Romancing Daybreaker

by Bendy

First published

It is up to you with your amazing handsomeness to defeat Daybreaker. Problem is, you don't want to go anywhere near the fiery horse.

It is up to you with your amazing handsomeness to defeat Daybreaker. Problem is, you don't want to go anywhere near the fiery horse.

Fiery Horse Love

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You awoke in a daze on a warm stone floor, wearing nothing but your underpants. A silhouette of a horse the size of a shire horse was dominating your vision, who had a dark blue, starry mane glowing in the dark, but surely that was just your imagination. Unfortunately, it appeared not to be your imagination. There really was a big horse standing over you in a darkened room.

“We expected thee to be taller. Thou is quite small.” she said in a most disappointed tone, in her rich cultured accent.

“Uhh, I don’t know what’s going on here British horse, but can I go home?”

“NO!” she boomed, lightning striking as she shouted. The brief flash allowing you to see she was a dark blue horse with a pair of feathery wings on her back and had a long horn atop her head. “We need thee to save Our world from eternal day.”

“But I’m just some common wanker. What can I do?”

"The prophecy says that a normal human is the one to defeat Daybreaker by seducing her with his amazing handsomeness, and in so doing so he shall bring back Princess Celestia."

“Is Daybreaker a horse too?”

“Horse is not a nice word, it is far more nicer to refer to us as ponies. But yes, she’s a horse like ourself.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not really into horses that much.”

The big dark blue horse sighed deeply. “Then We are afraid, We have no choice but to use Pony Butt Indoctrination.”

“Pony Butt Indoctrination, what is––” as you spoke she quickly spun around, presenting you her ridiculously large backside. “Wait! What are you do––– Humhmmmmm!”

You were cut off when the big horse sat herself down on top of you. Miraculously, your body wasn’t obliterated by her mighty pony butt’s weight.

Her rump pinned you down from under her massive butt’s incredible weight. Layer, upon layer of squishy soft fat smothered your entire body, her flanks were so thick and massive they shrouded your entire world in darkness. The soft fat of her backside folded around you like soft dough, depressing deeply around your small form. The heat from her marehood was wonderful, smelling faintly of blueberries.

Growling angrily, you raised your two free hands, taking a firm grip upon her backside. From there you lifted her up… tried to at least. She was a bit too heavy to be lifted so easily.

Nonetheless, with steely resolve, you struggled valiantly to lift the heavily endowed rump off you. You grunted as you tried with all your might to lift her immensely heavy rump off you, but your efforts were utterly pointless. Her butt was just too heavy. Your hands merely dug deep into her thick, bountiful layers of her squishy soft fat of her massive rump.

“We Princess Luna have the second largest butt in all of Equestria. Thy resistance against the power of pony butt is futile. For in the end, thou shall worship our divine rump.”

You sighed in defeat. You submitted to the power of pony butt. She may be a horse, but damn her ass is nice.

With that, Luna stood back up on all fours, turning around in quick session. You stood up shortly after, but Luna still towered over you a great deal.

“Now, that thou has grown to accustomed to our backsides, we need thee to woo our sister.”

“There’s just one problem, I have no idea how to seduce magical horses. Plus, I am a virgin."

“Hmm, that sounds tricky.” she said thoughtfully with a hoof rubbing her chin. “But I do believe in the prophecy that you, Anon are the one to save the world.”

“How? What’s happened here-- Ahhhhh!”

As you spoke an azure flick of magic came from her horn, Luna dramatically opened a nearby stone window to reveal a massive red giant sun dominating the sky. All the land beneath the sun was a volcanic wasteland, oceans of lava covered most of the landscape, dotted with a few small ashy black rocky islands in the seas of lava, some of which had volcanoes, spewing out more lava into the seas of lava.

“Okay-okay! Close the bloody window!” you shouted, covering your eyes to shield yourself from the sun’s blinding rays.

Luna magically closed the window, bringing the room into darkness once again, you sighing in relief.

“Our sister went crazy when Twilight was murdered by a Storm King’s loyalist in her sleep. By crazy We mean she turned the sun into a red giant and nearly wiped out all life on the planet.”

“Oh…. so, how is there any life left?”

“As the sun grew into a red giant, We, with the help of many unicorns turned as many of the world’s inhabitants as we could into stone and locked them away in the ice vaults under Canterlot. When my sister calms down, We plan to turn them back into flesh.”

“So… how long as your sister been angry?”

“Hmm, let me think for a moment.” she said thoughtfully, rubbing her chin with a hoof. “Seven hundred and sixty five quadrillion years.”

“...” you simply said nothing in response.

“Anyway, I shall introduce you to our sister.” she said leaning down before you, raising her massive rump high into the air. “Get on our back.”

Nervously, you approached the large mare. Once there, you placed one hand on her barrel, you then hoisted yourself on top of her by lifting one leg over her. Once you mounted her, you took a tight grip upon her neck, burying your face into her mane. Her mane was soft and warm to the touch, this was accompanied with a slight tingling sensation.

Luna flapped her wings experimentally, her horn glowing brightly with azure light, along with an azure glow being wrapped around your body. You shuddered, as waves of tingling magical energy flowed through your body.

Once ready, Luna quite literally flew through the roof at such speed she was little more than a blur, the solid stone ceiling shattering like glass upon impact with her body.

You kept your eyes closed through this flight, too terrified to look at the volcanic land before you. The sun shone painfully on your skin, instantaneously giving you terrible sunburn. You could not help but cry out in pain over this.

Fortunately, the pain did not last long. For you soon felt a cooling sensation on your skin, along with a slight tingling feeling to it.

“Thanks.” you said weakly.

“Thou is welcome.” she said softly.

In no time at all, you reached your destination. Luna landed gracefully on a black rock plateau, before a huge, but very badly damaged white castle. Lava was spewing out of many of its towers, large holes riddled the structure, and all it’s windows were shattered.

You gulped in fear at the sight of such a place.

“You want me to go in there?” you said in a low voice.

“Don’t worry, we shall be with thee all the way.”

With that, Luna walked forward, carrying you into the castle.

Once inside, you saw that your passage was blocked since the floor was covered in lava. However, Luna was undeterred by this, and simply walked on the lava floor. Her hooves splashed the lava about as she walked through it as if it was mere water to her. Her body seemed immune to the effects of the lava.

“How are you doing that?”

“Keep thy mind focused human. Think of a nice greeting for our sister.” she said sternly.

You pondered such a thing as Luna walked through the halls of lava. Eventually reaching a huge throne room.

Most of the floor was covered in lava. Save for the middle area leading up to the throne. On the throne sat an even larger pony than Luna. She was quite literally twice her size. Her coat was snowy white, covering her head was a golden helmet. Her most startling feature was that her mane and tail was quite literally made of fire. Her large eyes glowed with a menacing orange.

“Luna, how pleasant to see you our dear sister. What is this pathetic creature you’ve got on your back?" she called out in a welcoming tone.

Luna magically levitated you off her back, placing you down in front of Daybreaker, who was giving you a harsh gaze with her intimidating eyes.

“Hello. I’m Anon. I’ll be going now.”

“Oh well, bye Anon.” she simply said, waving her wing as if she had a hand.

You turned to walk away, only to meet a pair of huge teal eyes, giving you a harsh look.

“Try woo her this instant, or I’ll kill thee.” Luna whispered harshly.

You whimpered in fear, and walked back to the throne before Daybreaker, who was staring at you with a hoof rubbing her chin curiously.

“Sorry, Daybreaker. I should not be rushing off so soon. After all, you’ve got a hot mane.”

“What that’s supposed to mean?!” she roared.

With that, Daybreaker jumped off her throne, cracking the stone beneath her as she landed before you with a mighty bang. The force of which nearly caused you to fall over.

“I mean…. I… you’re a very pretty pony… Daybreaker.” you said nervously.

“You think that means anything to me, you little worm?” she roared, before turning to her sister, hissing in anger. “Luna, why did you bring such a rude creature?”

“Forgive him sister. He just overly excited when he wished upon his homeworld’s sun to mount your divine rump.”

Daybreaker turned to you, her orange eyes looking upon you with a puzzled look.

“Is this true? You left your whole life behind just to mount us?” she said in a soft voice.

“Yes, Daybreaker. You are best pony, with most sexy butt in the multiverse.” you lied with your best poker face.

Her cheeks blushed. “That’s a big sacrifice you have made. But I’m still going to kill you.” she said, grinning evilly.

With no other options left, you raised your hand, reaching to touch her flaming mane. You screamed in agony, as your hand caught fire. Nonetheless, you lovingly stroked the flames of her mane, despite the horrible pain. Daybreaker's mouth formed an 'O' shape as you pet her mane with your burning hand.

However, the pain soon became too much. Thus, you fell to the ground, screaming in pain as fire began to spread up your arm, going further from there onto your chest.

Like a fish out of water you trashed on the ground in pain before her. Through your screams you saw Daybreaker bite her lip, seemingly conflicted what to do next.

“Daybreaker, please! I love your ass!” you screamed.

Daybreaker looked to Luna, seeing her with a wing folded over her eyes to shield herself from seeing you burn alive. She then turned to look at you, miraculously she seemed to be looking down at you with a look of pity.

“Daybreaker! Please! It hurts!” you screamed.

She shook her head, her eyes narrowing, uttering a loud neigh.

With that, her horn glowed with golden light. Your body glowed with bright blue light, instantly drowning out the flames. As her horn continued to glow, your burnt flesh was slowly being repaired by her magic.

For quite sometime, you merely lay there with Daybreaker standing over you, slowly healing you with her magic. Rapidly your heart pounded in your chest, you were breathing as if you were out of breath, sweat was pouring down your face like a waterfall.

When your heartbeat and breathing slowed down to a reasonable level, you turned to Luna to see her smiling broadly at this turn of events, before looking back to Daybreaker, who was giving you a warm smile.

“Pet us again, Anon.” she said softly, leaning her head down over you.

“No… please. Don’t make me pet you again.” you said in a weak, timid voice.

“Pet us!” she roared in anger, the heat off her mane intensifying dramatically.

With a gulp, you slowly raised your trembling hand, stopping just short from touching her fiery mane.

“We demand pets!” she roared.

Reluctantly, you lowered your hand onto her mane. Upon making contact, the hot flames of her hair wrapped around your hand... but surprisingly you felt no pain. You still felt a great deal of heat, but the pain was absent.

Terrified that her mane could heat up and burn you at any moment, you proceeded to gently stroke her mane. Daybreaker purred like a cat as you affectionately pet her mane. Daybreaker simply stood over you, making low, soft moans and quiet horsey sounds at the amazing feel of your hand through her flaming mane. She practically melted at your touch, relishing the feeling of your affectionate petting.

Empowered by your tender touch, the massive mare leaned her head over to the side of your neck, proceeding to gently nuzzle you, purring in bliss as you continued to pet her mane.

You trembled in fear at the feeling of her razor sharp teeth gently brushing against your neck. Miraculously, her teeth did not leave a single cut on your skin.

“Daybreaker, you’re such a pretty pony. You got best butt.”

Suddenly Daybreaker moved her head over your face, and then promptly began to feverishly make out with you, her long and thick tongue driving into your mouth. With not a hint of gentleness she used her large equine tongue to completely dominate your far smaller one, circling it and roughly jerking it about.

You had to breathe through your nose due to this kissing session with her. She swirled her tongue about in your mouth, your pathetic little tongue could do nothing to battle for dominance against hers.

For quite sometime, Daybreaker metaphorically kissed your face off, purring and moaning in bliss as she did so. Eventually, she parted lips with you, a thin strand of her saliva connecting your mouth as she broke off.

“I'm glad I spared you little ape. You may prove useful after all. Your hands feel nice.”

“Uhhh, thank you, your majesty.” you said in a low voice.

Outside a nearby window, you saw the sun rapidly begin to shrink in size, turning from a red to yellow. Not only that, the mare’s mane began to turn from a flaming mane into a pastel colour. Her eyes lost it’s orange hew, turning magenta.

“Thank you Anon. I needed that. I wish to see my subjects now.” she said in a far softer tone.

“Sister, we may have to wait for a few billion years for the planet to even be livable for them. So, in the meantime, I suggest we grant Anon immortality and ride him to keep us entertained.”

“Okay, but I’m not sure if I can handle you ladies.” you said, pointing down to your not so large erection.

“You’re the only male here, so you will have to do. Use them hands little ape.” said Celestia sternly.

“We shall go try find a spell to make his penis bigger.” said Luna.

The End