Yeah I should've said no

by DeathKing

First published

When a young man died saving a child from death he was offered a second chance at life. However he should have ask when and where his second chance will be at.

Lets see died saving some kid check, offered a second chance at life, took said offer but now stuck in a tree for unknown reasons check. Yeah not the best day so far. Also why do I keep seeing and hearing things from the point of view of six girls. Also their ponies, and to be exact they're anthro ponies but that not the point here is it?

I wish I had my own body again, but instead I've to stay in this tree. This wasn't what was offered to me y'know.

*Sighing*Yeah I should've said no. Now the only thing I get to do is to watch and listen to these girls problems, and their day to day life. Well it could be worse it not like some world bending power will give me a body again, but do something to it I wasn't excepting right... right?

If anyone were to find any grammar errors in my chapters please let me know so I can correct them as soon as I can.

Cover art is something I threw together, until I draw a better one later.

Re. Prologue

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Two beings that seems to be made of rainbow colored light, watched as the world they were meant to protect and guide was destroyed from within. The world, despite still being intact, was corrupted and defiled beyond saving. Hope gave-way to despair. Love was perverted into lust. Freedom was given away for willing slavery and now the two rainbow beings were helpless to stop it.

So they wait, so far above the clouds that no mortal could ever hope to see them, for what appears to be their end.

“We were set up,” said one.

“... I know,” answered the second.

“We should’ve know! They would have never let spirits like us govern any world for long or any at all without a reason!”

“I know.”

“I know? I know?! Is that all you can say?!” shouted the first being at the second.

“And what do you want me to say?” the second asked tensely.

“Anything! Anything at all, Sister!!”

“Fine then, Brother! We were Fuck! We were fuck so hard that we won’t be able to walk straight for whatever long we have left to live!” the Sister spit out. “There! Happy?!”

“.... No, I’m not,” the Brother said quietly.

Sighing the sister gently touch her brother’s arm and said softly, “Brother, lets not quarrel. Let us just enjoy what little time we have left together. As brother and sister should.”

“... No.”


“NO!” roared the Brother as his rainbow colored body flared. Causing the colors to clash chaotically.

“Why should we die because of his greed?! No, NO! I refuse to accept this outcome!” With those words the Brother left arm quickly reshaped itself into bird-like talons which he used tear open a hole in the sky, pulling a glowing pulsating stone.

“Brother! What are you doing!?”

“Evening the playing field, of course.”

“By bringing out the very thing they’re after!? Are you mad!?”

The Brother slowly turn to face his Sister and said slowly, “If this world is the result of sanity, Sister, than I rather be mad than sane! Now, sister, will you join me in this mad dance?”

Hesitatingly, the sister spoke softly, “You’ll do this with or without me, won’t you?”

“Yes,” the Brother nearly growled out as he stared down at their corrupted world. “With or without you, Sister, I will walk this path and end those who wronged us and our World.”

“Then I don’t have a choice, do I?” the sister sighed. “Besides, someone has to keep you in line and make sense with whatever your doing,” said the Sister while reaching towards her brother.

The Brother chuckled and grasp his Sister hand causing the stone to glow brighter while saying, “Oh, what fun is there in making sense, Sister?”

And with just those words the stone release a sea of colors that spread across the world and beyond. And soon-

-Everything was undone.

Lets see, lets see. What is there to watch today? Rainbow Dash flying around Ponyville doing her job as a weather mare for once? Boring.

Rarity working tirelessly to improve her dress designs? Interesting design, but still boring.

Sugarcube Corner where’s Pinkie Pie looking after the store while Mr and Mrs.Cake supposedly look after the twins... in their bedroom. Not touching that.

Fluttershy carrying a small box full of chokers into a room with several stallions with large bulges in their pants along with a banner above their heads that read ‘Animal Fund Raiser’. After closing the door Fluttershy stops in front of the stallions sitting the box of chokers down in front of them.

“I brought too many of them,” Fluttershy spoke softly. “But that means everypony can to help me break them.” said Fluttershy while licking her lips and caressing the white choker wrapped around her neck.

... Kinky, very kinky, as usually for Fluttershy’s Animal Fund Raiser... I-uh get back to her later... with a camera.

Applejack is at her stall selling apples while taking shots of hard cider when no ones looking... again. Boring, and Twilight is at Golden Oak Library doing her and Spike the whole clean library from top to bottom thing. God, why do they have clean that library so much. It weird.

God I’m bored, why isn’t there something happening in Ponyville for once? I thought with a sigh. I know it wrong to wish for something to happen other people, but this! This is just too much for me handle... Boredom I mean, not causing trouble, I’m all for the trouble right now.

You all must wondering what going on right now, aren’t you? Is this person a lunatic? A Flutterstalker, perhaps? ...Eh, it’s kinda a long story and I really don’t want to tell it... Bu~t I can give you it in short story format so we won’t be here all day. Okay? Okay, now sit back and relax people who hopefully don’t exist in my head, because that be weird... and probably count as some form of rape... Maybe?

Now lets see where should I begin, I thought aloud. I should probably begin about the world I’m from and what I am, shouldn’t I? Well first off, I’m a Human from Earth... well not the normal version of it if you listen to what the Tree of Harmony says about it.


No, ToH, I’m not going to change the view back so you can watch Fluttershy break her chokers and drain those stallions... wallets.


Wait, what do you mean you can record it?!


Goddammit, Fine! I change it back.


Hate you too.

Now then, from my version of earth a new form energy was invented... or was it discovered, don’t remember which, around 2010, maybe earlier, and released for public use across the globe in 2011. I think it was called godesly or something that starts with a g. The name isn’t really important in the grand scheme of things. Now what it was capable of doing on the other hand is. Now, if I remember right it all started near the end of 2012 and I was in my final year of High school when it went down.

A few of the rectors that were part of the ‘Save the Earth Program’ or ‘STEP’ that were generating this new type of energy were set up around the world, and they... well to put it in simplest form of words, exploded in a rainbow mushroom of death. Quite a few people died during those said events so am just gonna move on to the next part.

So the how and why is still unknown, to me anyway, and seeing how I’m dead and all... Oh, I forgot to mention that earlier didn't I? Yeah, I’m dead, but we get into that later okay?

Now some people believe it was terrorist who did it, others believe it was the government trying to gain more control over people lives, while the few believed it was an act of god and the rest didn’t know what to believe so they attack others to place the blame. But all doesn’t really matter, again to me, what does matter is that it happen and that wasn’t going to change.

The resulting fallout from the rectors was shocking to most and damning for the rest. Those who didn’t die outright from the rainbow of doom gained powers like bending the air or earth to their will and these were the more simple powers people were getting. The more complex ones involved completely different powers that combine to together, also just because a power is complex doesn’t mean it stronger than its more basic counter parts. I know for a fact because my own power was possibly one the most simplest power of all, Darkness... or was it Chaos?

Yes I know the powers I got were the cliche types to get and I get rip for it all the time so kindly fuck off will ya?


What do you mean I should tell them what I can do with my powers? They don’t need to know! I thought yelled.


You’re not my therapist, ToH.


Your not gonna let this go are you?



Now then, like ToH said, you all must wondering what I could do with my powers? Well, the least I could is become a shadow, bend realty to a degree, summon strawberry milk and caramel candy!... What? I love caramel so bit me. Now where was I? I could control shadows and feed off the pain and suffering of others, kinda like the opposite of a Changeling. And since there was so much... turmoil going on at the time, my powers were able to grow stronger everyday. So by the time I reach end of my life I was without a doubt OP... even trough most of that power went in to keeping me alive now, but hey! Who need details, I’m I right?


No one asked you!

Anyway, with people dying or gaining powers left and right. People... overact... fine! People do stupid-ass things when they are afraid of the unknown. These people ended up forming these “Purest” groups and would go around saying things like “Keep humanity pure” or “We have to rid ourselves of the sinners in gods name,” or stupid shit like this.

After the riots, the killings from the fanatics groups, things started to clam down for a bit, plus people were beginning call those with powers espers. Also, don’t call a me esper if you value your teeth, alright?

A few months after the name esper began spreading around, some kids thinking that they're the ‘chosen ones’ appeared saying their the new face of humanity and the old must die for the young to take their place as rulers of the world... yeah it happened unfortunately, cue the cringe, people, cue the cringe.

Thousands if not tens of thousands, of young children to teenagers bought into these sick fuckers pitiful ideas. From the end of 2013 to the middle of 2018 we where forced to kill children who thought they were making the world a better place.

But do you know what I hate most of all? Its was the fucking leader of this movement who thought he was the second coming Christ. I... made sure his death was slow and painful as possible, for all the innocent blood that had to be spilled because of his god complex, of course.

Now I wasn’t soldier. At least not in the way your thinking of. I was just someone who had a great deal of power who was ask to help make our country great again. And I won’t lie, a part of me wanted to be special, to be that chosen hero who got to go on the adventure of a lifetime.

Everyone wants this at one point in their lives, no matter how small that want is.

Now how they find out about my powers? Well I ended up killing a entire group of purists... in self-defense of course... okay, mostly in self-defense. Anyway, those who had a shit ton of power an greater amount of power than others were sent out to combat the so-called New Order, of course many of us died because of this, our older bodies couldn’t handle it and gave out.

What I mean about being older is this, people who gain their powers at a younger age or from birth, their bodies were able to adept to them easier as they grew older. But those of us whose bodies were already mature weren’t so lucky. For an example, Doctors said I had about 10 years to live and that was if I don’t use my powers at all. The stress our powers had on our bodies were just too much at times, some people died within a few months of just using their powers sparingly.

It was later find out that the New Order had a member whose power is to alter a person’s mind, specifically their thinking process but wasn't limited to it though. They would kidnap children, change them into mass produce fanatics to increase their numbers for their army and to prevent others from just leaving their cause.

These changed children... couldn’t be saved. Their minds were warp to such extent that they outright refuse to acknowledge any other way of thinking besides their own. Some of them couldn’t even recognize their own families and those who did tried to kill them for siding against them. In the end only thing we could do for them was to give them a quick but merciful death.

The war with the New Order eventually came to its end near the beginning of 2018. We were finding their hideouts, safe houses and the few base they made. For a war caused by children it lasted far longer then anyone would have expected to. Which led some to believe that the government had a hand in starting this so-called war.

However proof of such actions were never found and in the end it doesn’t even matter... well to me it doesn’t matter too much or at least at the time anyway. I was just glad that all the fighting had finally stopped.

After a large scale battle which led to the deaths of several thousands children and young adults, the so-called New Order finally fall. The leaders of the New Order, the ones that survived, were put to death on charges of kidnapping, enslavement, war crimes, genocide and so on.

By the time I went to the Doctors for check up they said I had about three years left to live. Yeah, greatest birthday present ever, don’t you think?

*Sigh* I’m rambling aren’t I?


No one asked for your opinion, ToH!


I'm not cutting important events out! I'm just not saying them!


They don't need to know, they're not real!

Anyway, to summarize everything that happen; human gain abnormal powers, people were killed for stupid reasons, assholes who thought they were gods rise up and were brought back down hard for their crimes. Last but not least peace was brought back to the world even if it was a fragile one.

Now lets get to the story all proper like, if my memory is serving me right it happen near the beginning of 2020 at my aunt birthday party.

About three years ago....

I was outside on the front porch watching my nieces and nephews play. My brothers and sister were in the house setting everything up for our aunts' birthday party. I was forcedecide to watch over the little devils known as my nieces and nephews so they don’t destroy everything... cause they can, because there were seven of them... and they have powers too... May god have mercy on my soul, because I know they won’t.

You see, only myself, my nieces and nephews and my one younger brother have powers so it falls on either me or him to watch the little devils.

My sister Ash came outside and called the kids back into the house so they can clean themselves up for the party. “Seth, can you pick up the toys out here before everyone gets here?” Ash asked standing in the doorway and keeping me away from the caramel ice cream.

Mmm... caramel.


“Huh? Uh... Why me?” I whined at her to try cover up not paying attention to her. “You know very well that I can barely see anything in front of me,” I joked by taking off my glasses, and then closing my eyes in a way that you do when the sun’s in your eyes. “I’m so old! You young whimper snappers, I can only do some much with these bad eyes!” I said in a old man voice hoping to get on my sisters’ nerves. I succeeded in my endeavors... I think?

“Ha ha very funny,” she said rolling her eyes and clapping her hands at my attempt at humor. “But seriously, Seth, can you just pick up the toys, while I make sure the kids don’t make a mess in the bathroom... Pleeeaassee?” my sister said with puppy dog eyes and looking up to me, which is hard to do when she and I are around the same height at five feet, give or take a inch... I hate being short.

Sighing I said to her, “Sure, sure, its not like I have anything better to do anyway.” Walking down the stairs leading towards the lawn, I started to pick up a few of the balls Ell and little Shawn were playing with. Moving around the yard slowly, I kept thinking back on what happen over the past few years. From the killings and to the kidnapping, or even the riots that happen at the beginning.

I was wondering what I could’ve done to stop all this, but then again, I was just one man with luxurious brown hair and eyes. What could I have done anyway? I didn’t have any control of my powers back then and I didn’t know who was the cause of all of this madness.

After putting up the balls, I look around to see what I should put up next, “I spy with my little eye something red and by the sidewalk,” I said while walking towards little Shawn’s red bike.

While moving little Shawn’s bike to the side of the house I heard a commotion down the block. I first I ignored it but soon I started to debate if I should check it out. If there was screaming then I would have to check it out, no doubt about it, but what are the chances of that happenin-


... God hates me, he really hate me, I thought, while running towards the screaming, dropping the toys I just pick up back on the ground. Why was I raised to do the right thing? Why?

As I ran down the street towards the commotion, I notice people running away from it. Which shows my lack of common sense! Why did I have to be raised right and help people instead of helping my self!? While avoiding the mob of people coming towards me I finally saw the source of the commotion.

“Oh you got to be fucking kidding!” I muttered to myself when I notice who was responsible for the current riot. Uniforms inspired by Hitler’s Army, an eagle skull with what looks like a burning flag behind it and those disgusting smiles that says “We’re better than you” on their faces.

There doubt these people wer-are members of the New Order. With all their Nazis symbolism to go with it.

Before I could say anything a little girl they had gag manage to get the cloth out of her mouth and screamed, “PLEASE HELP! THEY HAVE MY LITTLE BROTHER,” before the older boy manage to re-gag and blindfold her.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, boy,” I said in a cold tone, while I counted how many of them there were.

Instead of saying anything a young girl steps in-front of him and a smiles. She was probability thirteen or maybe fourteen. Her smile and her eyes were almost manic. Like she was just one snap away from going mental on everyone around her.

I counted about ten of them, including the girl, while I took a moment to look at their faces they had the same look in their eyes as the girl, including that fucking smile.

They were no doubt remnants of the brainwash children the New Order was using. Just fucking great, this will only end in one of two ways, death either for them or me... Plus how the fuck did they survive the purge-No that isn’t important, I have to stop them as soon as I ca~n... and she’s doing the whole evil villain thing, where they tell you their plans and you can’t stop them and what not.

... Yeah, not gonna deal with this.

" -and once we rebuild our armies and spread our truth, no one will stop us for we are the New Or-”

“Nope!” I said cutting her off, I raised my right hand up as ten black spheres formed in the air in front of me, they were about the size of marbles and seems to suck in all the light around them.

“Now die,” I said while snapping my fingers. My black marbles take off like soundless bullet and went right into their mouths and out the back of their heads, easily severing their brains from their spinal columns.

Their bodies began to fall to the ground as I started to walk towards the little girl. When I got to her I started to untie and un-gag her. She was still crying, her tears staining the blindfold, but started to calm down some after noticing she was being untied.

“Are they gone?” she asked while trying to take the blindfold off.

I quickly stopped her, “Yeah, they are, but don’t look around just. Just keep that blindfold on for the time being, alright?”

She nodded and stopped trying to pull the blindfold off. I asked her where they have taken her brother and she said “In a black van.”

I petted on her head and told her not to move and I be right back, before I started walk towards said van. While I was moving towards the van I pulled out my cell phone, looking through my numbers until I found the one I wanted.

“Henry, there been a incident, remnants of the New Order were attempting to kidnap some children,” I said while walking up to the van to see how victims they had.

While I counted how many of them there were I said, “I need you send someone down here for damage control, I wouldn’t be surprise if the police were here within the next few minutes, alright?”

While looking in the van and confirming that no one is harmed besides being tied up, I heard a scream from behind me. Turning around I saw that the girl had open her eyes and seen the dead bodies lying around her. She began to looking around in a panic before seeing me. She stood straight up and ran at me as fast as she could to get away the from bodies surrounding. Sighing, I decided to meet her halfway to hopefully help calm the panicking girl down.

This was when I heard a loud rumbling from my left. I turned to see what it was only to be blinded by a bright-light. Out of reflex I kick the girl towards the safety of the van we were walking towards before my entire body erupted into minding numbing pain.

I could feel my body break like glass on concrete as I went flying into the air, spinning like a lopsided top. I noticed a car speeding away in slow motion away from me.

I been hit and run! I thought, outrage over this disgrace. Who the fuck drives fast enough to launch someone in the air!? As I try to figure out how fast I was going I soon realize I was about to hit ground.

“Oh fuck me!” were my last word before splitting my head open on the streets and blacking out.

Sometime later......

I slowly open my eyes to a familiar scene, a black void, devoid of anything but a light off in the distance. With nothing else for me to do I started to walk towards it, stopping long enough let out some choice words.


“Well I got that out of my system,” I said panting a bit, “now to head towards the light as usually.”

While walking though the void, humming a too cheerful tune to myself, I got closer to the radiant light. Just as I was about to touch it, another light appeared. This light was comprise of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and... okay it was a rainbow don’t shoot the messenger, while the first light was white and gold.

I just stood there for moment thinking, why the hell is there a rainbow here? And who uses rainbows besides those people trying too hard be hip and cool?

While thinking this I began to hear a voice that spoke softly, “Do you wish to live?”

I couldn’t tell where voice came from or if it was male or female. But I hazard a guess that it came from the rainbow.

With nothing better to do I decided to respond to it, “What is it to you?”

“The world I have safeguarded has known peace for far too long and are unprepared for coming trials. They need someone who will do what they cannot... or should I say will not do,” the voice responded sadly.

“To the point huh, okay, I bite. Why can’t they defend themselves?”

“The peace they enjoy has poison them, blinding them to the need of change, keeps them from moving forward or even defend themselves from those who will break them and corrupt their lives,” the voice replied.

Folding my arms to my chest I said, “So basically you want someone to do the dirty work for your world, right?”

“Correct, however it will be just for a short time, when the pressing threats are removed, you will be free to live however you desire,” the voice said.

“So basically they won’t kill to protect themselves from this coming danger, right?”

“Yes, that is correct young one.”

“Hmm.... sure, why not. It’s better than sitting around all day doing nothing,” I said while I walking towards the rainbow light.

“Thank you.”

I chuckled at that, “Don’t thank me yet, voicey, you might just regret it,” I said before being consume by the rainbow light.

Another time, Another place......

At first I could hear nothing, but slowly voices began to spring up around me as my vision clears up. I noticed I stood in a ruined stone room and in the back of it was an alter of some kind. Off to the side of the alter, I saw blue like smoke coming off a small body. From its shape I believe it was female, she was small with light blue hair while wearing a light blue silk dress and she appears to have darker blue fur spread across her body.

Walking towards her was a tall woman who had multi-color hair that had pink, green, and blue in it. She wore a white dress that blends in with her white fur, almost making me think she was “nude”. Looking at her closely I notice she had a pair of wings and a single horn coming out between her forehead and the top of her head. Looking back towards the small girl I notice she had them as well.

The voices I was hearing began to sound bit clearer, however, my blood soon ran cold when I heard the white woman with wings say, “Its time to put this behind us, we were meant to rule together, little sister.”

No. Shaking my head or I thought I was.

“Will you accept my friendship?”

No this can’t be, I thought-said.

“I’m so sorry, I miss you so much big sister!” Luna said, as she ran up to who I can only assume was Princess Celestia now without doubt.

And to my growing horror I saw blob of pink, and if this was MLP then I know who it is. Against my better judgement I started look around the area and that when I saw them all six of them.

There was Applejack wearing a plaid shirt, worn jeans, and her cowboy hat. Like in the show she had orange fur, and blond haired mane that tied up in a ponytail as was her tail too, and her eyes was green like emeralds. However since she was a anthro pony her height was about five’ feet ten”, her breast size was maybe D cups or large C cups if I’m seeing this right.

Pinkie Pie was wearing a white t-shirt with a pink button-up shirt over it, her skirt was pink. Her mane and tail looks like pink cotton candy and her fur was a lighter shade of pink then her hair. Her height was about five’ feet six”, and her breast size was D cups.

Fluttershy was adorable to say the least.... Anyway she was wearing a turtle-neck sweater, a long dress skirt. Her mane and tail were a soft pink compared to Pinkies neon-like pink. Her fur was a creamy yellow and her breast size was somewhere between C to D cups and height was five’ feet nine”.

Rarity was wearing a white dress shirt with a purple skirt. Her mane and tail was a dark purple, and styled the same way in the show. Her breast size was no doubt DDs and her height was about five’ feet seven.”

Rainbow Dash was wearing running shorts, a blue tank top with a sports bra underneath it. Her mane and tail was of course rainbow, her fur was a cyan blue color. Her height and breast size are five’ feet two” and her barely B cup chest.

Twilight Sparkle was wearing a white dress shirt with a light purple brazer over it, her skirt was lavender purple. Her tail and mane were dark blue and look almost black at times with a pink and purple stripe going down the middle, her fur is a lavender purple. “After she became a alicorn her height and breast size changed from five’ feet 3” to five’ feet six”, and her breast were B cups but now are C cups, and from what I can tell she still growing in both areas.”

They were all smiling at the touching scene between the two sister while Pinkie was out right crying. I began to think what was going on. How did I get here, or This makes no sense at all, I thought. But then I remembered the voice and the light that appeared with it, the rainbow lights.

Fucking rainbow light voice trick me, looking around I began to notice my vision keeps moving to different angles from time to time. Of coarse being so piss off at time I didn’t put two and two about my vision.

Suddenly Pinkie stop crying, “Y’know what this means? A PARTY!” she yelled while jumping in the air. At this point my brain had a broke-down levels of absurdity I was seeing and hearing. I didn’t come to until the end of the party, where Twilight says she wants to stay in Ponyville with her new friends.

Princess Celestia smiled at this and told Spike to take a letter. She began to say something about Twilight staying in Ponyville to study the magic of friendship.

... I’m gonna hate this aren’t I?

Present time.....

And that’s how I ended up in Equestria. Of coarse I got over my angry and hate towards my situation.... it only took several months of screaming and laughing at the mane six stupidity. And learn some things about friendship that didn’t pop up in the show and a few secrets about the mane six themselves.


If am a voyeur what do...esn't that mak...e y...ou too?

<...> is happ..


I do...n’t fee...l so g...ood... ToH...



<... So it begins...>


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First I'm putting this same update in my other stories so they're all the same.

Bad news, my laptop died so I had to get a new one.

Good news, I got my old laptop working again(somehow) so I'm copying everything I can before its dies again.

Bad news, the notes for some of my stories, and the magic systems I been working on, were lost so I been trying to recreate them. Luckily, A hollow tale and Aftermath were base off other stories so it shouldn't be too hard to do them. However, stories like Yeah I should've said no which I made from scratch are gonna take a bit longer recreate the notes for them.

Good news, my new laptop came a few days ago and I been working towards fixing my notes ever since.

I'm focusing on the notes for stories I already released, plus one other that I was close to releasing, so I can get them up and running again.

So wish me luck and I hope you can be a little patience with me as I try to clean this mess up.