Seductive Tunes

by TheWingman

First published

In piano class, Octavia is the assistant teacher and is in charge whenever its required. When it was finals time, the class had to write some music and Harold had the perfect song to serenade his secret crush.

You are Harold, a senior in Canterlot High that aspires to be a professional pianist. With every semester, you always participated in band with every chance you got for two reasons:

It was in your blood to be a musician...

and her.

Octavia, the assistant teacher, had graduated a year before you were about to. She has been your crush since Junior year and is also a sucker for music. When it was time for finals, every student in class had to write their own sheet music and play it in front of everyone. Wanting to earn her admiration, you decide to write a song adapted from a love song.... but you couldn't decide which one to serenade her with.

Contains: Musically-induced orgasms, anal, a sex-starved woman going sex crazy

Both characters are 18.

Good God, let me give you my life

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You sat there, eyes closed and back straight, playing each and every note in the sheet music the teacher, Lyra Heartstrings, had provided. You let the melody of your work carry you as soothing, yet epic tone filled you with a sense of calm. As you played the last few notes, you heard clapping noises from behind you as you turn to face the source.

"Well done, Harold" Lyra said to you as you took a deep breath. "A little slow but amazing."

"Thank you, teach." You said as Lyra turned to her desk and began to go over papers with her assistant, Octavia. Octavia graduated last year and has since been employed by the school to be the assistant piano class instructor. She does an amazing job and knows her way around music as if it were written in her genes. She could've been a professional musician but you guess that she enjoys teaching students to perfect their craft. There was something else about her that you love, something that you were too afraid to admit in public. She was drop-dead beautiful. Everything about her looks from her face to her calm professionalism made your heart beat like a war drum with every thought about her. At the risk of not embarrassing yourself, you swept those thoughts from your head and focus on asking your question to Lyra, still talking to Octavia.

"Hey Lyra?" You asked with a raised hand. "What's going to be on the final tomorrow?"

"You are to write your own sheet music and play it in class. It could be a cover of any song of your choosing." There she said it. The opportunity to confess your love to Octavia in a symbolic way had been presented to you. You just have to find a song to play for her to make her swoon. There was just one problem: you don't know what type of music she secretly likes. As the bell rung, You walk out with worried thoughts as to what you'll play, worried that you'll never get to express your feelings to her in song. Just as you turn the corner, you run into your friend Rarity. The two of you weren't romantically involved, but the two of you always had been friends regardless. As you got closer, she noticed your frown and gets worried.

"What has you troubled, darling?" she said in a soft tone.

"It's about music class." you said with your head hanging down. "It's kinda personal for me." Rarity then looks at you with a frustrated worried expression. She knew you'd always talk to her about whatever was on your mind and your hesitation to say anything about it had set off red flags. Without warning, you felt the tight grip of her hand gripping your forearm as she dragged you into a nearby empty room.

"Okay Harold, " Rarity said as she closed and locked the door. "the first thing in getting help with a problem is to talk about it with someone. Go ahead, I'm all ears." With a gulp and your arms crossed, you leaned against the wall and sat down on the floor as you prepared to tell her the story.

"There's a girl that I like." You crook an eyebrow over your revelation. You suspected she might've gotten the insinuation from just the tone of your voice when you ran into her.

"Oh really?" Rarity said as she sat down next to you. "Who is she?" At that point, you had to confess the name of your crush. Every time you try to, the butterflies in your stomach made you choke up.


"Come on, speak up."

"I-I-I-It's "

"Out with it!"

"OCTAVIA! It's Octavia!" You blurted out. Rarity was shocked by your admission as she saw you dig your head in your arms in embarrassment before you heard a soft chuckle from her."

"Octavia? I know her. She and I are good friends." You were pleasantly surprised by this twist that your friend and your crush are friends. At least then, you were able to calm down, knowing that you didn't wound your social pride. "What problem do you have?"

"We have a final tomorrow where we have to write sheet music and play it for the class. I want to serenade her but I don't know what kind of music she likes."

"Well, I've talked to her many times to get to know her quite well. From what I gather, she has a secret love for blues and soul."

"Really? I thought her to like stuff like that."

"There are many secrets that ladies keep to themselves, Harold."

"Damn." You then looked at the clock to see that it was half past three. You wanted to get home and get to writing the sheet music to seduce your love. After the exchange of goodbyes, You and Rarity went your separate ways as you drove home. Once there, you grabbed your dinner and rushed to your room to begin writing your musical love letter to Octavia. With every song in your collection, You'd listen to see what would move her.

"No, not that."
"Not that either."

You wanted to find the song... that perfect mixture of blues and soul to get your message to her. You flipped though every music in your library, only to be met with a lack of promising songs and a build up of frustration. Then, you exhausted all options in your music library and rested your head in defeat.

"Goddamn it all! What the fuck am I going to do now?! I want to find the song, THE ONE SONG, to play for her! I still can't fucking find it!" Your frustration then began to evolve into anger as you curse yourself for not being able to find what you were looking for. In a fit of rage, you toss your pencils to the wall left of you.

"FUUUUUUUCCKKK!!!" As the pencils flew, one of them had hit the power button of your radio hard enough to activate it.

"Welcome back again to The Afterdark Jukebox on 96.2 WRIF. I hope you are all having a wonderful night out there, ladies and gentlemen. Whether you're with a significant other in a night on the town, dinner, or at home doing the love dance, our next song will be the perfect one to help set the mood."

In that moment, It clicked with you. As you listened to the melody and the lyrics, you've known then and there that you had found the song you were looking for. After song finished playing, you did a web search of the song and listened to it while playing it on your piano, copying the notes while writing the sheet music. Be for you knew it, it was twelve in the morning, the sheet music was complete and fatigue had gripped you. You fell into a deep sleep with satisfaction that you'll do well in piano class.


You yawned and opened your eyes as you looked around the room to see that it was six in the morning, one an a half hours before your first class. In a haste, you packed the sheet music in your binder and freshened up for the day, ready to set off for school.

================================Later that day in piano class:================================

"You can do this. You can do this. It's do or die from this point on." You thought to yourself as you approached the classroom door, opening it to find Octavia herself sorting the papers and no sign of Lyra anywhere.

"Hey Octavia, where's Ms. Heartstrings?" You asked.

"She came down with a cold. I'll be taking over for her today. Take a seat in front of your piano." The sound of her voice had you paralyzed for a few seconds before heeded her words and sat at your piano, pulling out your sheet music and anxiously waited for class start. When it did, the final exam began and one by one, your classmates had played their songs for Octavia. As they finished, you got progressively nervous as your turn drew near. Then, you felt the hand of Octavia grip your shoulders as you turned to her Your heart had began to beat rapidly as you almost felt time stop.

"Harold, It's your turn." She said in a sweet tone as she began to walk back to her desk.

"Hey Octavia?"


"Is it alright if I sing as well?"

"Well, It's optional but you certainly can."

Her words are all you needed to be able make the moment memorable. As she sat down, you prop your knuckles and took a deep breath as you put your fingers to the keys and began playing.

As you played, you had poured your heart and soul into the performance as you focused on playing and singing the song. Though you hadn't noticed, the students looked on at you as you did your song, amazed at the soul filled melody. Octavia did listen as well, but was frozen in place as a familiar sensation prevented her from moving. She felt a tingling feeling around her nether region as every moment had made her feel a buildup of sensual pleasure. She was both amazed and surprised as every second made her feel the effects of sexual pleasure without the physical presence of her fingers or a dick. As the song ended, her pressure had pushed itself over the edge as she climaxed, biting her lip and faking a sneeze to mask the noise of her orgasm. None of the students seemed to notice as they were focused on listening to you. After that, the class applauded for you as you took a deep breath in relief as it was done and over with.


One by one, your classmates walked out to go home. As you got up, you heard Octavia's voice beckon to you.

"Harold, mind if I talk to you for a minute?" It was it. You got the chance to talk to her personally. She had gotten up as you nervously approached her. Your heart was beating ever so quickly as you got closer and closer.

"W-w-what did you need?" you stuttered.

"This." You weren't prepared for what had happened. In a flash, Octavia had pulled you closer to her, locking you in her arms and your lips with hers. For a moment, you didn't know what to think until you finally gave in and surrendered to your passion. You moved your hands around her back as you felt her breasts press up against your chest as you and her moaned.

"Why?" Octavia asked, breaking the kiss. "How did you find my sexual weakspot?"

"It was a lucky guess." You replied. "It was also my way of confessing something to you."


"I love you, Octavia." You said as you gave her another peck on her lips. She blushed to your confession. She had never heard anyone say those three words to her and she was pleasantly surprised about you telling her.

"Why Harold, I'm flattered." Octavia said as she walked to her desk. "I would also like to point out what your little performance made me do." You looked under desk to see that some fresh wet spots have spattered the desk and the floor above it. You even saw that a good patch was on her chair. As you turned to face Octavia again, you found out what her earlier words meant. She had panties that were quite soaked to the band. Even some of it was dripping along her thin long legs.

"It appears your performance got me a little too... 'excited'." Octavia said as she grabbed the collar of your shirt, giving you a sultry stare that made you slightly shake in anxiety. "So, are you alone tonight? Are you available?

"Uhhh... My parents are out of town until tomorrow night. As far as I know, I have nothing on my schedule. Why?"

"Just asking." She said as she let go of your shirt. "Now, get going. I have to get some work done." As you left the school grounds in your camaro, you couldn't help to wonder what she intended what her last question. What did she want and why did she ask something like that? Whatever it was, It was brushed aside by the growls and pains of hunger. You temporarily clear your mind of Octavia's questions and continued on home, intent on making dinner.

"I wonder what Octavia wants."

I put a spell on you

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You sat at home, watching the television to relax after such a long but eventful day. You finally confessed your love to Octavia and she recognized it. It did, however, surprise you to what extent you made her swoon. But nonetheless, you were pleased that she does have a sexual interest in you. You were hoping to go slow with her to build things up, but as Rarity told you: Women are full of surprises.

"Wow, didn't expect that to happen, but thank goodness she likes me. I got to admit that she has a nice ass. Oh goodness, just thinking about it drives me crazy! She talked as if she wants me to bone her. If she's coming over for that, might as well make a nice dinner."

As your stomach growled in hunger, your thoughts dispersed as you walked into the kitchen, flipping through your mom's recipe book.

"Okay, Where is that recipe for chicken parmesan? Nanananananana- There it is!" You gathered the ingredients as you began cooking, starting with the sauce, chicken and pasta. Apart from your proficiency with music, you learned from your mom to cook as members of her family had passed down that legacy from generations. It was a nice backup skill to have if your music career fell apart.

"Hmmm, nicely seasoned." you muttered as you tasted the sauce, knowing that it was just right. After you were finished with cooking the pasta and chicken, you set them on the stove just as you heard a-

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Your head turned towards the door as you began to walk over to it. As you turned the handle and opened the door, you were surprised by what you saw: Octavia was standing before you in a formal dress that allowed her legs to stick out. The chest part of it was held up with only a single strap and left her back exposed, making her nice ass be more pronounced. Her hair was long and flowed beautifully in the light summer breeze. Just looking at that sight made your cock tingle with want and lust.

"Hello Harold." Octavia cooed in a soft tone. You were left speechless and struggled briefly to say a word as the beauty before you made you stall.

"H-h-hello, O-octavia." You stammered as she drew closer to you.

"Can I come in?"

"Oh yes, come on in." you said as you take her by the hand and kiss it before leading her in.

"My my, quite the gentleman are you?" Octavia said as she walked in, still holding your hand. As she looked around your house, an aroma coming from the kitchen catches the attention of her nose. She took a few sniffs before she got curious as to what it was.

"What is that savory aroma?" She inquired.

"Some chicken parmesan I was cooking. I can make you a plate if you want."

"That sounds lovely, Harold."

You then made plates for both you and Octavia as the both of you ate the delicious dinner you originally prepared for yourself. For what it was worth, you felt that the impromptu dinner date was working out well. Throughout the dinner, You and Octavia made pleasant conversation about various subject relating to music and the instruments you and her play. When she talked, you couldn't help but be captivated by her graceful beauty. With each moment you looked at her, you couldn't help but fantasize about laying down with her on the beach kissing as the moonlit sky brightened the night, a perfect romantic evening. However, unbeknownst to you, Octavia's thoughts were in a different tangent... a more lewd and raunchy path. Soon, the conversation had drifted into a more casually personal plane.

"So Harold, since when did you have this crush on me?"

"Since I was a sophomore. I was a little too shy to talk to you about it and I always looked down whenever you were near."

"That's okay. I find shy guys cute anyway."
("Oh yeah, they really turn me on!")

"I know I am. I'm just surprised to see you here after today in class. If you don't mind me asking: Why are you here?"

"Oh you know, I just came here for a friendly visit."
("Trying to get some cock in my pussy!")

"I can tell. I guess this could be considered a date, seeing as how you are dressed for such a thing. You just look absolutely beautiful."

"I did try to look my best for this. Thank you for the complement."
("I hope it'll make you plough me like a beast, you closeted horn-dog!")

"You're welcome. Anyways, I didn't expect you to orgasm during my performance. It was surprising."

"Well, you just found my magic switch. I wonder how you found it."
("You made me wetter than a damned waterfall, in class no less!")

"Luck I guess. Well, it's certainly something to keep in mind when we get to that point in our relationship."

"Oh, you casanova you!"
("Oh hell no! Before the day is done, your dick will ravage my vag! Understand?! YOU... WILL... FUCK ME!!!")

As the both of you chuckled in unison, You noticed her plate was empty and offered to put it away for her. As you got up and went to clean the dishes, you felt your dick becoming hard as stone. You hoped that Octavia wouldn't notice your pride pitching a tent, but your were too busy to notice that she did. As images and fantasies of You rutting her coursed through her horny mind, she felt her nether region quiver in wanting lust. She was going to get into your pants, come hell or high water. As you finished the last of the dishes, you felt a familiar presence coming in from behind. When you noticed it, it was too late. You felt the soft, dainty hands of Octavia caressing your clothed package.

"Did you really think you were going to get away with hiding your erection, you timid lover boy?" Octavia purred as she began to rub her breasts against your back, making your spine quake and shiver at the sheer erotic sensation. You were paralyzed by the overwhelming feeling of your back and package being given a sensual massage. Without warning, Octavia pinned you against the wall, forcing her lips upon yours as she grinds her hungry pussy against your crotch. You expected something like this happening but not this soon... and certainly not this ferociously. As you wrapped your arms around her back and surrendered to her assault, a thought dawned on you to make her hornier than ever before.

"Hold on there, you horny minx." You said as you broke the kiss. "How about I add to your little... hunger." With haste, You escorted Octavia to your room as you held her close to you, further teasing her with the occasional squeeze of her ass.

"Wow, that looks like a nice piano." Octavia said, noting your musical instrument. "Who gave that to you?"

"it was a hand-me-down from my grandfather. It took me a while to get this big thing in here." You said as you sat on your piano chair. "Please, make yourself comfortable on my bed."

As Octavia got into a resting position on your bed, you flipped through your songbook to find something that'll make her cum entire rivers. Finally, you found one that'll make her extremely moist and wanting. You crick your knuckles and planted your fingers on the keys, playing your song.

You focused on keeping the performance going, not once taking your eyes off the keys and the sheet music. As you played, the moans and shrieks of pleasure from Octavia didn't escape your ears. In fact, it only fueled your passion as you continue to play, being more expressive with your gestures. Her moans and screams became more frequent and loud as you approached the end of the of the song. You suspected that she kneaded her vagina as the performance went on. Octavia really was holding back her sexual urges. For how long, you weren't sure but you didn't care. You wanted her to be one lustful lady for the night. When the song ended, you heard Octavia letting out a big scream as her climax had been unleashed. After a few breaths of excitement, you turn to Octavia to see her sitting at the edge of your bed, hanging her head with her hair cloaking it. You walk over to and put a hand on her shoulder to grab her attention.

What had followed made you realize that you more than kicked the hornet's nest.

She grabbed the collar of your shirt, startling you as you try to understand what was happening. She slowly raised her head, revealing a facial expression. It wasn't a typical lustful face, it was something else. It was as if she was an entirely different entity. It was a face of Pure, unfiltered, unchained lust. With a quick movement of her arm, Octavia tossed you across the room, making you slide headfirst into the door. As you look up, she was standing up, giving you the same creepy lust-filled smile. Though it made you choke up and nervous, It did make your dick stand at attention. Octavia then unclipped the lace keeping the dress on her, letting it fall to the ground. To your surprise, she was wearing nothing... Nothing! No bra, no panties, none of that was covering her luscious body. It was just her unclothed D-Cup breasts and her shaven snatch displayed in front of you in all their glory.

"Holy fuck!" Those words were all you could utter as Octavia looked on at you with hunger, licking her lips at the sight of your pitched tent. All you were focused on was the sight of the nude beauty standing before. Then, in the flash of a second, Octavia pounced on you, pinning your arms and legs to the ground while giving you a sultry, hungered look.

"I! CRAVE! YOUR! COCK!" Octavia growled as she let loose a barrage of kisses that landed all around your face before locking you in one on the lips. You were at first surprised at how horny you made her, but as the kiss went on, you slowly gave in to passion as you put one hand on her back and the other on her juicy ass. This was it, the day you would lose your virginity to one of the most lovely women you knew. In that moment, you couldn't hep but give her rump a nice squeeze, making her give out a hearty moan.

"Oh, You devious pervert. You like my ass , don't you?" Octavia purred in a seductive tone.

"It's the envy of all the girls at school." You flirted, making her give a devious smile as she got off of you.

"Strip! I want to see you in your natural form." Obliging her request, you leaned up and took off your shirt, revealing your nicely toned upper body to her. As she looked on at the sight of your half naked form, a buildup of moist pleasure started to develop around her wanting labia. Her heart had started beating faster than the fastest olympic runner. All those years of sexual feelings she held back were about to break free. You then pulled off your jeans and boxers and let your lap howitzer spring free from it's prison.

"Oh my! It's so... BIG!" Octavia gasped as she marvels at the size of your shaft. Her hunger was magnified ten-fold as she turned around and rested her soaking entrance close to your face. "You know what to do, don't you?"

"69?" You asked as you looked on at her soaking entrance that was beckoning for the caressing touch of your tongue. "Who would've thought you were quite the horny wench."

'Wench? Ohhhhh yeeeeaaaahhhh!" Octavia moaned, turned on by the word you called her by. It was enough to make her start taking the length or your pants lance in her mouth. It sent a rush of pleasure down your spinal cord that made you, as if by reflex, start brushing her lower lips with your tongue. You could tell she was enjoying it as she started to up her efforts in blowing you. After a while of sopping up her flowing juices, your mind hatched a plan that would be sure to drive her crazy. You slipped your tongue in her pussy, making her redouble her efforts as the pleasure starts to overwhelm her as you wiggled your tongue around in her love tunnel. As you did that, you noticed her clit starting to become visible. Using the power of your thumb and index finger, you pinch, rub and pull her clit as you feel the intensity of your climax as well as hers starting to come to the brim. After several minutes, The both of you scream and grunt as you and Octavia give in to your orgasms.

"Wow, I never expected you to make me swallow that much." Octavia said as she wiped her mouth with her arm. "You almost satisfied my hungry pussy, but it still hungers for more. Octavia then got up and climbed onto your bed with you following suit.

"I want you to ravage my slutty cunt, Harold! Take me please!" Octavia begged as she got on her hands and knees, sticking her behind towards you. You look at her moist entrance and thought of how good your beaver punisher would feel in there. But, a thought dawned on you. You want to make her feel good but most importantly... you want to give her a memorable surprise. In defiance of her begging, you align the tip of your spear with the entrance of Octavia's anus.

"Harold, what are you doing? I said my pussy, not that hole!" Octavia protested as you prodded her ass.

"I'm going to make you feel so good, your head will spin." You said as to began to slowly but surely insert your tip in her asshole. You could see that she was experiencing pain as she felt the length of your cock slowly going into her ass. Then, with great speed, you shove the remainder of your schlong in her ass, causing her to bellow out a scream of pain and pleasure. You could tell by the sound that she really enjoyed the feeling of having her ass deflowered as it was the first time Octavia experienced anal. Her arms buckled and gave way as she faceplanted the bed. Her jaw went slack and her tongueb dangled as she felt the immense pleasure of you rutting her, doggy style like a sex starved savage. You enjoyed the feeling of her tight asshole squeezing hard on your dick and she enjoyed the first time her ass being penetrated and filled by the one that secretly crushed on her.


"Aaaahhhh!" Octavia moaned as you quickly brought your open hand down on her rump. You could tell she enjoyed it from the tone of her moan. "Do it again, please!"

You resumed pounding her ass while giving her light spankings in an effort to please your horny girlfriend. She didn't look to be the kind of woman to enjoy this sort of thing given her professional, yet calm demeanor. Then again, as Rarity told you : "Women are full of secrets." and you thoroughly enjoyed this one.


"Aaahhhhh! Harder!"

"Ooooooohhhh! HARDER!"




Eventually, you start to feel the pressure build up in your loins as you upped the tempo with your thrusts.

"Oh god, Octavia! I'm close!" You grunt as you continued to thrust, lost in passion.

"CUM INSIDE ME! MESS MY ASS UP!" With one last forceful thrust, you surrendered to the pressure and unleashed the might of your orgasm in her juicy ass, holding on to it as You and Octavia scream into the night in sheer lust. After several minutes of grunting and screaming, You let go of Octavia as she turned herself over on her back. She looks at you with romantic lust as her eyes become lidded. Never in your life had you felt this much joy. You lower yourself on top of her and locked your lips with hers in a kiss so sensual, it made your dick feel harder than ever before as your tongues wrestled. It lasted for 9 minutes before Octavia breaks the kiss, looking at you with worried eyes as if she were begging.

"Please, I can't take it anymore! I want to lose my virginity, here and now! I need this!" You were overjoyed to hear Octavia ask that of you... to be the one to take her virginity. By the end of the night, You will express your love to Octavia through the way of physical passion that will forever be remembered. You jabbed at the entrance of her love tunnel as you took her hands in yours. Slowly but sensually, you slid your cock in her hungry vagina, feeling some hefty resistance stop your shaft. You gathered some reserved strength and made another forceful thrust, this time breaking through her hymen and all the way in. You hear Octavia give out a gasp of pain and made you worried.

"Are you alright?" You asked with concern.

"I'm okay." Octavia meekly said. "You just took my virginity, that's all." You smiled and gave a peck on her lips, making her give a contented smile. You smile back as you began thrusting in and out, still full of energy after giving her anal. As you held her hands, you felt a more intimate connection with Octavia than what you felt a while ago. It was a mutual feeling of pure bliss. You continue to thrust in her as you moved to grab her firm and round tits, massaging one while sucking on the nipple of the other. You had never felt something this good in your entire life and Octavia was overwhelmed by passion and love as she looked on at you as you ploughed her hungry cunt. Soon, you felt your cock begining to build up that pressure as you felt her vaginal walls tighten around your spear. You knew then that she was getting close to her orgasm and you were determined to push her past her limit.

"Oh god Harold, " Octavia started. "I'm going to cum!"

"Me too!" you grunted in response. Then, you feel Octavia pull you close to her as her legs wrap around yours. It was clear as to what she wanted. She wanted you to fill her up.

"Here it goes!" You grunt like a beast unchained as you felt your dick throb and quiver as you shot load after load into her womb, lost in your primal pleasure. The barrage of your sperm into her pussy had been more than enough to send her over the edge.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHIIIIIIEEEE!!!" Octavia screamed like a banshee as she arched her back as the rush of her orgasm had claimed her mind. Then, after the symphony of grunts and shrieks, You used what little stamina you had to spare to flip yourself on your back to let Octavia rest on your sweaty body. As you wrap your arms around her back and rump, she wraps hers around your neck, planting her lips on yours for a short while.

"Wow, it felt like I had achieved nirvana." You breathed as you gently rubbed Octavia's back.

"And I'm glad you were the one to claim my virginity." Octavia cooed. "I've waited for the perfect one to sweep me off my feet. Now, I've found you... the one I truly love."

"Thank you, Octavia."


"Hey Harold?"


"Can we stay like this for the night?"



"I love you, you horny minx."