Fall of the Fire Kingdom

by Blaze Wings

First published

Blaze Wings is forced to marry a Prince from the enemy kingdom to stop a war but when Blaze falls in love with another she has to make a decison that will decide the fate of both kingdoms.

Blaze Wings is forced to marry Prince Light to unite the kingdoms but when she visits the enemy kingdom she falls in love with a stranger. Blaze is faced with an impossible decision let the Fire Kingdom fall into ruin or marry someone she doesn't love?

The kings announcement

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Blaze Wings lifted her head from the soft flames of her bed and sighed in disappointment. Usually she'd wake to see her friend and be able to say goodbye but all she could see was the smokey grey sky. Blaze was only herself when she was around her friend and mother. When Blaze wasn't then she became a temperamental princess. One minute she'd singed the kings mane and the next she be happily running around the castle. She struggled to climb out of the soft flames that Blaze believed had now excepted her as one of their own. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and glared at what she saw. her mane looked as if it had never been brushed. She sighed loudly and in an irruption of flames her mane changed into the short loosely spiked hair it always was.

* * *

Blaze Wings opened the giant castle doors to the thrown room slamming them behind her. She speedily walked to her throne which was slightly smaller than her fathers. Most of the Castle's structures were made of volcanic rock with cracks where lava rose from creating puddles that only members of the royal family could withstand touching. Blaze turned to her father who was signing a document .

'Father you called?'

'Yes, I have wonderful news my dear. You are to be married to Prince Light"

Blaze stared at her father for a moment trying to keep her emotions in but they she could not hide them for much longer. Her face was turning red and the flames on her ears began to grow and finally she burst out in laughter. Her laughs were so loud the neighbouring kingdom could have heard her. The king did not seem amused.

"Ahem, this is serious Blaze you are to marry light to unite the two kingdoms so that endless years of war may end"

Blaze's laughter ceased and she brought on her serious face because she knew there was a fight coming on.

"Are you kidding me what about all there other sons there's gotta be a better looking one than him"

"They all died in mysterious circumstances"

"Oh right, he's not even a member of the royal blood line he married their daughter she died, he probably killed her and they took him in as their son "

"Do not make such wild accusations" The king raised his tone.

"whatever you do what you want but I will die before I marry Prince Light!"

Blaze stormed out the door in a huff this morning had seemed like the best of the week until her annoying father opened up his stupid mouth. She now set out to find her mother although dad denied it mum wasn't a princess before they were married. She was a local baker that brought goods to the castle gates to sell. She was very different to the citizens of Fire Empire she was teal with bright orange hair and a pattern covering her flanks. She was brightest and most bubbly person you could find in the Fire Empire


Her mother turned around and went in for a hug "Darling!"

"Mum I'm getting married!"

"Oh darling to whom?"

"Prince Light"

They both cringed at the mere mention of his name.

"You know I hear word of another prince that ran away maybe you could find him?"

"I shouldn't leave the castle not until I can control my fire what if I cause a bushfire that slowly starts destroying equestria?"

"Oh well?"

Blaze looked at her mum with annoyance sometimes Blaze cared more for the people outside the fire empire then the people in it. Everyone was always so angry and rude. She hoped to someday find a way to walk beyond the walls without causing anyone pain. Who knows how long that'd be but by the way things are going she might never be able to leave the Empire.

"Well I best be off I have a wedding dress to sabotage" Blaze stomped off leaving the already burnt ground even more so.

"Bye sweetie I'll see you later we can talk about baby names and wedding ideas"

Blaze turned and gave her mother a nasty look and poked her tonge at her. It was rare she and her mother talked like this. Pernaps this marriage would bring some good after all.

The wedding preperations

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People push and pulled her, tightly rapping measuring tapes around her and cursing when she wouldn't stay still. She huffed never had Blaze thought she could be so uncomfortable in her life. The women left her to make the dress her mother had chosen which was sure to be beautiful. But Blaze couldn't bring herself to love the occasion. She was being married off to one of the least caring people in the world just to stop a war. The volcanic ground in the room flared and growled and she walked towards the door. The quicker this was over with the better off she'd be.

She slammed the door behind her and came face to face with a young woman of the castle flames at the tips of her hair. She looked in a foul mood. She was the same height as Blaze but lacked her posture and authority.

"You don't deserve him!" She screamed at Blaze her flames growing "He'd be better off without you, you ungrateful spoilt brat!"

Blaze stood in front of the girl in surprise she must be talking about Prince Light who else could it be? Although Blaze wouldn't care if an angry mob was yelling at her she had to stand her ground, mustering her angriest voice she yelled back.

"Don't dare speak to me in that tone I'm sorry but if I do not wish to marry someone I do not love than that is my business. If you wish to interject in our marriage than be my guest but take it up with my father because I will not stand here and be yelled at by you!"

Blaze stormed off satisfied that she'd shut her up. Hopefully she won't try that again or she'll have the royal guards to deal with. Blaze walked along the castle halls, the familiar rout leading to her bedroom. When she had finally reached her room Blaze collapsed into her fire bed the soft flames pressing against her pained back. This wedding was going to be the death of her and all that knew of Prince Lights true nature knew it. Suddenly a maid entered her chambers holding a silver platter with a daisy sandwich, a slice of apple pie and a glass of water.

"Thankyou" Blaze smiled at the maid as she exited the room.

Blaze pushed her desk out on to the balcony and ate dinner lunch, the apple pie was warm and soft with the nice crunch of the pastry. After she ate she thought about the legends the townsfolk spoke of. The ones of there possibly being a lost brother of the castle but it seemed so foolish. If there was she'd track him down and ask for his hand in marriage to unite the kingdoms.

Blaze finished her dinner and collapsed into her bed once again. Her eyes growing heavy she imagined the days to come and fell into a deep sleep.


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The door to Blaze's room swung open abruptly and she nearly jumped out of her skin in shock. Her mother barged in breathing heavily.
"Prince light is coming!" She gasped collapsing onto the floor.
"What! Why didn't no one inform me of this?" Blaze shot up out of bed rushing around the room.

Her mother still on the ground gasped for air,"Your ..... Dad."

"Well I'll show him! Try to catch me off guard like this I mean what's he trying to prove", Blaze grumbled as she pulled a dress over her head.

"Honey honestly I don't know why your father does anything he does anymore but perhaps he wanted light to see the real you?"

"Someone like Light would like a rebellious girl because they're fairly easy to manipulate right?"

"If they're easy to manipulate most likely", her mother nodded.

"So let's show him the most well behaved girl he's ever met"

* * *

"Wake up Blaze we have a visitor", her father announced as he entered the room.

Blaze turned from her homework to her father and smiled.
"Oh father who might it be"

Her father stared at her in bewilderment before peering around her at the paper on her desk.
"Are you doing homework?"

"I certainly am, I have to if I want to be a good ruler of this kingdom don't I?"

"Yes I suppose so", he said in a cautious manner.
Prince Light poked his head in the door a broad smile upon his face before entering. He stood next to Blaze's father who was looking at Blaze with suspicion.
"Uh.. Prince Light has organised some activities for the both of you"

"Such as?", Blaze said in a narky voice.

Blaze's father went to speak but was cut off by Prince Light "A tour of my palace, a stroll in the gardens, luncheon at mid day, a celebration in honour of your visit and then I have arranged a quarters for you so you may stay the night", Light gave her a slight wink after his last point which made her feel sick but she continued to smile to keep up her character.

"Well as long as I am able to complete my homework I would be delighted",

Blaze was not delighted.

The events before luncheon

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As Prince Light escorted Blaze to her room he walked closer to her than she felt was necessary. If she turned her head she could sware their faces would be touching which knowing Prince light was his intention. They began to near a large set of doors which Blaze was glad to see because Light was definitely getting closer. When they reached the doors Light opened them and looked at Blaze beconing her to enter.

She stepped forward so that she could see the contents of the room and her mouth gaped. She stood there a moment in awe of the room's beauty. It was a blue room with gold flowery vines running across the walls. A floor to ceiling window let in the morning sunlight which illuminated the room with a four post bed on the opposite wall.

"Do you like it?" Prince light said excitedly awaiting her answer.

"It'll do" Blaze said waving her hoof.

She walked up to the bed and plonked herself on its soft surface. She wasn't used to normal beds Blaze much preferred fire beds because they replenished her energy much more effectively. She looked up after losing her train of thought and was surprised by Prince light who's face was inches away from her's. Her cheeks turned red and she suddenly felt very uncomfortable in the bed.

"If you need anything," he paused, "and I mean anything just come to my quarters and ask." He said smirked.

She gulped wanting to punch him but if she did it might mean the end for her kingdom, "I shall."

"Good when you have adjusted to your new room I can give your a tour of the palace"

Blaze nodded and with that last note Prince Light left closing the doors behind him. She sighed falling back in the bed.

"This should be fun"

* * *

Blaze felt as if she could fall asleep on the spot. Prince Light's tours were worse than her history class. Every building or peice of art had a story behind it and she was 'lucky' enough to be able to hear each one in great detail. She closed her eye her head lowering into sleeping position before waking herself up. Prince Light had no clue about her boredom and continued to yammer on about his prized art peice.

Prince Light finished talking and walked towards a doorway which appeared to lead outside. Blaze happily trotted along behind him ready to move on from this boring activity before realising he was probably a flower expert too.

They stepped out to what seemed to be th remains of the once 'magnificent' garden. Blaze looked upon the fire and ash before looking at Prince Light's face. Bright red stained his face and he looked as if he would explode. Blaze slowly backed away crouching slightly not wanting to be in the line of fire when he finally blew. Light opened his mouth about to scream but let out a sigh before turning to Blaze with the most fake smile she'd ever seen.

"Gardens don't last long in the fire kingdom do they?"

A burning peice of ash landed on his mane but Blaze thought it best not to tell him at this time. What's a little bald spot gonna do?

"Well this wasn't anticipated. Seeing as we have extra time we can extend the tour. I have a very interesting vase for you to see!" Prince Light said enthusiastically as he walked back towards the door.

"Karmas a bitch" Blaze mumbled under her breath.

Being escorted

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Baze scratched herself all over. She hadn't worn her dress and ages and she was beginning to remember why. Although she looked beautiful in it she sure didn't feel it. It was a very light shade of orange dress stopping below her flank and from the back of her front legs it poofed out into large frills that were a slightly drained red.

At luncheon Prince Light had arranged for Blaze to meet his parents even though she already knew they hated her. Light said it would be a clean slate and they'd love her but she highly doubted it. She opened the door only to end up tripping and falling into Prince Light who cushioned her landing.

She looked down at him with a hint of disgust which he didn't seem to notice.

"I know I'm hot and all but you don't need to literally fall for me" He said chuckling at his own joke.

Blaze laughed before realising who she was talking to. She got up composing herself.

"I thought I was going to meet you at dinner?" She questioned.

"I thought I might walk you to luncheon to give us some alone time to talk about what we should do on our honeymoon", he winked at her and she blushed which made her want to defenestrate herself.

** warning idk if this is smut or not**

Soon enough they began to walk to the eating hall and Blaze dreaded the conversation's destination.

"I was thinking we could do something wild and fun.. what do you think?"

"Oh you mean like a game?"

"Well you could call it a game of sorts. I mean if that's what type your interested in"

Blaze was trying so hard to avoid the topic he was leading up to but his mind was so far in the gutter he could make anything sound dirty.

"We could play hopscotch that'd be fun"

"I was thinking something a little more on the dirty side.."

"Soccer on a muddy day?"

At that moment Light snapped. He had obviously had enough of her evading. Light pushed her against the wall of the castle with his hoof and glared at her. She felt his hoof pressing into her chest making her pendent dig into her but she was too flustered to notice it. Their bodies were so close Light could feel the heat radiating from her.

"Oh for god sake Blaze do I need to spell it out to you?," his frustrated glaze turned to one a hunter might use when staring at it's prey. He moved his mouth so close to her ear she could feel his breath. "S..E..X"

A hot flush passed through her body and she gulped. Her nerves were getting the best of her and she didn't know what to do. Normally she'd tear a guy a knew one for pinning her against a wall let alone saying he wanted to have sex with her. But she didn't do anything.
He pulled his face from near her ear and moved it so close so that they could nearly kiss. Her face was bright red but only Light had noticed. He slowly began to kiss her. It was very gentle, he seemed to be making sure she wouldn't punch him but the more he kissed her the more passionate and hard they became. It was only then that Blaze noticed she was kissing back!!

She slowly withdrew not wanting to blow her cover by shoving him away.

"Well it was your fault for beating around the bush" she walked towards the dining hall slightly awkwardly not quite comprehending what had just happened.

Meet the family

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The table was full of large platters full of delicious looking foods. Their smells spilling out the room allowing the people outside the castle to envy the people within it. The table was fairly large no so large you needed to yell but just large enough that you'd need to walk to get the gravy bowl. Except this one had two gravy bowls so Blaze guessed that solved that problem.

They all sat on either side of the table. Light and Blaze on one side and King and Queen flicker on the other. Blaze grew nervous. She was in fairly close proximity to Light and had to talk to his parents who hated her. She looked around the dining hall looking for an exit strategy just in case the King came at her with a butter knife like last time.

As she did so the Queen swallowed a bit of her sandwich and spoke.
"So Blaze it has been quite some time since we last talked what have you busied yourself with since then?"

Blaze took her attention away from her strategising and looked at the Queen clueless of what to say but then remembered all those things she had refused to do.
"Oh I've just been occupying myself with some hobbies, schooling and learning about what my duties shall be as Queen. Just the usual."

"By god you have changed a lot haven't you" the king scoffed.

"Charles" the queen said scolding him.

"What she has dear," he turned to Blaze,"you were loud, wild and new nothing of matters"
The king and Queen chuckled and Blaze did too slightly. She was a lot ruder back then. When the king noticed her smiling to herself he did the same
'Maybe we don't have to get rid of her' he thought.

Blaze looked down at her plate as foods began to fly onto it. She gave the servers quick smiles each to show her gratitude and they all ate. She was amazed at how good they were at guessing her taste in food. They had chosen everything that she liked except for one thing. Vegetables... but she ate them anyway because she didn't want to offend anyone by pushing part of her meal aside.

When everyone had finished the food was taken away and the king and Light disappeared out the door.

"So have you and Light talked about your future yet?" The Queen asked excitedly.

"Oh yes indeed we have," Blaze said her eyes widening slightly,"in great detail."

"Oh good wouldn't want you two to rush into things unprepared"

"No that would be a grave mistake"
Their was a pause in the conversation and Blaze decided this was the time to slip away.

"Well I better go to my room to freshen up. Me and Light are going to walk around the castle to know one another better and then he has a surprise for me." She said hesitantly.

"Oh well I better let you be on your way" the Queen smiled.

Blaze walked out the door closing it behind her and sighed.
'I'm not sure I want to see what surprise he has in stall for me' she thought to herself.
"It is my right as first born son!" A voice echoed through the palace.

Blaze's ears spiked up and her flames ignited.
'Was that light?'
She rounded the corner quietly and walked until the voices grew louder. She saw a door cracked open on the other side of the hall and snuck over to it peering through.
In the room stood Light but there was somepony else too. They wore a black cloak that cover their body but you could still see the colour of his hooves from beneath it. Black; Blaze made a mental note.

"She's mine you can't have her!" He argued.

"You can not simply claim a girl as your own when you barely know her" the dark pony growled.

"I can if I'm the Prince"

"Do not forget where you stand. You are the only prince because of me and if I were to give this little memory potion the the King and Queen that'd all go away. Imagine all the hotties things they would remember" he threatened.

Blaze widened her eyes. It was like watching the action scene of a play unfold. She was excited for the big reveal but also scared of what it might bring. What is Light hiding? Who is this mysterious pony? She kept watching.

Light was lost for words so the dark pony spoke again.
"I have a proposition. What if we were to compete for her?"

Lights face looked intrigued, "I'm listening"

"We each take her for a period of time at the party tonight and whoever gets a kiss from her first wins the right to date her"

Light smirked and without any further thought he answered, "Deal! We shall compete for her heart"

Blaze stepped back just realising who they were talking about and bumped a small table in the hall beside her. It let out a large squeal as if the table was one of Light's fan girls. She furrowed her eyebrows before rushing down the hall.
"What was that?"

"That was probably her you idiot"

"It doesn't matter she doesn't know who I am so she can't ruin the contest"

"Maybe not for you but she saw me!"

"That's not my problem"