All Tomorrow's Birthdays: After School Special

by Fylifa

First published

After Sunset and Sci-Twi's visit to Equestria, Princess Twilight's friends visit Earth for their own fun with their human twins.

With a budding relationship and a passionate night of pleasure, Sunset's birthday party in Equestria was a resounding success. It didn't take long for Pony Twilight's friends to start wondering about similar 'fun' with their own human doubles.

Of course, with so much Equestrian magic coming to Earth, a familiar trio can't help but take notice...

* The story loaded with Sex humor and Explicit Sex. Contains everything from the first story in more flavors.
Particularly: Transformation! Futa for Twi and Sunset, Girl on Girl, Ponygirl on Girl, Ponygirl on Ponygirl, Twincest / Clonecest gangbangs. All with a side of fish.
* Thanks as usual for ClanCrusher for being such a good beta / editor!

Chapter 1

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“Where is everypony?” asked Princess Twilight, her voice strained with nervous tension. Passage through the mirror had changed her form, but not her panicked state. Even her usually neat hair showed signs of frazzling as she looked around Canterlot High’s courtyard.

“Every one probably went home. It looks like it’s late in the afternoon,” Sunset answered before she wobbled on her feet a few steps away from the pedestal. After three transformations in so short of time, her body felt awkward in many places.

“Maybe you should take a more logical view,” said Sparkle, who looked the least hampered by their world hopping. Sunset thought it likely that some of her comfort came from having her signature glasses back on to fiddle with.

Twilight frowned and looked over at her double. “Logical view? What am I missing?”

Sparkle twirled at a curl from her hairbun with a finger, another habit that was repressed as a pony. “Well… it wasn’t a terrible experience, visiting another world.” As she spoke, she quit her hair fussing and instead reached for Sunset’s hand.

Sunset smiled and laced fingers as she returned the touch with a squeeze. The acknowledgment made her grateful. “She has a point, Twilight. What’s the harm? So they come over here and say hi to themselves. The versions over here already know about Equestria. Heck, they’ve already seen you and Sparkles at the same time. After some of the stuff we’ve gone through, a chat with a twin shouldn't feel that weird.”

Twilight mulled that over before she sighed. “Maybe you’re right. I’m overreacting. They are all grown mares who can handle themselves.”

Sunset cleared her throat. “There’s also the fact that we can’t run around town chasing after them. Not without a change of clothes, anyway.”

Twilight blinked at Sunset and looked down at herself. Their clothes had appeared magically around them when they crossed the mirror. The spell on the portal was nuanced enough to give them summer wear. “What’s wrong with skirts?”

Sunset fidgeted, a small blush creeping to her cheeks. “Try walking, Twilight.”

Twilight did so, and after a few steps her own eyes widened. She immediately froze in place.

Sparkle looked at them, puzzled. “What’s wrong?” When both Twilight and Sunset avoided her gaze, her hand went to her mouth. “Oh! Don’t tell me you both are… you still have...”

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m kinda leery of going through the portal another two times…”

Twilight winced. “Even if we did put on clothes in Equestria, Celestia knows what they’ll end up as on this side.” She gave the pedestal a poisonous look. “That and the flow of time might make us miss just whatever it is Pinkie is planning.”

Sparkle adjusted the side of her glasses. “Well, if you two can manage a bus ride to the far side of town, my parents won’t be home until late. We can pick up a change of clothes and use a phone to call the others.”

Sunset chuckled. “Oh yeah! Phones. Wow, sometimes it’s easy to forget the less magical solutions.”

"—and I still don't see why I got to have the nickname. This is my world! My farm, even!" AJ huffed.

Applejack shrugged. "Your Pinkie loss the coinflip fair 'n square. Besides, you five were already callin' your Twilight somethin' cute."

Across town on the outskirts, AJ and Applejack drove to the family farm in AJ’s old pickup. They spent most of the drive there reflecting on the oddball multiverse situation the Pinkie Pies put them in.

“Tho' the differences are funny, when you think ‘bout it some,” Applejack said as she looked out at the human version of Apple Acres.

“Funny how? Besides, you know, the obvious,” AJ asked.

Applejack snorted, though it sounded more like a sniff with her human nose. “Well, me and the girls, we’ve been up and down Equestria. Just getting to the bayou you got ’bout an equal chance of running into a dragon or manticore on the way.”

AJ arched her brow at her. “You expecting monsters? We ain’t got that ‘round here. Just traffic on bad days.”

Applejack knocked on the pickup’s hood lightly with the side of her fist. “Wasn’t me complainin’ though it sure leaves your flank sore to be sittin’ about the whole way.”

“Maybe we got somethin' for that inside,” AJ murmured.

Applejack chuckled. “You humanfolk got a gadget or some kinda machine for every lil’ thing—” Though before she could crack wise about a specialized flank massager, Applejack unexpectedly caught sight of one of the Applepicker trucks parked in AJ’s driveway. Prominently, there was a ‘F & F Brothers Co.’ sign on the drivers door.

“See! Right there’s what amma talking about! You tellin’ me you got them two on your farm with their mechanical whooza-what’sits?”

AJ blinked and looked between Applejack and the offending truck. “The hell you going on about? Those two just run a pawnshop and a car dealership. They don’t do any actual farming, we just rent the trucks from them.”

Applejack snorted again. This time it sounded good and adequately horse-ish with practice. “Well… that doesn’t surprise me. Still, you need a machine? Also, what's with all those busybodies and lookie-loos wanderin' in your orchard driving up.”

After pushing up the brim of her hat with her thumb, AJ rubbed at her forehead, taking a moment to figure out her Equestrian self’s meaning. “You… mean the workers? It’s a big farm. How you expect just me and Mac to do any of that without machines or help?”

“Me and My Mac never had no trouble. And we kick the trees, takes about a couple minute each,” Applejack replied with some pride and a hint of smugness. “Maybe if you two didn’t spend all that time fussing and huffing picking every one with your hands it’d go better.”

“Maybe it works like that in that ponyland, but over here we’d just chip the bark and sprain an ankle tryin’ it your way,” AJ replied.

Applejack made a face. “Guess it can’t be helped. Not looking forward to having processed cider for Pinkie’s party, though.”

“Now, now. We do things different picking that much is true. But the cider and jam are done on the stove by me and fam. Granny wouldn’t have it any other way.”

With that measure of Apple family pride on the line, AJ led Applejack to the kitchen and poured her a glass from one of the home-bottled cider from the pantry.

Applejack took a swig and savoured, for once looking the connoisseur as she swished before swallowing with a smack of her lips. She expressed her judgement when she shook the glass for a refill and nodded. “Glad to see somethin’ being done right on this side.”

After clinking glasses for a second round, Aj chuckled and shook her head. “I think I can show you few more things that you might appreciate.” She went on to lead Applejack on a brief tour of the house. Taking the opportunity of showing up her Equestrian self with modern day miracles like the living room’s sound system and the laundry room washing machine. Even Applejack had to admit that not all the technological wonders were half bad.

Their tour ended at AJ’s room. Applejack stepped in and had herself a look around the paradoxically familiar yet-just-different-enough, bedroom. After a minute she asked, “So where’s Mac and Granny off to?”

AJ rested against the doorframe, arms crossed. “Probably be at the farm for a while yet until the workers get off shift.”

That got a nod from Applejack, and she wandered by the window to fuss with the curtain. “And Applebloom, where she at?”

“Off with her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, most like. Think they wanted to see a movie in town.”

“Mmm, they’ll be awhile yet then too,” Applejack replied as she drew the curtains closed. Afterwards, she ambled towards the dresser and promptly opened the top drawer.

AJ straightened from her lazy rest at the doorway, surprised at Applejack’s sudden nosing. “Hey… now. Maybe you shouldn’t poke around like that. Doncha any of you ponyfolk wear undies over there? That stuff’s rude to touch.”

Applejack didn’t stop her pawing through AJ’s undergarments, only briefly looking up to give AJ an arched brow. “Here I thought you were sensible enough to know what this was all about from the get-go. Ah, here it is!”

AJ had only made it halfway to the dresser before Applejack triumphantly hefted the large dildo out from it. AJ froze mid-step, face reddening.

Applejack bounced the toy, checking its heft before she put it over one shoulder and reached into the dresser for the straps. “I keep mine in a hatbox, but I figured you’d rather it were someplace close.”

That quip brought a fidget out of AJ, though Applejack’s casualness bled out some of the embarrassment she felt. “Y-You don’t think it… um… unusual, huh?”

Applejack finished her work with the fully assembled strap-on stallionhood and peered at it. “Seems about right. Even the same color I gots back at home.”

“Figures, so… umm… I guess we could flip a coin.”

“Now look who's the rude one. Visitin’ guests get first dibs.”

While Twilight’s family were not royalty in the human world, they were well off, with Twilight Velvet being a successful author and Night Light a doctorate level astrophysicist.

Their house was large, expansive and the kind with an enormous master bedroom with an attached bathroom. It was big enough to fit a jacuzzi and a spacious double sink, along with a mirror that nearly took up the entire wall.

“If it’s the middle of the week, why aren’t you two in class?” asked Twilight as she and Sunset undressed.

Sparkle poked her head from around the corner. “Miss Cheerlie let me do the classwork early for the extra day… she usually lets me do it early… okay, I always do it early.” She coughed.

“I just played hooky,” said Sunset with a laugh.

Sunset Shimmer!” Sparkle and Twilight both exclaimed in the same tone of shocked, matronly voice.

Sunset jumped and looked between the two accusatory faces. “What? It’s not like I need help with the classwork, either.”

Sparkle ‘tsked’ and went back to building them an outfit in the adjoining bedroom.

Twilight shook her head as she unhooked her bra. “I might have to hit you with another friendship rainbow if you’re going to be backsliding to your wicked ways.”

Sunset reached over and twibbled Twilight’s nipple. “I thought you liked bad girls.”

Twilight swatted Sunset’s hand away and stuck her tongue out, though it was only a momentary distraction from the task at hand. “Just the skirts now…”

With that last article of clothing gone, they stood and looked in the mirror, quietly taking stock.

Eventually, Sunset said, “I hope you can change us back. People over here have enough trouble getting their heads around the idea that I'm not a demoness, but just a talking horse from a magical ponyland. This might be the last straw."

“Of course, when we are all done on this side it should be just a matter of going through the pedestal and undoing the spell before coming back,” answered Twilight before muttering, “Maybe.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “Maybe?

“I don't know, okay? I didn't think about how it would interact with other meta-transformation magics. That mirror has so many layers of enchantment on it that I’m thankful that it didn't try to be creative with substituting our horns!” Twilight let out with an exasperated breath. “Sometimes I think Star Swirl built it with a sense of humor.”

Sunset rubbed her face with her palms. Though the situation soon had her chuckling. “I guess it serves you right for being so generous with that spell, especially with yourself.”

Twilight frowned. “What? What are you talking about?”

Sunset faced Twilight and leaned in to emphasize their height difference. “I’m taller than you, but you’ve got a few inches on me.”

Twilight crossed her arms and puffed. “Well, I’m an alicorn. Everything we have is bigger... generally.”

“Are you two seriously arguing over penis sizes?” Sparkle called from the bedroom.

“No! We’re making very scientific comparisons. You approve of that, right?” Sunset yelled back.

Sparkle entered the bathroom and began picking up their discarded clothes. “I do, but you aren’t doing it right.” She paused and adjusted her glasses as her eyes dropped below their waists. Her cheeks colored and she hurried out again.

“Wait! What about our clothes?!” Sunset cried after her. She looked at Twilight. “Where is she going?”

Twilight shrugged and took another long look in the mirror. “I’m not sure,” she said with some distraction. “Sunset, have you given thought to what might happen if we pony up like this?”

Sunset groaned. “Not until this very moment, no. She might need to raid your brother’s dresser or something.”

Sparkle returned again, holding a toy in one hand and a measuring tape with the other. “Okay, I want both of you to sit at the edge of the tub.”

Sunset stared at Sparkle and what was decidedly not spare clothing held in her hands. “Where did you get a yellow dildo, Sparkles?”

“Online. I wanted to find one that matched that could also be used as a strap-on,” said Sparkle in a matter-of-fact tone, though her blush deepened.

Sunset had to smile at that. Yet more proof that Sparkle had been admiring her long before now. “You sure do plan ahead.”

“Well, I still couldn’t anticipate you getting the real thing… but it makes for a good control now.”

Twilight peered over. “Oh! Is that what passes for average here? You humans are so adorable.”

RD kicked the soccer ball with a flourish, sending it right into the goal. It was her tenth one in a row, and she pumped her fist in the air. Each time she scored, she made a point of stepping back a little more. She was already getting in the long shots from past quarter-field.

“That’s pretty good, but I know you can do better!” A voice called.

“Okay, who has the b—” shouted RD as she turned to face the speaker, already frowning that someone would interrupt not just her practice but her cheering. Nobody interrupted her victory laps.

Except herself, apparently.

RD stared. At first, she thought it might be someone trying to mess with her, but one look at the hair had her convinced. She could spot a multicolor-dye job or wig a mile away. “Whoa… you’re the me from Equestria!”

Rainbow grinned. “That’s right! We’re all visiting for the day. Pinkie’s got a party planned for later. I'm supposed to go get you for it.”

RD rolled her eyes at hearing Pinkie’s name. “I bet the whole thing was her idea, right?” She glanced towards the goal, then back at Rainbow. “Hey, do you play?”

“Nah, but it looks simple. You knock it into the goal, and there is a goalie that tries to stop you?”

RD nodded and added. “And the rest of the team, but that’s pretty much it. That and you can’t use your hands.”

Rainbow looked at her fist and wiggled her fingers, afterwards she shrugged. “Fine with me.”

RD jogged over to the goal and brought the ball towards the center of the field. She dribbled the ball between her feet before she kicked it towards Rainbow. “Show me what you got!”

Rainbow waited and then abruptly spun to boot the soccer ball backward. She stumbled and flapped with her arms for balance as she did.

RD leapt upward and stopped the ball with a headbutt. When she came back down, she planted a foot on it. “The hell was that?”

“Sorry. It’s not easy to look over my shoulder like this. Try me again.”

RD set up another shot and kicked the ball over. Once again Rainbow did an about-face, but this time she kept on turning. The motion had her rear kick become a spin kick that sent the ball in another high sailing arch. RD took the ball square on the chest to stop it.

Annoyed, RD kicked the ball hard to return the favor. Rainbow grinned and turned to stop the ball with her shoulder instead of her tits. She bounced it on the tip of a foot afterwards before she ran with it in a sprint for RD’s goal.

RD first backpedaled, then turned to keep up. Damn, she’s fast!

Bringing her foot around, Rainbow spinkicked a shot at the goal in from the side.

That had RD needing to dive and swat the ball out of the air, though she winced at the welt it left on her fingers.

“Hey! You said no hands!” protested Rainbow.

RD shook the sting from her fingertips. “The goalie can when they are in the box in front of the goal. See the lines? Sorry, forgot to tell you that part.”

Rainbow eyed her twin before she scoffed. “S’okay. I know you need any help you can get.”

RD frowned. Was she usually like this? Though she wasn’t going to let that comment slide. “I was only gonna go easy on you, but if you want every bit of my awesomeness...”

Working the ball between foot and knee, RD feinted left before she broke right and zig-zagged around her Equestrian double. She went flat out and charged at Rainbow’s open goal. Her kick sent the soccer ball flying down the center.

A ripple of air and flapping wings rushed over RD's head as Rainbow zoomed to to the goal and punched the ball mid-flight down into to the grass like spiking a volleyball.

Afterwards, Rainbow hovered in place and looked down at herself. She apparently had ponied up complete with the ears, wings, and extended hair. “Huh, you guys can do this over here? Why didn’t you fly from the start?”

When Rainbow pointed at her, RD looked over her own shoulders. Sure enough, she had ponied up too. She had been so focused on making the goal she hadn’t even noticed the transformation happen.

“It’s usually only when we play music,” said RD while she scratched behind her pony ear. “I guess it also happens when we get worked up, too?”

Rainbow grinned. “Well, you look way cooler now. Kinda cute too. Wanna go at it again now that we both got wings?”

RD couldn’t deny a bit of competitive curiosity. Finding anyone to match her in soccer was hard enough, and when would she ever get another chance to face off with another ponied up pegasus? Sparkle and Fluttershy were hopeless with sports.

They faced off at the center of the field with the ball between them. RD threw out a kick and Rainbow countered nearly at the same time. With no place to go, the ball flew skywards, and both ponygirls flapped to rise with it. RD got over first and headbutted the ball forward, forcing Rainbow to fall back to intercept.

Before it could even hit the ground, Rainbow spin-kicked it over. With the addition of flight, the game played more like volleyball than soccer, each girl meeting the ball before it could land.

RD led Rainbow into going higher and higher before she booted the ball downward and dove underneath, skimming the ground while she kicked the ball to keep it going as she raced for the goal. She slid on the final yards, kicking as she did. It was a shot from nearly mid-field, but when her foot landed, the ball took off on a streamer of rainbow-colored magic. Her longest shot yet!

Rainbow dropped from above into the goalie box with her eyes widening. She had only just enough time to fall down and push off the ground with her hands while she threw both legs back in a buck.

It looked ridiculous, but when Rainbow’s soles hit the soccer ball, it flew back like a multi-colored rocket. RD dodged on reflex before she cursed when she saw it continue straight down the field. No way she’s gonna score on me from the damn goalie box!

RD winged hard after it. The air felt funny and colors of magic surrounded her as she flew. When the ball crossed the goalie box of her own goal, she fell on it in a tackle. Hitting the ground in a tumble and rolling with it as she hugged it tight to her chest. She bounced right into the goal netting, and the thing collapsed around her.

“You… hah… are.... okay?” asked Rainbow as she approached the tangled up RD.

“You… ah… hah… di-didn’t score!” replied RD, clutching the ball in arms and wings, fending it from the netting all around her.

Rainbow lifted the goalpost’s netting. “Ha! I don’t think the rules are that different. Ball’s in the goal even if you hugging it.” She winked and reached out with a hand. “You did a great job, though, don’t be sore.”

RD eyed the hand and reached for it. She tried to pull Rainbow down, but Rainbow braced for it and instead hefted RD up to her feet.

Rainbow’s free hand hooked around RD’s hip and took a firm squeeze on her rear before RD could try to trip her. “Not gonna fall for that eith—hmmph” Her smug assurance broken at last by the sudden kiss RD gave her.

RD finished the kiss with a small nibble on Rainbow’s lower lip. “Showers?”

“Showers,” Rainbow agreed.

Rarity was in heaven.

A heaven made by the row after row of hair products. Display cases full of mascara swatches, lipsticks, liner and more. Her first thought was of how Aloe and Lotus would swoon if they could see such a wealth of products, but then she saw their human versions in the Spa tending to customers. It had her giggling.

Seeing the humanized versions of the spa ponies brought an interesting dilemma. Wait for someone familiar to be available, or be adventurous? Still giddy in the spirit of traveling to parts unknown she looked for someone she didn’t recognize from Ponyville.

Oh My Celestia! Look at the mane on that one, she must spend a fortune on it! I bet she knows everything there is to know about human hair care.

Rarity went over to the bright, orange haired girl and readied her opening pitch. “Hello! I am new in town, and I am looking for—”

“You!” The girl exclaimed with a narrowing of her eyes. “What are you doing here?!”

“Yes, it is I! And if you would allow me just a moment I will say,” chided Rarity before she resumed her practiced speech. “I am new in town, and I am looking for the absolute best you have to offer in this spa.”

“You've got a lot of nerve coming in here to ask me that!” said the girl. She looked furious.

Goodness, these humans can be so rude!

Inwardly, Rarity had thought the mirror could have done a better job in her outfit. She would have preferred a dress more fitting of a mare who owned three boutiques in three cities. She needed to have a talk with Twilight about adjusting it to be more fashion sensitive.

“I know I look like a vagrant, but you cannot fault a lady at the beginning of her travel. Coming to the spa is a step in getting myself respectable. You could even say it’s a treat for myself.” Rarity knew if her human self were to visit Equestria the reverse would be true. She had no intention of looking like something bedraggled at their first meeting.

Thankfully, the mirror had turned her saddlebags into a rather cute purse. Rarity brought out a few gemstones from it and laid them on the countertop. “You see! I'm a mare of means. I will forgive you for thinking otherwise.”

The girl paused and looked down at the countertop, then at Rarity. “Mare? You… are from Equestria? Are these Equestrian gems?”

Rarity brightened. Twilight mentioned how some CHS students knew about ponies after she came to their rescue twice. Or was it thrice? Rarity couldn’t quite remember all the details of those stories, but it made this exchange considerably easier.

“They are! I assure you I’ve had a dragon test their worth and quality,” answered Rarity. It wasn’t an untrue statement, though she did wonder if Spike judged them more on flavor than their intrinsic value.

“Do you have two more of these?” the girl asked, very carefully she picked out a ruby from the countertop.

Rarity smiled, feeling the proverbial bite on the line. Now to reel her in. “Oh, I might! Though I must say that for those rubies I’d want the complete makeover.”

Adagio Dazzle peered into the gem, and a smile crept on her features. “Complete makeover, hmm? That can be arranged.”

Chapter 2

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Sonata Dusk had made an exciting discovery: Most students at Canterlot High didn’t seem to recognize her.

When she told Adagio about it, Adagio said something about humans being oblivious idiots. Aria said it was probably because Sonata was so forgettable. Sonata thought maybe it had to do with the Friendship Games that the CHS students often yammered about. Apparently, they had been so amazing that no one remembered the battle of the bands that had happened in the months before. Except for maybe RD and her friends.

Still, as long as Sonata was careful to avoid that group, she could sneak in and get the discounted late lunches the school offered for anyone doing after-school activities. They didn’t even check for ID!

Canterlot High also had a pool, but not a swim team. Sonata could get a nearly free snack and then go for a swim right after, usually alone. It pleased her Siren nature just to lay back and float, though it made her human legs cramp for some reason.

“There you are! Ugh, you look like a whale,” Aria called from the edge of the pool.

Sonata opened her eyes and waved, which upended her floating and made her spend some time thrashing upright. She paddled to the edge afterwards, coughing. “H-Hi, Aria.”

Aria made a face and crossed her arms. “Adagio has been looking for you. She says she has something for us. Something impor—augh!” She hastily stepped back to avoid the splash of water Sonata made with her hands.

Sonata giggled. “It’s just water! Why not swim before we go? You remember swimming, don’t you?”

“If I go in there, it’ll be to strangle you.”

Sonata grinned and in a sing-songed, “You’d have to get weeeeet first!” She splashed towards Aria again.

Aria had stopped looking towards Sonata, her attention suddenly drawn to the doorway to the locker rooms. When Sonata’s splash soaked her boots, she gritted her teeth. “Could you stop being stupid for one second?” She paused, realizing the scope of what she asked for and amended, “Just… shut up. Something's going on in there.”

The air felt charged in a strange, yet familiar way. As the two sirens waited, the feeling grew into a tingle that had both of them gasping.

“Aria! Your ears!” cried Sonata before she felt at herself. “My ears too!” She bubbled as she went under when both her hands went up to her head.

Aria reached up to check herself and looked back to Sonata. “Hurry and get dressed! It must be something to do with Equestrian magic.”

Even without a soccer ball being kicked between them, the Rainbows kept up their competition.

A competition that had them barreling into the showers locked in a heady kiss.

RD fumbled over undressing Rainbow, helping her Equestrian self out of her shirt with hands.

Rainbow repaid the favor with her wings, using the flexible tips to fling away articles of clothing.

It surprised RD that Rainbow could pick apart a sport bra with just her wings, though the amazement was cut short when Rainbow rubbed the knuckles of her fist against RD’s bare tit.

“Ow! You better get used to using fingers before we do anything more!”

Rainbow paused and looked at her hand. “Sorry, I keep forgetting.”

RD chuckled. “It’s alright. Here, let me show you.” She led Rainbow the rest of the way to showers, turned on the tap and lathered up her hands with some soap from the dispenser.

Once thoroughly sudsy, RD reached for Rainbow’s front. “Better this way, yeah?” She demonstrated with a thumb around her twin’s breasts, turning her soaping into a caress around the peaks.

Rainbow at first only watched RD work before the touch had her pony ears perking as well as her nipples themselves. “Hmm... that does feel kinda nice,” admitted Rainbow. She took a cue from her human double and imitated the soapy fondle.

RD shivered at the handling of her breasts. Inwardly, she'd always been a little self-conscious, though with a partner of exactly the same size, it was almost... comfortable. She peeked an eye up at Rainbow. “Guess I can teach you something after all.”

Rainbow snorted. “Gonna let me score this time?”

“That’s as bad of a pun from Pinkie.”

Both Rainbows fell silent as their hands wandered and touched each other. There was a kind of kinkiness in being pressed up against a mirror image one could feel. What started as mutual washing soon grew into more as one Rainbow would cross a nipple or pet over a curve. The other Rainbow would up the ante with an even bolder touch, bringing their teasing to the forefront.

Finally, Rainbow leaned close and nuzzled RD’s ear. “I got something I can show you, though.” She moved her arms around RD’s waist and brought her wings low in a scooping motion.

RD flailed as she was lifted. She quickly put arms around Rainbow’s neck and her legs around their waist as she found herself carried. “Whoa! They are that strong? Like, they don’t tear?”

“They are like hands, but better! You really should use yours more.” Rainbow emphasized her point with a squeeze to RD’s rump with those cupping feathers. RD squirmed from the extra limb’s touch.

Rainbow pressed on, propping RD up against the tile wall of the shower and moved in to aggressively kiss.

RD's quietly moaned, with the water coming on them both she was trapped between taking her breath mid-kiss from her twin. Rainbow looked to have had the upper hand, or in this case, wing.

Not gonna let her win this one without a fight!

RD fumbled behind her and aimed the shower head at Rainbow’s face.

Rainbow broke the kiss and sputtered, her wings letting go of RD to shield herself from the water. “That’s a bad trick!” Rainbow complained.

RD grabbed at Rainbow, spinning her about to come at her from behind in a spooning hug. “All’s fair in love and war and all that. Heh, lemme show you what fingers can really do.”

As she spoke, RD put a hand under Rainbow’s arm to feel at her breast while at the same time drawing her other hand around Rainbow’s hip to run fingers through her multi-colored muff.

Rainbow fidgeted after this table flipping, unable to flap with her wings pressed flat by RD’s warm body against her back. RD perched her head on Rainbow’s shoulder and grinned at her.

“I think you’ll like it, though,” RD replied as her fingers played a slow massage around Rainbow’s sexual hood.

Rainbow tried to bite at RD’s ear, but couldn't reach the ponified location on the top of RD's head.

RD repaid the attempt with a firm pinch on the nipple that had Rainbow exclaim and stiffen up.

Eventually, RD's circular strokes melted her double's fiesty struggles and Rainbow’s hips started rolling to match RD’s palming.

“You… are… pretty good at this,” panted Rainbow, begrudgingly. “Who… before? Applejack?”

RD slowed briefly as she chuckled. “Nah, not her. Fluttershy, mostly.”

Rainbow blinked at that, almost taken out of the mood with the surprise.

“You’re tensing up just like she does. Just relax,” RD murmured while calming with a kiss alongside Rainbow’s neck.

The hot water and general closeness were starting to make the shower steamy. The warmth of it combined with RD’s steady finger work eventually brought a coziness that made Rainbow sigh and close her eyes.

A tickle of feathers prompted Rainbow to open her eyes again. RD had brought her wings around and used them to hug at Rainbow’s breasts while her hands played below.

“Quick learner! I guess...ngh... I can let you win... this one,” muttered Rainbow, flustered with both the admission and building arousal.

RD chuffed at that and amped up her rhythm, working a finger in a curl into Rainbow’s tunnel.

Rainbow expected it and widened her stance to better ride RD’s hand. Though for all her efforts at trying to keep it cool, Rainbow’s legs started to tremble.

RD zeroed in on that spot in her and coaxed fingers across it while also leaning against Rainbow’s back. Their identical bodies made the spooning a snug fit.

Rainbow in the past had only felt tongues get as close to the spot the fingers now danced across. Her new appreciation for them came out in a loud moan and a sharp bucking her hip. The pangs of pleasure turning into a tumbling orgasm.

RD pressed in close, letting Rainbow’s provoked rocking continue to rub herself out on RD’s wrist. Though she couldn’t help herself a nibble on Rainbow’s ear and a smug whisper, “I got the goal this time.”

Rainbow groaned.

When it seemed like the Rainbows were winding down, Aria grabbed Sonata’s wrist and pulled her away from their hiding spot in the locker room.

Sonata made a quiet yelp at the tug and stumbled behind Aria as she was reluctantly dragged down the hallway.

Aria turned to her once they were far enough away to not be overheard. “Did you see that?! That was Rainbow Dash with her Equestrian double!”

“Yeah!” exclaimed Sonata with wide eyes.

Aria paced as she mused, “They came through the portal, somehow, but it couldn’t have opened again so soon, could it?”

“Yeah,” agreed Sonata now with a furrow at the brow.

“But… she’s here, and she brought magic with her. We've got a chance to get it again! We just have to do what they did.”

“Yeah?” asked Sonata, doubtfully.

“We have to hurry, there might be a time limit, as soon as possi—umph!” Aria was interrupted by Sonata’s sudden, full-on kiss.

Aria’s shock lasted a few seconds before she glared. “What. Are. You. Doing?” she spoke each word slow and carefully into Sonata’s mouth still pressed to hers.

“Yuh sahd tuh dooh wah teh dideh,” mumbled Sonata, her enthusiastic smile wilting. Aria was going to yell at her, she just knew it.

Aria quelled the urge to bite and turned her head. “I meant the portal! We have to find it and go through it. Let’s go tell Adagio.”

“Oh… okay,” said Sonata, somewhat disappointed.

“And if you tell Adagio about this, I really will strangle you!” Aria warned, finally shoving Sonata away with her cheeks burning a furious shade of purple.

The ‘Scientific Measuring’ had gone as well as expected.

Sunset complained about the judge’s impartiality though Sparkle pointed out that the difference in p-value between the two was relatively minor.

“I can’t believe you can say that bit of statistics with a straight face,” said Sunset, her eyes rolling.

“Oh come on, that was a good one,” argued Twilight in defense of a fellow math nerd.

“I was being serious,” Sparkle said after some glasses adjusting. “Mostly serious. You're easier for me to try oral with, Sunny.” She smiled and added. “Besides, I want to.”

After the contest, or rather ‘study’, Sunset kept sitting on the edge of the tub while Sparkle knelt on the bath rug. Twilight helped her Earth self out of her clothing and took a position behind her afterward. They moved wordlessly, as if they had planned it out beforehand somehow.

“I used to think I needed to be a big sis protector around you, but I’m starting to think you’re far more adventurous and kinkier than you let on,” noted Sunset, watching the two Twilights settle in and embrace.

Sparkle shared a kiss with Twilight over her shoulder before breaking it at Sunset’s statement. “Kinky how?” Her tone was genuine, even as she moved forward and laid her cheek against Sunset’s thigh.

Sunset looked at the two and then scratched her own cheek. “Ooh... nevermind.” Having Sparkle’s face there in her lap, looking up with those big rimmed glasses. She looked tremendously cute and her body reacted accordingly.

“Well, okay. I have a hypothesis about you too, Sunny.” Carefully, she reached to hold Sunset’s shaft and after a moment kissed the tip. “You like kinky.”

After a small shiver and even bigger twitch, Sunset was about to answer when she looked up to Twilight. Twilight had taken hold of Sparkle’s hips and drawn her body close. The warm sigh in Sunset’s lap made her realize why Twilight was so focused and quiet.

Had it been anyone else Sunset supposed she might have felt a little jealous, but something was thrilling about the idea of one Twilight fucking the other. Figures I’d not only have a Twilight Sparkle fetish, but a Twilight on Sparkle one too.

Even though Sunset didn’t voice the thought, there was plenty of evidence for it now standing upright in her lap. Sparkle nuzzled the side of Sunset’s stiffness, “Bet I’m right, Sunny.”

“You want a cookie, Sparkles?”

“Maybe something a little sweeter,” said Sparkle before touching her tongue to the tip.

“That’s not sweet…” Sunset huffed.

Twilight slowed her thrusting to comment, “Actually, the flavor was one of the first things I changed with the spell.”

Sunset stared at Twilight who smiled broadly back for a response. Sparkle meanwhile drew down and took in several inches of Sunset into her mouth.

For Sunset, owning a penis still felt strange. It seemed to have its own mood, wants and desires. How much of it was magical wire crossing? How much of it was just a dick being a dick?

The separation of sensation helped in some ways when Sparkle started sucking, she was clumsy and rough. Had she done that to Sunset’s clit directly, it’d have made her yelp.

Sunset put a gentle stroke of her fingers against Sparkle’s cheek. “Umm. I’ve found when you’re with a guy, it’s less about the actual sucking and more about moving your tongue around.”

Sparkle gave her a look.

“Hey, I didn’t name it! You aren't even supposed to blow.”

A change came to the tempo, Sparkle becoming more methodical in drawing her tongue around Sunset’s glans. First outlining the shape and beginning a slow stroke along the bottom. Her eyes asked a new question.

“B-Better,” replied Sunset as the tongue motion coaxed her hips into lifting on their own.

Sparkle smiled and closed her eyes, puckering lips and began bobbing her head. She made sure to use her tongue to apply pressure from below with every suck.

Sunset shivered and for a while let Sparkle tease and work her up. Sunset’s hands came to feel and play with Sparkle’s hair, a surge of happiness tingled alongside her building lust. Her Sparkle, there.

Twilight leaned forward then with her own lips raised. Sunset felt a blush come to her cheeks and hesitated.

Sparkle was in an excellent place to feel the slightest change in Sunset’s body tension. She peeked up and winked at her.

Sunset chuckled softly, and she thought she could get used to being apart of this wordless twin dynamic. She moved forward to meet Twilight’s lips with her own.

Even though she had kissed both Twilights in Equestria, kissing them again as a human brought a familiar yet new experience. It also gave Sunset particular joy to be able to finally out-skill Twilight at something as she could run literal circles with her tongue around Twilight’s.

Though despite being able to tip Twilight’s head back with a well-timed press of tongue, Sunset was the one who gasped. Sparkle below had turned her head and found a good angle on Sunset to ramp her sucking pace, her cheek puffing out cutely on the side as her lips squeezed tight.

Sunset’s hands reached again to feel along Sparkle’s hair bun. Petting turned into a grab as the buildup skyrocketed. It was another difference between the human and pony, the sudden desperate need to thrust and get as many thrusts in before the climax.

“Ahh!” Sunset cried, hips lifting and the immediate pleasure as she came, her shaft throbbing out as she spurted. She squeezed and rode the joy of that quivering tightness until the realization struck her that she’d jabbed herself into Sparkle’s mouth and throat.

Sparkle stared up at her, eyes wide and glasses lopsided with her hair bun messy and undone.

“Oh… honey, s-sorry.” With the intensity of the moment now past Sunset felt shameful for grabbing without warning.

Sparkle eyes squinted, and her throat bobbed.

“Wait! You don’t have to do that!” Sunset exclaimed. A new blush rose along with a fresh pang of guilt.

Sparkle pulled off at last and coughed. “Aren’t you supposed to? I didn’t want to spit and make you think—”

Sunset groaned. “Don’t feel that way, that’s just something that guys like to put over girls.”

Sparkle made a shaky smile. “It wasn’t so terrible. It was still, umm… sweet.”

Twilight moved her head in close to Sparkle’s. “It still worked here? Let me have a taste.”

Sunset held her burning face in her hands as the two Twilights shared an another, now messy, kiss.

Eventually, Sunset peeked between her fingers.

Gonna make you smile and brighten up your day—

Spike shoved his muzzle under a pillow. It was the third time he’d heard that song. The first time it didn’t wake him until the last lyric. The second time he’d held out hope that Twilight would answer it at some point. Now that it started up again it left him little choice but to amble off the bed and over to the dresser.

Once he got to the ringing phone, Spike looked between his dog paws and the flat rectangle of glass. He couldn’t quite remember when the humans stopped putting buttons on these things but found it damned annoying.

A few swipes with his paw knocked the phone off the dresser, but it still sang Pinkie’s song. He tried with his nose to press on the screen but ended up pushing the phone underneath the table instead.

All I really need’s a smile, smile, smile

Spike barked his frustration. Just where was Twilight anyway?

Twilight started to stand and pull herself free.

Sparkle took a breath at the feeling of that shaft’s withdrawal before looking back. “W-Wait, you didn’t finish...”

Twilight inclined her head, and with Sparkle, both took a look at the purple erection still jutting forward.

From Sunset’s perspective, it looked like they were working out a math problem.

Sparkle smiled after a moment and suggested, “Could try it a bit rougher?”

“Ha! I knew you’d say that,” Twilight said, happily.

Sparkle giggled then looked at Sunset. “Sunny, hold me while she goes for it?”

“Umm… sure,” said Sunset as she laid back and hugged Sparkle around her middle. “Rough, eh?”

“If you kept notes, you'd be less surprised,” said Sparkle with a grin that looked rather wild. The expression helped by her askew glasses and tousled hair sprung around her hair bun.

Sunset reached to straighten Sparkle’s glasses for her. “I guess you really do have to watch out for the quiet, nerdy ones.

Twilight briefly went to the countertop to fetch the bottle of lube. Her approach with her flesh glistening had Sparkle shiver and turn to tuck her face against Sunset’s throat.

“You seem pretty experienced with that,” Sunset said to Twilight over Sparkle’s shoulder. “I wasn’t the first you tried that spell on?”

“I wouldn’t use magic on somepony that I hadn’t thoroughly tested on myself first,” said Twilight before she laughed, realizing how apt that statement was now.

Sparkle chuffled at the wordplay and wagged her bottom under Twilight’s poised stiffness.

Twilight swatted the side of that swaying backside and then held it with a squeeze, holding Sparkle ready for the forward press.

True to Twilight’s word the second penetration was a strong push that soon had Sparkle crying out. “Ngh!” She shook, threatening to fall to one side until Sunset held her hands, lacing fingers in a tight clutch to keep her on top.

The added grip helped keep Sparkle on target and have each time she rocked forward to drag her breasts in a sliding and steady rub over Sunset’s own bust. Their nipples perked and aching under the constant glancing touch.

Twilight for her part murmured and stroked fingers along Sparkle’s back. Scientific and sexual curiosity had long since overpowered any sense of weirdness of having sex with her mirror twin. There was also a strange kind of vanity and smug satisfaction in admiring Sparkle’s plush bottom when it shored up against Twilight’s hip.

Being in control also added a kind of spice. Feeling her other self’s body react with little moans here, a tremble of body there. It fueled Twilight’s enthusiasm for the next thrust, and then the next one after. She was eager to hear Sparkle catch her breath and be pleasured by her shaft. To know that she was in command, so thoroughly, well... Twilight thought she could get used to being a dom.

When Sparkle’s tunnel gave a short, clenching spasm around Twilight’s shaft, it banished the rest of any thoughtful musings. Twilight leaned forward and threw her weight behind her thrusts, feeling that building, urgent sensation gathering at her cockhead.

Sparkle pushed her face underneath Sunset’s chin, and her trembles grew. “Ah… ahh! Su-Sunny, I… sh… she’s going to cum… oh! She’s coming!” Sparkle’s dreamy look changed to a wide-eyed surprise and then a shriek. “She’s coming!?!”

Sunset had been enjoying the act vicariously through the steady body on body contact with Sparkle. With her eyes closed, Sunset could just about feel Sparkle’s excited heartbeat pound in her chest. Sunset felt oh-so-hot all over from the intimacy of it all… at least she did until that cry had her open her eyes.

A pair of ponified human faces stared back.

“Wha—” Sunset started to say before she felt her own ear twitch. Her now pony ear. “—oh… oh! Sparkles, are you okay?”

Sparkle gave a small, restrained nod. “As… as long as she... d-doesn’t move. It doesn’t hurt. Just... surprising—”

Twilight took measured breaths and spoke in between them. “—and tight! B-but, look at yourself, Sunset.”

Sunset glanced over at the mirror and blinked. She’d ponied up plenty of times before, but this time her hair flowed in a very Celestia-like drift and what she had taken for sexual warmth had actually been the glowing traces of light around her shoulders and forehead. As she watched, the radiant effects faded and she returned to her usual ponygirl self instead of her angelic version.

“You are so beautiful, Sunny,” Sparkle murmured.

Sunset reached to tickle Sparkle’s floofed out wings. “So are you, sweetie.”

“Hmm, I guess it had something to do with our…err, moment together, “ Twilight said with a small waggle of her wings.

Sparkle made a likewise waggle of her bottom still wed to Twilight’s lap. “But only Sunny became more than just a pony? I didn’t… turn into…that nightmare...”

Sunset leaned in to nuzzle at Sparkle’s shoulder. “Maybe positive energy makes a difference?” She speculated on the idea briefly before pausing to look in between them. “Are… are you two stuck together?”

“She’s still too hard!”

“She’s still too tight!”

Twilight and Sparkle both flustered as their reply to Sunset came simultaneously. “Well you are!” They echoed next before making identical tongue sticks at each other.

Sunset giggled.

A voice called from the other side of the bathroom door. “Hey, Twilight! The phone’s ringing!”

The interruption had the trio turn still like statues.

Sparkle recognized the voice and answered, “Let it go to voicemail, Spike! I’m in the bathroom.”

“Well okay, but it’s from Pinkie, and it already rang twice.”

There was a pause followed by a scratching sound as canine Spike pawed at the door. “Rwfnf?… is there someone else in there?”

“Just me and Twilight in here, Spike,” Sunset said after a nervous glance passed between them. It wasn’t a lie, not exactly.

“Oh! Hi, Sunset! Uhh… why are you both in there?”

Sparkle stared with amazement as Sunset’s ponified shaft started to lift and erect. She looked up and mouthed. ‘Really?

Sunset made an embarrassed shrug, looking less angelic with every throbbing heartbeat. “Umm... Girl Stuff!” she called back to Spike.

Twilight clapped both hands over her mouth and shook with contained laughter.

“Rrr-Okay. But you better not complain about the phone if it fell off the dresser or something. I’ve been trying to nap.” Spike grumbled.

The sound of departing pawsteps had the three sagging in relief... most parts of them anyway.

Chapter 3

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Sonata kicked her legs as she sat on one of the classroom desks. “So what will you do if we get back to Equestria?”

“Drown and eat the first pony I come across,” said Aria distractedly while thumb tapping on her smartphone.

The two sirens had made their way to the other side of the school from the gym, near the science and biology classrooms. Like with the athletic and sports side, it was easy to find an empty lab to duck into as most CHS students preferred music and band practice for after-school activities.

Sonata put a finger to her lips and considered. “Well, what if you eat first before you go through and aren’t hungry. What will you do then?”

Aria stopped her texting and looked up. “Where are you going to go?”

“Wellllllll... I was thinking of Manehattan, it’d be funny to compare what the big statue in the water looks like over there.”

“I’ll go to Vanhoover then.”

“Aww, that’s all the way on the other side!”

Aria’s lip twitched with a rare, brief smile. “Exactly.”

The phone chimed, and Aria went over to the door to let Adagio into the classroom. Rarity followed her.

Sonata’s desk teetered when she startled in surprise, windmilling with her arms. “W-Whoa!”

“What is she doing here?” Aria hissed to Adagio.

Rarity frowned at that reaction and opened her mouth to speak, but Adagio cut in front.

Adagio lifted her hair back to show a very familiar collar set with a ruby in front. “Our ‘friend’ from Equestria has given us back what we’ve been missing. A little song and a bit of styling are all that it took.”

Rarity beamed and stroked her hair which after the time in the salon had styled out into a grand curly mass similar to Adagio’s style.

“I thought our magic didn’t work on them?” Sonata asked plainly before adding. “And you’re terrible at hairdressing, Adagio. It’s why you never have custo—“

Adagio glared.

“—oh, um. Nice hair, Rarity?” Sonata sheepishly amended, hunching shoulders under the heat of Adagio’s silent fury.

“Thank you! Miss Dazzle’s touch is truly magical,” Rarity said with a squeeze on Adagio’s shoulder. “It wasn’t any trouble to fix your pendants, really. It’s so easy to get materials on short notice here. That market had just about everything! Such a droll name though, the walls weren't even that special.” She shrugged.

Aria and Sonata eagerly put on the pendants Rarity handed to them. From what they could tell, they were identical to the old ones.

“Now to find some Equestrians,” Adagio declared and grinned.

“Don’t we want like... horse people not horse riders?” Sonata wondered.

Aria and Adagio both sighed. Meanwhile, Rarity gently patted Sonata’s arm.

“All around the music fills the sky—”

“—and the music makes your heart soar in reply.”

Fluttershy giggled at Flutter. “I’ve always been a little shy about singing that around other ponies.”

Flutter smiled. “Me too! I’m glad it’s not just a thing that… I… only felt?” Her brow furrowed as she tried to work out the statement before returning to trowel at the ground.

CHS had plenty of the fields and yardwork done by professional landscapers. Right outside the biology lab, however, the students had a staked out area for class projects.

Getting the A in earth science came easy to Flutter, but afterwards, she couldn’t bear to let her plants wither or uproot them. Professor Zecora was happy enough to have a student show such interest to let her keep gardening after hours. Besides, Flutter’s project made a great example for the rest of the class.

Fluttershy brought over a watering can to where Flutter knelt and work. “Are those tomatoes? They look so very plump.”

Distantly a song started to hum through the air.

“Feed anything right, and they’ll get big and round, like you.” Flutter sneered.

Fluttershy thought she misheard at first, but her double’s expression was fierce and ugly-looking. “W-What?”

Flutter blinked, and she dropped the trowel as her hands went to her mouth. “I… I…”

A sudden sense of rage bubbled up, and Fluttershy shot back. “If anyone’s a tomato, it’s you! A rotten one!” She scrambled for insults which felt strange on her tongue. The mood broke as quickly as it came and confusion replaced the rage. “G-Goodness. What am I saying? I’m so sorry!”

Flutter shook her head. “I didn’t mean what I said either! I’m sorry too!”

Adagio stopped her singing and stepped back from the classroom window overlooking the garden. “Something’s wrong. I’m not getting anything from this at all.”

“Those two looked like they were having a tiff. Maybe they didn’t hear you from up here, darling?” Rarity said for an explanation, she tried to be helpful, but these girls had a habit of talking around her. It was mildly annoying to be out of the loop.

Sonata nodded. “Told you, Adagio! Maybe you should do what the Rainbows were doing.”

Adagio stared at Sonata before turning to Aria. “What’s she going on about?”

Aria rolled her eyes. “We caught the Rainbows fingerbanging in the shower.”

Rarity gasped but then chuckled. “Actually, that is not really much of a surprise. That mare is always full of herself.”

Sonata giggled at Rarity’s pun.

“What does Rainbow twiddling herself have to do with anything?” Adagio cut in.

“Well, me and Aria got our ears when they were doing it. It was like… super magical, hee,” said Sonata as she stifled another giggle.

Aria looked back at Adagio. “She… has a point. When those two started, we felt the magic.” Her lips pursed at the sour taste of admitting Sonata was right about anything.

Adagio tapped her chin, and her eyes landed on Rarity. “So, we have to make one of them orgasm?”

Rarity blushed at the suggestion in Adagio’s gaze and statement. “Miss Dazzle…”

“Seems that someone needs a refresher on being ‘persuaded,'” said Adagio, a smirk spreading across her lips. Slowly she stalked towards Rarity, swaying her body and beginning to sing.

You are a generous one, don’t you agree?

Rarity blinked then gaped at the approaching Adagio. The singing siren had started to disrobe as she sashayed forward. Each step had Adagio shedding a new piece of clothing.

We’ll have to see, just how much purity.

Rarity backpedaled on instinct. The classroom felt warm. “Ad-Adagio...” She managed, her eyes darting from Adagio’s naked chest and her face. Seeing her nipples made Rarity self-conscious of her own hardening in her blouse.

“Oh-whoa-oh-oh-oh,” Sonata and Aria sang, they were on either side of Rarity now. To her astonishment, they too began to strip, following Adagio’s lead.

You are the focus of my plans—

Rarity’s back bumped the blackboard, she glanced around, but each way stood a nude girl. Bare except for the pendants that glowed brightly.

—and now your heart is in my hands.

“I-I…” Rarity stammered as she slunk to the floor, she was surrounded! Her blush burned as she felt the tingle of the trio’s body heat and their brazen shamelessness at getting so near.

"Oh-whoa-oh-oh-oh." Sonata and Aria chorused, their hands starting to tugging on the edges of Rarity’s clothing. She gasped at their invasion, though her body tingled where their fingers brushed.

Come now, there is no need for that chastity.” Adagio loomed close and held Rarity’s face, with her fingers tracing over cheek and neck. “Concede to me, my sweet Rarity.

Rarity shivered, caught in Adagio’s touch and that steady gaze. Something in Rarity twanged. “O-Okay!” She cried suddenly. It was like leaping off a cliff. She’d never in her life had done something so improper, so impulsive, and yet there was a giddy thrill to throwing herself to these strangers in a strange land.

Adagio grinned a little too broadly, a hint of the predator in her expression. She tipped Rarity’s head back and seized her lips in her own to press a kiss, hard and intense. When Sonata and Aria started undressing her, Rarity didn’t have any breath to spare.

Eventually, Rarity quieted her flinching, reminding herself that in Equestria even as a tailor she didn’t wear clothes all the time.

The intimacy, however, was nearly smothering as Rarity sat up against the wall with the trio huddled all around.

Adagio’s kisses were involving and drew most of Rarity’s attention until Sonata’s gentle caresses of her breasts brought out a moan. Meanwhile, Aria’s nibbles on Rarity’s neck and ear spiked small gasps from her.

Aria leaned in to go after a nipple at the same time Sonata reached for it. The squeeze on Aria’s nose provoked a growl out of her.

“I was here first!” Sonata complained.

“She has two breasts, go for the other one!” Aria argued.

“But I was doing a good job...” Sonata pouted.

Adagio sighed. “You two are overwhelming our lun—” she paused then coughed. “—lover. Go kiss each other or something.”

Sonata eagerly leaned towards Aria who looked horrified and pulled back.

“You either kiss her or kiss me,” said Adagio.

Aria only spent a second looking between Sonata and Adagio before she faced Adagio.

Sonata grew teary-eyed at the turndown until Rarity kissed her cheek out of pity.

When Aria moved in, Adagio stopped her with a hand on her chest and then pointed with a finger.

“Ugh, really?” Aria groused.

“For realsies.” Adagio mocked.

Aria put on her best frown when she lowered herself. Adagio gave her room by rising on her knees before promptly landing hips right on Aria when she scooted underneath.

Rarity looked over at Adagio straddling Aria’s face. “Darling, do you have to be so rough? That doesn’t seem so nice.”

“Oh, Aria loves it when Adagio bullies her,” Sonata said, “you should try sleeping in the room next to them.”

“Mmmmmf!” Aria replied into Adagio’s muff, eyes glaring at Sonata from below.

Adagio murmured and put her thighs together to squeeze on Aria’s neck. “Trust me, she’s better with that tongue when she’s not talking.”

Rarity, driven by a voyeuristic curiosity, watched the pair. Aria’s expression was hidden, but the subtle movements of her cheeks, the small fluttering tension along Adagio’s abdomen. Rarity could imagine Aria’s tongue moving and working inside Adagio's sex.

The idea brought a fresh flush to Rarity, and she squirmed in place.

Adagio noticed that fidget and said, “It gets you on, doesn’t it?” She punctuated the question with a showy gyration of her hips and turning Aria’s tonguing into a brief sputter.

Rarity turned her head away, embarrassed. Though looking away from Adagio meant going cheek to cheek with Sonata. The other siren had her head on Rarity’s shoulder while she hugged Rarity’s breasts from behind.

Adagio placed a hand on Rarity’s stomach and trailed her fingertips downward. The motion had Rarity gasping and putting her knees together out of reflex, though it only squeezed Adagio’s hand all the closer. “Mmm, you’re a unicorn, right? I hear they like playing superior.”

Rarity grew indignant. “Hmpf, that’s not always the case. Just… sometimes.” Her eyes kept on Adagio’s hand. She waited for those fingers to press lower, but Adagio kept them teasing through the trimmed purple fluff instead.

“A bit of a voyeuristic streak in you?” Adagio raised herself and Aria underneath panted for breath before it was cut off anew by Adagio’s second, forceful sit.

Had a fantasy or two?” Adagio continued in a sing-song, layering the physical with her magic. The intangible charming was minor compared to the genuine push of her fingers into Rarity’s tunnel.

Rarity’s eyes widened at the sight of Adagio’s hips rolling over Aria’s mouth, but before she could answer, she gasped at the sudden press of fingers. Her body’s reflex was to back away, though Sonata kept behind her. Rarity felt warm, and Sonata added to the sensation of being pleasurably trapped with kisses along Rarity’s neck.

Adagio put her head close as her fingers played deep. “About a specific per—...erm pony in mind?” She covered for her musical slip with an upward press, favoring her question with a stray brush across Rarity’s clit.

Rarity took in a breath, shivered then puffed it out. She didn’t answer with words, but her eyes flicked upward to look at Adagio’s hair.

“Orange hmm? Sunset? No…, not her... the other one. She’s more a blonde isn’t she?” Adagio said while reading the tension and trembles. Her voice became melodic again. “I bet she likes to dine.

Rarity jolted at the guess and got paid for with an extra steady pump of Adagio’s fingers. That had Rarity moaning. “It’s… not… not… like that.”

“But you want it to be. Think about it.” Adagio murmured as she leaned forward now, bringing her face to Rarity’s belly and kissing there. Rarity’s legs twitched until a firm pull by Adagio directed them over her shoulders.

Rarity’s breath halted, eyes wide at this new direction. Sonata behind her played support, giving her someone to lean back against. Aria underneath caught her breath when the posture gave her room. Rarity still had plenty to focus on visually with the sight of Adagio’s face between her legs.

The tease by Adagio lingered in Rarity’s imagination. Would Applejack? The idea caught fire. The feelings a complicated tangle that Rarity could barely express. Instead of speaking Rarity tightened her thighs around Adagio’s neck and made a wordless, needy moan to her.

Adagio let her face get smooshed close by Rarity’s thigh hug. She turned her mouth towards that sex and planted a firm kiss on Rarity’s heated cunny. She slid her tongue in next, passing over Rarity’s clit with a brush before working into her tunnel directly.

All at once Rarity shook. She was dizzy with the heat, thoughts and the yearning pleasure that spread. Adagio’s tongue was both invasive, but oh so sensual, working in an expert sine-wave between one wall and the other. When her orgasm came, Rarity’s head tilted back into Sonata’s breasts while her hips rose and gave herself up to Adagio’s working mouth.

Adagio grinned until her own body shook. Aria below had caught her second wind and tongued fiercely. Adagio was about to squeeze with her thighs again when the magic started flowing through her, complementing the sensation of sexual pressure and blooming in time with her shoulder fins appearing. “Oooh yes!”

Lounging in the afterglow, Sonata petted over Rarity’s dozing face while Aria and Adagio examined themselves. The three sirens had all grown out their fins and changed ears.

“It really did work. Fancy that,” Adagio said while tapping her glittering pendant. The glow from it now came in even, heart-beat like pulses.

“Next time you go underneath me while I get one of them,” Aria replied with a haughty sniff.

Adagio gave her a patient smile. “It’s cute when you fantasize. But we—”

—giggle at the ghostly, guffaw at the grossly, crack up at the creepy, whoop it up with the weepy—

The trio blinked and looked towards Rarity’s purse. It had been one of the objects thrown to the corner along with her clothes.

Sonata sitting on the floor with Rarity was the closest, and she reached in to draw out a pink flip-phone.

Rarity made a sleepy mumble into Sonata’s breast, her ponified ear flicking as she caught the song. “Ugh, Pinkie gave me that singing thing. Be a dear and hush it up, I'm feeling cozy...” She nestled into Sonata’s cleavage even further.

Adagio swiped the phone from Sonata before she tried to answer it.

Baking was an art that the Pies had long since mastered, but even the most skilled chef still had to wait for the oven to finish. With all the extra material in her kitchen there was only one game Pinkie thought of playing.

Pinkie giggled as she dual wielded twin whipped cream spray cans. With a noisy spurt, she shot twin ribbons of frothy sweetness at her double.

Pinkie rolled behind the counter, the cream splattering on the tile. At the opposite end, Pinkie shot a streamer up from the floor.

Pinkie gasped and bent herself back, she wheeled with her arms, each whipped burst missing by a fraction. She held the limbo position for a minute longer before falling on her back.

“Ha! You move like I do,” Pinkie said smugly as she made one last victory shot to the downed Pinkie’s mouth.

Pinkie slurped the cream and giggled. “Well, duh!”

A musical chime had them both look up.

“Yay! Someone’s calling us back,” Pinkie said, “took them long enough. You’d almost think they don’t want a party.”

“Don’t be silly! Everybody wants a party. Can you bring it over?” Pinkie replied as she sat up.

Pinkie lifted the phone from the desk and held it awkwardly. “Huh. It got no buttons on the front!” She proceeded to bonk her nose on it.

Pinkie took the phone from her twin. “No, no! You have to do it this way, see?” She then proceeded to bonk her own nose on it and then rubbed it across the glass. “Slide to unlock!” she said nasally.

“Oooh!” Pinkie said and waited while Pinkie started to talk on the phone.

The front door opened then.

“Maud!” Pinkie exclaimed and bounced over to hug her sister.

“Here are the groceries.” Maud hesitated and looked over the shoulder of the smiling Pinkie in front of her to see the other Pinkie still talking on the phone.

“There are two of you,” Maud noted.

“Yup!” Pinkie explained.

Maud handed Pinkie the groceries before glancing down at the pebble in her hand. “Boulder says that’s confusing.” Stepping past the two Pinkies, Maud's attention was drawn to the TV in the living room where a geology special played.

“Oh! Oh! Keep the door open. They’re coming up the road now!” Pinkie said as she hung up the phone with another nosebump.

Sunset was the first to enter. She looked disheveled, wearing a hodgepodge of her usual clothing, a men’s pair of jeans, and a hoodie.

“Sunset!” Both Pinkies clambered and hugged Sunset from either side.

“What’s with the getup? Isn’t it kinda warm for hoodies?” a Pinkie asked.

Sunset teetered between the two and reached to pull back the hood. “I had to wear it. I’ve been having a little trouble. The whole ponying up thing is lasting way longer than it usually does. My ears are—” She stopped in mid-explanation as she peered at the identically dressed Pinkie Pies... with their identical ponified ears.

Sunset squinted suspiciously at those bright, twin grins. “I have a feeling you both already know why.”

Pinkie giggled in stereo.

Twilight entered, dressed similarly to Sunset. She turned on the first Pinkie she saw. “I just wish you planned this out better, Pinkie! Running off into the human world with everypony—” She halted her chiding when she caught sight of both Pies and how they were dressed. “Oh… um, which are you again?”

“I’m Pinkie!” Pinkie said.

“I’m Pinkie, too!” Pinkie said.

Sparkle was last and closed the front door behind her. “Do you mean ‘too’ the word or ‘two’ the number?” she asked.

Pinkie opened her mouth to reply when the oven made a ding. “The cake!” she cried and scampered to the kitchen.

Barely making a sound, Maud promptly walked back into the kitchen and picked up one of the whip cream cans. Quietly, as the other girls watched, she filled her palm with cream and proceeded to smear it on Pinkie’s nose.

“Don’t wipe this off,” Maud said before returning to the living room.

Cream Pinkie sneezed and sent white fluff every which way. “Umf!” She went back to fussing over the cake in the oven.

Pinkie blinked in confusion. “Why’d she do that?”

“Heh, I think I see where she’s going with it,” said Sunset, looking between the Pinkie in front of them and Cream Pinkie in the kitchen.

“Did she solve which one was which?” Sparkle asked.

Sunset shrugged then grinned. “Maud probably would only cream her actual sist— oof!” Her joke silenced by Sparkle’s sharp elbow.

Twilight made an exasperated sound and turned towards the unmarked Pinkie, presumably their Pinkie. She raised a finger as if to start an argument before hesitating and then finally putting her hands up instead. “You know what? I’m not even angry. Let’s just have this party so we can go home. Sunset and I need to get back to Equestria and... fix something.”

“OooOooh! Fix something. Just between you two?” Pinkie’s grin was the same one she seemed to wear perpetually.

It made the little waggle of her eyebrows all the lewder.

Sparkle adjusted her glasses. “It's not like that Pinkie. It's a magical problem.”

Sunset gave Sparkle a sidelong glance and noted that steadfast composure. Sparkle could wear a good poker face when needed.

Cream Pinkie brought the cake from the oven and placed it on the table. “Cake’s done! Everyone dig in!” Pinkie bounced over and started to dispense plates and plastic forks.

Twilight looked around and frowned. “What about the others?”

“Oh, Twilight! This isn’t that cake. That one’s already at the school. This is just to celebrate baking the big cake!” Pinkie said.

Twilight stared at the wedge of confectionary on a plate. “You baked a cake to celebrate baking a cake,” she said slowly.

Cream Pinkie nodded and enthusiastically licked frosting off her lips and nose. A look from Maud had her gasp and immediately press a fresh slice into her face to keep it marked.

Sunset sighed. “Any more birthdays and I’m going to have to start matching my dress size to my age. Umf—” She smiled at Sparkle who had quieted her grousing by feeding her a spoonful of cake.

Twilight swallowed a spoonful herself and mumbled. “I’m only having one, Pinkie. Then we go right to the school.”

“Sure thing! Here, I’ll help!” Pinkie said as she picked up the whole wedge and jabbed it to Twilight’s already stuffed mouth, causing Twilight to sputter and get more of the cake on herself than in.

Cake Twilight glared.

Pinkie giggled.

Chapter 4

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“Eyup,” Applejack said as she sipped some cider.

“Ayup.” AJ agreed while pouring herself a glass, though stopped when seeing Applejack’s expression at her pronunciation. “What?”

“Hmn. Nothin’” Applejack replied then put her arms behind her head. “Just find it funny to play guardpony to a cake.”

For such a big gathering, Pinkie had opted to use Canterlot High’s gymnasium. Earlier during their initial setup they had set the main cake out on two tables pushed together. It was a huge cake, with three layers and was adorned with candy in the shape of cutie marks in pairs as well as pony statuettes.

“Pinkie certainly did spend a good deal of time on it,” Rari said, reaching for the small white horse on the cake and giving it a squeeze. “Oh! It’s made of marshmallow!”

Applejack frowned and swatted Rari’s hand. “Quit that! I made a Pinkie promise to protect that there cake and I ain’t keen to find out what happens if I break it on this side.”

Rari puffed and looked between Applejack and AJ. “I see one thing is not at all that much different.”

“Oh don’t be sore. Imma sure that the real one will bring her pretty self around and you can pinch her as much as you’d like.” AJ teased.

As Applejack and AJ shared a grin, the Rainbows above stretched out a banner between two ceiling lights. A simple task for the winged pair.

Rainbow tilted her head over and tried to read the banner. “Hey, me over there, what’s this say anyway?”

RD on her end of the banner looked down. “I dunno! It’s damned long, though.”

“It says ‘Happy Super Duper Stupid—err.. Stupend—” AJ stuck out her tongue.

“Stupendously, Duplicate Double Day of Fun.” Rari assisted.

“Times Two.” Applejack finished.

“That… is a lot of words for just us, isn’t it?” Fluttershy said, entering the gym with Flutter. They both carried salad platters made from the garden vegetables.

Applejack shrugged. “Twelve of us plus Sunset. Thirteen is a good enough number to throw down a jig or two.”

Rari looked about and crossed her arms. She felt lonely seeing the three with their mirror twins. “Oh, it’s just fine when you have a partner to pair up with.”

“Heck, I’ll dance with you if it means that much,” AJ said with some playful exasperation.

Rari flounced her hair and kept up her primadonna air. “No, no. I don’t need charity! I’ll just dance with Sunset or a Twilight. It’s not like those three are joined at the hip or anything.”

“Umm…” Applejack began, wondering if she should tell this version of Rarity what inspired all of them to go through the mirror in the first place.

Both Rainbows suddenly landed then and provided an interruption. Applejack was quickly on guard, glowering at the pair as both of them tried to stick a finger in the frosting. “Hey! No pokin’! Shoo you two!”

RD gestured to the other Rainbow. “Over here. Let’s set up the instruments.”

AJ peered over as Rainbow and RD picked up the guitar and bass, watching them scoop and gesture with their wings. “Hey, how long you two been half-a-pony?”

Applejack looked at AJ. “Thought ya said that always happens when you go ‘n sing a song over here?”

Rari mused. “Well, it usually doesn’t last as long as this, minutes at most really... how strange.”

“It’s not always a song either, me and… umm… me sang together, and we didn’t get our wings,” Flutter said while Fluttershy nodded in confirmation.

Rainbow and RD shared a knowing look between each other and then grinned at the similarly ponified Applejacks. “Must be something else, huh?” Rainbow commented while strumming a chord on her guitar.

Applejack and AJ shared their own glance and slight fidget. “Erm… yeah... somethin’ alright,” AJ admitted. Though they were spared any more wondering when newcomers joined the gathering in the gym.

“About dang time you showed up!“ Applejack cried, seizing on the opportunity to change the topic. Though she soon tipped her hat back in disbelief. “Oh for Celestia’s sake, Pinkie! Is that another cake?”

Cream Pinkie giggled as she wheeled in a small trolley with the secondary cake. “Principal Celestia would love this! Maybe we should invite her?”

AJ took stock of the group of twins and half transformed members. “Maybe we should just keep it between each other. Less explainin’ to do.” She blinked at Cream Pinkie’s appearance. “Whatcha do, get hungry on the way? You got some of it on ya.”

Cream Pinkie shrugged. “They say it’s better like this!”

Sunset, Sparkle, and Twilight brought up the rear with grocery bags laden with party favors and supplies.

Rari looked hopefully amongst the group, but pouted when she didn’t see Rarity with them. “Oh, foo!” She thought for a moment before sweetly asking, “Need any help with those, darlings?”

Rainbow chuckled to RD after observing yet more ponygirls enter. “That’s nine of them now, heh.”

RD winked back and strummed another chord on the guitar. “Probably won’t even need to do the song at this rate.”

After catching everyone and everypony up while distributing the party favors, Twilight finally asked a question that had been nagging her.

“Where’s Rarity?” Twilight asked, before adding, “My Rarity, that is.”

Cream Pinkie lifted her phone up, “She should be coming any minute! She sent me a text.”

“Oh? What’d she say?” Applejack asked.

“We’re coming,” Adagio answered.

Cream Pinkie nodded. “Yep. That’s what she said.”

A collective gasp ran through the group as they looked towards the gymnasium entrance. There stood Rarity, along with Adagio, Sonata, and Aria.

“Hello, dearies!” Rarity cheerfully called out.

Applejack gasped. “Rarity! Where in Tartarus have you been?”

“And what happened to your hair?!” Rari added, aghast.

Rarity reached to flounce her poofed out hair. “Like it?” she asked happily before frowning at their serious expressions. “ don’t like it.”

“Your Equestrian friend is under our control, Rainbooms! And if you want her to rem—” Adagio started.

AJ scowled and ignored Adagio, talking over her exposition. “Rarity, get your behind over here! Them’s the villains!”

“Villains?” Rarity blinked and looked at the sirens. “These three?”

“YES!” cried Twilight, Sunset, and five of the CHS main six in unison.

“There must be some sort of mistake. They are like… like Sweetie Belle and her friends… well okay, not exactly, and much more grown up, but just as harmless really!” Rarity insisted.

Applejack glowered. “Rarity, if you don’t get over here amma gonna go over there and pick you up instead. Just look at them! They gots red eyes and I-dunno-what coming out of their shoulders!”

Rarity sighed and turned towards Adagio. “I'm sorry, Miss Dazzle. It has been a grand time, but apparently, I need to be over there now.”

Adagio stared dumbfounded as Rarity kissed her on the cheek, then simply walked over to join the others.

Sonata quipped, “Told you our magic didn’t work on them.”

“Great plan, Adagio!” Aria exclaimed, sourly. “I don’t think more muff diving is going to get us out of this.”

Adagio closed her mouth and turned on them with a snarl. “Shut up, both of you! We don’t need her, we just need the magic. They are all brimming with it already. Just… just sing something!”

Aria and Sonata both shrugged and started with their chorus. “Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh.

Adagio focused her thoughts on the gem and sang, “Listen to the sound of my voice.

Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh.

Even… even if you do have a choice.

Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh?

Grown from the fruit of your love.

Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh.

Your magic fits me like a glove.

As the song formed, so did the light from the trio’s gems. Light also started to run off the ponified members features. Rainbow’s wings fluttered and struggled to catch air before she fell. Applejack hurried to catch her while AJ did the same for RD.

“Adagio! Don’t do this!” Twilight called, feeling the drain from her own wings and changed eartips. With so many of them ponied up the majority staggered under the magical siphoning.

“Too late, it’s done!” Adagio replied with a throaty laugh. Her voice became louder, huskier. The magic grew her out from her teenager’s body. She felt the strain at the bra as her breasts filled out and the rest of her outfit squeezed as she changed adult and voluptuous.

A sharp sound of ripping fabric had Adagio gasping. Her tail! Never had the magic been this powerful! She threw away the remnants of hose and skirt, flexing out her changed lower half. A glance to Sonata and Aria showed them in similar mermaid-like shapes.

“Mmm. After them,” Adagio said, her backfins splaying out and she took off into the air. Sonata and Aria followed suit. The three sirens splitting up and then coming at the group from multiple sides.

Applejack grabbed one of the plastic chairs and held it out to fend off Aria’s approach. While on Cream Pinkie’s side she quickly took slices of her second cake and flung it at the menacing Sonata.

Sonata corkscrewed in the air, dodging cake slices until one splattered on her bare and now bouncy breasts. She paused in place, taking a moment to taste some of the frosting off a nipple with her finger. “Oh! That’s really good!” she remarked happily.

Cream Pinkie giggled. “Thanks!”

Aria growled as she floated forward and back from Applejack’s chair jabbing. “Damn it, Sonata! Stop thinking with your stom— augh!” Aria was interrupted by a small explosion of glitter, silly string and streamers when the other Pinkie gathered up the party favors and set them off all at once.

Adagio in her own approach towards the group had picked out Sparkle as an easy target. Her tail swung out in a wide sweep, aimed at Sparkle.

Sparkle gasped with her eyes widening behind her glasses but Sunset pulled her back at the last second. The fishtail swung over them both, having missed by mere inches.

Adagio kept the momentum and adjusted her aim for Twilight instead.

Twilight flapped her wings on reflex, but with her flight magic drained, she stumbled. Adagio’s tail quickly coiled around her middle and hoisted her clear off the ground.

“Rather have you than her, anyway. You were the one who spoiled everything before.” Adagio gloated, flying out of reach of Sunset and the others who were recovering from the song.

“Listen up, Rainbooms! I have your friend! If you care anything at all for her, then you will be obedient little ponies and humans.” Adagio declared, tightening her coils around the struggling Twilight.

“And for you. You just keep sti—” Adagio turned to her captive… moments before a purple fist struck her square on the jaw. Reeling from the punch, Adagio’s tail loosened and Twilight slipped free.

“Whoa! Twilight?” Sunset said while holding a microphone upsidedown. She and the other girls had made a mad scramble for the band instruments, but they were all caught in varying states of half-readiness at this sudden stop.

“Y-You hit me?” Adagio said, still shocked and holding a hand to her reddened cheek.

“I’m not going to let you use me as some kind bargaining chip against my friends!” Twilight answered back hotly.

“You hit me!” Adagio repeated, angrily.

Twilight puffed and waggled her aching hand. “Well... you had it coming.”

Sunset tapped the microphone on her palm. “That’s not much of a ‘Friendship Speech’, Twi.”

Twilight shrugged at Sunset. “I know, but I’m not feeling very friendly right now.”

Adagio snarled and loomed over, ready to launch into another attack when her gem’s light flickered out. All at once, she was a teenage girl again. She fell and landed bare-assed on the gym floor. “W-What? Why?!”

Twilight tapped her chin as she looked on. The little details were starting to add up. “The magic we’ve been using to transform is positive emotion magic, Adagio. You can't force it to act in a negative manner. Push your luck, and you might just break your pendants again.” She glanced over to Rarity. “I’m guessing those are the rubies Spike gave you?”

Rarity blushed. “Well, yes. How I was supposed to know they were some terrible creatures? They hardly look like... like Tirek or Cerberus, or whomever.”

Twilight shook her head and smiled. “It’s fine, Rarity. If anything it’ll force them to play nice.”

Sonata mumbled around a spoonful of cake that Pinkie put on a plate for her. “Whut doh weh doh nawh?”

Aria floated over by Adagio, dusting off confetti and silly string. “Yeah, what’s the plan now?” Adagio? Hey, Adagio!”

Adagio had remained quiet, still sitting on the ground staring at her legs. It had been so fleeting, all that power, to nearly be herself again. Her true self. Her lip trembled and she slapped the floor in frustration. Her hand stung. Her stupid, fleshy human hand. A tear threatened to fall from the corner of her eye.

A pair of hands gently moved through Adagio's hair and wiped away her tear while another pair brought a napkin with some ice in it to her bruised cheek. Adagio jolted in place, looking up in astonishment. “Wha…”

“We haven’t forgiven you for trying making us fight... not yet. But maybe you might try to be a little nicer now?” Fluttershy suggested, keeping the ice pack in place while Flutter continued to stroke Adagio’s hair.

Twilight studied Adagio. “There is a way to get our magic without draining it, and I'm willing to give it if you're willing to play nice.” She turned to her friends. “And considering how many of you’re wearing ears already, I suspect most of you’re okay with that too. Any volunteers?”

Chapter 5, Part A

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After Twilight's declaration, there was a minute of silence and several uncertain looks from both the Equestrians and their counterparts. To the surprise of no one except the sirens, both Pinkie Pies were the first to strip and shout, "Let's party!"

Rari, as the only member of main twelve not yet transformed, quickly became the focus of AJ, Applejack, and Rarity. A small nod passed between the two Applejacks before the hatless one left, mumbling about needing something from the truck.

Rarity with her poofy hair needed no additional identification and gently petted over her doubles shoulders. “I thought I'd just die of embarrassment with those… singing girls. But really it wasn't all too bad. She showed me this lovely trick one can do with fingers! ”

Rari had a strange moment of looking down and seeing a second pair of her own hands slip under her arms and take hold of her breasts, though the eerie feeling was replaced by a sensual one when Rarity began fiddling with her nipples, making her gasp.

Applejack grinned at Rari. "Guess she ended up givin' you the pinch instead."

Rari rolled her eyes and harrumphed. "I would hope they are a bit stiffer than marshma— mercy! What in the world is that?!" she cried at the sight of what the returning AJ held in her hand.

AJ quirked an eyebrow and gave the dildo a waggle. "I know for a fact you ain't an angel to be blushin' over a toy. I've seen what you got in the bathroom in our sleepovers. No girl needs four 'back massagers.'"

Rari sputtered, "I-I have delicate skin! It needs variable speeds…"

Rarity giggled and gave her other self a squeeze. "Oh give it up, darling. Applejack can be a sweetheart if you let her. Maybe offer to invite her in giving that ‘massage’ next time."

AJ puffed as she fiddled with straps before Applejack went over to help. "She'd have to say yes to a date first."

Rari stuck her tongue out. "We are getting sidetracked. Why did you get one that looks so… so... beastly."

Rarity looked over Rari's shoulder. "Probably because it looks like Big Mac's."

"Just how do you know what Big Mac's got between his legs?!" Applejack asked with a sharp glare at Rarity.

Rarity flounced her big, Adagio-like hair. "Oh, Applejack, try and find me a mare in Ponyville that doesn't know. Goodness, even your mirror self, knew. Can't dream how though."

AJ stared at her strapon, flustered, and mumbled, “I just… picked what looked good…”

Rari grumped at AJ. “Interdimensional trepidations aside, could you get on with it? You're never going to get your date by being this tardy with me, darling. ”

With three of them already transformed, it felt only natural to put Rari in the center. Rarity remained behind, holding her while AJ fetched a bottle from her bag. With the strap-on secured, AJ moved up between Rari’s thighs and laid the toy out on her belly.

“All… all this for me, sweeties?” Rari said, unable to keep the blush from her cheeks as AJ lubed the toy into a shiny, glistening state. “N-Not complaining, but is it fair?”

Rarity grinned at her twin. “A mare does need pampering from time to time, and you have two of the most experienced buckers across two worlds.”

Applejack snorted. “I’ll be. Never thought you’d be given’ me that kinda credit. Am all famous now? For buckin’ of all things?”

“Find me a pony that doesn’t think about your flank at work, dear.”

As the Equestrians teased, Rari looked up fondly to AJ who smiled back. The flirtations between their mirror selves had a way of bringing a quirky intimacy.

“Ready, sugarcube?” AJ murmured. Rari raised her thighs in response.

AJ slipped the toy forward, pressing the life-like rubber into Rari’s neatly trimmed flower of a sex. There was a momentary tightness when Rari gasped and clenched before she relaxed and let the toy fill her, a nearly musical moan coming out of her as AJ settled on top, body arching.

Rarity for her part reached to help brace her twin, giving Rari a spot to press her face into like Sonata had done for her in the science lab, and adding a kiss to the top of Rari’s forehead.
Applejack, on her side of things, smirked and took up position behind AJ. She leaned down and put a hand on AJ’s pelvis, playing fingers along the firm, athletic bottom. A firm pull spread AJ slightly and made room for a stroke along the blonde fringed mound.

AJ huffed, her freckles showing up particularly well as a blush colored her cheeks. “A..h..ah… a lil’ funny to get a whole pit crew for somethin’ like this,” she panted.

Rari tugged on AJ’s lengthened ponytail and drew her face down close for a nuzzle. “They are just generous. Now give us a kiss.”

The twin Rarities pressed cheek to cheek and then began to alternate between the exaggerated come-hither expressions and pursing lips. AJ chuffled, but couldn’t help smiling.

AJ went for Rari first, tipping head and matching lips. The fancy fashionista smelled and tasted nice. Some floral perfume that made her nose itch, but she didn’t mind. It was so very… Rarity after all.

Rari put her arms around AJ’s neck and raised her mouth to the press, something between a gasp and a pleasured laugh leaving her when AJ added a rocking push of her hip and strap-on.

Applejack eased a finger into AJ and curled it before following up with a second to slowly coax along her tunnel. The press drew AJ back, making her lift her mouth off Rari’s with a gasp. Sensations stiffened her and she shook.

Rarity leaned in next to nibble on the side of AJ’s ponified ear until AJ relented and turned to fend off her mouth with a firm kiss.

“Ain’t fair,” AJ protested while mumbling into Rarity’s lips. “Amma… outnumbered...”

Rari squeezed at AJ’s waist with her thighs, encouragingly bouncing underneath. “Then better get moving again, sweetie. Wouldn’t do to finish before your lover.” She was teasing, of course, though her ivory skin had colored a rosy shade on her cheeks, chest, and belly, the starts and stops having made her antsy and aching.

AJ grunted and perked her ears forward as she bowed her head to Rari’s neck, drawing on her Earth pony nature and charging ahead in a sexual sprint to brave Rarity’s endless nibbles and kisses and Applejack’s finger pumping.
Rari started to heat up, giving off little half whimpers of pleasure as the rhythm grew into a crescendo. AJ’s hot, lean form pressed against her softer curved one. The toy wedged her in such a filling way, every inch spread around the girth to that intense point of pressure just below her navel.

Applejack and Rarity shared a knowing glance around the two moaning lovers, and with a twist of fingers on Applejack’s end and a tweak on Rarity’s, it wasn’t long before their counterparts shook and cried out, climaxing with both magic and passion.

Sonata giggled as she pressed a cake slice against Cream Pinkie, smearing the frosty goodness over her bare top. "There! Now we're even! And we match!" Sonata followed up with a playful nibble on Cream Pinkie's still marked nose.

The Pinkie beside her laughed. "Wait do me too! Then we can be all super duper delicious!"

Sonata readied a new slice when an overloud sigh from above stopped her. Looking up, she called out, "You can have some cake too, Aria!"

Aria, like Sonata, had kept her partially transformed state, allowing her to keep to the air far away from the group. "No thanks."

Pinkie pouted. "Aww, she's really grumpy!"

Cream Pinkie nodded. "Yeah! Even though she's really pretty and looks fun to cuddle."

Aria's ear flicked at that, but she pointedly crossed her arms and turned away.

Sonata watched her before smirking at the Pinkies. "Yeah, she's always like that. I think it's because she wants to eat a pony."

The Pinkie Pies looked at each other and giggled. "Food play is fun! She can have a lick if she likes!" said one.

Sonata put a finger to her chin and mused, "Wellllll… I think she wanted to hunt and then kill—"

“SHUT UP, SONATA!” Aria yelled, frantically flying down to cover Sonata's mouth with a hand.

Sonata grinned from behind Aria's fingers, and with a sudden twist at the waist, her mer-tail came around in a tight hug around Aria's hips.

Cream Pinkie laughed and clapped. "Oooh, good one!"

Pinkie smirked, her hair suddenly going flat as an ominous look entered her eyes. "Guess we just have to gobble her up instead!" When she turned from the table, she held a knife in her hand.

Aria gaped and started to struggle, eyes wide with fear as Pinkie stalked closer, raising her knife… and promptly cutting a big slice of cake to splatter Aria with.

Aria wasn’t sure if she was better off.

With Sonata’s help in keeping Aria entangled, the Pinkies worked together in smearing and rubbing her with sugary confectionery. Bit by bit, Aria’s lavender skin was painted white with swirly, crumb-filled handprints.

Aria kept her face clean by eating the slices Pinkie tried to smoosh on her cheeks. She flashed her fangs when one hand got too close to her mouth.

“Careful! You almost got my finger there!” Pinkie chided, waggling the digit.

Aria only narrowed her eyes, though the fierceness was spoiled by the dab of her tongue wiping up frosting on her lip.

Sonata leaned her head forward, calling Aria’s bluff. The defiant siren twisted her head away again and let out a loud, "Ugh!"

“That’s okay. We can kiss in a different way,” Sonata murmured into Aria’s ear. She shifted below as she flexed her mer-tail around Aria’s, squeezing and dragging supple blue across purple scales.

Aria flicked her siren-fied ear against Sonata’s nose and rolled an eye back at her. “What do—” her sentence cut off by a gasp as Sonata’s coiling brought them flush groin to groin. Without legs in the way, the tribbing touch was immediate and intimate.

“Mwah, mwah,” Sonata teased, grinning.

Aria blushed and pushed on Sonata’s chest, though her hands slipped on the smeared frosting. “S-Sonata…” Her impulse to squirm quelled when the motion brought her clit to Sonata’s in a brief jolt of sensual pressure.

Pinkie and Cream Pinkie leaned in from either side, sharing a conspirator’s glance.

“Looks like she needs to be made all tender first,” Pinkie noted.

“She’s definitely chewy!” Cream Pinkie agreed as her attempt to kiss Aria was met with another fangy, air-chomp from the sexually flustered siren.

“Try rubbing her around the fins, she loves that,” Sonata said helpfully.

Aria’s eyes widened. “Sonata, you traitor!” she hissed viciously. The hiss changing to a curt moan when Sonata pumped another squeeze along her tail and a fresh press of cunnylips stroking on cunnylips.

Pinkie followed the advice, using cake and sweetness for lotion as she kneaded around Aria’s shoulders. Despite herself, Aria’s fins spread from the sensations with a low noise bubbling up from her throat.

Cream Pinkie giggled as she put an ear to Aria’s chest for a listen. “Oh wow, she’s purring! I didn’t even know fishy-dragon-horses could.”

“Am not!” Aria protested, her purring cut by a sharp inhale when Cream Pinkie wedged her face in close from the side and started to lick, cleaning a stripe along Aria’s breast in a circular path around the stiffened purple nipple.

Pinkie leaned in close against Aria’s back, laying down a trail of kisses from the siren’s finned shoulder, to the side of her neck until her face was alongside Aria’s.

“You’re gonna to have to kiss one of us! Else everyone and everypony gonna hear your not-purr and your not-moans,” Pinkie said with a bright gleam in her eye.

Aria looked dumbfounded at this level of craftiness from such a silly-seeming ponygirl. For a moment she forgot to struggle or turn, her mouth slightly open as she tried and failed to come up with a reply.

Sonata darted forward, seizing Aria’s mouth with her own. A press of the tongue a second later had Aria mumbling and sputtering as she was kissed.

Cream Pinkie giggled from her soft place in-between Aria’s and Sonata’s breasts, quickly working on one nipple and then the other. With Aria, Cream Pinkie focused hard on the firm nub, brushing it clean with a noisesome slurph before giving it a vigorous pull with her lips.

Pinkie from behind nuzzled into Aria’s hair, hunting out an ear and giving it a nibble while she laid her body out against the siren’s shoulders, pushing her down against Sonata entirely.

Aria could only give a muffled gasp into Sonata’s lively mouth, she couldn’t even glare as her eyes wanted to lid over from the ratcheting intensity. Sonata's eager and shameless motions continued to rub one cunny against the other. Fighting seemed increasingly hopeless, especially with the ache Aria felt in her loins, and judging by Sonata's silly grin, she felt it too.

Finally, Aria gave in and let Sonata carry her with the rhythmic stroking of their lower body while Cream Pinkie brought her nipples little tweaks of sensation. She bowed her head and swayed under Pinkie’s ear nibbling and slippery press of body to her back.

Her tongue worked with Sonata’s, her tail reluctantly twisting to return some of that steady squeezing and bringing them both to a muffled duet of orgasmic cries.

Chapter 5, Part B

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Twilight watched the rest of the girls get into the rhythm of their get togethers with mixed feelings. She hadn't planned on any of this, but she couldn’t argue with results. Pinkie Pie’s party, for all its chaos, seemed to have worked out as usual… somehow.

Personally, Twilight preferred more structure to her sexual explorations.

Adagio started to get up but was stopped by Twilight’s hand pressing a palm on her forehead.

Frowning, Adagio pushed against that hand but only succeeded in wobbling on the ground. She cried, “How are you doing that?!”

“Center of gravity. It’s a quirk of human anatomical motion,” Twilight explained with a wink. “I studied up on it after a day of flailing about.”

Adagio tried to scoot back only to find Twilight’s hand gripping her instead. Like Twilight’s earlier punch the grasp was unexpectedly strong.

“Though the alicorn strength helps too,” Twilight continued to explain.

“Ali—what? I thought you were a pony?” Adagio asked while reaching up to pull on Twilight’s wrist.

Twilight blinked and raised her other hand to her chin while Adagio continued to squirm. “Yes I am, but… you don’t know about alicorns? Ah, that’s right! It was Starswirl who banished you, before the sisters even.”

With a shrug, Twilight turned towards Adagio and unfurled her wings. “Well then! I guess I should introduce myself properly. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Adagio finally stopped struggling and just stared up at her. “Really,” she deadpanned. “A princess? You?”

“For realsies,” Twilight said with a genuine grin. “One of the four Rulers of Equestria and the Element of Magic. Though I’m known more for being the Princess of Friendship.” After a small beat, she added, “I even have a castle.”

Adagio mouth worked, struck speechless and unnerved by Twilight’s apparent honesty. Eventually, she stammered, “Y-You are serious. You’re actually serious.”

Twilight turned her grip on Adagio into a gentle petting along the cheek. “Absolutely. I fix relationship problems and those with problems.” Her fingers trailed along Adagio’s jaw as she admired the siren’s full lips.

“Umm,” Adagio said, briefly looking away at the cheek touch and unsure before glancing back to Twilight. “What are yo—” her sentence was interrupted by the sight of Twilight undressing.

Twilight sighed as she stepped out of her pants. They were better than the panties and skirts, but still not made with ponygirls in mind. Teasing Adagio had left her feeling chafed, and she now bobbed freely out in the open.

Adagio looked on with wide eyes. “Are all alicorns like… that?”

“Oh, kind of... alicorns embody all the traits and magic of ponykind,” said Twilight before giggling. “As for this… well… it’s more fun than getting blasted with magic again, hmm?”

That shook Adagio out of her intimidated state, and she couldn’t help a groan openly. “That’s a terrible joke. You’re terr— hmmph!”

Twilight made a pleased snort as she quieted Adagio with guiding touch on the head and a thrust of her hip forward. “They also call me the Princess of Lecturing. Maybe they are right? Enough talking, we both need to save our breath… especially you.”

Adagio mumbled around her mouthful, eyes rolling until Twilight goaded her with another half-thrust.

“Remember, you have to stay positive if you want to transform. Work with me, Adagio.” Twilight reminded.

This experiment in domination was becoming fun.

After some adjustments in Twilight’s position and Adagio’s posture, Twilight started to build a rhythm. As she suspected, Adagio was a bully, but like most bullies, a firm hoof put them in their place. A good thing too, as Twilight lost some of her objectivity as she indulged.

Twilight first thought to move slow, well aware of the tight press of her ponified shaft past those sucking lips. She ought not to have bothered, as she found Adagio lifting her head readily to meet the push of Twilight’s flesh and swallow the extra inches without a hitch.

Hmph, she’s a singer and a siren. I guess she really does have good breath control.

Twilight peeked down, and Adagio looked back plainly. She knelt with her back straight, hands folded in her lap, the very picture of an obedient girl with a book-on-her-head posture. Twilight caught the challenging gleam in those raspberry eyes and the smirk on the lips around her shaft’s middle.

Well if you're going to play it like that…

Twilight coaxed a few fingers into that great mass of hair, before digging in a good grip and rocketing up the pace and depth of her thrusts.

Adagio’s eyes went wide then squinted shut as she swallowed hard while pushing up her tongue against the underside of Twilight’s shaft. The threat of a gag fluttered through her throat, but she quelled the reflex. It allowed Twilight to slip in deep until Adagio’s lips were nearly at her cock’s root.

Twilight murmured, “There’s a good hippocampus.” She laughed when the use of that olden name provoked a surprised snuffle from Adagio against her belly. “That’s right. I know all about you,” Twilight said to Adagio’s unasked question. “But show me that you fit that legend.”

The warm squeeze of cheek and throat muscle that pressed around her cock next made Twilight’s wings flare out with pleasure. While below her shaft thumped with the uptick of her pulse, twitching hotly in Adagio’s throat. She rewarded Adagio with another thrust that rocked her sack in a sound slap against Adagio’s chin.

To Adagio's credit, she maintained her poise and position incredibly well, though her hands did eventually rise from her lap and grip tight onto Twilight's thighs to keep herself steady, eventually climbing higher to grip Twilight's bottom and give it a firm squeeze.

Twilight’s wings flapped and she worked a firm, hearty thrust that smooshed Adagio’s face flat against her lap. She held the posture, grinding with her sack pushed flush to the siren’s face. When she started to pull back, Adagio made a groan and squeezed hard with lips, throat, and press of tongue.

“Hmmf. If… you… nghh…think...” Twilight’s voice trailed off, interrupted by her loins panging with pleasure in both her shaft and in the link with her clit. Candle twice as bright, half as long. She thought giddily before the finish came with the flare in her shaft’s glans, the hoist of her balls and the rush of cum thudding along that dick.

Adagio gave an ‘uph!’ noise underneath, her eyes squinting as she tried to keep up, only to have cummy excess spill from the corner of her lips. The expression of her preemptive flinch changing instead to a confused look as her tongue savoured the actual taste of Twilight.

Twilight laughed between her panting. “Hah...ah… I hope you have a sweet tooth...”

Sunset looked about the active gathering with a measure of wonder. “All of this, just because it was my birthday… what, two days ago?”

Sparkle giggled. “Hey, I didn’t set this part up. I just wanted us to visit Equestria for cake.”

“Everyone and everypony are getting a slice of something alright,” Sunset noted with a silly grin. With so many of the girls from both worlds in alternating throes of pleasure, the air hung heavy with surges of Equestrian magic. All of their ponified features had become more pronounced as well as their sensitivity to touches, smells, and general attitudes. Sunset wondered if that had to do with a pony’s communal herd instincts compared to humans.

Though, Sunset was already disinclined to analyze too deep into pony/human psychology. Not just because she wasn’t a Twilight Sparkle, but because her Sparkles had a hand busy working the length of her shaft. They had kept to themselves, for the most part, playing voyeur to the rest, and that suited Sunset just fine.

There was something lewdly romantic about being fondled at a slow and steady pace. A simmering kind of intimacy that Sunset repaid with a gentle fingering at Sparkle’s muff.

Sparkle shifted and straightened up slightly. “You know… you should go over to her.”

“Mmm?” Sunset peeked and smiled to herself. She was starting to be able to tell when Sparkle felt a little wild.

Sparkle gave Sunset’s cock a firmer tug before pointing with it to draw Sunset’s eye to where Twilight and Adagio were.

At a distance she saw that Adagio had sprouted her ears and fins again, but was still legged. Twilight looked to be marshaling her into a doggie-style position.

Sparkle grinned and bumped Sunset. “Twilight. She isn’t looking behind her. You can go right up.”

Sunset snorted a laugh. “Bit of a surprise for her, eh?”

“She did it to you in Equestria. Turnabout’s fair play.”

“And what about you?”

“I’ll watch.”

Sunset didn’t bother denying her interest in the idea, not with Sparkle’s hand on her dick being the ultimate truth-telling gauge. After sharing a glance and a brief kiss with one Sparkle, she stood up and headed towards the second.

Twilight was focused on gripping Adagio’s hips and lining herself up. Sunset smirked at the sight and waited until Twilight leaned forward.

From behind, Sunset followed Twilight’s lean with one of her own, slipping a hand under Twilight’s arm to take hold of her breast from the side. With her other hand, she aimed her shaft and tucked in the cockhead and several inches into Twilight’s sex.

That earned Sunset a faceful of feathers as Twilight’s wings spread on reflex. “S-Sunset?” she gasped.

Sunset wiggled her nose, holding back a sneeze. “Gotcha, princess.”

Twilight rocked from one foot to the other, bouncing on tiptoes —and on Sunset’s cocktip— before she relaxed and slowly let Sunset pull her into a standing spoon.

Both of them trembled slightly from the join, Twilight from the stiffness inside and Sunset from the feel of that very royal backside fitted snugly in her lap.

Twilight’s eyes drifted over to her voyeuristic counterpart. “I wonder who put you up to this. Though to be fair, I did do this to you in—” Twilight made gasped again as Sunset pinched at her nipple. “—and you know that twice over, right.”

Sunset grinned. “I’m getting used to having two of you being this intimate and open.”

Twilight rolled her eyes but smiled. “Anyway, I guess I should lean forward and let you push...”

Adagio squirmed, still on her hands and knees. “Do I get any say in this? I’ve been waiting forev— ah!”

Twilight’s hand came down hard on the side of that rumpcheek, giving Adagio a full palm’s worth of a spank that left the siren-girl fluttering her fins.

“No,” Twilight informed her.

Adagio’s face blushed as red as her bottom, but she kept quiet. She still squirmed, however, when Twilight tugged the spiked hairband out of her hair and nuzzled in.

Sunset followed the motion forward, settling against Twilight’s feathered shoulders. With both of them transformed, Sunset didn’t have any qualms about holding back. Twilight’s previous orgasm made it an easy press, and Sunset soon murmured her pleasure into Twilight's shoulder at the hugging warmth.

Twilight rolled her body underneath Sunset’s, carrying the thrust into Adagio below her. Her own satisfaction coming when she felt Adagio tremble and clench in response.

It wasn’t long before a rhythm started to develop with Sunset and Twilight moving in tandem for the start of the swing while Adagio took the brunt of it. A solid, ‘wump’ accompanied each thrust as Sunset’s thighs met Twilight’s curvy rear while Twilight herself bounced off Adagio’s more perky behind.

Twilight finally navigated enough of that orange hair to find the back of Adagio’s neck, placing a kiss there, and smiling when she felt Adagio’s fins rustle in response.

Adagio lifted her head to look at Twilight over her shoulder, hesitant, until a few more thrusts battered down her resistance and softened her haughty expression. Twilight brought her own face in close before she could shy away.

Navigating the siren’s mouth was like her personality. Prickly at first with the threat of those fangs, but once she had passed them, it didn't take much to coax Adagio's tongue into sharing the kiss. Twilight relaxed her hips and let Sunset drive her forward, keeping the tempo throughout the kiss. Eventually, Adagio trembled and moaned outright into Twilight’s mouth.

Sensing victory, Twilight clenched on Sunset and took over for thrusting, pressing her advantage in both the literal and figurative sense. Feeling Adagio shiver beneath her was unexpectedly pleasant, and while the domination play had started off as an experiment, Twilight found the feeling of control quite enjoyable.

Hmph. One more fetish for the list.

Sunset was happy enough to fall into the role of support. It was thrilling enough to watch Twilight and Adagio progress from a kiss to a full-fledged make out. The warm sway of Twilight’s body underneath her and the increase in tension as the girls got excited brought Sunset her own tactile pleasure. That and knowledge that Sparkle watched them encouraged her to widen up her stance, and make sure she gave a blatant show by swinging her hips high like a pendulum. Each succulent thrust forward gave her a squeeze around her shaft and a loud slap of her hip against Twilight’s raised rear. Oh, Sparkles. You’ve turned me into an exhibitionist! Sunset thought giddily.

Adagio never could have imagined at the start of her day that she’d be ending it being piled on by two pony-girls. Shifting in posture, pushing her weight one way, thrusting the other. It made a quirky feeling of being trapped, yet… handled. The absolute attention pleased her diva sensibilities, while the deep touch of Twilight’s ponified shaft scratched an aching itch of her lost natural shape. Is… is this why Aria likes to submit? Oh… abyss, am I a sub-?.

The worried thought was interrupted by a hard lurch forward by Twilight, her mouth breaking away from Adagio’s to groan out. Adagio choked back her own gasp when she felt that full, final stroke. Her clit getting pressed down and rubbed on by the girthy as it slotted into her followed by the pillowed swat of balls going flush. A moment later there was a secondary bounce when Sunset hilted in Twilight. The familiar surge of Equestrian magic started to spread moments before the hot, physical flush of cum bubbling away.

Oah-oohah!” Adagio sang as she orgasmed, her voice becoming a melodic warble that had her pendant flaring in brilliance. The sound brought a feeling of euphoria that had Twilight and Sunset peaking and having an encore to their duet.

By the time Twilight walked over to the pegasus’ corner, both Fluttershies had ponied up with their wings. She had trouble picking out which Fluttershy or Rainbow was which as they had arranged themselves in a communal four-way square.

A small laugh came from Twilight as all four pega-girls startled like a flock of birds with four pairs of wings ruffling up. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just wanted to bring you one reformed siren.”

“Reformed?” Adagio asked dubiously, she had regained her finned mer-form and Twilight pulled her floating self along like a kite. Adagio felt little giddy from the transformation, though this label sobered her some.

Twilight eyed her. “Are you going to need even more work?”

“N-No,” Adagio said with a nervous look.

Twilight waited, brow slightly arched.

“No, princess.”

Twilight smiled and turned back towards the Fluttershies. “Good! You should have no trouble apologizing, then. I also want you to just spend some time with them too. All my friends are wonderful. Is that alright with you, Fluttershy? Erm...both of you?"

Fluttershy shared a glance with Flutter then gave Adagio an appraising look. “If she promises to be nice.”

“Cross my heart?” Adagio suggested, making the motion with her free hand, though Twilight kept a hold on her other wrist and stopped her from crossing fingers.

Flutter giggled. “Good enough for me.”

Meanwhile, the Rainbows had been peeking at Twilight and conspiring amongst each other in low whispers before RD plainly said, out loud, “But jeez she’s hung like a horse! Or pony, whatever.”

Twilight perked an ear and looked over at the two. “There a problem over there?”

Rainbow snorted to RD. “Don’t be a wimp,” she said before turning to Twilight with a smile. “We couldn’t help noticing you walking around with a little extra.”

Twilight shifted her stance, resting a hand on her hip as she presented herself in a showy jut. “Careful about teasing me, Rainbow. There might be… consequences.”

RD whistled in admiration. “Wow, our Sparkle over here is kinda shy by comparison.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Eggheads amirite?”

Twilight raised her brow. She was getting a lot of mileage in borrowing Applejack expressions today.

Rainbow tried to think of a good way to ask before she simply shrugged. “Let’s try doing it in the air, Twi.”

Twilight blinked. “Pardon?”

RD made an impish grin. “You got the wings and uhh, cock for it. Nothing quite like that over here.”

Rainbow continued. “Yeah, and it’d be like… double the fun. Isn’t that a princess saying?”

Twilight’s skeptical expression turned into a contemplative one as she tapped her chin. “Sure you two have the stamina for that?”

The Rainbows shared another look, and with a twin grin, came up on either side of Twilight to grab her arms. With a yelp from the princess, the trio took off into the air, leaving Adagio and the Fluttershies staring after the ascending girls.

“Did...did I just get traded for a pair of Rainbows?” Adagio asked, unsure if she should feel indignant at the turn of events or the exchange rate.

Fluttershy leaned over and placed a gentle finger on Adagio’s lips. She looked apologetic. “Umm… pets don’t talk,” she murmured. Meanwhile, Flutters touched over Adagio’s backfins and set the siren to squirming in place, her face reddening.

Her first impulse was to protest or give them both a glare. Her, Adagio Dazzle, a pet? The thought was enough to rankle, but then Fluttershy began finger-combing Adagio’s loose hair, and Flutter’s hands kneaded their way down to her mer-tail. Compared to all the action Twilight gave her before, the Fluttershies were so… soft and gentle.


Adagio blinked with that realization, and she flexed her lower half under Flutter’s massage. Begrudgingly she looked to Fluttershy with admiration. “You… are surprisingly good at this—”

“Shhhhh,” Fluttershy said, leaning in close before replacing her hushing finger with her lips. She continued her hair stroking, running fingers around Adagio’s upright ears while her tongue began to work. Adagio just looked back into those open, seemingly innocent eyes, a small purr, coaxed by the pegasus pair, escaping her throat.

“You know, we live interesting lives,” Sunset remarked as she cuddled with Sparkle at the edge of the stage.

Sparkle lifted her head enough to rub her hair bun against Sunset’s chin. “I suppose we don’t have to worry about what our friends think of us. Not after this.”

You think?” Sunset answered, wryly. “Nothing like an interdimensional party to put things in perspective.” After a moment, she leaned down to kiss Sparkle on the lips. “Thanks for putting up with me being dense, Sparkles.”

Sparkle giggled and raised up to kiss Sunset. “Thanks for coaxing me out of my insecurities, Sunny.”

Sunset smiled at her before a thought made her brow furrow.

“Who’s going to clean all of this up?”


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Sometime later, the group of sixteen highschool girls, otherworldly visitors, and sirens exited the front doors of Canterlot High. Most of them were exhausted, with clothes in various states of disarray. Several of them were carrying janitorial supplies.

Twilight gestured to the dark, evening sky with her broom. “So they don’t move the sun or moon, they barely manage the school, and they don’t make any laws or run the government. Just what do the adults do in this world?”

Sunset shrugged. “Beats me, when I first hopped over I just showed up in school one day and no one really checked my background or asked any questions.”

“Humans like to tell lies to themselves and pretend anything strange is their imagination,” Adagio offered. When that earned her six frowning glares from the resident humans, she floated a little higher and coiled her tail around herself defensively. “Hey, it’s true!”

Twilight spun the broom idly as she looked from the group to the statue pedestal. “Well, regardless, we should think about getting back. Before questions of any kind, presumably.”

Flutters shook her wing self consciously. “Umm, Twilight. We… aren’t stuck like this, are we?”

AJ’s ponified ears perked. “I can wear a hat most of the time, but amma not sure if I want to all the time now.”

“No, it’ll go back to the same way it’s always been once me and the girls return. I’m pretty sure it’s a reinforcement loop between the magic inherent in the transform—” Twilight paused in mid-explanation when she saw only Sunset and Sparkle interested in the magical minutiae.

“You’ll be fine.” Twilight simplified.

“Aww… even us?” Sonata said, disappointed.

Aria scowled. “Hey! I didn’t go through all of that, just to end up back at square one!”

Nervously, the Equestrians and the humans began to glance between the princess and the sirens as a bit of tension reentered the air.

Twilight looked at the trio before her eyes settled on Adagio.

“Is there… another option?” Adagio asked carefully.

“Depends,” Twilight said, planting the broom and crossing her hands over the top of it. With her wings spread it gave her the look of a guard at a pass. “If you promise to behave, I can bring you three back to Equestria.”

Adagio looked back at Sonata and Aria. For once, both of them appeared to be quite serious. “Could you even trust such a promise?” asked Adagio finally.

“Equestria’s different nowadays. Much more than it was in Starswirl’s era. You wouldn’t even be the first thousand-year-old problem I’ve solved,” Twilight said smoothly.

Aria snorted. “She talks big, doesn’t she?”

“Probably because she’s got pretty big ba—” Sonata started.

“Quiet,” Adagio said sharply before looking back to Twilight. “You think you can… handle us?”

Twilight clicked her tongue. Adagio’s tone sounded like she thought that she was getting away with something. To the siren’s surprise, she looked over Adagio’s shoulder instead. “Pinkie, what’s the list at? For me and friends.”

Pinkie straightened. “Oh… oh! Umm… you want all of them?”

“Yes, please.”

“So there’s Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sunset, Trixie, Starlight.” Pinkie counted on one hand before lifting the other. “And Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra. But we blew up Chryssi and Tirek while Sombra got vaporized. Do they still count?”

Sonata boggled. “Isn’t Chrysalis that bug pony queen thing that rules over the badlands?”

Vaporized Sombra? And what did she say about Discord?” Aria asked, incredulous.

“Starswirl had trouble with Tirek… where is Tirek now?” Adagio asked, her voice level though her tail betrayed a twisting fidget.

“Rotting in the deepest hole I could find in Tartarus,” Twilight answered, the coldness in her voice surprising the sirens.

“Do you want to tell them about how you had to fight them all over again with the timeline map thing?” Pinkie helpfully asked.

“Oh, don’t get me started on that. Then I’d have to tell them about all the other ones like Daybreaker, Nightmarity, Flim Flam, and Queen Aurum,” Twilight remarked.

“Wait, who did you just say now?” Both sets of Applejacks and Rarities exclaimed nearly at the same time, though for different names on the list.

“I swear, nopony ever listens to my lectures or read the scrolls I write about this stuff,” Twilight groused. “But we are getting sidetracked.”

“It’s okay. I ran out of fingers,” Pinkie said holding up her spread palms. Cream Pinkie reached over and provided two to Pinkie’s ten.”

“So our options are: high school, hell forever, being vaporized or… being your friend, “ Adagio asked, crossing her arms with a small frown.

“Hopefully this isn’t a tough choice. I’d like for you three to find a place to fit in Equestria, especially if you miss being what you really are,” Twilight replied, countering with a smile.

Sunset chuckled. “It’s not such a bad thing, being Twilight’s friend, that is. I mean, look at all of us.”

Adagio did just that, her eyes falling to where Sunset held Sparkle’s hand. “Yeah, you would think that—” She began in a sarcastic tone, but stopped when her eyes traveled over the other eleven girls then down at herself, her tail flexing contemplatively.

Aria opened her own mouth but stopped when Sonata’s nudged her.

“Fine,” Adagio finally said, slumping on her mer-tail, the last of her resistance sagging out of her shoulder-fins. “We’ll go… princess.”

“You’re making the right choice. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of leaving you three behind again, anyway. Loose ends have a way of biting a pony on the flank,” Twilight said, her regal aura crumbling with an adorkable giggle that had nearly everyone groaning.

Afterwards, the girls began saying their goodbyes to their mirror selves, most of them trading a few last words with each other along with promises to keep in contact. Twilight kept by the pedestal with her broom, feeling somewhat like a conductor as she watched her friends depart one by one through the portal.

Applejack chuckled at Twilight. “Hope this taught you somethin’ about trying to have all the fun by yourself, Twi.”

“Yeah, you never told us how awesome it would be to meet our other selves, “ Rainbow put in.

“But… but I did!” Twilight protested. “When I came back the first time I sat all of you down! I even wrote a huge section about it in my friendship diary.”

Rainbow gave a snort. “You said they were like wobbly, naked ape things! Not that they were cute. Plus you didn’t say anything about bucking them. You left out the best parts!”

Twilight swung her broom at Rainbow who nimbly dodged with a laugh as she fluttered through the pedestal.

Fluttershy approached next and murmured. “Twilight, do you think you could move the mirror to someplace easier?”

Rarity chimed in with a nod at that. “Oh yes, why not put in the foyer, that way we can come and go as we please? There are untold riches left in the salon that I could bring over.”

Twilight rubbed at the back of her neck as she thought. “I… guess I could do that. I’ll have to come up with some kind of security spell or key for us to use. As much as I love our reflections here, I’m not sure Equestria or Earth is ready for the floodgates to be wholly open. Just imagine what it’ll be like if we couldn’t tell…”

Twilight trailed off when she saw Pinkie approaching the pedestal, swinging arms and skipping in her usual lackadaisical way.

Raising the broom, Twilight barred Pinkie’s way with it. “Oh no you don’t.”

Pinkie looked at her innocently. “What’s the matter?”

Twilight narrowed her eyes.

Pinkie, or rather the other Pinkie, peeked from her hiding place by the school’s entrance. Neither of them had any marking cream anymore. “Wow, she can tell the difference now?”

“I still can’t. But I knew you two would try something like this,” Twilight said with a resigned sigh. “Which one is my Pinkie?”

“Usually we flip for it on Wednesdays, ” Pinkie admitted with a giggle while the other Pinkie nodded.

Sunset approached with Sparkle and stared at the Pinkies. “Actually, that makes a lot of sense in hindsight.”

Twilight massaged her temples. “That it makes sense is why I think I’m having an aneurysm.”

Sparkle placed a sympathetic hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “I’ll bring you some aspirin the next time we visit. Not quite magical, but it makes the day with Pinkie tolerable.”

Sunset smiled some before looking over at Twilight. “Speaking of which, we can visit whenever, right? We on the V.I.P list?”

Twilight gave her a weak smile. “My castle isn’t an interdimensional train station you know... but of course you two are always welcome. I think I’m going to need the extra help.”

“Well, you’re going to have to go back in two weeks, anyway,” said one of the Pinkies matter-of-fact.

Sparkle blinked. “Why is that?” She then startled, eyes going wide behind her glasses as she realized.

Twilight had nearly the same reaction as her twin a moment later. “Oh no… oh, Celestia, no.”

Sunset was confused at seeing the stricken Twilights before suddenly groaning herself. “That’s right. Your birthday… birthdays are two weeks after mine.”

The Pinkies beamed.