The Taint of Equestria: The Double Shadow

by TheUltimateBrony-Class-S

First published

Our favourite YouTubers, TheInvertedShadow and IMShadow007, have been sent to Equestria, best thing ever right?!'s the twist: they now have the powers of 'Taint'. How will Equestria deal with this madness and insanity?

So, the one and only, TheInvertedShadow, was getting ready to start recording himself playing Grimm once again, with IMShadow007 alongside him. However, there was a glitch and a power surge, which then caused him and IMShadow007 to land in Equestria, as their OCs nonetheless!

After walking about for a little while, they discover something... they have the powers of 'Taint'...

What will they do now that they have these powers?

Well... I guess you would just have to read to find out, wouldn't you?

Would love to have someone make some art for this story, just something simple, but if you want to go all out, then go on ahead, I just need their pony OCs in Equestria and with an expression of glee, whether it is an evil look or not is up to the maker of the picture.

Takes place after Season 8.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything related to the show of My Little Pony, nor do I own the OCs in this story.

This is just my own little tribute to TheInvertedShadow and IMShadow007 for their amazing work on YouTube, and if you guys are reading this now, then I would be the happiest living being in exist of everything in all of time. But if not, then oh well, beggars can't be choosers, amiright?

Prologue: The Glitch

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A man walks into his room and walks over to his computer, he moves to mouse to 'wake up' his computer as he sits down.

The monitor shines kind-of brightly, revealing that an app, 'Source Film Maker', was open. It seemed to be depicting a male pegasus with a black coat and a mane with several shades of red wearing a weird red top hat, and an female brunette earth pony with a cyan blue coat.

Ignoring the app, he clicked the restore button, which made the window able to be moved and stretched or shrunk, and moved it until he was able to see the shortcuts to two completely different apps, Skype and Grimm.

First, the man double-clicked on Skype and waited until the app finally opened and allowed him to log in and attempt a connection with another User on Skype. He clicked on the user, (I don't know her Skype name1), and the clicked on 'Call', and waited until the call connected.

"Hey InvertedShadow," says a female voice from the speakers of his computer, "we going to play the next episode tonight?"

"Not quite, IMShadow," says Shadow, "was making sure you would and are able to, pick up the call."

Shadow chuckles a bit, "Yep, always gotta make sure that nothing screws up," she states, "especially when you are trying to make a video."

"You got that right, sister," Shadow says in agreement, as he double-clicks on a couple more apps, getting some stuff setup.

~~~Timeskip: 1 hour later~~~

After getting everything set up and tested, they believed they were ready, so Shadow clicked the 'record' button as he lets Shadow know that they are starting, and suddenly the screen on his computer freezes.

"What the hell?" Shadow says and starts to panic a bit, "h-hey, IMShadow, you still able to hear me?"

"Loud and clear," Shadow states, "why? Did something happen?"

"Yeah," Shadow states irritably, "my computer froze and I can't do anything except speak have a conversation through it at the moment."

"Well," Shadow says, "do you know what caused it?"

Shadow looks around for a moment, until he notices he left the SFM tab open.

"It might have to do with the fact that I..." he pauses for a moment, "...that I forgot to close my SFM animation."

The facepalm that Shadow did was audible in the speakers.

"Well," she says, "just... just reset your computer and call me back, OK?"

Before Shadow could respond, there was an audible spark from the outlet the computer was plugged into, which then causes the computer's screen to go white then start to have a swirling darkness in the middle of the screen.

"What the fuck?!" both Shadows swore in confusion.

Just before either of them could even ask the other, the screen then shatters keeping the swirling mass that sucked him in.

And then, all that he could see was darkness...

They rise...

Chapter 1: The Arrival of the Ponies of Shadows - Part 1 of 2

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~~~POV: Third Person: TheInvertedShadow~~~
~~~Location: Ghastly Gorge~~~
~~~Time: 1:07 a.m.~~~

Ghastly Gorge, a dangerous place for ponies of all kinds, near impossible air currents to fly in, giant pony-eating worms that seem to be able to come from around any corner. Yet, whenever there is no immediate danger, this place seems have its own beauty, a peace that seemingly cannot be disturbed-



-until today.

~~~Timeskip: 1 hour later~~~

Letting out pain filled groans as he came to, The Inverted Shadow slowly looked around, blinking, as he tried to get up...



... to only fall back onto the ground, though he notices something was off:

#1: He can feel two extra appendages on his back.
#2: His face feels... longer...
#3: Some of his limbs feel... for lack of a better term, improperly shaped.
#4: Why is there a hat on his head and how is it still on?

After he blinks a few more times to clear his vision he looks at his hands... nope not hands hooves.

"GAH!" he shouts in both confusion and fear, jumping a few feet into the air before comically landing on his flank.

"How in the actual fuck?" he asks himself, borderline shouting at this point, then start to look over the rest of himself.

The first thing that becomes noticeable to him, is the wings, he has fucking wings. He looks the rest of himself over and realizes that he looks a lot like his OC, Shadow Rush.

He then lifts his hoof to his head and takes off the hat he felt there earlier, and notices two things:

One, this hat is the same one his OC would be wearing, and two, he is holding a hat with a hoof.

He blinks a few times before making a deadpan expression.

"I can only hope that this may be a dream," he states out loud to himself, then looks around, "...or that I'm in a version of Equestria that I may enjoy."

He once again looks himself over and realizes a few problems, the first being he will have to relearn how to walk again, this time as a pony, and will need to learn how to fly at some point.

Shadow, slowly and shakily, gets on to his four hooves, without incident, and takes a few steps. He then remembered something about 'two left feet' and then looked at his hooves as he started to walk, making sure to walk properly.

~~~Timeskip: 3 hours later~~~

A hoof emerges over the edge of the gorge as it pulls the pony it is attached to up from inside the gorge, who seems to be a little roughed up.

"I..." Shadow says, gasping for air in between words, "am going... to learn... how to... fly, as soon... as I can..."

~~~POV: Third Person: Princess Celestia~~~
~~~Location: Canterlot Castle~~~
~~~Time: a few minutes before TheInvertedShadow crashed into the ground~~~

Princess Celestia walks up onto her balcony and looks across the way to see her sister, Princess Luna, and smiles. In sync, they lower their heads as their horn light up. The moon gained a slight tint of blue to it as it began to lower and the horizon began to light up with blues, purples, reds, and oranges, as the sun started to appear. The sun and the moon passed by each other as the sun began to take the previous position of the moon.

Once the moon vanished behind the horizon and the sun settled into position in the sky, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both raise their heads and look to each other with a grin.

Suddenly, there were two large sources of magic within Equestria that they both visibly expressed their feeling about the sudden existence of these sources of magic. Then, as suddenly as they came, they vanished, leaving two different sources of magic in their places, while not as powerful, it was still quite noticeable.

Celestia and Luna looked to each other with worried expressions as they looked in the two different directions of the sources.

Chapter 2: The Arrival of the Ponies of Shadows - Part 2 of 2

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~~~POV: Third Person: IMShadow007~~~
~~~Location: One of the Eastern Mountains, West of Baltimare~~~
~~~Time: 1:11 a.m.~~~

It's a beautiful day today, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and ponies are screaming, a perfect day for- wait what?



"Ow," Shadow007 said as she bounced off the side of the mountain.


"Owie," she stated weakly as she, then bounced, head-first, off of a rock.

She quickly manages to maneuver herself enough to get up-right on both of her legs- nope all four of her hooves, while she continued to slide down the side of the mountain.

"WHAT?!" she exclaimed as she looked at one of her, now hooves-


-right before being hit right over the head by a branch, causing her to go into a tumble the rest of the way down the mountain.

Just as she started to skid to a stop, she tripped over something and landed face-first-


-onto something metal.

"Augh," Shadow007 said woozily, the brought her hoof up to her face, and tried to rub the pain from the her muzzle after most of the abuse it had been through.

"What did I even...?" she asked in confusion, as she looked to her hooves, only to realize-


-that she landed in the middle of some train tracks.

She jumped out of the way of the on coming train just in the nick of time, as it let loose another horn.


As the train passed by, Shadow007 looked on as she realized something: That's the train from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Then, she looked herself over, noting the now unkempt bow-tie and slightly dirtied headband she was wearing, that she had a cyan blue coat, and that her cutie mark was a microphone.

Then it clicked, she looked like her OC, Bella Voce.

"Huh," she said simply, "well... as long as I'm in an Equestria I can enjoy my time here, maybe being here won't be so bad, and even if it is, all I can hope is that it is a dream."

~~~POV: Third Person: ???~~~
~~~Location: ???~~~
~~~Time: ???~~~

A short and stout figure with a black beard, a striped sleeping hat, leather wrap shoes with the toes curling upward, and one red-glowing eye. He was standing beside a screen displaying two specific ponies, one a male pegasus and the other a female earth pony.

"Let's give 'em a show, boys," he stated as he snapped his fingers, causing some dark energy to seep into the screen, "let's get this party started," he stated as he grinned maliciously, before vanishing into the darkness of the background.

Chapter 3: Inverted Shadow in: The Improver of Vanhoover

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~~~POV: Third Person: TheInvertedShadow~~~
~~~Location: Vanhoover, City Limits~~~
~~~Time: 6:39 (about an hour and a half after he climbed out of Galloping Gorge)~~~

On the edge of the city limits of Vanhoover, nearby a 'Welcome to Vanhoover!' sign, Shadow was resting on the cool grass under the shade of a tree, panting.

"I... swear to... all that is... holy," he stated, exhausted, "that... my luck... is terrible."

When he started walking from the gorge, he walked through the nearby forest to quickly get to civilization, only to encounter a Manticore den, ran as fast as he could, found a path that might lead to a town, and did not encounter any other travelers, let alone any travelers with a carriage.

So the trip to Vanhoover took around one and a half hours because he had to get there primarily by fo- er... hoof.

"I'm just... going to... rest here for... a moment," he said, as he tried to calm his, painfully, beating heart.

Suddenly, he felt... something... enter, what he could only describe as possibly being his soul.

Shadow, then felt... rejuvenated, like he could run another mile and wouldn't be exhausted, he also felt... some sort-of power within him now, something that wasn't there before, yet it is somehow... familiar and... comforting.

Hello, said a voice, obviously, also familiar yet, alien to Shadow.

Shadow practically jumped when he heard that and looked around quickly only to find no one else around.

Well, you aren't going to find me that way, stated the voice, I'm, more or less, in your head at the moment, and I have a limited time so listen up.

Slowly and hesitantly, Shadow nodded.

You have just been given the powers of Taint, he started, something that I'm pretty sure you are familiar with considering what you were about to do before you landed here.

"Wait," Shadow said, piecing things together, "are you saying you-"

Yes, he answered abruptly, also, you don't have to speak out loud, just thinking the words will do.

'Like this?' Shadow thought, seeing if he did it properly.

Exactly, he stated, you are a fast learner. That's good, now I will teach some other things you will need to do in order to use some of the abilities in the body of a pony...

~~~Timeskip: 2 hours later~~~
~~~POV Switch: Third Person: Omniscient~~~

Vanhoover, a peaceful town on the west coast of Equestria, port town, not many odd things happen around here. Some of the locals had woken up earlier to start their day, some are just getting up, and the rest are either still working late-night to early-morning jobs or are just getting home from work.

Suddenly, across the entire city, a feeling of dread made its way into the heart of every citizen, which made them look in the direction of the source of this feeling.

Looking towards the hills further inland, they notice that some of the land is darkening from green grass and clear sky into dried up grass missing patches here and there with a blood red sky and ominous dark clouds.

Something appeared at the crest of one of the hills, none could make it out clearly, for the figure was to far away, but one thing most could tell, was that it had wings and... something on its head. Lightning struck behind it and left everyone - pony or otherwise - on edge.

It started to approach the city, and so did the destruction of the ground around it, while most were shocked by this, others noticed one other thing... the destruction was growing slowly in circumference around this being. A large crowd formed along the edge of the city

When it stopped approaching, everyone was able to get a good look at the being: a male pegasus pony with a black coat, a red mane, a strange, blood red hat, and an unusual , very bright blue cutie mark.

Then there was his expression, he had a grin that only a madpony would wear, yet his eyes told of a intelligent and in fact a quite sane pony.

Then he spoke, his grin turned serious, with a voice that demanded attention, yet will not tolerate much annoyance.

"Everyone!" he announced, "I am Inverted Shadow, if you all surrender now, then I will spare you from my corrupting presence, if you resist however... well... I guess that really depends."

"Depends on what?" demanded a young unicorn colt from the crowd.

Then 'Shadow' smiled again, "It depends on your age, if you are too young, too old, or just... perfect.," he answered disturbingly, quietly, yet somehow, still loud enough for the crowd to hear, sending shivers up their spines.

Some were downright terrified and they showed it, others were hiding their fear, and the last were either really brave or too dumb to realize their opponent.

The crowd did a larger version of a huddle, since their were hundreds of them, there was a lot of whispering, arguments, and agreements.

Suddenly, all was quiet, and one of them, an adult male earth pony, walked up to Shadow.

He stopped just at the edge of the circumference of destruction, looking at the ground affected by the pony in front of him nervously, then to the pegasus.

"W-w-we have come t-to a c-c-conclusion," he stuttered.

"Aaaaannnnd?" Shadow asked impatiently, his smile gone.

"We s-surrender," he said, losing his strength speaking those words.

Shadow gave a small, friendly smile, and said, "Now that wasn't so tough, was it?"

He looked to the city and blanched, "Euck!" he shouted in disgust, "too many bright colors..."

Then began his 'little stroll' through the city, changing the colors and shapes of each building, decoration, or other miscellaneous items that were in his path, occasionally changing creatures such as birds or dogs within the city. When he passed by the citizens, the only thing that changed about them were any cloths they might've been wearing and their coats, manes, & tales became a few shades darker, yet they didn't acknowledge it or seem to care at all.

Vanhoover Captured!

Taint Level: Disgusting

Casualties: 0
Enemies: 0
Allies: 0

Health: 100%

Enemies Left: 0

Creatures Turned: 1013
Sentient: 1000
Animals: 13

Overall Score: 9695
Score Rank: A