I am Fear

by Crystal Static

First published

Just a short little fluff piece about fear and the expectations of others.

Fear, it is a powerful thing.

I built my empire on it. I made it all mine with it. I am fear.

I have armies that inspire fear in my enemies. Slaves that toil night and day out of fear for my wrath. Entire civilizations tread wary around my presence. I am fear.

I am fear.

I actually found the beginning of this in my GDocs. I started it a long while ago and just found it among all the other unfinished things I started... I hope you all enjoy it.

I am Fear

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I am Fear


That is what it all comes down to. The source of my power is fear. I was born in it, I was raised in it, I have became it.

I am fear.

I have lain waste to many an army, I have brought an entire empire to its knees, and even GODS fear my might. Yes, gods. But then again, what is fear? Fear can drive a pony to do anything. Freeze up in sheer terror, gnaw off their own hoof, run like the ants that they are, even to go as far as murder! Fear is a powerful tool, and I am its master. Other ponies wield fear like a cudgel, no finesse or elegance, but when I wield it… well, you know what I have done.

My legions of soldiers are a force of terror all their own, commanding fear on the field of battle. My loyal Dread Knights exude fear, their imposing presence can make even the hardest stallions quake in their shoes. My wicked Reavers rip through entire legions, commanding fear like bladed whips. My brutal Banshees, their war cry alone can paralyze all but the toughest of foes. And my Wraiths, more like spirits than anything else, they appear out of thin air and disappear in a wisp of smoke, leaving nothing but despair in their wake. My army is the strongest in the world, and it has brought even the mightiest of foes to grovel at our hooves.

I am fear, and even the two sisters are afraid to face me.

So what is making me feel this way?

"I am fear." My reflection in the mirror just looks at me, patronizingly.

"I am fear." Who are you trying to convince? The gemstones on the counter?

"I AM FEAR INCARNATE!" And with that, the mirror shatters, my hoof through the fragile surface.

"Why is this so hard? I have hundreds of slaves in my crystal mines, I have an army of terror that can wash across the land like an unyielding… something."

"GAH! What is wrong with me?! How can I inspire fear into the hearts of my enemies if I cannot even convince myself of my great and terrible might?!"

Maybe I just am having an off day. I have been feeling a little bit strange recently.

"Hoofmaiden! I demand your presence at once!" I pause as I hear my shout echo in the hallway outside the door, cut off by the hoofsteps of my slave.

"Y-yes Your Majesty?"

"Ah, my loyal servant, I feel I need a bit of help, preparing for the day, as it were. Help me prepare my mane, it's become so hard to manage ever since my last hoofmaiden was sent to the mines."

"O-of course. Will that be all you need from me sir?"

Can I trust her enough to confide in her? Bah, I'm the Lord of Terror, why am I even considering telling her about this?

"Sir, is there anything else you need?"

"More slaves, more magic, a royal harem, maybe some nice cheese?"


"Sorry, I kid. I just feel…"

"Feel what sir?"

"Have you ever, I mean, have you had a day where you just felt discontent with your lot in life?"

"O-oh, no sir! I am most h-happy as your personal hoofmaiden sir."

"Tell me hoofmaiden, what do you fear?"

"H-honestly, I'm afraid that one day you will be angry and send me to the mines or worse."

"So you fear punishment or misplaced retribution from me, is that all?"

"Y-yes s-sir."

"You know what, just forget this conversation ever happened. You are dismissed."

Her shaking in fear of what I would do if I didn't like her response only makes me feel worse. There is no doubt in my mind that I must be a monster, for a good king would never make slaves of the populus, let alone intimidate all who threaten him with hate magic. I am a monster, I feel no remorse for my actions nor sympathy for the lives I have ruined…

Yet I can't help but lose sleep over what I have done.

It all happened so fast. At one moment there was nothing but darkness, the next, searing light and fierce cold winds. It seems that the banishment has worn down enough for me to return. No doubt my kingdom has returned along with me.

My kingdom, as if I can even claim it as such. I never had claim over it, I just thought I deserved it and then took what I wasn't mine.

For that matter, there is no doubt that Celestia knows of my return; she probably already has her forces en route. That's my problem with her, she could never leave well enough alone. I was already having doubts when she came the last time, but in my indecision I chose to play the role I had made, and spent the last thousand or so years frozen in time. At least I had enough time to figure out what I was feeling. Heh, my father would be turning over in his grave, if it wasn't already lost to the centuries since my climb to power. He always said that no matter what, if you dig a hole, you're going to have to fill it up eventually. I never really understood exactly what he meant until my banishment at the hooves of Celestia.

She probably wouldn't even give me any last words at this point. Probably for the best anyways, because what could I even say? "I'm so sorry I overthrew a kingdom and enslaved its ponies. Could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"

I sure as Tartarus wouldn't give me a chance either.

I can sense her initial forces moving into the city to secure the palace. It's almost time for this to end, I can feel it tingling in my horn. Maybe after this I'll be granted the sweet release only damned oblivion can give me.

It's time to put on one final show, and then I can rest for good.