At Her Majesty's Pleasure

by The Cloptimist

First published

Luna's return is greeted with much suspicion. Maybe it's time for the traditional test for returning nobles to prove their loyalty to Equestria... but surely Celestia wouldn't make her own sister go through with that?

(Season 2)
Ponies still don't trust Luna, even months after her return. How can she win them over? There's always the traditional, ancient ritual to prove one's loyalty to Equestria... the traditional, ancient, sexy ritual... but surely Celestia wouldn't make her own sister go through with it?

Completely unashamed incest clop, based on a story from ancient China. Written, like most stories on Fimfiction this month, for the Incest is Wincest! Siblings Incest Contest.

Contains: incestuous, Princestuous ritual oral sex.

Lap of Honor

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"...So, unless there are any further questions?", asked Celestia, and the nobles seated around the table stared hard at their notes.

"We have a suggestion to make-" began Luna, in her still-too-loud lisp, and everypony flinched. Luna frowned, and turned to the pony immediately to her right. "Chancellor Neighsay," she began, shouting almost directly into his ear. "What sayest thou to the recent reports of misadministration of funds by the EEA? Hath the Authority a cogent explanation to refute these allegations?!"

Neighsay, shaking in fear, gave a timid shrug. The other nobles simply stared at her, partly in fear, partly in anger; the jolt of their cold stares reminded Luna of her endless frozen days on the Moon.

"...I think maybe we'll adjourn here," said Celestia, kindly. "Thank you all for attending, my little ponies. My sister and I look forward to seeing you again next month!"

"Great," murmured someone at the far end of the table, and Luna looked downcast. Celestia pretended not to hear.

"But, sister, why do they look at us so? We have wished them aught but good fortune and tidings of joy, and yet they stare at us in abject fear whenever we have the temerity to draw close, or raise our voice! We have been returned for several moons now. Why should it still be so?"

"I've told you, Lulu," said Celestia, kindly, "you really need to stop using the royal 'we' in company. It is... not the way we do things nowadays. We," she continued, cutting off Luna's objection, "meaning us. You and I. Royals. The Two Sisters, reunited. Nopony can take that away from you, and, in time, I'm sure our little ponies will come to accept your return just as the

"Thou shalt-"

"You, Lulu. 'You will'. I know it's not easy, but please... try. For me."

Luna scrunched up her face, and took a deep breath. "You... must have some ideas. What can we do? Nightmare Night comes around but once a year, and we cannot rely upon your student and her friends being available every time we wish to reassure ponies that we - that I - am not like to return to evil and punish them!"

Celestia looked away, and then gave a wicked smirk, being sure to straighten out her face before turning back to Luna and trying to look calm.

"Well, sister... there is one idea I had, but... I am not sure you will like it."

"We are - aghhh! - I am willing to do anything if it helps the ponies to trust me again," said Luna.

"Well, alright, Lulu, but keep in mind, this is just an idea. Do you remember the... traditional Equestrian Royal Test of Loyalty?"

Luna furrowed her brow for a moment to recall what Celestia was talking about. Dim, hazy recollections from the history books of her long-past youth flickered through her mind, Starswirl's endless, boring prattling about ancient court rites and rituals, and...

Luna's jaw dropped to the floor as she remembered the exact Royal Test that Celestia was referencing.

"Sister, I... you cannot possibly be serious!", said Luna, in total disbelief, eyes bulging.

"It is tradition, Lulu," said Celestia, after a moment. "I do not pretend to understand why, but you know as well as I do how powerfully some of the ponies - in Canterlot, especially - hold to the ancient traditions. Honoring those traditions in such a dramatic way would surely go a long way to re-establishing their trust," she said, as Luna continued to stare at her.

"Sister," said Luna, slowly. "To be clear. You are talking about the ancient ritual Starswirl told us of?"

Celestia nodded.

"The ritual? The one whereby a noble pony, whose loyalty was in question, would approach a female ruler of Equestria, and... perform... acts upon her?"

"Starswirl was so embarrassed that day, wasn't he?", giggled Celestia, before noting Luna's appalled expression and snapping back to the present. "But, yes, that is the ritual I meant."

"I... remember being taught about that rule, even if we never enforced it. And our mother never enforced it...", began Luna, and Celestia stopped her with a raised hoof.

"Oh, I have enforced it many times," she said, breezily. "While you were away, with there only being one of me, I had to neutralise a lot of potential threats over the years. I've always found this ritual to be extremely effective in proving a pony's total, complete subjugation to the rule of Equestrian law. As personified by me, of course, but -" she added, trying to assuage Luna's concerns, " - I do not expect you to consider yourself as having submitted to me, personally, should you decide to go through with this."

"Go through with this?!", spluttered Luna. "Hast thou gone mad, sister?"

"Lulu, come on. 'Have you'. It's 'have you gone mad'. And no, I have not. I know you've been away for so long, my dear, sweet sister, and I'm so glad that you have returned, but you are somewhat... out of step with current social attitudes. For many ponies nowadays, oral sex is hardly seen as being much more intimate than a nice hug, or a hoofbump."

"Are... are you sure of that, sister?", said Luna, wavering. "That... does not sound correct."

"Oh, I assure you, it is," said Celestia, breezily. "And I for one have found it particularly liberating. Many has been the time when, after a long day of administrative duties, I have found great comfort, relaxation and relief by asking one of our guards to, well, attend to me in that way."

"We... I... That is to say, it..."

"Shhhh," said Celestia, gently stroking Luna's mane. "It is quite alright. I know this seems like just another new and bewildering facet of modern life for you to accept, but I will be here to help you. And... well... it would show your absolute loyalty, you know. If you wanted to do it, I promise I wouldn't think any less of you for it," she said.

Luna looked up at her, and furrowed her brow again, deep in thought.

The Big Day

Pushing open the door to the throne room, her heart pounding, Luna was surprised to find a number of Royal Guards waiting on the other side. She marched past them, as regally as she could manage, to approach her sister's throne on the dais at the far end of the throne room.

Luna noticed, with some surprise, that Celestia's throne had been turned slightly to face one wall, away from where the guards had begun to line up. She further noticed, with more surprise, that the throne had been modified overnight with what looked like a pair of stirrups on either side, roughly as high as the tip of Luna's horn. Finally, she saw her sister, standing behind the throne and adjusting the stirrups with her magic, tilting her head and sticking out her tongue in concentration until she had them at the desired height, before noticing Luna's approach and turning to face her.

"Lulu!", said Celestia, with a beaming smile, and leaned forward to give Luna a hug. "I'm so glad you decided to go through with this after all. I think it's the right decision, you know?"

"...Are you quite certain, sister?", said Luna, uneasily. "We are... Ugh. I am still somewhat uncomfortable with the whole idea. After all," she lowered her voice so that none of the guards might overhear, "you are my sister. What are ponies to think, if your own sister is to... to..."

"...To go down on me?" said Celestia, gently. "To eat me out?" Luna blanched at her bluntness, and Celestia gave a kindly smile. "I assure you, Lulu, nopony will find it scandalous, or outrageous, or even newsworthy, and certainly not compared to the fact you were willing to complete the traditional ritual and show your loyalty to the rule of law."

Celestia noticed Luna still looking uncertain, and she reached out a forehoof under her sister's chin, gently lifting her muzzle until their eyes locked.

"You might even enjoy it," she whispered, and Luna's eyes went wide again. "I know you always had... interests... in that particular direction. And none of your male guards have reported your making... use of them, since your return."

"Wait, we can request that?" gawped Luna, but Celestia continued.

"It is quite alright," she smiled. "Mares loving mares is a common feature of Equestrian society nowadays, and nopony will bat an eyelid at such things," she said. "If it helps... maybe you could pretend I'm not your sister? Maybe pretend I'm some other pretty mare you've had your eye on, hmmm?"

Luna blushed furiously, and Celestia knew she'd scored a direct hit. She stroked her sister's face as Luna nuzzled into her hoof, relishing the physical pony-on-pony contact she'd been denied all those centuries on the moon. A flash of guilt at exploiting her like this briefly flared up on Celestia's conscience, but the increasing heat in her nethers quickly squashed it back down again.

"Well... alright... if you are sure," said Luna, and Celestia hugged her close. "...But, well, does there have to be an audience?", asked Luna, looking out at the various ponies who had filed into the throne room, some of whom she even recognised. "And why did you have to put up those... bleachers?"

"Oh, Luna, of course there must be observers, in order for it to be a truly effective display of loyalty, you know?" said Celestia, stroking her sister's mane. "But please do not be unduly concerned; I have angled the throne away from them so that they may not look directly upon the royal marehood."

"But... won't they still be able to see me, if I'm -"

"...And I have not allowed the general public to know what is taking place here today, or to see for themselves," concluded Celestia, as calmingly as she could.

"Well... that makes us - me! Forgive me, I meant 'me' - feel somewhat more comfortable, I suppose," said Luna, unconvincingly.

"Indeed," said Celestia, kindly. "Rest assured, only those whose presence is absolutely necessary - a few of our most loyal guards, and a very select group of specially-invited, strictly-vetted ponies have been permitted to attend, under conditions of absolute secrecy."

Luna let out a long, slow sigh of something approaching relief.

"Hyuk!" came a gurning chuckle from the back of the expanding crowd.

"Who is that?" hissed Luna, under her breath.

"Oh, that's Hayseed. He delivers the turnips," replied Celestia, breezily.

"Sister, I do not think this is such a good idea," said Luna, blushing furiously.

"You said 'I'! Well done, Lulu!", grinned Celestia. "Now, let's get started, before you have second thoughts and these ponies all begin to doubt your true loyalty. The sooner we begin, the sooner this can all be over."

Celestia leaned back in her throne and placed her hooves up on the stirrups, spreading her thighs wide. "For Equestria, Lulu," she reminded her shaking little sister, as she reclined and opened herself up to Luna's slack-jawed gaze.

"For Equestria, "repeated Luna, as she sank down to her knees, and the crowd gave an audible gasp.

The words of the textbook she had requested from Twilight Sparkle ran through Luna's mind, as she came face-to-face with the folds of Celestia's beautiful, pink marehood, those soft, jasmine-scented depths such a lovely contrast with her pristine white coat, this is your sister, stop it, the scent strong in her nostrils now, the warmth already felt on her muzzle as she leaned in...

The receiving mare should always feel relaxed. A mare cannot climax if she is anxious, or tense, so always be careful to put your partner at ease, and be sure to listen to anything they have to say...

Luna tried not to snort in amusement. It wasn't Celestia who was feeling anxious right now. She leaned further forward, Celestia's rump filling her entire field of vision, and noticed with some surprise that her sister was already very wet, beads of her sweet royal juices visible in the damp folds. She tried her best to shut out everything else; this was simply a pretty mare, and that pretty mare was her whole world right now, and nothing else existed but this pretty mare.

She wondered if the pretty mare's juice would taste as nice as the sweet aroma now filling her nose, notes of jasmine, rosewater, sandalwood... Celestia really was regal in every way, she thought to herself. She wondered -

- Her tongue suddenly touched the soft hair of Celestia's coat, and before she knew it, she was pressing herself against her sister's outer lips, tentatively taking licks, rewarded with shivers of pleasure each time as she stimulated those pretty pussy lips, and... yes, she noted with some satisfaction as she began to lick more vigorously, they did taste good wherever a splash of Celestia's juices had dampened them...

A skilled lover has no need for sex toys, but will use their tongue to pleasure their partner in many different ways. By merely changing the pace, pressure and direction of your licking, you can provide your sexual partner with a huge variety of different, stimulating textures and sensations...

The textbook faded from Luna's mind as nature took over, and she delivered a long, slow lick across her sister's soft folds, relishing the utterly delicious taste, feeling a flash of pride as she felt Celestia buck her hips into her face, pressing her muzzle deeper into her. Luna, encouraged, flattened her tongue some more and began to lap at the outer folds of Celestia's marehood, soft, sloppy licks and slurps; then she tried to roll her tongue into a point, and dug it deep inside her sister, exploring and probing her vagina with abandon, as if it was her mission to coat every inch of Celestia's inner walls with her drooling saliva. Celestia gave a grunt and an even louder groan, and then Luna heard her moaning what sounded like her name as she felt a hoof pressing on the back of her head, pressing her and her exploring tongue even deeper still.

The packed crowd stared in astonishment as the Princess of the Night greedily ate out her sister; they couldn't quite see everything she was doing, but they could her her suckles and slurps and gulps, and they could certainly hear Celestia, her head thrown back, moaning like a common whore as her sister went to town.

Several of the attendees, male and female, were clearly starting to get highly aroused themselves; at the front of the crowd, Prince Blueblood was openly masturbating now as he stared at the scene before him, and several of the guards were obviously erect.

Taking their cues from the Prince, a number of the invited guests began to not-so-surreptitiously touch themselves; all around the hall, cocks began to emerge from sheaths, tails began to flick from side to side, hooves made their way to highly inappropriate places. And all the time, Luna continued to go down on her sister with wanton abandon.

Luna leaned back to take a deep breath, eyes closed so as not to see the frantic fapping and schlicking she could clearly hear from the crowd. She shut them all out of her mind, and dove back in, opening her mouth as wide as she could to gently suck on Celestia's clitoris and as much of the vulva as she could reach, before changing speed to lap at her sister's beautifully engorged clit, flicking her tongue across it over and over again. Mindful of making her trembling, mewling sister sore by paying too much attention to her sensitive clit, Luna began to lap away at her inner lips again...

...An idea crossed her mind, and she slipped off her shoe, experimentally reaching out a bare hoof to gently stroke her sister's inner thigh while she dug her tongue in, letting Celestia grind her clit against her nose, careful not to poke her with her horn. She slid her hoof around to grasp Celestia's ample flank as she continued to lick and suck her sister's most intimate depths, and Celestia groaned in pleasure as Luna began to knead her ass.

Luna was so pleased it seemed to be working, she'd almost forgotten all about the ritual now; she just wanted more of Celestia's lovely horsepussy, and to get her off. She slid off another shoe, and began to massage Celestia's teats, rolling her sister's hard nipples under the soft, leathery frog of her hoof as she again peppered her clit with little licks and kisses...

Celestia was bucking her hips hard now, and Luna knew she wouldn't last much longer. She'd been prepared for this to take a long time, the book had been careful to explain that it could take a mare a long time to reach orgasm from oral sex and that she should be reassuring Celestia there was no rush, to just relax and enjoy it, but... oh, she was enjoying it alright!

"Oh, sister... you're so loyal... so fucking loyal... show me how loyal you are with that fucking tongue... fuck me... fuck... FUCK!"

Luna felt a huge shiver go through her, hearing her sister moaning like that. Moaning for her. Because of her. She slipped her hoof away from Celestia's huge posterior and slid it between her own thighs, beginning to hoof herself like the rest of the mares watching the show, if the moans and grunts from the audience were anything to go by...

Celestia suddenly arched her back, lifting herself clean off her throne, pushing herself up by just her wings, and lifting Luna's muzzle with her, as she let out a long, croaking squeal...

...and Luna suddenly found herself soaked in her sister's royal juice, and she shivered and mashed her face into her sister's drenched pussy as she screamed out her own climax, and she heard a crescendo of moans and grunts and squeals from around the throne room, even felt something sticky splashing on her rump from some over-eager spectator, but she was too far gone to care.

She found herself released, and flopped down onto her back, squashing her wings underneath her, as she watched her sister slide down into a graceful reclined position. Both royal sisters were panting with pleasure, as the stallions and mares on the sidelines began to blush and look around for something to wipe themselves clean.

Luna, blushing furiously, looked as though she'd been eating a particularly juicy watermelon while her hooves were tied behind her back. Celestia looked up, panting, and giggled weakly, and floated over a towel for her to wipe her face.

"Thank you, sister," said Luna, timidly, as she slowly regained her breath, trying not to look at the other ponies. "But we fear... I fear... I may yet need another towel. For the, um, floor."


Chest still heaving, Celestia raised her head enough to watch her sister slink from the throne room, Luna trying desperately not to make eye contact with any of the assembled ponies as she made her walk of shame, gingerly side-stepping most of the splashes of semen and marecum on the tiles as she stepped through the doorway and out towards her chambers, presumably for a nice hot bath and a brain-bleach spell.

"I do hope she didn't tramp any of that into the carpet," muttered Celestia, still panting, under her breath. "The cleaners are not going to be very happy this afternoon."

She lay there in bliss, before realising there were still a large crowd of ponies standing off to the side, wondering what they were meant to do now. Celestia raised her voice as much as she could manage, but quickly realised she was in no fit state to use her Royal Canterlot Voice for a long time.

"My sister has proved her loyalty!", she boomed, and several ponies covered their ears. Hayseed obviously forgot he had cum on his foreleg, because he somehow smeared it across the side of his face, and now stood wondering if anypony had noticed.

Celestia realised they weren't leaving, and tried not to roll her eyes. She mustered all her strength for one more blast of her trusty RCV.

"Now, leave us, and tell nopony of what transpired here!"

As her words echoed off the vaulted ceiling of the magnificent throne room, the cowering nobles, war veterans, foreign dignitaries, confectioners, chocolatiers, jugglers, window-cleaners and turnip delivery ponies all began to slowly file out of the throne room, many of them apparently still not quite believing what they'd just witnessed. Celestia gave an audible groan as she watched the crowd trooping through the sticky, cummy mess on her floor, but left them to it until only the guards remained.

"...I hope that shall stand as an example for all of you to, um... show loyalty, and... be like my sister? But, as she is now, not the whole rebellion thing, and..."

The guards were looking at each other in confusion, and Celestia tried to keep it together for a little longer.

"Forgive me, my most loyal of guards. I am somewhat... fatigued now. What I mean to say, is... that is why you do not want to mess with me," said Celestia, as firmly as she could manage. "Unless it is your wish to be seen sucking each other off in front of the rest of your brigade," she added, and the guards flinched. "Now, kindly leave us. Ah, not you, Prince Blueblood, please," she added.

Once the last guard had gone, Blueblood grinned, and passed Celestia a giant bag of bits. The giggly, sweaty, thoroughly sated Princess lifted it in her magic and floated it discreetly behind her throne.

"I hope you enjoyed that, you utter pervert," snorted Celestia, with a wicked smile.

"Very much," smirked Blueblood, "and I am of course so glad to... um... what did we say again? ...Make my annual donation to the Palace Restoration Fund."

Celestia giggled, as she slowly slipped her legs from the stirrups and began to sit up on her (significantly less fluffy than before) towel.

"One thing still troubles me, though," said Blueblood, stroking his chin. "What will you do, if someone actually looks it up, and word gets out that you got rid of that ritual centuries ago?"

The End