A Single Pale Beanis

by Flash Notion

First published

Sunset made the mistake of sleeping at work. Now Tempest wants her help in a very personal matter...

Sunset was just hoping to get a peaceful night's rest in her office. Now Tempest's barged in, and it's all going downhill from there.

Part of the Beanis Cinematic Universe.

Partially proofread by Majin Syeekoh and R5h.

I have no regrets.
Several months later, I have SOOOO many regrets.

Hello, Trauma Inside Trauma Inside Trauma Inside Traumatic Trauma!

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Sunset watched a large pair of beans wiggle around one another. They writhed and slithered and made rude noises. They seemed to be making out.

Blam! Blam! Blam!

All of a sudden one of the beans started spasming against the other- oh gawd, it was humping. They were having bean sex! Disgusted, she tried swatting the fornicating food, but she missed, and rolled off the edge of a cliff. The beans followed her, falling and falling, and humping, and falling...


Sunset blinked, feeling her cheek scraping against thick fibers. She shifted and much worse scrapes became apparent on her arms. Her hand reached for a bit of support, and instead smacked into hard plastic.


Another brief moment and the neurons left in her brain actually connected, reminding her of where she was and why she was there. Just in time for the sound that woke her up to return.

Blam, Blam, Crack!

Sunset sighed and righted her swivel chair. “Come in...” she drawled, slowly collapsing into place behind her desk.

The now slightly-off-its-hinges door opened, and an amazonian young woman, with a mohawk that would've brushed the ceiling if it weren't wet, strode into Sunset's office. Sweat and rain dripped down her muscles, cool in high contrast to the blazing in her eyes. “Sunset Shimmer!” she declared. “I need your help.”

Thunder dramatically rolled over the building.

Sunset risked a glance at her clock. Tiny digital numbers blinked into and out of existence. In between blinks, it ticked over from 8:17 to 8:18. Sunset did her best to compose a mental note, re. setting the damn time. That Post-It would most likely get lost underneath another deluge of work-related bullshit.

Regardless, it was clearly still the middle of the night, too early for any other sane employee to be at Beanis Inc. Emphasis on sane. “What are you doing here, Tempest?”

Tempest Shadow blinked as the moisture on her dark skin fell into her eyes. “I need your help,” she repeated.

“Yeah, but with what? Please don't say a Beanis,” Sunset whisper-pleaded.

“I... I can't remember.”

Well, that was disappointing. “Do you want to sit down, maybe try and figure it out...?”

Tempest frowned. “What? No, I mean- I can't remember... things.”

“Like... why you came here?”

“No!” Tempest sighed. “I can't remember things, like, before I came here. Who I was. Who I am.”

“You have amnesia,” Sunset stated. She couldn't keep the skepticism out of her voice; she didn't even try. Losing only specific memories was something that only happened in movies.

But Tempest seemed confident. “Yeah, that's part of it,” she said. “But... I've also been having nightmares...”

Sunset nodded, then held up a finger. “One second.” She got up, grabbed her fallen pillow, and placed it under her butt as she sat back down. This was starting to seem like it might take a while, and she wanted a bit more comfort. “Okay, go.”

“I've been seeing things,” Tempest began. “Strange things. The city in ruins. Robots made out of beans. Seeds falling from the sky.” She clenched her fists and inhaled, a deep breath that pushed her breasts out against her shirt. Sunset idly noticed that the other woman was most certainly not wearing a bra. That should be a violation of workplace rules, but in this building...”

“Welcome to Pinto Purgatory,” she said instead. “At this point, I'd say it's part of our new normal. Unfortunately.”

But Tempest just crossed her arms. “These are not normal dreams.”

“Then what are they?”

“I- I don't know. Pieces of my past, perhaps; things I've somehow forgotten. Little...” Tempest waved a hand in the air. “Farts of memory.”

“Gross,” Sunset said dryly. Then she gave Tempest the most encouraging smile she could muster at God-knows-what o'clock in the morning. “You've been working really hard, and you've taken it like a champ.” Sunset winced at her choice of words, but kept going. “Maybe you need a break. Go home, watch some movies, be with Wallflower, I dunno. Just enjoy life.”

“That sounds nice,” Tempest admitted. “My work here has been my life. Everything before that, it's... fuzzy.”

“Same. I can barely remember my life before this stupidity.” Automatically, Sunset’s hand shot into her nearby carry-all, came out with a crumpled dollar bill, and tossed it across the room into a half-full jar. This one was labeled Florence. “Sometimes I really wish I could.”

“Yeah...” Tempest's eyes slid past Sunset, becoming unfocused. “I wish- I wish I could remember my parents' faces. I know they loved me, but other than that... it's not clear. I can't recall where we lived, where I grew up.”


“And how I came to Canterlot, that's not clear either. I seem to remember the buildings being much... shorter, I think, and older.”

“I'm actually starting to think you're serious.”

Tempest’s hands drifted up from her sides and started rubbing together, under and over, like she was washing her hands. “Did I have friends back home? Do they miss me? Are they waiting for me to call, or write?”

“Okay, if you are, I think we need to start with those Retentor experiments, because I don't think we ever checked to see if there were side effects.”

Now her hands had gone to her shoulders, hugging herself. She was rocking on her heels, to the point Sunset was afraid she’d fall over. “How did I lose my leg? Was it an accident or something worse?”

“All that alcohol you guys ingested probably didn't help any...”


Tempest swept the desk clear in an instant, leaned over, and grabbed Sunset by the shirt. Despite being lifted that way, still all Sunset could do was look over at the sparking mess that had been her computer and think, “That's another fifteen hundred in the red.”

Tempest leaned closer, face only inches away, her brilliant blue eyes almost glowing. “They don't feel real. My memories, what few I can conjure up, they feel like drunken hallucinations! Every one of my nightmares feels ten times more real. There is something wrong with me, and I. Need. Your. Help.”

Sunset swallowed. “I- I will help, I promise.” As strong as she was, Tempest was stronger. Much stronger. “What do you want- want me to do?”

“Fix me.” Tempest unceremoniously dropped Sunset to the ground, the jolt of pain pushing away the last little bit of tiredness that adrenaline hadn’t. “Use your weird horse magic.”

“I- huh?”

Tempest paced around in front of the desk. “Your necklace. That... jade-thingie. Yours controls memories, right?”

“Geode,” Sunset corrected as she got up again. “And... sort of. I don't really know how it works. I've been a little too busy lately to even try figuring it out.”

“Whatever! I want you to use it on me. Figure this out.”

“I mean... I can try?” Sunset fumbled. “Are you sure this can't wait until morning?”

“I ran here through seven blocks of rain and two would-be muggers. I'd rather do it now.”

“Two mu- you know what? I'm not going to think about that. Let's just... let's just do this.”

“How long will this take?” Tempest asked as Sunset reached for her geode. “I kind of left Wallflower without explaining and I want to get back before she wakes up.” Sunset took Tempest's hand. “Hey, what are you-”

And then everything went white.

Sunset blinked. Where- oh. This was... new. This was different.

Usually, when she looked into a person's memories, she just relived the events while the edges of her vision swirled in vibrant colors. But this time, she was there as herself.

Sunset lifted a hand. Her movement seemed slower, like she was underwater, and the shape of her arm blurred oddly. Oh, and the swirling rainbow-vision, that was still there.

“This is... weird,” she decided. Sunset looked at the blurry world around her. “Very weird.”

Everything seemed to be covered in dense fog, all the sounds muffled and the edges filed off. She walked forward for a good minute and didn't encounter anything solid except the ground.

But then the space seemed to open up. The fog became less dense. She could make out colors, and even shapes. Sunset studied everything.

The sky was a deep, sickly purple; every so often, a patch would light up blue, like lightning inside a cloud bank. Underneath that sky, human-ish lumps skulked around. They wandered the spaces between what almost might have been buildings, except they were too... open. They were the skeletons of buildings.

“Hello?” Sunset called out. “Tempest?” One of the lumps paused, then shifted. Sunset swallowed. “T-Tempest?”

The humanoid growled, then charged, covering the distance before Sunset could react. She barely had time to see the pulsing kidney shapes that made up its skin before it was on her, pinning her down. She braced for the end.

But then the pressure was gone. She heard a squeal, and opened her eyes to see Tempest, standing over what was left of the abomination, her hands dripping bean juices. “Fucking Beandroids,” she growled, then kicked the remains. With a fully human leg, Sunset noticed.

“Tempest?” she ventured, slowly standing up.

The other woman turned and glared, and Sunset suddenly wondered if this was how Fluttershy used to feel all the time back in school. Then Tempest grinned, which didn't help matters any. “You like what you see?” she asked, flicking the final bean off from her fingers.

“What? No!” Sunset took a step backwards. “What the fuck was that? And... where are we? What happened to your leg?”

Tempest's face twisted in annoyance, and she held up a hand. “One thing at a time,” she complained.

“What. The fuck. Was that.”

“A Beandroid.” Tempest kicked it again. “An android made from bean-flesh. It's Beanis tech.”

Sunset frowned, her own memories tickling at the back of her mind. “When you first appeared, you mentioned Beandroids. You said- you said you were from the future.”

“Surprise!” Tempest spread her arms, gesturing to the entire world. “Welcome to my past, Bacon Bits. Or as you indeed call it, 'the future'.”

Taking another look at the blocks that had to be bombed-out buildings, and the vague shapes of more Beandroids, Sunset felt the need to clutch her stomach. “This is so wrong. I- I don't want this.”

“No one did. But it happened.”

“Because of Beanis?”

Tempest barked out a laugh. “No. Because of Beanos.”

The proper noun hung in the air for a minute, but then Sunset asked the natural question.

“Who the fuck is Beanos?”

“The one above us all.” Tempest pointed into the distance. The fog swirled again, parting just enough for Sunset to make out a massive bean-shaped building. The blue patches of sky seemed particularly concentrated around it. “Beanos was supposed to save the world. Instead, the world was turned into this.”

“That sucks,” Sunset acknowledged. “But... who is Beanos? Like, a real name?”

Tempest stared off into the distance for a moment. “I do not know,” she said at last. “These memories, of fighting, they're so deeply en-beaned in me they can't be totally suppressed. But other things... You'll just have to penetrate deeper.”

Sunset dreaded what that might bean- er, mean. “Can we, maybe, not use that word?”

“Which word? Deeper?”

“No. Well, yes, that one, too, I guess. But I meant the other one.”

Tempest smiled unpleasantly. “You're already penetrating my mind,” she said. “Besides, there's so much more left for you to see.” She held up a scarred and calloused hand. “Here. Let me show you...”

The world turned white again, leaving behind only the after image of Tempest's blue eyes, surrounded by blue and purple sky.

Sunset opened her eyes again. She was, again, somewhere else. A small house, with a mountain of beans rising behind it.

Looking around, the world seemed less indistinct, though everything was just a bit too large. She felt like a child again.

Sunset gently pushed open the door to the house. Inside, she heard voices. She followed the sound of conversation to what seemed like a living room. Sunset hesitated a moment, then peered around the doorway.

A much younger Tempest sat on the floor in front of a fire, playing with- ugh. Beanises. Of the SDD variety, it looked like. The poor girl couldn't have been more than ten, and she was waving the phallic monstrosities like swords.

“Hi-yah! Take that, Beanos!”

A pale hand reached out and snatched away one of the dildos. “Now, now, Fizzlepop, that is not the proper way to fend off a Beandroid.”

Sunset sucked in her breath and almost choked on spit when she heard the familiar voice. Fluttershy?

“Then what is the way, Mommy?”


Fluttershy knelt down and smiled at her apparent daughter. “You have to aim,” she said. “Just hitting them won't do a thing. You'll need to point the e-jaculate at their most sensor-filled spots. And then run.”

Young Tempest pouted. “I don't wanna run. I wanna fight!”

Fluttershy's smile became sadder. “That's what Rainbow Dash used to say...”

The room grew quiet. “When's Daddy coming home?” Tempest asked.

“Oh. Oh, sweetheart.” Fluttershy wrapped her daughter in a hug, the shaking of her shoulders betraying her tears. “It's just us now.”

Sunset watched uncomfortably for another minute, the implications seeping into her mind, before she realized that the scene was frozen. She stepped closer, and Tempest raised her face towards Sunset.

“I- I don't suppose you know who Beanos is?” Sunset asked.

Tempest shook her head. “Deeper,” she said, in the voice of her older self, which was ever-so-creepy. And then she reached out for Sunset's hand.

“Deeper, daddy!”

“Oh Sweet Celestia!” Sunset screeched. She choked on the stench of sex that filled the entire room.

It was Rainbow Dash's bedroom, and it was currently occupied. Tempest lay on her back, her strong legs wrapped around- who else- but Dash herself. Rainbow's ass twerked like those visiting Hula dancers Sunset got drunk with in Fiji, and then she grunted.


“Nope!” Sunset shouted. She clamped her hands over her ears and dropped into a squat. “Nope. Not happening. La la la la la!” Just once, she'd like to go twenty-four hours without seeing Rainbow's dick.

She didn't know how long she spent ignoring the surroundings, but it was long enough for her to notice that the floor had actual texture to it. The carpet looked vaguely cartoonish, but it was better than before.

Eventually, though, Sunset felt a hand on her shoulder. She peeked- it was not blue. Sunset peeled her hands away and blew strands of hair off her nose.

Tempest loomed over her, naked, and somehow more intimidating than she'd been back in the office. Maybe it had something to do with the thick stream of white drooling down her prosthetic leg.

“Really?” Sunset croaked.

Tempest just shrugged. “She's irresistible. To everyone except you, for some reason.”

“But she's your- your-”

“So? We're both adults.”

“That doesn't make it right!” Sunset blinked and immediately hated herself. The image was still burned into the backs of her eyelids.

“How is this more traumatizing than anything else you've seen?” Tempest frowned.

Sunset frowned even harder. “I don't know. It probably isn't. But still!” They mutually pouted for another minute.

Sadly, Sunset was the first to break. “Just- just tell me who Beanos is so I can get out of here.”

“Sorry, but... I don't know!” Tempest raised both hands in the universal gesture. Her mouth twisted in a small smirk. “Guess you need to follow this rabbit hole just a little further.”

She slipped one hand down and laced her fingers into Sunset's. As the world turned white, Rainbow's voice filtered through behind her. “Dang, Tempest! You up for round two, cause I know I am...”

Sunset came to- Bad phrase, bad phrase!- kneeling on the floor of an office. Not her office. This one was bigger and a bit nicer. Or it would have been, were it not for the perpetual gloom and the mountains of paper. No, this was not her office.

It was Twilight's.

Do you know what Beanis Inc. has done for people throughout the tri-city area?”

The voice was Twilight's, too, Sunset recognized, in spite of it fading in and out. But there was something about it. Something that pulled an invisible knife down her spine like a potato peeler.

Sunset stood up, and the room spun. Everything around her was indistinct, blurring together. It was hard to even make out what was in front of her. But she recognized Tempest sitting on one of the conference couches, across from Twilight. Fluttershy was sitting next to Tempest.

“This was the day we met,” Sunset recalled. “I guess I wasn't there when Twilight gave you the sales pitch...”

Fluttershy, please place the bomb on the table.”


Sunset's eyes narrowed as she watched Fluttershy drop a rather small Beanis onto the coffee table. Then Fluttershy went back to sitting like a mannequin. Sunset squinted. It was like she was daydreaming on low resolution. But she was almost positive Fluttershy wasn't breathing.

Twilight had gotten up, and was rooting through one of the drawers of her desk. After a moment, she pulled out goggles and a pair of tongs. Then she used the tongs to pick up a distinctly Beanis-shaped object covered in cloth. “I worked with Wallflower on this one, actually. We have a study aid device that sort of... ejaculates knowledge into your body. This one essentially reverses the process. We call it a memorynis!”

“Wait- I thought we agreed not to make that!” Sunset seethed. She wished she could reach through the memory and strangle Twilight. This must be why Tempest's memories were so... well, fucked. Because she'd been well fucked by a memory-altering Beanis. In her anger, Sunset didn't notice as the memory grew just a bit sharper.

Twilight leaned across the table, almost seeming to threaten Tempest. “I have a hypothesis,” she purred, tapping Tempest on the cheek. The other woman almost seemed to be glowing with pent-up energy. “I hypothesize that a sufficiently motivated individual- for example, someone trying to prevent the end of the world? Could overcome the insatiable urge to fuck herself on Rainbow's proxy cock. But that's just a hypothesis. I've never had the chance to test it... before now.”

Sunset glared daggers at Twilight's back. Was she really so obsessed with the success of her stupid company that she’d risked the entire future? Yes, Sunset realized. Of course she had. That was just Twilight's nature. Sunset groaned and put her face in her hands.

She heard Twilight dismiss Fluttershy, and she looked up. Twilight was leaving, too. Sunset remembered that, when she had come back into the room with the Fiji jar, Twilight hadn't been there. But why would she send Fluttershy away first? Why would she do any of this to Tempest?

You- will never- win!” Tempest gasped, like she was being strangled.

Twilight paused in the doorway. “Oh, Fizzlepop...” she said, and looked back. Sunset gasped, drowning out the rest of the words. But it didn't matter. Because she'd seen them, behind the goggles. The flaming glasses.

“Midnight Sparkle...”


Sunset blinked. And then she gasped, doubling over at sudden, searing agony. Her eyes seemed like they were exploding out of her head, and she jammed the heels of her palms into the sockets as if that might somehow keep them from spilling out in a gory mess. Ethereal liquid dripped down her hands anyway, and she honestly couldn’t tell if it was vitreous or just tears.

“Hee-hee heh ha! Snrk!

The snorting laughter blew over her like a hot wind, equally soothing Sunset and irritating her. She blinked again, the pain becoming just barely tolerable.

She was still in Twilight's office, though she could no longer see Tempest. That should have been impossible, given that she was in Tempest's memories, but... That was hardly the most concerning thing. There was something seriously wrong with her eyes.

Her vision wasn’t just blurry with tears, it was cracked. Like looking into a broken mirror. Pieces of the world overlapped around her, bordered by blazing colors. In each one was the leering face of the enemy.

Midnight pursed her lips and then tsked. “I can see why Twily likes you,” she admitted. “Sexy. Savage. Stubborn as hell. But you’re nowhere near as smart as you think you are.”

“H-how are you here?” Sunset demanded. She reached out, trying to hit the other woman, but her coordination was off. A dozen images of her hand flailed uselessly in front of her.

“Well, being a part of Twily, she really couldn’t get rid of me for good. Unless you meant here like in Fizzlepop’s head,” Midnight amended. “In that case, the answer is just ‘magic’.”

“Like hell. This has something to do with Beanis.”

Midnight rolled her eyes. “Obviously. But really, doesn’t everything?”

“Unfortunately,” Sunset spat.

“Unfortunately!” Midnight recoiled. “Beanis is my masterpiece!”

“Yes, you’re a real artist.”

“Oh. Well, thank you, I- wait.” Twelve Midnights sighed and slapped their hands across their foreheads. “That was sarcasm, wasn’t it.”

“No. Of course not.”

“Stop that! Listen, Beanis is important.”

“You would say that.” Sunset decided to pick one image to focus on. It wasn’t easy.

“Well, it’s true. Twily’s told you about our goals. It’s all true! Beanis Inc. could spearhead a revolution in sustainable food production. We could save the world!”

“I just saw the future, and I hate to tell you, but you’re wrong.” The center-most image. Sunset did her best to tune out all of them, except for that single vision.

“You saw one version of the future. If we subscribe to Multiverse Theory, then all futures are possible! But of course,” Midnight reminded her, “You already know that.”

Sunset snarled. “So how can I get to a future without you in it? Beanos.

Midnight laughed again. “You can’t! Not unless you want a future without Twilight, either. And I sense-”

Sunset punched her in her laughing face.

Or at least, she tried to. Everything lined up perfectly, she saw the punch connect- but she felt nothing. In fact, she stumbled forward, completely off balance. Sunset’s view widened, and she saw eleven of the Midnights dodge her fist, going in every possible direction. The various possibilities shimmered, and then they were all showing her the one where Midnight simply stepped to the side.

Midnight let her fall past, and then she snapped her fingers. Suddenly, Sunset was surrounded by a deep purple glow; the telekinesis lifted her away from an uncomfortable landing. “Let me just-” Midnight stepped around and wiggled her fingers in Sunset’s direction. Horribly, Sunset felt her body being forced into a sitting position. Another waggle, and she levitated over onto the seat Midnight had been using earlier.

“I’m just going to keep you like this,” Midnight decided. “I should’ve known better than to think we could have a civil conversation. Especially after Fizzlepop… eh.” She shrugged. “Better late than never.”

Sunset trembled within the magical cocoon. “Go- Fuck- Yourself!” she managed to say.

“I’d rather fuck you.” Midnight licked her lips. “But let’s talk business. Can’t you see that Beanis is going to benefit everyone? Oh, sure, we’re manufacturing sex toys. But that’s just where the money’s at. Sooner or later we’ll be able to save up enough, and then-”

“World domination?” Sunset guessed.

For a moment, the magic around her neck tightened, just enough for Sunset to start panicking. If she died inside someone else’s memories, would she die for real? Then Midnight waved her hand, and the glow lessened. “I don’t want to hurt you, Sunset. But you really need to stop being so negative. I want us to do this together! Please join me?”

“I already work for you!”

“That’s not good enough!” Midnight stamped her foot, seeming less like an evil overlord and more like a petulant child. Though Sunset supposed it was possible to be both. “I want us to be side by side, forever! Don’t you see it? Don’t you understand?”

Sunset tried to shake her head, but the magic prevented it. So she used her words instead. “All I need to understand is that you’re the bad guy. And I need to stop you, before you can hurt all these idiots that I still care about.”

Midnight sighed. “I guess this just isn’t the right time. Oh well; I can try again later.”

“Try again- what?” Sunset stopped struggling against Midnight’s hold long enough to try and puzzle out her words. “The answer will still be no!”

“Probably.” Midnight nodded. She held up one hand like she was expecting a low-energy high five, slowly pushing forward until it filled all of Sunset’s views. “But I’ll have one advantage: you won’t remember me…”

That didn’t make sense. “How could I-” Midnight’s palm pressed into her forehead, and Sunset felt a moment of searing heat, before her world turned white once again.

Sunset? SUNSET!”

She was being shaken roughly awake. Sunset looked up into Tempest Shadow's concerned face, the fluorescent lights of the office burning behind her. “Are you okay?” Tempest asked.

Was she? Sunset slowly took stock of her arms, her legs, her guts. Everything seemed in place. Nothing bruised too badly. Her head was aching, but she could handle that. She'd had some crazy dreams, it felt like...

“You passed out after touching my hand,” Tempest said. “Is that part of the magic?”


Sunset's eyeballs just about popped out of her head and she launched herself backwards across the floor. Her back hit the wall, and she shouted the only thing she could remember.

“You had sex with your father!”

Tempest paused. “I- I did? When did I do that?”

“Rainbow Dash!”

“Rainbow Dash is my father?” Tempest frowned. “How could that be? I’m at least as old as she is.”

“Some stupid, retarded, time-travel nonsense!”

“Oh.” Tempest thought about that for a minute. “But then- so I’m from the future? How could I forget that?”

Sunset shook her head. “It has to be side effects from the prototypes you’ve been using, but can we get back to the fact that you knowingly FUCKED YOUR DAD?”

“You seem really hung up on that. Do you have an incest fetish?” Tempest asked.


“Well, if I had to guess, I’d say it had something to do with her dick. That big, long-”

“I'm just going to stop you right there.” Sunset inhaled.


“Hey, what's going on in here?”

Sunset looked up and her night of terror was complete. Standing in her open doorway, completely unclothed, was Rainbow Dash. Worse yet, she had an erection. Tempest seized up instantly.

Rainbow glanced back and forth between the two of them like they were dishes on a buffet, and she couldn’t decide which one to take. “Well?”

Sunset forced her vocal cords to work. “What are you doing here?”

“She's doing me!” Pinkie leaned her head around the corner. She did not appear to be wearing anything, either. “Well, me and Missus Cake. You want in on this?”

“Uh-” Sunset shook her head. “No thanks.”

“Your loss,” Pinkie shrugged. “Hey, Missus Cake!” she shouted as she ducked back. “Keep some cream filling in those buns, I'm hungry!”

For just a moment, awkward silence won out. Then Dash cleared her throat. “So... you can guess what I've been up to. What about you two? Also, don't try dodging the question again, I asked first.”

“We've... been recovering my memories,” Tempest began. She was sweating, visibly forcing herself to look at anything other than Rainbow's mesmerizingly massive meat-shaft. “Sunset seems to have had some success, but-”

“She boned her father,” Sunset interrupted. Internally, she screamed triumphantly. She finally had something. Something she knew she could lord over Rainbow.

Dash pulled a face. “Really?” She looked at Tempest with something almost like disgust. “How could you do that?”

“Well...” Tempest coughed. Her cheeks flared hot pink.

“You're her father, Rainbow,” Sunset smirked.

And then, a miracle. Dash's once proud erection began to droop, and then flop limply down. “I'm- I'm her-”

“Time travel,” Sunset said smugly. “Guess you and Fluttershy can't avoid pregnancy forever.”

Dash looked at both of them, then down at her completely flaccid cock. “Huh,” she said faintly. “First time for everything.”

And then she passed out, face-planting onto the floor.

Tempest stared at her sire's prone form for a moment, then shook like a duck out of water. “So...” She looked over at Sunset. “That happened.”

“Yes, yes it did.” Sunset dropped into her chair, still smiling. She was achy, and sore, but this was a victory. She closed her eyes. She breathed in, ignoring the lingering traces of jizz-musk and bean stew that had permeated the whole building. Breathe out…

“Ah-hrm.” Tempest cleared her throat. “So, can you try again? Maybe find out something else? I mean, if I’m from the future, I must’ve come back in time for a reason.”

Sunset hesitated. She wanted to help Tempest, she really did.

But something told her ‘No’. Some tiny, fearful voice told her not to go back in there.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “But I usually only ever see what’s relevant to the situation. I mean, I’ve never passed out before, but in this case I’m gonna say it was the appropriate response.”

“So if you tried again, you’d end up seeing the same things?”

Sunset nodded.

“Shit.” Tempest sighed. “I guess I better get back to Wallflower, then.” She turned to leave.

Before she could, Sunset thought of something. “Wait!”

Tempest halted.

“Can you help me move Rainbow out of here before she wakes up again? I’d really like to go back to sleep.”

“Uh-” Tempest flicked her eyes towards Rainbow, then the ceiling, then the wall. “You know what, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think you can handle it; anyway, gottagoseeyoutommorrowbye!” Tempest practically ran out the door and down the hall before Sunset could even register what she’d said. Once she did, Sunset could only groan in frustration.

With no other options, she grabbed Dash under the armpits and hauled her around, the woman’s bare feet smacking off the door frame. It made Sunset wince, but she kept pulling, out into the hallway.

Carrying my unconscious co-worker back to her sex dungeon at midnight, Sunset thought. Just another thing to add to the letters.