Pink Blanket

by Walk

First published

Pinkie Pie gets a request to have some sweets delivered to a family picnic, but when she arrives something goes horribly wrong

Pinkie pie is requested to host a family picnic, the occasion is to celebrate a stallions birthday by the name of Silver Palate, but when the cute pink mare arrives, she notices there is no one else around, and the only thing she could see, would soon be her last memory

Warming! NSFW! Contains: Sex, Nudity, Mindbreak, Explicit content, Rape, light bondage, Master/Slave, Daddy/Pet, Submission, Drugs, Force

Chapter 1: Picnic

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It was a normal Spring dawn for the lovely town of Ponyville, birds where chirping and fresh dew glistened along the green grass. While most ponies in the town where still asleep, a certain pink pony was up bright and early.

"Pinkie! Hurry up sweetie! You're gonna be late!" Yelled the sweet voice of Ms. Cake up the stairs and into Pinkie Pie's room. In her room was the giggling pony herself, her muzzle and face covered in what looked like clown makeup. As the pink mare finished the final touches on her masterpiece of a face paint art job, quite proud of herself, smiling in the mirror, she would practice on some of her jokes.

"Hey! Why are you so sad? You aren't? Then why the long face? Eh? Ahahaha!" Pinkie Pie laughed at her cheesy joke, smiling at herself in the mirror before getting up, and looking in her chest full of party supplies. The pink mare was a little confused as to why these ponies asked to have her host a party so early in the morning.. but.. she wasn't one to question a party, well.. accept for that griffin smile party.. that was a weird 5 minutes. Shaking her head, she would get those weird thoughts out of her mind, focusing more on what she had to pack. Some silly string, water flower, and her party cannon to top it all off. Once she was done, she would hear Ms. Cake calling up for her. "Comming!!" She yelled before rushing down the stairs, the smell of freshly baked goodies filled her noes, the smell sweet enough to make her flutter off of the ground and fly away into sugar heaven, but she had to put those feelings aside for now and prepair to make a lucky little birthday-stallion the happiest stallion in the world!

"Don't forget these sweetie, and remember to not shoot your party canon into the cake this time" Ms. Cake and Pinkie chuckled at the memory of that party the pink mare hosted, but without hesitation she would grab the goods that where wrapped neatly in a pink little blanket, and would throw them over her shoulder. It was all part of the costume as she was meant to look like a hobo clown, her hair painted blue, face all white and her lips where smeared with red lipstick. The rest of her body however was normal, other than the tatted load shirt and ripped up, dark brown cargo pants with big clown shoes.

"Ok! I'll be back in a couple of hours!" Pinkie said as she waved goodbye to Mr. and Ms. Cake, who where to busy making the sweets for the day to really pay attention to pinkie other than to say goodbye. As Pinkie walked outside, standing in-front of the famous 'Sugarcube Corner' she would take a deep breath in if the fresh spring air, she had noticed that Celestia had yet to rise her sun yet, but that was ok, seeing as how this party was so early, pinkie figured she still had a good 30 minutes until the sun came up. Making her way through the town, she would make her way towards the outskirts of ponyville, soon approaching the spot where the party was suppose to be hosted. When she arrived, she noticed there was a red and white checkered blanket on the ground, of course the sun was starting to rise by now, making it easy for pinkie to make out what was in the distance. As she got a little closer, she didn't really see any pony, this wasn't weird however seeing as they may have wanted to make sure pinkie would show up before they had the party to talk about party plans. That idea started to make the most sense to her as she seen a wooden trailer behind the large oak tree that was resting on the hill of where the party was going to be. As Pinkie Pie got a little closer, she would notice a stallion coming out of the trailer, smiling at the pink pony as she approached.

"Hello there! You must be pinkie pie!" The tall stallion said as pinkie approached him, his fur was bright white with a grey and white mixed main and tail, his flank showing the mark of a silver fork and spoon crossing over each other as they made an 'X' like shake on his rear. As Pinkie approached him, he would extend his hoof out to her, which the pink mare would happily accept with her own "The name's Silver Palate, it is an honor to meet you miss... Pinkie? Is that right?"

"My full name is Pinkamina Diane Pie, but everyone just calls me Pinkie Pie, or Pinkie, so Pinkie is fine!" She cheered with a wide smile on her face, her eyes closed as she did. However, Pinkie Pie's smile would slowly turn into an awkward laugh, she noticed the stallion holding her hoof was still shaking it, when Pinkie tried pulling away from the fellow earth pony he would squeeze her hoof tightly, Pinkie Pie was now trying hard to pull her hoof away, to get herself free as she yelled out "W..What are you doing sir? Please let go of me, you're scaring me!" She would give a few more tugs, soon she started feeling unable to keep pulling her good back, looking up with fear as her body started to slowly feel numb.

"Shhh, it's ok my pink little princess, just let the poison sink in, all it takes is a simple skin in skin contact for the poison to take affect... that's what you're feeling now" he said with a clear smirk on his muzzle "do you feel it Pinkie? The more you struggle.. the harder it is to resist, your body is feeling so tired and worn out.. you just want to go to sleep don't you? It's ok Pinkie, it's ok to give in... the quicker you learn to submit... the easier life will be for you" As he was rumbling on, Pinkie's eye-lids where getting to heavy to keep open, she was trying her hardest to stay awake, to stay alive, to stay focused! Anything she could do to get away! But it was to late, she could feel herself growing so tired... So helpless... Maybe if she jus-


"Good girl" was all Silver Palate said as he stared down at his unconscious treasure, he couldn't believe this was happening, that it was this easy, he knew exsacly who Pinkie Pie was, he adored her, he thought of her as the cutest little princess in all of Equestria! He knew of course she wasent a real princess.. but it didn't matter.. once he was done with her, she wouldn't remember her old life, she won't remember any of this.. the poison had a lot of help with that.. No, Pinkie Pie was a fresh slate, one he was going to twist and mold into his own personal toy.. his little pet.. his little plaything that would soon come to love and worship her loving Master~.

Chapter 2: Rise and Shine

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"W..Wha? Where am I? H..Hello? Is anyone there?" A weak, fragile voice echoed through out the dark, cold room. Pinkie's throats was dry, as if she haven't had a drink of water in days. Trying to get a hold of her seroundings, she would try to move her arms, only to feel the hold sting of a metal cuff around it, a chain attached to the cuffs, keeping Pinkie Pie tied down to whatever cold surface she was laying on, letting her know she hasn't been laying in the same spot for long. With the feeing of fear creeping up her spine, she start to realize, she was stuck. She couldn't move at all, and all she could see was darkness.

As Pinkie Pie tried to move around, she would yell out for help, hoping someone was there to help, but as she figured, no one responded. Trying to calm herself down, she would try to think of how she ended up here... but.. she couldn't... all she remembers was going to sleep in her big fluffy bed, kissing her pet gummy goodnight, and setting her alarm to wake up early.. but for what? Oh what does it matter... she clearly wasn't in her room anymore, and she was pretty sure she wasn't in sugar cube corner, that's for certain... Wait.. What if she was? What if Mr. and Ms. Cake had decided to play a prank? Yea that must be it! "Haha you guys! You got me! You can let me go now!" She said hoping they would start laughing and let her go

"What's so funny sweetie?" Said a strange voice that made her jump a little in her bindings, it wasn't a voice she knew and in fact sounded pretty deep.. it actually intimidated the earth pony a little "Is it the situation you are in? Or maybe it's the situation you are going to be in I should say" Oh yea, Pinkie was beyond scared now, what did he mean by that? Who was he? Why was he here and why couldn't she see him? "Mmm, Maybe its how wonderful these sweets taste compared to my own recipe? They are quite good, here, try one" at that Pinkie could hear what sounded like a Pony standing up, soon she would hear him getting closer as she tried to back away, but was forced to sit in place. "It's ok Pinkie, no need to be afraid, this is just a test, as long as you be a good girl, and obey your Master, you will receive nothing but love and attention"

"Wait.. Mas-Eep!!" Was all Pinkie could say as she felt something soft and squishy slowly sliding up the lips of her exposed mare-hood, she squirmed and whimpered as she could feel it sliding all the way up to her pink little nub, soon circling the ponies clit, making Pinkie kick and squirm as she tried to close her legs, however they where forcefully being pulled open by the cuffs around her legs. Soon after the sponge-like thing left her shivering body, Pinkie would pant softly before yelling "What the buck are you doing!? I didn't say you could tou- Eyaah!!" Pinkie was cut short once again as her stomach was smacked hard.

"Don't you DARE speak to your Master like that!!" He yelled at the now whimpering earth pony before him, Pinkie was sobbing softly in the darkness as she shook on the table, trying to close her legs but was still unable to "Now.. Open your mouth sweetie..." Pinkie didn't listen to the man, she kept her teeth and mouth shut as she heard the slallion sighing "You know.. you are only making this harder on yourself for not listening... and until you become the good little pet I wish you to be.. You must be punished for disobeying" with that he would smack her cheek hard, the poor earth pony squeaking as the loud smack sound echoed around them "You gonna open your mouth?" He asked the sobbing pony before him. Without saying a word, Pinkie Pie would slowly open up, her teeth parting to show her shivering mouth wide for the stallion before her, thoughts flooding her head as she tried to lay still and process what was happening.

"Y...Yes" was all Pinkie Pie could say as she mated there in horror. Soon however, she felt something pressing against her tounge, it tasted sweet, like a blueberry muffin from Sugarcube Corner... it actually tasted exactly like that!... But how did he get that muffin? Was that where she was? Did he kidnap her from there? Her head started pounding as she tried to think about how she got here. As she licked the muffin slowly, trying to keep it from going into her muzzle to fast, she would only assume that this was what was violating her only a few moments ago.. the thought of her licking something that was just used as some sort of rag against her precious flower only made her want to vomit, but she knew if she didn't take a bite, the stallion holding the muffin would probably hit her again, so she decided to take a bite, the sweet flavor of the muffin almost brought her to tears as she could only think about being in her bed at home, safe and sound, far away from whoever this monster was!

"That's it, good girl, make sure to savor the flavor" Silver spoke as he watched the pony chewing and swallowing the bits of food in her mouth "Don't you taste good?" He asked making Pinkie feel sick to her stomach, but she knew if she didn't reply, he would probably hit her again, so she simply replied with "Y..Yes.."

"Yes what? My little princess" Silver asked smirking

"Yes... Sir?" Pinkie Pie asked rather than stated. She would sit there for a moment not hearing anything but a sigh coming from the stallion, this scared her, thinking she was going to be hit she would start shaking against the cold surface she was laying on, but she would soon feel a hoof on her stomach, gently rubbing and massaging her belly. This would make Pinkie Pie slowly relax as the stallion would start to speak "There there sweetie, I won't punish you for that one, but from now on, you may only call me two things, my titles are Master, or Daddy" hearing this would make Pinkie cringe a little as he continued on "And all I wish is you give in.. that's all I ask.. I offer you a life of pampering and pleasure so long as you fully submit your body, spirit, and mind to me and me alone" at that last word he would stop massaging her stomach and would slowly untie the strap behind Pinkie Pie's head, removing the blind-fold she was wearing. A sudden flash of light would over take the earth ponies eyes, leaving her blind for a moment before her eyes became adjusted to the room. It was a smaller room, one door in the right corner with no windows, she could finally see her body, stripped of all clothing and tied to what seemed like a steel table.. but yet.. it also could have been sterling silver... that would be very expensive though... she thought to herself as she continued looking around, the walls where grey with an all grey floor. A chair next to a smaller metal stand was in front of her, the stand having a small pile of cakes and goodies on it. As she looked to her left, she would see a wall with a bunch of weird objects, some of them looked like whips and roped while some looked toys she found in raritys closet the night she had a sleepover with her. The rest where things she had never seen before, and looked like it was ment in a mid-evil dungeon.. only more clean and shiny. She would then look over to her right, getting a now clear view of her captor. If it wasen't for the circumstances, Pinkie Pie would actually think he was very attractive, his bright blue eyes looked so friendly and sweet to her, even making her heart flutter a little as for just a moment she forgot where she was.

"Do you know who I am Dear?" He asked in a smooth, deep voice, it made Pinkie feel like a little girl trying to talk to her father.. it made her feel weak yet.. safe.. Her feelings confused her so much as she spoke "N..No Sir" she said without thinking, immediately correcting herself as to not get hit "I..I mean Master!" She blurred out, watching Silver smile down at her, lowering his hoof to brush her flattened hair behind her ear.

"Good girl" he said looking deep into her eyes, feeling happy the poison worked on the cute little mare, stroking her cheek as he spoke "Who I am or who I was has no matter now, just know that I am your Master, and you are my sweet little princess" hearing this, Pinkie Pie would start to feel... Funny... Something was wrong.. This was all wrong, she would try to prop herself up using her elbows as she was still tied to the table, when she sat up, her head would go rushing, she felt as if she was drugged... wait... was she?

"W..When can I go home?.... Why do I feel so... funny..." Pinkie asked, blinking slowly

"Oh that's probably the aphrodisiac and sedatives I put in that muffin you just ate"

"What?! You drugged me-ee?!" Those last words where a little sluggish as she slowly laid back down onto the now warmed up table from her body heat, she felt so weak, so scared yet.. so relaxed.. and hot... her body hear started to slowly rise up between her legs as she stairs up into Her captors eyes

"Yes sweetie, I did... But don't worry, it's not a Lethal amount nor is it an amount to leave you compeltly mindless, no you will know everything and you will feel everything I do to you, I figured you wouldn't be able to truly relax and slow your body to submit to me unless I gave you a little push, but don't worry, you will see what life will be like if you do submit to me my sweet little pet" at that he would give one last stroke along the pink ponies cheek, making her shiver before slowly walking over to the end of the table, looking down at his sweet prize he would begin to lower his head. Her Honey Pot smelt like a fresh patch of strawberries, so warm and sweet and pink! Ripe for the taking, he couldn't hold himself back anymore, licking his lips he would soon exstend his tounge from his mouth, sliding it nice and slowly from the bottom to very top of that ripe, pink, juicy mare-hood before him, he could feel Pinkie Pie's legs shiver as he held onto them, followed an ever so cute moan escaping the Mares lips, all Silver could say at this moment was "Good girl~" and at that he would plunge his tounge right inside her! Not giving the poor girl a chance to prepare herself as Pinkie would arch her back against the table, shivering and yelping to the sky as Silver Palate began pushing and twisting his tounge in and out of her.

"E-Eeyyah! No! Not there! Oh Celestia!" Pinkie yelled out as she felt her tight slot being attached by that thick, rough yet smooth, tongue. Her body arching and moving against her restraints with every flick of his tounge as Silver Palate greedily slurped and sucked away at Pinkie's heat, nibbling on her sensitive little nub before pushing his tounge back inside her, the poor, helpless mare was drooling from both her mouth and her in between her legs, the aphrodisiac enhancing her sensitive area's ten-fold, Pinkie Pie's eyes would roll back deep into her head as she tried to focus on what was going on and why, but was soon loosing herself to the feeling, she could feel a powerful heat rising in her stomach, and she knew there was no way she could hold herself back like this.. but then again.. did she want to? She knew this was messed up, that he was a monster and this was wrong.. but she felt so good.. her body relaxed yet riding off of a lust high as she whimpered and moaned, her mind slowly breaking from reality, little by little.

"That's it sweetie, let go.. Give in to the feeling and submit your body to me" Silver knew she wasen't going to last much longer, he could tell by her moans and the way her inner walls where clenching his tounge, she was giving in. He would soon reach up and with a small click the chains that where holding Pinkie's legs would soon come off, leaving her legs free to do as she pleases, she could kick him right in the face... but she didn't... Pinkie Pie hugged her captors head with her thighs, shivering and shaking as Silver hugged and gripped onto Pinkie Pie's hips, his snouts rubbing her clit as he pumped his tounge in and out of her, licking up her sweet nector before hearing-

"Eeyyyyaaaahhh!!!!!!!!" Pinkie's back would arch against her restraints, the building fire that was building in her lower areas exploded into a flaming exsplosion of hot pleasure spraying and coating the thick tongue that was buried deep inside the sweet mare. Pinkie's entire body shivered and shook as she came hard all over Silver, moaning and yelling out for him as she yelled out "M..Master!!!" Which only filled Silvers heart with joy as he drank her sweet honey, holding her tightly close to him as she rode out her orgasm. After a few minutes, Pinkie Pie would slowly calm down, relaxing against table, panting felt drained from her first orgasm, Silver could only stand and smile, his muzzle covered in her sweet elixir as he stared down at her, proud of his work and soon to be obedient pet now passed out before him "That's a good girl Pinkie... Now get some sleep... The real training starts tomorrow."

Chapter 3: Day One

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"Nnngg...." Pinkie groaned out softly as she pulled her mind together, waking up to find herself in a brand new room, only this time the room seemed a lot nicer, and actually rather cute. The walls where painted a bright pink, cupcake decals surrounded the walls and ceiling. The carpet was a clean white, and actually looked rather new. She also didn't feel the cold shiver from the table she was laying on just a little while ago.. at least.. she thought it was a little while ago, she actually had no idea how long she had been there.

When Pinkie Pie opened her eyes, she would notice she was laying on a rather large, soft bed, not sure what the fabric of the blankets where, but they where way better than the sheets she had at home, not to mention the cute little stuffed animals surrounding her... If it wasen't for the horrifying situation, she would actually think about relaxing and enjoying the nice bed, but a very familiar voice broke the fantasy.

"Well well, I'm glad to see a sleepy little fully is finally awake~" His voice coo'ed as he looked at the cute little mare before him, a rather large smirk on his face. "You slept for hours, I thought I might have given you to high a dose of sedatives"

"W..What do you want? Please... let me go.. I won't tell anyone anything about what has happened here... I promise..." her voice cracking as she trembled under the blankets. Silver Palate could only smile as he heard her begging for her freedom, a sick thought crossing his mind as he spoke.

"Tell you what pet, if you do something for me, I'll in return do something for you.. what do you say?" He smirked as he looked at her laying in the bed, he didn't tell her that while she was passed out he gave her a bath, her fur looked so soft and fluffy, the very sight of her making his stallion-hood growing as hard as a rock.

"Y..You'll let me go?"

"What did I just say?" He replied not actually giving her the answer she wanted to hear, but non the less, Pinkie would nod her head, thinking that this was the best hope she would have to getting free, and possibly being able to see her friends again, forgetting about all of this. She would slowly start to get up, stepping on the floor, soon feeling a rush to her head, making her sit back down on the floor.

"W..What's going on? Why do I feel like this?..." she slurred out at Silver could chuckle at her, moving closer to the smaller Mare as she tried backing away from him, getting pinned against the wall. Silver would stand up on his hind legs, placing his 15 inch long shaft directly on her mane, his large orbs resting on her snout, forcing her to smell nothing more than his dominating scent. Pinkie's heart was racing as she felt her whole body going numb, whimpering softly at the stallion spoke.

"You see pet, until you are fully trained, I must make sure you behave, so you see that collar around your throat?" He said referring the thin black collar around the ponies neck, 'Daddies Property' was labeled in silver on the outer fabric, but on the inside there was a bunch of tiny needles, all tipped in a numbing aphrodisiac. "This collar especially made to keep you nice and submissive. The more you let go, the more you enjoy being my sweet little pet... Now taste your Master's big juicy cock, and feel free to be as greedy as you'd like"

Pinkie Pie tried listening to him, but the poison dripping into her body was already taking over, making her mind feeling numb, all she could focus on where those two massive jewels resting on her snout... he smelt so... enticing... so inviting for the pink pony to give him a lick... so.. she did, slowly and ever so gently pushing her soft tongue from her muzzle, just to press it firmly against the his smooth skin. The taste was incredible, it made her body shiver as she soon began to get a little more daring, using her tounge to slide up under those sweet, yet sweaty balls resting on her snout, marking the Mare as she mindlessly licked away.. he Silver was right she thought, it did feel good to let go.. besides.. who was gonna judge her? No one would know of what she was doing accept for him... accept for her daddy... and daddy said it was ok...

"Mmnn... Buck... That feels so good princess, now Daddy needs you to open up nice and wide ok?" Silver said as he heard the pink earth pony mindlessly reply, "Y..Yes daddy.."

Pinkie Pie would slowly open her maw up, her muzzle looking so warm and inviting, her thick, soft tounge sticking out far out as Silver moved his hips back, he almost came from the site of the submissive little mare before him, her eyes half lidded and glossed over as he could swear she was even smiling up at him. As he lined his tip up perfectly with Pinkie's muzzle, he would slowly start to push his hips forward, frowning as his dreams had finally came true. Her warm maw wrapped nice and firmly around his throat, her tounge licking the underside of his member as he pushed it nice and deep inside her, his tip soon hitting her throat.

Silver would stop, panting softly as he looked down at Pinkie, "Ok sweetie.. I need you to- Aahh!" He was cut off to the site on Pinkie Pie pushing her head forward, her throats squeezing and hugging his cock with ease as her lips soon pressed against his base, all 15 inches buried inside the mare, an outline of his member nice and clear in Pinkie's throat as Silver groaned with an animalistic lust, holding Pinkie Pie's head firmly against his lap, feeling her lick and squeeze his cock. After a few moments however, he would start thrusting his hips, groaning heavily as he did. Pinkie Pie used this to her advantage as every time he groaned, she would make a mental note to keep doing what she was doing, her body shivering with pleasure as each thrust rumbled throughout her sensitive body, it was if her mouth was a personal little sleeve for her daddies cock, and she loved every second of it, every thrust making her moan as he used her as a milking machine.

"Holy Celestia! I can't hold it! Keep sucking and get ready for daddies milk Pinkie! At that he would slam his hips foward, Pinkie Pie would moan as he she felt thick ropes of hot cum filling her throats and shooting right into her stomach, what she didn't know was how much this was breaking her, the collar doing its jo as she slowly began to forget about her friends, her family, her past. All she could think about was her daddy, and a pleasing him the best she could.

When Silver Palate finished, he would sit there for a moment, panting softly as he felt Pinkie Pie sucking and milking out every last drop of cum from his thick hose before slowly pulling himself free of her warm muzzle, smiling down at her as she sat there panting, petting her cheek, the pink earth pony would smile up at him, her eyes glazed over as she spoke "D..Did I do good daddy? Was I a good filly?"

"Yes you where my cute little pet, daddy is so proud of you, I'm going to give a reward" at the sound of that Pinkie Pie would get a big smile on her face, her tail swooshing back and forth as she moved her head foward and nuzzled it up against Silvers cheek, the once overly energetic party pony was now a submissive little timid pony, ready to do whatever her Master commanded. Silver would soon sit up on Pinkie Pie's bed, pulling the smaller pony up into his arms, he was so proud of his work, and he was going to treasure every second of it

"Open your legs for me sweetie, I want to see if your ready" Pinkie Pie would not hesitate, opening her legs to expose her cute little pink pussy, drooling down her thighs, exsposing her need. This only made Silver Palate smile and lick his lips, his cock already rock hard from the site and the warmth of holding the pink pony on his lap, he would slowly lift the earth pony up into the air, looking down at his shaft he would smile and say "I want you to grab Daddies cock sweetie, put it inside you.. I want to know how much you want me" he teased watching her blush and look down at his length, she was timid in nature trying to grab what was soon going to be inside her, she felt so happy, and she didn't know why, the thought of her Daddy inside her made her whole body shiver as she gently guided his tip to just up between her dampened lips.

Silver couldn't believe how well this was going, how easily broken the pink mare was, this made him so happy seeing her obey so willingly, hugging and squeezing her tightly against his body, Silver would begin nibbling along her neck, kissing her shoulder while panting "Buck you are such a good girl Pinkie, I'm gonna give you the life you desirve, so long as you keep obeying for me" as he spoke he would soon start to slide Pinkie Pie down his length, Pinkie Pie arching her back a little and soon hugging tightly onto her daddy as his massive size stretched her inner walls, molding the mare's insides to perfectly fit him as he sank inch after thick inch inside her. Pinkie was whimpering and moaning softly, hugging onto her daddy as he whispered in her ear.

"Sshhhh, that's it sweetie, good girl, just relax and take it all in" to which Pinkie did, the pleasure over lapsing the pain as she could feel him sliding inside her, he was so hot, so thick, each inch making the Pony twitch and shiver, his size was comparable to Big Macs.. well.. at least from the time she seen him when she accidentally walked into his room without knocking.

After the first 10 inches where sank nice and deep inside the Earth Pony, Silver Palates thick flared tip would press firmly against Pinkie Pie's cervix, with 5 inches still outside of his pet, Silver would give an animalistic growl against Pinkie Pie's neck, making her whimper in response. Silver would soon bite onto Pinkie's neck, hard enough to leave a mark as he held her tight and forcefully pulled her down the remaining 5 inches of his cock, his tip ripping right up into her womb and slamming against the back wall as Pinkie screamed out in exstream flash of both intense pain and pleasure, Silver not giving her a chance to recover, he had waited to long for this moment, and he wanted to break her in, turning over and pinning her against the beg, his hips would begin thrusting hard into that tight little slot of hers, forcing Pinkie to take every inch of that fat cock balls deep inside her as he bite Pinkie's neck and shoulder

"Eeyyaaah!!! Daddy!!! To hard!! Ouchie!!!" Pinkie Pie screamed out to deaf ears, Silvers hips thrusting brutally hard against the mares, his large orbs clappIn against Pinkie's soft round rear, the feeling of her inner walls squeezing him was turning him into a monster as he fucked the poor Mares brains out. Pinkie Pie's eyes rolling deep into her head, her tounge flopping from her mouth as she helplessly hugged onto her captor, being forced to take every brutal pounding into her soft body, his cock outlined in her stomach. There was no way Pinkie Pie could hold out like this, her nether regions burning with a orgasmic rage of pleasure as she moaned and whimpered, pleasing for the stallion ontop of her to slow down.

"D..Daddy! I'm gonna cum!"

"YOU BETTER BUCKING HOLD IT!" He yelled out to her

"I can't! I can't!!! It's cumming!

"Don't you dare! You'll be punished!" He yelled out as he felt her inner walls clamping down on his shaft, knowing she was going to cum any second as she yelled out

"Nnnyyaaaaahhh!!! I'm sorry!!!!"

At the sounds of her screams, Pinkie Pie would break, cumming painfully hard around the thick cock raping her, spraying her hot hector all over his and her legs and laps, her back arching as she came, legs shaking and along with her body as she came harder than she's ever came in her entire life.

After a few minutes, and Pinkie Pie had finished her orgasm, she would lay there limp on the bed, panting heavily as she felt silver slowly pull out of her. As Pinkie looked up, she would notice him walking over to a dresser that was in her room, his cock still rock hard and soaked from her juices and he grabbed what looked like a leash. Walking over to the bed he would simply say "Come here"

"D..Daddy.. I'm so sorry I-"

"Come... Here..." he cut her off as the now scared Mare slowly and shakily tried to get up on her bed, unable to feel her legs as she slowly crawled over to him. He would quickly reach out and grab her mane, pulling her closer to him so he could attach the leash to her collar. Once he was done he would say and her flank hard with his right hoof, telling her get up off the bed. Pinkie would give a soft squeak before being tugged into the floor. Trying to stand up, her legs shaking as Silver tugged on her collar, forcing her to follow him out of her room and into a rather large hallway. As they walked through the hall, Silver would lead Pinkie to what seemed like a porch, in fact it was, letting Pinkie know that they had walked out the main door of the large house they where in, Pinkie Pie could finally see the world she had almost forgotten, looking around she would see they where on a large hill that over looked a valley of... dragons? Yea it was dragons, it seemed they where on the border of their territory, Pinkie knew they where not aloud over on the ponies side, as well as ponies where aloud on their side, she would notice a couple groups of dragons looking up at her and silver, snickering and smirking up at them, this made Pinkie blush as she soon felt another tug on her collar. Pinkie would grunt and whimper a little as she was brought to the edge of the porch and onto the grass, trying to stop as her hooves where almost inches away from crossing the edge of the border. A few dragons flying up to face the pink mare and the Silver stallion as Silver Palate began to speak

"You see that dragon right there? I told him that he and his friends could have you if you ended up being a bad girl and not obeying" The dragon eyed the Pink mate hungrily, staring her down as she tried to back up, but a forcefully strong paw was soon pressed on her back, pinning her face down to the floor "Now lets show them what they might be getting if you don't do as you are told!" At that he linned his still hard cock up with Pinkie Pie's dripping wet slit and slammed his entire cock balls deep inside her, Pinkie yelling out to the sky as the dragon called in some of his friends to watch

"Nyaaah!!! Daddy! I'm sorry! Please don't do this!!" She pleaded and begged but no one cared, the large dragons stroking their massive cocks as they watch Pinkie Pie get used like a cock sleeve for their enjoyment

"Yea misbehave little filly! We'll teach you how to be a good girl! That is if you're still alive once we're done with you!" The leader of the dragon group yelled out, the other dragons chanting and joining in with him as they watched the pink mare taking that thick stallion cock, Silver would lean down, powerfully rocking his cock in and out of his little pet as he bit on her ear, pulling her head back to look up at the horny dragons

"You see that my little pet? If you keep disobeying me, they will be your future, they will toss you around and use you until you lie dead at their feet, do you understand me?" He asked Pinkie as tears rolled down her cheek, his cock pushing her to the edge of another orgasm as she felt so dirty for being used like this in front of those other dragons, sobbing and whimpering as she said

"Y..Yes daddy... I..I'm so sowwy..." she whimpered out to him, feeling him slam his hips one last time inside her, groaning and growling in her ear as he hurried himself inside her, unleashing his pent up cum nice and deep inside the Mare's womb, he had no intention of getting rid of her, he just wanted to scare her into obeying as he sighed, relaxing as his cum filled her body, loads after hot, creamy load she filling the poor little pony as he whispered in her ear "Now, you may cum"

As if on cue, Pinkie would close her eyes, her back legs shivering and shaking as she started cumming once again, her cum soaking her daddies legs as he continued cumming nice and deep inside her, his cum get so warm and good inside the sobbing Mare, collapsing on the floor in front of her as Silver layed ontop of her, gently humping his little pet, riding out his orgasm as he soon heard the cute little snores of the pink mare. Silver would smile as he soon got up, pulling out of his prize and turning her around, spreading her pussy lips wide to the dragons as he said "Be quick, 10 seconds each"

Each of the dragons had been holding themselves off from finishing as they raced over to the passed out Mare, each one slamming their cocks deep inside her to unleash their thick loads right into the ponies cute little pussy, each one taking their turns pump everything they had inside her, leaving her a drooling mess with cum leaking from her abused Mare-hood, Silver soon nodding to the dragons before bringing the passed out Pony inside, sitting her on his lap and petting her while she slept, thinking of what to do when she awoke~