
by Oldtakufanboy

First published

The eclipse is coming and when the time comes, a certain stallion is summoned to Canterlot. I never expected to be summoned.

Every year, an eclipse comes to pass and the princesses change into something out of the ordinary. Around this time, the princesses become sex-crazed monsters and require a mate for when the time comes. I never expected myself to be summoned.

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My name is Ryan, a twenty-five -year-old human that's been living in Equestria for five years now. I have short brown hair, green eyes, and a tattoo of a Getter Robo, which I got when I became twenty-one. Today is a rather worrisome day; you see, I've been summoned to Canterlot castle to meet with the princesses during the eclipse. When I began learning more about Equestria, I learned that every year an eclipse will come and the princesses will choose a stallion to come to the castle over in Canterlot to have sex with. The thing that bugs me most are the rumors that princess Luna transforms into Nightmare Moon and Celestia transforms into Daybreaker. I don't know much of Daybreaker, but Nightmare Moon I'm very familiar with.

I don't know what happened fully, but from what I know, Celestia banished her sister to the moon and then when she came back, Celestia's student, princess Twilight, stopped her with the elements of harmony. I'm glad I got to learn as much of Equestria as possible, including the inhabitants and their customs. When I became a citizen of Equestria, I was over in Canterlot and hanging out with the princesses and the other important rulers, like Ember for example. It felt awkward for me at first, but then I enjoyed talking with the other rulers and even doing a drinking contest with Ember, but ended up losing. When I moved into Ponyville, I have some nice neighbors who would always say good morning whenever I go work over in Rarity's boutique. As for my boss Rarity, she's quite a nice mare and a great boss (you can say I have a crush on her).

It's near noon, as I stand in front of the throne room doors, gulping down a lump in my throat before taking in a deep breath. As I exhale, I can feel a little of the fear coming out of my body.

"Well," I thought. "Here I go."

As I place a hand upon the door, it opens, allowing me to walk into the throne room of princess Celestia and Luna themselves. Even though they were far away, I can see Celestia wearing that beautiful white dress that allows her to show off her legs and cutie mark. Luna wore something alike, but the color of her dress is dark purple. Celestia's mane flows like water, as the sun shines down onto it, with Luna's twinkling like stars in the night sky. Another aspect that I like about them, which I keep to myself are their breasts that are possibly double Ds. I'm not too sure because I am half their size.

They notice me from afar, making my heart skip a beat.

"Come forth, Ryan," said Luna from afar, making me stand up straight.

"Y-yes, your highnesses," I replied, as I walk up to them with my hands trembling.

It feels as though the closer I get, my hearts beats ever-so quicker. I'm very nervous; so nervous that I might even vomit, which would make a bad impression. As I make it close to them, I took a knee as respect. As I look to them, they gave me a strange look. I think they know that I'm very nervous and scared to be here for what's yet to come. I stand up, giving them an awkward chuckle.

"What is the matter, Ryan?" asked Celestia. "You look pale."

"I'm just so nervous being here for this... event," I replied truthfully. "I heard many rumors about the eclipse and such."

"Don't fret," said Luna. "All of the stallions we chose during the eclipse have all lived. You'll be fine."

"Makes me feel a lot better," I said, still feeling my hands shake a little.

"It's normal for any stallion that comes here during this time," said Celestia, as she stands up from her throne. "You're not alone when this time comes."

"B-but why me?" I asked, as Celestia walks down from the small stairs.

She now stands in front of me, placing her hands down onto my shoulders and takes a knee, making me look at her eye to eye.

"Because we like you, Ryan," she said. "When was the last time you came here?"

"Four years ago," I answered. "I don't know how to communicate with you, nor did I want to bother you two with your royal duties."

"You won't bother us," chuckled Celestia. "We'd love to hear from you. You are official friends to the princesses of the sun and moon."

"That's very kind of you," I said, forming blush on my face. "Makes me feel somewhat important. I'm not royalty, though. You two are great princesses and I'm just a human that lives among your world. I'm nothing too special."

"Don't talk down about yourself," she said, slapping her left hand gently onto my right cheek. "You are special to us, Ryan. You are our special human friend. So what if you can't do magic, fly, or even look a pony. You mean a lot to us and even Ember misses you."

"Ember misses me?"

"Sure," said Celestia, placing left hand back onto my right shoulder. "She doesn't even know how to communicate with you."

"Perhaps I'll have to pay her a visit. I've lived around Ponyville and never explored most of Equestria."

"You haven't explored much of Equestria?" said Celestia, as she stands back up with her hands off of my shoulder.

"I feel like I'm missing out a lot of things to do around here. Perhaps I should do some traveling. Before I came here, my father and I would go on road trips and see news things."

"If you'd like, my sister and I wouldn't mind taking you over to the crystal empire. Princess Flurry Heart is gonna have her sixth birthday next week."

"The little munchkin of Cadance and Shining Armor? Sure. I'd love to come."

"Splendid!" said Celestia with a smile. "Now, come with us. Time is of the essence."

Celestia places her large wing behind me, pushing me gently to follow along with her. Luna comes off her throne and follows us on my left. We walk past the throne room and into a long hall, where a door stood at the end. As the three of us walked together, I notice that outside is slowly getting a bit darker. I look to the windows and notice the eclipse is slowly coming, making my teeth chatter.

"It's okay, Ryan," said Celestia in a calming voice. "You'll be fine. I know you'll see a side of us that you don't usually see, but it will only last for about an hour."

"I've never done this in a long while," I replied. "Not only am I gonna... make love to the two of you, but you both are my second."

"You have a special somepony?" asked Luna.

"You can say that, but that was way before I got here. Her name was Clarice and we had a great time, until we got into an argument and things went rather south for me."

"So sorry to hear."

"That's all in the past now. I moved on and now look, I live a happy life in Ponyville with great pony neighbors and a beautiful boss."

"What's the name of the lucky mare?" asked Celestia.

"Rarity," I answered.

"Oh my," said Celestia with a chuckle. "You like your mares fancy, huh?"

"I think she's got class. I may not be her type, but it wouldn't hurt to ask her out."

"I like your spirit, Ryan," said Celestia. "I like that you won't give up on your dream of courting Rarity."

As we make it to the door, Celestia pushes it open to reveal a large bed with red covers and a nice view of Canterlot. As Luna closes the door, I began to smell the scent of the room. The scent of it makes all the stress from my body nearly disappear and letting all my worries fly away.

"My God," I said, looking around the room. "This place is perfect. I need something like this after a days work. Work can be stressful at times."

"It will make the person we make love to feel relaxed and less resistant," said Celestia.

"Be ready," said Luna, as she points out the window. "The eclipse is nigh."

I turn around, looking outside to see the eclipse is now at hand. As the sun and moon aline, I turn around to see Luna and Celestia standing apart from each other, hands out, and wings spread as a light engulfs them. Luna's light was dark blue, as Celestia's as a dark yellow. POOF! The light that engulfs them is no more. What now stands in front of me are two beings that look somewhat like the princesses I know, but are very different. Celestia's mane and tail look like flames and her eyes are slit pupils. The eye color has changed too with her irises being yellow and the sclera being light-brown. For Luna's the irises are light blue, but the sclera is still the same. Luna's mane and tail color has changed to look like a darker blue color.

Celestia and Luna give me a sharp-toothed grin, making the fear grow back in me. My legs shake and my teeth chatter.

"What have we here, sister?" asked the not-Celestia.

"I don't know," said the not-Luna. "But he for sure isn't a stallion."

"What are you?"

"M-my name is Ryan," I answered. "I'm a human."

"A human?" repeated the not-Celestia, as she and the not-Luna circle around me. "Never heard of your kind before."

"I'm the only human here," I said. "C-can I ask you two something?"

"You may, Ryan," said the not-Luna.

"May I ask for the names of you l-lovely mares?"

"Lovely, are we?"

"Y-yes," I said, trying to make my teeth stop from chattering.

"No stallion before you has called us lovely," said the not-Celestia. "But since you asked kindly, you may call me Daybreaker. Celestia's true powers."

"And you must be Nightmare Moon, right?" I asked, looking to the not-Luna.

"So you know of me, huh?" she said, before looking over to Daybreaker. "I must be popular than you, sister."

"Oh, shut up," growled Daybreaker. "Of course the stallions that we made love to know of me."

"But I have more worshippers," said Nightmare Moon with a smug look upon her face.

"Ladies," I interrupted. "P-please don't fight. It doesn't m-matter who has more worshipers and such. You two are sisters. No need to argue over something so p-petty."

"He's right, sister," said Nightmare Moon. "We mustn't fight over who worships who the most. We are both equally powerful."

"Ryan," said Daybraker, giving me a gentle smile. "You're quite the talker. I'm actually becoming quite fond of you."

"Y-you are?" I said, not believing that I simply calmed down their argument.

"I as well," said Nightmare Moon. "Are all humans like you?"

"Not really," I replied. "Some are greedy, loving, caring, cruel. We're not all the same."

"I'd like to see more of your kind," said Daybreaker.

"I as well," nodded Nightmare Moon.

"I wish you could, but I'm the only one in Equestria."

"How come?" asked Daybreaker.

"Because I somehow got here in Equestria. There never were any humans in Equestria, but I'm the only one."

"You poor thing," said Nightmare Moon, patting my head as though I were a dog. "You must feel lonely."

"Not really," I said. "I have friends, such as yourselves, and I even have a crush on a mare."

"Oh?" said the two sisters with surprise. "A crush? Perhaps we'll teach you how to make love to one when the time comes."

"You'd two would teach me?"

"Sure we will," giggled Daybreaker. "We are friends, right?"

"I guess," I shrugged. "Can you two teach me how to give better sex? It's been a while."

"It's been a while, huh?" said Daybreaker, licking her lips. "This is about to get... stimulating."

"How would you ladies like to start?" I said, trying to sound cool and less fearful.

"First of all," said Nightmare Moon. "We'd like you to strip."

"Give us a tease," said Daybreaker. "Mares love a... male that teases."

I give them a smirk, as I slowly reach down to the bottom of my shirt and slowly bring it up, making the two sisters open their mouths with glee. I slowly pull my shirt upward, then stop above my abs, making them drool over the sight of them. I'm glad to know that my body is sexy to them; I've been doing a lot of exercises when I came here and because of no meat to eat, I've been eating salad instead, including pasta. As I paused for effect, I slowly continue pulling my shirt, allowing them to get a glimpse of my pecs. As I pull it off fully, I can see drool going down the corners of their mouth. Knowing that I am sexy in their eyes, the fear has completely gone away from me.

"You ladies must really like my bod," I said, bringing their minds back into reality.

"You're as sexy as the other stallions before you," said Nightmare Moon. "I'm glad our other selves found you."

"May we lick you?" asked Daybreaker. "I just want to lick you."

"If it pleases you, then please."

Immediately, Daybreaker pushes me onto the bed and jumps on top of me on her fours. With her on top and closer than she was before, I can feel the heat coming off from her mane, kinda worried that I could be burned to a crisp.

"You look tasty," she said.

"Before you lick me," I said. "That mane of yours, will it burn me if I touch it or even connects to my body?"

"Only when I'm angry," she replied.

"Okay, it's because I can feel the heat from your mane and it feels hotter than before."

"I like it hot," she said, before sticking her tongue out and giving my left pec a lick. "Mm, I like your taste."

She continues to lick around my chest, then giving my right nipple a flick of her tongue. I couldn't help, but let a moan escape out of me.

"Oh?" she said with a cocked brow. "Are they sensitive."


She chuckles before giving it more flicks, then trails her tongue over to my other nipple and doing the same. It felt too good that I bucked my hips in pleasure.

"You make cute moans," she said. "I'm actually finding you sexier by the minute."

"Sister," said Nightmare Moon across from us. "Let me have some fun with the human! I have something else in mind."

"Go right ahead, sister," said Daybreaker, as she gets off of me.

I look over to Nightmare Moon, as she crawls onto me, then sits on my waist. It felt a bit painful, dealing with her weight; I might snap in half.

"N-Nightmare Moon," I said in a pained voice. "You're gonna snap me in half."

"Oh!" she said with a gasp. "My apologies. Here."

She lifts her body, standing on her knees, making it easier for me.

"Does this help?" she asked.

"Thank you, Miss Moon," I said, making her blush.

"Miss Moon?" she repeats. "Is that a nickname you made for me?"

"Does it please you?"

"It does, Ryan."

She leans down, resting her arms upon my own and plants a kiss upon my lips, pushing them roughly. I played along, as I push my lips hard against hers, before slipping my tongue within her mouth. She gasps, but allows me to fool around, feeling our tongues collide, along with the feel of her sharp teeth pointing under my tongue. We then pull our tongues away from one another, along with our lips to give each other a breather.

"You're quite the kisser," she said, before licking her lips.

"I've practiced," I replied.

"So, Ryan," interrupted Daybreaker. "You'd like to know how to please a mare?"

I look over to my left and to my surprise, Daybreaker standing naked, groping her right breast and fiddling with her pussy from watching Nightmare Moon and I kiss.

"Y-yes, please," I said, as Daybreaker continues to play with herself.

"Let me ask you, have you ever tasted a mare's marehood?"

"Marehood?" I repeat with confusion.

"A mare's pussy."

"Oh! Well, no. I don't know what a pussy tastes like. However, before I got here, I remember hearing that vaginal fluids are pretty healthy."

"Pussy juice is healthy?" said Nightmare Moon.

"Enzymes found in vaginal fluids contain some protein when consumed."

"I never knew."

"Me either," nodded Daybreaker, as she stops playing with herself.

"The more you know, huh?"

"Might as well give you some protein, hun," said Daybreaker, as Nightmare Moon gets off of myself.

Daybreaker crawls over to me from my left, then turns around and stands on her knees, showing me a close view of her dripping marehood. Her tail moves up, making me feel better that I won't get my face burnt.

"How does it look?" she asked.

"It looks cute, Miss Breaker," I said, giving her a nickname.

"Miss Breaker now?" she said. "I love your nicknames."

"If Miss Moon has one, why not you?"

"You're such a nice human. Now, enough talk from you. Eat me out."

Before I could breathe in, she immediately takes action and sits on my face. I stick out my tongue and got a taste of her juices, tasting of strawberries. The juices drip onto my tongue, tasting each drop of protein. She gives out a moan before grinding her hips along my face, pushing her pussy closer for my mouth. My tongue slides within her, making her moans grow louder.

"Sweet Sun," she moans. "Ryan! Your tongue!"

I continue to lap more of her juices, while also feeling my pants grow tighter and tighter.

"Oh my," said Nightmare Moon. "Sister, he's getting rock hard."

"His cock will be yours for now," said Daybreaker.

"Thank you, sister."

As I continued licking more of Daybreaker's lower lips, I can feel my pants coming off, along with my boxers, until my cock flings up from its silky prison. I felt Nightmare Moon's hand grab it gently, then hearing her giggle.

"It's smaller than your usual stallion cock," said Nightmare Moon with a giggle. "Looks like a cute mushroom."

"I agree," said Daybreaker with a chuckle.

Nightmare Moon slowly gives my cock a few strokes, making it go ever-so harder. She then stops, as I feel her tongue giving the head a twirl, making me give out a muffled moan. She gives it a few more twirls before putting her entire mouth around my cock, slowly bobbing her head up and down. Even though I want to just let out moans, I couldn't let Daybreaker feel left out. I lap up more of her juices, making her buck her hips yet again.

"M-my sun," moans Daybreaker. "I'm close to cumming!"

As I continued, I let a few more moans escape, as Nightmare Moon continues to bob her head up and down my cock. I couldn't hold it back any longer; I feel the build up of cum coming from my balls. I let out a loud muffled moan, as my seed shoots out inside of Nightmare Moon's mouth. As for Daybreaker, she too begins to cum onto my face, as she lifts her behind from my face and lets more of her juices splash onto me, until she had enough. Once she was done, my face drips of her love juices, as they pitter patter onto the covers from my hair.

"Did that feel good, Miss Breaker?" I asked, as she turns her head, looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"Ryan," she said, giving out a relaxed exhale. "That felt wonderful."

"Sister," said Nightmare Moon, making myself look behind Daybreaker to see her having a little of my cum on her hand. "I saved a little of his cum for you to taste."

"How thoughtful," said Daybreaker, as she climbs off of me.

She stands beside her sister, taking her hand and lapping up my leftover cum. The two began sharing, as their tongues swirl around, getting more than the other. Once they finished, they look back down, noticing that my cock is limp.

"Tuckered out already?" asked Nightmare Moon.

"I can only go once," I replied. "I'm sorry if I can't go anymore. It would take about an hour or more until I'm full of energy again."

"An hour or more?!" shouted Daybreaker, as her flames from her mane spread out a few feet higher.

"Sister!" said Nightmare Moon, making Daybreaker look at her with frustration in her eyes. "Calm down! There's a way we can make him pleasure us more."

"There is?" said Daybreaker and I.

"I'll go look for it," said Nightmare Moon, as she walks away from us toward a drawer. "Patience is the key."

As Nightmare Moon looks for whatever it is that she's talking about, I sit up, as Daybreaker stands beside me on my left, flames now neutral. She looks down at me and looks to my arm.

"What is that on your arm?" she asked.

"You mean the tattoo?"


"I got this before I came here," I explained. "It's Getter Robo from a series I liked during my teens."

"What's a series?"

"Oh, that's right," I said with a shake of my head. "Equestria doesn't have television."

"What's television?"

"Television is a device to watch shows and movies. There are many different genres for your entertainment. There's horror, romance, action, adventure. It keeps you distracted when you're done with work or when you have nothing to do."

"Sounds interesting," she said, ruffling my hair. "Such a smart human."

"Thanks, I guess," I said, as she stops ruffling my hair.

"Found it!" said Nightmare Moon, as she walks back holding onto a small vile of red liquid with a heart in the middle.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's lust potion," she answered. "It's a potion that will make you feel lustful for a little while, until you pleasure the both of us."

"Will it damage me? Will it make me addicted like drugs to a pony or to this case, a human?"

"What are drugs?" asked the sisters.

"Stuff that will damage your body and at some point, kill you."

"Be glad this stuff won't get you addicted," said Daybreaker, as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"It'll give you a boost," said Nightmare Moon. "Your body will feel energized and begging for more pussy."

"This is a one time thing, so sure," I shrugged. "One sip won't hurt."

Nightmare Moon hands me the vile, making me open the top and gulping it down to the last drop. Once finished, I stand up and walk back to the drawer from where Nightmare Moo found it, but then I stopped. The vile falls from my grasp, as I felt my body from within feeling hot, so very hot. My heart raced a bit, along with my cock growing hard again, ready for more sex.

"You okay, Ryan?" asked Daybreaker.

"My b-body," I said, turning around. "Feels hot. Very hot."

"Looks like somepony is ready for more," giggled Nightmare Moon.

I walk up to them, as Nightmare Moon takes off her dress, showing off her lovely breasts and thicc thighs that are perfect for bearing children. She lies on her back, showing her dripping pussy that twitches with anticipation.

"May I?" I asked.

"Whenever you feel like it," she said with a wink.

My mind slowly becomes clouded with the word 'lust' being repeated over and over from within my mind. It felt as though I couldn't control myself. I grab my member and slowly insert it within Nightmare Moon's pussy, making herself moan. I slowly move in and out, as she bucks her hips and pinches her nipples, giving them a twist. Daybreaker watches, as she brings her right breast close to her head and suckles on the nipple.

"My word," moans Nightmare Moon. "Your cock is smaller than a usual stallion, but it feels so good."

I pick up the pace, making Nightmare Moon release her dark blue nipples and allowing her breasts to bounce up and down. With each thrust, I feel her muscles tightening around my cock, as though her pussy has a mind of its own. It's been so long since I had a good fuck that I never imagined it being with two large mares.

"My goodness, Ryan," said Daybreaker, letting go of her breast. "You're fucking my sister very good."

"You'll be next, hun," I said, giving her a wink that made her blush.

"Oh, you," she said, acting bashful.

I then began to feel the build up of cum again, however, unlike before, I feel as though I might release more cum out of myself than ever before. With another thrust, I grunt, as my seed is squeezed within Nightmare's pussy. Once I finished, I pull out to see a large amount of cum dripping out of her pussy. Nightmare Moon rests her head onto the covers and breathes tiredly.

"Phew," I said, wiping sweat from my forehead. "I think this is the largest amount of cum that ever came out of me."

"I hope you still have more for me," said Daybreaker, as she lies on her back, spreading her pussy lips with her index and middle finger. "Come give me some hot human milk."

I walk up to her and slowly inner the head of my cock within her, making her hips buck and pulling her fingers away.

"Oh m-my," she moans. "Y-your cock! Y-your cock feels g-good."

I slowly thrust in and out, letting Daybreaker enjoy the pleasure of my cock. As I do my job, I couldn't resist grabbing her breasts and pulling them up and down.

"You like m-my tits?" she asked, licking her lips.

"You and your sister have nice tits, Miss Breaker," I replied, flicking her nipples along the way.

"This m-mare you l-like, she's gonna love h-how you make l-love to her."

"Thanks for being honest."

Her moans grow louder, as my cock thrusts deeper within her, making her feel it pulsing. The room becomes filled with the sounds of slapping flesh with each time my pelvis slaps against Daybreaker's pussy, sending pleasure signals over over our bodies. The burning passion from the lust potion is slowly fading, as the heat flowing within my veins slowly make my body go to a normal temp. At the right moment, I feel the build up for one more chance of cum, readying to come forth. With one more thrust, my seed shoots within her, making the two of us moan in place. As I pull out, Daybreaker rests her head onto the covers, as cum drips from her pussy just like her sister. My vision goes a bit blurry, as I fall face first between the mares, falling immediately asleep out of exhaustion.

I wake up to the smell of something quite delicious. I sit up and give out a stretch, before giving out a yawn to finish it all off. I then felt a chill, noticing that I'm still in the nude.

"D-damn," I said, feeling the chill go down my spine.

I get off the bed and leaned down to pick up my clothes. After putting on my long-sleeved shirt and everything else, the chill died down. I look over to the drawer from where Nightmare Moon pulled out that vile to see a plate of warm pancakes with a side of orange juice.

"I guess I must've slept the rest of the day yesterday," I thought. "I guess that lust potion can pack a punch."

I walk up to the delectable-looking breakfast and picked up the plate before noticing a note under it that has princess Celestia and Luna's cutie mark on top of it.

"Huh?" I said, putting the plate aside and holding up the note. "What's this?"

The note read as followed:

Dear Ryan,

my sister and Couldn't thank you enough for pleasuring our other selves to your best. We don't know exactly what has happened, but I hope you're feeling okay. For now, I'd like you to eat this breakfast my sister and I made together, take a nice shower, and meet us in my quarters.

- Celestia and Luna

I smile, as I put the note back down and look over to the pancakes that are two separate pieces. One has strawberries with whipped cream in the middle. The other has blueberries around it with chocolate.

"So nice of them," I said to myself. "Perhaps, this is the beginning of something better."


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A few days have passed since the day of the eclipse; I feel like a brand new person. In fact, I feel as though I can do anything that I set my mind into. Before the eclipse, I felt as though I missed out on many things in Equestria, but while I still moving, I feel like doing exploring like I did back on Earth.

Before I talk about what's going on now, let's back up to what happened after I ate breakfast back in Canterlot. So, after eating and taking a shower, I go up to Celestia's quarters where she and her sister have been waiting for me. I walked in and sat down with them, explaining what happened during the whole ordeal. They were rather surprise to hear that their other selves were taking a fond of me and even gave me some pointers. It's nice enough that Celestia and Luna care about my safety; how are these princesses still single? Anyway, they thanked me, got a ride on Celestia's chariot, and took me back home.

After coming back home, things went back to the way they were; I went back to work and read when I get back home. During those few days, I've been planning on seeing Ember again. I wonder what the dragon princess is up to? That's when a crazy idea popped into my head; I plan on visiting her over the weekend and bringing along a few beers. I hope she hasn't changed over these past five years; I wonder if she still the same dragon I met.

Now that you are caught up, let's go back to the present, starting with myself walking into the territory of the dragons.

Unlike Ponyville or Canterlot, Ember's empire isn't all that pretty, but who am I to judge? This is her kingdom, not mine. Besides nearly everywhere I look, looking somewhat like Mordor, there are however some places where I do see vegetation and some lakes. I adjust my backpack over my shoulders, as I hold up a map that will take me to her reign. From what the map says, about a mile away from where I am, there should be a mountain, where she lives with the other dragons. I walk up a hill and as I make it to the top, there it was, the mountain.

"Wow," I said, as I walk toward it, seeing some dragons flying around in the skies.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar coming from behind myself. I quickly turn around to see a dragon landing with large black wings, black sales, yellow eyes with slit pupils, and a few spikes on his head.

"Who're you suppose to be?" he asked in a bizarre, yet slightly funny voice. "You're certainly no pony."

"Th-the name's Ryan," I responded. "I'm here to see princess Ember."

"You're here to see the princess? What for?"

"To catch up. We haven't spoken in a while and I'd like to see an old friend."

"Well, that changes things," he said, as he lowers himself on all fours. "Climb on. I'll take you to 'er."

"Thank you, Sir," I said, as I climb onto him and sat on the back of his neck.

"Before we take off," he said, leaning up and spreading out his wings. "What exactly are you suppose t'be?"

"I'm human. Never heard of me?"

"I do remember princess Ember telling us about a human before, but that was a long time ago."

"Guess she still remembers what we did back then," I said with a chuckle.

The dragon springs from the ground, making me grip tightly onto his scales.

"You okay back there?!" he asked.

"I'm kinda scared of heights," I shouted. "But this won't be a long flight to see princess Ember, right?!"

"You betcha!"

We fly straight towards the mountain, then, I notice an opening of a cave. As we got in, the dragon spreads his wings, making himself stop like a car on its brakes.

"Okay," he said, as he brings himself down. "You're here. Keep walking and you'll be in the throne room, the heart of the mountain."

"Thank you," I said, as I jump off, feeling my legs shake a little. "What's your name, by the way?"

"It's Gar," he replied. "Hope to see you around, human."

The dragon turns around, spreads his wings out, and flies straight out, bringing in some winds that nearly blow me backwards. I turn around and adjusted my backpack over my shoulders, hearing the clinking of beer bottles.

"I hope these are still good," I said to myself, as I walk forward, seeing a light ahead.

Towards the light, I can hear a familiar voice, a voice that brought a smile to my face. I rushed towards the source and there it was, the throne room, as there are dragons chugging down drinks, eating meat, and some where doing tricks with their flames. On the throne sat princess Ember, laughing at a dragon that slipped, making his drink splash all over his head. I took in a deep breath and let out a call that I hope reaches her.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Hey there, princess!"

Dragons look over to me, many of them look rather surprise from my appearance. Ember however gasps, flying out of her throne and landing right in front of me with a smile. Unlike Celestia or Luna, Ember is about the same size I am.

"Ryan!" she shouts, opening her arms and giving me a hug. "It's you!"

"Hey, Ember," I said, hugging her back. "So good to see a my ol' drinking pal."

She breaks the hug, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"I missed you! So good to see a familiar face."

"I even brought some booze, speaking of drinking," I said, taking my backpack off and pulling out a bottle. "The same one's we had back in Canterlot."

"My goodness," she said, grabbing a bottle and looking down at it. "You aren't kidding."

"I wouldn't lie to an old friend," I chuckled.

Ember looks back at the dragons, still confused to what's going on. She turns towards them fully, holding the beer bottle in one hand.

"What are you guys doing?!" she asked in a demanding voice. "Go back to your usual partying!"

The dragons immediately went on like before, talking, eating, and drinking. Ember turns around and walks up to me, putting her right arm around my neck.

"Come with me to my throne," she said, as she pushes me with my back in hands. "I'll have you sit beside me. My throne is large enough."

We walk past dragons, while a few of them stare at me, making me feel somewhat nervous. Ember and I walk up some steps, looking up towards the large throne of stone with three claw marks in the middle of it. Once atop, we both sat down, looking down at the many partying dragons.

"I never knew you'd have these sort of things, Ember," I said, looking over to her.

"I have these sort of feasts a few times a month," she replied, scooting close to me. "How've you been?"

"Been doing fine, I suppose. I work for Rarity and I have the weekends off."

"You work for Rarity?" she said with a cocked brow. "I remember Spike telling me he has a crush on her."

"Spike? The small purple dragon that's with princess Twilight?"

"Yeah, before I knew you and during the time before I became a princess, he would talk about Rarity and saying very loving things about her."

My heart sinks; now knowing that it seems Spike has more of a chance with Rarity.

"Oh," I said, resting my head on my right hand. "So, does Spike have a chance?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Because... I too have a crush on Rarity."

"What?!" she shouts with surprise. "You can't be serious!"

"I kinda like her because she's a nice mare and she's got class," I explained. "But now... I got no chance with her. There're plenty of fish in the sea. I just happen to take the wrong bait."

"It's okay, Ryan," said Ember, wrapping her wing around me. "You'll find that special somepony or something."

"Y-yeah," I said, giving her a faint smile. "I'll find her."

"Want to drink?" she asked, opening the top with her claws with a 'pop'. "Let's forget about Rarity and think of seeing your old friend Ember."

"Heh. Sure."

she hands me the bottle, as I give in a few sips before pulling it away from my lips.

"Damn!" I shouted with surprise. "This liquor tastes better than I remember."

"Don't keep it away from me," she said, placing her claw upon my hand.

Somehow, when we touched, my heartbeat went quickly. I know Ember is an old friend, but come on! I can't have feelings for her this early! I look to her, noticing a slight blush on her scaly cheeks.

"H-here," I said, handing her the bottle. "You can have as much as you want."

"Th-thank you," she said, wrapping her wing back and taking a sip.

"I know it's been a while," I thought. "But I guess I missed her a lot since we drank ourselves under a few years back and had a laugh about it."

I then look towards her breasts, noticing that they have grown a bit more than I remember them. I guess they grew to a D-cup now. I then look away, staring at the other dragons.

"Say, Ryan," said Ember, getting my attention.

"Y-yeah? What's up?"

"Would you... mind staying here for the night? It must be a long way from here to where ever you live."

"I guess, but I didn't bring anything for a sleepover and such."

"It's okay, you can borrow my bath."

"Y-you're bath?!" I said, feeling blood rush up to my cheeks. "Are you sure? I can always take a dip in the lake or-"

"I'm positive," she said, giving me a nudge. "What's the matter? Embarrassed?"

"It's just... well, that came out of nowhere."

"You're cute when you're embarrassed," she said with a giggle. "Want another sip?"

"I'd love another," I said, as she hands me the bottle, allowing me to take a swig.

"Are there more?"

"Yeah," I said, finished with the first bottle. "I brought along four more."

"You spoil me."

"Well, thank Celestia and Luna for giving me these."

"Those two are the best princesses," she said, reaching into my backpack and pulling out another bottle. "Do you think I'm a good princess?"

"You are, Ember," I replied. "Your dragons aren't as cruel as before. I heard many negative things about the dragons, before you somehow made some changes. A dragon flew me here and he wasn't as cruel as he looked."

"That means a lot," she said, blushing slightly, yet again. "Makes me feel good to know that I'm doing good."

"And you are."

She gives me a smile, then I felt a pull coming between us. Our faces slowly drawing closer and before we knew it, everything in the room went silent. Ember and I look down to see dragons watching wide-eyed, surprised that their princess is about to kiss a human. We push our heads away, looking away out of embarrassment.

"Wh-what are you guys doing?!" shouted Ember. "Keep eating! Talk about whatever! Party is ending soon!"

The dragons go back to their business, making Ember roll her eyes. As for myself, my heartbeat is going quick again.

"I can't believe we nearly kiss," I thought. "Perhaps she misses me more than I do with her."

"I'm thirsty," said Ember, as she opens the next bottle and takes two large gulps.

"You must be thirsty. Damn!"

"I love the taste of liquor," she replied.

"I can see that. Perhaps when we're done here, would you show me to where I can sleep, since I'll stay here for the night."

"Sure, Ryan. Need to feel cozy during your day here."

"Thanks, Ember."

I reach into the backpack on my lap and pulled out another bottle.

"A toast," said Ember, holding up her bottle.

"To a great reunion," I said, as our bottles clank together.

The party ended an hour later. The mountain soon became less louder than it was when I got here. It's dusk, as Luna's moon slowly comes up into the sky. For myself, I find myself sitting on a rock hair, staring outside the open window of Ember's room. You're probably wondering why I'm in Ember's room, right? Well... because the guest room is being cleaned up a bit. I never knew dragons could be clean and tidy; especially Ember's room, which has a nice bed with green covers and two fluffy pillows fit for royalty.

I look over to see Ember walking out from her bathroom, which too be honest looks nothing royal-like. Inside there is a stone cabinet and a large waterhole for the princess to bathe in, but it seriously looks like it could be a pool (yeah, it's that big). As for the toilet, I'm not gonna talk about that. Ember herself is wearing a pink towel, drying off her scaly body. I look away, not wanting to stare.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"It's that you came out of the shower," I replied. "And you're naked."

"I'm always naked, dummy," giggled Ember. "I do wear my armor here and there, but I prefer not wearing it twenty-four-seven."

She walks up to me, then looks outside to the stars, tying her towel around her waist.

"Do you like the stars?" I asked, standing up beside her, looking out to the stars with her.

"I do," she replied. "They look so pretty. They look like diamonds."

"When I was little, I did like dragons."

"Huh?!" she said with surprise, looking over to me. "You have dragons back on Earth?!"

"N-no, sadly. The only things we know of dragons are in stories, art, and film. My favorite dragon of all is Draco from Dragonheart."


"Stories on screen. I guess ponies haven't invented films, yet. Well, Dragonheart is a story about a prince who was hurt in battle and is sent to a dragon to save his life. The dragon gave him half his heart, but the prince began to be cruel and different. The prince's mentor became angry and made a vow to hunt the dragon down. Years pass and he eventually finds the dragon, who doesn't want to die because he is the last of his kind."

"The last dragon?"

"Most dragons are considered evil where I'm from. Not all dragons, though."

"That's good to know. Continue."

"The dragon however, made a deal with the mentor to falsely killing him for gold, which did successfully. Little by little, they set aside their differences and became close friends in a way. The mentor, Bowen, wanted to name the dragon and came up with one. There's a constellation in the sky and they are called the stars of Draco, thus, naming the dragon Draco. The two team up, along with peasants to defeat the prince, now king. I forgot to mention his father died earlier, sorry."

"No prob, but keep talking. I really am digging this story."

"So, Bowen finds out that both Draco and the king can feel each other's pain. If Draco dies, then the king will die. It was hard to do, but Bowen couldn't kill Draco because he is the last. But in the end, he killed him and the king is dead along with him. I remember when I was a kid, crying after Draco dying. However, Draco's essence became one with the stars, thus joining with the dragons before him. After watching that movie, I would go outside and use my father's telescope to find Draco's stars, which do exist."

"You'd go outside looking for his stars?"

"I only seen it once and I wanted to believe dragons where real, but I had to grow up and leave childish things behind. But now that I'm here in Equestria, I now know dragons are real, like you for example."

"So you let the kid in yourself believe?"

"Yep. I was close to losing hope, until I met you."

I felt her hand, patting atop of my own, making me look to her. I smile to her, as she smiles softly back at me.

"Your highness," said a voice outside of the room. "The guest room is done."

"No need," she replied. "He'll be in here with me."

"Oh! Uh, okay," said the servant from outside, as he stomps away.

"Why are-"

I get cut off, as Ember places a claw upon my lips, shushing softly.

"Ryan, I think I'm falling for you," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck, making her breasts press up against my chest. "I know we haven't met much, but since I first met you, I thought you were cute."

"And I'm glad I'm the only human to see an attractive female dragon," I replied, making her blush.

I place a hand on her cheek and press my lips against hers, making her slip her long tongue into my mouth, tasting leftover alcohol from earlier. She then pulls her tongue back into her mouth, before pulling her head away from my own.

"I can still take alcohol in your mouth," she said, making me blush.

"If you like, I'll brush my teeth."

"Hehehe. No need. Just be yourself and kiss me more."

"May I remove your towel?"

"You may."

I reach down and quickly yanked the towel off her scaly body, showing her now fully naked body. I then take my hand behind her head and press my lips against hers, now slipping my tongue into her mouth, feeling her snake-like tongue slither around my own, as we walk over to the bed. Ember falls to her back, making me stand on top of her, still having our kiss undisturbed. I pull my head away from hers, looking down onto her eyes, seeing that her feels for me are true.

"Ember... I love you."

"I love you, too," she replied. "Now please, make this dragon feel loved. Prove to me that you do love me."

I place a hand on her left breast, letting a tiny moan escape her maw. I give it a few squeezes before moving it up and down gently. As I did, I felt something poking at my palm. I look to the other breast to see a nipple poking out from under her scales, proving that somehow dragons have nipples.

"I never knew dragons have nipples," I said.

"H-how do you think we feed our babies," she moans, as I place my other hand on the other breast.

"I guess that would make sense," I said before giving her nipples gentle pinches.

Louder moan escapes from her with a little of drool coming down the corner of her maw.

"Be gentle, Ryan. My nipples are sensitive."

I release them before bringing my head down to give her left nipple a flick from my tongue. She gives out another moan, as she takes a hand to the back of my head. I give it a few more flicks before taking it into my mouth, giving it some suckles.

"I never imagined doing this to her," I thought. "But damn, is this getting hawt."

"My g-goodness, Ryan," she moans. "Your m-mouth!"

I pull my mouth away from her nipple with a 'pop'. She takes her hand off the back of my head, as I crawl closer to her for another kiss. As we kiss, I can feel my cock getting harder, as lust flows over the both of us. Unlike with Daybreaker or Nightmare Moon, I feel passionate over this kiss; a kiss that meant true love. As I pull my lips away from hers, I feel my hard cock poking against her leg, making her eyes widen.

"Oh my," she said. "Is that a thorn or are you just happy to see me?"

"Does it bother you?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "In fact, I like to see your hard human cock."

"Well," I said, getting off the bed and standing up. "Since you are naked, I might as well go commando, too."

I thought back on what I did to Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, giving Ember a tease as well, as I reach to the bottom of my shirt and slowly pulling it up to my abs. I give her a pause for effect, before pulling it off my body fully and tossing it aside, showing her my pecs.

"Damn, Ryan," she said, wagging her tail. "You're very sexy."

"That, I'm aware," I said, giving her a wink.

Her face goes bright red, before I reach down to unbutton my pants. I slowly pull down the zipper before pulling down both my pants and boxers, making my hard cock fling up.

"My goodness," she said with a giggle. "So much different than a dragon cock. Can you please me with it?"

"Anything for you, princess," I replied, as I walk up to her.

I help spread her legs out, as she opens pulls up one of her scaliest show her dragon pussy, dripping with anticipation. I press the head against it, teasing her a little more.

"Shall I put it in?" I asked.

She takes her legs and wraps them behind me, pushing my cock inside without hesitation. The two of us give out a loud moan, as I slide in and out at a slow pace. Her breasts bounce up and down, as each thrust makes its way within her.

"Y-your cock," she moans. "Y-your cock is perfect! It fits j-just right!"

"Y-your pussy," I moan, as I pick up the pace. "It's b-better than my ex!"

"Keep g-going! C-cum inside! I want to feel it! Y-your milk! I want it!"

The room becomes filled the slapping of my balls under Ember's pussy, along with my cock going in and out. My body felt so warm; I cant definitely feel the burning passion flowing through my veins. I then began to feel it; the build up of cum coming from my balls to my shaft.

"Oh G-God," I said, as I thrust ever-so quickly. "I'm cumming!"

"D-Do it! Cum inside!"

As I give in another thrust, I can feel my cock pulsing, as my cum makes its way inside of her. As I pull out, little of my cum drips out, making Ember reach down and swipe a finger around it. She takes it up to her mouth and gives it a taste.

"Mm," she purrs. "Delicious."

"Phew," I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "Sex can really wear you out."

"Come here," she said, stretching her arms to me. "Come rest with me. I want to cuddle."

"I shall, my princess," I said, as her legs from my back let me lose.

I fall to her left, looking at her in the eyes, knowing now that Ember is the one. Ember has been the one for me this whole time. I smile and plant her a kiss on the nose.

"Ember, I'm so glad to see you again."

"I as well, Ryan," she said, as she takes my right hand and slides her claws past my fingers.

I held her hand tightly, as I scoot close to her, feeling the warmth coming off of one another.

"Say, Ryan."


"Would... you like to live with me?"

"Here? In this mountain?"


"Makes me feel like Smaug, but sure. I'll live here with you. I'll make you breakfast and hell, I'd like the two of us to travel around Equestria."

"You spoil me," she giggled.

"You are a princess, no? You should be treated like one."

"Also, who's Smaug?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow. I'm feeling sleepy."

"Goodnight, Ryan."

"Goodnight, Ember."


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Time flew by quickly, as Ember and I enjoyed ourselves throughout the weekend. We first went over to Manehattan; a large city that was totally reminding me of manhattan back on Earth (No duh!). She would walk around town, going into stores and even sharing an ice cream with her. She got a brain freeze, making me laugh, then once it cooled down, she too laughed. I'll be honest, this is one of the best days I ever had in Equestria; I guess many magical things can happen around this world and that I missed out.

At the moment, it's dark outside, as Ember and I make it to my house. It's nothing too fancy, but it's a cute little house that I didn't mind living in when I began living here in Ponyville. We walk up to the porch, where I turn around and look to Ember, smiling happily.

"Well," I said, unsure of how to end tonight. "I hope you enjoyed our traveling for the past two days."

"I did, Ryan," she replied with a nod. "Perhaps we can go to the Crystal Empire next."

"Oh! That reminds me! You're coming to Flurry Heart's birthday, right?"

"Yeah! Nice little foal."

"Okay, well... goodnight."

She walks up and plants a kiss upon my lips.

"See you on Tuesday," she said, before spreading her wings and flying away.

I smile, as she disappears into the night. I walk in and turned on the lights, bringing light into the house. I walk into the living room and made myself comfortable onto the couch. I look over to a hanging picture of me standing in front of all the royals. I smile, before giving out a yawn.

"What a weekend."