The Stroke of Midnight

by LewdChapter

First published

Luna makes Pipsqueak into a man

Ever since he was a boy, Pipsqueak has had a massive crush on the similarly massive Princess Luna. Her size, strength, and beauty had always been alluring to him, and he's always wished for his first time to be with her.

Princess Luna decides to grant this wish.

WARNING: this story contains muscle worship, Amazonian Luna, size difference, and romance (Yuck!)

Oh, and Pip is 18 in this story, don't worry about it.

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The Stroke of Midnight

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The night was a time for rest. For unwinding after a long day of work or school. The cool breeze of dusk cut through the heat of the earlier summer day. It was peaceful, zen, totally relaxing. As the moon rose into the ebony sky, the kingdom of Equestria prepared to slumber. It’s many denizens, as different from one another as they were, had differing rituals and routines for when the day became night. Some did a bit of reading. Others brewed a hot pot of tea to relax with.

Others still locked their bedroom doors, closed their blinds, slid under their blankets with some eye candy and a bottle of lotion. That’s how Pipsqueak often chose to spend his nights. Not that it was much of a choice. If he had a girlfriend, he had no doubt he would choose her over his hand. But, alas, the young man wasn’t particularly outgoing, wasn’t very good at meeting people. That, plus his focus being stolen by university, meant Pip was on his own in terms of getting off. Not that he minded. He currently only had eyes for one woman, and she wasn’t likely to give him any attention anyway.

“P-princess…” Pip bit his lip as he worked his hand up and down his cock, stroking to a photo of none other than the Princess of the Night herself. A photo he had cut out of a magazine, it showed the princess in a state of undress she very rarely let herself be seen in. Some lucky photographer had convinced the diarchs of Equestria to pose for a swimsuit photoshoot. Pip couldn’t believe his luck when he learned of its existence. Princess Luna, the woman he had been crushing on since he was just a boy, almost entirely nude save for a few scraps of fabric. But, funnily, it wasn’t Luna’s noteworthy breasts or thick ass that stole Pip’s attention.

It was her height, standing at easily nine feet tall. It was her legs, almost thick enough for him to hide his wiry frame behind. It was her abs, hard as steel. Her entire physique looked as if she was carved from marble. Her arms, toned, hard, powerful, strong enough to bend Pip in two if she so desired. Just thinking about it made Pip’s heart flutter, his cock twitching in his hand. He felt about ready to explode in his hand, to paint the princess’ toned physique with his seed.

“Be still, young one. You wouldn’t want the fun to end so prematurely, would you?”

Pipsqueak yelped, throwing his magazine under the pillow and forcing his cock down with his hands. That voice… It couldn’t possibly be true, but Pip heard her clear as day. His eyes bounced around the room, searching for its source.

A strong, cold gust of wind swirled around the room, blowing through Pip and spiraling in one spot at the foot of his bed. He watched in awe as the wind became visible navy blue light, condensing and growing more vibrant with each passing second. The blinding light split, ripping through reality itself, and a tall, looming, imposing figure stepped into being.

Somehow, she was even more beautiful in person. Pip had studied her form in that magazine many times over, but it was something else entirely to see her Amazonian figure just a few feet from his bed. She somehow managed to perfectly balance grace with power, her imposing, toned, massive frame still carrying an air of regality and elegance. The Princess of the Night wore a simple, single-sleeved black silk gown with a high slit in the side coming up to her hip. She stepped forward slowly, her dress swishing as she walked and revealing part of her thick, sturdy, powerful thigh.

“Hello, Pipsqueak,” said Luna, entering the room with an otherworldly grace and confidence. She took another step towards the bed, her black heels clicking against the floor and her massive wings stretching out to make the princess look even larger than before. “It has been far too long. It is good to see you.”

“P-princess Luna!” Although the princess was nothing but friendly and gentle in the way she spoke, Pip couldn’t help but be intimidated. As if her being royalty wasn’t enough, she was also a looming, imposing figure that could snap Pip’s frail little body like a toothpick if she so chose. “W-what… What are you doing here?”

“Have you forgotten Us so soon, young one? We are the Princess of the Night, the Lady of the Moon, the Mistress of the Dark.” Luna took another step until she was looking down on Pip with a devious grin. “For thousands of years, We have come and gone as We wish, and we shall continue to do so for thousands more.”

“O-of course! My apologies, your h-highness,” stammered Pip, trying his best to bow in his bed while also concealing his erection. He was so flustered that he didn’t notice Luna’s chuckles. “P-please forgive me.”

“Oh, Pip, calm thyself. I speak in jest, of course. I don’t make a habit of invading the homes of my subjects.” Luna took a seat on Pip’s bed; the wooden frame squeaked and squealed in protest, the weight causing the mattress to dip towards the ground, and Pip had to scamper back to avoid rolling into the princess. “I simply wanted to see you.”

“See me? Whatever for? I’ve not… I’ve not done anything, have I?” Pip felt a chill run down his spine when Luna laughed. His heart had never pounded in his chest like this before. Something about Luna’s intimidating, powerful physique, how her height and strength easily dwarfed his own, it was just as terrifying as it was alluring.

“No, you’ve not done anything,” chuckled Luna. She hummed slightly, thinking about something. “Well, I suppose that’s not quite true. You certainly have done something, else I would not have found myself here on this night.” Pip tensed upon hearing that, something Luna noticed and quickly went to correct. “You’re not in trouble or any such nonsense, if that is your concern. I just wanted to talk. A talk that I fear may be long overdue.”

“Oh, I see. Well, your majesty, I would be honored to converse with you. Was there something on your mind, Princess?” asked Pip, pulling his bedsheet closer to his body to better preserve his modesty. Now that he was over his initial shock, he was able to look at the situation a bit more clearly. He did have a bit of a relationship with the princess, being one of the first to give her a chance upon her return from her banishment. And, although Luna was a royal, a busy one at that, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she had kept Pip near her heart. Pip wagered that Luna simply wanted to thank him again for extending his hand in friendship, perhaps request to establish a correspondence similar to the one between Celestia and her beloved student Princess Twilight. Nothing at all to worry about, nothing worth freaking out—

“I know about your magazine,” said Luna simply. She grinned at Pip’s visible, almost tangible fear. He was aghast, mortified. He opened his mouth to retort, but he could think of no appropriate or sufficient response. “Close your mouth, lad. You’ll catch flies.”

“I… Princess, I can explain,” said Pip, although he had no explanation prepared. “I.. What happened is a mate from uni slipped it in my bag during class. As a joke, you see. And, of course, when I found it, I hurried to give it back, but he had already gone home for the break, so I was stuck with it. A-and… I didn’t want to toss it in the bin, seemed like a dishonor to you and Princess Celestia, so I held onto it and—”

“Wanked to it every night?” offered Luna. Pip sputtered, his brain struggling to find a way out of this corner he found himself in. “You are aware that I can see into your dreams, right? All of your dreams. Even the wet ones.” Luna laughed, bouncing her eyebrows almost flirtatiously. “Especially the wet ones.”

“I… Oh dear.” Pip couldn’t look Luna in the eye. He was aghast, mortified. It was bad enough that he had been caught jerking off, but the fact that he had been caught by the subject of his arousal was infinitely more embarrassing. He wouldn’t have been at all surprised if Luna had come all this way to punish him for his perversion. Yet… Somehow, Princess Luna didn’t seem particularly upset. Far from it, she seemed amused, even intrigued. Her grin never vanished for even a second.

“Yes, I can only presume that your focus was mainly on my sister, given my figure,” said Luna, although it was quite evident that she didn’t believe that for a second. “Not very many men truly appreciate a woman such as myself.” She let out an exaggerated, wistful sigh. “I suppose I’ve got no one to blame but myself. When I first was banished to the moon, I grew to be self-conscious about my weight, and I think I may have gone a bit overboard with my fitness. People have always preferred my sister, and I’m afraid I’ve done myself no favors.”

“Princess Luna, you’re wrong.” Pip felt as though he had no control over his words. He couldn’t just sit there and let the princess talk down on herself like that. Not when she was the most amazing, beautiful, powerful woman Pip had ever known. “You’re fantastic. I think you’re… Erm… I-if you don’t mind me saying…”

“Oh? And just what do you wish to say?” asked Luna, turning to better see Pip. Again, she was nothing if not gentle with her movements, but she still loomed over Pip, making his heart race from a combination of fear and allure.

“Just that, I happen to think that you’re… Well, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid sights on,” said Pip, trying to persevere through the burning blush on his face. “And with all due respect to your sister… I don’t know how anyone could prefer her to you.”

“Surely you don’t mean that,” said Luna, her grin growing to be a bit more genuine.

“I do, your highness. I may have had a tiny bit of a crush on you since I was a kid.” Pip scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “But, I guess you already knew that.”

Pip let out a squeal as he felt two big, strong hands grab him around the shoulders. Before he could even process what was happening, Luna had dragged him onto her lap and latched her lips onto his. Pip froze as he felt Luna’s tongue against his, the shock soon melting into bliss. He felt a tingle down his spine, Luna’s strong, gentle touch making him melt in the princess’ embrace. He had dreamed of this for years, of course, but he had never expected it to be quite so electric. Soon, too soon for Pip’s liking, Luna retreated, leaving him blushing, flustered, and breathless.

“Yes, Pip. I already knew that. I knew that you’d appreciate my build in a way that not everyone else would,” breathed Luna. She chuckled slightly, that ever-present smirk making Pip shudder in the princess’ grasp. “I know I have a bit of a reputation for being a bit oblivious to social cues, but it’s hard not to pick up on a hint like this. Even when we first met, I noticed where your eyes chose to linger. Most men who do find me attractive tend to focus on my breasts, or my ass. But you? You had different interests. So why don’t you tell me, Pip. What is it about me that you find so alluring?”

Pip didn’t answer straight away, instead taking a moment to get his thoughts together. The fact of the matter is, that question didn’t have just one singular answer. There were a lot of reasons behind his infatuation with the princess. She was a powerful, mysterious, beguiling woman, her intelligence and wisdom rivaled only by her own elder sister. Pip respected that, and he respected the struggles and hardships Luna has overcome. He was by no means an expert on the subject, but he didn’t reckon that shaking free of The Nightmare and redeeming herself after a millennium of banishment was an easy feat. It took strength, mental strength, something that commanded not only respect, but awe and admiration.

That being said, Pip hadn’t exactly been jerking off while fantasizing about Luna’s mental strength.

“You’re so… You’re so big,” said Pip, realizing as he spoke that Luna probably didn’t want to hear that. When she didn’t stop him, Pip decided that he hadn’t made as much of an ass of himself as he thought, and he continued. “B-big and powerful. I don’t know if I can put it into words, but your arms… Even now, you just plucked me out of bed and tossed me into your lap like I was nothing! I couldn’t have stopped you even if I wanted to.”

“Which says to me that you don’t want to,” noted Luna. Pip gave a shaky, nervous nod. “Well then, Pip. What say we stop talking and I toss you about a bit more?” Pip felt his heart pound in his throat, his nerves in no way calmed by the way Luna gripped him under the chin, tilting his face up to cause his gaze to meet hers. “If your little friend down there is any indication, perhaps I should stop asking and start doing.”

Pip glanced down, a new wave of blush as he realized that he was still without his pants and his throbbing erection had been prodding Luna’s stomach since he had been pulled into the princess’ lap. He fruitlessly tried to cover his shame, doing little more than making Luna chuckle at the frankly adorable display. She removed him from her lap and stood up, causing the bed to spring back into place. She stood before Pip, giving a sultry, sexy wink before reaching around back to unzip her dress.

“Princess, wait.”

Luna froze, mentally kicking herself for being so forward. She had been warned about coming on too strong, and it seemed like she had reached that point with Pip. She should have known better. It was the boy’s first time, and she was royalty, nevermind being twice his size. Of course he was intimidated! And yet, Luna couldn’t help herself, couldn’t stop herself from teasing the boy. He was just so damn cute, the way he blushed and fidgeted. Now, it looked like Luna may have pushed him a bit too much.

“C-can you… Er…” Pip stared at his bedsheet, too embarrassed to meet the princess’ gaze. “Could you maybe… Pose a bit?”

“I beg your pardon?” Luna went from concerned to confused, finally ending on a grin when Pip finally did meet her eyes. The boy was certainly nervous, as to be expected from one’s first time, but he didn’t have the look of a man who wanted to back down.

“It’s just that your poses in the magazine… They didn’t show off your best assets, I’m afraid,” said Pip. “So I was wondering if you’d be willing to show me?”

Luna grinned, nodding both in understanding and agreement, then stood a bit straighter. She felt a bit odd modeling her physique in any way, but for someone like Pip, she could stand a bit of embarrassment. It was only fair, after all.

Luna brought her left arm up, the one without the sleeve, and curled her arm into a gentle flex. Pip gulped at this small display of musculature, which gave Luna an idea. She flexed a little tighter, hoping that Pip would be distracted by her physique; his eyes devoted to taking in every vein that bulged in Luna’s bicep, he didn’t quite notice the magic that was charging through Luna’s horn. The princess focused her magic on her clothing, mainly her top half and the sleeve on her right arm. She felt the fabric constrict slightly, clinging a bit tighter to her skin than it had before. Her enchantment finished, the tightening and expansion spells she placed holding steady. Strictly speaking, Luna considered this a bit of cheating, but she was certain that Pip would enjoy it.

“Watch this,” said Luna simply. She raised her right arm, barely contained by her dress, and flexed her arm. The sound of ripping, tearing fabric cut through the room, from a sight Pip could barely believe he was seeing. Luna’s dress didn’t just rip, it exploded around her arm, the entire top half of her silk dress bursting into shreds from the strain of trying to contain such a bristling, powerful form. Her torso required more magical assistance than her arm, and it didn’t tear quite so spectacularly. Even still, the dress was sufficiently ruined enough to bare Luna’s sizeable breasts and (more importantly, in Pip’s mind) her hard, glistening six-pack.

“Whoops. Shame, I quite liked that dress.” Luna had to fight to hold back her giggles upon seeing Pip’s awestruck expression, his face radiating heat from a vibrant blush. “Oh well. I’m sure it’ll be worth it, once you start making it up to me.”

“Oh dear…” Pip bit his lip, his hand finding its way to his cock of its own volition. “Goddess above, I think I’m in love…”

Now, it was Luna’s turn to blush. Of all the things she would’ve expected to come from Pip’s mouth, a declaration of love was low down on her list. Pip himself seemed to be a bit surprised to hear the words leave his own mouth. Slowly, the awkward, pregnant silence gave way to nervous chuckles from Pip.

“I am a total moron, aren’t I?” he said with a laugh, burying his face in his palm. Luna soon joined him, shaking her head in disbelief. Somehow, Pip was getting cuter by the second.

“No, Pip. It’s very sweet of you to say. Let me show you just how much I appreciate that.”

Luna slowly, gingerly got down onto her knees right in front of Pip, expecting to be about level with his manhood. She had temporarily forgotten the very noteworthy difference in their sizes; While Luna was easily over 9 feet tall, above average even for the alicorn race, Pipsqueak was true to his name; He had always been a bit on the small side, and puberty hadn’t done him any favors. He was rather short, maybe 5’ 5, if he were on his tiptoes. So, instead of being at level with his cock, Luna found herself a bit awkwardly looking directly into Pip’s eyes.

“Erm… Oh dear, I didn’t think about height…” Luna scratched her head, trying to figure out just how to go about things. Finally, she settled on leaning in awkwardly, bending forward to reach Pip’s cock. She strained forward, her tongue barely brushing skin before she had to sit back up straight to avoid hurting her back.

“S-should I… Should I stand?” suggested Pip. “Your nearly twice my height, but maybe if I stand on the bed?”

“That could work,” mused Luna. Pip nodded, then shakily scrambled to his feet to stand on his bed. Now, Luna only had to stoop down a bit to get at Pip’s cock, at a much less awkward angle. Luna took advantage of this, gently grabbing Pip’s cock in her hand and guiding it to her lips. Although Pip was certainly packing more than one would expect given his diminutive stature, Luna grasped his throbbing, dripping member like a toy. Luckily, Luna didn’t intend to hold it in her hands for much longer.

A shaky moan escaped Pip as Princess Luna’s soft, divine lips wrapped around him, her tongue running up and down his length as she slowly took more and more of him into her mouth. Luna was sure that she could easily bury the entirety of Pip’s cock in her throat with minimal effort, but she thought better of it. It’d be best to take things slow, to avoid overwhelming the poor boy.

That being said, it looked as though Pip was in danger of being overwhelmed regardless, as one would expect from a boy who was losing his virginity to a literal goddess. His breath caught in his chest, his legs quaking from the electric arcs of pleasure that ran through him. Luna took note of the way he trembled and felt conflicted. On one hand, it was very gratifying to know that she was doing that to him. It validated her in a way she never realized she even wanted, and made her feel almost as good as Pip.

On the other hand, it looked like the poor boy’s legs might give out from underneath him at any moment. Even if he wasn’t currently enjoying his first blowjob, from his childhood crush no less, his legs were bound to get tired of standing eventually. It was a shame that Luna had to assume this position to even get at Pip in the way she wanted.

Or did she?

“Pip?” Luna pulled away from Pip’s cock with a lewd schlurp, and casually stroked him with a few of her fingers (which was more than sufficient, given her size). “Do you trust your princess?”

“Er…” Pip, of course, wasn’t really prepared for such a question. Obviously, he did trust Luna. She was royalty, and she had been watching over him since he was a child. That being said, when someone asks if you trust them, especially if you obviously should, you tend to get nervous about their intentions. “I do, but…”

“Good. Don’t scream.”

Before Pip could try to figure out what that could’ve meant, he felt one of Luna’s massive hands wrap around his ankle. Despite the princess’ instructions, Pip couldn’t help but let out an embarrassingly shrill squeal when Luna hoisted him up into the air, dangling him upside down. Luna boosted him up, wrapping her strong, tree-limb arms around Pip’s middle to keep him in place. Now, Luna had Pip right where she wanted him, with his hips at shoulder level and his cock right in front of Luna’s mouth.

All the princess had to do was lean forward and wrap her lips around Pip’s dick, bobbing her head and slurping up and down its length. Though Pip was in no way prepared for this, he’d be lying if he said he was opposed. The way Luna just yanked him up and held him in place as if he weighed nothing at all, it made him even harder than he was before. Even better, his chest was pressed against Luna’s, letting him reach up (or down, from his perspective) to squeeze the princess’ soft tits. And, although a handful of royal boob was absolutely fantastic, Pip was distracted by where he found his face.

Luna’s abs were hard as rock, and slightly glistening. It seemed like the princess had just gotten finished with a workout before she came to visit, as evidenced by the faint sheen of sweat on her middle. Pip grappled with himself for a minute before deciding that he may never get another chance like this, so he may as well go for broke; He brought his mouth forward, running his tongue down Luna’s physique. He couldn’t hope to reach her pussy, he was far too short to get there in this position, but he made do by tasting the sweat, the smooth, salty skin of the princess, his tongue tracing down the bulge of every ab until Pip had gotten a taste of Luna’s entire six pack.

Luna wanted nothing more than to keep going, to hold Pip tight until she had a mouthful of his cum, but she restrained herself. It would be a shame for their night of fun to be cut short because she got impatient. Besides, Pip would be in need of blood in the rest of his body rather than just his head and dick, and so Luna slowly, gently turned him right side up, holding him to her chest with just one arm. Pip was almost lost in Luna’s cleavage, but he was just barely able to look up and meet the princess’ gaze, her confident smirk turning his spine to jelly once again.

“While I’m sure you were enjoying yourself, I think it’s only fair that I have a bit of fun as well, don’t you agree?” asked Luna. Pip nodded, a sudden gleam in his eye. He was excited for a chance to please his princess, a trait that made Luna tingle all over. “Good boy. Let’s get you down.”

Pip was a bit disappointed to be lowered down onto his bed, losing the safety, comfort, and protection he felt in Luna’s powerful arms. He couldn’t be disappointed for too long, because Luna grabbed the waist of her ruined dress and ripped the last of the fabric from her body. Luna stood with her legs slightly apart so that Pip could get an eyeful, his gaze bouncing from her wide, curvy hips to her juicy, puffy twat, finally ending on her thick thighs, strong enough to crush his skull like a grape if she felt so inclined.

“You can get a bit more comfortable, if you like,” suggested Luna. “I’ve got to cast some enchantments anyway.”

Pip nodded, although he was curious as to what manner of enchantments Luna would need. He was too distracted by the princess’ naked form to really question her motives, so he just did what he was told; He pulled his shirt off, almost immediately covering his chest with his arms. He felt so tiny and scrawny compared to Luna, his entire body probably weighing about as much as one of the princess’ leg. He relaxed slightly when he saw Luna’s smile, the way her eyes scanned his small, thin, smooth frame.

“Perfect.” Luna lit up her horn, sending a surge of magic towards Pip’s bed. The frame stretched slightly, growing a foot or two in length to more comfortably accommodate a nine foot giantess. Simultaneously, the wood of the bed was magically reinforced so as to not collapse under the strain of what was to come.

“Sit,” said Luna simply. Pip didn’t even think about it, he just obeyed. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he sat down, the intimidating, titan-like figure of the Princess of the Night looming over him. She pushed Pip back with one finger, pinning him down against his matress before slowly clambering over to straddle him. She was careful to keep most of her weight off of him, lest she crush the poor boy, but she made sure to let him be aware of her presence. She slowly lowered more of her weight down onto Pip, grinding her pussy against his cock.

“Oh f-fuck…” Pip slapped his hands to his mouth, aghast that he had just sworn in the presence of royalty. Luna chuckled, rolling her hips and sliding her pussy up and down Pip’s length.

“As cute as you look down there, I don’t think you’re likely to last very long with me on top.” Whether Luna meant Pip wouldn’t last long before cumming or before being crushed to death remained to be seen. “But we can work up to that. For now…” Luna leaned in and kissed Pip deeply, grabbing him by the shoulders and rolling over. She easily pulled Pip up, stopping when she was on her back and Pip was positioned between her legs. “Come on, young one. Let’s make a man out of you.”

Pip nodded, biting his lip nervously as he neared the princess. He was, understandably, nervous beyond words. One’s first time can be nerve-racking enough, and Luna’s intimidating, imposing figure was simultaneously arousing and terrifying. Even worse than just the intimidation associated with being intimate with someone so strong and powerful were the logistics of dealing with such a size difference. Pip was fairly sure that he was about average as far as manhood was concerned, but what if it wasn’t enough? What if he was too small? What if he couldn’t last long enough to get Luna off? What if—

“It’s okay, Pip,” said Luna calmly. She could sense his apprehension, how nervous he was, and she sat up to gently grab his hand. “I know what I said, but I’m just poking fun. You’re plenty man already. You don’t need to worry about proving yourself or anything ridiculous like that.” She leaned forward and kissed him, her lips sapping the stress and fear from his body. “I like you, Pip. A lot. Perhaps more than ‘like’. I don’t see how this night can end with me unhappy, because I already came here to see you. So, if you’re too uncomfortable and you want to try again at a later date, that is perfectly fine. If you think you’re up for it, though…” Luna spread her legs a bit more, winking slyly. “Take your time.”

Pip took in a deep breath, letting Luna’s words set in. He had been an admirer of the princess for many years, and he had never known her to be disingenuous. If she said it, she meant it, no two ways about it. It felt good to hear those words from Luna, and it definitely quelled most of his fear. Pip gave a small nod before sliding up to the princess, one hand on her thick thighs and the other guiding his cock towards Luna’s waiting hole.

A gasp left Pip as he slowly eased his way into Luna’s pussy, the princess’ tight walls gripping him tightly and seemed to pull him in deeper. His body moved almost on its own, gripping Luna’s massive leg with both arms and pulling himself closer, deeper into the tight, hot, heavenly folds.

“Mmm, very good, Pip,” said Luna, biting her lip to stifle her moan. “Now, whenever you’re ready… You can start thrusting now.” Pip nodded, letting his mind even out a bit before continuing. He didn’t dwell on things, just let his body take over, and he slowly began moving his hips.

The feeling was incredible, Luna’s hot, velvety interior gripping Pip and sending arcs of pleasure up his length. He pulled Luna’s giant leg up and held on tight, using it to get a better angle and to pull himself in and out in time with his thrusts. Making love to a woman that much larger was a bit unwieldy, but it seemed as if Pip was quick to figure it out.

“Mm, good boy. Very good,” panted Luna. Pip was quite gentle, some part of himself somehow afraid of hurting his lover, but Luna put an end to that quickly when she wiggled her hips down, forcing Pip into her faster, harder than before. “Go on, hon. A bit faster, if you can. Don’t you worry, I’m sure I can take it.”

Pip chuckled nervously, but was happy to do as Luna instructed. He let her leg down before pushing himself up with a hand on her thighs. Now, he was boosted up nearly enough to see past the curve of Luna’s breasts, his body about parallel to hers. Now, it was much easier for him to give deeper, harder thrusts up and into Luna’s pussy. He developed a quick, steady rhythm of deep thrusts, each buck of his hips earning him a squeak from the rocking and shaking of his bed and a moan from the princess beneath him.

Luna moaned, her hand reaching up to grope her tits. The sight of the princess squishing her own breasts in her hand sent Pip into overdrive, and he bucked his hips deeper and harder than he had before. Luna was impressed; all the nervousness and trepidation seemed to be gone. He was determined to make the most out of the night, to show his admiration and to send his princess home happy, as evidenced by the way his hand traced the outline of Luna’s abs, pressing against every solid, hard-as-steel muscle that made up the giantess’ abdomen.

“P-princess…” Pip held on to Luna’s leg tightly, keeping a steady pace even as he felt his entire body begin to quake. “I’m… I’m gonna cum…”

“Good boy. Just let it all out.” Pip retreated a bit, as if to pull out, but Luna wasn’t having it; She sat up slightly, wrapping her thick, powerful arms around Pip to keep him in place. “I don’t recall telling you to pull out. Go on, boy. I want to feel you cum inside your princess.”

Pip couldn’t have held off if he wanted to. Luna could’ve held him in place with two fingers, so he had no chance of escaping with her using both of her arms. That said, escape was about the last thing on Pip’s mind. Luna’s embrace, besides being awe-inspiring and comforting, served as a reminder to her incredible strength. Pip could feel every muscle in her arm around him, squeezing him slightly and taking his breath away.

A groan escaped Pip as he felt his cock erupt, spewing thick gobs of cum into his lover. His legs shook slightly as he came, his thrusts slowing down until he was about ready to collapse onto the princess’ chest. Luna’s breath was labored, but satisfied, a smile spreading to her lips as Pip finished up.

“That was wonderful, Pip,” said Luna, propping herself up on her elbows to better see Pip. “You were fantastic.”

“T-thank you…” panted Pip. “I… I’m absolutely knackered…” Luna chuckled, sliding Pip off of her and laying him down on his pillow. She sat up, preparing to go about returning her clothes to a wearable state when Pip gently grabbed her by the wrist. “Could you stay til morning? Stay with me in bed?” Luna smirked, blushing slightly at the frankly adorable request.

“Well, as long as you don’t mind being little spoon.” Luna turned to her side, wrapping her arms around Pip and bringing him in close to her chest. She let out a contented sigh, relishing the warmth and comfort of having her partner in her arms. She could feel Pip’s fingers tracing the outline of her flexed bicep, and she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

“I didn’t just say that earlier, you know,” said Pip. Luna hummed in curiosity. “I felt kind of silly before, but I don’t care anymore. I love you, princess.” It didn’t take even a second for Luna to respond, for her to decide to throw her reservations to the side and go for broke.

“I love you too, Pip.”