The Barn Find

by Archy

First published

After a run in with Rainbow Dash in town, an invitation she extends to Mags to check out something at Sweet Apple Acres turns into far more than she bargained for.

After a run in with Rainbow Dash in town, an invitation she extends to Mags to check out something at Sweet Apple Acres turns into far more than she bargained for.

The Barn Find

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Another glorious day was beginning in Ponyville as the sun made its appearance and the night gave way to day. A cockerel crowed in the distance and aroused Mags from her dozing, she must have dropped off…again.

All night, all damned night she had been trying to fix this problem but the game wasn’t playing ball. It was almost as if tiny wires weren’t designed to be manipulated by hooves, just as she thought she had it in her grasp, off it came again – and then she would yell in anger, calm herself with some deep breaths and doze off. It was becoming a vicious cycle. Magic wasn’t much help either, the wires were too small and fiddly to grasp and she couldn’t get a good grip on them anyhow.

She rubbed her bleary eyes and looked up out of the dusty barn window above her head. Morning had broken. She was tired, hungry and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed. Some breakfast was first thing on the agenda though, and despite the fact she was visibly swaying when she stood up from lack of sleep she shut the barn up behind her and trotted into town. Sleep could wait a little longer, breakfast was first.

Mags was not the most slender of ponies, she was a little portly – but not much more than most of the others that lived around town. Fiddling with her Pinball machine didn’t give much scope for exercise, and she’d rather be locked away in that dusty old barn trying to fix the thing up anyway. She was a little dirty, having not bothered to clean herself up after leaving the barn – a few small splotches of oil were evident on her grey coat and her hair, a deep black with purple streaks was a little untidy but not unkempt. Nopony gave her a second glance as she trotted down the main street towards a small cart offering dandelion sandwiches and hay fries. It even had a few small tables and chairs for paying customers to perch themselves on, which she did once collecting her sandwich.

As she munched on it, she took in the hustle and bustle of early morning Ponyville which was just springing to life, one of her favourite past times. Lily, one of the florists was hauling a small cart of petunias and other assorted flowers towards the local flower shop. Derpy was already waiting outside Sugar Cube corner for it to open in a few minutes, probably for some muffins as she did each day. A couple of Pegasi landed outside the town hall and went inside. All the usual bumbling about that everypony did each day. Mags had a few friends around town, but nopony well known. She mostly kept to herself, being locked away in her father’s barn meant making friends didn’t happen often, and she was happy with the 5 close friends she had made over the years.

As she finished the last bite of her sandwich a couple of Pegasi flew over her head, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. She had spoken to each of them maybe a handful of times, being the resident fixer of anything mechanical meant they had needed her services a couple of times. Usually it went no further than arranging a time to do it and payment, usually with a “Thanks.” Of the 5 ponies that were friends of the resident princess, she had the most contact with Applejack, whose farm equipment often needed a looking at and overhaul with all the use it got. Generally the Apples were pretty good as farmers at sorting out their own equipment; she only went when it was something really difficult that their limited knowledge of machinery couldn’t sort out.

As they passed over head, she waved a hoof and smiled at both of them. As she did they stopped, whispering occurred and Fluttershy nodded and continued on her journey. Dash darted down and made a bee-line for her. Hmmm Mags mused. I wonder if her fridge is on the fritz again, that thing is always breaking down. Well keeps me in work.

In her usual dramatic way Dash skidded to a halt a few inches from the edge of the table Mags was sitting at. As she did so she flicked her mane slightly to clear the hair from her eyes and smiled.

“Magna-save, how ya doing?”

“I’m good Dash, if a little *yawn* tired. Is your fridge broken again? I can probably come out this evening. And Mags is fine.”

“Sure Mags, anyway no – the fridge is fine thanks. Actually I’ve got something to show you a little different this time, and I promise” Dash winked at her “there will be no fixing involved. Can you come meet me out at Sweet Apple Acres around 7 tonight?”

“Sure, I should be well rested by then. I was planning to work a lil’ more on the game, but I could take a break.”

“Ahhhh.” Grinned Dash “That old thing can wait, I think you’re going to find this waaaaay more interesting. Anyhow, laters!”

And with that Dash zipped off into the clouds. Mags was slightly perplexed, nopony ever offered to do things for her, except in exchange for work. The whole time Dash was talking to her she had this silly grin on her face, which was very unlike her. Generally she was grumpy, but again that might be because whenever she saw her, her fridge was broken and she was hungry.

Thinking of hunger, Mags was still a little peckish. She ordered a small batch of hay fries and took her seat again. As she waited for them she decided what she was going to do. Eat the hay fries, go home, sleep and wake up around 6 to be with Dash for 7. She smiled to herself, a little excited at the prospect of what Dash might have to show her. Unless it was a prank, Dash was notorious for her pranks around town. Her initial excitement became worry as she started to wonder what she could have planned out at Sweet Apple Acres. Whatever it was, she decided to go along, and as she did her name was called from the sales pony at the cart. The hay fries were ready.


Mags let out an audible groan as she opened her eyes and sat up. Those hay fries were too good at that stand, it was almost criminal. It was probably more criminal she had ordered 3 more packets before slinking home reeking of shame. By the third packet the salespony was definitely giving her the stink eye. She glanced over at her bedside clock.


Dammit I’m late!

Hastily she combed her mane, quickly finished her ablutions and rushed out the door, normally never going anywhere without her overcoat full of tools, but by the time she remembered and was galloping towards Sweet Apple Acres she figured whatever it was Dash wanted to show her she was hardly going to need them.

Dash was already there, of course. Tapping her hoof impatiently with a look of mild annoyance on her face.

“You’re late.”

“Sorry, I overslept. I rushed out without even thinking if I should have brought anything…did I need to bring anything?”

“Naaaa, and don’t worry, like I said – I think you’re going to find this pretty interesting.” Dash said, as she started to canter into the orchard at a reasonable pace.

“So um, where are going?”

“Well you always like rooting around in barns right?”

“Sorta, not always by choice. Why?”

“Well I bet you’ve never seen a barn like this. It’s just round this bend.”

As they rounded a clump of trees in the orchard what appeared before them was a clearly maintained, yet hardly out of the ordinary barn. Dash grinned again as it came into view and turned her head to mags, pointing at it with 1 hoof. “Ta da!!!”

“Um, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be looking at, it’s pretty ordinary barn.”

“You need to go inside, that’s what the ‘Ta da!!!’ was for Mags. Go on, I’m right behind you.”

Well then why didn’t you wait to ‘Ta da!!!’ until I was inside, my goodness. She thought. As she slid open the door the Ta da become apparently pretty quickly. Aside from a whole heap of floor space there was only 1 thing in the barn. A massive, almost comically large vat. It was labelled “Pancake Batter.”

“Dash, should I be worried, confused or both and maybe some other emotion I haven’t thought of yet?”

“I don’t know, that depends on what you want to do next. How would you like it if I told you that label on the side of the tank was actually accurate?”

“Well, I uh…I really don’t know. Why does it actually matter, and more to the point why does Applejack have a barn with a giant vat of pancake batter inside?”

“The barn is mine, I just rent the space. There are loads of barns all over the farm that the Apples don’t use, so they rent them out as storage.”

“Well I guess that makes sense, but why, WHY is there this huge vat of pancake batter in it?”

“2 reasons, and I hope number 1 doesn’t shock you, but I know your little secret.”

Mags froze, there is no WAY, no WAY Dash could know about her…ahem, magic. She was always so careful when she used it. And she only ever used to give herself a little bodily boost when she felt inclined to. But clearly she did know, and she had to find out how she got to know.

“B-b-but how did you find out!?”

“I was flying home from cloud busting the other week when I went by your house, you’re on the second floor but remember to close the drapes at night. I could hardly see your head for all that mountain of blubber rolling around in front of you, although you clearly were in your element. You enjoy being a big fatty don’t you?”

Cheeks as red as the apples in the trees at the farm, she blushed heavily. There was no point hiding it, she had no idea what Dash could have seen and how long she was there. She did tend to get…distracted when she was that large.

“I didn’t at first! But then as I did it more it became easier and well...fine, enjoyable!” she huffed.

“Wanna know a huge secret?”


“…I do as well.”

“No way! Haha! I don’t believe it, Rainbow Dash – the most decorated, possibly well know lighting fast flyer in all of Equestria likes being fat? Is this some sort of cruel prank because you caught me the other night? I mean look at you! You’re probably the very definition of streamlined! I can’t believe, neigh – I WON’T believe you’ve even had the thought cross your mind!”

“I know you don’t know me very well and you’re only ever over to fix my busted junk, but I’m serious! Look, you would have been right – a couple of months ago but there was this incident involving some muffins that I’m not hugely proud of. Without going into the details I liked it, a LOT – okay? And since then I come out here maybe once a week when I know I won’t be disturbed and do…stuff. Happy?”

There was a moment of silence between the two. Maybe she had misjudged her, it all seemed very genuine, and this was a huge amount of effort to go through for a practical joke. Mags decided to push a little further and at least try to get some proof.

“Alright, let’s say I believe you. I need something concrete though before I do. What happened with the muffins?”

Dash looked a little embarrassed, before speaking up. “Do you remember at all, or hearing perhaps a little while back that Derpy uh…had gained some weight?”

“You know I do – a friend of mine told me. She looks fine now though.” She pondered, scratching her muzzle. “Yeah she had to go off duty for a little while.”

“That was my fault, see Pinkie kinda made these super-fattening muffins and I ended up eating a whole bunch of them, and so did she. I could hardly move for a week.”

“That’s still not proof.”

“Fine, here.”

Dash produced some photos from a cubby-hole near her. As she glanced over them Dash could hardly believe what she was looking at.
“These are either very convincing tricks, or – holy Celestia how did you even take these?”

“I didn’t, Derpy did – do you think I could reach anything at that size? We we’re stuck for a week, it was fun for a while but we had to do other stuff to entertain ourselves. So like the big fat idiots we were we took some photos, I thought I’d keep them for myself but I never figured using them as evidence.”

There were a number of photos, all just containing a sea of blue. Sometimes a little wiggly hoof here or in one, what looked like a 4 chinned Dash grinning wildly at the camera. Mags decided to just accept it, and she was kind of curious to see what Dash was going to do with the huge vat that still loomed over them.

“Okay, I believe you, for now. Now why did you bring me out here?”

“Because we both like the same thing, I just wasn’t totally sure how to approach you. I thought about purposefully breaking the fridge but when I saw you this morning I thought save you some work and just ask you, I mean the worst you could say was no, right?”
“Riiiiiiight. Anyway get on with it. I’ve got a game to fix you know.”

“Jeez, you really are obsessed with that game. Look you’re gonna be here for a little while, I hope anyway. Just wait right there.”


Dash disappeared behind the tank, and came back carrying 2 large hoses in her mouth, putting them gently down on the floor in front of Mags.

“Well clearly these are hooked up to the tank. What do you want to do?”

“Put one in your belly button.”


“I like being super big, I figure if you got the chance, you’d like being super big as well. I’ve been massive before, and I know you can get quite large. I figure we can both enjoy this, if I put that much pancake batter in myself I think I’d explode.”

Mags was at a bit of juncture at this stage, her brain was telling her it was a terrible idea – but her heart was overtaking it with the desire to see just what might happen. It was no good, she was going to cave. If this was a practical joke, so be it.

“Why my belly button though, wouldn’t my mouth be better?”

“You would think, but I found this out the other week…experimenting. You get bigger a lot faster if you go straight into your belly, you don’t have to digest it – it goes directly in. Neat huh?”

“I guess, so how does this work?”

“Well we need to get apart a bit, you go over to that side of the barn and I will fly up, turn the handle and then well – we’re both going to start being filled with pancake batter. I need to warn you though, because the handle is on the top once we start we can’t stop until the tank runs out. Think you can take it?” Dash grinned again.

“Oh please, I’ve been doing this for years. I think I can handle a little pancake batter, you try filling yourself with magic! It’s way harder than it looks.”

“Yeah but I bet you’ve never filled a barn before, just your bedroom.”

“You know there’s a barn in our back yard right? What do you think I do late at night when I’m stuck with a problem?”

“Hmmm, good point. Still – bet you’ve never filled yourself with real food.”

“How is pancake batter real food? And where did you get so much anyway?”

“I have a friend who works at a bakery? Duh? Oh and trust me, it’s gonna feel really nice as soon as we start. Speaking of…”

Dash flew to the top of the tank and flipped an innocuous looking leaver. There was a low hum as a couple of pumps kicked into life. Mags watched as the pipe she had now inserted into herself became plump with the batter that was starting to flow out of the vat. Dash had landed and positioned herself across the room for and was clearly watching the same thing.

“A couple of things! Sit upright cos likely it’s all gonna go to your belly, and if you’re feeling uncomfortable or like you’re gonna burst just wiggle yourself as hard as you can – you can pop the tube out usually if your belly button rubs against it enough!” she yelled from the other side of the barn.

“Fine! But I don’t see…..ohhhhhhhhhhhh…..”

The batter had made its way all the way down the tube, and with nowhere else to go, had started to fill itself inside of Mags. Okay, clearly this was not a prank. She could feel her belly taking to it. Her body was expanding at an almost comically fast rate, her tummy was filling out nicely in front of her, now a small round butterball of fat that was being pumped full of a fattening mixture of pure delight. As she overcame the initial few pumps of batter from the hose that was well stuffed into her belly button she glanced across the barn.

Dash was about the same size as her, tongue out and gasping for breath as she took in the pancake batter with a look of sheer delight on her face. Her little hooves were twitching slightly as she rubbed and played with her blubbery belly that was getting bigger and bigger as each second passed. Both the ponies were getting fatter and starting to fill out nicely. Now firmly planted on the floor as the tank was working its magic and filling them both up at a nice steady rate.

The big belly was really nice Mags thought to herself, but I need something bigger to back it up. A devious thought entered her head, she had gotten pretty good at manipulating her body with magic. With a little effort, she could re-direct some of that pancake batter to a much more worthy spot behind her – not that her butt had been neglected, it was very nicely expanding outwards and starting to look impressively large. One of the things she had always wanted to try and never succeeded at was getting a flank that could tower over her, she had just never had the opportunity before. Well now she did, and there was no way she was wasting it.

With what she could manage, Mags started to cast her usual fattening spell that she had toyed around with. She could feel her body swelling all around her, it was a very pleasant feeling. Suddenly as she was casting she heard a voice.

“Hey, what’s that you’re…huffs…doing? Are you cheating?”

“No I…urrrrppp…I…pants…I’m trying something, don’t worry.” Mags blurted out, a burp caught somewhere in the middle of that sentence.

“Better….not be! I’m going to be the fattest one here!” Yelled back Dash. Hehe thought Mags. Biggest belly sure, but not biggest butt, that’s mine.

As she concentrated she felt a shift, something in her move. Her butt suddenly sprang backwards, doubling in size as a large portion of the batter was shoved into her two blubbery cheeks behind her. Somehow, it had worked – a bigger portion of it was getting pushed backwards into her flank. Her belly was still filling out well, but her butt was now taking on most of the batter and doing a fine job of it. Her two wrecking ball-like cheeks were swelling and fattening and a speedy rate. Like a huge fat comfy chair Mags pushed backwards into her ballooning butt and enjoyed the sensational feeling of bigness she was feeling all over herself.

Dash was clearly enjoying it as well, just able to peek at her from over her expanding belly across the room she was completely transfixed on her whole blubbery body. Her fat little hooves were still wiggling about in delight and her face was beginning to fill out, cheeks starting to take on some of the fattening mixture filling her body.

Mags put her hooves to her face as well, seeing Dash and sure enough she was starting to fatten in her face as well. It was a little pleasant actually, chubby cheeks widening she grinned as she took stock of the whole situation. Here she was, with a pony she hardly knew, getting treated to something she loved. It was a blessing that Dash was so forward with her, because she never could have done it. She tried jiggling her huge body as a show of appreciation which Dash picked up on, and slapped her belly with her hooves sending it rolling around.
Both ponies were now extremely large. Dash’s blubbery belly was massive, and making some pleasant noises as it was devouring all that pancake batter. Trying to compare her size to something Mags decided she was just tipping over the edge of an average living room. If she wasn’t in a barn her huge tummy would be pressing up against the walls already. The two fat ponies, aside from the odd slight burp were mostly silent. Fat chubby cheeks were making it extremely difficult to get anything out and anyway, who needed to talk when you could enjoy being filled with pancake batter? She had to ask something though.



She had never even been half this size before, and to think that she was going to get twice as big still was incredible. Sure she had played around with magic but nothing could come close to this. The other factor that real filling was giving her was the enormous sense of weight, magic had no weight to it. Sure she could make herself big but there was no feeling to it other than your size. At the moment she felt like a huge fat anchor that was firmly planted on the floor of the barn.

Both bellies continued to take in the batter mix at the rate it was being pumped out. Dash was still feeling and rubbing against herself, Mags tried doing the same. It was surprisingly nice to put her hooves on her engorged stomach and rub it around. Each push sent it into a pleasant jiggle that could easily become addictive. Harder pushes sent huge reams of fat sloshing about into huge waves, which felt even better than the light pushes.

“Now...burrrp…you’re…getting…it.” Dash cooed, having taken note of what Mags was doing. “Wobble…it…urrrppp…feel…the…ohhhhhh…fat.”
Her earlier little spellcast was now paying off in a big, HUGE way behind her. Her titanic rump was now at the same level as her head and gaining height still. Fatter than her belly and wider as well. Both ponies were now well beyond room size and starting to look more like small houses as their bodies took in all the batter that was being fed into them via the huge vat. Mags knew she was going to have to tweak her fattening spell slightly in the future to give more oomph to her rump – it was hugely pleasant having two huge fat butterball cheeks swelling up behind her. They were now so grossly large that she could bend her head back and see them wobbling gloriously above her, like two fat fleshy mountains.

Time seemed to be passing at an incredible slow rate as both ponies enjoyed and revelled in their huge selves. Anypony walking into the barn would be gobsmacked at their titanic sizes. They were both barely recognisable as ponies anymore aside from their little fat heads. Their bodies had stretched and contorted to accommodate for the creamy batter filling that both were getting. Insanely large bellies and butts dominated the barn with plenty of jiggling and burping to boot. One final question remained.
“How…urrpp…much…burp! more?”


Well the game was going to have to wait, probably about a week while both their bodies would work off the ungodly amount of batter in them. Her and Dash were going to be trapped here for at least that long but they were clearly well fed, enough batter between the both of them to sustain them whilst there. Mags felt like she had eaten enough to feed 100 ponies, there was little left of her body that hadn’t been fattened in some way. Her cheeks had ballooned out of her face to at least three times their normal size, her legs were no longer of any use, her hooves having risen off the ground and even if they were on it – there was no way they could move her enormous lardy body anywhere. Stretched before her was nothing but her fat jiggly tummy, and behind her a massive blubbery butt. Dash had faired about the same, without magic to push that fat back her belly was raised slightly in front of her head but she still had a fairly sizable butt behind her. Both ponies were just enjoying being nearly endlessly filled up.

“I-I told you...mmf…t-this was a-awesome…” said Dash as she roused herself from her belly-wobbling trance.

“NNNNgh..A-Aah! O-oh you weren’t kidding.” Came the reply as another surge of batter fattened Mags even more.

There was nothing left but to take the rest of the batter as the tank ran dry. Mags wondered how big both of them would finally finish up, Dash probably never had a problem but if there was much more, she imagined both ponies would be bursting out the barn if they continued to grow as they did. It was a somewhat pleasant thought, and a little grin appeared between those chubby cheeks as she dwelled on it and continued to grow.