Life after the Party or Picking up Monster Girls

by Ron Jeremy Pony

First published

My life has become a living Manga. After the Interspecies bill passed things have gotten weirder, and now with two Equestrian Roommates, I've got a feeling the weirdness just started.

I remember the Interspecies Bill coming about, and then I remember how the bill was written to include beings from outer space and even alternate realities. I mean I knew things would get weird when monsters we believed began living in society right beside us, but now with beings from alternate realities coming out of the woodwork, well, it's just odd. Of course I didn't realize how much fun it could be either, or I didn't until we got our two new Equestrian Roommates.

(Loose Crossover with Monster Musume) (Picture by Dogrot)

Chapter 1

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter One

Yawning I stretched and felt the sun as the first rays of morning licked my skin. The warmth of the light was a contrast to the chill in the Oklahoma Morning. As I moved I felt something, or rather someone, laying in front of me. I opened my eyes and saw a mess of pink curls.

My eyes tried to think of what had happened, and slowly memories began to surface. Last night I had been talked into a friends into going to a block party. The music was fun, mostly classic rock and party tunes, the atmosphere was nice, lots of decent beer, good food, friends, and I might have stayed a bit longer than I should have.

My eyes were suddenly attracted to to the odd pair of ears on the top of the head. I looked for a head band, wondering if perhaps I'd brought a cosplayer home, but there was no band. Instead the body before me stretched.

The blanket moved, revealing a smooth both with a lighter pink coat of fur covering her body. She was curvy, the borderline between curvy and bbw that was exactly the kind of woman I loved to admire.

Memories of the exchange bill that had passed, the 'monster' girls from our own world, and the species from alternate realities that had began to settle here came to my mind.

Slowly a pair of crystal blue eyes looked back at my own. Her eyes were almost comedically large, and they were so very expressive. I could see the confusion setting in on her well.

"Ummm, Hi. Not to mean anything, but I'm not in the habit of going home with a strange stallion and letting him pop my pinata, so yeah..."

She began to set up, and I tried not to notice the large cantilope sized breasts that seemed to defy gravity, "So my name's Pinkie Pie, what's your's?"

From down the hall I heard a loud gasp from my roommate. Before either of us could answer I followed her down the hall and we looked in to see another one like her, only buttery yellow, pink hair and tail, and a pair of wings.

"Wow, that must have been some party last night, huh Flutters?" Pinkie asked.

I heard a sound and looked to see my third roommate stick his head out. Unlike both myself, and my other roommate, he had the disadvantage, or advantage, of being one of the living dead. He looked at what was going on.

"Seriously, if you guys are going to bring home girls to bag either bring enough for everybody, or keep it down. You're being loud enough to wake the dead."

I shook my head at my living dead roommate. I couldn’t complain too much. He paid his part of the rent, went in on the food budget, and managed to do it all from his work as a Youtuber. There was a ton of people that seemed to not be able to get over the novelty of a Zombie reviewing Zombie movies and anime. I’ve even watched some of it with him. So far he was doing a bit over Highschool of the Dead, and I’ve heard him laughing his ass off at the action on the screen.

My attention went back to the woman currently beside me. Unsure of what to do exactly I decided the best course of action was to at least be something of a gentleman and offer breakfast. The offer made, accepted, and clothing for everyone found, the four of us gathered around the small table that had seemed to be lasting better than we had expected. After all furniture from Walmart wasn’t exactly known for its high quality.

I looked around the kitchen and instantly my eyes settled on a box from Daylight Doughnuts. It had been an impulse purchase, one that I was glad I made, and I opened it to reveal two muffins, an apple fritter, and three strawberry cake doughnuts. I hung back letting the girls, and my living roommate Josh, dig out what they wanted. After a few moments I grabbed the remaining apple fritter, and I bit into the overly sweet taste of it. I looked at Pinkie Pie who was currently giving little moans of pleasure as she ate the strawberry cake doughnuts. She finished them, looked toward me, and then at Josh.

“Ummm, so, where are we?”

I gave a smile, “We’re in Broken Arrow. This is my, Josh, and Andrew’s house,” I shook my head, “Andrew is the guy that stuck his head out back in the hall.”

Pinkie nodded, “Oh, he looked a little sick. Is he okay?”

I looked at Josh who shrugged, “Ummm, he’s a zombie.”

She blinked, “what?”

I shrugged, “He’s a zombie. He’s a member of the living dead. In his case I think that it was some kind of necromancy that brought him back. I’m not a hundred percent certain, but I know that he could fill you in on it a lot better than I can.”

I heard shuffling footsteps, and looking over I watched as Andrew came in, walked toward the freezer, opened it, took out a small package, and the placed it into the microwave. That was the one thing that I wasn’t sure I was ever going to get used to. I was cool with almost everything else, but after a moment I began to smell the smell of his meal defrosting, then he took it out, grabbed a bowl, and proceeded to dump his now defrosted cow brains into it. He then grabbed some frosted flakes dumped them on top, and mixed the two together for a moment. After that he sat down and proceeded to happily munch on his breakfast.

He gave a look toward both of the girls, “Hey.”

Pinkie smiled, “Hi! So, you’re a Zombie?”

He nodded, “Yeah,” he swallowed his bite, “So, what do you want to know?”

She studied him a moment, “Nothing, I just never met a zombie before.”

He shrugged, “Nothing special. I used to be like either one of these jerks, and then boom, I date some chick when Kennedy is president, she takes me back to her place, and next thing I know is that I’m hanging upside while she’s reading from some weird book bound in skin and inked in blood.”

He took another bite of his breakfast, “Seems that she had the grand idea of binding my soul to this corpse. So unlike some of my ‘cousins’ I don’t really rot unless I don’t have my steady diet of brains.”

I watched as her face as she came to realize what it was that he was eating. She gulped slightly, “Ummm okay…”

He rolled his eyes, “They’re from a butcher in the area. Luckily the magic that binds me to this body wasn’t specific on the type of brains. I mainly do cow, and I just warm them up in the microwave and mix them with foods I liked when I was alive.”

He finished his bowl of breakfast and got up, “Well, the reaction video isn’t going to do itself,” he said as he started to walk out. He paused for just a second, “Say, anyone up for a party tonight?”

I watched him for a moment, “We went to a block party last night.”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Oh, that was last night? Damn, oh well. Later.”

With that he walked out of the room. Pinkie looked at her breakfast and then she looked at Fluttershy who was eating her muffins as if nothing had happened.


She stopped and looked at her, “Yes?”

Sitting there I watched as Pinkie shrugged, “Didn’t you hear him?”

Fluttershy nodded, “Uh huh, but it’s not that big of a deal.”

Pinkie studied her for a moment, “Really? I thought that it would bother you more than me.”

I watched as she shook her head, “Oh no, I help take care of bears and animals like that. It’s not a big deal to me. They eat a lot of meat, and besides I read about the different beings over here before we came. Twilight said we should study.”

There was a slight giggle from Pinkie Pie, and she seemed to relax. After breakfast I offered them a ride to wherever it was they were staying. We walked outside and my old Ford F150 extended cab was waiting on us. I opened the door and both of the girls, and Josh got into the cab. I noticed that Josh and Fluttershy took the bench seat in the back leaving Pinkie and myself plenty of space up front. Once everyone was situated I started what had been the top of line in automotive technology back in 1977 and soon it roared to life.

Following the directions given we arrived at a very small, and conservative, apartment complex. I walked with the girls inside only to find several bundles of luggage, including two sets of saddlebags that matched the color of their coats, sitting in the lobby. I walked with Pinkie up to the manager’s desk, and he proceeded to inform them that their deposit, and first two months rent, had been returned to their accounts. When asked what happened he explained that the building had been sold, and the new owners was closing it down, renovating it, and it would be ready for all species next year.

With that said both of the girls looked worried. I shared a glance at Josh who nodded. I explained that we had an extra room back at the house. It wasn’t much, basically just enough for a set of bunk beds, a couple of desks, maybe a shelf, and a closet. The girls hugged us, and with that we loaded their stuff into the back of the truck.

Chapter 2

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Two

It took almost no time to get the girls moved into our extra room. Well, it took almost no time after a quick trip to Wal-Mart in order to get a few essentials for the two of them. One of which was a bunk bed. Both of them had found a dresser they liked, and after that it was getting a few other odds and ins that they were going to need. Pinkie let me know that the apartment they were going to stay at was supposed to be fully furnished, and I had to explain that even if that was the cast they most likely were still going to have to at least get the clothing hangers. Once I gave her a rundown of what fully furnished usually meant here she explained that where she came from fully furnished meant everything except for food and clothes.

In truth that sounded like a nice deal, but at the same time I wasn’t sure that I really wanted someone else’s towels and washcloths. Maybe that was the germaphobe in me, but naw, I’d be fine with getting my own bath stuff. Once we had all of their essentials loaded we made the trip back to our house. Josh and I carried everything in, put together their furniture, and then we helped them get their other stuff into the room as well. I looked at the time, and excused myself. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to spend time with our new roommates, but I did have a prior engagement. I walked into Andrew’s room as he finished setting up his webcam, pointed to the chair beside him, and I took a seat. He looked ahead at the camera and a large smile came across his face.

“Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to another edition of shuffling dead, I’m your living dead host, and today I’ve got my buddy Nick here to help me watch some more zombie anime. Tell me Nick, are you excited to see some T,A, and Z?”

I smiled, “Sure, sounds like a blast.”

“Alright, so here we go.”

With that he clicked the play button and soon Highschool of the Dead began to play. I hadn’t seen all of the episodes before, and in truth I was a little lost on what was happening. Apparently at some point two of the main cast of characters managed to get separated from the others on the minibus they had managed to get. I still wasn’t sure where they got the bus, but I wasn’t going to ask. It looked like they were riding around on a motorcycle, and they were arguing about money.

I felt myself chuckling, and at that moment Andrew stopped the episode, “Strike a cord Nick?”

I nodded, “Sure. I mean it makes sense right? Of all of the things for a girl to complain about she’s going to complain about him needing to borrow some cash.”

Andrew laughed, “Yeah, and trust me everyone that shit is the truth. It hasn’t changed at all. I know a lot of girls out there like to think that they’ve become so much different than how they were, but really it’s the same bullshit in a different package. That’s it.”

He clicked play and we watched as a deranged kid with a knife threatened to kill the girl, or did until the boy managed to get close enough to shoot him. They left him there for the zombies to find, and although I knew that zombies around now didn’t act the same it felt like the asshole got what he deserved. Andrew stopped it, looked at the camera and smiled, “Again, this is some of the funniest shit I’ve seen in ages.”

He sighed, “But honestly like Romero it seems to be doing a great job of hinting at an underlying message,” he folded his hands together, “None of that rampant consumerism bullshit, but rather pointing out that we has humans tend to hold onto our old notions of what should be right. Well, it does that and it shows some girls with fantastic racks.”

I nodded, “True that.”

He offered a highfive which I returned.

“Well,” he said, “Overall I give the series a solid seven. Sure, it’s not realistic in the slightest. I’m sure there’s several of you out there that’s gotten to know some of the Living Dead, and honestly we’re not that different from all of you. And I know there’s a pretty big movement from some of them that’s carrying on about how the zombie genre is offensive and stereotypical. Yeah, most of those asshats are turned professional protestors. If you like watching this kind of thing, watch it. No one really cares. Just know the truth that we’re not like it. Except for Warm Bodies. That movie is garbage. It’s the Twilight of the Zombie world, and I personally think that the author, and director, should be dragged out and beaten with a water hose.”

Andrew finished up his recording session, and then I watched as he began the process of editing his video. He thanked me, and let me know that the video would be up later that day. I knew that he poured a lot of time into his videos, and honestly I was glad that he had something he really enjoyed as a career. After leaving his room/recording studio, I walked out into the hall where I heard Pinkie and Fluttershy talking about what to do. Both of them wanted to get out, and they asked if there was someplace they could go to look around.

We had already been to a Wal-Mart, but what sprung up in my mind was a trip to a shopping mall. There was still a big one in Tulsa, and honestly it was part of a dying breed. Being a bit of a youtube junkie I’d watched more than my fair share of guys exploring abandoned malls, and those sights were getting greater in number every year. I asked Josh if he wanted to go, but instead he had every intention of playing a little Team Fortress 2 with a few of his friends online. I nodded, and with the two girls I walked back out to the old Ford. I quickly unlocked the door for both of them, and since Josh wasn’t coming along both of them decided to ride in the front with me. Pinkie scooted over until she was sitting close to my side, and then Fluttershy got into the old truck.

I took off in the direction of Woodland Hills, and soon we pulled up outside of the large shopping center. Looking at it I was reminded that the massive mall was a relic of a more consumeristic culture. Memories of being a child and getting to go to the Mall for some reason or another came back to me. Those had been fun times, and more often than not it was usually something that happened out of necessity instead of pure want. Walking inside I was reminded of just how large the shopping mall was. Inside it hosted no less than three hundred stores, fifteen different restaurants ranging from the typical food court fare to a couple of actual sit down restaurants that featured down home cooking.

Just walking into the mall I caught sight of several other beings. Honestly I wasn’t sure why I was surprised. It wasn’t as if I didn’t realize that other species were living among us, but it was still odd to see so many of them gathered in a single place. Part of me wondered if this was the kind of thing that would be the revival shopping malls like this needed. Instead of dwelling on it I smiled, waved, and walked with the two girls as we neared the escalator. We began to move up to the second floor and I felt something watching me. I tried to ignore it, unsure of what the feeling was, and instead I followed the girls as they began to explore the various vendors that set up shop in the middle of the floor.

I began to point out that some of these vendors were selling inferior products when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a slender woman wearing a black business suit. She gave me a smile, handed me a card, and I looked at it.

"Jana Jones,

Interspecies Coordinator,

and Interspecies Security Captain."

I looked at her again and saw a gleam in her eyes.

"It's come to my attention that you currently have three demihumans living in your home Mr. Cooper."

I nodded, "Yeah, so?"

She grinned, "Well the Equestrians were supposed to be staying in an Apartment that was specifically reserved for them. Since that was no longer possible I was supposed to find them a home," she yawned, "I suppose it was luck they happened upon a couple of good Samaritans wouldn't you say?"

I nodded, "Yeah..."

She grinned again, "Good, so here's the deal. Your friend that's one of the Living dead already knows what he's supposed to do, and I'm sure that both of the Equestrians know their rights and responsibilities, but you, you my fine young man are a fish out of water so to speak. So I'm going to need you to memorize the Interspecies Bill, and also I've made contact with the landlord of your property."

She showed me the contract, "As of nine am this morning the department I work for purchased the property with the intent of allowing the Equestrians to continue to live there."

I almost felt like I was going to have to sit down, "Do... Do Josh and I need to move?"

She laughed, "No, in truth we would rather you remain there. The Equestrians need to have someone available to assist them," she extended her hand, "So consider yourself, and your friend, volunteering your services to that end."

"Great, I probably need to keep up with them..."

She stopped me again, "Before you head off you need to know one important detail. Some species view mating as marriage. I'm not certain about the Equestrians, but if you did anything with them, and they are such a species, then you my fine young friend, are in a marriage that is full and honored by the US government."

My eyes shrunk to pinpricks, "Say what now?"

She smiled, “Yes, I’m afraid that several gentlemen have already found themselves married. Apparently the Yuki-Onna, or Snow Woman, is one of those species that have that as part of their culture. I suppose that it is causing people to consider their actions a bit more closely at clubs.”

I swallowed, “A...Are the Equestrians?”

She shrugged her shoulders, “To be honest I’m not a hundred percent certain. I do know that I am the person that will be checking on them, and you, for quite some time. Until then I’d suggest to keep it in your pants.”

With that she turned and began to leave. As she left I realized that there was a thousand questions that I had, and not a one of were likely to be answered.

Chapter 3

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Three

After the girls had visited a large section of the mall, and of course found the food court, it was decided to call the small adventure a day. Naturally I was still concerned about what Ms. Jones had told me. Was I married now? After we got home one of the first things I did was to look up the Interspecies Exchange bill. I pulled up the PDF on my Kindle APP and I began to browse through it. Finally I reached the section about marriage.

‘In order to promote a more peaceful coexistence with our Interspecies, and inter-dimensional, citizens marriage between the species is officially recognized by all of the countries currently engaged with the Interspecies Programs. Hosts Families, Roommates, Co-workers, and Friends of the various Interspecies individuals that are visiting should be warned that there is some species that view a marriage ceremony differently than most human cultures do. For some of these species merely engaging in sexual intercourse is viewed as the primary ceremony, and thus has sealed the union between the two individuals.

This marriage is viewed as legal in all countries engaged with the Interspecies Program. The Current list of species that fall under this category are the following:

Yuki-Onna: Snow Woman. The Snow Women view sexual intercourse as the primary version of marriage. There is no divorce, and a marriage only ends when one of the mated pair has passed. Those who mate with the Snow Women will find that their physiology has changed to better match their mate. Thus ultimately causing them to become an interspecies citizen.

Oka-amii: Wolf-Demons. The Oka-amii view mating as the primary ceremony of marriage. Again, this is for both the male, and female, of their species. They hold the idea of being a mated pair on par with a religious belief. Again, there is no divorce, and the only way the marriage ends is if one of the pair perishes. Mating with an Oka-amii will not result in any physiological change, unlike those who mate with the Yuki-Onna, and will leave the human as a human citizen. Any children that are born will be more alined with the physiology of the Oka-amii resulting in them being an Interspecies Citizen.

Thusly these are the only two known species that view marriage in this way; however, it should be noted that this list is updated after reports are made of other beings falling into the same category.’

Even though it wasn’t a solid no I felt better after reading that. I put the tablet I read it on up and walked out to see Pinkie at the stove. She was preheating the oven, and I noticed that she was working some flour, sugar, butter, milk, eggs, baking powder, and a few other things. I walked closer and caught a glimpse of her making chocolate cake from scratch. That was surprising. I hadn’t actually seen anyone, other than a professional baker, make a cake from scratch before. I took a seat and watched as she sniffed the Nesquik that Josh had bought about a month ago. She took a small pinch, stuck out her tongue, and let the pinch drop on her tongue. She seemed to hold it for a moment, and then nodding that she agreed with the flavor she began mixing it into the mix itself.

She worked with the various cake pans we had. I knew that we had a few, but they hadn’t actually been used to make cakes before. In truth I think the only things we’ve ever used them was the couple of times Josh had made Lasagna, and even that hadn’t been from scratch. But to my surprise she was working with them as if she had been doing so for years. I watched as she greased all four pans, using a spray on coating, and then she began to pour her batter into the pans.

Being unable to stand it I walked in closer and her ears began to flick and turn toward my direction. She looked over her shoulder, noticed me, and gave a bright smile before she continued on with what she was doing. After a moment she put pans to the side and motioned for me to come into the kitchen where she was standing.

“I’m sure this is a dumb question, but what’s with the baking?”

She shrugged, “I realized that we’re friends, and well everypony here is my friend, and I haven’t thrown a party for my new friends, and I couldn’t not throw a party, so I decided to make a cake! After all you can’t have a party without a cake! And since you’re here if you want you can help me with it!”

I gave a slight smile, “Okay, you really don’t have to go through the trouble…”

She shook her head, “Nopearooni! I like to give my friends parties!”

It was technically the weekend, and I didn’t have to go into to work until the next day. As she talked I helped by setting the table, and then getting my bluetooth speaker which I hooked up to my phone. Once that was done I let her find some music on Spotify, and to my surprise she brought up some decent music. I heard a little Andrew W.K., a little dubstep, and even some Queen. She threw together a list, which I wasn’t sure how she did it since I didn’t have the premium service for Spotify, and she set it to playing.

As the music began to play she managed to bring out a box full of streamers, confetti, and other party decorations out of nowhere. Seriously there couldn’t have been a single place she was hiding any of this, but there was suddenly a huge box full of these decorations sitting on the table. I was going to question it, to try and explain it, but then I thought the better of it. Chances were that this was simply something all of her kind could do. With that thought I shrugged it off and helped set up the decorations.

It wasn’t long before the oven dinged that it was preheated, and afterward she put the pans into it. As we worked I noticed that a professional looking cake board was suddenly on the table, and again I didn’t want to question something that might be completely normal for her. I didn’t question a thing about what she was doing until well after she had finished getting everything ready, and then I watched as she turned around, pulled the cakes out, put them down, placed them on the board, cut the rounded parts off, and then she pulled frosting from her hair.

“Okay, how do you do that?”

She looked at me like she didn’t quite understand what I meant.

“Do what?”

I shook my head, “You’re just pulling stuff from nowhere. I mean how is that possible?”

She giggled, “I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s just something that I can do.”

With that she frosted the cake, using just a can of frosting, a butter knife, and somehow it looked professional. I hadn’t said a word about liking chocolate cake, and neither did Josh, but she had made a chocolate cake, with buttercream frosting, and it looked better than something I could buy at the store.I marveled at what I was seeing, and then I watched as she licked the knife clean.

Her tongue, which I had assumed was simply like anyone else’s tongue, slipped out of her mouth and it was comically large and long as it slipped into the nearly empty can of frosting and cleaned it out. I couldn’t help but wonder what all she had used that tongue for, but I quickly put those thoughts away. Instead we both went and got everyone out to the kitchen for the small party that she had put together. When I walked back in I saw games sitting out that I hadn’t helped put there. I rubbed my eyes, looked at Pinkie, and I found that my mind just didn’t want to question it.

There was no way she had time to put the games out and get Andrew, but somehow she had done just that. Chalking it up to something she was able to do I left it alone. Instead we visited as Party Hard blasted from the small bluetooth speaker. Pinkie got us to playing a game of pin the tail on the pony, then she had cups of hard cider, again I had no idea where she got them from, and we began to play a game of beer pong with hard cider. The party lasted for a good couple of hours, and once it was over Andrew said that he had to step out. I didn’t ask a thing, but instead I helped Pinkie clean up.

“Is this all you do all week?”

I looked at Pinkie as she asked the question. I shook my head, “Nope, I work retail, Josh works at a call center, Andrew has his Youtube career, and that’s pretty much it.”

She rubbed her chin, “Is there a bakery that’s hiring? I don’t like to just sit around doing nothing. My mama didn’t raise a pony that needed to be taken care of.”

I looked at her, grabbed my phone, and I began to search Indeed. After finding the local bakeries hiring I saw which ones were set up to have various Interspecies working there, and to my surprise there was one actually in Broken Arrow. After getting the location on the map I offered to take her over to Marritt’s Bakery. The old Ford roared to life after a moment and we began our trip over there. Once we arrived the both of us got out, and we went into the shop.

The smell of rich desserts filled the air as we moved toward the counter. I rang the bell and after a moment I began to hear something moving. I watched as the door to the kitchen opened and out came a lovely looking young woman. She the sides of her face was framed with scales, her ears were long, almost like Elf ears, and I tried not to stare. She gave us both a smile.

“Welcome to Merritt’s Bakery, could I interest you in some of our world famous cookies?”

Pinkie smiled back at her, and instead she offered a resume, again I had no idea where it came from, and a cupcake.

“Nopearooni! I’d like to apply for a job.”

The girl studied her, lifted the resume, and then looked at the Cupcake.

“This is a sample of your baking skills?”

She nodded.

The girl tried the Cupcake, and then she quickly finished it. She held up her hand to indicate that we needed to wait a moment, and then she went back into the kitchen. She came out with an older looking woman. The woman then studied Pinkie for a moment.

“My Daughter-In-Law just told me that you made one of the best tasting Cupcakes she’s ever had,” she said as she studied Pinkie Pie.

I looked at her as well and I almost felt bad for her. She was dressed in a pair of Yoga pants, obviously made for comfort, there was a long sweater that came down in order to cover what would be a camel toe, and it was obvious that she looked good, but she wasn’t dressed professionally. The woman studied her a bit longer and then nodded, “Well, Merniva says you can bake then you can bake. I’ll give you a week, and if I like what you’re making then we’ll talk about being a permanent hire.”

We both left, and before I realized what was happening I had a pink face pressed against my own. Our lips met, and almost as if on autopilot I wrapped my arms around her as we kissed. I didn’t expect it, and to be honest I wasn’t sure that there was going to be anything between the two of us again. It wasn’t like we were a couple. Instead she broke the kiss and those crystal blue eyes stared into my own for a moment.

“N..Not that I’m complaining, but what was…”

I didn’t get to finish the question before there was another kiss.

(Pinkie Pie’s POV)

He was better than frosting. That was the only way I could explain it. He was sweet, and even though I was pretty sure that he didn’t pop my pinata the night before I woke up in his bed I was kinda wanting him to do it now. It wasn’t the job, but it was the little things. He was willing to help me do something without asking for anything in return, and he was just very sweet. It wasn’t hard to find a stallion like that back home, but it was hard to find one that wasn’t already claimed. And right now I was claiming him. He was my stallion.

I finished kissing him, and I could see the dopey and happy look on his face. That was good. That meant that he understood that he was my stallion. I leaned against him as we walked back to his cart. He opened the door for me and I climbed into it. I scooted over to the middle, and once he was inside I leaned against his shoulder again. There was things I planned on doing for him, and perhaps to him, but that would be a little later. I giggled as I thought about how lucky we were to end up all together. If we would have ended up at that apartment then there’s a good chance we wouldn’t have been able to see the kind of stallions we were staying with. As we pulled back up to the house I saw a bunch of construction worker pon...people outside. They were working on a whole ‘nother house. We got out and a human mare walked up toward him. I recognized her. She was the one that met Fluttershy and me at the crossover gate.

“Mr. Cooper, Since your home has three demihumans living in it I figured that it wouldn’t be a problem to introduce another. Yuki?”

I watched as another human looking mare walked up to us. She was very pale, her hair was a soft raven color, and I couldn’t help but shake as she neared us. She smiled and stuck out her hand.

“Hello, I’m Yuki Winter.”

She shook the hand of my stallion, and I watched her carefully. She smiled at him and then she reached out to shake my hand. I gave a smile, shook her hand, and I felt a chill colder than past the Crystal Empire as I shook her hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Yuki,” Nick replied.

We walked into the house, and the section that was made for Yuki looked comfortable. I opened the door to it and a blast of cold air brushed past me. I shivered as I closed it.

“Ms. Winter’s room is at a temperature that is the most comfortable for her. Well, I need you to read up on your new roommate, and please, don’t do anything foolish.”

With that she was gone and our new roommate smiled, she looked straight at Nick, and I watched as she leaned over giving him the ability to look down the front of her dress.

“So, does my new roommate have a significant other?”

Instantly I growled at her. This was my stallion. She looked at me, giggled, and then flicked her hair, “Oh, well perhaps not for long then.”

Chapter 4

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Four

I slowly opened my eyes to see my breath forming in the air. Memories of various winters came to mind, but that shouldn’t be right. Yes, it was getting later in the year, but the actual colder part of winter usually held off for November or December. Since there had been so many mild winters I knew that we were certainly scheduled for a hard, and cold, winter. I stretched, trying to loosen up, and I looked to see my windows frosted over. Part of me wondered if maybe I had managed to sleep into winter, but instead a musical giggle caught my attention.

She was barely five feet, if that, and her build was more on the petite side. She was wearing what looked like an oversized tee shirt, a pair of shorts which seemed to be rolled up until they molded to the shape of her ass perfectly, and then she had on a pair of knee high socks that more went up to mid thigh on her. Her raven colored hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she seemed to carry herself with a sense of purpose.

“Good morning,” she stated.

For once I was thankful that I had been tired enough to simply fall asleep in a pair of boxers. I looked beside the bed, grabbed a shirt, which felt like it had frozen solid, and slipped it on. Instantly I was regretting my decision, but with how cold it felt I wasn’t going to take too many chances. She moved toward my bed in a way that practically screamed a predator selecting her prey. Slowly she crawled onto the bed, and I could feel the intense cold radiating off of her. Still, something wasn’t right. Per Ms. Jones suggestion I had began reading over the information about my roommates. With Andrew it was pretty simple. Legends about Zombies had existed for years.

Of course I had learned that he, and several others that escaped with him, had been sacrificed and brought back by a Necromancer years earlier. In truth Andrew was old enough to be my grandfather. His turning had happened sometime back in the sixties, around the time that Kennedy was President, and from what I understood was that after he was turned into a corpse with a soul attached to it. Basically he could learn, adapt, but the core of who was when he died was exactly who he was stuck as. For him it was a young man that was a bit of an asshole. But in truth I liked Andrew for those exact reasons. Sure, he could change to some degree, but for the most part he was always going to be same person he was when I met him.

Still it wasn’t Andrew in my room, and it wasn’t him that was making the entire room feel like it was a blizzard. I looked at Yuki as she neared me, her petite body over my own, and I glanced toward the wall to see that the themortat had been turned down below forty degrees. I looked back at the frosty beauty above me. I shook my head, scooted back, and tried to move toward the edge of the bed only to feel the coldest touch that I’d ever felt in my life. She moved until she was pressed against my back, and I could feel the way her smaller frame pressed against me. I felt panic as my body began to feel numb, and then the door to my room opened.

“Brrrr, it’s cold in here! I wanted to see if y…” the voice of Pinkie started before she obviously noticed what Yuki was trying to do.

“Get off of my stallion!”

(Pinkie Pie’s P.O.V.)

Seeing that stallion stealing snow mare practically made me want to tear that snide look right off of her face. I could see the way my Nicky was shivering and starting to turn blue! I growled and rushed toward her, There was absolutely no way she was going to claim my stallion! I grabbed her off of him only to feel the cold rolling off of her. It felt like I’d tried to give a hug to a Windego, and I wasn’t the kind of pony that’d do that, well, unless the Windego was sorry for being a meanie pants and wanted a party, but Yuki wasn’t interested in any kind of party except for the kind that made two ponies sweaty, and that wasn’t going to happen with my stallion!

I felt her grab my arms, and they felt so cold. I almost dropped her, but instead I held onto her, my eyes looking into hers as I turned and pressed her against the wall. She let out a pained yelp, but I wanted her to realize that she made a mistake. She needed to understand that this was my stallion, and that I wasn’t going to let her come in and try to steal him away. After a moment I felt the room getting warmer, and Yuki seemed weaker. I looked over at Nicky who looked peeved.

I let go of Yuki, and she slid down to the floor. Instead of getting onto her Nicky extended his hand to her. I watched as he helped her up, and then he helped her out of his room. He turned toward me, and the cold that I had felt finally caught up with me. I felt a little numb, like when I had went way past the frozen north looking for the Greatest Gift Givers, but then I felt his hands on my sides. He leaned in, and I felt his forehead touching my own. He was giving all of the signs, everything that a mare needs to know in order to know that a stallion accepted her as his own. I leaned forward and once again I found him sweeter than frosting.

(Nick P.O.V.)

There was so much that was going through my mind. A part of it was wondering if this was something I was okay with doing. I’d went over the Interspecies Bill, and there wasn’t anything against having a relationship with a demihuman as they were calling the girls. The question that came to my mind was what would happen, but I found myself caring far less than I believed I would. Instead I was in the moment, and that was something new. I’d never been someone that simply lived for the moment. Granted, I liked surprises, most of the time, but I tended be the kind of person who liked plans.

But here I was with this mare, lost in the moment, and following what felt right instead of thinking about it. What felt right went from standing there with her, to being in the bed. She slipped out of her shirt, and I couldn’t help but admire her curvy shape. I felt her hands directing my own, and taking that as permission I began to feel the curves that was presented before me. As our makeout session began to move toward something more the sound of the door was ignored, or it was until Pinkie pulled back.

I looked in the direction she had turned and there I saw the other Equestrian. Standing just a bit behind her was Josh. I noticed the slight smirk on Josh’s face, but Fluttershy looked like there was a deep blush on her cheeks. She turned her head.

“Ummm, I was going to ask if you wanted to maybe go get some breakfast…”

Pinkie giggled, and even with the snort I found it endearing. She felt so warm, so alive, so natural, and there was simply so much happiness and joy wrapped up inside of her. That might have been part of what was helping me to live in the moment instead of wanting to plan everything out, but regardless I found myself wanting to be with her. She slowly got off of me, grabbed her top, and pair of jeans I didn’t realize she had took off during our makeout session, and quickly got dressed. I grabbed my shirt from the floor, pulled it on, and got up. Walking toward the closet I grabbed a comfortable pair of jeans, and then I checked the time. I wanted to curse, but I kept myself from doing it.

I was already up, and there was no changing that, but I did have to work today. Specifically I had to go in at one pm and work until ten pm. Good old closing shift for Best Buy. It meant that I could go to breakfast, maybe do a couple of fun things, and then get ready for the next set of rotating shifts. The next nine days were all work days, but at the end of it I did get four days off in a roll. That was more than worth it. I looked at Josh who was obviously thinking the same thing.

“Work today?”

He nodded, “Yeah, it’s not a big deal. I’m just not looking forward to answering questions from someone that could have just read the instructions and not broke whatever it was they bought.”

Fluttershy, who was still trying not to look at Pinkie or I, followed the rest of us out to my old Ford. I opened the passenger door and soon the four of us climbed into it. Josh took the backseat, and near him was the buttery yellow Pegasus. Pinkie took her seat right in the middle, as she had before, and I felt her curly mane as it rested against my shoulder. The drive wasn’t long, but I had a pretty good idea of what would go over for breakfast. The four of us pulled up to a Waffle House, and we stepped out.

Like most of the Waffle Houses out there it looked pretty much the same. The same old yellow sign, the bright yellow interior, the rich red tables, counter, booths, and chairs, and then the smell of syrup and waffles covering everything. We went to a booth and took a seat. Looking across at Josh and Fluttershy I noticed how she was acting toward him. Her hand was lightly lying on his, the two of them had the signs of being a couple, but I didn’t want to press it. If they were then I was more than fine with it. Josh himself was a decent enough fella, and to be honest after that last girlfriend I felt that he needed to find someone a little better.

The waitress walked over, and I could tell that she was another demi human. She looked wolfish in a strange way, but I didn’t want to be rude. Instead she walked near us, her brownish fur covered with her uniform, combed, and with a bright smile she greeted us.

“Welcome to the Waffle House! I’m Suzie! What would you like? Have you tried the bacon? Because it’s the best! Oh and the coffee! You’ve got to have a cup of coffee! It’s the single greatest thing in the world!”

I grinned, “I’d like an Orange juice.”

“Oh, a glass of chocolate milk please!” Pinkie replied with a giggle.

“Ummm, I’ll have a cup of coffee, with some sugar and cream, if you don’t mind,” Fluttershy said.

“Lemonade please,” Josh replied.

“Sounds good! Do you know what kind of waffle you want?”

After a few shrugs Suzie decided to leave a menu with us. I glanced at it, but I noticed that Pinkie Pie was eyeing the peanut butter surprise. After a moment I decided that I’d try the same thing and then we passed the menu over to Fluttershy and Josh. After a few moments Suzie came back and I took a moment to really notice her face. It was humanish, obviously fur covered, her ears were wolfish, and her nose was small and black. She took our order, writing it quickly, and then she made sure that our drinks were to our liking before she left.

“You see that?!”

I looked to see a couple standing in the entrance.

“Yeah, they’ve got a doggirl serving the food, what do you bet she works for scraps?!”

Both of them laughed for a moment before I saw them look toward us, “That ain’t nothin’! Bet those two are a screwin’ those horse girls!”

I stood, “Be respectful.”

The man laughed, “Yeah, sure, horse fucker.”

Before I could get a word out a large man walked out from behind the counter. He easily stood seven foot tall, he was easily made of solid muscle, and he headed straight for the couple laughing.

“Got something to say about my waitress, or customers?”

The guy laughed again, “Yeah, they’re freaks!”

The man pointed his finger, “Get out. I don’t need your business, and you can take your ass right out of here!”

“Hey,” the girl said, “You can’t kick us out! I voted for Hillary!”

The guy growled, “I don’t give a rats ass who you voted for, get your asses out of my restaurant!”

The both of them grumbled, turned around, and then left. The guy turned toward me and gave a smile, “Sorry about that, your breakfast is on the house.”

Chapter 5

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Five

(Fluttershy’s Perspective)

I know a lot of ponies figure me as a nervous filly. I guess that reputation can be justified, given my timid nature. I was never what one would call a brave pony. Still, looking at Josh, being near him, I felt my courage rise. I didn’t know him all that well. Everything about him made me- excited. I don’t know how to properly express it. He just made me feel- elated!

So that’s how I woke up with the stiffest wings I’ve ever had. And I do mean, ever. I may have had some crushes on a few few colts before, yet they never induced this rather embarrassing condition. I would need to get my wings back to normal before I did anything to day. I had hoped to get a little flying in, not far and not that high.

That agent warned me about airplanes and twilight made me promise not to engage in any high altitude stunts. I almost laughed about that; I am not Rainbow Dash. I really avoided flying past a certain altitude and there was enough things in town to see that I wanted to actually investigate. High altitude flight kinda prevented that from happening.

Still, these wingboners are going to be an issue. Why was I dreaming of Josh, kissing me, caressing me, inserting his pride into my folds… Oh, Faust, if I keep going down that avenue, I’ll end up with a permanent wingboner for the day. I would like to avoid that, if at all possible. My wings aren’t all that big, by Pegasi standards, but by human standards, they might seem huge. I don’t think human doors would allow me to walk through them with my wings completely unfurled, let alone stiff like this.

So, I jumped out of bed, stretched a little to relieve a little stiffness in my body, then gathered my toiletries for a shower. A warm shower normally relieved a Pegasus of stiffened wings or at least it does for me. So I slipped into the bathroom- only to confront a fully nude Josh. By Faust, he is even more amazing nude than when clothed!

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, “I was hoping to get my shower on before Pinkie monopolizes it. That girl with all her hair- It’s wonder the shower isn’t drowning in fine, pink hairs.”

“Y-yes,” I replied, “Pinkie’s mane and tail have often been the cause of clogged drains back home in Equestria.”

“I can imagine,” Josh said, “I’m surprised you don’t have the same trouble.”

“Well, my mane and tail are not as poofy,” I explain, “they’re straight and silky, so it helps in grooming. I don’t need to work on it too hard to keep them straight. Now, my friend Rarity-”

“I’ve heard of her,” he said, “her mane must take hours to get just right.”

“Almost feels like days, really,” I add, “oh, do you need a towel?”

“What?” Josh askes then he he looks down to see his stallionhood hanging in the breese, “oh, yeah, I guess I do. You know where those are, right?”

“Oh, yes!” I reply, and root quickly through the built in linen closet and brought out a towel. I felt a bit sad but guilty as he wrapped up his body in the cloth.

“You going out for a while?” Josh asked.

“Oh, yes,” I answered, “I want to get some time in the air. I don’t my wings to get weak while staying here.”

“OK, cool,” Josh said, “well, good luck and have fun.”

“I will,” I said, before he left. I then quickly stripped out of my pajamas, ran the hot water and cold water together and bathed. I- may have touched myself, using the vision of Josh’s flacid penis as a focal point of my mastubatory session. Ah, how naughty of me! But my wingboner did subside, so there’s that.

(Josh’s P.O.V.)

I left the bathroom and I couldn’t help but consider what had just happened. She was cute enough, not quite as thick as her friend, but then I liked her build. Not to mention she seemed a bit more genuine than Jessica had been. The thought of my ex made me grimace. I shook it off. She was gone, and it was more than good riddance. Nick had been right, but he didn’t wave it in my face either. Instead both he and Andrew had been the friends I knew they were and they helped me deal with the fact that Jessica was more interested in my income than anything else.

I walked toward my room, letting my thoughts drift to the buttery yellow Equestrian in the bathroom. I grabbed some clothes that would be suitable for the call center, which really just meant a clean shirt, some decent jeans, and a comfortable set of shoes. It didn’t take long to get dressed, and once I was I considered what I was going to do today. I didn’t go in until twelve thirty, and I’d be getting off at nine thirty. It was a good four hours before I had to go in, and getting a little breakfast would be nice.

I considered the sweet Pegasus that had just gotten an eyeful a few minutes before. Taking her to breakfast would be a nice gesture if nothing else. I finished slipping on my shoes and decided to do just that. I stepped out, just in time to see a duel towel wearing Pegasus as she walked by my room. Smiling I waved toward her, not realizing her towel had decided to get caught on a coat hook that I had on the wall. The towel became taunt, and then it unwrapped revealing the body under it. She wasn’t petite, but instead her body was more of a slender woman. Her breasts were handfuls, a slight stomach was on her, but it fit. Her hips weren’t overly wide, but one of the first things that crossed my mind was that the curtain did match the drapes.

After a moment I closed my eyes and turned my head, “Sorry.”

I heard some moment, and a moment later I opened my eyes to see the towel being wrapped back around her.

“Ummm… It’s okay….”

She moved past me, “Thank you…”

With that she moved toward her room and I considered what I had just seen. She had the sort of natural beauty that could turn heads. I realized that I had forgotten to ask her about going to breakfast, but when I walked to her room I found that she was already dressed and gone. I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe it wouldn’t happen today. Although I could ask Pinkie and Nick. I would ask Andrew, but it was hard to find a place that served what he needed to eat. There was a doughnut place that was ran by an honest to God ghoul. From what Andrew had told him the owner did make a special breakfast for those like Andrew. But then again I wasn’t exactly sure I wanted doughnuts this soon.

Instead I found myself heading to the front door, unsure of the amount of time that had passed, and opened it. As I did I caught a glimpse of the Pegasus Mare that had enthralled me earlier. She made several lazy circles in the sky, staying low enough to not worry about potentially getting near even the lowest flying aircraft, and at the same time she seemed to just enjoying the moment of being in the air.

She swooped down toward me, and I watched as she daintily landed on the pathway to the steps. She looked at me, a bright smile on her face, and in that instant she moved toward me. I had never realized that Karma was actually going to repay me for all that I had done. The moment she swooped in, a broad smile on her muzzle, and she gently nuzzled me. Before I could argue she went to her knees.

This lithe Pegasus knelt before me, her hands reaching up to the blue jeans I was wearing, and before I could say a word I felt her fish out my rod. She leaned forward, Kissing it softly on the head, and then she licked it.

She slightly parted her buttery colored lips and took me into her waiting mouth. It was warm, and her tongue seemed to be able to do things that I couldn't even begin to describe. I heard her moan around my shaft. There was a part of me that wondered what brought this on, but I found myself not really caring for the reason.

[Fluttershy’s P.O.V.]

I walked back to my room, passing Josh as he was exiting his room. Then the towel wrapped around my body caught upon a loose nail and I was left exposed. Now, I may not be Rarity, but I can say without any reservations or chagrin that I am proud of my body. I was a supermodel for all of a month, but I never starved or dieted all that much. Pegasi are naturally lithe but I got the height from my father and my looks from my mother. In school, I was always the tallest filly in class; this lead to some really embarrassing situations that Rainbow Dash helped me sort out.

Even so, as I grew older, I stayed tall, trim, and very flexible. I know that rumors spread about me, and something about being a “legasus” circulated around Ponyville. I never paid much mind until after the Supermodel fiasco. Then I began to pay more heed to those rumors. I found out I was much the object of affection for a great many older colts (and more than a few fillies) around town. With any other mare, this would have beena point of pride, I guess but I just found it made me anxious.

With Josh, though, the way he peered at me, au naturale, you would think I was the only female for several counties! Yet, instead of making me nervous or embarrassed, his leering made me- happy. It felt good to be stared at like that! And it was Josh who was doing the staring! My heart raced a little faster than it was before. (Masturbating in the shower had raised my heart rate some.) Then he turned his head away, telling me he was sorry for peeping like he did.

That made my pulse race even faster! I didn’t think it could go any quicker!! So, I thanked him for that, and rushed to my room. I dried off, changed into some workout clothes, and lit out the door for my flight. I didn’t go very far; I wanted to explore around the house, seeing what there was to see. I found some animals living nearby, which brightened my day. There was a parliament of owls roosting after a long night of hunting. They told me about what I would expect in this neighborhood and they were nice, though sleepy.

They did tell me they were getting chased out of their hunting grounds by some bats that swooped in a few moons ago. They were gobbling more and more territory, limiting what the owls could hunt. I told them I would find out what I could and try to broker a deal. I found the bat colony very quickly; they were cloistered in an abandoned warehouse . They explained that they didn’t know of the parliament. They promised to move their hunting further east, well outside of the owls domain. When I reported back to the parliament, they were ecstatic. Towards the east were plenty of insects that that species of bat could hunt with impunity without interfering with the owls nocturnal hunts.

Leaving both parties satisfied and having a modest flight around the neighborhood, I touched down at the house with Josh standing on the stoop, the door ajar. Nick did explain that the house’s door could stick, especially when it was humid or cold, like this chill December morning. And I smelled him… Oh, the heady ardore of male! I wanted him, I wanted him badly! It was like I was in estrus and I needed to be rutted, inseminated in the worst way.

He stood there, being the kind stallion I knew him to be, so, I decided to give him a- traditional Pegasi greeting. I nuzzled his neck, feeling the warmth of his body, then went to down to my knees, undid the zipper of his jeans, then fished out his manflesh. The heady scent flooded my nostrils as I kissed the head of such an amazing tool. The mushroom capped head was strange to me, and while he was no as long as any stallion I knew, his was girthier, with thick veins coursing the haft up to the head.

I couldn’t wait any longer; I needed to taste my stallion, so I licked the haft as sensously as I could. It was spicy, in a way I could have never predicted, a slight bit salty. I was hooked, instantly! While Twilight may not approve, mating with a strange stallion on an alien world, I had to try it. He couldn’t be any worse than a typical stallion, I assumed. The minute my mouth swallowed his rod and my tongue danced in his veiny member, I was 100% certain I wanted him to rut me.

I should make note that I love the spicy. The spicier it is, the more I like it! Most ponies assume it’s Pinkie whom is into spicy things, but she has a very small limit to what she can sustain. I once challenged to try one of my ghost peppers; the poor dear was gagging after only one bite! I wolfed the rest down, enjoying the way the acid bit into my tongue and danced on my palette. Josh’s stallionhood wasn’t in the same neighborhood as a ghost pepper, but that’s what made it more exciting!

I caressed him in my mouth, suckling him every so often, just to get him hard. And by Faust, did he ever get hard! I don’t think any stallion could get as turgid as Josh did and if they tried, they’d likely faint from blood loss to the brain! I don’t know how the human still stayed upright. Maybe humans are so resilient because their anatomy allows them to take such a loss of blood pressure without fainting. Either way, if he stayed this hard for this long, then rutting him would be an indescribable joy!

After a few minutes, though, he felt like he was ready to pop. I took a hand, placed under his now exposed scrotum, to placed a pair of fingers in a spot where I believed his vans deferns passed. I didn’t want him to blow his load too early…

“Fluttershy, what-?”

I answered his inquiry with a kiss, and when I broke it, he looked stunned but in a happy way.

“Follow me,” I said, “we have a while before Pinkie and Nick are awake. I want you and I want you inside me!’

I grab the collar of his shirt, clearly some kind work uniform, but by the time we reach my room, that and most of clothes have come off. I have no reference for human male clothing, though Twilight briefed us on what the human raiment was. I think her intelligence on that is woefully outmoded. Even so, once most of him was exposed, I threw him on the bed. This must of have been a new experience for him for he looked rather confused by this. Once I started to strip out of my work out clothes, this relieved him of his bemusement. The moment I was back in my- how do the humans put it? “Back in my own skin?” Yes, I think that’s it. The moment I was “back in my own skin,” I pounced.

Lips mashed, bodies pressed together, the heat gradient rose tremendously in spite of the open front door, heartbeats quickened. I didn’t need to reach down to my lower lips to know I was drenched with lubrication. I didn’t take a whole lot of time doing this, so I sat up from our brief makeout session, I gripped his throbbing- manhood, I guess, so I could stroke it.

The human male penis is something else I had no knowledge. This wasn’t a slight on Twilight’s part. Anatomy and human biology weren’t included in the intel package we received before crossing over. Still, the majority of the basic features were there. I didn’t find the lack of a medial ring all that disconcerting. I never did like having those inside me; they always kinda added resistance in the vaginal canal where none is needed. The mushroom capped head was enticing and exotic, to the point where I don’t think I could ever have a stallion again, if my experience with Josh added to what was in my head.

My stroking of his shaft continued for a little while, maybe a full minute at most, then I impaled myself on that pulsating erection. Oh. My. FAUST! While Josh isn’t in the same league as some of the stallions I’ve- sampled before, the fact that he was another species with a altogether different shape of penis made the penetration a joy I’ve never had before! And the way they veins along the shaft twitched while he was hilted inside me? Delightful, as a descriptor, would be an understatement. I quivered and quaked on his shaft, not even moving, it felt so good. I might have even had a small orgasm. No stallion has ever made me cream myself like that before; I think Josh is a keeper!

It may have only been a few moments, but it felt like forever when I finally began to shift and move on Josh’s amazing penis. Each downward thrust was a shock of pleasure unsurpassed by any male I’ve ever mated with. Each withdrawal, a promise of even greater heights of arousal and joy! I never knew what I wanted out of sex before now, but now that I have discovered it, I’m bound to not relinquish it! As that epiphany, the crest I was riding rose to a mind blowing orgasm!!

I think Josh might have been of the mind that this wasn’t happening, but by the time of my second ecstasy, he began to thrust upward into me. We met each other halfway and the feeling was electric! I saw his face well up in enthusiasm as we mated, my sopping core wrapping around and squeezing his hardened shaft. We continued at a steady pace, Josh focusing his hands on my body as I rode crest after crest of ecstasy.

Then I received a shock when Josh started tweaking my nipples. Sure, some of the stallions I bedded before would fondle my teats, but they didn’t experiment with my nipples. Josh’s nimble fingers squeezed and rolled those protrusions, sending jolts of electricity from my teats to my core. The sensation was new, wildly exotic, and I craved more! That’s when Josh shifted on the bed, raising his torso enough to latch his lips around my areola, his tongue swirling and flicking my nipples. I climaxed hard when he started doing that!

Soon, we were writhing and rolling around on the bed, panting and groaning in sync with each other. I could feel Josh’s pride swelling within my core, his release pending. I didn’t know how long we had been at rutting each other silly, but I knew it couldn’t last forever. Eventually, Josh has me pinned to the bed, his weight pressing my into the mattress and he just hammering away at me! A lot of stallions back home prefer to rut in the more- traditional way, but this method, with lovers facing each other? I think I prefer this more! It is sensual and exotic in ways indescribable. With Josh over me, his manhood slamming into my plot, his weight atop of me in a manner that is both loving and possessive, it filled me with an intense desire. If it were possible, I would carry his foals, even though I’m not sure that could happen.

Speaking of being filled, this was the exact moment that I felt him twitch inside me. He rammed me one last time, grunted loudly, and then I felt the expulsion of his seed into my core. It was like a volcano erupting, super magma rushing all to one place, filling in the cavern that is my womb. And when my uterus was filled to bursting, his overflowing seed seeped out, filling my core with his desire. The sensation was so intense, that it drove me to not just another climax, but to mind numbing euphoria of epic proportions.

We spent several minutes, laying together, Josh’s erection pumping one hot glob of his essence after another into my already sopping core, sharing breath, body heat, and emotion. In spite of his newfound exhaustion, Josh wore a content smile on his face. I was worn, too, but my canal was still squeezing, neigh, milking his pride of its payload. We were sweaty, tired, and in desperate need of another shower. Still, this was the most rewarding moment of my life thus far and I wouldn’t trade it for nothing. I’m sure Josh felt the same, when he nuzzled me.

“I think I need another shower,” he said.

“Can I join you?”

He looked lost in thought for a moment, then said, “Maybe next time. When I have more time to devote to- more erotic activities.”

I giggled, then we separated. His essence was spilling out of me, but nowhere near as badly as when a stallion blew his load. I think I can really get used to human mating; I don’t have to worry as much over cleaning myself. I still had to, but I not as much as the soupy mess most stallions issue.

“That was fun, though,” I said, “when do you do that again?”

“Tomorrow,” Josh said, “I have to work today and I’ll be gone most of the day. I’ll be lucky if i can get lunch today.”

“Okay,” I replied, “then I’ll hold you to that.”

“Good, I look forward to it,” Josh said with a smile, “damn, is it that late already? We should wake up Nick and Pinkie, if they aren’t up already.”

“Let me get dressed and I’ll join you.”

(Josh’s P.O.V.)

The shower took precious little time. A part of me wondered about what had happened. Of course as I got dressed I couldn’t help the thought that came to my mind.

Boldly going where no man has gone before, I thought as I dressed. I heard the sound of the shower going again, but to my surprise it didn’t last that long. I finished getting dressed in what was going to be my normal call center approved clothing options. In my case it was a clean solid color t-shirt, pair of jeans, a decent pair of shoes, and then grabbing my badge which found its way into my pocket. I walked out to find Fluttershy stepping into the hall as well. She smiled at me before we headed toward Nick’s room.

I opened the door and I noticed that Pinkie was sitting on his lap, her top was off, and it looked like he was going to have some fun. I looked toward Fluttershy who seemed to have a bit of a blush on her cheeks. She grinned, shook her head, and then Pinkie looked toward us.

“Ummm, I was going to ask if you wanted to maybe go get some breakfast…” Fluttershy said.

Chapter 6

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Six

(Nick’s P.O.V.)

An entire month passed by far faster than I thought possible, and in that time I’d managed to stop a couple of potential arguments. I’ve never really expected to be the point of any argument, and honestly I didn’t want to be the cause of any. Still, it seemed that Pinkie and Yuki seemed to argue nearly daily, and part of me hoped that their arguments really was over something a bit more trivial. As it was the crisp cold air was more pronounced. Looking around anyone could easily see the Christmas lights hanging up.

Pinkie and Fluttershy seemed to get into the festive mood of the season fairly easily. Both of them explained their own version of Christmas called Hearth’s Warming, and of course they went on to explain what it meant to all of them. Andrew, who walked into the room a few minutes later, chimed in about how Christmas had pretty much remained the same the entire time he’d witnessed it. The biggest difference being that there was far more people now trying change things because they didn’t have anything else to do.

Yuki walked in shortly after, and she stretched wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes and a tank top. She gave me a smile, flicked her hair and smiled at Pinkie, and then walked past us.

“This weather is so wonderful. I can go outside for long periods of time, and it’s nice to be able to walk around without worry about getting too warm.”

In truth just looking at her made me feel cold. The blast of cold air that came in with her only seemed to enhance the feeling. Thankfully Josh got up and quickly closed the door. Yuki stretched, and I couldn’t help but think that she was trying to show off what she had as she did it. She then gave a smile, “Thank you for not having the heat all of the way up.”

I gave her a nod, “Of course, we want you to feel welcomed to use the common rooms of the house just as anyone else. And of course you’re more than welcome to be out here and enjoy our company as well.”

She moved toward the couch that Pinkie and I were sharing. She took a seat, near Pinkie, and seemed to get comfortable. I couldn’t help but notice how everyone around her seemed to shiver a little. Yuki stretched, and when she did I could practically see my own breath. Granted, it was cold outside, but it shouldn’t be that cold inside. She opened her eyes, and as she looked around her smile faded.

“Oh, I can go back to my…”

Andrew shook his head. I watched as he stood, “No reason for you to disappear. You’re here as one of us, and that means being able to use the common area. I’m sure if everyone else wants to be out here we can do our little parts to be warmer.”

She gave him a grateful smile.

“Thank you,” she replied.

I nodded toward him, and then I saw how Pinkie was trying to be polite, but it was obvious to anyone that she was cold. I neared her, cold myself, and took a seat on the other side of her. As I did I wrapped my arm around her and that let her lean into me getting some of my body heat. At first I wasn’t sure how the conversation was going to go, but thankfully Yuki decided to get the ball rolling.

“So, I understand that there’s an Ice Skating rink around here?”

I could see the way Pinkie was smiling, “Is there?”

I nodded, “Yeah, actually it’s back up at the mall. They should have it open right now.”

She gave a large grin, “That’d be fun, I love to ice skate.”

I could see the grin that Yuki gave her, “Thanks nice, although I believe that I could easily skate rings around you. After all the ice and snow are practically part of me.”

“Really? Because I’m the best Ice skater in all of Ponyville.”

I started to say something before I felt the couch shift as Yuki obviously moved, “Really? Would you be willing to place a little wager on it?”

I wanted to groan. Wagers almost never were a good thing.

Pinkie Pie’s POV

I smiled at her, “Of course I wouldn’t mind to.”

Little miss meanie didn’t realise who she was messing with. I was the best skater in all of Ponyville for a reason, and I knew that I could skate circles around her.

“Fine, so how does the winner get to have an hour completely alone with Nicky?”

My eyes studied her for a moment. I knew that I could win, but I didn’t want her to try to use any of those icy witchy powers of hers. That would be unfair, but I didn’t want her to think that I was scared either. I stuck out my hand and nodded, “Sounds good to me,” I smiled, “Just be ready to give me some space with my stallion.”

I felt Nick move a little, “Girls, I’m not a prize…”

Chapter 7

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Seven

(Nick’s P.O.V.)

I felt the warmth of the body beside me, which was nice considering I had fallen through the ice. It was supposed to be a simple trip to the skating rink. Some ice skating, explaining that I’m not a prize, and of course just relaxing beyond that. The plan changed the moment we walked outside. There were more than a dozen roller rinks in the area, and I knew that there were a couple of ice skating rinks as well. Instead of going to a place like that we ended up a large park with a huge pond on it. The entire thing was covered in ice, and I was worried that it could be a little thin.

After expressing that Yuki walked toward the pond, touched it, and shen smiled, “Nope, the ice is nice and thick.”

With that she walked back to the truck, got her ice skates, and soon Pinkie Pie was joining her. I looked back at everyone else that came, and I realized that they had the good sense not to be going out to an iced over pond. Unfortunately I wasn’t so lucky. I laced up my skates, stepped out onto the ice, and instantly I regretted it. It had been an exceptionally long time since I’d skated, and even then I wasn’t a strong skater. I took a breath, looked up, and I could see both Yuki and Pinkie doing circles around me. Pinkie was jumping and landing with ease, she twirled on the ice almost as if it was as easy to her as walking, and Yuki seemed to be doing just as well. I managed to not fall on my ass.

That was a huge step in the right direction in and of itself. I moved toward the girls, watching them, and then I noticed that their skating was no longer just showing off. The two of them were beginning to cut deep grooves in the ice itself. I stopped as I felt the section I was on flex a little.

“Ummm, girls?”

Yuki landed with a flourish, and in doing so caused the lines cut into the pond to begin to crack. I scampered back in a desperate hope that I could escape, but instead I watched as the section I was on tipped up and I slid down. My eyes widened as I went under, and to my surprise and fear, the section righted leaving me under the sheet of ice. I pounded on the section, some part of me realizing that it was pointless.

I’d heard of dozens of stories with this happening in it. Out of all of those stories there were maybe two that had happy endings. Still, I hit the section of ice, pounding against it, trying desperately to get past it, and I found it just as stuck as it had been. My lungs burned, and my vision began to get blurry on the edges. How long had I been down here? A few seconds, a couple of minutes? How long could the brain go without oxygen… Somewhere a distant memory spoke up saying seven minutes. I needed to breathe, but there was no air trapped down here. I felt the coldness of the pond caress me to my very core, and my determined pounding against the ice became meager scratching. Somewhere I felt something cold touch me. Turning I saw a sad face, a girl’s face to be sure, but sad. She hugged me.

For some reason I felt peace. Darkness began to overtake me, and I took some solace in that I wasn’t alone.

(Pinkie’s P.O.V.)

I smiled as I finished what I was doing. I was the best at scoring the ice, and I was pony enough to admit that Yuki was pretty good, but she hadn’t seen all that I could do. I looked around to smile at Nicky, but he wasn’t there. I moved toward where he had been and I noticed the ice was all wibbly wobbly, kinda like how that nice Pony that owned the weird blue box in Ponyville said time was like… Anyway I couldn’t see him, but I heard something, and I looked down. My eyes widened as I watched Nicky sink into the pond.

“Told ya that I was better at… Where’s Nick?” Yuki asked.

I shook my head, tears going down my muzzle. Nicky was sweeter than frosting, and I was being such a party pooper trying to prove that I was better than Yuki… I slammed my fist against the ice and I felt it give way. I did it again and my hand went through. I began to go into the water, but Yuki stopped me.

“Let me, you might freeze, I won’t have that problem, just keep the hole open.”

With that she dove into the water, and I watched for a few seconds. After a bit I saw Nicky come up and I grabbed him, pulling him out of the water. I helped Yuki up as well, and both of us took him off of the pond. I couldn’t feel him breathing, and I began to do what Dr. Horse had taught several of us. After a few moments he began to cough up water. I looked at Yuki and she looked exactly how I felt. I glanced over at Fluttershy and Josh, seeing them rush over with a blanket, and together we got Nicky to his truck.

Josh got the keys to it from Nicky’s pocket and I just pulled Nicky against me as I held him in the back seat. I’d never been scared like that before, and now that I had I didn’t want to be scared like that again. I held onto him as we left the park. I could hear something outside hitting the truck. Looking up I saw something off. I could see through her, it was as if she wasn’t there, but regardless I could see a girl, and she was trying to get into the truck and trying to get to Nicky. I held him tight as the truck took off, and I closed my eyes.

I begged him to be okay, I kissed his forehead, held onto him, and I hoped that every single moment I had with him wouldn’t be the last. I had expected us to head to the house where we all lived, but instead we ended up at the hospital. We went inside, and I saw the nurse that was working look up at us, groan, and then prepare a clipboard with what looked like several pages. Josh took the pages, and we all sat down. He began filling them, and then I saw him talking to Nicky. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I kept holding onto him, trying to keep him warm.

Saint Francis Hospital

Emergency Room

Nick’s P.O.V.

I shivered as Josh asked me about my insurance. I fumbled in my pocket for my wallet, grabbed it, and when I pulled it out I couldn’t hang onto it. Yuki picked it up for me, and she handed it to Josh. Josh dug around in it for a moment, and then he smiled as he handed the wallet back to me. I dropped it again, but this time Pinkie picked it up, and I felt her hand slide into my pocket with my wallet.

The way she was warming me up felt wonderful. I knew that it had to be cold for her, and most likely I had ended up soaking her sweater through, but she didn’t seem to care. I looked up again and I could see that girl’s face from under the pond. She looked sad, but she was also moving her mouth, trying to say something to me. I felt her press her hand against my forehead, and a soft chill went through me. When it did I heard her voice.

“Why didn’t you want to stay with me?”

I looked at her, “I couldn't, I would have drowned.”

She just continued to look at me, the sad expression never leaving her face. I felt Pinkie next to me, and she seemed to grip me tighter. And then I heard her whisper, just barely loud enough that I could hear her voice right next to me.

“He’s my stallion, not yours.”

I wanted to ask her if she saw the girl too, but soon we were heading into the back. Within minutes I was being seen by the nurse, sent to a room, and then I was being treated for severe hypothermia. I lay there, seeing the girl that was under the pond, and as everyone but Pinkie and Yuki left I could see her becoming more solid. I could still see through her, but I saw Yuki looking at her in what appeared to be amazement and a little fear.

“You should have stayed,” she said. Her voice sounded like a whisper on the wind, but I could hear it perfectly. Pinkie however moved over me, I felt her warm radiating onto me.

“He’s my stallion, not your’s!”

The girl looked at her, “He should be mine, he came to me, where I stayed,” she said.

The doctor came in, looked at what was in front of him, and shook his head, “Call the Interspecies Coordinator, we have another one,” he said.

The girl stood there, watching us, and after about fifteen minutes Jana stepped into the room. She looked tired, and when she saw the girl she sighed. She stepped forward with what looked like an old sheet of paper. It looked odd, but when she touched it to the girl the girl gave out a scream, fell, and suddenly she was far more solid than she had been.

“What did you do?” she asked.

“Name?” Jana asked.

“T...the floor! I can feel the floor!”

“Seriously, name,” Jana said again.

“Pamela Smith, I can feel the floor!” Pamela said.

Jana rolled her eyes, “Good for you Pamela, now, what year is it?” she asked.

“Ummm, 1978, right?”

Jana shook her head, “Okay, it’s actually 2019. What was the last thing you remember, besides finding our friend here?”

Pamela looked at her, “I was with my boyfriend Rick. He got mad that I had sucked off Jimmy. I mean I can understand why, but Jimmy had a killer Trans Am. It was just like the one that Burt Reynolds drove in Smokey and the Bandit. We… we got into a fight, and we were near the fishing pond. He… Oh God, Rick hurt me…” she began to cry, “he… stripped me, and then he… I remember he took me out in the boat…”

I watched as tears ran down her face, “Why are you making me remember this?”

Jana looked at her, and I could see the compassion in her eyes, “Do you remember Rick’s last name?”

She nodded, “Kingfisher,” she said, “I’m dead aren’t I?”

Jana nodded, “You are, and you are a class five intelligent haunting. It means that the Innerspecies bill does affect you. You have rights, and one of them is to face your murder, if he is still alive, and ensure that he faces the justice he deserves. We will ensure that he is arrested if he is alive,” she said, “for now you should be able to wear clothes, walk around, and exist outside of your resting place.”

She looked at Jana for a moment, “Wha.. what does that mean?” she asked as she touched her hand.

Jana smiled at her, “The paper I touched you with is a spell created by a necromancer for us. It basically allows you to take a more physical body. You can’t die, because you’ve already died, but your body can take damage. It’s made of a sort of ectoplasmic material, and for all rights and purposes it is pretty much the same as a human body.”

She looked confused, “Basically, for as long as you want you can live with the ability to touch, feel, eat, sleep, and almost everything else a human can do.”

She looked ecstatic, “but where am I going to live?” she asked, “I mean I was living in the dorms at Northeastern State University down in Tahlequah, but if it’s been that long…”

Jana looked at me, “Well, I suppose for the time being we can temporarily put you into Mr. Cooper’s home. His place is already designed for Demihumans.”

“Umm, What?!” Yuki and Pinkie both asked.

Chapter 8

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Eight

Yuki’s P.O.V.

There’s not fair, and then there is really not fair! I kinda get along with both Pinkie and Fluttershy. With Fluttershy she’s already marked and claimed her husband. That’s fine, I respect the boundary that she’s made, and I won’t cross it. Besides, the eyes that he makes toward her, yeah, I’m pretty sure that I could strip naked, bend over, spread my cheeks apart, and say that I love anal to absolutely no response that would end with me claiming him as a husband. Nick on the other hand isn’t attached. Oh, he’s certainly close to Pinkie Pie, but from what I can tell neither of them have claimed the other.

She’s claiming him in word, but not deed. Until I find out that she’s ridden him, taken his seed, and mated for life with him, he’s open game. I think she understands this, and so a little friendly competition is in order. But this new girl, Pamela, she’s already clingy. The fact that she’s not really alive doesn’t help either. I hope that she gets interested in the zombie. Maybe if that happened then things would just work out, but I have my doubts. She wants to be close to Nick, and she says that he belonged with her.

I really wanted to smack her, and let her know that no, Nick isn’t hers, that was an accident, and she needed to leave off of him. Still, from what I’d seen Pinkie has been just as determined as I am in establishing her claim on him. With any luck she’ll just decide it’s not worth it. I slowly let my mind drift off from our new roommate and instead I allowed myself to feel better about being in our home. I wanted to go to Nick’s room, but since we’ve been home he’s needed to have the heat up in there. I didn’t want him to feel worse, so that meant sticking to my room and the living room.

I decided on the living room, and began searching for something on Netflix. After a moment I gave up, sat the Roku controller down, and just relaxed. I watched as Josh walked in with Fluttershy, both followed by Pamela, and the group of them sat down. Pamela was admiring the TV, and I watched as she walked up to it and looked at it.

“It’s so thin!”

Josh smiled, “Yeah, it’s kind of common place now, but I can see how it would be impressive. I mean, back in the seventies TVs were pretty large, right?”

She nodded, “Yeah, my parents had one that was a record player, Television, and eight-track tape player all in one. It must have weighed like four hundred pounds. This thing doesn’t feel near as heavy.”

Josh looked at the Roku controller on the coffee table, and he looked at me. I shrugged, and motioned toward it. He took it, searched the Netflix account for a moment, and then his eyes lit up. I watched as he queued up Neon Genesis Evangelion. A moment later the sound of its intro music filled the room. I watched Pamela as she sat in awe at the screen. I’d watched it before, well some of it, but that was because it was over twenty years old. I had to stop and realize that she had never seen it, and it was likely she had missed out on a ton of other things as well.

If it wasn’t that it was so likely that she was going to try and steal Nick away I would have felt sorry for her. No, that wasn’t the truth. I did feel sorry for her. She had her life cut short, and she had missed out on so much. It wasn’t fair, and it wasn’t right. But at the same time that didn’t mean that I was going to just roll over and let her try and claim Nick for her own.

Living Room Pamela’s P.O.V.

The picture was so clear! It was a thousand times better than any TV I had ever seen before. It was clear, the sound was amazing, and I couldn’t help but stare dumbly at it. Daddy had called the TV the idiot box. I guess that maybe he was right. Because I was staring at it like an idiot. I looked toward the little Oriental, or is Asian, girl sitting on the love seat. From what I had seen before she wasn’t really talkative, but then I guess that’s because she thinks that I’m moving in on her territory.

I shrugged my shoulders. I could guess why she gave me the cold shoulder. The fella in the bed, Nick, seemed to have two different girls interested in him. That’s fine. He came to me, but I’ve begun to understand that it was an accident. Sure, I’d like to get to know him better, but I could see that he had a lot on his plate already. Instead I figured that it would be best to hang back. Besides, he’d be free game when he passes, and I’ll still be here.

Nick’s Bedroom

Pinkie’s P.O.V.

I snuggled against Nicky as he lay in the bed. The hospital had sent him home after they got his temperature regulated. I wanted to make sure that he stayed toasty warm, so I laid right beside him. The fact that I chose to do so with no clothes on, pressed against his also nude body was beside the point. I giggled, I wanted to be with him, and I wanted him to pop my pinata, I wanted him to stuff my party cannon, and put cream in my pie, but more than any of that I wanted him to be happy and healthy. I kissed him, feeling his arms around me, and I felt his lips touch my own. His arms wrapped around me, his hands on my lower back, and then I felt him pull back.

He gave me a smile, and yawned. I smiled back at him, and then he leaned closer. He was sleepy, and so I let him begin to drift off to sleep when I heard the faintest whisper come from him, “I love you Pinkie.”

“Nicky? What did you say?”

I was answered by his breathing. Seeing him asleep I kissed him again, “I love you too,” I said before I felt a hand move down slightly and grab my bubblegum rump where my cutiemark was.

He squeezed it, and I couldn’t help but feel excited about the promise behind that action. I felt his other hand still resting on my lower back, but it seemed restless. I giggled as it finally joined his other hand on the other side of my rump. He squeezed it, and then I saw his eyes barely open. I couldn’t help it. I kissed his neck, and then I continued to kiss down him until I found the prize I had wanted. I wanted him to feel better, and I wanted to be with him, and this was a special kind of naked party that could be just for the two of us.

I kissed the tip of his cock, and then I began to suckle at it. It didn’t taste like a popsicle, but I planned on treating it like one! After a moment I sucked it into my mouth, and I felt his hands on the back of my head. I wish that I could say that I had experience in doing this kind of thing. I know there’s more than a few ponies back home that think that since I’m a party pony that I must host all kinds of parties.

And they wouldn’t be wrong. I do host pretty much any kind of party that a pony could want. But when it comes to sexy, kinky, knocking hooves parties… Nope, I’m not your party pony. But this time, that’s exactly what I was. I was that kind of party pony for Nick. I felt his hands resting on my head, but not pushing me further down. I could feel his hands making fists in my mane, and then I felt his hips meeting me as I bobbed my head down.

I wasn’t sure, but I believed he was close, and I wanted him inside of me. I pulled up, moved, and straddled him. I felt him at the entrance, and then I slowly began to lower myself down on him. In that instance my Pinata had been officially popped! I felt his hands move up to my teats, squeezing them, pinching the nipples, and I let out a soft moan as I felt him fill me with foal batter.

Nick’s bedroom

Nick’s P.O.V.

There was a sort of hazy film on everything, everything except for Pinkie. I could see and feel her so well. I told her that I loved her. I did, I do, but did I really want to tell her? I wasn’t sure. Then we made out, she sucked me off, and things just kept getting better. There’s a part of me that believes this is a dream. That it was an incredibly erotic, intense, and very lucid dream, but at the same time I knew it wasn’t.

I understood that I had just started a sexual relationship with a girl that wasn’t even a native of this dimension let alone a member of my species. Oddly enough, I didn’t have a problem with it. It felt like I should have done this earlier, that this was right. I felt like we belonged together. Granted, I was tired, but at the same time I saw nothing but love and warmth in the mare I was with.

She rode me until I moved to turn us over, and then in the sweetest display I had ever seen she let me take complete control. Tired that I might be I wanted this to be something we both remembered. I touched, kissed, and fondled her. I felt her legs tighten, and then I heard her moan as she gushed onto my sheets. I couldn’t contain myself and I came into her. She let out a throaty moan, one that I was sure the entire house heard, and then she looked at me.

What I saw was lust and love. What I experienced was a woman that had just experienced an orgasm and decided that she wanted more. In a precious few minutes she had me ready to go again, and once more I was buried inside of her. She was a pleasurable furnace that demanded my attention, and I was only too happy to give it to her. I took my time and that night I found out exactly what it meant to both fuck like animals and to make love. The few relationships I had before had been nice. The girls that I dated did like to mess around, but none of them were as sensual, driven, or loving as the woman I was with. After nearly three hours the two of us on the bed, my cock deflating inside of her ass.

I felt her hug against me, and I kissed her. What we did was beyond expectation. At the same time it made me realize that I was officially spoken for at this point. That realization didn’t scare me. Instead I accepted it with open arms.

“You’re my stallion,” she said sleepily.

I laughed, kissing her again, “Yeah, but that means that you’re my woman.”

She looked into my eyes, “I’m okay with that,” she said, “I’m happy that you choose me.”

I hugged her, “I am too.”

Chapter 9

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Nine

Pinkie’s P.O.V.

I felt my stallion behind me, and the world felt right. I couldn’t help but feel happy over what had happened last night. My thoughts drifted toward what had happened, and I couldn’t contain myself. I felt a giggle tremble through me, and I felt him holding onto me. I wondered if this was something that would need to write into a journal, but then again after how the whole everypony reads the Friendship Journal thing and got so caught up on how we were presented… Yeah, maybe I wouldn’t want to write that down. But I let my mind drift into what happened.

Ten hours earlier

He was sweeter than frosting. The moment I felt him inside of me I realized what it was that my mom had meant about finding the one. It had started with a touch, a soft gentle touch, and then it evolved until I was up on top of him. I felt the way his shaft entered me. I loved the way it made me moan and want to feel even more. My hips began to thrust down, and I felt his hands back on my cutie marks, pulling me down with each thrust, and his own hips matching mine. I didn’t just want him, but I needed him. I needed to do this, to feel connected, and besides this was the first ever I’m glad that you’re okay and now we’re gonna rut like rabbits party that I’d ever thrown.

I wasn’t going to plan on throwing one for anypony, or person, else. Each thrust felt more and more like the greatest gift ever. I felt him shift, and then suddenly he was on top of me. He grabbed my legs, pinning them up on his shoulders, and then his hands found my teats. I could feel him playing with them, and I giggled because I had remarked that they were kind of shaped like balloons, and he was playing with my balloons. Time seemed different, almost as if everything was happening at the moment, and as the night continued I found myself on my hands and knees.

I felt my tail as he held it, the pressure of him pushing something into my tailhole, and then I felt it as it popped inside. It felt odd, different, but surprisingly good at the same time. He was gentle, and each time I jumped forward, because it hurt a little, he stopped. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I felt him bottom out inside of me. He began to lightly thrust, and then it turned to him thrusting hard into me. I felt hands hands on my cutiemarks, each time he thrust forward he pulled me back, and after several minutes the two of us found ourselves on our sides. I felt as he came into me, for the third time this night, and I felt myself go again as well.

Present time

I grinned, although my dock was sore. It was likely that it was going to be sore for a good long while. I felt his body beside my own, and I realized that we were going to have to wash the bedding on his bed. I tried to move, but part of my fur was sticking to the sheet. It wasn’t going to be pleasant when I got up. I felt Nicky move, and then I felt a kiss on the back of my neck.

“Guess we should take a shower, huh?”

I giggled, “Yeah, it’d be a really good idea, because I bet we’re gonna smell a little.”

He hugged me, and then I felt him getting up. I felt my coat being pulled, and I got up with him. It didn’t matter that I didn’t want it to happen I felt fur being pulled out as we separated. He grabbed the top sheet from the floor, wrapped it around us, and we both walked to the bathroom. I saw Yuki, and she shook her head. I still felt good, really good, but I didn’t want Yuki to feel bad. Sure, I wanted Nicky to myself, and I really didn’t want to share. After all, mom and dad, Mr and Mrs Cake, and tons of other ponies that I knew had just one special somepony.

I really didn’t want to herd. I’ve heard of ponies starting to do it again, but I don’t really see myself wanting to share my stallion. Maybe what I could do is help her meet a nice stallion, somepony that would like her, and that she could take home to meet her parents. Oh, I could have a party to introduce her to some eligible stallions! That would work!

We got into the bathroom, and I looked at the shower. It was a nice tub, long and wide, and I was certain that we would both fit. The moment we got into it I saw him reaching for the three in one body wash that I had been using. I had smelled his, and I liked the smell of it. I wasn’t sure what Old Navy was, but this kind of it smelled like peppermint and soap, and that smelled really nice, although it tasted awful. I mean how could I not taste it? It smelled like peppermint!

He turned the water on, and he surprised me by taking the cold water first. I saw him shiver a little, and I wanted to hold him, but then he adjusted the temperature of the water. The warm water splashed on us, and he moved around, letting me get in front of him. And then I felt his hands as he began to apply the soap to a few of what I found was his favorite places on me.

Bathroom - Shower - Nick’s P.O.V.

I still wasn’t a hundred percent sure about if I was officially married to Pinkie or not, but I found that I really didn’t care. I had just had the most intense night with a girl that I actually felt really close to. No, fuck it, I had an intense night with a girl that I was in love with. She was curvy, sexy, funny, fun to be around, random as hell, and could do stuff that should be impossible, but somehow it just worked for her.

In several ways she was like a living cartoon character, but that didn’t make me love her any less. In truth I was finding that I loved her insanity. I loved being part of it. I loved every part of her, and I was hopelessly falling deeper in love with her. I began to run the body wash on her, working it into a lather, and I could feel the way her fur seemed to be absorbing it. Her infectious giggle made me smile I paid extra attention to some of my favorite spots on her. Cleaning her seemed to take far too short of a time, but soon she was rinsing off the excess body wash.

She traded places with me and I felt her doing for me what I had done for her. Although she did begin to squeeze and grope me just right. I felt myself getting hard again, and she got down on her knees. I was officially the luckiest man in the existence of the entire world. I could feel the way she was caressing every single inch of my member with her tongue, how she seemed to focus on what she was doing, and then I felt the first pulse of an oncoming orgasm. I tried to let her know, but her answer was to go faster.

I came hard, and she looked up at me. I saw her bat her eyes coyishly, and then she stood. She looked at me with nothing but love and lust, and I returned the feeling. It had meant to be a time to get clean, but I was glad that it changed. We went into another round of love making in the shower right up until the water went cold. At that point we quickly finished, laughing, hugging, and I felt a connection with her I had never felt before.

We made it back to my room, got dressed, and I looked at the time. Because of the accident at the pond I had been given a couple of extra days off at Best Buy. And that meant that I had another day with Pinkie. The first thought I had was of the two of us doing this all day tomorrow. Somehow I doubted that she would argue with it. I was about to ask what she thought when the door opened.

“Hey guys, I just checked the fridge and we need to go grocery shopping,” Josh said.

We grinned, “Okay, well, I just got dressed. We can take my truck, get some groceries, and dude, does Andrew need us to stop at the butcher shop and pick up some food for him?”

Josh shrugged his shoulders, “I’ll ask him.”

I nodded, took Pinkie’s hand, and together we walked out of the room. I saw Andrew standing near Pamela. The two of them seemed to be hitting it off, and that was actually good. For the most part the two of them had some in common. Both of them weren’t exactly alive, and I was sure that Pamela would enjoy hearing some of Andrew’s life experiences both before and after he became a zombie. Andrew looked toward me, smiled, and the shook his head.

“So, you two finally decided to do it huh?”

I looked at him, “I’m not one to kiss and tell.”

He laughed, “You don’t have to be. She’s a screamer. Plus her basically calling out for you to put it in her tailhole, which I guess means ass, kind of let all of us know what was going on. I’m pretty sure our next door neighbors heard as well.”

I looked at Pinkie, and I would have never guessed that the ability to blush could be seen through her fur, but there it was. I didn’t make her let go of my hand, but I did move to hug her, and I felt her return it.

“Andrew, bud, that’s kind of being a dick,” I said.

He laughed, “I know, but you know me. I’m always going to be a dick. However, I’m the dick that’s your friend, and I will go to bat for the both of you. I don’t care if you’re fucking like rabbits. It’s all good with me.”

With that he looked at Josh and nodded. The four of us walked out, and before we could get into the truck I saw both Andrew and Pamela come out. The two of them walked toward us, and Andrew was looking at the two of us.

“Pam here hasn’t seen what BA is really like now. Other than the hospital, and then here. She said that she noticed something when she followed you guys to the hospital, but I figured this would be a good chance for her to see a little more, and honestly I should be the guy that talks to Ron at the Butcher Shop.”

I smiled, opened the doors, and both he and Pam got into the back seat with Josh. Fluttershy took the front next to Pinkie, and together we closed the doors to the old truck. I started it up, after cranking it for a moment, and before we could leave I saw Yuki running out. She neared the side that Fluttershy was sitting on and looked at us. Fluttershy opened the door, and the young Snow Woman grinned.

“Umm, do you mind if I come along too?”

I considered it. To be honest we were at maximum capacity, but then I didn’t want to make her feel left out. I nodded, and Fluttershy scooted over a little and let her get in on the side. Thankfully since she was so small the door wasn’t too hard to close. Of course since she was with us it did mean that I couldn’t crank on the heat too much. We headed out and I considered where we should go shopping. Typically the place we went to was a ten percent over cost place. I considered going to something a bit more expensive, but at the same time the place we normally went to was pretty quiet.

I saw the place coming up, and I turned into the parking lot. We got out and the seven of us walked toward the front. The automatic doors opened, and I saw Pamela smile as she walked in front of them and they parted. She jumped back, letting them close, and then she stepped forward again for them to open. She walked in confidently with all of us, and together we walked toward the shopping cart.

The sound of an odd song filled the air as I heard Diggy Diggy Hole playing over the speaker system for the store. I had expected to hear a normal station, but it seemed that instead we were being treated to either someone’s Spotify account, youtube playlist, or one of the various cloud players out there. To my surprise Pinkie Pie picked up on the song pretty quickly. Although she did change the part about being a dwarf man to pony mare, but regardless it was amazing to hear her singing it with ease.

Oddly it spread to Fluttershy, and then I began to feel like singing the song. I’d heard it a couple of times online, and I didn’t really know it, but before long I was singing along as if I had practiced the song perfectly dozens of times. Everyone else in our group, and several of the people around us, began to sing as well. It wasn’t until the song ended that I considered how weird that was.

Pinkie was smiling and laughing as we walked, “Wowie that song reminded me so much of my family living out on the Pie Family Rock Farm.”

I looked at her, “A rock farm?”

She nodded, “Uh huh!”

I scratched my head as I pushed the cart, heading toward the bread isle, “Like a quarry or something?”

She shook her head, “Nope, I mean we do have a mine, but we farm rocks. Well, that’s not exactly right. My family actually harvests gems and jewels that grow in the rocks back home. We just moved the rocks around because some places were better at producing jems than the others were,” she giggled, “And the Mine was just full of them, so really I’m not sure why we bothered with the rocks anyway.”

I shook my head, “Well, that’s new. I guess that I wouldn’t mind to see it.”

She beamed and leaned against me, “Oh, maybe we can take a vacation over there, and I can introduce you to my parents!”

I grinned, “Yeah, that’d be okay.”

In truth I wasn’t sure I really wanted to meet them. After all we had pretty much been getting pretty intimate, and I wasn’t sure how her family might take to that. We began to walk down the bread aisle when I saw a couple of people that I recognized. Both of them had been at the Waffle House before, and both of them had given the waitress that worked there, Fluttershy, and Pinkie a hard time. I began to suggest that we go to a different aisle when the guy looked toward us.

The asshole’s blond hair was still ratty, and he was wearing a wife beater and a pair of faded blue jeans. His girl was wearing a matching outfit, and both of them began to laugh as they looked at us.

“Oh Man look who it is!” he laughed, as he walked toward us.

“It’s the horse fuckers and their whorish horses!”

The girl cackled along with him, “Tell it Jeremy!”

He neared Pinkie who was trying to ignore him, “Bet that you like playing with those furry tits don’t ya?!”

He reached out and started to grab her. I didn’t even wait. I stepped up, reached back, and I slammed my fist hard into his face. When I did I heard a crunch of breaking bone, and then I watched as he fell back onto his girl and took her down with his dead weight. I shook as I stood there, not sure exactly what came over me, but I heard Andrew laughing, and I saw Pinkie who looked at me in surprise. She didn’t look scared, or angry, but she looked surprised and I saw a twinkle in her eye.

A few minutes later, after dealing with the security officer, I heard someone clearing their throat. I looked up to see Jana nearing us. She was wearing a different business suit, but the way she carried herself it was obvious that she was on a mission. She neared us, and then looked at the two who were still yelling at the security officer who was trying to handle the entire thing.

“So, what happened?”

Before I could get a word out Andrew stepped up, “Those two idiots were poking fun at Pinks and Flutters. Then that mouth breathing ass goblin tried to grab Pinks’ tits. Nick here laid his ass out.”

She looked at me, “Well then, I’m glad to see that you’re being a decent man,” she looked at the other two, “but he is going to be in some deep crap.”

The other guy, Jeremy, apparently had heard that and looked at her, “Yeah, and why is that?!”

She looked at him, “Because, sir, you attempted to forcefully fondle someone under the protection of the Innerspecies laws. And because we have so many different species here we have to deal with them under a sort of umbrella. Did you know that if you unwillingly fondle some of the species it’s considered rape?”

He stood there not speaking, “That’s bullshit! I didn’t do anything!”

She looked at him for a moment, and I watched as she walked toward him, “It’s true, and I will check the security cameras to see what they caught. If you were attempting what they said you were attempting, then my division is going to press charges on you, in Ms. Pie’s stead, for rape. I hope that you have a decent attorney,” I watched as she turned to the security guard, “Would you mind to please escort him and his friend back to the security office?”

She turned back toward us, “Ms Pie, I’m sorry that almost happened,” she said.

I watched as Pinkie smiled, “I am too, but Nicky stood up for me, and that makes me happy. Ummm, so he is really going to go to jail?”

Jana nodded, “It’s likely. We don’t play around with the safety of those under our protection,” she looked at us, “For now I ask that you please continue your shopping, and I will attend to matters at hand.”

Chapter 10

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter Ten

Marritt’s Bakery - Six days later - Fluttershy’s P.O.V.

I watched as Pinkie worked behind the counter. Like her I was getting a stipend for living expenses, and other necessities as needed, but I really wanted to do something in order to earn extra money. I had put in at the local Zoo, because I love working with animals. Thinking about the animals back home I couldn’t help but worry. I knew that Discord said that he would keep an eye on them, and I knew that he would. He always has been a good friend, and I know that he likes to do things for me. But at the same time I hope that Angel Bunny won’t give him too hard of a time.

I slowly left that thought and looked at Pinkie working so happily at what she’s doing. I had put in at the Zoo a few days ago, but Josh said that it takes time for them to contact someone for an interview. Just the thought of talking to somepony, or creature rather, that I don’t know was so unnerving. I’ve never been very good when it came to tense situations, and an interview would be tense. I told that to Josh, but he said that it shouldn’t be a hard interview. Instead that the best thing I could do was to be myself.

But what if being myself was the kind of thing that they didn’t want? What if I sounded like somepony that thinks she knows more than they do about animals? What if they think that I was being condescending to them, and then they tell me that I couldn’t work there? I didn’t want that to happen. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I looked at Pinkie who was smiling at me. She held out a cupcake, and I took it from her. She grinned as I bit into it, and I breathed.

“Worrying about the job huh?”

I nodded, “Yes, I just don’t know if I can do the interview.”

Pinkie smiled at me, “Well, Merniva told me that they’ve opened a whole bunch of medical dispensaries, around, and that they really help people who are nervous and anxious all of the time. Apparently one of the girls that works here was really anxious all of the time, and she went there, got a prescription, and now she’s able to deal with being in the public. Although they said that she gets the munchies really bad.”

I considered that for a little bit. Having something that would help me not feel so socially anxious would be nice. It might even help in getting through the interview. I smiled and watched as Pinkie went back to working on the baked goods that she was making. I had seen her working at Sugarcube corner before, but seeing here more out in the open was seeing her truly in her element. Even with her wearing a hairnet, which honestly made lots of sense, she was working circles around everyone else. I waited until she took a break, which wasn’t until the nice lamia said that she needed to take a break. When she did I waited for her to step out into the lobby with me. We took a seat together at a small table.

“Pinkie, where are these dispensaries?” I asked.

She grinned, “Oh, Merniva said that they’re all over, but I think that there’s one about two blocks down the street if you want to go and look at it.”

I thought about that. Two blocks wasn’t that far, and maybe it would be nice to see what they had to offer. I started to say something when Pinkie came back to me. I hadn’t realized it, but she had already clocked out.

“Pinkie, umm, don’t you have longer at your shift?”

She grinned, “Nopearooni! I came in this morning at four am, and it’s already twelve thirty pm, so I’ve been here for over eight hours. Time to get off and go do whatever for the rest of the day! So, do you want to walk down to that dispensary?”

I nodded. It would be better to walk to it with a friend instead of going on my own. We left the building, and together we walked down the dispensary that Pinkie was talking about. The front glass had a design on it that seemed nice and calming. There was a circle, kind of like the simbol that I saw on that drink that Josh got me, Pepsi, and there was three lines running behind it. Pinkie walked with me up to it, and together we stepped inside of the building. Stepping in I was greeted with the sight of a human behind the counter, a doctor sitting down with someone, and another human that was putting out what looked like little candies and cookies inside of a glass display shelf.

“Welcome to Mojo Risen Medical Dispensary, how may I help you two ladies?”

Pinkie stepped forward, smiling brightly, “Oh, my friend here is really anxious when it comes to crowds, or meeting somepony new, or being in tense situations…”

I touched her, “Ummm, Pinkie, that’s enough,” I said.

She grinned and nodded, “But she’d like to look into something that would make her less anxious.”

The guy nodded, and then studied us for a moment, “I’m going to guess that neither of you have a medical card yet, right?”

I looked at him, hiding my face slightly behind my mane, “Umm, no, is that a problem?”

He simply gave us both a kind smile, “Not at all. The doc will be free in a just a moment. While you wait please have a seat, enjoy some TV, or you’re welcome to have some snacks that we have out for customers while they wait on being seen,” he said before he looked at the doctor, “Hey doc, when you’re finished this young lady would like a consultation.”

He got a nod, and then we took a seat near the counter. Pinkie looked at the snacks, and she handed me a bottle of water. I opened it and tasted the clean taste of the water as it entered my mouth. I sipped on the water for a few minutes before I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I looked up at the human standing there. He grinned, at me and motioned toward the seat that was no longer occupied by the other person that had been in there.

“Good afternoon miss, as I understand it you’re suffering from some anxiety problems, is that right?”

I nodded, “Y...yes. I don’t do well in crowds, or around strangers, or in tense situations, or… oh pony feathers I’m afraid of almost everything.”

He smiled compassionately at me, “Well, that’s part of what we do here. What we sell does help some individuals deal with anxiety, it also helps others with severe pain, and there’s studies that are currently ongoing that have been studying its effect on cancer and if it would be a viable resource in controlling, or healing, cancer itself.”

His hair was in a ponytail, and he had a very nice smile. I could see the way he looked that he was concerned with my welfare, and that made me feel better about talking to him. I nodded, and then looked at the ground, “I… Umm… I mean I want to do an interview for a place, but I’m afraid that I’m going to be too anxious to get on.”

He nodded, “I see, and has this anxiety caused other problems in your life?”

I looked up at him, “Ummm, yes, it’s very hard for me to speak up when somepony, or somecreature, is doing something that is wrong. And I don’t like to be assertive, even though I know that sometimes I have to be.”

He rubbed the beard he had growing, which I noticed was speckled with white hairs among the black ones. In truth it looked to be almost an even amount of each. After a few moments he grinned at me and then began to write out a few things. He then handed me a slip of paper.

“Okay, in order to get you your card we will need you to fill this out. I’ve worked with some of the other Demihumans, including centaurs, and I’m going to assume that your physiology is similar to theirs. It is something of a guessing game when it comes to other species, but we do take things like weight, experience with the plant, and illness into consideration,” he said, “We just need you to finish filling this out, and it looks like James has went to break, but Brenda is up there now. Take it to her, and she will scan it into the system, file it for you, and then we just see if it can be issued quickly, or if there will be a wait.”

I smiled, and I looked at the paper. It asked my name, so I wrote it down. It asked for age, which I was fine with letting them know that I was twenty-four years old. It wanted to know my sex. I assumed it meant my biological gender and not how I like to have sex. Because if it meant the other that would be a little awkward. I put down female on the space provided. I then looked at what he had written. I could see where he put down that I have severe anxiety along with possible Anthropophobia and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I signed my name, and then I walked it up to the front to the slightly older human female.

She gave me a smile and then took my paper. I watched as she fed it into the top of a scanner, which I had watched them do the same with the scrolls that we had brought from home, and then she entered a few things on the computer. She emailed it off, and within a few moments her computer dinged with a response.

“Huh, well look at that,” she said as she printed off the slip of paper for me, “Looks like the Interspecies Division stepped up for you. You’re covered to have access, so, how would you like your medical marijuana?”

She showed me the plant, and I instantly knew what it was! I’d seen it and had it with Treehugger and Budding Flowers before. Both of them had told me that it was safe, and I remembered that it made me feel really mellowed out.

“Oh, I’ve eaten this before,” I said, “My friend Treehugger grows this kind of plant back home.”

She smiled, “Well, that’s nice, so you’ve experienced eatables. We’ll keep that in mind, but do you want to eat, smoke, or vape it?”

I looked at her, “Vape?”

She pulled out a pin, and she let me look at it. It was designed to hold some kind of liquid, and then she pushed a button, sucked in a breath, and then let it out. When she did there was a small cloud of steam.

“That’s vaping. It’s not as harsh as smoking it. It also helps to contain the amount that you’re taking in,” she said, “Now, some folks are all about smoking it, so if that’s your decision we’ve got several strands to choose from. Although, if you’ve eaten it before I believe we’ll start you out on something like this.”

She pulled up a small baggie.

“Oh?” I asked.

She nodded, “This strand is called Sweet Rainbow Kisses. It’s pretty mild, although you’ll want to hold in your breath if you’re smoking. If you’re doing eatables I’d suggest brownies or popcorn balls as a start out.”

I looked at it, and I saw a glass tube, “What’s that?”

She smiled, “That’s a bong, and you can use it to smoke. That said, it actually helps to keep the smoke from being too harsh, and I can promise that it will be a nice mellow taste.”

I studied it, and smiled, “I’d like a pong and some of the Sweet Rainbow Kisses please.”

She grinned, “Okay, one Bong, and three grams of Sweet Rainbow Kisses coming up.”

She got everything ready for me, and then she looked at me, “Look, I know that you said that you’ve eaten it before, but would you like to use it in the safety of one of rooms, or do you want to just do this at home?”

I thought about it, and I hadn’t seen anypony, anyhuman, or anycreature else smoke in the house. I didn’t want to cause a problem, so I looked at her, “Ummm… here, if you don’t mind.”

She nodded, led me to a small room, showed me how to pack the bowl, and then she handed me a lighter, walked out, and I lit the small packed bud. I took a small breath of it when it began burning, and I felt it fill my mouth. The taste was different than I expected, but I pulled it into my lungs, held it and then breathed it out. I took another couple and I could feel a little something.

Mojo Risen Medical Dispensary - Pinkie’s P.O.V.

I watched some of what was on the TV, mostly cartoons because they’re funtastic, until I heard Fluttershy coming back. I looked up to see her walking in nude, holding her dress in one hand, the bong in other, and her smile was infectious!

“I can smell colors!” she exclaimed.

My eyes widened, because wooowie! Whatever they had given to Fluttershy sure made her way more open and free! I watched as she walked toward me, her smile never leaving her muzzle.

“Pinkie, where’s Josh? I...I want to rut him into the bed, Oh, I’m so hungry, can we go back to your bakery and get a whole cake, maybe two of them?”

The nice lady that was behind the counter came around, and slowly they began to talk to her, and after a few minutes they got her dress onto her. They looked at me, and I have only really ever been expected to be responsible for Pound and Pumpkin before. It was different when it came to being responsible for my friends. Most of the time they had to be responsible for me.

“I’ll get her home,” I said.

The lady filled another baggie for her, drained and wrapped her bong, and placed both into a dark bag for me.

“Try to get her to use less next time,” she said.

I nodded, and together we walked out, and I thought about waiting for the bus, or walking home, but that seemed to not be a great idea at the moment. Thankfully Nicky had bought me one of those cellphone thingies, and he showed me how to use it. I reached into my mane, found it, and pulled it out. When I did I entered the pin I set for it, after Nicky showed me how, and then I found his number under the contacts. He said to just push the button and it would call him. I did, I heard it rang, and then after a moment I heard him answer.

“Pinkie, I just got off, it’s a short day, something wrong?” he asked.

“Ummm, maybe, could you come and pick me and Fluttershy up at the bakery?”

I heard a laugh, “Sure, I’m just pulling out and I should be there in about ten minutes.”

I silently thanked Celestia, told him I loved him, and then ended the call. I put my phone back, and then I walked with, half carried, Fluttershy back to Marritt’s Bakery. When we got there I helped her take a seat, but she was still talking about how good the air tasted, and how awesome orange, pinke, and blues smelled. I understood, after all I could smell colors most of the time too, but this didn’t seem right. She was kind of talking like Budding Flowers did after she ate about four stalks of… Oh… That makes sense.

After a couple of minutes Nicky pulled up, he looked confused, and we got into the truck.

“So… What’s wrong with Fluttershy?” he asked.

I grinned, “Oh, she just got a medical card, and we went to the dispensary, and she used this bong thing, and then she got really happy, and walked around nude.”

He nodded, “She got good and baked, ah, that makes sense.”

I looked at him, “Baked?”

He nodded, “It’s an old term for when someone smokes some marijuana. Especially if they’ve smoked too much of it. From the sounds of it she’s not real used to it.”

I grinned, “I don’t think so. I know that Treehugger had her try it before, but I don’t think that it’s something she normally does.

“Where’s Josh? I wanna suck his cock!” Fluttershy blurted, “Oh, and a Hayburger! I could so eat like fifteen hayburgers right now!”

He looked at me, “Yeah, I think that we, and Josh, needs to help her learn portion control.”

Chapter 11

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter 11

Woodland Hills Mall - A Week Later - Yuki’s P.O.V.

The Uber over here wasn’t bad. Actually, the driver was kind enough to keep the heater off. Although, to be honest I wasn’t sure why I was agreeing to spending time with Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Pamela. Pinkie had beaten me. She claimed Nick, and I understood that now he was off limits. I could, and did, respect that she won, but why I was agreeing to spending time with her was beyond me. I needed to be out looking for a possible husband. It was my duty to my village, and one that I planned on fulfilling.

I suppose that I did go at attempting to get to Nick the wrong way. I looked at him like a potential piece of meat, but I had always heard that men liked that. That they enjoyed when women would let them know what their intentions were. It wasn’t like Pinkie didn’t hide her intentions, but she did try to get to know him. She wasn’t just throwing herself at him, and he responded to that. Maybe that was what I should have done. Instead of just trying to get him to take me I should have gotten to know him, learn his interests, his joys, fears, everything, and then moved forward.

It was, at the very least, a learning experience. As we walked through the mall I listened to the sounds of last minute shoppers trying to get what they wanted for the holidays. Christmas was coming up, and before long there would be hundreds of children expecting presents under the trees. It was one of my favorite holidays as well. We’re able to walk around outside without much worry, and we can joy the simple things that so many take for granted during the hotter parts of the year.

I looked over at Pamela who looked amazed. Her eyes were wide in wonder as we walked through the mall.

“Wow, it’s so amazing!” she squealed as she walked near us.

“Oh, was this mall not here before?” Fluttershy asked.

Pamela shook her head, “No, it opened a couple of years before, but it’s really changed. I only really got to come to it once. My mom wanted to do some Christmas Shopping, and since I was starting college she wanted to know what I would want. So we walked around and looked at everything. There was an Albersons’, a J.C. Penny’s, a Sears, a few toy shops, and the food court was amazing!”

She giggled, “We ate lunch here at the food court. I remember getting chinese and mom got tacos.”

She looked at the stores around her, “I don’t really see anything that I remember when I came through here with mom,” she said as she looked around, “Actually, most of this looks really new.”

I watched as Pinkie grabbed her hand, “That’s okay,” she beamed, “Because now you get to make brand new memories with your new friends!”

I watched as Pamela’s smile returned, and somehow that pretty pink pony began making things better with her infectious smile. Somehow she managed to keep her from depressed, and it amazed me at how well she was able to do that. It was almost as if her entire reason for existing was to bring joy to others. In truth I couldn’t help but like her. She was simply someone that was easy to like, easy to get to know, and she seemed so warm and caring.

As we walked I could feel the warmth of the store around me. I was so glad that I wore shorts and a tank top today. We walked toward something and I smiled as I saw that our first stop was the J.C.Penny’s. Pamela walked into it with us, and I could see her excitement. This was someplace that she knew. I doubted that the layout was the same as when she last visited, but regardless we walked with her, and she headed toward the clothing section.

Winter clothes were out in abundance, and I could see her looking at the various jackets. From what I remembered Ms. Jones had said Pamela really didn’t need to wear much. She could actually walk around in a tee shirt and panties and she would be fine. I had a feeling that there was some more to it than that. I believed that while she could technically walk around free and clear if she wanted there was a psychological part to it. That if she believed she was cold then she would be cold.

That seemed to be as likely as anything. I began to look at some of the lighter jackets when Pamela moved through the jackets, didn’t see anything, and then looked through another group of them. She groaned as she looked through the clothes.

“You okay?” I asked.

She nodded, “Yeah, but the last time I was here I saw this really cute leather jacket. It had metal studs in the collar, a small chain that ran from the top pocket to the bottom, and it was much better than any of these. I wonder if anyone will know where I can find it.”

I looked at her for a moment. I hoped that she would realise what she just said, and then remember that the last time that she was here was well over forty years ago. That jacket most likely isn’t even made anymore. Chances were that if she really wanted one she would need to go on Ebay, or she would have to find some place that sold old clothes. I noticed that she seemed to think about it, but then with a determined look she walked toward one of the girls working. The girl walked with her to the jackets, and listened to what she was describing. She looked at her for a moment and then she went to get someone else. A few minutes later a much older woman walked out to where we were all standing.

“Excuse me Miss, my employee here said that you were looking for a specific jacket,” she said.

Pamela nodded, and then she described the jacket to the woman. I watched as she listened to her, and then a small smile crossed her lips.

“Ah, you’re wanting one of the road warrior jackets. Those were incredibly popular back in nineteen seventy-seven. I should remember because I personally rang up about a thousand of those things,” she looked at Pamela, “I take it that you’ve been, gone, for some time then?”

Pamela nodded, “Well, then I suppose that it is a good thing that we do have a limited selection left over in the back.”

I looked at her completely stunned, “If you girls don’t mind waiting I’ll have someone come with me, and we will get the few remaining that we have out here. Hopefully one of them will fit.”

Pamela looked excited, and I watched as both Pinkie and Fluttershy seemed intrigued at the prospect of something in fashion that they hadn’t seen yet. We stood, talking, waiting, and for about half an hour it seemed that perhaps they wouldn’t find anything for her at all, but when I was about to suggest that we look somewhere else the older woman showed up with two other girls. They were moving a rolling rack out from the back. On it was about a dozen jackets, all of them looking exactly like what Pamela had described.

J.C.Penny’s Woodland Hills Mall - Pamela’s P.O.V.

I had never been so happy as I was at that moment. There were the jackets that I had been talking about. They even had both the red and black jackets. I walked toward them, and then I saw it. It looked just like the black one that I had wanted. I took it down, tried it on, and I felt how well it fit. I smiled at the lady and nodded.

“I want this one,” I said, “It’s perfect.”

She nodded, and then I saw the other girls trying on the other jackets. They seemed to like them, except that I noticed that Fluttershy seemed to want a slightly bigger one. I suppose that with wings that would make sense. After all she would need room in the jacket for her wings to fit comfortably. The lady walked us over toward the checkout counter, which was odd. I remembered there being a main one, but they had them in each section. That actually made a lot more sense. If someone didn’t want to look at everything they could just pay for what they wanted at the section they were in. I bet that my mom would have loved that. In fact I would imagine that she would have told everybody about how useful that was.

The lady looked at us, smiling warmly, and then began to put the jackets into individual bags.

“I’m just going to ring you up for what they cost at the time, which is about twenty-five dollars apiece.”

I grinned, but I noticed how surprised the other girls looked.

“What? Twenty-five dollars is a lot of money.”

They looked at me like I had said something strange. The older woman simply rang us up, one hundred dollars, plus tax, and then I watched as Pinkie Pie paid for them. We walked out of the store and the girls seemed to be talking about how great of a deal we had gotten. But seriously, twenty-five dollars is a lot of money. I remember my mom paying twenty-five dollars for an entire cart full of groceries at the store before.

I shook my head as we walked. I mean, honestly, how could twenty-five dollars be that good of a deal?

Foodcourt - Woodland Hills Mall - Pinkie Pie’s P.O.V.

Oooo, they’ve got everything a pony could ever possibly want in here! I was feeling hungry, and I knew that Fluttershy and Yuki most likely were as well. The four of us walked into the food court and I looked at the number of shops. What really sounded good was pizza. Nicky had treated me to a vegetarian pizza before, and that sounded so good right now. I spotted a place called Shapiro’s, and I walked toward it. Everypony else followed me over, and I looked at the nice human mare working behind the counter.

“Hiya! Oh, do you have vegetarian pizza?!” I asked.

I might have been bouncing slightly, and the human mare smiled, “Ummm, yeah, we do.”

I grinned, “Great! Do you guys want to split a pizza?” I asked.

Pamela nodded, and Yuki nodded as well. Fluttershy looked at it and finally she gave a nod.

“Good, We want a large Vegetarian pizza, all of the veggies on it please!”

She laughed, nodded, and then asked if we wanted drinks, and duh, of course we did. We got our cups, and we began to fill them up. We took a seat, and then Yuki got up, walked over toward a booth in the middle, and then she came back with what looked like a small dish filled with little round beads. She took a spoon and dug some of them out. I noticed that they seemed to be really cold, and she took a bite.

“Ah, I love Dipping Dots,” she said.

I looked at her, “What’s Dipping Dots?”

She grinned, took a clean spoon, and got a little bit on it for me. She then passed it to me, and I took a taste. WOOWIE! It was a banana split in little beads! I got up and ran over to get one for me and Fluttershy as well. Then I thought about it, and I got one for Pamela too. I wasn’t sure if she would want it or not, but it’s always nice to do something for someone. Even if they didn’t expect it. I took it back over to our table, and then I passed them out. I watched Fluttershy as she began to eat hers, and I saw Pamela look at it oddly before trying it. Then she took the small cup, picked it up, and began pouring it into her mouth.

When we finished our pizza was ready, and it smelled so good! I was so ready to eat it, and I could see that my friends were too. I went to get it, and I carried it back to our table. I took a slice for myself, bit into it, and it tasted amazing! It was actually better than the pizza that Nicky had shared with me.

North Exit to the Woodland Hills Mall - Nick’s P.O.V.

I looked at the girls as I pulled up. From the bags that they had I guessed that they had a successful girls day out. I parked my old truck, helped them load everything, and then I got back into the truck.

“So how was everything?” I asked.

Pinkie grinned, “It was awesome!”

Pamela nodded, “Yeah, but two hundred dollars isn’t as much as I thought it was.”

Chapter 12

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Life after the Party


Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter 12

Christmas Eve - China Star Restaurant - Nick’s P.O.V.

Sitting next to Pinkie I felt more complete than I had in a long time. We had made the move from friends to lovers, and honestly it felt so natural that I didn’t see a problem with it. She still joked, laughed, played around, and all of it just reinforced that this was the kind of person she was. While we sat there, sharing this moment with our friends, I couldn’t help but notice Yuki. The Snow Woman looked defeated. She was wearing clothes suited for summer, and the staff was more than happy to bring her cold things from the menu in order to help her keep her temperature regulated.

I couldn’t help but notice the glances she would give me, and then she would turn away. She seemed to understand that I wasn’t a prize, but I honestly didn’t know how much of that was from her understanding that I was a person as much as she, or anyone else at this table, or if it was because I had chosen Pinkie Pie. The entire idea that it took choosing someone for her to back off felt foreign, but then I had to remember that she came from a completely different culture. Thanks to Ms. Jones I had begun reading up on all of our house guests. I knew that mating with a Snow Woman meant that you were married in their culture, but more than that it seemed that in their culture women tended to be the ones that instigated the relationships. They tended to do the chasing, the asking, and afterward they stepped back into a more reserved, and domesticated, role.

Honestly, a woman being a bit more aggressive wasn’t that big of a deal to him. Regardless, seeing her here like this was bothering him. In truth she had been acting like this for a while now, ever since he and Pinkie had taken that first step together. Which was when Josh talked about a guy that worked in the call center with him that he thought might be a good match Nick, for the first time in his life, played matchmaker and asked Josh to invite him to the dinner.

As he sat listening to the group talking he didn’t seem to notice the new person coming in and taking a seat at the table. He looked down at the person and saw someone that looked very feminine. From what he could see this person was dressed in a skirt, leggings, a fairly nice top, and a jacket that had to be expensive as hell. Nick looked at the person, wondering exactly who they were before Josh let out a laugh.

“Sammy, good to see you!”

Sammy looked at him and laughed, “Well, I figured that coming to a dinner would be fine,” he waved at the rest of us, “So, thanks for the invite.”

I watched as Josh nodded, “No problem, anyway, let me introduce everyone. So, this is Yuki,” he said pointing to her, “Beside me here is Fluttershy, over there is Andrew and beside him is Pamela, and then at the end is Pinkie Pie and Nick.”

Sammy grinned at all of us, “Nice to meet all of you, I’m Sammy.”

Yuki suddenly looked interested, and I watched hoping that little hands on attempt would be for the better and not end up blowing up in our faces.

Yuki’s P.O.V.

Things just became a lot more interesting. Sammy was obviously male, and from what I could see he was unattached. All of the other girls here seemed to have chosen different men, and perhaps this could mean that I had a chance. I took a bite of my shredded tofu skin salad and watched him as he took a slice of orange duck. It was nice that the staff had treated our dinner like a Christmas Dinner and actually brought out a whole prepared duck. Of course as good as it looked I ate the colder dishes.

If there was some of the duck left over, then perhaps I would have some once it cooled off. But at the moment I was far less concerned about the duck as I was the male sitting across from me. He looked at me, and I felt myself blush a little bit. I decided to take a chance and at least start a conversation with him.

“Umm, Hi,” smooth Yuki, smooth, “So you work in the call center too right?”

He nodded, “Yep,” he said before he took a bite of the duck. I watched as he chewed, swallowed, and then smiled, “I actually started with Josh here. Mostly I do tech questions though.”

I smiled, “Oh, so you’re pretty tech savvy then?”

He nodded, “Oh absolutely. I’ve got a bachelor’s in Information Services, and honestly I’m working toward getting a job in the IT department,” he grinned, “I hope that I’m not being out of line here, but you’re a demihuman right?”

I nodded, “I am, I’m a Yuki-Onna, or Snow Woman if you prefer, and honestly it’s fine to ask about it.”

He smiled, “Thanks, I was just hoping that you didn’t mind,” he looked at me, “So Yuki, how do you like everything so far?”

I smiled brightly, “Oh, I’m enjoying everything fairly well. My village is one that migrated from our ancestral home in Japan to the United States, so I’m fairly used some some of the things here,” I said, “Although to be honest we’re located high in the Rocky Mountains, it’s usually nice and cold there all the time.”

He grinned, “So what brought you to Oklahoma?”

I looked at the table, “Well, honestly when we turn eighteen we’re expected to leave the village for a while.”

He looked confused, “You mean like the Amish?”

At that I felt confused, “What do you mean?”

He looked at me and then nodded, “Rumspringa, it’s an Amish rite of passage. In it the younger generation are given permission to go out into the world and interact with it. We…” he sighed, “Guess there’s no hiding it huh?”

I noticed that Josh looked at him, “Dude, you were Amish?”

Sammy nodded, “Yeah, I was. We were given the chance to go out into the world and experience all it had. At that point we were supposed to choose if we wanted to come back into the fold and stay part of the community, or if we wanted to become part of the world at large,” he laughed, “I found out that I just didn’t belong there.”

I looked at him, “I’m sorry,” I said as I offered my hand.

He looked at me, and I felt his hand in my own, “Thank you, but I’ve had time to realize that this was for the best,” he said as he squeezed my hand, “Sure, I miss my family, but I’ve made a lot of new friends that are like family, and I discovered more about myself.”

I took another look at him, and despite how he was dressed, which honestly he certainly could rock a skirt and leggings, he seemed genuine. I found my conversation with him to be light and easy. We just fit together, and our words seemed to mesh just right. We talked through dinner, about fashion, wants, where I came from, what it was like growing up Amish, his degree, my thoughts on a career, and the whole table just seemed to melt away. It was almost as if there was no one else there.

I barely registered the music being played, but Sammy stood up, “Okay, the Christmas Waltz needs to be danced to, so,” he said as looked at me, “May I have this dance?”

I swallowed as I stood and walked toward him, “Okay, to be honest I really haven’t done much waltzing.”

He took my left hand, his right resting on the small of my back, “Just follow my lead, and I promise that you’ll have some fun.”

As Frank Sinatra sang about Christmas I glided across the floor with Sammy. He moved through the dance as fluid and graceful as any dancer I’d ever seen. I felt him dipping me back, and I followed. Raising up I looked into his eyes, and I hoped that what I was seeing was right. I hoped that what was in those lovely blue eyes was an interest in me.

Pinkie’s P.O.V.

Watching Yuki and Sammy I felt happy. She had respected the fact that Nick was my stallion, and I hoped that this worked out for her. Actually, their dancing looked fun, and I grabbed Nick’s hand. He looked at me as I stood, and he followed suit. Sure, this dancing was the kind of boring dancing that they did at the Grand Galloping Gala, but it felt right here. I felt Nick take my hand, his hand resting on my back, although I helped him lower it just a little more, and we began to dance as well.

Sammy’s P.O.V. - Three hours later

The dancing, the dinner, and the company was far more than I expected. I hadn’t been lying when I said that I had found friends that were like family, and Josh was certainly one of them. Although meeting Yuki certainly made me happy that I was bi. She was gorgeous, intelligent, and there was a spark in her that just seemed to make her look more alive. Actually, most of the girls there that night seemed to have a similar spark, but from what I could tell Yuki’s felt familiar.

Maybe it was because she seemed to embody the spirit of Rumspringa itself. That sort of rebellious stage that I had not only went through, but embraced completely. In a way she was like winter itself. There seemed to be a sort of feeling of life around her. It wasn’t like spring, but instead it was something similar to a cold winter night when you felt more alive than anything just because you were experiencing it. That’s the feeling I got from her, and it was a feeling that I wanted to hold onto.

It simply reminded me so much of why I decided to live in the world instead of apart from it. She felt like that reminder, and I wanted to be part of that with her. I looked at her, as she sat in the front of my old Ford Pinto. The mustard colored seats matched the similar colored paint. The car had been something that a kind older man had offered me in trade for working at his farm for a summer. It hadn’t been much, an old 1975 Ford Pinto that had been left to seed, but where most people saw something waiting for the scrap heap I saw potential. I worked that summer, all of it, my first summer out on my own, and during that time I learned more about who I was than I thought possible.

Like anyone I had reservations about stepping past boundaries. I had been raised to be very religious, and I was taught that lust had no place outside of a marriage bed. But being on that farm, working beside the old man, his son, daughter-in-law, and a cousin that had moved in with them I learned that lust was just part of life.

I also learned that I found beauty in both the male and female forms. There’s a wonderful comedian called Ron White that said that everyone’s a little bit gay. He’s right of course. Everyone is to a certain extent. Sure, his example was a little over the top, but it made sense. In my cause I realized that I really liked both just as much. But I also found that I was a person that wanted commitment. I didn’t want to be a side anything. Maybe that was because in this area of my life I felt like I should share it with just a person.

“So, you want me to take you home?” I asked.

She looked at me, I saw her biting her lip, an obvious thought on her mind, “Maybe later, but first, would you mind if maybe we hang out for a little longer?”

I gave her a smile, “Sure.”

Chapter 13

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Life After The Party


Picking Up Monster Girls

Chapter 13

Christmas Day - Nick’s Bedroom - Pinkie Pie’s P.O.V.

I yawned as I woke up. Hearth’s Warming, or I suppose it’s Christmas. Either way I’m excited! Plays, gifts, stories, parties, and dinners are what we get to look forward to today! I felt arms around me, and I felt Nicky as he cuddled behind me. His arm holding me moved up, and I felt him cup my teat, or I suppose like this it’s called a breast. Hehe, breast, boob, yeah I like that word better. It’s way more fun. Booooooob, boobie, my bouncing balloon boobies are being cuddled by a wonderful hand. I giggled as I lay there, and then I felt him kiss the back of my neck.

“Morning,” he said.

“Morning silly, and Merry Christmas!”

I felt the hug tighten, “Merry Christmas Pinkie, so, I know that we’ve been invited to a few different places, but is there anyplace, or anyone, that you want to visit? I’m sure that we could get in touch with Ms. Jones if we needed to. Honestly, from what I’ve seen I’m more than certain that they would be willing to help you get to do whatever it is that you’d like to do.”

I smiled, even though I knew that he couldn’t see it, and I knew who I’d love to see. Of course I wanted to see all of my other friends, but I really wanted my family here to enjoy the holiday with us. That even included Applejack and the Apples. A nice family holiday would be nice, or if we could go visit them.

The more I thought about that the more I realized that I would love to see it happen. The idea of getting to see Maud, Limestone, Marble, Mama and Papa, Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applebloom, and of course Sugar Belle and Mudbriar. I understood more now what Limestone had meant about liking Mudbriar because he made Maud happy. Nicky made me happy, and I knew that my sisters would like him because he made me happy.

“Ummm, would it be okay if we asked if my family could come over? I know it’s short notice, but it’d be really nice to see them.”

He smiled, “Sure, it can’t hurt to ask.”

A few minutes later he was calling Ms. Jones. He put it on speaker and I heard her tired sounding voice.

“Ms Pie, to be certain, you would like to extend an invitation to your family, including your cousins the Apples, for Christmas?”

I smiled, “Yepporini!” I said, “I would love to see them here, can we do that?”

I heard a sigh, “Yes, we can. Since checking both you and Miss Shy we’ve found that there are no aliments that would easily spread to humanity. I suppose that I can make the arrangements, Although it may quite late today before they arrive. This is being done exceptionally quick.”

I grinned, “Thank you!”

There was that sigh again, “You are very welcome Ms Pie.”

With that I heard the phone disconnect, and I hugged Nicky. I wasn’t sure how she was going to get them all here, but I was so happy that she was going to do it. That meant that I would get to see all of my family, and of course I would get to introduce my special somepony to all of them.

Transdimentional Portal - Jana Jones P.O.V.

I could hear the jokes already, and I ignored them. All of the, hey Jana, you’re going to feel a little horse, right? Yeah Mark, I’m going to be a little horse, not feel one. Ugh, It’s one reason I don’t like going to that side of things. I’ve been over twice, the first time was to get a sense of the disorienting method of travel, and the second was to help secure any and all materials that our two Equestrian Guests would need. I stepped through and soon I was standing on all fours. I was an emerald green unicorn with my same hair coloring. I was thankful for small favors, but to be honest I wasn’t that excited to be emerald green. Apparently the color wasn’t unheard of, but it was something of an oddity.

“Ms Jones, how lovely to see you,” one of the guards said, “Here for business or taking a long over due vacation?”

I shrugged, “Business,” I said, “One of your nationals would like to invite her family to Christmas Diner.”

I saw the confusion, “It’s like your Hearth’s Warming,” I said, “And she wanted to make it happen today. So I need to get word to the Pie Rockfarm, and then to Sweet Apple Acres.”

He whistled, “Well, that’s two different locations for sure. The only way to make that happen would be with a Pegasus drawn chariot. Just so happens that I’ve got a couple of friends that owe me a favor.”

I smiled, “Oh, do you Speare Point?” I asked, “And what would cashing in those favors be worth to you?”

He grinned, “Maybe a date on your side,” he said, “After all, we’ve talked over here, but I haven’t gotten to see your native form yet.”

I grinned, “Okay loverboy, One date, Maybe a nice dinner and a movie.”

He grinned and nickered, “Sounds wonderful,” he said, “I’ll just get Honored Glory and Full Sails.”

With that I watched as he left, and I could see him rushing toward what I assumed was his two friends. The idea of having a date wasn’t a terrible idea by any means. I hadn’t had a serious date in ages, and Speare Point wasn’t a bad man, or stallion rather, as far as men went. I knew that I could have a decent date with him, and it would be nice to do something that was outside of work. The fact that work was more or less letting me find someone that could, and would, be able to be with me was wonderfully fantastic.

I hear the sound of wings flapping, and moments later I see a golden chariot, and there are three stallions pulling it.

“Ready my lady?”

I grin, get into the chariot, and soon we begin heading out. I watch as the first place we stop at is an idyllic farm. The moment we land I see a large red stallion working alongside a smaller pink unicorn mare. From the looks of things I can tell that she is big and pregnant. It’s fairly likely that the two of them have been working on the foal that she’s carrying for a while. I watch my tongue and the chariot lands. I see him and her walking toward us. The fact that it’s a similar time of year makes this easier. The snow that has fallen seems to feel cleaner than the snow back home.

“Hello,” I greeted them, “My name is Jana Jones, I’m the interspecies director that is overseeing a distant cousin of yours that goes by the name of Pinkie Pie.”

The large stallion grins, “Eeeyup,” he said, “She ain’t in trouble, is she?”

I shook my head, “No,” I replied, “she’s doing fine, but she did ask that your entire family, along with the Pies, to be invited to her home for Christmas.”

I see the confusion, “It’s similar to Hearth’s Warming,” I said, “She would like to have her entire family there.”

He nodded and looked at the mare. She gave me a grin, “Well it is short notice, but I think that we can make it. Um, I can go get the others and tell them to be ready. Do we need to anything special?”

I heard Speare Point clear his throat, “Ma’am, we’ll happily take all of you up to the portal at the Castle of Friendship,” he said, “Unless you would rather make the trek yourselves.”

She grinned, “I think that we can make it. I’m sure that you’ve got a ways to go.”

I watched him nod, “Thank you ma’am,” he said, “We’ll deliver the pies within a couple of hours.”

With that he lifted off again, and I was thankful that I was inside of the chariot. It flew fast, and I considered how much better this was to any helicopter ride I had ever been in. Speare Point was in the front, and I watched as he directed the chariot toward a more desolate and rural landscape. We landed outside of a small farm house, nearby there was a large boulder, and as I stepped out I heard a semi raspy voice shout about not touching the boulder. Moments later I was greeted by Pinkie Pie’s family.

I had met most of them before, after accepting Ms. Pie’s admittance into the United States I had met with her family that had come to see her off. Of course I had been lucky enough to be in pony form then as well.

“Afternoon,” I said, “I’m here on behalf of Ms. Pie. She has wanted to invite all of you to Christmas Dinner.”

There was the look of confusion and I smiled, “It’s a holiday from where I am from, and it is similar to Hearth’s Warming,” I said, “As such, she has invited you, and the Apples, to Christmas Dinner. I have received permission to allow this to happen, and I have arranged temporary passes for all of you.”

There was some nods, “Very well,” the older mare said, “When shalt we depart?”

I grinned, “In the next few minutes?” I asked, “It’s actually Christmas Day there, and she just thought about asking.”

The mare’s face grew a bit more stoic, “Verily, Our Pinkimena Diane Pie doth do many a thing wonderfully, but when exposed to a new holiday she doth rush.”

I nodded, “She certainly has. If you need a few moments to pack that should be fine.”

They nodded, “Varily, we are ready.”

They walked toward the chariot, and together we lifted into the air, and once again we were heading back to the Castle of Friendship. Once there we landed. All of us got out, walked toward the Apples, and together we entered the castle toward the portal. I was still uncertain of the entire SG-1 feeling of it, but I showed no doubt as they began to file through. Of course Speare Point neared me.

“So, I get to come to, right?”

I nodded, “Come on lover boy,” I said with a laugh, “There’s a whole world for you to see over there.”

Chapter 14

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Life after the Party or Picking up Monster Girls

Chapter 14

Pinkie Pie’s P.O.V.

It’s super funarific how close Christmas and Hearths Warming is. The tree looks like a Hearths Warming tree, there’s presents, although there aren’t any Hearths Warming dolls, but that’s okay. Nicky decided to watch a movie with me, about a Red Ryder b-b-gun. It was a funny movie, although maybe that colt’s mama was right about him shooting his eye out. After the movie I felt a small combo, which told me that there was about to be a whole buncha family coming, so I started on Christmas Dinner.

I already had a few stones gathered for Mama’s famous Rock soup, Granny Smith’s seven layer bean dip, Applejack’s brown sugar, double wrapped, deep fried, why do you taste so good apple pie, and of course I threw in a couple of fun dishes that I liked to make. Nicky helped and cooked something that he said his mom made, which was her stuffing. It was soo good, and it was so moist. I was so happy that he was helping with vegetarian dishes, even though I knew that he eats a little meat.

Of course in a little while I plan on letting him eat some of my pretty pink princess. I giggled at the thought of that. We cooked, getting everything ready, and I heard everypon… er… everybody else seemingly going along their day. Standing there I felt happy to be making dinner, and I was even more happy that Nicky was helping me. As I worked in the kitchen he worked beside me. His stuffing was made, he worked on a couple of basic pies, and he even found a recipe for a vegetarian lasagna. I looked at the cake that I was baking, and I suddenly felt two hands on my cutie marks. I let out a soft moan as he leaned against me.

I could feel his warm breath as he kissed the back of my neck, the way his hands gently began to knead the cheeks of my rump as he loved on me. Most of the time when we did something we kept it to our bedroom, and I hadn’t really ever done anything in the place where I cook. I began to say something when I felt a hand move from my rump, up my side, and then under my shirt. I felt him grasp my right breast, gently squeezing it, and I found myself grinding against him. We didn’t need to do this here, not while we were cooking, but was really starting to light my party canon!

I knew that my party canon was going to go off, but I really wanted him to stuff it before it did. I looked at what I was making, which was a double chocolate, peanut butter, caramel drizzled, with buttercream frosting cake, and I knew that there was no way I could finish it before I gave in and let Nicky stuff my party canon, pop my pinata, and cream my pie! Still, I tried, and to my surprise I got pretty far before I let out that little moan he loves so much. We both know that moans means that I’m beyond ready.

“Nicky,” I moaned, “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

“Are you sure?”

I shook my head no. I wasn’t sure that I could make it to the bedroom. I felt his hands move, and then I felt my yoga pants start to slide down my rump. To his credit he didn’t get either of us fully undressed, and in seconds he was inside of me. I felt him barely entering, teasing, and driving me completely insane. I was ready to be rutted hard, to have him fill me so completely, and he was teasing me! I pushed back against him as he barely pushed in. The moment I did he went deeper.

The two of us began to move faster, and I felt him filling me. I wanted that. I needed him to fill me. We were so focused on what we were doing that neither of us heard the door, but I heard the sound of my father’s voice from the other room.

“Pinkameana Diane Pie, Where art thou?”

My eyes wided, and I felt Nicky put a hand over my mouth as he began thrusting harder. I grunted and then I felt myself clench down on his wonderful cock. The moment I did he stuffed my party canon so full. I let out a soft moan and we quickly cleaned ourselves up, and I pulled up my Yoga pants and began finishing the cake. I really hoped that the smell of the food we had made would prevent anyone from smelling anything else. I really didn’t want them to know that we were fooling around in the kitchen. I finished decorating the double chocolate, peanut butter, caramel drizzled, with buttercream frosting cake, and then I walked out into the entertainment room to see everypony there. I smiled at them, and walked over to greet them all. It was odd seeing them like I was, but then it made sense that they would look like I did once they crossed the gate. Nicky came out of the kitchen a moment later and he smiled as he neared my parents.

“Nick,” I said, “This is my mama Cloudy Quartz Pie, and my papa Igneous Rock Pie.”

He smiled at them and offered them a hand. Which was I surprised to see my father bypass the hand and instead hug Nicky. Nicky returned it and my papa released him a moment later. He gave him a wide smile as he looked at us both.

“Thou seems like thou art a good sort,” he said, “And from the smells thou hast helped mine daughter in yonder kitchen.”

Nicky nodded, “I thought that I would help cook,” he said, “And Pinkie introduced me to some of your favorite dishes as well.”

I could see that Mama looked a little let down that she wasn’t going to get to help cook, but if they were going to be staying for a few days she might get the chance to help out after all. Looking at mama I asked her if she wanted to help carry everything from the kitchen into the dining area. Nicky had already helped by getting a couple of folding tables they had out of hall closet and setting them up. Once they were up he then brought out some cheery looking table clothes and put them. We began carrying everything out, and I watched as Limestone began questioning Nicky. He was polite, and she was eyeing him. She looked toward me and I noticed that she had a look that she had when she knew something was up.

I couldn’t help but giggle. I was hoping that nopony would know that he was wrecking my pie earlier, but it looked like Limestone already knew. She didn’t seem to say anything, and I was hoping that it would stay that way.

Limestone Pie’s P.O.V.

Ugh, I know mare musk when I smell it, and there was no doubt that I was smelling it on Pinkie’s coltfriend. I didn’t care, and I wasn’t jealous, well not really. I mean it’s Pinkie’s coltfriend. The fact that she found somepony, or human, whatever, that was able to stand her made him fine in my opinion. Still, it’s not like I don’t have wants and dreams. I really, and I mean really, would like to find a special somepony. A nice stallion that I could take home, marry, work the farm with, and have a few foals.

I look at Pinkie’s coltfriend again, and I stopped that line of thought. Pinkie would most likely be like mom, and she’d want to have her coltfriend to herself. That’s fine. I’d be much the same way, and besides I love Pinkie, but having to be around her all of the time, especially if she was getting rutted, would be a bit much. There are certain things that sisters don’t watch their siblings do, and that’s one of them. Still, maybe I’ll get lucky while we’re here and meet somepony. A nice human stallion that has a determined attitude toward work would be fine. Oh, and somepony that understands that I’m in charge.

Nick’s P.O.V.

Slowly everyone began joining us, and to be honest the dinner was bigger than we had expected. Still, between the extra seats that were with the tables and the seats in the entertainment room it was plenty for everyone to have a place to sit. I suggested a buffet style dinner, and we went ahead and began dishing up our food. Naturally we let the elders go first, which ended up being Pinkie’s Parents, Granny Smith, and Grand Pear.

I noticed that one of Pinkie’s sisters, whom seemed to have the most advanced case of resting bitch face I’ve ever seen, kept looking at me. Sure, maybe we shouldn’t have fooled around in the kitchen before finishing up, but it was something that I was certain the both of us needed. Being with Pinkie I had noticed that while she lived for making others happy, and throwing parties, she did tend to wind herself too tight. I had hoped that our little love session would keep her from feeling too wound up.

I talked with her father, explained that I worked at a retail store called Best Buy. I then explained what it was that they sold, and he remarked that they had considered updating their phonograph. He asked about the kinds that were sold, and I explained that it really depended on what it was that he was looking for. Afterward I asked about where Pinkie grew up, and he talked about the rock farm. At which point he waved Pinkie’s sister with the resting bitch face over, and asked that she explain the rock farm to me.

For the next twenty minutes I learned that they actually did farm rocks, but it was to collect the gems inside. Apparently there were sections of their world where the magic pooled into the ground, and into rocks, making it exceptionally easy for them to be found practically on the ground. Moving the rocks from one field to another seemed to help determine the kind of gems that would be inside of them, and on top of that they had a working mine that was the best source of raw diamond in their world.

She basically told me that Pinkie came from a mega rich family by our world’s standards. It was difficult to even attempt to believe. Pinkie didn’t act like someone that came from wealth. She acted like someone that knew what it was to work for a living. In truth so did the rest of her family. Her sister saw my confusion, and I explained it to her. For the first time since she arrived I saw her smile.

“Yeah, we kind of are back home too,” she said, “But the reason we don’t act like a bunch of snobs is because we work for a living.”

She looked at me, “Pinkie’s different, and while she always acts happy, I know she’s not always happy,” she said, “But since being here I can say that she’s been actually happy with you. If for no other reason that makes me like you.”

She gave me a hug, “But hurt my sister and I will shove my hoof so far up your plot that it will come out of your mouth, got it?”

I nodded, “Yeah, and I wouldn’t ever hurt her on purpose,” I said, “She means too much to me.”

She gave me a nod, “We’re going to be staying for a couple of days,” she said, “Any chance that I might get to meet some stallions? Maybe find one that’s interested in mining?”

I grinned at her, “Actually,” I said, “I might know someone. One of our neighbors is in construction. Not exactly mining, but he’s a hard worker, and I know that he got his contractor’s license. The two of you might hit it off.”

Chapter 15

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Life After the Party (or Picking up Monster Girls)

Chapter 15

(Limestone’s P.O.V.)

Eating with everypony reminded me of when we went to visit the Apples for Hearths Warming. The food was good, and it was interesting to see Pinkie Pie with her coltfriend. He seemed nice enough, although the smell of mare musk was still pretty heavy on him. There was denying that the two of them had been busy. I’m not somepony that doesn’t think that grown ponies don’t do that kind of thing. I know for a fact that they do, and there’s no denying that my sister has been getting stuffed by more than food.

I can’t help but feel a little cheated. Maud has Mudbriar, Pinkie has Nicholas, and currently all Marble and I have is each other. Although I expected that Marble will pick up a coltfriend around here without trying. It wasn’t that I think that my sister is any prettier than I am, but that seems to be my lot in life. I might be the oldest, but I’m almost always the last to get something. It was just the way things worked. The only thing that I got before any of my sisters was trained on how to mine the gems we find on the farm.

I felt hesitantly hopeful that the stallion Nicholas was going to introduce me to would be interested. He said that he worked construction. That would be helpful around the farm. We could use new buildings, and the mine could be upgraded some. Although I couldn’t help but wonder if he had a business over here. If that was the case then he might end up living in both places. I’d understand if that was the issue. It could be that I could take some time off of the farm occasionally. That was something that I wasn’t sure that I would ever really do. Maud used her knowledge to help us find the best crystals and she certainly helped by pointing out the growth areas of onyx and marble.

But when it came down to actually maintaining and keeping the farm running that was Ma, Pa, and me. Marble helped, but she was more on the domestic side of things. The heavy lifting usually fell in my lap. That was fine. It made dealing with heats far easier. It was easier to forget about it when I was moving stones, cracking open geodes, and mining quartz and other crystals from the mine.

The problem was that I wanted more. I started feeling a little jealous when Maud found Mudbriar, and after finding out that Pinkie found a stallion I couldn’t hardly stand it. I wanted her to be happy, but damn it I wanted to be happy as well. I needed to find somepony. A hard working stallion that would help with the farm was what I really wanted. But then again I could deal with a stallion that was a hard worker in his own way. Managing the farm would remain the same, and it would give a new perspective toward everything else.

At the very least he could help with the buildings around the farm. I understood that the thought was a little selfish. After all, I was considering what this stallion could do for our home, my family, and my family's business. I knew that it was likely he had his own family, interests, and concerns. I understood this, but at the same time I knew what was expected at the farm.

There was little doubt in my mind that I would need to practice some give and take. In truth I was okay with that. Maybe he could use some of the skills I've developed over the years when it came to construction. I finished my plate, and Nicholas got for a moment, excused himself,.and motioned for me to follow him.

Pinkie followed along as well, and the three of us walked next door. After knocking for a few moments a squant human stallion, with a long beard, opened the door. He gave a laugh and pulled Nicholas into what appeared to be a bone crushing hug. When he released him he took a look at us.

"Happy Christmas Nicholas!" he exclaimed, "Damn fine one so far! My brothers dropped by to celebrate, nearly cooked me out of house and home, but it's in good fun!"

Nicholas smiled and nodded as I watched, "It is," he said, "Actually I was going to invite you over for Christmas dinner, but if you've got guests it's fine."

The squant man smiled at us, "Yet a good one, yeah, I've got me brothers, the whole lot of them, and since I know that you are one of the good ones I'm fine with ya knowing."

He smiled, "Imma dwarf," he said, "Feels nice being able to say it and not have to explain it away. Me brothers and I are a group that used to live in the Ozarks."

Nicholas looked at him for a moment, "What happened?"

He spread his hands, "Government came in, kicked a good many of us out of our mountain home. They then blocked it away, not that it matters. One thing we do better than any other is dig. We could open the mountain back up, but we're waiting for the agency to force the Government to give it back."

I looked at him, "So why construction?"

He looked at me for a moment, "Damn, an Equis!" he exclaimed, "Me lady, there are three things that dwarfs do better than any other. Dig, build, and the lat isn't proper manners to be saying in front of a lady."

He smiled at me, "Me Lady, tell me, do ye have anyone special?"

I shook my head no.

He smiled brightly, "Perhaps then may I ask that ye grace me with yer presence?" he asked, "After all, such a pretty lass shouldn't be unaccompanied on Christmas."

I felt a small grin crawling up, and I nodded, "Okay, but no funny business."

He smiled, "Lassie, there'll only be funny business if'n you want it. Come on in, me brothers just opened a fresh barrel of mead, and the day needs celebrating."

I followed him into the house, and I could hear the sounds of what sounded like at least a dozen similar stallions all singing. From the sounds of it I would wager that they all had more than enough cider, or mead rather, in their systems to be well past the point of making decent decisions.

Pinkie's P.O.V.

I watched as Limestone went into the house, and I couldn't help but smile. Limestone was usually a frown factory, but maybe being with a stallion would turn that frown upside down. At the very least it might help her relax.

I felt Nicky's hand rest on my side, and I leaned against him. I had hope that Limestone would be able to have fun, and just maybe she could get a special someone out of this.

Together we walked back over to our home, and I couldn't wait to let Mama know that Limestone was visiting with a stallion. It wasn't that I wanted my sister in trouble, but I wanted everypony to be as happy for her as I was. I looked back at the house, and I smiled. Limestone needed to let her mane down, and maybe she’d even get a chance to have some fun without worrying about the farm. We walked into the house together, and I grinned as Marble looked at me.

“Limestone’s gonna be a little while,” I said, “She met a hard working stallion that also seems to know how to relax as well.”

Mama looked at me, “Verily, does thou think that thine sister mayhaps find her chosen?”

I nodded, “Yepperoni, or at least she’ll get to relax a little!”

There was a small smile on Mama’s lips that I could see, “Such a thing would be a boone,” she said, “This festive day seems to be ripe with miracles.”

Chapter 16

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Life After the Party (or Picking up Monster Girls)

Chapter 16

(Nick’s P.O.V.)

The Christmas Dinner was a success, and thanks to Ms. Jones Pinkie’s family, and extended family, had a place to stay. That place was the house. When Ms. Jones had gone to collect the Apples and the Pies some of her contract crew had come out and performed a Christmas Miracle. They had built a large space at the back of the house, an exceptionally large room, that was split into about four smaller rooms. It wasn’t enough to give each of them their own room, but it would allow them the chance to split up and sleep fairly comfortably together.

I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. I knew that it was likely that they would be staying with us, after all that made sense, but I also wondered if it would have just been for dinner and they would be going back. Instead they had all admitted that they had agreed to take time off and that they intended to spend it with all of us. Naturally Pinkie wanted to show them around some, but with it being Christmas most of the shops were closed. But that wasn’t to say that we were not able to do anything.

I knew that we could check out the light display at Rhema Bible College and of course if we could arrange some transportation we could also check out the display in Muskogee at the Azalea Gardens near the Veterans Administration. I was hopeful that Ms. Jones could help us find a little more transportation than my old Ford. I could squeeze about eight people into the cab, if they were pretty friendly with each other, and that would be about it. Much more than that many would be asking for trouble. Max had his car, but with Fluttershy and himself he could maybe squeeze four more into the back seat, again if they were super friendly with each other.

It wouldn’t be comfortable, and that would make the experience less enjoyable. I grinned as I realized the answer. I could actually make this happen without bothering Ms. Jones. One of my friends had worked a bunch of crappy jobs straight out of highschool, and then went on to purchase a limo and got his chauffeur’s license, along with a Class B CDL when he purchased a bus a year later, and had his own chauffeur’s business. He rented limos out for various occasions, the biggest being proms and other formal wear dances. We’d kept in touch, for the most part, and I hoped that he wouldn’t mind doing something like this.

I had offered to help put things away, clean the dishes, but Pinkie shooed me away saying that she would do it, and both her mother and younger sister joined her. So, with that in mind I called Louie Crowsley. The phone rang twice before I heard a voice that sounded between joy and annoyance.

“Louie, what’s up buddy?” I asked, “Merry Christmas!”

“Nicky? Is that you?! Son of a bitch! Merry Christmas! How the fuck are you?!”

I grinned, “I’m doing good. Say, the girl I’m dating has her extended family over, and I was thinking about showing them the lights. The problem is that I can’t fit everyone into my truck.”

There was some silence, and then a barking laughter, “So, you finally found something that old Ford can’t do huh?!” he laughed as he got the words out, “How many we talking about?”

I did a quick count, and included Max, Fluttershy, Yuki, Pamela, and Josh. That meant that there were eighteen in total. I informed him of that and I heard a short whistle, “Well, not the most I’ve ever hauled,” he said sounding impressed, “So this is mostly her family huh? Well, good to know that you’re going to have folks around that give a shit about you. Buddy, tell you what. We’re friends, and we’ve been friends for a long time. You cover the fuel for it, and I’ll pick you up in the bus. I’d do one of the limos, but honestly it’d be a little cramped for that. But the bus is an old charter thing, so it’s comfortable, its got a bathroom, and even has a minifridge and snack bar I installed. It should be a treat for them. So, what’s the destination?”

I smiled, “Rhema Bible College first to look at the lights, and then if you feel up to maybe the Festival of Lights at the Azalea Garden in Muskogee?”

There was silence, “Sure, I don’t mind,” he said sounding a little off, “I don’t have much else going on.”

I waited a second, “Louie, everything okay?”

There was more silence, “Yeah, I mean it is what it is right?” he asked his voice sounding calm, “Just that after Anna I haven’t seen anyone. Hell, I’ve spent the most of Christmas alone. Hauling you and girl’s family around might be the closest thing to having fun I’ve done in about six months.”

I sat there, “Dude, I’m sorry, I really am,” I said meaning every word, “But seriously Anna was a world class bitch. I’m glad that you didn’t get married, and I’m sorry that she did you so dirty.”

There was more silence, “Yeah, me too,” he admitted sounding down, “I’d kind of like to meet someone else from the country. You know, a girl that knows what it is to work for a living, and not someone that’s just looking for a sugar daddy to get money off of.”

I grinned as I realized that I had a chance to play cupid, “Maybe that can happen. I know that my girl’s cousin works on a farm, she’s a hard worker, not bad looking, and seems to be pretty outgoing, and her younger sister works pretty hard too, and also fairly easy on the eyes. I can’t promise much, but I think that if you act like yourself that you might have a chance.”

I smiled as I heard a laugh, “Just be myself huh?” he asked, sounding a little unconvinced, “Sure, hey if it works out then that’s awesome.”

I made sure that he could be here in about twenty minutes, and then I decided to let everyone know about the surprise. Pinkie’s eyes practically shinned as she heard the news, and of course it seemed that everyone else was interested in looking at the lights. We walked next door, knocked, and Limestone answered the door. She looked like her resting bitch face was gone, and instead she seemed to be in a good mood. Beside her Aaron Underhill looked to be in just as good of one. The two were holding hands, and I could grasp that something had happened between them.

Still I filled Limestone in on what was going on, and she looked at Aaron before shaking her head.

“I’m going to stay here a while longer,” she said sounding happy, “But if we change our minds Aaron said they’ve got a few of your carts, and we can make our way there.”

I gave a nod, watched her walk back in, and realized that what she obviously had needed was some decent D. I nodded, told her to have fun, and walked back over. A few minutes later I watched as a nineteen seventies charter bus pulled up. The bus was huge, no kidding, it was one of the larger Charter Buses that I’d seen. The door opened and Louie was standing there in what looked like a clean and recently pressed tour guide suit.

“Ladies and gentlfolk,” I noticed the quick catch he made, and naturally it made me smile seeing how quick he was to make that catch, “My name is Louie Crowsley, and I am here today to take you fine folks out, show you some pretty lights, find a nice place that’s likely open for business for some food, and bring you back safely. So, on behalf of Crowsley Transportation, I welcome you aboard, please watch your step.”

Applejack’s P.O.V.

The carts they brought us over in obviously weren’t made by the same folks that made this’n. It was huge, purty much as big as a whole train car, and inside there was plenty of room to spread out. Plus, the stallion driving seemed ta be a right nice feller. We all got into seats, ‘though Ah might jest took a seat a might closer ta him. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with tryin’ ta get ta know a feller. Ain’t like Ah dun asked him ta whip it out and let me see the goods. Time fer that could come later. Ah looked over and saw Marble sittin’ ‘cross from me.

One look at ‘er and Ah knew that she was plannin’ on the same thing. That’s alright, Ah ain’t got a problem with a little competition. Nothing but the doing, if’n Ah’m honest, and Ah usually am then it’s jest gonna be the matter of seein’ it through. Ah didn’t pay much attention to how soft the seats were, the fact that it was nice and toasty inside, or the music playin’ on the radio. Ah jest smiled, talked ta that nice stallion when he wasn’t fillin’ everypony in on the city itself. When we got ta place where the lights were he parked the bus so we could get out and look around.

Ah smiled as he opened the door, waited for us ta get out, and then climbed out himself. Everypony seemed ta be lookin’ at the lights, but Marble and Ah waited fer him to get out. He did and Ah gave a grin.

“So, are ya able to leave that thing parked here and show a mare around?”

He grinned, “I suppose,” he said happily, “Actually I don’t have a problem doing that.”

Before long we began walking around, lookin’ at the lights, and they were mighty fine. The ponies that did the work really went out of their way to make these look like something else. Lots of work had been done, and Ah could see the results. Marble stayed near us, and I noticed that she was talkin’ a little bit more.

Something told me that Ah might have ta work a might harder than Ah figured.

Marble’s P.O.V.

He’s sweet, kind, friendly, and he seems willing to get to know us all. Although it looks like Applejack is in full gear to get closer to him. I don’t mind, but after Big Mac I’ve learned that if I want something, or somepony, I’ve got to put myself out there a little bit. I’m still not comfortable with crowds, or lots of ponies, but it’s worth it. Talking with him I can already see that he’d fit in around our farm, and honestly I think that his bus thing would be a huge hit in Equestria. Oh, it might need to be a little altered, changed up a bit, but it would be something ponies would love to use instead of the train. Talking with him I found that he was very easy to talk to. He didn’t seem upset when I didn’t answer right away, and I found myself enjoying the night more and more.

Pinkie’s P.O.V.

I watched Marble and Applejack as they talked Nicky’s friend and I realized that he didn’t just set up Limestone, but it looked like he set up Marble and AJ! I felt so happy watching them, and I wondered how long it would be until they were getting together. From the way both of them were acting I could see the potential of a herd forming. If that happened it would be okay, and it would mean that Applejack and I were double related!

I giggled as I watched them, seeing how they attempted to get his attention over each other, and I couldn’t help but grin as they stayed close to him.