A little more to the Story

by Little_Draco

First published

The extended version of how Scales really obtained the Bloodstone Scepter from the weak Dragon Lord

Smolder told her friends the story of Scales and how she usurped the previous Dragon Lord by taking advantage of his kindness. What she didn't tell them was that the story had more to it than it lead on. How Scales actually acquired the Bloodstone Scepter through some different means than the story told. Means that involved seduction, trickery and even a little... fun time between the two. What was the rest of the story?

Leaving the Best Part Out

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A little more to the Story

A one-shot… I think(Warning: Contains Size Difference, Age Difference, Oral, M/F, Excessive Cum, Teasing, Swallowing, Swelling, Bukkake, Clawing/Fingering?, Scent Marking, and squirting.)

As many would say that dragon history didn’t have the most… positive outcomes or stories, many non-dragons would believe that dragons were boring with their origins or tales, yet most of the best parts were left out in the end. You would have to be patient to really hear the best parts of that story.
The first part of waiting on that story was making sure that immature young whelplings or hatchlings were not around to hear of the story. The second part was seeing whom was patient enough to know that the story only got the short end because it got rid of the less intellectual dragons of the group. Lastly, most dragons would eventually get the rest of the story later, but they wouldn’t get the whole story. Rather bits and pieces of it.
Smolder, was a smart dragon all on her own. Smarter than her older brother, smarter than even most adult dragons. Other dragons would say otherwise, but the fact that she could outwit even the most hot headed teenagers and even out think a few of the larger dragons whom had experience in centuries, lead her own personal believes that she would be the better dragon later on. So, when she actually heard of one of the greatest stories to be told, she actually wanted to hear the story, more than reap the actual reward.

Her friends asked her what dragons did for heartwarmings, she told them a simple story about a dragon who seized control of a weak Dragon Lord’s throne and became the new Dragon Lord.
What she didn’t tell them was the super saucy part of the story. The one where Scales… actually took her time to gain that Bloodstone Scepter, and how she managed to seduce the older, kinder Dragon Lord from the Scepter. It was a simpler story to them, a dumbed down version for less intellectual dragons, but a brilliant and raunchy story for those whom actually learned the rest of the story.

Simple truth was stories get told and once its done, its expected to be done. Others however, learn that in order for you to get the most out of the story, you pay attention until the end and if the teller of the story has more to lead on, than you ride it through.

Smolder made her way to her bed chambers inside the castle where she had her own little private room. It wasn’t much but it was better than having to travel across open country and back home. It also helped knowing that because it was her own space, she didn’t have to fight other dragons to keep it or mark it on her own, even though she privately marked on her own, and she had it all to herself with others getting in, unless she wanted them to. And she didn’t for now, it was night time and night time came with privacy.

She was almost giddy as she got in, closed her door quickly and made it straight for her bed. The tale she told her friends, the sheer fact that she only told them the soft part of the story, made her moan in her mind. Truth was, just thinking about the rest of the tale, made her wet and steamy. She had to fly to her room instead of walk because she couldn’t walk, for she felt she might have rubbed her legs on the way there and leave a trail for those to follow.

The little dragoness already made a small trail from the door to the bed as she quickly hopped on it, pulled the blankets over herself and reached a claw to down her swelling vent. She huffed softly, breathing in short gasps as her claw ran up and down her vent where she recalled the true part of the story. The part where minds as young and innocent as her friends, would never understand.

The Dragon Lord had taken in Scales into his layer, where he invited her and a claw full of dragons for the Feast of Fire. She had never heard of nor thought of a dragon, let alone a Dragon Lord, that would give something away so easily.
Gaius, as he was known, had shared a large amount of gems to random dragons, including herself. Why? Was there some… trap of sorts? Did he secretly want something from these dragons?

Scales wasn’t sure. She came from nothing, as she was kicked out of her parents cave after she gained her wings. She sought out to live away from her parents, hoping to do well on her own. First she tried to live inside of the Dragon Lands, but found it too crowded. Then she sought outside of the borders, which she found nothing but desert for miles of empty land. That suited her well, but then she found herself alone. She found herself cold and isolated.
So what did Gaius see in her that she didn’t. Either way, she was more than happy to eat and fill her empty belly. This also lead her to know that Gaius was a giving dragon. Kind and thoughtful, which to many dragons saw as weak.
So why didn’t the others take advantage of it? Gaius casually waved the Bloodstone Scepter around, yet he didn’t use it like a true Dragon Lord would. He didn’t control dragons to do his bidding. He didn’t command a vast army, nor did he have a group of dragons basking in his glory, taking care of his every need. He didn’t even have a mate or consort, so what was this Dragon Lord all about?

She watched as he enjoyed being surrounded by the dragons, talking about treasures and troves in their encounters. The latest test of strengths dominated by bruiting males or fatal females. All in the meantime, her eyes remained on the Bloodstone Scepter, the red crystal in the center glowing like a fire from within.
It was that instant, she had to take it and steal it for herself. She needed it… more than he did. He apparently didn’t want to or know how to fully utilize the Bloodstone Scepter, so it belonged to someone who would utilize it at its fullest. But first, she had to find someway to take it away from it. It’s not like she could just run up, steal it and claim it as her own. Regardless of how quick she could be or how smarter she could try to be, she had to at least take it from him when he wasn’t watching or aware of it missing or at least… take it from him when he was distracted.

She could go for distraction, but how? What could she distract him with? He gave away his gems for others, so that was out of the question. He was already the Dragon Lord, so he could have dragons do his bidding, so working for him under his wing was out. He also had a large cave and a hoard of his own. So what could she over that he didn’t have already?

… Herself. She could offer herself to him. He didn’t have anyone to call his own. No mate, no consort, and no concubine to speak of. So, what was the chance that he wouldn’t want her? Most males seek out younger dragonesses when they get older, so why not go for a one willing?
She gave a grin as her plan was set. She would seduce the larger, older dragon. Make him drop his guard and then… that scepter would be hers!

So she waited. She waited until the Feast of Fire was done. She waited for their stories to conclude. She waited for the last dragon to leave. And she waited until he noticed her staying right were she was at. A smiled was present upon her face.
“I wanted to thank you, for your hospitality and… feeding me.” She gave a blush and a swish of her tail. “I… didn’t think anydrake would care for me.”

The dragon lord gave a smile, a deep but soft voice leaving his maw as he spoke to the young one.
“It was my pleasure, Scales. I would hate to imagine what would happen to one as young as you if I hadn’t found you out in the rain.” He was smooth as he talked, he carried himself with confidence and his voice was as warm as lava on a freezing cold winter.
Oh how she would enjoy robbing him of his throne.

Continuing to play her part, she gave another switch and deepened her blush. Bashfully she turned away and rubbed her arm. “Well, you did a lot more for me than any other dragon I have ever met. I feel full for the first time in weeks because of you. I also am not freezing outside in the rain or lack proper shelter.” She then gave him an innocent look of appreciation and admiration. “You are the greatest Dragon Lord in history!”
She watched as he basked in her words, his chest rumbled with joy, his eyes shined with joy and he gave her a grin to make most females melt. “Well, those are very sweet words, dear Scales. I appreciate them sincerely.”
“Well I appreciate you… more than anyone.” She then gave a half lidded stare at him. “I just… wish I could repay you for all that you have given me.”
His eyes twitched slightly, somewhat hearing her change in tone and posture, yet he wasn’t sure. Still, he gave her his warm grin. “Well, that won’t be necessary, my sweet dragoness. In truth, I feel that if I were to show other dragons kindness and generosity, then they may end up spreading that through the dragon lands. Maybe so that others can join us.”
He continued on about how spreading all this would lead to a better future for the dragon lands. Each word of it made her grin inwardly as she realized that this was truly a pathetic dragon, one who didn’t deserve to hold that Scepter in his paws.
When he finished, he held a warm smile on his snout and she smiled back. She then slowly made her way towards him. She approached his larger frame, where she could feel the heat radiating from his body.
She was a little less than half his size, yet she felt like she was his equal if not more so… mentally. Keeping her lidded look, she continued her ways and upped her seduction level. “Well, I would feel just… awful If I didn’t show you my… appreciation for what you have done for me,” she purred lightly as she said ‘show you my’, as she now met up to his waist. Her hazel eyes met his lime green eyes.

Gaius suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable at the approach of the young dragoness. Her eyes were half lidded, she had a sensual smile upon her snout and her tail was wagging lightly. Yet, the way she talked, it sounded like she wanted something more from him and that was not his hoard or gems.
“R-Really… Scales,” he somewhat stammered. “You do not have to show or give me anything in return. I did this out of kindness.”
“Something of a rare trait from dragons.” she remarked with a purr. “I cannot think of any dragon, in my lifetime or history, whom was as… kind,” she then rubbed her claws upon his belly frame. “Or as… heart-filled as you.” She then rubbed her snout against his lower belly and softly blew hot air below where she could see the trace outline of his slit.
Her actions caused the Dragon Lord to jump and fall back from shock. Luckily, he managed to use his tail to slow himself into a laid back seated position against the cavern wall. “I don’t understand how one… as wonderful as you is by yourself, or single here in this cave. Surely, there has to be a group of dragons seeking to be with you?”
He stammered to get out a response, as the smaller dragoness continued to tease him, trying hard not to let her claws get to him. “I-I-Its a-a personal c-ch-choice!” He held back a groan as she dragged her claws across his lower belly. “A-And you are y-young! Very, very, y-young! I-I-I’m sure you’ll find a d-drake who is just as k-kind! Hmmm!” He held back another moan as she dragged her claws to the inside of his thigh until finally, she managed to find just the bare red of his tip spreading his vent.
“Y-You do n-not have to do th-this!”

She smiled warmly but grinned madly inwardly. She continued her gentle assault on him, trying to get a ‘rise’ out of him and hopefully… get him off so she could take that Scepter.

“I just want to show my… full kindness by doing something for you.” she finally managed to get his organ sliding out of its protective vent. She smiled in succession and inhaled the musk slowly starting to rise from his shaft. The tip was a pointed cone with a slightly up curved tip. She reached softly and held the slow but steady amassing shaft. From the tip, came a ridges in four rings, each separated by and inch of space. After came small, bumpy barbs that surrounded the rest of his organ.

Gaius moaned as he achieved full mass with the pink dragoness holding it. She marveled at the size, almost as long as she was tall. The tip was just small enough to fit… in at least two holes. But she wasn’t going to take her chances. From the corner of her eyes, she saw that he held on to the Scepter tightly with his left paw. Clearly, he should be holding onto something else instead of that. She would just have to make sure that he had the best climax ever.

She glanced up at him, as he was struggling in agony as he held himself. He had his eyes closed tightly and one claw continued to squeeze itself as she continued to taunt him. Well, it was time to up the antics.

With both claws, she lightly held the large, full mass organ and began to rub it back and forth, triggering another moan from him. “P-Please,” He begged. “Y-Y-You don’t w-w-want to do t-this!” Really? He was begging her not to pleasure him? He wasn’t kindhearted, he was deranged! All the better!

“I promise to be gentle!” she purred erotically. She continued to rub his large shaft with both paws, making his musk fill her nostrils and even triggering her own arousal. Her legs secreted her own fluids, just lightly for she really found this slightly arousing. Maybe after she acquired that Scepter, she could use it to please herself.
She finally got something from him and that was a bead of pre-seed to slowly ooze from his tip opening. The smell that came from it was so much stronger and oddly enough, seeing the bead of white, made her hungry again. Her tail swished with arousal. This maybe the only chance she had to do something like this, so she took it without restraint.
She leaned forward and stuck her tongue out to catch the bead of white from the tip. A thick flavor of musk, salt and a bit of sweetness flooded her taste buds, causing both dragons to moan out loud. Scales for tasting her first male, Gaius for having finally been touched in what felt like decades, leaving this to be truly a magical experience for both.
Now more than ever, Scales really wanted to get involved. That taste sent a shiver down from her mouth, to her spine, to her tail and in between her legs, where she shivered as a small burst of fluids expelled from her body. Knowing that it wasn’t as bad as most dragonesses have stated, she licked the top of his shaft once more, catching as much of the beads that slowly but surely began to drip from his tip.

Gaius moaned loudly, trying his best not to roar like a teenager experiencing his first orgasm of his life. He shook his head from side to side, trying to keep himself in check, as the younger dragoness continued to lick at his throbbing shaft.
Scales continued to lick at him, enjoying her next meal greedily, while she continued to stroke his organ. She could feel his heartbeat through his penis, throbbing with the speed of his heart. She greedily lapped at him more before taking the initiative and opening her maw wide and slowly taking his shaft tip into her mouth.

It took all the will power of Gaius not to thrust his whole body forward into the smaller dragon’s mouth. A large glob of pre-cum did slide out of his opening where Scales moaned as it landed heavily upon her tongue. She allowed it stay there, not swallowing yet as she wanted it to build as more and more of his life-bearing fluids leaked from his organ. Her legs shook with ecstasy as trails continued to leak from her opening and slide down her legs onto the cave floor, slowly creating a puddle.

The two dragons of different ages and sizes continued their joyful foreplay, with the male all but moaning loudly at the treatment he was receiving from the younger, smaller one. In truth, his mind was in disarray for allowing a one as young as Scales to be pleasuring him. She could be no more than into her second decade of life, yet the taboo of it was all the more arousing. The idea, the feeling of such a young dragon, taking him into her mouth and moaning at tasting him. He wanted to be kind to all dragons but if this is what it lead to if he continued to be kind, he should really start reaching out to others!

Scales got greedier now and finally began to bob her head with his penis going deep to the back of her throat. She luckily didn’t have a gag reflex, but it still somewhat hurt to stretch her jaw a bit to accompany the large organ. Still, it would be worth it in the end. She still couldn’t deny the fact that he tasted good, which is another rare trait of a dragon.
Maybe after she took over as Dragon Lord, she may end up keeping him. As a personal slave…

More and more of his pre-cum continued to leave his tip, some of it even shooting directly to the back of her throat. Her belly began to slowly fill with all the pre-seed she was ingesting. If she wanted to get to the full course, she would have to really hurry. Pushing past the uncomfortableness of her jaw, she shoved as much of his cock into her mouth, allowing it to slide down to her throat where he tongue was somewhat pinned between her lower jaw and his throbbing shaft.
This time, Gaius did thrust his hips and his shaft caused her to be lifted into the air. She used her wings to quickly stabilize herself and decided this was it. He was getting close as he began to whine at the approaching climax.
“I-I-I am r-reaching my peak!” He warned her. “P-Please j-just rub me s-s-so I don’t h-hurt you!”
‘Generous until the end,’ she thought. ‘Even when you have no idea what’s really about to happen.’ With extra effort she continued to bob and stroke the large shaft, trying to trigger an early climax out of him. Though she was starting to feel tired as her belly was starting to expand more, she pushed with all her energy, despite leaking heavily from her slit, she was actually close to her own release.

She ran her claw tips up and down his ridges, trying to scratch all the barbs that ran through his shaft. That really did the trick, for the next instance, Gaius roared loudly as he climaxed powerfully and grabbed hold of Scales in his claws, dropping the Scepter, and pulling her just enough away from him, as he fired off a powerful stream of hot white seed directly into her gullet.
Scales’s eyes went wide and her body shuddered as she was nearly launched forward by the blast of seed. She was head by Gaius but he held her with his cock tip in her mouth. Scales moaned loudly around the cock, feeling the rush of see stream passed her tongue and go deep into her gullet, as her belly began to expand with seed. That itself triggered her climax and she squirted a thick stream of clear fluids onto the cave below. Her legs dangled in the air, being held by Gaius, she climaxed heavily and added her fluids to the cave floor.

Her body couldn’t handle it anymore and she began to gush out seed from her mouth, being over flooded and creating a waterfall of cum from her mouth. Gaius continued to shoot his see into her, roaring loudly and allowing his cock to throb with each blast of seed. Scales could only stay limb in the air as her mouth filled and expelled the seed from his shaft.

Finally after ten seconds, did Gaius finally began to slow his release and his seed soon began to only flow softly from his shaft, before stopping, leaving a leaky shaft. His energy was spent and he fell back and to his side, where he unceremoniously dropped Scales upon the large of puddle of seed. Her own fluids were now part of it the mess but she doubted it would be visible. She landed front first upon the puddle. She lifted her head up and still felt his organ continued to drop seed on top of her head.
“Wow,” she said, though it came out a bit of a gurgle do to all the seed that was in her mouth. She felt a lot of it still trying to escape her belly, she did her best to keep it at the back of her throat and down. She turned slightly and saw on her haunches with her legs spread. Her front was covered in seed, including her labia. She had climaxed but still didn’t feel fully satisfied.
She reached with her drenched claws full of cum and stuck her claws inside of her vent. She moaned as she could still feel the tingling feeling of her climax. She then quickly went to work and began to piston her claws inside of her. She seed covering her claws felt wonderful and added to the pleasure.
She pulled out her claw, she still her head and heaved a little of the white substance from her mouth. A large glob landed on her open paw. She nodded at the large, fist full of cum before slowly shoving her claws into her own body. Scales moaned loudly and began to work for her second climax,
She began to leak once more, her fluids adding to the puddle as she quickly pistoned herself. She moaned loudly, not caring if she could be heard, as her second climax came quickly.
Her claws flew in and out of her vent, causing squelching noises to echo loudly in the cave as she cried for her orgasm. She squealed as she squirts violently around her claws before moaning as she bucked her hips as her climax his harder than the first one.
The young dragoness cried for a couple seconds, squirted around her claws and added to the puddle. Fluids of both hers and his shot from her opening with three thick squirts before she gasped and her legs dropped and she fell back onto the puddle of cum, finally covering the rest of herself with white fluids.
Finally, she relaxed and let her mind turn hazy as she enjoyed her post-orgasm. She still slightly twitched and she held a stupid grin on her snout as she laid in the fluids. SHe didn’t care, for she knew that now, it wouldn’t matter. She was covered from head to toe in secretions, but that didn’t matter. She may have just given an adult a blow job, but that didn’t matter. She may end up with a stomach ache in the morning, but that didn’t matter now.
With the little energy she had, she slowly sat up and turned towards the fallen Dragon Lord, whom had knocked out from his orgasm and snored loudly, with the Scepter away from his claws and lying on the cave floor.

It didn’t matter now, she thought, as she shakily stood up. Her body was covered in white seed, her legs were sticky with her own thick fluids but she had never felt so dirty more than now, as she made her way towards the Bloodstone Scepter, ready to take it and claim it as her own! Her evil grin returned as readied her claws to take the Scepter and become… the New Dragon Lord!

Smolder cried out in ecstasy as she reached her climax and squirted hard in her bedsheets, her body spasming as she sprayed her bed and claws with her secretions. She kept her claws inside of her, allowing them to be covered with her own fluids.
After she finished her climax, she lightly brushed her soaked claws over her vent, sending shutters up and down her spine before pulling her blankets over her. She didn’t care if her body was sticky with her secretions, just like Scales didn’t care. She enjoyed her work and she enjoyed the rewards from it. She shifted, laying on her side and allowing her fluids to run down her legs and onto the bed sheets. She could deal with it tomorrow, but for now, she smiled in content, enjoying the best part of story.