Midnight Dusk's Backstory

by rainbow2726

First published

The story of Midnight, Her sister Silver and her friend Misty.

Midnight Dusk and Silver Wish are twins. They always tease and think the same things. They go to Ponyville for their 8th birthday. They meet Misty silvermoon. They all unravel their stories together and learn about things.

:derpytongue2: I know this summary sucks but... Please read thanks!

(The OC Misty Silvermoon is not mine but the creator let me use her for my story But the rest are my OCs)

Chapter 1 - Ponyville

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Midnight Dusk Pov

I closed my suitcase with my magic. “Finally done!” I sighed looking how my twin sister Silver Wish was doing.

“What your already done!” Silver said quickly grabbing her toothbrush into her suitcase.

“Thats why I told you to start packing yesterday!” I yelled in frustration.

“But I was about to finish the 4th trial in ponymon Celestial! ” Silver whined .

“Yeah, me too in ponymon Luna! But I stopped!” I said annoyed.

“Midnight, Silver are you done packing?” My mom yelled to me and my sister.

“Yes mom!” I yelled back bringing my suitcase down in my magic.

“Its all because you were talking to me! Now I’m never going to pack in time!” My sister complained.

“Well you better hurry if you don’t want us to leave you here while we go to Ponyville.” I smirked, reaching the bottom of the stairs.

I swiftly lifted my suitcase into the car and took a ice cream sandwich from the kitchen.

Silver wish Pov

Ugh Why does Midnight always have to be so annoying!!

I lifted my suitcase quickly and started running down the stairs.

Seriously, Midnight doesn’t have to be so organized. Its not like being a little slow is going to make us late!

“AHHH!” I suddenly tripped while walking down the stairs and my heavy suitcase rolling outside. I immediately heard Midnight’s voice snickering. Then my suitcase came back in my sister’s magic aura!!?

Maybe she could be nice at times too, I guess…

————Time Skip————

Midnight Dusk Pov

We were finally here in Ponyville!! I smiled and breathed in the fresh air. We went to our hotel, and ordered some room service.

I ordered a cheese quesadilla and some hay fries, plus a slice of apple pie. While my sister ordered a daffodil sandwich, and a cupcake.

While we were eating, I thought about what our mom said.

“In Ponyville, on your 8th birthday its a tradition that you two get to choose a magical necklace that foresees your destiny!!”

I couldn’t wait, only a few more days left!!

“Can you wait? Cuz I can’t!” I exclaimed my mouth full.

My sister looked at me strangely, “Huh?”.

“You know the necklaces and our birthdays.” I clarified.

“YES!!!! I CANNOT WAIT!!!! YAYAYAYYAY!!!” Silver screamed.

I quickly put my hoofs over my ears, Silver was soo loud!

Someone knocked on our door and I used my magic to swing it open. “CAN YOU PLEASE QUIET IT DOWN!!!” The mare at our door yelled.

Silver immediately stopped and blushed in embarrassment.

“We are really sorry about the noise. Who are you? Are you from the room beside us?” My mom apologized.

“Its okay, and yes.” The mare answered.

“Whats your name!!? Whats your name!!? Whats your name!!?” Silver kept asking.

“My name is Radiant dawn.” Radiant said.

“OK BYEEE!!” Silver said closing the door with her magic.

“That was really rude Silver Wish!” Mom said.

Silver took out her 3DSXL and started playing ponymon Celestial. “NOOOO!!!” Silver screamed.

“WHAT NOW SILVER!!” My mom madly screamed.

“My DS ran out of battery!!!” Silver whined again.

I smirked, “Maybe you shouldn’t have played the whole train ride.”

“Maybe you two should go to sleep now” Mom said.

We both groaned “Already!!”

“YES NOW GO TO SLEEP!!” Mom yelled.

We immediately jumped into our covers. Mom was so scary!!

Chapter 2 - Meeting Misty

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Midnight Dusk Pov

I woke up in a refreshed state…. Until I heard the sound of my sister. “Are you awake yetttttt!? WAKE UP!!!”

“SHUT UPPPP!!!” I screamed at my sister.

“Are you two mares up already?”Our mom asked in a sleepy state.

“uh yeah, sorry mom for waking you up.” We both said.

“Its ok. Go tour around the town or something.” Our mom muttered falling back to sleep.

“YES!!” We yelled-whispered to each other and started to get ready to go.


We opened the door and ran outside. “Where should we go first?” We asked in sync.

“How about The bakery? I heard they had the best sweets in all of Equestria!!” Silver Suggested.

“But, I heard there is this forest and any pony that went in has never come out!” I said.

Silver shivered, “Tha-at sound-s scar-y.”

“Scardy Cat!” I taunted.

“You go then! I’m going to the bakery!” Silver insisted.

“FINE!” I said.
“FINE!” Silver said.

After that we parted ways and went our separate paths.

Wait. Where was the forest anyways? I’ll go ask some ponies I guess.

I walked towards a clothes shop to see if anypony there would know.

“Hello? Anypony?” I asked in the shop.

“Why yes! Welcome to Carousel Boutique How may I help you darling?” A White pony with purple hair asked me.

“Um I was wondering if you could tell me where the forest is?”

“Forest? Oh you must be talking about the Everfree forest.”

“Um I guess?”


Well that wasn’t very helpful… At least I know what the forest is called now?

I walked out of the shop and walked to wards a pink pony instead.

I reached to the pink pony about to ask her, “I NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE SO YOU MUST BE NEW!! I HAVE TO THROW YOU A WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY!!!!!” The pink pony exclaimed jumping into the air and disappearing.

Well that was weird… Maybe I should just look for it myself. I looked around and instantly found it.

Maybe I should have just did that in the beginning…

I finally took my first steps into the dark forest.

It wasn’t that interesting. It was just like a normal forest what was even special about it?

“AHH” I screamed a wolf that was made of wood jumped at me. I immediately moved my hoofs to cover my face.

“Are you ok?” A white pegasus asked me.

“You saved me! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!” I said in graciousness

“I guess… I used this bow and just shot the timber wolf thats it.” The pegasus modestly said.

She saved me! I would have died without her!!

“Since you saved me, I must give you something! Please come back with me?” I suggested.

“uh ok then. If you insist. ” The pegasus said.

“Whats your name? I mean I wanted to know the pony who saved my life.” I said.

“Oh! I’m Misty Silvermoon. You?” Misty smiled at me.

“I’m Midnight Dusk. And uh I forgot how to get out of here… sorry…”

“I don’t know how to get out either… How are we going to get out?…” Misty asked.

“I don’t know… What if we get stuck in here… FOREVER!!!!??!” I whimpered.

chapter 3 - Annoying Everfree

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Midnight Dusk Pov

“What time is it? we have been for like… FOrEVER!!!!” I complained.

“I don’t know but I’m reaaalll sleepy…” Misty trailed off.

“It is getting a little dark.” I responded turning my head to her…

She was on the ground! Her eyes were closed too! “Misty? Wake up!!! Hellooo????” I said waving my hoof in front of her head. I sighed. We were never get out of here. I should have just went to the bakery with Silver.

My stomach growled at the thought of food. Ugh I’m also so hungry, and sleepy.

Silver wish Pov

I paced around. Midnight still wasn’t home? Where was Midnight? I thought she would be at home after I spent some time at the bakery. Its already been hours since then too! What if she really never gets out of the forest, like the legends. I shivered at the thought. Mom is not even worried at all!! Maybe I should ask some ponies if they ever went in their before? Maybe that would tell me something?

I went outside in search of a pony, which was fairly easy. I found a grey pegasus with blonde mane. “Um excuse me, pegasus with the blonde mane?” I asked.

“Me?” The pegasus said in a ditzy voice.

“Um yes, and I was wondering if you know anypony that has been in the forest near here?”

“N—” The pegasus began. Then something fell on the pegasus before she could continue, ”I just don’t know what went wrong…” The grey pegasus said.

Misty Silvermoon Pov

I woke up to the grumbling of my stomach. I sure couldn’t wait to eat some breakfast. Why was my bed so hard? Ugh, but I don’t want to open my eyes…. So tired…. I’ll just go back to sleep…

Midnight Dusk Pov

I woke up to the sun piercing through my eyelids. Did I forget to pull the curtains, or did Silver open them to annoy me. I’m pretty sure its Silver’s fault. Ouch! Something sharp just hit my hoof. Ugh must be one of Silver’s tricks to wake me up again. “Stop it Silver! I’m trying to sleep…” I muttered.

Ugh! Silver is irritating me so much today! Whats with her?? I guess I’ll just annoy her back.

I finally opened my eyes, ready with a plan to annoy Silver. But, she wasn’t there. There were no curtains to annoy me with. Wait… WHAT!!!

where am I? What happened yesterday? It so hazy!! I can’t think on a empty stomach!!

“Soooo Hungreyyy.” Somepony muttered.

I looked to my right where the sound was coming from. there was a white pegasu— WAIT! I remember I met her in the forest! I’m in the forest! How could I have not realized? I’m a such a dumbo. We must have collapsed or something.

“Misty? Misty? Wake up. We have to get to our homes…”

Well, if she was sleeping I’ ll just sleep t— Then, I immediately fell back into sleep.

Chapter 4 - Getting back

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Misty Silvermoon Pov

I woke up. Didn’t I already wake up once? I should get some food, I’m hungry. I got up on my hoofs. I looked around. I was in a forest? I saw a pony on the ground she looked like she was sleeping.

“Hey Midnight wake up.” I said.

Right her name was Midnight.

“Huh? Stop it Silver.” Midnight groggily muttered.

Who was Silver?

“Wake up. I’m not Silver. We need to get out of this forest!!!!” I said.

Midnight slowly got up and opened her eyes. “Misty? Lets get out of here. Help me up” Midnight said.

I pulled her up and we started walking around until we saw a pale blue unicorn.

“MIDNIGHT!! WE WERE LOOKING for yOU EVERYWHERE!!!!!!” The unicorn screamed.

Who was the unicorn? How did Midnight and her know each other?

“Do you know her Midnight?” I asked.

“Hey sis…” Midnight whispered fainting.

The unicorn immediately cought Midnight in her magic then dropping Midnight in her hoofs.

“So your sisters?” I asked for conformation.

“Who are you? Why were you with my sister?” The unicorn said with suspicion, glaring at me.

She was so suspecting. I guess thats good. if I was a bad pony, she could protect herself and Midnight.

“I saved Mid— your sister, in the forest. A timber wolf was attacking her.” I said trying to convince her I had good intentions.

“Why would I believe that? You could be lying to me! What the heck is a timber wolf anyways? HMP!!” The unicorn said dragging Midnight, what I assume is out of the forest.

Maybe I should just follow them. I had no other option, unless you counted staying here. Maybe their parents would at least let me eat something…


I followed them, exhausted finally getting to the hotel they were staying in. By that time Midnight suddenly awoke. “Food. I need it.” She muttered under her breath before falling back into sleep.

She climbed up some stairs and opened a door. I quickly followed behind.

“Your back Silver?” a voice called in the room.
“Yes mom.” The unicorn responded.
So, her name was Silver. Midnight must have thought I was her sister, Silver!

“Who’s the pony behind you?” Her mom said. Wait did she catch me?! I quickly hid behind Midnight’s siste— Silver.

“What are you talking about mom? There’s no pony behind me!” Silver said.

At least Silver didn’t notice me. Thats a relief. My stomach growled. No Why now? Now my cover is blown. I sighed

Midnight’s mom giggled, “Please come in everypony, including the starving pony.”

I blushed. At least I would get some food now right?

Chapter 5 - Food and Misty

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Silver wish Pov

Midnight opened her eyes, and I went to her.

“Here we got you some food.” I said giving Midnight some hay burgers.
Hay burgers! I know Midnight hates them.

I snickered at Midnights reaction, “You have to eat it.You don’t have any energy to argue to you.”

Midnight glared at me, “Your evil! I’m not eating that!”.

“Would you rather not eat at all?” I taunted.

“I’m not going to eat it!” Midnight complained.

“Then don’t eat it. What will you eat then?” I asked.

Midnight closed her eyes muttering, “No. I’m not eating that…”

I snickered, “The fainting trick is not going to trick me. I know your still awake.”

Midnight didn’t say anything. Was she really tricking me? What if Midnight actually fainted!

I moved my hoof to her and shook her. “Midnight? Midnight?” I half expected her to wake up and say “Hah tricked you Silver!” But, she didn’t.

“Did you give Midnight the food?” Mom asked me.

“Uh, Midnight said she didn’t want to eat hayburgers and wanted something else.” I said.

“Then order her something else! Oh and Silver can you give me the hayburgers? Your guest is hungry.” Mom said.

I quickly passed the hayburgers to mom. Ugh Seriously though the other pony wasn’t a guest! She was just a pony who pretended that she saved Midnight!

I called the reception and ordered some food other then hayburgers. As much as I wanted to mess with Midnight, mom would get mad at me, and I don’t want Midnight to die or something thats just terrible!

Misty Silvermoon Pov

Midnight’s mom gave me some hayburgers. They looked so delicious. I was starving, I took a big bite of my burger and savored the taste. Before I could even realize I ate all of them.

“You sure are hungry aren’t you?” Midnight’s mom said chuckling.
I immediately blushed, she just witnessed me eat ALL of the hayburgers. What if she was going to eat one?

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to eat all of them… I was just so hungry. sorry, It must sound like I’m just making excuses…” I said blushing deeper. I sure made a mess of myself.

“Its ok, they were all for you. By the way, how did you get here? And whats your name?” Midnight’s mom asked.

It must have been so rude for me to not introduce myself!

“Um. I’m Misty Silvermoon. Um and you see, I encountered Midnight in the Everfree forest and I was kind of lost…” I said explaining the whole story to Midnight’s mom.

“I see. Did you know it is Midnight’s and Silver’s birthday tomorrow? Maybe you would like to come and celebrate with us?”

“um ok I guess. ” I responded. “Oh my gosh! I almost forgot to go back home! My parents must be worrying about me!!” I shouted.

I was about to open the door to leave when Midnight talked “Bye Misty. See you tomorrow!”

I smiled at Midnight and ran out the door going to my house here.

Midnight Dusk Pov

“You know, Misty’s nice. Nicer then you Midnight.” Silver teased me.

I glared at Silver jokingly.

Chapter 6 - Morning Birthday

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Midnight Dusk Pov

I woke up at 5! I was so excited!! It is my and Silver’s birthdays!! “SILVERRR!!!! WAKE UP!! ITS OUR BIRTHDAY!!” I shouted, using my magic to throw off Silver’s blanket.


Our mom came stomping to our room,“ I know its your birthday girls, but pleASE QUIET DOWN! Go and visit Misty or something.” My mom grumbled.

“Lets go visit Misty! ” I suggested.

We walked out of our hotel. “So, where is her house Midnight?” silver asked.

Wait where did she live? I seriously didn’t know? Ugh I can’t believe myself. “I kinda don’t know…” I said.

“WHAT!? Are you kidding me! Now we have to look through the whole of Ponyville to find her!” Silver complained.

“Hey guys! I didn’t think you would already be awake! But I was just so excited for your birthday’s!” Somepony said.

We both turned our heads to the voice. IT WAS MISTY!!!!

“MI-MISTY!!!” Silver and I shouted.

“Thats me.” Misty said smiling, “Anyways heres your gift!” Misty handed us both a pretty wrapped box with her wings.

“THANK YOU MISTY!!” We said together.

“You guys are totally in sync aren’t you?” Misty asked.

“NO WAY!!” We said reacting in the same time.

Misty giggled, “ Ok then, so why don’t you open your gifts.” Misty suggested.

“Lets wait until the end of the day, thats our tradition.” I said finally not at the same time as Silver.

“Can we go to your house? our mom is STILL sleeping.” Silver asked.

“Sure! Why not?” Misty exclaimed leading the way.


“Wow you’re house is really pretty!” I exclaimed.

“Not really… Anyways my mom is in the kitchen, should I ask her to make a snack for us? I mean its your guys birthday and all.”

Silver and I nodded our heads quickly.


We followed misty to a table and sat down waiting for our snacks.

“Here are your snacks! Chocolate Milkshakes for all!!” Misty’s mom said giving out delicious-looking milkshakes.

They looked so good! I took a sip in the chocolatey goodness. “SOOOO GOODD!!!!!” Silver and I said.

“Thank you, I made them myself. Oh and I was wondering Midnight dear, why do wear that long ribbon in your hair like that. ” Misty’s mom asked.

The Ribbon… The reason… Silver frowned knowing why I always wore it. My eyes already started to water remembering.

“Are you all right Midnight?” Misty said concerned.

“I— My d—ad g—ave it to m—e.” I muttered out.

“Why you crying then? Midnight? And why haven’t I seen your father yet? You never seem to talk about him?” Misty asked confused.

Silver glanced at me, “You don’t need to tell them.” Silver whispered.

I knew that I didn’t but. I needed to let it out. I guess. I don’t really even get this. But, I’ll either feel better or worse after.

“My d—dad is—isn’t her—e anymo—re.” I choked out.

“Did your dad leave you guys to a different place..?” Misty hesitantly said.

I could barely talk anymore, “ Ye-s, a different plac-e.” I stuttered.

“Where…?” Misty asked.

Silver suddenly became angry,“HE’S DEAD OK? STOP ASKING MORE AND MORE QUESTIONS! IT HURTS US THINKING OF HIM OKAY?” Silver screamed, A faint flash of green in her eyes.

“Silver… Calm… I know you get mad when you think of dad but…” I started.

“I’m sorr-y, I-I. Sor-ry.” Silver Apologized.

“Midnight, Silver. I’m the one at fault, I shouldn’t have pried so deep into it…” Misty apologized.

We all took deep breaths. “Let’s. Let’s just forget about this and come to our house and celebrate our birthdays. Today is supposed to be a happy day. Right?” I said.

Chapter 7 - Presents

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Midnight Dusk Pov

We opened the door back to our hotel room.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!!!” Mom exclaimed.

I expected mom would try to surprise us. “What special breakfast do you have planned mom?” We asked, walking to the table.

“I have prepared blueberry pancakes!! Even for you Misty! ” Mom said bringing out pancakes in her magic.

I used my magic and got forks, knives and a syrup bottle for everypony.

“YAY!” We screamed taking quick giant bites of our pancakes.

“I know a way to make it even yummier! You just get a layer of pancake then pour syrup on it, take another pancake place it in top of the other pancake, pour more syrup and keep doing that until you have no more pancakes! To eat it after wards you cut it in pieces like you cut a cake!” I explained doing the movements myself.

“Wow! How can something turn even more delicious just by doing that??” Misty said.

“It our family trick!” Silver said winking.

“What else are we going to do on your guys birthday?” Misty asked.

“OF COURSE GO TO OUR FAVORITE SHOPS!!!” Silver and I screamed.

“Which shop first this year?” Mom asked us.

“THE OLDY CANDY SHOP!!!” We yelled.

We all walked to our favorite candy shop ever. It may have looked bad but the sweets were absolutely delicious, and even cheap.

“Every pony can get one bag full! I’ll pay.” Mom said.

“Um, Midnight which candy do you recommend, I have never went to a candy shop like this one before…” Misty asked.

“OMG! I’ll definitely help you!!!!” I shouted, grabbing Misty’s bag and mine filling it to the brim with only the best sweets EVER!!!!

I placed our bags on the counter on the same time Silver did. “MOM WERE DONE!!!” We yelled.

“I swear they get faster every year.” Mom muttered under her breath.
“How much does it cost now?”

“Oh hello Stardom its Midnight and Silvers birthday again? Oh who is the pegasus?” the shop owner asked.

“Oh thats their friend Misty.”

“Ok lets see your total today is 15 bits.”

“You have got to eat this candy! Try it!” I said, using my magic to get a piece of candy in her bag and putting it on her hoof.

“WOW!! It tastes amazing!!!!”


After the whole day of fun and excitement.

“Do we get to see you open your presents now!!” Misty said eyes sparkling.

“YEAH!!! First lets open Misty’s gift!” I said.

We took out Misty’s gift and started opening it.

Misty’s gift was glow in the dark star stickers! “THANK YOU MISTY!!!!!” We screamed.

I took a look at Silver’s gift it was a silver charm bracelet also very cute!!!

“Silver here’s your gift!” I gave Silver’s gift to her.

“Heres your’s Midnight!”

I ripped open the wrapping paper. It was a music box with us on it!

“Wait, I gave you the same thing!!” We started laughing.

“Do you remember girls? You get to choose your magical necklaces today!” Mom said bringing out a bunch of different color necklaces. “Girls choose carfully it will foresee your destiny.”

I looked at all of them, but the yellow one seamed to stand out to me, it was just like the stars!
“I want the yellow one mom!” I said.

“I want the one with white and black on the outside.” Silver said.

“Silver are you sure you want that one? and Midnight you?”

“Yes mom.” We chanted.

“Okay then.” Mom sad handing us our necklaces, “The symbol and color of your necklace with appear on your cutie mark just like mine see girls?”

Chapter 8 - Moonlight Ponies

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Midnight Dusk Pov

Today sure was fun. It was even more fun with Misty! I’m so glad I met Misty, It made the day so exciting! I’m sure she also had lots of fun!

I climbed into my bed drifting of to sleep

(In a dream)

Misty was in the forest. She was shooting a target with her bow and arrow.

“Hey Misty!” I exclaimed.
“Hey!” Misty said shooting a bullseye.

“Wow that was amazing how did you do that? I have never seen you do that before! Amazing!!” I praised.


I woke up, the sun was shining brightly. My dream sure was cool! I wonder if Misty can actually do that! “Silverrrrr wake uppppp were going to see Misty!!” I yelled.

“What…?” Silver muttered still trying to wake up.

“WAKE UPPPP!!!” I screamed ripping the covers of Silver.

“Fine!” Silver said getting ready to leave.

We walked out of our door going to Misty’s house. “Where are we going Midnight?”

“I told you! Misty’s house!”

“Were seeing Misty yay!!” Silver said in excitement.

We arrived at Misty’s house. “MISTY!!! We came to visit you!” We shouted.

“Oh! Hello Midnight, Silver! What are you guys doing here?”

“Misty!!! Remember when you saved me in the Everfree forest with a bow and arrow.” I said.

“Of course!! How could I forget!!” Misty said.

“Anyways I was wondering if you could show me. You shooting it, if thats ok.”

“Sure!” Misty said bringing us to her backyard and getting her bow and arrow. She shot it around the 3rd and 4th ring.

“So what brought this up Midnight?”

“Oh I had a dream and you got a bullseye and I was kind wondering if you could actually do it…”

“Really!! I had the same exact dream!! i can’t believe it!”

————————— Whole day passes in a flash.

Misty Silvermoon Pov

“Today was so fun! I don’t even want to leave!!” I complained.

“Why don’t we have a sleepover?” Midnight asked.

“Yes!! I’ll go tell my mom be back!”

I flew to my home told my mom and came back. “SHE SAID YESSS!!!” I screamed.

“Time to go to sleep girls, you have been up since like 5? Good night.” Midnight’s mom said.

Aww, and our sleepover just started! Why did we already have to go to sleeppp!!

Midnight’s mom closed our door, “Go to sleep soon.”

“It’s ok Misty! we don’t actually have to go to sleep we can go see the stars! You want to?”

How were we going to get outside? “How?” I asked confused.

“Follow me we just have to go through the window!”

I quickly got a hat so she wouldn’t be able to see my glowing hair in the dark.

We went out and would a nice spot on a rock to see the stars.

Midnight sighed. “I love how your mane glows so much! Mine only glows a little… Its probably because my whole family doesn’t have glowing hair either.”

Wait she found me out! Wait she has glowing hair too!? I looked at her mane, it was glowing slightly! Is she a Moonlight pony like me!!?

“Are you moonlight pony?” I asked in shock.

“Whats a moonlight pony Misty?”

What if she wasn’t! I have to make sure. Let me think we attend Luna camp, um I know! We all have a star and when their emotionally unbalanced their star will flicker! I have to be mean to her to see. Ugh I don’t want to, but I can’t think of any other way.

I took a deep breath. “I hate you!” I yelled pretending to be mean. Was that too harsh? But none of the stars are flickering. If she’s not a moonlight pony, how will I explain how I am acting?

“Your mean!” I tried again. I saw her eyes starting got water. I looked into the stars. I feel like one flickered. But I’m not sure… I have to do it again… even if I don’t want to.

“What did I do to make you so mad Misty? We were having so much fun…”

“You um You Idiot!” I screamed, I saw a star sharply flicker.

“I’m sorry Misty. I don’t know what I did wrong but… Please forgive me…” Midnight said starting to run away.

“No! Midnight! Come back!” I yelled flying to her. “It was just to see if you were a moonlight pony!”

“A moon-nlight po-ny?”

“Yes. When a moonlight pony is born a star is born, when they die the star also dies. If the pony is emotional unstable their star in the sky will flicker. Thats why i did something like that. Your are a moonlight pony.”

“How did you know I would be a moonlight pony?”

I smiled, “Moonlight ponies have hair that glows in the dark, and yours glow don’t they? Moonlight ponies go to this Luna camp, we go in December. We play games, eat marshmallows and replenish the moon’s power.”

“How do you replenish the moon’s power in this Luna camp?”

“Using the power of friendship we power up the moon and it shines brighter. Haven’t you noticed before in December the moon always seamed brighter some how? Unicorns can also learn how to harness the moon’s power under Luna’s Guidance. Although It’s a very hard skill to master and use.”

“Thats amazing. I never thought we could do such things. I have always thought the princesses did all that!”

“Yes I also thought the same thing, before I knew I was a moonlight pony. I’ll show you my star and yours.”


I pointed to Midnight mine and her stars.“See how they shine brighter than the others?”

Midnight smiled, “Thats because were happy. Right? ”