The Strife of Friendship

by Ahrazell

First published

I just wanted to play some Smash with my friends but Noooo! One of them wanted to go out and cosplay! And of course I had to buy that stupid Fusion Sword at the con! Well, Can't get much worse.... and I just fucked myself huh?

First of, let me come straight out. I am Weeb trash, I love Final Fantasy seven, and I am the best at Cloud over all the characters in Dissidia and Smash Ultimate. As in my friends HATE it when I pick him and actively try to keep me from playing him. Well my blonde ass got roped into going to a convention with a couple friends, and they even went out of their way to make me a complete Advent Children Cloud outfit for me, of course Fusion Sword not included. I got dressed but really just spent most of my time in the hotel room until one of them, dressed as Tifa in all the right ways, talked me into going down.

Stupid Blonde I was listened.

Then of course there was the merchant, the sword, and I had the money, because of course. Now me and the girl I've loved since forever are both stuck in a world full of monsters and Anthro ponies, a good portion of them even labeling us as freaks, things to study thanks to our abilities, or worse.

At least some care enough to help out two beings lost from home.

Becoming Soldier 1st Class

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"Oh come on Zack."

"I said no."

"But you already look like him! Some hair gel and mako-like contacts and you are good!"

"For the love of god, no!"

"I'll be going as Tifa."


That was the conversation that started my life of crazy. My name is Zack Breaker, just your average weeb trash who somehow has friends. Well... Sarah has always been a special case. Hell she is probably the reason I even have friends. We have been friends since preschool, even though back then I was already a loner. Its because of her I stayed in shape, I mean, someone needs to be her guardian. Her deadbeat dad sure as hell won't. Bastard. The "best" gift he ever gave her was a beer bottle to the head for her twelfth birthday.

But gods, she is strong. Her mother is dead, her dad a abusive drunk, yet every day she comes to class with a smile, happy and outgoing, and always making time for her loner childhood friend. I guess it is no surprise I felt I had to protect her. That I fell for her.

I guess now would also be the time to mention how much we are both gamers and nerds. You see, I've always loved Final Fantasy VII, and Sarah loved watching me be passionate about something, then I brought her into the world of Dissidia and later, Smash 4 and Ultimate. She found her passion, choosing Tifa in Dissidia and Zero Suit Samus in Smash, while I sticked with Cloud. At first, when our friends saw me pick Cloud they started to laugh, mainly because of how similar to Cloud I look for a 18 year old. Seriously, like Sarah said, spike up my hair and give me contacts, you wouldn't tell the difference.

Well, my friends quickly learned one thing: I excusivly play Cloud as soon as I unlocked him. They multiple times tried to make it to where I couldn't play Cloud, only for Sarah to shoot them down. This lead to a few arguments and constant groans whenever I pick him... Which I won't lie is one of the only ways to actually crack my face and get me to smirk.

It was the final break before graduation for all of us. Sarah and I had already planned to move together and roommate, as much as everyone else chanting 'Ship' when they heard that. Sarah and the others all pooled money to go to this gaming convention and cosplay as different characters. I refused... But even a guy like me wouldn't pass up the chance to see their crush dressed like Tifa.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I was dressed like Cloud from the Advent Children movie. It was kinda cool if I was going to be honest, the level of passion and detail in this costume was just amazing, while still being comfortable to wear.

"Looking good Zack, or should I say Cloud?" I heard Sarah say from behind me. I turned around and gave her a rare thing for me to give anyone. I smiled.

"Shame we are missing two key parts. The Fusion Sword and for you, the gloves." I said, walking up to her. We were currently in the hotel across from the convention. Since Sarah and I were the only two officially 18 we were sharing a room. ("Ship, ship, ship!")

"Yeah well, no cosplay is perfect." She said with a grin, her hands clasped behind her back. "So, you ready to go?"

"Might as well get this over with. You all got me this outfit, might as well make use of it." I sighed, scratching the back of my head.

"Oh you like it you big baby." She giggled.

So we left. We met up with the others and after about a hour in line we finally were in the con. I grumbled, the rare frown on my face as I followed my friends through the crowd. I got a few complements here and there, and a few people wanting to take pictures with me which I was too nice to say no to, much to the satisfaction of Sarah. Eventually we split up, some wanting to go to a panel while Sarah wanted to check out the stalls. I, of course, followed Sarah. I have to admit, the things here were kinda cool, and all of them I could tell were made by people with passion for their respective arts. It wasn't long till we found this one stall in the back corner that no one seemed to be going to for some reason. It was like a old styled caravan tent, so we parted the flap and entered. What I saw in there made my jaw drop.

These were not just replicas or passion projects, these items were made as if you took whatever videogame or anime they came from and ripped it from fiction, placing it into real life. I simply could not believe my eyes.

"Ah, customers!" Said a voice. I turned to look at the counter to see a old Resident Evil Merchant cosplayer behind the counter. "Do holler if you see anything that catches your fancy."

"Thanks, we will!" Sarah said with exsightment as we started to look around. "Oh yes, these will be perfect!" She said after a but of looking, holding up some gloves that were a perfect match to her cosplay.

"Ah those are good." The man said as I countinued to look until I spotted something, something I'm not sure how I missed. A Fusion Blade, perfect in every way was hanging on the wall. Perfect in size and design, I just hope not in wheight.

"How much for the sword?" I asked, pointing up at the piece of art.

"Ah yes. Bring it over and I will check." He said. With a sigh I reached over and gripped it by it's handle. It had a decent amount of wheight, but, for as real as it looked, it felt as if I was just holding a heavy longsword. With a shrug I brought it over and laid it next to the gloves.

The man started to ring up the prices before giving a hum. "Rather costly... Why don't I cut you two a deal. I'll charge you two-fivty for both the gloves and the sword as a pair, and even throw in these." He said, reaching behind the counter and pulling out two small boxes laced with velvet. Inside were covered glass obviously ment to be Materia.

"Deal." I said, pulling out my card before Sarah could. "Consider it my treat." I told her as she gave me a smile... But why was she blushing?

"There you go." The man said, handing me the receipt.

We both put the boxes in our pockets before Sarah put on the gloves and I grabbed the sword. That's when things started getting... Weird.

I heard Sarah groan and as I looked over to see what is wrong I grunted in pain, a sudden sharp headache causing the world to spin. "Zack!?" I heard Sarah cry out before the sound of her collapsing echoed in my ears.

"Sarah!" I tried out before being forced to my knees, using the sword to keep me up.

"Have a pleasant journey you two. Consider yourselves lucky: you aren't being displaced alone." I heard the man say before everything went black.

"Zack?! Zack can you hear me? Oh god, Zack please wake up!" I groaned as I opened my eyes to see another pair looking into mine. "Oh thank god you're awake."

"Who are... Sarah?" I said sitting up. In front of me was not my friend cosplaying as Tifa, but Tifa. "Is that you?"

"Yes Zack, it's me... And I'm not the only one whose changed." She said, gesturing to the lake I was sitting next to. I crawled over and looked inside, only to not believe my eyes, litterally. My eyes were the perfect shade for a Mako infused human. I didn't even feel any contacts. My hair was no longer gelled yet maintained being spikey, not to mention a load of other small details.

"Sarah... What happened. Where are we." I said, just now noticing how different my voice sounded.

"I-I don't know, some kind of forest. Listen Zack, I don't know how we got here, but we need to leave. Maybe there is someone nearby who can help us." Sarah said, trying to be optimistic.

"Let's hope." I said, standing up and walking back over to pick up the Fusion Blade. It felt no different than at the Con...hmm...

"Sarah, try lifting this real fast. Just humor me." I said before setting down the blade.

"Alright..." She said before walking over and wrapping her hands around the grip, with a grunt she started to lift it up, but the upper half remained on the ground. "Jesus Christ how the hell can you lift this thing?!" She shouted before dropping it.

With ease I picked up the sword one handed and started to breathe it up so I could sheath all six blades. "Come on, let's go." I said once the blades we're sheathed behind me, only the main blade still in my hand. "If there is Civilization nearby, we will need to get there soon, it's already night."

"Right..." Sarah said "But which way?"

"Let's follow the river for now. It's a landmark and that way if we end up needing to make camp we have a water supply." I said, my mind already planning ways to secure food and shelter as we started to follow the river upstream.

It was a while before anything happened, and honestly, after we got over the fear of the unknown, it was quite beautiful in it's own right. Crickets made their sounds as the gentle sound of the lake moving at our side complemented the gentle russling of the leaves. And the sky, I've never seen it many stars.

"Zack?" Sarah asked


"Do you think everyone else is alright?" She asked, worry present in her voice.

"They'll be fine. They are smart enough not to do something stupid while we are away." I said.

"Thanks... I'm just afraid. I mean, I've always admired Tifa, but I never wanted to be her. How did we become like this? Why?" She said, starting to have a panic attack.
I stopped and placed my hand on her shoulder. "We'll be okay. We will figure this out eventually. For now, one step at a time. We need to establish where we are, and our living conditions until we eventually find a way to get home. Now, deep breaths. You are not alone. We are in this together." I said in a calming tone.

She listened to my advice and took a few deep breaths. "Thanks Zack... Though I'll admit, it's hard calling you that now."

"We can worry about names in a moment." I said hearing the russling of leaves as I placed myself between Sarah and the sound. A low growl sounded from the bushes as out came a trio of wolves. They seemed to be made up out of wood, their eyes glowing a sickly green. "Sarah, stay back. If they start getting the upper hand, run." I said, preparing myself for a fight.

I got into a stance as more wolves came out of the wood works. With a growl, one leaped at me. I dodged out of the way before slashing with the main blade, cleaving it into splinters as I drew out the hollow blade, holding the two swords as more lept for a taiste. I slashed the two, but was under able to notice when one lept from behind and but my exposed arm. With a grunt I flung it upward before slicing it back down to earth. I started to form up the Fusion Sword, easing up the pressure on my arm as I sliced at another wolf before they had time to react. Another tried to bite me only for me to jump to the side... And land horizontal to a tree before kicking off and diving in retaliation to the wolf. "No time to question it." I said as I turned to face the rest of the pack. Most of the remaining ones backed up as a larger one walked forward and gave a howl. "Oh shut up." I said as I was suddenly coated in blue flames and launched a Blade Beam at the wolf, shattering it into splinters and destroying the ground in the process. The surviving wolves ran, yiping the whole way as they flew from the scene. I panted before collapsing on my butt, sword stuck in the ground tip first.

"Zack, what the hell was that?!" Sarah said rushing over to me. "And your arm, it's bleeding."

"I'll be fine. As for that... I think we more than just look like Cloud and Tifa... I may have been athletic, but I could never have done all that, not to mention the limit break." I said, forcing myself to my feet after my quick breather. "We can experiment later. For now we need to go."

"Zack, what about your arm." Sarah said. "We can't continue like that."

"We can and we must. Sarah, I promise you, when we find Civilization or rest for the night, I'll let you bandage me. But right now we need to keep moving." I said as caring as I could. In truth, though it hurt, I know I could take more and be just fine.

"Okay, but no later, you hear?" She said as I relented and nodded.

We continued for a while longer before finally finding a path. With a collective sigh of relief Sarah and I stepped out of the tree line and followed the path. A orchard was on our right until we saw a farm house of sorts. As we started to walk up, we both heard a scream. We took a moment to look at one another before I drew my blade and Sarah fixed her gloves and we ran, following the sound.

"Help!" Shouted the sound of a little girl as both Sarah and I turned the corner towards the farthest edge of the orchard near the forest." There we had to do a double take. A little girl that looked like someone crossed a human with a colorful horse was surrounded by the wolves from earlier. Without wasteing any more time I lept in, Sarah jumping in after me. I sliced one that was about to pounce on the girl before Sarah punched another, caving their head in.

She stood there in awe before I spoke up. "Sarah, grab her and run back to the farm house. I'll join you two shortly."

"Oh no you don't, you already got hurt earlier." She tried to argue before I cut her off.

"Sarah, right now she is more important than a small bite." She looked like she wanted to argue more before picking up the frightened...Filly? Child and running back where we came. I turned my attention to the wolves and readied my blade.

"Applejack!" The girl ran inside yelling as Sarah stood outside, looking for Zack.

"Come on you stubborn, handsome ass." Sarah groaned as she paced slowly.

The door creaked open, causing Sarah to turn her head over to see another one of these pony people. This one was orange, wearing some pajama pants and a flannel, though I'd be lying if I'd say I would have been jellous over her body before this crazy stuff went down. "Who are ya, and what are ya doin' here this late." She said, apparently cranky from being woken up.

"I'm sorry, my friend and I woke up in the woods and had no idea where we were. We came across the road and followed it to your farm, and we're about to knock to ask some things when we heard the little one scream. These wooden wolf things were trying to attack her."

"Timber wolves? What the hay are those varmints doin so close to the farm?!" The mare growled. "Say, where is this friend of yours. Ya'll might have just saved Applebloom, a warm place to sleep is the least I could do." She said.

Sarah frowned. "He stayed back to fight them off, said he'd be right behind-"

Sarah was interrupted my the sound of metal dragging across the ground. Turning her head, she saw Zack, both arms covered in claw marks and bites, with a nasty cut above his brow. He panted and upon seeing Sarah smiled his rare smiled before falling over. "Zack!!!" Sarah cried out, rushing over to his side. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard a light snore come from his body. "You lazy idiot..." She said softly as she lifted him onto her shoulders, starting to take him over to the house when suddenly the load got easier. She looked to the side to see the orange mare from the house helping out on the other side while a large, muscle filled red stallion picked up Zack's sword, though surprised at it's wheight apparently.

"Come on y'all, let's get him inside so we can check his wounds." The farm mare called out as they took the two inside. "Just a few weeks from the Summer Sun Celebration and this happenens... Oh Nelly."

The Apple Girls and Mac

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I grunted as a stream of sunlight shined down onto my eyes. 'Where am I?' I thought before looking around. I was laying on a couch, my arms and chest all wrapped up in bandages with my shirt folded, and from the looks of it, fixed and clean on a coffee table. I took a glance around the room, noting the pictures over the fire place of a rustic room. In the frame were pictures of the anthropomorphic ponies. The little yellow furred one with the red hair, An older, green woman, A tall, muscle of a man as the red one, and a woman that if not for Sarah would probably have me panting like a dog.

With a groan I sat up as I heard a gasp. I turned to look as the one coming down the stairs brought a smile to my face. "Hey Sarah... Morning." I said before she walked over.... And punched me in the face, causing my head to snap to the side.

"You fucking idiot! You could have died and left me alone, and all you can say is 'Hey, Morning?!'" Sarah ranted. I was about to retort, holding my slightly sore face before I looked up, seeing tears hidden in her eyes.

I sighed. "I'm sorry Sarah. I didn't mean to worry or scare you. I should have been thinking instead of acting."

"Idiot.... If it wasn't for the Apples I'm not sure I could have helped you." Sarah said, sitting down next to me and checking the bandages. "I mean just look at your a-...." She paused.

"What is it?" I said before looking down and going quiet as well. In her hands were bloodsoaked bandages, yet my arm, that I knew was totally fucked up, looked fine. Not even a scar. After a moment to process this, I vocalized what was on both of our minds. "What the fuck?!"

"Wow, Y'all heal fast, don't cha partner?" The Orange mare I learned was named Applejack said. We were sitting at their table, enjoying some honestly excellent breakfast. By now I had my shirt on and had already had to convince Granny Smith I wasn't hurt anymore.

"Apparently." Sarah said, taking another bite of her fritter. "Oh, Soo good!" She said, causing me to gain a small smile as I just went back to eating my own food.

"You should have seen him sis! He was able to swing that sword like it was nothin! Turned that Timberwolf into splinters!" Shouted Apple bloom, the filly I saved yesterday.

"Are they a common problem?" I said, saying my first words all meal.

"Normally they ain't. If we are unlucky, maybe one or two of the varmints wander into the orchard, but not half a pack. Let alone a alpha if yer Marefriend was speaking the honest truth." Applejack said, causing me to freeze and Sarah to sputter.

"What we- I mean- We aren't a item. Just friends." Sarah said (Shot through the heart!)

I closed my eyes and focused on my eating, trying to ignore the pangs of the friendzone. "Huh, coulda fooled me with how y'all reacted yesterday." Wait, how did she act that would make her think that? "But answer me this, Just what in the sam blazes were you doing that late at night? I mean y'all saved Bloom here, but that doesn't explain you lot."

"We don't know." I said. "We both were friends before tonight, but somehow we both woke up in those woods. We were actually looking for any sign of Civilization, or for anyone to tell use where we were so we could maybe find our way home."

Applejack had a thoughtful look on her face. "Well, y'all are in Equestria. Those there woods are known as the Everfree forest, right at the edge of our town called Ponyville." I mentally cringed at all the horse puns. "Where are y'all from? The apple family got folk all over Equestria."

"Uhm... Seattle USA?" Sarah says, hoping they heard of it.

"I don't know of any USA, but I know of Seadle." Applejack tried, and that confirmed my theory of where we are, and it made me set down my fork with a frown.

"Sarah, can I talk to you in private." I said, my rarely used voice softly commanding attention.

"Uh, sure." She said, her emotions seemingly conflicted. Must have come to the same conclusion I have. "We'll be right back." She reassured our hosts before we both stood up and walked out to the porch.

"You probably have guessed what I have figured out." I said once I was sure we didn't have any unwanted ears. "I don't think we can go home. I don't think we are even on Earth." I said, direct and to the point.

"No. No,no there...there has to be a way to get home! What about Sam, Chris and Aurora?! They are still at the convention!"

"They can probably handle themselves, but the point stands. These people are anthropomorphic ponies, there were wolves made of wood, and we both are no longer in our own bodies." I said calmly.

"How can you be so calm about this?! Aren't you scared?! Don't you want to go home?!" Sarah yelled at me, and something inside me snapped.

"Of course I'm scared!" I yelled, causing her to shut up. "I'm terrified! I'm not in my own body, we aren't even on Earth anymore and there are any number of dangers putting you at risk! As for wanting to go home, besides the three stooges, what do we have to go back to?! A drunk abusive prick?! A empty house that I don't even own?!" I let it all out for her. "I'm afraid Sarah, but I-, no, We need to be strong. If we find away to go home, then we will take it, but for now we need to play the hand we are delt."

Once we had both calmed down and appoligized for yelling at the other, we headed back inside. "Y'all alright? Sounded like it got quite heated." Applejack asked as we sat back down.

"Yes we... Emotions needed to be let out." Sarah said as I just nodded while the girls continued to talk I turned my gaze to the only other male as we both stared silently at the other.

You are strong for someone so skinny.

Thank you.

A silent type as well huh?

You got it.

Also protective of those who you think as family.

My life would be a small price to pay if she got to live a happy life.

We nodded at each other in respect, both of us just now noticing how silent it had gotten as we turned our heads in sync, seeing jaw dropped expressions on the girls. "Are you two long lost brothers or something?!" Sarah said in shock.

"Even ah have problems with Mac being a stallion of few words, yet you two seemed to have a silent conversation." Applejack said on awe.

"Are you two psychic?!" Appleblood explained.

We both turned to the other, got cheeky grins, and turned back. "E'nope" We said at the same time before we and the entire table started to laugh.

After breakfast, and after I retrieved my fusion sword, we walked with the apples minus granny towards the local town called Ponyville. (Another mental head against a wall at the pun) "Applejack, I need to ask, is there any place we can stay? We don't have any money, But we could find a job! I know a bit of mixing drinks and cooking and Zack here is a jack of all trades."

"Well shoot, you can stay with us until y'all find a place to stay" Applejack said with a kind smile. "I mean, ah never seen Big Mac take so somepony so quickly, and after what y'all did for Bloom it's the least we could do." The other two siblings nodded happily in agreement, even causing me to get a faint smile.

"Thank you." I said as we neared the town, and the start of our new life. "Why is there a rainbow coming straight for us?"