To the Edge

by RandomHumanBeging4112

First published

Seven brave people unite to save the world.

Sunset Shimmer is a lonely dragon rider who lives on the outskirts of Iceland in the ages of the vikings. Twilight Sparkle is a young witch who lives deep in the catacombs of London in the dark ages. Rainbow Dash is an aviator from the 1940s. Fluttershy is a modern-day animal trainer who lives in Africa. Applejack is a farmer in the 1890s who fights for women's rights. Rarity is a fashion designer in Paris, France in the middle-ages. Pinkie Pie is also a modern day girl who loves to party in as many places as she can. They all live very different lives. But when a mysterious magic unites them, they find out that they have to save the world from a mysterious dark magic. Will they be able to save the day? Or will they fail to unite because of their differences?

Sunset's Side

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Bang! Bang! Bang! A loud banging sound could be heard from the roof of Sunset Shimmer's small hut. She turned over in her hard, wooden bed and tried to go back to sleep. Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound would not stop. Sunset finally gave in and got up. She put on heavy leather and chainmail armor and walked outside. When she got outside, she found her beautiful dragon; Sunrise, prancing around on the roof. Sunrise, was a large, dark red dragon with golden wings. She had on a saddle that connected to her tail, which had a fake side that was controlled by a pedal on the left stirrup. Sunset Shimmer, had pale skin and medium-sized, red and yellow hair that wove into a fishtail braid. She only wore one knee-high leather boot because her left foot was missing. The two had become best friends ever since the had met five years ago. Sunrise loved to go for morning rides and often woke Sunset up early to go on one. This morning was no exception.

"Good morning to you too, Sunrise." Sunset said in her thick, Scottish accent.

Sunrise let out happy gurgle. While Sunset mounted her dragon and took off. The skies were a beautiful place and Sunset new that. She always started off by flying up through the clouds with Sunrise. Even though they had been doing it for the past five years, it never grew old. The mountains were their second favorite place to go. All of the peaks, and all of the mist was breathtaking. Another place that they loved to go was the uncharted archipelago. All of the small, un-inhabbited islands and ridges were beautiful. It was much fun diving through the tall rock forms and exploring through the trees. Sunset loved all of the sights and the free feeling that she felt when flying. Sunrise, loved the exercise and making Sunset happy. Life was perfect.

"What do ya say, Sunrise? You think we can do it?" Sunset asked.

Sunrise gave nod. Sunset took that as her cue to unlatch herself from her dragon and dive for the waters. Sunrise, who couldn't fly without Sunset to control her fake tail, was able to put her tail in gear for a few short minutes. Sunset was about to touch the water when Sunrise dove under her and caught her on the saddle. Sunset quickly swung her leg back into the stirrup and got Sunrise back into gear. They called it: the Sundive. Life could not get much better than this.

"How was that? Pretty good I would say!" Sunset said.

RAWR! Sunrise growled.

"What is it, girl?" Sunset asked asked once they had landed back on their little island.


"That sounds like a storms a-brewin'. Do you know where it's coming from?" Sunset asked.

RAWR! Sunrise growled as she pointed south.

"A south storm, eh? We can 'anldle one of those now can't we?"


"A big one, eh? Well maybe we should head for the storm shelter, eh?"


"That's what I thought." Sunset said as she and Sunrise headed for the storm shelter.

They spent a few days in the shelter, for the storm was a big and destructive one. It must have been a week before the storm let up. When they finally left the shelter, they found that their hut was still standing strong.

"Ah ya see that Lassie? We built a fine hut!" Sunset said as she pointed to the hut.

Sunrise let out a delighted gurgle.

"But it'd be a good idea to find some more wood for reinforcements." Sunset said

Sunrise let out a sound as if to agree. The pair went to find some more wood and stone. Of course they stayed together, or else something bad might have happened. But when the pair was in a tree pit, there was a large explosion. It expanded to where Sunset and Sunrise were, and enveloped them in purple magic.

They awoke in a weird place full of stars, and they were around a large, round table.

"Hello?" Sunset asked.

"Hello." a haunting voice asked..

"Wh-who are ya?" Sunset asked.

"I'm the magic that brought you here." the voice said.

"What is your name?"

"Who, me?"

"Yes, you! Or do ya want me to call ya Lassie all the time?" Sunset asked.

"Oh, I remember meeting Lassie, the Lochness monster. She was a good friend of mine!" the voice said.

"Just tell me your name already!"

"Fine, fine. My name is Discord. I am the chaos lord." the voice announced.

"Alright, since ya told me your name, I'll tell ya mine! Sunset Shimmer, rogue dragon rider and protecter of Iceland!" Sunset said.

"Oh, yes. I already know that. And before you ask how I know that, I am the lord of chaos! I have infinite power!" Discord said.

"Well, I've heard a lot of lore in the twenty years that I've been on this earth, and I haven't 'eard anything about a chaos spirit!"

"Well, that's because I'm not from any kind of lore. I may be immortal, but that doesn't mean that I want stories told about how I struck fear in the hearts of families all over the world."

"Oh. I see. Show yourself then, I want to see what you look like!" Sunset said.

Discord revealed himself. He was't scary or starling by any means. He was just a human. That was all. No surprise whatsoever.

"So, that's what ya look like. Not as scary as Sunrise when she doesn't get her morning flight!" Sunset joked.

Sunrise let out a growl as if to say: Hey!

"Well, it's true. What else did you want me so say? Sunrise is an angle in the morning?" Sunset asked.

"Heh, while I would like for you and your dragon to discuss this problem, I need to prepare for what's coming." Discord said.

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked.

"That storm? That's no normal storm. That is a result of dark magic. I'm here to prepare you to help other people save the world with you." Discord said.

"You mean, there are others?"

"Yes, and they will be arriving shortly."