The Sumo Six, Or Why Never To Tangle With Discord

by Archy

First published

With Discord missing, the girls form a search party to find him with interesting magical results.

After missing one of Fluttershy's tea parties, the mane 6 form a small expedition to go looking for Discord who has seemingly vanished. What awaits them in the Everfree forest however isn't what they expect at all.

Story commission for shadowofdreams on Furaffinity. Want your own story? Check out my journal for info.

Cover art by tawksi.

The Sumo Six, Or Why Never To Tangle With Discord

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“Twilight, are you home?”

Fluttershy had entered the library, it was its usual neat and tidy self. Almost an extension of the young lady who looked after it. Sitting just upstairs near her bedroom Twilight looked over the edge to see her friend down below. She looked rather worried. That being the case though Fluttershy did often worry, it wasn’t out of place for her.

“Up here Flutters.” she replied, waving a hand at her friend and beckoning her up the stairs. Twilight as per usual was buried in one of the many books that were kept in the library. She hardly looked up from it until Fluttershy was right in front of her, putting it down. Shy herself had taken a seat on the bed.

“Have you seen Discord lately?”

“No, why? I mean to be honest he’s not a great reader so I wouldn’t expect him to come by here anytime soon.” she replied honestly. It was true, in all her dealings with Discord the Draconequus had not once come by to see her for any sort of reading material. She supposed if he really wanted to he could just snap his fingers and summon whatever reading material he wanted. Why bother Twilight with a request for a book?

“Oh it’s just he’s missed the last two of our arranged meetings for afternoon tea. It’s very unlike him, since we started doing them he’s not missed a single one yet. So uh, two in a row is worrying.” her friend sat down, trying to not show how upset it was making her but Twilight could tell the difference between when Fluttershy was just worried in general or extremely worried about something that was bothering her deep down. This was one of those latter worries.

“Okay, let's get together Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow and Pinkie and we’ll go looking for him, alright? I suppose someone with his powers could be anywhere but I’m going to take a wild guess he hasn’t gone too far. When were you last supposed to meet for your tea party?”

“About an hour ago. And the one before that same time, just one week prior. He didn’t come to either. He didn’t even let me know he couldn’t make it.” she said, looking a little bit weepy. Even recounting a missing friend was a little too much for her. Twilight decided not to press her for anymore details. That was all she needed to know really.

“Okay, you go get Rainbow and AJ, I’ll go grab Rarity and Pinkie and then we’ll all meet back here in an hour to go over a plan to search for him, sound good? I’ll get the elements ready too.” Twilight said, getting up and walking over to Fluttershy, she put an arm around her trying to be reassuring. The single tear her friend had managed to shed dried up and she looked up at her with a big smile.

“Thanks Twilight, you always know just what to do.”

“It’s no problem, really, anyhow I wasn’t in the middle of anything that important. Let’s go find our friends then. I’ll see you back here shortly.”

It wouldn’t take long to get Rarity or Pinkie, assuming they were where Twilight thought they would be. She made for Carousel Boutique first.

A quick walk across town and she arrived. The door was unlocked. No Rarity downstairs though, perhaps if she had a look upstairs she’d be busying herself away at a new roster of dresses.

She hated disturbing Rarity when she was ‘mid-flow’ as it were with her work, but she needed her for this. A gentle knock at the door was all that was needed, Rarity shouting “Commmmeeeee iiiinnnnn!” from the other side.

“Hi Rarity.” Twilight entered the room and smiled, Rarity was sitting at her workbench but looking relaxed.

“You’ve caught me mid-break darling, did you need something?” she asked, toying with a few pieces of fabric in her finger as she mentally planned what to do with it.

“Actually yes, Discord’s gone missing. Fluttershy came to see me about it, I think it might be one of those times we need the elements.” she confessed, immediately seeing Rarity’s demeanor change. When the chips were down, she knew she would always take the situation seriously.

“I see, I wonder what he’s up to this time. I thought we had him all reformed, wasn’t he even attending tea parties with Fluttershy?” she asked.

“Well that’s the thing, he hasn’t shown up to any of them in the past couple of weeks. It’s why she came and spoke to me. I think she’s hoping he’s just gone on an extended vacation without telling her but they’re good friends. It’s unlike him to just up and vanish.” Twilight said, Rarity getting up whilst she was part way through her explanation of the situation. She grabbed a few small items and started towards the door.

She continued to talk as Twilight followed her downstairs and back outside the store where she closed up the boutique, putting up a small sign that said Closed - Back Soon. “I’ll wait for you at the library, I assume that’s where we’re meeting as the elements are stored there. Everyone else is coming I assume?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, I just need to get Pinkie. Fluttershy is grabbing Rainbow and AJ.”

Rarity smiled, taking Twilight by the hand. “In which case I’ll come along, actually I could probably use getting some snacks for the trip before we go.”

“Good thinking, let’s go get Pinkie.” Twilight smiled back at her as the two walked towards Sugarcube Corner together.

Once they arrived, the shop was its usual bustling self. Pinkie stood behind the counter helping customers with their orders. It was never a big wait, Pinkie was a fast worker.

“Hi girls! Ohhhhhh, here for some treats!? What can I getcha?” she asked, that usual big grin covering most of her face, a little wider now that two of her friends had come into the shop.

“Some cupcakes and cookies please Pinkie and uh, yourself? For an adventure?” Twilight asked, trying to soften the blow a little. Not that it really was a blow she needed to soften up, Pinkie enjoyed their little adventures together.

“Yes and yes!” came the enthusiastic reply. “I’ll get those boxed up and we can go! My shift is nearly over anyhow.” she said, Mrs. Cake appearing behind her to take over the work. Pinkie passed over her apron and skipped around the counter holding the boxes of food in hand.

“So what we going to defeat this time? Scary dragon? Changeling? One of Applejack’s barns?” she asked, the last response garnering some giggles from her friends. The tangles with the barns were pretty legendary. Applejack did seem to put up an awful lot of them.

“I’m afraid this time it’s Discord dear. He’s gone missing.” Rarity said.

“Discord’s gone missing? Wait, isn’t that kinda normal for him? He vanishes all the time. In fact I think the only regular meeting any of us have with that guy is when he poofs into Fluttershy’s cottage for one of her tea parties.” Pinkie said, her enthusiasm waning a bit when she realised they were now after a friend of a friend.

“Well, that’s the thing, he’s missed the last two weeks worth of them. Fluttershy is worried.” Twilight replied. The three of them walking back towards the library. Pinkie continued to puzzle over why the Draconequus would stop attending the tea parties.

Eventually making it back to the library, Twilight opened the door to find Fluttershy had already gathered Rainbow and Applejack, both of them were sitting talking whilst Fluttershy paced around.

“That was fast, usually I’m the first one to get our friends together.” Twilight said as she walked in.

“Oh sorry Twilight, was I too fast? I can go slower next time.” she continued to pace around, showing her worry.

“Don’t worry, no harm done. Rainbow, AJ? I’m going to assume Fluttershy mentioned to you why you’ve been asked here.” Twilight said to the two of them, Rainbow Dash and Applejack breaking their conversation to reply.

“Yeah yeah, Discord’s gone missing. Fluttershy, after your tea parties he technically goes missing every week you know.” Rainbow said, a little sarcastic.

“Now c’mon Rainbow, our friend’s concerned. If Tank went missing I bet you'd have all of us out scouring Ponyville lookin’ for him.” AJ replied, sending Rainbow into a slight panic.

“W-wha? He’s gone? Where is he!?” she said fretting. The rest of the girls just smiled as it dawned on their friend. “Oh right, well yeah okay, point taken.” she huffed.

“Anyhow, first thing is as a precaution we should all be wearing our elements. Fluttershy I’m not saying he’s gone rogue but just in case. You understand right?” Twilight said with a soothing tone, she had plucked the elements out of their storage spot and was passing them around to the rest of her friends. Fluttershy just nodded in agreement. She didn’t want to argue, it could always be a possibility. “Now then, do you have any idea where he might be?” Twilight asked Fluttershy. “Otherwise we could be searching around for weeks.”

“Hmmm….” she thought for a moment, back to their conversations over tea. “Actually he was rather excited about something. It was some sort of collection actually, he had been talking about it for weeks. Within it he had finally found what he had been looking for, or so he thought. He only mentioned one place. The Everfree Forest.” her voice turning to a squeak at the mention of that place. Even after all this time it was still full of mystery and was scary just to mention.

“Well I suppose we know where we’re headed first then.” Twilight said. “Everyone else agree?”

There was an almost synchronized nodding of heads from the others, Fluttershy nodding along but weakly. The others split up for a moment to make sure they had everything they needed for a trek into the woods. Twilight just put a hand on her friends shoulder.

“I know you don’t like that place, but you did the right thing. We’d have ended up there sooner or later anyhow.” she said. “Besides, we’ll look after you.”

“I know… I just wonder if this is all a wild goose chase. What if he’s just gotten caught up in something? Maybe he’s just out there collecting flowers, or seeds, or…” her voice trailed off, she knew that was unlikely.

“Well, you never know.” Twilight said, the other four returned and stood waiting for instruction.

“We ready to get this show on the road then?” Rainbow asked.

“Ah think so, at least I’ve got all the essentials. Have you Rarity?” AJ asked with a bit of a smirk. Rarity was rather legendary for packing clothing and not much else.

“Of course, I’ve got all the clothes I need. Some conditioner, make-up…” she stopped speaking when she saw an eyebrow go up from Applejack. “Oh very well, give me a moment.” she said, disappearing to repack more useful essentials.

“Ready as ever!” Pinkie just said, almost bouncing on her two feet. “Ready to go!”

Rarity returned and the six seemed about as ready as they could be to head out. Twilight gave the final word.

“Alright let's go. I suppose if we pass by Zecora’s on the way and ask if she’s seen him at all it would be a good first place to stop for a while. Then we can press deeper.” Twilight said, as the six of them left the library, Twilight locking the door behind them. They wandered through town, the friends talking happily as they walked through and made their way towards the entrance to the forest.


Although the Everfree Forest was still a place of mystery, with the amount of times the girls had been in there now it wasn’t quite as scary as it used to be, although Fluttershy was still pretty afraid of the place. Throughout the whole walk, she kept herself close to Twilight, practically hugging her as she gripped her tightly.

“Fluttershy, do you mind um, giving me a little space? It’s hard to walk with you so close.”

“Oh uh, sorry Twilight. C-can I at least hold your hand. This place really creeps me out.” she said, taking a bit of a step back and then just gripping her hand in Twilight’s.

“Zecora’s place must be pretty close ah’ recon.” Applejack said, holding in her hands a paper map that showed them the way down the usual trail.

“It’s right round the corner AJ, don’t you remember?” Rainbow said, sprinting ahead slightly to look around a particularly overgrown tree. “Yup, right there just like I thought it would be.” she smiled triumphantly and pointed to her right. Sure enough as the six of them rounded the corner they came to the hut. Its usual tiki-covered self. Twilight walked up to the front door and gave it a knock.

Rap rap rap.


There was no reply. Just an echoing sound from the inside of the building as Twilight tried knocking again.

Rap rap rap.

“Ohhhh, maybe she’s out collecting stuff, you know for her creepy potions!” Pinkie excitedly interjected.

“Please Pinkie, her potions are not creepy. Actually they can be rather useful.” Rarity said in reply. “Don’t forget what happened with the Poison Joke.”

“Ohhhh yeah, actually that was helpful. Well then maybe she’s out getting stuff for her useful potions!” Pinkie quickly correcting herself.

“I...don’t think she’s home guys.” Twilight had tried a number of times knocking now, plus the rest of them were talking. If she was there she would have heard something.

“Should we look inside?” Applejack asked.

“It’s locked, plus I don’t think Zecora would take too kindly to us breaking into her home. I guess we’ll just keep looking. I don’t like it thought, you think her not being here is related to Discord?” Twilight asked the rest of the group.

“Possibly. But she could just be out like Pinkie says.” Rarity said.

“Better keep our elements ready, just in case.” Twilight continued, seeing Fluttershy’s mood just getting more down as things were clearly taking a slight downward spiral.

The six of them left the hut and continued searching the forest. Apart from animals, the odd broken branch laying in the path from a tree and a rustling in the bushes there wasn’t much to be said for the trip. Following the path towards the other side there was no sign of Discord, eventually the six of them arrived at the castle of the two sisters.

“Well, I give up. We’ve been all through the forest and found nothing. This is officially the most dull trip we’ve ever been on.” Rainbow said, puffing a little at the end of her sentence to show her boredom. “I mean of all the places that guy could be, this is probably the last.”

“Well, we should probably stay and at least…” Twilight would have carried on her sentence, but she was completely stopped in her tracks by something that caught her eye as she glanced down at the ground.

At first it looked like a pretty unremarkable, but out of place, swirling black blob. It didn’t look particularly friendly either, so moving one of her feet to try to flatten it she almost jumped back in shock when the thing moved away from getting crushed.

The rest of her friends froze as the blob grew, continuing to gain in size and increase in mass until a black swirling vortex roughly the size of a man was taking shape before them.


The black blob vanished, replaced a rather jovial Discord, his always grinning face greeting the girls.

“Ah ladies! I knew you’d track me down! Even as a tiny, insignificant speck of practically nothing. I had to act rather quickly to stop getting crushed by Twilights foot. You know you should be careful where you’re walking.” the Draconequus seemed fine, at least right up until the moment Fluttershy tried to run forward to give him a friendly hug.


She was repelled back by a flick of magic from his claw, instantly causing her friends to gather round her.

“Ya’ll okay sugarcube?” Applejack asked, Fluttershy just nodded in return, tears in her eyes. “Why’d ya’ll do that?! She’s been worried for days about ya, and ya go and do something like that?” Applejack started to shout, her anger clearly taking hold after seeing Discord have little to no regard for Fluttershy by casting a spell at her.

“You know for a farm girl you really are rather boring. I thought all you country types were supposed to be interesting Applejack, but in the time I’ve known you I’ve never seen much really wow me on that farm of yours. Must be awfully dull.” Discord replied, dusting himself off slightly after casting the spell.

“B-Boring?! Like you’d know the meanin’ of hard work.” she huffed, red faced. Something was clearly off. Discord seemed back to his previous self, Twilight thought it was a good opportunity to question him.

“What is going on Discord?! Don’t tell me you’ve just upped and changed your ways without a thought for your friends.”

“Oh my dear Twilight, I did have a thought. It entered and left my brain in about a nanosecond. I’m bored. I need to flex my muscles, to have a little fun. I can only attend tea parties for so long. That’s why I’m out here. You know this castle has plenty of spellbooks that have been gathering dust over the years. I’m surprised you’ve not had them all collected up and hauled back to your library by now. There’s some good ones in there you know.” he said with a slight grin.

“I know, I’ve read plenty. But what could there possibly be in there that you didn’t know about? You’re magic is chaos. You can do anything.” she replied. “Oh, and I hope you haven’t forgotten about these.” Twilight said, giving her crown a small tap.

“Oh no, not forgotten about of course. But chaos magic is just that, chaos magic. I haven’t really dabbled in pony magic.” The Draconequus still grinning at her, that trademark little smile really starting to get on Twilight’s nerves.

“Oh really, and what sort of magic could you possibly pick up in there?” Twilight asked.

“I thought you’d never ask…”

He was fast, in fact too fast for the six of the girls to actually get together and power up to put him back to stone. For a starters, he only needed to put the spell on Twilight, the rest would be easy.

There was a puff of purple smoke around her as the transformation took place, only lasting but a few seconds. The book in the collection he had mentioned to Fluttershy held a particularly potent spell. Being a gifted magic user already it didn’t take him very long to learn it.


“O-Oh mah gosh…”

“W-what happened?”

“I-I think you might need to stop by the boutique sometime soon…”

“Oooohhh, big!”

Twilight had undergone a rapid transformation. She was still stood in the same spot, there was just...more of her. A lot more of her.

Her body had ballooned, it seconds it must have gained hundreds of pounds of fat. She wobbled, trying to get used to her huge new frame that threatened to topple over at any second. She stabilised herself, only to go into a deep red blush.

Her body was a sight to behold. Her clothes, made for someone much more slender were now incredibly tight against her frame and struggling to stay attached to it. Every little movement she was making threatened to rip them off. Her huge belly sagged downwards in front of her, all those pounds of fat trying to fight against gravity and failing miserably. Behind her, her ballooned ass cheeks were causing her skirt and panties to dig into her massive ass as they fought for space against what were once two rather slender cheeks, but no more. Her fat face had gained two chubby cheeks also, below it, her swollen breasts sat like two round over inflated beach balls on top of her huge gut.

“” was all she could manage when words finally left her lips.

“Hah! It worked! Well, the book said it would, but I didn’t think it actually would work. It was such an old spell in a rather dusty tome.” Discord said triumphantly, clapping in glee that he had managed to put Twilight out of commission in one fell swoop. “Now tell me, what do you think of it?” he asked.

“What kinda question is that!? You’ve made her into a blimp!” Applejack shouted at him, getting rather upset at the wanton use of magic.


There was a collective gasp from the remaining five. They couldn’t believe what they had just heard.

“You love it?! WHAT?” Rainbow spat out. “Twilight, you’re a ball of lard, how can you love it!?” Rainbow said, utterly shocked.

“Ah my dear Dash, side effect of the spell! Not only does it turn you into a big lardball, but you love being a big lardball! Rather useful actually, it means she’s unlikely to fight back against me, and neither can the rest of you without all of these elements in action. Now, who’s next…” Discord could see the remaining girls getting ideas about running, a quick cast of the spell would stop that. “You.”

He turned his attention to Dash, now the leader of the group was dealt with it made sense to deal with the quickest next.

Another puff of smoke, blue this time around Dash as her own body underwent the transformation to match Twilight’s. Now there were two of them, two lardy girls who had grown in size under the influence of the spell. The four of them that were still normal just looked at their friends in shock.

“DISCORD. CHANGE THEM BACK THIS INSTANT.” this time it was Rarity’s turn to speak up.

“No, join us Rarity…” Rainbow said.

“Three lard balls are better than two…” Twilight continued. Squishing her fat body into Rainbow’s.

“W-what is this? Twilight’s not a lesbian! Although I never could say the same for Rainbow…” Rarity trailed off.

“Ah, side effect of the spell. Not only do you love being fat, you love others who are just as fat as you!” Discord was now even more happy, dancing around on the spot and clapping still. “You know this could be quite fun, once I change all six of you I might get treated to my very own fat orgy of big versions of yourselves smooching up a storm.” he said, that wicked grin returning to his face. “Now Rarity, I was going to spare you until last, it seems a shame to ruin such a perfectly sculpted figure but I’m not a fan of being shouted at.”

“WAIT!” but that was all Rarity managed to get out before he cast another of the spell. A white puff of smoke and but seconds later a third fatty graced the outside of the castle. The three of them were giving each other deep, lustful stares. Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy seemed to be torn. Their three friends had been changed, but if they didn’t run it would be too late for them as well, they’d have no chance of saving them.

But it was too late, they were doomed as soon as they set out to find Discord. As the three of them turned in unison they got nowhere. The Draconequus acting fast to cast the spell three times to ensure they didn’t escape.

The elements dropped to the floor, no longer able to remain on the six massive figures that now dwarfed Discord, who gently made his way around them to pick up the elements. “I’ll be taking those thank you very much, and also…” he snapped his fingers, summoning a seat to rest himself on. “I’ll be watching this rather lovely show.”

Six fat, jiggly, lusty girls all stood looking at each other. It was about to get very interesting indeed.


It really was a very unique spell, Discord even conceded it could have been bordering on chaos magic. Something that fattens you up, but also makes you truly in love with how big you are? He could see its usefulness. Imagine in a war if you could just turn all the enemy soldiers into immobile fatties that had no intention of fighting back anymore, just making out on the battlefield.

Right now he was watching a small battle unfold in front of him as six blubbery girls jostled with each other for position trying to grab huge handfuls of flesh to play with. It was...arousing.

The six of them had split into pairs. Twilight was currently gripping Rarity rather tightly, she had wrapped her arms around her belly and was enjoying giving it a good squeeze. Her tongue just lolled out as her mesmerized mind wanted nothing more than to feel every inch of flab that Rarity had to offer. Rarity herself, was just reciprocating and even though she didn’t quite have her own greedy arms around Twilight was cupping her own breasts and squishing them together with a huge grin on her face. Ah Rarity, always the self absorbed one, even when her body had undergone such a huge change she was obsessed with herself, although Discord did note that her eyes were all over Twilight, observing her curves.

Rainbow was currently busying herself with Fluttershy. The mammoth girl had but moments before pushed her friend to the ground as she lay on top of her, their lips locked as they kissed passionately on the ground. Both of them had their eyes closed, gentle pants leaving their lips in between the frenzied smooching session. Rainbow’s huge body squished eagerly into Fluttershy’s own massive frame, their tums spilling out of their clothing as they started to rub against each other and really enjoy their blubbery bodies. They had already wrapped each other in a rather passionate embrace and hug, with both of them holding each other tight as the two explored new rolls of flab that had taken shape all over their bodies to try to contain themselves. The two of them were mingling their legs together as well. Discord could make out one of Rainbow’s hands working its way down to a rather sensitive area of Fluttershy…

The last two, Applejack and Pinkie were leaned up against a tree. Well rather, Applejack was laying flat on the floor with her head touching the base of the tree, whilst Pinkie was sat on top of her. Actually, Applejacks head had completely disappeared under the mound of ass that Pinkie was wobbling around on top of her. One pony was clearly a fan of facesitting as Pinkie grinded her cheeks over the top of her friend, Discord only had to assume Applejack underneath her was returning the favour in kind. He could see the mare was sweating, little beads of joy dripping from her face as clearly her butt was getting some attention. Applejack also had her hands wrapped around her plot, giving it a good squeeze as she was treated to a face full of booty.

But it seemed all this attention between the six of them, which was giving Discord a lot to look at, didn’t come without variety. He could see some of them eyeing the others after a few minutes. Wordlessly, and almost in synchronization, they seemed to switch places.

Suddenly Twilight was now giving Rainbow plenty of attention, after she had managed to remove herself from an intense smooch and more from Fluttershy. The two of them were now backed up against the tree that Applejack and Pinkie were occupying a few moments ago. Standing this time, Twilight was giving Rainbow what she had been giving Fluttershy, a very passionate smooch. The two of them were not hugging either, no, Twilight was enjoying fistfulls of Rainbow’s fat and Rainbow was enjoying the same of Twilights. The two of them were really going at it too. Hands had vanished between the rolls as huge layers of blubber jiggled around as it was toyed with from each of them. They were both really enjoying each other.

Fluttershy and Applejack were also taking of advantage of each other after the switch, something about being a farm girl must have really stuck with Applejack, even after the effects of the spell. Discord swore he could hear little squeals of delight from her as a rather red faced Fluttershy gripped her tightly and was uncharacteristically for her, slapping the lardy girls ass with all the force she could manage. Some of them he guessed had the opposite effect where they started to do things that were very unlike them. The rather lewd expression on Fluttershy’s face though told him all he needed to know, she was still absolutely loving it. It didn’t look like she was going to let up the attention she was giving AJ anytime soon.

Pinkie and Rarity seemed to be having a bit more of a delicate time of it, Rarity was just admiring Pinkie with her hands, getting a real sense of her friends huge size. She had cupped both palms around the bottom of Pinkie’s rear as she leaned forward and squished her chest against Pinkie. Clearly Rarity was a fan of really getting a feel of a friends physique. It wasn’t to be unexpected though. Pinkie was just blushing immensely and returning her touches with hugs and friendly smooches.

And again they switched. Discord continued to observe. Perhaps it was a side effect of the spell also? He hadn’t read that much detail about it in the book. Maybe there was some clause in there about variety being the space of life. It seemed to be rather literal here as each pair would enjoy one another for a couple of minutes, then move around to another. He was resisting the urge to join in, but he seemed to have become invisible to them, completely under the effects of the spell they ignored him completely and just focused on one another. It seemed the six of them had nothing but love for each other and their fat.

At least so he thought, daydreaming slightly as he observed the wonderful sight in front of him, he had to blink to make sure he saw it but he could have sworn, just for a moment he witnessed Twilight hesitate. She was now with Fluttershy giving her huge body a once over. Her arm seemed to stop for a split second but then carried on to its destination of rubbing underneath her breasts.

Then another hesitation, this time from Rarity. She stopped hugging Rainbow but then after a few seconds, went straight back to it. Hmm. Was the spell wearing off? Better keep an eye on it.

Then more hesitations, from all of them. They were faltering being utterly infatuated with one another. This was worrying. Lucky he had gathered up the elements, if the spell failed at least they couldn’t do anything to him. He supposed he could always just cast it again.


The words came from Twilight lips, who had stopped entirely and was now staring at Rarity who she had gone back to, Rarity had stopped as well.


“Oh but it is! Keep kissing girls! That blubber isn’t going to play with itself!” the words seemed to work, perhaps some tie to that portion of the spell. He watched as the girls hesitations stopped and they began to play with each others flab again. It was wonderous to watch. He couldn’t look away from all that flesh moving around. The six of them were just in fat heaven, playing and cooing at each other as much as they could. The round-robin style position shifting was lovely as well. Keeping things fresh.

Fat folds were getting toyed with by all six of them, continuously all over their massive bodies. He could see just how much each one was enjoying it. Meaty sausage fingers were grabbing huge fistfuls of fat that was then getting squeezed, pinched, pushed around from all areas just to see what would happen to it.

The remains of clothes were struggling to hang on as well. Every few moments as movement took place with the fatties he could hear tiny little shrrippsss of material coming apart. A couple of them had almost burst out of their pants, blubber trying to force its way out to escape the clothing prisons that was keeping it constrained. If they were anymore lustful he swore they would have actually been tearing their clothes off to get to the supple and bulbous flesh beneath that was hidden away.

For now most of them seemed to be content with what was peaking out. Rarity in particular, who always wore clothing that matched her body and accentuated herself wasn’t fairing very well at all in the clothing department. Her huge fat boobs were just about contained by the bra that somehow clung on under the tatters of her shirt which had ridden up completely to only just about cover her chest also. Her massive gut was hanging out from underneath and completely covered the top of her pants, her waistline no longer visible.

The rest, although wearing more sensible clothes also had issues. Fluttershy’s always thin outfit left nothing to the imagination with hundreds of pounds of fat now pressing up against it. Twilight’s clothes had just...shrunk seemingly, even though there was more there to cover her it couldn’t fight against the flab. Applejack’s simple farm outfit now contained so many holes and rips that she’d have to buy something new, Rainbow who always wore something athletic hardly had any coverings left. The tomboy shorts and tracksuit top she had donned well, it was amazing they were still in place. Pinkie well...Pinkie hardly ever wore much to begin with so it wasn’t that unusual that she looked almost naked.

The hesitation was creeping in again though, he could see them faltering.

“W-what are we doing?” Twilight said as she stopped Rainbow like she was with Rainbow just replying. “D-don’t know.” almost confused as to the state of play.

“Keep kissing and cuddling my fatties! There’s plenty more of you to toy with!” Discord enthusiastically shouted but this time, his words didn’t seem to do anything but actually grab the attention of the now faltering girls who’s minds were now fighting off the infatuation they had with each other. He panicked, casting the spell on all six again.

There was the same six puffs of smoke as before, but their size didn’t change and neither did their minds. The spell had become totally ineffective. What he had failed to realise was that once the target was at the infatuation size, the actual infatuation only lasted a short amount of time before it wore off. The spell was more about making them reach a size that put them out of commission. That was just a small side effect that didn’t last very long.

They were regaining their minds, and he could see the smiles and lusty expressions of before were now fading. Turning to annoyance and anger. Even though the six of them were big, they were still pretty mobile. Now united together again they started to advance towards him.

“Well what are you gonna do!? Sit on me? I’ve got your elements right here, see!” he shouted, triumphantly raising the crown above his head and taunting Twilight with it. “Without these, you can’t touch me!”

All Twilight did, was just turn her head towards her friends and wink at them. They didn’t even need to run quickly towards Discord. The Draconequus, cocky as ever, hadn’t realised he had given them the rather silly idea they needed to put him out of commission.

Part of him could see it coming, he watched as they approached, turned and six monster rears and squished them all together. He could have poofed away in an instant, he could have flicked his fingers and turned them all into bunnies, but for some reason he just didn’t. Perhaps it was the lovely thought of being flattened under those squishy rumps that kept him from doing so.

Suddenly everything went dark, his whole body was covered in flesh. Every inch from the top of his head right down to his feet he could feel a warm, embracing squish as the six girls, all lined up, did exactly as he had suggested and sat right on top of him. In a T pose flat on the floor he didn’t even try to resist, the whole of his body now in bliss as pounds and pounds of flesh covered him. He couldn’t breathe, see or speak but he knew this was wonderful.

Twilight, who was sat near his middle watched his grip fade from the crown which was poking out from just in front her. She picked it up. “I’ll be taking that thank you.”

He couldn’t hold onto them all, the rest of the elements had been dropped too just in the reach of the girls who each scooped up their respective elements and passed to one another the ones they did get if it was wrong.

“You know if we get up off him, he’ll just poof away.” Rainbow said, speaking for the first time now she had snapped out her spell induced lust.

“Well let's power up here and then turn him back to stone. He’s already trapped underneath us, and by the feel of something poking against me, he isn’t going to go anywhere until we do…” Rarity replied, she was looking a little uncomfortable.

“But he seemed so reformed…” Fluttershy said, her voice back to its usual quiet self.

“We can try and free him again one day Fluttershy, promise, but you heard what he said, he did this simply because he was bored. I know he’s your friend but we can’t risk it.” said Twilight, ever the voice of reason. Fluttershy just nodded back, Twilight could tell she didn’t like it but it was the right choice.

Their eyes glowed, they levitated slightly but it was all too late for Discord, who realised what was happening just slightly too slow to snap his fingers and get somewhere safe. He didn’t try, as the rainbow arc came down towards him all he uttered was.

“Worth it…”

And where he had once lay, a stone statue of him now lay instead. It was over. Well, nearly, all that remained was to find the spell in whatever book he had gotten hold of and reverse the effects of getting this big. At this size though, searching wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. Well, a waddle in the park.


“C’mon girls, it has to be here somewhere.”

The six of them had been searching around the castle for a couple of hours now. Rather than leaving him outside laying on the floor, they had managed to drag the now statued Discord inside and place him in the middle of the main hall. Each of them was combing the shelves, searching for the book that he had used to learn the spell.

“Ya’ll think you can undo this Twilight?” Applejack asked as she plucked a book down and started to leaf through the pages.

“Well I hope so. Usually one of three things happens. Either the spell wears off naturally, that doesn’t seem to have happened in this case. Part of it did, the lusty part…” she blushed again, as did the rest of them, trying not to remember that part where their minds were slightly under the influence. Twilight continued speaking. “Or there is a part of the spell that can reverse effects. Finally there can be another spell which just undoes what this one has done to us. I really hope secret option four doesn’t come into play.” she said, worrying slightly.

“What’s um, secret option number four?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well you know how sometimes people develop a disease on purpose in movies and then don’t make a cure?”

“Uh huh…”

“Well similar, sometimes they develop a spell and don’t include a way to reverse it or make it wear off…” she could see her words were the last thing that they all wanted to hear. “I’m sure that isn’t the case though.” she hurriedly added on as they continued to search.

“What about this one?” Rarity asked, bringing a book over and laying it in front of Twilight.

“...Rarity that looks like a planners guide to laying out the castle for events. There’s no magic in there.”

“I know! But it looked pretty!” the huge girl said, picking it back up and perusing the pages with her sausage fingers. “Some of these designs are to die for.”

Twilight just rolled her eyes and sighed. She hoped that one of the others would have some luck.

It was another two hours before Rainbow Dash finally pulled a book from one of the shelves and started leafing through.

“Twi! I think I got it! It’s less dusty than the rest which is a giveaway it’s been out recently…” she said and waddled her way over to a central table and plopped it down for her friend to observe. The six of the huddled round, still not quite remembering their huge sizes they squished into each other again. There was a small amount of embarrassed giggles and red faces as Twi flipped through the pages.

“No...not it, no...wait. This looks promising.” her eyes came across a particular spell. “Hmm...oh dear.” her face fell, the rest of them gathered a little closer to Twilight.

“Ah hope that’s not a fourth option oh dear Twi.” Applejack said.

“It’s uh...yeah. We’re stuck like this, forever.”

Immediately their faces fell, silence. Only broken by Rainbow screaming “WHAT!?” at the top of her lungs.

“I’m sorry! It’s one of those spells! It says right there in the book!” Twilight picked it up between her fat fingers and read a the last paragraph back. “This spell should only be used under extreme circumstances. Whilst the lust portion is temporary and will wear off, the gaining of size is not and will remain. There is no way to lose this added weight. USE CAUTION WITH THIS SPELL.”

“So...we’re stuck like this forever?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight just sighed and shut the book. “It seems so.”

There was a small collective gasp from the group, except Rainbow who let out an almighty “Nooooooooo!” as the reveal of never being able to get back to their normal, slimmer selves was now a certainty. Immediately a few of her friends went to comfort her before she continued her bawling.

“This is terrible!” Rainbow shouted out. “I’ll never be able to compete in anything now! Not with this monster belly…” she cried out. Twilight was there to comfort her too, but had something different to suggest.

“ don’t think this is just a little nice?” Twilight continued.

“Ah don’t think all that lust part of the spell has worn off yah girl.” Applejack interjected.

“ is a teeny bit nice.” Fluttershy said, joining in with Twilights train of thoughts. She blushed.

“I mean I know we’re big girls but we can get used to it...and besides, have you ever felt so satisfied?” Twilight asked the group, she gave her massive gut a little prod to emphasise her point.

“Now that you mention does feel rather nice, besides. I could be the perfect model to start a new line for plus sized ladies.” Rarity replied, cupping her huge breasts under her hands. “I bet there’s a market for the bigger ones out there. Okay, we’re a little bigger than normal but I could always tone it down.” she said.

“Might help with buckin’ those trees...a bit more heft to knock em…” Applejack said, considering the usefulness of being a bit larger.

“I’m sure the animals would like me a bit more snuggly too…” Fluttershy continued the shared train of thought.

Only Rainbow seemed unconvinced. “C’mon guys, I’m an athlete, I can’t stay like this!”

“You know you could always be a champion eater, there are other ways to win at things.” Twilight said, smiling at her. Rainbow just huffed in reply.

“I’m not convinced, yet. But we’ll see.” was all she said, Twilight smiled again at Rainbow, just giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder now that she had calmed down a little.

“This is no help really now and I don’t think removing it from the castle would go down very well with Celestia and Luna. Put it back. Let's go home.” Twilight said, watching as Rainbow took the book and waddled it over to place it back where she had found it. It went back into place with a satisfying thunk.

“What do we do about him?” Rainbow asked, pointing at the statue of Discord.

“I think we leave him here for a while, if he comes around his magic may be powerful enough to undo this, if we ever want it undoing. I don’t think he’s going to be very amicable to it now though.” Twilight said. The castle was safe enough, and to anyone entering from the outside he would just look like another statue in the hall.

“I can’t believe he did this just because he was bored, he never said he was bored at my tea parties…” Fluttershy said rather quietly, Twilight gave her a hug and squeezed her friend tightly, much easier now that they were the size they were.

“Sometimes you never know these things are going to unfold. Fluttershy he might have been bored the whole time, planning this for months and only in the last few weeks did he actually vanish to put together the last part of his plan. Unless we ask him directly we’ll never know.” she said, her friend a little tearful but still understanding her words of wisdom.

“I suppose, but he seemed so nice.” Fluttershy said.

Seemed is the key word there ah think.” Applejack said. “He played us for fools before, it’s not unexpected he did it again.”

“Yeah, perhaps someday he will come around. For now...I think like Twilight said we should go home.” Fluttershy bucking up slightly in mood smiled, her stomach grumbled comically at the same time. “Seems I’m hungry!”

“I think we all are.” Twilight smiled back at her, ushering the friends out of the castle back into the cool air, the evening was starting to set in.

With that, the six friends waddled their way out of the castle and towards home. It wouldn’t take them long to get used to their sizes, a few adjustments here and there to their daily routine and perhaps some bigger clothes, bigger meals too. It felt good too, none of the girls had really wanted to admit it, but when Twilight said it did feel satisfying they all had to agree in some way or another, even Rainbow who pouted a little. A meal was just a trip through the Everfree Forest away.