While I'm With You

by SandvichParty

First published

Twilight's out for a walk when she runs into Dash, her as-of-recent fillyfriend.

Twilight and Rainbow have been together for only two weeks now. The two started going out after Twilight accidentally dropped a bomb, and Rainbow surprisingly intercepted, giving it a chance. They've been going fairly steady, and it's this fateful night that finally changes everything.

Chapter 1

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"Rainbow Dash, get your flank down here already!

The mentioned cerulean pegasus just stood up a bit straighter, her posture obviously reflecting on her now-alerted state. It was Twilight’s voice, of course - as of recently, she’d know that tone from just about anywhere. However, this time, it wasn’t the usual dorky, sometimes awkward voice that she had grown used to from the lavender unicorn - rather, it was quite fierce-tempered, and almost demanding at that. Had she done something wro–

Quickly, a thought struck her, and she sighed in defeat, realizing exactly why the mare sounded so furious with her. “Oh... right...” she muttered to nopony except herself, beginning to move towards the stairs in a slow trot. So what if she had accidentally left a window shattered after she found the library locked? Of course, she had only meant to fly into the door with hopes of bursting it open, but one wrong turn had veered her straight into the windo–

Quit goofing around up there and help me clean up this mess!

Sighing and shaking her head, she made her way down the stairs, picking up her pace as to not keep the lavender mare waiting. She was obviously quite mad, though not in the ‘insane’ sense (she had already seen enough of that once...), so any time wasted would likely just irritate her further. She finally reached the bottom floor of the library, only to be presented with a clear view of the window - or rather, what had been of the window, along with a very annoyed unicorn.

“Rainbow, really, this is the second time you’ve done something like this this week alone!” It was easy to see that Twilight meant business this time around, judging from her stern pose and tone, causing Rainbow to duck her head, her ears flopping down like a dog that knew it was guilty of something. “And before you say anything, I know it looks like I can just repair it with magic like that, but it’s not that easy! You have to focus on every little piece of glass and fitting them together and... ugh!” She let out a sigh of frustration.

The pegasus turned her gaze upwards, deciding not to spend the entire conversation staring down at the floor beneath her hooves. “I, uh... yeah, sorry, Twilight... it was an accident, y’know.” She spoke in a tone that sounded guiltier than she looked, eliciting a slight movement from the other mare in the room, who simply tilted her head a bit and softened her frown.

The two looked at each other without a word for a minute or so, the setting dead silent other than the occasional noise of somepony passing by outside or something of the sort. Finally, the light-purple pony broke the silence, speaking in a tone a bit more comforting than beforehoof, though a hint of irritation still peeking through. “Listen, I don’t mean to get so angry with you with something that’s so trivial in the long run, but can you just... be more careful? Please?

Rainbow simply nodded a few times, sighing slightly. “Alright, alright... I’ll - I’ll do that, Twilight.”

Twilight nodded in return, turning so that she faced the window, making sure to watch her step as to not accidentally step on any of the glass littering the floor nearby. Her horn lit up, an aura of purple that was light enough to be mistaken for pink surrounding it. She kept her eyes open, her gaze darting around to each and every one of the pieces of glass as they seemingly floated back into place. After about a minute of this, she took a step back and caught her breath, looking over the repaired pane of glass.

The other mare in the room took a step towards the window, looking brand-new, and chuckled for a moment. “Yeah, looks like nothin’ ever happened to it in the first place! Pretty neat magic you got there, Twi’...”

The lavender mare simply giggled and turned back to Rainbow, smiling happily. “Heh, thanks, Rainbow!” She smiled a bit brighter before blinking once, a look of remembrance crossing her face. “Oh, that reminds me! I was going to be up pretty late tonight to study a new spell, but I’m fresh out of parchment, so I’m going to head out for a bit to restock on supplies.” She giggled again, her smile returning. “Try not to destroy the whole library while I’m gone, alright?”

Dash grinned and nodded, replying quickly. “Mmhmm. I’ll, uh... I’ll see what I can do.”

Twilight smiled brightly again and nodded once more, walking for a moment towards the other mare. “Alright, um... seeya!” She glanced off to the side for a split second, a light blushing playing out on her face before she leaned in and gave the pegasus a quick peck on the cheek, rushing out the door and closing it behind her right afterwards.

Rainbow simply stood up a bit straighter and blinked a few times, a light shade of pink appearing on her own face as the simple action set off quite a number of happy thoughts, all flooding through her mind at a mile a minute. Subconsciously, she ran through all the events that had occurred between her and Twilight - how it began when they were grabbing a quick bite to eat, still considering her as a ‘friend’ as she joked around about it; seeming like they were on a date, the remark setting off an instant reply from the unicorn - “Oh, it isn’t?”.

This had surprised her, and it seemed Twilight herself was surprised by what she had just said as well, because she had shrunk back in her chair, blushing, before Dash had eased her nerves with a quick remark about how she could ‘give it a chance’... and then, later, the same night, as they had stood there outside the library, framed by the full moon's light, they had had their firs-

She shook her head vigorously, as if snapping out of a daze. What was she doing, just standing there, staring off into space? The blue mare just sighed and shook her head, in slight disbelief of everything that had happened. Putting the thoughts away for now, a realization hit her as well, remembering that she herself had something to do - somepony had reported seeing storm clouds approaching Ponyville, so, of course, she was supposed to make sure they didn’t get very far.

She groaned in frustration. Halting a big group of clouds like that was a difficult task, even for a flier as skilled as herself. She’d likely be kicking clouds, left and right, many hours into the night... Figuring it’d be better to start early, she made her way out the door, closing it behind her and leaving the library completely empty as she zoomed into the sky, ready to do her ‘job’, of sorts.