Wheelchairs and rainbows

by riicky83

First published

They say at the end of the rainbow there’s happiness, or was it gold?

Childhood friend of Rainbow, Skycutter was always seen playing with her.

Even now they spend their time playing one on one at football, one day Skycutter’s life changed but Rainbow won’t let that get in the way.

Whilst not a sequel this is in the same continuity as A hole to heal a heart and Flutter in the jungle

Love is stronger then bullets

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For as long as we can remember we’ve been together enjoying each other’s company, Rainbow and I often played together whether we’re rolling around in the mud or playing football.

Today was no exception as Rainbow and I were in the field kicking the ball to each other, I watched as her firm but well-shaped legs kicked the ball towards me. Stopping the ball I kicked it as I ran forwards, before I got close to Rainbow a series of bangs could be heard.

I felt a sharp pain run through my spine as my legs collapsed from underneath me, Rainbow ran towards me keeping low as she pulled her phone out, keeping one hand pressed on my spine she called for an ambulance.

Due to the shock and the pain I lost track of what happened as my vision started to get hazy, I barely remember the ambulance picking me up let alone arriving in the operating theatre. All I remember was waking up in the recovery room with Rainbow sat next to me, as she cried into my chest she told me there’d been an incident near the field. A guy had randomly fired his gun before he was arrested and out of all the bullets he shot, the only one hit was me, caught by a random stray bullet that hit me in the spine.

The doctor arrived and from the look on his face I could tell it was bad news, “sorry Skycutter but the injury was too severe” he said, “you’ll never be able to walk again”.

Those words resounded in my head even afraid few days as my parents took me home in my new wheelchair, I couldn’t help but look at my useless legs as they hung there like dead weight. Some form of smile did return when I saw Rainbow waiting for me at my house, she helped me up the stairs and into my room as my parents went shopping for a stairlift.

Rainbow tried to cheer me up by complimenting on my new wheelchair, when that didn’t work she lightly punched me in the shoulder “cheer up it ain’t the end of the world” she said. I tried to hit her back but she kept out of range as she stuck her tongue at me, ignoring her I pulled myself out of my wheelchair and practically threw myself onto my bed.

Rainbow helped me get into a comfortable position as my legs flopped about uselessly, once I was sorted she lied down next to me as she pulled out her phone. She went through her messages she had with Fluttershy before pulling up a picture for me to see, it was a picture of Fluttershy and a roughish looking guy “our Flutters has a boyfriend now” Rainbow said proudly. Fluttershy was smiling in the picture so I could tell she was happy, as for her boyfriend he had a smile that looked like it was mimicking hers but it still showed that he too was happy.

Rainbow snuggled up to me as she sighed "do you think I'll ever get anyone like that?" she asked, "your joking?" I said "there's a whole queue lined up for you. Granted half of them just want to jump between your legs but still" I said, "your pretty and very athletic" I continued "and as I should know you're an awesome person to be around". I looked down at our legs "I can't count how many times I've nearly given up on sports without you helping me, to be honest, you're the reason I've kept going" damn that sound cheesy as heck.

Putting her phone in her pocket she pulled me into a hug as I felt her face nestled into my neck, her hot breath tickled my neck a little as she placed one of her legs over mine. Her hand came to rest on my chest "if I didn't know any better I'd say you'd be at the front of my potential love line", she pulled me into a kiss breaking it just to say "good thing too as I don't want anyone else but you". She sat up straddling me as she slipped off her jacket and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up over her head she threw them to the floor before unhooking her bra as her beautiful blue breasts came into view.

She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled my shirt over my head taking care not to grab the bandages around my stomach, once she was done she carefully rested herself on me as her breasts pressed against my chest. As she kissed me my hands grabbed her firm ass as she grinded herself on my crotch, she grinned as I pulled her shorts and panties down until her ass was exposed allowing me to grab her bare bottom. She raised her hips allowing me more access to her rear, as my hands roamed over her ass I felt her hands undoing my pants before her fingers slipped into my boxers.

Her fingers wrapped around my cock as she pulled them free from my bottoms, once my cock was in the open her hands ran up and down its length. Watching my reaction she said "looks like you can still feel this", she licked her lips as she moved downwards making my hands release her bottom until her face was near my cock. Opening her mouth she slowly took my cock into her mouth, she kept her eyes on me as she watched my reaction. Despite no feeling left in my legs, it feels like my cock was extra sensitive as her mouth bobbed up and down, her tongue ran along the underneath of my cock as it twitched inside her mouth.

She slowly pulled my cock out of her mouth before reaching into her pocket pulling out some condoms, opening one she slipped one over my cock making sure it's on properly. Putting her legs to one side she removed her skirt and both her shorts and panties, she moved towards me as she placed her crotch in my face. I stared at her rainbow pubes happy that it confirmed she was a natural rainbow, I felt her hand stroke my cock while I licked her pussy.

I only got a few licks before she repositioned herself so her pussy was over my cock, as she lowered herself onto my cock I watched as it disappeared inside of her. Seeing the trail of blood coming out made me happy that Rainbow decided to share her first with me, she grinned as she took my entire cock into her.

Feeling satisfied with her conquest she began to move her hips up and down, new sounds came from her that I've never heard her make before. She started moaning softly and in a sexy way, as she plunged her pussy over my cock, she blushed gently at me as I looked at her face. Leaning forward she kissed me after saying "only you can see me like this", she started moving her hips faster as her tongue entered my mouth.

Our breathing started to get heavier as our tongues danced in our mouths, Rainbow started moving her hips in shorter and faster movements indicating she was getting close. I grabbed her ass as her body started to tense up as her pussy tightened up over my cock as she came, this pushed me over the edge as I emptied my load into the condom making it balloon up inside of her.

Rainbow layed on my chest for a bit as we got our breaths back, She turned to me and said "you're a lucky guy to have such an awesome girlfriend". I replied back "I'm just lucky to have never given up in life", I kissed her "to have ended up with you". Slowly Rainbow climbed off me before removing the condom and disposing of it, As I put my cock away and did up my pants Rainbow redressed herself.

We heard the door open and close downstairs indicating my parents were home, Rainbow snuggled up to me and pulled her phone out. Holding it in front of her she took a photo of us and sent it to Fluttershy, the door opened as my mum popped her head through the door. "Sorry if it gets noisy in a second as your dad is going to put up the stairlift for you", we nodded as she left the room closing the door behind her.

I looked at Rainbow for a bit as a thought came into my head, "since football is now out of the question maybe I can take up basketball as that's playable in a wheelchair". Rainbow smiled at me "now that's some awesome thinking" she said, I smiled back "if I ask nicely maybe they'll give me another wheelchair and we can play together". She kissed me on that idea as I wrapped my arms around her, she whispered into my ears "maybe I can ride you in the wheelchair so you can pop a boner and a wheelie" she joked as we heard the sounds of the stairlift being placed downstairs.