Ice Blue Ember

by Calico64

First published

Years after Ember was born, in his college years, he and Twin Tips begin to discover a whole new world around them. The further down they go, the more they want to explore.

Years after Ember was born, in his college years, he and Twin Tips begin to discover a whole new world around them. The further down they go, the more they want to explore. With Ember going through college on video games and Twin Tips going through on sports, they find more in common with each other than they ever expected.

Rainy Days

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In the blink of an eye, the days, the months and the years peeled off the calendar. Time went forward on a tailspin. First, Fable Prose and Quick Bullet raised Ember Wings right after they brought him home. Next thing they knew, it was his first day of school. He was already well schooled in several uses of the English Language thanks to his father. The orange pegasus grew up in his home in Ranchtown. Before they knew it, he put on the graduation gown along with his best friend, Twin Tips.

The ice blue unicorn mare and he were inseparable. Winter and Golden Goal raised her to be the best of herself she ever could be. Golden and Letty held playdates as often as they could while Ember and Twin were growing up. They helped each other through problems and when it came to the difficult subjects, they were always so open with one another. Twin Tips went out for every sport known to ponykind until she finally came with her best ones. First, it was the ice skating in the Winter time. Her moves were magnificent and her concentration was palpable. However, that was not where she stopped. She played hockey and was decent with it, but something about it didn’t agree with her. For some reason, her balance was far worse when it came to dodging such close quarters.

No, hockey was not for her, she was generally good at it, but that was before she went to the mountains north of Ranchtown.She was a slow beginner, but that made it that much more interesting to her. She knew she could get better. The first race she ever won gave her the cutie mark on her outer hip of a pine tree with two skis and two handles crossed in front of it.

The day she got it, she stripped down to her panties in front of Ember Wing and there he saw it! That beautiful side as she lifted her panties a bit to give him a better look. He jumped for joy with her in his bedroom and they embraced. The happiness they felt that day was so immense that they got tired and began laying in bed together.

They nuzzled one another on the snout, looking at each other with their tired little smiles on their faces. She giggled and combed his dark brown hair off to the side of his purple eyes. He smiled at her they bumped their snouts together one more time.

They took a long nap in each other’s arms and Twin woke up years later to see that their college dorm house master bedroom was a wreck. Their bedroom housed a king sized bed comfortably. Her side of the bed sported a neat and efficient night table with a can of Fizz Horn and an alarm clock. His side of the bed was part of her side of the bed with most of his side of the bed with the night tables full of extra controllers and gaming equipment.

Ember Wing was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of their bed. He sat in his little beanbag chair with the wireless controller playing the old school, genuine Neptune 6. These were the games he was raised with, along with the Neptune 5. These were the games he learned on. It started with his father, who was not terrible at games at all. However, there was no explaining why a five year old colt mopped the floor with him within three matches in a fighting game.

The child blew through all of his friends in a hurry. Every pony at his kindergarten class were no match, even at the handheld games. As he grew, his skill grew. He became a master and cemented himself as a prodigy in the gaming community. He played world titles and streamed on his global website, mostly fighting challengers, but also selling time for full gameplay.

Still, when he had time, he played games that he liked to play, not all of these new games with the shiny new graphics in a virtual environment. He’s figured out their mechanics and take notes on them as he played, then he’d play against Twin Tips when she woke up.

“What’s this?” Twinny sat down and picked up the second controller. The game looked vaguely familiar, but she wasn’t entirely sure of its title. She had long, silver, gold and deep sea blue streaks in her mane. She combed it out of her face as she joined him.

“Armored Berserkers, it’s a fantasy action game from the teens. They’ve come out with five more since this one’s release, but none of them are as good. You should be able to hit start.”

She did, and the two of them started trudging down a dirt pathway in a wide open grassy field. Both of them were decked out in full platemail armor that was very bulky and seemed like they would be hard to move in. She carried, in one hand, a three foot long sword that must have weighed eight hundred pounds. He carried a flail with a morning star dangling from it.

“I like the graphics. It’s digital age, but it’s not too polished.” She said as she looked over her armor and her very large weapon. “How long have you been playing this? It seemed like your side of the bed is pretty cold.”

“Couldn’t sleep very well. Decided it was too early to get breakfast. It’s bacon day.” He said as he came across a large skulled, bone armored enemy sporting a black axe. The dark warrior charged directly toward him, but he was caught by the vastly superior reach of the chain mace that Ember Wing swung straight down. His silver armor shining as he knocked the enemy with a solid strike. Twin came in with her sword and struck the head from the digital foe as its entire body disappeared into pixelated dust. “I was going to get what we had last week. Bacon day is a means for celebration, after all.”

“Of course, I never miss bacon day. However, that’s going to have to change.” She pointed out as she caught two more approaching enemies at the edge of the screen in that computerized green terrain. The two of them locked in combat, blocking their attacks with great precision.

“Oh, here we go.” Ember sighed as he smashed his spike ball straight into the next skull warrior’s chest plate.

“You know wheat bacon is flavored with salt and other chemicals to make it delicious right? It’s bad for you. It tastes like heaven but it will make thighs go to hell! I have to keep my weight for skating, you know. I need to keep up my exercises!” Her sword struck a critical blow on her next victim, and she looked to see that he was already well done with his armored enemy.

“Yeah, what more exercise can you get? You’re either with me or you’re out exercising. Sometimes exercising with me. It’s not like we can work out while we sleep.” They continued on toward the castle, though Ember paused the game and hit save. “Anyway, speaking of which. I should really get that breakfast while you get to your essay on the Equestrian Monarch.” He pointed his finger at her before using that hand to swing the flail into an incoming opponent before turning the game off and going to the Neptune 6 menu. “You were almost late on your last essay, and this time, you’re not going to slack! Oh, and we need to remember to clean this place up a bit.”

She exasperated at him and looked at him with a horrific scowl. Twin didn’t exactly procrastinate, she simply didn’t get down to it until a little later than she should have. She pouted and put the controller down on the system after rolling up the charging cord around it and laying it on the system. The entertainment center held five game consoles. The Cobalt VR2, one of the more recent additions to the Cobalt systems. It held better quality in Virtual Reality engines, though, the Neptune Dimension was showing great promise once it was released. Ember had it preordered along with its first five games in its library. Then there was the normal Neptune 6, Neptune X, Neon Ultimate and Cobalt Ice Age. 98% of his games were downloaded while there was a small shelf right beside the entertainment center that held his physical copies.

“Fine, but I call the shower first!” She growl and he snickered as he got on his socks and shoes.

“We have two showers in this house, Twin, why do you keep wanting the shower first when you can just move to the other bathroom?” He asked as he started walking toward the door and opened it to the rest of the house. He walked across the living room to the front door and pressed a button on his key for his car to start.

“Because that bathroom has all of my stuff in it!” She called out after him. It seemed like she took a long time with that response, like she had to think about it or something. He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

“Bye Huggybear!” He called back in toward her and he could feel the ugly, horrific gaze that she gave him through the walls. He closed the door to avoid the extreme awkward silence that caused. Ember heard it on a kid’s show and decided to call her that in front of her friends. She acted a little strange after that. It had been just before they graduated high school and decided to move in together. For a minute there, though, Twin was being a little quiet around him. It went away soon enough.


Ember pressed a touch screen button on the menu screen at the restaurant he and Twin frequented. He made sure to get her order right, as it was normally pretty complicated. All of the extra toppings or toppings removed were reserved for her order while he normally kept things as is.

“Ember! Hey!” The bright green earth pony waved toward Ember, who was just then finishing his order.

“Hey Jade!” Ember said as he looked up and saw her approach. She approached a lot, actually. In fact, Ember was getting a little uncomfortable with how far she was approaching. “Ummm… Something I can… Help you with?” Ember gave a nervous laugh as he confirmed his order at the food counter where the order was placed in the back for the food worker drones. She wore a white shirt with a pink tank top over it. Below that, she wore gym shorts that were black and pink and her leggings were padded for extra warmth. While it just looked like a long sleeve shirt, it was actually a jacket. She had been at the ice rink, skating the entire day.

“I need you to be completely honest with me. If you are not going out with Twin Tips, then what is going on between you? Then there’s the obvious question. How good is the sex?” To hear a mare come out and say that was a bit jaunting for Ember Wing. He loved to talk about Twin Tips, but rarely did anyone ask such a pointed question.”I’m serious!”

“Why does everybody assume we have sex? She said that she’s looking out for Mr. Right at the moment. We’re not dating.” Ember said as he waited by the dispenser track conveyor belt. It stuck out the wall close to the ordering counter.

“Dude! Come on! You’ve known her for years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you have a fight with her in your life!” Jade had never been on their case about this kind of stuff. However, just last week, she went to the movies with the two of them. They shared literally everything except for their two independent candies. Twin Tips had caramel chocolates while Ember Wing had a pack of fruit gummies. The way they smiled at one another in the theater. They crossed arms and even held hands for a few seconds.

Jade didn’t say anything about their open, almost tender attitude between them right then, but she finally found him at a Wheatery!

“Come on, I’m dying here!” Jade begged him as she watched him grab his order from the belt as it came through. Jade was one of the slightly older college students that took Business as a major. She wasn’t like this very often, but something seemed to interest her in Ember for some reason. She is fairly certain that she had never seen him date a single mare in his life with the exception of Twin Tips. The mere fact that the two of them were living together was enough to bring speculation but then Jade had heard that they slept in the same bed! “If you aren’t dating her, then I ask you, why not?”

As Ember was walking out the door to the clean, colorful restaurant that was packed with about five whole families and a few couples. All of the ponies paid him no attention as he walked to the door.

“Well, I guess I hadn’t thought about that for a long time. I asked Twinny if she wanted to marry me and she said no.” He looked off to the side as his key control started his car. He walked out into the open where the sun was just starting to get good over the horizon. It was a fairly clear day with a bit of wind.

“What?! When did this happen?” Jade thought he meant sometime last month.

“When we were six! I gotta go now. Seeya!” Ember said as he got into his car and quickly pulled out of the parking lot. The whole time he did, the green earth pony was standing there with a dumb look on her face. She didn’t move from that spot for several minutes. Her brain tried to process the logic but nothing was coming out. It was like trying to divide by zero.


Twin was not so good at typing, but she finally wrote a paragraph after thirty whole minutes. After that, there were two paragraphs in thirty whole minutes. Whoo. Her typing was so bad, she had to erase entire sentences to delete a word. She just forgot the backspace button existed.

“Ugh! This is so boring!” She grabbed her tablet and swiped the image from her computer to the device and got up from the desk. She pounded on the touch screen with fury and sighed. All of this anger! All of her hate was pouring into this awful political science homework! Why did she even take Political Science in the first place?! Who told her to take Political Science? From now on, they are unfriended in every profile she had! It was probably Lightning Edge! That bastard! It was time he learned a--

There came a call from him on her tablet. The picture of his bright orange face with blonde hair came onto the screen, his wings behind him. “Oh, hi Lightning! How’s it going?”

“Hey, Twin! So, I was thinking. You and me were talking last week about that tennis game on Saturday.” As he said this, the unicorn mare furrowed her brow and looked outside to see it was raining cats and dogs.

“Um, yeah?” Twin replied, hoping this would be a more exciting call. However, she picked up a bit of hesitation from his voice.

“I was wondering if you were wanting to play me some tennis later today?” Lightning gave a nervous smile.

“It’s raining right now. I can’t go anywhere because I love sitting at home in the rain.” Twin said as she opened her curtain up to reveal the storm. “Plus, I told Ember I would get caught up on my homework today. I’ve got two papers to do and they’re a tiny bit close to the deadline.”

“Wait, it’s raining there? Don’t you like just a few miles from me? I don’t even see a cloud.” Lightning asked her like she had an answer.

“Oh, yeah, Ember put a whole bunch of rain clouds in the sky. I don’t know, Lightning. Either way, I gotta get going.” She said as she saw her homework assignment had been passed back to her computer screen since the call was taking slightly longer than she thought.

“Well, yeah, about that. Does Ember play tennis? I heard you don’t go anywhere without him.” He said, and made her furrow her brow at him.

“Yeah, I’ll ask him. Bye!” She said and pressed the red touch button. That’s when she noticed that it’d been a while since he left, and she kind of wondered where he was. The first thing that came to her mind was giving him a kiss upon his return. One of those kisses that lasted longer than others. She put her hand on her cheek and found herself a little too distracted to be typing on the computer. Twin figured she should make Ember happy and finish her homework.


The red screen of death popped up on Ember’s car screen in the middle of his console. He rolled his eyes a little bit and clicked it on to see a familiar face.

“Hey, Dad. What’s up?” Ember asked as he kept his eyes on the road, driving back toward the college campus.

“Hey Ember, I saw that you wrote a review on one of my stories. This wasn’t exactly a story I wrote with you reading it in mind.” Fable said, rubbing the back of his head. “It’s some of the stuff I did back before I met your mother. How did you find it?”

“Why do you still keep track of it?” Ember asked, making Fable pause for a moment. “I found it because I’ve seen you use the same screen name before. Still, as erotic stories go, you did decently well. Though, I’ve read enough of your stuff to know you’ve learned since then.”

“Yeah, you spoke some pretty harsh words there, bud.” Fable said with a nervous snicker.

“Well, there was one question I had for you, though.” He caught Fable’s attention immediately. “Is it possible for a unicorn and a pegasus to have an alicorn?”

There was a long pause in their conversation. The phone in the car went silent and Ember grew a puzzled look on his face. “Dad?”

“Come to my house. There’s something we need to discuss, now.” His voice sounded a little serious, and that brought back slightly bad memories for Ember. It was the kind of voice he got before he got his butt swatted for throwing a fit when he was five.

Ember opened the door to his Dad’s house. The older pegasus grabbed Ember by his shoulder in a light grip, and sat him down on the couch in the living room. The young stallion’s eyes were wide and expecting something awful.

“Son, first, you need to settle the grounds. You need to feel it out before you make your move. That should be pretty easy, though. That’s when a girl will do whatever it is she is going to do. It determines how far you’ve come in a relationship.”

“Ummm, Dad?”

“Yes, Ember?” The red pegasus with the black hair asked as he itched his chest just above his blue pajamas.

“Can we make alicorns, yes or no?” Ember asked, and took Fable a little off balance with the question. Still, he steeled himself and shook his head.

“No.” Fable said. “Now listen. You have to ask permission without asking permission. You need to use body language and be subtle about it.” He was saying all of this to Ember, making the orange pegasus tilt his head at his father.


Twin snoozed on their bed after working her brain so hard on those two essays. She’d finished them, but Ember would more than likely make corrections on them. It was the good part of having a book smart… friend. She slept in nothing but a shirt and pajama pants, listening to the rain as she did. It was so soothing, and there was so much of it.

Ember walked into the door and scurried over to their room. He could hear her sleeping breaths from the hallway, but that didn’t stop him. Ember walked into the room and shook her gently.

“Twin, wake up. We need to talk.” Ember said as he crawled into bed with her and laid his head onto her stomach. She put her hand on his head and rubbed his mane.

“So, talk.” She said and petted his hair.

“Well, I’ve been getting a lot of weird, blunt questions about us recently. Not to mention, I just had the strangest conversation with my dad. I mean, we’ve known each other since we were babies, and normally those relationships fall apart, we merely remained together. Right?” Ember said and looked up at her as she looked back down at him. She was also enjoying the sound of the rain.

“Yeah, a long time.” Twin said and put her hand on the side of his face. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, it seems everything we’ve wanted has never really been an issue, and we pretty much do a lot of stuff together. I mean, who needs more than that, right? So, I ask all of this to myself, and today I get a call from Dad. I asked him a simple question. Can a pegasus and a unicorn make an alicorn?”

“Wait, what? Why would you ask him that? Of course not.” She said and he rolled his eyes. “You could have asked me that and I could’ve told you.” She gave him a disappointed look for a moment. They stared at each other for a moment and then they both started laughing. “You dork.”

“Well, either way. I asked him this, and then he starts giving me the whole spiel about how to get a girl and what women like from a guy. Before I could ask him what he was talking about, he was already to the sperm getting to the egg!” This made her jaw drop some.

“Wow, he already got to the,” Both of them put their wrists together and raised their hands a little. At the same time they chanted “Miracle of Childbirth.”

“What was he talking about? I don’t remember my dad giving sex education to me at any point.” Twin looked off to the side, then thought about the question. Can a pegasus and a unicorn make an alicorn?

“Yeah, and then after everything was said and done, he gave me this.” Ember held up a red package with a ring inside of it. It was a ring usually made of latex.

“Ember… Did you ever think that maybe your Dad was talking about us?” The instant that followed was one of the most eye opening moments in their entire lives. The implications of what that entailed was enormous. It was in that instance that they started to remember the summer of their sixth grade year. They were just starting the latter part of their school curriculum in the next month, so they decided to never spend a single day apart for an entire week. They went camping together, they stayed in his room for hours playing video games and they even watched some of their favorite shows together. They were still pretty young, though they were grown out of pretending.

They didn’t, however, stop pretending with each other. They made up their own wedding, and made up their own stories of how they would live as a family. Then they imagined themselves at the altar and the priest pronouncing them husband and mare.

That’s when they kissed. It was their only big kiss and it was one that stopped them in their tracks with how perfect a kiss it was. At that point, no other moment lived up to that kiss. It lasted a very long time and drew them into each other’s arms.

They never told anyone about what happened between them, because no one would care as much as they did. Ember acted like nothing had happened, while strengthening his bond of friendship with her all the stronger. Twin never forgot. In fact, she used that kiss to fuel herself on especially hard days. She never knew that maybe why she never wanted to change the way they were.

“Well, I mean… maybe. But that’s…” Ember started to say, but then looked into her eyes and his jaw hit the bed. “I mean… do you want to?”

“Yes.” She said before he even got three words out. The whole other parallel dimension opened up for the two of them in that moment. Before he knew it, he was kissing her lips softly and holding her tight. She rolled him over her to the other side of the bed as her arms wrapped around his back and her hands caressed his chest.

Twin Tips couldn’t stop herself from taking his shirt off to reveal his toned torso. That’s when she looked down at his black khaki shorts and paused. He chuckled a little and undid his shorts, and this made her draw in a breath before she realized he still had on his underwear.

“Ummm, Twinny? How many times have you seen me naked?” He asked her and her eyes glazed over a little bit.

“Nineteen times that I can remember. Dad said we use to bathe together when we got really dirty, but I can’t confirm nor deny that that happened.”

“Well, you’ve never seen it like this.” He said as he pulled his white boxer briefs down as well, his penis sticking straight up and making her go mental for an instant in time.

“I didn’t know you could do that. I mean, I know it happens to some guys where they can’t.”

“Yeah, I think you should study the male genitalia a little closer next time we have a study session.” He gave her an adorably disappointed look, but then watched as she went down to her side and got a closer look at his very large erection. The first thing she noticed was the musky stink, and the fact that his balls were somehow connected to the base of his cock because of the scrotum. She had seen erection pictures and a few videos of porn, but she’d never seen a cock like this. Twin had never gotten up close and personal to one before.

“Um, Twinny?” He asked and she placed her hand on the side of the shaft, giving the other side a little kiss with a smile. His penis twitched at her and she gasped, her cheeks going flush as she continued to study it. Soon there came a weird clear ooze dripping from the tip of his glans penis. “I didn’t mean study it right this minute.” He said in a blunt manner, making her look up at him from under his orangish brown dick.

“This is… semen, right?” She said as she touched the substance and squeezed it between her thumb and forefinger. “I thought there was supposed to be… more?”

“Yeah, not yet.” He chuckled and removed every article of clothing from himself. He revealed his cutie mark, which was none other than the Neptune 5 controller in all its shining glory with his fiery wings symbolized in the center of it. The cutie mark he had gotten when he defeated Grem for the first time. Grem, his original rival when it came to games. Spark and Patch Note had given him a good run for his money when it came to games, but Grem was unbeatable for a while. It wasn’t until he centered himself in the game and took her down that he finally got his cutie mark on his hip. It was a glorious day for sure.

She turned her attention to the cutie mark and pressed the buttons like a touch screen on his orange fur. He chuckled at this.

“They don’t control me, if that’s what you’re trying to do.” He said as she kept pressing the D-pad and the start button.

“It was worth a try.” She looked at him as he smiled at her. Then her eyes went down to her leg where he was pulling her pajama pants down. “Ember, I’m not wearing--”

It was pretty obvious what she was going to say. Her gold haired, tiny bush just above her labia was revealed to him as her pants slipped down past her hooves.

“Did you do your laundry?” He asked her and she huffed at him with blushing cheeks.

“Yes, you jerk! I just didn’t feel like wearing them for my nap.” Her eyes wandered elsewhere as he spread her legs. Her eyes clenched shut as his fingers spread her lips apart and he studied hers very closely. Given the fact that he let her study every inch of his shaft and head as well as his balls, she was patient with his curious nature concerning her naughty bits.

Then she felt him give her belly button ring a little poke, making her laugh a little.

“Still can’t believe you got that.” He snickered, but then made her laughter stop in an instant with a deep gasp. His mouth had connected with her vagina, along with his tongue and lips. Her mouth went haywire as her chin twitched with moaning. Her sweating began in an instant and her legs started almost convulsing. After just three licks from his tongue against her inner labia folds, she came. Her orgasm was swift and piercingly lustful. She trembled a bit and laid back on the bed for a moment.

“What was… that?!” She asked as her head felt heavy and light at the same time, in fact, she almost felt a little nauseous.

“I saw it in porn a few times.” He said and saw that her honey hole was leaking a translucent fluid from it.

“Ohhh, give me a second.” She said as she wiped her forehead with her shirt, showing off her tits, which wore no brazier. To her surprise, she saw he was staring at them a little closely.

“Oh, come on. You’ve seen them before. You even checked them for lumps for breast cancer awareness.” She said and uncovered her darkish blue nipples toward him.

“It didn’t last long enough.” He said to her and decided to put his hands on them like he did during the examination. “I’m pretty sure my examination had a lot of extra credit inspecting.”

“Yeah, you were on them for about ten minutes.” She said, starting to realize why.

“Still not long enough.” He nodded and started kissing on the nipples a little. Before she knew it, he was sucking on her tits and making her nipples hard as little pebbles.

“Use your teeth.” She whispered, and he started to rub her nipples with the tips of his front teeth. She shivered and got goosebumps.

“How did you know you liked that?” He whispered back and she giggled. She lifted her other breast to her mouth and began to suck her voluptuous breast. His mouth was gaped at that moment. For some reason, his cock only pulsed with more life. He was huge, even by stallion standards.

She smiled at him and completely removed her shirt. She rolled over on the bed and got on top of him. Her sopping wet cunt pressed against the front of his shaft against his preputial ring. His precum started covering a great deal of his shaft and she felt it against her vagina, only adding to her wetness.

“Wait, I was wanting to try something.” He said, stopping her from making another move.

“Try something?”

After just a minute, Ember was on top of her, pressing her tits around his very long, erect cock. With its slick exterior, he was able to fuck her tits while the tip of his dick pressed against her mouth. After just a few pushes, Twin gave in and let his dick enter her mouth, greeting by her tongue.

“Mmmm--mmm!” She muffled as she felt his cock slide easily between her generous breasts and took his head into her mouth as her tongue caressed it all over. Before either of them knew it, Ember Wing started to twitch his very sensitive penis inside of her mouth as he took it out from her tits from the bottom. She gasped as the cock exited her mouth, but then saw the head stick out from her bust once again and release a generous portion of semen into her face, and spilling all over her tits. Ember gasped and trembled as his cock released another three shots all over her mouth and her face, even getting some on her horn.

“Yo--you made a bad mistake, Ember.” She whispered to him as she reached down to grasp her waterfalling quim and shivering. “You got it on my horn. Now I’m addicted.” Her breasts heaved up and down. She’d cum again from that hot jizz splashing her face.

Both of them lied back into the bed after getting her cleaned up a bit. He used the sanitary wipes that were meant for skin and piled them into his trash bin. For the first time, they lie naked against each other. She lied on top of him with his snout in her neck and cuddling her close.

“I think I’m ready.” She propped herself up onto her knees. With one hand, she held up his very large trunk, propping herself up. “I broke my hymen with my fingers when I was 13. It’s still gonna be a tight fit.”

“When did this happen?” He asked and she smiled down at him from the top position.

“The day I got back from five days with you. Maybe we shouldn’t have waited so long to do this.” She pressed his still very hard cock tip against her hole and looked him in the eyes as she brought it into herself. She didn’t get far, though. Both of them cringed at how tight a fit it was. Her pussy still accepted more, though, as the lubrication she was producing made the transition much easier. The deeper he went, the harder she gripped his ass. She bit her bottom lip as he started to very gently start pushing his very thick manhood in and out of her. Her tube was stretched the entire way and her eyes went dilated to their fullest extent as she turned his head to her. Twin’s tongue caressed his inside his mouth.

It wasn’t long before he switched their position to missionary with just a simple roll to the side. Their mouths intertwined along with their bodies as he started pushing deeper into her, deep enough to poke against the entrance of her uterus.

“Not--so--rough--aah! AH!” Twin moaned louder and harder as his balls touched her ass cheeks as he pushed all the way into her, filling her entire vaginal tunnel. “I’m gonna… I’m...aahh!” She grabbed onto his muzzle and caressed his face. He broke through her hands’ grip and licked her tongue within her mouth once again as he came all the way inside her. The semen creamed every part of her as he kept pushing. Their orgasms happened instantly after the other.

He plopped down next to her on the bed and his chest heaved up and down. Her tits jiggled like jello as her breathing reached amazing heights. White spooge leaked out of her fell fucked quim as it gaped open a bit. She couldn’t hold his semen in if she tried. She felt way too far stretched, but at the same time, she wanted to do it again.

“Ember Wing…” She whispered to him as he turned his head to the side to look at her.

“Yeah?” His sweat soaked into the pillow beneath his head.

“I think your dad gave you that condom for a reason. Maybe we didn’t think that part through.” Twin Tips gazed at him as she lie on her back with her arm around him.

“Oh, yeah. Oops.” He smiled at her as she smiled back.


“You two are dating now.” Quick Bullet more said than asked her son and daughter in the video call. They sat on the couch in front of their smart TV, his mother was a middle aged mare. Not the hard bodied mare she once was, but certainly not lost any of her style. “The two of you, as in Twin Tips and Ember Wing. You two are dating right now.”

The pegasus and unicorn looked at each other with a puzzled expression. They looked back at her and nodded. She couldn’t contain her smile as she gazed at the two of them.

“It’s a dream come true.” She said as laughter was happening in the background. Letty looked behind her into the kitchen and rolled her eyes. “Let me guess, he’s already told you.”

“He sure did!” Fable said as Letty turned the camera to him and Winter sitting at the table, both of them with beers.

“So did she!” Winter said as the two of them raised their mugs to the two of them over the video call.

“That’s my boy!” Fable shouted and downed more beer from his own mug and Winter couldn’t help but laugh hardcore.

“Alright, you guys. Keep it down.” Letty laughed a little and turned the camera back to her. “Alright, well, you don’t understand how long we’ve been waiting for the two of you to become an item. Part of me wanted to intervene, but the other part of me told me that you two would figure it out yourselves. It just took a while.” Letty looked off to the side, making Fable and Winter laugh again. “Anyway, while you two are getting to know each other again, I need to ask if you’ll babysit for me.”

Both of them flinched, looking at each other again with great fear in their eyes.

“Wait, babysit? No, come on! I can’t right now, I’m busy! I’m sick!” Ember said as he watched a smaller, pink pony walk up to Letty and put an arm on her shoulders. She waved to him and winked.

“Stop complaining, and babysit your sister.” Letty said with a stern face that wasn’t up for arguing.

“Hey Ember!” The younger lady laughed and blew him a kiss.