Let Me Warm Him Up

by dirty little secret

First published

Rarity wants Trenderhoof. Trenderhoof wants AJ. Rarity thinks that the key to getting what she wants is to propose a three-way, but it’s difficult to keep Trenderhoof’s attention. She’ll have to try extra-hard just for an opportunity to warm him up.

Rarity wants Trenderhoof. Trenderhoof wants Applejack. Rarity thinks that the key to getting what she wants is to call in a favor and propose a three-way, but it’s difficult to keep Trenderhoof’s attention when Applejack is there. She’ll have to try extra-hard just for an opportunity to warm him up for Applejack.

Cover image by WhiteDiamonds

Striking A Bargain

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“Oh Applejack, please be reasonable,” I pleaded. “It's the least you could do after what I've done for you and your brother, not to mention the incident with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Trenderhoof likes you! I'm sure he'll agree to spend the night with me – I mean us – if you'll just agree to this one little thing!”

Applejack blew a bit of her mane away from her eyes with a huff, but then she nodded slightly. “I guess I do owe ya one. Mind you, though, I can't make him do nothin' he don't want to.”

“Of course not, Darling. And I'm sure you won't need to. Trenderhoof may have a quite baffling taste in mares—”

Applejack grunted indignantly.

“—but he's still a stallion. And what stallion could possibly turn down two beautiful mares, even if he only really has eyes for one?”

That compliment – slipped in just in time – seemed to mollify Applejack. She breathed out a deep sigh. “Oh, the things you get me into, Rares. I suppose we'd better strike while the iron's hot. Why don't you bring him 'round at about sunset. I'll see to gettin' my family out of the way.” She glanced off to the nearby gate, where she'd managed to shoo Trenderhoof away mere moments ago, and muttered under her breath, “That is ... if he ain't back here already by then. Don't know how I'm s'post to get any work done with that feller oglin' me the whole time and tellin' me how earthy I am.”

“You'll do it, then? Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, Applejack! You have no idea how much this means to me. I won't let you down!”

Applejack went back to work without another word as I hurried off to prepare myself. I had the distinct impression that she wouldn't be 'let down' at all if I failed to bring Trenderhoof back to her farmhouse that night, but I paid it no mind. At least she had agreed. And my mind was already quite occupied with how I'd style my mane tonight, much less what I'd wear! I had so much to do!

* * *

Trenderhoof glanced back and forth uncertainly. Oh, the slightly-nervous way he moved his hooves, it was so adorable. “I don't know, Rarity... I'm sure I could use a place to stay the night, if that's what you mean, but I'd been hoping to swing by Sweet Apple Acres and see if I might be able to—”

“Oh but it is at Sweet Apple Acres!”

His eyes went wide. “It is?”

As I nodded in affirmation, I made sure to give him my most alluring look, flittering my eyelashes at him from under the swirl of my carefully-styled mane.

“And ... Applejack will be there?”

I nodded again. “And what's more, the rest of her family has rushed off to visit their relatives in Hoofington for a sudden and unexpected family emergency, leaving Applejack to tend to the farm in their absence. It's going to be just you, me, and Applejack.”

He licked his lips. “Just me and Applejack...”

It took a well-practiced deep breath for me to keep my composure. There was nothing to get upset about – I already knew that he somehow preferred Applejack to me. But if this night went according to plan, I'd be able to get a taste of my own nonetheless.

“So,” I said, “shall we head on over to Sweet Apple Acres?”

Trenderhoof set off at a flat run; I had to scramble to keep up.

* * *

When we arrived, my mane was quite nearly ruined. I desperately ran my hooves and my magic through it, trying to bring it back into a somewhat presentable shape. My gown was intact, but I'd lost my hat somewhere along the way... Oh, the sacrifices I made for love! But as long as I managed to get— I shamelessly glanced underneath Trenderhoof's sweater-clad belly for a moment —that inside me tonight, it would all be worth it.

“I'm a-comin',” Applejack said in answer to Trenderhoof's knock. And true to her word, she was at the door in moments, opening it up for us.

She looked terrible, frankly. The sweat and dust from working in the field still clung to her, and she hadn't done anything whatsoever with her mane. She'd only tied it up in the same practical red ribbon she always used. Disgraceful! Didn't she know who she was welcoming into her home?

“Oh,” I said. “It seems we may have arrived a bit too soon. You must have just come in from the orchard.” I smiled congenially. “If you needed a little time to go freshen up first, I would completely understand.”

She looked down at herself, scuffing one dirty hoof over her other leg. “Hm, nah. I'm fine. Why don't y'all come on in?”

“Applejack, Please! I'm accustomed to seeing you in such a state, but this is Trenderhoof. I'm certain that he's—”

“Don't mind me,” he said, overcoming the dumbstruck look he'd taken on when Applejack appeared in the doorway. His eyes traced luxuriantly up and down Applejack's body. “Mmm... So authentic.”

So bizarre, more like it. Applejack might be a handsome mare if she'd at least bathe and do something with her mane ... but how could anyone want this? Well ... as long as I got what I wanted, what did it matter?

I shrugged. “Very well, then. Shall we?”

* * *

Dinner was a plain and simple affair, home-cooked, and of course it relied heavily upon apples. We were just finishing the dessert – one of only two courses. Simple apple fritters: sweet, crisp, and just a bit bland.

But Trenderhoof made over them as if they were the food of the gods. Until the platter was completely empty, he had only two states: either apple fritters going into his mouth or effusive praise for Applejack's 'down home cooking' coming out of his mouth.

I swallowed anything ill I had to say about the meal myself, right along with the couple of fritters that Applejack had served me. Not only would it be rude to my hostess to point out that her fritters lacked pizazz like a desert lacks water, but it also wouldn't do to get into an argument with Trenderhoof about the dubious merits of farm life.

Once the table was emptied of desserts, I decided it was time to steer the conversation away from Applejack's cooking skills and into a more delicate matter... “So, Trenderhoof ... I can't help but get the impression that you're interested in getting to know Applejack rather more intimately. Is that so?”

“Oh is it ever!” Trenderhoof settled his face between his forehooves and gazed longingly at her across the table. “She's just so... so...”

I smiled winningly at him ... if he even noticed. “I do believe there's a way that could happen. Isn't that right, Applejack?”

“Right. Here's the deal,” Applejack said. “I'll let ya fuck me, but you've gotta let Rarity join in, too. I owe her one.”

I nearly fell off my chair – and not only because one of the legs was wobbly. “Applejack! You can't just say things like that! It's... it's—”

“It's refreshingly honest,” Trenderhoof finished. “And I'm down for anything, as long as it gets me closer to—” he sighed lovingly “—Applejack.”

“Now hold on there, partner.” Applejack had to physically stop him from climbing over the table toward her. “This night's just a one-time thing, ya hear? It don't mean we're gonna get married or nothin'. Just one night, and that's all.”

Trenderhoof caressed the hoof Applejack was using to hold him at bay. “And yet, it will be a memory that I treasure for a lifetime.”

Even though I'd never normally consider taking such an uncouth action, desperate times do call for desperate measures ... and it wasn't as if Applejack's table was particularly clean in the first place. I jumped up onto it and pried the two of them apart, ever so subtly pressing myself against Trenderhoof in the process. He must have been feeling my supple flank through the sheer fabric of my gown. “Very well,” I said. “If that's been agreed, then shall we abscond to the boudoir?”

Applejack stared at me. “Huh?”

“It means, 'let's go to the bedroom',” Trenderhoof provided helpfully. “And I'm ready when you are!”

The jaunt upstairs to the bedroom was a hurried affair. Applejack led the way, with Trenderhoof practically nipping at her heels. I followed right after, bustling to keep up with Trenderhoof and doing my best to avoid stumbling on the steps as I stared up at his tight and finely-sculpted posterior.

Before I even made it though the door of Applejack's bedroom, Trenderhoof was already fawning over her, stroking her mane and nuzzling her cheek. She looked at me, as if pleading for me to intervene.

And I tried, I sincerely did. I wanted nothing more than to attract Trenderhoof's attention. Swaying my hips luxuriantly underneath my gown, I danced for him ... but his eyes were buried in the split ends of Applejack's mane.

I began slowly undoing the buttons, one by one, swaying my hips back and forth to make the fabric swish. Surely no stallion could ignore such a display from a mare as graceful and gorgeous as myself...

But he did ignore me! He ran his muzzle over the slight concave curve of Applejack's back, breathing a deep whiff of her scent. Even though he was facing towards me – I had made sure to be in the right position to catch his eye – his eyes seemed to look straight through me as he relished in the feel of Applejack's coat against the whiskers on his chin. He was already working his way around behind her.

Applejack stomped her hoof. “Hey, Trenderhoof. You're s'post to be givin' Rarity some attention, too, remember?”

He blinked at me as if he hadn't realized I was there at all. “Ah... Right. Of course.”

“Well, you two surely seem to be hitting it off,” I said diplomatically. “But perhaps I could help?” Stepping out of my gown, I came around to Trenderhoof's side, and leaving inhibition to the wind, I brazenly lowered my head almost directly underneath his stylish sweater. There it was: Trenderhoof's cock. Barely a quarter of its length had slipped from his sheath yet, but it was already a mouthwatering sight, not to mention the plump, dangling balls behind it. “Perhaps I could be of assistance by warming him up for you a little?”

“Actually,” Trenderhoof said, “I'd prefer it if Applej— Oh, oh my...”

I hadn't even given him the chance to finish, naughty mare that I was. Dipping my muzzle right down to the prize, I took the still-soft head of his cock between my lips and took every bit of it inside, all the way down to his sheath.

It was wonderful. Even though he was nowhere near fully hard yet, I loved the feeling of his soft girth rolling across my tongue. He began rubbing Applejack's flank, and his cock swelled, quickly filling my mouth to the point where I couldn't quite fit the whole thing anymore. Goddess, he was so warm. I reached a hoof up to tenderly caress his balls. Finally, it was happening – finally, I was getting Trenderhoof's cock!

Applejack let out a surprised whinny – when I reluctantly let Trenderhoof's cock slip out of my mouth and looked up to see what had happened, I saw his face buried between Applejack's ass cheeks, nuzzling right against her pussy. And despite the indignant look in Applejack's eyes as she glanced back at me, her tail slowly twitched higher and higher.

Blushing and smiling, I went back to Trenderhoof's cock. It was already swelling much larger now, and I slid my tongue across his growing length, savoring every inch of the warm, supple skin and reveling in the weight of it throbbing heftier with every moment. With one careful hoof, I reached up and delicately fondled his balls.

Trenderhoof moaned into Applejack's pussy. “Ooh, yes. So perfect!”

For a moment, I was pleased with myself, knowing that I was doing a fine job of tending to his cock ... but my illusion was soon dispelled.

“The heavenly musk of a real, hard-working farm mare! And Oh! I can taste the salt from her sweat! It's so rustic and natural, I just want to—” Whatever else he was going to say was muffled against Applejack's most intimate parts. I couldn’t make out a word of it.

Of course he'd still be obsessed with her ... but that didn't mean I couldn't make a showing of myself and truly impress him. Soon he'd know that I was the real prize between the two of us!

Throwing my discomfort to the wind, I took him into my mouth again and shoved myself crudely down his shaft, gulping him all the way down my throat. He wasn't entirely erect yet ... I probably couldn't have managed it if he had been. Even so, it was a struggle. My throat spasmed and my eyes watered, drawing streaks through my mascara, but I pushed through it and kissed my lips against his sheath once more.

This time when he grunted in pleasure, I was sure that it was because of me. I couldn't see what else he might be doing, of course, but what stallion could possibly ignore the divine feeling of being buried in my svelte throat?

Soon, his girth grew inside me, and I could take it no longer. Gagging and choking, I yanked myself off of him, intending to go back to licking along his length before I'd even wiped my mouth clean.

But Trenderhoof had other plans. The moment my mouth left his tip, he lurched forward and reared up, landing his chest on top of Applejack's rump.

Before my very eyes, his spit-slick tip prodded at her entrance. And was Applejack ... winking? Her swollen pussy lips flicked open and closed, flashing hot pink for anypony who could see and dribbling out a fresh spurt of juices with each moment.

I expected this kind of enthusiasm from Trenderhoof ... but I hadn’t been expecting it from Applejack. Nonetheless, as one of his errant thrusts slid his cock down between Applejack's teats, I knew I had to be of any assistance I could.

I quickly set to it, holding the shaft of Trenderhoof's cock between my forehooves and getting the angle just right as he pulled back for another try.

This time, aided by the sheen his own saliva on her lips and my saliva on his cock, his tip pressed directly into Applejack's slit ... and when she winked open again, he easily slid inside. Applejack's tail shot up, and she gasped when he recklessly thrust into her. I could only imagine what she must have been feeling.

Truth be told, I had a little help in imaging it. I kept my hooves in place, just in front of Applejack's pussy lips, and I let Trenderhoof's cock slide between them. I felt his smooth upper shaft glide easily past, the thick bump of his medial ring, the rippling of his veined base ... before I finally had to let go, taking my hooves away so he could get that last little bit inside my friend. My mouth watered at the squishing sound, at the dripping juices that came from between them when he hilted fully inside her.

I felt my own pussy tighten and wink in vicarious excitement as he drew his now-glistening length out of her and slid it back in again. Even being this close to such a magical thing was the stuff of dreams for me. How often had I fantasized about that cock sliding into my immaculately kept pussy?

Applejack let out little moans as he continued. Her hind legs spread out just a bit, giving him more room to work inside her. My own hind legs opened in much the same way, even though there was nothing present to slide between them.

But if I had my way, that wouldn’t be the case for long.

I slid right up next to Applejack, side by side. As I gently nuzzled my friend's neck, I presented myself as lewdly and as alluringly as I knew how to. Surely he couldn't turn down a beauty like me! All he had to do was slide out of Applejack, a smidge to the side, and into me instead. It was the perfect offer, wasn't it?

And yet, he did no such thing. He merely kept on plowing Applejack's field, as it were, and left my own cold and barren.

No matter. Graciousness came second nature to me, and I could tell from Trenderhoof's labored breaths and Applejack's slight moans that they were both very much enjoying one another. It would be terribly rude for me to interrupt.

Instead, I opted for a more generous approach. Giving up on being mounted just yet, I turned around and insinuated myself rather awkwardly underneath Applejack's belly, working my head between her outstretched legs.

The dripping juices of their coitus dribbled down onto my exquisite mane, but I soldiered on nonetheless. My twin prizes swung to and fro just in front of me; I had only to reach a tad farther.

And then I had them. Trenderhoof's lovely balls pap-pap-papped against my outstretched tongue with his every thrust. Even if I couldn't experience the pure heaven that Applejack was currently receiving, I could still savor the smooth warm skin of Trenderhoof's brimming, perfect balls.

As I enjoyed my treat, I felt a hoof nudging my tail to the side. I must have gasped a little, because I heard Applejack's voice a moment later, “Don't you worry, Sugarcube. It's just me. I'll take good care of ya.”

I shuddered to think of where her unwashed hooves may have been, but when I felt her tender touch against my needy pussy lips, it nonetheless felt simply divine. Her hoof didn't feel scratchy or dirty in the slightest. On the contrary, she was warm and gentle, smoothly rubbing at the surface of my deepest need, working her hoof in slight circles around my delicate flower. I moaned lewdly against the plump balls resting against my muzzle. Yes! This wasn't quite what I most wanted, but it did serve to satisfy my need for a time.

Applejack's efforts intensified as Trenderhoof caressed her sides with his hooves. The wonderfully tight muscles in his legs bunched up with every meaty thrust, and I was treated to a front-row seat to the most erotic show in the world.

Soon, Applejack's legs began to tremble. She stumbled, and she nearly fell after one particularly powerful thrust.

I had to extricate myself from underneath them – I hadn't the slightest idea of where my horn might end up if she collapsed, but it couldn't possibly be anywhere good. “Trenderhoof,” I said, “Applejack may be the strongest mare I know, but she's just come home from a long day's work in the orchard. Perhaps we should retire to the bed, where she'll be more comfortable?” And, of course, if things went my way, that might also give me an opportunity to take a turn!

“Of course, of course!” Trenderhoof slowly slid off her back, his rigid cock swinging free as he did. “Anything for Applejack!”

Shooting me a grateful glance, Applejack staggered over to her own bed, then gracelessly flopped down on top of it, belly up and her legs spread wide. Her dripping pussy was put on full, shameless display as her tail flopped down off the edge.

I moved quickly – I knew I had to beat Trenderhoof to her if I was going to get what I truly wanted. I practically flew the short distance to the bed, and I deftly slid myself right on top of her, belly-to-belly. My hind legs hung off the edge of the bed, and I spread them quite nearly as wide as Applejack's, putting myself on display just as much as she had. With any luck at all, Trenderhoof would take the hint.

My hopes soared as he came up behind me and mounted my derriere, but they were dashed when I heard Applejack moan deeply underneath me. Incomprehensibly, Trenderhoof had chosen to slip his cock back into Applejack's well-used pussy rather than my own tight, warm, and needy one just inches above. It was entirely unfair!

As he built up a rhythm, though, I couldn't help but imagine that he was inside me instead. Sure, I wasn't receiving the divine stimulus of his stiff cock inside me ... but I still felt the soft wool of his sweater against my rump, I still felt his hooves hugging around my body, and I even felt his crotch bumping into me, repeatedly knocking my carefully coiffed tail out of the way. Imagining that he was giving his cock to me instead, I rested my face next to Applejack's, rubbing my cheek against hers, and I matched her moan for moan every time Trenderhoof bumped me from behind.

Applejack, though, raised her head a little to look past my mane at him. “Hey, you oughta be givin' Rarity some attention, too, remember?”

“Oh, but Applejack! You feel... It's just so... Oh the authenticity! The complete lack of pretension! I feel like you're the first real mare I've ever been with, like all the others were merely faking it compared to you!”

“Still, though. I won't have you goin' back on that deal we made.”

When Trenderhoof leaned back, I expected him to pull out of Applejack and finally give me a taste, but that didn't happen. Instead of the love-slick tip of his cock, I felt one of his hooves slip between my pure white cheeks.

Even if it wasn't exactly what I'd been wanting, I still gave a shout of ecstasy. That was Trenderhoof's stylish hoof pleasuring me! He was – he was... “Oh! Oh my!” My whole body shook as he spread my pussy lips slightly and ran his smooth hoof up and down between them. “Oh thank you, Applejack!”

She patted my back with a hoof. “Happy to— Mmn! Happy to help, Rares.”

My juices flowed copiously, slickening Trenderhoof's hoof and heightening my own pleasure, even as the lion's share dripped down onto his thrusting cock, helping him slide all the more easily in and out of one of my closest friends.

The pleasure quickly built inside me. Before I knew it – before I could even properly prepare myself for it – the dam broke. The unexpected orgasm flooded through me, shooting up through my body and making my back arch. It pressed my teats against Applejack's, and I trembled there, my pussy winking and convulsing around Trenderhoof's touch. My juices cascaded down to where his cock entered her pussy as I screamed my sheer joy up to the rough-cut wooden ceiling.

Sweating and panting, I finally came down from my high ... only to find Trenderhoof still pumping into Applejack. Had he even paused for me?

This wouldn't do. One orgasm simply wasn't enough, and I still needed to feel his cock. Thankfully, a solution was just a bit of magic away.

First, I used my magic to push Trenderhoof back, forcing him out of my friend and all the way down to the floor, despite his objections and Applejack's moaning. Then, with a bit of muscle and a bit of magic to help, I rolled the two of us over, putting Applejack on top this time. The implication would be clear: time to switch.

And when Trenderhoof hurried back on top of us, I thought it might just work. His cock bumped against my winking clit for a moment, but he soon repositioned himself, once again choosing Applejack's pussy rather than mine.

“Hey, what about me!” I cried, and Applejack matched it with a moan that was something between pleasure and protest, though it was difficult to tell just what measure of each went into the mix.

It didn't seem to take much effect on Trenderhoof, though. He huffed loudly, biting down on the base of Applejack's mane as his thrusts grew jerky and erratic.

Oh no! No, I needed that! He couldn't finish, not yet. I hadn't gotten any!

But he did finish. Burying himself as deeply as he could inside Applejack's pussy, he let loose. I could feel the throbbing of his cock even through her belly. Applejack shuddered and gripped me tight as his load gushed into her ... her unworthy pussy getting drenched in the perfect white cream that I so desperately wanted!

Before his orgasm even ceased, I was already squirming into position. I had to catch all that I could!

As he pulled his softening cock out of her pussy, I sprung into action, using my magic to help manage the acrobatics. First and most urgently, I squeezed my own pussy right up underneath Applejack's, mashing our lower lips together with her positioned perfectly above me. When the inevitable deluge of excess cum poured out of her slit, my winking entrance drank it up, the greedy spasms of my pussy drawing its thick warmth deep inside. With not a moment wasted, as Applejack's cream pie still seeped down into my own need, I bent my body to the side, reaching for Trenderhoof and pulling him closer with my magic.

Though it was now limp, his cock still swung huge and beautifully beneath his belly. More importantly, it was coated in a thin film of his cum mixed with Applejack's juices, and more delicious white cream was still dribbling from his tip. I pulled him close and swallowed his cock down eagerly. Finally I could get a taste of his cum!

As desperately as I suckled, though, only a precious few drops were given to me. And as strongly as my winking pussy kissed Applejack's, only so much sticky joy was going to leak out of her. After a few moments of the warmth in my pussy diminishing and the cock in my mouth shrinking, I finally accepted that I'd gotten as much as I would be given, and I released both of them from my magic's hold.

I collapsed on the bed, Trenderhoof next to me, and Applejack on the other side of him. Before I could say even a single word, he began to snore.

As I'd prepared for this night, my mind had often been occupied with fantasies about post-coitus cuddling with an affectionate Trenderhoof who had just learned that I could outshine any 'authenticity' of farm life... But now, for some reason, I couldn't even bring myself to lay my hoof across his chest.

Instead, I found myself getting up, going around him, and lying down next to Applejack. I hugged her close and nuzzled into her faintly apple-scented mane.

Applejack merely stroked my back gently for a time, but eventually she craned her neck over to touch noses with me. “Now, have ya finally got that out of your system?”

“Hmm... Yes.” I sighed. “I thought he'd finally see the light and succumb to my attractions, but he turned out to be so inconsiderate. One should never meet one's heroes, I suppose.”

“Glad to hear you've come to your senses. I could've told ya he'd be that way since the moment I first saw him. I'm sure you noticed he didn't spend much effort worryin' whether I got off or not.”

“Indeed not.” I slowly traced my hoof downward on Applejack's firm, well-muscled belly. “You know ... if you needed any help with that...”

“Thank ya kindly, but nah, I'm fine. 'Fraid my barn door don't really swing that way.”

“Much to the annoyance of a certain mutual friend of ours, I'm sure.” I giggled.

“Aw, Rainbow don't bother with me too much anymore, not since she and Twilight— Um... I shouldn't have said that.”

A jolt of excitement ran through me. Fresh gossip! “Oh, you must tell me!”

“Can't.” Applejack shook her head. “I promised.”

“Oh do come on! I'll do anything! Anything!

“Anything, huh?” She was quiet for a few moments, staring up at the ceiling. “I don't suppose you'd, um, mind helpin' me out with Big Mac again?”

“Of course not! I'll get my makeup and dyes out, and 'Buttercup from Appleloosa' will be visiting your family farm again in no time.” I twirled the tip of Applejack's mane in my hoof. “I do think you're ever so glamorous with Buttercup's pink hair and white bows. Do you suppose this time we could go with a gem-encrusted—?”

“No gems!”

I rolled my eyes. Farm ponies. “Fine. But perhaps 'Buttercup' might bring along her elegant friend from Canterlot, 'Rare Gem'? I think she could use some time with Big Mac as well, if 'Buttercup' is willing to share, that is.”

Applejack rubbed her nose with mine again, even more tenderly. “I think Buttercup would like that a lot. Big Mac ... well, he's a lot for one mare to handle, after all. And I'm pretty sure that Buttercup is real fond of Rare Gem.”

I blushed. “I'm sure Rare Gem feels the same way.”