When Stars Transcend The Line


First published

The complete rewite of When Stars Align. This will not be close to the original (completely different storyline)

When Stars Align was a story that I made when I was 13. I am almost 16 now and I'm now rewriting the story and events.

Original Full Story: When The Stars Align

Princess Celestia and Luna find themselves in the hands of a human after a snowy night. They unfortunately are stuck in the human world for an unknown reason. Will they make it back to Equestria before the country falls to ruin or will something else stand in their way

Character may act OOC

Original: Complete (20 Chapters)
Bonus: Ongoing (2 Chapters)
Rewrite: Ongoing...

Chapter 1

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This story starts is a land far, far away from Equestria. A place with no magic, where walking talking creatures called humans reside.

The walk throughout their lives with thoughts of success on the brains after long years of school.

The human that we are searching for lives alone, isolated from all other humans. In fact, he hates them.

Wheel growled as they rubbed aggressively against the ground followed by a low sputter of a dying engine.

The human groaned as he got out of the car and looked at his phone. No service.

"Guess we're doing this the old fashioned way" He huffed in exasperation as he rolled up his sleeves. He'd never touched an engine in his life and that was made apparent when he popped open the hood and saw blatant black smoke.

"Ok..." He whispered to himself looking closer. It was boiling underneath it surprisingly since he was surrounded by nothing but snow and mountain in -30° temperature.

He reached in to grab a random screw the was protruding from the engine. His fingers gently grazed the metal before a searing pain shocked his nerves.

"Fuck my god-" his curses faded into pain filled grumbles as he waved his hand about in the air.

Yes, this human that you see here is named Astin Casper. He lives alone, working as an author. He has dark hair and a rough build. His skin is as pale as a piece of copy paper yet his eyes were a sun-kissed golden-orange color.

He paced around cursing softly as he holds the injured hand. Suddenly, he heard it.

"Please anypony help us... I believe we are lost!" He hears a feminine voice nearby.

He runs to the source through the slippery snow. "Where are you? What are you doing out here?" He yelled out to the voice. "

Sister, where are we...?" Another voice trailed off.

He slipped in the slick muddy snow, and tumbled to his knees in front of two smallish horses.

One is more thin and slender. It had a long flowing blue, green, and pink mane. Its body was pure white like snow even in the mud it was obvious to see it was of a high breeding. The other one was similar but smaller. It had a blue mane with white specks like the night sky. Its body was a deep blue.

Their eyes were wide glowing orbs of purple and cerulean staring back at him. He walked up to them slowly looking at them. They watched him with an equal amount of stunned curiousity.

'Wow somebody really glued wings and a horn on a horse' He thought to himself before turning to their flanks. Two distinct pictures stood out against their fur.

"Branding" He muttered reaching out to touch the bright and shiny moon on the blue horse's flank.

Suddenly, he heard a feminine scream followed by the world spinning for a few minutes.

"Luna...!" He heard before he passed out.


When he came to, he laid underneath a surprisingly heavy layer of feather and bone similar to a comforter.

"Good! You are alive!" A female voice chirped from above him.

"What the actual fuck happened." He asked surprisingly calm before he looked up as saw it. A huge muzzle in his face!

He screamed in a high pitch making the white horse flinch. Her ears instantly fell as her muzzle grimanced.

He backed away huddling into a ball until he turned around. There was another one!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He whispered quickly attempting to crawl away before a mysterious blue aura surrounded him and lifted him off of the ground.

It was then he was held in the air face to muzzle? With the blue horse.

"GREETINGS CREATURE!!!" She all but screamed at him.

He stared at her for a while as the ringing in his ears slowly receded.


-A Few Moments Later-

-1st person: Astin-

"So let me get this straight" I said from the front seat looking at the two mares in my backseat. "You two, are magical pony princesses from Equestria and you need to get back home"

"Yes that is the gist of it as the foals say these days"

I chuckled dryly "Movie directors would have a field day with this one."

Celestia tilted her head before looking around "I am inclined to believe that this house is quite crowded"

"This is not a house."

"It isn't?"

"It is a car, Sister. He said that as he lead us here." Luna replied.

"What is a car?" Celestia questioned

I laughed "A car is a vehicle like trains"

"Ah! I see..." She replied.

"Seems uselessly small and it isn't going anywhere" Luna replied with a bored look on her face.

I put a finger up before going outside feeling the now chilled engine and slamming the hood. I got back in the car turning the keys allowing the engine to rumble to life before send Luna a cocky smirk.

The lunar princess rolled her eyes before looking out the window as the terrain passed around us.

"This is quite the piece of machinery" Celestia whispered in awe.

I shook my head as she admired the scenery. Do I even have enough food in my house to feed them?

Chapter 2

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-1st person: Astin-

I opened the door with my key and we were instantly hit with warm air. The blue alicorn gave a hum of approval slipping from behind him to begin exploring.

"Ok, first rule of business. Don't touch anything until I prepare my house." He said sternly as he shut the door behind them.

"What about the floor?" Luna questioned with a growing smirk.

"Luna, please." Celestia admonished shaking her head as she decided to observe my living room.

I give a slight smile to the blue alicorn "Yes. You can touch the floor."

She responded by letting out a rather unladylike groan and stretching her entire body out on the ground. Celestia rolled her eyes as Astin chuckled.

"If I may, Astin the human, do you know anything about Equestria?"

"Hmm..." He dragged a spare blanket from the depths of his closet in thought "It's actually a world in a different universe. A kid's show in this world to be precise called My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic."

"Friendship is Magic?" Celestia questioned sitting on the floor as he laid the blanket on the couch as he dug back into the closet.

"Yea, about a unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends as they defeat various enemies. My best friend loved that show, still loves it to this day. She loves to cosplay."


"Cosplay." He corrected "It's when you dress up as someone from your favorite show." Astin grunted as he slid a cord around his neck and pulled a giant, folded pile of material.

"Interesting. If I may ask, what is that?" Celestia inquired as she backed away to make space.

"Blow up mattress. This is where you will sleep."

Luna poked it in distaste "Looks uncomfortable."

"Luna!" Celestia started only for Astin to raise a hand.

"I'm aware. It is because I haven't prepared it, yet." He inserted the nozzle and flicked the switch as a loud whooshing sound filled the room.

"Now. Time to bathe." He added after making sure the pump was secure.

Celestia nodded almost hesitantly as Luna rolled to her hooves.

"Are you calling us dirty?" Luna said with a playful smile.

"Yes, you have mud caked on your face, hooves, and wings. You're lucky I let you on my carpet."

Luna gasped in mock hurt before following the human, who disappeared to find his destination. They walked into the hallway where there was a staircase at the end with 3 doors on each side.

"Do you live alone?" Celestia questioned as he turned into the second door on the right.

"Yea. Me and my species didn't really get along. Same crap everyday. My family had some land and I had a house built." He said softly as he turned on the shower head and pulled off of the hook that kept it attached to the pipe. He ran water in his hand to test the temperature.

"I see..." Celestia whispered leaning her muzzle forward "This will do nicely."

Astin yelped a bit as she levitated the shower head from his hands and wet her fur. Most of the dirt seemed to wash off her fur almost instantly.

"Dos- I mean do you have soap for me and my sister." Luna questioned with genuine curiousity.

"Oh fuck, let me look." He ran from the bathroom and went into the other part of the bathroom in another room. Astin searched under the sink and pulled out a Japanese cherry blossom bath and body works soap. It was mostly full.

He walked back into the bathroom. Instantly, the soap was enveloped in a blue aura and he was pushed out.

"Rude." He stated before walking out the other entrance. I walked upstairs and grabbed a small white board with a clip.

"I guess we could do a small Q&A" He walked downstairs.

Luna rubbed the rich lather into the solar princess's sensitive ears making sure to wash every crease in behind them.

"Luna, must you be so rough with him. He has offered us his home and bathroom. You're acting like a stuck up foal." Celestia whispered leaning towards the skillful hooves as her ears twitched.

Luna rolled her eyes "I don't trust so easily."

"Just.... Don't bite the hand that feeds us." Celestia sighed in exasperation. Luna nodded giving a soft kiss to the tip of each ear.

Her sister lets out a small squeak as she begins shaking like a wet dog. Her fur makes a humorous flapping noise as she rises.

"Collar fur." Luna said absent-mindedly as she levitated the bottle towards the alabaster alicorn.

The now clean alicorn looked down to see her fur was puffed up in a ring of puff. Her horn glowed as she brushed down the fur with her magical strands.

"Perfect." Luna chirped bending over to allowing the white alicorn to clean her back.

"Such pretty fur..." Luna whispered touching a hoof to her foreleg.

When the alicorns finished their bath, It was 10 at night. Astin couldn't believe they took a whole hour in the bathroom running up the hot water.

When they arrived into the living room, however... It was a different story.

Celestia was gorgeous, for a horse. Her fur was a soft almost white-pink color. Her magenta eyes had a cherry center that looked like glowing rubies. Her fur looked like it would glow if the sun shone down on it the right way. She even had a natural golden eyeshadow.

Luna on the other hand was a dark blue that looked like the night sky. Her eyes were the brightest of blues that looked like the ocean tides. Her fur absorbed and reflected the moonlight that shone through the window in a beautiful illusion.

Astin gulped and looked down taking out the pump. He instantly caught the plug and shoved it in before grabbing the white board.

"Ok. So how about you explain how you got here. That way we can find out what sent you here."

Celestia levitated the white board and began writing.

In Canterlot, Celestia stared up at the stars. A warm aura with a pristine white coat.

She stared longingly into a mirror waiting for a sign.

Any sign would do.

She wished to mend the bond between herself and her sister.

Should she confront her?

Should she wait?

Her magenta orbs gleamed with unshed tears.

"Oh Luna..." She whispered in a sorrowful melodic voice.

She watched as the mirror began to slowly glowing with a mysterious magic.

"And that's how I got here. The mirror trapped me in its gaze and I was sucked in somehow."

Luna perked "Something similar happened to me." She levitated the white board and wiped it clear.


A dark and gloomy cave hidden within the Everfree, only a lit with silvery moonlight. A sacred place only know of by a certain princess of the night.

Her glass slippers clanking against the ground as her soaked mane and tail hung limply against her. In front of her was a single flower.

Raindrops pooling in its center.

It was her pride and joy.

Her sister would never understand how it was.

Her hoof traced the edge of the petals allowing the droplets to flee into her fur.

What she didn't notice was the puddles beginning to glow around her.

"Then I was here, next to my sister."

"Strange. I honestly have no idea what to tell you. Magic isn't my forte." Astin grunted pulling his hair.

Luna gasped sarcastically "Nooo... We hadst nay idea."

"Luna. You're slipping."

"Sister, talking like this is tiring. My muzzle doesn't like it."

"Can we get back on track?" Astin requested.

"Of course. So what is the human world like?" Celestia questioned.

The human thought "We are quite technologically advanced. Technology is the center of human life today."

"Technology?" Luna layed on the mattress.

"Like my TV or my laptop. Just places to store hundreds upon thousands of years of information despite only being around for a few hundred years."

"Wow... Humans are quite the species." Celestia said with starry eyes. He nods and turns on the TV. Football is playing.

"Incredible..." Luna added shuffling around as she laid on her side.

"You can watch this while I shower." He pointed to the button and explained what they did before laying the remote on the couch. Celestia grabbed it in her magic and began flicking through channels.

"Oh my god! They killed Kenny! You, Bastards." The Tv blasted as Celestia and Luna laughed. Astin rolled his eyes as he undressed and stepped into the shower.

Chapter 3

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The next day, Celestia woke up with the biggest headache. She moaned in pain turning over to see Luna sitting causally at the dinner table.

"Luna, what time is it?" She groaned cracking her eyes open to find her hooves.

"And here I thought my sister was a morning pony. It is..." She glanced over to the clock on the wall. "I can't tell. Human's have confusing clocks."

"Can the sun wait a few more hours?" She groaned covering her face.

"You spent the entire night watching the television. I fell asleep before you!" Luna pointed out making the solar princess moan again.

"I'm hungry and tired."

"Good morning to you, too, Celestia. It is 2 in the afternoon." Astin greeted sipping coffee with Luna at the dinner table. The white mare peeked out and saw some sliced carrots and apples awaiting her.

She slid out of bed and trotted over to table yawning.

"Good morning, Sister. Today's forecast is sunny with overcast at 4." Luna said reading the newpaper.

"Luna, that paper is from 9 years ago." Astin pointed to the date.

"Oh." She closed the paper and slid it into the garbage bin. "Then why do you have it?"

"I had a lot of things happen 9 years ago." The human said in a begrudging voice poking at the eggs on his plate.

Celestia levitated the plate towards her and ate eggs happily, "Don't let the past get you down. Things will always get better. Right, Luna?"

Astin snorted as the lunar diarch shrugged, "Humans are made by our past. We learn our past so we don't repeat stupid things." He thought about his words for a moment "Then we do that exact thing again."

"Sounds redundant." Luna said nonchalantly searching in the fridge for more food. The fridge creaked as the pony stood on her hind legs to grab the potato chips from the top of the fridge.

"Are those crisps!?" The solar princess said in excitement jumping from her seat and walking over to Luna and the bag.

"That's the British way of saying it. We call them, chips, over here." Astin explained opening the bag for them.

"I had them in Gryphodonia. They were a delicious rarity. Potatoes need a rather colder climate than normal." Celestia explained eating one with a pleased smile.

"You guys are ravenous. Luna ate my entire fridge full of vegetables and now my chips." He gestured to the bag. Luna's ears fell and she looked at him with big, blue puppy dog eyes.

"We require sustenance, Sir Astin."

"Please, Sir Astin. We shall compensate you tenfold for your actions when we return." Celestia added.

"Fine, we are going grocery shopping. You are to remain in the car while I go." Astin looked at them both, "Understood?"

"We are not foal-" Celestia put her hoof on Luna's muzzle and nodded.

"Will we get more cr- er... chips?" The white mare corrected.

"You can choose the flavor. First and foremost, can you use a spell to make yourselves human?" Luna thought for a moment before her horn glowed.

The blue alicorn was encapsulated in a glowing white light that began to morph and shape according to Astin's figure. That is until the glow stopped and faded leaving an exhausted Luna in its wake.

"I need a human female to use as a magical muse." She shook her head almost spearing the human.

"My gosh, don't kill me with that thing." He poked her horn and pulled it up. The alicorn jerked a bit from the sudden touch blushing brightly.

"Do not carelessly touch our horn, Ruffian!" Luna squeaked shaking her head and backing away.

"Sorry? Is it painful or something?" He bent down to her height. Celestia blushed watching the transaction.

"A horn is a point of arousal on mares. They tend to have magic rings around the ridges where mana pools. It's a sensual and vulnerable area..." Celestia explained pulling her head up courteously to his distress.

"Why must we always be touch inappropriately? First, he touches our flank and now, our horn!" Luna muttered in a growly voice.

"Your flank? Where those pictures are? I don't know much about My Little Pony. I'm doing my best." Astin asked.

"Yes! Is it human culture to look at a mare's backside and touch her sexually!?"

"No! I didn't know, calm down!" Astin put his hands up in surrender.

"Luna, please. He meant nothing by his actions. It was carelessness on his part but not with the intent to harm you." Celestia said simply spreading her wings out to jump on the couch.

Suddenly, there was a loud grumble and a flash from the window.

"Really? A thunderstorm." Astin sighed as they walked over and opened the window. It was pouring and making all the snow turn into slush on the ground.

Luna's coat began standing on end as another flash lit up the sky.

"Ok, so shopping is out the window. What about setting more ground rules?"

"I can enjoy a few rules." Celestia muttered feeling a bit saddened by the lack of sun. Luna's wing found its way across her withers.

"Rule number 1. No touching horns."

"No touching tips. Got it." Astin facepalmed for a moment before laughing at his own inside joke. "2nd rule. No going to the attic. I have private things in there."

"Seems simple. No touching wings or flanks either." Celestia added to the first rule.

"What about *yawn* heats." Luna asked raising her wings to reveal the beautiful galaxy feathers underneath. Astin was a bit shocked because of the feathers being blue on one side and galaxy on the other. Maybe that was why they frequently preen?

"I'm sure we can handle each other. No calling each other Whorses. It's very insulting."



"Like the tall pony."

"Not the species! Whorses with a w. Horse is still an insult as well."

"Oh, people call humans whores or monkeys. It's degrading."

Luna cringes, "Being called a monkey sounds dreadful."

"It usually is followed by a racial slur or punches flying." Astin said rolling his eyes. Celestia stumbles off the couch and looked out the window.

"The sky is so polluted. Do you humans ever clean your sky?"

"How would we do that?" Astin asked a bit sarcastically.

"Pegasi clean the skies with the magic in their wings that work as a purification agent." Luna expained for her.

"We need more pegasi in my world before that can happen." He chuckled a bit and got up.

"What do you do for a living?" Celestia asked politely following him.

"Author. Writing Commissions. I just need go pay bill and by groceries. Something tells me that my living expenses are gonna be a bit high for a while." He said jokingly. Celestia giggled as they walked up the stairs.

"My writing room is downstairs and my personal history is in the attic."

"I would love to read your work. I'm a bit of a book nerd, if I do say so myself." Celestia boasted happily.

"We'll see..." He chuckled finally.