Home Alone & Video Games

by Spikemaster105

First published

With Spike and his athletic girlfriend Rainbow Dash, the athletes parents and sister were gone for the day, seazing the opportunity, she has her boyfriend spend the night with her and makes a little deal with him while playing video games.

With Spike and his athletic girlfriend Rainbow Dash, the athletes parents and sister were gone for the day, seazing the opportunity, she has her boyfriend spend the night with her and makes a little deal with him while playing video games.

Chapter 1

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It was a Friday, Spike and Rainbow were on a date as the teenage boy was driving around.

"I'm really enjoying our time together big guy", the athletic girl told him before kissing his cheek.

"Me too Dash, and I can't wait till my Eighteenth birthday next month", he said excitedly as she nodded.

"Me too, and let me know what you want for your birthday big guy, it can be anything you want", she gave him bedroom eyes while placing her hand on the inside of his thigh, and a little too close to his happy place.

He shivered, "P-Please don't do that, it would be hard to focus driving", she nodded in understanding and stopped.

Then she got a text from her mother, "Hey sweetie, me and your father won't be home tonight, and neather is your sister, you're gonna be home alone".

"Ps: Go ahead and invite your boyfriend over, and have a little fun with him 😉"

She blushed at that, knowing what her mother is trying to say, but smirked realising Spike can spend the night with her, and they can finally have some alone time.

She send a text back thanking her mother, then when they stopped at a red light, she can barely see her egghead friend walking out of a 711 putting something in her purse.

"Is that Twilight", she asked narrowing her eyes, while her boyfriend looked and can see her walking away.

"It is, let's see what's she's doing", then when the light turned green, he drove towards his sister.

"Hey Twilight, where you heading too", the athletic girl called out.

"Oh, hey Spike, Rainbow, I'm just heading home since me and Micro have date tonight", she explained with a smile.

"Another date", she nodded, "You two been dating for five months now, make your relationship official already", the rainbow haired girl smirked at her blushing friend.

Then she became curious and asked, "Hey egghead, what was that you put in your purse?"

That caused her science loving friend to blush even more, "Nothing, nothing at all", she gave a sheepish smile, hoping they don't find out what it really is.

Her brother raised an eyebrow, "Doesn't seem like nothing".

"Cuz it is nothing, it's something that I bought for Micro Chip", she told him.

He snickered, "It's probably a condom", the athletic girl turned to her boyfriend.

"Yeah right, I don't think Twilight would have the guts to buy one", she started laughing as the teen nodded and joined her, his sister laughed nervously too.

"Oh, I almost forgot, mom and dad won't be home today, her, dad, Mrs Whistles and Hothoof went on a double date", she explained to her brother as he nodded in understanding.

"Well, I'm gonna leave now, see you both tomorrow", she started walking away waving, while they waved back.

Suddenly the athletic girl got an idea for tonight, "Hey Spike, wait for me here while I buy something to drink for us both", he nodded in understanding.

Then she got out the car and started walking towards the store while he waited.

After awhile, she stepped back in with a large bottle of Gatorade, "You set", she nodded and he drove off.

"I'm gonna be home alone, wanna stay the night with me", she asked causing him to shrug a nod.

"Sounds fun, sure I'll spend the night with you", she smirked at that.

"What sounds fun, realising we are gonna be alone, or spending the night with me", he smirked too.

"How about, both", she suddenly smiled at that.

"I love you so much Spike", she kissed his cheek.

"Love you too Dash", then they continued to spend time together.

After awhile with Twilight home, she was getting ready for her and Micro Chips date for tonight, a month ago she's been developing feelings for him and decides to show him how she feels.

She put her purse down on her bed and started looking for a nice dress, "You can do this, ask him if he likes to spend the night and show him how you feel about him", she said to herself nervously.

With a nervous Micro Chip in his home, his parents was trying to have him relax, "Sweetie, deep breaths, deep...breaths", his mother was trying to calm him down.

Mrs Chip was that kind of woman who looked like she was the most popular and beautiful girl in her highschool days, that hung around with Jocks, and probably a cheerleader.

While her husband Mr Chip, looked like he was the biggest nerd in his School day's also, he is wearing glasses like his son.

They were the kind of couple that got people asking, how did a loser and geek like him, end up with a hot and sexy woman like her.

"It's hard for me to calm down mom, what if she rejects me, you know I had a crush on her since Seventh grade", the teen explained to her.

"Listen son, I know you're nervous about asking her if she wants to be your girlfriend, I know because I felt the same way about your mother", his father told him putting on a smile while his wife nodded.

"You two been dating for five months, who knows, she's probably falling for you and planning of asking you if you like to be her boyfriend", the woman smirked when she saw the blush on her son's face.

"How would you know mom?"

"Cause that's how I ended up with your father, we dated for a long time as I fell in love with him, then after that", she stopped and giggled as the man smirked pulling her close.

"What happened after that", Micro became curious.

"Let's just say, after we went out, we went back to her place and watched a couple of movies, but I don't think you wanna know what happened after that, since your grandparents weren't home that night", he gave his smirking wife a kiss.

The nerdy teen realised what happened, and didn't want to know what his parents did that night, "What your mother is trying to say, she wouldn't be dating you this long, if she didn't like you back".

He just sighed, "I hope your right dad", then he went upstairs to get ready for tonight.

Hour's later when it was dark, Spike pulled up to his girlfriends home, "Wanna watch Deadpool before playing Super Smash", the athletic girl asked smirking.

"Watching our favorite movie, and playing our favorite game afterwards, I love you so much right now babe", he gave her a kiss.

"Love you too big guy", then they got out the car and started to head inside.

With Twilight and Micro Chip, the two geeky teens were at movie Theater, since they just finished buying two tickets to The Advengers End Game.

"I still can't believe you're into these kind on movie's", he said smiling.

"Spike has all the Marvel movies, but the one's I love the most, are the Iron Man movie's, imagine what it's like building a suit of armor and walking and flying around in it", she smiled at the thought.

The boy scuffed adjusting his glasses, he explained to her why something like that would be impossible.

She gave a playful glare, then explained in her own way about why would it be interesting, and things about A.I holograms like Jarves from the movies.

Then they laughed, "You know Micro, I'm glad to be dating you, it's kinda hard for a girl like me to find a guy like you", she explained to him.

He turned to her confused, "What do you mean".

She frowned, "Guys like you always go for girls like Rarity, or Rainbow Dash".

"And I thought girls like you always go for guys like your brother, or Flash Sentry", he explained frowning also.

Then she smiled, "I guess we are ment for each other, and are on the same level, just like my brother and his girlfriend", she explained again.

Then she asked, "What do you say, after the movie, we go back to my place?"

He smiled and nodded when he noticed how happy she is, like she wanted to be dating him and wouldn't date any other boy, "Guess dad was right, she is starting to like me back", he thought.

Hour's later back with Spike and Rainbow, they just finished watching the funniest/violent movie they ever seen, and started setting the Nintendo Switch up to play some Smash Bros Ultimate.

The athletic girl thought of a something and smirked, "How about we make this game a little more interesting for us both", she suggested.

He turned to her with a raised eyebrow, "How, and what do you have in mind".

She giggled, "We do lives, I'll have five while you have four", that caused him to glare.

"Why do I get four", he asked.

"Cuz you only have four pairs of clothes on", that caused his eyes to widen.

"W-What are you saying", he asked again.

She giggled with bedroom eyes, "What I'm trying to say is, for each life one of use lose, we remove a pair of clothing, and first one to lose all their clothes, loses".

"So there's a chance I'm gonna see you completely naked for the first time", she nodded, "How is that a lose for me?"

"Ok then, how about this, if you end up completely naked and I win, you have to strip for me on my birthday in six months", she told him.

He raised an eyebrow at that, "And what if you end up completely naked and I win?"

She gave him a kiss, "Then tonight we'll have our first, and not only that, but on your birthday, I'll give you your very first lapdance and I'll suck your dick".

He suddenly grinned like a goofball, "Deal", then they shook on it, he hoped that he wins so he can have the best birthday ever.

Chapter 2

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The game was set up, and they were now picking their best characters, "Remember big guy, we'll have sex tonight, and you'll get your first lap dance and blowjob only if you win", he nodded in understanding grinning still.

After selecting the lives and stage, the match began and they started to play their hardest, well mostly Spike since he was promised the best birthday ever.

After awhile, Spikes characters hit points were over 100, then Rainbow Dash grabbed a bomb-omb, and threw it at him.

He tried to dodge, but end up getting hit still sending him flying off stage, he lost a life as his girlfriend grinned.

She turned to him with a smaug look as he pouted and took his socks off, "Better learn how to strip for me, cause I'm gonna win this", she boasted.

"In your dreams Dashie, hope you have a condom for tonight, cause after I win, I'm gonna carry you upstairs and make a woman out of you", he boasted back as she was still grinning.

"That sounds so fucken hot, I might as well give up and let you", he grinned at that getting closer to her.

"But, you stripping for me sounds hotter, so", then she went back to playing as his character respawned.

After awhile, she lost a life and pouted, and took her socks off, then her boyfriend got a great idea, an idea that might bite him in the ass later.

"How about we change the rules a little", he suggested causing her to turn to him very interested.

"What you have in mind", she asked.

"How about if I lose a life, you get to choose what peace of clothing you want me to take off, and if you lose a life, I get to choose what clothing I want you to take off, deal", he stuck a hand out.

She grinned, "Deal", then she shook his hand and they continued to play.

With Twilight and Micro Chip walking in the Sparkle residents, they hung their jackets up before closing the door and locking it, the science loving girl turned the heater on warming up her home.

"Make yourself at home, I'm gonna head upstairs and change into my Pajamas", then she started walking upstairs.

When she walked in her room, she opened her purse before taking a tiny box out, turns out Rainbow Dash was right about it being a condom.

"Ok, I can do this, watch some TV before confessing that you've been falling for him, then ask him if he wants to spend the night with you", she said to herself, while also trying to prepare to lose her viginity tonight.

Then she started putting her things away before going through her drawer to change.

With the other geeky teen, he suddenly has to use the restroom before he started walking upstairs and towards the bathroom.

When he was done, he started to walk down the hallway, but stopped when he noticed Twilights bedroom was opened just a crack.

He wanted to walk away, but the horny teen inside him told him to take a peek, so he did, he just hope she doesn't see him.

There he can barley see his date in her black underwear facing away from the door, and what he believe was her PJ's on the bed.

Then his eye widen when she reached behind her back uncliping her bra and letting it drop, then bend over pulling her panties down, he felt his pants get tighter before walking away.

After awhile, they were in the living room watching some TV, the science loving girl decided that it was time, her Pajamas were yellow were pink hearts around it, with the top being buttoned up all the way.

"Hey Micro, how do you feel about me, and be honest", she asked turning to him.

He blushed becoming nervous, "Well, since you want me to be honest, I've had a crush on you since Elementary", that shocked her.

"You had a crush on me", he nodded, "So that's why you always wanted to be my partner in Science and Chemistry", he nodded again.

"The truth is, I've liked you and happy that you are dating me, but the crush turned into love when we entered highschool, seeing how beautiful and smart you are", she blushed at that smiling more.

He decided to ask back, "So, what do you think about me?"

"I think your pretty smart yourself, and good looking, the truth is, I've been falling for you since a month after we started dating", that shocked him.

"S-So, we have a chance of becoming a couple", she nodded at that.

"Yes Micro, we do", then she caressed his face with both hands, before bringing him in for a kiss, he was surprised, but melted into it and deeped it by wrapping his arms around her body.

They broke it, "I love you Twilight Sparkle, will you be my girlfriend", he confessed.

"Yes Micro Chip, as long as you be my boyfriend, and I love you too", she gave him a quick kiss.

Then the new couple started making out, the science loving girl got up and straddled his lap and continued to make out with him.

The geeky teenage boy became confident and moved his hands to her butt, he noticed she didn't mind it.

They needed air, so they broke it, "Will you stay the night with me, and be my first", that caused him to start stuttering in shock.

"I-I-I-I You-Me-I-In bed..n-n-naked", she nodded giving him bedroom eyes putting on a smirk.

"What do you say, wanna fuck your girlfriend", suddenly she giggled knowing what's poking her personal area and twitching.

"Is this a dream, it has to be a dream", he said to himself, knowing nerds like him ain't this lucky with girls, regardless if they're like her or Rarity.

"It's not a dream Micro", she tried to explain to him.

"It has to be, I probably hit my head and knocked myself out, and I'm in the hospital right now", he told her, thinking all this is just one big'o fantasy he's having.

Then she decided to show him that he's not dreaming, "Let me prove it then", she suddenly started unbuttoning her Pajama top, and opened it.

His eyes widen when she grabbed his hands and placed them on her breast, he can feel her hard nipples in the palm of his hands.

"T-This is real, you actually kissed me, you're now my girlfriend and you're letting me touch you like this", she nodded smirking still, before giving him a kiss.

"Come on, let's go to my bedroom", she got off him and grabbed the panicking boys hand, then started leading him upstairs leaving her top undone.

When they walked in the bedroom, she started kissing him letting her top fall to the floor, then she started taking his shirt off.

After awhile, he decided why the hell not, and started taking his clothes off, but she became impressed when he pulled his boxer's down and his hard cock fling out.

"Oh wow, that has to be around five inches", she grinned and couldn't wait now, then she took the condom out handing it to him.

"Here, better safe then sorry", he was shocked that she had one.

"You bought a condom, and planned this", she nodded, he shrugged before putting it on.

They started making out some more while his girlfriend pulled her Pajama bottoms down stepping out of them, they laid on the bed.

They broke it, "I love you Micro".

"I love you too Twilight", then they continued to make out some more, before lining himself up and thrust once causing her to gasp.

"Y-You ok, want me to take it out", she shook her head no, feeling a trickle of blood travel down her clint, it was hurting her, but just as it came, it stopped.

"G-Go, start thrusting", she told him as he did, causing the room to be filled with grunts and heavy breathing.

They grabbed each other's hand as he continued to thrust and stare into her eyes, then his eyes travelled to her moving breast, before be became confident and started kissing and sucking them.

She ached her back loving that, "O-Oh Micro, confident are you", she was hissing since she can feel him gently playing with her dark purple nipples with his teeth.

Then he started to thrust faster feeling more confident, he started kissing her neck as she closed her eyes, "Hmmm", she mewed.

He decided to become even more confident and kick it up a notch, he smirked and stopped confusing her, then he turned her around on her stomach surprising her now.

She gasped when he entered her womanhood again, she looked over her shoulder putting on a grin, "Now this is better".

Then he started thrusting again causing her to moan now, making the bedroom fill with smacking noises of his hips connecting with her ass.

With Spike and Rainbow Dash, the athletic boy finally lost another life causing him to pout, "Oh yeah, pants gone", his smirking girlfriend told him.

He stood up and started to take his pants off, then stepped out of them before sitting back down.

He noticed her character had 80% hit points, and grabbed a Pokeball before throwing it at her, it send the character almost flying off stage, but he made sure she lost a life.

"Hell yeah", he cheered as she shrugged not minding it one bit.

He turned to her, "Shirt off", he grinned when she took her shirt off revealing her dark blue bra.

He was staring at her bra cladding breast, before realising something, "Oh great, I'm gonna be distracted", he said to himself.

She smirked knowing he screwed himself over, then her character respawned, she started playing.

But grinned when she noticed how her boyfriend kept on stealing small glances at her breast, not that he seen her topless before, remembering her first date with him after the game.

He groaned when he lost another life, "Shit", he said to himself knowing he has one life left.

"Take your shirt off", he pouted and took his shirt off, he only has his boxer's left, while his girlfriend still had her bra, panties and pants.

He started playing his hardest and giving his all, Rainbow Dash saw this and guess he really want to lose his viginity tonight and experience his first lap dance and blowjob on his birthday.

She lightly chuckled letting him hit her off stage causing her to lose a life, "Pants off", he grinned as she shrugged and took her pants off.

Her character respawned and they started playing again, but she wasn't even trying, and lost another life causing him to cheer.

"Lose the bra", she took it off letting it fall, he saw that her nipples were hard.

They each had one pair of clothing left, and one life left too, her character got kicked off the stage and let him fall.

"Well, looks like we're fucking tonight", she told him grinning, and couldn't wait to get him in bed.

"Damn right we are, and I can't wait for my birthday", he was grinning still, she gave him a kiss before taking her panties off being naked in front of him for the first time.

"Let's go to my room", he nodded before they stood up and turned the game and TV off, then grabbed their clothes and heading upstairs.

Soon they were making out by the bed, the athletic girl broke it and went through her stuff, she pulled out a condom, "Put this on, I ain't ready to start a family with you yet".

He nodded and opened it up before putting it on, they started making out again and laying on the bed, "I call top", she said smirking, then mounted him.

She grabbed his hard cock and lowered herself onto him, then her boyfriend grabbed her hips and brought down entering her all the way, "D-Damn Dash, you're tight", he said through gritted teeth.

Blood trickled down the side of her pussy, but didn't care cuz that shows she's no longer a virgin, then she started slowly moving her body up.

And brought it back down slowly, she brought it up again before bringing it back down, she repeated this over and over going faster and faster, heavy breathing and grunts filled her room.

The athletic boy was holding her by her hips, and was now thrusting upwards causing smacking noises to fill the room too, "You like that Dashie", he spanked her once.

She liked that, "F-Fuck yeah I do", she continued to ride him feeling so much pleasure throughout her body, and enjoying losing her viginity.

She never saw the grin Spike had, he suddenly flipped them around so he was on top, she grinned liking this even more and wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued to pump into her.

"Ugh, ugh, ngh, ugh, o-oh yeah, fuck me Spike", she moaned.

"I-I love you Rainbow", he said through his grunts staring into her eyes.

She stared back, "L-Love you too Spike", she smirked, "N-Now give me more of this awesome cock", he smirked at that and nodded giving her what she wants going faster.

They started making out, before he started gently playing with her dark blue nipples with his teeth, and sucking them.

She ached her back loving that, "Fuck baby, work that mouth and tongue", she moaned out.

He stopped and flipped her around on her stomach surprising her, "Bring that nice ass up here baby", he spanked her again as she continued to grin, then layed her front down and stuck her butt in the air.

He started pumping into her as she was now moaning in pleasure, love being shown that he's the man, and that he gonna amaze and satisfy her.

The next morning at the Sparkle house, a satisfied smiling Twilight slowly woke up holding her sleeping naked boyfriend Micro.

She yawned getting up, then saw he was still asleep and giggled before giving him a kiss.

But before she can put her sleep wear on and head downstairs, she heard, "Twilight, we're home", it was her father and she started to panic.

"Micro get up now", she shook him causing him to stir and become confuse.

"What's wrong", he asked before yawning.

"My folks are here, get dressed now", she told him as he started to panic and started getting dressed.

With Night Light and Velvet downstairs, they suddenly saw their daughter come down with her new boyfriend confusing her parents, especially her father.

"Micro Chip, we didn't know you spend the night", the woman said confused.

"Yeah, we didn't...and why do you have a trash bag in your hand", the father narrowed his eyes at him making the poor teen nervous.

"Oh just doing Twilight a favor and taking out the trash", he laughed nervously.

"I'm gonna head home now, bye love you", he gave his girlfriend a kiss and walked out causing her to smile.

"Bye Micro, love you too, and I'll call you later".

Her mother raised an eyebrow at that with a smirk, "Did something happened between you two", she asked as her daughter blushed.

"We just went out last night, then came home and ate dinner before watching TV, we confessed to each other and now we are a couple".

"That's great sweetie, I hope you two will be happy together", Velvet hugged her daughter as the bookworm thanked her mother.

"Are you still a virgin", her father asked making her face red.

"Y-Yes I'm still virgin, we only headed upstairs to sleep since he was too tired to walk home", she explained hoping he buys it.

Then she headed upstairs to get ready for today, when she reached her room, she saw her boyfriends boxer's and picked them up hiding them.

With a already up Spike and Rainbow Dash, they were eating breakfast along with a smirking Windy Wistles and Bow Hothoof, but the older man was narrowing his eyes at him.

"So you two were gone all yesterday, and came home late at night, and he was too tired to drive home so he stood over", his daughter and her boyfriend nodded.

"You better hope your telling the truth", he suddenly told them again with glares, but mostly towards Spike.

After awhile they were done eating, "I'm gonna head home, later Dash, love you", he gave her a kiss and got up.

"Love you too big guy, later", she smiled watching him leave.

After he walked out, she got a text from him, "I can't get my boxers, bring them over later".

She text back, "I will, and last night was awesome and amazing".

"Who you texting Dash", she heard her father say.

"Oh, it was just Scootaloo texting me saying she'll be home in a little bit", she told him.