Hugs who wrapped her hands around Adagio's arm and yanked. She howled in pain, but continued to slither free, until she started to worm loose, like the old Dazzle they all knew was being born fully intact, her naked shape moist and slippery. With a thud she landed atop the hippie, sticky and slimy, her bared curves rising and falling with rapidity.

“I-I'm free?” She sat up and stared at her moist curves which dripped with some unknown clear fluid.

“Groovy.” She shot them a peace sign. “Looks like those two can't quite do it. Bummer.”

“Damn it!” Aria studied herself in horror, their physique similar to the trio's fused form, extra thick in the bosom and buttock areas, with four arms and three legs. “Now I have to babysit this bimbo brat by myself?!”

Sonata squealed and bunched up both of her fists on each side of them. “Now we can get closer than ever!”

“Hell no! This is the absolute worst! And I'm still missing a leg...” Aria's head drooped.

“You're just mad because these tits and this ass obviously came from me,” cried Sonata who felt a tit up.

“St-stop that,” said Aria who blushed and smacked her sister's hand with one of her own. “It feels weird.”

“You two are hopeless.” Adagio rose and tossed back her hair. “Sorry about the rug, but I'd kill for a shower.”

“It'll wash out,” said Hugs. “I have an open air bath outside, you should totally try it!”

“Very well. A nice bath, some clothes, and then I'll find some way to reverse this.” Adagio decided in their current state these two would merely hold her back. You two, behave while I'm away.” She followed the hippie outside, settled into the wash basin which was filled with warm water that was drawn from a well nearby, and with a soft moan she settled into the pool.

Chapter 4

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From what Adagio knew, Discord was still a fixture at a college close by. She assumed he was still the came creepy janitor as ever, lusting after girls who weren't even half his age. She borrowed a black dress which ended in frills from Fluttershy, a lacy number that clung to her curves. Lastly she borrowed the least juvenile panties she could, a silky scarlet number with a tiny bow, her lip curling whenever she looked at the underwear decorated with fruits or animals. She didn't bother with a bra.

It would be quite a long walk and it wasn't like she had any money after that stunt to purchase the amulet. “Maybe I can help,” offered Fluttershy. “Tree Hugger, you'll take care of our guests, right? May I borrow your van?”

“Yes to both, babe. I know you'll take care of her.” Hugs shot her a crooked smile.

“Thank you, Tree Hugger.” She embraced the hippie who patted her bottom, the skirt clinging to her buttcheeks. Her face colored. “Tone it down a notch,” she begged in a whisper as her girlfriend continued to molest her hind end.

“Sorry babe. Just want to burn those bodacious buns into my memory while you're away.” She chuckled.

Fluttershy traded a kiss with her and scooped the keys from a table. “You ready, Adagio?”

“Certainly.” She strutted out the cottage and headed to the spray-painted van. Her lip curled a tad at the peace symbol that emblazoned its side. Settling into the passenger's seat, they gently pulled out. “So, where are you headed?”

“Wherever Discord is. Back at school, I'll bet.” She rolled her eyes.

A giggle escaped Fluttershy while they traveled down a country road. “Yes, I've been working hard to break his old habits. It's not nice to peek on a girl while she's changing! Luckily for him, me and Hugs are rather forgiving.”

“Not sure how you can stand it.” Adagio leaned her head on a hand and watched the scenery pass them by. It was obvious she was somehow smitten by him for some reason, although not to the point where she'd dare abandon the safety and comfort her girlfriend provided. Maybe she secretly enjoyed his pervy tendencies too? With her double life, it seemed plausible.

A short time later they crossed into town and arrived at the school. It was mostly vacant at the moment, only a few special classes scheduled, but Discord never took a day off no matter what. And why should he, when he'd scored a gig at an all-girls school? He was known to leer at the barely-legal women on display, but knew better than to lay a hand on them.

No doubt a bonus for him were the mandatory uniforms, tight around the breast area, with short pleated skirts. They parked and strolled up the stairs inside the building, where a number of girls chatted while they passed them in the halls. It reminded Adagio of old times, when she and her sisters had tried to take over a similar place and ended up in their current position.

She chewed her lower lip as their heels echoed with each step. Much as she hated to admit it, she felt lonely without the constant sniping of Aria and Sonata to fill in the quieter moments. Worse still a twinge of jealousy burned in her, to know that her sisters were fused while she was left alone. Maybe a part of her almost wanted to stay that way forever...?

They passed a number of rooms and she considered the most likely places he'd hang out. The closets? Bathrooms? The gym? Then it hit her. The shower room. Of course. She took the lead, heading in that direction with a renewed sense of purpose.

Fluttershy shook her head. “Tree Hugger and I plugged up all those holes!”

She ignored her and slipped into the adjacent room. It was a dark and dank place, practically a crawl space, a maintenance area usually forbidden to anybody but key staff members. Adagio felt along the interior, plucked out the stuffed in orifices, and small bits of light along with the hiss of water answered them. “There,” she whispered kneeling down.

The pair of them squatted a peeked through. A variety of colorful buttocks and crotches were immediately in view. Steam rose in tufts around the shower room and pooled down the tiles into the drains. “Well, this is the place, but where's he hiding?”

“That naughty...I'll give him a stern talking to!” Fluttershy refilled them with open disgust.

“Yes, you do that.” Adagio sighed in disappointment. She combed the cramped area but there was no sign of him.

Exiting back into the hallways, the pair searched the school, and even asked around, but nobody had seen him lately. Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she decided it best to locate his home. Wherever that was. She was about to ask Fluttershy when her legs almost went out from under her. She swayed and leaned on a wall for support.

“What's the matter, dear?” Shy touched her forehead. “Wow, you do feel rather warm. Should I fetch some water?”

“I...I'll be okay,” she tried to assure her.

Her eyes watered. Much as she hated to admit it, she needed her sisters, felt incomplete without them. Was that it? Was her body rejecting this separation? She lowered her pride, accepting Fluttershy's shoulder and leaning on her as she was led out.

“What was that?” Fluttershy leaned in to hear her delirious mumbling. “Aria and Sonata? I'll take you to them!” Gently she placed her back in the passenger seat and the van took off. By now Adagio was pale and her eyes struggled to maintain focus.

Were her siblings okay? For once Adagio's thoughts were selfless. She didn't want to die yet, especially not before she made it clear how much she loved them, no matter how hard it was for her to normally do so. A thud sounded when she passed out.

Chapter 5

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“God, I'm bored.” Aria stared at the crystals, incense, beads, and worst of all, the posters about protecting the environment, saving the whales, and other other kinds of crap she couldn't be bothered with. No, when she looked at society, she wanted to tear it all down, start all over, or maybe salt the earth out of sheer spite. It all depended on her mood.

Remain here much longer and she'd surely go stir crazy! “How about we go out for some tacos?” It was almost like Sonata could read her mind now that they were connected. She started to pull towards the exit.

“Not in the mood,” snapped Aria. They were tugging back-and-forth, almost losing their footing.

“Think I have, like, most of the materials here.” Tree Hugger wandered into the living room stark naked, seemingly unconcerned with whoever saw her by the crooked smile plastered on her face. “I'll whip you chickadees up a primo meal. No meat, I'm afraid, but I have some organic stuff that's pretty close!”

“That's quite a bush,” said Sonata with wide eyes staring at the forest that was the hippie's crotch.

“Thanks, I think? I prefer a more natural look, you know? Flutters made me shave my armpits, though.” She snapped up a frilly apron with a heart emblazoned on it and tied it into place. “I like to wear this when I'm cookin' for my babe.”

“I hate everything about you,” mumbled Aria under her breath. However when Hugs was soon at work in the kitchen, the air suffused with the aroma of chopped lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheeses, sour cream, and guacamole, she had to admit she was quite the cook. Not to mention she had quite a nice butt, which she shook with lazy sways while she hummed and chopped away.

Sonata tittered. “Ooh, like what you see, sis?”

“Shut up.” Aria's face burned. The pair moved in unison and sampled a few of the ingredients. “Not bad. Nice buns, too.”

Their stomach growled. Hands dug into tofu and soy, shoveling wads into their mouths. The front door tumbled open, and the sisters almost fell over, spinning to look. Fluttershy strode in, carrying an unconscious Adagio. “I hurried home. It was either here or a hospital, and somehow I had the feeling she needed to be with her siblings...” She placed her on a couch.

“Oh no!” Sonata peered over her. “Is-is she...?!”

“She's fine,” snapped Aria to hide her own concern. “Gotta be! Wake up, you-”

“Easy,” called Hugs from the kitchen. “I'll fetch her some water!”

Fluttershy chewed her lower lip. “She's stable, but-” She took the jug of water and washcloth from her girlfriend, and applied a few dabs to her patient's forehead. “Oh, what should we do? I know about taking care of animals, but-”

“I...I'll be fine,” murmured Adagio who blinked and barely opened her eyes. “Just...winded, is all.” She offered her hands to Aria and Sonata who bent over and took them. “Thanks.” She managed a weak smile. “Feeling better already.”

Aria smiled too despite herself. “But why? It doesn't make any sense!”

“Aw, is big sis lonely?” Sonata tittered.

“You're not far from the truth, dear!” Everyone looked around for the source of the voice. It was masculine but cultured with a heavy touch of playfulness. “Oh, don't mind me. Just wanted to check in on my lovely Fluttershy!”

“Discord!” Fluttershy folded her arms and tapped a foot. “Where are you hiding now?”

“I'm very close. Actually, I've been with you and Adagio for quite some time...” He chuckled and his mismatched eyes drifted across their clothes. “Sorry about the wild goose chase to locate me, but I was having way too much fun!”

“Now hold up buster, I told you not to do that anymore!”

“Okay, fine.” The eyes sprung from their garments and a tall wiry man materialized, half his suit sharp and with dull colors, the other portion shabby and bright with a checker pattern. He stroked his thin beard, his hair a disheveled mess. “Anyhow, it's simple. Until the Dazzlings are of one mind they can't afford to be separated for long.”

“Of one mind? Of course,” whispered Adagio. “Much as I hate to admit it, I...I don't want to be alone.”

Sonata beamed so wide she flashed her pearly white teeth. “See? We'll always be together!”

“Please, no...” Aria rolled her eyes. “Just...don't scare us like that again, okay dumbass?”

“I'll try.” Adagio laughed. “So does this mean we're stuck like this forever?”

“Not sure there's a way to reverse it,” admitted Discord. “I put some of my power into certain trinkets I passed to Fluttershy. Equestrian magic is commonplace in the dimension I come from! However, you may be able to overcome it naturally. Allow me to explain. It's your subconscious desire to be united which kicked in the amulet's power, so perhaps the reverse is true?”

“So, learn to be more independent and we'll be able to spend more time apart.” Adagio nodded to herself.

“Doesn't sound too difficult,” said Aria.

“I dunno, I kind of like this new shape? It's totes the besties!” Sonata snickered.

“That'll be up to you three! Nothing more I can do. Well, I'd better be off!” Discord landed a playful swat on Shy's butt.

“Eep! Discord!” His cackles echoed through the room when he teleported away. “I swear, that man!” She smoothed down her dress with a thick blush. “Probably touched us up the entire time he hitched a ride...”

Adagio stroked her chin. “Well, that explains the strange powers, at least. Sort of...” For all she knew this Discord wasn't even from her Equestria, but was perhaps some parallel version who could travel between dimensions? She figured it wouldn't do to think about it too hard. It would just drive her crazy, and they had more pressing matters at the moment.

“Tacos are ready.” Tree Hugger started to lay out plates covered in food and condiments on a short table.

“Yay!” Sonata hopped up-and-down, their shared hefty body wobbling all over and shaking the cottage.

“Chill out! Crap! Now I'm starting to talk like that hippie! Got to get out of here soon,” cried Aria.

“Yes, we don't want to overstay our welcome. Thank you for everything,” said Adagio who slowly rose to join them. They took seats on the floor around the small feast. “Mmm, they do smell nice. You're quite a cook, Hugs.”

“That's why she keeps me around. Right, babe?” She wrapped an arm around Shy's waist who blushed, the hippie still nude save for the frilly apron. “Eat all you like chickadees, I have more ready to be whipped up at a like moment's notice!”

The group chatted while they chowed down. However the Dazzlings were still divided on whether to remain united or separate. Perhaps they would simply take turns? Adagio certainly felt more complete with them, especially since her wider form reminded her of how she'd been as a siren. Sonata was rarely alone as it was so that proved no real surprise.

But what about Aria? Would she be on board for the long haul? Well, perhaps between the three of them they'd be able to find a compromise...eventually. For now they'd simply fill their bellies and enjoy one-another's company.

Chapter 6

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Days went by while the Dazzlings continued to practice fusing, trying out various combinations, as each took a turn spending time away from one-another until it became second nature. Despite repeated protests Aria struggled to break free the most. While she hated to admit it, maybe she really did need them. After all, who else would listen to her complaints?

They were still crashing at Fluttershy's and Tree Hugger's shared cottage in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully, they didn't seem to mind looking after them, letting them eat, bathe, and sleep there. “Probably a twinge of guilt from the bunk amulet she sold us,” noted Adagio in private. “Although maybe it isn't so bad?” She studied their combined form in the mirror.

“It gets better~” Sonata sing-songed the words. “Our voices are back!”

Aria balked. “What?! So that's what you've been doing while you're alone?”

“For realsies. Let's try, okay sisters?” They closed their eyes and open their mouths, their voices soon harmonizing.

Warmth settled over the trio when their song died down. “Mmm,” mused Adagio. “Think we can control our hosts?”

“Must we?” Sonata chewed her lower lip. “They've been so nice to us. And Hugs makes a mean taco!”

“Yeah, I don't really feel up to it, either.” Aria shrugged. “Sticking with them must be making me soft.”

“Very well. I simply wanted to test it out, anyhow. Maybe that annoying little bunny...” They wandered out back, where Tree Hugger was sunbathing nude atop a towel, her skin shiny from tanning lotion, while Shy was similarly naked as she hung up clothes and underwear on a clothesline. They awkwardly wobbled away, spotting Angel Bunny amidst some bushes.

He tilted his head to one side, staring at them. Breaking into song in unison, a subdued tune so hopefully their hostesses wouldn't hear them, his beady eyes started to glaze over, his tiny furred body swaying to the hypnotic tune.

He shook his head, shook a furry paw at them with a bit of unintelligible chatter, and hopped away. “Damn.” Aria groaned. “It was working for a moment there. Oh well, it was worth a try. Maybe we'll get better at this too over time?”

“It's all your fault of course,” said Sonata. “Your voice is all scratchy and out-of-tune!”

“What? You take that back!” She sneered at her sister who stuck her tongue out in return, Adagio in the middle rolling her eyes. Some things never changed. “Well, whatever. This does feel kind of nice I guess,” mumbled Aria.

“I suppose we'll crash here for a while longer,” said Adagio. They could practice their singing some more, not to mention moving about as one, and taking turns separating. Pressing their cheeks together, the sisters nuzzled one-another. Fortunately Shy and Hugs didn't mind their presence; in fact they seemed to welcome their company.

Days went by while their hostesses continued to feed and clean up after them. They'd bathe and lounge about, Aria breaking from the trio like Adagio had, wetly slithering in a sticky film when she was practically birthed out from the fused Dazzlings.

In truth after taking it easy for quite a while, villainy almost seemed dull to the troika. Sure, they could always return to pursue power later if they so wished, but for now they were content to simply laze about and have some more mundane fun.

And eventually the three were able to pull apart, until they decided to be reunited once more. Their bodies were slathered in afterbirth-like excretions, drawing apart in a mass of stretching flesh, their shared attire falling away and leaving them nude. They shook their soggy bodies and hair, standing in the open behind the cottage, the starts swirling into view.

Standing hand-in-hand, they gazed into the pale moon, reminded of their home. Perhaps they could never return. But they'd make a life for themselves here. After all, the sisters had each other, and that was all they needed.