Becoming One with the Universe

by Macro Zecora

First published

In an alternate reality of Equestria where everypony is a herm, a Dark entity arives to consume the world before one of Twilight's inventions can destroy it.

Warning: A vore fanfiction staring an Alicorn OC

This story was a request from Dark Amulet and features his OC.

Twilight Sparkle had developed a revolutionary new power source that most definitely doesn’t threaten the continued existence of the universe. Meanwhile, a Dark entity from another dimension has come to Equestria to devour the populace of the dying world. Will Equestria be able to survive this lethal combination of apocalypses? Normally, no. But a sliver of hope appears when this Dark entity takes a particular liking to a local pony named Trixie.

Contains: Futa, Oral vore, Anal Vore, Cock Vore, body merging, size stealing, macro, cum digestion, universe-sized growth, self-cest, lots of cum.

Story does not contain blood or gore. Gore tag is for: Multiple types of vore/ detailed, but painless digestion /

Individual chapters

All Chapters contain futa

Chapter 1: No sex or vore. Just exposition.

Chapter 2: Oral vore, cock vore, cum digestion, masturbation

Chapter 3: Oral vore, cock vore, cum digestion, masturbation, growth

Chapter 4: Size Stealing

Chapter 5: Oral Vore, Body Merging

Chapter 6: Oral, Anal and Cock Vore, Macro

Chapter 7: Macro, Oral Vore, massive growth

Chapter 8: universe-sized growth, self-cest, lots of cum.

Chapter 1: The White Hole

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Ever since Zecora was a little zebra, she had been interested in the art of potion-making. Not for the betterment of zebra-kind or other problems, but because she wanted to be powerful, like Princess Celestia, or even King Sombra.

She had done many experiments and unlocked many secrets in the field of alchemy, such as how to make a pony have only one set of sex organs for a period of time, as every pony in Equestria was born a hermaphrodite.

But there was always more for her to learn. Always more knowledge that could be acquired. And knowledge, of course, was power. For Zecora, power was like a drug. She got aroused when she imagined herself being powerful. She wasn’t necessarily cruel, but she was very independent, and wanted nothing more than to be able to do whatever she pleased, unbound by laws or ethics. And that made her hot.

Maybe her upbringing made her the way she was. She was exiled from her tribe when she was very young, which was fine by her, as her parents never showed much in the way of affection towards her.

Zecora certainly had a powerful body to go with her ambitions. Her twenty-two year old athletic body featured well-toned muscular arms and legs and beautiful, shining, teal eyes. She also had quite the assets, including both her large rack and above average cock. The Earth Mother had equipped her with two firm round breasts the size of softballs.

Zecora had often admired her naked body in the mirror, fantasizing about utterly dominating others with her irresistible sexuality. She barely wore any clothing whenever she went into Ponyville, causing every eye to gravitate towards her. She could only imagine the looks on the ponies’ faces if she ever opted to go in the nude.

But for today, she had to return some books to Twilight. Being friends with Princess Celestia’s apprentice gave Zecora some degree of influence, but she wasn’t interested in political power, but physical. She wanted to be able to fight a hydra one-on-one. To be able to crush castles with her bare hands. To have entire nations living under her benevolent wisdom. The mere thought of it was enough to make her wet.

Zecora's thoughts were halted when Spike opened the door. “Oh hey, Zecora.” He smiled. “You got Twilight’s books?”

“Indeed I have all the tomes. Please tell if Twilight is home.” Zecora bowed.

“Uh, yeah.” Spike scratched the back of his head. “But she’s in her ‘secret lab’ working on some sort of project. She probably won’t be out for hou-” Spike’s words were cut off by a flash of purple light as Twilight teleported into the room.

“It works! It works!” She danced happily around the room. “I’ve solved world hunger!”

“Uh, Twilight?” Spike tapped her shoulder. “We’ve got a guest over.”

“Oh, sorry.” Twilight blushed. “Are you here to return those books?”

“Indeed, Twilight. I have your scripts, but now my curiosity is piqued.” Zecora smiled.

“Should you tell her, Twilight?” asked Spike. “You said it was top secret. You’ve barely even told me what you were doing.”

“Oh, it doesn’t hurt at this point.” Twilight walked over to a bookcase and moved it aside, revealing a keypad behind it. She quickly entered the combination and a door opened. “I built it a week ago, but I wanted to make sure it was stable before showing it off.”

“What I’m about to show you could change the world...." Twilight jumped up and down with anticipation as they walked to the basement. Inside was a ton of lab equipment. There were small screens showing moving lines and flashing lights.
In the middle of the room was a clear plastic tube. In it, a bright white light shone like a perfectly white miniature sun. It made Zecora’s eyes water just looking at it. “What is it you have made?” Zecora gaped “Pray tell, has it a name?”

"This," Twilight smirked, "is a white hole."

"Whoa...." Zecora was left speechless.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” Twilight grinned proudly.

“I think you have the right to smirk, but I must ask, how does it work?” Zecora walked up to the tube.

“Well, it’s sort of complicated.” said Twilight “Do you know anything about black holes?”

Zecora shook her head." I’ve read of black holes from quite a few scrolls, but never of white. This is a new sight.”

"Well, a black hole is a singularity of infinite density. It consumes all matter around it. Nothing can escape it. They usually come to exist if very heavy stars implode at the end of their existence." Twilight explained. "A black hole consumes everything, sucking it into its core, where the gravity tears everything apart on the subatomic level.”

“But where does the matter go?” asked Zecora “Of all ponies, certainly you know?”

“Correct.” said Twilight. “As we all know, matter cannot be created or destroyed.”

“It can’t?” asked Spike.

“No, Spike. It can’t.” said Twilight. “I hypothesized that the matter absorbed by a black hole must go somewhere. Like into another universe. And that the place where this matter came out is called a ‘white hole.’ You understand?”

“I comprehend what you are saying, but I must ask. What game are you playing?” Zecora smiled

“What do I plan on doing with the white hole?” asked Twilight. “Well that’s the beauty of it. The matter that comes out of a white hole isn’t the same matter that went into it. What emerges from the white hole is a pure energy called proto-matter, a substance that can be converted into anything.

"Anything…?” Zecora gasped.
"Yes.” Twilight smiled. “Imagine a world with no more lack. Just a minute’s worth of energy from this thing could create enough food to feed all of Equestria for a year.”

Zecora’s jaw dropped. There was so much power contained on that tiny orb, it boggled the mind. And Twilight wanted to simply use it to feed everypony. A noble gesture to be sure, but Zecora could thing of a lot more interesting things to do with it. With that much power, she could rule the world. Heck, multiple worlds. All of Equestria, no, the entire universe would be subject to her whims.

"Could living creatures increase in size?" asked Zecora. “Or would it cause them to vaporize?”

“Hmm.” Twilight tapped her chin. “I don’t know. I haven’t tested it, but in theory…”

"How much could they grow?" Zecora gave a devious smirk. “Please, Ms. Sparkle, I need to know!”

"Well, Black holes can swallow an infinite amount of matter. So…" Twilight shrugged.

Zecora gasped. The power she had craved so much was right in front of her. She just needed Twilight to make sure it wouldn’t kill her. Once the kinks were worked out of it…

“Uh, Zecora?” asked Twilight. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, Twilight. Thank you for the presentation.” Zecora snapped out of her trance. “I’m sure your invention will change the nation.” Zecora could feel the heat building up between her legs, and decided to leave before she embarrassed herself.

“Huh?” Twilight scratched her head. “What do you suppose that was all about?”

“Maybe she wants certain parts of her to be bigger.” Spike giggled. “If you know what I mean.”

“Oh.” Twilight blushed. “I hadn’t even considered that.”

“Are you sure this is ethical?” asked Spike. “Aren’t we kind of stealing energy from a different dimension to do this?”

“Naw. We’re fine, Spike.” Twilight shrugged. “As far as my research shows, there’s no proof that life from other dimensions even exists.”

Chapter 2: Dark Arrival

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On the outskirts of Ponyville an inter-dimensional rift opened just outside Sweet Apple Acres. A gray alicorn with a flowing red mane stepped out of the rift and inhaled the air. The Alicorn wore a set of armor with a motif similar to the Alicorn Amulet, Including a pair of Gauntlets worn on her arms, a dark tiara, a carbon copy of the Alicorn Amulet on her neck, and an Alicorn Horn Ring on her horn. Each ornament was made of dark metal and studded with rubies. The alicorn’s stomach growled and she licked her lips hungrily as she surveyed the new world she found herself in.

The alicorn’s head turned as she heard a deep voice calling out. “Applejack? Is that you? I, oh…” It was a pony. A well-toned, muscular, red earth pony.

The alicorn glanced over his gorgeous body and chuckled. “Well, hey there.” She strutted up to him and ran a finger under his chin. “What’s your name, big guy?” she asked.

“Uh, Big Macintosh…” he stammered. “Who are you? I though there were only a few alicorns in all of Equestria. And why don’t you have a penis?”

“Oh yes, I remember you!” She purred. “You’re Applejack’s big brother in this timeline. And you certainly live up to your name.” The alicorn noticed that the pony had both mare and stallion parts. “I take it everyone on your planet has traits of both genders?” She frowned.

“Our planet?” Big Macintosh gasped “W-what do you mean? Wha- What are you?”

The alicorn moved forward. “I am Dark Amulet. The devourer of worlds, and you’re about to become part of me!”

In a panic, Big Macintosh turned to run, but Dark dragged him and picked him up by the collar. She laughed. “You’re so weightless. I can’t tell if it’s your planet’s gravity or just how weak you are.” Mac struggled against her, but despite his larger muscles he couldn’t get her to shift in the slightest. Dark smirked “Maybe it’s not how weak you are, but how powerful I am.” She licked her lips. “I guess it doesn’t matter, down the hatch.”

The terrified stallion flailed his limbs, desperately trying to himself shake free of Dark’s iron grasp, but it was no use. Dark pressed his head up to her lips and swallowed him whole with an overwhelming amount of pressure. Macintosh winced. He could feel his flesh being absorbed into the alicorn, as if his skin was becoming her skin.

Macintosh let out a cry as he felt his internal organs beings sucked out of him. He was somewhere between pleasure and distress as his body completely fused with the alicorn, who seemed to be enjoying the process quite a bit.

Dark leaned against a tree and removed her cloak, revealing the bulge in her stomach where Mac’s flesh was slowly being digested. Dark gently patted the bulge. She liked Big Macintosh. It was always a pleasure every time she got absorb him. She only hoped the rest of the ponies of this world tasted as good as he did.

“Oh, Mac.” Dark purred. “You taste so good! Oh!” She moaned as she shunted his mass into her breasts and ass, reveling in the feeling and the taste of Mac’s internal fluids. Grinning maniacally, Dark watched what was left of Big Macintosh slowly and steadily sink into her flesh before fully disappearing inside of her.

Dark took a moment to calm herself down. She was in no hurry, but absorbing Big Macintosh was just beginning. She still had a whole world full of mortal ponies left for her to eat and play with. She really wanted to try out the new body she had just absorbed. She sighed and brought Mac’s skin to the surface of her body, shuddering in pleasure as his powerful muscles rippled to the surface of her limbs.

“Oooo…” Dark smirked “This Mac had a really nice bod.” But what Dark’s liked the most was her new cock, which slowly oozed out of her crotch. Dark grunted as her hands found their way to the enlarged shaft, and slowly began to stroke. But Dark wasn’t one to show restraint, within seconds her hands were a blur, sweat was pouring down her mane, and her mouth was fully open as she panted heavily.

She felt her newly formed balls clench up as they dropped out of her body and her powerful muscles begin to tighten as she gritted her teeth with pleasure. Her giant red cock easily measured at least a foot in length, with nuts nearly the size of baseballs. “Yeah! I’m really jacked up now!”

She looked down at her cock which was beginning to ooze, she winced slightly as she felt her newly formed balls beginning to produce semen.

“Macintosh!? are you alright?” Dark heard a voice calling. She broke out of her stupor and grinned to see Applejack walking into the orchard.

“Hello, Applejack…” Dark purred.

“Big Macintosh! Are you masturbating!?” Applejack shouted.

“Yes…” Dark smirked. “Yes I am.”

“Mac! I’ve told ya not to do this! It sets a bad example for Apple Bloom!” Applejack ranted. “It’s only gonna be a matter of time before hers starts to develop.”

“Oh, Applejack…” Dark stood up. “There’s no need to be like that. I was just playing around. I can’t help it that your brother has such a lovely cock. So big. So juicy.”

“My brother…?” Applejack gasped. She looked over her ‘brother’s’ body and noticed the Alicorn Amulet around his neck. “How did you get that?” She gasped.

“It’s mine.” Dark smirked. “But someone in this reality has found one of its counterfeits, and I very much wish to find it before this timeline ends.”

Applejack slowly backed up. “Y’all can forget it. I’m not telling you nothing! Even if I did know where you’re silly necklace was!”

“That’s quite alright, Applejack.” Dark lazily held out a hand and telekinetically lifted Applejack off the ground. “You and your friends are quite influential in this timeline. They very likely know who it is that has appropriated my trinket. Once I absorb you, I shall wear your flesh and devour them as well.”

“B-b-but what if we really don’t know?” Applejack gasped as Dark suspended her in midair.

“Then I’ll keep eating ponies until I find it.” Dark shrugged. “Anyways…”

Applejack flailed and struggled. But there was nothing for her to push against. “You won’t get away with this, you freak! Mah’ friends will see right through your disguise!”

“Eventually yes.” said Dark. “But there is only one bit of information I need from them. And once I have it, they will be joining you inside of me!”

“What you think you’re just gonna swallow me whole?” Applejack growled.

“No.” Smirked Dark. “Your brother is.”

Applejack held perfectly still in a panic. Dark’s powerful magic had completely immobilized her. She continued looking straight forward, almost afraid to look down. She could feel something slowly encasing her legs, but shuddered to imagine what it was. Slowly she looked down and realized what she feared. Dark was sucking her into her cock.

Applejack could hardly move her legs. She could feel a warm, relaxing feeling all below her waist, but that didn’t distract from the sheer horror of being eaten by a giant penis. Dark’s powerful cock muscles were voracious, and within seconds, Applejack was up to her neck, she looked up a Dark with tears in her eyes.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make it as good for you as it is for me.” Dark cooed, and wiped the tears from Applejack’s eyes. “It won’t hurt. And who knows? You might even like being a part of me!” She raised a finger and shoved Applejack’s head into her slit.

Everything went pitch black. Applejack couldn’t even see her hand in front of her face. In fact, she could barely move. She was trapped in a soft, moist fleshy bag. It was Dark’s ballsack. Applejack shifted her arm enough that she could pull out the glowstone she kept in her back pocket, the light illuminated the chamber revealing she was trapped in the fetal position between two pony-sized testicles! Although it felt comfortable, it didn’t change the fact that she was trapped inside somepony’s cock. The smell of musk was overwhelming and she could feel Dark massaging the massive orbs, goading them into production.

Thick, white liquid began to ooze from the testicles and pool around the bottom of the sack. Applejack watched the liquid form around her. No matter how hard Applejack fought to escape, she couldn't quite find the way out. Dark’s cock and balls were just too powerful. It didn't help that the level of the sticky cum was slowly rising around her. She began to feel a tingling sensation. As she scraped a hand against one of Dark’s balls she felt the sensation amplify in her hand, it was melting. The sperm was melting her!

Applejack gasped in surprise, as the balls squeezed around her with a loud gurgling noise. She was now completely entrapped by them, sperm pouring all over her tender skin. At first it felt like thick warm pudding, but it gradually started to react to her, causing a pleasant sensation.

The pulsating balls heated up as they started to churn out more and more cum. Applejack started sweating, she was afraid, but the feeling of Dark’s cum oozing into every pore of her skin made her feel slightly pleasurable. The feeling was light for a while, but it soon got to be amazing. Applejack began to flail around in joy, stimulating Dark’s testes even more. The pleasure was now completely overwhelming now. It was as if Applejack was in a boiling cauldron, her skin started peeling off of her body, but she was still able to breath just fine and all her vital organs were still functional.

Applejack started to slip into a state of pure bliss as more and more of her body was melted into cum. It was getting difficult for her to even form coherent thoughts. All she could think about was the pleasure of melting into Dark’s cum as the acidic liquid chipped away at her body. How satisfying it would be for her to become part of Dark. Applejack no longer though of herself as a separate entity, but as a cell that existed for the sole purpose of serving her new master. She began to feel what Dark was feeling and wanting what Dark wanted. The alicorn was feverishly massaging her four foot long cock, her pony sized orbs relentlessly churning beneath her. Applejack felt one last overwhelming wave of pleasure as her body melted away into a familiar liquid substance.

Dark moaned and flailed uncontrollably as Applejack’s tight form finally melted and merged with her semen. She could feel herself approaching orgasm. In an instant a strand of thick ejaculate burst out of Dark’s throbbing, tree-sized erection. Her entire body shuddered as she shot stream after stream of her creamy juices dozens of feet into the night sky. It felt amazing... it was so satisfying to see the steady spurts of Applejack explode out of her cock. A soft exhale escaped her mouth as her orgasm slowly died down. She rubbed her slimy cock slower and slower until the feeling of euphoria was completely gone.

Dark stood up. The area around her was soaked with gallons of her cum. She inhaled the scent, which smelled vaguely of apples. Satisfied, Dark shapeshifted into Applejack and walked back to the farm, leaving her shredded clothing behind.

Dark entered the Apple’s farmhouse and smiled. This one had better carpeting than the last one. She was familiar with the layout of the house, and quickly walked to the restroom to examine herself. Applejack’s warm skin was so smooth. So nice. Dark had to admit, Applejack and her brother took damn good care of their bodies. Dark appreciated it when her food was of good quality. She was taller and far more muscular in Applejack’s body, and she liked the sensation of her new swaying orange cock as well.

Dark heard a knock on the door. “Did you find Big Macintosh, Applejack?” said a voice on the other side. It was Applejack’s sister, Apple Bloom.

“Yes.” Dark purred and licked her lips. “He’s spending the night at a friend’s.”

“Okay.” Said Apple Bloom “But he’ll be back home tomorrow, right?”

“Oh yes.” Dark purred. “You and Granny will be seeing him very soon.”

Chapter 3: Dark Sustenance

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Dark exited the farm with a satisfied pat on the belly. She made her way over to the Golden Oak Library disguised as Applejack. The ponies around town all stared at her with a look of skepticism, probably due to her swollen belly. Dark tried to ignore them, but did concede that it would probably be best for her to shift her new mass around to make it less obvious. Dark entered the library to see Twilight organizing her library…again.

Twilight beamed at seeing Applejack. “Hi, AJ!” she smiled.

Dark gave a huge grin and licked her lips. “Hello, Twilight…” The purple unicorn looked absolutely delicious.

“You going to be ready for the big party at Sugar Cube Corner this afternoon?” asked Twilight.

“Maybe.” said Dark. “What’s the occasion?”

“Oh, Applejack. You’re such a kidder.” Twilight giggled “I told you yesterday. It’s the party where I show you all my new invention.”

“Oh yes, of course.” Dark chuckled. “It must have slipped my mind.”

“So you’ll be there, right?” asked Twilight.

“Of course.” Dark grinned. “I’m sure the food will be amazing.”

Dark made her way to the bakery where Pinkie Pie resided, Sugar Cube Corner. The sign on the door currently said ‘closed’, but Dark figured that Pinkie would let her in. Worse came to worse, she could simply teleport inside.

Dark knocked on the door and was instantly greeted by a frantic Pinkie Pie. “Applejack! Get in here!” She grabbed Dark’s shoulders and pulled her into the store.

“You having trouble?” asked Dark.

“You bet I am.” Pinkie panted. “This party came completely out of the blue. Normally I plan for such an occasion, but we had lots of orders in yesterday, and now I need to bake 40 cakes by this afternoon!” Pinkie started gasping for air.

Dark held up a hand. “There’s no need to worry.” said Dark. “I imagine only a few ponies will be eating all that much at the party.”

Pinkie calmed down. “Maybe you’re right, Applejack.” She sighed. “Maybe I should focus of quality over quantity.” She held up a cupcake “Here’s a sample. Tell me what you think.”

Dark opened her mouth to a ludicrous degree, completely engulfing Pinkie’s arm.

“W-what are you doing?” asked Pinkie.

“Having a sample.” said Dark.

Pinkie’s eyes widened as her friend shape shifted into a muscular, grey alicorn. Dark held Pinkie above her head, and inch by inch, lowered her into her salivating maw. Pinkie kicked and struggled, but she was no match for Dark’s powerful throat.

Dark’s head barely seemed to expand at all, despite having the mass of a full-grown pony shoved within it. She slowly sucked down Pinkie’s body all the way to her waist, her tongue savoring every inch of her as she slid down the pulsating throat. Loud moans echoed throughout the kitchen, as well as slicks, gulps, and glucks. The whole ordeal was a massive turn-on for Dark, her cock started stirring within Applejack’s tight pants.

Dark’s neck bulged to give room as she began to swallow, as more and more of Pinkie slid deeper and deeper into her body. Pinkie’s arms stopped flailing as they passed Dark’s lips. Dark’s stomach began to inflate and her hand found its way to her crotch, which was beginning to drip with her glistening seed.

Finally, Pinkie’s legs fully disappeared down Dark’s gullet. Her belly churned and groaned as Pinkie’s moist, sweaty body quickly filled up her tight, yet stretchy stomach. Dark could tell Pinkie was still alive in there, with wet her and slippery splashes and rubs against Dark’s all-consuming stomach.

Dark strained as her body started to expand. Her already tight clothing exploded all over the kitchen. Dark guessed she was close to nine feet tall, which made sense, given that she had absorbed the essence of five or so ponies. Her giant form took up almost a quarter of the kitchen by itself.

From the corner of her eye, Dark saw movement from behind one of the door frames. She waved her hand at the door, causing it to open, revealing the Cakes watching her in a look of sheer terror. Dark smirked “Enjoying the show, are we?” Her horn glowed red and a magical aura surrounded the two bakers.

Mr. Cake gasped. “I’m sorry! We won’t tell anyone! We promise!”

“Sorry.” Dark shrugged. “But I can’t have you telling the Princesses of this timeline about me until I gain more power. So…” Dark raised Mr. Cake above her mouth and lowered his head into her mouth.

“No!” Mr. Cake gasped “Please…”

Mr. Cake’s struggles were even more pathetic than Pinkie Pie’s. Dark imagined that is was getting difficult to breathe from the sounds his body was making. She pulled him out of her mouth, leaving the saliva-covered pony gasping for breath.

“Although…” Dark purred and rubbed her massive belly. “Besides, I don’t think I could fit both of you in my stomach until Pinkie properly digests, and I’d hate to break up such a lovely couple.”

“W-what do you mean?” Ms. Cake gulped, trying as hard as possible to seem calm and collected.

“I mean you should go somewhere with more room.” Dark raised her gigantic cock up to Mr. Cake.

“No!” Mr. Cake gasped “You couldn’t possibly!

Dark simply ignored the skeletal pony and shoved his moist head into her cock head. The urethra immediately expanded to accommodate its meal. The stallion tried to pull out, but the grip of Dark’s godly cock was far too strong. It was literally sucking him in like a vacuum cleaner. The slimy pre acting as a very effective form of lubrication as the poor stallion was pulled in to his doom.

Ms. Cake could only watch helplessly as his kicking legs fully disappeared into Dark’s stallionhood. Mr. Cake began kicking and punching the sack, creating impressions of his face on Dark’s churning nutsack.

“No!” Ms. Cake held her hand up to the imprint that her husband’s hand made the fleshy orb. Dark cackled with glee as Ms. Cake stood up and started punching at Dark’s cock. Her futile efforts did nothing to harm her, but the soft vibrations were slightly pleasing to her.

Mr. Cake was doing his best to escape through the rubbery flesh, but with a churn of her balls, the tiny pony was sucked back within the confines of her scrotum. He began to shout, but his muffled yells could barely be heard.

“MMMMmmm” Dark purred and rubbed her cock. “He’s really good. I can see why you married him.” Pre-cum oozed all over the kitchen as Mr. Cake struggled within Dark’s balls.

“Why are you doing this?” Ms. Cake sobbed.

Dark rolled her eyes “Because it feels good, duh!”

“No. I mean, how can you be so cruel? Using other ponies to fuel yourself?”

“There are an infinite number of universes, my dear.” Dark grinned. “You’re not unique. You’re not special. You are nothing but tools to be used how I see fit.” Dark raised Ms. Cake above her cock. “But don’t worry, I’m not completely heartless. I will allow you and your husband become a part of me together.”

Dark shoved Ms. Cake into her cock, but she proved to be a lot chubbier than her husband. She was so tight within her cock Dark had to use her hands to force Ms. Cake to slide further in. Dark gently stroked her cock, which helped ease the tension and allowed Ms. Cake to slip in. Only her legs were sticking out, but she was still extremely tight in Dark’s cock. Her panicked impression slowly oozed down the length of her cock and finally disappeared into her scrotum.

Soon enough, both bakers had been engulfed by Dark. They tossed and turned in her scrotum, but it was of little use. Dark’s sack slowly filled with her pacifying cum. Slowly but surely, it caused the Cakes to moan with inside of her as they were slowly melted into cum. Dark robotically stroked her cock. How romantic it must be, to be so close that husband and wife had melted down into the same liquid that churned within her balls.

Dark rapidly stroked herself until should could feel an orgasm bubbling inside her churning balls. Dark’s hips started shaking, her massive rear smashing through a cabinet full of baking goods. She could take it no more, with a primal roar she let loose the gallons of cum that built up within her. The white, sticky fluid burst out of her cock as if were an artillery piece, splattering all the kitchen walls and ceilings.

Dark stood up and examined herself. She was almost 12 feet tall now, making the inside of the store difficult to move around in. There was little chance anyone would buy her disguises now. She would have to absorb the rest of the Element Bearers all at once. But Dark wasn’t stupid, she would lure them all into her clutches like a spider. And once she had all there energy, she would find the Alicorn Amulet of this world and devour its user.

"But first, I’ll need to clean this place up." Dark scoffed as she transformed into Pinkie Pie. She casually snapped her fingers, causing the ruined kitchen to begin cleaning itself. Dark smiled. “Now that that’s out of the way, I can set up the trap.” Dark knew she would have to be smart if she wanted to catch them all at once. Her magic was beyond powerful, but Twilight could teleport and Rainbow Dash was the fastest flyer in Equestria. One misstep and one of them could easily escape. She looked around the room. She spotted Pinkie’s Party Cannon and rubbed her chin. She knew that one of Pinkie’s favorite strategies on the rare occasion she got into combat was to load to cannon with bubble gum. A silly strategy perhaps, but it would keep them still long enough for her to absorb them. All she needed now was something sticky…

Chapter 4: Ravenous Trap

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Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Spike walked up to Sugar Cube Corner.

“Are you sure Pinkie invited us early?” asked Fluttershy.

“Positive.” said Twilight. “But it was…weird.”

“Weird?” Rainbow Dash laughed “That’s normal for Pinkie Pie.”

“It’s weird that she just left the letter lying on the front porch. No personal invitations. No song and dance number or nothing.” Twilight frowned “You know how she is. It seemed very odd for her to be so impersonal about the whole thing.”

“I’m sure you’re just overthinking it, Twilight.” said Rarity “After all, Pinkie’s probably very busy preparing this whole thing.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow bounced excitedly off a cloud. “But personally, I’m more excited about when we’re going to get to see this awesome new invention of yours.”

“When the party is over.” said Twilight. “It’s far too unstable to move right now. It would be disastrous if were to moved or damaged.”

“Well, I guess it’s a good thing you’re not bringing it to one of Pinkie’s parties!” Rainbow chuckled. “They can get pretty rowdy.”

“Yep!” Twilight chuckled nervously. “Something just feels off about all of this.” She said as she opened the door to the bakery. It was very dimly lit, and there was a musky scent in the air.

Rarity sniffed the air. “Do you smell that that?” she asked.

“Smells like someone’s been really happy in here.” Spike laughed, eliciting a smack to the back of the head from Twilight. “What!?” he shrugged.

“You don’t think she’s planning a surprise party just for us, do you?” asked Fluttershy.

“More like an orgy if you ask me.” said Spike.

The ponies entered the dark bakery. “Hello? Pinkie?” Twilight yelled.

“Hello, Twilight.” They heard Pinkie’s voice in the darkness. A single light turned on near the center of the bakery.

The ponies walked towards the light. “Pinkie? Where are you?”

“And why does it smell like a whorehouse in here?” Spike mumbled.

“It’s a surprise that will be answered in time.” Pinkie’s voice cooed. “Just step forward into the light.”

Twilight’s friends stepped forward, but a sense of hesitation filled her. Pinkie had never been so blatant with how she planned her surprise parties, and while Twilight knew that subtlety was not Pinkie’s strong suit, she knew that she would put in a lot more effort than this. She stopped short of entering the lit portion of the room.

Rainbow Dash gestured for her to come over into the light. “Come on, Twilight! You’re going to miss the surprise!”

“But Rainbow, It’s not a surprise if you know it’s coming.” said Twilight. “And the real Pinkie Pie would know that.”

Suddenly the floor below Twilight’s friends fell out beneath their feet. It was a trap door. Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity all tumbled down to the basement. Twilight ran to the edge of the pit. “Are you okay?” she gasped.

“Yeah. I think so. I just want to know what’s going…” Rainbow Dash sat up and rubbed her head, only to find herself staring down the barrel on Pinkie Pie’s Party Cannon.

The cannon fired a massive blast of a sticky, white fluid all over the ponies, trapping them in a thick, constricting substance. “This better not be what I think it is…” Rarity gulped.

“Clever, clever Twilight.” Pinkie’s voice boomed. The store began to shake.

“Pinkie! What’s going on?” Twilight demanded, her horn glowing with magical energy.

“You’re only half right, Twilight. I have her voice and form, but Pinkie’s no longer driving. I am Dark Amulet, and you are my prey!” Without warning, the wall between the kitchen and the main room exploded in a shower of wooden splinters and plaster. When the debris cleared, Twilight found herself looking at a 15 feet tall, naked Pinkie Pie crawling on all fours.

“Y-you’re huge!” Twilight just stared in disbelief. “H-how did you get so big?”

“It’s a long story. But while I was waiting, I helped myself to all of the Cakes in the bakery.” She rubbed her massive belly. “Both of them.” She grinned.

“You monster!” Twilight fired a beam of magical energy at her, but the spell swerved into the metal necklace around Dark’s neck. The necklace seemed to be absorbing the attack. Twilight tried to stop, but she seemed to have no choice but to keep pouring out magical energy, as if the amulet was sucking her dry. Twilight began to feel overheated, causing sweat to drip down her mane.

But it wasn’t just her magical energy the pendant was absorbing. Twilight saw the walls of the bakery getting further apart and felt her clothes getting looser. She was shrinking! Not only that, but Dark was growing!

At last the beam of magic connecting Twilight to the amulet broke. Twilight fell to the ground. She had been reduced to almost half her original size, and she could no longer feel her horn, as if all the magic had been drained from her. She crawled helplessly on the floor, letting out a gasp of sheer panic as one of Dark’s massive hands reached for her.

“What’s going on up there!?” Spike yelled from the pit. “Twilight!?”

“Are you okay, Darling?” gasped Rarity.

“I don’t think she’s all right.” Dark loomed over the pit, dangling Twilight by her robes. “In fact, she looks like half the mare she used to be!”

Twilight slipped out of her robes and onto the sticky mass surrounding her friends with an ‘oof!’

“What’s going on?” Rainbow Dash growled. “Why would Pinkie do this?”

“Do you think that amulet has taken over her?” asked Rarity.

“No.” Twilight gulped. “Whoever this is ate Pinkie and took over her body.”

“Insightful as always, Ms. Sparkle.” Dark pushed her into the slime with her finger. “Behold my true form.” Dark’s skin rippled as she transformed back into a massive alicorn. Her dark form loomed over the entrapped ponies, her massive cock dangling over the edge of the pit.

Rainbow Dash struggled to break free, but she just couldn’t get enough momentum to pull herself loose. Spike was trying to burn the slime away, but he had to be careful not to hit any of his friends.

Dark rolled her eyes. “Don’t even bother. Even if you had a few minutes to pull yourself out of my love juices, you’d still be trapped in here with me, giving me plenty of time to do this.” A red beam of magical energy burst out the amulet and connected to the flailing ponies below.

“Ooohh… fuck… yes!” Dark chuckled as she began draining them. The group of ponies looked about at themselves to check for what Dark was doing to them, their focus was entirely on Dark. She appeared to be expanding before their eyes.

Rarity gulped, a bead of sweat sliding down her face. “Is…is she growing?” She stammered.

“No!” Rainbow Dash growled “We’re shrinking!”

“You’re both right!” gasped Spike “She’s stealing our size!”

Fluttershy started crying as a stream of her essence flew out of her nose like smoke, before merging with Dark’s bouncing breasts. Yells and protests rang through the group, quickly diminishing into high-pitched squeals as the ponies shrank smaller and smaller.

Dark grew rapidly, feeding on their emotions, bodies and souls. The alicorn’s curves became far more prominent. Suddenly, Fluttershy disintegrated into a trail of disconnected atoms, which flowed directly into Dark’s nipples. Twilight looked on in horror as she watched Dark’s face take on a look of pure pleasure as the rush of power flowed into her.

“Fluttershy! NO!” Rainbow Dash gasped.

“Oh, yes, my shy little pony! Become a part of me.” Dark moaned and rubbed her nipples with a spare hand. “Become a part of your goddess. You’ll be much less timid and afraid as part of my boobs…” Her bust grew bulbous, yet firm and tight. Dark began purr happily. But it was less of a cute purr, and more a sexual purr. They had grown so plump and thick, and juicy.

The remaining ponies stared awe-struck. The giant alicorn felt a new emotion being drawn into her. This one was also coming from Rainbow Dash. It was a feeling of rage. Of pure anger. “Oh, Rainbow…” Dark reached down and stroked the tiny pony with a single finger. “You’ve always been the strongest. I’ll be sure to put your strength to good use.” Rainbow also disintegrated, her essence flowing into Dark’s wings, which grew strong and powerful, bursting through the roof of the bakery.

Twilight was in total shock. She was still in shock from having her magic drained and watching two of her friends disintegrate in front of her, but she was now at a complete loss of what to do. Dark was completely unstoppable. No matter how much they resisted, they could do nothing against Dark’s power. As it fed on their deepest emotions, the alicorn grew larger and curvier. She was close to 25 feet by now, with the remaining ponies measuring close to two and a half.

The ponies felt the draining energy increase, as Dark intensified her feeding. Her body desired more energy! More power! More mass! And she was so horny! She wanted to cum so bad! But first she needed to retrieve the false amulet, and then she could have fun with the ponies of this world.

Rarity gave a gasp as she felt the energy within her being drained. She shrieked in disbelief as her bust was shrunk down to the point where she was completely flat-chested.

“Rarity! No! You gotta resist her!” Spike groaned, pulling one of arms out of the sticky goo. He reached towards Rarity, desperately trying to grab one of her hands.

But no matter how hard she tried, Rarity couldn’t resist. Her magic was completely drained, and her hips and curves were next, being forcefully slimmed down to a skeletal thickness. Dark gave a hot pleasurable pant as her bustline bulged from the extra mass, her breasts round and swollen to the point of being almost pony-sized.

Spike pulled himself free and sprinted towards Rarity as fast as he could. He was only inches tall at this point, but he was free. If he could only reach her…

It was too late. Dark’s powers completely consumed what remained of Rarity. Spike just got down to his knees and stared in utter disbelief. The cloud of scattered atoms that was left of Rarity hovered poignantly in mid-air for a few seconds before being taken into Dark’s gigantic body. This time mass went straight to her plump buttocks, which pressed firmly against the confining walls of Sugar Cube Corner.

Spike just stayed where he was. There was a possibility, however small, that he might be able to slink away from the giant alicorn unnoticed. But he didn’t even move. Rarity was gone, her body had been assimilated by Dark. She was now nothing more than energy stored in the titanic creature above him.

Dark gave a curious moan as she felt Spike’s essence entering her body as he was slowly drained to less than an inch. “OOOhhh. Dragon.” She smirked. “I must say, Spike. You’re quite the exotic dish.”

She felt the raw power from Spike’s formidable body flowing into her, and repurposed it how she saw fit. A wave of pleasure and a rush of power surged throughout her body as her already formidable body grew even larger and more muscular. Her arms and legs began thickening, slowly at first, but increasing in pace at a steady rate until they were bursting against the walls of the bakery.

Spike could take no more. Not that he was really resisting any more. He shattered into a stream of particles that were absorbed by the alicorn’s ripping biceps. Dark laughed. She had so much power flowing through her. Nothing could stop her now. She cut off the amulet’s absorption and rubbed her chin. “I wonder if any of them are left down there?” she thought. She could feel the souls of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Rarity, but one was missing. “Twilight…” she grinned.

Twilight had become so tiny, that she was able to fit in the cracks between the wooden floors slats. She was one-hundredth of an inch tall. The thickness of a single length of hair took two hands for her to hold now. She felt completely drained of everything. Her magic. Her size. Her friends. What more could Dark do to her?

Dark used her magic to sharpen her senses of hearing and sight. She listened for the nigh inaudible cries coming from below her. Her every slightest movement boomed with more force than the strongest of earthquakes, rattling Twilight’s already shattered spirit to the core. Twilight curled up and sobbed, feeling a series of torrential winds sweep over her in a repeating pattern. Then Twilight realized, the hurricane-like winds were Dark breathing. She looked up and saw a pair of eyes, each the size of a large city staring directly at her! “Hello, Ms. Sparkle!” Dark purred.

Twilight just stared in petrified awe at Dark’s colossal form. She was the size of a small moon to her, and worse, she knew she was still there. The entire area was covered by her shadow. Dark grinned, revealing her village-sized teeth. “You pitiful insect.” Dark chuckled. “You’re less than a tenth of an inch now, compared to my god-like body, you are less than nothing. Just a meaningless point of existence with your thoughts tacked on!”

Twilight looked up and sniffed. “W-what…” she gulped “What are you going… to do?”

“I’m going to make you pay for resisting my lovely pendant’s power.” Dark whispered. “Maybe next time you won’t fight me so much.”

Then there was a massive upheaval as Dark’s body shifted around above her. Twilight broke out of her fear-induced trance and began to flee when she saw another massive shadow appear above her. It was Dark’s cock. To say it was massive would be an understatement. It was HUGE! Really, really, really HUGE. Almost the size of a continent! And the smell coming off of it was purely overwhelming. It reeked of sheer musk, like millions of horny stallions.

An earsplitting booms pierced the heavens above, as an enormous laugh echoed from above. A gargantuan hand wrapped itself around the pillar of cock flesh dangling above Twilight, and began to rub vigorously. The thick, musky smell intensified, causing her already sobbing eyes to redden, waterfalls of tears streamed down her microscopic eyes.

“You are smaller than a single drop of my potent cum. You are nothing but a speck of dirt below my lovely stallionhood, the mere thought of it turns me on SO MUCH!!!!!” A tiny speck of pre-cum oozed out of Dark’s energetic slit. To her it was basically nothing, but to Twilight it was almost the size of all of Ponyville.

Twilight ran as fast as she could, but there was no possibility for her to avoid it. The potent liquid slammed into her like a meteorite. Twilight blacked out for a brief moment. When she opened her eyes, she found thousands of ball bearing-sized sperm swimming around her. Their whip-like tails wrapped around her limbs and bound her tightly.

Twilight let out a shuddering gasp as the virile sperm started squirming around every micro-inch of her smooth purple skin, looking for any cavity they could find to force themselves into. They started ramming themselves into the tiny mare through every single orifice in her body. Her anus. Her vagina. Her urethra. Her nipples. Twilight could feel hundreds of tiny sperm wriggling around inside of her. It was agonizing, yet oddly pleasurable.

The stubborn sperm impatiently forced themselves into more non-sexual openings, such as her ears and tear ducts. The sperm even tried to squeeze into orifices that didn’t have openings, such as Twilight’s navel and arm pits. More and more sperm poured into Twilight. Just as she felt like she was going to explode, Twilight felt herself being pulled up by a glowing red aura. She burst from the drop of cum gasping for breath, desperately trying to blow the sperm out of her nose.

Dark’s grinning face greeted her. “Heh! I wondered if you’d survive. I guess you’re a tough, little mare aren’t you? But I guess you’d have to be, to resist me as much as you have.”

Twilight just hung her head in defeat. She could feel the sperm still wriggling around inside her. “Just eat me…”

“Sorry.” Dark laughed. “What was that?”

“I give up…” Twilight cried, forcing a few of the sperm in her tear ducts out as she did. “Just absorb me… please…”

“Aw, Twilight.” Dark smiled sweetly. “Of course.” Twilight disintegrated into a stream of atoms, which Dark happily inhaled. She stood up buckling the foundation of the building. “Now to find my amulet.” She said as she stomped outside, causing Sugar Cube Corner to crumble behind her.

Chapter 5: Dark Betrayal

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The ponies outside gasped at the sight of a nude, thirty-foot tall alicorn stomping around, but Dark just ignored them. She needed to focus of finding her amulet first.

Speak of the devil. Before Dark stood a tiny teal unicorn wearing a purple cloak and hat standing in the middle of the street, completely defiant of Dark. A copy of the alicorn amulet was draped around her neck. Dark wanted nothing more than to plop the arrogant little pony into her maw and swallow her, but she knew that she had to be careful when dealing with ponies that had copies of her medallion, as they were one of the few things that could pose a major threat to her. She walked up to the pony and loomed over her.

“Who are you?” asked the teal pony. “And why do you look exactly like the alicorn on Trixie’s amulet?”

Oh, good heavens, she was referring to herself in the third-person. It was all Dark could do to not burst out laughing. It was so cute. “I am Dark Amulet, the spirit of the Alicorn Amulet.” She knelt down before the pony. “What is thy bidding, my master?” Dark said humbly.

“Whoa!” Trixie gasped and looked down at her copy of the amulet. “This thing comes with an Alicorn spirit guardian too!?”

“I only appear to the most worthy and powerful of wizards, and you Trixie, certainly fall into that category.” Dark bluffed.

By now, a large crowd of ponies had gathered to watch the giant alicorn kneeling before the mysterious magician. Zecora was among them.

“Well, Trixie thinks that it’s hardly fair that her servant should be a thirty-foot tall alicorn, while she’s stuck in such a petite body.” Trixie snorted. “Your master demands that we switch bodies!”

“Your wish is my command.” Dark fired a beam of magic into Trixie.

Trixie shivered, but then smiled. She could feel her body had begun to grow. She raised her arms as she slowly inched upwards. Her clothes became tighter and tighter, the seams of her vest and trousers groaned in protest against the expanding blue flesh. Trixie moaned. Her tits were getting so large that her bra couldn’t take the stress. Her bra and vest were shredded to ribbons and her breasts burst forward like a pair of jelly-filled balloons being freed from a net. Her ass had grown too huge for her trousers which also fell to the ground in an explosion of seams.

“Oh…Yes!” Trixie gasped as she inched up higher. At first, the transfer of size was slow, leaving Trixie at a mere nine feet. But as she grew, she found her growth accelerating to almost an inch of growth every second. "This is amazing!" Trixie’s legs grew longer and thicker, swelling like cylindrical balloons. Her breasts were the size of pumpkins now, and she still continued to grow. Trixie rose higher and higher. As she neared thirty feet, she felt a pair of gigantic wings burst from her back. Trixie was, by all appearances, if not talent, an alicorn goddess now.

The ponies in the street looked up at her in surprise. Trixie was now the gigantic blue alicorn who stood stark naked in the middle of town. Trixie examined her powerful new body and grinned. “Oh, yeah! Trixie could get used to this.”

“I am glad you are pleased, Master.” said Dark, now appearing as a mere gray unicorn. “It does look better on you than it did me. Do you require more of my services?”

“Hmm…” Trixie thought. “Trixie would rather like something to wear. Trixie has a practically perfect body, but she still thinks a little modesty would go a long way towards making sure her beauty isn’t devalued.”

“Of course,” Dark bowed. “Your wish is my command.” She snapped her fingers, causing a custom-sized black bra and panties to appear on Trixie. The panties were somehow able to contain the gargantuan erection that hung between her legs, despite being extremely skimpy. Trixie suspected they were an inter-dimensional pocket. Dark also summoned a hat and cape similar to Trixie’s original, just to complete her look.

“That’s more like it!” Trixie smirked and looked around at the tiny ponies watching her. “Now, as for Trixie’s new servants!” A beam of magic shot out of Trixie’s horn, creating a dome of magic that surrounded the village.

The tiny ponies turned to run, before realizing they were now trapped in Ponyville with the giant alicorn. Trixie stomped her hoof, sending a shockwave through the entire village. “Nopony move!” Trixie bellowed.

The citizens of Ponyville froze and looked timidly towards Trixie. Zecora had seen enough, Trixie was out of control. She had to find her way into Twilight’s lab, and use the white hole to defeat Trixie. It was Ponyville’s only hope. That and it would give her the power she so desperately craved. She subtly slipped away from the worried crowd and ran towards the library.

“Where is Twilight Sparkle?” Trixie yelled. “Bring her to Trixie!”

While Trixie lorded over the other ponies, Dark was taking a keen interest in the force-field Trixie had summoned. It was… for lack of a better term, absolutely pathetic. Sure, it was still a powerful shield, but that was thanks to the power of the amulet, and not any talent by the user. Dark was now certain that she would be able to defeat and devour Trixie without breaking a sweat. All she needed to do now was to wait for Trixie to leave herself vulnerable. Or maybe give her a push in the right direction.

Trixie picked up a random pony from the crowd and held her up to her face. “Where is she?” Trixie growled.

“I don’t know!” the tiny mare cried. “I haven’t seen her since last Saturday!”

“My goddess, if I may make a suggestion?” Dark looked up at Trixie, casting a subtle thought-altering spell of her feeble mind.

“What is it?” Trixie sneered. “Can’t you see your master is busy?”

“It must have been quite stressful for you to gain this much power and dominance in such a short amount of time.” Dark smirked “You wouldn’t want to go against this ‘Twilight’ character without getting an opportunity to get used to your power, would you?” Dark’s stomach gave a subtle churn as she spoke.

“Heh.” Trixie chuckled. “You’re right, Spirit. Trixie wants the first time Twilight sees her as a goddess to be memorable. Maybe Trixie will gather up her silly friends and make them her sex slaves! Yeah! That’ll draw her out of hiding.”

“All excellent ideas that can be done tomorrow.” Dark purred as she played Trixie like a fiddle. “But for now, you should get some rest. If anypony deserves a peaceful sleep, it’s you…”

“Yeah… alright. The great and powerful Trixie can wait until morning.” She collapsed on top of a house. “Do me a favor, spirit…” Trixie yawned. “Make sure none of my subjects… disturb me…” Trixie drifted off to sleep.

“Idiot.” Dark smirked, although deep down, she did find the arrogant pony kind of endearing. She stared at Trixie’s massive blue ass cheeks and gave them a gentle rub. “I’m gonna enjoy this.” She licked her lips, and unhinged her jaw, allowing her mouth to open to a ridiculous degree. She slowly wrapped her expansive lips around Trixie’s feet and began to suck, a voracious growl emanating from her belly as she did.

Trixie smiled and purred at the warmness around her legs, completely oblivious to the fact she was being devoured.

Dark’s eyes rolled back in her head as Trixie’s sleeping form slid further and further down her gullet. She tasted so good. Dark’s sensitive tongue feverishly lapped up the taste of Trixie’s smooth buttocks. She savored the meaty flavor as the length of her legs disappeared into her stomach. Dark inhaled as she swallowed another gulp of Trixie down, sliding past Trixie’s magical thong and over her wide hips.

The outline of Trixie’s body formed a massive bulge in Darks throat and belly. The area around Trixie’s bustline gave her a bit of trouble, but with enough saliva and muscle contractions, she was able to ease the massive orbs into her esophagus.

“Mmmmph…?” Trixie stirred from her sleep in surprise to see she was buried up to her neck in Dark’s digestive system. “Spirit!? What are you doing!?” Trixie tried flailing her arms, but they were too deep within Dark to be of any use. She tried resisting the sucking, but Dark’s thick saliva was all over her, it was ruining her flawless mane and soaking her newly-formed wing feathers. Trixie found it impossible to stop from slipping in further.

Dark just kept tilting her head back, and with one last powerful gulp Trixie’s head disappeared down Dark’s throat, leaving a massive bulge of her face impressed against Dark’s swollen stomach. “Taking back what’s mine. That’s what I’m doing…” Dark rubbed her hands against her swollen belly.

“No!” Trixie yelled, although muffled by Dark’s stomach. “You can’t do this to me!” She started flailing around, desperate to find a way out. “I trusted you!”

“Mmmmm.” Dark closed her eyes and basked in the squirms of her prey. Sweat dripped profusely from her mane, thanks to the massive effort it took to swallow a pony almost ten times her size. “You feel so good inside of me…”

“Please!” Trixie pleaded. “Don’t eat me! I’ll give you whatever you want! Just let me go!”

“You're already giving me all I want. Your power, your beauty. Heck, I’ve even got a thing for your personality.” Dark grinned. “I think I’ll try it on sometime!”

Dark summoned a protective dome of magic around herself and briefly dozed off. Her stomach bubbled and churned as she reabsorbed the mass back into herself. Trixie struggled and kicked the whole time, but it was completely hopeless.

Trixie shivered in humiliation. To think, she was going to be eaten by a mare less than half her size. At least she could take comfort in the fact that Dark’s stomach acid was pleasantly numbing instead of acidic. Even still, the constraining flesh pressed her into a tight, claustrophobia-inducing position and the consuming liquid filled her lungs, causing her to lose track of who she was. “Don’t worry, Trixie…” She thought to herself. “We’ve escaped worse before. You’ve got this, Drixie…”

The egotistical mare’s eyes widened. “No!” she shook in horror. “I meant, Trixie! That’s who I am! I’m not just a fragment of this things personality! I’m Trixie, dammit! Trixie! Trix…”

As Dark slept, groans and growls emanated from her massive belly as Trixie shifted around. Her unyielding stomach lining clenched hard against Trixie as trickles of numbing stomach acid seeped around her, slowly dissolving not only her body, but her very soul.

Dark began to transform from a bloated mess into her powerful alicorn form. But instead of becoming her usual appearance, strange changes started to appear. Her body began to heat up to very warm temperatures. Sweat dripped down her mane and massive belly as the churning mass of flesh worked its way back into her limbs and boobs. Her red mane began to take on a pink color and her grey coat took on a bluish tinge.

Dark’s subconscious mind lusted and stirred in her sleep. Her cock lusted and leaked as mischievous thoughts ran through her head. That cute, little magician. Mmmm... Having her all the way inside of her. Sure, Dark assimilated aspects of every pony she consumed, but this was at a deeper, much more intimate level. She wasn’t just becoming part of Dark, Dark was becoming a part of her as well.

At last the bubbling mass of meat within her belly had disappeared and brought her back to her muscular thirty foot height. But Dark was no longer the same pony she had gone to sleep as. She had transformed into a hybrid between herself and the unfortunate wizard she had devoured.

The Dark-Trixie hybrid yawned and stood up. She looked at her dark blue arms with a look of confusion. “Huh? Who am I? How did I? Oh yes, that’s right. I ate me. Well, half of me. Damn. I was tasty.” She slowly rubbed her breasts, getting a feel for her ‘new’ body. “Mmmmm…” she purred. “Feel good…” She looked back at her perfect ass and saw her cutie marks had become a fusion of Trixie’s and Dark’s. She was a dark blue alicorn mare with pink eyes, a red mane and tail and a lean stomach begging to be filled with goodies.

The giant alicorn stomped into the town square and gazed over crowd of terrified ponies. Normally Dark would have started devouring them without a moment’s notice. But Dark was no longer fully in control of her own body, Trixie’s showboating personality had taken at least partial control, and she wanted some affection before her dinner. “Worship me, bugs!” she demanded.

The ponies immediately knelt down and started begging for mercy. “W-who are you…” A cream colored unicorn asked timidly. “Are you Trixie? Are you that Spirit?”

“I am both, and neither. I have become her, and she has become me. We are one and the same.” The alicorn grinned picking up the pony that had dared to speak to her as an equal with her magic. “I am a fusion of the best assets of those two mares, I am THE GREAT AND POWERFUL DRIXIE!” she laughed and plopped the unicorn into her maw before swallowing her whole.

The crowd looked on in horror as the squirming mass slid down to her stomach and disappeared.

“Any other questions?” Drixie grinned.

The crowd remained silent with fear.

“Good.” She smirked “Drixie hates it when her food is talkative.” The giant alicorn scooped up a handful of three or so ponies and plopped them into her open mouth.

Chapter 6: Dark Regicide

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The crowd gasped as the tiny bulges traveled down to her stomach and disappeared. “Mmm…” Drixie rubbed her stomach. “That was good. Maybe just a few more…” She picked up another handful and greedily scarfed them down.

Drixie’s body started to grow from how many ponies she was consuming. Dozens of screaming ponies disappeared down her gigantic gullet, causing her massive body grow with each one. A few members of the crowd tried to run as they realized the giant alicorn wasn’t going to stop, but were instantly snatched up by Drixie’s magic and devoured.

“Aw. You wanted to get away so badly…” Drixie smirked at a terrified stallion who had tried to escape “Hey! Want to see a magic trick?” She taunted the crowd before swallowing the unlucky pony. “Abracadabra! He’s gone!”

The crowd gasped as another pony was picked up. A cute, little mint-colored unicorn. “Please! Don’t!” the mare cried.

“Sorry,” Drixie smiled. “Drixie can’t help it that you’re all like potato chips. She can’t eat just one.” She chuckled before swallowing the minty mare whole. “Mmmm… She was good.” Drixie licked her lips. “I wonder if the next one will be any bet-” Drixie’s words were cut off by a slight sting across her index finger. She looked down and saw that source of pain had been a blue stallion stabbing her with a pitchfork.

Drixie looked at her finger with a little pout the pitchfork’s prongs had completely shattered against her fur. She grinned down at the blue pony and plucked him up from the crowd with her magic. “Oh, no no no no no!” Drixie said in a sing-song voice. “You do not strike the Great and Powerful Drixie like that and just get off as if nothing happened.”

The stallion gave her a defiant look.

“Drixie can understand being afraid to stand in her divine presence. Drixie imagines it must be quite intimidating.” She spread her legs, giving the crowd a good view of her girthy cock. “But to attack Drixie, as if it would actually hurt her!? Such hubris cannot go unpunished. Drixie must make an example of you.”

“So what are you going to do?” The stallion spat in disgust. “Eat me, like all the others?”

“Yes.” Drixie grinned. “Something like that.” She stood up and bent over, exposing her muscular, blue ass to her crowd of worshipers. A few more ponies tried to flee, but they were just picked up with her magic as well.

“Just stay where you are…” A pony in the crowd warned those around her. “The Princesses will be here to save us soon. You watch.” Drixie plucked her up with her magic as well, giving her a collection of about 6 or so ‘heretics.’

Drixie brought them up to her tongue and gave them all a massive lick, soaking them in her saliva. She then brought the ponies up to her flawless ass and spread her cheeks wide. Between them was a massive, winking anus. Easily big enough to swallow a fully grown pony, and that was un-stretched. The ponies gave out a gasp as the saw a bead of sweat trickle down Drixie’s crack and settle on the pulsating O-ring.

“You’re not going to…” the blue stallion gasped as he felt Drixie’s magic pulling him towards the anus.


The blue pony disappeared into Drixie’s asshole. She moaned in pleasure. The defiant stallion’s squirms felt good... REALLY good. So good, in fact, that she couldn’t help but shove another pony into her rectum. And another. And another. At this point, Drixie was happily drooling all over the house she had crushed with her breasts. Her greedy anus pulsed and stretched as it slurped up another delicious meal into her muscular bowels.

Drixie had fallen into a feeling of pure bliss. She closed her eyes and gave a soft hum as the second-to-last heretic was ‘sclorped’ inside her ass. She felt incredible. She knew this was supposed to be a punishment for the ponies who had actively defied her, but if this last heretic didn’t make her cum, she might just have to consider sacrificing a few of her loyal worshipers to the pit of darkness as well. After all, a god does what a god wants.

But as the terrified mare inched closer and closer to the sensitive orifice, there was a massive cracking of lighting as the force-field surrounding Ponyville shattered. A lightning quick, burst of flaming sunlight whizzed by Drixie’s tail and snatched up the heretical mare just in the nick of time. She looked up at her savior and took comfort in the sight of her flowing ethereal hair. “I knew you’d save us…” She smiled up at Celestia.

“You!” Drixie snarled and fired a blast of magic at the Solar Princess.

Celestia effortlessly dodged the attack. Drixie had to give her credit, she was a fast little bug. She gently set the pony down. “Get out of here.” Celestia said gently. “We will handle this monster.”

The ponies that Drixie had corralled quickly scattered, now the watchful eye of their captor was on Celestia instead of them.

“So? You’re this timeline’s Princess Celestia?”Drixie looked over Celestia. “Pathetic!” she laughed.

“Timeline?” Celestia snorted. “What matter of magic do you wield, Trixie?”

“I am Trixie no more.” The giant alicorn grinned. “Drixie is a combination of the posturing little showmare, and Dark Amulet, the All-Consuming Phoenix!”

“You’ve gone mad with power, Trixie!” Celestia yelled. “Please, stop this madness!”

“Of course I have!” Drixie laughed “Have you ever tried going mad WITHOUT power? It's boring, nobody listens to you!" Drixie reached for Celestia, but she quickly darted out of the way, and fired a blast of prismatic magic into Drixie’s face.

“Gah!” Drixie shielded her eyes and fell backwards, leaving a massive crater in the street. Drixie had to admit, this universe’s Celestia had amazing speed. She hadn't even seen which direction Celestia had gone. She took a moment to scan the sky for Celestia, only for her to see a fiery comet streak by her face and hit her with another blast of magic.

“Had enough, Trixie?” Celestia scowled.

“You’re pathetic, Celestia.” Drixie growled “In every dimension I’ve gone to, you try to stop me. And every time, it ends with you in my belly. I’ve eaten you hundreds of times, and this time won’t be any different!” She fired a blast of magic at Celestia, but the smaller alicorn caught the spell and flung it right back, sending Drixie flying backwards in a devastating explosion.

The burnt skin around Drixie’s face quickly regenerated. But Celestia had already gotten in three more hits than she deserved. The ponies evacuating the battlefield that Ponyville had become cheered wildly.

“Oh, Drixie is so shoving all of you shits up her ass when she’s done…” She growled as she stood up. But before Drixie could even find Celestia, she zipped past her head again and blasted Drixie’s face with magic, leaving a blur of flame in her wake. She was faster than any pony she’d ever seen

Drixie growled. She tried to grab Celestia with all manner of containing spells, but the white alicorn dodged or countered them all. “You annoying little fly!” Drixie growled. “Hold still so Drixie can eat you already!”

“The only one eating today will be the worms!” Drixie heard a voice behind her. She turned around just in time to see Luna fire a similar spell into her face, causing her to fall backwards into a house. “On your corpse…” Luna finished.

Drixie hiked her legs in the air and quickly stood back up. “Drixie doesn’t go down that easy.” She reached towards Luna, but the tiny blue alicorn turned into mist and slipped through her fingers. But Drixie knew how to deal with the sort of tactic. She inhaled deeply, drawing Luna’s gaseous form into her nostrils. Luna was undoubtedly alive in her lungs, but it would take time for her to pull herself together, during which, Drixie could drain her magic.

Drixie noticed her shadow was becoming darker. A light source was approaching her from behind. It could be one of Celestia’s attacks. Drixie noticed the Sun Princess favored point-blank hit-and-run attacks and always moved into close range for maximum effectiveness.

As Celestia approached, Drixie waited until she knew Celestia was right about to whizz past her, when she spread her powerful wings wide. The tiny white alicorn crashed at full speed into her buffeting wings and fell to the ground. Celestia looked up just in time to Drixie’s big blue butt crash down on her with an earth-shaking crunch.

"Fools!" Drixie grinned. "You were fast enough to avoid Drixie’s attacks, and powerful enough to counter any spell the Great and Powerful Drixie might cast that could trap you.” She gave a snort and coughed up a snot-covered Luna. Celestia weakly crawled out from under the crushing ass and over to her sister. She was barely conscious.

“Drixie must admit, you two had us worried us for a second.” She plucked the tiny alicorns up with her magic “But you were far too flashy. That bright light made it easy for Drixie to tell where you were once she had figured out your strategy. And getting up close and personal with a pony over one-hundred times your size? What were you thinking?”

Celestia and Luna couldn't believe it. They had been captured after barely even putting a scratch on the monstrous alicorn. It was embarrassing that they had been taken out that easily, but it was even more terrifying as Drixie’s horn glowed, and wrapped magical chains around their bodies before bringing them up to her drooling mouth and giving them a sloppy lick with her tongue.

“You gave Drixie quite a bit of trouble.” She raised the tiny alicorns up to her face and examined her prizes. “Now what should Drixie do with you…?” An evil grin spread across her face. “Oh… Drixie knows…” She brought Celestia’s head up to her lips.

“Celestia! No!” Luna gasped.

“This can’t be how it ends…” Celestia cried. But the giant lips only wrapped themselves around Celestia’s horn. “Huh?” Celestia looked up. “What are you-AH!”

Drixie gave a powerful suck and slurped out all of the magical essence contained in Celestia’s divine frame. Her tiny body squirmed and flailed against Drixie’s lips. Drixie could appreciate her bravery, but unfortunately for Celestia, she had pissed her off. She didn’t deserve to be swallowed. No, she and her sister were going to be used as stimulation for daring to interrupt her play time.

The effect of Drixie draining Celestia was immediate. Her size increased tenfold, leaving the dark alicorn at an awe-inspiring 1000 feet. Her perfec,t godly cock swayed in the wind, crushing an entire house beneath its girth. Her massive rear jiggled erotically as Celestia and Luna’s divine energy surged through her body. “Oh yes! SO MUCH POWER!” She roared triumphantly.

Drixie then looked back and saw groups of ponies fleeing to escape. For several seconds Drixie and Celestia just stared at them. Then Drixie gave an evil grin and stomped up to a group of fleeing ponies.

“NO!” Celestia yelled as Drixie extended her tongue and licked up a group of a dozen ponies as if they were bugs. Drixie gave a massive smirk to Celestia and Luna as she swallowed the ponies right in front of them.

“Look at you. Some Princesses you are.” Drixie teased. “You can’t even protect your owncitizens.”

“Trixie, please!” Celestia begged. “Don’t do this!”

"That's right…" Drixie rubbed her chin. "Drixie distinctly remembers saying they were all going up her ass!”

“Trixie, no!” Luna gasped as a magical aura surrounded the tiny ponies and Drixie spread her legs, but there was nothing she could do but watch helplessly as the ponies disappeared into Drixie’s sensitive anus. Her massive, house-sized boner became fully erect from the stimulation the squirming ponies inside her prostate were giving her.

Drixie gave a soft moan before turning her attention back to the Princesses. “Don’t feel too bad for them.” Drixie whispered “They’ll serve a purpose now, as opposed to dying pointlessly in the Great Disaster.”

“The what?” Celestia looked up with tears in her eyes.

“Your timeline is going to collapse in about 3 hours or so, regardless of whether Drixie showed up here or not.” Drixie said. “You, and every pony still in this universe will die when that happens. Drixie just didn’t want this timeline to go to waste.”

“We don’t believe you!” Luna growled. “You’re just a monster trying to make excuses for the terrible things you do!”

Drixie scoffed “Just because Drixie is a monster that devours entire populations to sustain herself doesn’t mean she’s completely heartless.”

“You just shoved thirty ponies up your ass!” Celestia screamed.

“Drixie wouldn’t have if you ponies bothered to take care of your timeline. She’d be in some other dying dimension.” Drixie shrugged “Besides, they should be honored. They got the privilege of pleasuring me," she moaned lustfully. “And becoming a part of my ever-growing consciousness.”

Celestia and Luna just hung their heads. They had no magic, they had no physical strength, they had no rescue. And if what Drixie was saying was true, they would soon have no world. Drixie had dominated them utterly. There was no hope left between them.

"It's really too bad your timelines dying," Drixie frowned "You’ve got a nice little world here. Drixie could’ve done good things for your people. She could’ve culled your weak, impregnated your strongest with my divine seed, she’d turn you into a society of super-ponies. Mmmm… Drixie imagines you two would have been amazing in the bedroom."

“Please just eat us…” Celestia echoed Twilight’s words. Drixie grinned. She got aroused every time she heard that phrase. It meant she had utterly broken a pony’s spirit.

“Put us out of our misery…” Luna scowled. “We cannot stand to suffer your presence any longer…”

“Of course, Princesses…” Drixie held up her cock and shoved Celestia and into urethra. “It will be…unf!... My pleasure…” Luna quickly followed her sister with a satisfying ‘shluck’ as she slid down to her testes. It seemed a little poetic sending the two sisters down there. In life, they had ruled over to celestial spheres, and now they were trapped between two, which would slowly melt them down into Drixie’s thick cum.

Drixie balls churned with lust. She wanted to masturbate right then and there, but figured it would be best to give her balls a chance to digest Celestia and Luna first. Drixie grinned and stomped towards the city of Canterlot. This world still had a few hours’ worth of life in it, and she was going to ‘save’ as many ponies from the Great Disaster as she could. No matter how much they begged.

Chapter 7: Dark Triumph

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Ponies shouted and ran for cover as the skyscraper-sized alicorn stomped through the streets. Drixie smirked in amusement at their tiny forms. They had no idea they were doomed in a few hours whether she ate them or not. They fought so hard to preserve their lives, while in truth, they were probably better off being eaten by her.

Drixie tried to avoid stepping on any ponies, no need for any of her food to go to waste. But if the occasional pony found their way under her soles, it was no skin off her back. There was one major thing distracting her though, her throbbing cock. All the ponies she had put in her ass, not to mention Celestia in her balls, had given her massive turn-on. Absorbing Celestia and Luna seemed to have done something to her cum, as her thick pre seemed to glow with light.

She really wanted to masturbate, but she promised herself she would wait until Celestia and Luna were fully digested, and the fact that she could still feel the occasional squirm within her dangling sack meant she would need to wait just a while longer. Drixie slammed her cock through a guard tower to give her it some sort of stimulation. She really wanted to have sex with somepony, but she was so big that her cock would instantly crush anypony she tried to fuck.

Drixie turned her attention back to the populace of Canterlot to take her mind off her raging libido. “Foolish bugs!” She laughed maniacally, telekinetically picking up hundreds of ponies from the street. “Your world is so weak! One mare has been able to outsmart and devour every champion your pathetic world could muster, and their essence only served to make me more powerful!”

Drixie tilted her head back and tossed a mass of squirming ponies into her maw without care. A few of them missed her lips, and were sent tumbling to their deaths. One pony got stuck between her boobs and held on for dear life between her massive boobs.

The titanic alicorn giggled deeply at his predicament before resuming her meal, dumping hundreds of ponies into her mouth and swallowing powerfully. Her cock oozed more and more pre, there was little that turned her on more than the feeling of swallowing her prey whole. She purred deeply at the feeling of ponies struggling against her throat, the feeling of tiny yells echoing up her esophagus and inside her stomach. As she deposited more and more of them into her seemingly bottomless stomach, she could’ve sworn she could feel them piling up in her belly, allowing the newer prey some time to explore her insides as the ponies below then were absorbed into her perfect body.

Some of the ponies started bowing down and worshiping her as if she were a god, desperately hoping they could appease her hunger with their prayers. Drixie looked down at her groveling worshipers with pity. She was so big that she could crush an entire house with just one finger. “Aw…” Drixie cooed softly “You poor little things… So scared…”

The ponies looked up at her, pleading for mercy. “Please, goddess…” They cried. “What did we do to displease you?”

“Absolutely nothing.” She chuckled. “Drixie couldn’t care less about anything you’ve done with your silly little lives. Although, Drixie must admit, she rather likes it when you worship her. She thinks it’s cute.”

“But then, why are you…?”

“Eating you?” Drixie grinned, revealing her gigantic teeth to her worshipers. “Simple. It’s because Drixe is hungry, and you taste good.”

“But how can you live with yourself!” the pony leading the worshipers cried. “You’re eating ponies! Your own kind!”

“Let’s get one thing straight, insects. I am not a mere mortal, like you. Drixie is the most powerful being to ever walk your pitiful little world” She loomed over them. “You, and everything on your planet are nothing to Drixie but tools to be used however she see fit! Drixie is absolute perfection. There are none who are above the Great and Powerful Drixie!”

“Quite sure of that, are you?” a female voice said “Perhaps I should readjust your view.” Suddenly, all of Canterlot shook. No, not just Canterlot, the entire mountain was lifted into the air. Drixie remained smug as she was lifted up in front of an eyeball the size of Canterlot. A massive zebra, easily ten miles tall had scooped up the entire mountain with just one hand. The ponies below Drixie quickly scattered into nearby buildings.

“Well, well, well…” Drixie looked up at the colossal zebra. “You’re a big one aren’t you?”

“It would be wise for you to respect my size.” Zecora grinned. “In a contest of strength, you would not be the winner, for I could crush you with just one finger!”

“Drixie has faced worse.” she rolled her eyes. “Who are you, and why are you here, anyway?

“My name is Zecora, and choose your words critically, for I am most displeased with you eating my citizenry.” The colossal zebra boomed.

“Your citizenry?” Drixie laughed. “There’s no way someone as powerful as you is from this low-dimension backwater timeline.”

“Correct, my power is not of this earth, yet was able to cause my rebirth.” Zecora laughed. “Unlimited power, I have achieved my goal, and it’s all thanks to Ms. Sparkle’s white hole.”

“Wait…” Drixie grimaced. “You’re using a white hole to do this…?” She burst out laughing hysterically. “Oh man, that explains everything! Hahahaha!”

“You laugh as if my future was bleak, yet your tiny form is the one who is weak.” Zecora snorted, sending a massive wave of wind through the city.

“Hahaha- You’re using – ha! I can’t… hahaha. You’re using…?” Drixie howled with laughter. “You’re using… a white hole to become omnipotent? Are you serious?”

“What does it matter the source of my power? You are the one in a situation most dour!” Zecora growled.

“A white hole contains far more energy than your universe can handle, let alone your mortal body.” Drixie rolled her eyes. “You played with forces you didn’t understand, and now your silly, little universe is going to be destroyed because of it.”

“What!?” Zecora growled and grew even bigger. “Why would I believe the lies of a fly? You are saying these things because you’re afraid to die!”

“If that’s true, why is your coat glowing?” Drixie smirked.

Zecora gasped. The white portion of her coat was glowing white with energy. She could feel the pressure building within her as the infinite energy of the white started to overtake her.

“Drixie likes to think of herself as doing the ponies she ate a favor. Becoming a part of her consciousness is certainly a better fate than exploding at the speed of light in slow-motion.” The alicorn chuckled. “It’s a shame, really. You and Drixie could have been a thing, Z. You’re hot, you’re big, and Drixie’s body could’ve feed off your excess energy. We could have been good together.”

“What!? No! Please! Save me!” Zecora begged. “I’ll become your slave, I guarantee!”

“Drixie likes you, Zecora.” she smiled. “You're just like her. Ruthless, cunning, ambitious.”

“Then why not answer my plea!?” Zecora yelled and shook the city. “Why are you doing this to me!?”

“Because all those traits make you a threat to Drixie." She said flatly. “You’ll be harmless when you’re dead.”

“Grah!” Zecora grasped at her, but Drixie was too fast, and quickly flew out of the way.

Zecora was left alone with a city full of terrified ponies in her hand. The magical humming in her skin grew louder and louder, causing something to snap within her mind. “No…no…no! This can’t be the case! I will not lie down in disgrace!”

“Then bring it!” Drixie taunted. “Show Drixie what you’ve got!”

Zecora set down the city in her hands and charged at Drixie. “You miserable whore!” Zecora bellowed, raising her foot over Drixie. “I am not something you can just ignore!” She brought her sole down on top of Drixie with a tremendous boom.

Zecora smirked. That was certain to impress all the ponies watching her. Suddenly, she felt movement below her foot, and fell forward, landing in the middle of the Whitetail Woods. Drixie cricked her neck and grinned back at Zecora’s fallen form. “Oh please.” She chuckled. “Drixie has faced far worse than you.”

“If this it to be my final hour, I will make it a full display of my power!” Zecora’s body surged with size as more and more energy pulsed through her. Zecora loomed over Drixie as she surged to well over 1000 miles tall. “Everypony take a knee, you all exist to worship me!” Zecora then leapt upon the city, sending plumes of dust into the air. “The entire world is at my feet! My purpose in life is now complete! If you are not going to be my ally, then it is time for you to die!”

Zecora brought her massive penis down on the Drixie. The forest barely stimulated her godly cock. “The entire world is going to fall! My cock will annihilate you all!” The earth shook as she rammed her twenty mile-long cock into the planet’s crust.

Zecora grew tens of thousands of miles tall, and grabbed Equestria as in it were a plump buttock. “I am absolute perfection!” Zecora boomed “You’re no match for my erection!”

The whole world shook as the angry goddess pulled the planet from its orbit. “I am a divine, unstoppable storm, gaze upon my divine form! My body and soul are completely ascend, now it is time for your life to end!” The gargantuan Zebra shouted as she plunged her tender cock into Equestria.

The throbbing phallus burst through the planet like an unstoppable meteor. Even the iron core was no match for her unrelenting dick. The oozing head burst out the other side of the planet like a gargantuan volcano exuding a massive flood of thick pre onto the countryside, swallowing valleys, towns, jungles, even whole cities.

“Oh yes…!” Zecora moaned and panted as she used the planet as a fleshlight. “Take that, you worthless tick. You were never a match for my mighty dick.” She was so turned on by the concept of crushing her enemy with her cock. It was an arousing thought. It was now clear to every pony on the planet that the situation was hopeless. A minute ago, only a few cities in Equestria were at risk. Now that Zecora was in control, it was now a question of when they were going to meet there doom, not if. Cities crumbled, countries cracked in two, oceans of seawater sloshed against the oceans of cum in Zecora’s sack, which started to glow with energy.

The planet cracked into two halves of the tectonic plates shattered, revealing Drixie was still alive. Magma, seawater and Zecora’s divine cum dripped off her hide. But she still stood, completely defiant to the glowing zebra goddess.

“How are you…?” Zecora gasped.

“Drixie has survived more apocalypses than you have head colds.” Drixie rolled her eyes. “Did you really think you could just crush her like that?”

Zecora’s skin started glowing brighter and brighter. “Ahhhh! The pressure is overwhelming, I already feel like my body is melting!” Zecora glowed as bright as a sun, blinding the ponies who had survived Equestria splitting in two. Zecora could contain herself no longer. “It’s time to end this…” She moaned, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. “For better or worse, it’s time for the end of the universe!” Her cock literally exploded in a blast of cum and proto-matter. Zecora’s orgasmic moan could be heard across the entire universe as the white hole within her exploded in a universe shattering explosion.

Drixie gave a smile as she watched Zecora rip herself apart in a wave of proto-matter. She flew up into the explosion and absorbed the energy just before it reached Equestria. Drixie merged with the rapidly expanding proto-matter as the universe was consumed in the timeline-ending eruption. Then everything went white.

Chapter 8: Becoming Two with the Universe

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Drixie’s mind was floating through her own consciousness. She was very satisfied. Her excursion to this timeline had been most rewarding. She had eaten well, retrieved a copy of one of her amulets, she got to try on a new personality, and she got to watch an overambitious zebra get foisted by their own hubris in a glorious, universe-ending fireworks display. The only thing that hadn’t been satisfied was the lust between her... Come to think of it, did she still have legs? Hell, she wasn’t even sure if she had a body.

As the thought of her body came into her mind, one formed out of the white void and her mind inhabited it. “What is going on?” She looked around the white void. Proto-matter, as far as the eye could see was in all directions. “Has Drixie become the universe?”

Drixie could feel the presence of every single thing she had absorbed, living or not. Her mind had collected a complete archive of this universe’s existence. The location of every atom at every point in all of time danced before her. The memories of every living thing, and all their experiences lingered in her sub-consciousness.

Drixie could feel the energy pulsing through her. But unlike Zecora, she was a higher-dimensional being, and the energy was not only harmless, but actually quite pleasurable to her. She had prevailed against many great foes, but not once had she found time to cum, to relieve the steadily increasing pressure that churned between her legs

That was changing now. Drixie sat down squishing her rump against the featureless white floor. She gave a shiver as she gave her member a gentle, elongated stroke. But she fought the desire to unmercifully beat herself off. It was too soon. She wanted this one to fast.

Even still, copious amounts of pre oozed from her slit, dribbling all over the white floor. She slipped a hand down her panting chest, teasingly pinching and pulling at a nipple. She let out a whimper as she rubbed her other thumb against the sensitive head of her penis.

Now pulsing excitedly, her penis oozed enough pre to soak itself with just the right amount of lubrication. The palm of her hand met her cock with a squelch, and she bit her lip in anticipation. Her churning balls glowed with white and blue energy, no doubt a bi-product of the two alicorns her cock had digested. The blue energy sent a wave of soothing cold through of her throbbing member, whereas the white energy pulsed with the heat of uncontrolled lust.

Drixie moaned as she took in the situation around her. She had become so powerful. She had the power of an entire universe at her disposal. The gentle pumps of her shaft grew slightly slicker with each thrust as more spurts of warmth bubbled up from her slit. The ache in her loins that had been building since morning literally burned with the intensity of one-hundred suns. Her hand pumped slowly along her shaft. She could feel the pressure building up in her abdomen but tried to hold her load in as long as possible. She knew her orgasm would be so much better if she just held on.

Her slender fingers skimmed across the texture of her bulging veins. With each thrust the malleable proto-matter started flowing like water around her moaning form. The universe pulsed with more and more sexual energy as she began to stroke the entire length of her penis. The moans of her lips, the smacking of her shaking hands and the churning of her swollen balls resounded through the universe.

Planet-sized drops of sweat cascaded down Drixie’s body, matting her mane against her body. Her cock was pulsing at the perfect amount of heat. The pleasure seemed to intensify with each repetition she made. Her tongue hung from her mouth, she panted and moaned, spurting copious amounts pre from her massive, veiny dick. She was close now, very close. She could feel herself nearing climax, spurred on by the delicious squelches of her rubbing. With one final thrust, the dam burst and a near-limitless amount of pleasure ran through her flawless body. A galactic amount of hot seed burst from her throbbing cock. Her churning balls emptying themselves as she furiously pumped.

Drixie’s mind went blank from the pleasure for what seemed like an eon. When she finally came back to reality, she found herself surrounded by hot, humid musky air. Her hand released itself from her cum-slickened cock, which slowly softened and oozed glowing cum all over as she basked in the afterglow.

Signals from her unconscious mind caused the ocean of cummy proto-matter to morph into a tropical jungle. Abundant fruit sprung from trees, tropical birds sang in the canopies, the thick, humid musk hung in the air. It was a veritable paradise born from her sub-conscience mind.

“All this proto-matter…” Drixie looked around her. “Drixie could create anything she wanted with this much energy.”

“But what does Drixie want…” she thought. “Drixie is already perfection…” As she pondered, she heard a small voice in the back of her head. “I’ve got it!” Drixie grinned. “Who better to accompany the Great and Powerful Drixie than her original self!”

Drixie pointed into a lake of her own semen and the proto-matter calcified itself into a skeleton. Strings of red and white muscle burst from the bones and slowly snaked themselves around the skeleton. Organs started to bubble and pulse within the ribcage before being covered by a layer of soft blue skin and fur. At last, the figure stood up, revealing its light blue wand and crescent cutie mark. It was a spitting image of Trixie Lulamoon.

Trixie opened her eyes and looked around. “Gah! Where am I!?” she gasped, grasping her hands around her neck to check for the alicorn amulet. “What’s going on!?”

“Calm down, my sweet. You’re fine. You're just in Drixie’s universe.” Drixie prowled up to her and gave her an intimate peck on the nose. “Yours kind of exploded, and well… let’s just say we’ve both gotten a lot bigger.” She snapped her fingers and summoned a marble-sized sun and solar system out of the aether.

“Wow! You’re me!” Trixie gasped. “And the alicorn that ate me…”

“Indeed I am.” Drixie slowly licked her face. “You were delicious, by the way. But you really went to my hips.”

“I can feel… everything...” Trixie panted. “I can feel ponies dying. Ponies giving birth. Making love. It’s… it’s all too much. Why can I feel these things…?”

“Because you’ve become the universe, Trixie.” Her dark doppelganger said. “In this reality, we are basically gods. We are eternal and have infinite power. All that ambition I felt within you has finally come to fruition. We can literally shape the world as you see fit with nothing but a thought.” She pointed at a tree, causing it to grow a strange, unidentifiable fruit.

“Really?” Trixie stared in awe at the paradise around her. “But I don’t understand. Why would you share this power with me, instead of keeping it all to yourself?”

“Drixie has need of you.” Drixie doubled in size, putting her dick right in front of Trixie’s muzzle. “It’s awfully lonesome being an omnipotent god all by yourself. You tend to get…lonely.”

Trixie gave a puzzled look “Lonely, what do you-?” Then it hit her. “Oh, I understand.” Trixie grinned and snuggled up close to her dark clone’s phallus, which was still warm with lust. “But, it looks like you’ve just used it…”

“We can use the proto-matter to alter our bodies however we see fit. Drixie could cum forever if she really wanted.” Drixie explained. “But masturbation gets boring after a while, no matter what sort of crazy things you do to spice it up. No, Drixie need companionship. She needs you, to ride me like the bitch she is.” She bend over, exposing Trixie’s corrupted cutie marks to the blushing showmare.

Trixie was just happy to exist. She didn’t know if she was as powerful as her dark counterpart, but saw no reason to oppose the pony who was basically a dark mirror herself, especially one that was asking for her to fuck her in the ass. “Alright,” Trixie walked into position. “Bend over, please.”

“Drixie doesn’t want any mercy…” Drixie bent over. “She wants it rough.” She imagined her anus being soft, moist and accepting. She looked back as Trixie moved her blue monolith into position. Drixie gave a soft chuckle as her counterpart’s oozing tip started rubbing pre all over her tight pucker.

“You are finding something amusing?” Trixie smiled.

“Oh nothing…” Drixie purred. “This just brings a whole new meaning to ponies saying ‘go fuck yourself’.”

“Heh!” Trixie grinned. “I guess it does.”

“Go ahead and push into me now.” Drixie glanced back. “There's no need for you to hold back…”

“But what if I hurt you?” Trixie worried.

“Then Drixie can use the proto-matter to regenerate.” Drixie rolled her eyes “Now come on, shove it in all the way!”

“Alright…” Trixie grinned and slowly eased her engorged tip into the tight, blue anus.

“Ung…” Drixie gave a grunt of discomfort. “Ungh… More, please… C’mon… put it in hard and deep! No mercy!”

“Alright.” Trixie grinned. “You asked for it!” She gave a mighty thrust of her hips, eliciting a massive moan from Drixie, who panted and hung her head.

“What’s the matter?” Trixie chuckled as Drixie’s tight anus massaged her the length cock. “You too full of yourself?”

Drixie giggled and gasped. Using the proto-matter, she visibly increased the radius of her anus, and sucked more of Trixie’s cock inside of her. “Mmmph… Yes… bigger…” Drixie moaned. She increased the size of her body, making it so her massive balls sloshed against Trixie’s. “Drixie wants you inside of her. She wants you all the way inside…”

“None of that!” Trixie leaned in. “I want to experience the tightness of your ass! Not be eaten by it! I've been eaten by you once more than I'd like.”

“Yeah?” Drixie looked back with a smirk. “Then you’d better keep up with Drixie! Because she's not going to stop growing until you're completely swallowed up by her bountiful ass!”

“Oooo!” You’re a defiant little thing, aren’t you?” Trixie grinned as she leaned forward and caressed Drixie’s sun-sized breasts. “I like that!” With a tremendous burst of energy, the blue unicorn practically doubled in size, sending ripples through the near-limitless sea of photo-matter. Her mighty cock stretched the limits of Drixie's sphincter.

“Ooaaugh! My Ass!” Drixie screamed “Not so big!”

“Aw, can’t handle it?” Trixie gently nibbled her ear. “I thought you were supposed to be great and powerful, and you can’t even handle the unicorn you ate. How embarrassing.”

“There is a trillion mile long dick in Drixie's ass!” Drixie moaned "She thinks you've gone mad with power!"

"Of course I have!” Trixie teased “Have you ever tried going mad WITHOUT power? It's boring, nopony listens to you!"

Drixie smirked. Her twin was finally starting to get the hang of things. “Fine.” Drixie absorbed more energy into her body, growing even larger. “If that’s how you want to play, Drixie will just just keep growing until you’re trapped in her pucker.”

“Or I'll just keep growing …until I oooghh… fill your ass...unf... with my Cum…” Trixie purred and gave a massive thrust, forcing her cock all the way inside Drixie’s ass, doubling her body mass as she did. The two smirked. Now it was a contest to see who could grow the biggest, and if there was one thing the two egotistical ponies loved, it was a good challenge.

Drixie shuddered sharply, jerking her hips upwards as Trixie penetrated her deep, making her pleasure levels skyrocket to heights she had never experienced before. Drixie’s mind was in absolute bliss. She could feel the pressure building within her ass, but she was still nowhere near achieving a climax.

Both ponies focus was to grow larger than the other, quickly bursting past the canopy of the world Drixie had created. "Oooohh… Yeesss!!! Trixie groaned as she dipped in and out of her lover’s anus. "You're so good!"

“Unf. I…Ooooo” Drixie panted out loud. “Of course Drixie is... So good… did you expect... otherwise...” The slight discomfort of her anus being stretched was more than made up for by the unquestionable pleasure that flowed through her crotch, which dripped massive lakes of glowing pre onto the paradise forest below.

"M-Mmmmf! S-so t-tight…” Trixie panted as she pushed in and out. She could feel her tight and wet rectal walls vibrating against her smooth cock flesh, constricting and sucking the meaty length. Each movement caused tiny lightning bolts to strike around the two lovers, as if simulating the pleasure they were feeling.

Trixie’s precum started to seep out of Drixie’s anus, dripping down to the forest below like meteorites. Stars started to appear in the sky in time with the sounds of the two goddess’ muscles squelching and squashing against each other. "Ooohhhh fuck yes, Drixie!” Trixie panted. “Are you… feeling it? Because I’m… really… really feeling it!"

Drixie didn’t answer she was too busy panting and moaning. She was able to hear her lover’s questions, though. She slowly moaned through the pleasure. "I-Drixie is… But… don’t think… she's going easy… she's still going to suck you right into her ass!”

“Not if I cum first!” Trixie panted. The way Drixie’s anus gripped her was so overwhelmingly arousing. The two ponies were so big, that the jungle below them was barely a field of moss. The sexual fantasy of being this large and powerful made Trixie’s heart flutter. And now she was going to prove to her clone who the best version of her really was. She grasped both of Drixie’s ass cheeks, spread them apart and started to pound her ass. The sound of her moist anus squelching grew louder and wetter. The noises of them moaning and panting altered the universe around them. Oceans of jizz, filled with sperm-like fish appeared. Lewdly- shaped asteroids crashed into each other. Volcanoes burst from the ground in enormous eruptions of white lava, which brought about abundant growth wherever it touched.

Drixie started using her cosmic powers to create ripples along Trixie’s length. She manipulated her lover’s nerves in just the right way to amplify her pleasure while keeping Trixie from being able to achieve orgasm. It was a dirty trick, to be sure, but Drixie wasn’t losing this contest, and Trixie couldn’t win if she couldn’t cum.

Trixie’s shaft flexed and tightened. Her thick pre flew oozed at an unreal volume, as if the real load was being held back. It spilled onto the jungle, forming oceans to go with the land. Trixie was in a state of pure bliss, seeing stars.

“Are… you still… feeling it?” Drixie whispered.

“Ooooo…yes…” Trixie said through her lusty haze. There were only two things on her mind right now. Get bigger, and keep pounding. Her cock was starting to become charged with pure sexual energy.

As the two ponies grew, the paradise planet below them disappeared into nothingness. They were so massive that they could see entire galaxies winking in and out of existence with the rhythm of their thrusts. As more drips of thick pre began to ooze from their galaxy-sized cocks, some of their super-virulent sperm found their way to these galaxies and became planets, teeming with life. Millions of races of equines evolved across the universe, all of them offspring of the two goddesses.

For Drixie and Trixie, it was only a few moments, but they had grown beyond time the effects of time. What was a few seconds for them was a billion years for their near-infinite children. These races all developed differently, but there was one thing that united them, their undying respect and worship for the two goddesses that had created them. Many of them developed grand fertility rituals and orgies to honor the great ancestors, whose lustful moans could often be heard echoing through the universe.

Every eon or so, the goddess known as Trixie would slam her balls against Drixie’s, and create an energy pulse through the universe with the force of ten-billion supernovas. During this pulse, new species would evolve and established ones would become more sophisticated. Some even developed inter-galactic travel, and started exploring the universe Trixie and Drixie had accidentally created.

Trixie looked out at the dancing lights around them. “They’re beautiful.” She smiled. “Do you think theirs…Ooof!... any life out there?” asked Trixie.

“It’s ung! Possible…” Drixie sighed. “Imagine all those little souls… watching us like this… worshiping us”

“Mmmmm…” Trixie moaned. “That is pretty hot…” She started to thrust faster and harder, her virulent balls swinging back and forth, gently smacking the cheeks of her dark counterpart. The two were completely intertwined with lust, to the point where it was difficult for astronomers to tell where one pony ended and the other began.

As the two ponies grew bigger and bigger they started to displace the dust-speck galaxies that were around them. But by this point, most of their worshipers had developed space-age technology and started setting up colonies directly on the two goddesses. Just one strand of their fur was big enough to support ten-trillion ponies, who harvested water and salt from the sweat bubbling up from their skin.

Drixie and Trixie noticed patches of glowing lights were starting to appear on their bodies. They recognized them as colonies of sentient creatures born from their untamed lust. “Whoa…” Drixie gasped.

“Oh wow…” Trixie gulped. “There are ponies living on us… How-oof! How many, do you think… there are?”

“Mmph… trillions of planets worth… if not mmm-more...!” Drixie moaned. “Imagine it, Trix… we created…them… all of them…isn’t that…oogh! Amazing!?”

“Mmmm…yes…” Trixie panted. “All of them… watching us… our perfect bodies…like this… it’s…SOOOoooo…intoxicating…”

Drixie purred. She couldn’t help but give a mischievous lick against the back of her hand, sending countless ponies into her gullet. The ponies were ecstatic to be chosen by their goddess, and eagerly awaited their opportunity rejoin with their divine source. They no longer thought of themselves as individuals, but cells to serve their creators.

Drixie moaned as she felt Trixie’s tempo increase. “You ready to feel Trixie cum in your ass!?” Trixie panted as her body rippled with growth. The two ponies were growing at a ludicrous rate of 1 billion light years per second.

“Ung…” Drixie moaned and bucked her hips. “Give up… you’re not going to outgrow Drixie…”

“I don’t have to.” Trixie teased. “Soon we’re gonna be as big as the universe, and then what? You won’t be able to get any bigger!”

“Ooooo…” Drixie chuckled “Don’t think that’s gonna stop Drixie…”

After what seemed like a minute of ramming her cock in and out of Drixie, Trixie started to feel a powerful surge of pressure pressing against her skin. “Mmmmm… yes…” Trixie panted. “The edge of the universe…”

“Wow…” Drixie gasped. “We’re …ung! this big!”

“I… don’t get it.” Trixie panted. “I… should be… ung!…cumming by now…” Trixie moaned like an animal. She was now being compelled entirely by her overpowering instincts. “Why won’t my…oof! Fucking dick work…?” Her incomprehensibly large body automatically pounded harder and harder. Trixie could feel the energy pent-up inside of her. Drixie’s subtle magic had kept her from achieving orgasm for the last trillion years, although it only felt like twenty minutes to Trixie and Drixie. But Trixie’s cock had grown too big, too powerful and too pent-up for her magic to contain any longer. The tipping point had been reached, and an explosion of pleasure erupted in Trixie’s mind. "Oooh Drixie!!” She moaned “Oooo. I’m gonna cum!! I’m gonna cum hard!!!" She clenched her eyes shut and tensed up her muscles. “I’m gonna put a big load of semen in that pretty ass of yours!”

Drixie couldn’t take it anymore. Losing this silly contest was worth getting to feel release. "Mmmm!! Okay…Make Drixie cum!! P-Put your big load her perfect ass!!" She shouted as he began to thrust her ass back, encouraging Trixie’s testicles to dump everything they had into her cavernous anus.

They had grown past the point of no return. As their bodies tensed up, reality started deforming around them. The boundaries of the universe warped and whined with stress. Within a few more powerful thrusts, Trixie shoved the entire length of her cock in. Reality shattered as the two raised their head upward and bellowed a universe-ending roar.

"OOOOOOOOoooooooo! F-ffffuuuuuuuck!!" Trixie moaned as she grinded her cock against her tight anus. Her pent-up balls grinded against Drixie’s as they unloaded their payload. Thick loads of Trixie’s warm, divine cum filled up the empty cavity. Drixie’s anal walls flooded so much that cum that it burst out of her anus like fireworks every time Trixie’s cock throbbed or pulled out before going back in for another thrust.

"Oooooohhh… Trixieeeee!" Drixie moaned. Her own cock began to shoot out thick strands of cum. Each rope formed into pools, which naturally gravitated towards the two ponies, covering them with a layer of seed.

They closed their eyes and happily let out pleasurable moans whilst their cocks continued to discharge copious amounts of cum. They were in heaven, maybe literally. As the two rode out the intense orgasm, billions of billions of their worshipers climbed onto their gigantic sperm and rode off across the multi-verse to establish new colonies and dimensions in the name of their two goddesses.

As Trixie gave one last final thrust, reality cracked, and the world around them seemed to shatter into nothingness.


Meanwhile, on a higher dimension, a young human male in his mid-20s was browsing the internet on his desktop computer. “I guess let’s see what’s new on FiMfiction…” He spoke aloud and brought up the website. But as soon as he clicked on the link, his screen went completely white. “What the heck?” he growled at his computer. “Did I get a virus?” He reached down to press the reset button, but nothing happened. “C’mon…” He repeatedly pressed the button. He rolled his eyes and crawled under his desk to unplug the power, when he heard a soft cracking noise and smelled a strong musk.

All of the sudden, his monitor exploded in a shower of glass. Loud moaning noises filled the room as a pair of 15-foot tall futa mares making love slid out of his computer in a tsunami of semen. The human decided to hide out until he knew what was going on.

The giant mares collapsed, crushing his couch and mattress under their mass. Both gave long sighs of relief. Their bodies fully coated in a thick layer of cum. They took a moment to catch their breaths from the intense climax, fully cherishing this incredible moment.

"O-Oooh… fuck…” Trixie panted and slowly eased her cock out. “… That was… so good… oohh…" She carefully let her cock plop out of Drixie’s tight anus, allowing the cum inside of her to dribble out.

They looked at each other’s messy faces and smiled. Trixie leaned forward and slowly and gently licked her face. “I…I love you, Drixie.” She shuddered “Even though you did eat me that one time…”

"Drixie doesn’t say this often… But, she loves you too.” Her heart pounded with a passion of love and romance. “You’ve got a big ego… but deep down, you’re a good pony…” She pressed her lips against Trixie’s. “I’m glad to have you as part of me… I love you...” She smiled, ware of the fact she was referring to herself in the first-person.

“Trixie is honored that you think so. I just wish my universe wasn't destroyed in the process.” Trixie gave a small frown. "I realize it wasn't your fault, but I'm going to miss my old home."

“Drixie thinks you are too sentimental. But she understands, you think your home is something to be defended. Let Drixie see…” Her horn glowed and picked up a softball sized sphere of cum from the floor. “…there should be enough proto-matter left over for Drixie to do this.” She brought the sphere up to her lips and blew on it, causing it to glow. She then handed it to Trixie. “Here you are. Don’t drop it. Drixie isn't making you another one.”

Trixie stared at the tiny sphere in awe. “Is this…?”

“Your universe?” Drixie smiled. “Yes. Drixie has restored it to about a month before she showed up, with a few minor tweaks to make sure Ms. Sparkle never builds a white hole. Although, Drixie thinks you’ve outgrown it a bit, though.”

“Thank you.” Trixie hugged her.

“You’re welcome.” Drixie hugged her back.

“But where am I going to keep it?” Trixie looked at the fragile orb. “I don’t want to it break.”

“Did you forget you’re made of proto-matter now?” Drixie winked. “Just keep it inside of you.” She gently pressed it against Trixie’s belly button which yielded and accepted the orb.

“Wow…” Trixie gasped. “There’s an entire universe inside of me.”

“Not to mention all the one’s we created by accident.” Drixie chuckled. “Drixie thinks today was a very busy day for both of us.”

“Yes…” Trixie sighed happily. “We’ve got a whole new world to explore, you and I.”

“You want to stay with Drixie?” the alicorn gasped.

“Why not?” Trixie nuzzled her. “Somepony has to keep you in line.”

“Yeah… maybe. Maybe…” The two gave a long hug. As they did, Drixie spotted the human under the desk. She smiled and licked her lips. “Hey Trixie?” Drixie smiled. “Do you think these things might taste good?”