The French Goddess' Mare

by Macro Zecora

First published

Goddess Fleur de Lis goes out on a date with Rarity, only to discover that her equine friend has never gone on a 'proper' rampage. Fleur vows to change that, and invites Rarity out for a good night of fun on the town.

Goddess Fleur de Lis goes out on a date with Rarity, only to discover that her equine friend has never gone on a 'proper' rampage. Fleur vows to change that, and invites Rarity out for a good night of fun on the town.

Kinks: Macro, Lesbian Sex, Destruction, Insertion, Soft Vore, Soft Crush.

The French Goddess' Mare

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A portal opened up to a classy-looking Greek-style restaurant. A human female, devoid of any imperfections, stepped through the glowing portal and looked around. She whipped her long pink hair about as she took in her surroundings. She glanced over at the counter and sniffed the air, taking in the scent of the baklava sitting on the surface. “Hmmm…” She rubbed her chin at the pastries. “Oui. I zink zeese will be a fine zing to snack on while I wait for Rarity.” Goddess Fleur beamed and sat down at a booth, gently humming to herself and adjusting her thin one-piece bikini which barely managed to contain her nudity.

The mortal human running the restaurant looked over at her and gulped a little, “Um... H-hello... Your worship.” He bit his lip. “Busy day?”

“Mhmm.” She rubbed her fingers together. “I had to punish some dissenters. But I think they look good, don't you?” She showed off her nails, which were painted a deep purple and covered in squirming little bodies, making the owner gasp.

“M-ma’am… Are those…?” His eyes went wide.

“Little heathens.” Fleur smirked. “It’s a little trick I picked up from another goddess.” She winked. “Do you like zem?”

“E-erm… Y-yes... V-very nice ma'am...” He gulped, timidly handing her a menu. “W-what will you have? W-will you be here long?”

“For a bit. I'm meeting with a friend, and she'll be here soon. In the meantime, I'll have two of my usual. And some iced tea as well.” She pointed at the baklava on the counter.

“Erm… With the tea… Do you want…” The waiter gulped.

“Oui. I want you to use the ice cubes I gave you.” Said Fleur. “I rather like the added flavor zey give.” Fleur nodded.

The waiter hurried back to the kitchen to prepare her meal, taking extra care to make sure he didn’t make any mistakes.

Soon enough, the white pony goddess arrived, her clothes nothing more than a loose-fitting pink bathrobe, which was just open enough to show off a bit of the femininity between her legs. She walked in, sitting across from Fleur and wiggling her naked feet.

“Rarity!” Fleur smiled. “Far too many moons have passed. It's been forever since we've rampaged together! I think the last time was that night in Bangkok... Mmm. And it really lived up to its name.” She purred happily. “What have you been up to love?”

“Oh, you know.” The anthro pony smiled to her human friend. “The usual. The Southern empire decided to try to rebel against me last week, so I got some joy from crushing their cities to rubble under my feet.” She smirked lewdly.

Fleur chuckled. “I assume you made them clean your feet off when you were done? I know how you are with your feet.”

“Of course.” Rarity smiled. “What better way to show mortals who’s in charge than by making them clean their own cities off your feet? It's wonderful.”

“Heh.” Fleur nodded. “I should try something like zat in the future. Managing my cities gets oh so tedious after a while.”

“Oh, that reminds me!” Rarity smiled. “I have a gift for you! Something I collected while putting down that nasty little rebellion!”

“Oooh. Zat is so sweet. Zank you, Rarity.” Fleur smiled. “I got somezing for you too.” She handed her a heart-shaped box. “I Hope zat you will enjoy it.” She looked back at her lovely body. Despite the horse-like features that Fleur found a little odd, she had to admit her pony friend more than had the looks to pull off being a goddess.

Rarity placed the box aside and brushed her hand on the side of her face, moving her hair out of her eyes. “Oooh! Thank you, Fleur. You’re too kind, but please, open yours up first! I insist!”

Fleur did just that, and inside were several bits of jewelry, studded with purple gemstones. Probably amethyst by the looks of it.

“I do hope you’ll love them, Fleur. It was a fun little idea of mine and I found a demigod of stone who was just perfect to make them!” Rarity smiled. “And I didn’t create the gold either! That’s all naturally occurring!”

“Aww. Zat is very sweet of you.” Fleur picked up some of the jewelry and examined it. “Alzough… I'm a little curious as to where you got all of ze gold. It must have taken your mortals months, if not years, to get zis large of an amount.” She picked up her two drinks from the counter, a nice iced tea with tiny mortals embedded in the ice cubes. She offered one to Rarity. “Thank you. It was very thoughtful.”

“And that’s not even the best part!” Rarity smirked. “Look!” She reached forward and opened up a pendant, revealing it was hollow and a tiny number of mortals were stored inside. “See? They’re little containers too! So you can carry around your worshipers wherever you want without having to sew pockets into your clothes!”

“Ugh… Pockets.” Fleur frowned. “Pockets are for mortals!”

“For sure.” Rarity nodded in agreement. “So tacky, and uncouth. Expecting us to modify our clothing for the conveniences of something as petty as physics.”

Fleur examined the little ponies trapped inside the jewelry and smirked. “It’z pretty clever to put zem in jewelry like zat. Not the first time I've seen something like it, though. Some goddesses keep zem on the insides of zer... Ahem, personal toys. Zometimes even whole shrunken cities!”

“Oh, good heavens!” Rarity laughed. “That’s so delightfully lewd! And I thought I was a naughty goddess! Taking my heathens off to my personal universe for some lewd fun.” She rubbed her mane.

“Well, you are lewd, Rarity.” Fleur took a sip of her tea. “Mmm. Just not as much as some others. You’ve seen how I treat my mortals, even when zey behave zemselves, oui?”

“Wait…” Rarity gave a little smirk. “You mean that city we rampaged through wasn’t full of heathens?”

“Oh no.” Fleur shook her head. “I was just tired of how it looked. All old and run down. But, enough about ze past. For now... I want you to see what I got for you!” She smiled and handed Rarity her gift.

The unicorn opened the box to see dozens of caramel candies, each one with about a dozen or so human mortals stuffed inside, who all screamed in panic as they saw her take the lid off.

“Oohhh…” Rarity just grinned before lifting up one of the candies with a smile as she put the lid back on. “How sweet.” She giggled and gave a mischievous smile. “Why don't we share this first candy, love? I am the goddess of generosity after all.” She placed half the candy in her mouth, holding the other half out to Fleur.

“Heheh. Looking for an excuse to kiss me, huh?” Fleur purred. “I can tell it'z been far, far too long since we've last seen each other. You are most desperately obvious.” She leaned forward to kiss her, letting their lips touch and suckling the other half of the candy into her mouth, where she swallowed it with a warm purr. “Not zat I mind being obvious... I was never one for subtlety myself. As I'm sure you well know. A true goddess takes what she wants.”

Rarity closed her eyes and suckled on the sweet and salty candy, letting it melt in her mouth and stimulate her taste buds. She could feel a few of the humans get free from the treat as it melted, but it did them little good, as they had nowhere to run as the gigantic tongue slicked itself back, carrying them away in a tsunami of partly-melted caramel. “Of course, but it does a mountain of good to show some benevolent generosity from time to time.” Rarity smirked and held up her hand, giving a thumbs up. “Mmmm… And your candy was very good. I always forget just how salty you humans are.” She licked her lips.

“Well, I know zat you ponies love the taste of salt.” Fleur smirked. “You’re used to being sweet.”

Rarity chuckled, playfully sticking her tongue out to show a mortal was stuck to it before pulling it in and swallowing the tiny whole. “Awww. Stop it, Fleur. You flatter me. Your gift was much more considerate than mine. I should have gotten you something with more mortals, instead of just storage space to put yours.”

“It's true. I absolutely love mortals.” Fleur took a sip from her tea, watching some of the mortals who had escaped from her melting ice cubes trying to swim away from the suction of her lips. “They're so fun to play with. And useful too! Whether it's willing or unwilling, they have so many uses. Food, worship, makeup.” She showed off her nails once more. “Sex toys...” She purred lewdly and swallowed another caramel before giving Rarity another kiss on the nose. “But what about you? Any clever things you like to do with them?”

“Well… they certainly do add to the experience of sex…” Rarity blushed and drank her tea. “But even a whole army of mortals can’t match the pleasure that another goddess can provide.” She chuckled and stared at Fleur’s breasts, moving in to kiss her back.

“But zey can certainly enhance it.” Fleur drank some more of her tea. Her face a little flush after Rarity’s kiss.

“Mmmm.” Rarity waggled her tail. “What if we were to head back to my place for the evening? Why talk about how much they can enhance something when we can see it firsthand?” She blinked her eyes in a sultry manner.

“Zounds good to me, Rarity. I'd love for us to do a little experimenting...” Fleur stood up and walked over towards the counter. “Zanks for ze drinks, Alexander.” She nodded to the shop owner and ran her hand over the counter, three platinum coins with her visage on them seemingly appearing from out of thin air.

Rarity did the same, leaving him several ornate coins made from white gold, each one featuring her face on one side, and her cutie mark on the other, made from actual embedded gemstones. “Indeed. Your meals were pleasing as always.”

The human just scooped up the coins and blushed. “A-Always happy to serve, your majesties. And thank you for the generous tip…”

“Now… Let’s see…” Rarity closed her eyes and her horn gently illuminated. A glowing portal of blue light opened up in front of them, gently pulsing with divine energy. “Ah. There we are!”

Fleur smirked at the glowing horn. “It always amused me how you ponies channel your magic through zat, even as a goddess.” She commented.

“I’m capable of casting without it.” Rarity smirked. “It’s just easier this way. I’ve been using it my whole life. Why stop now? Besides, it helps add to my divine beauty.” She playfully poked the tip of her horn with a finger.

The two deities entered the portal to Rarity’s bedroom, which was unsurprisingly elegant and filled with purple and gold curtains and bedsheets, with thousands of glowing, hollowed-out crystals acting as a light source. Some contained tiny suns, others lesser gods that glowed with divine light, but they all provided more than enough light to make seeing things more than easy enough. “What do you think?” Rarity chuckled and sat down on her bed, looking up at Fleur. “A bit humble, don’t you think?”

“Zis is humble!?” Fleur looked around, genuinely impressed. “You are using entire solar syztems as decorations and lighting at ze same time!” She looked over at Rarity in awe. “I will admit, I am a bit envious. If zis is humble by your standards, I would love to see what you call amazing!”

“Heheh. I see I'm one of the few goddesses who cares about feng shui. So many just decide to make their rooms out of solid gold when they ascend, simply because it was valuable when they were mortals. There’s something to be said for stylish simplicity. Doesn’t it look stunning?” She smiled. “I've been thinking about painting the ceiling dark blue to make it resemble the night sky. Maybe even make it accurate to how it used to look back on Equestria. But I'd need a lot of solar systems for that. If you know what I mean?” She winked.

“We have all night to make more.” Fleur blew into her hands and pressed them tightly together for several seconds, before unclasping them to reveal a tiny pink star, which spat plasma violently in her hands.

Rarity picked up the star with her magic and brought it over to the bed before bottling it in a glass jar. “Maybe for another time, love.” She leaned back in her bed, watching some of the mortals on it who were fluffing her pillows scamper away in fear like a bunch of little mites. She reached over to her dresser to put the bottle away, letting her rear slip out of her nightgown, her privates now only covered by her tail. “I’ll be attending to other matters this evening.”

“Oh Oui! We have other plans for ze night, don’t we?” Fleur smirked and walked beside Rarity, placing her hand on her back and slowly moving down her spine, tracing her vertebrae before stopping right above her ass, observing the three gemstones that patterned each of her buttock.

“You really like them, don't you?” Rarity wiggled her rear, showing off the diamond pattern that coated the sides of her hips. “It's gotten to be nice and thick. You can thank the heathens for that. They’ve added a lot of the fat I've gained back there in the last few years.”

“Oooh. I’m quite sure zat your worshipers adore it more zan any othzer part of your magnificent body, Rarity.” Fleur ran her hand down Rarity’s ass, before snagging up one of the little bugs that was busy with her pillows, smacking her ass with the mortal in hand, leaving a very dazed and confused pony trapped in the soft fur. “Mmmm. I never thought I would ever be jealous of a mortal after my ascension to goddesshood, but this little one is seriously tempting me.”

“Heheh.” Rarity chuckled. “It is a rather nice butt, isn’t it? I have been one to sit on towns full of heathens from time to time. They love it! Or at least, they do when I use my safety magic.” She gave a lewd grin. “The only lucky ones then are those who happen to be between my butt cheeks.” She slammed her ass down onto the mattress and wiggled it around. She then raised her rear and saw a very happy mortal laying in a tiny pool of sweat and his own sexual juices. “Pfft. He didn't stand a chance. No mortal has made it more than ten seconds against my ass without cumming.”

Fleur blushed, noticing the fire burning between her legs. “And what about you, Rarity? How long does it take for you to get off from this?”

“Oh, it varies.” She purred, picking up a few mortals and sprinkling them over her buttocks. “It depends on how pent-up I am.” She started massaging her clit, shoving some unlucky mortals inside. “And how many times on cumming.”

“Ah. I see zat you are a big fan of ze vaginal insertions as well.” Fleur nodded approvingly. “I recall zat you really favored zat during our last rampage. You must be quite sensitive down zer.”

“Ooooh. Yesss…” Rarity purred. “You want to get in on this?” She looked up at Fleur. “I have some tiny cities in the second drawer from the top.” She pointed towards her dresser. “Feel free to play with them in any manner you see fit.”

“Zank you.” Fleur nodded and walked over towards the drawer, pulling out of pair of tiny cities, each one about the size of a graham cracker. She set them down on the bed and began to strip down, which wasn’t difficult, considering all she was wearing was a string bikini. “If I may ask, what cities are these, and what did zey do to piss you off?”

“Baltimare and Maretriot. Cities that were once great, but have becomes shadows of their former selves. It’s nothing personal to the tiny ponies who live there, but I have to set an example to others and show them what happens to cities who disappoint me.” Rarity smirked.

“I’m surprised you didn’t destroy zem in front of your world.” Said Fleur. “In a very lewd manner.” She purred.

“I couldn’t do something like that in front of my mortals!” Rarity scoffed. “Good heavens, no! I just stomped them into powder.” She said. “Then I recreated them to keep as my go-to cities to romp through in my personal time. Sometimes, I sit on them. Other times, I scoop them up and shove them inside my ass, letting them tour the inside of my glorious rear! Mmmmm. All the stuff I wouldn’t dare do in front of my mortals…”

“Oh my. How un-ladylike.” Fleur teased, laying down on the bed with her. “You’re lewder than you let on, Rarity. Anal play? I don’t recall you doing anything like that in Bangkok!”

“Trust me, there is a big difference between how I present myself to my mortals and how I act in my private time.” She smirked, picking up one of the tiny ponies with a chuckle, holding him between her fingers. “The mortals here are all heathens and unworthy. I need not care how they think!”

“So you view zem being used to pleasure you as a punishment? Zeems quite a bit backwards to me.” Fleur examined the frail mortal. “You don't feed zem much do you? They look so skinny and weak.”

“They all look like that compared to us gods. Even the youngest, well-built mortal can't hold a candle to a goddess.” Rarity smiled. “But you are correct. They are a bit thin. They’re heathens… I feed them what they deserve! And given that it takes them all day to make my bed, that's not a very large amount.” She saw a corner of her bed was still ruffled and hundreds of mortals were working on trying to fix it. Rarity rolled her eyes and her horn glowed, causing the bed to fold itself, and at the same time dump the mortals off the side of the bed, leaving them to protest in the folds of the carpeting.

“Awww. So zey are weak little mortals.” Fleur kissed the hand Rarity was holding the mortal in and sucked him into her mouth, swallowing him whole. She then worked her way up her arm, kissing her neck. “It seems a shame zat only ze most unworthy should be allowed to see you at your best.” She gently tugged at Rarity’s robe. “I would zink zat your true believers should be given ze same opportunities.” She took hold of the garment and started to gently pull it upwards.

Rarity shivered and allowed Fleur to disrobe her, the two goddesses now standing naked in each other’s presence. Rarity shivered and looked up at the human. “Wh-what do you mean? You’re here, aren’t you?” She kissed Fleur’s hand. “I can’t picture a being more worthy of seeing my naked beauty.”

“Oui.” Fleur giggled. “But I mean among your mortals. Certainly, to be allowed to assist in helping a goddess achieve an orgasm is among ze greatest of honors one can accomplish. It seems so sad zat you allow only your rejects to do so.” She stared down at the trembling ponies scampering around her toes, playfully patting some of them, finding their antics to be amusing.

“But I can’t just cut loose in front of my believers like you do, Fleur! I have a standard of decorum I’m expected to keep! What will my mortals thin-” Rarity started, but her thought was interrupted by a kiss on the lips from Fleur. “Mmmm…”

“Mmm...” Fleur purred as she kissed her, moving in low and letting their breasts rub together before breaking their embrace. “Don’t worry about it, okay? What choice do zey have? To not worship you?” She picked up a caramel from the nightstand and pushed it into Rarity’s mouth. “Imagine it, an entire city, not packed with the dregs of society, but full of your devoted worshipers… Squirming around in your cunt… on your breasts.” She gave the mare’s supple bosom a rub. “An entire city zat actually matters, destroyed for your pleasure…” She purred. “Simply because you were horny, and zey were zer.”

Rarity’s eyes widened with every one of Fleur’s words, each one dripping with scandal. She began to heavily sweat. “But the ponies of the city…”

“Will deal with it.” Fleur said simply. “Zey will rebuild. And zey will rebuild even better zan it was before. It is a way for zem to show zer devotion to you.” Fleur chuckled. “You will show zem your power, and in doing so, you will have to put down less rebellions zan if you just take the problem cities away to your bedroom. Millions of mortals will see you Rarity, in all your naked glory. And if this is how you treat your devoted followers, they’ll dread what you could do to your dissenters.”

“Such a naughty thing…” Rarity swallowed her caramel and shivered. “This goes against how I’ve conducted myself for my reign as Equestria’s goddess… I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it alone.” She looked up at her friend. “Would you…”

“Assist you?” Fleur pressed her fingers against Rarity’s sex, gently massaging them before bringing them up to her tongue, sampling the sweet honey that was dripping from the anthro mare. “Of course.” She purred lewdly. “Just imagine a city you want to go to. One that loves you, but has gotten a bit too complacent and could go with a little re-design. Don’t worry about ze mortals. Zey can live with ze inconvenience. Your pleasure is all zat matters…”

“Mmm… Okay, Fleur…” Rarity closed her eyes. “I can do that… And I know just the city…” Her horn glowed, and in a moment, the quiet calm of her bedroom was replaced with the sounds of honking horns and screeching tires below.

Traffic completely stopped as the hundred-foot duo appeared in the middle of the busy city without warning, their massive feet taking a handful of vehicles with them. The ponies all gasped upon realizing the massive white creature was their goddess, and bowed down before her, though there was a lot of confusion as to who the other strange furless being was.

“Oooh.” Fleur knelt down and chuckled. “Zis is quite ze magnifique city!” She praised. “Tell me wat is ze name of zis glorious metropolis?”

“This is Manehatten.” Rarity nodded and sat down on a nearby rooftop, flattening a pair of bystanders under her plot, their tiny squirms only adding to her arousal. “I used to come here all the time when I was a mortal. It was a wonderful place to sell dresses, and it was a major player in Equestrian culture. There’s a lot of nostalgia for me in that regard.” She nodded. “But…” She ran her hand over a nearby skyscraper, seeing the old paint of the façade flake off and the dirty glass leave a stain upon her finger. “This city is extremely old. It hasn’t had any new innovations made to it in centuries. And a lot of these buildings are crudely-made little boxes of steel and glass. Relics left over from before my glorious ascension.”

“Mane-hatten?” Fleur chuckled. “Awww… Zat is so cute. I almost forgot zat so many of our cities share similar names.” The human smiled. “But I agree. My own version of zis city is much more modern zen yours. I make sure to romp through it every decade or so in order to make sure ze architecture remains modern and interesting.”

“That’s probably not a bad idea, Fleur.” Rarity nodded. “Though I have made some minor changes to the city.” She stood up and pointed towards the bay, where a large golden statue of Goddess Rarity holding a Equestrian globe stood. “That wasn’t there when I ascended.” She said proudly.

“Ooooh. I imagine not.” Fleur smirked. “Zo I question your design choices. Were not you telling me earlier zat making somezing out of gold was somezing silly gods do? just because it was valuable when zey were a mortal?”

Rarity frowned. “Well… That’s true…” She rubbed her chin. “I will admit… I had it made a mere two years after I became a goddess. I was a lot more simplistic back then. Much more unsure of myself. Hardly the mare who sews together star systems like tapestries that I’ve become!”

Fleur smiled. “Zen what do you say, Rarity? Shall we turn dis city into a… as zey say in ze old tongue. A Tabula Rasa?” She grinned and kissed Rarity’s muzzle.

Rarity purred and spread her legs, revealing her nice wet marehood, which dripped basketball-sized drops of arousal down to the streets below. The ponies near her feet gave a sort of worried murmur. They had never seen Rarity travel around completely naked before. Sure, she would often wear extremely revealing outfits, but never did she show herself in nothing but her fur, which was still something she had over this other strange creature.

“Your majesty?” One pony bowed down at her toes. “Are you quite all right? Do you need us for anything?”

Rarity reached down and picked up the stallion, giving him a warm smile. “Oh, I’ve never been better, little one.” She looked over at Fleur and ran a hand across her breast. “And you are correct. Me and my friend do have use of you. We want you to pleasure us with your bodies.” She said in a sultry tone.

The stallion’s eyes widened in shock and he got down on his knees. “Your majesty…” He gasped. “W-what have we done to displease you to deserve such a thing?”

“Zis is not a punishment.” Fleur addressed the little stallion. “Zis is an honor. Zink about it. You owe everyzing you have. Your whole world to Rarity and her continued generosity. You should be quite proud of ze fact zat you are going to be able to bring joy to her life.” She said in a genuine manner.

“Don’t worry, darling.” Rarity kissed her timid worshiper. “As always, no harm will come to you. Goddess Fleur uses the same type of protection magic that I do.”

“Oh, oui!” Fleur smiled and stroke the underside of the stallion’s chin. “I would never imagine bringing harm to somezing so cute!”

“Th-thank you…” The stallion blushed at Fleur’s compliment before turning to Rarity. “So… what will you have us do, Goddess? I only hope I can do a good job at whatever it is you desire.”

“It’s simple really…” Rarity smiled and without warning pressed the stallion against Fleur’s wet pussy lips. “I want you to squirm!”

Fleur gasped. She clearly hadn’t been expecting Rarity to do something like that so suddenly. But damn, did it feel good. She backed up, her ass slamming into the side of a building, her mind taking a minute to reboot before she could address her friend. “Ooogh… R-rarity… What do you think you’re doing?”

“Pleasuring my friend.” The mare cooed, working her finger and the stallion in deep. “I am the Goddess of Generosity after all.” She reached over and scooped up another handful of her worshipers. Some of them fled, while others actively stepped forward. She then took the small crowd in her hand and gently inserted them into Fleur, her fingers becoming coated with the human’s crotch nectar as she crammed her pussy full of ponies. “Mmmmm…” Rarity ran her tongue across Fleur’s lips, tasting her sweet syrup. “I seem to be doing a pretty good job at it too.”

Ponies stopped what they were doing in shock to watch the lecherous scene in front of them. They could hardly believe what they were seeing, but it was true. Rarity was licking the cunt of another goddess, and in full view of one of the largest cities in Equestria! Her cunt was puffy with anticipation, and a veritable stream of sweet liquid oozed down her long white legs.

Fleur’s knees grew weak and she collapsed, her massive rear slamming down in front of the building she was leaning against. But Rarity didn’t relent, she continued to lap away at her sex, all while the ponies inside became coated with a mix of her saliva and Fleur’s juices.

Rarity found she was becoming quite aroused herself. She stuck her hips high in the air, letting her citizens gaze upon her quivering pussy and pulsating anus, a sight very few had gotten to see outside her bedroom. But Rarity didn’t really care about what the onlookers thought of her nakedness. This wasn't about them. This was about giving Fleur pleasure.

“Ooogh. Zank you…” Fleur’s hand started glowing, and a nearby bus was lifted off the ground without warning, floating through the air and towards Rarity’s wetness.

“Hmm?” Rarity glanced back and frowned. She was amused by Fleur’s attempt to match her, but much to her disappointment, she found the bus to be too wide for her opening.

“Hmmm?” Fleur looked up and saw Rarity fiddling around with the transportation vehicle, grinding her pussy lips against the forward-facing end of the bus, smearing its front window with her sex juices. “Aww… I am most sorry. It seems it’s too large.”

“Mmm…” Rarity blushed, feeling the metal whine against her opening. “So I see. I like them tight, but it just doesn’t seem to want to slide. Must not be enough natural lube yet. I just can’t seem to get it in there. Do you think I should shrink it?”

“Oooh. No. I zink not.” Fleur said simply before closing her eyes. Her body started glowing a golden color and the building behind her began to creak and whine.

Rarity gave a blink of confusion before realizing what Fleur was doing. She was growing! “Of course! Such an obvious solution!” Rarity’s body glowed purple. “Instead of altering the world to suit our needs, we will alter ourselves instead!”

“Mmm. Oui Oui!” Fleur nodded as the building she was leaning against completely crumbled against her expanding backside, ponies streaming out as to not be caught in the avalanche of debris.

Rarity’s body expanded as well, pressing several ponies between her soft white flesh and the hard, black pavement. Rarity looked down and scoffed. “Ugh. Look at this archaic old tarmac! Why would I keep such gravel around when I could replace it with any other number of dazzling ideas!?” Her horn glowed, and a portion of the street before her was transformed into a pattern of emerald and amber, giving an appearance of falling autumn leaves.

“Ooooh. Such a pretty effect.” Fleur noted. “But it seems a bit premature to be adding to ze décor of ze city before eet iz destroyed.”

“You’re right. I’m getting ahead of myself. For now…” Rarity raised her rear again, placing that smooth, wet bus against her enlarged opening and sliding it inside with a lewd ‘shluck.’ Rarity purred with satisfaction. She brought her hand back between her legs, wishing to feel the carnal touch of her skin rather than the cool aura of her magic. “Ooooh… Yes…”

Fleur smiled. “Ze growth was a good idea, no?” She leaned over and picked up a crowd of ponies, who looked much more concerned with being picked up by the human as opposed to their own goddess. “May I?” Fleur pointed towards the ponies.

“Oooghh… Go ahead.” Rarity shivered, rolling the bus around the inside of her cunt, making sure to stimulate herself as much as possible. “Treat my worshipers however you wish. What’s mine is yours.”

“Zank you.” Fleur placed the ponies over her crotch and tipped them over, feeling them squirm all over her pussy. She ran her hand over them, pressing them against the smooth folds of her sex. “Zey do feel rather nice.” She continued to grow before Rarity’s eyes. “Much more energetic zan my humans.”

“You’re not going to stop growing?” Rarity raised an eyebrow.

“Should I?” Fleur purred. “We’re going to destroy the city anyway, oui?”

“Well… When you put it that way.” Rarity smirked and started to grow with her. The cavern that was her cunt, gradually got looser and looser around the bus she was using to pleasure herself, but the lust between her legs was still growing. All around her, ponies were screaming and running around in a mad panic, but Rarity didn’t care, her mind was too fogged up by the sheer naughtiness of letting her lewder side shine in front of so many of her little worshipers. She gave a happy moan as she neared five-hundred feet, the entire bus vanishing into her pussy and her sexual wetness slowly leaking out on the street, creating carriage-sized drops of arousal. “Unngh… It’s in there so deep… I can’t hold… GYAH!”

Rarity’s cunt erupted, a spurt of marecum blasting out of her street as her vaginal muscles spasmed, crushing the bus into a flattened sheet that unceremoniously clattered down to the road, only to sink into her pool of juices.

“Oooh. First orgasm of ze evening! And look at ze juices! You must be as aroused as I.” Fleur chuckled and picked up the flattened disc of a bus, seeing a few severely dazed looking ponies looking around, paralyzed save for their eyes. Fleur sniffed the bus and could smell a strong masculine scent coming off of it, in addiction to Rarity’s overwhelming feminine pheromones. “Ooooh. And it smells like some of you enjoyed it just as much as Rarity did, is that right?”

“Mmmmhmmm…” A trapped stallion grunted and blinked.

“I’m guessing you’d all like to be free of that bus, right?” Fleur giggled.

“Yrrrrsh…” The passengers all clamored in agreement.

“Good.” Fleur tossed the bus into her maw, sucking it like a sweet and salty candy before swallowing it whole, feeling it tumble down her throat and to her stomach below. “I could use some more iron in my diet.” She patted her belly.

“Ooooghh…” Rarity huffed, a bit red in the face as she looked down, seeing some of her worshipers struggling to pull themselves from her sexual juices. “Oh gods above… I just came all over them…”

“I know.” Fleur giggled. “It felt good, didn’t it?”

“Oooh. It did…” Rarity said sweetly. “But there's still a lot of stuff for us to smash in this city.” She looked around at the packed streets and massive buildings. “No sense in us getting distracted for too long.”

“I don't know about you, but I could go for some more playing around at this size. Especially because I haven't even cum yet. Don’t want to outgrow all our toys too quickly.” Fleur moved her hips over a crowd, arousal still burning through her. Drips of pleasure fell from her crotch as she felt the little ponies running circles around the inside of her pussy. Her wetness splattered into the streets, trapping many of the little beings in the thick drops of her quicksand-like cum. Fleur gave an amused chuckle at their struggles. Feeling a need to dominate the little ponies, she raised her foot and stomped down on top of them before looking at her heel, seeing the squirming mortals stuck to her foot by her sticky fluid. She wiggled her foot around, watching with deviant glee as they were spread all over her foot along with the glob of sexual juice that now coated a large portion of her toes.

“That’s true.” Rarity smirked at the little ponies squirming in Fleur’s fluids. “Though at this size, we’ll need to be a bit more creative to find things to pleasure ourselves with. Buses have gotten a bit small for me.”

“Hmmm.” Fleur pondered, her eyes looking at a large opening in the ground where scores of ponies were running to, though several were staying behind in reverence of the two goddesses, asking them to use them for their pleasure. “Oh!” Fleur cooed. “It appears you have a metro system here!” She knelt down, granting the wishes of a few of the more faithful ponies by adding them to her pussy collection.

“Oh yes! And I do hope you like it. I got the idea from your world after all.” Rarity smiled. “It’s one of the few things I’ve added to the city over the years. The idea of an underground train is just a fantastic idea!” She looked at the subway and stepped forward, casually trampling those who wished to pleasure her. “Mmm… Yes. Keep squirming under there, darlings. You’re making my feet feel wonderful.” She addressed them, assuring them their efforts were not unappreciated.

Fleur crouched down and placed her finger in the subway opening, ripping the roof open and tracing it with her finger, finding exactly where the station had been dug out and ripping large chunks of it open, exposing the crowd and the train waiting inside. “Zer we are!” The human smiled. “Look at all of you. Running away from your goddess wizout permission. Rarity would be appalled.”

“It’s true. I am a little disappointed.” Rarity crouched down over the crowd, crammed into their torn-open bunker. There must have been at least a thousand ponies in there. “Many of you city ponies have grown soft. You think that just because I haven’t tinkered with your city for so long means you’re no longer required to follow my commands!”

The ponies in the subway got down on their knees, begging for repentance.

Rarity’s face softened a little. “Fortunately for you, I am a very forgiving goddess. It is not my intention to punish you, but you all seem to have forgotten your place!”

“You treat zem with a great amount of mercy, Rarity.” Fleur nodded. “I personally would have consumed zem for zer hubris.”

“Is that what you all want?” Rarity pointed towards Fleur’s belly. “To be eaten? Because that’s what the mean human goddess does to her mortals! Do you really want to spend time inside of me!? Experiencing what it’s like being a part of my glorious body!?” Rarity ran a hand over her breast and suckled it.

The crowd paused and looked at each other. Before one stallion spoke up. “Maybe…”

“Wait… What?” Rarity blinked in confusion.

Fleur chuckled. “I do zat to my worshipers all ze time. Zey love it. Zey get to experience perfection, and I often reincarnate zer souls into bodies that are much younger zan zer previous body once zer punishment is at an end. Eet is far from a cruel and unreasonable torment.”

Rarity gasped. “Wait… Really? I didn’t know you could separate their souls from yours once they had merged. And there are mortals that find being eaten to be a pleasant experience?”

“It can be a bit scary for zem. But generally… oui. It’s a very enjoyable situation for both parties.” Fleur nodded.

“Well then…” Rarity smirked at the mortals and licked her lips. “I suppose I should get ready to ‘punish’ them…”

“A bit of advice.” Fleur started. “When you consume zem, ze taste will be greatly improved if zey are wearing no garments at ze time. Especially polyester. Ze taste of zat is revolting. I’ve even banned it on my world just for zat reason.”

“Oooh. What a wonderful idea!” Rarity smiled. “And a great way for you mortals to show your devotion to me!” She looked down at her little ponies. “Okay, little ones. I want you all to remove your clothes for me. Let your goddess see those cutie marks!”

The majority of the crowd obeyed her and stripped down, some of them even placing their rears in the air to better allow her to see their cutie marks as she had requested.

“Good.” Rarity lowered her head down to the crowd, and breathed hot breath over them, coating them in her steamy moisture. “You know…” She addressed the crowd, “I’ve eaten ponies before, but they’ve almost always been nasty little dissenters who haven’t been able to follow my orders. I wonder if you good little ponies will taste sweeter?” She used her magic to pick up the scores of ponies and bring them up to her mouth. “Oh… where are my manners? Can’t be hogging all the treats to myself.” She split the crowd into two groups and passed one of them off to Fleur.

“Zank you, Rarity. You are too kind.” Fleur smiled and tossed her little ponies into her mouth, sucking on the tiny equine mortals like candy. They were an interesting change of pace for her. Much sweeter than the salty flavor she was used to from her own mortals. Her tongue bounced around, playing with the ponies in her mouth, swishing them from side to side and letting their sweet flavor cover every inch of her taste buds, but eventually she got bored with the sensation, and simply swished her tongue backwards, swallowing them whole. “Hmmm… A wee bit too sweet to work for an average meal, but zey would be exceptional in a dessert!”

“Indeed.” Rarity chuckled and cuddled up to Fleur, turning her attention back to the subway cars. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, little ones. I know you’re there.” She picked up the cars with her magic and smirked. “I wouldn’t want to separate you from your fellows, but you did fail to follow my orders. I guess you’ll just have to meet them halfway!” She raised her tail, showing the train the pucker that awaited them beneath. The ponies in the train began to gasp, a few of the smarter ones who recognized the power of the goddess’ safety magic jumping from the back just as the goddess pressed the tip of the train against her tight anus.

“Ooogh. Zat is so hot, Rarity!” Fleur panted, scooping up crowds of bystanders in indiscriminately pushing them into her sex. “Using a subway train as a set of anal beads?”

“Mmm… I can’t believe I’ve never tried this before.” Rarity gasped as the train started to slide inside. “They all feel so good.” The train just kept on sliding deeper and deeper, filling her up even more with carriage after carriage, each one jam-packed with ponies. “Oh yessss… Worship me… worship the inside of my ass…” She felt her abdomen bulge as the train was shoved half-way in. Rather than trying to force the rest in, she simply grew bigger, making more room for the rest of the train to slide all the way inside until her anus closed around the tight hole.

Fleur started to grow alongside Rarity, causing her to take up more and more room. She giggled at the mob of fleeing ponies, watching with amusement as they screamed in terror, the sight of if just increased her feelings of power and arousal. She chuckled and bent over, scooping up a crowd of ponies as she grew. She got a good amount of them, a couple hundred or so. She purred and gave them a cocky grin, feeling quite aroused by her lewd play with the hapless mortals. Lifting her hand up to her mouth, she parted her lips, making the tiny ponies scream in terror. Some of them feared death, others wanted for Rarity to devour them instead, but Fleur was under no obligation to consider their feelings and simply tossed them into her mouth and swallowed them whole, barely even tasting them. “Mmmm. What can I zay? I like ze sweetness.” She giggled, crouching down to collect more mortals to play with.

Rarity looked over to Fleur, watching as she sprinkled some ponies over her nipples and pussy. Rarity rather liked the idea and did the same. She cooed as they squirmed and thrashed around on her tits. She turned to Fleur and smiled. “I'll say, you certainly are a growing goddess. You’re going to need a few snacks to keep up your energy.” She moved closer to her human friend, smelling her aroused scent. The cars inside Rarity’s anus shifted, sending jolts of pleasure to run up her spine. “Ooooh… This is most fun, I can’t believe I’ve never truly cut loose in front of my subjects before.”

“Oh oui!” Fleur purred as Rarity sat down next to her. “Zey are going to witness you at your most aroused. We will give zem a special show tonight! One zat shows off ze sheer power of zer magnificent goddess.” She chuckled, running her fingers through the crowd and adding another handful of ponies to her breasts, she was a little rougher on this batch though, as many of them whined and groaned, despite the goddesses’ safety magic.

“Aw...” Rarity said disingenuously, mocking her little subjects. “Look at these poor ponies, Fleur! So tiny. So fragile.” She laughed, licking a finger and picking up a dozen or so from Fleur’s cleavage. Tiny screams filled the air. Some of the screams were quite ecstatic, hopeful that their goddess might consume them, but their tone quickly changed when they saw Rarity moving her hand towards the human’s groin, but they were helpless to resist as their goddess pressed her fingertip against Fleur’s thighs.

Fleur shivered as Rarity's finger gently pressed up between her pussy lips, spreading them apart so the ponies could be pushed inside. Her hips wiggled back and forth, and she gave a lewd grunt as Rarity's finger wriggled slowly inside of her, pushing the ponies in deep. Then Rarity withdrew her finger, and showed it to Fleur, the ponies gone, and replaced with her sweet pussy juices. Rarity then inserted her finger into her mouth and licked her digit clean, savoring the salty taste of the human’s arousal.

That really made Fleur shudder in lust. Rarity was acting lewder now than she had ever seen her before, even in their most private moments. Seeing the unicorn throw her inhibitions to the wind like this was a far better feeling than all the movements of the tiny ponies trapped deep inside her cunt. “Oohh. It iz so amazing to see you like zis, Rarity.” Fleur sighed.

“I never knew what I was missing.” Rarity moaned and took Fleur in her arms, her bare foot stepping down on hundreds of fleeing ponies, pushing their writhing forms deep into the centuries-old asphalt, which shattered under her foot like a giant black cracker.

Fleur rose into Rarity's embrace, their breasts brushed against one another, nipples touching as they hugged tightly. The tiny ponies on their breasts vanished between the two walls of breast meat, they screamed and struggled with all their might, but the goddesses didn’t care, they were too focused on each other. Rarity and Fleur kissed passionately, pressing their bodies against each other, giggling as they felt the tiny squirming mortals struggling futilely all over their chests.

Rarity opened her eyes and smiled, her hot sweat leaking out of her body, spurred on by her arousal and Fleur’s body heat. “Are you ready to grow some more, Fleur?” She smiled nervously, her pussy leaking with lust. “I know you haven’t gotten off yet, but certainly you must be eager to destroy more of my old city?”

“Oui… Let’s do it.” Fleur nodded, her body glowing with a soft pink light as they expanded outwards. Her breasts wrestling with Rarity’s as the divine duo grew oven bigger.

“Oooh… This feels amazing…” Rarity said, touching her expanding body before letting out a massive roar of pleasure. She found she was enjoying herself, not only from dominating her mortals, but sexually as well, as her pussy was already fully back, dripping with arousal once more.

Fleur began drooling with lust, something quite undignified, but she just didn’t care. Her body felt too good. The smaller buildings in the way of the goddesses’ growth were completely beneath their notice, and their feet expanded straight through them. The growing goddesses obliterated shops and apartments, crushed cars and buses, and squished hundreds upon hundreds of fleeing people under their enormous feet, causing more devastation and destruction with the mere act of growing than the entirety of their rampage up to that point.

Word of the goddesses’ fun had not yet reached pockets of ponies in the city, as many hadn’t seen the goddesses above the towering skyscrapers and simply dismissed their grunts and destruction as traffic or demolition work. But now that the ground was shaking, it was harder and harder to deny something was up. It was small at first, like a ripple, but when buildings started collapsing, the ground started splitting and a pair of naked women started growing out of the downtown, it became impossible to dismiss the very real fact that their beloved goddess was using their entire city as a sex toy!

Fleur looked down and saw that they had grown to a size of almost one mile, each of their feet taking up several city blocks below in a field of ankle-high buildings that were just waiting to be demolished. “Oh, Rarity!” Fleur wiggled her toes, feeling the large number of little ponies pinned between them and the rubble of the street and buildings. She couldn’t help but give a massive grin. “Ahhh. Zat feels quite nice, my little ponies.” She purred. “Do your new goddess a favor and scream. It’z always a big turn-on for me.” She slowly began to sway back and forth with Rarity, letting her massive feet trample large sections of the city, crushing whole districts into nothing but foot-shaped depressions.

“Hehe, I swear these little mortals are just so silly to even bother staying inside their ugly old buildings. As if that’s really going to keep them any safer.” Rarity grinned and swept her foot across the city, crushing another four blocks worth of buildings into a field of dust, debris and battered ponies.

“Well, where elze are zey gonna go?” Fleur chuckled. “If zey stay inside, zey'll be buried in zer own homes. And if zey run around outside like chickens with zer heads chopped off in ze main streets, zey’ll be trampled. And if zey manage to avoid panicking mindlessly, and try to hide...” Fleur gently pulled Rarity into a crouch, before scooping up a large number of ponies cowering in a back alley and tossing them into her open mouth. “Zey’ll still be an easy target.” She smiled, scooting up against Rarity and kissing her, ponies still squirming in her mouth.

“Oooh. You have a fair point, Fleur. Even still, it never gets old, seeing them struggle.” Rarity glanced down at her breasts, seeing a few ponies were still stuck in her chest fur. She looked back up and spotted a particularly tall skyscraper, which piqued her interest a bit. Using her tail like something of a massive whip, she quickly cocked her hips and ripped the massive structure off its foundation, shattering it in an instant and sending debris flying across the city for almost three blocks. Rarity chuckled as she looked down at the dazed survivors groaning within the debris field. She took a single step to the left, leaving her crotch dangling right over the demolished building. “Ooogh. You mortals have no idea just how horny your goddess is. But you’re about to find out.” The lust from her marehood slammed down on the streets below like liquid artillery shells. The drops exploded the moment they impacted the streets, washing away crowds of ponies and buildings alike, some of them even exploding into fields of rubble, which rained down upon the hapless mortals, washing them away to the low points in the goddess’ footprint lakes.

Fleur grinned, stepping up beside her to help Rarity make her little lake. Several ponies came running out of the nearby buildings, which were quickly collapsing all around them from the sheer impact of the goddesses’ footfalls, but they wouldn’t get far. The goddesses were simply too massive for that to make a difference. Fleur rubbed between her legs, allowing her own drops of arousal to fall as she proceeded to masturbate to an audience of millions.

The ponies who were fleeing from the toppling buildings made it into the streets, only to find themselves stuck in the thick drops of the goddesses’ arousal, attempting to tread through their pudding-like love juices, only for most of them to become fully engulfed in it. “Aww… Zey really are so pathetic. Can't even handle a little precum.” Fleur began to leak more pre, creating a flood that pushed the crowd down the street in the opposite direction. “How are they going to be able to handle things when we… hnnnf… really get going!?” Fleur panted, her pussy giving a flutter and erupting with lust, her vagina resembling a burst dam.

“I mean really, even us walking around is just too much for them. They’re so pathetic and weak… it’s almost… oOoogh…” Rarity gasped, her own vagina giving a little spurt. The two groups of fleeing ponies met, resulting in a crowd of about three thousand ponies, trapped between two waves of oncoming floods, helpless to do anything but watch as their goddess’ cum rushed towards them.

Rarity gasped lewdly as she watched the erotically destructive scene below. Thousands of ponies. Her own worshipers. Who had done nothing wrong other than be in a city she happened to think needed renovating. It was just such a rush, unshackling herself from the expectations of beings that were less powerful than just one of her cells, displaying her open, sexual inhibitions without the slightest bit of shame. Her cunt leaked a string of juice down to the street below, the stream glistening in the sun, with little specks of color that were some of the many ponies she had inserted into herself earlier.

“Oggh… Godz above…” Fleur groaned.

“W-we just dominated those little ponies… with our orgasms…” A wide grin came across Rarity’s face.

“Oui… We did…” Fleur mirrored Rarity’s expression.

There was a long pause, the two goddesses just staring at each other with heavy lust filling the air, before Rarity pounced on Fleur, slamming both of them to the ground, causing a massive amount of devastation to the city below. “F-fluer… I need you.”

“Mmmm. So do I, love…” The French goddess hummed. The moment seemed so heavy as they hugged and kissed each other, unconcerned for anypony beneath them, and Rarity was fine with that. She no longer cared about the opinions of her mortals. They would accept her as the lewd goddess she had become, or she would trample them. She hummed, warmly, wondering how many of her normally-prude mortals were shocked to see their goddess acting in such an outrageous manner. Though Rarity couldn’t have cared less about what her mortals thought of her lascivious actions. She had spent too long, letting beings who were essentially germs to her dictate how she presented herself. She looked up and saw her human friend grab another handful of screaming ponies and sprinkle them onto her pussy lips. “Zat feel good, Rarity?” Asked Fleur, licking the few ponies still stuck to her sticky fingers off and swallowing them.

“Mmm… More than anything, Fleur.” Rarity spread her legs wide and moved forward, letting her rub her pony-covered, glistening sex against Fleur’s. She could feel the heat rising between their sexy bodies. Their divine forms continuing to grow, despite the protests of the ponies and steel they were steamrolling under their mass.

Fleur gave a sensual moan, which could easily be heard above the scream and shouts of the tiny ponies of the city. The most intense of the mortal yelling belonged to those trapped between the wet pussies of the two goddesses, some of the ponies even falling deep inside the slippery opening as the goddesses grew bigger and bigger.

Rarity began panting as they scissored. She had done stuff like this with Fleur before, but never when surrounded by her judgmental worshipers. Rarity closed her eyes and thought about how lucky she was. She was a powerful, well-loved goddess, with good worshipers and better friends. She had a belly full of mortals, the emotions of their swirling souls helping to add to her own. And her sex was beyond stimulated, especially as her clit rubbed furiously against Fleur’s.

Fleur imagined this was quite a sexual high point in her unicorn friend’s long life. She chuckled a bit as she grew, biting her lip as their genitals rubbed furiously against each other, shattering entire skyscrapers into powder as they were caught between their clits. The two goddesses grew to a size of three miles, and now the entirety of the cities surrounding Manehatten were aware of their destructive lewdness as the goddesses’ forms dominated the city skyline.

Rarity and Fleur were in a state of absolute bliss. All around them, they could hear and feel tiny little ponies screaming as they were smothered under their huge bodies, or shoved deep into one of their cavernous pussies, soon to be trapped in the hot, sticky walls of their divine sexes.

But Fleur’s arousal paled in comparison to Rarity’s, as she had never properly rampaged through one of her own cities before without first taking it away to her pocket dimension as to not upset the sensibilities of her worshipers. Hearing faceless heathens shouting as she stomped their cities into dust was one thing, but to hear voices she recognized, who directly fed her worship, was something else. “Oooh… No little ones. I’m not going to stop. Your goddess needs this…” She rolled around on her back, compacting and cratering a massive portion of the city beneath her. “Besides… after all I’ve done for you, the least you can do to pay me back is to bring me a little… Hmmm… Pleasure…” She purred, running her hand over her sex, shoving scores of screaming ponies inside.

A loud moan escaped her lips and both her holes started to waver with need, both of them begging, no… needing to be stuffed full of as many mortals as possible. She had felt worship before, but never like this. She gave a loud booming moan and her horn started glowing with shaky concentration, picking up some buildings and shoving them into both sets of her and Fleur’s holes, alternating between the four orifices. She closed her eyes, gently humming as her wet, growing marehood drizzled juices over the skyscrapers below.

The sensation of being together became too much for them. The feeling of having their most sensitive parts rubbing against each other for so long overwhelmed all their other senses, sending them flying over the edge, and into a massively powerful orgasm. “Hnnng. Fleur! I'm cumming!” Rarity cried out, digging her nails into the city, which yielded beneath her massive digits as if they were made of sand.

“Moi aussi, Rarity!” Fleur screamed alongside Rarity, their voices echoing around the city as they coated it and each other's thighs with their juices.

The two goddesses lay there, panting in bliss. “W-wow…” Fleur smiled. “That was amazing…”

“Yes it was…” Rarity shivered. “Easily one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had with you…”

“Oui…” Fleur gave her a tender kiss. “But zer is still more work to be done. Some of ze bigger building in ze downtown are still standing.” She pointed towards some of the larger buildings in the inner city, which were each a few inches tall compared to the gigantic goddesses.

“Oooh. I know those buildings!” Said Rarity. “The Crystal Building and the Empress State Building! Two of the city’s greatest landmarks from before my ascension.” She smirked.

“Heh. I used to have buildings like zat in my world’s version of zis city as well.” Fleur grinned back. “It never fails to amaze me just how similar our worlds are.”

“Indeed. They are quite amazing monuments, aren’t they?” Rarity poked the top of the Crystal Building. “Would be a shame if they were to be desecrated, wouldn’t it?” She got up and prowled over towards the Crystal Building, hovering her hips over it.

Fleur was more than able to pick up on what her intent was, and loomed over the Empress State Building, straddling it. “Feel like you’ve got another good orgasm in you, huh?” She smiled and looked down. She noticed most of the ponies on the roof ran into the building, as if that would keep them any safer. But a good number stayed on the roof. A few out of fear, but many out of reverence for the furless goddess, even though she was alien to them. She was Rarity’s friend, and that was good enough for them. A few even forced their way towards the roofs in order to pray and offer worship, hoping they would be pleasing to the two goddesses. “Mmmm. Nothzing brings out those who are truly faithful like a good rampage.” She nodded.

“You trust us to keep you safe, don’t you little ones?” Rarity smiled, seeing the mortals on the rooftops nodding and cheering as the duo lowered themselves on top of the buildings, holding each other’s hands as they began to pump up and down. The sides of the building glistening with their juices. “Mmm. That’s right you do…” Rarity panted, feeling them worshiping the inside of her pussy.

Fleur reveled in the destruction of the alien city. Even though it was similar to a city she had demolished many, many times, there was always something inherently satisfying about taking away a city’s ‘virginity’, and the fact she was pleasuring herself with a tower that was even older than she was really helped seal the deal for her. “Ooog. Zey don’t make zem like zis anymore. All ze towers on my world have adapted to be more…. Hnnngh… conducive to my use. Mmm… Zis is ze sort of pleazent roughness I was uzed to as a very young goddess…” She bit her lip, the whole island shaking under the power of their titanic forms.

Rarity moaned and looked around, giving a gentle blush. “Oh my… I haven’t allowed myself to be this large on my world’s surface since…” She groaned.

“Since you first became a goddess, oui?” Fleur panted.

Rarity nodded. “With how much restraint I’ve shown on this world… well. It’s easy to forget that I’m the biggest, prettiest, most powerful being in all of Equestria. All of the world could be easily flattened under my flawless feet should I deem it so! It is by mercy that the world continues to exist!” She felt the metal building melting against the heat of her lust, leaving hundreds, if not thousands of ponies trapped in the warmth of the molten metal, not to mention the maternal comfort of her godly marehood. Surprisingly enough, despite their situation, the ponies trapped within her felt remarkably calm. It was like they were back in the womb again. “Ooogh. I can feel them worshiping me on a level of intimacy I’ve never felt before. I feel so strong, so powerful, more like a goddess now than I ever have...”

“Mmmm. Oui… A mighty goddess of lust and destruction.” Fleur felt her own building melt away as well, leaking out of her cunt like a warm honey, further adding to the lake that threatened to engulf all the specks below. “That’s what you’ve become…”

“That's right...” Rarity looked down at her city, a wide grin across her muzzle. “Gaze up upon me, mortals! I am Rarity! I am your goddess! And your goddess decrees this city to be most displeasing in its current state!” She focused her divinity further into herself, doubling, then tripling in size.

The entire city seemed to scream and moan as buildings crumbled into dust as the goddess’ toes gouged through them, eventually taking up almost the entirety of Marlem beneath her mighty sweaty sole. A feeling of excitement hit Rarity as she looked down at Fleur, seeing just how small the two had really been compared to the playmat of a city they had before them now.

Fleur quickly grew to catch up to her lover, her cunt still leaking as she did, pounding several city blocks with a massive tidal wave of juices, reuniting several ponies with their city and washing away almost half the downtown alone. She breathed heavily as she looked up at Rarity, the larger giantess dipped her toe in a puddle of their juices, feeling the warmth massage her toes. A smirk came over Fleur’s face. “Feels magnifique, oui?”

“Oh… It feels more than that, Fleur.” Rarity allowed her friend to grow up to her size, where she took her in a passionate hug, her mane dripping with sweat. “It symbolizes everything we stand for… naked lewdness… you and I…” She pressed her lips against Fleur’s.

The entire city gazed up at their goddess, unsure how to react to her sudden change in tone. All around Manehatten, mortals began reacting in different ways. Some simply ran for their lives, as if they were simply unaware of the fact their goddess was incapable of causing them harm. Others, who were slightly more level-headed, began looting storefronts, hoping to salvage something from the city that seemed to be collapsing all around them. But the most faithful of Rarity’s worshipers broke out into massive orgies, figuring that they should be just as lewd as their goddess had become.

And Rarity appreciated their devotion, feeling each of the tiny mortal orgasms as if they were her own. Sure, they were nothing compared to the pleasure her own pussy could bring her, but she appreciated them all the same. And she was sure they would appreciate them even more as she laid down, her titanic body shaking the entire island as she lay down on top of it

Fleur was quick to follow, laying down on Rarity’s chest, allowing their sweaty breasts to rub together. She started rubbing her wet, horny sex all over Rarity’s, their clits buzzing against each other in a feedback loop of pleasure. Their powerful pheromones wafted through the air, affecting not only the ruined city beneath them, but the whole county as well. Every mature stallion within a two-hundred mile radius suddenly found themselves with a massive erection, even if they were still somehow ignorant of the goddesses’ lewdness.

Rarity smiled. She further stimulated her lover by rubbing her body in the opposite direction of her thrusts, their skyscraper-swallowing pussies grinding against each other in a wonderful sound of wet flesh ‘shlirking’ against each other.

Fleur continued the repetitions against Rarity’s crotch and slowly increased her tempo, digging her fingers into the city below, feeling the few buildings in her grasp that managed to stay together crumpling apart like sand. She could feel the upwelling of pleasure building inside of her with each and every rub, one that was far stronger than any of the orgasms she had experienced up to that point.

The whole city boomed under the might of their thunderous thrusts. Sweat glistened on their bodies as their smooth flesh slid against each other, before dripping down to the powderized streets. There was almost no friction between their skin at this point they were so wet.

“Oh, F-F-Fleur…” Rarity moaned. “It’s all so good…” She panted.

“Mmmm. I know.” Fleur grabbed Rarity’s shoulders and pulled her in close.

“Ooogh. I can’t take it anymore….” Rarity rubbed her clit even faster against Fleur’s, the two organs glowing like hot iron.

“Ung! Rarity… Je ne peux pas le prencdre non plus!” Fleur moaned, her mind fogging up to the point where she began to speak in her native language as she echoed Rarity’s sentiment.

The two goddesses could control themselves no longer. Their rubbing turned intense and agitated. Their bodies started glowing with sexual energy, and a massive burst of divine energy that could be felt across the world escaped their flawless forms as they let loose a flood of white fluid all over the island that had once been Manehatten.

Their goal had been achieved. The city was gone. They had achieved the tabula rasa that they had desired, and the city’s denizens were now floating in the bay, buried in the tons of rubble beneath them, pinned beneath their bodies, or floating in a stasis-like state in the flood of their juices. Yet the two could barely be concerned with their environment, let alone the mite-sized ponies. They were far too enraptured with each other. A wonderous feeling of weightlessness washing over them.

“Oh… Ma Déesse…” Fleur collapsed on top of Rarity, her body going limp. She felt exhausted. Far more tired than she had been even as a mortal. And yet she was so happy, snuggling up to her lover in their post-coital glow. She wanted to do nothing more than just lay there in her embrace. “Oooh. Sacrebleu, zat was so good...” Fleur purred, resting her head against Rarity’s breasts. “Zank you for letting me rampage on your world. I immensely enjoyed myself…”

“Mmm… No. Thank you, Fleur.” Rarity ran her fingers through Fleur’s hair. “I needed that… To really cut loose…”

“It is quite liberating.” Fleur nodded. “Though it can be quite tiring, even for a goddess.” She gave a gentle yawn. “I haven’t felt this tired in decades.”

“That’s quite true.” Rarity lidded her eyes, playing with Fleur’s oddly-shaped ears. “I’m exhausted. So tired I just want to rest here with you for a bit.”

“Your mortals wont mind?” Fleur purred, opening her eyes to see tiny little lights in the bay, presumably boats come to rescue ponies from having to spend the night in the bay. She saw no reason to mess with them. The tiny beings had been played with enough for the day. She casually breathed out over the bay, creating an orb of soft pink light in order to make their job a bit easier.

“My heathens have been through far worse.” Rarity laid her head down on the concrete sand. “They’ll be fine. No harm will come to them unless I permit it. I’ll be up and active tomorrow, renovating the city, making sure my mortals are taken care of.”

“Mmm… All right.” Fleur snuggled up to Rarity, watching as the sun went down over the horizon. A wistful sigh escaped her lips and she glanced down at her equine lover. “Your planet’s sun is very beautiful, Rarity.”

“Thank you.” Rarity smiled. “Almost as beautiful as you.” She teased, booping the human’s nose.

“Aww… Stop it.” Fleur leaned in to kiss her, a glowing light passing between their lips as they softly made out.

“Mmmm?” Rarity gave a confused grunt. “What was all that about, love?”

“Just giving you back your worshipers’ souls. Can’t be taking zem back to Earth with me. Forcing zem to live in a strange world zey wouldn’t understand, as strange hairless creatures.” She caressed Rarity’s butt, feeling her smooth short fur against her fingers, teasing the diamond-shaped pattern on her buttocks. “Poor leetle thinks would freak out if I did.”

“That’s very considerate of you, Fleur.” Rarity smiled sweetly. “You’re more sympathetic to them than you let on.”

“Just because I am rough on ze mortals does not mean I feel no empathy for zem.” Fleur picked up a dozen mite-sized ponies out of the ocean with her fingertip and placed them on the shore. “I remember what it was like to be as small and helpless as zat. So I make sure that all their needs are accounted for. It’z just zat a goddess has needs too. And l see no reason they shouldn’t be able to help me in fulfilling those needs.” She gave a slight nod as the tiny ponies gave her a bit of timid thanks.

“Indeed we do have needs. And you’ve shown me a wonderful way of fulfilling them.” Rarity snuggled up to her. “Thank you for the wonderful evening, Fleur. I love you.”

“Mmm… Je t'aime aussi, Rarity.” Fleur sighed contently, before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep, her body kept warm by the warmth radiating off of Rarity’s body.


A week later, Rarity was wandering through the streets of New Manehatten at a much more reasonable size of three-hundred feet. Her naked body was a clear sign to the many ponies around her, most of who didn’t even bother trying to avoid her footfalls after seeing so graphically just how little damage they did to them. Some of the ponies even found the experience to be quite pleasant and would throw themselves under Rarity’s feet at every opportunity, much to the goddess’ annoyance.

Rarity stared at an empty patch of land that a few ponies had set up a crude shantytown in. Rarity frowned. “Oh, I’m ever so sorry, little ones.” She crouched down over them. “I thought I had wiped out the housing problem by now! There are plenty of buildings for you to make homes and lives in now!” She pointed towards the sparkling city, which she had decorated with a blue and gold motif. “Why do you not just go live in those?”

“Oh, well… we appreciate it, your majesty, but… well… They’re a bit far from any actual food source. Ponies from the mainland are shipping supplies in, but it can take time for them to be distributed among such a large population.” One of the ponies bowed before her. “So we opt to stay here, near the docks, so we’ll have a better chance of getting supplies when the ships come in.”

Rarity chuckled. “You need more food? Silly mortals. All you had to do was ask.” She lay down on the ground, putting her face right up to the ponies and gently puffed out her lips, sending a gust of wind to wash over them, a field of crystal-berry trees sprouting out of the ground before their very eyes. “This should be able to sustain a few thousand of you. I’ll make sure the trees are always fruitful.” She extended her lips and gave the little pony a kiss. “None of my good little worshipers should ever be going hungry. Least of all in a city I’m giving this much attention to.”

“Oh goddess…” The little stallion blushed immensely. “Th-t-thank you… And thank you for this new body. I was a little concerned after you ate me a few days ago, I was gonna be…”

“Trapped inside me forever?” Rarity smirked and ran a hand over her right breast. “Please. My body is a palace, not a prison. Souls who wish to leave may always request new bodies whenever they wish.” She patted the tiny red Pegasus. “And I must say, I think I did a fine job on you. You’re a very handsome, young buck.”

“Y-you did.” He chuckled. “I’ve always wanted to be a Pegasus, and now I’ve finally gotten a chance to try it out! Thank you, goddess!”

“You’re most welcome. But I think I’ve spent enough time here. So many more little tweaks and changes for me to make to this city! Ohohohoho! I’m so excited! I haven’t done design work on a scale like this in ages!” She stood up and stomped down the street, making sure to aim her soles towards the crowd that inevitably was asking her to stomp them.

Rarity looked up at one of her priestesses, who had been made an advisor for the purpose of renovating the city. “Ahh. Creative Input! Good to see you! Any new complaints from the followers? I think we’ve already stomped out most of the major problems.” She ground her foot into the pavement, eliciting squeals of glee from some of the ponies cuddling her soles.

“Well… there’s one at the moment. It has to do with the New Crystal Building.” The little white mare ran through her clipboard.

“Making the whole building out of crystal was a genius move in my opinion. The building should live up to its name.” Rarity chuckled. “But go on. What’s the problem?”

“Well. It’s the bathrooms for one. There’s no privacy there. Not to mention that ponies keep running into the walls. I think that certain parts of the building could be made a bit more opaque. As pretty as a fully transparent building might be, it’s not quite practical for mortal use.” Said Creative.

“Hmmm. Oh, very well. It might not be exactly my vision, but I understand that some of you mortals still consider nudity to be taboo. Don’t let it be said that I don’t spoil you ponies!” Rarity aimed her horn at the large crystal structure, which became a bit cloudier, less light now shining through it. “There. Now. Anything else to report?”

“Well, erm… Yes. As of twenty minutes ago, there was… some sort of portal that opened up above Rarity Island.” Creative grunted. “It left behind some sort of statue. One of rather low quality. Old, dull materials Outdated stuff. Beyond an eyesore. I’ve already sent a team to have it demolished.”

“What!?” Rarity ran towards the bay, her advisor in close pursuit.

“Gyah! Your majesty!?” The pegasus chased after her goddess, who burst through a few small buildings in her attempt to reach the harbor as fast as possible. “Are you okay!?”

But Rarity didn’t listen. She tore down the street like there was no tomorrow, not stopping for anything, even skyscrapers, which toppled to the ground as she slammed through them.

Creative briefly lost sight of the giant mare through all the dust that was being kicked up. Coughing and hacking as she flew through the cloud of debris. “Goddess! Please calm down! You’re over-react…” Creative flew up to her, only to see Rarity standing in the rubble of a collapsed building, looking out over the bay and standing perfectly still. A single, happy tear falling down her cheek. “Goddess?” Creative asked.

“It’s perfect. Just… beautiful.” Rarity smiled softly.

In the middle of the bay, standing almost the same size as Rarity, was a oxidized copper statue of two nude female figures in a deep embrace, one of them a pony and the other a human. Their features were fairly nondistinctive, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out what they represented.

Rarity turned towards Creative. “Where is the demolition team you sent?” She said flatly.

“They’re on the Silhouette, your majesty.” Creative pointed towards a small cruise liner in the harbor. “I didn’t want to tell you earlier because I knew you’d be upset with the abhorrent shape and those ugly materials. I mean, rusted copper!? That’s what the pre-ascension statue looked like. But don’t worry. I’ve come up with a list of materials and shapes we could replace it with.” She flipped through her notebook. “I was thinking something more new-age. With smooth porcelain to represent your flawless skin, each fur meticulously detailed, and giant eyes made of a combination of sapphire, jet and marble! Now as for your mane and tail, I think-”

A burst of green energy exploded from Rarity’s horn and struck the Silhouette, causing the ship to disintegrate, leaving hundreds of little ponies to flail around in the water. Rarity then snorted and shot Creative a dark look. “Organize a rescue team for them.” She huffed.

The little mare just hid behind her clipboard and gave a scared little meep. “Y-y-yes… y-your majesty…”

“Good. You’re fired.” Rarity walked into the bay, looking back at her ex-advisor. “And consider yourself lucky that’s all.” She walked over towards the statue and ran her hand across it, feeling the textured metal on her skin. It was quite rough, even garish compared to the sorts of materials she was used to. And yet… it just seemed so… perfect.

Rarity noticed a piece of parchment, hidden away in the equine figure’s mane. She pulled out the circus-tent-sized note and ran her eyes over the golden lettering:

Ma cher Rarity

After our date, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our night together in your wonderful city. It’s my greatest hope that you will be able to transform Manehatten into something even a fraction as magnificent as you are.

To help with that, I decided to gift to you this statue, as an aide-mémoire of our most wonderful of nights. What you choose to do with it is your decision, but it is my hope that you will choose to keep it in a public area, despite its ancient aesthetics.

Please do not think of me as presumptive. I merely wished to give you a token of appreciation. What can I say? It’s something of a tradition for us French.

Amoure, Fleur de Lis

A smile crept over Rarity’s face, her stomach filling up with butterflies and her knees becoming weak. She walked up to the statue and gave the human sculpture a kiss on the cheek. “Amoure, Fleur.” She said softly before turning around and admiring her new city. “Amoure…”