TPS Presents: Milf Force vs the Hollowed One

by DHeroRedMagma

First published

After spending too much time in the directors chair, Hollow decides to direct and star in her next shoot.

Triple P's new shoot has director Hollow Armour star in Milf Force vs the Hollowed One. Can Hollow make a great debut? and How will the Milf Force fair against their newfound villain?

Cover Image by: Suirano

The Following fic contains: Breeding, Hyper, tentacles, Impregnation, Pregnant, lactation, destruction of costumes, male pegging, Cheesey Porno tropes, Evil laughter and loads of jizz

The Earth Shattering Battle

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“So this is a different change of pace,” Magma says as he is sat in the directors chair watching Hollow get ready for her set.

“Yup, figured your nuts might be sapped by now so, it’s only fair I both direct and star in my own,” Hollow says puffing her bare chest as she finishes having her makeup done by her daughter.

“And finished,” Sneak says as Hollow smiles and nods in approval.

“Good job Sneak, are my co-stars ready?” she asks her daughter.

“Co-stars?” Magma questions before the answer is presented to him. In different colored leotards stood Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Chrysalis all three stood before him and having developed some bellies since their respective shoots. “Wait should they even be doing this? They’re pregnant!” Magma exclaims.

“Relax, we made sure to take precautions.” Hollow reassures him.

“Yeah after I got knocked up, Spitfire ate me out case I can’t fly right!” Dash complains, about her newfound girth.

“Well so far I’ve been trying different varieties of sweets, last night I had pickled cupcakes!” Pinkie cheers, not letting her unexpected pregnancy get her down.

“First a maid outfit and now a superhero outfit?” Chrysalis questions, not too thrilled to be in some slutty attire, where as Hollow was nude minus some arm wear and thigh highs.

“Aw come on bug butt you look cute in it,” Hollow says swatting her ass, causing a yelp and a blush.

“Okay so what is this scene exactly?” Magma asks not sure what Hollow is scheming.

“Simple the ‘Milf Force’ will be taken on a new villain and her… ‘special power’,” Hollow explains rubbing her hands together menacingly.

“Milf Force?” Rainbow questions.

“I like it!” Pinkie cheers out.

“That explains the costumes…” Chrysalis trails off, poking at her superhero outfit.

“Alright as co-director let’s get this shoot on the road!” Sneak shouts, causing everyone to scramble into place, while Sneak gets behind the camera. “And… Action!”

“Stop right there vile villain!” Dash yells out. “We have heard the menacing deeds you have done, surrender now or face the wrath of the… Milf Force!” she and the others say in unison while striking very specific poses, Magma quickly has his head sink into his hands at the awkwardness of having to watch this, after all so far all of Hollow’s writings have been cringe inducing and cheap one liners and sexual double entendres. At least he doesn’t have to say any of these lines he supposes.

“Bwhahaha, foolish Milf Force I am the Hollowed Fucker!” she cries out, to which Magma face palms, of all the names she choose that one, it doesn’t really make any sense aside from her actual name he supposes. “And you cannot hope defeat me! For I will drain all the sperm I can find until I am filled to create an army to take over the land mwahahaha!” she cackles as Magma’s head sinks as low as it can go. It sounds like how she is now only without mentioning she is draining him of all his valuable foal batter.

“Vile fiend you cannot stop us!” Dash shouts.

“We will save all the valuable stallion spooge here!” Pinkie cheers, forming another pose.

“And stop you from filling yourself and creating the army!” Chrysalis chants.

Psh, bitch please. You three are doomed after I use my secret weapon!” Hollow announces, off set Sneak grins maliciously as her horn lights up effecting Hollow’s tail, causing it to vibrate rapidly and begin transforming and splitting off into multiple tentacles while Hollow laughes manically. Magma jumps in place, where did Hollow learn to use one of His spells, he glances over to Sneak who is giggling behind the camera. It figures she is his daughter so she must have learnt it somehow since he knows it, there was a reason Magma didn’t teach Hollow how to use that spell and this is just as bad. “And oh lookie here a volunteer~” Hollow coos. Wait volunteer who could it be? Magma ponders before feeling a tentacle wrap around his waist and pull him on set.

“Wait I wasn’t supposed to be in this scene remember!” Magma cries out as he is left in the air.

“Put him down at once!” Dash barks at her.

“Never he will be the perfect pump for my plan.” Hollow says as she grins. “As for you three you can provide some ambiance.” Hollow announces as the tentacles race at the trio grabbing them and suspending them into the air as it tears off their costumes exposing their bits.

“And we are so fucked aren’t we.” Chrysalis chimes clearly knowing where this is going as the tentacles make quick work and work their way into all of the pregnant mares holes quickly drilling them making each one go wide eyed in a mix of shock and pleasure.

“Now to milk my pump~” Hollow coos as she has the tentacles tear off Magma’s shorts, he slightly grumps at her mad at this is yet another pair of shorts she has destroyed, shooting daggers at her causing her to boop his nose and position him close to her his prick already hardening and knowing what’s in store..

“You owe me new shorts…” Magma whines, most of his budget is to replace the shorts Hollow has either burned, torn or destroyed. Why she cannot simply remove them is beyond him as he is brought closer before she sinks down his mighty pole. Sneak bounces around struggling to decide where to emphasis focus on for this shoot. Hollow soon goes to town on Magma’s rod, after all she had to watch him do shoot after shoot of him pounding babes without getting any action. Now it’s her turn as she soon begins riding him while the tentacles go to town on the pregnant mares. Dash squirms at the tentacles protruding both her vag and ass while another pumps in her maw forcing her to deep throat the wiggling tentacle. A few others toy with her newly milky melons as they massage and mashing them together. Pinkie and Chrysalis receive the same treatment, only with Pinkie being enthusiastic about her role openly working hard to please them. Chrysalis struggles to get free, she has seen in a few of those odd comic books that she thought were mangas but were full of different sexual content, this was pretty accurate to what happens in those books. Heroines in those books tend to get caught in these and don’t use much logic aside from ‘I will defeat you!’ then again isn’t that her right now? The mares work hard not sure of how they will be free from there tentacle bondage.

“This is so good, I wish aunty Twi was here.” Sneak says bouncing in excitement as drool falls out from her maw. As she watches on in envy seeing her mother and father go at it, Hollow grunting each time Magma bottoms out her ass wobbling with each fall. Magma grits his teeth knowing he is in for a ride before noticing another loose tentacle tries to worm it’s way into his mouth with him chomping at it.

“Try anything and I will bite.” he informs the tentacle to back away a bit cautiously, Hollow smirks before getting another one to ram its way into his ass causing him to jump with a yelp to be stuffed with the warned tentacle.

“You look so cute little pump~” Hollow coos rubbing his cheek as he glares having a double assault on both his ass and cock, twitching rapidly and oozing pre cum into Hollow’s warm depths, further slickening her passage.

Mmmmphf! Mmmmphf!” Magma tries to say still angry but blocked by the tentacle fucking his throat. Pinkie soon let’s out a loud squeal of pleasure as she is brought to orgasm first, Hollow looking over her shoulder to smile at her handiwork.

“Time for my white finish~” Hollow titters as she slams down on Magma’s colossal red member as she joins in on the orgasm along with her tentacles each one clogging the hole it is filling with fresh tentacle spooge. Pinkie blisses out as she is joined to orgasm where as Chrysalis and Dash wiggle to get free but fail as they are further filled and covered by a few stray tentacles looming around. Magma tastes the salty treat that hits his own mouth as well as the hot packing in his rear which brings him to his own peak, his red rocket firing off a glorious load into Hollow’s hungry womb. He continues to fire as the pressure and the heat of the cum in his ass further triggers his prostate giving him an almost second wind of spooge. Hollow pants heavily as her wings buzz staying with Magma’s cock gumming up her cunt with cream and dropping the trio of pregnant mares onto the ground, as her tentacles start retracting and changing back into her tail. Her belly soon bloats with the sheer amount her coltfriend deposits looking as if she is about four months pregnant now.

“There and now to build my army mwhahaha!” Hollow laughed menacingly.

“And cut! Oh Celestia I can’t wait to edit this.” Sneak says before taking off with the footage, leaving almost everyone but Hollow to groan in sexual exhaustion.

“Now how was that for my first directed and starred shoot?” Hollow asks looking down at Magma and stroking her new found bump.

“Urrrp!” Magma burps before flopping back still rigid but stuffed both orally and anally.

“Well now that we're done how about some sloppy seconds?” Hollow suggests causing Magma to go wide eyed as she begins rising and falling once more causing more cum to leak out of his ass. He was gonna be here for awhile. All the while his own spooge starts setting in Hollow’s womb, looks like another newborn was gonna be added to the list in the future.